THE SCKJLNTON TRIBUTE FRIDAY HOKLTOTO, AUGUST 17, 1894. - 7 GENERAL NEWS OF Congreiilonal oppoiltlon has t ootohad jut it hai cot killed tea proposed biey )le railroad which promised to carry assengor from Washington to jrothrim in two hours, mora or lots. fh projaoton of ths toheine sra giu it work upon ooDgresi, and are re lonbling their explanation! of its feas ibility. In brief, tueir bill propose to oharter a company to oonitraot an ele rated eleetrioal railway, upon the bl- lyole prinoiple or plan, between the i INDUSTRIES Jities of Washington aud New York, j our indutitries a chance to live; ite ef the roadbed to be conttruoted ot iron j tect upon others will be injuri. r tteel with a single rail in the center i ou. tt cannot materially increase lopported on a line of posts, and hav- tie tide rails reaching d a Dove ine loor of tbe oar and nuder the sills of be car windows, thus forming a trough-shaped structure in wbieb the jars are to run, and haying attached to .he oars wheels or springs so arranged is to impinge agaiuit tbe side rails so is to prevent tbe oscillation of tbe cars when starting or stopping and to hold .hem in position while at rett. Tbe lenter of gravity will be upon tbe aup orting rail, whether running in a traight line or on a ourvt. Tbe cart ire to be pointed at each end, so as to nlnimiz tbe air pretture, and in these pointed ends are located tb bieyole rucks, having large wheels with deep langes which, with tbe side rails '.-eaobiug up to near the mi Idle ot the car, absolutely prevents derailment. , While the road is elevated a few feet ibove the surfaoe of the ground, tbe :rncks are located within the pointed mdt of tbe ctr and not under it, so .hat the pntsonsier seats will have ibout tbe 8 line elevation at thos In the ordinary steam ooac'n. Tbe electric .uotor to propel the cart on this struc ture are of tbe gearless type, ooe on ach tide of tbe wheel attached direct lo tbe axle, by which nmns there it a itrge diminution both of friction and tt nolte. Tbe mechanical principles involved la the oouttructlon of tbU roadway are not new and untried, fur t Is not new to construct elevated rail roads or to oparate tbe oars by tbe lectrio motor for the transportation of passengers. While .this application is of comparatively recent otigio, there t now invested in tbe United States in jlectrio roadt over $205,000,000. The novel features of this proposition are the application of thit wonderful mo tive power upon a large scale, by which it it prpoted to attain a speed ot more ban 100 miles an hour with absolute safety, and tbe application of tbe bl oyole principle or plan for the (rapid and safe .transit of large numbers of pertons. i Tbe bill, after specifying the manner of tbe road's construction, further pro vides that the road shall De a national highway, military, and post road, and it all tiuws subject to tbe uses of tbe United States government. By means of such a road passengers can be trans ported from Washington to New York :n one-tblrd ot tbe time now required ro make the journey upon the train ot our best turface roads They would travel in abtolute safety and comfort, elevated above the dust of :he turronnding country, and free :rom cinders and smoke ot tbe steam mglne, avoiding the chances of dim mer from surface-crossing and from lerailments, from obstacles on the rack, and from collisions with other rains, either from the front or rear. The mails of tbe entire country going north or eoutb could be delivered be tween these two cities in less than two hours instead of five or six. and with out extra cost to tbe postotfloe depart ment, Tbe bill intrusts to tbe state :ourts power in all proceedings for the condemnation of property, where the mod lies within their juritdlotion, where, under the laws of tbe state, the :ourt it empowered to entertain tbe iroceedingt, and further prohibits the United States courts from taking orig inal jurisdiction in any matter ot liti gation between tbe oltizens of any state nd said company. Inasmuch as tbe company asks no money from congreis, t is difficult to see why its request i hould be refused, unless at the baok of .he surfaee roads. In an article whioh strongly compll nents Snperintendant Walter W. lermyn tbe Oljrpbant Rsoord tells of mportant improvanients bsgan and ontsmplated at tbe Jermyn mines at ?riceburg. Itssyst "A shaft Is belux nuk on ths bill, wblob will It 8x12 :'et, and to go down to whst is known ::s th Danmors vsln. This is from even to ten feet In thickness, and is text to tbe vein that bas been worked riy the company. From tbe present ipenioga tnnnel will be driven through be rook, wblob wlM be 7zU foet in limenslons, and 1,600 feet long. A leading will be driven from the foot rf .be new shaft on the mountain, 2,000 .'eet to join this tannel, so that tbe :oaI from the new works can be taken nt at the old plant and be prepared ur market at the present breaker. Tbe ntraat of sinking tbe new abaft and' Irivlng tbe tunnel has been awarded to Atsirs. Ward &WeUb,of Plymouth. Tbe work Is to be begun forthwith, nd most be finished within one ysar . rom tbe date of signing contrsot, Mr. fsrmyn expects to operate this new ,isrt of the mines with ehctrlo power. An eleotrio locomotive will be In ser vice at tbe tunnel, and the nnw abaft is to be supplied witb an electrie hoist. Electricity will be used in all possi ble ways by tbe man. The total ez- inditnre will be between $50,000 and .'.75,000. This ' improvement will be i fleeted by the most recent appliances, and when completed will be furnished vith tbe latest improvements in min ing and engineering. The saperinten dent Is folly competent in the work, nnd will sse that the whole is com pleted in the most modern style. The zpendltnre will ultimately mean a oom to Prlcebirg, and the prospects .-re that employment will be furnished 'o many more than at present." If we may believe a report in the Wllkes-Bsrre Becord the long talked cf road to run from Binghamton to .Vyalnstng is about to be eonstrnoted, work having been commenced on the . northern portion of the line a few dayi ego. Tbe road rans south from Bing hamton into 6unqnebann conntr. '.hence southeast down the Wyalusing Valley to Wyalasiog Tillage, where a nnnotion will be made witn toe L-shig-b. Valley. A seotion of rich agricultural ronntry orlnoipally grazing will be opened op, and a number of thriving villages tapped, the business oi wblob "rill give tbe road a good local trads. It is eighty miles from Binghamton to Wvaluaine by the nreaent route by rail. be Erie and Lehigh Valley by the new line it will be about forty-five miles, tbns making a cot off of nearly ball tbe dis tance. The road will probably ds con tinned to Batterfleld junction, near Dnsbore. from whioh a Una has recent ly been constructed to Wllliatnsport, to v that, when the gap from Binghamtoa to Sitterfleld ii filled there will be a con ttnouj all rail route from Boston to Cincinnati. . Tbe proipeot of luring a new feeder giree both BlngQaiuton and Wyalusing a boom, tbe latter already a thrifty town, expects trait beuetite from tbe enterprise, while tbe press of the Parlor City claim that wltbln fif teen years tbt population abull ban increased to 100,000. In thli week's inane of : tbe Bulletin of tbe Amerloan lion and Steel association, Jamos M. Swank, the geuerol manager . of tbe aaio oUtiou, takB a hopeful tlew ot tbe country's foture under the op-ration of the new tariff bill. Mr. Swank says: "The Wileon bill at it patted the home would hare blighted tome ot the Imlnatrlaa nf th noll'l trV anil dettrOVtd nti,r Theaennta bill will nivemott of nri.., which are now lower thnn the? have ever been, nor can it greatly ad vunee wages above their present low level; but It will give employment to our people, and thit tbe Wilson bill would not have douo. That business will now improve, ultbough slowly, we bave no doubt whatever. The market? or the country are bare of goals of all kinds, uud the foreigners will not have the opportunity to supply them that tbey have fondly hoped for." Minor Industrial Notes: The report that all Erie shops would go on fu.l time oeymiuucr i is uut tteuormiv credited. Tbe Lebigb Valley has abolished tbe of fice of district passenger agent at Roches ter, N. Y. An order was posted at the Lehigh VaU ley sboiw at Kustou WeUue.Jay reducing the time to oue-iialf. Tho sbous have booa running but lour unyt a week! FINANCIAL ANJ COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. Kkw York, Aug. 10. Speculation at the Stock exchange was strouu again today and a higher ranue of prices was recorded. The railway group floured mure promi nently in the dealings. General Electric was al-o a feature, aud for tbe first time in months asaiinW u importunt position in the market. The stock wus in better demand anU Kftiued two points for tbe day, rising to 41.' aud closiug at tbe top notch. day's fluctuations iu autire stocks Is supplUd j a rovised a.niv oy Ltntc os t aiiur, stoac brokers, 121 Wvoinlmt uvouuj: Open- HI th- Low so m 110 -3'i, Clos- j lllK. est Am. Cot. OU am Kturar. , A.T.etn.f Cad. Bo. Coo. N. J rule & N. W Q., B.SQ Chle. Oas. , C. C.U. 4 Kt. L.. 30 , ma no 1U-.T4 m. 8U Ws K) 1 110 luiitj 71 1 0i 'M ll'l Col., Hock.Val. 4 T. D. & U.... ray ixijs lai I D., h. & W 21 !!1 lf)H m 44 lUli, ii" 4 Wi iii'i mi 1!4 5t 13 ley 41 W74 117 S7t 21 IMC m i:k Mil 117 Erlo l.'iW 11. li. t iWW I.alte Hhore 1314 L. Si N M Maubattan U'i Mins. Pac -T'-s Kat. Lead 4ilj N. Y. ft N. E VH N. T. Central 1UH N. Y..O. & W liij-6 N. ..8. di W 10,u is; s !"(, "4 4 lijm Lj. a. c. to North Pao North l'ftc. pt.,, Omaha 4 4 16! i iwi flil-4 m i .3 t 1'sc. Mail. dinir. 11ILC, tXlti. 17 M iu n 16' 11-s 1 I liock Inland., . 1 li wj St Paul iti(S 11. T 17U T.. C. & I . lit Txhs & Pac Union Partita...., WabttMh p Wmtern Union.. W.& I. E W. &L. E. pfd..., 9'i lti.4 M 4154 Chicago Or il'i and Provliloni. BcnASTOS. Ansr. 10,-The followln quota tions ara aupiiiiotl ual eirreotul d nil if by La liar & KuUor, stock brokers,Ul joining av nue. WHEAT. Ooonlng Hignest Lowest,,,. Cloning CORN. Opening Highest Lowest C'losir.g OATS. Opening ,, Lowest Closing PORK. Openng.., Highest Lowest Soot. f)0 es's u GSM mi mi mi im inio i:m5 11)00 7o7 707 Deo, 58 6m 6714 Wi 6it4 61 W 5W May. Ml r;l 02IK MM 621$ 52?b P.")3 lii'4 Closing LARD. Opening rliguest Lowest Closing WM OR 1 IUB3. Opening 735 742 7i'i Highest ., Lowest Closing New York Prodaos Market. Kkw Yobk, Aut. 16. Floor Dull, easy, offered freely, light demand. Wheat Lbjs active; o. lower, steady: No. 2 ted, store aud elevator, 57'inI"Wc.: afloat, 57h575(o j f. o. b., Ss.t&ilHo.; utgraaea red, osaosc.; no. i nortaern, B5iJc; options were dull, wog aud ; lower; September and December most ac tive; August, 673c; September, 58c.; Octo ber, SVj.; Ueceniosr, May, W0 corn Dun, lower, wuu options; ciosincr firm: No. 8, 6iK elevator; (Wiinolc. afloat; options were les active, closing steady at J-.alo. under yesterday. Alav most aotlvn; August, 61c; Septomber. 60o.; Outobor, 69ic: December, 50c. ; May, BSJio. Uats CJuiet, wlilta,Ilr&ier; options, fairly active, up to K down, steady: August, 81c; September, 84c.; October, 85140.; spot prices, No 2, iU)4o. : No, 2 white, 87a37Kc.; No. 2 (Jhieaiio, 84Jin35o.; No. 3, Vio.t No, 8 white, o'ic; mixed western, 81alijc; white do., 30a44c; white state, GOU44C. Biif Steady, culot: family. $10al2: ez- tra mess, $Sa8.50. Belf Hams Quiet, flrmer; 153. TiEttCKD Heik Qjlet, steady; city eztra India mess, tlo17. Cut Meats If'irm. fair demand: nlcitled bellies, 12 pounds, bj'c. s pi( kled sboulderit, Cc; pickled hams, llal2o.; middles nomliiai. Lard Dull, steady; wpstern steam. closed at8.u(); city at 1rfXs. rieptem- oer, i.wo; reuueu, stiuuy; continent, fS.HU; Boutb America, J8.C0; compound, C'i0!c, Pork Quiet, firm; mess, H5tl5.l5; eztra prime, 13:il3.fii). Butter Llyht receipts; firm state dairy, 1421c.: do. creamery, 1723.'j(.; Pennsylvania, do,,17a23Kc'; western dairy, ISalOi.'.; do. creamery, 14J42;lc. ; do. factory, 12alSXa; elgiiis, 2dc. imita tion creamery, 14al7c Cheese Quiet, steudy. Eoos Good demand, firm; state and Pennsylvania, 17al7e.; Ice house, lBa luc; western iresu, iu.uic; uo per case ILSSflOiOU. . Philadelphia Tallow Markst. PnlLAnELPHIA, Aug. 10. TallOW WOS stesdy and unchanged. Pnees were Prime city In hogsheads, 4c; prime con u try, in barrels, 4c; do. dnrk In barrels, c; cakes, 4Hc; grease, 8o. Eyspspsia and Indlgsstlon in their worst forms ar cured by tbe ose 01 r. r. r. 11 yon are aeoilltated aud run down, or if you need a tonio to regain take P. P. p ud you WU1 tie strong and! healthy, hot shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Priokly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) la the king of all medicines. P. P. p, is ths greatest blood purifier in tbe world. For sale by all uiuggiBue. Fob Burns, Scalds. Braises and all pains and soreness ef the flenb, the grand house- iiom remeny 11 jur. Thomas' Eolectrio OIL oe sure you get tne genuine. NERV0M3 EXTRAVAGANCE. Many People WmU Energy That They Need on Great Oocasloni. "Do you know what an Immense amount of nervous energy people wasto continual ly, whkb might be stored upr" asked a physician. "A very nervous person is apt to have little tricks of manner which she fancies are a help to her and cover her con fusion, whereas tbey are really an injury aud loss. A habit of wrlifltug in your chulr.of twlrlingsoniethlng luyourflnsers as you talk, of biting your Hps or tapping on tbe floor with your foot or a hundred other tlilugs, it would be a decided gain to restrain. ' "Very few people realise how rare a thing it is to sit perfectly still or to do things composedly without wasting any , effort. An oculist who was examining a patient's eye placed a chair and told her to oe seated. Then Immediately he asked her to get up again. 'Do you know thut there Isn't one person In a hundred who doesn't do thatf he asked. 'Do what?' she said, thoroughly mystified. 'Move the cliuir when sitting clown. You moved It several Inches and I wuuted you In exactly that light.' "Probably you never noticed this, yet ob servation confirms It. Now, why should anybody, having put her chair where she thinks she wuuls it, move it lntbeuctof sitting down f It Is from a habit of Irreso lution nud nervousness, u failure to do just what she mouiii. to to make her Intention go straight to the murk. Probably it is quite unconscious with most people "In learning to write or to draw vnn leRrn to steudy your baud and draw lines Whloh shall show no deviation or ragged- ness, but be always correct and Arm. It Is worth while to try to do everything In the same way, with no raugeduess, no rambling oil, But, as every nervous person knows. It ! seems uimost impossible, l ou reel that if you ure debarred from 'letting off steam' you must go cruzy, or Jump up or down, or scream, or do something to horrify or buocc people. "Well, but try it. Keep perfectly still. Don't twiddle your fingers, or shake your foot, or jerk your shoulder, or giggle, or clear your throat, or say unmeaning things becuuse you are ofruld to be silent. Keep It up mlnuto after minute. You will bo surprlxed to Dud bow long you can do It. "Then, when you cannot stand It any longer, make your escape and do gome of the violent things you bave In mind. You will find that you might have hysteria twice a week or break u window occusion- IlllV U'ltlinilt. llvllllf tin ,tt tlm nu.n j " - "i .. ...U llbl 1 UUO force that would leak out in thexn lii.rln unsuspected ways." Pittsburg Dispatch. Doctorluff the Wild Animals. Hospitals for cats and dogs are quite common In the large cities, and many a feline and canine pet has been successfully nursed through a severe Illness by the ex pert doctors who spend their time in study ing uulmul diseases. With the exception of wounds aud Injuries, the greut majority of the complaints which the pets suffer from come as a direct result of too hib living. Sweets, cake, candy aud highly seasoned food will in tbe course of time make even the dumb brutes sick, and tbe nnlmal doctor flnH fl,.if nil ; their patients need are a little phyhlc and plain living. Two weeks of such common ; treatment gonerully restores tbe pets to j health and strength again. 1 But of lute years tbo importations to this country of wild animals for circuses, ', menageries and exhihiiiona nf nHmn kinds have been so large that there has sprung up a regular system of doctoring for wild animals. Their compluiuts gen erally are very few. At first tbey are homesick after leaving their forest jun gles, and they pine away in their cages un less tbey are carefully watched. The wilder and fiercer ones refuse to be consoled, and theyoftenlujurethemselvesinthelrfrautio efforts to break through their Iron cage. Then the heat, chaise of cllmato and food and occasionally old age, bring on com plaints that must be checked by expert physicians. Xew York Epoch. Afraid of Becoming Famous. A manuscript reader for a leading maga Kiue says: "The uiugazitie witb which I am connected employed a well known female writer to write np an interesting phase of life six yeara ago, for which she was to re- ! ceive a stipulated sum of money. When ner article was submitted the editor didn't like it and sent it back, but she fired it back again, aemaiidiug pay, uud got it. The article was pigeonholed, and no ono thought of It ugaiu until u short time ago, when the editor resurrected it uud bad it put in type, forgetting aU about Its origin. nppeareu iu a receut number of tho magazine, and was discussed by literary people as being ono of tho best written articles published by the maguziue in ques tion. The editor of unotber maguziue was attracted by tbo article and wrote to tbe lady asking her to submit matter to biiu. The writer appears to be a very spirited young womuu, however, aud refused to do so, saying that ono experience with a ma uzlue editor Is enough. Sho my a she will never write for them agulu. If Bhe did she might become (unions, She confines her efforts to newspaper work." New York Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Wonderful Gold Mine. One of the wonders of Australia, nnd one ef the greatest natural curiosities in tbe world, is the Mount Morgan gold mine in Queensland. The precious metal con tained in this mlue, which bas paid a divi dend of not less than 10,000,000 in a year, was deposited by a hot spring. Mouut Morgan is a bill about 600 feet high, containing at its top a cup shaped deposit mode by the hot spriug which once gushed out there, and in this deposit the gold exists. Truly a cup of Crajsus! Through uutold ages the waters dropped their glittering, burden, uud now man comes and extracts the hoarded metal to add to the wealth of the world. Specimens of the ore from this strange mlue bave been sent to the United States, that tbey might be compared with the de posits of the greut hot springs in our own Yellowstone park. It was but natural to suppose thut the Yellowstone springs bad also a golden treonure In their cups, but the most careful search by geologists has thus fur failed to detect any truce of it. Youth's Compaulon. The wntor pump of today is but an im provement on a Grecian invention whicb first cume into use during the reign of Ptolemies Phlladelphos aud Kuergotus, 282 to 221 B. C. Tbe name, which is very sim ilar in all languages, is derived from tbe Creek word pempo, to send or throw. It Is noted In London that the girls are growing taller and the men shorter. The explanation la that men smoke too much and begiu the practice too young. It stops their growth and Injures their health while the girls grow tall, healthful aud beantlftil. WEAK MEN your attention MM its V.r4LLfe.U 'LKT TUB Great English Romedy, Cray's Epsciflc Medicine IC vnil SIICPFR from Ner- 1IK4IWII1 um turn bilitv. Weaknom illity, V eaknons of Body and Mind, hpormv torrhea, and Impotet orrnra. and ImDoteucy. ana an aiseasos tnai and Impoteucy, and all dlseasos that arise front over-Indulgonoe and iwlf -abuse as Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis- Ion. Premature 0,d Aire and mauv other dis eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early irrave, wr'tofor a pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICiNK CO., Buffalo, N. Y. The Hpeolflo Medicine Is sold by all druiigists at t per package, or six pankaitee for to,or sent by mall on receipt of money, and with every $5.00 order PUARA'TKE a cnre or money reruuuea. tWOn account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only (rena me, boiu u scranton or oiauaews iirue. jf- flANY . f Starve TO DEATH usn beef-tea, Calfs-foot . n , . i r jelly, and vaHOUS Deei extracts made by application of heat, They contain no nutrition whatever, and cannot restore vitality. holds in solution the albu moids and salts of lean raw meat, prepared by a cold proc ess, containing the life-sus- ; taming and tissue-building properties of meat itself, yet in the most condensed form. Endorsed by 25,000 physicians. For sale by all druggists. THE OOV1N1NE CO., NEW YORK. KT 13 THE BEST. f)m NOBQUtAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN, 4-3.sp FINE GALF&KAtJGARQa 3.5? P0LICE.3 SOLES. EXTRA FINE. 2.l.yB0YSSCH03LSHDE3, LADIES- mil'? XJ jS''fx SEND FOR CATALOGUE v BROCKTON, MA33. You can save mnnrr by puixUailug VV . L. DoiikIok Hlint'i, Because, we urc tlie lurgrst manufacturers of odvertiued bboes in tbe world, aud guarantee the value by stumping the name anil price on the bottom, which vrits you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy filling and Wearing qualities. We bave tbem sold every, where at lower prices for the value given tbaa Buy other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Soli by E. J. LEONARD. Enoomso st this Hidmmt Mibioai Autoitic zx o Liiiii'JL nnriLO -rr! 17"" . . JTT: von. onUerfnl boon tn hi,t.,mh f rum Colds, SioreTbront, InOuenu, Hrouehltii, orllATf FETJClt. Attorii tinnnSuttnlttf. AnenTclcnt . In pneket,reajy to nnn on flrft lodlcatloD of cold, t'mitlnned Vis 1 fTocU Permanent Cnre. Falhl icUon enamntcod ormonoy refunded. Price, r0 rl. Trial fr, o at L'ntijilnn. Kesl'tered wail ' CO cents. H. D, vmWL air., lano Knars. Midi.. D. 8. L aTjra k jm: a w a MfMTHT.I Tfe '"rest and safent remedr for MIS-U I not. ail fk.ndlMouci, K.erna. UotTSsli Jlhcum. old Sorei. Hums, Cuts. VVoudii-rul rem edy forPII.KS. l'rlce, S5 ut. at lirut-D 4 1 F' glim r h- mini prepaid. Adlreri nohOTC. DAlLt' For slo bjr Blatthews ISros. and John II. I'holp Cs&:!9z!sa Prss CR. HEQRA'S 1 Removes Freolclei, Pimple Livtr Molei, Blsel-Vjit!, Sunburn and Tc-i, aud r stores the s::In to Its orli:i- na newness, jnnaueug a'AO'yVV clear aud hesllhy ccm-m piSVrU plexion. Superior to allfuoe " preparations and perfectly tsrnfleBS. Atnll urugiihits, or mailed lor SOJa, ttud for Circular. VIOLA SKIN 60AJ U Harlr Iccempuabls u t Ihln iu:lllDg '.imp, a&oqnidcd Va ttie tullot, nnd wufaont a rivnt Ua ili outlet. AbwJuvIr jure anil dUlMtely atcdl ftd. At druvilim, PHpo 2j Cnls. 1. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. For sate by Matthew Bros. II. l'lielps. HASSON f-TARK. AT THE OLD DRPOT HOTEL. FACTORY V1LLF. Is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rius for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. 6- - PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT ftLY Aon, rUNt nUUJ and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison C ; O- Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies the blood, bnllds Op the weak and achllilatod, gives strengtu o wviiseaeil nerves, eipels C-W- disetsoB.ffvlujr the patient health and aapumteu wnere aioKnesa, Kiooniy fHfflinvfl sad larsltnde flrit nrevaliatf. For pruuary.stioundary and tertiary syphilid, lor blood polsoninfr,. merou rlal nolnon. malaria. dVHDenila. and ri rTt- In all blood and akin diseases, like blotehts, pimples, old obroulouloera, tetter, scaid bead, belli, erysipelas. W"" oonlruiUctiou.tLat P. p. p. la the best aneT.iisiiaa n uisii Jf3- blood eurlfler In the world, and makes n all cases. ea. OP' ' and whose blood Is la an Impure oondl' tioa. due to menstrual Irresularltles, ZzT are peculiarly benettted by the won eS ' dsrful toulo aud bluol cleaaslng prop-gi-'-t ertlos of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Moot and Potassium. S - MjMHMHMHHmHHHiM . HpRiMOPincD, Mo,, AnK. 14th. 1893. 1 una speak in tbe hlshest terms of Jour meaioiue irum my own personal nowledire. I was afleated with bears i.hb.i. lilenrter aud rheuniatlim fnr fji - J)5 years, waa treated by the very best pliylclns ana spent hundreds of dol Uri. tried every anown remedy with out flnillJR relief. I nave only taken ene oottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully aay It bas done me more g-uod thaa anything I have ever taken. V ....n ranAtniliend TOUr nifidlolDfft tA all fj silllorerof the above dlaeeees. , C ,lm MM. M. U, TMART. vf gpr: jgneid, areen Oooaty, Uo. i; The M Food v.v a una ky ur m&itj ! S3 BHO 1 WtM.j- i J Ji(3 Z2 . V.raAim will cnr nn. t mm ifltl ST mmm p UD DQ liUiiiiiUiUliiliiiUUiiiiiwi, Th I Dl . I say i. eg Bank cf Scranton. t ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $209,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Thin bank offers to depositors ever facility warranted by their balanites, bust- as aud ri"loilltv. ttpealal attention given to business eouuU. Interest paid on time deposits. W 1X7.1 AM CONNFT.I, President CliO. M. C ATLIN, Viixl'rf.ldens. WILLIAM II. VKCtf, Ciwlilea rmtexons. William ConnelL Oooricfi IF. Catlln, Alfmil Uand. Jnuins Arrhbnld, linry lloltu, jr, Vllllaiu X utb- Luther ti-r THI3 National Bank oHcrantoi Cl.QAMlZEO Wl, CAPITAL $250,000, CI URPLUS $30,000, PAMTJFI. HINES.CProsMent. VV . W. Vr'.M SON, Vice Prusldanfc A. a WILLIAMS, C'ashiur. miiRCTons. BAMtrnr. Ilrvits, jamei M' EvmnAttT, HIVING A. riNCrf, flKHCEU. f 1NLGY. J(13L111 J. JhKV.Y!, II. B. KliWF.KF.IU. Cuas, i'. Maitiii:w3, John T. Pouiaiu W, W. WATSO PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tho patronage ot business men and ttrms generally. Scranton Tribune A Wa .Ut5. A DEPT. . . . EVERY description of Job Printing ! in tbe best style of tbe art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com- petent men in cbarge of eacb branch of tbe work. We do not make a sbam show of cheapness and curtail tbe quantity or quality of tbe work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. ! Estimates on all kinds of printings i small as well as large, lEuiia acd joh,W. The Scrantcn Tribune Job DsDt. 13 ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY. . . t -I9 Pimples, ESotchc and Old Sores . . . . Catarrh, Malaria Are entirely rcinovea hj P.P.P. -Prickly AKb, Poke Root and Potas sium, the gruatost blood purifier on earth. AaanoFBS, O., Joly91,18!)l. MariHS. Lli'F.MAN Baoe. , SavaDnah. Oa. i Dear Sins I bouKhc a bottle of T9 your P. P. P. at Husmiiuir,Ark. ,aud , ijjt It has aone me more cocci mnu inree mom hs' treaiment at the Hot fipruss. Hand three bottles O. O. D. Bespeotfully yuurs, JAB. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown Count , 0. Capt. J. O. JolinMou. To all vhom U mut tanttrni I here by testify to the wonderful properties ij testify t if P. P. P. P. P. P. lor eruptiuni ot tna sam. I .-i. suffered for several years wli riia an un alKhtly and dlsarreeakle eruption on Diy faoe. I trloil every known rene dy bet In vnin, until P. P. P. was used, r,H am nr. iv Aiitlpi,lv mirerl. (Blauedby) J. D. JOHNSTON. Bavauuah, Oa. Skin Cancer Cored. Texllmony from the Mayor of Stqu(n,TtX, Bbqoik, Tst., January 14, 1993. UUSBHB. IjIFFMAN UKUS.. DD.UUUU, On. tir.ntltmmL bsva tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usinlly kniitvn u akin nnneer.of thirty rears BtHUillnic, and found (Treat reflet: It m purities the blood aud removes all lr- T rltatlon from the sent or tne aieeaia aud prevents any spreading of the sore. I have tat en fireor sit bottles and feel oonfldent that aeother course will effeot a cure. It bas also relloved me from Indigestion and stomach O troubles. Tfoura truly, CAPT. w. M. Rt7T, Attorney at Law. Book od M Diseases Maliatl fisi ALL DBTjQQIiTS SELL IT. LIPPH1AN DHOSa PBOPBIET0K8, Llppntan'BlIlock.Savaaneh.Ca BUSINESS AND ... PROFESSIONAL 1'HYjilllA.NS A.M. .-.UtlUfcON. DR. O. KDQAB DEAN lias removed to 010 Buruoe straat, boiuL.on, la. (.Oust op posits ouurt-housa bquara ) D'i. A J. CONNELL. Oiiii M WsUingtoa areuue, comer riiiuo struct, oyur I'runcke s dmg blorei htxiUeuos, Vina st On: bturs: to U a. tu. aud S to and s toj.ju p. m.buuday, i to 3 pni DK. W. fc Al.LKii," " Oitloe cor. Laoka wuunaand W ashingtoa aroa. : over Leon ard shut mmv; otike hours. 10 to 13 a, m, aud " 1 v. m.: aveuiuus at reaideuce. DUN. " aablugton ava. DK.C.L. FKtSY. Practice Uuilted to Dl asses of tbo Kys, Ear, Moso aud Throat; uffloe, tst Wyoouug ava Kasidenca, W Vlua street. DR. L.M. GATES. 1116 Wuahlugtoa Avenuj. Ollko hours, S to S a.m.. l.JU to a aud to 8 p.m. IluHiduuco 3oV Mudlsou avuuua JOUiS L. WK.Nl'Z, M. D., Ohlcsi Si aud it I OomuionwaaltU building; resldeuoe 711 Madison aye: otilce hours, li) to la i to 4. 7 tu b; Huudays 2.90 to 4, evenluirs at resldonoa. A specialty made of direasos ut the eye, ear, uoJ aud throut aud gyneoology. DK. KAY, sua FcuuAvo. ; 1 to U p.m ; cuU 21.'. Dis.of women. ubsUtriea and ills, of cbil. LAW VKHH. J. M. C. KANCK'S Law and Colliiction of flee. No. U17 bnrnco it., onuoalta Forest House. Bcrunton. la.: collectiuuaa Knecialtv inrnUKUout i'onnyivauiu; rulluble corrospouu- enia iu every county. 1 r-.-j.Ui'b fc I1A.1II. Attoi-MBVM and ('ullllHL't. J lors at Law, Cotumnnwsaltb bulldiug, n asuiugtoa av V. . U. J sssup, KoHACB K. BARO, W. H. JessuH, Jn. WILLABD. WARBLM V f uuva and Conimolors at uoysand Connwiors at Law, Ktpublicaa lmlldtpy, Wn'iliiiigtnn ave.. Sc'auton, ra. l 1'i'LKriiiiN' de WIU'Kit, Altoruoyj au.l X Cnuuscllors at Law; otbees 0 aud t Library Luuuiug. bcrautou, Fa. Hohwbll H. PArriaso William A. Wilcox. LFKKD HAND, WILLlAilJ. HAND, At- J i tornuys aud building. Rooms 19, ft) and r F. llDYLK, Atloruoy at-Law,Nos.lU aud ' 2U, Burr building, Waahiugton aveniio. 1IENKY JU. 8KKLY Law oBlcoa iu trice A A building, I'M Wushlngton avuuue. lKANK V. OKtLL, Attorney at Law. Kooia Jr b. t'oal Exchangn. Keraistun, Pa MIL'iO.V W. LUWKY, I Att'ys, 3 Washing- t;ti.Vt).N ETOKl.'il, I ton av V. II. squat a. IAMBS ff, OAKl'OKD, Attnrufty at Law l rooms mi, 04 and 65, Commonwealth b'l'g. SAMUEL W. KDUaR, Attorney at Law. k3 Ollice, SIT Spruce st Bciauton, rn. T A. WATUlifi. Attorney at Law, 421 lj LackawBuna aue.. Mcr uton, ra. IJ 1'. HMITH. ( onnsollor at Law. Ofllce, J . roomi M, 66. M 0.l:itu..uwpHlth bnmlinz. (J R. 1'U't lttrt, Attorney at Law, Com- builaiiiir. Hi'iauton, ra. C. COilhY8. U rtururost. I" B. KEi'LOULK, Attorney Loans neuo- -r iiateaon real esvuo security, sua epruco. V. K1LLAM, Attornev at-Law, Ul Wy omiuirav.'nne. H-'rant'in. K IHIOI OCHOOL OF O ton. l'a., pr THE LACKAWANNA Scran. ton, l'a., prepares boys sud girls forcollogs or buuino.u: thoroughly traius young children. Catalogue at reyueot. Rev. Thomas M. Can WALTKK h. BUEI.L. aflSW WORCESTER'S K1NDERUART12N i.H and cbooU 412 Adams aveuuo. f uplls rc-cntved at all times. Pnpto'nber fl. l(.it term will open Di.N I IjiT C. LAUBACU, burgeon Dentist, Ko, 115 Wyomiutf avt. If. M. l-'l HATToN. nftlf. r-..l FT-h-.n"(.. LOANS. 'pUE KEPCB1.1U Savings nnd Loan Asso I ciatlou will von m mny on easior terms and pay you better ou iuvostmunt than any olhiT assod ition. Call on S. N. CALLI.N I'FR. r)iti" Hunk Imlliiiti" EKLii4. G. Ki CLARK ft CO.. Seedsmen. KloriBts and Nurserymen; 14(1 Washington avenue: prcjn buuse,ljjl Korxh Main avouua; f torn telpnlion. CAS. OH AND UNIO.V TEA t'O.. Jonm Bros. WIKK St'ItKNS. FOS. KUETTEL, 6i5 Lackawanna arena Scranton. Pa., msT'iifr nf Wir Scren- HOTELS AMI R KM' A U HANTS. fIUE WESTMINbTER, 217-219 Wyominij X nve. Booms hvuted witb stoain: ail mtd e:n Improvements. C. III. TmmAW, Prop. THE ELK CAFE, 15 and 1! Franklin ave- . one. Bates ruasunable. P. 2ir(ilgr. Proprietor. w LbljlusTm HOi EU W. O. SCHliNCK. Manaimr. Sixteenth street; one block cut of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, Ji50 per day and upward. c -OYNE HOUSE. Euroi.eau plan; Vood rooms. ji"ju oay anu uikqu car sup. plied witn tbe e best P. H. roYNE. ProprletOT. OCBANTOS HOUSE, near U. MWOT. u., u v . )Ha kJ seuger depot lonuuctt a ou tne European V 1 ctiih K 0011. Proprietor, plnn. AIU ullhl is. 1AV1S & UOUPT, Architects. Rooms 24, .1 gfi and 20 Commonwealth P'M"R, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, Arihitct Ofllce, tear of iVtt aslilli. ton avenus. V. L. BKUWN. Ar-h B. Architect Price biuldmir.iai Vaaliinirton Ave., Scranton. AMnl'ri.l.ANKOVH. 1) ACER'S OBCHE.-TBA - MUHIO KOlt X) balls, pionios, nartlea. receDtiona. wml- dines and ooncort work furnlshod. For terras mlilrAtui K. J. Tlaunr. nandnntnr. 117 Wrranlno - - .... ; - . m sve., over nuioert s music store. TJORTON D. SVVART8 WHOLESALE IX lumber, Price building Scranton, Pa. MLUARUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1J0 Washington ave., Scranton, ! Pn ra. TTOKSKS AND CABRIAUES FOR SALE 11 ut UoJ Lapousa fveuue. D. L. FOOTF. Aeent TKANK P. tBUW'N A CO.. WHOLE 1 sale dealers in W oodware, Cordage and uii (jicrti, ii.u w. LacKawanu avenue. Lagbd Beer Brewery Mannfactnrera ot the Celebratel PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100.000 Bbla. Per Annum, Ladlos Who Valuo A refined oomplexlon most nse Poxsonl's VowA der. It produces a aoft and beautiful skin. E. Robinson's Sons CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Autbraolta ooal used exoluslvalv. lnmrlni cleaulluess and comfort. Hill TABLK I BTIC-r MAT 20, 1804. Trains leave Boranton for Plttntnn. Wllkno. 8. 0, (M, 7 ii, 11.06 p. m. Kunduys, D.UU a. in, 1.00, 8.15, 7.10 p. m. ror a lautio uiy, a. m. Kor New Y'ork. Newark and Ellzaheth. A 59 (express) a. m 12.60 (oxprosa with Bull'il parlor car), 8.30 (cxpresaj p. in. Sunday, U. 11 p. m. ron siAucn unrNK, ali.entown, Ukthlh ni:n, Eahtoh aud Puiladli.piiia, H.JU a. m.. 12.60, 3.8(1, 6.00 (exoopt fhiladelpnlui p. m. Sunday, 15.16 p. m. For Lono BiiAitrn. OcEk Onovu. nfyi. .t 8.20 (with tbrougn car) a. m 12.10 p. m. ror neuaiug. Lsuanon and tlarrlsburg, via Alleutown, B.a) a. m., 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. ror l'ottsviue, B.2Ua. m., 12.00 p. m. Ruturnlinr. leavs New York, fout of Llhnrts street, North river, at ItlO (express) a. m.. Liu, 1,'JU, 4.;l (express with Butfot parlor carl i. m. tjunday, 4.80 a. m. i.eave f niiiidelplila, Reading Terminal, D.JJ a. m., 1J.0U mid p. m. Hunday, (1.27 a. m. Through tickets to all Dninta at lowest rati) may bo had on application in advance to the tlckot agent at the station. U. Y. BALDWIN, Gen. PaqA. AianL J. a OLHAIT8KS, Oun. Supt DELAWARE AND HUD. bua kailkuad. Commonclng Mondny.Julj 3d, all tiainswill arriveand depart Irum the new Lack awuuua avuuuo atutioa as ,ar. liows: T Trains will losve Boran ton station for C'arbondula and intermediate points nl 2.20. 6.46, 7 00, 8 2i aud 11J.1U n.m , 12.00, 2,30, 8.66, 0.16,0.16, 7.6, V.10 aul 1.2Up,m. Kor 1'nrvluw, Way mart and Honosdale at 7.00 8.26 aud 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.i0 and 6.16 p. m. F. r Aibuuv. Saratoga, the Adirouduckaaul llo tn-al ut 51) a m. uud 2,20 p.m. Kor Wilkes-lisrro and intermodlato polntl at 7.46, 8 46. V M aud 10 46 a.m., 12.06, 1.20, ti 4.IH. 6.10, U.06. U.16 aud 11.8 p.m. TraiiiH will arriye ut Wcruntou Station from f arbondale and intermediate points at 7 40, H.40, V.84 nud 10.40 a m., 1210, 1.17, 2.34, aiO, 4 61, i a, 7.46, U.ll and 11. aj p.m. From Honendalu, Waymurt and Fsrview at 9.34 a.m.., 12.00, 1.17, 8.40. 6.65 and 7.46 p.m, From Montreal, fcuratoga, Albany, otc, at 4.64 and 11.6.'! p.m. . from ' tlken-llarro and Intermmllato points at 2 16. H Oi. lui and 11 66 a.m., 1 10, 2,14, 6.10, 0.08, 7.2J, 0.0J aud 1L10 p.m. .MAV 18, iMi. Train leavos Scranton for Phlladolnhla and New York via. D. & U. R H. at 7.45 a.m., 12.0 2.88 ond 11.3S p. m. via D., LiiW, K, R., 0.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., and 1.80 p. m. Leave Scrauton for Pittston and Wilkst Barre, via D., L. & W. li. R.. ti.00, 8.08. 11.2J m.. 1.80, a50. 6.07. 8.50 d. m. Leave Hcranton for Whits Haven, Hazlotou, Pottxville and all nointa on the lieavsr via E. & W. Meadow aud ruttsvillo branches, v 40a.m. .via D. Ot H.H R. at 7.45a.m.. 12.0S. i. U p.m., vis D., L. & W. R. B, li.00, S.0J, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, &5Up.m. Leave bcrunton for Bothlehem. Eastnn. Roadina. Harrlsburz and all Intermedial polnto via D.& H.H.K. 7.45 a.m., 12.01, ft;, ltsj p.m., via D., h, tt W. B. B.,(i.U0,, lLUO a. in., ..7) p.m. Leave Scran ton (or Tnnkhannoclr. Towanii. Ehnlra, Ithaca, (iuneva and all lntermodlatu oomts Yin l). & H. B.HJ.Ci a.m..U Uj and 11. 3S p. m.,vi D. L. 3c W. B. B., 8.01 .in.,l.:W p. m. trfiave scranton lot H icnoster, Buffalo, M sgara Falls, Detroit, Chicairo and all nolnti west viaO. Ss H. It. R., . a-rn., 12.05, p. m., via t. L. & W. R. B. and Pittsto i Junctiou, &0S a.ui , 1J0, 8.5u p. m.. via E. & W. B.A., S.41 p. ni. For Elin ra and tns west via Falamanei v a T). it H. H. R. a,m 1.05,0.03 p. ra.. via U.. L. & W. K.K., ,8.08 a.m., l.:and e.'J7 p. m. Pullman tarlor nnd sleenlnir or L. V. chair cars ou all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, liuilalo and Suspension Brides. KOLLI.N H. WILBUR, Gen. Snpt CHAS. S. LKE. (ten. Pass. Aa't. Phila..Pa. A.W.NONrNEMACHER.Aas't aen.Poss. Ag't, boutn Woinieliuin, fa, TVELAWBK, LACKAWANNA AND XJ WESTERN RAJ i ROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for 1 ew Vork and ah poiuts East, 1.4U, aS.50L 6.15, 8.0Jaud s.5ua. m.; IJ f and 3.50 p, m. Lzpress lur tuston, irenton. rnuaueipnia and the South, 6.13, b.00 and a. m.; U&l and 3.50 p. m. Wasmngton anu way staiions, o.oo p. io. Tobyhauna aocommodetlon, B1U p.m. Expr ss for filu,hamton, Osweso, Elmlra, Corning, Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10, 216 a. rn. and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Both accommodation, a. m. Blnghnmton and way stations, 12.37 p. ra, N icuol.on acoummoduUou, at 4 p. m. ant 6.10 d. m. Binghamton and Elmlra Express, 6.05 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, rjtlca and Richfield Springs, lie a. m. and Lit p. m. Ithaca, 2 11 and Bath 9 a. m. and 121 p. ra. ForKorthumberland,Pittston,Wllkes-Barr, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close oouneutlons at Northumberland for YiIlimlirt, Bamsbuxg, Baltimore, V7asu lugton aod the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, OJW, V (w a. m. and 180 ond 6.07 p. m. Nantlcojte ana intermediate stations, 8.0s and a. m Plymouth and lntermediati stations, 8ii)and 8.4J p. rn. , . ,, Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all XFor "etaSedinf ormatton, pocket time toblos, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, oity ticket loffloe, iUo Lackawanna avenuo, or depot ticket oaice, T?RIE AN'D WY0M1N3 VALLE? KAIli ill 1.0 AU Tvoinu i..ava Rerantnn for New York and In termediate points on the Erie railroad at 6.:i a. in. aud 0.24 p. m. Also lor Honosdale. liawley and local points at 4 35, 9.1 j a. m aud 8.!ll p.m. . Ail ths uliove ure through trains to and from Honesdalo. An additional train leaves Soranton for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from tho Lake at 8 26 a m and 7.45 p.m. . Trains loavo for Wilkes-Barre at 4.40 a. m. and 6.41 p. m. In FnVct June S lib, I Sill. North Bound. outh Bound, iOi e 04 200 Stations a au 3 a;-ii (Trains Pally, Kx. rt. - rj cept t.unaay.i 13 2U " Arrive Leave. A Ml N. Y. Prnnklln St 7M. T B5f . 610 , Weet 4'.'ud streeU weehawken lArrlve Leaveh. y mi , i-h 1 16 . 1 101 1 (IU . 7 6- ,11! 66 . 7 51 11! '6 . Uuncock JuauUsai in, 6 fldl 9(& 911 U 22 9 31 11 n acock Starlight Preston Park Como Poyntelle Belmotit I'lensant Mi. Unlondale Fernet City Oaibiiodaie White Bridge Msyflcld Jermyn Archibald VSlntno Pfckville (Jlvpliaut Plckson Thioop rrovldenoe fsrk Pisco ce 018 6 It 7 4' IIS 40.1 Ml 6 Si at 41 9 6(1 S681 r M 7 as iv sjio m 64 4 60 4 6S 7 H3 IS 1 S 10 01 6 46 6 6.1 816 60i 8 0 6 0j a ia am 719, 11 ! 9 48 (6 Mi 7 0.s 49; 9 SS 81 lo! 710 6 61 T W 1 84l 6 81 648 111130 9 Id 7 s 6 a; fC 4,11 19 0 bi m s 4i 641 11 93 9 01 11 18 8 5.-I 7 81 T4i 8 46 641 6 61 661 6 3N 8 61 6 ! H', 6 ill Irms: sc 7 41 8 U 11 II 8 60 tlA 4 9ll 6 01 641 4ffli 6 07 6 61 11 07, 644 11 0 8 41 61lli 814 U 08 8 SO t Mi 4 19 III 11 0" Sol 8 H U (11 618 to m! 610 IIICT; 8 8 rati 17 10 56, 8 l bciauton t IS 690 P u i Ml M Leave ArrlveU ur m All trains run dully except Sunday. t. slfullles that trains stop ou signal for pas Bonders. , . x ecure rates via Ontario Western before riiirchlnfr tickets tad save money. Caj anil lilhgt Express to the West. J.O. Andorson, Gun. Pass. Ajt, 1, mtcrott! Dir. raas, Agt. Bcranton, Pk. WC CAN OIVC YOU SATISFACTION Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. IP ft- SOS 803:1201 1 go " n y o a.iisa., P Ml I .... 71!.) .... .... 710 .... ... 700 .... 4Bw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers