TIIE RCItANTON TEIBUNE-MOSTDAT MORNTNO.' FEBRUARY ii5, 1895. TALES OF TWO P1TTST0NS News of Interest to Headers lTg and Down the Valley. . ; . 1 STREET CAKS SXOKED LNDEK The Truullun Company Muklng No fcf forts to Accummoduto tins lcur Pub-lid- Trlhuue Ahead on i:iuotlou Ko turns Mlscelluucou!, News. Special to tha Scrunton Trlbuna. Pittstun. Feb. 24. Where la lMttwton'a Aetilc curs? 1h a question that 1b uAicd every day of lut by vlnltois to nur city. The Traction company in tnuking no effort to clear their tracks through our streets, ulthouich the sun has nearly melted the muss of tmow which fell on the first of this month. The people of the upper end are very Indignant over the manner, us they are obliged to walk to and from the Junc tion. The people down town ure also very much wrought up over tha as pect of cur service. Some of our worthy contemporaries are claiming all the credit of publishing the full election returns of this city at our laBt election. We are well aware that the people of Pittston are of the high Intellectual character, and will always give credit where credit Is duo. We quote a short editorial from The Tribune of Feb. 21, which we wish to Impress upon our many readers. "Al though it Is a habit we have, I'itts tonlans will pleuse make note of the fact thut The Tribune printed the full est election returns of all the morning papers. You don't get the best if you don't take The Tribune." We still have Jn our possession a copy of the Wednes day morning issue of The Tribune by Whh?h we can verify our statements. Misses Cassle and Flora Daniels, of Hawley, are the guests of the family of Harwy Hosier, on Cornelia street. Miss fuBlck and JIIss Outer, of Scran ton, are the guests of JIlss Maggie Mel Vin, on South Main street. Miss Anna Kennedy, of Scranton, is the guest of Miss Anna Clark, on Oak street. C. J. Betterly, representing the Stand ard Sewing Machine company, of Phil adelphia, ha been spending a few days in town. On Saturday last the West Pittston Hose company received their first con signment of head protectors. The boys are now prepared to meet the danger of falling bricks or timbers without fear of receiving Injuries when attend ing their duties at tires. All regular subscriptions -to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local office, 8 South Main street. On Thursday night last thieves en tered Grummela' barber shop, Upper I'lttaton, and stole all the razors and other articles which were within easy reach. They then took a quiet sneaic and have not as yot been apprehended. The bicycle contest at the fair of the Welsh. Baptist church was! won by William Jones, of Duryea. His list amounted to $211.10. The Other contest ant, Alexander Baird, of Inkermuu. re ceived $12.73. to adorn the anatomy of his dogology. Success of 1 utile's f air. Over 300 people nttendedthe third night of the Kagli Hose company's "Old Time Fair." All are well pleased with the attention given to visitors by the fire laddies. The boys are greatly elated over their success at such an -arly stage of their fair. The receipts so far. the boys say, are beyond their expectations. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office, (t South Main street, . Miss Katie Saltry, of Scranton, 1.1 vis iting friends In this city. Mrs. William Fllley, of Lehigh, re turned home Friday, after a few days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lunny. of Upper Pittston. Miss Lillian Wallace, of Dorance town, la the guest of Miss Nellie Owens for a few days. C. D. Jones, of Scranton, manager of the Grand Union Tea company, in this city, was a visitor In town yesterday. The members of the P.eethoven Maen Jierchor will hold their tenth annual hall at Armory hall Monday evening, Feb. 25. Their many friends are Invited to attend. Masks can be procured at the Maennerchor rooms. Contributions of news will be thank fully received at our local office, 8 South Alain street. Miss Nellie Saunders, of Dunmore, Is Visiting friends In town over Sunday. P. K. Richards returned from a visit to his son, Charles, at Princeton Sat urday. Mr. Richards is well pleased with the manner that the college cele brated Washington's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Healy, of Scran ton. ore spending Sunday with the family of J. B. Sniffer, of the West Side. Dr. Barrett Is still confined to his Jiome from the Injuries received on Tuesday night last. CA11B0XDALE. Mr. Frank Hubbard entertained the members of the Pot Luck club at din ner on Saturday afternoon at her home on River street. The Northwest Coal company paid their employes on Saturday. Rev. William Edgar, pastor of the Methodist church of this city, and Rev. 3. C. Leacock, of Dunmore, exchanged pulpits Sunday. Thomas Eltel, of New York city, Is the guest of his parents in this city. Sunday evening ot the Berean Bap tist tabernacle Rev. T. E' Jepson preached an appropriate sermon to the iPatrlotlo Order Sons of America. Misses Grace and Martha Morgan, of Wllkes-Barre, are guests of Miss Mame Watt, of Washington street. As a result of the organ recital given In the 'Methodist church on the after noon of Washington's birthday $75 was netted by the ladles of the church. Charles A. Bone has accepted a situa tion with the Evening Leader. John Downing entertained a number of his friends on Friday evening at hlo home on Park street. John Bergan and T. J. Fanning at tended a social In Slonesdale on Friday evening. The ninth anniversary of the Chris tian Endeavor society of the First Pres byterian church will be celebrated In the lecture room of that church on Tuesday evening. PECKVILLE. .Mrs. George Travlss, formerly Katie Thomas, died at her home, on Main street, last Saturday morning, after a short illness, aged 23 years. She was of a kindly disposition and was well thought of by all her acquaintances. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas, formerly of Olyphant. The funeral will take place this after noon at 2 o'clock front the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Travis, at 715 Hick ory street. The funeral service will be conducted by Rev. W. J. Guest, of the Baptist church. Interment will be made in. Prospect cemetery. Air. ana Airs. l). c smiin, ot tne pow der Mills, were ot Scranton last Sat urday. Dr. Charles Treverton, of Scranton, called on his many .friends here yes terday. Hlakely council. Order United Ameri can iMechunlcs, and Sheridan lodge. Knights of Pythias, called special meet ings yesterday to make arrangements to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. tleorge Travlss, this afternoon. The Columbian Mandolin, liuujo and llullur club wlll.glve an entertainment on Tuesilay evening, March 3, for the benellt of ICnterprise Hose company, at the I.edyurd hull. Mrs. Jacob llepew, of Hickory street, Is very 111. ' vami:rl:i from. home. A Long Spell of I oruetf ulnoss ut l ust llroken by uu Ohio Muu. By the United Press. Akron, Feb. 21. In the fall of 1SSG Cornelius Stough suddenly disappeared from his home here. He left his family as usual In the morning and wus not seen or heard of again in Akron. A long, but unsuccessful search was made for him, and he was given up us dead. Today a letter was received from him by Cusslus Stough, his brother. The man is now running a restaurant in Marion, Ind. He claims to remem ber nothing of--his going away, and but recently remembered the home and relatives und friends he hud In Akron. His wife and duughter moved to Cleve land several yeurs ago, after the death of a son, the only other child. Stough was subject to insanity and had been treated at one time at Ncwburg. He will come here at once to meet his fam ily. FATING THEIR HORSES. Sore Straits to Widen Drouth Sufferers in Kansas Arc Put. By tho United Press. St. Joseph, Ma Feb. 244. B. W. Iliutt. of western Kansas, who is in this city soliciting aid for sufferers in that section, says the people of Mont gomery und neighboring counties are eating horse flesh, not being able to get other food. Their cows are being trained to draw plows, etc., and by this means the farmers hope to be able to put in a crop this spring. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. One ray of sunlight has nppenrcd through the dark clouds surrounding the anthracite trade. Tho New York Commercial Advertiser has inspected the record of the individual shipments over each coal road for the ilrst two weeks in February. It says: "The Erie, the Ontario and Western, the Sus quehanna and Western, and the Dela ware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill have in these two weeks restricted their shipments well within 60 per cent, of the capacity, and In some cases even to 33 per cent, of the capacity. The larger roads. Including Pennsylvania, are do ing the same thing. The stocks of coal, moreover, have been appreciably di minished since the cold weather began, and all the roads have found that the demand is larger than the supply now being mined. Prices, however, at In terior points are not merely maintained, but are even slightly higher than last month. It does not seem for the min ute as If the cutting Is anything more than sporadic. There Is much more cry than wool In the talk of demoralization In the coal trade. It seems really, that, thanks to a very severe winter and an awakened conscience on the part of tho Lackawanna and Pennsylvania, due to the stress of necessity, the coal trade Is steadily working out of its trouble." Philadelphia Stockholder: Notwith standing the cold weather of the past few weeks the feeling in anthracite coal trade circles Is unsettled, extreme nervousness prevailing, ascribed to the fact that a belief exists that the trade Is on the verge of a general collapse. Certain Interests are said to be prepar ing for It. The basis for the feeling Is the continued weakening of prices, de spite the cool weather, which has large ly depleted dealers' stocks and brought them Into the market. The oil'! re deeming feature is that the trade is In position to be patched up over night. This is the single hope which every Interest Is clinging to; its realization will depend entirely upon the percent age committee. Some of the best In formed interests feel that n general col lapse in the trade will hasten the rem edy, but, If this should result, there Is no doubt whatever that a good many of the smaller concerns would go to the wall. An olllclal of the Lehigh Val ley railroad yesterday said that the committee has now complete figures for the year lx3, but so far It has been impossible to obtain them for 1XM. lie believed that a temporary re-adjusl-ment of percentages would be made on a busls of the figures for lsfij, and that a permanent arrangement may be ef fected after last year's figures shall have been received. The figures of the bureau of anthracite coal statistics show that so far this month the out put has been about as agreed upon at the meeting of sales agents In January. The daily average has been about RO.ISX tons, which, If continued, would mean a month's production of 2.245,2(14 tons. For the week ended t'Yb. shipments aggregated 524.903 tons, a decrease com pared with the same week last year of 21,927 tons. The Lehigh und Schuylkill regions both show decreases In ship ments, but the Wyoming region's in creased by 13,843 tons. For the year to that date shipments aggregated 3,731, 222 tons, against 3,4.35,937 tons Inst year, an Increase of 25,2S5 tons. Philadelphia Inquirer: ThP Lehigh Navigation annual report presents two features ot the utmost Importune", First, the profit on mining coal In 1S!4 was very small, the Lehigh Navigation, whose product has the highest reputa tion In the market, making a profit of only 19 cents a ton, Bgalnst 34 cents a ton In 1S93. However, that Is better than the Lehigh Valley, which made 17V4 cents, and much better than the Reading, which made less than 4 cents. But this small profit in mining Is but temporary and will be recovered from ns soon as business Improves. The sec ond feature, and by fur the most Import ant, is the decrease In tho receipts from transporting coal. The overage reve nue per ton on the Lehigh and Susque hanna railroad's coal traffic lust year was 06.75 cents. In 1S93 the average wos 63.77 cents. There lios been n rc ductlon therefore of about 11 per cent. This loss, unlike the decrense In (he profits on mining. Is almost entirely a permanent loss. The price of coal at the mines often changes, but there is no case in the history of the trade when the transportation rates were permun ently advunced. The whole tendency of transportation cost Is downward, nnd once a reduction Is made It Is practi cally impossible to return to the old rates. This is really the most serious problem In the anthracite situation Tho tonnage question, perplexing as It is, can be adjusted, if nut before a fight then after one, but this matter of freight rates is ten times as difficult to deal with. When the Lehigh Valley made its reduced rate contract with tho New Haven road last year there was a universal sentiment that the re duction was a grave error. Time has proved it to be such, as the report of every utithracite road so far published shows i serious falling off in earnings from coal. And, moreover, it is only a question of time when local rates will bo forced down more nearly Into conformity with tidewater rates, unless by some miracle und In the shullle that will murk tho end of tho present trade complications It will be found possible in some way to uilvunce the rates to tidewater. STOCKS AND BOX 1)3. New York, Feb. 23. Trading at (ho Stock exchange was quiet and the course of prices IitckiiIui'. IMxUIIIiim; wus the fea ture, of tile dealings und rose to the best Ibtmvs for a long time. Near tho close there was a reuetlun to 1l:'k. Sugar a nil Lead w ere lower. Cordage storks wore In demand at u higher range. Jersey Central was liicllucil .to weakness and dropped to ttf,. .Manhattan advanced to KM ami then lutnniicl to 1usji1(ISh. Tho Oiungors, trunk lines, juckuwiilinu, Del aware and Hudson, Keadlux unci I ho Vmiderlillts were absolutely featureless. Speculation closed tuine und irregular. The sales were T.'i.OOO shares. Net changes show Declines of 'U . The ranjio of today's prices for thft nc tlvo stocks of tint New York slock mar ket niv given below. The nuolallonn are furnished The Tribune by U. ilu H. Dlin mlck, manager for William I .Inn, Allen cV t'o., slock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Sciuiituu. Op'n-IIIgh- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co Nt SS 7'4 In7 Am. Sugar lie's Co. if. ! 2 t'-'.i Chicago Has W W:ls ";t "3' Chle. N. W Holy lill'i Wtf; l'"' j Mill'., It. g "if' W-'h 7"'h Chle., Mil. & St. P... r..V,s K, iV.;S. KM Delaware. Hud. ...lis 12K US 12.S I list. - C. F f. ll'i 11", lli lien. Klrrtrlc :i!l-'s '); iM'i VJ't Uike Shore VX! 137 VI7 137 l.ouis. & Nash Wi M; r,'. Manhattan Elo los'a lio lus 10V;j, Mo. Paellle 20'a 20' .j 20i Nat. Cordage r: I4t Tt Nat. l.ead 27-h - W'! 27 N. .1. Central H3. Kla 4 x. v. & n. !: 2'e- 30 2'j'ji :.ni.3 X. V., I,. 10. .0 W ,su Mi Ss a N. V.. S. & W 13 13 13 13 Nor. l'aeilic, I'r ir,"i l:Vi I.VJ Vi mil. & West hii I'l'i 1'i' l'i'-4 Phil. & I tend !! !!' ' !T, Soul hern it. It la sr M Wabash li il II (i Wabash, l'r 13'i 13'4 13', 13'4 West. I n loll fix M S7:' f-7-4 CIIICACO ISOAKI) OK TRADE T'KICKS. Op'n-lllL'h- Low- Clos WII10AT. Ing. est. est. imc ay r,3 Mi. f.2'. r.i July M iVIV fd fd 1 lA'J'H. Mav 23'S 2i 2 2!Mi July 27"H '2Va 27-1i 2":,4 CORN. May 4I" 4.'.'i 41-i 41", July 44s 44-j, 44", 44?, l.ARD. May G.'.O CIO (1.17 C. 17 PORK. May 10.2.-. 10.25 10.15 10.15 Scrunton lloarj of Trade lixcliungo Quo Ask. tut Ions. Xo. Par Shs. Vol. STOCKS. Mid. 4 Crystal Luke Water Co 1 450 Piine Dep. & Lis. Hunk C2 CO First Nat 'I Punk COO First Xutlonal Lank iCarbondalc) Oreen R'ge l.um'r Co .... l.acku. Lumber Co... 110 Laeka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co M. t M. Savings Hank (Ciirbondalel . 110 Providence ti Ablng ton Turnpike Co.... 85 Scranton Class Co Sera'n Savings Hank 200 Sera'ii Jar und Stop per Co Sera'n Axle Works.. 50 Sera'n Laeo Cur. Co Scranton Forging Co 100 20 DO 100 loo i)0 loo luo 100 W 100 loo loo 100 loo loil 100 100 100 loo 00 CO 100 r.oo uoo 100 250 210 20 loo 150 SO 110 Third Nut 1 Hank 350 Xut'l Poring Drill ing Co.. Pr 100 Tliuiou Coal Land Co .... fo Traders' Xat'l Hank 120 1 ili kson Mfg Co loo Scranton True. Co R r.o Scrunton Redding Co 105's HOXDS. Scranton (ilaws Co 500 Kcon'y Steam I Unit Power Co r,00 Lickson -Mfg Co 105 45 : 40 200 3 York New Produce Market. New York, Feb. 23. Flour Dull, stendv. iinehali'.'ed. Wheat Dull, steady, un changed: options very dull nnd steady t.t unchanged prices. Corn Dull, Urnier; Xo. 2, l!l':ic. elevator; Oo'-a.ii-'jc. ulloat; Fteamer mixed, -Uiar.! v. : options closed II rut ; February, 47Tc. Outs giilnt, strong; op tions dull, llriner; February and March. 33ie.; May, 33'2e.; No. 2 white March, :',c; May, 30'jc.; spot prices, No. 2. 31c.; o. wniie, axe.; .o. Chicago. :i;k: No. 3. 3:i'c. ; No. 3 white, 37'.ie. ; mixed western, : I ' -a.Hie. ; white state anil western, S.sa3it' Piovislons Dull, iinchaiiecd. Lard Dull, tinner; western steam, JU.S0; city, (iiiatic .; February, $'1.75; .May. Ili.Ka; rellned. unlet: continent, $7.15; Soulh America, $7.50; com pound. uVui-v. Iinller-Uulet, fancy firm: state dairy, 1oal:ic ; do. creamery, 12a Inc. ; western dairy. !il-jal5e. ; do. crtarn ery, 15a23c. ; do. factory, f.ille.; lulls, sia '.; r.lglns, L'.ic.; mutation creamery. 10a lie. Imese yult-t. unchanged, l.ggs Higher; state und Pennsylvania, 3la3l'..c refrigerator, 2uu2le. ; western Iresh, 30' jc.; uu, per case, ju;,; soutiiei'ii, L'oa;;oc. lluffalo Stock .Market. HutTuIo, Fi b. 23.-C!itlle-R..celi)ts. 21.700 neid; on sine, u neioi; market steuily; fat bulls, $.!. P'a.I.lio; fair oxen. $3.70; fair to good fat cows. 2.:I0u2.N.i. 1 logs Receipts, lo.inw hiiiil; on sale, 3.500 head; market steady for Yorkers, weak for mediums ami heavy; Yorkers, $l.'.ila 4.2.1; good medium-". M.25ii4.30; gooil heavy, $l.2oal.35; roughs. $.'l..'.of!'!."5; stags, $3n3.5u; heavy grades closed weak. SllPrp und Ln nibs- Receipts, i.it" head; on sale, Io.idki hen. I; market dull; inline lamlis, 5.,. I. , a:,. Ml; good lo chol ce, J.i.inari.10; ra!r lo good, SIXniloo- culls an common. $3ul; mixed sheep, $3,10 ;i.hh; exira Jul, .i.!po4; runs und common $l.r,oa3.25; export grades very slow at $la 4.2.1; extra, 4..i; export wethers, $l.7.u3. chicngo stock Market. Chlago. Feb. 23. Cattle Receipts, WW nead; mantel 111m common lo ex 111 sieers, .um;u.a; sioegers Hind lenders, $2.50 im. 111 cows nno nuns. 1 .ooa .10: ea ves $2.50115.511. Hogs Receipts, ll.iHiO head rniaiKei cloned weak: lienvv. $3.KOn4 1". common to choice mixed, $3.s.",ii.ii; choice nseoricn, 5i.11.al.1i1: light, $3.1(50 1.05; nigs S2.r,ia 1. 10. Sheep-Hccelots. l.lino ticml- market shady; Inferior to choice, $2 50u 4.10; lambs, $3.25a5.lo Oil .Mnrkct. Oil City. Feb. 23. fill opened, 10li,4; highest, lOIVi; lowest, llffSj; closing, 10J,. - The soothing, healing effects of Dr. Wood's Norwny Pine Synip Is felt uhn ist instantly. There Is no other cough inedl clno that combines no tunny virtues. Situations Wanted, CITl'ATKiN WANT 101) BY A YOU M O limn rs H:ilemn to travel In ,,,1.1,1,, vcmrfxs j., 1 rioiino ouico. I-ITCATION WANTF.Il-NPHHI.:. Vlnn O r im nnrs'i. thnrouidily iindi r-itiiialH her biiHliifiH; best personnl referuuee. Addri.i 11. w., 1 riouuo ouico. SITUATION WANTKn-IlY A lltiY 15 yoai of nge: m leat. bright nnd fairly niiiiru, Biiimniiiutiij WOO. ilUUrBHI) "A. r. 11., 1 riuiuin oiur... SITUATION WANTI'.I) I1Y A YOCNU p iiihii mi porter or hell boy, Aildrem Botl ciicflinui Hirrei, riyoe I'nric. DRPHUIHT, KKOISTrcrtEI), ' WANTS PI . nltlnn! elfv ni vinitiltv. In vh,.,.u euro; spenks ICiigllali and Ueriuiiu. AdilietH "PICI'HIN," Tribunn otlloo. fl'UB ELM PA UK ZENITH MISSION A KV Nm'inT.v 111.11'BH tii (turn 1,1 uiti, .,.... f.. boy. 15 yeari old. PIohks uddrenj 0 Ailuiiif RVUIIIIU. clTOATIONWANTED-n'"A ItRMPRCTA" O bio womm) to do wnshlnir, tcrnbtilnii or clrftiilng ollico. AUUrom "A, (..'.,'' 207 South Minn nvimiiH. QITUATIuN WANTED BY A (4(K)D O girl; 01m who tliornughly uiidsn-tnoda general limiHowork: woald llko r plnea In r Hiiiiill iHlliny, or 111 a li muy 01 grown up pwv iIm: thii irivo refnlenro If renlilrnfl. Plpuun Ivn reforenro if reipilrod. l'liuse nUdl'rso "Si. U. niTnuiou postornce, 1jr, SITUATION WANTED AS KH!.Nir Rli Irlor In ARmnll family; good iftorotico. 'An nprune niroet. SITUATION WANTKU hY A WOMAN O to do washing. AdUrcbt 315 KraMltr court. SLOWLY STARVING. Surrounded by Plenty, but Dying for Food. Aa Evarjr-duy Occurrence. Our Frltndt Perishing Wefoi Our V.ym, A terrible experience for auy one to go through, that of seeing some beloved friend uctually wast ins away ueiore our eyes, uuablu to derive sttllicieiit nourish uient from their food to sustuin life. Medicine iialurullv becomes of little avail, and the various organs of the body, debilitated from u lack of nourishment, take on themselves the disease Unit was originally the cause of tho " breakdown," und help hasten the end. Such cusej, thotifth too prevuieni, are happily becoinlnit less frequent. Tho prominent, physicians of to-day do things differently from those of twenty years ni;o. They Ilrst. put ihc patient In a con dition to stand the "siege," then enrich Ids blood, create for hlin new strength, and "build him up" generally. The patient is then in a condition to derivi benellt from his inoiliciue. This is done by the use of Bovlnhie, tlin original raw food. It Is un- extract thut contains the greatest amount of tliu life-sustaining and tissue-building proper ties of lean, ruw meat, concentrated iu the least possible bulk. The udvantago of this is obvious. A patient already greatly weakened by dis ease, needs to husband every particle of strength. A few drops of liovininu will impart us much nourishment to the boily as would be derived by a well person from nil ordinary meal; and, in getting this nourishment, the stomach has been forced to do the least possible amount of work. lioviuiun, cotitinueil throughout an ill ness, greatly hastens recovery. Taken ut tlin beginning of a wasting disease, it diverts the cause of the trouble by toning up the various organs, and getting llioiu In a normal condition. lSoviiiiiie Is indorsed by 25,000 doctors. Its action is always beticliciul, us a single trial will convince the. most sceptical. A Word. WANTS OB" ALT. KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAIli POK. IN AD VANCE. WIIKN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT AD3, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH Altai 1NSUKTUD FKElil. Help Wanted Male. w 'ANTED WELL-KNOWN WAN IN 1 every town to solicit atook subsuriD- tioas; 11 monopoly; liiir money for hkoiiu: 110 capitul required. Kl) WARD C. PISH A CO., cordon ISiucK, Clncuuo. 111. SALESMEN - likSlDKNT HALES MEN VJ wanted, acquainted with tha local Riid lienrby druv and erocery trado, to bundle our lino ot hich Kiadii iokuib. AdilriSH, giviciK referonees, J. EDWAHD COWLES Co., Il3 Chambers Htroit, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. U'ANTED-A OIRL FOIt UENEKAL Villi ten Wurlr In iti n miali llml ti 1 inrma mint sltiitition in nff..r,.,1 MUM H. 11 li F.HK. iVih ('lav Hvonuo. For Rent 1OK RENT STOKE AND TWO 11ASE 1 Hunts. No. T, Lnekawuuna aveuiiu: also si-eond and third floors in rmiced for two fam ilies or uiitiro liuililluit for wholesale purposes; elevator: u s 11. vviica iu uiumuiK n"- KKTSOM &' Hill tlUOl'K, Ko. 404 LUCka wuiinii avenue, Scranton, I'a. I.-'OR KENT-BIUCK " HOUSE " OV NINE V roons. from April Int. 41S Vine strt-et. Apply to L. .M. HOltTON, 3 Commonwealth Huild'inv. l.-'OU RENT A LARUE, 4-HTOKy" BUILD 1 inir at Ktl I rauUliii avenue; Buitublo for wholesalu business. CAKHON & DAVIES, Miraiitoii. T 'OH RENT-llRK'K WAREfloi'SlTwiTil 1 elevator nu 1),. L. tfc W . switch and Wost Lackawuuna aveiiun. Scranton Ktove Work. 1OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNH'R ni:ilied rooms at Sou Lackuwumin aveinc". 1?OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WKST 1- Luckawnium avunuu. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, near lift! Luzuruo, Hydo i'ul k. fOR'KENT-NICELY" FURNISHED HALL I suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JElt MYN. lli Wyomlmr nvemin. Boarding. ONE SPLENDID ROO.M WITH HOARD for man nnd wife or two miMi. Central locution, o- WvonihiK avenue, curlier Sprue j, lopposlle Diino bank ; First class table hoard $4 per we k, Board Wanted. poAKU AND ROOM WANTED BY UKN J tlioaan, near central part of city. Ad dre"8 "B. U ,'' Tribune offli e. Physicians Notice. I V IN NEED OF SQUABS FOR PATIENTS I wo are luriie brooders of tliem. HAt-LAM'S, lis Cliff street. Special Notices. Tl Eli f STO SE L LliXl RR ESTO R A T1VK; J Kiiarauteed to xrow Imir on any bald head: f IM weeklv; wo adverlise uimxIs in vour town puiier. Audio DAVID RKMED1ES CO.. TlK ( or gross at eef, Clileatto. U'OUI.D LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH some party ibsdinu to Bull milk route. Aildrem JOHN FOSl tK, care stutiou ugeut, Hkluuer's Eddy, I'a. I AM NOW l'RKPARED TO FURNISH EX I itihitlciiH and leetme upon any subject d--Hired. These exliibitlous will bo illustrate I, having hi my I "khchbIihi the most Jiowerful dissolving itoreoiiticons iii.nle. E. II. CALL, Tl-lliune Ofllre. VOll WANT THIS RELIC - RKPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's llhtstrtttod Week y War Illustration ISUI-lma Two Voh:m Folio, (111 .oil: pnyaliln montlily, fc'.oO. Delivered by I'Xiiress coiniiletii, I'repalil. Addiois I, o. AiOUDY, Ills Gibson Ktieel, Scranton, I'a. H LA NIC LOOKS, PAlll'IlLf.TH, JIAOA nines, it:'., bound or rebound at Tur. TliinuMi ollleo. Vuiek work. Rraaoaubb rires. . Agents Wanted. tfTS-IUNDK sul Hair Curlers and Wuveia (us.il with out heat), un 1 "i'yr I'eliitoir'Hitlr I'lim. I. ill cial commission. Free s imple nnd lull par ticulars. Address I'. O. Box 4 ill. New Yol'K. (IKNTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY J and eoiumliHiiin. Auonti makiutf Sit to lot) weekly. EUREKA CllliMICAL & M'F'U CO., La Ci oose, Vt is. rANTV7'-CTiVK"TALI?SMEiVTO V linmllo our line, no peildilnit. Sa'nr. 1" per month anil expenses paid to nil. Oooils entirely new. Apply quickly. 1'. O. Bj, &Hi, III Nton, Maws. Clairvoyant. A I US. KENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND ill Phrenologist, 4i Lnuk.uvunuft avenue. lror a short time only. Stockholders' Meeting MOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETINU OK Is th loel;holder of The Lai'kuwaiina Iiou and Steel Company, foi tile election of nireeioi'H, auu iraiiKn:iion 01 siteu oiuer oiihi nessnsmsy properly eonii hnfore the lnet tii(. will he held at the o.'llce of the company, In tho aity of Hermit n. IVninylvsnlK, on WrdiiesJsv. March Utli. I hill, at i o'clock i. in. The polls will renmln upon for one hour. The iraiisier iiook will ix eloseii on reornBiy i.'Uh, IHU6, and l opened on March 7tll, lK:r. (tinned) J. P. 1I1HUIN80N, Secrot.ry. Bcrnnton, Pa.. Feu. Hist, 1805. Horse at Auction., 1,' J. NICHOL'H STABLE, illlt HAYMOM) J . Court, Scranton, h rid ty, 'March Ut, at i o ciock, wuu Drone, tounu nurses . W. tt MOORE, Connolly & IOO I0W Fill Sizes, "7.7 BfS, PRICE, 18c. '1'licrc ia no other Stocking inudu that Is WE OFFER AS LONG AS THEY l A ST CLARENDON WHITE QUILTS AT 98 CENTS EACH Tliis is tho best Crotchet Spreud made and is universally sold at $1.25. We are daily receiving new lines of SI'.IAKATK SKIRTS, made under our own contract and super vision, in ull grades of Cloth und Silk, lined with Hair Cloth und l'ibi e Chamois, and finished in the best possible manner. The perfect iittiiif; qualities of these garments are what we strictly insist upon from our cutters. It will interest you to see them, und you will save money if you buy them. CONNOLLY & IS NOW TH PRICES the in i com CO., MAKcrAcrvnEna' Aor.NTg ros TRENTON IRON COS WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & CO.'S STEEL FIAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S RCRCHAHT CAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEelENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "Economy" hot air furnaces. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSK 1ALE WORKS. Lafllln & Hand Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Elertric Hntterlos. Fun" for explod ing blustH, Safety Fuso and fiepauno Chemical Co.'s Hih Eiplosi.es STILL IN EXISTCNCH. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Evory hex Riirrantead lo givii taliafartlon or lnoiu'y rt'funiled. Full pnntud ilirctiuti.4 from n I'lilld to a itroiru pninnii. It Is purel v vpffftablo and caiiiintpufitivolvharni tliHinmt tender Infant, insist u i ttuvini; lr, Canii bell'n; accept no otlior. At all Urugguts, ii.-. WONDERFUL BOUTH S 'HANTON, Pa, Nov. 10, fSSK. Mr. V. W. C.Mupliffll-lnmr Hir: I liavo fivvn my boy, Pri'ddtc 7 yara old, nomo of ir. Cainpliell's Mau'lc Worm huHr utul IVa, and In my umpiin tlin nl'lormio i abnut 3 o'clork Im pHSM'd a tiipcwniiu inouBiirintf nlinlit 8.'i fiM-t la lunstli, lud and a 1. 1 linvj H ill a liuttltt and any pcmim wlKhinit to hid it cau il l so liy o.illiiiir at my won'. I I. nil trletl nuiiiuroui othrr ifniedioi ri'ronimnndi'd fur taking tupuworrn", lnt ullfll'il In my tistiinatiou Ur. Caiupbiilrs la tho groateat woi ui roinwly in axint 'in'e. Yours t.tv rraimi'tlnlly. FKEl) Hia-I''NK!t, TXI Borh Pt Woto The aliove 1h what ovoryhody nava afli'r oih-b a.iiiK. Mannfat'tiirt'd iiv C W. Caniplii ll, LaiK'.iMr, P. buoccasor to Dr. John I lilnplell Ss linn. prmn bhob ro inc'p. mpitpi. 6i.oop,og WEST Bt.flO HHtlH IN TIIK W01U.U. "A dollar tnrfii if n ilollnr earn' J." Thlil.adlea'Nollil l'rn. li llonnoliiKlilnnN to Hoot dellratwl Iih any whora In ttia U.S., on reccipiiuan, jionjriimi'r, nr I'oaul Nuto for tt.60. KnitaU avfty way Us boota nM in ad ri-uti etoiva for t!,M. V mako Uilt boot oiirwlrmi, t'lrwloto faar anlm tlio HI. ttvl and ttfar. and If anv cnia ( not minili-J Xso will rnfiind tha nrnticy orMinUauotlH-rpair. "pi lew or t uuimon rfn, width (', i K, Kit. vrCjua. SmdvowMUr; III III you. Illualratrd C'aU- Ingiia Dexter Shoe Go., FEDERAL ST.. miKTIIN. SIAliM. Sjtttial Itrmt In lituitv: ffi (Si Keystone SCRANTON BEDDING 00., luW 11 Ji"r' IX f!?t SYJb. tM i 1 ?1'.B 143 Win, Linn Allen Be Co. STOCK BROKGRS, Muy nnd anil Stock, Homln nnd Ornln on New York ExrhanKO and CIiIcdko Uoard ot Trade, either for cash or on margin. - 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL 8TOCK3 A BPECIALTT. G. daB. DIHMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE &.002. DOZEN OF OUR (BAST-OBOIB WALLACE, the: celebrated MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED, TO OUR patrons: Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their manr pat rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom cf milling STRICTLY OLI WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tuko no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling ha placed Washburu-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. 1$$ 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. have your lm Mi Horses Shod M m Hold Fast m 1 sf llll . "Wts KJ Scranton, Pa. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of 44, st 6 and Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? Wc can guarantee it First-Class Stock and cau make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. he ciiinm TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA il EVERY WOMAN Bomrttaiai naad. a rallablc, monthly, regulating nudltlna. Onlr hatatM til UwpurealdrugialKuld bauiaJ. II 70U ful i!m bti, (et . Or. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Ther ftra Dfomnf. ife aM crUlti lo rocilt The nna.MtDr. Tla BmrJlMM For SalaVvJOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa. Wall EH Q, &ya, IP. 20c. ciuu! to this for genuine service. 20Srloiveenue; Spring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenuet Cor. Adams Avenue, CONNELL SUPERIOR T0 ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of BLACKSMITHS' ID WHIN MAKERS' SUPPLIES. Lie co SCRANTON PA. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avanu an ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers