THE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 18. 1894. E Suggestions That Kay Enable Many Tribune Readers to Feel Better. WISDOIH FOR THE HOUSEHOLD Theto Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not Copyrighted and if They Don't Do You Any Good You Can Have the Satisfaction of Knowing That They Will Not Do You Any Harm. For the ' atwday Ti iiuae. Thore in a twod deul of shrewd sense In the ctmit.iirisoii of the litnuau system wiih u niiTcliunt's bunk ac count. The prudent business iimu, wbeu he bus liuw payments to make, invariably collects lu enough reserve money to meet these ex-'ra deiniitids without crippling Ins business. Hlmi lurly, a healthy man takescuru tolnivo hiti 'vital euerifies hi such wcdl-mair- islied perfect lou that even when lie is Keized by an illness whiih cuts oil' his bmlily Income for a time he will have a reserve fund of stieiitrth stillieient to tide hlni over the emergency. Dr. Hlarr, writing alontf this line, li"S truly pointed out how ossein ltd it is, if stable health is to be ex peeled, that provisions should be nmde for emir fccneitts that are suit) lo aii-o in the corporal as In the commercial sytfin, and that simply to meet the repii re mains of the day Is not sufficient. Ah in business nlfsir disasters surely fol low large responsibilities and Krealer risks, which are constantly mskimrin roifs upon the capital involved, ho vital bankruptcy Is imminent when larger drat"' s lire made upon the nerv ous force than is consistent with its daily Kaiu. In sued cases nut lire in variably foretells the Cuming dancer, and as clearly points out the course to avoid It. IHd it ever occur to you, esteemed render, that the human mouth was never intended to take the place of the grab-bug or the carryall? Vet how often do we see, not children olotie, but Crown aud presumably sane adults utilizing their mouths as pin cushions, penholders, tuc baskets, hairpin re celvers and general repositories? Muuy times, too, a person in mailing change slips pennies or dimes into the convenleut gap In Ills face whieh in the scheme of creation was certainly never meant to assume the functions of a dime bank. Now, who ever stopped to thinl; how many other mouths those same disease-laden pen nies or dimes had rested In before ; or how many unclean lingers nui It-i't im prints upon them which, by the mouth uunkliiK system, are liable to be re ceived into one's stomach, perchance to work sickness ami implant disease? The sleepy-headed grandson of his graudfath r may not regard tldi sub ject as worth mentioning ; but modern science proves to the contrary, aud such carelessness must be fought down if the general health of our people is to lo an improving quantity. Radiant and lovely, the summer girl is returning to her Scran ton h me wearing what fihakespeare daintily called the "shadowed livery of the bur nished sun." For a time freckles and tan, like russet shoes, will be quite the proper thing. But the fad will soon expire and then will come the question of now to get rid of these plebian traces of the summer outing by lake or sea. As one answer to this, and a sure one, take the white of an egg, beat It till It is but foam, wash the affected parts well with It, let it dry in for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with Clearwater. Repeat three our four nights In suc cession, and always at night only. This last recommendation, and tho one to dry your face after with a soft linen cloth are essential. Another simple way of removing tan and sun burn is to make a mixture of equal parts of lemon and glycerine. Ifgly cerine does not agree with the skin (as some skins redden and get brittle by its use) this can be replaced by an equal amount of roBCwater. An effec tive mask to remove tan and sunburn can be made as follows, and applied at night, but should be removed with cer vil water In the morning: fc-ified bar ley Hour, 3 ounces; honey, 1 ounce; white of an egg, 1 scruple. Mix as a paste. Another: Powdered starch, 2 scruples; sweet almond oil, 2 ounces; white wax, 1 ounce; goat's grease, 1 ounoe. Make an ointment and apply to the face at night. A good remedy for a fine, delicate complexion, which cannot bear greasy pomades, is the fol lowing preparation: Milk of almonds, 8 ounces; ammonia clilorliydrate, 2 grains; bichloride hydrargyria grains. Another excellent remedy I theCreme do PEuelos.mado with: Milk,4 ounces; lemon juice, 1 ouuee; spirits of wine. 2 drachms. Simmer the mixture over a slow tire until it begins to boil; sl;im off the same, and when cold it is ready lor use. tor sunburn one writer says: Just as soon as you can procure it apply to the burned parts a thick coating of wnnc vaseline, wiilcli let remain for ten minutes or more; then rub it oil" by applying a soft dry cloth gently; have a bowl of very hot water broiuriit to you and a big linen towel. Dip the towel in the water, which must be hot enough to steam, and almost bury your face In it, but do not touch the skin with it for some time; you should steam your face this way fr fifteen minutes, and by that time" every drop of blood in your body will seein to be in your face. Then call for more hot water and apply It in soft, gentle fash. Ion to the skin for fifteen minutes. Then put on a coating of vaseline and lie down for half an hour; when vou get up you will be as fresh ns a daisy and your face will not trouble vou in the least. Of course, the length of time for treatment will depend upon how badly you are burned. But an hour ought to tlx you up all right. Ap ply vaseline again on retiring. IIkalth fok the Million: For dizziness take ten drops of the tincture of nux vomica in a wine glass run or water after meals for a month or two. Bind on corns a soft rag saturated witli linseed oil. Continue this every night and morning until the com can be removed easily and without pain. Facial wrinkles are less appureut under a kind of varnish containing thirty-six grams of turpentine and three drachms of alcohol, allowed to dry on the face. To remove the offensive odor from the armpits bathe the parts frequently with cold water and ammonia one teaspoonful of ammonia to one quart of water dry and dust with talcum powder. For Inflamed feet take one pint of wheat bran and one ounce of saleratus and put it into a foot bath, and add one gallon of hot water. When it has become cool enouch nut in the feet, wait them for fifteen minutes and the son in ITS relief will be almost Immediate. Re peat this every night for a week and the cure will be complote. Regular aud prolonged brushing and rubbing the scalp with cosuioliue will darken, thicken and lengtheu the hair. Brush at least ten minutes every night and every morning. Use tho cosino lino once daily. This treatment for sunburn and freckles is strongly recommend-'d: Bathe the face twice daily w iih a lo tion composed of tincture of benzoin one ounce, glycerine two ounces, rose waier four ounces. For pimples ou the face use this re cipe: Thlity grains of bicarbonate of soda, one drachm of glycerine and one ounce of siipermuceti oinlmeiit. Ituii ou the face; let it remain for u quarter of an hour and wipe oil' all but u slight liliu w ith a soft cloth. There is no dye fur hair except a kind that is injurious to the hair and health. Quinine and whisky rubbed into the scalp night and morning will Improve the nuiiitioii of the scalp and hair, and by so doing possibly cause the oi iuinal color to ruippi ar. For fiet that persplie a powder com posed of twenty grainsof salicylic acid, oueou iceof oxide of zinc and auouuee of carbolaled talcum is usually be lie llcial. The feet should be thoroughly dusted with it several limes a day. Infusion of w hite oak hark may uls be used with benefit. The feel should be bathed in the hot infusion two or Ihroe linn s daily. To remove wart the common house hold remc 'y of raw white potato is safe and oftentimes efficacious. Karh wart is to be rubbed with a clean u -used slice of raw potato, and then when the surface of the wails is dry tho biis of poialnes (so the grand niotheis sayi which were used ou ihe wans are to bebuiicd in the earth and when they ure decayed the warts will drop oil'. tarbondale. Tii following party o.' uaiup-'M wil I mvh in lav lor mi outiii at Ciyst Ilk- : Mr. J. H. Shep'ierd, oiiap.ri i; R. M. bl..'p:rl, Ii I Willi .ins. Ms I'liano'te Oil s ami MI-L zzl Scurry. They wiil h j 1 .f.l on Monday by M-. and Mrs J. 13. N.cholsou. Dr. Jouu ri.oli, of Syria. Will ad dress ao hu i-nco iu the. Trinity chore n bnud iy evening Miss Jaui "S M. Niehol and Miss Myr le K g'.sr. of Spring sirwt, left Mis wek for an extend d vlsll to Topeka. Kan., Mrs. NichoPa fornir boms. Miss H.tttle Hutoliins ltt yesterday for a visit with friends in K-ranton Tods v occurs the benefit picnls In Miirdook's grove for tlm widow of lb' l ite .Tunis Curd en The Mozart band anil H i-aler's orchestra will le in at tiTnlaiiC'i A pleading proeramroe has been ar- rsngnil by the Moz irt bund to be ren- Isr I this e Tenia.; from Hotol Anthra cite balcony. Michael Butler of No. 201 Dundaff street, died on Thursday afternoon aftar a seven wpts' nines. Tn funeral will be held on Snndty after noon in Si. Rose church. Ueorne J. Bvnton will learn this afternoon to spntid his Ticatiou at hie former home in Afton, N. Y. 1 be funeral of t a lite L wlsKi, who died in the DauviiU boipitd on Wednesday, will occur this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Dalton. Profior F. E Wood and wif, of Scmntou, spent la.U Sunday with Dr. (Jot lrMM. or this place. Alius Hit!) Jo:ie, of bcranton. spent SiM'lay with frisaiii here. Mms Suela Jsnnlnvp, of Kingston. bss been viiitins at this plac. Lynn Stiles, of Cooporstown, X. Y . wssvUltin; at this place afawdays last week. The base ball clnb of this place will play the Tritons at Tankhannock to ils? (Satnrdny) Mr. and Mrs. IS bchoouover hare re turned to their home at this place sftar spending a few weeks with frienJs iu Isew iork city. Ilnrry Dixon and Mist Alio Dixon have returned to their liomi at Kings ton after tpeuding a few weeks with relatives here. Tbe concert given at the Biptht churoh last Wednesday by Miss Mibal tolvlu, of Ulenburn, was a great suc cess. Miss Luln Beem-r, of Mill City, hns been spending a few days with Mies Orri Stoll. S. Q. Shoemaker is at New York city on bivdneee. Mrs. Anthony, of WallsvilK Pa , whs calling on her daughter. Mrs. W, . Smith, of this place, last Fii.lay af ternoon. Mr. snd Mrs. Grant Boardmsn and air. sun jura, u-nry v. Dueler, nre visitiug friends at Lynn, Pa, Mayficld. Miss Kstie Kilker hat returnml from Sugur Noteh, where she hs been Tun ing. Ihe Lacknwsnna Valley Trseiioi company rioiTid the Uitln(8 for six n. w osrs yngt rd v. Young Jir. Tiffany, of Foster, who his brmi visum a Flunk Siulin, re turned to his houi- Friday. II. .1. DeGraw wst in Sjrantou T i nrs lay. William Walk-r, for''inn nf thf Eri bre.ik-r, was iu the El-utrio City Friday. E. F. Edmonds whs iu Crbon lal Churl, s Hiiyt atten lxd tho c mcert a Carbon'1 ix last ey-ni'ig. P F. Kilk-r and M. Walsh visits' the Pioi..r City yrs'-rJay. J B Hoyt is i-xptscted homi from Asi nry Park iod it. Joi n (iraat, of J-rmyn, was a My- u-in Tistinr yeiterJ iy. John Miirhrao,. of Sersntoti, was in this piau iridsy on inuins. H. E. Psine. of Scranton, wis in lowo n justing to bus on t lit stock of A. M. Place tty the late fire. Mrs. David Mendlwmn.of Hill street. Is vieillntt Irb-n It at Willtes-U trre. Beu Meinlleson wit in Scranton ou Tii nrsday. 'tnuire Sullivan it bavins; a fl ig walk putuowo in rront or bis property, CAMP LIFE. Dedicated to Company B, with dao apology io LatKU'iiowj Tell me not In mournful numbers. Camp-life is au Idle dream. And the Soldier's full who elumbsrs As he drinks bock boor and creum. No, their life is renl sad earnest. Ana not rim a tin pleasure alone. For they drill and then returneth To eat hard tack and shlu bone. Thny looked voy nice on leaving; Hllck snd clean with smiling eyos, But, behold them when returning, Thoy will givo us n surprise. For instead of sol Hers merry Marching home on Haturdsy night, We will ee them sore aud weary. Nearly dend and "ont of sight." C- Dl - Fon Burns, Scalds, Brulsot and all palas ana soreness or tne nen, tne grand House- noia remedy is Dr. Thomas' Eoleclrio Oil, Be sure you get the genaine, Social !l!li!ll!li! V The tennis tournament given by tho Cai hondilit-TViiois club at Karview ou Thursday was not as largely a tended ns formerly. The Scrunioii contiintent wus espeeiiilh' conspicuous by Its ab sence. The Kiiiues were fully us excit ing and interesiing as on former oiva sions, and lovers of the sport missed a rare (real by their noii-atlendauce. The Misses TouhiU, of North Nfain street, l'ltUtoti.eiit. rtalned u company of young people, mostly fmni Heran ton, Tuesday evening. (tames and dancing were indulged in, and one of the pleasant events of the evening was the 'eudition of a number of pop ular airs on the guitar and mandolin by tho Touhill family. Choice re freshments wer S'-rved, and a together it w as a very ciijoyab'e occasion The party was given In honor of MisJi ii nie touhill, oflittsburg. The marriage of Mis Roo A Hand, daughter of Mhlmel Hand, of (VUir avenue, and Thendolph Ulonnon, of J'ittston, was solemnized In St. John's c un-li, South Hcranton, at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening. John Rutledge, of i itision, was groomsman, and Miss Airnes mention, sister of the groom, mi lended the brido. The wedding v as one of tin-most notable ones that has ver hueii place in Hint part of the A very cnjovable garden picnic was iriven at the homo or Miss .eine Thomas, of Miuoo a, on Thursday evening preceding her departure for tlie seaslmre, where sue win sneun a few months. The grove was lighted with numerous Chinese lnnterus and torches, and on a small platform tectcd beneath the trees untieing was enjoyed. The atl'air was one of the largest ol tne season on mcnouinniue, about 100 guesis being present. One of tho social events of next week Is a tea. to be iriven bv Mrs. V . H. (lenrhart. of Wvomini: avenue, on Fri day alternoon. a large ntimoer in invitations have been issut d and the all'nir promises to one of unusual In terest. Bauer will furnish music. Pkhsonal Mention: Dr. J. L. Fordhara has rocivd a lettor from his son. Dr. J. llHrrltt Fordliam, in Brhzll, in which th writer oxpresNes bis li'imnre nt Hie visit or anotner scranton bov In that far rir forelirn isnn riorinu Jackson, of the Uuite.l States crnispr Niw- srk, call' don young Dr. rorauam at mo de Janeiro, W. L. Pi ror. C. WT. MclCinnsy, B. M. Ivps, Mr. and Mrs. A. E Ires. H. N. Cul-l-odrr, F. Blewitt, Miss J. M. Blewllt, U. U. Hupewnll, wore among the Scrauton people lo ew iork during tuo wuea. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Archnr ohaperoned a party conBiBtlne of Miss E.lith Jonet, iMiss unraett MlKs, or err Horn cuv; Fred Emrich nnd Jack tiregg to Bald Mount yesterday. Mrs. James Roue and dsugbter, Eliza, of Syracuse, N Y who had bven visitinn the past wet-k with Mrs. M. J. Titflie, of Meri dian street, hive returned home. Mp Annio Aniden, of Hsllstead pla"e, nnd Mrs. QieonrtPsd nnd Miss Maine Mosersmtth, of Adams avenue, are so journing at Oci-an Grove. Mrs. John Ilaeserty aud ton. George, of Pearl street, are spending a few days with Mrs. Haggerty's Bister, Mrs. Edward Dougherty, of Rendhnm. Mrs. Anna Bend and dauehter. Miss Maine, and Mrs. J. Groot, or Mauch Chunk, nre guests st the residence of Ckief-of-Polico W. T. Simpson. Profovsor E. M. Williams, Miss Haggorty and N. H. Lnthrop will have charge of th shortliAnd scbo.d of Wood's college during the coming year. Mie:i Nettie N;e has returned from a vl It to Llarris'ourg. accompauied by Mrs. W. Strauss, who will spend sauie time with Miss Nyo. Mrs. Anne Red and daughter Mamie, nnd Mrs. Groot, of Mauch Chunk, are visit ing iu the residence of Chief of Pulico Simpson. Major J. B. Smith, of Piltston, made n business trip to Scrautou yesterday and was warmly greeted by nls tnauy voternn friends. J. H. Clayton, United Pr6s operator in Scrnnton, lelt yesterday for a visit of ten days at Ilari iebnrt, Atlautic City and other points. Miss Battle Gunster, titter of Judge Guiislor, who has born visiting Mis. Annie Mollis, of Curboudale, has returuid home. Mist Nettle Nye lias returned from a visit with HarrUburx frleuils. Sue it now entertaining Mrs. Will Strouio, of that city. T. J. Nichols, formerly a m'mber of the firm ot Nlchol & Fnoto, this c tv, but D"W of Atlautic Clt, Is visitiug friends here. Mrs, Edward L. Bertins, of Furvew avenue, and Mrs. F. I. KnaU'S, or flinM Bireet, l ave returned from Gravel pond. Mis Mbc-jIa Dougher, of Emtn't street, nnd Miss Jennie Burns, i.f 8 reaib street. nro vi iilii friends la Cat Mrs. Gn rett. B ?irt and dsnghter, Mrt (1. orge Fuwli r, loft Thursday to sea . two weeks in Atls tlo Gltr. Mis Msrv A. Coi by returned from New York Clu' yrste. dsy, whra she had beeu viilting f ir Ihe post we-k. Harry R iblnsnn, of Oranije, N. J., Is vlsiiln at the home of David tiarrK of North Qa field uveuur. VIs Mai Simpson left yesterday ti vtilt friends nt En ton, Mauch Chu..k, fhilad. 1 phln an U enn Grove. Mr. Wllll im S. Ward and datitrhter, of D amoud avenue, are vititi.ig at Hoyal, 8uq luhanua euuniy. Judgo Archbald is on a pedss'rlau tour lliron.h a portion of and Wyomiiigcoumiet. Mrs. M. A. Frledlan'ler and tlttar, Mis- Josephson, are enjoying the oceau bieez nt Block Island. Mrt. Fred W. Fleltz, who hat lin vldt iriR friends in WelUboro, returueJ huino last evening. Miss Blair snd Mist Jessie Coin-sen, at tended the teuuit tournament at Purview on Thursday. Mis Graham, of Philadelphia, it a guest at the resl'ltnce of Clarence Uaynolus lo Green Ridge, I. L. Harris, of the Cbiragn Dispatch, It spending a few days with bit parents on Pine street, Mrs, Garrett Bogsrt and daughter, Mrs. George Fowler, left this moruhig for At lantic City. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Collint and danrkter Luln, ot Lackawanna avenue, are in New York city. blmon Laner hat returned from hla visit to Long Branch, Aveuuo by-the Soa aud Saratoga. Miss Alice Benson, of Marlon street, left Inst night ou an extended visit to Cleve land, U. . Miss Annie Olson, of Boston, is vislliutj Mrs. Frauds Kuarns, of .oith Garflnld avenue. Ibs Lizzie Lunuy, of Pittston, is visit ing her brother, John Lunny, of Wyoming areuuo. Mrs. A. J. Chnso, Miss Mamo Morrow and Miss Sarah McLnne are at Cape May. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wagner, of Spruce street, returned Th irday from Philadel phia. iss llnc-he-, of Franklin avenue, han r -turned fr,.in Ciys:i lake, wh.-ro sue l.n. bean vlslii m frienils. Miss Maine B id ett, of t'aibonibi'e. Is the KUest of Miss Crane, i f more. - iss Ss'll - Hpenr? t is vialrlnor h T slter, Mrs. John A uu kwortn, at Li .h Ariel. Mrs. ('. J, Ca ter nul son have roturu-d from n visit with telatlve' iu To vntnla. t'a'vlu Serbolt ami family wIIII.-hv Mi is week .'or II tel (Mumli a, liolmar, N J. Mist Ihlona Wail, of Wavo lv, N. Y., ia a t uustof f tends on M llsou aveiiu. '' i-sea Lizzie and M irguret R.yuolds have returne.l fr.itu Aiiai icCity. Mrs. L. K lapn, of J fl'ervnn avnae, is visitiiu friends ai Ei-t Lem iu. ills. Cora R'tu-hlor, of N.irth Litn'oln avriiim, Is at t'leHliinn heaeh. Captain G. W. Hmp ai, of Nsntici k '. U vieitlmt relativen in i his eity. Mi-s Ilol mi Parcell, of New Y irk city, is vim ing i no.iU.-4 iu this ci;y. 'iS1 M one II we, of lll mhamton, is the KUest f Jilns Ji'SMe D.U'l 8. W. R. t-torr , is bpeaaiug seveial days on t e Ne E ulnnd eoa t. The Mi-sen Worin-er have returned from h bola.inie W'ntet Gup. Mi s Mar a et Burnett, of Pleasant -tre-t, is at L:i,e W.uola. Mi's Maniar t Collin-., of Lai kaw.iun .ve ,ue. ia nt Lak A i"l. E ('. Lolly, oi N.-waik. N J Is refjis- eri d a the S Cliarlei. A. M. Warren, of Philadelphia, is vidt- un in nils iu tin city. Cungre-smau Scranlin has relumed fr ui v. aslmmt m. llsa lnry8uosv ! visiting friouds at Sn qiiehauna Ex .Indue Ward is confined to his home oy llines. Miss Clara Lauer has returned from Srti ga. William Gnllui;her Is at Niagara Falls, TIMES HAVE CHANGED. The Father of His Country courses on Many Current Topics. Dis- Tt was just on th? shimmer between moonlight and sunrise, just on the shank of one of those delightfully warm nightsof the pssl week, when on my way homeward I stopped for a few last puils ou a pm'fecto and u rest ou a seat in Court House Square before a fatiguing climb up the hill. I chose one of the benches beneath the statue of George Washington, facing tho fiostolllco, and was Iu tho midst of si cnt and agn.eable reverie and the aroma of my cignr when the stillness wus broken by a deep voice, saying: "Oi'me a light please, young man." Somewhat startled, I pimlied my hat up from my brow and turned to the right and left and looked before and behind mo without seeing the inter locutor. The only sounds which re lieved me of a decidedly alarming feel ing were the pounding of a press in the newsnaper building across the street and the monster grunts of the big hy draulic at the steel mill. Attributing the voice to a hallucination an i my half asleep meditations, I had settled my self for o further enjoyment of solitude when the same voice exclaimed in a sharper and more authoritative tone: "Say.hurry up, ei'mea light; the sun will be ou us by half past three, uml that's all the time I've got." This time the voice sounded from the pedestal and as I glance upward hut what lias come over. the statue? The snace It usually occunies is tilled with only vacant air, and, shades of the doportca, there siis Uenoral WrhIi ington in an easy attitude looking down on me with benign expression of countenance, one leir crossed and a half burned cigar hold between tightly clenched teeth! Startled beyond measure I hurriedly arose aud was on tho poiut of cutting the scene when tho figure suid, smiling mennwhile: "Tills Is the first time sinco three nights ago that I could change my at titude and eniov a much needed rest. Thursday evening somo black-bearded councilman tossed away his cigar butt which landed at mv leet: 1 slvly pushed it back for future use and Ibis Is the only opportunity I've had to snioRe it. Aow that I've goi my teem on it a sneaking idea comes over me that it was but a fl-ccnt purchase however, the light please. iiianKs. "I wus just pull thinking puff pun where the Klicinbin JUonu nienl association -null', puff, pull is g.'lng to locate in this plot of green sward the statue of (ienernl Phil. ) ou se, Colum and I by virtue of eminent domain ore entitled to 11 jure as shin log lights on this side of the square and there's going to be trouble if "Hut lust then while the moon was hidden behind a cloud a policeman cuiiih yawning and stretching from t lie cor ridor orthe i)oslolll'e and urier a satis, lied glance down the street returned whence he eunie. "That rem I nils me," said tho gen eral, "Is ihe postolllco it regularly estabiiniied headquarters lor theollicer of this beiii? No? Well upienianecs Itdon't m ilter; I suppose discipline like other things lias changed slui'u was provident of tho ureal republic. "Now, see here: I'm uol uisunsed to talk unices vou hurry that pencil ami pud lo cover. Bucli a gross imperti nence when I was president ot the great republic hut how goes the tariff? "What! they're at It yet, you suy Shades of ihe Continental congress Why, when I was president of never mind; It galls me to reculi it. Are li e bridges built yet?" "You see, ilr. Wash-" "Eh?" "Excuse men, 'General' Washing ton, there bus been an unavoidable delay-" "Delay, ilddlesticks; now when was iircsldent of the great republic we could have bridged Long Island Hound if it had been necessary. Jt makes me very tired to see such sluggishness in a day wheu the peoplo have so many conveniences at their command. "I hear the Hernntons nre playing baseball. Now that's something like it. If the public in matters national and political would profit by that club's example and get a hustle My, but it makes the spirit of Lexington work out irom my very linger tips, wnat time is it?" "Half-past three, sir." Tho once presldeut of the great re public swung around on his knees aud clamored to his feet, when after a final pull at his reduced 5-cont smoke and a quick glance toward Spruce street, he sum: "It's time for the sun and I bear footsteps along tho other sido of the square, so we'll postpone the balance ot the conversation until later. Good morning." I raised my hat and bidding him adieu hud taken a few homeward steps when I was rcculled by a low-voiced "hist." "When you're pai-ing during the (ia,jusi toss aeigiiYtie up here, will you?" I answered in the nmrmtit ve and had for the second time tuin-d away w lien i was ninun rcaiied. 1 lie ireu- eral leaned his h mds upon his knees ami -tiiupiinr f-irwunl mild: " I liere'x considerable lalk sb nit a new ho- pit d for Sc.iatilon. N' w that's sonic linn like when I wua proddeut lit I hu trPi.ilt ri.nllltll. o Hut just I hen the first faint glimmer of llie Mini's ravs came sho 'ling acriss Hie hill top and sent a mellow yellow pathway scurryim? ihromrh tlicl allied mist into the sky. The ('utile nsumed its wonted i'1-ie, as I turned for a last look, its netherino-t eye winked out an admonition tor caution mid l departed in silence. Imbued with the fallacy "f tliiiiL's today compared with when he was the president, etc., ec. A. T. H. Forest City. Dr D. Dwyr, of For l City, lea--io I y lor a i uints trip to New Y ak city Tr iev TI ivln, of N'W Milfnrd, wss In tosn Thurs ay. Alo t Cotton .of Oa n Cilv, N. J , wus a visitor la this bor u in oi Tnnrs lay. lb rry Y'wens, of S'rtntw, wastn--.-a '''ii I i t lis nl ftt v-tr Isr M I m T ivl ir is visitiuif frleo'ls i" A't,.ii, N. Y A. D B ir i. a p ipul ir rn-'rc'isnt of llerrick. called on bor Ui(li friend" vos'priliy. R ibert CI irk is 'dily improvlnr rmn hit r"0 "nt i .j i'V. R M Sieph'-rl, Erie ttatlon ags-it t this tilac. tev io!v for Wf-k't vacation Rntsnl tat ndt to rattiest in camp at C'yttal lake wild a p-irtr of (! rbon ' II -i . R v. W. O. Witklns, of ProviJenw, vi 1 d div-r on. if hi pound ir l 'nres, "Woman Dlscov red," Monday evening nt the First B p'itt eharo'o In this jil ice. AiinlBloi) 3 eentt, chll-lr-n 15 ?ents. Lsature will aommsac' a 8 v. m. It 1 for the benefit of the cl u-ch. Mr W itklns Is brother of unr townsman, T. F. Wttkini. Mist Vinnie llfstt spent a short time yesterib-y iu Carbondale. Iisvid R Lnmley, Erie station agent t TJ don, N. Y , was the gn 'St of Dn uiiu M 'X -y, yesterday. Mr. Lnmley was ma nrst irie station agent an i the first post muter at this plaoe wenly-one yean ago. The Q-st tta tlon was a sra ill building, 8 bv 10 feet in siz, nnd locsted on the present site of the Forest City breaker. Evangelist H. A. Payne, of Ein- Imintou, will couilnet an all day ser vice nvxt Sunday commencing at 10 30 At 1 p. in. ii free luuob will be serve 1 in the lecture room. Spial t-1-Istio srvies at 2 p. m. Sunday even ing Mr. Payne will olose his work by in liiteretting ail irest. Mistes Stella and Flo Allen are Tint ing iu Hirritbnrg. Ii-nl unln W, Kiohardt, or Uavist hotel, will lesvs Wednet lay, tsiliug on tne City of U-rlin rrom M 1 rk for Cardiff, Sonth Wslet, to visit hit borne which be left eleven years ago. Mr Ilicbardt will ba absent about three months. A base ball gama wit played Than d iy afternoon in thli place between the Atuletict and the Twilights. The Twi lights won by a score of G to 2. Priceburg. A man wat offering a large bundl of nuderwesr for tale in thli town on Thursday evening; be offered thrin at such a low prise that it aroused sns- l-ioion, and Contttnle Barrou was aotl fird, who tucoeeded in running the fel low down at a late hour thesam ' night. lie wat taken to tbx county i ill on suspicion of being oonuaruud iu the Rivertlde ttore robberies. Don't forget to attend the A. O. II picuia hold in Father Jaatthew grove toilay. Ooo of tb greatest nuitanctt in this towu it the Kang of hoodlumt. whose azet range from 8 to 10 yttrt, that in fast Lincoln street and make night hideous with yelling and uuollna. Ihe midsummer (sir for t be benefit of St. Paul's German cburth will clot tbit evening. Mrs. Christ L'itner, of Mnpi timet. is on a visit to frienut In I itistou. Mrs. Jamet J. Logan railed on Mrt CharU'B Uurnott, of P.ckvill. yetter day. Avoca. Mr. and Mrt. James Knr, of Bronit lvn, are irUKttt of Cnarles Arltmsn. Mrs. John Mt U meu it lyiuir t.rlonily ill nt Iht home iu Vtt Avor. Lawrence M irahan left on Tnenduv for Alhatiy, Boston, Montr-al and Piiiludvlp'iiii to fouiiiote f r athletic pr Bet tn fie C'lediltlian g ItUS. biiiglue JN i. lu m the Deliwar tn I IIu Ihoiii ruck .nd killed a P-iia t1sr -non ilistmoH below the bridj yester I iy. II is now in the ttaltj i st Cork L in. "i. waiting the coronet's inqiiesi the ideutltr of the man U utik.i-'K'i. Misses An MoratMn ant Ed i Q ilnn are t 'journlnit at Likn Ariel. .M.ry Aikiiian reiurnel to WllkHt Birre ycsti-rday after spending a few d ys with tier parents Tin- peopl.. of Av io i received qnil a nrpti'- to I iy w eit n i untuint as imietnsl .llin Msrv WtiaUuol t its ilsc and Q org Dill, of Doryes. w.-re m ,rried iu biiig lauiion on TnurS' lav evs'iniK. vi. ti. uouitier attnls(i th rat's t Seraiiton tod y aco mptuUd by D ii- rge. Taylor. D o'or E. E. -tuu it horn from f-w d ns' visit at Brooklyn. P The-E ectrlct war dtted at O y phant'funreday by tb Browut of O y p lain. Taylorville lodge. N). 6C3, IniepauJ ni O der of O id Fellow, will plenlo io my nt tne oni Uombstead garJent on ss rm Main street. Edmund Williaiui, Robert Ll-welly md David X Lewis, ar borne from Walts. Nellie Thom it, of Ml nooks, (tr a iawn party on Thun lay ulg it. Sirah Ryt It bom from a vitit at Avoca. IhePyne mine it Ulu for a short i lino. Mist Prlrnar, of Wllket-Barrt, visiting Mis Blanoh Ward. OURCRCATtSl MISFORTUNE, SchuMtil R.ntioKcan rintfarm. Resolvtd, Tnat the greatent misfortune mat ever oolall our country la timt of pe ice wat tlie accetslou to power in the adminlntraiiou of our government, of the utnnocratia party in in year isi. Tneir admiuittration baa teriouslv atretd our credit at home, and abroad it hat iu grtat mesture aostroyed our oommerc; It hat iu many instanaet destroyed oar capital ized invettmentt in industries and other valueo, in th whol aggregating a turn over 4,000,0UOl009, PRIZES Wl SCRANTON Final Day cf tli9 Carbondale Tennis Club Tourney. OTOn G333 PLftY AT FARTIEW The Delaware and Hudson Challenge Cua and Singles Won by N. R. Johnson Fuller and Johnson Cap ture the Djubles fron Torrance aid Moon The Garnet Wtrj Marked by Ra lies and Sharp Play ing Tournamtnt in Da tail. Ser.nton won v -rvhlnir. Tn loiiru .lu-ut of the Crboiidale T- id. club which bgn Tnort 1 iy st v rvl. w, w vs .uitiUt-il yesteritiv. When th r wst auoe N. R. Jo insnn f thlt.lty hsl lisfsstel H. Torr noe, J', of C rbonflale, for the D'lwr- I HuUnn 'islfie onp, and Jnrin- n a- a r. C. Fnll.r bad won tne D nbl ' from Torranee and Moon. O i hiirsliy J itins in won the tlniiUs bv '"ia 'r ru r ull r As attendance srreater than that of Himeotiig day tvitiiegsvl tha eonl-s' liroomiy owmj to pioatsat an I w. rm n D r. ine piavina was than a d inclnded a lir nun be r of rallies. nr hours were consumed in the con- S'S. When th s serai final doutilet eloted Thur.'dty with Torrace-Moua sod lohnsnn-Fadar th wlnuert, th for- r wer- Hie fsvnrltlst for tb flu l sets alt tiourfh Iheir win wat tonr-d y ilffsoit from the 84dlert. That h abliliy of th C.rboa Isle pdr wa not overestimate I it proven by Hi' core. Tne Sorsnton msn wou, out it quired five --tt, one of wbleb Wat nlage to derld the event. T0IIRANCI IN POOR FORM While the best player undoubtedly won tlie cup event, th contest might hv been eloter if lorrtuo ban been in better form. He played a much poorer gain than in the doublet. The Hvaut opened with a trit of cannon- ling rallies in tne urt set, aud tn Carbondale maa't friends did not lose hsri when he lost only by 'rentage. through Jo rnsjn t vlotory the enp anmt to ooraaton for th lint tlms Ii hut to bn playd for oh yr In the ruonilal olUiit tonrnay until one player list won it three times, not Be- eessirily ntitecutively. 1 h summary of yesierdsy t play it as follows. Final doubles Johnson-Fuller vt. Tor- raocs-Moon, 2-6. 8-0. 9-7. 6-3 6-1. i liailenir-" iup Johnaon vs. Torrance. -o, o-a, 4-u, o-i. in thir.l aeiof the doubles wat vary exciting as th nore thowt. Witn two lets pnttessed by th Carbondali- not ine Bcranton men only seonrea foothold toward vletory j oaptarlag the third set, 'vantage 0-7. Th fourth tot was well oontettel, but Iht final wat won easily. Pcckvillc. Th Rsv J. B bwirt. of Athltv. will be one smong the prominent tptakert who will addrest the Sunday tchoolt at L ike Ari l 011 tb S'Jtn. Conntrl J. W. bmlth lctt a valuable hone lint Wedaetday. The animal Ml and broke a leg lu tb blacksmith shop. H ylued the horte at t300 Mrt. S. ,T. Col, of To wand, it visit ing at tne boint or Air. and Mrs. U. V. Mace. Jossph Croup leaves tail moralnu to spsnd bnunar at psleru tamp grounds mm. William Ketteii visited ytittr- dav with friendt at Dunmor. Invitstioni are ont announcing tne inarrlnere of Mitt Lizzie Willitmt to Arthur M. Peck, at th home of the bride, on Wednesday, Au. 29. at 12 in. The employ- of Monnt Jeitnn, Bine Uldgp, Ontario and Johnson's breaksrt will receivs thlr pay today. Mrs. 1. I'. Ditv, wbo has been lu lis. poted for the past week, is tlowly im proving, LIFTING HOKE'S SCALP LOCK. Schuylkill Eqmb lean Flntform. R'solv.d, That w loin with tho Ameri can veteran volunteer toldier lu hit lust condemnation of th course of the snre- tary of th interior, Hoke Smith, who. by his high haudrd ditrrgsrdot tb esteem in which we hold our ciiiten soldiery, not only enters tb cpsn field to Intuit them. but who wllhdrawi anil withhold! from them their sacred rights endowed upon tuem uj a grateiui republic. NOT A FaiR SHAKE. fd ui kill TirjmbUcan f lalform. Kesolved, Tnat wn devlare it as uu- Aineriran that the for.ign producr shall come ireely to onr market vritu lit. iro- luctsasuur own made by the band ot starvstlon, while onr own people ehsll be railed upon to make np the revenues of our government out of their private pone. And Th- Hi7 It Now. W nini)(o Pott. What th eounti v needs for ltt Indus trial rrSaliiiitatl"!!, or It resstursnoe as 10 ise state of th trsasnrr, aud for all 0 h'-r li.rtlprnniulcnjunutsol sotistaiitial piosporltv, is a t -ttled order 01 thins-, a coniplclrd eqnatioo, a permanent tdjust- nirut ot ton ill loot, ror mis coninmma- liou capital and ttiterrrise hnvs bifn waiti g ever alnre the inautjutalion of the present admlulstrailon. LiiBmr. IV'srCliud. H ilkti-barrt Timtt. Krv. F. A. Doiiy, who created consider able of a ntatlou lu acrnutou by reason ot bit opposition to the tnl of tissrs and toda water on bunday, It tern on th str-rts of this city of late, tad It ia not unlikely that be will inaugural a similar uiovetneut here. Willi 1 t Chance It. Actn York Ewnitg 'tin, Senator l'cffi?r, iu au addrttt t the fur- mrrsot Stiver Lake, yesterday, tald that ''all men were neo.tsary to eaoh other." For our part w thiuk we could do without Prff r. T" 1 , ... oiiiousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. HASSON fTARK. AT THE OLD DKPOT HOTEL,' Is prepared to receive tuuiniar boarders and furnish rlss for touristt to surrounding towua ouu tummor resortt, From the Moment of Birth use CUTICURA SOAP It is not only the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of nursery soaps, but it contains delicate emollient properties which purify and beautify the skin, and prevent skin blemishes, occasioned by imperfect cleansing at birth and the use of impure soap. Guaranteed absolutely pure by analyt ical chemists of the highest standing. Sold throiiiihiut the wo'ld. Price, c. PmrEt D' GDtHM.OSI'.1So.Prop.,P'ten, Hu, sww uaDy tun, scalp, and Heir, ' ire. Third National Eank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $250,000 Tbls bank offer to it.nn.ttnr rrrn tar II I ty v.rr.Mlr' Iit tbeir balancv. bu.U nr.. nail ropoii.tonitr. Spclul aibtotlan W.n tn bn.lur.i mo cuuut. lutei-wt vlil uu tlm deposit. WIL7.TAM rOrIKl'1.1, Pre.ld.nt litu, M. ATLli, Vlra-Frfsldent. WILLIAM U. Flit K, ts.lilok D1KKCTOKS. tVllllan Connell, Oenrir Ff. C&tlia. allVKd Matiil. Jamei ArrltbslU. ' rnrv llrlln, Jr., WUlUiu T. btultu- Latlicr hrll- LKINTdST --it'giyTn'.'rj,TnT.BCi Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soup old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, r for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds f 4.50. 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susqu hanna Co. E. CKOFUT Propriotor. HIS HOl'BE i ttrlctlv tamperanao, is now ai d fur und 1'KS ".D TD H -: 1TRL1C Triri YEAR KoU.VD: it lorntod midway Iwtwu.u Moatro.enti I Si'ran tou, on Montrosi and .sc.iawau-ii liailroa 1, six mili'B fro-n J., b, & AT. R R. at Alford Bla-ion.unl Hvi nul-i truu M.utroo; ca va' ity, (rlity- five; three minocut' walk t rotn K. Ii. station. .OOU It AT-. V IUXO TICKLE, ic, HIKE T tii lis S. Altitude aboil 2. X1 oat, equalllusr In tbls respect the Adirondack and L'.iU.iill Moun tains. 1 ine proves plenty ot sha le and beautiful simry, nmklns a Suminsr Resort unez ce lvd Iu beauty and c! eipu isa L)uociti! paviliou, ewin to, cro i-t sr ounda, &a Cold Sirlut Wat.'r aud pl.nty ot Milk l(Mt., K7lo StO par ek, Wl.00 per dny. Exrnrslon tickets sold at all stations ontt L. & W. linos. l'orti r meets all trains. Hotel Waverly European Plan. rir.t-olMi Bar attehe Drpot for Barffuer fc.utl' Tnchu Br. Ill Cor, 15tb .cdflMStSi. Mifo Host drelrabl for rtldnU f N.E. PnB tylraula. All onvulnoi rer travjlait to and from Brosd Btreot ttatiim sad th Twelfth and Markat Strt sUtioa. D tlrabl for visiting Norantoulan and P lie la U Anthrsolto Kgloo. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR T. J. MR, FRED WEICHEL At his newly-renovated and licensed Hotol at i-t iev mi tm MIT. Is now pronared to fur. nish trave'.lnir men and social parties wltb th. LATEST: NKW-8TYLKD felQS, tinKlt or double, t tske them to 1 ake Wluola, Uravel fond ana an suuuro.u iuun u Bummer reaortt at roasonnble prices. A lare livery barn conueoted with notel for travel lug public. RE-TPi)lLEY SOAP TRAOC "SVa MARK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers