T 1 EIGHT PAGES 30 COLUMNS. SCBAKTON, PA., TIIUltSDAY '3IORNINQ-, FEimUARY 7, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. 1 VICTORY FORJOHN R. FARR Compulsory Education Measure Fa vorably Reported by Committee. BILL GIVES SATISFACTION Eighteen of Twenty-five Members of the Committee Consider the Measure Mr. Scyfcrt Gracefully Acquiesced to the Judgment of Committee. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Harriaburg, Feb. 6. The Farr com pulsory education bill won a decisive victory today before the education com mittees Eighteen of the twenty-five members on the committeee were pres ent, orid by an unanimous vote de cided to report the Fair bill with a . favorable recommendation. Sir. Sey fert, the author of the other compul sory education bill, who Is also a mem ber of the education committee, grace fully acquiesced to the Judgment of the commltte"r but reserved the right to submit amendments to the house when the bill is considered on second reading. While there were natural complica tions arising from the fact that Farr and Seyfert. both members of the same committee, Jiad submitted bills on the same subject there never has been a se rious doubt but that the Farr bill would be the one decided upon. Particularly so has this been the cuse since the two bills were printed, giving opportunity for critical comparison. So thoroughly in harmony was the committee with Mr. Fair's views of a compulsory edu cation bill that the amendments made to the bill were those suggested or favored by Mr. Farr and In ways that will strengthen the measure without making It oppressive or in any way obnoxious to thoughtful people. The reporting of Mr. Farr's bill gives Keneral satisfaction becaflse his work in the education line as the author of the free book law and his persistent championship of compulsory education has been recognized and appreciated. For three sessions of the legislature, or since 1S91, Mr. Farr has concentrated his energies for a compulsory school law. lie lias awakened and stimulat ed thought In favor of such a measure by facta and figures that have startled educators, but have never been dis proved by thorn. Twice Mr. Farr's-4 bill passed both house and senate, for the lirst time in the history of the com monwealth, though there has been a constant agitation for compulsory edu cation forimany years, and various measures were pushed only to be de feated in early stages of legislation. Twice Governor Pattison thwarted the wishes of the legislature by vetoing Mr. Farr's bill, and for the third time that persistent and energetic gentleman has his bill before the house. , - -The Bill as Reported. - The exact language of the Farr bill, as favorably reported from committee, is as follows: .Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., that every parent, guardian or other person in this commonwealth having control or charge of a child or children between the ages of 8 and 13 years shall be required to send such child or children to a school In which the common English branches are tausht during at leat sixteen weeks of each year In which schools in their respective dis tricts shall be in session unless such child or children shall be excused from such attendance by tho board of the school dis trict In which parent, guardian or other person resides, upon the presentation to Bald board of satisfactory evidence show ing such child or children are prevented from attendance at school or application to Btudy by mental or physical or other urgent reason; provided that In case there be no public school in session within two miles of the nearest traveled road of any I person within the school district he or she shall not be liable to the provisions of this act. Provided that this act shall not np ply to any child that has been or Is beln otherwise Instructed In the common Knx lish branches of learning for a like period of time; and provided further, that the certificate of any principal of any school or educational Institution or of any teach er that any child has been or Is being so instructed, issued to such child or its parents or guardians, shall be sufficient ami satisfactory evidence thereof. Sec. 2. For every neglent of duty imposed by the first section of tills act the person ofTendlng shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof .before a Justice of the peace or alderman, for feit a lino not exceeding $2 on tho lirst conviction and a fine not exceeding 'i for each subsequent conviction. Pro vided, upon condition the defendant or defendants may appeal to the court of quarter sessions of tho peace of the proper county within thirty days upon enter ing into recognizance with one surety for the amount of fine and costs. Pro vided, however, that before such penalty shall be Incurred the parent, guardian or other persons liable therefor shall be noti fied in writing of such liability and shall have opportunity by compliance with the requirements of this act then and there after to avoid the imposition of such pen alty. For Truant Officers. Sec. 3. If deemed necessary for the bet ter enforcement of the provisions of this act boards of school directors or school controllers In cities, boroughs and town ships shall employ one or more persons whose duty it shall be to look after tru ants and others who fall to attend school in accordance with the provisions of this act. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the as sessor of voters of every district at the same time that the June registration of voters Is made to make In a substantial book provided by the county commis sioners for that purpose a careful and cor rect list of all children between tho ages of 8 and 13 years within his dis trict, giving the name, age and residence of each, and whether in charge of a par ent, guardian or other person, together with such other information as may be Ideemed necessary; which enumeration shall be returned by said assessor to the county commissioners of the county In which the enumeration is made, whoso duty it will be to certify it to the secre tary of the proper school district, who shall Immediately furnish the principal or teacher of each school with a correct list of all children in his or her district who re subject to 'the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of each teacher In the school district to report immediately to the secretay of the board cf directors or controllers at the close of each Bchool month and thereafter the names of all children on the list previously furnished by the secretary who were ab sent without satisfactory cause for five successive days during the month for which the report shall be made, when if , it shall appear that any parent, guardian . or"other person having control of any ' child or children shall have failed to ' comply with the provisions of this ac-J . after due notification in writing, as pr- ; vlded in section two, the secretary, in the ' name of the school district, shall pro- I ceed against the offending party or parties In accordance with law by complaint Jie ' tore any alderman or justice of the peace. "' I Provided, that If sufficient cause be shown for the neglect oCthe requirements of this act the cost of said proceedings shall be paid out of the district funds upon a proper voucher approved by the board of directors. Sec. 6. The secretary of any board of directors or controllers who willfully re fuses or neglects to comply with the pro visions of this act shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction thereof be fore, an alderman or a Justice of the peace shall forfeit a line not exceeding JUS. The only change of importance made in committee was the striking out, in Section 5, of the proviso exempting from penalty parents or guardians who, on trial, prove that "indigence or other satisfactory excuse" has been the cause of the non-attendance. The striking of this out will mot, however, be oppressive, as the first section men tions reasons for non-attendance suf ficient to cover every case deserving of legal leniency. MR, HUMAN DISAPPEARS. Cannot Be Found When Wanted to Tes tify at tho Debs Trial-Kugcno on the Witness Stand. By the United Press. Chicago, Feb. 6. It was expected that George M. Pullman would take the stand at the opening of the Debs trial this morning, but the marshal report ed he could not find him, and that it was his belief that the palace car presi dent was in his office part of the day yesterday, but refused to allow the offi cer to gain admission to his presence. Later on, it is claimed, Mr. Pullman took a train to Florida. Eugene V. Debs was the principal witness of the day. He told the story of his life from the time when, at 14 years of age, he became a fireman of a locomotive through the successive stages until his election as president of the American Railway union, at a sal ary of $9,000 a year. Mr. Debs said the object of the or ganization of the American Railway union was to unite warring factions of railroad employes and make their cause a common one against the Gen eral Managers' association. This was made necessary by the fact that the large roads were constantly swallow ing up the smaller ones, and a move ment was on foot to reduce wages. When he first heard of the troubles at Pullman Mr. Debs sent Vice-President Howard there and told him to avert the threatened strike if possible. Judge Grosscup himself took the witness in hand and Interrogated him concern ing the condition of the Pullman em ployes. At the afternoon session Debs was the only witness, and his testimony was not concluded at the adjournment of court. Ho related the preceedings of the American Railway union conven tion in detail, and sakl that during the contlnuaince of the strike he at no time was guilty of any violation of the feder al law, nor did he at any time from the first meeting of the American Railway union until the end of the strike, coun tenance any acta of violence or advise anyone to violate the laws of the na tion, the state laws or any city ordin ance. He emphatically stated that all meetings his words were to the effect that under no circumstance must mail trains be Interfered with. Before court adjourned Attorney Gregory, for the defense, requested Judge Grosscup to order an investiga tion concerning the constable's inabil ity to serve a subpoena on George M. Pullman. CRAZY PREACHER'S ACT. lie Enters a Bank and Hinds and (lags the Cashier. By the United Press. Portland, Ore., Feb. 6. An attempt was made to rob the First National bank of East Portland shortly after noon today. J. C. Reed, a sensationalist preacher, entered the bank and taking from his pocket a package said to the cashier: "This Is enough nitro-glycerlne to blow you and me to hell." Before the cash ier could act, Reed bound and gagged him. Then the cashier of the bank across the street, noticing that some thing was wronk, picked up a shot gun and ran to the First National. He found the doors locked, but got the drop on the preacher through a win dow. A large crowd collected. A window was broken and the res cuers climbed through. . The cashier was liberated and the preacher taken to jail, followed by an excited throng. He is believed to be insane. Another Furnace Lighted. By the United Press. Reading, Pa.,' Feb. 6. The Temple fur nace, which was blown out four weeks ago for repairs, relighted last night. The stack has a oapaclty of about BOO tons a week. Tho Reading Iron company's fur nace No. 2, which was banked up several weeks ago because of an accident to the machinery, was started tonight. Mr. Morgan I Satisfied. By the United Press. New York, Feb. C J. P. Morgan said today: "I am satisfied no announcement of a bond issue will be made until aftor the vote In the house on the Springer bill. I am also satisfied that Mr. Cleve land and Secretary Carlisle are keenly alive to the situation." Suicide of a Salesman. By the United Press. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 6. A. N. Frltchie, a traveling salesman of this city, shot himself this afternoon, with suicidal In tent, dying instantly. Despondency is the Bupposcd cause. He was about GO years old, and leaves a family. CONDENSED SJATE TOPICS. For forgeries aggregating $1,300, 'Millard Haugh, of Frederick, has been arrested at Hanover. Judge Riddle granted only thirty-five liquor licenses for Cumberland county a decrease of six. , , Owing to technicalities the vote cast in Republican primaries at Kenntt Square has had to be recounted. A freezing dog was thawed out by Mrs, Dantrlch, at Reading, only to turn and se verely 'bite its benefactress. As a result of burns sustained' in her blazing home, Mrs. John Zeller, of Adams town, died, as did her grandson. . The federal authorities at Altoona held Photographer H. A. Orlpp, of Tyrone, for trial for fraudulent use of the mails. Allent'wn social clubs that Bell liquor are worried over Philadelphia and Pitts burg legal decisions against such sales. Jordan Lutheran church, Allentown, Is almost rent asunder by an Issue of ver acity between Pastor M. J. Kuchner and Oscar J. Hellman, a school teacher. A rush of coal fatally hurt Thomas Murphy In tho Bast colliery, Ashland, and David Pores was killed by Patterson col liery mine wagons, near Bhamokln. NOW PLAIN IS. DOB Queen Lil Divested of Her Yellofo Fcuther and Other Symbols. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TAKEN The Coffee Blonde Ilus No Further Desire to Govern tho Sandwich Islunds. Sensation at the Trial of tho Rcbcls-Sprccklcs Accused. By tho United Press. Sun Francisco, Feb. 6. The Aus tralia, which arrived this morning from Honolulu, brought confirmation of the reported capture of Wilcox and Now- lein, the 'leaders of the recent revolt, and also the arrest of the ex-queen, who is a prisoner in the palace. The ex-queen has renounced all her sovereign rights. The military com mission is still trying the rebels, but no decisions have yet been rendered. The ex-queen, in her letter to Presi dent Dole, asks clemency for those un dergoing trial for treason and concludes the document by taking the oath of allegiance. A sensation was created at the trial of the rebels when John A. Cummings, ex-premler of King Kailakaua, testified that he was told by another conspirator when he inquired where the money to pay for the arms used in the recent up rising was to come from that he (the other conspirator) had been given a letter by the queen to Rudolph Spreckles, who would furnish the ne cessary funds. The Government's Reply. Honolulu, Feb. 6. The government's reply to the ex-queen was as follows; Executive Building, Honolulu, Jan. 2, 1895. Madam A document by you, purporting to contain an abdication and renunciation of all sovereign rights heretofore claimed by you, has been delivered on your behalf to the president. As you were under ar rest at the time the Instrument was signed, it is desired before accepting and placing the same on file to make clear to you, in order that no misunderstanding may hereafter arise, the views of the gov ernment in the matter. First The execution of this document cannot be taken to exempt you in the slightest degree from personal and Indi vidual liability for such complicity as due investigation and trial may show that you had in the late conspiracy against the government and the consequent loss of life, which position is recognized by you in your letter. Second It cannot be conceded that Buch rights and claims as you now voluntarily relinquish have had any legul existence, since Jan. 14, 1895, when by your public announcement that you had no longer considered yourself bound by the funda mental law of the land under which you took office and by your action In attempt ing by the mere exercise of you own will to establish a new system of government, the contract existing between you and the people was dissolved and all sovereign rights therein invested In you were lost. The statement by members of your then cabinet that they could not control your action and their appeal to the citizens of Honolulu for assistance was the next step which led to a resumption by the people of the rights of the government. Third So far as your communication may be taken as a notice to the disaffected that it is your desire that the republic shall be recognized by them as tho sole and lawful government of the country Is fully appreciated, In this connection your unselfish appeal for clemency for those who took part In the late Insurrection will receive full consideration. By order of the executive council. (Signed) William O. Smith, Attorney General. To Mrs. Lilluokalani Dominis. The above reply was made to the communication of Mrs. Dominis by speeiul advice of F. M. Hatch, minister of foreign affairs. Admiral Jlcnrdslcc's Instructions. The Instructions to Admiral Beardslee reached Honolulu some days before tho admiral, who arrived on the Philadel phia last evening. Much comment has been made upon the words "refusing protection to American citizens par ticipating in attempts to maintain as well as to overthrow any existing gov ernment." Nearly every Amerlcun cit izen In Honolulu has taken an active part on one side or the other in this unpleasantness. The general opinion is that the admiral's instructions leave him with nobody to protect and little to do hero. British Commissioner Hawes takes an entirely different view about affording protection to British subjects. The editor of the Bulletin, until lately a Royalist, consulted the commissioner on the subject, and was explicitly In formed that it would be highly proper for him to render active support to the government, and that he would not forfait his protection as a British sub ject by doing so. COLD ENOUGH FOR YOU? State of the Weather at Various Locali ties Through tho Commonwealth. By the United Press. Wilkes-Barre, Feb. 6. The weather throughout the Wyoming Valley and Luzerne county during the past twenty-four hours has been a record breaker and not In the past fifteen years has such severe cold been felt This morning at 8 o'clock the temperature in this city was 9 below zero. Glen Summit, 26; Shlckshlnny, 25; Lehman, 16; Fairvlew, 19; Harvey's Lake, 10. At Stauffers, on the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern railroad, it registered 22 below. During the day the temperature moder ated in this city to 2 above, but at 8 o'clock tonight the thermometers reg istered 6 below. Philadelphia, Feb. 6. The weather througho-it the state is moderating. At 9 o'clock this evening the thermometer at PottsvHle registered 2 degrees above zero; at Wllllamsport, 2 below; at Har rlsburg, 10 above; at Wllkes-Barre, 6 below; at Johnstown, 7 above; at Al toona, 6 below; at Reading, 6 above; at Lebanon, 8 above; at Reran tori, 6 above. All report clear weather. At Johnstown this morning the tem perature was down to 8 below; at Harrlsburg, 8 below; at Pottsvllle, 8 below; at Wllllamsport, 18 .below; at Seranton, 11 below. In this city the temperature at 7 o'clock this morning was 3 degrees below. At 8 o'clock tonight it was 1 above; slightly cloudy. Berlin, Feb. 6. The weather Is In tensely cold in western and central Europe. In Vienna, the thermometer 1b at zero, and snow is falling heavily. Atchison, Kan.Feb. 6. Advices from northern Kansas are to the effect that the storm Is the most severe in years. The thermometer has fallen 30 degrees since 0 o'clock this morning, and a regular blizzard is raging. Fargo, N. D., Feb. 6. A blizzard is raging here with high winds at 18 be low zero. Grand Raplda, Mich., Feb. 6. The cold wave which struck this section of the state Saturday night still contin ues with intermittent snow squalls. St. Louis, Feb. 6. With the thermo meter around the zero point, a snow storm set in this morning that grew into a gale of blinding sleet by night fall. This long continued cold weather Is without parallel in this section, and tonight's blizzard will add to the suf fering that was already great. Tele grams from po.nti yrttl and southwest show that the storm Is widespread. TALE OF THE BLIZZARD. Three Children Alone Two Days with Their Dead Mother, By tho United Press. Wllllamsport, Pa., Feb. 6. A pathetic story comes from Cogan Valley, this county, where three children ranging from 6 to 2 years, were found alone In 'their home with the body of their dead mother, having survived cold and privation two days and nights. Moses Ohart, a woodman, left tils home on Sunday for a lumber camp, and re turned last evening to find his wife dead In a chair, and the almost frozen and famished children huddled together in a bed. Mrs. Ohart had died Sunday soon after her husband left, and the children had remained alone and unattended until the father's return. Most of the time the temperature was 12 degrees below zero. The 6-year-old girl ran to the door once to hail a passing sleigh, but her weak voice was not heard by the occupants. The woman died from heart disease. FOR APPOMATTOX PAKK. A Movcmcincnt Is on Foot to Sccuro tho Famous Battle Field for a National Memorial Plot. By the United Press. Washington, Feb. 6. Corporal James Tanner yesterday issued general order No. 4 to the Union Veteran Legion of thi I'iiited States as follows, and It will be sent to the commanding officer of ev?ry encampment as speedly as possi ble, but it is hoped they will act with out waiting to receive the order olll clally: The national commander desires to coll the attention of every encamp ment of the Union Veteran Legion to the fact that a movement Is now on foot to have the government secure for a national park the battlefield of Appo matox. This la a project which should receive the hearty co-operation of all surviving veterans of both armies. The ground on which Grant and Lee met for the lust time In opposition; the ground on which they terminated the awful struggle of four years dura tion on, terms magnanimous on tho one side, and honorable on both sides; the grojund on which their hitherto warring legions laid aside forever their character as enemies, and turned their hopeful faces from the dark valley of internecine war, towards the shining uplands of peace, may well be held sacred by all future generations. This ground should belong, in fact, as it does in sentiment, to all the people, and Its physical conformation be preserved as near as possible as It was In the days when) It was the stage which command ed the attention of the civilized world and on which was set the mightiest tragedy of centuries. Believing this, the national com mander earnestly recommends that each encampment of the Union Veteran Legion express by resolution Us views upon the matter, and through the rep resentative from Its district communi cate the same to congress. - PURSUING OUTLAWS. l'ie:ieh and Verdigris Kid Will lie Taken Dead or Alive. By the United Press. Muscogee, Feb. 6. For two weeks Deputy United States Marshals West, Davis and Smith have been in pursuit of "French" and "Verdigris Kid," two desperadoes. Yesterday the officers were ambushed near Brlartown, thirty miles east of here by the outlaws and West was killed at the ilrst fire, Smith and Davis escaping. West's three half breed sons have now taken up the trail and will either kill "French" and tho "Kid" or bo killed themselves. POCKETED HIS HAND. Phenomenal Grit of a Fellow Who Was Maimed. By the United Press. Uoyersford, Pa Feb. 6. A young man named Kirk, of Phoenixville, slipped and fell under a train which he was trying to board Inwe last evening. The car wheels cut off one of his hand. After the train bowled away Kirk coolly picked up vthe severed hand, placed it in his pocket and walked across the hill to a doctor's and had his wound dressed. Hiccoughed to Death, By the United Press. Allentown, Pa., Feb. 6. Armot W. Herrmann, a young silk weaver, of this city, died last night after three weeks of terrible Buffering with hiccoughs. Physi cians were, powerless to relieve him. Dill Cook Guilty. By the United Press. Fort Bmlth, Ark., Feb. .The pury In the "Bill Cook" nd ."Cherokee Bill" eases received the case this afternoon and returned a verdict of guilty in twenty minutes. Sentence posponed. FOREIGN NEWS NOTES. Japan Is to have a great watch factory, equipped with American machinery. Cholera has again broken out at Con stantinople and quarantine is again in force. Rich and ox tensive gold fields are re ported along the upper branches of the Rivers Bay a, Nona and Ulbat, in East Siberia. TELEGRAPHIC WAIFS. Thomas Casey, the fifth victim of the Washapaug Pond (R, I.) boiler explosion, Is dead. Three weeks aftor installation as pastor of a Denver church, Rev. Dr. John P. Coyle Is dying. , Without food, money or Are, Emma Schuller, the "ossified woman," was found In a Chicago tenement and given aid. The explosion of a boiler near Blounts vllle, Ind killed Newton Anderson, Har vey ' Taylor, John Walker and Wilson Drake, 1R. ALLEN SCORES ft POINT The Populist Claims That His Doc trine Ilus Been Endorsed. CURRENCY AND BANKING BILL Proposed Measure Discussed for Five Uours in the House Mr. Oroslus Makes an Floqucnt Flea-Mr. Seranton Introduces a 11111. By tho United Press. Washington, Feb. C Another acqui sition to the strength of the Republi cans In the senate was made today in the person of Mr. Clark, of Wyoming, who appeared and took the oath of office. The senate now consists of eighty-seven members, of whom forty three are Democrats; thirty-nine Re publicans, and five Populists. The diplomatic and consular appro priation bill was taken up today, and a long debate took place upon an amendment reported from the com mittee on appropriations for the con struction and maintenance by the United States government of a telegraph cable between the United States and Hawaii, and appropriating $500,000 as part of the cost. The debate drew out a reference by Mr. Hale (Maine) to the United States Press dispatch from San Francisco announcing the abdication of the late queen In favor of the Republi can government; and this act Mr. Hale treated as a removal of one of the ob stacles to a peaceful solution of the difficulties there, and as leaving the existing government strong and not likely to be disturbed. Mr. Alien (Nebraska) asked Mr. Hale sarcastically whether the proposition to build a telegraph cable by the gov ernment of the United States did not "smack somewhat of paternalism." Mr. Hale thought not. It was a busi ness proposition just like the acquisi tion of Louisiana and Alaska. "Does the senator mean," Mr. Allen went on to ask, " that the United States government shall own and operate this lino?" "Yes," was the reply. "And It is not to be leased or Bub-let?" Mr. Allen continued. Mr.- Hale did not give a direct reply io this interrogatory. "Does the senator see any dlstinc ion," Mr. Allen asked, "between con structing and operating a telegraph line and constructing and operating a railroad line?" Mr. Hale did see a marked distinction, and he explained it at some length. Mr. Allen pressed his point, and sev eral senators took part In the dialogue, which closed with a remark of Mr. Allen that he thanked senators for their concession as to the controverted policy of the Populists Appeal of .Mr. Brosliis. The currency and banking and gold loan bill was discussed five hours to "day, after 2 o'clock, under the C-mln-ute rule, when amendments were in or der. The principal speech in general debate was made by Mr. liroslus (Pennsylvania), who made an eloquent appeal in the name of patriotism and duty for united action to relieve the country from its present condition. He said It was apparent that the commit tee on banking and currency had not met with much success in Its efforts to reach a conclusion on the subject that would be satisfactory to a majori ty of the house. But that did not ex cuse the house for failing to act promptly, by unity of effort, to meet the crisis which faces the treasury and the country. While congress waited the difficulty increased. Patriotism and duty were the only two words which should actuate members at this time. Ills own remedies for the trou ble were three: First To compel the payment of half Of all custom dues In gold. Second To stop the redemption of greenbacks which do not stay redeemed until the present exigency be passed, to kill "the auriferous tappworm that wrig gles back and forth between Wall street and the treasury," and, Third To authorize the secretary of the treasury to borrow money suflicient to meet legitimate demands upon the treos. ury. Mr. Broslus closed with an earnest and eloquent appeal to all members tc lay asiuo every consiueration mat could divide them in this hour and ad mlt only rivalry as to which could carry the banner of the country far thpst into the ranks of the enemy. (Ap plause.) The amendments proposed by the committee, with two exceptions, were agreed to after an interesting and at times exciting debate, during which there was much confusion on the floor. The committee proposed to strike out the section to retire all national bank notes of less denomination than $10 and all Bllver certificates of higher denomi nation than $10, and to require national banks to keep their lawful reserves In gold coin or gold, certificates. These propositions were rejected. Numerous amendments were proposed by indi vidual members, but of those agreed to, only two were of Importance. One offered by Mr. Haughcn, Wis- consln, reduced from $50,000 to $20,000 the minimum capital stock of national bamks; the other, offered by Mr. Hart man. of Montana, required the pay ment of half of the customs dues col lected to be In gold and half In sliver. Mr. Bland's free sflver proposition, as a substitute for the bill, was ruled out of order by Chairman Richardson, and from that decision Mr. Bland appealed No quorum voted on the question ot sustaining the appeal. Mr. Seranton, Pennsylvania, today Introduced In the house the bill to create the northern judicial district of Pennsylvania, already offered in tho senate by Mr. Quay. The new district Is to be composed of the counties of Susquehanna, Lacka wanna, Luzerne, Columbia, Northum berland, Montour, Sullivan, Bradford Potter, Tioga, Wyoming, Clinton, Union, Snyder, Center and Cameron. A judge, marshal, district attorney and clerk are authorized for the new district. SLOW DEPARTMENT. No Effort Has Ilccn Mudo to Communl cato with Commander Craig. By the Unltod Press. Washington, Feb. 6. Secretary Her bert has received nothing official corv cernlng the reported capture of tho of ficers of the United States steamer Concord near Chlnklang. The navy de partment has made no effort to com municate with Commander Craig of the vessel, presuming that ho would have reported so serious a matter If it had occurred. i Relatives and friends of officers on the Concord are indulging In consider able criticism of the departments at titude in the matter. TRAGEDY IX A HOTEL. Carl Fenecke Murders William Becker in a Fit of Jculousy. By tho United Press. New York, Feb. 6. A double tragedy occurred today in tho Germanta hotel, at 110 Greenwich street, a resort for immigrants of the poorer class. Will lam Becker, aged 30, was murdered there by Carl Fenecke, aged 32, with whose wife Becker is said to have been Intimate at one time. After shooting and killing Becker, Fenecke killed himself, Fenecke and his victim arrived here from Hamburg on, Sunday, Fenecke'S wife, who Is sev eral years younger than her husband, accompanying them. CHARLES PETERSEN DEAD. Another Prominent Citizen of Honesdalc Passes to tho Great Beyond History of an Eventfnl Life. Spoclal to the Seranton Tribune. Honesdale, Feb. 6. Charles Petersen died at his home, on Second street, tit 9.30 o'olock this morning of heart fail ure. Charles Petersen was born at Copen hagen, Denmark, Nov. 15, 1S26. At the age of 14 he was entered as an apprentice to Jearn the trade of watch maker with his father. After his father's death, in 1843, he completed his apprenticeship with a man nh.med Stelnmetz, at Copenhagen. In 1848 he left Copenhagen and worked at his trade in Berlin, Prague (Bohemia), and Vienna. He participated in the revo lution of 1S49 at Vienna, and upon the government troops entering the city fled to Switzerland, where for two years ho was the pupil of the celebrated Jules Jurgenson. Irj 1851 he cufne to New York, and, from many offers made him, accepted the one by Moses Cum mings, of Honesdale, coming here the Bame year. The year following he bought out Mr. Cummings, and started In business for himself, with his brother, Herman, as partner. Later he conducted the business himself, and in 1856 erected the store from which his business is now conducted. Many of our own jewellers and watchmakers, and some of Seranton and other places, owe their first steps in the watchmak er's art to him. In 1S5S he became identified with a movement to re-build the old Cornell telegraph line. In 18G2, by permission of Chief Engineer R. F. Lord, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, he built the first illne along the canal. Later he extended tho line along all the Delaware and Hudson railroads. He was made superintendent of the telegraph department of the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, which po sition he held up to the time of his death. In 18S2 he was interested In the or ganization of the Honesdale Bell Tele phone company, and with J. Merrl hew, Philadelphia,; H. L. Storke, New York; Richard O'Brien, Seranton, com posed the stockholders. He was made superintendent. In 18S3 the plant was transferred to the Hudson River Tele phone company." He still retained the office of superintendent. Mr. Petersen was a member of the vestry of Grace church. He has been a Mason since 1854. He was married to Charlottle A. C. Roth, at Chaux. de Fonde, Switzerland, June 11, 1851. He is survived by two daughters, Carrie S. A. Petersen and Mrs. G. W. Lane. The funeral will be held from the house Friday morning at 11 o'olock. COAL MIXERS STARVING. Operators Give Them Rent and Fuel but Provision Is Scarce. By the United Press. Washington, Pa., Feb. 6. The stories In regard to the destitute condition of Washington county coal miners have been officially confirmed. At Venetla the miners and their families to the number of 1.00 persons are in a deplor able condition, and unless quickly sup plied will suffer seriously from starva tion. Tho general business depression and labor troubles have contributed to their precarious condition. The coal opera tors permit the use of their houses rent free, and allow the miners to supply themselves with fuel. They are In Im mediate need of food and clothing. MINE EMPLOYES STRIKE. They Object to Nino Hour's Work for Seven Hour's Pay. By the Unltod Press. Wllkes-Barre, Feb. 6. Work at the Franklin mines was suspended today owing to a strike of the runners, driv ers and door boys at the mine. Their grievance Is the same that caused the recent strike at the Prospect colliery. The boys claim that they are com pelled to work eight and nine hours a day and are only paid for seven hours work, or breaker time. A committee has been appointed to see the officials of the Lehigh Valley Coal company with a view to a speedy settlement. Treasury Gold Ucscrye. By the United Press. Washington, Feb. 0. The treasury gold reserve at the close of business today stood at $12,182,031. The withdrawals for the day and late Tuesday at Now York aggregated $1,074,570. No general resump tion of gold withdrawals Is xpected. WASHINGTON WIRINGS. Blssell, Hoke Smith and Carlisle are all spoken of for tho supreme bench. The naval appropriation bill will prob ably coma up In -the house on Friday. Advices concerning the health of Asso ciate Justice Jackson are very discourag ing. Charles Denby, jr., secretary of the American legation at Peking, has reached Washington. The president has appointed Lieutenant Colonel George L. Gillespie, corps engi neers, to be a member of the Mississippi river commission. Correspondent Shriner and Broker Chapman gave $1,000 ball each before Judge Cole to answer for refusing to tes tify before a senata committee. WEATIIERREPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, heavy snow; north to northeast winds. Rnlets For the next ten days it will be to your interest to visit our And see the values we are offer in title German, Scotch and Irish Table Linens, Nankins, Tray Cloths, etc., etc. STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. PRICES NEVER SO LOW, I ftl 1 SPECIAL Numbers in German Linens, ''Sil ver Bleach," eitra line quality and heavy : 56-in. Sale Price 48c, Reg. Price 60c 60-in. ' 59c, " 76c 62-in. " 75c, " 90c 72-in. " 89c, " $1.10 Napkins to match the above. 65 doz. 5-8 $1.55, Regular Price $1.75 75 doz. 3-4 2.35, " 2,75 THREE SPECIALS In Fine Bleached Towels : 25 doz. Colored Damask Border Huck, ,U)0 doz.. Re. Price $420 25 doz. Bird's Eye, hemstitched, 43c. cncU, Rep. Price (53e 15 doz. double hemstitched buck, extra size, 50c. each, Reg. Price 75o Our Special Muslin Sale continues all this week. Muslins, Sheetings, Counterpanes, etc., at "Rock BottOIU Prices." FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR H. II. LEATHER Il THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. Kirmess Slippers -OP- Every Description -AT- Closed Evenings Except Saturday, REPAIRING OF WEICHEt the Jeweler, can repair your watcli to give per fect satisfaction, having had ten years' experience in our leading watch fac tories. GIVE US A TRIAL lii HH REILLY & DA VIES I INK 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers