THE SCRANTON TRIJiUNE-TIIURSDAY CORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 185)4. IThese short Bcrlal stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Bach eller.and nre printed inTheTrlbune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance In the leading dally Journals of the large cities). f ' CHAPTER nt Concluded. He attempted to follow, not licediflff the warning. Pinpl Ping! lie heard two shots, and felt himself hit in tho right arm. Notwithstanding this, however, lie darted after her. But he was too late. She disappeared through the door at the end of the hall, nnd ho (heard the key turn on the other side. I He threw himself with all his force 'against the door, but with no result iThcn, finding that ho was wasting his time, he ran back to the dining-room, iand leapt out of tho window into the jBnow-covered flower border under neath. The snow was falling as fast as ever, and ho sank in it inches deep as he looked for a way out. j Itut ho found that ho was caught in 'a trap indeed, for tho wall, which was too high to climb, inclosed the house, with its stables and garden, the whole way round, lie made for tho wooden door in the wall by which ho had first entered the premises, and as he did so, he trod upon something hurd, which (was lying in tho path. Looking down, he saw, to his surprise, a bag, so thinly covered with snow that it had evident ly only lain there a few seconds STOOPED DOWN AND PICKED IT CP. f With a momentary absurd hope that lit might be the bag which had just Tieen stolen from him, Llewellyn istooped down; picked it up, and was about to examine it in the light from ithe dining-room window, when there suddenly broke upon his ear tho sounds of human voices within the house. : And first of all he heard the voice of ithe' girl who had robbed him. She was jobbing, and crying In a voice full of distress: i "Oh! papa, papa, I had to shoot him, and I'm so afraid I hurt him! I couldn't jhclp liking him all tho time, and oh! it iwas dreadful, dreadful! And now I've jgot his bag I want you to find him, and do all you can for him, if he is really jhnrt!" ' George Llewellyn did not wait to hear more; he put his hand on the window-sill, and vaulted into the room. 1 The relief ho felt on discovering that he had now a man to deal with was so great that, disregarding the fact that lie was wounded, and that the blood ftvas trickling down through his sleeve, lie raised his revolver and turned to the newcomer. ' The young girl screamed and threw her arms round her father's neck. But before another word was spoken, George Llewellyn's arm had dropped to his side, and he stood staring in be' Iwllderment, first at the old man, and then at his daughter. ' For if he had doubted the possibility (that tho beautiful, smiling girl could he an accomplice of thieves, how could he harbor a suspicion about tho stout elderly gentleman, with tho gold spectacles and the stamp of British re spectability on every homely feature? "Why, who are you? What w-w-What-" The word died away upon his lips, as the elderly gentleman,' starting and staring at him in las turn, suddenly ex claimed: " ' "Little Georgic! Henry Llewellyn's Bon, by all that's marvelous! Why, why, what's this? George Llewellyn, little George turned thief! Why, what llocs it mean?" :'; George had by this time grown ac customed to the sudden change from the darkness outside to the light of the "own, and he staggered in amazement against the' table. : "DocW Dr. Lowe!" ho exclaimed hoarsely. "Was it was it your daugh ter that took my bag and and shot pie?" i i There was a moment's pause, during jevhich the girl, with a cry, and a look lot horror, sank down into a chair, with a deadly white face. The doctor took oil his glasses and iwiped them. ( "There has been some mistake, some desperate blunder!" said he, decidedly. '"What were you doing in this part of jthe world?" "Coming to see you," replied Lie- ollyn, promptly. "I was to have (crossed to Calais to-night, with some (securities which I was taking for our firm to Paris. Finding that the boat eouldn'tcross,I thoughtl would find you put and ask you to give me a night's phcltcr. -1 lost my way, and" tie was interrupted at this point by a pnoan of distress from the young girl, !who burst into tears and hid her face In her hands, Tho doctor, who was by this time ex amining Llewellyn's arm, to see the ex tent of tho harm dbnc, smiled rather Igrimly Into the young fellow's face. , . I "My strong-minded daughter has brought herself into a nice mess this time," said he. i The girl herself sprang up at these vords and ran to the door. . " ' j "Is h have I is ho badly hurt?." the jerked out between her sobs. "Well, ho won't die of it," answered lio" doctor," with' a twinkle in his eye.' i George was so much excited and re lieved by the discovery he had just biade that he answered in a tone' Which' showed him to be in the best of spirits:' j "its nothing : at au; its a zaere cratch, Miss Lowe. Please don't make (yojrrselt unhappy," ULLII If Tho girl turned slowly round, reveal ing a most woe-begone und grief stricken countenance. She looked anx iously at her father, and seeing by the expression of his face that she had really not done much harm, she began to dry her tears, although she still carefully avoided meeting Llewellyn's eyes. "My dear," said Dr. Lowe, "go into the surgery and get me the box where I keep my bandages. I can finish this business here, for it won't take me a minute, and it's cold in there." ' As soon as his daughter had left tho room, the old doctor burst into a fit of laughter. "I shall break her heart if she hears me laughing," said he, wiping his eyes. "Just now when I came in, by the back way, as I usually do at night, I found lie'r waiting for me, waving a black bag in triumph over my head, and telling me she had caught a thief. And sho was so proud, poor child, of having in veigled you in here, and detained you so long. She said she was in on agony of fear, lest I should bo late, and you would get away, bag find all." "But," asked George, when the doe tor had finished another roar of laugh ter, "what made her take me for a thief? Surely a man may carry a bag without any dishonest intention?" "She's an operator at the telegraph office, and she was at the instrument when a message came through to say that two thieves with stolen securities wore coming down," George stared for a moment in silence at tile doctor, and then began to laugh. It was annoying to have gone through all the revulsions of feeling of the past hour for nothing, as it were. "But what made her decide that must be the thief?" asked he. "J'ell, she met a policeman oa her way home, who told her that the thieves had been seen to come in this direc tion." Then George put a practical question which betrayed the interest he felt in his fair captor: "And do you let that young girl walk home by herself late at night over this wild country?'' ,, The doctor shrugged his shoulders. "She's as self-willed as ever she can be. In fact, she's getting too much for me," said Dr. Lowo, with a sigh. "I meet her in the town when I can and bring her home. But tho gypsy won't wait for me, and she carries a revolver, as you have reason to know. Here she comes again. For goodness' sake say something to her so that she may not seo me laughing!" Fortunately for everybody in the rather strained state of affairs, a vio lent ringing and knocking at tho front door startled them all, and diverted attention from the awkward occur rence. ' Miss Lowe ran to the outer door, for the one servant had long since gone to bed; and when she reentered the dining-room it was with a policeman. THE DOCTOn TOOK OFF IIIS GLASSES ASD WIPED THEM. "1 beg pardon, doctor; but I've got a job for you here outside. We've caught the thief; he had got about a mile be yond here, when he found us close be hind, and ho jumped over a wall to get away from us, and broko his leg, not knowin' there was a drop on the far side. Ho must have thrown away tho bag he carried with the swag, for ho left tho town with one, but had none when we picked him up!1" "Is this it, by any chance?" asked George, producing the bag he had found in the garden outside. An examination of the contents proved that this was indeed the case; and tho thief, when he was confronted with it, confessed that lie had thrown it into tho garden of tho doctor's houso as ho rairpast, thinking that tho high wall would mark tho spot sufficiently for him to return and recover it if ho should evado his pursuers. When asked what had become of tho woman who had accompanied him down in the train, he explained that he and she had parted on finding them selves pursued and that she had made for the village of St Placid's. George Llewellyn remained at the doctor's house that night; and, although there was, a shyness between Lily, the (laughter, and .himself, he had a very fleasant chat with his host, who ex plained that they bad left his old house in the village for the one which they now inhabited. - . , And the shyness between tho young people wore off before George went way on the following day, for this lit tle bit of dialogue passed between them: "It was very stupid ofmo not to rec ognize you." "Recognize met How absurd! ; Why, when you came here last, fifteen years ago, you were only ten and 1 was five!" ' "Do you think you will recogntee me next time I come?" "What, in another fifteen, years?" "No, in less than that." ; "Perhaps I may." And George Llewellyn camo again so soon, and comes so often, that the doc tor feels sure it will end in his taking Lily away with him, - - IT WAS FAMILIAR. How a Woman Who Was Shopping Cut Her Own Acquaintance. From the Detroit Free Press. She was a haughty dame, and being on a shopping expedition with a friend happened to catch a glimpse of an ac quaintance she did not care to recog nize. , "Let us go this way past the silk coun ter. I just saw some one I don't care to meet." "Who Is she?" asked her friend, who did not see any one near them. "Oh, Eome horrid woman with a smirk on her face. Of course, I have only a bowing acquaintance with her, and although her face is so familiar I cannot remember her name." They finished their shopping and the two ladies found themselves at the same place Where one of them had seen her disagreeable acquaintance. "There she Is again. Wherever I go Ehe's been there all the time," said she, pointing to the person In question. "That woman? Goodness suites, It la yourself you seo In the mirror there," said her friend choking with laughter. And tho morlillod woman who had seen her own reflection was obliged to acknowledge that the disagreeable smirk was her own. g&l-i'ot people who visit the Invalids' Hotel and surgical institute, ai uui fill", N. Y., uru tunny who are sent there, by those who have already, from personal experience, learned of the great Triumph in Conservative Surgery achieved by the Surgeons of Hint famed insti tution. Little heroic, or cutting surgery is found necessary. For instance, THWART Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine) and IWHIUIIw many others, lire removed by Electrolysis aud other conservative moans and thereby tho perils Of cutting operations avoiaca Pll P TIIMHRQ however large. Fistula riUU lUITlUnd, undothcrdiscasesoftho lower bowel, a pain or resort t RUPTURE, lower bowel, aro permanently cured without lain or resort to the Kulle. or Breach ( Hernia) Is radically cured without the knit'o and without pain. Truftses can be thrown away! CTAMC in tho Uladder, no matter how J I VllL large, is crushed, pulverized. wash ed nut and sutt-ly removed without cutting. TRIHTIIRFQ of Urinary Passage are nl 31 niUI UntO so amoved without cut ting in hundreds of cases. For Pauipbleu, numerous references and all particulars, send ten cents (in stamps) to world's Dlspenmry Medical Association, tttf Main Struct, Buffalo, N. Y. HOTEL WAVERLY Kuropcan Plan. First-class Bar at. tached. Depot for Bergner & Engle'l lununaeuscr aeer. N.E.Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts.,PWIa. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Desirable for visiting Bcrunionians una people in the aw thracite Region. T. J. VICTORY, PBOPKIETOU. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the uoe of HART MAN'S PATKNT PAINT, which consists 01 ingreoieniH wen-Known to all. It enn be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will prevent uosoiutoiy any crumbling, crack' ink or DreaKin? of tun nrieic. ir w mti. last tlniilnir of nnv kind bv munv win. and it's cost does not exceed oiiR-flfih that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by tho Job or pound. Contracts taken by AiNTUiNlU HAHTAIAA.N, W Birch St. W. L Douglas Q3 CUA? 18 THE BEST. V WilWla NOMOEAKINQ, 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH ENAMELLED CALF". ' 4-3.sp FlNECALF&KHNSAROa P0UCE.3 Sous. $,y.2. WORKINGS EXTRA FINE. 2.l.7iB0Y5SCH0llLSH0E3i LADIES. OCINU rUK IA1ML.UUU& WlvDOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. You cao save rannry by purchasing W. L. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised (hoes In the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name aud price on the bottom, which protects von agalnlt high Crice and the middleman's orofits. Our shoes eaaal custom work lu stvle. easv fitttmr and wearing qualities, we nava taem soin every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute, if your acaier cannot supply you, we cau. sola oy E.J. LEONARD. bnui" TM HIMIMT MEDICAL AUTtfORITTIfl . iSNEmiOLINHUIB &maCADRRH iHEADACHE'SHHSa will ouro tou. A wonderful boon to suffererc from Cold., Sore Throut, InflUfnra, llroncbllla. -" immttltnttrtllff. Aneafolen remedy, convenient to carry In pocket, really to on Brut Indication of cold. i ontmnea lie J.irect. fermanent Cnre. Batlrf action guaranteed or monoy refunded. Price, 6' etfc Trlul free at Drue"t. Httittsterod mall, 60 cents. V. S. Cl'iEHiH, Kir., Uno Rmn, Hick., U. S. i, OTOHIMAW SB MFNTHni ''rno ,ure,t n1 'Bt remedy for L" nul all skin dlneaseSjErseBia.ltch.SRlt nnuumin nnres, iiurns, t:ui. wonderful rem edrforPIXKkl. Price, 8l eta. nt Urine rt ai Bl JJsu or brmnll prepaid. Addn-s.iin shove. Dfturcl For sale by Matthews Bros, and John n. rneipc. Complexion Preserved DR. HEERA'S VIOLA Gl Removes Freckles, Plmplts, Liver Moles, Blockheads, Sunbura and Tan, and re stores the skin to Its origi nal freshness, producing elnar aud hoalthv com- nlovlnn BnnaH nr in ell f preparations and perfectly harmless. At "all arogiiiiU.ormailedforSOeis. Kcud lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP tplj InMiatxwM. ts a U. purltTtu Bmp, anequiABd tor th. tolM, and vtlbout a. rim ftu th, B-jreay. AkxJuulr pot. ud atuoualy noil mud. Aldnmrlin, Price 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. . .For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. Thla Famous Remedy curcn quickly and por Sanontly all nervous illscubes, tmch as Weak umory, I.'inor llrnln Power, Headache, Wake tulneid, ,.( Vitality, nmhlly emissions, evil drtmtu. laiputnncynnd wasting dlfieasen caused by youthful error, or cecciha. Comultis no opiates. Is a ncrvo toiilpund rtloud builder. Makes the pule und pun v strong uml plump. Knslly carried In veBt pcH'ket. ill pvrboxi 6 forsjs, liy mull prepaid nub n wrttton gunrnntoo to euro or money refunded. Write us fur free medical book, sent snnled In plain wrapper, which con tains testimonials and financial references. No charge for consultation., ffricure nf fmtta tinm. Sold tr our udTtrtled atotnts. or address NEKVKaEKlM'O., tlasonte Temple. ehlcura. 10LD IN SCR ANTON, PA.. H. C. 8 ANDERSON IVABUINUTON.COK, SPKCUE, DliUUOISIS. ' rat? w naicer Insist on having the Qua ker name and trade mark o:i every package of Oats. None "just as good as." Cold only in z tb. Packcccc. The Only Spscialisls Id Hervcin Diseases B. torn Bifftlo and New York. DR. W. H. HACKER, And his staff, among whom should be mor tioned the celebrated WELSH SPECIALIST, Treat and Cure all NERVOUS DISEASES, such us DISORDliUS of SLEEP, MOR BID HABITS of the young, NERVOUS DISORDERS arising from EXCESS1VH use of the parts affected, EPILEPSY, CHOREA, etc., KIDNEY, BLADDER, STOMACH und other SPECIAL DIS EASES. Surgical treatment and radical cure without the use of the knife of VARICOCELE and RUPTURE. NO CURE, NO PAY. EXAMINATION FREE and conducted In Germuli, Welsh nnd English. Send for "Our Book" on nervous dis eases of men. OmVe 327 Spruce street, Scranton. OFFICE HOURS-8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday, 10 a, m. to 2 p. ni. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES A Child's Bicycle, Rubbor Tiro, nsw SO A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 10 A Hoy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new l? A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new IS 1 Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tire, new 00 down to 8 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic 85 i Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire.aoo- ond hand TO 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatto Tire, nw 80 1 Secure B ovclc, Pneumatio ?ire, sec-ond-band B0 1 Lovel Diamond Bfevcle. Solid Tiro, second-hand 10 1 Ladles' Bicrole. Solid Tire, second hand 85 S Victor A Bicycles. Solid Tire, second hand 15 1 Victor C Biovcle. IK in. cushion Tire. secondhand 85 IViotor B Biovcle. 1W In. Cushion Tire. secondhand 40 1 Columbian '92 Bicyclo.PneumatioTire, 53 1 Chainlcss Bicycle, Pneumatio Tire, Dearly new 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawu Teiints Racquets at a dls count of one-third for ' two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. aloney Oil and OILS,. VINEGAR AND CIDER. (41 to 151 MERIDIAN ST. w 1 v ftSfei f" RESTORES VITALITY. mi r..'l I i. A r " " mir 7, Made a flVil Mar, 1st Day. 15th Day, of Me. l He ukeat 30th Day. produces the aliove results lu 30 days. It srti nowertullr and oulcklv. v.uvca when all otbers fail Youuff men will reualu their loat manhood, and oh) meu will recover their youthful vinor by usini REV1VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous now, Lost Vitality, Inipoteucy, NigUtly Eraissiona, Lost I'owor, Fallinic Memory, Wanttua Pisi'USce, and an emeu or salt-abuse or eiceMand lniUHcretton, which uullta one for study, business or marriue. II not only cures by starting at the scat ot disease, but la a great nerve tonle and blood builder, bring leg back the pink slow to nalo cheeks and re storing the Are of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having RE VIVO, no otner. it can be carrlwl in vest pocket. By mty 1.00 per package, or six lor as.OO. with a coil tire written guarantee to cars or refund me money, circular (res. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., S3 River St., CHICAGO. ILL for Ml by Matthews Bros., Draggls' crautoo . Pa. , Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion must nte Pozzonl't Pow-I der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin, Have you Bore Throat. Pimples. ConDer-nolnmd Spots, Aches, Did Hores. TJloert in Moutb, Hair t'alllngT Write (look Remedy Co., SOT M MBlTemple,rhlcwro,III.,ror proofs of ou res. Capital SAOOMNK PallenUcurod nine yean ago today sound and well. KHt-pngetwolt fVee ll Manufacturing Go PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians and Surgeons. DR. G. EDGAIl DfiAN HAS REMOVED HlR HnnipA B.h,.. !, tq Just oppoalte Court Hqubb aqupje,) DR, A. J. CONNRT.T nii'PTPIIl M Washington avenue, cor, Bpruca itreet, ,2a Vine at, Offleo hourei 10.30 to a, m, and 2 to 4 and CiO to T,80 p, m, $un day, i to a p. m. DR, W.B. ALLEN. OPFinn nnn. ukOK. awanna and Waahlncton avea.i over Leonard's shoe stores ofllce houm, 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to t p. m,j evenings at residence, 612 N. Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FIII5T. PnAPTTf-Bi T.lMTTir.n dlseasca of the Eye, Ear,. Noae and Throat ntHrM. 19 i . .. - ti OR, L. U, OATE19, IS WASHINGTON uycMur. vince noure, 8 to a, ra.. l.W to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 8fl Mad Ison avenue. JOHN U wentz. t n nirFTniaa ta and 53 Commonwealth building; resi dence Til Madison ave.i oftlco hours, 10 to12, I to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays ISO to t, evenings at resluenoo. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose ninjqi. n;m -gynecology DR. KAY. 206 PENN AVE 1 to n. m.: call m. Dis. of women, obstetrtco and and dis. ot chil. Lawyers. rESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND tounsouors at law, Commonwealth building-, Washington avenue. W. H. JKSSUP, HORACK K. HAND, W. H. JESdUP, JR. TLLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors ot Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Po. PATTER80N ft WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 and 8 Library building, Scranton, Ta. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON, VY IL.L1IAM A. WILUyA ILFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common- vroajtn Dunging. Rooms 1, 20 and HI W. P. BOYLP5, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, U. ,ft , ... Tl I rill nr . I "wo, is uuu .a, ourr DuuuiiiK, vvasniiis; ton avenue. HENRY M. KEELY LAW OFFICES in rTlco building, 128 WaBhlngton ave. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT- 'uw. iioom 0, coal Exchunge.bcran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-,at-Law, rooms C3, 04 and 06, Common ealthbulldlng; SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT iaw. umce, 817 Hpruco St., Bcranton.Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, via mcKawanna ave.. acrauton. pa. P. P. SMITH. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OfBco rooms, 64, 66 and 68 Common wealth building. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT - law, commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pa. C. COMEGYS. S21 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 408 Spruce street. B. F. K1LLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, las Wyoming ave., Bcranton. pa. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACIA,WANNA, wiwiwii, rtu, i;rvjares Doys anu giria for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEHGArt- ten and School, 412 Adntns avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open Nov. 19. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY in porcelain, crown end bridge work, Odontothreapla. Office 104 North Washington avenue. C. C .LAUBACH, SURGEON DENT lst. No. 116 Wyoming avenue. , a M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAIi Ex change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association wll loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on In vestment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.,SEED8MEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington avo nue; gruen house, 1360 North Main ave nue, store telephone 782. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 515 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. Q. SCHENCK, Manager. Sixteenth St.. one block east of Broad way, at Union Square, Now York. American plan. 83.50 per day and upward, flPDiMIVIM UriTTat.- an V, T . VTT passenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan, victor kuuh, prop, Architects, DAVIS & VON S TORCH. ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth ouihiing, Bcranton. ' w 1 E. L, WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 606 Washington avenuo. F. L. BROWN. ARCH. B. ARCHITECT, Price building, 128 Washington avenue, Bcranton. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms editress k. j, wauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbort.s mu sic store, MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes. Daner bona, twlno. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Bcran ton, raj CABS AND SECOND-HAND CAR- rtauos for salo. Also lino gliuiu LanUuu, D. L. FOOTE, AG'T, t 1633 Capouse uventte. v TfRANW P npfiww a net wunr t salo dealers In Woodwaro, Cordage and uii ciotn, iM west L,ackawanna ave. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON PA. ' MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives RAILROAD. TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. tXohighand Kusquohanna Divlsioni Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanllncsH and comfort. TIME TABLK IN EFFECT NOV, 18, 18M. Trains leave Scrunton for Plttaton, WilkeH-Bnrre, etc., at 8.20. 9.1D, 11.30 a.m., 12.45, 2.1X1, 3.05, 6.01, 7.25, ll.Uj p.m. Sundays, .oo a.m., l.w, 2.15, p.m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p.m. Sun duy, 2.15 p.m. For Muueh Chunk, Allcntown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20, 12.45, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m. Sunday, 2.16 p.m: For Long branch, Oceun Grove, etc., at 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. For Reading, Lebanon and Hnrrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a.m.. 12.45, 6.00 p.m. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at u.10 (express) u.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Ilultut parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 p.m. Leave Philadelphia, IteadinK Terminal, 9.00 a.m., 2.00 und 4.30 p.m. Sunduy b.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest ratus muy be hud on application In ad vance to tho ticket agent ul tho station. II. P. HALDVVIN, (Jon. Pass. Agent. J. II. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. Vjt JT'SP? day, July 30, all truing If S M will arrive itnew Luck- w W Ir awanna avenue station jn r as follows: f ' Trains will leave Scran ton station for Curbondulo und In termediate nolnts at 2.20. 5.45. 7.00, S.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.15, 7.25, D.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farview. Waymart and Honcsdala at 7.00, 8.25 aud 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 und 5.15 p.m. For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacki and Montrcul at 5.45 a.m. ami 2.20 p.m. For Wllkes-Barro and Intermedial , lots at 7.45. 8.45, 9.38 aud 10.46 a.m., 12. Uo, i.20. 2.28. 4.00. 6.10. G.05. 0.1 and 11.38 u.m. , Trains will urrlvu at Scrunton stutlort from Carbondalo and Intarmcdltite points at 7.40, 8.40, 0.31 und 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,3li 3.40. 4.54. 5.55. 7.45. 9.11 und 11.33 D.m. f rom rtotieauuie, wavmart and Far) view at 9.34 a.m.. 12.30. 1.17. 3.40. 5.55 und 7.45 p.m. f rom Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. , From Wllkcs-Barre and Intermediate points at 2.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.55 a.m., 1.161 2.14, 3.39, 5.10, 6.03, 7.20, 9.03 and 11.19 p.m. , Nov. 18. ISM. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia aim iew joi'k via u. s ll. u. K. at i.v u.m., 12.03, 2.38 and 11.38 p.m., via D,, L. & W. R. It.. 6.0O. 8.08. 11.20 urn., ami 1.30 Leave Scranton for PittHton nnd Wilkos- Barru. via D L. & W. R. R.. 6.00, 8.0S, 11.20 a.m., i.w, d.ui, s.uu p.m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha zleton, Pottsvllle and all points ou tho ueavur .tieauow ana fottsvllle uranencs, via k. & v. v. k. K.. .40 via D. & H R. R. at 7.45 u.m., 12.05, 2.38, 4.00 p.m., via D.. L. & W. R. R.. 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 a.m.. 1.30. i.M p.m. i.euve scranton for Bethlehem. Kftston Reading, HuirlHburg and all lnti;rmr(liHte points via I). & H. R. K.. 7.45 a.m.. 12.0. 2.38, 4.00. 11.38 ip.m., via D.. L. & W. R. It., u.w,, a.m., p.m. Leave Scranton for Timkhannoek. To wuiuiu, Klnilra. Ithaca. Genevu und all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. U., 8 45 a.m., iz.iiu anu p.m., vm u., L,, & w. u. k.,, a.m.. 1.30 p.m. Iave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and Hll points west via u. & H. 11. It., 8.15 u.m., 12.05, 9.15, 11.3S p.m., via IX, L. & W. R. It, and Plttaton Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a.m., 1.0, 8.50 p.m.. via E. & W. V. R. R.. 3.41 u.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via l). it ri. it. it., 8.40 a.m., 12.05, 6.05 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.08, 9.55 a.m., 1.30, and u.ui p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & H. Junction or Wllkes-Barre und New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suupenslon Briuge. ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Gen. Sunt C1IAS.S. LEE, Gen. Pass. At Phila., Pa. A. NV. WUAiN li.UAl. 11 I'jtt, ASSl. UCU Puss. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.; 12.55 and 3.50 p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., I2.u ana x.W p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p.m Tobvhanna accommodation. 6.10 u.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, 101 mira. Cornirfg. Hath. Dansville. Mount Morris und Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 u.m. and 1.24 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points In the West , Northwest anu Montnwest. Hath accommodation. 9 a.m. Blnghiimton nnd way stations, 12.37 p.m, Nicholson accommodation, at 5.15 u.m. ilinghumton und Elmlra Express, tj.05 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Vtlca and Rlchtleld Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.24 p.m For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Carre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dnn vllle, making close connections at North umberland for W llllamsport, llarrlsburg, Uallimoru, y nshlngton and the South Northumberland and Intermediate Bta tlons, 6.U0, 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 und 6.07 p.m Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains . For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office. 32S Lackawanna uvenue, or Co pot ticket olllce. 'SCIMNTO- DIVISION. In Effect Sept. 10th, 1894. Nortli Hsund. South Bound. 205 203 201 202 204 200 19 leiS 6tallon9' 3 5 h 5 s" 'Trains Dally, 5 ft. 5 ftt " V. Except Sunday! " 5 a " P M ArrTvo Leave A u .... 7'i'i. . N r Franklin St .... 7 40 .... .... 710.... West 4ind bt .... 755 .... .... 700.... Weehawki-n .... 810.... p u p m Arrive t Iavc a n p m .... 8U) 115.... liancock June. 000 au'i 810 100.... liancock OOf. 811 .... 7 58 12 56 .. Starlight flirt J4J .... 751 l'J46 ... Preston Park OM 831 .... 745 1840 .... Como 63'J 841 .... 788 1885 .... Poyntello 0 40 8 50 .... 731 1818 .... Uehnont 6 46 8TxS .... 788 1803 .... Pleasant Mt 6M 806 .... 710 fllSO ... Unioudale f6 58 3 00 .... 708 11 10 u Fursett'lty 710 8 IS P M 6 51 1131 9 IS Oarhondale 7 84 331 8 81 8 4rt fll30 Of.' While Bridge 787 f3 3S 5 37 f 43 f9 0il Mayfleld f7 3J f3 41 f5 4'J 641 11 83 9 If I Jermyn ' T31 8 45 5 45 eat 1118 8 57 Archibald 7 40 8M 5 51 6 3-.' flll5 8 51 Wiuton 7 43 3M 5 51 O'Wllll 850 Peckvllle 74S 350 5 59 6 85 11 07 8 41 Olyphaut 7 52 4 01 6 04 6 31 11 ai 8 41 liickson 7 54 4 07 6 07 6 10 11 08 830 Throop 7511 410 10 614 11 00 8 31 Providence 8 00 4 14 6 14 1013 fl057 8 83 Park Place 8 08 ft 17 616 610 10 55 880 .Scranton -' 8 05 4 80 6 80 p ll A M 1 u Leave Arrive A M p p u All trains run dslly except Sunday, f. signifies that tmins stop on signal for pas sengers. Si-cure rates via Ontario & Western before purchasing tickets and save mouer. Day and NicUKxpresstothe West. ' J- V. Anderson, Clen. Pass. Agt, T. FWeroft, Div. Pass. Agt., Scranton, Pa. Eric und Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on tho Erie rail road at 6.35 a m, and 324 p.m. Also for Honesdule, Hawley and locul points ut 6.30. 9,45 a.m., and 3.24 p.m. All the nbovn are through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for WUkes-Barre at 6.40 a. m, and 3.41 p.m. . ... AMUSEMENTS. EXTRA THE FROTHINCHAM NOV. Liu ! Mutinee A.Night NOV.UU JOSEPH JEFFERSON, RIP VAN A WINKLE. Sale of seats Monday, 9 a. ra. (Nov. 2fl). Prices, SiOJ, J1.50, and 41.00. Admissions, 7oc; Uallery, 50c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC nanKsgiving uay, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29. .Matinee at 2.30, F.vcnlug ut 8. w. Composed of some of the best Vaudeville Artists on the stoi;e, and giving a goud performance. The entertainment to close with 4. round seientiilcex hlbltlou of sparring between George - Dixon, v-nampion r eamer wolght of the World, and PKOF. JACK LYNCH, of Philada. Regular nrice. Sale of Btntu Tiim. d .y, Nov. i7,at 9 a. ui. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. f ri I UAT, NOV. SO. Eugene Robinson's Superb Production, THE. NEW Paul Kauvar Special Scenery and Effects. A Strong Dramatic Cast. Multum Em Onus. HEAR .'. THE.". GRENADIER .'. QUARTETTE day, Nov. '2$. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1. An excellent company of SINGERS, DANCERS AND PRETTY GIRLS, Including thn Eminent Comedians, und Fun Producers, THE .'.GORMANS JOHN, JAMES and GEORGE. Salo of seats opens Thursday, Nov. 29. THE FROTHINGHAM If J I nnkfe sh A. a. I V l raonaay nrn n umy D RECT FROM N. Y. CASINO CANARY AND LEDERER'S Co'osHal Comedy Organization, 11O-PEOPLE-110 PASSING S One Night, and That's All. SEE I L'Enfant Prodlgue Ballot. Lanarv and Leiiorer s ficaaninniea, The Splendid Specialties. TANNHAU8EB, ..,T HEAR BE39 IT TDIlV A WfTT? NEW VERSIONS) IL PAULIACCL Voruuta Jurbesu, John K. Honahaw, Lucy Daly. Charles J. Ross, Jcsai Carlisle, George A. Schiller, Mail ire Leasing, William Cameron, Sylvia Thome, Gus Pixley, La Petite Adelaide, E. 8. Tarr. May Ten Broock. THE ' GREATEST COMPANY tiP ARTISTS EVEH ENGAGED IN THE INTERPRETATION OF A LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT "A Mood Thing" Orchestra Increased to 18. 3 g I'-l'iishltAloag-l OF Prices, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery, 29& 8alo of seats commences Friday, Nov. ! tho box oftlco. ), at DAVIS' THEATER Thanksgiving Attraction. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29, 30 and Dec. 1, SHERMAN & fflORRISEY'S COMEDIANS In That Most Laughable Absurdity, A Jay Circus THE BEST SHOW ON EARTH, B Alt NONE. , - Many New Foreign Features, Never Bufora Soon in This Country, and the glU.UUO Wrestling Pony, "Major." Hie Only Show in the World That Carries and Betas Real Circus Tent on the Stage. ADMISSION, 10, To OR 30 CENTS Two performances daily at2.30and8.15p.ra. Next Attraction, "Tho Circus Girl." THE CiLHOOLYS ABROAD Win, Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Stock, Bond's and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board ot Trade, either for cash or oa margin. , v 412 SprW Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. (iflB. DIMMICK, Manager. .TELEPHONE 6,002, -
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