.12 THE SCnAXTOX:TmnUXE SATDTtDAY. . MORNINC. FEBKUAKiT 16, 18U3. V GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. SILKS ' No excuse for you uow if you did not buy a new Silk before, because ftoobij?h a price. You canju dulj;e yourself now and still be within the limit of an economical 1)11 rso. lieautiful Silks selected from the choicest niunufuctures in the world Odd lengths, Novelty patterns, elegant blacks, choice shades and variety 'lighten your homes, surprise your admirers, It 11 your wardrobe it ml save money by taking advan tage of our Silk oll'er. Don't fail to examine the follow ing specials: BLACK SILKS Satin Diiclii'sse, 0!U, S9c 81.19 Sut In I-'izor, 1.17 fc'ros Grains, 1Kk, 07c Tairctas, .lf 83c Brocade Satin. 0SM1.27 Fteuird and Striped Talfetas 7.U'., m LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Kepreseiiling tlie very let mate rial and the neatest workmanship. Never before havo we niw'e such large sales on Musliu Underwear. CORSET COVERS 2Sj.. ilSc, UOc, 45c. 4ilc, SSc Tnc, SSc, SOc. GOWNS lilc, "Sc.. 85c, S()c, 18c, St. 00, SI. 10, $1.25, $1.50. SKIRTS 2!c. SOc. "Sc.. SSc, $1.00, $1.25. $1.;?5, $1.50, $2.00. DRAWERS 25c, :?5c, ;5(c, 4Sc, SOc, 75c, Site, $)Sc, $1.00. CHEMISE 4!lc, (inc., 75c, SSc YOU KNOW When thiuirs are right. We insist that a careful comparison of prices and qualities will prove our leadership. JORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. "J DR, -:- REEVES, 412 Spruce Strsct, Scranton. Dr. riopvi.'s has hnJ long uml vu'rii'd ex perience In ho.ipUul mul private practice and trvats till acute anil chronlu diseases or men, women and children. COilSULTSTiOH ftND EXAMJilATIOH FUEL Ho. with hlH assistants, treat oil dla e.inw cf lie nvrvciuj system, diseases of tlie .'.(., tir, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rtieiiinntlau, lont vitality, premature wi i:ki;es. or decay In hoth sexes, nervous deMllty, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions. lilr.od-polsonliiK, lits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lung liver, kidneys-, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting Men Positively Cured. Offer to thu I'uhllc for utun h. Any ono Rufferlnic with Catarrh who Irishes to be permanently, quickly und cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVB D(W,J.,AltH. The doctor has discovered a specltlc for this dreader) disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment free. OKFICK Horns Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and i to 4. SPECIAL We are showing for the Spring Trade the finest and best line of ' WILTON CARPETS Kver shown in the city. Pronounced so by compe tent judges, and prices are right. Call and see them whether you want to purchase or not. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OLD FOHUE. Jerome Searfass, of Scranton, was visiting friends on Thursday. Hev, J. Krwln 13 rod head, of Philadel phia, Is visiting at the home of his parents. ' A number of the friends of John Wil son met at his home on Wednesday evening and presented him with a very ft 1 4 bookcase. An entertainment and necktie social 111 be held at the new church on Fb. , 'few NEWS OFJHIS VICINITY TPHKHAKKOCK. The Methodist people have engaged Grace Welser Davis, the lady evan gelist, who has been doing such suc cessful work at- Jermyn, to come here and conduct a ten-days' series of meet ings, Shu will commence on March 10. O. K. Reynolds; of West Nicholson, was here on business yesterday. The gang of shovelers on the Mon trose road expected to reach the end of the line and the blockade would bo lifted. The last round trip made pre viously was on Feb. 7. General Pas senger Agent ABa P. Blakslce, of Mauch Chunk, has been present every day to superintend and push the work as rapidly as possible. Mrs. Kdwln Stanton, of Dixon, who became temporarily deranged a few days ago, wandered away from home and her whereabouts could not be dis covered by the family for about twenty-four hours. She was finally discov ered standing among the bushes along the banks of Tunkhauuock creek by lr. J. W. Deulson, who happened to he driving by. Shu had walked up and down the creek, making a beaten path In the snow, the exercise keeping her from perishing during the long wintry night. It was with dllllculty that she wus gotten home. The county commissioners will dis tribute the ballots today and Monday. A carrier pigeon would come handy In some of the back country districts. Hobert Maybee is suffering neural glac trouble. Allen Tickner Is recuperating from his illness. W. H. Thompson, a Wyaluslng attor ney, wus here yesterday looking aft-T the $5,000 claim of O. 10. Williams, who fell off the Skinner's Kddy bridge last summer. Thompson wanted to make overtures for settlement, but when the commissioners told him they had noth ing to settle he entered rule on them. His attempt to get the case on for trial at April term failed, and a dual settlement seems afar off. The Jack-knife artist has laid siege to Candidate Jorden and the Towanda He-porter-Journal publishes the result. We offer our deepest commiseration and hope he will be elected Just the same as if It had never happened. W. H. DeGroff, of Topeka, Kan., su perintendent of the American Sunday School union of the Itocky Mountain district, was a guest at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage Thursday night. Colonel E. S. Handrlck pocketed a $00 check yesterday morning sent him through the mall by an accident In surance company, as a result of a se vere sprain of the wrist some weeks ago. The Baptist people are agitating the establishment of a reading room .in connection with their church. Benjamin C. and D. C. Decker drove down from Mehoopany yesterday morning. Mrs. John Bolson, of Lane Hill, Is reported seriously ill. The quo warranto proceedings In the Sittser-Dunham election case are Insti tuted by the plulntlfts, who are seek ing to get a writ from the attorney general inquiring by what authority the contest proceedings are held In Sul livan county. Their allegations are. not yet made public, but It Is probable that they will urge that the law speci fies that a contest shall be held In the most populous county In the district. The defendants, on the other hand, allege that the law specifically says that a contest shall be carried on In the county where the defendant was elected. They will doubtless answer, also, that the contest Is being carried on by the authority vested In them from the state, through which the de fendants now seek to get authority to stay It. From an outside standpoint It looks as If the whole thing Is being done to nurse a good fat job. Mrs. Orpha Smith Is reported as go ing into a decline with Urlght's dis ease. Albert Miller's flashlight views of a coal mine Interior were exhibited last night at the Presbyterian entertain ment In addition to their supper. OLVPHAM. Miss I.ucy Farrell entertained a num her of friends at her home on Dunmore street Thursday evening In honor of her guest, Miss Kittle Mitchell, of Scranton. Miss Grace Hodgson, of Providence, Is the guest of Miss Ola Mason, of Blakely. John Ilonnn and Thomas Mullarkey, of Scranton, were visitors in town Thursday evening. A special meeting of the Young Men's Christian union will be held In their ronntH on Monday evening. All mem bers are requested to be present, as business of Importance will be trans acted. Politics In this town are at fever heat. The principal fight of Interest Is for the olllce of burgess. Therf? are three can rlldates In the Meld, S. J. Matthews, 10. J. Howard and W. L. Schuhmehl, of the Guzette. The lutter Is running ns Independent Republican. The contest for councilman In life Second ward Is also being warmly waged. Hut the great Issue of Importance Is whether or ndt the debt of the borough will be Increased for the purpose of enlarging the electric light plunt. St. Aloyslus society gave another of Its delightful socials last evening In the Casino hall. "A Barrel of Money" will be present ed at the new opera .house Monday evening. . - Miss Hrldgie Mctlale Is visiting friends at Carbondale. Mothers! Mother!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bem used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic,' and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by, druggists In every part of the world. Ha sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Hoothlng Hyrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. PMCKHUHG. A surprise party was tendered Miss Jane Weir Thursday evening at the home of her parents, on Albert street, by her many friends. Among those present were: Misses Maggie Little John, Hannah and Ada Palmer, Alice Eley, Lizzie Smalles, Maggie Gray, Isa dora and Portia Jones, Maggie Bray, Mary Margetson, Laura Hawkins, Lulu Welband and the Messrs. Abraham Margetson, Robert Blrkheck, Fred Bai ley, George Bailey, Thomas Kane, James Cayglll and Chester Eley.' Pay day at Jermyn'a today. A sleighing party consisting of the following enjoyed a pleasant ride to Parsons yesterday: Mrs. George Eley, Mrs. W. C. Grlflln, Mrs. Dr. Kennedy, Mrs. Theodore Wetland, Mrs. Edward Morgan, Miss Emma Williams, Mrs James Held, Mrs. John McClane. They stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dehll Smith, at Parsons. . A pleasant social affair took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bell- helmer Thursday evening. The occa sion was the twenty-seventh birthday of Mrs. Uellheimer. Among those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grlftln, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Professor MeCawley, Messrs. John Hawke, Samuel Barrett, Patrick Burns and Mr. Stoudt, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Moses. The hostess received some very valuable and costly presents. William Harris, of New York, made a business trip here yesterday. ,- James Collins, of Ilonesdale, visited friviids here yesterday. The Novelty Iron works are working full time. They have a large amount of orders to fill. St. Thomas' church fair will be open tonight. The Father Whltty Young men and a large delegation of friends will be present. The young men will give an exhibition drill. This Is one of the best drilled organizations In thii state and a large crowd will be present. A literary and musical programme has been prepared and a pleasant time Is promised those who attend. Lost Between Griffin's and Good mun's stores, a lady's gold watch and chuln. Finder will be rewered by leav ing same at George Wieland's, Lincoln street, Prlceburg. ILONESDALE. A large number gathered In the Sun day school room of Grace church Thurs day evening and enjoyed the social given by two of the young ladles' so cieties of the parish, Amusement was afforded In the line of tableaus, music, both vocal and Instrumental, recita tions and pantomimes. There wus n postotllce In one corner of theroom where valentines were sold and deliv ered. This proved one of the main features of the evening and furnished abundant of amusement. Candy was sold and lunch served. A very en joyable time was had by all present and the treasuries of the two societies were enriched not a little. Mr. Codding, the Republican congres sional candidate from Bradford county, was in town Inst evening. On monday evening, Feb. pi, com mencing at 8 o'clock, an organ recital will be given In Grace Episcopal church by AVilllam S. Chester, orgun 1st and choirmaster of St. George's church. New York. Mr. Chester will be assisted by Master Charles Meehan, hoy soprano from St. George's choir. The programme, which Is as follows, promises to be one of the rarest mu sical treats Ilonesdale has had for some time: Prelude, J. F. Petri; marche pontificate, F. Do La Tombelle; a, an dante Grazioso, Henry Smart; b, Gavotte Mlgnon, Thomas; aria, "These Are They," the Holy City, A. U. Gaul; march, "War of the Priests," Athalie, Mendelssohn; serenata. Alia Maresque, Ernest Jonas; march, Gullmant; a. In termezzo, Cavalerla Itustlcana, Mas cagnl: b, "Elsa Entering the Cathe dral," Wagner; song, "Sun of My Soul," the Ten Verglns, A. R. Gaul; recollec tions of "TaAnhauser," Wagner. The music loving public is cordially Invited to attend this concert. No admission. TAYL0H. Miss Itebecca Davis was visiting Professor anil Mrs. David Jones, former residents of this place, at Ash ley yesterday. Mrs. Maggie Taylor, of Baltimore, was visiting at the home of William J. Richards yesterday. Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81, Junior Order 1'nlted American Me chanics, and Liberty council, ISo. ', Daughters of America, enjoyed a sleigh ing party to Wilkes-Barre last evening. The first annual ball of the Taylor Hose company. No. 1, last evening was a grand success, and the fire boys have won a lasting reputation in their first i attempt at entertaining. Jollity reigned supreme during the evening, and every thing passed olT pleasantly. A large delegation of visiting firemen from Scranton and Plttston was present. Thomas Davis took a slelghridlng party to Parsons, last evening. The Taylor Dramatic club will pro duce "Tony, the Convict," at Weber's rink on March 14. Postmaster Timlin and his assistant, Frank Lally, are visiting friends In Dunmore. David Samuels, who has been visiting friends In this place for the past few days, returned to his home In Chicago yesterday. Miss Mary A. Durkln, of Hyde Park, was visiting friends here yesterday. ARC II BALD. . The funeral of the late Miss Bridget Gilroy, who died on Tuesday evening, took pince yesterday morning from the family residence on Wayne street. The house was thronged long before the time fixed for the funeral with f.Mends from all parts of the valley. The cor tege moved to St. Thomas' church, where a high mass of requiem was Bung by the rector, Rev. T. J. Comerford. After Bervlces Father Comerford preached a touching funeral sermon, In the course of which he paid deserved tributes to the upright life of the de parted and extended comfort to the sorrowing friends. The remains were Interred In the Catholic cemetery. The pallbearers were: W. H. Blake, Will iam McGlynn, John McDonnell, Owen Duffy and T. F. O'Horo, of this bor ough, and T. J. Oilhool, of Jermyn. Miles MeAndrew, sr.. of Laurel street. Is confined to his home', owing to sick ness. At the Presbyterian church tomorrow Rev. Mr. Morgan, of South Gibson, will conduct services both In the morning and evening. " Hives are not dangerous to life, but they are a prolific breeder of misery and profanity. Doan'S Ointment gives Instant relief, even in th worst cases of this and other exuspcrallug diseases of the skin. CLAKK'8 aitEEX. Benjamin Mead, who has been con fined to his bed so long and been such a great sufferer from sciatic rheuma tism, Is Improving. Mrs. K. J. Hinckley, who has been so long confined ' to her, home with dropsy, died on Thursday of last week, and funeral was set for Saturday last at 11 o'clock, but the severity of the weather made It Impossible. The ser vices were postponed to the Sunday following at 2 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Merit Mead was seriously 111 of grip, but Is somewhat Improved. Mrs. William H. Swallow has also been upon the sick list, but Is now about the house. Miss Lydia Rogers Is removing the store room and dwelling recently made vacant at the Summit, across the street, and the place It once occupied will be made more beautiful and useful by the erection of g, new store, " Messrs. Fru.ce and Parker are now located in their fine new store at the Summit, with new goods for their growing' patronage. Their "tore room Is the finest outside the city, having all the late Improvements, Including a fine heating plant, erected by A, A, Davis, the only steam and hot water titter north of the mountain. Our schools have been closed for a short time on account of the Bnow blockade. J. M. Courtrlght, who has been so seriously sick of typhoid fever In .Wash ington, D. C accompanied by his mother, arrived at their home here and stood the trip much better than was anticipated. CAlUiONDALE. P. J. Foster, of Canaan street, went to Warren, Pa., yesterday morning, being culled there by the serious Illness of his brother,' A very pleasant time was had last evening at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Bergun, on Church street, the occasion being a book social given under the auspices of a coterie of young ladies who are members of the high School Alumni association. A party of friends were entertained last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kase, of Wayne street. One of the most pleasant social events of recent dates Is the one which oc curred on! Thursday evening at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. John Copeland, where Miss Maud Copeland and Miss Lottie L'llles entertained aparty of their friends to a valentine party. Those present were: Misses Josephine Burr, Grace Vanmin, Mabel Jadwln, Marion Crane, Minnie Reynolds, Maggie Clark son, Florence Harrison. Bessie Corby, Charlotte Giles, Agnes Mills, Nellie Htydon, Janet Bryden, Bessie Ellles, Lottie ElliesnndlMaud Copeland ;Mssrs. A. II. Vandermark. L. M. Smith, W. G. Scurry, M. D. Lathrope, J. H. Reese, H. W. Skeela, Hal Jadwin, D. L. Crane, C. W. Perkins, Edward Yarrlngton and R. M. Shepherd.. At the home of Mrs. John Scurry, on Wyoming street, the following young Indies entertained their friends at a happy Valentine party: Misses Mary Male, Susie Jadwin, Lizzie Davis and Clara' Scurry. The home was very tastefully arranged for the event and a most enjoyable time was had. Those present were: Misses Jessie Moore, Louise Williams, Lizzie Scurry, Mary Yarrlngton, Mabel Carr, Maggie Marcy, Lizzie Davis and Susie Jadwin; Messrs. B. L. Singer, Stanley Rettew, Albert Rutherford, Albert Blrkett, Frank Couch, Russell Jones, Lou Abbott and Albert Crane. XEAVjjORD. The denizens of our neighbor, East New Milford, have petitioner the gov ernor to change the name o that villa to Lakeside. The Druckenmlller family will give an entertainment at the PreBbyterlan church on Tuesday evening, Feb. 19. Rev. J. 10. Hogan, of Forest City, will give a free lecture at the Method ist Episcopal church, Wednesday even ing,. Feb. 20. A box social for a worthy cause, un der the auspices of the lndepepdent Order of Odd Fellows, was held In the basement of the Presbyterian church, Tue'sday evening, and about $35 were realized. Mrs. Joseph Miller, of East New Mil ford, aged about 75 years, fell on the tee recently, breaking her hip. Professor Hanahan's class will give a select hop at the Opera House Thurs day evening. P. E. Houlihan and Miss Agnes Casey, both of this place, were united In marriage at the home of the bride Wednesday afternoon. They have the congratulations of a wide circle of friends. The , Fourth district, SuBquehanna County Sunday School association, will hold a convention In the Methodist Episcopal church, Brooklyn, Pu.,Thurs duy, Feb. 21. James J. Savory, an aged citizen of Lakevlew, died at his home a few days ago. 1'ECKVILLE. Election day next Tuesday, and none of the candidates for councilman have expressed themselves on the taxation of the electric poles. Wake up, gentle men! Let's hear from you. The new Presbyterian church here will be dedicated on Sunday, March 3. Miss Delia Holllster, of Holllsterville, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Holllster. Herman Budd, of Honesdale, visited relatives here on Thursday. Mrs. William Kestell Is again quite 111. . Benjamin Richardson, of Lackawan na, called on his friends here yesterday. Rev. John Davy, of Scranton, will preach In the Methodist church on Sun day morning. The Methodist choir will give a grand concert and old folk's entertainment In the church next Thursday evening, Feb. 21. Mrs. Vanrluyer, of Blakely, called on her sister, Mrs. Jacob Depew, yester day. Homer English Is suffering from grip. Howard Hrundnge, who 'has been sick of scarlet fever, Is able to be up and around again. CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. 1 writ that you may know tin sood 1 havo recotvad from B. k 11. I u all out of health ud sn flaring with oon siipatlon aud blllousnoss. I tried other medMnes, but they failed tn do any Rood. At last I boutht bottle of B. B. ))., end before I had used It all I weut to work aa well as ever. Qcs NcLSOft, Box U.Irvluton, Warren Co.Fa Acts On the Bowels. If we had not bought this stock from the sheriff, selling at such prices as the following would be impossible. Taken all round, they only figure up about half This la how we treat the Cloak stork: JJM0 Karmnta go at !8.Vu. 17 K.rmriit at W W, 6 garment at tpt, fi (armeut at eto. Kvery garmont up to date lu style. , 600 Children's Gretchen Overcoats, etc, at your own price. THIS 'LL TICKLE YOUR FANCY! ' 100 White Uars.llles Quilts, ntw patterns, large site. 41ba. weluhl, 6 rente; 6 lbs. weight, m conts; ( Ibt weight, W cents. They cost more to wauufaoture. , The Best Bleached Sheeting on the market at auy prlc is the "llobawa." Everybody kaows this; unte the new price: 8-4 wide, laif oeuts; 10-4 Ide, 16 oents. UNDERWEAR . At leas than the cost W the yarn In It Wf gathered together M) Aosens ot all sorts and sitea Irom Gondmin's stock. They're odds -nd ends of regular numbers, and we're not ask ing half what they cost for your choice. BAXKliU 1 SALE 0 '516 LAC n 1 Nervous Headaches Dyspepsia, Impure Blood A Perfect Cure by Hood' Sarsa parma. V. Webmter Baker York, Ta. " I pertonally recommend Hood's Sarsaparill: to tay frleuds and other, whenever I have ue opportunity, and I am willing that tills stutc meat be uied for publication. This medicine has been of great benefit to me. I hava hcci. suffering- more or less with dyspepsia and net Hood's5 Cures vous lieadacho for several years. After usli,; other preparations without suceoss, I concludec to try Hood's Sarsaparllln. I ara pleased to sa that I have been benefited mora by the use ol Hood's Sarsaparllla than by All Other Medicines Combined. In fact, I have been cured by Hood's Suraapa rilla. I also nut Hood's Pills very benclldul." D. Webstkh Uakkh, 29 8. 1'eon St., York; Pa. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, und do not purge, pain or gripe. Hold by all druggists. 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. S 85 8 85 S So 8 85 8 85 ' We Are Selling 8 85 8 85 8 85 $15.00 AND $18.00 8 so 8 85 i Suits and Overcoats ' at 8 S5 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 S5 8 85 8 85 8 S5 8 S5 8 S5 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 S-85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 Single and Double Breasted All-Wool Serges. . Cheviots, (asslmeres In Suits ; Single and . Double Breasted Blaek and Blue Long Cut Kersey Meltons (n Overcoats. S 85 8 5 8 So 8 So 8 85 S 85 8 S5 8 85 8 So 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 S5 3 85 8 85 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE. 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. Wl CAN oivt vou SATISFACTION g Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon. The Scranton Trihnnc Job Dept. I the value of the goods : HOSIERY - Past blacks for misses or children, to. I extra heavy makes, 10 oents, eto Haute values all the way through for men's, women's and children's siaoh IMPORTANT POINTERS 10 yards f. at color Dress Prints...,,.... Men's strong Halt Huae Men's Fanty Print bbirts, with collar.. Men's l.aundrled Shirts (Anchor sot ton) Meu's Strang Cotton Pauta Youths' Lung Pants lleavv Overall, and Jackets ISO 4c We ia 4vo 4c 4VC New butlue f lannels (heavy) Boys' All-Wool Suits , Real Turkey Bed Table Damask, eto EXTRA I EXTRA I 6a ISO On Monday, from I to I o'olock ill Mil a a-ood heavy Toweling at 1M oents a yard, and from 9 to 10 o'clock S-eent Uandker- eaters at a cents. Theae roods cannot bo had at the qaoUdjjao minute after the hours named ODMAN'S STOCK, VENUE. !.LJL !- $0.85 tS 1 r gnrnrjrnnimmmnmmK Hi ill i. $50,000 worth e- tions, Ladies' and Goods,nillinery, Wear, &c, The steady increase of our business 'jg compels us to enlarge and remodel the en- g tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way B WILL SELL AT ANY PRICE. a The Fair, 1 Er 400 and 402 Lack Aw., - 3 Scranton, Pa. filllllWUIWUWIHIIMHitf Easels and Screens Japanese Four-Panel Cloth Screens at $4.00 each, in Dark Green, Red, Black, Orange and Drab. OAK AND WHITE EASELS White and Gold Table, - f $i.75 White and Gold Book Shelf, i) - - 3.00 UMBRELLA STANDS Closing out a lot at - - - 90c. each SPECIALc Onyx Top Brass Table, - - $4.75 each NEW LOT 64, 84 AND 104 Chenille Table Covers EVERYTHING IN UPHOLSTERY GOODS CORD, GIMP. ETC. ran p 9 406 and w . Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE, NEVER m mm stock TO BE THE LARGEST. !NO"V we do. It's are miiiking 01 otner itunsc 1 urniSQlngs, we have Uiem at the right price. Can b ecu red at this LIBERAL .KEDIT PALACE. ' LvfAi V OUR NEW TERMS: $20.00 Worth ot Goods for $2.00 Per Month 40.00 . f :UM h 00.00 75.0O " 00.00 " - 120.00 y . Larger bills in proportion. Experiment J3 "Economy's Easy Way to Pay." m..ws K!??jTa-V;i0 twioe I f ' 1 U.- "J -s- of Dry Goods, No- Gents' Furnishing Cloaks, Furs, Infants' 0 CLAIMED savine a crcat deal, as ther 54r EiEKESS 1 m. MM La mw m ,BkMa4 arc some large stocks in Scranton. See . Ji S our's. Every grade and make exhibited it? 1 here, in conjunction with 500 Rolls of Mat- 1 tings horn J.'. 00 a roll upwards; or if you Jl . . . f . . w a m EVERY T " 4.00 5.00 " u.OO " 8.00 7 : ek r. J
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