TttE Sdl? ANTON TRrntTNE !WOTS3"f)AT MORNING, JTTNE 4, 1894. T IWTHEPU IS 1KB UPON BEWARE OF FRAUDS. For The Sake Of Profit They WiU Sacrifice Principal, Health, Etc. Unscrupulous dealers are trying to sell or dinary Glauber Salt or a mixture of EMdUtl Powder us "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "Spru del Salt," "German Salt," or "Improved Carlsbad Salt," and under other similar names. The Natural Remodlos of Carlsbad Cannot be intimated. "What Nature makcs,mnn cannot improve" Artificial tnndo wines will never replace the natural Juice of the grapes. Neither Can the waters of Carlsbad, nor the Carlsbad Bprtlde Suit bo replaced by tho cheap substi tutes offered to a guileless public for the sake of the larger profit mado thereon, by tbeso un scrupulous dealers, No one would buy artificial wines knowing ly. Why buy tho Imitations of tho Carlsbad products, when your health Is at stake? Tho Carlsbad Sprudel Waters nro a specific for all diseases uf tho stomach, liver ami kid l eys, and uavo been uaed with great benefit by hundreds of thousands of people. The Carlsbad Bprndel Salt, which is evaporated from tho Bprudel Water at Carlsbad, is an ox lollont Aperient, Laxative and Dinroctic; if tin alterative and eliminative remedy, which dissolves tenacious bflo, allays irritation, 01 most cnthartlcs do. The summer months when plenty of out door exercisa can be had, aro tho most desirablo for the "Carlsbad Cure." Use tho Imported Carlsbad waters, or If It Is not conven'ent to use tho waters, or whon u more decided laxative effect Is desired, irse tho Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. Insist upon the genuine, which is imported diroct from Carlsbad, ami must havo tho sig nature of Eisuer and Mondelson Co., Sole Agents for the U. S. 152 k 151 FrniikHn St., New York, on every bottle. GENERAL OP The last week in May was a depress ing one on the record of anthraoite ship ments. In the first phica the big storm, coupled with an almost unprecedented rainfall, flooded miny eollierlos, nud what were not thus drowned out wore cripoled through the inability of tho railroads to furnish transportation. These eauses of a decreased output were particularly noticeable in the Hchaykill region, and, na a result, shipments decreased 110,603 tons com pared with tho corresponding week lust year, tho ligttres being 2ti.j,(Wj tons in 1893 and 140,887 tons last week, shipments from Ihe Lehigh region do creased 69, CGI tons, the tonnage being nearly 50 per cent, less than in tho same week in 1893 Tho storm wait not si severe in the Wyoming region, and the collieries wero worked full-baiidsd, re uniting in an increase in shipments of 1,003 tons. Total shipments were. tif-refor, 720,419 tons, a decrease of 184,299 tone for the week, which brought the total decrease for the year to date tip to 3,11 1,910 tons. The tabular state ment follows: Regions, Wyoming.,.. Lehigh Schuylkill.... May 21), May 7, ism. MM, Difference. 600,02 ItaVMB Inc. 1,003 70,41 1 10.1 is Dec. i,iv,4 140,1137 HUMS Dec. 11 5, Wis Total 791,449 004,748 Deo.l4.2!N T'ly'r todatoU,:HS.Iil2 10,463,072 Dc.8,114,IUO It is known that exceptional activity has lately characterized many of the smaller producing companies, die company is said to hare accepted orders at May prices sufficient to keep its collieries going steadily until Octo ber, while there is hardly one that will clear up the orders now entered before Angnst 1. Under tho circumstances the advance in prices is not likely to stimulate business, although the ship ments will be large. The advance wns 15 cents for broken and egg, and 25 cents for stove and chestnut, but even now the prices are lower than thoae of a year ago. The circular prices of free-burning whlt-ash coal free on board in New York in June and at the same date last year are as follows: 1S94. 1893. Ilroken, i go Egg 8.65 4.00 fctove 4.C0 4.40 Chestnut 4.00 4.40 The current demand for anthracite coniinnes satisfactory. The bitumin ous strike has caused a good demand for anthracite for steam purposes, the larger sizes being in active request. Now England retail dealers are making it fair amount of the domestic, eizsa. Tho Western trade is dull and prices are demoralized. Tho scarcity of soft coal caused a suspension of operations at a number of additional rolling mills last week and it is considered a liberal estimate to place the mills in p ration at only one-third the capacity. Thedoinand, however, seems to diminish with the sources of supply, nnd hotica there is no scarcity of material and no advance in prices. Pig iron furnaces have shut down as well as mills, although no !?reat trouble is experienced in procur ing fuel. Furnace met, talk of better price at soon as affairs aro settled down, as it is known freight rates from the West will be advanced, and uiore over, ore and coke havo probably touched bottom prices. There Is no pressure to sell nnd none to buy, and prices, therefore, hold steady at the old quotations. For finished material there is a fair demand, but with at least two-thirds of the capacity idle it is difficult to call the present circum stances a market. Manufacturers nre ready to. make contraots for July and later delivery at considerably lower prices than tbey ask for present deliv ery, but consumers prefer to wait until the situation is more settled before making engagements. Steol billots are in slow request, although consumer's Flocks are light. A novel feature has been added to the equipment of tho Lsbigb Vally rail road, in the form of a lunch car, de signed for tho special accommodation of excursion parties. It Is fitted out with a luneb counter running length wise with the car, and it is appointed with all the essentials necessary for serving a first-class lunch in all its de tails. The service Is under the man agement of Mr. Seal, superintendent of the dinlug car system. The lunch cur, it is announced, will bo a part of evorjr excursion on tho road this sea son. A recent conference of the repres entatives of the various lake lines in Buffalo has resulted in the formation of a permanent organization, tho name of wbicb, it is expected, will be tho Lake Line association. The object of the organization la to maintain a uni form and reasonable schedule of rates. NWS INDUSTRIES as well os to avoid unjust discrimina tion in transportation charges in con formity with tho requirements of tho interstate commerce law. A suit In Luzerne by Miobael and Margsrot Noonun against tke Lehigh Vulley Railroad compauy for sf4,50J, sets forth that tho mining privilngu to certain property in Ilozleton the sur face of which belongs to the plaintiffs, stipulated that tho surface should not be displaced. On Jan. 11. 1892, while A. l'n nice & Co. were lu accordance with the rights reserved, mining be neath the surface for coal, it caved, re sulting in damage to the surface und to n dwelling thereon, amounting, by claim of plaintiffs, to the sum stated above. John T. Lenahan, Thomas W. Hurt and Edward A. Lynch are coun sel for the pluintiffi, Despite its checkered careor, there Is very little Rending stock Hinting in the market, The peculiar manipula tion of Reading, the combination of reports concerning- foreclosure, reor ganization, eto , approximate ho closely to the same class of operations that were In progress while Jersey Contral was being nccumnlated that the opin ion is forced npoti the minds of m inv inside observers that the owners of Jersey Central have boen gradually absorbing nil that was to be hail of the Heading shars. This Is the view in the financial department of t '-"ilelpliiu Record, and that it has . ilharea is shown in the ten acity with which securityholders clintr to their piper, The announcement in made that the company's debt is very much leu than It wan at this time last year; that it Itaa a big cash balance in bank, and that its outstanding n-c.-iv- era certificates uuiouut to only $3,750, 000 Unler Is said to he coining out of chaoi with reference to the Wyoming division of the Lehigii Valley since Sup rintendent Mitchell retained com mand. Although cut into by the re cent Strike, the train service on ibis division is nifnin pronoancod ad ml r Able and there nre numerous SorantonlaQl who will gladly acojitieaoo In the state lent of the Wilkes iiarre Record that today "tho Wyoming division Is one of the best managed of the Lehigh Valley system, audits ) tvsent superintendent Ope of tho most capable and respected cflicLils In tho employ of the company. " A bill recently introduced in the lower house of cougress by Rep resentative Fiulder, of New Jer sey, is arousing considerable in terest among tourists and travelers. Tho bill attempt! tocurb the arrogance of tho Pullman Pnlacj Oar compauy by regulating III present exorbitant rates. A uniform rate of half a cent per mile is to be char cd for a lower berth in a sletp r, an 1 one-third of a cent per mile for an upper berth. In addition to this reduction of rates every sleopitig cur is to be provided with a safe in which passengers may plaee their money or other valuables before retiring to their berths for the night. Mr. Fielder l:as already received scores of letters from travelers nil ovor the country, expressing their hearty ap probation of his bill nnd urging its passitg1. Many other representatives are hearing from their constituents calling upon them to support the meas ure. The greatest boneiit would be de rived from the bill by people traveling only comparatively short distances who now are compelled to pay for a berth whether it is occupied an hour or a whole night. It moreover furnishes a just reduction to those tr.ivolers who are compelled to euff it the discomforts of nn upper berth. The clause com pelling the eompiny to provide a safe for every car also meets tue hearty ap probation of every traveler. The passage of Mr. Fielder's bill may perhaps cut down some of the present enormous profits of tho Pullman com pany, tut it may not be generally known that the compauy receives in addition to the extra fee paid by the passenger the stitu of 3 pjr cent, per milo per car from the railroad com pany which hauls the car. Tho notion that the Pullman company pays the railroad company for the motive power or for the privilego of running over the line Is erroneous, Soma roads piy a triflo lens than threo outs and others pay more, but tho prico everagos 3 ccuts in addition to which the railroad company repairs nil damage suffered ly tho Pullman cars from accidents on the road. Various railroads havo attempted to escape from these grinding terms and some of them, notably the iiulti moro and Ohio, have undertaken its own palace car service. All suoh at tempts have proved failures and the companies have been grutdful if tho Pullman cars were restored. As a practical illustration, it ,may be said that tho Pullman company receives $7 from every passenger it carries over the Norfolk and Western from Wash ington to New Orleans, and receives $30 for every jcur it carries its passen gers in, while the Norfolk and Western itself is glad to get $27 from tho pas senger for tho tlckei, und has to haul the sleoper and bo responsible for oil damage beside. Minor INDUSTRIAL Notes: The new Sandy Hun stripping In Lower Luzerne will be pushed vigorously. Ilumell -a.;.- claims lo have information that the bltumious strike will not survive this week. Apropos of the bituminous strlko talk of Uio governn.ont ownership of the coal nnueu uns beou revived. The business fns nssemont 1n Pittsburg is a falling off from last yeir, the Carnegie company alone dropping 41K',000. Forty thousnnd dollars each summer month In tho amouut of money that tho Scranton Traction company proposes to expend in various ways in this com muuity. The calm separator rocently operated by B. P. Sholley in Avondalo, will bo fold at sheriff's sale next Wednesday on nn exe cution Issued by tho Villain Iron works of Wilkes-Barre. Olliciol announcement Is mado that holders of tho reorganization receipts for fuudo.i coupon bonds of 1M85 of the New York, Lsku Erie and Wnstorn railroad muy now collect the amount of tho cou pons duo June 1, 1MI4. It is officially announced that Lieutenant W. H. Juciiues, chief of ordnance or the Hethlehem Iron rompnny, has resigned this position. Haviug successfully accom plished nil the obluntious involved lu the enterprise which ho advised tho Hothle bom Iron company to undertake nnd in tlionew industries developed thoioby, ho has retired Irom tho compauy to engage in a privnte enterprise. All Frae. Those who hnvo used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist nnd get a Trial Bottle, Free. Bend your nemo and address to H. K. flucklon & Co., Chicago, and got n sample, box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Ouide to Health and Ilounehold Instructor, Free. All of wbioh is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthows Bros. Drugstore. Fatal neglect la little short of suicide. The ronsvquoncee of neglectod cough are too well known to need repnnting. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup euros a cough promptly. Soul by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bond. New YonK Juno 2. The beurs m Ameri can Sugar, Chicago Uos nnd Lead passed twt) very uncomfortable hours at tho Stock Excbaugo today. Houses with Wash ington connections Btnrted in early to buy Sugar nnd later on local shorts becamo alarmed at the proportions these purchases assumed nud they too attempted to cover. The prices soon jumped to 1114. Later thuro was a re-action to in;:-1 and 101. The old story that tho company will se cure all the protection it needs whb re vived. Lead, in sympathy with Oai aud Sugar, rose to W. tias rose to All tho stocks named sold at tho best figures of the week nt one time this morning. Railway stocks, after a fractional decline, recovered and closed Ami. Tho trading, howovur, outside of the Industrials, was excetdiucly limited. Total tales were 02,808, Net changes show not gains of KaSK, excepting Atchison, which lost TOe following complete table snowing the day's fluctuations lu active stocks is supplied sud revised dully b Laliar & Fuller, stoek brokers, 121 Wyomiiiu avenue: Open- Hlch- Low Clos lUf, est. est. inc. Am. Cot. Oil. Am Sugar... A.T.tS. f 106M W lu'ty, 1 im IN itut$ m Can. So Dsn. N. J Ohio N. W O., 11. . Q ( hie. Das. ('.. C. i a; Ht. L... Col.. Hpck.Val T D. 1ft II !., L. & W uVi" idii" loti" nVi " 7714 Hii tHi iiii m m m m m ;is mi m .17 17 17 15 ii" ii" $( i" m :.:, UN Km it" 'slit ii" iiii ii t'7ti iiii BTf UN tm w ii7 ji" BUM i'7-i ii" ia" if." i6" Krlo Q, E. Co Lako Bhore f.. N II .iu bat tan Miss. I'nc Nat. Lead N. y. A N. t N. Y. Central,.., N. Y o. St W... N. Y . W... V. S. I'. Co North PaC Ninth Pee, pf.... Omaha Pno. Moil Kendir.L- Knek Maud R, T Bt Paul t., c. a i Texas A Fee Union I'aeltic Wabash r' Wrstein Union.. . W. As I,. . W. A; U E. pf ... 1 IU ION iirv Will fiO is It nVk ttN 1 1 o ION I4M m jf72 IS us l'.S 87M ION ', is I r ii" I Its 4W 7U 1H is us r bicago Grain and Trovtilon. BCBAMTOI), June The following quota 00S are supplied and orreti dlly by Itnr .t Fuller, stock brokers.121 Wyominit av- li lie. WHEAT. Julv. Sept. Dec Ouoninu U MM MiM nTg&eat BUM im WM Lowest M mt S Closing ten r.7is (VM CORN. Ooonlne u: raw Hluhest 8 m Lowest 7? st Cioeipji trj Mn .... OATS. Opening SIM .... Highest M lo SOU Lowest mvi m-,4 .... Closing Ui-n ffll)4 PORK, Open ng 117', I IBB Highest 1177 HSS .... Lowest 11711 11K2 Closing 1172 lies .... LARD. Opening !70 Vti Highest I7ii 678 Lowest ttu 1172 t losing 070 (7! BHORT IIIIIS. Opening eld til Highest UIO Bid Lowest , 0!17 tilll C.oetag mo oio Now York 1'roduco Market. Nkw York. Juno 3. Flour Dull, weak,. Wheat Dull, firm, c. higher: No. rod, storo and elpvator, SOtfC, ; afloat, Ma 67e. : f. o. b.,,.: ungraded rod, M.i57c. : No. 1 uortiiern, WJfaooe,; options dull aud (inn at j-c advance; No, '2, red, June, SCJfC. ; July, 67;''s'c. ; September, 00o.: December. ti3c. Corn Dull, llrni: No. 2. 42 fc: elevator, t8a; afloat; options dull andjc lower; June.42;Y.; July, 4;)c.; Beptember, 440. OATS Doll, mixed firmer; options dull, Armor; June, 40)fO. July, 3';n'c: No. 8 white, Jane, it)(0. spot prices, No. 43.. ; No. II white, 44c; No. 2 Chicago, 44c; No. 3, 42c; No. 3 white, 43c; mixed western, 43ii44c. ; white do., 44a47c. ; white Btnte. 44a47& Ilr.KK Dull, stmdy. Tikkced Beek Dull. Cut a. kats Qoleti firm; middles, nomi nal. tiARD DnlL weaker; westorn steam. Closed nt 7.(C; city.iic. J June, VM; July, 7.(ir); refined, doll, I'oitK Dull, stoady. BuTTKR Qdtet, steady: state dairy, l3a l(!c.; do. creamery, I4ni7u.: Pennsyl vania do., 14al7c; western dairy, Ualac.j do. creamoiy, 13nl7c; do. factory, Salic; elgins, 17c: imitation creamery, lOatflf'c, I hekse Quiet, ab nit steady. EOOB Moderate demand, steady: state nud Pennsylvania, 12alUo.; westorli fresh, Ual'J. Fhlladnlphla Tnllow Murkat. rnii.AnELrniA. Jnne 2. Tnllow wns dull nt former rates. Prices wero: Prin o city iu hogsheads, 4;.'c: prime cotintrj, in barrels, 4;c. ; do. dark In barrow, 41c. ; cukes BCl crease, 4e. CTJRE8 Biliousness. CUBES Biliousness. CUKES Biliousness. Ilrent Proof. Mv wife ha been troubled Regnlates Rm LIVER with Liver Complaint and Pal pitation of the heart for over a year. Her ease baffled the skill of our In st physielitus. After lining mrro Domes or your Burdock Blood Hitters "he laal Inost entirely well Wo truly reconwneiid your medicine. QaOROl W. miawi.i.. Montelier, WillUms Co., O AT THE Scranton $2,C00 InDiamoadfl as Prizes. Special Prizes tor mile made in 2.10, 2.12 or 2. 15. Exhibition in Fancy and Trick Hiding by the only DANIEL J. CANARY. Excursion rates on all roads. THE BEST? buy THE TRIBUNE CYCLE Driving Park JULY 4th What is Cnstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Parcfroric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nud Castor Oil. . It is Pleasant. Its guarantoo thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, fdving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "rntorla is nn oxoelloot modlclnn for chil dren, liothera havo repeatedly told me of ita good effect upon the ir children." Da. G. C. Osnoon, Lowell, Moss. " Castoria Is tho host remedy for children of which lam aoqoalnted. 1 hope the day is not far distant when met hers wllleonsider thereul Interest of their children, add nan Castoria in stead of the rariouaqaaak nostnims which aro deetnjtnil their loved ores, hy forcing opium, morphine, eOOthlng syrup and other hurtful apents down their throats, thereby endiag them to premature graves." Do. J. P. KisrnEtoc, Oonwuy, Ark. Tho Centnvnr Company, TI K DDR rT T n 5 n ill (,'L'ltr.s AND PBBVbNTH Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rhsurantinn, NeuralglatSolitiM, Lu r, bago, Swelling of the, Pains in Back, Chest or Lirnb.. I Tho application of th" BEADY ItELIF.F to the part or parts where U-.o difficulty or pain exists will afford ease and ccimfnrt. It was the tli-st nud Is tile only pain retted) that instantly steps the nan cxiruciutin,, pains, idlays iiiflammntions and CUKJSS Congestion, whetuer ol tho Lunjs, Stomach, Bowels or other glands or orgnii. I Dr. Railway & Co., Gentlemen: I have used your Ready ltelh'f for moro thnn twenty-live yeiin with mnch satisfaction havo used it for La Grippe, Pneumonia Peflrlay and all isorts of aches nnd pains and hnvo tOOB I ii un loiling every time. RospiM'tlullv. D. W. RAYMOND, 31 Crescent Pt, MldillftoVfj, Conn. Janunry IS, 1S01. AsnEvii.LE, N. C. I This Is to certify that in t'oatnary, 1880.1 had a gnvero nttai.-k of "La Grippe," and cured myself in twenty-four hours by the u:o of lltedway's Ready Relief and K.dway's l'ils ilhnd another attn.-k of tlio snmo dreadtul TQjeeaae in March, UU,and used the same rem edy, with the same result. I do not know Baiiway & Co., the parties who maliufaeture thcBO m dleiues, an l I have always put vory little faith in "Almanac Certificates, " bnt if (those few lincBwill only in hu e oomo suffering lone 1 1 mo tho above re.nedy I will loci amply repaid for Writing what I tiavn. lU'spcctf ully, E. I . B..OWN. J. W. BRF.WEK, Ashhiirn, Piko Co., Mo.--I "One bottle of Beady BeUef ami ono box of Badwity's Pills 'cured five In my family of tha: itorMblo cumplalnt, "La Grippo," or lulliienr.a. BADWAY'S BEADY BELIE F, aided by IBADWA 'S PILLS, is tho quickest and most effectual euro for THE "GRIP" Prico, COc, per bottlo. Sold by DniRKists. AD W AY PIL I Puroly vegetable, nitld and valuable, ( Perfect Digestion. Complete abeorptlon and Dealt liful rcKuliu ity. For tho cura of all dis orders of thsllomaob, Liver, Kuwels.Ktd ne.v. Illndflei-, HervOUS llisensos, Loss ol lAppetitc, lleiiilnt'he, Clonstlpatlon, Cos tlveness, liifllgostlon. nilionsness, Fever. I lnflnniuiat Ion of the lloweU, I'll .. and nil dtTHngei'tfiitK of the Internal viscera. Perfect Digestion will be accomplished by tnkinj; Ba4wnyfe Pills, iu sorioiti DYSPEPSIA jfilck llenknrlie, Tool Stomach, 111 linns ness will be avoided, nnd the food : hat Is 'eaten contribute lis nourishing properties for the support of the natural sraete of the1 ; body. t ' Obsnrve tho following symptoms fol lowing from disease o tho dJg"ttVo organs: CoOBtipatiou, Inward plies, fulness of the blood in tne ncan, :iriaityot tno -:oinicu, nau sea, heartburn, disgust of food, fulums or weight lu th" stomach, sour eructations, sink ing or fluttering of the hoart, ehoklug or suf focating sensations wh n In I l . itig posturo, dimness of vision, dots or webs before tho sight, fever and anil pain in tho head, defl -loncy of perspiration, yellowhesa of the skin and eyes, pulu in thosldo, chest, limbs, and mid. n flushes of heat, burntug in the flesh. A few dosee of BADWAY'S PILLH will freo tho system of tho aoove-namod disorders. Price rr.-. a llox. Mold by llrugglsts. Send to IlR HADWAY & CO.. No. 32 War- Wan .S(.. New York, for Book of Advice. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AND Tin: TBBATHBNT Ol I. A, Mi: NIMI OF IIOKSK. To thecio hranrhos I devoto especial atten tion every afternoon. Offlee and forge ntthn BLUME CARRIAGE works. 115 DLX court, DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Qriiiluate of tho American Veterinary Col lege. Eureka Laundry Go, Cor. Linden St. and Adnms Ava. Couitt House Sm;Ar.K. All kinds of Laundry work gunranfrol the beet, R wdAelief 'ngams' SBSSnSS!28E9BKJ Castoria. " fnstnrl.v Is so well ndnptcd to etilldron thai I recommend It us superior toany pn-scription known to mo." n. A. AncnEn, U. D,, 111 So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. T. " Our phynlcians in tho children's depart inent have spoken highly of their oupcri enco in their outsldo practice with Castoria, and nlthouj;h wo only havo anions 01:1 medical laipplies what in known as regular product!, jet wean fivo to conf.rsn that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United nosprrai. and Dispensary, Doston, Mass C. Ssn rn, Pres., array Street, Now York City. pnng We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, ae what will recommend them to our patrons. E. PITTSTON. PA. . Robinson's Sons1 Lagbb Beer Brewery tlannfaettirers of t ho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bblft Per Annum, dooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid's SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at tho MOOSIO nnd BUSH DALE WORKS. Lnfilin & Rand Powder Oo.'( ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electric Batteries, Fuse for explod ing blasts, ttafety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 'e High Explosives MT. TLEASANT AT ICIOTAIIi. IVslof the host quality for domestic. nse,and of nil sizes, delivered lu any part o( tho city it lowest price. Orders loft at my offlea. NO. 118, WYOMING AVKNITK, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent hy mail or telephone to tha mine, will receive prompt attention. Mieetal rnntracu will he mode for tho salo and delivery of liuckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. GLOB WKHU M00S1C POWDER BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AM tiUUUKOX T)R. G. EDGAR DEAN has removed to till Buruca atruet, tJcranton, Pa. (Juat op poalta oourt-houao Square.) "I)H. A. J. UJNNELLh Office SJ1 Washington TT v"ua. corner Spruce street, ore naaekea 6uk store. Residence, W8 Vine an. a 2 "i" -(Ju,rs: 1ttoBi m. and tot and Si2J!!fJL. Sunday, 2 to Up. m. T)K. W. E. ALLEN. Offloa oat. Lacla. A wouna and Washington avoe. : over Leon ard shoo store; office houra, 10 to 12 a. m. and UP ,P- m-i avenlnss at realdcuce, 012 N. hln ftonavo. DK. C L. raiT, Practice limited to Dla cr'i? ?.f. th0 Ey Noao and Throat; onico, 122 Wyoming avo. Ruaidonce. 5 Vine atreet. DM- kM. GATES. 125 WashlnRton Atoou s Ufllce houra, 8 to U a.m. l.'M to 3 and I y p.m. Rculdnnce 11)0 Madison avenue 1C1HN L. WENIz7iMLrbfflSr82 aud 51 O OommonweUU bulldlnit; rosldonce 711 Hadlaonavei office hours, lJ to 12, 2 to I, 7 to 6; Sundays 2.80 to 4. oveninjta at residenoe. A specialty mndo of eveaeel of the eye, ear, noao aud throat and gynecology, LAWYIUU, JM. a RANCK'8 Law and Collection of . Hoc, No. 817 Bpruce at, opposlta Forest Houso. Scranton, Pa,; collectioma specialty throuKhout Ponnsylvanio; roliublo corroapond- ,-nw. iu every eouniy. IKBHUPt A3 HAND, Attorneys and Counsel- lora at Law, Commonwealth hulidlni Waahlugtoa ava. W, H. Jcgsur, IlonAcii E. Hard, W. 11. JBflSDI', Jn. w ILLARD, WAIlR'.iN ic KNAPP, Attor- lievs and I ViniiMl,.r,i nf I ti p. . ... 1 . 1 1..-.T. building, Washington ave.. Bcrantou, Pa. pATTEBBON A W1LCGX. Attornoys and A OooneeUon at Law; ollicea 8 and II Library building, Bcrunton, Pa. Hoswill H. PATTirisoa, , William A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At tornoys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 13, 20 und 21. vv V. BQYLB, Attoruuy at-Law.Nos.l" aud 20, ffuir building, Washington avoniio. 11 ENBY M. SBELY - Law offices in Price building, 120 WUDIngtoO avenue. LiRANK T. OK11LL, Attoruey at Law. Room J . Coal Excnanga, Bcranton, Pa. IVIIL'IUN VV. LOWRY, 1 Att ye, 22, Vv ashing (.11 VONrrLttonaOJL sSfiw 1 AMES W. OAKKUttb7"Attorney at Law, rooum MJVj andjin, Commonwealth b'l'g. UAMUBL w. IDGaB, Attornei ai Urn u cilice, .117 Sprucost, Bcranton. Pik A. WAT 11 KB, Attorney at Law, tU 1J. Lackawaniia ane.. Bcranton. Pa. PP. HM1TH, Counsellor at Ijiw. office, . rooms 54, .jyQmunwealth bullciim.- 1 U. PITCUKH, Attorney nt Law, Coin vy nionweaith hollaing. Scranton, Pa. C. COM KG YS. ;t!l Bpruce t DB. KEl'LOULE, Attorney-Loans noo . tl.ltl'.! nn real dtite security. I0-. Spruen 1 r. K1LLAM, Attoriiov-at-Law, 12U Wy omiiig avenue, Bcranton. HAVL YOLR DEEDS AND MORTGAGES , writ tec and acknowledged hy 1. W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public, IS Commonw altli 1 1 1 1 lldlng. M lllli.l.s OCHOOL OF THIS LACKAWANNA Berou U ton, Pa., prepares boys and eirls fcrcollom or business: thoi aughly trains younu childruo. Catalosuo at n t.ue.-.t. Bet. Thomas M, Cas.x Walteh H. IS cell 1 IBS WORCESTER'S "kiNDEROARTEN il anil BehopL 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received at all timoa. Next term will ouen April I). bKNTMTA C LAUBACH, buruooa Dentist, No, 11J ' . Wyomlni; ave. It. M. BTRATTON ernes (Vtftl Exchange. LOA9. rpUE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso' A elation will loan you inenoy on esbier terms and pay yon bettor on luvestment lhan rnr other RHOOlatioa. Call on 3. N. CALLLN DEB, Dime Rank building SEICDS. C; R- CLARK A CO., Seodsmen, Flortati ' ond Nurserymen; store 1411 Washington avenue; croon himse,135'J North Main avenue: store telephone 7H2. TL AS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. .lonee Broa WIRK RCRKItNI. JOS. KUETTEL, StS LacKawanna aTenn, Heranton, Pa, manner of Wire i-r"ns HOTELS AND KESTACltANT?. rPHE WEBTMINSTER, 2I721H Wyomlmt X nve. Rooms heated with stoam: all mod eiyjmprorjonts. C. M. Trumaw. Prop. rpBE ELK CAFE, Y and 127 Franklin avo 1 nue. Rates reasonable V. ZtKOt.BR. Proprietor. WhbXiiiAoTER DOTEU W. G. SCOKNCK, Manager, bixtoenth street, one block eaet of Bioadway. at Union Square, Now Yorli American plan, Sit 60 per day and upward. f OYNE HOUSE. Kurepean ptanl :good v rooms. Open day and night. Bar sup plied with tne 1 . su P. 17, COYNE. Troprletor. OCBANTON HOUU. near D,, L. ft W. pa tj lenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. Vtottia Koow. Proprletof ri RAND CENTRAL. The larger and beat J qnlnped botel In AlleatOWD, i'a.; isto.1 Cc; and $2.50 per day. victor D. BAJtNnB, Proprietor. AKCIIlTKCif. AV1H & HOUPT, Aiehltccts. Rooms 21. tt nnd 211 Commonwealth b'ld'c. ficranton L. WALTER, Architect, Lihrary build Ing, Wyoming avenue. Sorauton. D L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price V , buildlnit.1211 Viushlngton Ave.,9cranton. MINCKLI.ANUOUS. AUEB'S CTOHESTBA - MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, roeeptlonsk wed dings nnd oor.cert wot fnrnlshod. For tarnM iel.lre-,i Ii. .1. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., ovor Uulhert's music storo. 11 oliTilN D. SWART8-WllOLEHALlS lumber, Prico building. BerantOn, Pa. MEOARUKE BBOTHEB0, PRINTERS' suppllee, envelopes, papor hags, twine. Warohouso, 130 Washington avo., Scranton. Pa. I.OOTE'.S LIVERY.' 16,i:l Capoiwe avenue 1 First class carriages. D. L. FOOTE, Agt Funeral Director and Embalmer. IiRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE sale dealers in Woodwaro, Cordago aotl Oil Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. I ZBAFImN & BON 87 buUdrsinarcon trac A tora Yards: Corner Olive st and Adaiua ave.; comer Aahst. and Penn ave., Scranton THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices ami tee the furnace nud be eon vinoed. A fnll line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Rangea CONLAPS IJARDWARE riTTSTON PA, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl tl CANTON AMD WILKK8-BARRE, PA.. 1IANUFACTCRER3 Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, General Office, SCRANTON. PA, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AntUraolts coal uaed exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort TIMt TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20. 1804. Trains loavo Bcranton for Pittston, Wllkos Barro, etc., at8.2H, fcU U.80 a. m., 12.50 1O0L B1I0, 5.0O, 7.2 11.05 p. m. Sundays, 0.U0 a. in.. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. in. 1 " For Atluutio City, 8.20 a. ra. For New York, Newark und Elizabeth, 8.20 feipross) a. in., 12.50 (expross with DuffeC parlor cur), 8.30 (oxprebs) p. m. Sunday, 2. 16 p. m. Fon wAccn CnrjNK, Ali.entown, Bacnxa MIL LiVkToa and PuiLAUELI-lliA, K.m a. m.. 1450, 3.80, 6.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. Sundny, 2.15 p. m. For Lono BitANcn, Ocean Grove, otc. at 9.20 a. m., llMj. m. For Reading, Lobwon and Harrisburg, via Allcntowu, 8.20 a. m., 12.50, 5.00, p.m. Bandar. 2.10 p. m. For PottsviUe, 8.20 a. m., 12.60 p. m. Returning, leave Now York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at I'.IO (express) a. m., 1.11), 1.J0, 4.30 (oxproas with Duffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Hoadlng Terminal, 9.09 a. m., 2.00 aud 4.SJ p. m. Sunday, 0.27 a. rr.. Through tickets to all points at lowoit rate may bo had on application in ndvance to the .llAUb nuub ilb huu bli. 1 11 11. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. n. olhat'pex. biib.'.n,ii aUu SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 2y, 1183 trains will run as follows: Trains leuce Bridge Street Station, Scranton, for Pitt tim WtlVa.llnrrn kllO liu.i, t.9l, 10 42 a. m., 1110. m I M a '.Mi A lit .-. i a ir. n it 1,M, M..VO, I.i., U.l.l. O.Mi and ll.CS p. m. For Now York and Phlla- delnhiu. H 00 ;l kl. 12.10. LM. m 4.1Sand ll.iKip. m. For Bouesdale (from Delaware. Lackawanna and wostoru depot;, 7.00, b.!10, 10.10 u.m., 12,'JO in., 2.17, M0 p. in. For t!arhonflnlo and Intermediate stations. 6.40, 7 01), HM, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,2.17, 8.2ii,5.1H, li.20 end 0 115 p. m,l from Bridge btreet Dcpot K.ltl a. in . 2.17and II : fi o. m. Fast expresi to Albany. Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England points, fi.40 a m., airlvln; at Albany 12.45. l-aratoua 2.20 p. m., und luavlmt Scranton at3 p. m., arriving at Albany ats.50p. m., Sara tota. II ' a. m , and B.iston. 7.00 a. m. Ttie only direct route between the coal field! and Boston. "The Leadinv TourlsU' Route of America" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lukes George and Chauiplnin, Montreal, etc. Time table-, showing local and through train servlco between stations on all divisions Dela ware, aud Hudson system, may ho obtained afi all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. II. O. YOUNU, .1. YV. UURDICK, Second Vi-n Prfi.l 'n O-e. Paaa, A(k MAY 14. mi. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. & U. R R. at ti a.m.. 12.10, 2.88 and 11.85 p. m via D , L. & W. R. R , 0 00, Hi- 11.20 a. m.. i and 1.J0 p. III. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkss Barro via D.. L. & W. Ii. It., 6.0O, aC9, 11.2J a. m , 1.80, .1.50. (1.07. H. 10 p. Bi. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazloton, PottsviUe and all points on tho Beaver Meadow and Pottsvilln branches, via E. & W. V.. 640 a.m.. via D. & 11 R. R. at M a.m., 12.10, 2,33, 4 10 p.m., Tie D L. & W. R. R , U.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 1(6 p.m. Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem, Eoston, Reading, Hurrlsburn and all Intermedials points via D. & 11. B. R., 8 a.m.,12.10. 2.8a, 11.35 p.m .via D L. & W. R. B.,8.00,o.U8, 1L20 a. m.. 1.30 p.m. Leivo Bcranton forTnokhannock, Towandi, Ehnlro, Ithaca, Geneva and nil intermediate points via D. & H. H.B..K.H7 n.m., 12,10 and 11.3$ p. m.,vla D. L. 4; W. R. It., .(W a.mHl.:)p. ra. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and nil polnti wostviaD. &H. B. B. 0.07 n.m., 12.10,11.15,11.81 p. m.. via D. L. & W. B. R. and PltUtot) Junction, 8.08 a.m., 110, 8 "up. m., via Ii & W. R.K., ail p. m. For Elmira and tin west via Sal imanoi. via D. u li. R R 0.07 a.m., 12.10,0.15 p. m , via D., L. & W. R.K., ,8 08 a.m., 1 .30 and 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and slooplng or L. V. chair cars on all trains between I . ft it. Junetiou or Wilkes-Bnrre and New York, Phlladdphla, Buffalo and MSnetWiOD. Brldeo hOl.LIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. East Dir. C1IAS S, LtE, Gen. Pasa. Ag't, Phiia.,Pl. A. W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Gen.Pass. Ag't. South Bethlehem. Pa. Delaware! Lackawanna and westkbn railroad Trains loavo Scranton as follows: Exproei for New York end nh poiiiti Enst. 1.40, z.i, 6.IF. 8.1X1 and 0.5: a. m. ; 12 U nnd 8.50 p, m. Expres- for Eiuston, Trenton, Philadelphia and tho South, &.U, S.00 and B.BJ a. m.; 12.5S and 3.50 p. m. Washington nnd way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 010 p. m. Expr ss for Blnghauiton, Osweito, Elmira, Coi ning, Bath. Dausville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 215n. ni. and 1.24 p. m., making close connections at HutTalo to all point a in th West, Northwest anil Southwest. Bath accommodation, V a. m. Blnghauiton aud way stations. 12.37 p. m. Nlcnol.on accoininodatiou, at 4 p. m. and G.lo p. in. Elnghamton nno Elmira Express, &0B p, m. Express for Cortland, Svrncuso,, Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. in. and 1.-4 p. m. Hlisca, 2-15 and Bath 0a. m. and 154 p. m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkos Barre, Plymouth, BloomiDnrg aud Danvillo, maklnj closo counoctlons at Northumberland for Willlamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate station 0.0(1. 9M a. m. and 130 and 0 07 p. m. Nantlcoko ana intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and lntermodlata stations, 3.50and 8,5.' p. in. . Pullman parlor und sleeping coaches on all express trains. . . For detail; il information, pocket tun itable etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oiB-i 328 Lacxa wanna avenno, or depot ticket otnoa. OU ANTON filVI-ION. In Efl'rrt Jnnnary 2-iiti. IH04. North Bound. KOIIIh Hound, u5i -'u-i 'os IP N R 3 ? 3 & si Stations B. M (1 rains iany, m - a w a . . , i 1 i . . i . m. Arrive M.ivo, Y. Franklin 7 lMWeat 42;id street 7 OfH Weohawkea e r KIArnvo i.eave 8 20 6 10 7 1 7 745 ra 715 7 22 17 19 1 !.' Uuiicoci; jiiiicuon I 00 Hancock RlAiTlglit. Preston park oomo Poyntclle Belmont riouHrtut Mt. yniondale porset city Carbnnriai White Ilrldgo May field Jcrmjn Archibald Wtnton Peckvlllo Olyphutit Dlekson Throop Providence l ark Place it 6a 12 5i lit' its II 13 niaa 7 08 P Mill W 7 1IXA ii l ID 7 1 6 451 1 84 7 27 11 48 13 3S !J St ft 53 tl 46 701 0 66 3 48 : 4o id ai a 51 7 19 !ii 05 1 K4 7 48'10 101 3 w 7 52 II) 15 404 7 54110 17 4 0T 6 51 .i 1141 5 27:11140 M43 a 0 41 Btqura 6115, f K 6 2H 5 11 6 11 tin 5 08 t IV 4 51 4 M 1 1 tB 1 II 21 II 17 1 1 16 e as 621 f6 It 6 15 fO 18 6 10 II 13 tl 10 ii os 7 66 10 Ml 4 Id 8 00;lo24 4 14 M-!lt. 417 f4 W 4 501 Scranton 8 05110 SO! 1 20 r m r m m Leave ArrlveU M r All trains run dully except sundiy. f. slgulllcs that trains stop on sljnal for nas sengcrB. Additional trains leave Carbondale for scran ton and 0.16 p. m., arriving at scranton l.Sf end 7.oo. Leave scranton for cavbondale 6.50 and 8.H arriving at carbondale at 7 30 and 3.16 p. m. eeourc rates via Ontario a Western before piirshnsiiig tickets and sate money. Day aud tllhgt Eiprcastotbo West. 3.O. Aodorson, Goo. Pass. Agt. f . niteraft, Dir. rasa, Agt. Boianton, Pa. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL ROAD Train leave Scranton for Now York and in tcrmedlalo points on tho Erie railroad at (V3J a. m. ami 3.24 p m. Also for Horasdale, Hawloy and local point at 1 33, 9.45 a. m , and 3.24 p.m. All tbe above are through trains t and from Honesdolo. An additional train leaves Soranton for Lake Ariel at 5 ,SI p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake r.t 40 a m. and 7.85 p.m. Trnhis loavo for Wtlkes-Barro at .40 a. m. aud 8.41 p. m. W1 i i ...J ....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers