THE SCRANTON TKIBTTNE MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 20, 1894. QEKERAL NEWS OF ' Aeoflrding to Saward thera &r abont lirty-five eleotrlo loeomotlrei in bu jssful operation. Among these be mentions the following of interest to Vnnnvlv&nlftntt! Tho West Ridge Coal company, Green ; "liricro Va Thia b .... .1.,., .... Imjim tt iipeued, and bas a tbin seam. It is pro- ; losed to use electric haulage here to bring ' be coal from the chambers to the main gangway, which is to be operated as a gravity plane, Ono of the small locc cotives (sixteen horse-power) aud 135 horse-power generator ure now at the : nines. Erie colliery, Hillsdale Coal and Iron iwnpany. This plant was one of the first, :f not the first, successful electric mine I i Tl 1 , .....K.... i J .0,ruvs. was 'I liorse-powor generator aud locomotive. . Vbout 5,800 feet of track has been equipped .vith trolley. The usual trip is fifteen :ars, weighing (loaded) about y.OOO pouuds nftph wiion n,nlMR wora nsod the aver- age number of cars hauled per day was i.0(i. With the locomotive the average number hauled is 5'ja INDUSTRIES The Mount Lookout Coal company, ; hav8 not hve now t0 opportunity to try Wyoming Pa. This plant, which has ro- j it Vle LM 0 the advertised Druggist oeutlyboeu insUllod, consists of one 135 j got R Trial Bottle, Free. Send your lorse-power generator, one ,500-pouiia , ,1(ullB Bml 0li,iruiH to U. E. Uucklon & Co., draw bar pull locomotive, one l.oOO-pouna , ciiicnso, aud gut a aamplo box of Dr. ilraw bar pull locomotive, and one olio-gal-, King's New Life Pills, 1'rco, as well as a on duulex piston pump, fbosa , locpnio- . C0Jly ot Gm(la to Iloulth and Hou-iehold Ives work on opposite sides or the sliatt. i instructor, Free. All of which is guaran They have hardly been m operation long ; teo(. todo you g00(1 RnJ c(Mt you nothing, inough to furnish ligures as to their per- , jiatthews Bros. Drugstore. .'oriuiiuce. They are, however, handling i " .vith ease all the coal brought to them. This plant Is a model one in every respect, ;he power house being ot very substantial .haracter, together with tho lino and .rack. All of the machinery is of the '.atest typo. Anyone wishing to iuvestt :;ato tho merits of electria mining would ,lnd this a good place to visit. Forest City colliery, Hillside Coal and Iron company, Forest City, Pa. There :iro two 4,500-pound draw bar pull loco motives and two b5-horse power genera tors here. There is also a small pump, operated from the same circuit. Oue ot uese locomotives is usod to haul coal to ".he sbaft.and the Other, in the seam above, .vorks in the Jslope. In the lower seam ibont 8,500 f et . track is equipped. Koads ire uealy level, with two exceptions, ono being a grade uf 2 per cent, to 8 per cunt. ;'or 1)30 feot, and the othor a grad j of 8a' ie r cent. 150 feet long on a curvo of 50 feet adius, on which the locomotive has to tart its trip. The usual trip is 15 curs of ,0u0 pouudB euch. The locomotive has Imndled on tests 33 cars, though at present .his is unnecessary, as all coal now mined .an be tnken out in 15-car trip. At pres ent the average day's work is oil cars aud ho average tun 30 miles, accordiug to tho : eport of Mr. Caryl, the mine foreman. To obviate the danger incurred by lersons who ride ou freight trains .vitbout nny right to do bo, the Penn sylvania Railroad company has organ zed a system of police patrol aloDg its ines mid arrest every person found un ' awfully riding on freight traius. The eport for the past two months show hat on an average of one person is tilled every day. Most ot tboiu are young men riding ou freight trains rom one town to another, with no Itfmito destination. "I scarcely know what will be done with the large number of men it may x'corae necessary to arrest," said an 'fiicial of the Middle division to a Jarrisburg Patriot reporter the other lay. "I am hopeful that we shall be ible to break the thing up without go ng very iar along this line. We are not noved by any inconvenience 'to our lei ves but because we are horrified at the lumber of lives which have reoently ;eeu lost. It bas not been so very long go that we were not bothered much vith persons getting on our freights. Indeed, we Bhould not wind it now if t were not that so many are killed. If vo can only get these trespassors, many .if whom are respectably connected, iroused to the. barm of the thing so .hat it will stop, we shall feel more u.tisfaction in the lives that are saved ban in auy inconvenience that may ire iult to tbe railroad." Drovers in charge of stock ears are now required to have lasses. Callers will not tbe furnished irders unless they are obliged to go a .reat distance. Freight conductors i ml trainmen will be held responsible or all persons round on their trains ,vho have no right to be there. tit The Potts ville Miners' Journal thus peaks of a well-known Sorantonian: 'Charles II. Acker, wbo has bnen eon- lected with the Hiutra' Journal in tbe lual capacity of business manager and id i tor, bas resigned and accepted a po sition in tbe office of tbe general mana rer of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. Mr. Acker will as iivae tbe duties of bis now office next Monday, and will be located at Scran ton. ( He came here from Kingston, Pa., fonr and a half years ago, and be' !iiue the bnsiness manager of the Jour .ial when the paper passed into tbe lands of Frank Hill. Durd S. Patterson md A, D. V. Smith. Aftor tbe paper went DacK to tne original owner, D rank Carter, about two years ago, Mr. Acker continued in the business office, and about year ago be took tip the editorial cares of the plant in conjunc tion Xvith his otber duties. Mr. Acker possesses'tine literary attainments and rare business tact and is a gentleman t most pleasing address, lie bas made many friends during bis residence in Pottsville and they will take leave of htm with hearts filled vith regroL His Family will remain here for tbe prea- mt. . Mr. Acker was a former em ploye of tbe Delaware, Lackawanna tnd Western, and when a letter an nouncing the fact that be had quit the Journal reached the general manager in Wednesday the latter at once replied ina me next day a letter came offering the position referred to. Nothing ;ouiu oeiier illustrate, tbe High nppre Nation which this official holds for Mr Acker." . According to this year's Voar't man. nnl, the total railway rnileasa in tbe United ,' States is 177.753, au average in the year of, 2,049 miles. On tbe 'oasis of 175 441 miles the liabilities are $1 1,444, 808, 802, of which $0 570,202,013 ure bonds and !) 089.032.004 stocks The assets are $11,855 1)RH m n issets over liabilities of $112,070,274. ?or 1893 earnings of all roads were $1 . ;J23.618. 200; expenss, 858,027.18l! net 1-364,591,100; other reoeipts. $111,2S8, 182; total net revenue, $475,880,041; in ;erestod bonds, $230,610,204; other in erest, $7,123 240 dividends, $95,327, 381; rentals, $03,712,808; miscellaneous, !J38.288,701; total payments, $15,078,810; ixcess of revenue over payments, $30,. 1101,201. Gross earningsiof 175.541 miles re $1,208,641,498; against $1,100,036 -HO Net esrninis were $358,048,018, "gainst $352,817,405 Interest pay. ;nents were $230,755,805, against $229, !)C0,202. Dividends paid were $93,537, 081,' against $93,802,413. Th surplus "vas $20,025,542, against $41,613,275 .'tooR, Industrial Notes:. . . Thomas Mooney, of Lnrerne borough, having resigned as inside foreman at the .larry E colliery, Daniel H, Snllivau has laken his place, The Boston and Maine directors have declared a semi-annual dividend of 8 par lent, its business, tbe directors say, Justl- tying snch'a dividend. The passenger business of New England rosds the last four months is reported to have been un usually heavy. Tuore is now ready for shipment at Peoria and Pekln 000 car loads of whiskey, and by next week it will be moving to the seaboard briskly. The pay of passenger conductors on the Lehigh Valley road bos been advanced from SJ.25 to J3.00 per day, and the payor brnkemau 20 cents a day ou certain trains. There now arrive and dopurt at the union Btation, Chicago, 148 trains per day. The Btation is used by the Pittsburg. Fort VVHVnA nnrt Mtiicnffft fhA ranuaauiUk iuo Chicago, Burlington aud Quiucy and the I 'lit..,. 1 Al... E. P. Wilbur, president of the Lehigh Valley rsilroad, was asked on Thursday if ths company woulil declare a dividend in October, aud in reply suid: "Tliut's pretty hard to auswor; we meet next month to discuss that question. I a dividend is not earned It won't be declared." S. Van Wickle & Co. have awarded to Henrv Kinrr. of Schuylkill county, ths contract of bnildlug the Beaver Meadow, Treskow and New lioston railroad. This line will extend from lleavor iloauow to Now Huston, At the hitter point it will connect with the Pennsylvania system. Conuections will be made with allot Van Wickle & CV'a colleries. All Free, Those who have usod Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, aud those who FINANCIAl AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bondi. New York. Ane. IS. Looking back at the w eek's market at the Stock Exchange, it is seen that tho prediction of bull opera tors that a settlement ol tue tunu ques tion would rovive speculation was not far out of the way. Au increase of nearly 000,000 shares as compared with the pre vious wees tooa piace, wuno quoiuuuus registered a gain of 1 to 7 poiuts. It should be addid that the market was strongest at the close. An idea may be gathered of tho interest taken id the cur rent speculation wucn it is eiuieu ima f l.MT.OOO bonds changed hands durlm? tlie two hours of buaiiiBss, as well as 107.J15 shares of stocks. The increased business wus accompanied by higher prices, especi ally in the railroad list aud American Suuar. lu the railroads the grangers were, scoriug their highest figures for a loug time. Tao lmnroveniont in tne railway list ranged from 1 to the grangers leading. In tuo HKiustnuu Migr oouiuica up irom lOSii to 110!i and cloipd at 110";. Ameri can Tobacco sold up to !IS. Cotton Oil preforred V. General Eloctric VA&Vl. Chicago tius to 6. There wore nearly 24,000 snares ot Distillers tradod lu today at lta20s'al(Jjaiyx. Near the close tho general market realizations receded frac tionally, but lu the Dual traumg specula tion was Btroug. Pricos showed again for the day of to 1 per ccut., Sugar lead ing. I'nfl followinij coinpioto taole snowing the day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied sua revised dully by LoBar & I'uller, stock brokers, 1-1 i ruialua avenue: Opon- Hicth- Low Cloi- inn. est. est. ine. .. DuM wi m a4 iio; lusNi ntu .. m 62 BW M Am. Cot. Oil., Am BuKar. .., A.T.S8. (an. Bo 62 7'Vi5 vi," Mi, mi m" lis m lM."i lW-. On. N. J Chic & N. W HiiV'i lOii-li -,-4 3S4 107 77r'H 7ll';i 3 13:i" H.HV4 llili) lf14 Wi m" iiTu; wJ 4114 iU Mito 174 . 1'i 17W 379? ()., B. & Q 7 Chic. Oas. V C.,0. (.'. & St. L.... 3)i Col.. llock.V al. X. D. & U. ,in ,. v. . HI I ;;- i:k loM IJ., L. & W... n.&c. v Erie (i. E. Co Lnko Shore... L. & N. Manhattan... 111m. Pae.... ii7m :n 4;ij 17M Hil Mi 17Hj 1-K mi 4 f i'ii Nat. Lead... ,. 43i N. Y.(sN. E iry N. Y. Central 10U& N. V., O. & W 174 N. Y.. 8. & W lWJ J. S. C. Co North Pac 4 North Pac. pt V,i Omaha !i Pac. .Mail Reiidinu SOU Iioek Island tu-J4 u.T i:h St. Paul T..C. & 1 U'4 Texas & Pac W'd Union l'arillc WfcJ 37ii 7 17S MH )il KIMS 111 MM, w Ii7?li 174 11114 174 ni'i lni-3 434 1II.U Wabash pf Hi! esti-rn Lni ion W.&U E W. &L. E.pfd., ll-Ti 43 Chicago Grain and Provisions. ScnANTow, Aug. IS. The following quota tions are Hiippliad and corrected dally by Lv liar & fuller, stock brokern.121 Wyomtni ave nue. WHEAT. Onetime... lliitlirat. ,.. I.oweHt,,,., Closing COliN. Oneninif..., Ilitillest.... Lowest CloMnpt Sept. Deo. May. MM f)7li (il?S f.f'l K!i l, Mil liiafi L&H ml Wi tvi sm k 6;i?2 filWi 6'J'4 rr)4 8H4 O-M A 515b an .... mk M .... 34'4 .... 4!IS 2l'M .... l 13H0 ism 1330 715 747 w 71J DATS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing I'OHIC (ipenlng... 1111,'liost Lowest L'liwinir LAK1X Opening Uiuliest Lowest Closing SHOUT HIH3, Openinn HiKhest Lowest Cloning New York Frcduct Market New Yona, Aug. 18.-Flour Weak, dull. WliKAT-Dull, lower; No. 3 rod, store nnu elevator, &ti;gau7o.; nlloat, M'o ; f. 0. b., 67a58c: ungraded red, 50a57Xc: No. 1 northern, 04c,; options were dull aud closed steady at yc. undr yesterday win ouiy local iraao; iseptomDf r and Uu- cemDer moBt nctivo: sales iucludea No. red, closing: Ausust, Wc; September, 57c.;Octobor, 0Xo.; December, CUKo,; conn Dull.c. lower, steady; No.2, 61c; elovator: Glc. nlloat: ontioua wnm dull weak and KnJtfc. lower; ilav most active; August, B'J Vc; September, 68c: Octobor, 57ic.; Docembor, 6rc.; Way, Mc. Oats Dull, lower; options dull, ao. lower; August, 83;c; Septomher, 34;,4o.; October, Ji44C.; spot price?, No A iUn 3io.t No. 2 whit. a7K37?4a; No. 2 Chi cago, 84o3lo.; No. 3, 3;ic.t No. D white, iiOc; mixed western, 84u3Cc; white do 3h44c; white state, 3Ga44c. IlKKF Quiet, stoady; family, 10al2; ex tra mess, $Ha8.50. Bkef Hams Firm: quiot, t".S0. Tikiices Ubkk Stoady, quiet; city extra India mow, $15al7. Cut AIeath Firm, quiot; pickled bellies, 12 pouuds, 8Xc; pickled shoulilors, Cc; pickled hams, llaiac; middles nominal, Laud Dull, steady; western steam, J7.K5; city, 7j4a7;c.: September, ti.00; re flnod, easy; coutinent,$8.i!5; South America, &S.50; compound, 60, Pork More active; ' mess, $15al5.25; extra primp, 1131113.50. BurxEn-Fairly active, firmer; state dairy, Ma23c: do. creamery, 1724c: Pennsylvania, do. creamery, 17a2e-; Penn aylvnnla do., 17a25c; western dairy, 13a Hie: do. creamery, 15a24a; do. factory, lSalSJc; elgins, 2-lo.j Imitation creamery, ISalSo. Chkkbb Firm, quiet; state, lsrga, 7a 0,Vc; fancy, flo.; do. small, 7aU5io.; part skims, aadc. ! full Bkims, 2a3c. Eoas Firm, good demand; state and Pennsylvania, 17Wal8c; ice house, 15)a IGo.; western fresh, 10al7ko, ; do., per case $l.GCa3,50l Philadelphia Tallow Jffarkst. Pbiladblphia. Aug. 18. Tallow was firm with small supplies. Prices were: ' ' I . v . Prime city in hogsheads, prime, country, in barrels, 4a4c; do. dark in barrels, cakes, ic; grease, Bc . Nursery Methods In Universities. The new university can cut itself loose from tbo time worn English collego curric ulum and its much patched American cquivalout, with its system of favored studies and false incentives. It can give to each line ot work tho timo and freedom lb needs, thus leaving nil questions of the relative valuo of studies to bo settled bj the student for himself. Tho now school can treat Its students as men, and not as children. The nursery Bhould cease whore the university begins, and the university student should not do his work In the child's fear of "tho rod behind the mirror." The new school can rest its impulse for work on the desire for knowledge, the eternal "hunger and thirst which only the student knows," tho only basis on which scholarship can rest. Marks, honors, prizes, degrees even, are incentives which 'belong to the nursery days. Thoy date from the time when the youth of tho aristocracy mustbo coaxed or driven to a resomblnce of culture. All these things aro forms, and forms only, aud tho snbstanco of our higher education Is fast outgrowing them. Collego marks, college honors, college courses, college de grees, the college itself as distinguished from the university on the one hand nnd tho publio school on tho other nil these belong with the collego cap and gown, and the wreath of lnurel berries to the baby hood of culture. They are part of onr in heritance of tho past, from tho timo when scholarship was not manhood, when the lifo of tho student had no relation to tho life of tho world. David S. Jordan in Porura. Reaction lu Goodness, Quite too little is made ot tho law of action and reaction in tho study of human nature. The very best ellorts that can bo put forth for virtue load to eufecblemeiit i and exhaustion, and so the chances nro thero will bo a temporary lapso into tho vulgarityof vice. "It is a dangerous thing," says Dr. Holmes, "to bo as funny as you can." It is, I say, dangerous to bo as good ob you can. Don't you touch a minister after be has preached a really noble ser mon. Don't cross hi ml Don't criticise himl He is exhausted of goodness nnd will be surely soured, or else depressed and disheartened by your adversenoss. I ex pect he will say things very unpleasant and quite out of harmony with his dis course. I should not bo surprised if ho was at once in a rago, and made you give up all your good opinion to him as a holy man. Oh, iiel You are unjust. The man is suf fering reaction. You nsk too much. You expect him to bo ideally right all tho time, whereas by tho law of nature he must be lacking in common senso a part of each day. You require too much of him. Others turn on you in the same way, and so there is great discord that is caused by our not understanding how to judgo human na ture. St. Louis Globo-Democrat, Tue first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway Piue fcyrup will satisfy anyone that the lung-healiug virtue of the piue tree ban now been reflnod into an effective aud convenient cough medicine, bold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Coitorla. When Eho beeamo Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she bad Children, she gave them Castor! For nearly fifty years this wonderful rem !dy has proved itself tho best, quickest, oaf ist aud surest antidote (or pain in : he world. THE TRUE KELIEF. RADWAY'8 BEAUY RELIEF is snfo, re llnblo and effectual becauso ot tho stimulating- action of tho body, adding tone to tho one md inciting to renewed and increased vigor tho slumbering vitality of the physical struc ture, and through this cealthtul stimulation tnd increased action the cause ot tho PAIN lu driven away and a natural condition re stored. It is thus that thy HEADY RKLIEF in so admirably ad up tod for the CURE OF PAIN and without tho risk of injury which is euro to result from the uso of many of tue so-called pain remedies of the day. In using medicines to stop pain we should ivold such as inlhot injury on tho system. Opium, Morphine, Ether.Oicalne and Chloral stop pain by destroying 1110 senso of percep tion, when tho patlont losos tho power of foellnu. Ibis is the most destructive prac tice; It masks the symptoms, shuts up, and, instead of removing trouble, breaks down tho stomach, liver and bowels, and, if con tinued for a length o( timo, kills tho nerves end produces local or general paralysis. Thero Is no nocosstty for using tbiim un certain intents when a positive remedy like HAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will stop the most exoruclatimj pain quicker, without en titling the least diuiculty in elttior infant or adult. A CURE FOB ALL Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, A half to a teoSDOonful of Ready Roliof in a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as tbo disr-hurKes continue, and a Hannol sat urated with Koady lteliof placed over ths stoinnch and bowels, will afford immediate relief and effect a cure. A half to a teaspoonful in half a tumblor of water will In a few minutes cure Cramps, hposma, Sour Htomanh, Heartburn, Nervous ni'ss, fileeplessness, 8lek Ueada'ho, Diarrhea, liysentory, Collo, Flatulency and all intornu palna Malaria HILL? AND HiVMl, 1 KVEK AND AOIE CONQUEUISU. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Not only cures the patient seized with this terrible foi to settlers in sewly-sotUed dis tricts, where Iho .Malaria or Ague exists, but If pooplo expose! to it will every morning, on getting out of bod, take twenty or thirty drops of the Heady Roliof in water, and est, say, a cracker, thoy will esoapo attacks. This must bo done beforo going out. Thero is not a remedial anAnt in tho world that will euro Fovor and Aguo and all other Malarious, Bilious aided by BADWY'8 P so quick as liADWAY'd HEADY KELIEF. 50c. Per Dottle. Sold bv Druaaists. The Great Liver and Stomach Remed) For tho cure of a!l disorders of the Stomach, I.tvor, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Losi of Appetite, Hoadn'-he, Cos tivouess, Iudlgostlon, Biliousness. Fever, In flnminatiou of tbo Howols, 1'lle-i and all other cW-rangements of thi Internal Viscera. Purely vegntublo, oontoiubig to moroury, minerals or deleterious drug Price, 23 cents per box. Bold by all drug- KUtS" DYSPEPSIA Dr, Badway's Pills are a cure for this com plaint. They restore strength to tho stomaoh and enable it to portorin its functions. Ths symptoms of Dyspepsia disappear, and with tliera tho liability of tbe srstmn to contract diseases. Tako the medlolno accordlpt to dlroctions,and observe what we say oi ''Falsa aud True." rospeotlng diet. tirsond a letter stump o DR. RADWAT A CO., Lock Dor Mew York, for "Falsa ittid Truo " B BUBE TO GEX RADWAT'B. . Wv"' Bswannvk ! jKk. Wwmm QADWAY'8 11 PILLS, Fan and the Monkey. A gentleman who held a judicial posi tion in India tells this story: I was a magistrate in those days, and Fan, a favorite dog of mine, always went to court witb me aud sat on a chair by my side. I bad a tame monkey, too, which Fan was very fond Of. I used to couplo them together, and they played about tbe grounds very happily. One day I expected some frlonds to luncheon. I was lu court, and somehow or ot her I had left Fan at home that day. As I was rather late at my work, my friends arrived before I came homo, aud seeing Fan, thoy dressed tho monkey up in his red jacket aud blue trousers, and fas tening his chain around the dog's ueck, with a card tied around it, on which was written, "Mulligatawny is getting cold," told Fan to go to her master. Well, Fan set off, the monkey running by her side and trying in vain to hold her back by banging to the chain. I was busy writing down tho evidence, and took no notice of Fan jumping up into her usual position upon the chair, not oven looking at her, but my attention was soon attracted by tho monkey, who, in full uniform, seat ed himself ou my table nnd put oue band into tho Ink, while with tho other ho seized the pen I was writing with, to my conster nation and to the amusement of tho crowds of natives with which tho court was thronged. I need not say I was obliged to adjourn tho court after that and go off to tillln, which, you know, is tho India term for lunch. Jow York Advertiser. Old English Tavern Customs. Tho custom of naming different rooms is familiar to nil who havorcud our Eliza bethan writers. Who does not at onco re call thoso immortal scenes at tho "Donr's Head" in which that magnificent old scoundrel Jack Falstaff played so promi nent a partf llow the madcap princo and companion Polns so sadly perplexed tho unfortunate Francis with bis everlasting "Anon, anon, sir," and his interjected or ders to "Look down into tho Pofliegran ato." It was customary, it seems, to have small windows or loopholos between tho various apartments, for what reason It were perhaps hard to say, unless to facili tate that interchange of compliments cus tomary between parties who were using different chambers in tho same tavern. These courtesies usually took tho form of tho present of n piece of sugar wrapped up in white paper, which tho waiters kept ready to hand. Ouf forefathers were fond of correcting the acidity of their wino by this addition, and it was quito the correct thing to send by tho drawer one of theso packets to the neighboring apartments if nny friends or acquaintances wore there. Chambers' Journal. WEAK MEN Y0UR attention S&l maii THAui va (Jroftt English Remedy, Gray's Speciflc Medicine IF YOU SUFFER from Ner- EBTUN mi, timl 11 1 wVOUa 1)0- bility, W caknoss of Body nnd Mind, Sporma torrhea, aud Impoteucy, and nil diseases that ariso from ovor-indulnenco and self-abuse, ai Loss or Memory and f ower, Ulmuaas of V is Ion, Premature Old Ago and many other dis eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and anearly irrave. write for a pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE CO., buffalo, N. Y. Tho hpeciflo Medicine Is sold by all dniedsts at ? per packoue, or six packages for H,or sent by mall on receipt of money.and wltn every o.uu oruer Wt GUARANTEE a cure or monoy refundo(l "" tfT'On account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wruppor, tho only genu ine, bold In Scrauton bv Matthews Bros. W.L.Douclas IS THE BEST.' NO SQUEAKING. $5. CORDOVAN, FRNCH& ENAMELLED CALF. " 4.f3.5-0 FINE CALF & KAN GARC 1 3.yP0UCE3 Soles. BOYSSCHOOLSHQEi LAD!ES SEND FOR CATALOGUE PW-L-DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, MA33. You can save money by purchasing W. L. Dunules HhueH, UCVausc, n,c luc imgcst luuuuiullULCin ui advertised shoes in the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the name and once on the bottom, which protects vou against bich prices and the middleman's prolits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, wc can. bold by E. J. LEONARD. ENDORfitO T TMt HlOMtlT MtDIMl AuTMOftlTItt $ SnEnTilOLINHiTO i-wmMA CATARRH ucaninurr'ELiRAiciA (i-M Jl IlLHIIUlllir BTt . TnIS MENTQOt 5t? IWAMin will euro you. A R7I Jwv-womlorfiil Lonn to sufTuren 'luflnenr.. ltrnnchltU. orllAYFEVEJi. Atrrd.: , immtillattrrUrl. Anefllclent . - remeiiv, convenlrnt to carry In poeltet, ready to ntn on Urpt lndlcstlon of eold. I'nnilniied I to KiTecls I'ormunrnt Cure. PntlMraeUoniniaranteed or money refnndnil. I'rlee, f. els. 'Irml free at Untwists. Kcglstcrod mall. U) coma. H. D. ClisnUiH, kfr., Three Ritora, ILii., D. S. 1. OTTSXTMA-Ha-'GI rjirWTrfDI Tl!0 "rc"' ""d safest remedy for iiik.ll inut ai KklndKssBcs, Krtnma, lieb.flult Hhonm.nlil f ires, lliirnn, Cms. Wondei-ful rum i us1""'1" ''" ifny inr s-iitLR. j rioe, ft cts. nt ilniu- El a I lit i:ulire. UfH.- For sale by Matthovvj llros. and John IT. I'lielp. i Osiiiplesisfl Prosenrsd I DR. HEBRA'3 Removes FrooMes, Plrsploi. Liver Moles libclihoaili, Sunburn aud Tan, and re Inrra thn ftlfln to lift oriel- no! ficihntsi)), producuis a Clear aua ncaiuiy eora-ivM". Jjiivv-' plexlon. Superior to all faeo . ;-' 7 prepamtioris and perfectly harmle";. At all liruEglsts, or mailed lor iiOcis. Bend lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP 'tai'ly IiwdvsM u a pkln ruriltlDR Hasp, aacuuntad fbr His tolli't, uid wlthfMtt a rival lui tiw nursery. Jlfuolut'lr Jro aa (Ullsil nwU mod. At drulit, Price 23 Cenia. G. C. BITTNERA. CO., Toledo, O. l'or sale by Matthew llros. and John II. Phelps. Hotel Waverly European Plan. Flrst-elom Bar attaehaS. Depot lor liergner A Bagel's Tannhnuaor Beer. ILL Cor, 15tb and Flkrt Ptiiladi Moatdrslrabls for resldanta of N.E. Ponn ylvanla. All eenveutenoes for travelers to and from Broad Street atatlou and tha Twelfth and Markat Htret statlou. De sirable for visiting Horsutonluu aud ta tl lu tbe Anthracite Kegloa. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIET0H For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of tho com plexion, nothing equals Poiioki's Powder. HASSON HTARK. at thk 01-D nrcroT HOTEL, . H'ACTORYVILLE. Is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rlits for tourists to surrounding towns aaa summer resorts. "I V INVALIDS' FOOD. f Chronic Dysentery J MARY S. TORREY, 131 West 63d Street, New York HER EXPER1HNCB- 1 1 here is nothing to be com pared to Bovinine for chronic dysentery. During my two years' illness I tried every other invalid food, without avail. will subdue the worst attack in one day, if taken simply witli water, and other foods discarded. If I had known of Bovinine sooner, my disease would never have become chronic." For sale at all druicclsts. THE BOVININE CO.. NEW YORK. THE National Bank of Scranton. CUGANIZED U3DL CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30.ooa BA1TUF.L niXER.fPresIdont. WAV. WATSON, Vleo Proaidout A, a WILLUUrf, Caehior, C1RECTORS. PAMtTBt ITifiES, james Jf EvrnnAnT, lllVINO A. FiNcn, PikhckB. Finlev, Joseph J. Jtiisivw, tl. a. KEMtm.ii., Cuas, P. iiAixutws, John T. PoiiiiiU. W. W. WATSO PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank invitos tho patronage ot business men ana arms guuerauy. Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & WELL CO. CO Booms 1 and 2 Commanvaltti Bld'g, 6CKANXON, VA. MINING andBLASTING Made at the MOOBIO nnd EUS1I DALE WORKd Lefflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electria Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse aud ftepaunoChemical Co.'s Hijh Eicplosive! PKXTKR 8H0R CO., Inc'p. Capital, 81.000.000. WEST 91.SU SHOE IN THE WOltl.U. "A dnllur anted it a dottar earned." t. This Ladles' Solid French DoliRolaKldTlllt- tou lioot dollvored Irconnywhcroin tue u.A.,on receipt or lain, moiwyuraer, or Postal Note ior Equals avary way the booU sold in all retail stores for IJ.60. Wo niako this boot oursolTes. thernforo we ffunr- anttt tlio fit. ttvlt and urnr. and If auy one fa not satisfied we 1T1II romna mo money or send another pair. Opera Toe or common cents, widths t , IV 15, S K1C. iv.-Xi 1 10 8 ana nun v -Vtilios. Stntlyourtixti '-'ijjViea tcill til ynii. SLfiiJrfJiaS' FREE Dexter Shoe Co., DOHTON, MASS. Eitcial tertnt to maun. . MR, FRED WE1CHEL At his notvly renovatod and lirenaed Hotel at CLAKK'8 SUMMIT, is now prepared to fur nish traveling men and social partlos with tho LATHST, NEW-8TYLEI) HIGH, sinirlc or double, ti take them to Lake Wiuoia, Oravel Fond and all suburban points and Hummer resorts at reasonable pricos. A large livory barn oouuootod with Uotol (or travel ! The Original Raw Food eeds and Fertilizers MQOSIC h kP uu Es iSa tra Hill v.-.ii".o a. a. . .. .. J ing publio. BUSINESS AND JPRMjESa PHYSICIANS ANU 8LHOLON. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN bas removed to 618 Bpruce street Kcrnnton. Pa. (Just op posite court-house tiquare.) Da A. J. CONNELL, Office 201 Washington avenue, corner Hprnc atrect, over Krancio s drug store. KoHldence, 71 Vino st. Office bounu lO.ttl to 12 a. m. and S to 4 and JU to 7.H0 p, m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. m. DU. W. K. ALLEN, Offloe cor. Lacka wanna and Washington aves.; over Leon ard shoe store; otUee hours, 10 to 13 a. ro. and u to i p. ni.; eveuiugs at rcaldenee. una. Washington avo. DR. U. L. FKEY, Practici limited to Dis eases of tho Eye, Ear, Noso aud Throat; office, ISt Wyoming avo, Residence, iia Vina Dit. L.M. OATES. ll!5 Washinuton Avenue Office hours, 8 to II a.m., M to U and I to 8 p.m. Residence ;M) Mudison avuuua lOllN LTw' E N x27TlTuTljliioe7 and 5 1 o (.'ommonwealUi buildlnflf; rosldenoo 711 Mndlsonavo; office hours. Id to 12, t to 4, 7 to b; Sundays 2.3U to 4. ovenlnga at residonoe. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, oar, nosj and throat and Kynoooiouy. D K. KA V, 2(Ki PonnAvo. ; 1 to3p.m ; cullSOO;. Dm.of women, obstotrics and (Uh. of chil. LAWYIOllS. M. O. HANCK'8 Law aud Collection of are. No. S17 Bnrueo sL. ontiiMtite Forest House. Scranton. l a,; collections a specialty thi ouuhout Pennsylvania; reliable corresuoud- cnts in every county JESSL1'S i: HA.NLI, Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law, Commonwealth building, Wauhiugtoa avtk W. H. Jest:p, tloiiAce K. HAirn, V. H. Jeshuh, Jib UHLI.AKD. WAKHEN & KNAl'P, Attor nevs ami CnniiHnldi-s at Law. Republican lmlldinit, WashiiiKtim avo.. Scranton, Pa. PATTEKSON & WILCuX, Attorneys and CounsoUors at Law; olllcesO and b Library buildiu burantou, Pa. ItOKWELl 11. I ATTBllROav Wim.iam A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors Commonwealth hnildimr. Rooms 19, SO nnd :;t. vv V. HOYLE, Altorney at-Law.Nos.lO and i iiO, Burr bnililintf, WasliiiiKtoii avenue. 11 E.NRY M. SEKLY - Law olilcos In Price liuuiliiiK, 12U aahmitton avenue. TT'RANK T. OKliLL, Attorney at Law. X 6. Coal ExchaiiKo. Scranton, Pa. Boom MILTON W. LOWUY, C. II. VON STOKCH, lAH'ys, 2.T Waslunif f ton av C. II. scpiare. I AMES W. OAKKOhD, Attornoy nt Law, I rooms 03, 01 and to, Cnmuionwealth b 1 if. (JAMUEL W. EDOaK, Attorney ut Law. O Olllce, 817 Spruceat., Srranton, Pa, A. WATKEa, Attorney at Law, 423 Larkawanna sue., Seranton. Pa. ) P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Offlco, . rooms 51, 65, fit! Commonwealth building. c 1 It. PITCHEU. Attorney at Law. Com- tnonwealth bulluiui.', St'ranton, Pa. C. COMEU YS, 321 Sprueo st. DB. UEPLOULE, Attornoy tonus uoaio- tinted on real estate securlty.40s Spruce. 1 F. K1LLA1I, Attornov at-Law. 120 Wy oniintav an", Scranton. M HOOI.S QCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Hcran LJ ton. Pa., nrnnarea bovs and eirls for eolloffa or businosj: thoroui;hly trains Young children. catalogue ut request. ItEV. TROMAR M. CAN Walter H. Buei.l. MISS WOItCESTElt'S K1NDEUUAUTEN and BchooL 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received nt all timos. Next term will open September 3. Ill.N I'lSI'S. Ci C. LAUBACII, burueou Doutlst, No, 113 J Wyoming avo. R. M. Sl'UAT TON', ofllcn Coal F.xehanfe. I.(IA.S. rjHE REPUBLIC Savinirs and Loan Asso X elation will loan you monoy on easier terms nnd pay you hotter ou iuvostmont than any othnr association. Call on 8. N, CA1.LLN PER. Dime Rank bnilrlinsr SEK.IIS. Gli. CLARK ft CO., Bcodsmen. Florists and Nurserymen; store 14S Washington avenue; croon house.1350 North Main avenue- store telephone ih'i. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. VI KE KC'PKKNS. TOS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avenue. Hern nl on. Pa., niannf'r of Wirn fcreons. HOTELS AM) ltKSTAUKANTS. T UE WESTS1INSTEK, 2I7-2W Wyominir avo. Booms heated with steam: all mod ern Improvements. C. M. ThumAii, Prop. rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Frauklin ave X nue. Kates reasonable. P. Zieoler. Proprietor. WLS'iillAaTEU HOTEL. W. O. SCHENCK. Manaffor. B.Iteeuth street, one block east of Broadway, at uniou ruuaro, new xora. American plan, S350 por day and upward, fOYNE BOLBE, Europoan plan; Igood w rooms, upon uay uu niifuu uor sup puea witu tue uest P. H. COYNE, rrnprletor. QCRANTON HOUSE, near D., U & W. pa tj aenKer uupob Lonciucti'u on tne European pmn. iiaiiii aoni. I'liiprieTor. A lU'll ITKCTS, J) AVIS & IloUPT. Architects. Rooms 2L !!o and 20 Conunonwoaltn h id r, scranton. 17 L. WALTER, Architect. Olllco, rear of XJ two v asninnton avenue. L. BROWN. Areh B. Architoct, Prico building.Il Washliifiton Ave., Scranton, MISCKI.I.ANEOrS. 1AUER'S ORCHESTRA- HUH 10 FOR JJ balls, nlenics. parties, receptions, wed- dines and concert work furnished. For tormj address R. J. Hauor, conductor, 117 Wyoming avo., over iiuioort s mimic store. TJORTON D. SWAHT3-WHOLESALE I i lumber, Prico bulldlni;, Scranton, Ta. MKOAUUEE HKOTUERH, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paoor bam. twlna Warehouse, 130 Waihinctou ava, Borauton, I'a. TTORSF.H AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE XL at lM'i Capouso nvonuo. D. L. FOOTE, Agent. ?HANK P. BKOWN & CO.. WHOLE salo dcnleiB in Woodwaro, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. Ei Robinson's Sons Beer Brewery JIannfactnrsrs of the Celebrated . PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion mustuse Pouont's Pov der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF ti J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbractta coal nsed exclusively, lnsurlsj cleanliness and comfort. ' TIMB TABLB IM EFTEOT MAT 20, 18S4. Trains loavo Scranton for Plttston, Wilko". Barre, etc., at 8.a, D.liS, 1L30 a. m., 12.50, 2.0 1. f-.S' ' ll ui P- Sundays, t.W a. in , 1.00, i.U, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For Now York, Nowarlt and EHzaboth, iM (oxnross) a. m 12.M (oxpross with Buff. parlor car), 3.30 (express) p. m. Bunday, &it p. m. For HAcrn Cttunk, Am.fntowb, Br.Tnr,t jiEM, Eamost aud Philadelphia, .) a. m.. li.yj, 3.S0, 5.00 (exoopt Philadelphia) p. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. For Lono BitAircn, OceA- Grovr, oto., at 8. (with through car) a. m., lliOp, m. for Readinir, Lebanon and Harrisburg, vli Allentowu, S.JO a. m, lioO, 6.00, p.m. Buudav. 2.1-1 p. in. . v. a-, n-uit. UI., 14..-)Up. HI. Ueturnliic. leave New York f,ml nt T.lhar street, North river, at II 10 (express) a. m, 1.10, 4.; (oxnress with Bnllut narlor curl p. m. Sunday, 4.110 a. m. l,eave I'liiiadniplua, Heading Tormlnal, 9.0 1 a. m., 2.00 and 4,:l p. m. Sundav. 6 -a a. rr Through tickets to all points at lowest rnfcoi may be had on application in advance to thi at tho station. H. V. BALDWIN, J. H. I OLHATJSEN, Uuu. Snpt. DELAWARE AND HUD- BON UAILROAD. Commencinit Monduv.Julv !W, all ti-uloswill arrivoand depart irom tho new Lack awanna avenue statl&a C3 t.dlows: Trains will losvo Serat- ton nation for Carbondalo aud intnrniediiito points at f m.u, U.I', I W, ,uu hmj n.m , 12.00, 2,:J), 3.E.), 5.15,0.15, 7.25, 0.10 au 1 11. jt p.m. For Karview. Wavmart and Honosdalo st 7.00. 8.5 ,u,d 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 and 6.15 pn . i ir Aiuam. ,arar,oa, tno AUironuacKsan 1 ti'.-al at 5.4 " a m. and 2,211 p.m. For Wilkes -liarro aud Intornicdinto point at 7.45, 8.15. O.uN and 10.45 a.iu, 12.05, 1.20, 2,ai, 4.IM. 5.10, 0.115, 0.15 and ll.:i ji.m. Trains win arrive at hcrunton station rron Carbomlale and intermediate tmlnts at 7 4U. H.40, K ill und 10.10 a.m., 1210, 1.17, 2.W, ill.-, 4.51, 5 85.7.45, 0 11 and ll.iB -Lin. From Honosdalo. Wavmart and Farvlew tb 0.JI4 a.m.., liOO, 1 17. H.10. 5.55 and 7.45 p ro, rroui .uonireai, taratoa, Aioany, etc., at 4.54 und ll.itl p.m. From v ilki'S-barro and Intermediate point at 2.H. 8.01. 10.05 und 11 .V a.m., 1 10, 2,11, 3.3! I 5.10, tl.08, 7.2J, 0.03 and 11.10 p.m. .MAY II. 1M4. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelnhia and New York via. D. & H. R H. nt 7.45 a.m.. 12.05, 2.8H aud H.3S p. m. via D.. L. As W. It. H.. B 0C. S.IDi.11.20 a. in., and 1.3!) p. m. Leave Scranton fur Plttston and wlllcss Barre via D. L. & W. It. ft.. 6.01. &0i 1121 a. m ,1.80. a50. 0.07. (S.'.O p. m. Leave Bcrantou Tor Vv Into Haven, lazlotop, Pottsvlllo and all DointH on tho Beavei Meadow and Pottsvillo bl anches, via E. & W. 1'., 0 10 a.m., via D. & ILR.R. at 7.15a.m., 12.05. iSH. 4.IW p.m., via D., L. & W. R. It., 0.00, S.Ob, u.aia.m., i..i, .i-eup.m. Leave Bcrantou for Bethlehem. Easton. ReadiuB. Harrisburir and all iutermedlnt i points via D.& H.R.R. 7.15 a.m.,12.u;,, 2.iH, lLi p.m., via D., L. & W. E. R-.O.OO.S.OS, 11.20 a. in., 1.30 p.m. ieave scranton for Tuiikhannock. Towanda. Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and nil intormodlatn points via D. & II. R.It.,t).li a. in., 12.05 and U.3i nu, via z. ij. iv w . n. ti., n.ui a.m., i..)o p. in. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo. Ni afrara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all point-" west via D. & H. B. R., M5 u-ra., 12.05, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. It. and Pitt-to'i Juuction, B.Oa, 1.30, 8.5U p. m via E. & W. It. II.. 0.41 p. in. tor Eunua ana tue we.t via salamano. via n. oi II. R. It. s. 15 a.m.. p. m.. via D.. L. & W. R.K.. ,S.0S a.m., and b.'J7 p. m. Pullman parlor Hnd sloenluir or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkos-Barro and Now York, Philadelphia, Builulo and Suspension Bridue. ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Oon. Supt CHAS. S. LKE. Oen. Pass. Aa't. Phila .Ps. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Qon.PttsS. Au't, South llotulubum, Pa. TAELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AN1 JJ WESTERN KA1LUOAU. Trains learo Scranton as follows: Expresi lur 1ICW lull ll ni, i.n wwu. ..i, M and O.oo a. m.; 12 55 and 3.50 p. m. . rv tjk.ln..1nl-l.. X.XpreS9 lUr .U-.IU11, IICUIUII, uuwidiuiii and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 0.65 a. in.; YIH and3.50p. m. t nasninion nu wy siubiuus, .., i. Tobyhunna accommodation, 0.10 p. m. Exnr-ss for Blnghamton, Oswogo, Elmirs, LOrillllll, JDHIU. iU3llw, .oi.uv uiui .o u. Mill Qll. . mw.A Hln m r,cll- X3UIIUIO, li.iu, mo. in. . w. , close connections at Buffalo to all points lntlW fV,T3i,, wuimww.iiuu n""'- " "- Bath accommodation, 0 a. m, Binghamton aud way stations, 12.37 p. m, N icuolson accommodation, at 1 p. ni. an J . 0,10 p. m. Blughamton and Elmira Express, 0.05 p, ro. Express for Cortland, ByracuBe, Oswegc. Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a m. and UI P'ltliaca, i-l& and Bath 0 a. m. and 1.21 p. m. For Northumborland,Pittston,Wilkos-Barrf , Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, makln f close connections at Northumberland to. Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wasb luKtoti and the Bouth. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6.00, U.U5 a. m. and 1-30 and 6.07 p. m- Kanticoce ana liitormodlato Btatlons, s.i and 11.20 a m. Plymouth aud intormedlati etatien,-8.50and8.5ip. m. , .. Pullman parlor aud sleeping coaches on all "For aa'aSodinformation, pocket tlmntabloi, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket olBoe. 82b Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket olUot. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL Trains lenvo Pcranton for Now York and in termediate points on tho Erio railroad at 6.3 1 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Also for Ilouesdali, liawlcy and local points at 6.35, 9,45 a.m., and 3.24 p.m. , . . , Ail the above aro through trains to an I from Hiinesdale. An additional train leaves Scranton foe Lake Ariel at 5.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from tho Laka at 8 20 a m. and 7.4) p.m. Trains loavo for Wilkes-Barre at 9.10 a. in. aad 3.41 p. m. S(11AT(I.N HIVIMIOV. In I'fl'ert June 81th, lS!)t. Nurtli Uound. 805 .803,6lT" a fi J5 &3 8 Mouth Uound, 202 204 20(1 Id wl Stations u r k. i.i o " i3 a; (Trams uaiiy, Ex cept, sunaay.) P M ' 25 .... 71" .... 700 Anlvo Leavci Ml N. Y. Franklin St. r4 West. 40tid street Weehawken 610! P IIP Ml Arrive Leave! MP Ml 8 iili 1 15i 8 lOi 1 0!l iiancock Junctloni o iioi Olfil 618 Hancock Starlight Pi ustou Park I'omo Toy niello llclmont ricnsant Mt. 1,'iilondulo Forset City Caibindalo White HrldgO Jilaylleld lerniyn Archibald Wlnton Peckvlllfl Olypbant Dickson Tbioop provldenco purk Place sii 7 5 7 SI, 7 45 IB 50 11! 161 2 0' 3:: r.'4ei 3a ViliP M 2 50 4 M 2 58 ' 4 51 3l 6 01 8IID. 5(M S 10. 5 1H 8 341 6 81 1 fl8 I" avin ui TSI'iS IS 7 !M:IS! 1-8 7 I0l'2.-il' 7 0-11 .10 III III! (145 e II 481 0 3s (6 58i 7 10 051 III 31 0 1 7 54! 8 4- fli -111 I1130 9101 7 OTO 881 68? v. u I ft SO , 8 43 4! 6 111 1 1 00 7 81 8 45 54i 6 AMI 11! 8 5,- 7 4(H 6U s at SKI 6 5.1 601 60' 611 8H 61,1 6S' ifiini 8 5i 7 45 8M 6 i'A 0 OS u ni s so 11 07i 8 41 7 if, 8IW 7 60 4 0 6 01 It 0i 8 41 754 700 4 or 6 111 CD II 031 8 3!' 4N 11 0O 8 IK! f!067' 8 S3 8 Offl 4 14 fit 111 8 00 M r7 eiOilOSA 8 8H scranton 6 03( 4lWl Mi HI Leave Arrtvel sf ipp ii All trains run dally except Butiday. t slprnliies that trains Btop ou signal for pas. Bengers. ... Secure rates via Ontario Western boforo purchasing tickets and save moeey. Day and Kiliyt Express to the West. J. C. Anderson, Gon. Pass Aft 1. Flitcrott, l)lv, PasB, Agt. Scranton, ta. we cn atyt you fX 8TI8rCTI0N aW Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon, ' The Scranton Tribune Job Dent. mil, ffB TV I. IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers