THE SCEAKTOIT TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING, : OCTOBER 17. 1894. Dr. J. P. Greenleaf, of Oweflo, Read Interesting Taper on Melancholia, TAPER ON INFANT FEEDING Three Papers Read ot the Morning Ses sion Which Were Freely Discussed. Detail Business In the Afternoon and Reading of Other Papers. The third quarterly session of the Interstate Homeopathic Medical asso ciation was held yesterday In the ar bitration room' of the court house. The session began at 10 a. m., and from that hour until noon three papers were read and discussed. The first one was on "Infant Feeding," by Dr. Coolldge, of this city. The dietetic management of Infants, where nature's supply is wont lug, was the point dwelt upon in the paper. Sterilized cow's milk was de scribed as the best substitute. It is best In iterlll2ing the milk to heat It nbuut fifteen minutes, and It may be diluted with the addition of plain water, lime water, or barley water. For in fants suffering with diarrhoea gruel mixed 'with milk and sweetened with HUgar was recommended. Cream Is also a, very practicable nutritlent. Dr. S. S. Simmons, of Susquehanna, read a paper on "Clinical Illustrations of High Potencies," and Dr. E. M. San tee, of Cortlandt, N. ,Y., rend one on "Clinic." Bothl were comprehensive treatises of the sick bed and were freely discussed. The session then adjourned for. luncheon. The afternoon meeting was not begun until 3 o'clock. A nunv ber of names were read by the secretary and by unanimous consent they were added to the roll and admitted to mem bership. . . Fixing Cost of Membership. There was a general debate on the fix lug of an Initiation fee. The bills for the last quarter were read and ap proved and from their amount the initi ation fee of J2 for those admitted at yes terday s meeting, $1 for all who in fu ture apply for admission and dues at the rate of 60 cents a month were deemed sufficient to meet all expenses. Dr. Ware suggested that at future meetings the time for reading papers and their discussion be limited to a cer tain spuce. He put the suggestion In form of u motion, it was seconded and curried. The chair appointed as a com mittee to regulate the matter, Drs. H. 15. Ware, of this city; W. H. Proctor, of lllnghamton; and K. B. Nash, of Cort landt. The executive committee and secretary will appoint the next place of meeting. Drs. Seldon H. Talcott and Edwin Fanchon, of MIddletown, N. Y., were elected honorary members. A pro gramme of seven papers had been ar ranged, but through the absence of some of those who were selected to pre pare them, only five were read. The paper read by Dr. J. D. Greenleaf, ot Owego, N. Y., was the most Interesting und treated a subject which makes Interesting reading. His paper was on "The Blues," the substance of which is given: , "There is a condition of the hu man mind which obtains in every life; ' it is epidemic and sporadic, it is both contagious and Infectious, its effects are both fatal and ephemeral. Its dur ation Is momentary and everlasting, it Is curable or incurable, Its cause Is readily found and impossible to dis cover. "On Monday, when exhausted by the labors of the preceding day the clergy man has the blues; when some of his best and most profitable patrons are persuaded to pass their case over to the hands of some other disciple of Aesculapius the physician has the blues; when his client persists in doing Just the very thing that he has been warned not to do, the lawyer has the blues; when some apparently well-to-do patron absconds between two davs. leaving a generous unpaid account to be charged to profit and loss, the mer chant has the blues; whether It rains or shines. In drought or In good weather, when the market Is good or when the agricultural products are cheap, the farmer has the blues; when the wash woman falls to appear as she has agreed, or the cook threatens a sudden und unlooked for departure, the house wife has the blues. In short, everybody lias tne times Effects' of the lllues. "All the way from momentary dis couragement down past hours of de spondency, sleepless nights, neglect of social and domestic duties, weeping and walling day and night, the refusal of food and the consequent emaclution. past all these, to the fatal disgraceful depths of a well planned suicide. The troubles and trials of life assail us all, and discouragement broods over every lire. Urlef for loss of friends or prop erty Is natural, and to be expected tears and sighs, sobs and walling, are the every-day experience of the race, and after giving way to emotion for a time, one returns with a sore heart and a long face to the same old Jog trot or life's eternal round of duties. If, after a reasonable time, he does not so re turn he is sick, his brain Is diseased. "One man Is always given to melan r-holy, to looking over the dark side of life, and after some severe loss he spends two or three weeks in moaning another Is always brave and hopeful never gives way to reverses In busl . liens or the trials of domestic llfe,and yet after a loss of as profound a nature as the one cited above, he spends a week in depression and despondency, Of these two the former is not an un natural state; the latter In an. unusual state, Is mentally 111. c "Three questions decide the mental lllnee of the patient: 1. Is the cause an Imaginary one? 2. Is the degree of de spondency at variance with the tern perament and habit of the patient? 3. Is the degree of despondency out of all proportion to the cause? "The type of .melancholia that makes the patient endeavor to attract the at tention of those about him, to the de. luslons which are harbored, and in others only mildly, pe'stetitly tireless In the struggle to prote. ,.Jleir troubles upon the mind and sympathy of those with whom they come in contact In this type suicide Is greatly to be feared It will be secretly planned, carefully and suddenly carried put and generally successful. "But many a patient fills a suicide' grave unintentionally .' because the scheme Is employed to frighten the friends and nursees and so win un in creased degree of attention. Christian ity, strange to say, oilers no commit and encouragement to be of any use in a case of the blues. - 'The treatment lies In gently, tenderly and persistently, day after day, treat ing the delusion as a delusion, removal from the locality where Is the real or Imaginary cause for the mental crash, and rigid observance' of the laws of hygiene as far as clothing, food ana fresh air. It Is necessary to use a large quantity of easily digested nour ishing food. Patients who are Buffer ing from melancholia generally refuse all food and the tube must be used." The paper was discussed brlelly Dy the members. The DaDer of Dr. Klrkendall, of Ithaca, on the Importance of refraction of all children before attending pub lic schools, said that but 15 per cent. of the children are born with nearly perfect eyeballs, and as a result the in attention given to children beginning their school studies is the cause of so many sore eyes and spectacled per sons. The paper and discussion follow ing the reading of It commended the examination of children's eyes before they begin a course of study. A list of doctors who were present Is given: C. A. Llndabury, city; George V. Hand, Blnghamton: J. T. Greenleaf, Owego, N. Y.; S. S. Simmon, Susque hanna; A. F. Merrill, Hallstead; C. A. Ward, Blnghamton; H. F. Hellner, F. I). Brewster, Scranton: E. H. Hill, Tunkhannock; T. A. Tiffany, Afton, N. Y. ; E. B. Nash, E. M. Santee, Cortland, N. Y.; A. L. Larige, T. T. Thompson, Theo. Surret. C. W. Roberts, J. W. Coolldge, H. B. Ware, Scranton; W. H. Proctor, R. C. Flske, Blnghamton; M. A. Shepperd, Scranton; M. D. Rtrang, A. F. Mills, Dr. Snyder, Blng hamton. Dr. E. Snyder, of Blnghamton, pre sided over the sessions, and Dr. Charles winters, of Blnghamton, is secretary, SERIOUS MATTER FOR HASS ury Says That He is Guilty of Aggra vated Assault and Battery. NINE MONTHS FOR MR. LAKSON Remarks Mode By Judge Gunstcr in Im posing Scntonce-Afton Bushnok Will Spcnd Three Years in the Pcnlten-tlury-Purker Not Guilty. IN LOCAL THEATERS; FOR 20 YEARS the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physiciansof the whole world. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in we viiai strength it gives. Sgotts Emulsion nourishes. It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourish ment. It strengthens Weak . Mothers and restores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. ForCourhs, Cold. Sora Throat Broti ' chltri,Weik Lurtjt.Consumptlon.Blood Diseases and Lom of Flesh. tcottkBMme,N.V. MOrsBOrits. B0e.tndl. "The Galley Slave," the late Bartley Campbell's play, which will be pro duced at the Academy of Music tonight, has a romantic history. The finishing touches of the play were made at a little country hotel In Gushohocken, Pa., during the summer of 1879, and so nearly penniless was the author that a great portion of the last act of the piny was written upon common wrapping pa per borrowed from the village grocer, The play was originally written to or der ror the late Billy Gemill, at that time the manager of Chestnut Street theater, Philadelphia. Campbell had reut confidence in his "little play, as was his custom to style it, and In spite of his Impoverished condition re fused large offers for its sale outright, No play now before the American pub' lie combines the pathetic and the hu morous as does this reflex of American society abroad. The cast for tonight Includes many admirable artists, such MIron Lefflngwell, W. W. Allen Joseph Wheelock, Carroll Daly, C. A, Goodrich, Ralph Hayden, Miss Ellle Darling, Miss Loduskl, young Miss Lole Morriese and Miss Harrlette Sheldon. II II II This evening the New York CelebrI ties will give a coucert at the Frothing am. It will be one of the musical events of the season In this city. The company is composed of such distil gulshed artists as Miss Luta Cortlandt, soprano; Miss Alice Gertrude Couy, pianiste; Orme Darvall, tenor; Herr Oscar Hentschel, flute virtuoso. The Chicago Times says of Mr. Darvall He has a rich and powerful voice of great depth and extended compass. His school is that of a thorough artist and shows In every tone that he sings. He sang the prayeV of "King Henry' with telling dramatic power. II II II We have up-to-date songs, farces, dances, etc.; now comesManager Brady with an up-to-date naval play with an American title, "Old Glory," which Is founded on the late Chilian rebellion has an Interesting Btory, realistic and modern scenic effects, and will be produced at the Academy of Music on Thursday evening. II II II "The New Ole Olson," which will be the attraction at the Academy of Music on Friday and Saturday evenings ot this week, is not the old Swedish com edy of that name, but an entirely new version written by Gus Heege, the au thor and originator of Swedish dialect on the stage. It Is a lively, dashln farce-comedy, full of spirit and go and presenting the quaint and amusln character of the Americanized Swede In an entirely new form. There have been many attempts to Imitate and pirate Ole Olson," but It still remains the first and best of all the alleged Swedish plays. In this verslan many clevei specialties are introduced by clever pen ule. and the play Is described as a de Ided Improvement on the old version Situations, characters, dialogue, are all new and the company Is Incomparably superior to any that has ever been set in the play. I Manager Davis huH secured for Thursduy, Friday and Saturday, Oct 18, 19 and 20. the celebrated Vivian De Monto and her superb company of nr tists, In conjunction with the original Sampson, the modern "Hercules." who Is said to be the strongest man living, and with whom Sandow contested to draw at the Orpheum theater, San Francisco, last April. The company is composed of a number of 'clever specialists, and each performance Is concluded by the successful one-act comedy, "The Irish Alderman." Samp son will nppear at every performance, and a committee consisting of twelve men will be selected from the audience to examine the weights, chains, dumb bells, etc., with which he performs. Large attendance may be expected dur ing this engagement. ST. LUKE'S ANNIVERSARY'. Will Ue Observed In an Interesting .Man ner on Thursduy. The anniversary festival of St. Luke's parish will be held on St. Luke's day, Oct. .IS In the morning three oppor tunities will be given for participation in the holy communion, at 6, 8 and 10 o'clock, so that all classes of parishion ers may have an opportunity for enjoy ing this privilege. From 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. the rectory will be open to parishioners and fritmdh of the parish, when the Needte-Whrkers will exhibit their year's work, and the class In Industrial drawing and kinder garten will display some of their efforts in various departments.. At I :i! p. m. a imnsn reunion win ue held In the church, when the reports of the various guilds and societies will be read. At all these services and exer cises parishioners are' expected and friends are Invited. THIS IS DONATION DAY. Send Your Mite to Assist Family at the Home for the Friendless. The annual donation day for the Home for the Friendless has been fixed for today. From morning until night all articles which any family can find useful will be gladly received at the home, 725 Adams avenue. The needs of the Institution are many. It Is nec essary to make every effort to save the funds now on hand for the new build ing, and It is hoped that the gifts Bent on dona'tlon day will furnish the sup plies for the coming winter. The family Is now very largt, and many applications are being received for admittance. Let every person In this city who feels a throb of pity for the poor and homeless, send something today to help on the noble and system atized work of the Home for the Friendless.' The cross-examination nt rnnetahia A alentine Hass, of Blakely. who was put on trial before Judge Edwards Mon day for having shot and seriously wounded Thomas Jones, was resumed by Attorney Joseph O'Brien after court opened yesterday morning. It was con- ""Ulu Ior nire than half an hour and then several witnesses were called, who testified to Mr. Hass' reputation as a peaceable citizen. There was also evi dence tending to show that Constable viinum navis was intoxicated on the night of the trouble. 1 his was offered for the nnmnm of discrediting the testimony of Mr. Davis who swore when on the stand Monday uiui xiass tola him when Placed under arrest that he had shot at Jones with tne intention of killing htm. It was contended by the defense that Consta ble Davis was so Intoxicated at the time he made the arrest that he could have no recollection of anything that was said. At 11:30 the evidence was all In and Attorney C. H. Super made his closing argument for the defense and was fol lowed by Attorney Joseph O'Brien for the commonwealth. ' Hass Severely Arraigned. In his argument. Mr. O'Rrlen se verely arraigned the prisoner for what he called his brutality and readiness to use his revolver. J mice Edwards de- livered a careful and explicit charge to the Jury, which went out at 3:45. The case is creating great Interest in the borough of Blakely, where the parties reside, and the little court room in whk-h the case was heard wiis crowded yesterduy and Monday with people from that vicinity who watched the progress of the trial with great Interest At 4:30 Hass was returned guilty on tne secoml count of the Indictment- aggravated assault and battery. In the main court room, before Judge Gunster, the defense in the case ot Henry Parker, charged with stealing a horse, carriage and harness from Llv; eryman Thomas Hendrlck, of Jermyn, was heard after court opened yesterday morning. Parker went on the stand and swore that he had no intention of stealing the property he hired from Mr. Hendrlck s stable. He got the horse and carriage, he said, to drive to Provi dence to find his brother, who works at a mine thereabouts. Not finding him. he left the horse and carriage at the Garfield house at Providence. Parker Wrote a l'ostal Card. He came to the central part of the city and became Intoxicated and re mained in that condition for more than a day. Then he wrote a postal to the proprietor of the Sweeney House at Jer myn, asking him to tell Mr. Hendrlck where his horse and carriage could be found. Parker denied having told the proprietor of the Garfield House that he owned the outfit and was going to ship It to New York. He admitted that his name is not Parker, but refused to give his real name. Sullivan county, N. Y., he said is his home. He has relatives there and he does not want them to know that he Is in trouble here. For that reason he refused to divulge his name. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and Parker was remanded back to jail to await trial on a charge of stealing a horse from Liveryman Pierce, of Car- bondale. Afton Bushnok, of Carbondale, who was tried before Judge Gunster Monday for feloniously wounding S. Hupka, was yesterday returned guilty. He stabbed Hupka three times with a knife. Judge Gunster sentenced BuBhnok to pay a fine of $100, costs and spend three years in the pel Itentlary. Scntcnco Imposed on Lawson. Lawson, the bicycle thief who pleaded guilty on Monday, was called up for sentence yesterday afternoon. Attor ney Charles E. Olver asked the court to be merciful in Imposing sentence. The prisoner, he' said, has been In jail since last June and during his confine ment has Buffered a groat bereavement in the death of his father. Mr. Olver further explained that he had been in terested in the case by ladles who do missionary work at the county Jull. They had become acquainted with Law son and he had excited their sympa thy. While Mr.' Olver was speaking tears welled up In the prisoner's eyes. In answer to the questions of Judge Gunster, Lawson said that his name is Clark Dunn Lawson and his home In New York, where his widowed mother resides. He was arrested once before at Stroudsburg. In Imposslng sentence Judge Gunster said: "One of the hardest duties a Judge to perform is to impose sentences on the young. I always do It with a great of reluctance. I might send you to the penitentiary for the offense you have committed, but I dislike to do it because a man who goes there always comes out with the smell of the penitentiary cling ing to him, Wuntcd to Give 111m a Chance, "I want to give you a chance to be come a useful member of society and live down this blot that you have placed on your name. The sentence of the court, therefore, Is that you pay a fine of $1, costs, restore the property stolen, and spend nine months In the county Jail." After sentence was imposed Lawson was led sorrowfully back to the prisoner's box. Joseph Collnclno, of Carbondale, was put on trial before Judge Gunster for stabbing Antonio Allello, The latter lives opposite the Delaware and Hud son station at Carbondale, and In July last, according to his statement, Col laclno and several friends came to his place one Sunday for something to drink. He refused to tq them and they went across the street to the'' porch of the station and began to use foul language concerning Allelto and those related to him. He went across the street and remonstrated with them, whenupon Collaclno drew a knife. Allelto tried to kick It out of his hand but failed to accomplish his purpose and was stabbed in the ab domen Dy wonacino. Story of the Defense-. Collaclno denied that he went to Al lelto's houBe on the day of the trouble looking for drink. He said he was standing at the station with friends when Allelto came across the street and asked who wanted to fight. No one answered and Allelto hit Louis Scarsa, who ran away. Allelto then kicked and slupped the accused and the latter drew his knife and told his assailant to keep away. Allelto again advanced and Collaclno stabbed him. The accused was represented by ex- Judge W. H. Stanton and Attorney George S. Horn assisted the district attorney In prosecuting the case, which was given to the Jury at 4 o'clock. Just before court adjourned a jury was sworn in court room No. 2 to try the case of the commonwealth against Louis Mancuso, of Carbondale, who Is charged 'with keeping a tippling house. and being a frequenter of disreputable resorts und committed to jail in default of $1,000 bail, charged with aggravated assault and battery- He had kicked, beaten ' and broken the leg of Mary Hess, an inmate, who Is now -In "the Lackawanna hospital. Emma Fay. the proprietress, was fined $50; Bessie Sailor and Minnie Lewis, Inmates, $2b each, John Fee, of Carbondale, and Hugh Mitchell, a Delaware and Hudson brakeman, were fined $25 and $10 re spectively. EISTEDDFOD AT TAYLOR. v Welsh Baptists Will Celebrate Christmas with a Day of Song. Secretary William G. Howells, of the eisteddfod committee of the Welsh Calvary Baptist church, of Taylor, gives out the subjoined prog-ammee which will be carried out at Weber's rink on Christmas day. Other details connected with the elBteddfod are yet to be completed. This is' the programme: Choir containing not rewer man six teen, members over 60 years of age, Mozart's Gloria, Twelfth Mass. Prize, $100. Male choir, not fewer than sixteen voices or over twenty, "Drinking Song." Prize, $20. Female choir, same in number as above chlor, "Ring Ye Bells." Prize, $20. The furniture firm of Nelzer & Powell has offered a chair to the con ductress of the succesful choir In this number. Trio, 'God Be Merciful," Dr. parry. Prize, $6. ' . . Duet, "Flow Gentle Deva Dr. Parry. Prize, $4. Bass solo, 'The Noble BoY of Truth," John Parry. Prize, $3. Tenor solo, "Like As a Father," Professor Harry Jones. Prize, $3. Alto solo, 'Flee As a Bird." Prize, $3. Soprano solo, "But Thou Dids't Not Leave His Soul in Hell," Handel. Prize, $3. Solo, for children under 12 years of age, 'I'm a Pilgrim," Gospel hymns. Prize, $2. Welsh recitation, "Rhyddhad y Caethion yn Amerig," Telynog. Prize, $4. Recitation, "Cardinal Wolsey on Being Cast Off by the King," Shakes peare. Prize, $4. Recitation. "This Life Is What We Make It," for children under 10 years of aee. Prize. $2. Speech. "The Advantage or Disad vantage of a Borough,' Welsh or Eng lish. Prize, $3. Impromptu speech. Prize, $1. Spelling match, Welsh or English Prize. $1. For the person guessing nearest to the correct number of names In a let ti.r n in- -rivM1 nt the time, Welsh or English. Prize, $1. Food First Medicine Second IN ALL ILLNESS T IS NOW THE ACCEPTED THEORY. Perfect nutrition is possi ble with Bovinine. It contains all the elements necessary for making new blood, new tissues, new bone, and muscle. (AOTION Hi's So LAGER The Original Raw Food ! makes the flesh firm and rosy, gives color to lips and cheeks, brightens the eyes, and will, unaided, sustain life for weeks it contains no medicine is perfect food only. ' Endorsed by 25,000 Physicians. Sold by all druggist. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Cclebratoa PILSENER LAGER BEER THIRD NATIONAL BASK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLOS, - $250,000 This bank offers to depositors every fa cility warranted by their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. WILLIAM CONNELL, President. GEO. H. CIATLIN. Vlce-Presldpnt. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. - DIRECTORS: William Cnnnpll. C.eorire II. Catlln. Al fred Hand, James Arclibald, Henry Bella, Jr., William T. smith, Luuier Keller. CAPACITY : 100,000 Barrels per Annum I I II THE TRADERS national Bank of Scranton. OROAMZED 1890. Mmlo Boxes Exclusively Beat made. Play any desired number of tunes, uaumeni & Hons, manuiucuirem, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only 15 snd 110. Specialty: Old musla boxes carefuly re paired and Improved with new tunes. Large, Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds. Guano Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. CAPITAL 250,000 . SURPLUS $30,00 BAMT'EL IIINE3. President. W. W. WATSON, Vli-e-l'resldent. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIUECTOnS. Snmnr.1 Hini .Tii ni hh M. Everhnrt. fry Inn A. I-'Im-h, l'lc-n-e H. l-'lnley. Joseph J Jeinivn, M. a. Kemerer. t tmrles V. Mat thew, John T. loi ter, . w . vv aisun. HUNT & CONNELL CO, DU FONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufaeturod at the Wapwnllnppn Mills, Lr tern county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 113 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa, Third National Bank Building. aoihcikb: THOH. rORD. 1 lttnton. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A bON, Plymouth, Pa. K. W. MULLIGAN. W lilies Barro. Fa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com pany a High Kxploatven. WHITE SENT TO JAIL. Will Have to Answer for Breaking the Leg . of Mary lies. 1 Tn the police court yeiterday morning the inmates and men arrested in the raid upon the Center street resort of Emma Fay were given hearings. Charles White, a hanger-on at the place, was fined M for drunkenness Complexion Proservad DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove Freeklet, Ptmplet, Liver Moles, Blaokheads, unburn and Tan, and re. tores the (kin to Its origi nal freshness, producing a clear and healthy com- ! finnArfAt.fllfu4 freparatlona and porfnrtly harmless. At U1 Ciruggiia,9ruifuiuuiuEuviB. www wwi.,, VIOLA 8K1M tOAP H"Ur ipii m a t4 A. n.4.,. D1a I t Cantm. G. C. BITTNER A CO.,Totoo,0. For tale by Matthew Bros, aad J oh B. flielpa, I, and -LIBERAL. This bank Invites the patronage of bus muss nu-n and firms generuiy. IS THE eCST. i NO SQUEAKING. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE 95. CORDOVAN, - FRCNCH&ENAMELLEDCALF! 4--5.5P FINE CAU& KANGAR01 43.L0P0LICE.3Som. ? EXTRA FINE. 2.l.7iBOYSSCHO0LSHOES. LADIES H SEND FOR CATALOGUE BROCKTON, MASS, You can save mnnry br purchaiiug VV. Because, we are Hie larvest manufacturer of advertised ibot in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high A ihr mitMlFman'a Drofits. Our shoes equal custom work In style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prlcs for the value given than any other msice. xaae no uunuiuic. n ywui dealer cannot supply you, we can. bold by E.J.LEONARD. TO OUR patrons: OA Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that thev will tills war hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL h CONNELL Wholesale Agents. shAw EMERSON J. Lawrence Stelle, FORMERLY STELLE & SEE LEY, MUSIC DEALER, "EBSXSgS? SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. ORGANS CLOUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER.CROWN PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU & CONNELL 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. h I h I All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. IRON -r Of every description. Prompt shipments guaranteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn-buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware, BITTENBENDER & CO., Scranton, Pa. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : raclflc Coast Red Collar Shingles. "Victor" niul other Michigan Brands of White Tine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway I'lne Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short und Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Wbtta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists ao4 Studding. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. Csseasis it Tut HiOHtsf Miotem AuTMeamta M'SnEilTHOLlHIIALER feYMACAURRH HEADACHE mixthoi mm IHHAT.TO will cure you, A wondorrul boon to sufTerari from Colds, nrThrot, Inflnenva, Bronchitis, or II A FF.VEK. AfmU immtdiattrelUf. Anemclcint remedy, onnvf nlent to oarr; In Bonnet, warty to on Brut Indlratlon of ratlnne4 I'se Kftieta remanent f oarry cold. nU(aoUonHBranteedorinoney refunded. Prlee, SO cts. uti&i tree at urusKiiia. Hoamerea nisu, 60 oeau. L t. CUSEaiH, sir., Ikns linn, Kick., 0. J. 4. MrMTUfll The surest and safest remedy for mC.11 1 nUL alleHo diseases, Koiema.lteh.Ralt Rneum.old SoresJIiirns, Cuts. Wenaerfal rem edy for FIXES, Prlee, eta. at I)ruir- R I S3 gists or by null prepaid, address aiabnre. DnU. Tor sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phelps. HASSON STARK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACTORY VILLE. Is prepared to receive summer boarders ana lurnisninxs ior tourists to surraunu' Ins towns aad summer resorts. 709-iLE SEA TRIPS By the Beautiful New Steamships of. the OLD DOMINION LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT (HYQEIA HOTEL). OB VIRGINIA BEACH (PHINCEbtt ANNE HOTEL.) And return. Most Delightful Resorts on the At lantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS for $16.00 ft 4 7 $17.00 y 1 1 04 0 OLD POINT COHFORT -OlD VIRGINIA BEACHy - - A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of meals and berths en route, a day and a quar ter's board at either hotel. This trip Is an Ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, with little likeli hood of seasickness, and passes In review many watering places and points of Interest. For printed matter and full particulars, address OLD DOMINION S. S. COMPANY, V. L. GULLLAUDEU, Traffic taanaer. Pier 26, fiortli Rlier, Kci lorL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers