TIIE FCnAXTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MOItNISTGr. FEBTiUATtY 18, 1895. TALES OF TWO P1TTST0NS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down th Vallcv. BASKET BALL AGONY NOT OYER Plttstoulnns Bito the Dust Improvo mcntii on tho West Sldo-llurfilnrs at Clear Spring Coal Office Coming Amusements Serious Accident, Special to the Scranton Tribune Pittston, Feb. 17. Our alert and praeeful bnsket ball players were taken advantage of In a disrespectful manner ut Scranton YounR Men's Christian As sociation hall on Saturday nlRht. For reasons best known to the Scranton league the ollk'Iul umpire, llessel, of Vilkes-Karre, was not present. lieorRe iJay, of Scranton. ueted In his stead, und was very partial In bis decisions, favoring the home team on nearly every Instance. Kutrene Smith, of l'itts ton, acted us referee and fought hard In behalf of the defeated team. The players of the Scranton team were as follows: Guard, MeUouldrick; right Kiund, Malutt. left guard. Murphy; light center, Olllorn: center, Keese: left center, Mllllurd: right forward, Levi; forward, Coleman: left forward, Koiii. Those of the Pittston team were: tiiuird. Francis; right guard, House-; left guard. Xaugel; right center, Veeks; center. Young; left center, "Weeks; right forward, Uluckhurn; for ward, Hryden; left forward. Kvens. The four men who were suspended from the Scranton association the first of this month were re-instated, us suili tient evidence was not produced ligainst them. They continued the pame rough playing as was Introduced Into the game here at Huston. Score: Scranton, ti; IMttston, 2. Ilurglars Frustrated. Two men succeeded in gaining en trance to the otlice of the Clear Spring Coal company on Saturday night ubout 30 o'clock. They forced open a window in rear of the buildings. Their entrance was undoubtedly of evil intent, and ould have proved more serious hud if not been for the approach of the watchman. It was evident that they vi re not near-sighted, as in their hasty retreat they secured two pair of gold boned spectacles belonging to A. Mel. Dewitt. One of the miscreants lias neglected to return for his hat. which is awaiting him yet at the scene of tile disturbance. A Heavy Old Timepiece. J. C. Bound, superintendent of con struction for the W'ilkes-Barre and "Wyoming Valley Traction company, carries the largest -watch in -this re gion. Its cases are of silver and weigh nixteen ounces, and with the works the timepiece -weighs two pounds. The watch was presented to Mr. Bound in 1S67 by the track foreman on the old Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroad, now the Bloomsburg division of the Delaware, Lackawanan and Western railroad, Mr. Bound being then track master of the road. The -watch cost $230, and when presented to Mr. Bound it was considered to be the finest in the state, the works being the very best that could be procured. In these days the taste in regard to watches ran in the direction of heavy silver cases, gold watches being rarely used by men. "When Mr. Bound was trackmuater of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg rail road he resided in Upper Pittston. West Side Improvements. "West Pittston Is not to be outdone in improvements. At the meeting of the town council recently Acock & Son, of Trenton, N. J., were awarded the ton tract of building the new sewer system for a consideration of $23,000. The fal lowing streets will be sewered: River, York, Exeter, Luzerne, Montgomery, the entire distance; Wyoming, from Philadelphia to Hlver; Uelaware, from Fifth street to the Klver; also Daman, Salem, Fremont and Elm streets, above the railroad. The Klver street sewer will extend to the end of Boston ave nue, where It will empty Into the river. It will be the main and only outlet of the sewerage system. Notes of General Interest. There are many persons who believe that citizens of the Second ward will make no mistake by voting for John Jordan for alderman of that ward. Mr. Jordan, they argue, hns all requisites necessary to fill such an Important of fice, and they cite the fact that he has serveil five consecutive terms as Jus tice of the peace of the upper district. Politics entirely apart, it Is generally admitted that he Is a man of sterling character and of strong Judicial abil ity. He 'is well known throughout the city as an estimable gentleman. Contributions of news will be thank fully received at our local ofrice, 8 South Main street. The lilce Comedy company at Music hall tonight. They will produce their new farce comedy entitled, "All In the Family," for the first time on any stage. Uor.'t miss It. Water damage our loss will be your gain. The entire stock In our whole sale dry goods department has been damaged by water. About .100 comfort ables, ail our blankets, red and white flannels, etc., all too much soiled to put on our shelves, but In ns good condi tion as ever for use, will be sold at "3 per cent, less than cost. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Tim marriage of Frank J. I,nux, of t'pper Pittston, to Miss Alice Kelly, of Frogtown, will take place at St. Mary's flerman Catholic church on Tuesday. Feb. 26. The nuptial mass will be sung by Rev. Father Brehl. A party of Mlnooka people enjoyed a slelghrlde to Pittston Friday evening. They were entertained by the Entis Social club at their rooms In Keystone hall. Francis Lynd, who resides with his parents on Market' street, met with a serious accident while at work at the mines. Ho was employed as driver boy. Ills hand m caught between the top of tho carid the roof of the gangway and badly mashed. He was taken to the hospital, where the little finger of the right hand had to be amputated. All regular subscriptions of The Scranton Tribune will ft received ut . our local ofllco, tXo. 8 Souih Alain street. Attend Brown's sale. Druggist Ollck and his family en- Joyed a slelghrlde Saturday afternoon. J1 B. Kirby Is confined to his home by illness. Miss iLllllan Lamb has returned from a two months' visit at New York and Vicinity, A fire alarm was sounded at MB Mils evening from box No. 17. Tho Niagara and Eagle Hose company promptly responded. The conflagra tion, which was confined to an out building near the new shaft of the New ton Coal company, wan quickly extin guished and little damage was done. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office. No. 8 South Main street. A. B. Brown, great damage sale. Miss Carrie 'Miller and Miss Ella Tou hill returned home Friday after a month's visit with Bloomsburg friends. The Ivy Lent Social club .will close the dancing Mass until after the Len ten season. Miss Mamie Jackson and Miss Jennie Wilson, of Avoca, are the guests of Miss Maggie Doimhue.of Chapel street. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. A prominent sales ugent states that weather like tho present makes a differ ence of 100,000 tons u (lay in tho consunip- tlon of anthracite coul throughout the country. A better demand for domestic sizes of coal Is reported, both In the local market and In tho eastern ami western coul truile. It is duo to tho extremely cold weath'T. It hus not udvuneeil prices and has hardly the effect of steadying them. Lehigh und Wilkes-Harro railroad olll- elals uro taking Initiatory steps to prevent tho deluge of their mines. Anticipating the nearness of a. thaw a. large force of men Is opening all tho ditches In tho vicin ity of tho collieries, which have been' to tally blocked by snow for some weeks. Tho American Steel company's works at Thurlow are very busy, and more men will be needed to keen pace with tho or ders. Oneof tile largest castings ever made there Has the bed ot : the gun curruigo eust on .Monday. Its weight Is is. WW pounds, und I for the Crumps. Owing to the press of work It hus become necessary to place the plants at Nunistown and Slmioii in operation. The bureau of anthracite coal statistics reports shipments of unthruclto coal for Jumiury ut 3,003,034 tons, an Increase of 375,r,iy tons -us computed with the same mouth or last yeur. The total production for the twelve months ended Jan. 31 was 3,tul,;.ll tons, an increase or 375.51:! tons us compared with tho corresponding period of the previous year. The stock on hand at tidewater decreased .i),7;i7 tons uunng Junuary. The tire In the Huzle mine Is niaklm; headway. The third bore bole has been completed, but the great trouble that now confronts tho lire lighters is a scuivity of water. The tiro ruges lleively and sev eral times during the past torty-ciglit hours the men were driven from the mine on account of the Intense heal. The damage done ulreudy Is estimated at $70,- OW. As a last resort It may be necessary to wall in the tire und prevent the spread ing of the names to the solid beds of coal adjoining. The Pittsburg und Kustern railroad has taken the necessary letjul steps to increase its cupital stock from $L',7."i0,OiiO to $.",0U0,- OiiO. This Is the company which was formed some time ago b? the consolida tion of three companies contemplating the construction of railroad llaes througn the western portion of the state, an I whose united rouds ure to form a line from Mahaftey, on the Beech Creek rail road, to West Newton, on the Pittsburg, McKeosport and Youghlogheny. Work upon tho new line Is to be begun in the spring. The coal trade editor of the New York Engineering und Mining Journal thinks that the prospects for un Improvement , in that trade from the point of view of the producers and the railroads are not very bright. "Only the impossible name ly, an Iron-clad trust can make li'Xi a prosperous year for them, and the Impos sible, unlike the unexpected, never hap pened. At this writing It does not look probable that any new plan will ne agreed uoon. The chances are that after more or less squabbling the companies will ac cept percentages which will toot up uuoiit 115. and trv to make the best or It, trust ing in Provldenco to escape the inter de moralization of the last quarter or 15.:i. A leading coal producer said recently, within the rearing of the Philadelphia Times: "All this talk of the Heading be ing ablu to Increuse its tonnage by smusli ing the market Is nonsense. Parties wno are indulging in that kind of prattle dis close a. deplorable lack of knowledge of the physical equipment of the various properties. As a matter of fact, if each Interest should produce to Its full capac ity, as Reading threatens to do. Reudin i-oulif not, under uny circumstances, pro duce more than Its present quota or 2). per cent, of the total. The greater its output under artificial conditions the greater would be the incentive of compet itors to keep pace. The result would bi no change In the proportions and bank rupt prices." The Railroad C.azette makes the follow ing summary of railroad uccidents last year: 2 ;gj ; U ' 1 is Sid . 'J. . ; 3 S ; o i U 2 H II iiii; 42. 1 .7 Killed. In collisions In derailments In other train uccidents. Total Total 1VC1 Total IS'li Toiul IX'1 Total 1S') To Oil IKS!) Total IS Total 1KS7 Injured. In collisions In derailments In other train uccidents. Total Total S!i:l Total 1HW Total Mil Total K Total 1SX9 Total W Total 1KX7 Ill Its Jiii 5S10II 178; Ml llHi Uiii 177 031 ml till Ins, 4N! pis: ml 1M7' 43; 4241 41WI tail .r,li!l! :):!; 43i : 4mii 4ns: insj ti oir, 3H7i 211)1 611 b7u M.V 410! HHi.r!l;l '1,313 1,-11 pll 3,-lsl I, -.'l',i,13Si 74 i.4ll7 1,147 l.Wti f.r. 3.(Vi il.r.l!) 1,2211 OHiMJ ! H7S ?4:V 4H I.77J II. lW I.M12: lit 2.201 I KSII, UPM40 I, Dili The more prominent causes of collis ion for five years past ure shown In tho following table: ilSHl. 1803.il.S!(2. lMO.jlSUO. Train breaking In two we iisi mi m u; Misplaced switch... &oi KU IK) 7 !K Failure to give or i observe signals... oil IMij 140 15.1 . f Mistake In giving or understanding! orders 31 1 07! 7K HH 7.1 Miscellaneous ltti 34o 201 2.VJ Ti.l Total explained.. .Dffll r.13' MO 1)71 153 Unexplained 224) SKIj 4.,2 4KI isS Total 'M, I.IB2 U.'m.Olt Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Fell. 1(1. Tallow moves slowly and ranges from 3ic to 4',ic for country and city rendered. Oil Mar iied Pittsburg. Feb. 10. eloped, lOG'j highest, 100; lowest un 105. Oosrt Forget that when you buy Scott's Emul sion you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs. Scott's Emulsion cannot be se cret for an analysis reveals all there is in it. Consequently the endorsement of the medical world means something, 5cott's overcomes Wasting, promotes the making of Solid Flesh, and gives Vital Strength, It has no equal as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Bronohltls, Woak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Etna ciatlonMd Wasting Diseases of Children; a i Emulsion I Scottti Bowns, II. t. All Dniflgiilt. 60c and ft. SUBJECTS FOR THE DEBATE Hills That Kill 15e Considered by Connrcss Uiirini the Week.. HOI'15 l'OK A TALK ON FINANCE A Bill to Authorize, tho Uuildlng of Dams One Hundred 1 cot High Across Two Minnesota Rivers to Como be fore tho House. By tho United Tress. Washington, Keb. 16. With llvo ap propriation bills still unacted upon and but two weeks more of this s sslon be fore It, the senate will not be inclined to discuss matters other than appro priation bills this week. The hope of getting a vote in tho senate on the va rious financial proposition! lias not been altogether abandoned. It Is believed that some agreement may be reached after the sundry civil bill is out of the way. The coming week will be required to pass the Indian bill and the sundry civil bill, which will be reported tu the senate tomorrow. Tomorrow will be suspension day In the house, and arrangements have been made by which gentlemen in churge of several measures that have hitherto at tracted more or less attention und oc cupied a greater or less amount of time, will be recognized to usk that they be passed under suspension of the rules. Among these are the following: The bill to increase the elllcleney of the revenue marine service by estab lishing a retired list In connection there with. This bill is earnestly advocated by the treasury department, and Is be lieved to have the support of a large majority of the house, but hitherto Mr. Clark (l)em., Alo.) has been successful In taking It out of place and prevent ing a Vote. The bill to equalize the pensions of the veterans of the Mexican war, mak ing them $1- under thc general law. The lllg ILiin Dill. The bill to nulhoiize the construction of dams across the St. Louis and t'lo quet rivers. Minnesota, by the Alta monte Water company. This proposi tion involves the largest project ever undertaken In the west the construc tion of a dam 100 feet high, 700 tout in thickness ut the base, und 100 feet wide at the top. Tiimarily,' It Is under taken to supply the city of Huluth with water; Incidentally, a power estimated at CuO.000 horse power will be developed that may be used for manul'notuiing und commercial purposes. Hot ween the city and source of supply Is a range of low hills about loo feet high, ami the dam is necessary to curry the water over that. The passage of the bill lias been recommended by the committee on In dian affairs (which had jurisdiction be cause the building of the dam would Hood the Fon Du Lac reservation), but a minority of the committee Interpose a vigorous dissent, because, for one reason, they are not satislled with the financial ability of the water company to carry out the project; that it has "many of the unstable features of a boom, which if not carried out would end in destroying confluence in the re sources of that section of the country and would partially retard Its prog ress." Speaker Crisp has notified tho gentle men in charge of these several meas ures that they must have a quorum on hand to promptly dispose of them, or they will be required to give way to other business. The consideration of the naval appropriation bill and of the general deficiency bill, which Sir. llrecklniidge has given notice he will call up as soon as the former Is out of the way, will probably occupy the rest of the week, save Saturday, which has been set uiiart for the delivery of eulogies upon the late Senator Vance, of North Carolina. - - . VERY MICH MARRIED. A .Montana Man finds His Wife Has Three Other Husbands. By the United I'ress. liutte, Mont., Feb. 17. According to the complaint of Charles J. O'Doniu 11, a young business man of this city, In a suit for the annulment of his mar riage, his wife Is well supplied with husbands, O'Donnell married Violet May, an actress, at Kootnal, Ida., In May, 1SH2. They lived together three months, when he discovered she had another husband, Jacob Trice, living in Denver. O'Donnell left her and brought suit to annul the mariiage. He appeared In court and secured permission to amend his complaint by alleging he has discovered three other husbands of his wife. It Is sold one is named Walsh, living in Chicago; one Is M. L. Marzl- otta, whose residence is unknown, and! one named Muy, who Is believed to be In California. Tho woman was last heard of In San Francisco, nnd O'Don nell says he has rensou to believe that she lias aguin married. IF YOU are weak and worn out, or have Unit tired feeling Hood's Sarsapnrllla. Is Just the medicine to restore your strength ami give you a good appetite. Hood's nmkex pure blood. For n dinner pill nnd general family cathartic, we confidently recommend liOOU'8 TILLS. - MINOOKA. Mntorman William O'Donnell, of the Moosic line, wns whirling along yester day about noon at the rate of about thirty miles an hour. Near the top of Greenwood bill u dog was occupying n position In the center of the Muck and Mr. O'Donnell was sure that Hie brute would be ground to pieces. However, the dog turned quickly, saw the rur coming and jumped out of the way Into the ditch alongside, but not an Instant too soon. On the . return trip Mr. O'Donnell snw the dog stretched by the ro;Mlde dead. He concluded thut the canine expired of hear failure, Thomns Jones, of 1 lytic Fork, has been unpointed to the mine foreman ship at tlie (Jreeiiwood shaft made va cant by the remnvul of Howell O. Krooks to a more responsible position at Laflin. Tho United Athletic club will hold a hi i til at Fusshold's hall this evening, Tomorrow Is election day nnd the Mlnutha correspondent of the Klmlra 'am yesterday conveyed the ns- g Information that Reporter 'will steer clenr of 1hi polls." I lie correspondent bo .on hand and Sk can note that Reporter Brown will be there and very much In evidence at that. Martin Mulcahy, John Oerrlty and John McCren, of Pittston, visited Mlnooka friends yesterday. The Greenwood mines will be Idle to day (V The ? Literary and Debat lug HOC hold a, grand musical entertali t Calley's arcade on Ffb. 20. M. J. around again after an attacki lal fever. The U. 11 hold a social this Td A X I V t V Monday eysfiliir at FusslioLs jitlll. Emergency Htal Doctors and nurses realize the nscesa! ty of counteracting tho effects of tho "shock" which accom panics all accident and surgical cases, aud which more of ieo proves fatal than tho original causo. Animation is temporarily suspended. Something must ho done to start ''tho wheels" going again, as it were, Tho stomach is in no condition to digest it Kuilioieut amount of food to nourish tho other organs of tho body, so they resort to Bovlnine tho original raw food, because the loast amount of it contains tho must lifo, strength and blood-producing qualillet of anything known to medical scieuco. It will, unaided, sustain strength for weeks, ami can bo retained by tho Woakoit Stomach. Voviuino is not a medicine, but a builder of llesh and bone, and a maker of Hood. For all cases of sickness, chronic invalids, infants or the aged, it is indispensable. 25,000 physicians en iloiso it. Sold by all druggists. Th Bovinlno Co., New York. STOCKS AM) BONDS. New Yoik, Feb. 10. Operations at the Sua k exchange were resumed to day with a firm market. The rise In prices ut the start was equul to U and Ta, but this was subsequently lost ow ing to a break in Jersey Central and Lead. Jersey Central dropped from 84 to S2Vi. but rallied to Lead dropped from 2S to "Cj. Toward the close Sugar became more active and moved up to 9"i and 9U- The gen eral list moved up In sympathy and closed firm. Net changes show gains of U to lYi. Lead lost ',. and New Jersey Central Sales were 7'J.OOl) shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du IS. Dim mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Sciuntoii. Ofi'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Atch.. To. & S. Fe... 4'i, 4i 4'i 4'4 Am. Sugar Ite'g Co. 91 VJ.' 91',i TO, Am. Cot. Oil 18'j 18i 18'i JS'.i Chic, Mil. & St. P... 1.5 5r,"a t.5 r.VH, Chic. H. I. & V tiPi 'il3 01" Chic, 11. & J 71 701- 7u 7o'i Chic. & N. W 90' j ) t?4 C. C. C. & St. L 'M't li'4 Sti'.i l Can. South 4S'i iS 4S', 4X', Ches. & Ohio Kl'i Hi1. Ki'i 10'i Hist. C. F. Co K 84 84 S'i, !.. L. H W 1R8' l!is4 m 151H Heluwaro & Hud....l'.7'4 17'i 117',, J'i, (len. F.lectrle 28a, 2V, 2S! Jersey Central 84'i W'i S;t Louis. Nash r.-'4i D2Ji Lake Shore lS7i 1:174 137U i:i74 Manhattan Kle 107 lo7'i HH l'Wt, Mo. Taclfle 21 21 21 21 Nat. Lead 2S'i 2S'i 2(!'-i 11 New Knglnnd 2!T 3"' 2'JT So (lid. & West KiU 10'4 bi's 10'i Thll. & Head 9-j (, 9- Villon Vaelllc 9'n 9-''4 ' S'"ii W. & St. L., Tr 12', l'J'4 12v, I'-'i Wesl. Vnlon 87 87' 87 S7li C. CI. It 73 7:!'i 72r,i 72 A. M. T 91'j 92 lil'j 92 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADR TRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WHKAT. Ing. est. est. Inc. Mnv m r,;i rrs, r.a4 July W G4 "'i M'4 OATS. May 2- 29 24 SS", July 27i 27 i 27s, 27 CORN. Mav 41 44 41 41 July 4l'ii 4-1' 4 44 44'i LAUD. May 0.02 C.C2 6.52 0.52 VOltlv. May 10.22 10.25 10.12 10.12 New York Produce Market. New York, Feb. 10. Flour Neglected, steady, unchanged. Wheat Steady, low er; No. 2 red store and elevator, 5ii ; afloat, f7:V'.: f- o. b r,7Wari-ic.; ungraded red, S6ur8c. ; No. 1 northern, (iU'iaOti'L.e.; options weak, lower; March, M'je.; .May, r.7ic.; June, r7c: July. 58M,c; August, r.8c. ; September, 0c; December, Bl-V. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2. IS'-je. elevator; Doc. ulloat; steamer mixed. 4Sa4Se.; op tions dull, weak, lower; February. 48c.; Muv, 48'i.e.; July, IVic Oats Dull, easier; options " dull weak; February, ll'-je.: March. iV.; .May, 33e.; spot prices, No. 2, X!u:!te.; No. 2 while, 37ti:t7c.: No. 2 Chi cago. 3."c; No. 3, :i3c: No. 3 white, 3ii!j-.; mixer western, IllH.'Mc. ; while state and western, 3Ka41'4c. Provisions Quiet and unchanged. Lard-Weak: western steam, KN'Ji,; city, 6'ic.; February, 10.82; May, fil.So; rellni'd, dull, continent, J7.20; South America, $7.00; compound, D'niirc Hut tcr yulet, weak; state dairy. loalSc; do. creamery, 13al9c; wtstern dally, loaliic.; do. creamery, llia2lc. ; do. factory, 8H.al4'; rolls, 9alfio. ; F.lglns, 24c: linltutlon cream ery, lal8c. Cheese Firm, unchanged. F.ggs Qu'.ct, steady; stuto and Pennsyl vania, 20c; refrigerator, 18a21c: western fresh, 211'ic: do. per case, $3.50al.50; south ern, 23'sa24e. buffalo Stock Market. RtilTalo, Feb. 10. Cattle-Receipts, 1,100 head; on sole, 25 head; market opened steady to firm, cWsed llrm, run light and prospects good. Hogs Receipts, 7,150 bend; on sale, 2.LI head; market strong; Yorkers, J4.20u4.25; mixed puckers, JU'm 4.30; good medium, $1.30; cholco heuvy, $4. 30u4.35; roughs, SJ3.DOn3.70; stags, 3a3.25. Sheep anil Lamns ueceipis, v,m neioi; on sale, 9.500 head; market strong for nil sale, 9.500 head; market strong for nil kinds but export Itades; choice to prime lambn, $5.75u5.90: fV1- l5.8GaIi.lHi; common to fair, $I.DOa5.15;rmixed choice to extra ui.,.,, t:t iiui4 25: fair to good. $3.25a3.75 o got .75; e 0 nita nml rnnininii. I2a2.75: export K Hides. Blow nnd easy; prime wejs, $4.D0hD; ex port ewei, JUU.WI. Chicago Stock.Market. Chicago, Fob, 1U. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, $:1.40a5; Mockers and feeder,, 2.4on 4; cows and bulls, $1.50u4; ualves, t2.D0afi.75. Hogs Receipts, 22.000 head; market strong and 5c. higher; henvy, S3.9fu4.i:X common to choice mixed, I3.75a4.20; cholcfl assorted, la4.10: light, $3.7ua4; pigs. $2.50a 3.90. Bheep Receipt. 1,500 head; market steady; Inferior to choice, l2.C0a4.2D; lambs, J3.25aO.40. genu Wanted. A UENTH HINDU'S PATKNT UNIVKR. I. ,nl Hair Curlnrs na wafers iinea wnn outliDRt), nnd "pyr Polntoa"Hlr Pin Llbj ral communion,, r re niin, imn uiii p,i tleulnr,. Adorn, P. O. uox im. new for. A GKNT3 IN EVERY BTATB ON BALAB XV and conimlMlnn. Akuiim masin IMIwmkly. KUKKKA CUHlllt CO., La Crowe, wl. ANTlTD - ACTIVB BAi hutidl, nur line, no 973 !f r month nd expenavs pa entirely new. ppiy quiuaiy Boston, Hois. Connolly WE FEEL that we are justiiled In claiming your attention on Dress Goods and Silk, because our new and carefully selected Spring Stock is worthy of It We want our goods aud our prices to be our magnetic card and we buy and sell with that end In view. We believe that it is better to do than to say and we ask you to give us an oppor tunity by Inspecting our stock BLACK GOODS-. Very populnr this season for Skirts. Cheviots, Crystalctte, TflT 01 VT TiT?17Q nnfil 0ur line 100 Iare auJ varied t0 attempt to describe it. We have picked VVIjVH1jU LfllLiuO VIJJUd out every good thing and left the rest for some one else. You will admlra our line when you sec it. Don't fuil to look over our lino of Small Chocks. A WORD ABOUT SILKS. (SATIN LUXOR ) Look at our Black Satin Luxor at $1.00 and compare it with PI flPlr J PPAM DP HIP V CflD ClflDTO what you would get elsewhere at H.5t), Beautiful diHplay of bLHbt "S 71,Vi tiirii ,7 I 'UK wMtt'wl'WSilkH, mutable for waists, in all the new and populaf ( SATIN DUCH ESS J weaves, from 4oc. to $1.2-3 per yard. VELVETS. VELVETS. VELVETS. $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. All shades. The best in the United States for the money. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, soshci,,uft0rlourue- llestosie IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LE89 THAN 28 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT AOS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTHD, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. T ANTED-A YOUN'U MAN THAT THOR- T oughly UHduriituiidH care ot horses. dress, Htatiutf whpre luat employed aud uliuro intorviow can be bad., "X," Triuuna oftlce. VAK TEU " - WELL -KNOWN M AN IS ' T every town to nolicit stock auhst-rip-tious; a monopoly; hie money for apentu: uo capital required. EDWARD C. FISH ft CO., Bunion Block, C'hicauo. 111. Q ALES MEN KUSIDENT SALESMEN D wanted, acnitalnted with the loral and nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our lino of high irradii cinnifi. Addreis, uiviiiK refMronces, J. EDWAHD COWLES Co., 13 ('liainl)erHtret. N. Y. For Sale. L'OK BALE-ALL KIN DSOF HOUSEHOLD V fin nituro at a bargain. I'all luoruinga at ft-'iS and fi4) Washlnetoii nvonne. Wanted To Rent. X A S'n.'.l)HKI.K-l!l)NTAINLD HOUSE V modern imp orenu'nts; rent, with in n mile of Coal Exchange. V. TATE, office Colliery Engineer. For Rent. 1'OIt KENT-STORE AND TWO BASE lneutH, Ko. C7 Luckawauua avenue; also aecond and third tloors arranged tor two fain HioH or entire building for wholesale purposes; elevator: D. A- H. switch tu huildiu HOB EKTSON & HircilCOCK. No. 4Ut Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton. Pa. I'Olt KKST-BRU'K BARN. ALL MOD X ern convenience; good location. In intra Ki7 nnd KM l'vun avenue. V.OR RENT A LA ROE, 4 STORY BUILD J1 ing at I!lil Kranklin uvonno; auitabln for wholesalo buaiaeaa. CAIiSON & DAVIES, Scranton. 7oR R ENT B R 1CK WAR E Ut it's EWTr H J1 elovutor on I).. L. A' V . switch and West Lackawauua avenun. Hcrnnton Stove Workf. CUI'ERIOR JIODERN HOUSE; AYENUJS. k3 JONES, ail Spruco. 1XIR RENT FUKNISMKD AND UNHIIt V nished rooma nt SOU Lackawanna avenue. YrOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST JL Lackawanna avenue. Add rem 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aear U!I8 Luterne, Hydo Park. l70K RENT-N K'KLY FU RNIBH EH II ALL J1 auKublo for lodne riwms. JOHN JER MYN. Hi) Wyoiniiiir ovonue. Boarding. ONE SPLENDID ROOM WITH. BOARD for man aud wife or two men. Central location, 302 Wyoming avenue, corner Spruce, (niipmite Dime bunk. ) Fil'Ht clnaa table hoard $1 per week. Physicians Notice. iTiinEouMHyu" L wenro large breeileraof them. HASLAM'8, 118 Cliff ntreot. I Money to Loan. I ONLY TO LOAN I WILL LEND S'.MHK) on filet tnortirage on city property. EDWARD MILKS, :t v anmngton av-uee. Special Notices. iroULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH VV some piu'ty d"8irlng to Bell milk route. AddroKHjoHN KOSTHiR, caro Btatiou agent, Sklnner'a Eddy, Pa. T AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX I hlbitinna and Iwtme upon any anbjent dx alred. The) exhibition will bo Illustrate. I. having 111 my poaesloii tbu moat powerful dissolving stercopticona made. E. 11. CALL, Tribuno Ofllce. rOlT WANT THIS RELIO - REPRINT Frank Lealle's UlUBtrated Week y War Illustrations IKul-lRtiTi. Two Volutin Folio, lo.u0;payat1c monthly, J-i.uO. Dclivored by express complete Prepaid. AUdiess P. O. MOODY, tin (lilwou utreoi, Scranton, Pa. IJLANK 7)OOKs7 PAMPHLETS, MAM A J aines, et-., bound or rebound at Tim Thiiiuns otlice. yulck work. UeaaonafJle prices. lf C1ITUJI ni able t beat 1 AddJ A ted. 1 A YOrfNM V Many new effects in the following weaves: Zuckel Cloth, Crepons, Lndora Cloth, Serges, Henriettas, Figured Cheviots, and a full and complete line of PRIESTLY'S BLACK GOODS THE CELEBRATED MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. TO OUR Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pats rons that tlicv will this year hold to their usual custom of milling Si RICTLY OLU WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, ana owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 00 s y MEGARGEL & CORNELL Wholesale Agents. KM HAVE YOUR Y Y Borses Shod ll rTrilri Fact l r?t3 aiviu iu.dk S 3 Vl Steel Cen tctcd, Self- JPy Sharpening, tJ I VtSV Detachable , " CALKS We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at " prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and otlu-r Michigan Brands of Whlto Tine and White Coilur ShtnRlen, Michigan White and Norway Tine Lum ber and UIII Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY ' COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON. PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. EVERY WOMAN Somstta. nsttdi s nltsblt, soonthlr, rsmilstiof mstllelM. Onf hsrad. thBorilrugshsuldbsol. ifsuwutthabosmsl Dr. Poal'o Tby prompt, ssi sn corUln la nralt. Ths sssslne (Dr. Pl'i) BOUb nsaiwf un,ii.w, eby JOHN H. PHELPS. VScranton, Pa. W allace Spring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue. Cor. Adams Avenue, PATRONS : SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of III SUPPLIES. ill 1 60. Scranton, Pa, . Juniata County, Pesneylvanla, Whlta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tiotra County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. Pennyroyal Pill v, wwi Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avsnuj r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers