0 THE SCRANTON TBIBTJNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4J3, 185)5. ; The Lost Cipher. By STANLEY J. W'EYMAX. (These short serial stories are copy rlKhtcd by Bachellcr, Johnson & Bachol ler, and are printed In The Tribune by epectul arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance in the leading dally journals of the large cities). On Aug. 13, 1601, roturnlnir from a mission to England I sailed from Dover and crossing to Culais without mishap anticipated with pleasure the king's 'Satisfaction when he should hear the result of my embassy, and learn from my mouth the just and friendly senti ments which Queen Elizabeth enter tained toward him. Unfortunately 1 wus not able to im part, these on the Instant. During my Hbse'iye ii trifling matter , had carried the kiig to Dieppe, whence his anxiety on the queen's account, who was short ly to be brought to bed. led him to take the road to Paris, lie sent word to me to follow him, but necessarily some days elapsed befoi we met; an opportunity of which his enemies and mine were quick to take advantage, and that so insidiously and with so much success as to imperil not my reputation only but his happiness. The time at their disposal was in creased by the fact that when I reached the arsenal I found the houvre vacant, the queen, who lay at Fon taiiH'b.leau, having summoned the king, thither. Ferret, his secretary, however, awaited me with a letter, in Wjmeh Henry, after expressing Ills (sire to see me, bade me neverthe 'less stay lu Furls a day to trans iu:t some business. "Then." he con tinued, "come to me, my friend, and wo 'will discuss the matter of which you know. In t'he meantime send me you' papers by Ferret, who will give you a 3 eeeipt for them." Suspecting no danger in a course which was usual enough. I hastened to comply. Summoning Maignan, who, whenever I traveled, carried my port folio, I unlocked It, and emptying the !irpers in a mass on the table, handed tip to in detail to Ferret. Presently, to my astonishment, I found that one, and rhls the most Important, was missing. I went over the papersagain, and again, and yet again. Still it was not to be found. Whenever I traveled on a mission of Importance T wrote my dispatches in file of the three modes, according as they were of little, great, or the first I Handed Them in Detail to Ferret. Importance; lu ordinary characters, that is, in a cipher to which tin- council pos sessed the key, or in a cipher to 'which only the king and 1 hold keys. This last, as It was seldom used, was rarely changed; but itwas my duty, on my re turn from each mission, Immediately to remit my key to the king, who de posited It In i safe place until another occasion for its use ai use. It was this key which was missing. I bid been accustomed to carry It In the portfolio witlh the other papers, but In a scaled envelope which J broke and ngijiin sealed wlPh my own signet when ever I had. occasion to use the cipher. I had last seen th;; envelope at Calais, When I handed the portfolio to Maignan before beginning my journey to Paris; 1'he'portfollo had not since been opened, Jet tihe sealed packet was missing. More than a little uneasy, I recalled Blaignan, who had withdrawn after de livering up his charge. "You rascal!" I paid with some heat. "Has this been out of your custody?" "The bag?" he answered, looking at II. Then his faee changed. "You have cut your fint?er, my lord," he said. I had cut It slightly In unbuckling Ihe portfolio, and a drop or two of Mood had fallen on the papers. Hut Ids reference to It at thts moment, when my mind was full of-my loss, angered me, and even awoke my suspicions. "Silence!" I said, "and answer me. Have you Jet tluls bag out of your pos session?" This time he replied straightforward ly that he had not. "N'or unlocked It?" "I have no key, your excellency." That was true; and as I had at bot tom the utmost confidence In his fidel ity, I pursued the Inquiry no farther dn Ihnt direction, but made a third search jnnong the papers. TMs also falling to bring the packet to light, and Ferret Je.lng In haste to be gone, I was obliged for the moment to put up with the loss, and draw what comfort I could from the reflection that no dispatch In he missing cipher was extant. Who ever h'ad stolen It, therefore, another could, be substituted for it and no one the worse. Still I was unwilling that the, king should hear of the mischance from a stranger, and be led toi think me cureless; and I bade Ferret be silent about It unless Henry missed the packet, whltfti might not happen before my arrival. When the secretary, who readily as sented, had given me his receipt and gone, I questioned Maignan afresh and more closely, but with no result. He 'had not seen me place the packet In the portfolio at Calais, and that I had done do I could vouch only my own memory, which I , knew to be fallible. In the meantime, though the mlshance annoyed me, I attached no great Im portance to It, but anticipating that a word of explanation would satisfy the king, and a new cipher dispose of other (llincultles, I dismissed the matter from my mind. Twenty-four hours later, however, I was rudely awakened, A courier ar rived from Henry, and, surprising me In the midst of my last preparations at 'PI , the arsenal, handed me an order to at tend his majesty; an order couched In the most absolute and peremptory terms, and lacking all those friendly expressions which the king never failed to use when he wrote to me. A missive so brief and formal and so needless, for 1 was on the point of starting had not reached me for years; and coming at this moment when I had no reason to expect a reverse of fortune, It had all the effect of a thunderbolt In a clear sky. I stood stunned, the words which I was dictating to my secretary dying on my lips. For I knew- the king too well, and had experienced his kind ness too lately to attribute the harsh ness of the order to chance or forget fulness; and, assured In a! moment that I stood face to face with a grave crisis, I found myself hard put to It to hide my feelings from those about me. Ncvei'tiholt ss, I did so with an effort; and, sending for the courier, asked him with an assumption of carelessness, what was the latest news at court. His answer, In a measure, calmed my fears, though it could not remove them. He reported that ithe queen had been taken ill or so the rumor went. "Suddenly?" I said. "This morning," he answered. "The king was with her?" "Yes, your excellency." "Had he left ner long when he sent this letter?" "It came from her chamber, your ex cellency." "Hut did you understand that her majesty was in danger?" I urged. As to that, however, the man could not suy anything; and I was left to nurse my conjectures during the long ride to Fontainebleail, where we ar rived lu the cool of tin- even ing, the last stage through the forest awakening memories of past pleasure that combated in vain the disorder and apprehension which held my spirits. Dismounting In the dusk at the door of my apartments, I found a fresh sur prise awaiting me In the shape of de t'onclnl, the Italian, who, advancing to meet me before my foot was out of the stirrup, announced that he came frm the king, who desired my Instant attendance In the queen's closet. Knowing tVnciui to be one of those whose inilueiice with her majesty had more than once tempted the king to the most violent measures against her from which 1 .had with dilllculty dis suaded him I augured the worst from the choice of such a messenger; and wounded alike in my pride and the affection in which I held the king, could scarcely find words in which to ask him if the queen was ill. "Indisposed, my lord," he replied, carelessly. And he began to whistle. I told him that I would remove my boots and brush off the dust, and in live minutes be at his service. "Pardon me," he said, "my orders are strict, and they are to request you to attend his majesty Immediately. He expected you an hour ugo." 1 was thunderstruck at this at the message, and at the man's manner; and for a moment I could scarcely re strain my indignation. Fortunately the habit of self-control came to my aid In time, and I reflected that an altercation with such a pei-son could only lower my dignity. I contented myself, therefore, with signifying my assent by a nod, and followed him toward the queen's apartments. In the ante-chamber were several persons, who. as I passed, saluted me with an air of shyness nnd incertitude which was enough of Itself to put me on my guard. Coneinl attended me to the door of the chamber; there he fell back, and Mile. Oallgal, who was in waiting, announced me. I entered, assuming a serene countenance, and found the king and queen together, no other person being present. The queen was lying at length on a couch, while Henry, seated on a stool at her feet,' seemed to be en gaged In soothing and reassuring her. m my entrance, lie broko off and rose to his feet. "Here he Is at last," he said, barely looking at me. "Now, If you will, dear heart, ask him your questions. I have had no communication with him, as you know, for I have been with you since morning." (To be Continued.) KOIiF.KT LOUS STFVKXSON. His ("nicer Is a Vuliuihle Example to Ambitious Writers. From the Philadelphia 1'iess. With the health of Robert Louis Stev enson the greatest master of English style whom the lapt half century fu ture criticism may easily say the last century has suvn Is added to the short list of those who have dignified the English .tongur by overcoming lt manifold dlllicuMles of expression through a supreme and successful sense of form. He was wont hlms-lf to speak mod.-stly of George Meredith as his master, 'to wish tha't he could write "like II irdy," to regret the nl Konc3 of motive and purpose In his work, but when time applies its re morseless acid to the work of the past fifty years his will outlast all the rest and shine with the luster of "fame's great ii.titl-s; pile ptyle." There has been In the Utters of his day pns more profound, analysis more keen, more vigorous spiritual forces, romance of an ampler air and a more recondite and penetrating fiction; but nowhere Inthls-clay has there been any man and In no day have there been more ithan three or four men of his tongue with his matchless and unmated power to make English pay precisely what he Intended It should say in a form lucent, living and beautiful. Neither the tongue nor Its authors aire .wedded to style and all the paths of Enisibh literature are strewn with FIGHTING FOP. LIFE. SUFFERING WOMAN TESTIFIES Mrs, Henrietta Button, of Janvier, N. J., writes: "For a long time I suffered from a disordered .stomach. .My appe tite was gone and what little I ate dis tressed me terribly. My health failed rapidly. 1 became very weak and feared I should never he well. Attvr reading your "Oulde to Health," I was encour aged to try Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. Its action was so prompt that I soon felt like a new woman, and am now completely cured." MUNYON'S STOMACH AND DYS PEPSIA CURE cures all forms of In digestion and stomach troubles, such as constipation, rising of food, distress after eating, bloating of the stomach, paipltatlon of the heart, shortness of breath, and all affections of the heart caused by indigestion. It soothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs that have been weakened by over-eating, or where the lining of the stomach has been Im paired by physic and Injurious medl clness. Price, 25 cents. Munyon's Homeopathic Home Rem edy company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 2E cents a bottle. . , ha'lf-sha.ped 'blocks, the uncouth off spring of genius and power born, so to speak, out of the lawful wedlock of let ters, .which for beauty Inexorable re quires the union of form and of mean ing. Having the incommunicable gift of style, won with prodigious effort and paMeivce as -prodigious, Mr. Stevenson grew but Sbuvfy on bis public'. , It is twiiiity-one years since' he llrst pub lished (iind the greater part of. his bet ter work was written over ten ytrs ngo; yet It Is only Hn the past decade that lie his been unhes-llaitiiigly ac cepted. 1'p .to that time he found most of the doors of the present closed 'to him, because ithe wards of the key luls genius had forged were 11 tied to the lock which opens the door of far-future fame. lint to style all things are possible, and his facile genius lltted this marvel ous master key to open all the mysteries of life. No other craftsman runs through so broad a gamut in the score of volumes his life, all too short, has given the world nnd the future. His essays are alive with the personal flavor and quality of men who-have written nothing else. "Treasure Island" Is an Incomparable story of adventure. Fine fancy has never been spun to more brilliant riot than in his "New Arabian Nights." His child verse stands alone. The succession of romances in Ills later years, whether they dwelt with the Northern seas of his birth or the South sea of his adoption, ure peopled with the living characters of a new world in fiction as vital as that of any other master. Nor has the round of llction a moral apologue so awing as "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Any one of these would have made a reputation; all are needed to lill the full measure of his fame. This amazing Series id' great works has been produced in a life broken by Illness and maimed by physical weakness. Hut no pain could dull the edge of his. literary con science and no exigent need force him to hasty or ill-considered work. To him it would perhaps be dearer than all else that his career in days to come will nerve to effort men lu whom the 'spirit Is willing and the llesh Is weak, that of all that has been written In English on the writer's work his counsel Is the soundest, the most stimulating and the wisest for the young beginner. and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Scott's Emulsion is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Ceneral Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. Stndfvr l;ml;,t on Scott's Emulsion, Frit -....r..i,, mv ai nrinn!'s. 60c. and $1, A H MA w ra ta n 11 RADWAY'S RKADY RELIEF is safe, reliable and effectual because of the stim ulation action which It exerts over the nerves and vital powers of the body, aild ing tone to the one and inciting to re newed ami Increased vlnor the slumbering vitality of the physical structure, ami through this healthful stimulation anil Increased action the cnuse of PAIN Is driven awav uud h natural condition re stored. It is thus that the READY RE LIEF is so admirably adapted for the rt.'UK OF PAIN and without the risk of Injury which Is sure to result from the use of many of the so-culled puin reme dies of the, day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Keop a Supply of READY RELIEF. Always In the house, its use will prove beiieticlal on all occasions of pntu or sick ness. There Isiiothlng In the world that will stop pain or arrest the progress of disease as quick as the READY RE LIEF. CURES AND PREVENTS Coic!;, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CTRE3 THE WuKST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. ACIIKS AM) PAINS. Forheadacho (whether sick or nervous), toothache, lieurali,'ln. rheumatism, liim Ikiho, ptiins ami weakness in the back, spine or kidneys, pnlns around the liver, pleurisy, swlliriK of tho Joints and pnlns of all kinds, the application of Railway's Ready Relief will afford Immediate ease, and Its continued use for -a few days ef fect a permanent cure. Internally A hnlf to a teaspoonful In half a tumblor ot water will, In a few minutes, core Cramps, Spasms, Hour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nervov.nr.oss, Sleeplessness, Sick Head ache, Flate.loncy and all internal pains. Them Ii not a remedial agent In tho world that will cure Fever and Akub and all other Malnrlotip, Killoiis and oilier fevei-H, Bided by RADWAY'S RILLS, so quickly as liAUWAVS READY RE LIEF. Price M cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. PILLS, Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable. Perfectly tasteless, (iloKantly oo&ted. purse, regulate, punry, oleanse and strengthen. RADWAY'S PILLS for the cure of all disorders of the Btomanb, Rowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Costlveness, Plies, SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, ' BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe the following symptoms result ing from diseases of tho Olpoatlve organ: Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of blood In the head, aoldlty of the atomarn, nausea, heartburn, distrust of food, full nem of weight of the toroaoh, sour eruc tations, sinking or fluttering of tho heart, choking or uffooatlng naatlont when In a lying posture, dlmneaa of villus, dots or webs before the light, fever and dull pain In tho head, deflolenoy nf perapltw tion, yellowness of the akin and oyea, pain In the side, ohost, limbs, and sudden Hushes of heat, burning In the fteoh, X fow done of HADWAY'B PIU will frea the ayatam of all the abovt-coaiad dlaorderl, Prloa 26a. par box. Sold by Druggists or ent by mall. tend to OR. RADWAY at CO,, Look $0x Mo, Nov York, for Book of Advice, WEAK WHEN u .3 ADWAY'8 BADWAY'S 80 What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and'allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Dn. 0. 0. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which 1 am acquainted. I hope the day is not fur distant when mothers wlllcon&ider the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrumswhlch ore destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da, J. F. KiNCBiLOB, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COM ROSED OF And willPonitivelv cure all disease arising from IMPURE BLOOD, bUCH A3 Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv. ous Headache, Neuralgia, I'" ricpsia. Fever and Ague, Scroltt la. Female Complaints, Krysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic lliseases. E. M. 1IETZEL, ACJEXT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every box gurrantead to give satisfaction or money ivfumled.. Full printed directions from n child to a Krown pursou. It U parol y vt'Kiitabloand cannot positively harm the most tmuler iiitunt. Insist on having Ur, Camp bell's; accept no other. At all Druggists, 'lie WONDERFUL Bot-Tii 8"itANToN, Ph., Nov. lft 1SU4. Mr, W. Campbell Uear Sir: I have pivun my boy, Freddie. 7 years old, some of Dr. Campbell's MukIc Worm Sulfur and Tea, ami to my surprise this afternoon about 3 o'eloelt be passed n tapeworm measuring about ) feet in length, bead and nil. 1 have It iu a bottle and any person wiubing to Hue it can do so by railing at my store. I had triml numerous other remedies, recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed. In my eatimatioii Dr. Campbell's is the greatest worm remedy in existtMirc Yours v.tv resiipi'tfullr, FltED HF.FFN'UR, 732 Beich St. Noto The above is wliat everybody snvs after once mini;. Manufactured by C. W. Campbell, I.nncnstor, Pa. Successor to Dr. John Campbell & Son. ftEITKB RHOE CO.. Inc'p. Capital, tl.OOO.MO. UKSV Sl.no NIIOK IN THK WOULD. "A dollar tacnl it a dollar tanttd," This Ladles' Solid French llongoU Kid But ton Hoot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on receipt of cub, Money oracr, or 1'oital Note for 11.60. Equals every way th boots rold In all retail store for ti..M. We make thli boot ouroelves, therefore we guar- anttt tneu, fyM ana xotar, and If any one w not sailaflea will refund ue money 'aend another pair. Opera loe or common henoe, widths C, J K, ft KK, ir 1 to 1 and hall itea. SndyourtUe; Bin ni VOW. Hull rated Cat. loffiie FREE Dexter Shoe Go, FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. MASS. Sptcltil termi to lieuitri. Standard Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW YOniC WAREHOUSE, NO. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 115 Adams Ave, New Telephone Bldg. A Decided Move In the Bkates trade boa set Tn nnd It lll pay yen to examine tho stock of JUKISCH'8. at 488 (Spruce struct. Fine Una of superior pocket cutlory, razors, eto. . for Holi day trade, dune and ammunition at bottom flg-nres. Alan soma second hand hools at prices that will astonish jou.Suig u believing NATIVE iffi MX Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it as Buperlor toany prescription known to me." H. A. ARcnzn, M. D 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians lu the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have anions out medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, llass Allzn 0. Smith, Frea,, Murray Street, Nov York City. 5' LAG BR BREWERY. Sionufa-'turers of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY : foo.ooo Barrels per Annum THE INT a CONNELL CO., MARCTACICnEUS' AOESTS TO It TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & C0.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON CO.S MERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOVT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEMENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 Comparative-Doses and Patent Medicines, Electric Appliances, Specifics, Druggists' Prescriptions. Quack's Nostrums. You Will See the Given by The English Specialist," DR. W. H. HACKER, . Is Small, but Look at the Result. TREAT CURE AND I HI SPEGIALiST BETWEEN ID AND HEW ML i OF SCRANTON. urn, mm ED WILLIAM CONNKI.I, President. GtO. H, OATLIN, Vice-President. ' WILLIAM Ii. PI CK, Cushlcr, l)IKi:CTOIiS: William Conntll, James Archbald, AI frcd Maud. Ucorgo II. Cotlin, Henry Ilcliu, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. Tho manaRcmcnt of this bank points with pride to its record during the punio of 1MI:I, and previous punics, w hen spec. iul fucilltics were extended to its business occotiuts. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND HUSH UALK WOHIvS. La 111 In & Rand Powder Co.'l Orange Gun Powder Electric Hatterles, Fuses for explod ing blusts, Safely Fuse and ftepauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive) HOTEL WAVERLY Kuropean Plan. Klrnt-cluHS liar at. t ached. Depot for licrgner & Engle'l Taimhueuser Bopr. 5. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. IS. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to anil from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street Ktatlon. Desirable for visiting Sciantouiuns and people iu the An. thrucito Hugldn. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwnllopen Mills, Li leme county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delawaro, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. auhhiiks : THOS. FORD. MtMon. Ps. JOHN' B. SMITH & S()S. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIOAN', Wllkos Itarre, Pa. Agent fur the licpauno Chemical Cum (any's High Explosives. REVIVG RESTORES VITALITY. Made a ;r,y 'wo ' utuay. v-sa 5r?v?vwe:i man ICthDay.jy ofMe the uhlai anth Day. rilEICTCII TS.23MI3IDY procures tho alioto results ln'30 days. It sell Imwvrlully aurt quirlily. Cures when all others fail YouuKiueu will regain their Iwt manuood.aad old hiuu will recover their youtbful vitior by using KKV1VO. It quickly and surely rmtori-s Nervous nctis, I.Oht Vitalitv, lmnoiunoy. Nightly EmlMioni. Lost l'owor, Failing M luor, Waiting Dlntasi s. suil til enVrts ot seli-ahufte or excess and indiscretion wblrt, unlits one lor sUnly. buMnosti or marritgo. It not only cures lT starting it the seat ot dmc-t-t. but isagi-eat nervx tonic and blood builder, bring leg back the pink plow to pale check.' and re torlng the fire of youth. It wards off fiimuitr nd Consumption. Inn a on having ItKVIVO, ni other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail 41.00 per iiackuic, or clx lor 5.O0, withe poll tivo written guarantee to euro or reftinc tho money. Circularise. Address 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.. G3 River St., CHICAGO. ILL for sal by Matthews Bros,, DrBggls' fccruuton . r. Dose I 10 tnm Lib. SSSSisSSSSSSBBSSSSSJSSSBSBiaSSSBSBSSJ SMSBaiSaiMlMM KDIJilMDIl ERRORS OF YOUTH. ACADEMY OF-MUSIC rmuAT, jan. 23 KELLAR AMERICA'S OWN MAGICIAN, l'rosentiiiit the AstoundliiK KestiltBof aJou st'ieutious Heui-cti fur Novelties in tho Old World. Keller's !'ow Tboosophic Wonders: The Shrine of Koonir Ma ml: The Mystery of "L'HakKa;" The Mystic I.inlit of Bala; om nambuhi: The Adept of Hnrinagur; TbePhun torn Bride: Csifliostio; Ply to; and a solution of the great enigma. HOW TO GET RID OF A WIFE. Balo of seats ojiens Wodnesday, Jan. 23. T HE FROTHINGHAM and Saturday Matinee J 311. ZO 31)0 Z6 Engagement of the Talented Young Actor, MR. WILLIAM MORRIS, In H. C. Do.Millo'S Great Populur Success, THE LOST PARADISE Under the Auspices of GREEN RIDGE WHEELMEN. staoni; supporting company, including Miss Kttio Hawkins, iu her original character, cin ders. Kegular prices. Matinee puces, 83o., &c, and 60c, Salu of seats uow opeu. DAVIS THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. January 24, 25 and 26. The Great Sensational Coniidy-Drama, Side -Tracked Ilugtruting the Funny Sides of Life on tiia Hull. Replete With Specialties ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances daily at 3.31) and 3.15 p. in. NEXT ATTRACTION; Ellinwood's Players 24 People. Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Clippers, Alligators, Self-Steering Sleighs, Steel Sleighs, Iron Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleighs In Clippers and Bent Wood Knees and the Montrose Gas Tubing Sleighs. We have over 100 dozen in stock and will sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS & BR0. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. i AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the lltj. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ava. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done nwny with by the use of HARTV MAN'S PATUNT PAINT, which consist of ingredients well-known to all. It can bo applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwelinss, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling;, crack in); or breaking of the brick. It will out luxt tinniiiK of uny kind by many years, uml It's cost does not exceed one-ttfth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by A.NTUMO UAKTMAKN, 5-7 Birch St. 8 Results 327 Spruce St, OppotlU tho New Hotel Jormyn, ServntohV PV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers