THE SCH ANTON TRIBUNEWEDNESDAY MORNING-. JANUARY 23, 1895. SERIOUS SHOOTING AFFRAY Manager Ward of Kitty Rhodes Com pany Wounded. ELY IS HAXDY WITH HIS GIX Tho Affair Results from a Quarrel Which Brought About the PUchargo of tho Advance Agent-Other Livo Pittston Topics. Special to the Bcranton Tribune. Pittston, Pa., Jan. 22. A shooting nffray took pluoe this morning u 9-15 front of the postotilee, on Water street, In which W. R. or Obedlah Ward, busi ness manager of the Kittle Hhodes Comedy company, was made the victim. Manager Ward and his advance agent, Gilbert Ely. failed ito agree on some of .their business transactions, so Kly appealed to Miss Rhodes and ttated thmt either Ward or himself must leave the company. Miss Rhodes released Ely, who surrendered all keys, tickets, we., in his possession. All was appar ently satisfactory until the time above mentfencd. when Kly. upon meeting Ward coming from the postolllce, drew a revolver and tired directly at his victim's heart. Ward received the bullet, of Si-calibre, in the left shoulder. He was assisted to his room in the Val ley House and Doctors McKndden and Hutching were called, who adminis tered to the suffering man of their med ical skill, making his condition as com fortable as possible. Ely nave himself tip and was taken into custody by County Detective lsuac Kckert, who took him before Justice Cllbbons. 'Squire Gibbons committed Kly -to the county Jail to await the result of Ward's injuries. At 5.30 p. in. Ward was rest ing comfortable and fears of serious re sults are not entertained. The bullet ias not as yet been extracted. Notwithstanding the shotting MIks Hhodes and her corps of artists will continue the show every evening this week, as neither Ward or Kly were In the cast. A large and enthusiastic audience greeted Kittle Rhodes at MuMe Hall Jast evening. Not even standing room could be found. The play of "Queenu" Is of a very realistic nature and dwells m the disappointments which some times fall to us In this life. MMs iRhoades as Mile. Rainey showed her cleverness as an actress and Induced many of her audience to wipe their yes. On Wednesday night Mls9 fflhodes will appear In "Lynwood." Christian i:nJcavor Soclul. The Wilkes-Barre Christian En deavor union will hold a good citizen ship social tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at Loomis' .hall, on North Main etreet, Wllkes-Barre. The entertain ment will consist of Hpeechmaklng singing and a. generally social time. Address of welcome by Mayor Nichols, of Wllkes-Barre. S. M. Hard, J. C. Manning, C. E. Daniels, and H. A. Fuller will also address the assem blage. All local Christian Endeavorers are requested -to-employ the electric car on either side of the river, leaving at 7 p. m. Sleighing Accident. Miss Burke and Miss Gallegher. ac companied by their pupils of the Junc tion school, would have enjoyed a pleasant slelghrlde to Scranton last night had It not have been for an ac cident which befell their team on their return. A3 'they neared Phenix colliery at Duryea 'the sleigh came in contact with the bare ground.made so by steam pipes crossing the ruad. and came to a sudden halt. The leading team, be ing of a fiery disposition, sprang for ward, breaking the whlppletrees. and jurklng the driver, Mr. Junes, from the eeat. Stuuned from the fall, Jones was not able to control the team, which eeparted, one following the course of the main road and to the stable, the other pursuing the course of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road to the bridge crossing the river. When attempting to cross it stepped "between the ties and Injured Itself so that It had to be shot. The team was the property of Llverman Frltzpatrick, who is mourning the loss of a valuable "horse. "The Old Man's Darling" at Wednes day afternoon maMnee at Music Hall. This play Is especially adapted to Miss Rhodes. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Ad mission 14 and 15 cents. Pcrsonul and Other Notes. Miss Anna Lewis spent the day at "Wyoming seminary, Kingston. Miss Helen Strong is on u. visit of i couple week3 with relatives in Wash ington, D. C. All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our lo cal office, No. 8 South Main street. . Jchn Brown, of tho firm of Oarney & Hi own, Scranton, was In town today. F. M. Seymour, private secretary of II. J. DInney, of New York city, has re turned to his home. John Miller and Miss Jennie Donihoe enjoyed a pleasant slelghrlde to Kings ton Vast evening. D. B. O'Malley and James Russell n.t tended the Grand Opera house, at Wllkes-Barre, last evening. Jhn Englerman, an oiler, employed at Oojcron yard, bad his hand (mostied in Monday afternoon. Dir. Tot) In dressed his Wounds and (he ws admit ted to the hospital. Engleman was as olstlng a yard btiaketrtan in coupling cars. MIN00KA. Yesterday afternoon was a gala oc casion with the teachers and pupils at No. 3 school. They enjoyed ft slelghrlde to Archbald, ami It required two four ihorse sleighs to transport all included. At Moyles" hotel In Archbald the pupils m Secret S1KEKTH IS PERFECT DIGESTION-,.. ! I USE, THE GENUINE ,4 JOHAritlHOFFS MALT EXTRACT I AND AND THAT IT P GREATLY JDS ME JN THE PROPER -ASSIMILATION "H&gg&teF iSrxfiz9? enjoyed refreshments , and then re turned home. Among the disgruntled Democrats of this place there appears to be a move ment afoot to place a Citizen's ticket in the field. They do not expect to eleckJ their sore-head ticket, but they "hope to be able to defeat the regularly nomi nated Democratic ticket. Foreman Thomas R. Loverlng, of Greenwood, iwill be nominated by the Republicans of the Southwest district for the oflice of school director. Thero is (scarcely any necessity to say any thing about Mr. Loverlng's manliness afid uprightness. He is a liberal, sensi ble, progressive and capable citizen, and whatever trust he is delegated to fulfill will be done with ability and carefulness. His election would place on the Lackawanna school board a man who would most creditably represent Ids constituents. The Greenwood mines were idle yes terday. Patrick J. Toole and Margaret Loftus will te married at St. Joseph's church this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Anthony Cusluk, Myles McDonnell, John Jennings, Patrick McDonnell, Patrick Hlgglns, and Thomas Shea are serving as Jurors. A Republican caucus was held in Miner's Hill last night. The Five Points sports enjoyed a bobrlde to Cork Lane last night. A Polish wedding was hold in Corey Hollow yesterday. At a meeting of the Greenwood Keg Fund held last nlgiht In Fasshold's hull, it was decided by resolution that here after all members will be compelled to attend tho funeral of a, brother member under ipenalty of a lino of 50 cents. ALL ANXIOUS TO MAKKY HIM. Indluna luriucr's Advertisement llrings Sunrius of Heplies. By the I'nlted Press. London. 1ml., Jan. 22. Henry Swango. a wealthy farmer of Fulton county, who was recently divorced, advertised In a local paper for a new helpmate. In 'the lust two weeks Ills replies have averaged twenty-seven dally, and are still pouring In on every side in alarm ing quantities. He has had to employ a private secre tary to investigate the merits of the respective applicants, while the business of his home postolllce at Coontown has been more than doubled. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The traction companies of New Jer sey have formed a combine. The mo tive Is to help eacii other in case of strikes and to Influence legislation. The Schuylkill Traction company, whose lines extend from Mahanoy City to Ash land, a distance of fifteen miles, earned $7,4S1.25 in December, and had left n t I3.117.S1. This Js ia pretty good Know ing. The construction of a railway be tween Hiroshima and Slilmonoaikl has been sanctioned by the Japanese gov ernment. In addition to these, lines will be constructed to connect, firstly, Sase bo and Tsukayaki; and, secondly, Ku mamoto and Mesuml. The first men tioned of the above will be a branch of the Sango railway 110 miles long; the estimated cost being $3,000,000. Philadelphia, Jan. 22. It was an nounced at the oflice of the Pennsylva nia Steel company that the affairs of that concern and the Maryland Steel company, which are In the hands of a re-organlzatton committee, are In a fair way for settlement In the near future. The matter of re-organlzatlon Is now before the master, and, In a short time, 'his report will be made to the court. When this shall be done, and the necessary legal requirements compllnd with, the new company will take charge of Its affairs and the re ceivers will be discharged by the court. All of the creditors have assented to the plan of re-organlzatlon. The Rock Island will, during the com ing year, extend Its tracks northward from Liberal, Kas., which will give it the most direct route to the City of Mexico. The proposed extension will run from Liberal down through No Man's Land, crossing the Dpnver, Texas and Fort Worth line at or near Duncan, Tex., thence on to Fort Sumner on the River Pecos, and then to the White Oaks country and Fort Stanton. At this latter place a connection will be made with a line to be constructed from El Paso along the east range for a distance of about 150 miles. This extension will make a short line to El Paso, where a connec tion will be (had with the Mexican Cen tral and give the Rook Island the short est line between the East and the City of Mexico. Tihe statistician of the trade has com pleted his computation of the anthra cite shipments for 1804, the total being 41,3!tl,1 tons, compared with 43,0X9,5:16 tons In 1S9.1, a decrease of 1.008,337 tons. The Public Ledger thinks the cold weather (has improved the demand to,' considerably. The Increased sales have reduced the unsold stocks, par ticularly at New York. If this condi tion continues it will have an excellent effect upon the trade, especially as the companies are keeping down their out put for the current month to something like tire percentage arranged before New Year Day. The better demand and the radically reduced production of fresh coal, taken together, are getting the trade upon a more healthy basis, because the former unsold stocks aire thus largely dnaiwn upon to Rupply con sumera. The committee which Is en deavorlng to gather statistics and ar range a plan for allotment Is not mak ing much progress. The members have not got all the necessary figures com piled, nor are they able to guage the capacity of collieries owned by Indl vldual operators or practically control their actual output in case a basis Is reached. OF FOOD" HOSTILITIES ARE CONTINUED Hawaiian Hut tic Is l'onyht Over Again in the Senate. THE PRESIDENT'S POSITION His Attitudo 1 ucctlously Defined by Mr, Uray-Indlan Appropriation Dill in tho llouse Tho I'rgcnt Deficiency Bill Agreed To. By the United Press, Washington, Jan. 22. The Hawaiian question was again debated in the sen ate today for somewhat over two hours. Mr. Gray, occupied the position of de fender and advocate of the adminis tration, and Mr. Lodge that of its prosecutor. The latter senator was plain and outspoken in advocacy of the annexation of ithe Islands, declaring that .he nil-liked .to see the American Mag pulled down where It had been once run up, or an American foot go back where it had been once advanced. Mr. Lodge disclaimed the Idea of any modlve to condemn the administration. Tho administration, he said, stood con demned in the Hawaiian mutter by the general opinion of the American people. It bad a sulllclent load to carry al ready. SUU less had he any desire to make polltlcul capital out of the ques tion. There was no occasion for that. But matters were In such condition that .the United States ought to take :t positive position, ought to take some unintuitive aotlon. The present condi tion of affairs seemed to be In the high est degree discreditable to the govern ment of the I'nited States. Mr, Gray said that It was pretty hard for the president to shape his action so us to meet the approval of :enators on' it he other side. "If the president," ho added facetiously "stands up, 'he Is too long; and if lie sits down, he lis too short" (laughter). The president, Mr. Gray declared, would 'have been derelict if he had not taken the opportunity to tell the Ha waiian Royalist committee absolutely that they must expect no aid or encour agement from him. That had become necessary by reason of what had been said In Wie senate, In the country and through the press, us to the president's viows in the matter of Hawaii. In the course of the discussion, Mr. Hawley took occasion to correct the Impression that in yesterday's debate he ihad charged the president with conspiring" with Royalist Hawaiian conspirators. Wimt he intended to con vey, he said, was that the president hud conferred" with them. The Kyle resolution, on which discus sion had been based, was at the close of the morning hour placed on the cal endar. Indian Appropriation Hill. After six days' consideration, Mr. Holman (Dem., Ind.) succeeded today in getting the Indian appropriation bill for the year ending June 30, IStIG, through the house. A number of changes were made In its text, how ever, before the committee of the whole recommended favorable action, chiefly In 'the way of dropping suggested changes from the established practice by the Indiun bureau. Dills were passed in the morning hour authorizing the establishment of a national military park at Gettysburg, Pa., and appropriating $75,000 therefor; authorizing the appointment of cadets at the Naval academy from districts not now represented by residents therein, or by cadets who were resi dents at the time of their appointment. The conference report on the urgent deficiency bill carrying the appropria tion for the collection of the Income tax was agreed to. The house dis agreed to the senate amendments to the fortifications appropriation bill and asked a conference thereon. On behalf of Chalrmnn Wilson, who was unavoidably absent, Mr. McMulIln (Dcm., Tenn.) presented the report of the committee on ways and means, rec ommending the pnssage of the bill to repeal the provision of the tariff law Imposing an additional duty of one tenth of a cent a pound upon sugar Im ported from a country which pays an export bounty on that article. The house at S o'clock adjourned. OLD rOKGK. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Miss Via Henjamln, of Hallstead, spent Sunday n.t the home of A. R. Renjamln. Miss Lillian Race, of Wyoming semi nary, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. William Rumford, of Peekvllle, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Thornton. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Jirlck church will be held next Sunday, Rev. 4- f)- I'eck will be present. Mr. Tenant will preach In the morning, and Mr. Peek In the evening. Mrs. Thomas Howells returned on Friday from Philadelphia. Mrs. E. Drake spent Sunday at Nlch olson. Mr. Haldwln, of Wllkes-Tlarre, was n guest at the Methodist Episcopal par sonage on Sunday. Miss I. villa Reed Is visiting friends In Plymouth. Mrs. F. Repp, who fell and Injured her arm two weeks ago, Is improving. T. J. Stewnrt was a visitor to Scran ton on Monday. A Republican caucus of the sevpral election districts will be held In Fallon's hall on Saturday evening, Jan. 26, at 7 o'clock. IIONESDALE. The Democratic county committee on Friday, Jan. IX, elected the following gentlemen as congressional conferrees Hon. A. II. (liunmel, Hon. John Kuh- bach and Frank M. Monaghan, choir man of the county committee. This election by the county committee will do away with the usual caucus. The funeral of Margaret Miner took place at 2 p. in. yesterday. The services were conducted by Rev. John M. Lewis. Josjeph Harris, of New York, who has been the guest of Mrs. Coe Durlund, returned home yesterday. The masquerade boll of Trofessor Heft's dancing class on Monday even ing drew together a largo number of young people who were bent on fun. The usual number of hideous disguises and pretty make-ups were there. Much of the fun wns centered about the Lime Kiln club nnd the two Topsles. After the maskB were removed all present participated In n pleasant dunce. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis ease! relieved in six hours by the "Now Oreta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pns taifes In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro this Is your remedy. Bold by U. M. Harris, Druggist, 120 I'eno v nue, Bcrantoo, Pa, ttUHMfiiallt U 1 Mill' mil iS'-HIIJWtfc'llt MII.D If.XTIlRrillt B Ml M , ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hit food Iht Teti ot Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, Jan. !. The stoek market today was unsullied und weak. At the opening loner prices prevailed owing to rumors from Washington that urtiou on tile railway poollns hill had been post poned. This led to a Ketieiul decline of 'i to l'J per cent. New Jersey Central, lteadinir, Delaware und Hudson, t'unada Sunt hern and CiraiiKers be Ink most prom inent in the downward movement. Short ly ufter noon 11 was announced that the senato committee had declined to report the bill without the amendment and prices shot up Vi to V-i tier cent, Jersey Centiul wus UKuin a feature at this time und rose to H'J, In the afternoon, however, tho bears were la control more and the entire market was weak, iteudlns, the tlruiiK- ers, Jersey Central, Cordage and Buirar were especially weak ut this time. Head lni sold down to 10'i, St. Paul MiVj, Hock Island KS, Hui llngiun 71, Northwest ;'.', Jersey Centiul US. Heading wus depressed on the foreclosure proceedings and the Grangers on the liellef Unit the tit. Paul weekly statement due on Thurs day will make a poor showing. Chi cago Uas ranged between T2 und 7o'i and closed at 73-, a net gain of per cent. for the uuy. SiH-culullon closed weak, irlces showing a decline of to tl',t per cent. Total sules were ViW'tJ shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations ure furnished The Tribune by CJ. dli B. Ulm mlck, manager for William l.lnn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scranton. Yes. Op'n- High- Low- Clos Clos. lug. est. est. ing. A. S. il. C 8a'i 90'(i mi fcli'i a. c. o -r.-'i 2s-n rs-t C, Ar. & 8. 1.. 50 Dli to Em's Ki'Si it. I. & V... tan tifli (as :: C, H. & y 71'i 71'i 7I'-h 71 c, n. v r.7 ar.'a k m' . C. C. t '. & a. L AS :i7'4 314 37'i UH 3 Can. South.... 5ii'-. 4!i's 47i 4!'3 4!i Ches. & U 173, I7'4 li'i 17' 17'i I). C. K Co.... 10', H8 liiia in!.. . & II UK'- 130 lai'fc 129 C.en. Kloe IB'fc 33;1t 31 33i 3 Jersey Cent.... KM4 !) fsli:'i 88 8SU i,. & s 5;;", uii'i ni 53'i ra2 .Man. Kle 10x'4 1U7 111734 108 .Mo. 1'ae 2:i"s 23"8 33'3 23' 23'4 Nat Cord P4 0:1 6Ja fivi f.i New Kng 31 32 32 31' i 32 S. It 10 lu'i Wi f) Vii (1. & " V Hi4 HIU K't lii'4 P. & U 12 ll'a H3 lo 11 S. & , IT 4FS 4P, 41s. 418 Tex. Pile 9', 9 9 V. & S. 1. fi C'i H C'i V. & S. L., Pr II', 14'i 14'. 13'i 14 V. L'lilon S7'4 87U 87'a 87', 87'4 CI. H 73'h 73' j 73"i 72. 73--8 A. .M. T 9s'j SH, VP, 9SI, !- 11. S. C. 22'4 22'4 21 21 CHICAtlU UOAItn OK TRADF. PRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. lnu;. January r.2'4 52'i 52 62 May Ken uTe. M-h Ki'i July 5li4 Oli'j 6534 OATS. January 27'2 27'i 27'a 27'i .May 29 2!)' 2Sr' 29',, CORN. January 43'i 43'i 427. 43 May 4r,'s 4..'2 4.1 i: July 45 4.V4 , 45'i LARD. January C.r.'i C.r.'i fl.55 C.55 Muv 0.75 0.75 G.7U 6.72 PORK. January 10.87 10.87 10.87 10.87 .May 11.13 11.17 11.10 11.12 New York Produce Market. New York, Jan. 22. Flour Dull, weak, with wheat. Wheal .More active, lower. options closing steady: No. 2 red store and elevator, CSaiWc; utloat, iW'ac. ; f. o. b., OOalilc. ; ungraded red, D"ai;;U: options opened weak and rlosed steady at aic. below yesterday with a fulr trade; No. 2 red January. 58V. I February, 59c; March, 54e.; .May, n'4c. ; June, iMKc; July, Oo'tc ; August, lior8e. Corn Fairly uetlve, easier; No. 2. 487c elevator; &0-V-'. ullout: steam er mixed, 47'in4S1i1c. ; No. 3. 47al8c; op tions were moderately active und steady at ,,a"o. decline; Junuary, 48T4c; Febru ary, 49'e.; .May, 49'iC.; July, 49'..c. Oats Dull, lower, weak; options dull, easier; January, S24e.i February, 33c; March, 33 e.; -May, 33'i,c; spot prices, No. 2, S3a Kt' jc; No. 2 white, 3i;a3ii'4c; No. 2 Chlcaiio, 31c"; No. 3, 32'bc; No. 3 white, 8!ic; mixed western, 34a3l'i.c. ; white state and west ern, lit'.atiie. Heef Dull; family, $9.75a11.23; extra mess, $7.!(lii8. Heef Hams Inactive. Tierced Heef (Julet. Cut .Meats Inactive weak. Lard Quiet, steadier; western steam, Jii.90, asked; city,!.37'4; Jan uury, $0.92, nominal: .May, $7.10, nominal; rcllucd, dull; continent, $7.40; South Amer ica, $7.0.1; compound, fiaSV. Pork Mod erate demand, Bteady; mess, $12.2.rial2.75. MutterDull, lower; state dulry, 10a20c. ; do. creamery, Uiu21c; Pennsylvania do., 10a21c; western dulry, 10a fSc; do. cream ery, 14n23c; do. factory, 8',.a1!c.; F.lglns, 23c; Imitation creamery, 12nl7c; June creumery, 13u20c. Cheese Quiet, easy; state large, 9all'.4c; do. fancy colored, IIV4C.; do. white, iuallc; do. smull, 9'jti 12c; purt skims, 3'4u9c; full skims, 2a2V4c Kggs Dull, weaker; Btuto and Pennsyl vania, 22u22',4c; refrlgerutor, 15ul8e.; west ern fresh, 21u2mc; do. per case, $2a3.75; southern, 2U',iiu21c; limed, HalOc. ' Knffulo Stock Market. Buffalo, Jun. 22. Cattle Receipts, SIO head; on mile, 60 head; market firm; fat rough steers, $4.50; light to good mediums, $3.75u4.3u; rows, $2.40a3.30. Hogs Receipts, 4,050 head; on sale, 7,500 hvud; market steady; Yorkers, $4.20; light mixed pack ers, $l.2fa4.30; good mediums, J4.2f.a4.30; good heavy, $4 3iiut 35; one load of extras, $4.42'.; pigs, 5t.2ihi4.1U; roughs, $3.40a3.65; slugs, $3u3.15. Sheep and Lambs Re ceipts. 1.4U0 head; on sale, 16,000 head; mar ket firm for good lambs; good lambs, $4.15a 4.76; extra, $4.90; fair to good, $3.75u4.3o; good mixed sheep, $2.50a3.l5; fair, $2n'M0; culls, $1.65ii2; export wethers, $4u4.25; ewes, $3.60o3.75; feeding lambs (60 to 70 pounds), sold late at $3,75a4,25. Chicago Stock Market. Vnton Stock Yards, 111., Jan. 22. Cattle Receipts, 3,600 head; market llrm; com mon to extra steers, $3.40a3.80; Blockers and feeders, $2.25a3.75; cowb and bulla, $1.25u3.76; calves, $3a6.60. Hogi Receipts, 18,000 head; market unchanged; heavy, $4a 4.35; common to choice mixed, $3.80a4.80; choice assorted, $4.06a4.16; light, $3.70a4; pigs, $2a3.70. Bheep Receipts, 6,000 head; market firm; Inferior to choice, $2u3.85; lumbs, $3a4.(IO. Oil Market. Pittsburg; Jan. 22. Oil opened and low est, 87; highest, W.a closed, 9H. j The Secret Art of Beauty lloi not In cosmetics, but Is only In pure blood, and a healthy performance of the vital func tions, to be obtained by, using Burdock Blood Bitters. Con riol ly & Wallace TODAY, JAN. 19, WE INAUGURATE THE SwTEITOITTIllA Note the pricesvbelow and see if they are not lower than you have ever bought them at before, and lower than ' any of our competitors : Hill 4-4 Bleached, Lonsdale 4-4 Bleached, -Lonsdale 4-4 Cambric, Atlantic A 4-4 Brown, Pride of West 4-4 Bleached, SHEETINGS. Lockwood 9-4 Bleached, Lockwood 10-4 Bleached, Utica 9-4 Bleached, Utica 10-4 Bleached, CONNOLLY & Keystone IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., 602 anks.Avenue- PRICES A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID KOH, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT la MADE, NO CHARGE) WILL BE LF.89 THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. AV ANTED CATHOLIC MAN IN HIS own DioeoHe. KefwencH required: flH week. Write to JOSEPH It. UAY. ul) If ftll avenue. Clileuuu. S 'ALE8MEN RKB1UENT SALESMEN 7 wutifpfl. nrnllnitltuil with thti loeul nnd nearby druif and grocery tradu, t lmud'.e our line of hluii ixra.lo ciuars. Address, itlvlni! references, .1. EDWARD COWLES ft Cu., US Chambei-H Htroi't, N. Y. Special Notices. "fyoKivyr.wo?r 11 f, stock- 1 holders of Tlio Hoius Stoel Wheel Com pany will 1e held ut their ottii-e, in tlio citv of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Thursday. Janu- nvxr ! I Ml. I I nVWI, no.n fur tll 1)1iriMii.i. of electlnit directors for tlio oiiHiiin year, Hiid llUIIsauiint-sueil llllier OMKiliens an may , oiuu before them. No transfer of Hock will lie niado for ten davs next preceding tho day of eltction. JuHN D. HHKKKH, t-'ecretary. IKED W. BEltliY. Nl'KSE-ORAUUA'IE I Mllli Trui oiiK School. Bollerue llonpital, New York. Will Monay avenue, city. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX- I liibitions and lectuie upon nny subject il -Hired. These exhibitions will be illustrate:!, having in my possession the most powerful dissolving atereoiitii oiis made. E. 11. CALL, Tribune Office. V rolT WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie " Illustrated Week.y War Illustrations Itstil-I&lii. Two Volume Folio, f IlL-HI; payable monthly, f JXO. Delivered by express complote, Pre-paid. Addiosa P. O, MOODY, till Uibson Mreei, Scranton, Pa. II LANK ToOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA Jj Kiinis, etc., bound or rebound at TllE TliniL.Nii otllce. yuick work. KeaMinable prices. For Rent. UPER10H MODERN HOUSE; AVENUE. 0 JONES, dli Spruce. I.iOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNrl'K 1 uished rooms at M Lackawanna avenue. FrOR RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST l.ackiiwanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear llift! Luzcrno, Hydo Park. l76R RENT-NIt'ELY FURNISHED HALL 1 suitablo for IocIkh rooms. JOHN JElt MYN. lilt Wyominit nvenue. Strayed or Stolen. CTRAYED OR STOLEN FROM 1U10OL1VE O, on Saturdiiy, Jan. b. a while bull pnti. witli lai'KO spot on back. Ten dnllarB re ward will be pnld for return of same and no questions asked. W. L. BEI TS. Agents Wanted. AUENTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY and coiAinlsslnn. Aiients makinif f- to $.- weekly. EUREKA CHEMICAL SM F'U CO., La Crosse, WiB. iantd active" salesmen to VV handle our line, no peddling. Balarr, 175 per month and ex-Hinscs paid to all, Ooods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, Kius, Boston, Mass. Situations Wanted. ' 1 ENTLEM AN OF HOOD CHARACTER. 1 good education, wants position; can do any kind of olllce work; has had several years experience; can give bast references; will alto work on or two weeks gratis on trial; Las a knowledge of shorthand. Address "X. K.," caro Tribune. SITUATION WANTED - BY A (U)OD O girl; would liko a place In a small family. Address "M. 1).," Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNU married man as coat-lnnan or any honora ble work; I'- years' experience aiicia-hman; can furnish liest of reference. Address "COACH MAN," Tribune otllce, Scranton. Pa, U- RANTED BY A MAN TO (JIVE PRIVATE tuitions, either lit home or abroad, in the English or Latin languages. Address "il, D.,"9.iS V yonilng avenue, city. yiTCATKN WANTED HY A YOUNG O man 1H years old; understands liorsvs; would like a position as driver. Address HaR L1B IdTTS, M) Provideuee Rond. SITUATION WANTED BY A HOY It) years ot ago; would like to have position In barlier shop; lias hud long experience. Ad dress "L. J.," Tribune oDL-e. CALL UP 3682. I OIL 1 MRNUFAGII CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, ' 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M's'r. mi CENT SHEETINGS. Lockwood 9-4 Unbleached, Lockwood, 10-4 Unbleached, Atlantic 9-4 Unbleached, Atlantic 10-4 Unbleached, 5 6 8 5 10 I-2C I-2C I-2C 1-2C I-2C 18c 20C 20C 22C WALLACE, THE CELEBRATED eo MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. yS J (ACTION TO our patrons: Washfcurn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that tlicv will this a cur hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washhurn-Crosby Co. will takt no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. m BLflCKSmiTHS iM WAGON m U; with m j Hold Fast l Utered, Self- v. SharpeninB, . J Detachable f 0 h w CALKS L-f We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paclflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles. Michigan White and Norway Fine Lum ber und BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Miue Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MAINUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA, Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA Upw itlAar OCA HAN, Kli lor Kli loCr InvolnnUr tml.n,i aanlitnt.llnn nt ItiMnltv. Bt j a4 Aim llsiaj. orntr ii bit it rHAU MtDIClSG roraal ey JOHN H. PHELPS. Sprue Strtct, Scranton, Pa. Ell BOM l60 18c 18c 20c All other widths and grades of Sheet ings and Pillow Casings at equally low prices. During this sale we offer our entire stock of Table Linens, Napkins and Tow els at Cut Prices. 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. spring SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of 9 SUPPLIES. & CONNELL Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. Whit Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will kriH von an la ft wwl Soi witk wnima KrToinDility, LoMOfMaxnftl rwr m UhtiMt frmUt Mitt. If italerttd. such irsublts lwl I, SI.MDOr bol b? ntll. S tolM tor M. rltw (tiiTtniM 10 eut irusd Iks memf, AsarMii ou.. tumuai, u Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avsnuo an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers