The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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v Autumn
A More Comprehensive As
sortment. 'Greater Values,
"Choicer Styles
Than ever before shown in me
dium prico and choico dress goods
for Autumn aud Winter. Me
dium prico dress fabrics will be
among the most popular goods of
tho season.
Somo of tho lower priced
veavc3 aro the same in quality
and occupy the same position in
the world of fashion as those
which, in former seasons were
shown among tho higher priced
goods. The following in particu
lar are worthy of your attention:
36-inch, All Wool Changeable
Mixtures at 29c.
40-inch Silk and Wool Mix.
tures at 49c.
40-inch Novelty Fances at
Choice Single Dress Patterns.
First showing of tho beautiful,
handsome new dress patterns are
now on exhibition.
The new comers to tho stock to
bo seen almost daily.
They are our own, aud will
carry conviction to every one who
inspects the assortment, that they
have strong character, aud aro
marked by a distinct individuali
ty. One pattern only of a kind.
Make your choice, you'll not
make a mistake or be disappointed.
No obligation to buy. All at prices
to suit tho times.
Who is Dr. E. L. Reeves?
Hb is the eminent Physician and Siirpteon In
Chief who took churge of the uroat Wustorn
j Hospital in Philadelphia many yuin two, anil
j who (tavo for it and himself a world-wide
reputation in porfurminR wonderful euros,
nd who displayed such marked skill iu surr
eal operations His opinion on any and all
conditions of diseased or deformod bodily ail
ments is HoiiKht, for by tho public, and stands
as high authority among physicians. Ho is
now Kiving to tho people of Koruuton and sur
rounding country the benefit of his knowledge
aud experionco gained and exhibited in his
many years of hospital and private practice.
Why go to I hiladelphla or New York to ob
tain information on your condition at so great
an expense, when you have with yon daily a
Shysician who has treated every concoivnblo
iseaso known and whose opinion is positive
and final and is also khke, sinco it costs you
nothing for advice or examinationY He is now
permanently located at 41- Bpruce street,
.Soranton, whore he may be consulted daily
upon all acuta and chrouio diseases of mon,
women ami children.
He, with his assistants, treat nil diseases of
the Nervous Hystein, Diseases of the Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Lost Vitality. Piematuro Wesknoss or Docay
in both Sexes, Female Weaknesses and Ir
regularities, Nervous Dobility, Catarrh. Tum
ors, Cancers, Eruptions, Blood PoWomng,
Fi s. Epilpesy, Indiscretions and Errors of
Youth, Lost Manhood, Eczema, Scrofula, St.
VituR' Danco, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart,
Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Bladder, Stomach,
Cunsnltiitiniif and Kxamlnation Free.
Olflce hours-Daily 0 a. m. to 9 p. m. ! Sun
days 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Elevator in Christian's Hat Store or Stairs.
Kcmcmber tho name and numbor.
412 Spruce it , Scran ton.
The Huotlers of Hyde Park were de
feated by the Brown, jrs., of tbii place
on Saturday afternoon. The game was
called at the end of the fourth inning
on aocount of rain, the score standing
6 toO.
Mr. and Mrs. ' P. Miller, of Archbald,
spent Snnday with relatives in town.'
Pat Lynott, of Protidenoe, was in
town yesterday.
' The Base Stealers of Archbitld were
Slefeated yesterday by the Young Amur
oans by a seore of 25 to 15
Mies Josie Mabon, of Scranton, is
the truest or Miss Aggie Martln,t of
Delaware street,
James Mapk, P. A. Philbin and
James Kearney, of Archbald, called on
lady friends in town Snndny niht.
Messrs, K-lley and Lnrlrid, of Hydu
Park, spent Sun lay at this plaoe.
M. F. Walsh has returned borne after
a week's stay at New York and Pater
on, N. J.
Mike O. Boyle, who was injured at
Grassy Island is able to be about again.
Moses Shields, sr., entertained
several of bis friends Saturday even
ing. Mrs. F. M. Williams has retnrned
from a two months' visit at her old
borne in Coohrnnton. N. Y.
B. D. Newton fell from bis store
wagon and broke bis wrist last week.
A. L. Titus, who fell and broke his
hip, is improving.
Mrs N. N. Wasleker, nee Miss
Jessie Harris, has retnrned from Texts,
where she has been for the past six
months. "
Llewellen Shields is condncting a
musical drill and will give a oonoert
abont apt. 20.
Rev. Mr. Woterbnry and family are
taxing a snort vaeatton.
Suoklen't Arnloa Salvs.
'The bent salve in the world for Cats
Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Bait ttheum. Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all fcikiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price u cent j
uuj- ur aaie uy juitoiwi ttroa.
For Rheumatism, lumbago, neurulgin,
cramp und colic tbor- is no reiafriv t,up
rior to Ue tetuiu D.. Thouiab' Eclect.-t.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crawford, of
Soranton, were visltlDg at J. G. Shep
herds on Sunday.
Tbe Delaware and Hudson mines
paid tbeir employes here yesterday.
miss Annie linage, 01 Uall Hnromit,
K. Y., is visiting her friend, Miss B.
Flaherty, Main street
Engineer H. C. Davies. who has re
cently moved here fromMaaob Chunk,
adds one more to the many Ontario aud
western people living in onr borongb.
Mrs. Jesse Lane was sailed suddenly
toDalton, Pa , to attend Mr. Lane's
mother, who is seriously ill.
Anarew UAVin, JNed i nrey and T.
Hendricks were eleoted here Saturday
on the Demooratio ticket for delegate
The Ladies' Aid of St. James' Epis
copal church will give a supper in tbe
basement of said cbnreh Thursday
evening of this week for the benefit of
tbe chureh. They have painted, varn
ished and papered tbe ohoroh inside
until they have one of the prettiest
churches in town.
Kev. Mr. Howells has given the boys
who cannot avail themselves of the
publie school here a golden opportu
nity to learn tbe English language.
Ha annonnoed last Sunday evening
that be would tench them three nights
a week froe of charge if they would
come with the intention to learn and
not to play. .
Crystal Hose company No. 1 at their
last meeting enrolled two new mem
bers. Miss Julia Gill, oar popular yonng
milliner, is at Slaterville tskint- care
of her sick mother.
The work on the superstrnetion for
M. D, Cure's building on Main street
will be cummeueed this week.
Merchant Rich has bad his flag walk
replacsd with larger and better Hugs,
the improvament is very noticeable.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ives, of Pittston,
were vieitiug at the home of A.
Griffiths over Sunday. Mrs. Ives will
remain a few days before returning,
visiting friends.
F. Hartwull. of Dunmore. snent Sun
day in town, fie leaves this morning
via. arie ror a ten days' trip to Niag
ara, Toronto, and other Doints of inter
William Scull is In Pittsburg attend
ing a reunion of tbe veterans of the
Grand Army of tbe Republic
Mrs. John Hock returned yesterday
from a visit in Peterson, N. J.
The annual meeting of the Jermyn
Cemetery association will bo held in
Enterprise hall. Friday. Sept. 21. All
lot holders are requested to be present.
Owing to the illness of Rev. F. Gleu
dall, Naboth Osborne, a student at
Syracuse university, ocennied the pul
pit of the Methodist Episcopal church
on Sunday.
There will be a chicken supper in
Gilmore ball Wednesday evining,Sept.
19, under tbe auspices of the ladies of
the Bnptist churoli.
A number of persons from here will
nccompany tbe excursion to Niagara
this morning.
Miss May Bsnfield, who has been tho
guest of Miss Ida Davis, retnrned to
ber home in Throop yesterday.
A car on the eloctrio road was de
railed Sunday while going at a slow
rate of sp-ed. No one was injured.
Owing to some disarrangement of the
machinery the cars were running yes
terday at very uncertain intervals.
A number of small boys between the
ages of 5 and 8 years effected aa en
trance into the grocery store of John
McDermot, of the East Side, Sunday
evening. They took a few candies and
some pennies, which were returned by
tbeir parents before Mr. McDermot
had found out that they had been taken,
George Dyer, Frank Winter, Ralph
Rymer. Richard Gendall and Eli j Os
borne leave this morning for Wvoinina
seminary, Kingston.
J. is. Griffiths leaves next week for
Wesleyan college, Frank Stocker for
Yale, Naboth Osborne for Syracuse
university, and W. J. and A. J. Baker
for Baltimore. These with Misses
Genie Burrett and Gertie Vail, who
are at Mansfield, show something of
tbe interest that is being taken here in
eduoational matters.
Clark's Green.
The first annual nionlo of Electric
Star lodge, No. 490, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, was a complete fail
ure, on account of the rain, and is in
definitely postponed.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, cures lnng troubles; 9 a. m. to 9
p. m.
Mrs. E. F. Mcrrlam and daughter.
Grace, were visitors Saturday and Sun
day at ber friend's, Mrs. A. A Davies.
len candidates were received into
full membership of the Methodist Epis
copal church on Sunday. Oue candi
date received tbe ordinance of baptism
ly sprinkling. Bnptism by immersion
will be administered at Gravel lake
next Sabbiith at 3 30 p. m, Rev. F. H.
Parsons officiating.
Electrio Star Lodac, No. 490, Inde
pendent Order of Old Fellows, will
confer upon two candidates tbe initia
tory and second degrees of Odd Fellow
ship at tbeir next Saturday night meet
ing. All members or the order welcome
at any of its meetings.
Misses EraoKune Okerlev and Miss
Lizzie Frace, accompanied by Miss
Luella Frace, will leave today for the
Wyoming seminary,
The Sunday school convention of tlio
Abington Baptist association will con
vene at 9 o'clock this morning and hold
three sessions.
Up to 8 o'clock last evening Bar grss
Ilurko bad not approved of the ordin
ance granting tbe riant of way over
Laurel, Bridge an4 Church streets to
the Lickawnnna Valley Rupld Transit
company. YesUrday was the last of
tbe ten days during whieh tbe burgess
is obliged to either approve or disap
prove, so that by this time the fate of
tne odious ordinance is deelded.
Dr. William Van Doren, who has
b?n ill for the past few days, Is
aDie to attend to bis practice again.
John A. Foote leaves today for a
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous1; are getting thin and all
run down,. Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to vour cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
crives lasting srengrth. Sold
bv Matthews' Broj., ' Scran
weeks visit with relatives in Canada.
During bis trip be will attend thi
Canadian Industrial exposition at
Toronto. U. 15. ' mark, of Scranton,
will take bis place in Foots', pbarmaoy.
There was little interest shown in
the Democratic primaries on Saturday.
fatrioK JNeary was eleeted delegate to
the county convention from the First
ward; M. F. Mo Hale and M. F. Kinney
from the Seoond ward and Stephen
Barrett from tbe Third ward.
Rev. Charles Lee, of Carbondale,
called on Rev. Mr. Shaw yesterday.
Mies May A. Carden, who bas been
visiting friends in Moscow, has returned
Oa Friday and Satruday a petition
opposing the granting of tbe right ot
way over Laurel. Bridge and Church
streets was circulated among tbe citi
zens and property holders residing
thereon. With less tbau half a dozen
exceptions everyone who was ap
proached, signed. The petition was
directed to the council and tho burgess
and was placed iu the hands of the lat
ter on Saturday evening.
Mrs. G. W. B. Allen is confined to
her borne by illness.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Sprues street, Serin
ton, cures all stomacb troubles, dys
pepsia, conization, etc., 9 a. in. to 9
p. m.
Miss Eva Frear of Kingston, N. Y.,
is visiting Mias Millie An nt n.
Mr. aud Mfs. J. N. Crosby spent
Sunday with Dunmore relatives.
Misses Florence Fowler and Lydiu
Farrar will give a lawn soeial at the
former young lady's horn ou Cherry
street this evening.
Howard Bone, of the firm of J. G.
Bone & Son, will leave this morning
for Bellefonte, where he will take a
conrse in chemistry.
Airs. Connelly, of Hyde Park, visited
her son, L. Tyler Connelly, yesterday
Tbe Loyal Legion will repeat tbe
drnma "Ruined by Drink" oa the even
ing of Sept. 19.
Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Leacock leave
today for u two weeks' visit,
Mrs. Charles Potter is rapidly recov
ering from her late serious illness.
Tbe publio schools of this borough
will open today. This term will wit
ness a few changes, all of which are for
tbe better, and all of the teachers have
combined with Superintendent Will
iams to create in the borough a truly
model educational system.
Mrs. A, D. Blackinton and Misses
Libbie Galpin and Blanche Blos have
returned from an Albany, N Y, visit.
Dentist 0. J. Maroy is about to re
move his dental parlors to Piovidonce.
A E. Finch aud family ere visiting
relatives at Ozone Park, L. I.
Floyd Scboonover is spending bis
vacation at Lake Ariel.
Mrs. Merwin Correll is visiting rela
tives at Lake Ariel.
Avoca conclave, Heptasophs, held
tbeir regular monthly meeting last
Rjv. M. F. Crane attended services
at tit. John's church at Pittston yes
terday. The Avoca Hose building is being
pushed rapidly to completion
William Graham will leave for New
York on Saturday to spend a few days.
Carrie McDonald, Mrs. Oscar John
son, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson,
Mrs. William Dick, Mr. and Mrs.
James Walker, Mrs. J. Widdell, John
Campbell, Mias Jessie McDonald, Saran
A. Dunks were union g tbe number
who attended the services at the gos
pel tent at Pittston yesterday. -
James Allan, jr., ot Scranton,
called on Avoca friends on Suuday.
Miss Sarah Grew of West Piitstoa
spuot Sunday with ber pireuts of
Parker street.
Thomas Burns, a well known and
respected citizen of this place, died at
bis home at 1 40 o'clock Saturday morn
ing after a short illness. Deceased is
survived by a wif f and seven children.
They are: Mrs. Thomas KoatinV, Mrs.
Thomas Carey, Mrs. James Walsh,
Charles Relly, Miss Ella, all of Avooa;
Benjamin, of Pittston, and William, of
Cripple Creek, Colo. Funeral takes
place today with a mass of. requiem at
St. Mary's church. Interment in Mar
ket Street uemetHTy, Pittston.
Mrs, John Kearney and children, of
Pittston, were the guests of Mrs, J.
Healy ou Friday.
Frank Coburn, of Newport News,
Va., is visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Nowlin.
Miss Winefred Mahedy, of Main
street, who had been visiting at Nauti
coke for the pist two months, returned
home yestorday.
William Troli, ot the Southwest dis
trict, was electe I delegate on Saturday
night to attend tho Democratic conven
tion today.
A team of horses belonging to
Rollers' bakery ran away with the
wagon yesterday rtt noon nud broke a
wheel off and damped tbe contents of
the wagou into the street.
Aa independent political club has
just been organizd in Greeuwood
Some of tbe leading mn in the' move'
111 e nt are the following: William Wer-
rick, Timy Cotter, John Gillaghur,
William Kim leu and John Duffy.
Tus Miiyfliwcrs Bnse BjII clnb, of
v.-lnc'i Minooka is proud to boast, went
to Dunmore yester luy nnd wblped up
the champion club of that place in. an
easy matter. The game was very in
teresting throughout, but Minooka
boys proved too strong for Dunraore's
Morning Glories. The game lasted for
ten Innings nnd the' score stood 5 to 4
iu favor of Minooka boys.
Joseph Kelly will leave this morning
for St. Michael's college in Toronto,
Ont., where he will resume his studios,
lifter two months' vacation, spent with
his psrents.
- Hallstead.
Teachers' meeting 011 Friday evening
at the home of Airs. U. W. (Jupweli, on
Church street.
The cottage meeting on Fridav even
ing will be held at the reeidenco of
William Hoover, on Williams street.
Mrs. Rose Jordan, of Soranton, is
stopping with ber friend, Mrs. frank
Mrs. M. J. Colllgnn, of Scranton, is
visiting ber parents In Great Und.
Mr. and Mrs. Nlson Coon have re
turned from New York city.
John Acker, of Scranton, registered
ut the Mitchell House today.
Henry Carry, of Pittston, the former
secretary of the Young Men a ChriS'
tin association la this city, is visiting
In town.
Charles 4'nwarden, of New York,
who bns been summering in Hones
dale, ha returned home.
Miss Ama Aikinon of Albany is the
soest of Miss Ma BatueS.
Isaso Hsm and Robert Manner of
Honesdale- and Frederick Mrtln of
Syrsonse, wnn hss Iwen fpemiins; bis
Virstinn in Uundilf, rmurued tu
8'a.te college y-Ster1". s
Rnv iwi it 'I'pfnrjSE riffloe. A
Iflf tu tu Ufuu. - -
Forest City.
Miss Annie Renohler und Mrs. Mat-
tie Abramv, of Scranton. are tbe cues Is
ot tbe Missus McLaughlin attbo Forest
city hotel.
For sale ctteaD Two portable oveos
In Mist class condition. Inquire or ad
dress T. C. Manzer, Forest City.
The fifth looal eonvention of tbe
Jeffjrson Branob uuion, Yonng Peo
ple's Society Cbrieiiuu Endeavor will
tm held at Elkdale, Wednesday, fcwpt,
Miss Laara Davies bas returned to
ber home in Wyoming, after a pleasant
visit with borough friends.
Editor John M. Brown. Republican
correspondent, S. J. Jenninus, E. A.
wueeiorand (Jbamp Jiibdon were ang
ling for the finny tribe iu White Oak
pond, Wayne county. Saturday. Fish
stories may now be expected.
A meeting of the board or trade was
held Friday evening in the B. Maxey.
blocK. President J. M. Brown- pre
sided j F. J. Osgood, secretary pro tern.
About twenty-five of the prominent
citizens of this place v.'eie present. W.
II. Bates nnd W. J. D.tvis, as members
of a committee appointed at last Mon
day evening's meeting, reported that
they bad interviewed Mr. Flitcroft
who bad said that he would use bis
iiifluouee to have a competont engineer
sent to locate a bridge at the most feas
ible point and an estimate cost of the
same. Dr. Taylor, as chairman of the
committee appointed to draw up reso
lutions to present to the council, bad
the following resolution read, which
will be presented to the council:
"The Honorable Council of the Bor
ough of Forest City, Pa. : Gentlemen
We, the undersigned, acting for the
board of trade, would respectfully re
quest that tbe right of way for an elec
tric railroad on Main strtet be given to
the most responsible party who will
tuild and operate the road at one un
der conditions most favorable to tbe
borough. We would also request that
the center of therailro vl be placed on
the line between the Erie and Dela
ware aud Hudson campnny's, as this
wilt allow vehicles and curs to pass
wherever the legal width of tbe road
bas not been encroached upon
C. E. Taylor, L P. Wedemun.
and W. J. Davis, committee "
The following were elected as the
board's officers for the next six months:
President, Dr. C. E. Taylor; vice presi
dent, F. J. Osgood; recording secre
tary, F. Cunningham; treasurer, W. J.
Davis; corresponding secretary, W, J.
Davis. A committee on by laws was
appointed, as follows: John McLsuRh
lin, W. J. Davis nnd B. F. Mnxey. Tub
next meeting of the board will be one
week from next Friday evening.
Abont 0:15 o'clock Saturday after
noon a disastrous wreck ocourred on
the Jefferson branch of the Erie at
Stillwater, two miles north of this
lace. It occurrod as follows: Erie
coal train in charge of Conductor
Madigan was southward bound aud
whs nearing bridge five when suddenly
a cow made its appearance and started
across the track. The engineer sounded
the whistle, bnt the creature was too
close nnd came in contact with the cow
catcher. Six cars were derailed, four
of the cars being thrown wedge shaped
aud iu nearly all conoeivable shapes oa
the bridge. The wrecking crew from
Carbondale soon arrived oa tbe scene
and started the clearing of tbe wreck.
Erie fiver, doe at this station at 5 33
from Binghamton, transferred the pas
sengers from that train to a train that
was seut from Carbondale. It was
about 1 o'clock Sunday morning before
tbe wreck was cleared, It is needless to
say that the cow was killed All the
trainmen escaped uuiujarud.
The Beciirt art of boauty lies not in cos
metics, but is only in pure blood, and a
hoalthy performance of the vital functions,
to be obtained by UBing Burdock Bloud
Rev. P. P, Doty received fourteen
parsons into full membership in the
Methodist Episcopal church last Sun
day morning.
Dr. Reeves, 413 Spruce street, Soran
ton, cures rheumatism in any and all
stages; 9 11. m. to 9 p. in.
Mrs. Z P. Traviss will leava this
morning to visit with relatives in
Wayne coanty. '
W. J, Broad is digging a ojllar to
erect a dwelling house on bli lot on
Taylor avenue.
A dime supper will ba held at the
Methodist Episcopal parsonage Wed
nesday eveninu under the auspices of
lh L idles' Aid society from 6 10 9.
Miss Sadie Stage bas returned from
a visit to Lake Ariel,
Mies Rena Boucher, of TJniondaie,
who has been visiting relatives in town
for tbe past week returned borne yes
terday, Mr. and Mrs. Edson L. Dikemao , of
Kingslaud, N. J., arrived here last
Saturday to visit the former's mother,
Mrs. James Dikeman.
Mr. and Mrs. George A Bell are en
joying tbe frsb treezes at Hamilton,
Wayne county.
Bpaolmen Cases.
a H. Clifford, New Cnssel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
his stomach was disordered, bis liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced in
Mesh and strength. Three bottles of Eloc
tric Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., bad
a running sore on bis leg of eight years'
standing. Used three bottle of Electrio
bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and his leg is ouud aud
well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad
nve larsre fever sores on his leg, doctors
said he was incurable.. One bottle Electrio
Bitters and one box Bucklon's Arnica
8 dve cured him entirely. Hold by Mat
thew Bros, drug store.
G. A. Jones of Wilke6-Barre was In
town yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. C. a Hays and J.
Frank Smith were at Triangular Lake
Mrs. Charles Barber and bor daugh
ter Delia was at Pittston yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shoemaker are
sponding a few days at Pittsburg this
B. O. Dodson, the jweler, is remov
ing from the postoffice building oa
Eighth street iuto his new building oa
Wyoming nvenuj. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McIUill and
daughter returned from Lily luke yes
terday. Carbondale.
Sunday morning while Thomas Mc
Donald, a resident of the South Side.
wus on his way to churoh be com
plained of a pain in the region of bis
heart and could go no further. A mo
ment later he fell uncoi scions to the
sidewalk. He was carried into the
house ot Antbouy Cannon and a phy
sician seut tor, but before the doctor
arrived he was dead. Mr. McDonald
was about 33 years of nge and unmar
ried. Tbe funeral will be held thi
stt.'rnoon, leaving the house at 8 30
o'clock and will be in charge ot the
Pioneer . Father Matthew soolcty, of
Woioli oigatilz ition the deceusod whs
111 ttcliv IlleUJ -r.
Mr. Mi'-ruel if. L-o-kin, o' S!
ady, N. Y , dieu uuu aiieruuuu at 3
o'clock at the home of ber father Felix
Devanney, of Brooklyu street. The
funeral will t held oa Wednesday
morning at 0 o'clock, services beiusr
condaoted in St. Rose cbarob. Tbe
remains will be interred In the St. Rose
ihe Ladies Aid society, of the Pres
byterian church will give an oyster
sapper in the church oa Tacsdsy even
ing. Sept. 18.
The Delaware and Hudson company
will pay their shop and gravity road
employes la tbis citv today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Jadwia and
daughter, Olive, spent Snaday in tbis
city as the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Hampton, of Church street.
At tbe semi-annuil meeting of tbe
Pioneer Father Mattiew society, which
was held Sunday afternoon iu tbeir
hall, tbe following offioera were eleeted
to serve daring tbe ensuing term:
President, Anthony Btnts; vice presi
dent, Joseph McDonald; seoretarr. P.
M. Campbell; treasurer, Richard Kil
patrick. S. D. Baker is seriously ill at his
home 00 Washington Btreet.
Dr. J. J Thompson, of Salem ave
nue, one ot Carbondale's moat promi
nent and successful physicians, will
leave tomorrow for a ten days stay in
New York city, whieh time the dootor
will spend in the olinio department of
a prominent hospital.
Tbis afternoon nt 4 o'clock in the Ly
ceum 1 jomi over Crane's store will oc
ur the regular monthly meeting of
the academy of Medicine. A paper
will be read by Dr. F. L Gardner.
Mrs. Wesley Ferrell is visiting
Oueonta, N, Y., friends.
Expirei from Ii juries Beotivsd While
Lighting; a Lamp.
Newark. N. J., Sept. 10. Mrs. Adele
Halstead Tripp bas died at her home
as the remit ot injuries received Aug.
21 while lighting a lamp.
Mrs. Tripp whs 64 years old nnd had
been for twenty-five years regent of
tie Roseville seminary. Colonel Ira
Tripp, theiwell known landjowner of
Scranton, Pa., who died tnree years
auo, was her brother-in-law, and she
was related to D. B. Halstead, of tbe
New York National bonk.
All That's Claimed
"I had a poor appetite, that tired feeling ana
was run down, but Hood's Sarsaparilla has
done me a great deal ot
good. I have a better
appetlto and do not
feel tired, I can reo
ommend Hood's Sarsa
parilla as an excellent
spring or fall medicine
to keep the blood in
order. Myself and
three daughters have
taken over six bottles,
and It has done us
much good. We do
not now have to call
' upon a doctor, as for-
mcrly. In the snrlnz
Albert Kinser time, and I can say that
Auburn, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
nil that is claimed for It, I most heartily rec
ommend it, and shall always keep it in my
house." Albert Khisev, Auburn, Ta.
Hood's Sarsa
y parllla
Be sure to get rttVQS
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do
tot purgo, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists.
230 Lacka. Ave.
Do we hit the mark?
A few minutes
will tell.
Children's Krleo Pants. Two
pair for 25 cents.
Boy's Double-breasted School
Suits; regular prico, $1. 75.
Boys' Double-breasted Black
Wool Suits ; regular price, $3.
Men's Suits, Single or Double
breasted; regular price, $7.
Men's Black Dress Suits; reg
ular price, $12.50.
Men's Dress Pants, CO styles;
. regular price, $5.
Above Goods Are All fa The
Latest Styles. "
All goods left from the
FIRE SALE, which are
damaged by water only, at
your own price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Next door to tbe burned building.
TheScrariion Tribune
Bookbinding Dept.
1 ,iy
400402 Lackawanna Ave. '
"THESE goods will be sold far below their
' value, and it will pay you to secure what
you need for the winter during this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, wiuter
price 81)c. ; now only - . - -
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price $1.50; now only
1 case 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
prico, $2.25; now only - . .
1 case 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$3.75; now only -
lease 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter prico
$5; now only
1 case 10-4 California Blankets, winter price
$7.50; now only
1 case 11-4 California Blankets, winter price
$8.50; now only - V .
2 bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25;
now only . - - .
amboo Easels
New lot just received.
50c, 90c, $1.25, $2, $2.25, $3 and $150
Japanese Screens
A fine cloth back Screen for $2.25
1VOIITH $3.00.
A fine cloth back Screen for $3.50
WOKT1I $1.50.
An elegant one in cream and gold for
New lot Japanese Scrap Baskets.
Chenille and Yelour Table Covers
Brass Tables
Onyx Top Tables at $(3 each.
406 and 408
'PWf, ; ''..'J,J' JM jl.lJfm'M. ''I lllllliWSIMIIIIWIIIMIIILIIIIIjll.l, .Wll I IU
All the Railroads
Were kept busy landing goods to the Econ-'
omy last week. At least it would seem so if
you had seen our receiving and stock clerks
Kepi Hustling
To get their several departments into
shape. Such jamming and slamming! Ham
mers and chisels were playing lively tunas
on the back of Bedroom Suits and Side
boards and other articles.
We aro ready for you. A better or larger
stock never was presented for your inspec
tion. Then there is our price the Econo
my's price that means a lower, price than
any other. Another consideration is "Econ
omy's Liberal Wait-a-While Paying Sys
tem." '
We Pay All the Freight
Lacka.. Avenue.
. 1 V