2 THE RCItANTON TTJIBTJNE Til CIl 8 DAT MOIllflKGr. JANUARY 24, 1895. r TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS Sews of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. WELL KNOWN FEKSOXS WEDDED Ladies of the Woman's Christian Temper ance I'nion and Their Friends Picas autly Entertained Death of Well Known Resident Other Notes. Bpeclal to the Scran ton Tribune. Plttston, Pa., Jan. 23. A very quiet wedding took place ait the residence of G. D. Boseard, 216 Warren street, at 11 o'clock 'this morning, In which AquUla J. Marsh, of Sayre, and Mr. Bossard's niece. Miss Mary F. Emlsrh, daughter of Mrs. B. P. BmlgQi, of Delaware ave nue, were united In wedlock. Itev. O. H. McAnuKy, pastor of the West Side Melrhodtst Episcopal church, offlolated. The ceremony was performed In the low front window of the parlor. The window was very artistically decorat ed to suit the occasion with palms, ferns and flowers. The 'bride was at tended by Freddie and Charlie Emlgh, her cousins, who Aclted as pages. Both were handsomely attired. Only ithe Immediate relatives and friends of the bride uaid groom were present. After .the ceremony a superb wedding dinner was served tto the g'uests. Mr. and Mrs. ManaHi 'lellt amid the congratulations of their many friends on the 1.48 Lnhlgh Valley train for Sayre, 'their future home. The bride's mother and sister, Julia, accompanied them. The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel F. Marsh tendered the happy couple a re ception at ittieir home In Sayre itihls evening. We wish to correct our statements In yesterday's Tribune In the case of John Bngleman. Mr. Kngleman was conducted directly to the hospital from Coxtoti. Mrs. B. Downing entertained the ladles, .their husbands and gentleman friends of the Woman's Christian Tem perance union at her 'home on Philadel phia avenue laat evening. Nearly 100 guests were presemt and took part In the festivities, anions; whom were many from out of town. The entertainment of the evening consisted of readings, songs and instrumental music. Mrs. Downing Interested her guests by read ing a biographical sketch of the lata Mary T. Lathrop. Mrs. W. H. Holvey. state superintendent of press work of the union, also addressed the gathering. After many literary and musical treats the guests partook of the beautiful re freshments served by their generous hostess. A Joint midyear convention of- the Woman's Christian Temperance unions of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties will be held at the West Pittston Meth odist Episcopal church on Feb. 14 .and 15. Mrs. L. S. Rounds, president of the Illinois State union, will be present and will address the convention at each session. Many other interesting speak ers will also be present. An urgent lnvltatibon Is extendedto all personswho are Interested In the temperance reform to be present. The Trinity Guild of the Trinity Episcopal church, on the West Side, were very pleasantly received at the home of B. F. Autrlm, on Delaware ave nue, Tuesday evening. The gathering was of the social order and intended to further the acquaintanceship of members of the guild. A very enjoy able time was realized. Refreshments were served. The Ladies' Aid society of the West Side Methodist church will give a social and supper in the church parlors to morrow (Thursday) evenjng. Al are invited. The death of Mrs. Falrless, caused by dropsy, occurred this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Lull, In Hide Park, Scranton. Mrs. Falrless came to this country In 1804, and has lived in this section since. She was about 70 years old. The deceased was the sister of Stanley Crooks, of this place, and Is survived .by one son, Michael, assistant master mechanic for E. B. Cox & Co., at Drlfton, and two daughters, Mrs. Steward MaoFarlaml, of DriCton, and Mrs. Chartes Lull, with whom she lived. Interment will be made at Hazleton. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune shoud be reported at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. Notes of Pcrsonul Interest. Ex-Sheriff A. B. 'Stevens, Ct Soranlton, was a visitor In town today. Superintendent E. A. Rumsey, of the Citizen Electric Light company, re turned, Tuesday evening, from a few days visit at Wilmington, Del. Moses Coolbough returned, Tuesday might. froVn a very successful fishing expedition to Harvey's lake. It Is con ceded to be the finest catclh yet this season, amounting to nineteen large pickerel weighing, altogether, thirty live pounds. Miss Isabella Fenn left Tuesday morning for a two weeks' vCslt to rela tives n Philadelphia. All regular subscriptions for the Scranton Tribune will be- received at our local ofllce. No. 8 South Main streft. The contributions of the Weat Side !' . - . . J . -M QOUT, RHEUMATISM, rheumatic gout, or any gouty or rheu matic affection whatever, has Its surest remedy in the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. 'There's nothing so successful In clear ing out the excess of uric acid in the Hood. That has been proved in hun dreds of years and in thousands of cases at Carlsbad So with any of the ailments brought on by sedentary habitsdyspepsia, in digestion, perverted nutrition, consti pation, Carlsbad cures them, and cures them permanently. But the best way is to prevent them, A little Carlsbad Sprudel Salt taken "when you suspect any trouble, will keep your stomach and liver and bow tls and kidneys in perfect order. I Take only the genuine Imported Carlsbad Salt, solidified and bottled at the Sprudel Spring, with signature of "Eisner A Mendclson Co., Sole Agents, Kew York," on every bottle. WW I'!'J1'H IHUr ' Presbyterian church for the Nebraska sufferers amounted to 964.50. Joseph Secoe, aged 20 years, was ad mitted to the hospital today. He is Buffering from ulcer, a result of an old Injury. His home la at SitermervIHe. He Is employed aa a laborer at t he Exe ter colliery. , Frank Stanscole, wtho was hurt the latter part of November at the Phoenix colliery, Duryea, was discharged from the hospital today. His injuries were received by a premature blast. His face was badly cut, a missile cutting the pupil of one eye. For some time fears were entertained for the sight, but owing to the excellent medical skill of our hospital staff, the sight was wholly restored. Thomas Judge, who assaulted Mary Riley on the night of Jan. 10, was given a hearing before Justice Ehart last evening. 'Squire Ehart committed the man to the Luzerne county Jail to await the convention of the grand Jury. BRAVE GIRL SAVES LIFE. Nellie Desmond Stops a Train Just as It Is About to Hun I'pon the Uulus of a Burned Bridge. - By the United Press. Weltston, O., Jan. 23. Last evening, Just aa darkness closed In on this part of the world, a train coming from the Hanging Rock mines, east of Ithls city, carrying nearly a hundred miners und running at Hhe rate of thirty miles an hour, was miraculously saved from de struction through the bravery of a 17-year-uld girl, the winsome daughter of Section Foremun DesTnomd. While returning from Ithe home of a neighbor to her fa ther's residence, two miles east of town, Nellie noticed that a trestle crossing a ravine, near the tool house, had been burned down, and was still smouldering. Reaching home she ivported the mat- tor to her mother, who advised that she wait until her father returned from work and apprise him of itha danger. Fearing that her father mlghlt be on the upper side of 'the burned bridge and might plunge into it with his hand-car crew, she set out again for the bridge. She had scarcely left the house when she heard the roar of an approaching train, and the realization dawned upon her mind that hundreds of lives might be In danger. Rushing to the tool house to procure a signal (knowing that her father usually kept a red lamp at thut place), the headlight of a locomotive rushed Into plain view. Nellie tugged at the heavy door frantically, but in vain, for it was se curely locked. Then seizing a large chunk of the burned portion of the bridge, she began waving it frantically across the track. The engineer saw the signal and whistled "down brakes." Fire fairly flew from under the engine wheels as the plucky engineer reversed his engine and pulled the throttle wide open. The iron monBter came rushing up within a few yards of the burned bridge and stopped, with the pilot al most pointing over the abyss. The train crew and miners returning from work hurried from the coaches and found that the brave little savior of their lives had fainted from her won derful exertion, and lay prostrated on the track. When the passengers real ized that their lives had been saved by the heroic efforts of the girl, they boro her tenderly to her home nearby, and seemed loath to leave until each had expressed his gratitude. Thomas Brady, the engineer, was among the last to congratulate the young lady, and aa he did so there was a satisfied look In the girl's face, for she and Drady, It is rumored, have been close friends since he began run ning on the line. The fire Is supposed to have orig inated from a pile Of burning ties, near which tramps,, are supposed to have been warming themselves. VANDLING. The funeral of Lucy, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VIxzaird, who died laist Sunday from the effects of scar let fever, occurred Tuesday. Service was held at the Congregatlona.l church, the Rev. Evans ofnelaitlng. Interment was made tut Forest City. H. D. Mitchell and wife, Henry Car ter and wife, and Fred Smith and wife witnessed the production of "A Trip to Chinatown," at Carbondmle, "Monday evening. Earl Hates, of Pleasant Mount, Is vis iting friends In town. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The chief engineer of bridges of the Pennsylvania railroad Is at work on the plans for the Ironwork of the bridge to be built across the Delaware liver. It is thought that bids for this work will be Invited in a few days The Pensylvania company has flpnt out an official circular stating that the name "Manhattan" for their new train between St. Louis and New York has been witdrawn by those In Authority and "St. Louis and New York Limited" substituted. Some new' coal cars of the Pennsylva nia company are attracting a good deal of attention; they are 60,000 pound ca pacity, rest on the style of truck used under reflgerator cars, have Jannc-y couplers, the Improved air-brake, a ml In every respect are of very substantial build. It la stated that tiie affairs of the Pennsylvania Maryland Steel com panies are In a fair way of settlement. The matter of re-organlzntlon Is now before the master und in a short time his report will be made to the court All of the creditors have assented to the plan of re-organlzatlon. The coal tonnage of the Reading rnll- roud for the week ended Jan. 19 UKgre gated 249,526 tons, as against 196,555 tons for the same week In 1894, an In crease of 52,971 tons. For the year to that date the tonnage was LG11,303 tons, a decrease of 73,1122 tons as compared with the corresponding week last year. Richard C. KerenB, a director of the West Virginia Central nnd Pittsburg railway, has confirmed the report that the contract for twenty miles of the proposed Baltimore and Cumberland railroad extension has been let. The contract wan closed for the tunnels, etc. The road will be built as soon as the weather permits. John Scott, for elgWteen years gpn eral nollcitor for the Pennsylvania Railroad company, lhaa resigned, tak lug effect Feb. 1. The board of dlrec tors accepted his resignation with ex pi-esslons of regret, amd appointed ex Judge Jaimes A. Logan as his successor. The laitter (has for years been assistant general solicitor of tho company. Mr. Scott's retirement is due to falling health. The Southern California railway, which Is the western end of the Atchi son, in now using oil on the locomotive of a regular passenger train, the exnerl ments In freight service which have been going on for nome time having proved nigniy satisfactory. The passenger engine equipped for oil Is No. $52. The oil tank on the tender holds five tons of oil and It is surrounded on three sides and on top by a water tank. The oil tank Is provided with a gas vent and has two safety valves which are calculated to shut automatically In case the tender Is upset or disturbed by a collision. There are two burners and atomizers. There Is a good local supply of oil, and it has been used for fuel in Los Angeles for some years. I Pluns have been prepared by Penn sylvania railroad officials for certain changes In their West Philadelphia yards, which, when made, will give the company not only the largest yards, but the best systemtized of any rail road company In the United States. The work will be In charge of the engineer ing department instead of the operat ing department as heretofore. Among the changes to be made will be the clas sification of the vaiioUB tracks. One set will be used for receiving trains, unother for their preparation of "mak ing up" and a third for starting them toward their destination after having been made up. In this way all con fusion and accidents will, It is believed, be reduced to a minimum or avoided altogether. No one but a railroad man appre ciates the great damage to rails and other Iron work from corrosion. In enclosed spaces this Is very great. The Railroad (luzette has recently had Its uttention attracted to a remarkable In stance of corroRlon In the open air where the rail had for a month been subjected to the drippings from a coul train by acids from coal, and not by fumes. A large number of loaded cars of bituminous coal had come Into a certain point on the road and were set on u tide track. The loads came In wet from a rain und stood there Just one month, standing on rails that were laid one year previously. The acids dripping from the wet coal during those thirty days had eaten over half through the head and flange of the rail. Tho Secret Art of lleauty lies not In cosmetics, hut Is only in pure blood, und a healthy perfornmnco of the vital func tions, to be obtained by using Uurdork Blood Bitters. STOCKS AM) B0XDS. New York, Jan. 23. The business nt the Stock exchange was more active tojuy, but the activity was at tho expense of values. The heavy withdrawals of gold from the sub-treasury of $2,550,000 havlns been ordered today for export and the fur ther liquidations In the bunkrupt stocks hud a disturbing Influence. The deple tion of the treasury Bold reserve Is get ting to be a serious question und is excit ing considerable discussion in financial circles. Reading fell to ts'i. Union Pacific to 9, und Northern l'acllic preferred to 15Vi. The decline In the lute trading was accelerated by the execution of stop loss orders. Missouri Pacific fell to 21, Lead to 35 and New KnglandtoSO'i. Sugar rose to 9U9 und this hud a good effect ull around, tho market closing about steady. ?.t't changes for the day show losses of MuZ per cent.. Northern Pacific preferred leud Ing. Sugar gained t. Total sales were 194, 3S7 shares. The range of today a prices for tho ac tive Btocks of the New York stork mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du ti. Ulm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Yes. Op'n- High- Low- Clos Clos. Ing. est. est. Ing. A., T. & S. F 4i 4 4'i 4'i A. S. It. C ttt'i 89'i ts 89'4 90'i M. & 8. P.. 55'i 65 Kr 647a 65.s C, R. I. & P... f.3 2i 63 2i G!i t, li. & y 71 "u 71'i Ws '''M C. & N. W 95'i 9.V, W 941, O. ?. 0. & 8. L SS'i Sii 374 S7 Can. South 4' 44 4!4 4i 'I'J'i Ches. & 0 17U 17 17 ltv'4 D. C. F. Co.... I'i'i 101 i loi, IIP, L L. & W p;i Hit 1Wi 1(11 U. & II 129 129 129 12S14 JajV, lien. Klec 34 Wi 33i SI6, S:)", Jersey Cent... SS'i 88 . W S' 87H I & N 63i 63' 3 531! 53'4 53-, Luke Shore 138H .... Man. Ele los lm 108 107', 1"7' 2'iV. 23'i 2! 2l?i 37', 37', 35'j 3(i'i, ti ti 5:l, 5:'i 31 'i 31"i S0'2 31 99'-.. 9:i", 99' j. 99' s 9'a 9'i. 9' 9'4 Hi Hi' l'i Hi lui 104 S'i H 9 9 h 9',i 9'i 9 9'.j 5i, 5", 5"i n't 13', 14 13, 13 87'2 87'j 87', 87'4 73 73-, 72', 72';. 98'i, K5?i 95',, 95 .Mo. l'uc 23'.; Nut. Lead Nut. Cord 5", New Kng 32 N. Y. C 99'i S. R 9", O. & V 1'4 P. & It II Tex. l'uc 9 Union l'uc 9'i W. & S. I, ti'4 W. & S. I,., Pr 14 Yrnlon 87'i ( fS. it 73, A. M. T 9S", Kx-dlvldeiid 3 per cent. CHICAOO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- (ios WHEAT. ing. est. est. ing. Junuury 5I6, 51 51'i 51 May 55'j, 65'4 54", 54', July 55't D'i 55' 4 5S OATS. Junuury 28 23 28 28 May 29' s 29-i 29' i 29i CORN. Junuury 43'i 43'i 43'i 43'i Muy 4 45-i 45'i 45-', July 1'.'4 45 45 4.V, LAItO. January 6.50 G.5() 6.50 6.5(1 Muy 6.75 6.75 C.til G.G7Mi PORK. Junuury 10.55 10.60 10.55 16.W .Muy 11.15 11.20 11.76 11.85 New York Produce Market. New York. Jan. 23. Flour Dull, wenk. Wheut .Moderately active, 'ac. lower, steady; No. 2 red store and elevator, GS'iU 5SVac; ullout, 606u'.4c: f. o. b., 59'.iuU0'uc; ungraded red, 55uiilc. ; No. 1 northern, tis'ia 69'. gc; options liosnl ilnn ut aie. under yesterday; No. 2 red January, 58' jc; Feb ruary, 58r''; .March, 59Vic; May, 59s4i; June, 59Tt; July iiml August, 6iK Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2, 49'S.i1. elevutor; 51c. iitlout; steamer mixed, 47'.an48r!,c.; No. 3, 47ViiH8'.4c ; options closed firm nt 4iiSc over yMtorrloy; January, 49'ic ; February and May. Ww. Oats Quiet, eusler; op tions dull, firmer; Junuury, 33'ic; Febru ary, SJI'ac: Slay, 33e.; No. 2 white. Siic; March, 3H',jC ; spot prices, No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 35'iiu3t;c. ; No. 2 tiilcugo, 34c; No. 3, 32c.; No. 3 white, 35c; mixed western, 3fa 35c; white stuto und western, 3titt40e. Ueef Inactlvo, weak: family, 9.75u11.25. Beef Hums Dull. Tlerred Beef gulut. Cut Meats Dull, weak. Lard gulut, weuker; western steum, $0.80; city, $ti.':5; Junuury, J'i.H), nouilniil; May, $7, nominal; rellned, quiet; continent, $7.30; South America, $7.55; compound, 5ti5'ijc. Pork Moderate demand, weulc; mesa, $12ul2.;0. Butter Quiet, unehunged. Cheese Quiet, easy; state large, Oull'ie.; tin. fancy col ored. llVtc; do. white, lOHllr.; do. small, D'-jiill-V. ; purt skims, 3',;u9c. ; full Bklins, 2u2',ic Kbits Light receipts, steadier; stuto and Pennsylvania, 22' jc; refriger ator, 15ul8c; western fresh, 21'e.; do. per case, $2u3.70; southern, 20a21c; limed, 11a 15c. ClilcngoStouk .Market. Union Stock Yunls, HI., Jan. 23. Cattle Receipts, 11,000 head; market barely steady; common to extra steers, $3.40u5.ti"; Blockers und feeders, $2.25u3.7G; cows an I bulla, $1.25u3.75; culves, $3u5.50. Hogs Ho eelpts, 22,000 heud; market Arm early, closing steady; heavy, $4n4.35; common to choice mixed, $3.80n4.30; choice assorted, $4.05u4.1o; light, $3.7ou4; pigs, $2u3.70. Sheep Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; In- farlor to choice, $2a3.8u; lambs, $3a4.0. nil Market. , Pittsburg, Jan. 23. Oil opened and low est, 99';; highest and closed, 994, Belief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Oreta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a greut surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pus cages In male or female. It relieves re. tentlon of wator and pain In puaslng It almost Immediately. It you want quick relief and cure this la your remedy. Bold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. T A Word. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Male. VilTANTED'lon Kliy, fjAJurieiicLu iiiwiurmoii; urillf reference to the Hcruuton Hons., nt U a. m. , WANTED CATHOLIC MAN IN HIH own Diocese, iiefernnces required: 818 p?r woelf. Write to JOSEPH It. UAY, 60 fifth avenue, Chicago. jiAi.Es m en" k'ksi dent h i aTETesmen O wanted, acquainted with the loenl und noiirby drug und grocery trndo, to handle our lino of IiIkIi irrndo cIl'UI'B, Address, tclviuR roturoiices, J. EDWAHD CUWLES Cu., 113 Chambers street, N. Y. . Special Notices. T'HE ANNUAL MEETI.v O OF THE STOCK- X holders of The, l.iu'kawiiniui Trust mid Sufe Denoalt Comnunv will be held at Its oflii'u. 404 Lnckuwumm uvenuB. on February 4 next, i ruin 6 to 4 ji. in. rii.Miv uti.i.i, .ill . seo y. T.M1ED M. BERitY. NUKSE-URADUATE V Mill i Trui miK School. Bullovue Hospital, New York. 13U0 Mons y avenue, city. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hlbitlons ami lee.ttne upon uny subjoct !. sired. These exhibitions will bo Illustrate !, Imviiiff iu uiy possession tho luot powerful dissolving sturuopttcon, made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Ofllce. VOIJ WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Kruuk l.esllo's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations 180l-180.". Two Volume Folio, 10.50; puyitbie monthly. $2.00. Delivered by express cuimilete, Prepaid. Addies P. O. MOODY. 018 Cdhson street, SiTanton, Pa. BLANK HOOKmT PAMPHLETS. MAOA zinea, etc., bound or rebound ut Tun TimiUMi uttlce. guick work. Reuaonuble prices. For Rent. 1 'OH RENT HTOKE AND TWO BAHE V incuts, Nr. 27 Lackawanna, avenue; also second und third floors urrmiRed for two fam ilies or entire, buildiux for wholesnlu purposes; elevator; D. & 11. switch ti buildiliK. ROB ERTSON & HITCHCOCK, No. 404 Lacka wuunu uvunue, Serautoo, Pa. 1,'ORltENT- BRICK WARE"HoTjBEW1TH J elevator on D L. W. switch und Wost l.iiekawanna aveiulii. Hcruuton Stove Works. SUPERIOR MODERN HOUSE; AVENUE. JONES, 311 Spruce. IfOR RENT FURNIS1IED AND UNFUR nlshed rooms at 5011 Lackawanna avonue. irOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I. Lackawanna avonue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aeur 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. F""OR ; RENT-NICELY FURNISHED-HALL suitable, fur lodge, rooms. JOHN JElt MYN, ll'J Wyomlnu ovenue. Strayed or Stolen. STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM 1010OLIVE Btrivit. on Saturday, Jan. a, a white bull pup. Willi larve spot on back. Ton dollars re ward will bo iaid fur return of same and no questions asked. W. L. BEITS. ftgenU Wanted. AOENT8 IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY aud commission. Airunt' tiiakiuu $-; to f.-0 weekly. EUREKA CHEMICAL & li'F O CO., La Crosse, Vv is. fiTANTrb -Active-salesmen-to TV handle our line, no peddllug. Balarr, S75 per mouth aud expenses paid to all. Uoods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 5308, Bnstnn. Sfnsa. Legal. A DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE it of Butison i arpenter, lute of Scranton, P nnsylvantu, deceased. Letters of adininiatrntlon uponV the above named estatti liaviuic bjen gruntua to the mi dcrs'xned ail persons having claims or do iiiumis against tile said estate will present tlli ni for pavinent, aud those Indebted thereto will iiiiiko iiumediuto pnvuient to FANNiE M. CARPENTER, Adm'x. 1700 Sanderson avo.. Scruntou, Pa. WlLI.AItO, AHUKN & K.NAI'F, Attorneys for Kstate. Situations Wanted. ClTKmoNVAiTKD'T VJ ii-unlng or any kind of work by the day. Wasliings tak'.'ii home, also. Cull or address "L. E. B.," 334 North Sumner avenue, HyUo Para. SITUATION WANTED FOR WASIIINU, i irnninit or any kind of work by the day. WashiniM taken liotnn, also. Call or address "A. C. B.,"3;il North Sunnier avenue, Hyde Pink. tlTCATUiN-WANTKIJ BYA MAN" TO O give public or prlvutc tuitions in tlis Eug lish or Lilt in litngunuus. at very easv terms. Address "to. D.,"' VS Wyoming avenue, lty. 1 1 ENTLKM AN OF OOOI) CHARACTErT if good education, vviuits position; can do any kind of orlicu work; has had several ye.irs ex erieuce; can give, best references; will also work oii-j or two wooks urutii on trial : bus n knowledgu of ahorthuud. Address "X. K. ," cure Triliitne. ClTUATPlN WANTED -BY A HOOD O girl; would like u place In a small fuiully. Address "M. I).." Tribune ulllcu. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING UNO SPORTING Manufacture 1 at the Wnpwnlloprn Mills, Lu zurnu county, Pit., and nt Wd uillittull, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oeuoral Agent for rlie Wyoming District, 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building AOtKI'lHS: TnoS. FORD, Mttatnn. Pn. JOHN 11. SMITH SON, Plymouth. Pa E. W. MULI.lt) AN, WilltOH Harre, Pa. A gouts for the Hcpuuuo Cbeiuicul L'ou (uny'i High Kxplosives. Win. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sail Stocks, Bonda and Qraln on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trudo, either for cash or us margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 5.003. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. ON CEil POWDER Connolly & Wallace TODAY. JAN. 19, WE INAUGURATE THE BBEATEST COTTOi Note the prices below and see if they are not lower than you have ever bought them at before, and lower than auy of our competitors : Hill 4-4 Bleached, - 5 1-2C Lonsdale 4-4 Bleached, - 6 1-2C Lonsdale 4-4 Cambric, - 8 1-2C Atlantic A 4-4 Brown, - 5 1-2C Pride of West 4-4 Bleached, 10 1-2C SHEETINGS. Lockwood 9-4 Bleached, - 18c Lockwood 10-4 Bleached, - 20c Utica 9-4 Bleached, - 20c Utica 10-4 Bleached, - 22c CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Keystone IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Poxltlvelv cure nil riigeaact arising from IMPURE BLOOD, BfCH A3 Rheumatism, Kklney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick anil Nerv ous Hcaduchu, Neuralgia, ftepsia, Fever and Ague, Scrofu a. Female Complaints, F-rysipe-las, Nervous All'cctions, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. HETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every box gurrante'il to cive (atlnfaction or money refunded. Full printed (iiroutioua from a cnild to a grown person. It is purely vegetable and cannot positively harm tho most tender intant. Insist o: huving Dr. Camp bell's; accept no other. At all Druggists, '6c WONDERFUL. Boi'TR B'-BANTON, Pa, Nov. 10, 1SD1. Mr, (J. W. Cimpbsll Dear Sir: I have Biven my bov, Freddie. 7 years old, some of r. Cauiplieil's Mui;ic Worm Sugar aud Ten. aud to my surprise this afternoon about 2 o'clock he passed a tapeworm measuring about 35 feet in length, henii and nil. 1 huve It In a bottle and auy parson wishing to see It can do so by cslliug at my store. . I had tried numerous other remedies recommended for talcing tupeworms, but all fnil' d. In my estimation Dr. Campbell's is tho groutest worm remedy In existence. Yours v TV resnect fully. FUEU HEFFN l-lK, 732 Bosch St. Note Tho above is what every liody says after onco u.lng. Mannfaoturod by C. w. I'limplM-ll, Lancaster, Pa. Successor to Dr, John Campbell & Sou. Casossio r Tut Hishist Misimi Aunomis HEftDACHEifiW i. IsnAt.rn will euro you. A ftn J 1it wonderful hoon to siiureit ED? JcTf roin C'ol.l.. More Threnl. iDflnevivu, llronchllli, orllAV FEVK1S. Afrt immfdlaterfiiff. Ancfllclont reruerlT. ennTinlent to onrrv In riockot, rearlT to tjs im Urt Indication of cold. 4'ontli.nd t'so fi:ffeets JPermnnent Cure. nili action ffuuranteed or money refunded. Price. ft ets. Will fren nt DriirsHll. Hinimered mail, il) cculs. B. D. CD3SK1H, Kir., Thru Ritto, ILca , D. S. I. oraKUAM'a MPUTUni Thu 'urent end safoat remedy for men I nUL a!llndleso.l':i'ipnia.lioli.i'lt Itheumo'd Sores. Itiirn. I'lits. Wanderfiil rem d for PII.KN. IVIce, (acts. nt lirun-n el 1 ghitsor hy mall prepaid. Adrtrwwninopvn. DftUf't For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H, Phelps. Complexion Ptesoiveu CR. HCBRA'8 ' VIOLA CREAM Bemoyci Fraoklci, Plmplss, Liver Moles. Blaelihsads, Sunburn and Tan, aud re store the iklu to its ortyl ual treuhnew, producing a 1i... mtrt ln.allhv gnm. piexion. niipcriuriuuuiuTO -preparations and pcrfiM tly lmrmleM. At ail VIOLA 8KIM SOAP l ilmpiy IocoojpkiM" m a iktB puilr.lBs beap, uaiakkS for lb toilet, and vllh?nt a rll tot u unnray. AkrtutrtT Burt sad dalloaul; amllp uL Atanmi.ih Prioo 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNCR& CO.,Tct.coo,0. . For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. ThUFumoui KomedT riires quIoHIy nnd p:r nmitcntly ull norvotm dlrvasoi. rih'Ii an Wmik Mttiuury, I.o of Hruln i'owor, llotiiluobe. 'ftke fuinoHM, Kuiit VlliilHv. i)l,:)itly vm.Mlont, eTil dri'iunnjiiiptitonry nnrl vritfttliiu Hincunoticuiiitnd tf yoiiihfnl error or vxreaneo. t'ottinlim no oulatert. It a nervo totilniiinl Mood bulldfr. Mnknsthe ptilnniul jmiiit strong onrt pltimp. Kftsllf cm rlod In ToutniM'kut. ml erlioxi O lor US. By tun II inimll with u trrltton mmrunton to euro or luoiicy nUiindf.i. rie us for free neUleal hook. Hont MMilort In plain w nipper, wliith con tntn ttinMninnttilt and II mi net I n for neon. l'o hart for coiiaullntlona It t war of m1M fl'iiii. !ot our ut1virtlPtMl fiKontPa or arlilroM NE11V fc: L I: I ( O,, Muiunlo Tam pie, CIiIcmko. SOLD IN 80 K ANTON, PA., H. 0. 8ANDKHSON WAbUIKUTOiN.COK. BPHVCi:, DHUUUiaTS. V7 SHEETINGS. Lockwood 9-4 Unbleached, Lockwood, 10-4 Unbleached, Atlantic 9-4 Unbleached, Atlantic 10-4 Unbleached, ' ' THE CELEBRATED ed MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. 1 (Action to our Waslifcurn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their manv pat rons that tlicv will this vcar hold to their usual custom of jnillinn STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until tlnr new crop in fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Comill take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrett months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. 4 rH MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. r?.w x ni nninsaiTiin K ta WACON MAKERS' m WITH Ui SUPPLIES. O Hold Fast E vl iSB vRItPOllPllllPf X Po Detachable y I UlllblllJulluul u UU, calks ViSr We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Ccdnr Shingles. "Victor" nnd other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pino Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. V BamtMsiM needs a reliable. the purest drugs should be used. U yea tut the best, get Dr. Peal's Pennvroval Pills Tber are pmmpi, ssientrn oercain id resui. aud imhidv narsj nerer uapi nolat, 6elsuj where, Sl.W, Addrass f SsJb MMO Ca., ClSTelsad, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa. , E 01 RECORD 16c 18c 18c 20c All other widths and grades of Sheet ings and Pillow Casings at equally low prices. During this sale we offer our entire stock of Table Linens, Napkins. and. Tow els at Cut Prices. 209 gSS" Spring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue, Cor. Adams Avenue, WPrwy y patrons: SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of 9 Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. GONNELL EVERY WOMAN nonthlT. reenlstlns mediates. Only hamleat Sal . . . .r-.T... ...... Pharmacist. Cor. Wyoming Avanu anel i J Ljl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers