TIIE SCKANTON TRIBIfNE-MONDAT MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1894. FAST Til IS IDE Gentlemen Drivers Have an Afternoon of Good Sport. ABIGAIL WINS THE 2.40 EVENT J. L. Crawford's Pair Vins the Team Race and the Ugly-Looking Poor Richard Captures the Three-Minute Event The Track Was Fast and the Crowd Was Satisfied With the Sport Details of the Meeting. THE track was fait at Saturday's races of the Gentlemen's Driv ing club at the Driving park, and muoh interest was taksn by the audience in tha different events. Something new for whioh all were gratefnl was the quality of muaio fur nished. A colored bango player treated the nervous system of the audience to a severe shaking up at last week's rtoes, but on Saturday a violinist and a harp player performed on their respec tive instruments to the satisfaction of everybody. The first event was a team race. Dr. B. II. Throop arrived late and was barred from entering. It took three heats to decide it. In the first beat C. M. Sanderson's fine pair cams under the wire easy winners. In the second and third heats J. L. Crawford's well matched blacks gave a fine exhibition of speed and steadiness. They won both heats and the raoe. The 2. SO class l was not trotted, but the 2.40 race was a splendid exhibition of speed. The scoring in the 3-tninute race was irretebed, but when the horses did get away they held a steady gait and it was nip and tuck for honors. Dr. Houser's Poor Richard won both heats and the race, making fast time iu the first. The last event was the most interest ing on the programme. Four heats were required to decide it. Abigail, Dr. Houser's brown mare, won the race. The first heat was taken by Star Dudley by a length. The second was taken by Abigail, who wonld have also taken tbe third but that her harness jroke coming down the stretch. Duke won tbe third heat. The fourth heat ffas captured by Abigail. THE EVENTS SUMMARIZED. The summary of the races is as fol lows : Team raco: J. II. Wears 2 2 2 Dr. John Wentz 4 4 4 C. M. Sanderson 1 3 8 J. L. Crawford S 1 1 Time-liM, 1:25$, l:28f, Three minute clam: Pilot, ch. g., M. T. Keller 5 3 Poor Richard, b. g., Dr. Honser 1 1 Beauty, bl. m., Dr. J. L. Wentz 2 6 William, b. g., Frank MerriQeld 6 0 Frank S., b. e., J. F. Siogol 8 2 Joe, br. g., K, Crippen 4 4 Time-l:18tf, 1;20. 2:40 c'ass: Duke, bl. g., L. T. Payne 2 3 1 8 Abigail, br. m., Dr. Houeer 3 12 1 (Star Dudley, s. g., Joe Hull 1 2 8 4 Magpie Davis, b. in. J. Davis. . . .5 0 5 2 .Hand L, ch. m., C. a 8eaman8.4 4 4 0 Tlme-l:15, 1:H, 1:13, 1:G. Harry Bjllmun was timekeeper and Joe Jermyu and J. W, Crawford starters. Between the heats George M. Hal stead drove a clever team of sorrels twice around the track in 2 55. The races this week will be on Thurs day. A feature will be a running mule race. The fact that Hood's Kareaparilla, once fairly tried, becomes the family medicine, speaks volumes for its excellence and me dicinal merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla is na ture's co-worker. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca thartio with everyone who tries them, 25c. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL,, The Manhattan Bicycle club will hold a 15-mile club handicap road race on next baturdny. Titus expects to return to Springfield tbe latter part of this month to try for new records. The 10-mile handicap Citizon road race will be held on Sept. 2ti on the Coney Island boulevard. At th Mount Holly, N. J., fair, on Oct. 2, 3 and 4, bicycle races will be held for class A and B riders. The second semi-annual country run of the WestchcBtcr Cycling league will be held on next .Sunday. A. A. Chase, a member of the North Road club of England, hag lowered Short laud's twelve-hour road record. Chase now holds the record with 213 miles to his credit. The New York wheelmen will hold the following club road races on election day: Quarter-mile handicap, half-mile handicap, two-mile bandicap, five-mile handicap, one-mile club championship. It is reported that Lehr, the German amateur champion and winner of the one mile international race, bas secured the consent of the Gorman Cycling union to race Zimmerman, and has accordingly challenged the professional champion to a match. Cycling, of England, says: "To put up a big prize and then save it by placing a prohibitive time limit on the race, junt be fore tbe start, is a dodgo worthy of tbe shrewd Yankee race-meet promoter. At a meeting at Minneapolis this was actually done; the riders, headed by Sanger, rather upset arrangements by refusing to start aud tbe men left the mark and returned to the dressing rooms." Dr. C. C Lacbacb, dentist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Scranton. u The secret of my strength is perfect digestion. I use the Genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, and find that it greatly aids me in the proper assimila tion of food." Beware of imitations. Thegen uine must have the' signature of on neck label.. N Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sola Agents., New York. BASE BALL. IT CAME TOO LATE. Soranton Wlm th Last Game of the , Baasoo, ' About 500 spectators saw the lo cal baseball team take the men from Providence into camp Saturday. It was the last Eastern league game of the season, which acconnted for a fairly large attendance of nnny who were there to take advantage of a final opportunity. The number of cranks might have been greater. Scranton played a game full of steam and effort; the visitors put up a very listless front, as the result would make no material difference in their per can tag. These two conditions and Umpire Hopewell's generosity to Siran ton kept the game well balanced and sent the crowd home well satisfied. Whitehead was on third, Phelan at second, Cahill in right and Rogers backs topping The run-betting was begun by Provi denoe iu the fifth inning, when Cub Strieker crossed tbe plate. Scrauton tallied one in the next inning, two in the eighth and another in the ninth. It was impossible for Cahill to swing bis stick and miss the bail; he bad four bits to his credit. Johnson at bat and in the field was ever valuable as oocasion required. Quarles had his best playing clothes ou and pitched a good game. Lovett, who pitched for Providence, was very generous and did not seam to begrudge Scranton tbe ten bits scored off him. Tbe soore: SCRANTON. I PROVIDENCE. li. II. O. A. B.I U. II. 0. A. V.. Cahill. rf..O 4 1 I ll!MCau'y,e..U 3 0 S 0 .lohusun. cfO 2 2 0 IlilSassett, ilUI 0 11 ft 0 K. Ropers, HI 0 7 0 0 'Knight, lr..(l 10 0 1) Wifh'iUbl 1 1 4 UjKoKurn, lb.ll O 1 (I J. Hens, lf.U 0 0 0 II CVou v. m.O 1 2 4 il Lelinno, 110 1 11 0 II Str i k'r. 2bl '2510 Plielnn, 2b 0 1 2 6 0 Dixon. if .. 0 H50O Smith, ks..2 o 2 It 0 Muriny.cf.ll 10 0 0 Quarlus, p.l 111 o Uivutt, p..U 1020 Totnls.. 4 10 27 14 01 Total ... 1 1 27 15 8 Scranton 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 14 Provideuco 0 0001000 0-1 Earned runs Scranton I, Providence 1. First base by error Scranton 1. Loft on bases-Brrnnton 14, Providence tf. First base on balls Off yuarles 0, Lovett 7. Ht ruck nut By (uarlon 0, Lovett 1. Two banc liitn Cnlilll, yu.irles, Murray. Double jilays-l'ho-lan to Smith to Lolmiie, Cooney unassisted, Hiutwtt to Kciiere. Hit by pitehor Phelan. Wild pitch -Lovett. Passed biills-McAuley. Umpire IIopowoll. Time 1 ;40. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Erie Erie 0 2 0 1 0-8 Yonkera 0 0 0 0 00 Batteries Horndon and Uunson; Duryea and Costello. Umpiro Corcoran. Game called on acount of storm, At Springfield SyracuNO 2 1 2 1 2 C 1 0 210 Springfield.... 0 102010004 Battories Barnott and Hess; Gruber and Lohy. Umpire Geer. At Buffalo Vllkes-I5arra..2 0022200 19 Buffalo 1 4 2 0 0 0 4 0 x 11 Batteries Mebkin and Warner; Hoffor and Urquhart. Umpire Doeschor. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York, 7; St. Louis, 2. Chicago, 10; Brooklyn, 8. Boston, 7; Cleveland, 2. Pittsburg, 11; Washington, 0. At Louis ville Kain. At Cincinnati Wet gronuds. SUNDAY BALL GAMES. At Chicago Chicago 2 3 2 1 0 3 1 1 x-18 Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0-6 Hits Chicago, 13; Brooklyn, 10. Errors Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, 2. Bnt.teries Urif tith and Scbriver; Stein and Dailey. Um piro Jeyue. At Cincinnati First game Cincinnati.... 1 000001002 Baltimore..., .5 1 3 2 0 0 0 8 x 14 Hits Cincinnati, 7; Baltimore, 1!). Er rorsCincinnati, 4; Baltimore, 2. Batter ies Dwyer and Morritt; Gleason aud Itob inson. Umpiro Emslie. Second game Cincinnati 8 1 1 0 0 04 Baltimore 0 3 0 0 0 03 Hits Cincinnati, 6: Baltimore, 5. Er rorsCincinnati. 3; Baltimore. 4. Bat teriesParrot and Jlnrpliy; lluwke and Uobiuson. Umpire Emslie. At Louisville Louisville 0 0200111 1 fi Washington ..1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 ' 2-7 lilts LouiBville, 18; Washington, 12. Errors Louisville. 4; Washington, 3. Bat teriesInks and Cote; Maul, ilercer and McGulre. Umpire Koofo. BASE BALL NOTES. The Boston National lengne team has agreed to play two games at Pottsrille on Get. 1 and 2. Fred Lake, the old catcher of the Wilkes- Bnrre club, is playing a good game for Louisville on second base. First Baseman Massey. of the Philadel phia Stato league team, formerly of Scrau ton, has signed with the Cincinnati club. Ciptain Harry Twitchell has won the Milwaukee cold medal for being the best all around player in tbe Milwaukee club. Latham says that Mercer can beat any ball player in sprinting to first. Three times in the Ciucinnati series be bunted and beat tbe ball out to. first. The Athletics, of Scranton, accept the challenge of the Waverly Base Ball club and will play thom on their own grounds on Thursday. Sept. 2", at 2 o'clock. Frank Wilson, captain. Many changes have taken place in, the ranks of the league players since the days of the brotberbood, four yearn ago. Then the great stars were Clarkson, Kelly, Keefe, Crane, Ewing, O'Kourke, Gore, Dave, Orr, Bufllngton. Williamson, King, Baldwin, O'Keil, Lurkln, dolinntun, and others, all of whom are now dead to tbe world. Saturday afternoon Wood's College team played tbe return game with tbe Scrauton College, and tbe result was 14 to 3 to favor of Wood's College. The latter is an excel lent club and will be given a dinner by the faculty at llanley's this week. J. B. Cor coran is manager; Crad Morris,. captain: tbe other members are Gallagher, Mcflir, Owens, Wetter, Thomas, Glyun, Gallagher and Walub. Tbe young players who have made a good showing in the big league this year are Hodson, Teuney, Connuugbton and Bannon of the Bostons; Lucid and La chance of the Brooklyns: Mcekm of the New Yorks; Jennings and Reitz of tbe Baltiroores; Mercer and Abbey of tbe Wanhingtous; Sugden of tbe Pittsburg; Blake of tbe ( levelands; Griffith of Chi cago: Clark of Louisville, and Ely of Sc. Louis, i The Baltimore club is winning the pen nant with a team that cost Uanlon and Von der Horst comparatively nothing. Without paying bonus money Hanlon se cured Brodle, Keelar, Brouthers, McGraw, Reitz. Jennings ana Clarke. Ho got Kel ley from PittHburg in exchange for Van llaltren and $2,500, aud paid that amouut to St. Louis for Gleason. Hemming and Esper were landed upon the payment of about tl.000, and McMahon ana Robinson were Baltimore players when Hanlon took charge. It is estimated that tbe salary list does not foot up oyer 135,000, and that tbe club will clear more than that amouut on the season. f ' ' Magazines Pamphlet! ALL KINDS or BOOKBINDING at lowest rates and shortest notice done b) THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much', when paid for, in advance. When a book ac count is made., no chanje will be lean than tu cents. This rule applies to all small Kant eds, except Situations Wanted, which are inserted FRKK. Agents Wanted. O AI.ESMKN EVEHY COUNTY. SALARY ij or cotmni.stiinn. No exnerience. New tariff bill (jives unlimited profits. Active men apply quickly, stating salary and territory wanted. MANUFACTURERS, Box 63US, Bos ton. AUENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO 1 V sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous urollts. Hells at siRbt, delivered free, se euro territory. Sample in velvet linod case with full information, We. Catalogue free. Aluminum Novelty Co.. Jtlj Broadway, New York. Help Wanted Male. W'ANTTcnYOUNG MAN AS STKNOU raplior also to assist with Kenoral office work. Address 1. O. box&7, Scranton, l'a. Helo Wanted Females. AUIES WANTED TO WRITE AT HOME: J J $15 wei'Uly; no canvassing, ltuply with with South stump MISS iA.Niitt it-L.lv .Milt, Blind, Iml. WANTED SEVERAL LADIES TO As sist in publishing work, also learners; will pay from to Jin a week. For particu lars addrexH, with stum, J. H. U., TmitL'Ng otlice. For Sale. UyUABSINANY QUANTITY, 118 CLIFF O street. For Rent. IXJR RENT HALF OF A DOUBLE HOUriE J corner Pino and Blakely street, Dun more, empty Oct. 1. i.'oit uent-two7)kficeR(56ms"in X Temple Court Building, Spruce stroet. Rent very low. Apply to Dr. E. Urswur, Old l'ostollicu Building. TOR RUN I ONE-HALF STOKE. 120 I fonn avenue. S W per month. 1 Wit HEXT-N ICELY-FU K . ISH ED HAL L I suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 1111 Wyoming avenue. Sheriffs Sale. VlXTcXPOdTTTBl i the premises of rhiilp Bartren, 7-4 West Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., on Fri day, September 14. at 10 o'clock am., the personal property, consisting of two lumber wagons, buggy, blacksmith tools. Harness. one mare, a cab and clarence, and other property on the premises. .1. FAI1EY, sheriff. Real Estate. C MALL FARM WE HAVE NAMES OF j twenty persons who want to buy small farms. Send full particulars. Make price low. R. EUNLST CU.MKUYX, Price building. Instruction Musical. A. GROSS. THE FORMER ORUAN- ist at St. Peter's Cathedral, is ready to receive pupils wno wish to sluuy music. Ueur of 71k Adams avctiiKi Special Notices. Y"OU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT A Frank Loslio's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations l.nil lSij. Two Volumes Folio, fclti.50; payable monthly. JiOO. Delivered b express complete, prepaid. Aridrosi P. O. MOODY, tilt Gibson street, Scranton, IJa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS," MAOA lino;), etc., bound or rebound at Tub TitluuNti ollico. (juick work. Keasonablo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Frankliu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lor $1.00. Uood table board. Legal. "INSTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE 1 J of tile city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, Stato of l'ennsyluania. doceased. Letters testamentary upon tlio above named estate having been granted to 1 he undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present th-'in for payment and those indebted thereto shall please make iuimediato payment to THOS. J. MULLEN, Executor. .iKssirrs A- Hand, Attorneys. Notice to Property Owners. rpToToWXFXT A eis of property bounding and nbuttingon both sides of Franklin aveuue betivenn Spruce street and Mulberry street, in the !', ghtli and Sixteenth wards of the city of Scrmiton, l'a.: Take notice tliatuuder the direction ol coun cils 1 will inako tho nfB sstineiit fur paving Franklin avenue between the points named above with vetrilied brick imminent on a con crete base, together with the necessary curb ing, or recurbing, cross w ilk. curb and plates, etc., on Monday, tlio 21th ('ay of September, A. D. 1.I4. at in o'clock in the loreno m, at my otlice in the Municipal building, city of Scran ton. Fa., at wli ch time and place you may up- you so fneer. JOSEPH P. PHILIPS, eityongi Situations Wanted. DitFSSMAKINU OU PLAIN SEWIM4BY the (lav wanted by a compet -nt seam stress. Addross II. L. S., ''.'H Adams avenue. YfANTED- BY A YOUNrMAN OFOOOD refen n-'os, a position of any kind, driver or hotel work preferred. E. M 1102 Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A IJ;iY 18 years old. Address 4211 ObwoII court. SITUATION" WANTED FOR WASUiNoj O ironing or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. Cull or address L. B. '11 North sunnier avenue, city. BOY WANTED APPLY TO TIIE TRIB UNE'S llouosdale ollice. PAUL GAUD NER. CITUATION WANTED BY UIRL TO DO light house work and take care of child MRS. TH1EL, 2.'3 Penn avenue. BARKEEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND industrious young man would like to sc. cure a pos.tion; understands his busiuess and is a good, quick mixer; would like a positlo i in city or country and enn furnish good red r ences from last employer. Address, Bar keeper, Got) Lackawanna avo Scranton. Can be cured by simple treatments aud tbe truss thrown asldo in a short tluvJ. No detention from businesi. A safe and radical cuio for every vaiioty of hernia, by a new method. No charge for cousultati n and examina tion. SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO. (LIMITED.) 203 WASHINGTON AVE. fccruuioa's liusinoia luUrat. Tun TiunuNE will soon publish a care fully compiled aud classified list of tbe leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton end vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photouraTure views of our pnblio build lugs, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citiseus. No HmiUr work has ever glvea au equal rep resentation of Bcrauton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of tbis handsome work will attract new comers and be au unequalled advertisement of the city. Tbe circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of The 'f riiiunk will call upon those whose names are desuied in this edition and explalu Its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tbis edition will please ltave notice at tbe office. B8 BUSINESS AND : . PROFESSIONAL rUlSKIANS ANK hL'lttil.ON.H. Da G. EDGAR DEAN baa removed to 16 Spruce street, Scranton, l'a. (.Just op posite court-bouso Suuare.) R. A. J. CON NELL, OUlce 2U1 Washington avenue, corner Spruce stroot, over Francko s drug Ktore. Residence, 7j Vine sb Ollico hours: lu.ttu to 12 u. m. aud 2 to 4 and tUU to T.ao p. m. Suuday.jli toil p. m. DR."W. E. "ALLEN. Office cor. Laoka wanna and Washington aves.; over Leon ard shoe store; ollice hours, IU to 12 a. m. and IJ to 4 p. m.; evenings at residence GUN. Washington ave. DK.UL FREY, Practice limited to Di eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Residence, S2V Vine street. DR. L.M. HATES. 125 Washington Avenuo. Office hours, S to a.m.. l.M to a aud f to 8 p.m. Residence 319 Madison avenun JOHN U WKNTZ,"M7 D. bmoes'82 and 51 Commonwealth building; residence 711 Madison ave: otlice hours, 10 to LS, 2 to i 7 to S; Sundays 2.30 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of tbe eye, ear, none and throat aud gynecology. ) R. KAY. 206 Penn Ave. ; 1 to 3 p. m ; call 2002. t'lH.or women, ougtecrica anu ois. or cnii. LA WYE KS. JM. a RANCH'S Law and Collection of . flee. No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest House. Scranton, l'a,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond enta in every county. JESSUP8 & HAiND, Attorneys and Couusol lors at Law, Commonwealth buildlug, Washington ave. W. H. Jehsup, Boracs E. Hand, W. H. Jebsdp, Jr. W1LLARD. WARREN KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law, Republican building, Washington ave.. Scranton, Pa. IiATTEHSON & WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; otllcus B and 8 Library building, bcranton. Pa. KOSWELt H. rATTBRSOft William A. Wiixiox. A LFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At- IX tonioys and Counsellor, building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. Commonwealth vv F. BOYLE, Attorney at-Law.Nos.lD and 20, Burr building, Washington avenue. II ENRY M. SEELY - Law office in Price building, I'M Washington avenue. 1?RANK T. OKELL, Attorney at Law. Room o, voai r.xcuange. Hcranton, ra. MILTON W. I.OW RY, I Att'ys, 227 Washing C. H. VONSTORt H, t t ton av C. H. sipiare. JAMES W. OAKKORD, Attorney at Law,' tl rooms 83, 64 and 65, Commonwealth VPg. JAMUEL W. EDUAR, Attorney at Law. OOfflce, 317 Snrucest, Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, Lackawanna aue.. Scranton. Pa. 423 IJ P. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. Office, 1 . rooms 61, 65, Btl Commonwealth building. ' R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com monwealth builaing. Scranton, Pa. C. COMEUYS, 321 Spruce st DB. KEl'LOtiLE, Attorney-Loans nego- J-lated reMjsfciteecurlty.JiWSpruea 1 F. KILLAM, Attornev-aiUwT'wrVr ! mning avenue, Scranton. SCHOOLS. CCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains voung children. Catalogue at request. Opens September 1(1 Rev. Thomas M. Cass, WALTEn H. Ddei.u KINDERGARTEN kmn IVimnA pnnila and School, 412 Adams avenue. rec-nivea at- au limes. September 10. Next term will open 1IKN TINTS. C"i C. LAUBACT1, burgeon Dentist, No, 115 -'. Wyoming ave. R M. STHATTo'N.'fnn. Coal F.xchsnge. LOANS. 'PHE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso X ciation will loan you money ou easier terms and pay you hotter on bivostment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CALLL.N IK. Dime Bank building KEKDS. GK. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen. Florist) and Nurserymen; store 146 Washington avenue; green houso,13uU North Maiu uvouue; store telephone 7S2, TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jonos Bros. . WIltK KCItEI-:NS. I OS. KUETTEL, 6ii Lackawanna avonuo, " Scranton. Pa., mannf'r of Wire Screens. IIOI'KLS AND HKSTAUItANTS. rpHE ELK CAFE, la and 127 Franklin ave--L quo Rates reasnnnble. P. Zi EQLER.Jh-oprletor. Lsi'iUlsTER HOTEU ' J ' w- SCHENCK, Managor. bixteenth streetv one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, Now York. American plan, $.150 per day andjipward. tbt'R ANTON HOUSE, near D L. & w "p7 O leugur depot Conducted on the European i. VlrToii Kqph. Proprietor. AltCll 1TKCTS. J) AVIS A HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 21, JJSjd 26 ('ommonwealth h'ld-e. Scranton. L. WALTER, Architect OlbceTrear of 608 Washington avenue. V k OVVi.N,',; '',". a Afhitect Price I . buildiug.iai Vashineton Avo., Scranton. Mis i:i.i,am:iii:s. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave.. over Hnlbert's music store. HORTON D. SWARTS-WHOLESALE lumber. Trice buildln-r, Scrauton. Pa. MEOARUEE "BROTHERS, " PRINTERS7 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa. HOKSKS AND CAKRIAUES FOR SALE at l;.33 Capousj sventio. D. L. FOOTF, Agent TRANK P. BROWN St CO., woLE I sale dealers in Woodwaro, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. AYLESWORTH'S Heat Market The Finest In the City. The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 8 Wyoming Ave. OOF tinning and soldering all done away with bv ths nsn of TtAKTMAN'S PA1'. BNT PAINT, which consists of ingredi ifta well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, al so to brid dwellings, which will prevent absolutely sty crumbling, oracking or breaking of tha BricK. u win outlast tinuing oi any unu uy mauy yHm,anu it s cost ooes uut hkwou uuq fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold b; tbe job or pound. Oontraots taken by ANTONIO HAttTAlANN, 57 Blrob St HA8SON STARK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACTORY VILLE. isrepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rig tor tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. ., v, v.' L.;..;,.-, . I ...... ; tvj n3atS0iteys br 5 J 14 edy, u4w nsnnt;, U&tt bj SMl ,000 a-il. PimIit. pracrfi utd IOO.pH book lllmtnMS tan llfofmnnLsl.mnd.frMhrn.il. ShraBotSiilaai 4 ml .rcnr j (kil. Our MnglO RemoClH H poMUMy aur COUI BKSMII Olh, ffi'l"" www sj wavwsta I. onnolly GENT': LADIES' Seamless, 2 pair for 25c, or 7Qc. for a box of 6 Pairs Two of the Best Bargains we have ever offered. CONNOLLY & Do You Sleep Well? If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, A Pine Bgaittres They Are Inexpensive. THE SCi?AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, SEPT. 17. THE EMINENT TRAGEDIAN, THOS. W. KEENE AND A STIIONO COMPANY, In Bulwer Lytton's Great Drama, RICHELIEU. A Performance of Genuine Artistic Merit. A Rare Dramatic Treat. Complete Details. This is one of Mr. Keene's greatest charac ters and he interprets it in b.s usual dra matic ability. Prk-es-K). 50, 75 and $1 Sale of seats opens Friday at the box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, SEPT. 1& HOYT'S BEST A Trip to Chinatown. First time in Soranton with tbe orig inal Mew York oast, including Harry Con ner. . Hi. H COSTUMES. Prices 25, 50, 75 and Si. Sale of seats opens Saturday at the box oOlce. A CADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10. LEWIS MORRISON -A8- "I IIS FA1 MEPHISTO" IN HIS FAMOUS. 'DKAMAT10, SCENIC AND j ELECTRIC PRODUCTION OP jFAUST A performance colebrated throughout the en- tiro Enirlish-speiikinR world. Supported by MISS FLORENCE ROBERTS as "Mariruerite," MR. EDWARD ELSNE& and a strong cast Bale of scuts opens Monday at the box office ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20. Fresh from big European success. THE GREAT POWELL, In a prnnd presentation of NECROMANCY any a series of WONDER WORK Q? MYSTERY. JEverything Absolutely New. Carriages mar be ordered for ltl.:M p. m. Sale of seats opiis Tuesday at the box of fice. , tBrilliant drnmatia event, the accom plished artisty, Mario WainwrlBht, aud a llrst class company. Monday Sept. . tub' frotiiingiiam MONDAY. SFPT. 17. for Three Nlgrits. Reno ft Williams' Company of Players, sup porting AURA ALBERTA Mofnday ( Alexander Dumas' Great Play, WeCsday THE CLEMEN CEAU CASE. Tufejay I Sydney Grundy's FamousCo'dy, Night AN ARABIAN Nh HT. I'nmti.nv-Wilhnp W. Rno. E R MorjV.flfO. R,fno. Cora Williams.Fern Alword, Mrs. Alice 'wtrrisou. Sale of seats commences moay njorninit at 9 o'clock at tho Frothingham box 'fltlce. Davis' Theater. WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, 8F.PT. 17. Every afternoon and evening. TIIE FAMOUS .WATSON SISTERS' Extravaganza and Novelty Co. Headed by the Peerless Lyrio Artist, IDA SIDD0N3 ""right, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Than the Best let. AJJMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Performances Daily at 1 80 and 8.15 p.m. lob Work . NBAT I'jweiT'V OATOltT The Sonnies TAum JobDept 'HflTi AT 50c FAST BLACK WALLAI 209 ESTABLISHED 1866. 0,000 IN VSB, tr.. Mflrr otirm.nl 4n term sfl applied to Pianoe. Exceptional in bolmng-fborit'Uuu.ruiceBS of tono. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth SOLD BY E.C. Ricker 8c Co, 1 15 Athns Ave. New Telephone Bdg. We Lion Allen & Go. STOCK BEOKEES. Bay and sell Etoeks,Boodssjid Grain on New York Exchange surd Qticago Board of Trade, either for easts-r on roargin. 412 Spruce Street. EiTLocal Stocks-a Specialty. j io! TELEPHONE 5.C02. Maloney 'Oil and Manufactur'g Co. VINEGAR AND CIDER (41 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. A Great Cut on TABLES AT HULL & co: THIS WEEK. A-Solid Oak Table, with top 16 inches square, . . . 50a 24 inches square, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. BCRANTON AND WILKBS-BARRK. PA. II ANtJPACTO RJIR3 O Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. usiuiiimiiHEigntatinfinnmsimuu f STELLE h SEEL S 134 WYOMING AVENUE. 2 THE BEST - 1 OF. PROPHETS S for the future Is tbe put Daring tht-more than forty yearrof ita S existence orer 65,000 people 4we purohajsd and played and praiaed a m 5 1 The Emerson Piano. There are some plane that will oeut yon more tbanthe Emeraoo S will If yoa enjey paying high pricBVjast for theaalte of paylnc a tbtm. probabhr yoa will tray oie of ttnee. Batno- matter vbat yoa g pay yoall not get a better piano, dot a koudaoiuer, nor oae more g durable. It1eiarpoealbt to toprove.ro tbe beet. g ItKASOlf ABLE PRIC" CASH IKS)1XMRBTS KENT. B i SH RTS HOSE WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court House. Dr. E). Grewer The Philado1pliiaBpprlalistanl his associated staff of Fnicbsh aud Uorman physicia is, are now permanently located at Old Post Office liuii.linir. Corner Pena aYcuue and Bprneestreet The doctor is a graduate of tlie nnivorsity of Pennnylvauia,f rniorly demonstrator of phyHi olouy aud surgery at the Modico-t.hirurgical eolleK of Pbiladolpblo. His gpscialtius are Chronk). Nervous, tikin, Heart, Womb and Blood discasos. DISEASES OP THE KERYODS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizzinees, lack of coubdi-iKM, sexual waalutras in men aud wo man, ball ritiuK iu the throat, spos floating ick of d wo oatins , to con- easily d dull, ) Ueiore tne eyus. isoi memory, nnaoie oentrate the mmd on one subiect. startled when suddenly Buohen to. and distressed mind, which unfits tlirm for per forming the actual dutim of life, makiuir bup pinens impossible, ditrpsini; the action of ine Heart, cansintt nufu oi neat, aepression oi spirits, evil forebodings, cowardioi', fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, foeliiiR r s tired in the morning as whon rotir inif. lack of enenry, nervousness, trembling, confusion of tiiouutit, doprussion.constip tiou. WfakneHS of the limbs, etc. Thorn soatfectcd should consult us immediately aud be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Youug Men Cured. If yon have bnen given up by your physician call upon the doctor and bo examiia-d. He euros the worst casus of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh. Piles. Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cau cersand Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Ollice hours daily from Va.ni, to 9 p. iu. Hundny V to 2. Enclose five 2-ccnt stamps for symptom blanks and uiy book called "New Life." 1 will pny one thousand dollars in gold to nnvone whom i cannot euro of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DB. E. GREWER, Old Post Oftice Building, corner Penu ave nue and Spruce street. General Office. SCRANTON. PA f-yJ i.-t-i' '-.li' ViT;J; wtt i,'-. E I 1
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