6 THE SCRANTON IBIBUJi'E 1'IMDAY MdHKlKG, MA IT 18, 1894. HOW PUBLIC IS IMPOSED UPON BEWARE OF FRAUDS. For The Sake Of Profit They Sacrifice Principal, Health, Etc. Will Unscrupulous doulcrs aro trying to soil or dinary (lluul ei-Salt or a mixture of Soiillitz Pnv.-dur iib "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "Spru del Suit," "German Suit," or "Improved Carlsbad Salt," and undor other similar names. Tito Natural Remedied of Carlsbad Oanuot bo intimated. "Wbat Nature uiakos.mnn cnnnot improve." Artificial made wines will never replaeo the natur.il juice of the grapes. Neither can the natural waters of Carlsbad, nor the Carlsbad Spnulel Salt be replaced by the cheap substi tutes offered to a guileless public for the sako of the larger profit made til Toon, by these un scrupulous dealers. MO one would buy artificial wines knowing ly. Why buy the latitat ions of tho Carlsbad produ cts, when your health is at stake? The Carlsbad Sprudel Waters are a specific for all diseases of tho stomach, liver mid kid neys, and nave been used with grout benefit by hundreds of thousands of people. Tho Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from the Sprudel Water at Carlsbad, is an ex cement Aperient, I.axutivo an.l Diarectic; is an alterative and oliinlnattvo remedy, which dissolves tenacious bile, allays irritation, as most cathartics' do. The summer months when plenty of out door exorcise can be had, are the most desirable for. the "Carlsbad Cure" I'se tho imported Carlsbad waters, or If It is not conven Mt to uso the waters, or when u more decided laxative effect is desired, Use the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. Insist upon tho genuine, which li imported direct from Carlsbad, and must havo the sig nature of Elmer and Mondelaoa On, Solo Agents for the- L. 8. l.V! Jt 151 Franklin St., New York, on every bottle. I Concluded from Page I. quarterly conventions. This money will come out of the union treasury. A detailed Ininranee plan was submitted with a request from the committee that it be r-.ferredfor printing; without dabato. Thtej copies of the plan will be eeut to each society for considera tion daring tho yesr, final action on tie plan to be takon at the ucxt animal convention. NEW INSURANCE PLAN, The plan contemplate a traded lu snratice tor ptnoni D-'tween the ages of Claud 53 i".ir of age. There will tie live c1hscs of policies, f'2.)0. fiOO, $1,009. Ji.OOO and 8.000. lor osrsoni of vl tho tatei ou lutsa policies will be 20 cents, 30 cents, 50 coat', $1, and $130 respectively pet assessment. In IIM 30 year cl us the rates for the satU p llolel are 55 conts, $1.00, $1 Go, $1 bu, $2 30 and $2 80 ou aasMsuivnL The pun provides that the board of gov ernment ib.sU act us a board of direc tors of the mutual aid division. Mm iwtlbJp in It i optional with tho mem bers of the Fdltur Mathew societies thai Comprise Ih union but no ous wi'l l-j BCCsptsd na it member of it un til he tns pKSiel a medical examlua-ti-o. Afti r disposing of the work of the eojsUtntiortal committee the report of th.-c muitioa on resolutions was read br Jo in EL Foy, and adopted. Ttie resolutions are: VOICE OF THE CONVENTION. The Catholic Total Abstinence union of tho StOOeSS of Borantod at its fifteenth an na .1 convention, assembled in the iity of Whkej-Hrrro, renfti rm Its belief In snd ievotlon to tli c cau-o of total abstinence an among the best tn-nns of promoting Christianity, good morals and good citi zenship which must teud to the advance ment of peace, prosperity ami good govern ment t all too psopr. We also express our iinfalteiiuB loyalty to our hi ly church and pledge our bo t efforts to aid the pro mot.on of the j ;et oonse we so ardently ch'nsh by i '.ending oncoarageraant t lo cal and nwiy crgsnlsed soeietlts, in advi -cscy of the causa of tcmpetapes on the llu.'slail d wn in cur c nntituticn nnd laws, nnd VndST the direction of our right reverend u. lup r.cd the reverend clergy of the OjIocomi therefor, b it Baselved, That as wo believe the great work of total nbi'insDce can ho nest al vanced through the m iral influenco of the church ere accordingly nrgo upon nil de nominations the n-cssslty of oo-opsratloa With the view to the suppression of In tempi'riitice as .11 classes of our citizens suffer alike fiotn its SVi cfTects. K.-solvid, That e view with gratifica tion tho grent and successful efforts now being made by our Natl' nnl iiiilou to cx- tond the caose of total obetiDenee, and in viow of th ? necssitv of united ncilon we urgi apin tf'e friends of tsnrperaMM ge n cruily to di coursgo nnd dlscoantensoce the action of any person or persons who would distort) th i i tai will mi l harmony now brovallli g, an t so plainly nanlfssted In this OonVSUUOa, and Which so Urg"lv tends to strengthen and build up our ni.hu. ttetolved, That wo r.gnrd with satisfac tion the gool effects resulting from our district qnartevlf conventions aud also congratulate tho board of government for the i Oleic:. t maimer in which its inemh-rs have discharged the exacting ami onerous dtttteS that dovolved upon them during the.r term. Resolved, That wo extend our most heaity congratulations to our DOMVed bishop, lit. Iiev. William (J ilsra, uji m tho preservation of his health and pray that ha may bo spared fer many years to exercise his fatherly euro and benign inllueiico ill the cease of religion aud temperance, both of which include the best interests of bu mr.nlty. BsiOlved, That tho thanks of this con vention are due nnd are hereliy extended to our esteemed spiritual director, ElsV, B. J. Melluy, for his presence, udvicu ami counsel during our deliberations; to Kev. R, A. McAndrews for OOQltesiss extended; to the St. Aloysius Boclety nml to the peo ple ot VVilkes-Ilarre for their gouerous hos pitality. Resolved, That we fully roaliz) the in vuluab'.u aid of the public press so gener ously accorded to our union at all tlm. a, and therefore take pleasure la acknowl edging our grateful obligations to the press generally, ami to those who have specially favored us by sending apocinl representative to report the proceedings ot this convention, namely, the taranton Iruth, Tin: BcBAOTON TBtnCNC, the Scrun tou Tliueo, the Ucrantou Record, the Kcrnnton Index, the Wilkos-llBrre Leader, and tho S ilk' s-liarro Tlmea, (Hignod) J. II. Poy, . Boland, P, 1. Unrke, John li Huron, John McDonald, T. F. Wulsb, John D. Cronin. Attt-r adopting the resolutions the convention rejourned for dinner. MR. DliVINE RE-ELECTED. When tho convention resssemblod th work of electing officers was taken np and (J. (i. Boland obtained the rec ognition of the chair. He said: 1 nriso to perform the pleasant duly of nominating for president of this union a brother who has been tried and not found wanting; a brother who has filled the office for the past year so well that I feel It. is the duty of the Diocesan union to nak htm to coutiuuo in the office for another year. After paying a beautiful tribute to the zealous work of Kev. P. J. Mc- ESPERATE IE1 MEET i Minna, Mr. Dsvine'i Dredevs3or In office, Mr. Bnlund continneil: I say that any one else solected to fill the hiRb office of president must Bate found it difficult to "come np to the high standard set by Father McMnnun.but with the results of the past year so manifest it must bu udmilted by all that the present officers havo performed their duties well. Our preeout president has taken up the work of Father McManuB and carried it onward nnd upward until the societies of the union stand as strong as they ever have. It is a custom of this union lo To ward tho faithful fervicea of officers by a re-election, and following that jiood and time honored custom I name John II. Dovlne for re-olectiou to the presidency of t his union. JOHN J. 0'lIAHA NAMED. M, T. Hurke and D. J. Campuall seconded tho nomination of Mr. D -vino in eulogistic remark! and Patrick O'fooW of Wilkes llano nominated John J. O' tiara of Parsons, who ho laid was a yotlQg man peculiarly well qualified to (ill the duties o( trie ili A ballot resulted as follows: John Hi Deviue, 57; lohu J. O'Hara, GO. Mr. O'llaru moved that Mr. Uevitio's elec tion DO made uuauimous. Mr. J) vim' thanked the Msltgales for the selection and promised that with their cu- ipara tion at the next convention the union would be in a better position than it ever hud been before, J. C. Gallagher, of West Boranton, renominated Charles Livin, of Wllkee D.irre, for llrst vice president an I Jo leph H. Duggun seconded the proposi tion, Maurice Finn, of Panose, ptaoed M. J. Keigbroo, of Aablsy, in nomina tion, Mr. Livin received 70 votes and Mr. Keighrou 10 For second vice nresident. M nirieo W'.l.l, sl,.r , ,,i., . If T ITsiithrnn I Aihlevi Miss IkrtiHl Rnrnett a i Scrautoii. J. J. Qallaiihtr, of Wilkvs- Barre, aud Frank McCaffrey, of ,ler- myn, were nominated, All declined except the latter, who was unanimously elected. For the office of secretary, Joan II. Foy, of i'ittston. nominated John M. Muck, who has tilled the oflici for tin ! p ist three years. James McNealis, of Driftou, named J. I) Ilirron, of Free land, for the position. He declared that the dilttlot he represented was entitled to representation on the b r.i of government, and the represent lit '.. they wanted w is tho secretaryship. J. J. W&iie, of Boranton, named I' M. Messitt of the same place, an 1 Maurice Walsh nominated J. J Sw I ney. of West Sorailton. The vote was: Mack, 73; M ssitt, 10; Ilirron, 15; Sweeney, 18, On motion of the latter seconded by Mr Ueititt, the election was made unaunuo'is. MR LOODC'S ADDRESS. At this stag' of the prooeedlngi At torney J Washington Logos, of Phila delphln, first v;ce tiresidmit of the na tional uniju, was lotrodnoed uud dr liversd a stirring an i eloqnont ml Iress iii which he exhorted tb.' delegates to go to their Iioiiks with renewed leal aud push forward tiio temperance csneo es bed never been done before. If they did so he predicted that Boran ton would beojiue tho largest eubordi nale union iu the country A the con elusion of his remarks n rising vote of thanks was tender-d to Mr, Ligue. The work of selecting offl e .-s was re sumed an I Mil-s J. McLt 'Uiild n .ind Patriok F. McDonald of Corbood tie for irensiirer M W Morris of i'ittston reuomltiated John A. Collier who h is been treasurer of the onion for n nnm of years past. Mr. C dllor rec.dvsd 65 votes and McDonald I V Fur delegates to the u itional oonven tiou to be hold In St. Pen! In Atumt. 1 the following were nominated: James F Jiilg. Bcranton ; Jomse Pidveon, Carbondale; Blward Banlon, Free land; John McFlwee, Plymouth; M T Bnrke, Carbondale; M.J. Tighe, Porl (iriflin; Thomas (tiffiiay, Wiikes Ilirre; T J. McCoy, Boranton; Joseph A. lioyle, Haileton; 0. . Boland, Boranton; Arthur Qihbone, Hails too; John McKune. Avoea; Andrew Peld man, Wllkse-Birre. The Boranton union is entitled to throe lelegaio at the national Convention, THE DEI.KUATuS ELECTED It required two hoara and a half to elect trie dbleg.itee, five ballots being tsken. Those elected were C Q. Bo land, M. T. Hurk'nni Edward H-tulon. Oa invitation of M. T. Borks it wns d- ci led to hold the nest convention at 0 irboodole. It was decided to obtain the s.-rvices of a misd. msty to cu luct lemperuuc" retreats and deliver tsmptranoe lec tures under the auspices of the bourd of government The trophy question w.is again brought before the convention and pre oipitated the moit axoitlng debate of tho session. It'V Father M lley re iotdly appealing to the delogrtlee to net harmoniously aud with moderation It was finally dl - ided, on motion of Joseph 11. Da .'g in, that the board of government sm-ul 1 obtain the trophv from the I'ittston compinynnl turn i". ov-r to ttie Father Whittys. The new oili'-rs were Installed trj Rev. E J. M-l-y. the spiritual di rector, and at 8 03 o'clock the c inven tion ad j mi ne I. J v M. e Dysppila and Indlgsstlnn Intlnir wor.-t forms at-- cured by the use ot P. 1'. 1. If 'on ure debilitated and run down, or If you need a tome to regain flesh ami h-st appetite, strength sud VlgOS take P, P, I'., and you will be strong and healthy, tor shattered constitutions and lost manhood 1'. 1. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root uud Potassium) is the king ol all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in tho world. For sale by all druggists. S VIEWERS' NOTICE. Noiico I hereliy Rfvm tbat ina undarstfaad, viewsfs sppatatat Bf tho OoaH of I'ani ni'in PlsaSj "f EaHKawanna Comity, in th" nintt-r nt As--,iui-iiI tm- e,,st ,,f Sewering Km Unn A. Plftu anwrr DUtrlet. w luivo prvparsd asshsdnle allowing the unniuiit f 'liouairea, eonta ami nXinnseH ue rtuiiH il uel hIIuv I. un 1 a invwmeut .if b-ie 'lts ui.iilo f u- ami 'ip m suM lui- provsnisnti and too propartiasspeclsiU beaogtsd tavrebr, ana tbatsaU v, ewers rlU nsst ami uxlillilt Htttil lOlii'ilule, nml Imur exeentlnuH th-r-tn us t" tli" r, 1 1 ,-. ;nu- menu I M.,,i.r tlna ami eviilem e thereim, at lliol 'ouie il Mems la Munieipal ll'iildin nu the 'tli d-iv "f May. A. I). 1SW, utOo'eloek A. M. " ' ... j j n ...... 'in'oi-ai stoenl ttdii. Nmmf of Ottmtft, l.nt. Ttie-l-. of hand. Ftrttt, 4ttm& 1 MH. UtMbSth ksll 21 If M.I2I Vlllinm SSSS9 1 I! .l.-rt P, Olbba H n :i;.-,x Se'ie,,! jSM 1 N. -Fltca Wtato and L, Mallty S Ik r2xS0 N Main "T 'lki t ii. w. oiiftiii n2 'a jhx ies N. Miiin nun t W-ilriflin. Ill M WxjV N. Man 111(1 w. h. ltoifers cHtat m ;i KtW Wlllsrkat tnoi 1 H. J, Vail. 7 71 KxVO I'lmreli ttM 2 Tsoms l. Hontan :'7 74 fKslll inmmit ttXO " D K. bSWUi... 2 74 47x12', Himimit (l.'ni 2 Tboroaa Bamosls s 74 fii'uOiiu Wavno' 71. 0 2 Henry , I. Harris II 74 .lli WsVOS 7n un 2 Henry J. Harris 1 hi Us 100 Warns BMW 2 Hiuiry J. HarriH 2i sn i'kixIiu Warren itiki I Mrs. Lltsls Blnros 211 71 iixtfi W. MarStt 74,iu 1 MbtUail HSaaick lUandll 7U Tsx'.'O N. Man 2lK.,'iO 2 Valentino Mil tloy i-stftte II 70 IHixlT'i N. Main 1110(1 D Co. H Armory U 71 STxlN N. Mu n UfjOO 1 J. 1). Lord H 7,j :ii'ai I'utimin 8B00 2 John Jci uiyn estate 11 (OsltO Oram h-vmi 1 James Swneuey estato 1.1 SI fnxljil llrlek (l'i UO 2 l'etel' Walsh catnto 10 2M DOllOQ X. Main gj ifl 1 PetS Walsh SStata 27 2a 2i :xS0:l Iii,mm land 20 III 2 l'eter Walsh atatn 21 LS Utxllil X. Main 211 W) 2 l'nter Wnlsh estate 29 28 UllxIM N, 'in 14s (HI 2 l'eter Walsh eatate 'M 2H Wixll.l N. Main uDlflO 2 J. H. and H. (,'. Oillicrt land I 2H IUx:'0 N. .Main UIul 2 J. II, and ('. S. (Illbuif 7 ami H 7il R!x7 l Putmsa 112 OH 2 .1.11 sod S. Cl CNlMli Hand 111 7 7,sxli)il Puimaii ia.nO 2 J. 11. nnd SC. llilhurt 7S 2llxllS Put.iniin sT 2 J, 11. ami S. C. tlllhcrt 4 7K StalSO Putiiiau TI M 2 J. VL aud a ft Qtlbart 21 7s r;xio Putman ni.M II J, H. snd 8. ft O llxirt 1, 2auil3 I I UOsUO USVnts 183.00 2 William Sllkman estate I and 2 I'XllllO Putin in 1 11 no 2 William HUktaaa estate il 77 tTSU Putman n7.uo 2 Willinm milkman estate 4 77 4-sxlu"i Putiuan .ItiOl 2 William Sllkman estate fi and il 77 iOuxIOj Putiuan 190,(0 2 William Hllkinaii estato 7 77 fiixaai Putman 7ii.nl 8 William Sllkman estato 14, IS III 13 laxlal Cayusa iSt'.OO 3 William Sllkman MtatS 1" 18 WlxlS'i CSMM ' 80.00 3 T). I and W. B. K. Co 1, 1- 000x106 l'utniaii Bunin; 8 D. L. and W. It, K. Co 1 and 2 II lOHxIfW Cay OSS 138.110 8 D. L. nnd W. B. R. Co 112 ft. font 15 112x150 Cayu;a 1:12.10 2 Siranton F. C. It. R. Co 37 28 ttbtlu 13.50 SMITH H. MOTT, ) nWKN U. JOHN, V Vlowers. JOHN HAWKS, j A USEFUL ORNAMENT. riai.i but Minute Directions For Making n Decorative Butterfly Thermometer. Thin is a, haniLsomo ornament for any room and ono that it is not (UfHcnlt to make if the reader will only follow theso directions hero reproduced from The Household: Cut tho body from card board, ivitk two sets of -wings of any de sired size, tho larger the plainer the figures of tho thermometer will stand A BUTTERFLY thermometer. onf. Cover tho back wings with pnlo ! yellow crape paper, pasting it around I tho edges on the wrong side and draw- ingit into shape by small stitches at the i body part of the foundation, so thai the (Tinkles will ml run lengthwise m the uii'-s- I'ovcr the fmnt wings, 1. Ming tho edge which law over the back wings sn they will look distinct from them. Paste anuuiil the odgee on the wrung sill.- ami gather the paper Into the body with sti tehee. Boll a piooe of cotton for the head and the upper part of the body and cover with the crape paper, tying it in tightly at the head with gold thread and at taohing a One gold w ire to the le ad for the feelers, F.i rdi r tin- edge of the wings with gold paint, OTid place large blue water color nud cold spota mi tho wings as Indicated, and shade the wings from the body with sepix Took a thermomol r, irieh as comes for fancy work, over the body, and line the whole with plain tissue paper, either placing a dress ring at the book t' hang It by or attaching ribbon iimltr each wing for that pnrpi e. A Japanese Roesm ritige Japanese umbrellas arc service- ablo for many things, but one seen re cently is s.i poouliarly strikiug as to de serve (isi ial comment As described in The Deoorotor and Furnisher, It hongs from a hook in the ceiling of a small room in on artist's home and forms the entire oeHing, Ben oath it is the tea ta ble and nil its paraphernalia, together with u bamboo Rs t tee and live chairs, nil set npen a Japanese rug. The tear rvico is of hu Japanese ware, and the tea it s' If oat m s from Japan The entire roam isoomplote, and one feels on entering that it is a veritable bit of tho land of chrysanthemums. tVfilUli, l)reAcs White K it in and moire are rivals foT wedding dn ses, ToffetM or light oolon and much white hue are ch mn for bridosmoids' dr as s. The bride's dresses arc mods with round seamless wv.ists, pointed bu. ij".' s, narr.jw Its mid huge s eve, Boas loot f'iniis the throat lsiv nt:d reva , and ohiffon is softly gathered for a vest Tlie t-lei vi i .-.ri' f tli gigot typo A lace flonnoo oatliaos ofiapton, beginning high in the book of the trained Kkirt nml curving to the foot, where it is in hi by a i Inster of onmge blossom Bridesmaids' dresses nro made with a dircetoiro bxsipie and s!:ort skirt and nie woni with huge round hots laden with lace, with velvet, with Dowers and m.l.e? III.'. 1 1 sicians, tho world ovor, endorso It; babies and children liko tho tisto of ii. Wo.ik mothera respond readily to Its nour LoHlng power i. EmuL sion tho Cream of Cod-liver Oil, is tho lifo of the blood, tho maker of sound flesh, solid hones and lung tissue, and tho very cascncc qf nourishment. Don't be Mis by Substitutes! Scotfs Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming; spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. N. A, HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - WYUUINU AVh- SVBAMTO& BTI INWAY SO DKCKBR imoTHKIta urn M. lMI i; ,i. HA(JIA hit l.i, it HAIKU PIANOS 4 . Trk of ftrt eta ORGANS 3JI HICAL BIKHCH XMiliU mim(, fcjTtt, i . m Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth BU 2. SCHAXTON, I'.V. MiNING and BLASTING POWDER Modeettba .M xisli : nnl BOM DALK uuliKs. Lstttn A Ran 1 Powder Oa'i ORANGE GUN POWDER Bectric r.atterlea. Fossa 'or cii'ljl lug Safety l'u and RepaunoChrmical Cs.'sHi.jh Explosives Maloney 0.1 and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office t' their Wirer 001ns, NUMQEHS 141, 143,145,147,149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TKLEPHOXE M'MHEU, 3C93 The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos BSTABLISHBD 1800. . New York Wareroomi No. so Fifth Acniio. E, C. RICK ICR & CO, Sole dealera in thla section. ii in i "i.i Adsmi Ave., Telephooa BTd'f MT. PLEASANT A l RUTAIU ("ralnf tli" tiaal nualltv fjr domoatle nin.and rf all kIzuh, iMivurvd in any luirt u( tuu city tlowcftt prtea Order, fuft at my ufflio. mi. IIS, WTOMINQ ATBMOM, Roar room, first floor, Third N'ati.inai nns. in leal by mad cr ti lni'liouo to tlm mini", will rSeSiTS prompt atti'iilion. KmoUu soatraets will as mado tor tho sals and dallwry Ot liuckn hi-at Coal WM, T. SMITH. DIITIB riioi: CO..Iao'p. faiiitsl.Sl.noo.ono. BKlfVSt.SO BUOK IN THE WORLD. "A ufiir Misd ' 0 dollar tarnrtt." . TUilAdim' solid i'r-ii. ii Uontala Kidrtut- ton lioot dolivtired fri'o anywlu ro In the l'.S.,ou receipt oil Afn. Moiuyor icr, or ratal Nuto fur SIM. or I'ontal N( :u Kipiali "M-rv Vwf reid in nil rc 4:..',a. We n ; way tao boot retail lions for make IhU boot ourteives, lliereforo wo guar is ,iN(r (no if, tryi-i una wrar. nnd It any ono in mil aaiiiiiea -f wo v.ill niiin.i u, m.-i;pv IW '.. V r hlaiiolhi rnair. ii;j V T r C 'imnon Seme, - trri Mii'.ilu C t K, k KK, Dexter Sitrclttt term to lHoirr: . What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Poiioni's Powder. MQGSEC POWDER CO fc... sbebI mm Good Men Deserve Good Clothes . so . DO GOOD BOOKS ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a lirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tores Don't Spoil Those Mul tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound The Tribune will promptly preserve any i.i oi tne art series nur- i chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. It will make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multichrome Series Or And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES BUSINESS AND I IIVSKIAMS A.SU MJIHil.ON-i. DB. G. KDOAR DEAN has removed to (116 Spruce street, Wciunton, Pa. tJust op poslte court-liouso Square) TJM. A. J. CON NELL, Office ul WmninBton A avenue, corner Spruce street, over rrancko a druK store. Kesidenco, 7a, Vine st. Offlee hours: 10.30 to 12 a. in. and a to i aud WO to 7.30 p. m. Sunday, li to 3 p. m. TK. W. K ALLEN. Office cor. Lucia J wanna and Wushlncton uves. ; ovor Leon ard shoe Btore; office hours, 10 to Li a. n, and to 4 p. m. ; eveulua-s at ruildunce, 6U N. WaahlnBtonjeTo. 1U.L L. KKEY, PrMtlco-liuiltod" tsTTiU. eaKes of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; offlco, izt Wyouiiuu ave. ltosideuca, Vlue street. llt. I. M. GATES. ICS Waahlncton Avonni. fJ OflMS bourn, s to U a.m.. l.Uuto a and 7 " s p.m. HoHf.lonce M Madison avnue jtjHN U WKN'i'4 .M. II., OlHa Hi undTS S V,om,""nW(ialth balldiiiu: residence 711 Uadleonavo; ofili hours. Id lo li 2 to I, : to e; Hundaya 2 30 to 4. aveninm at residence A apcclalty made of diroaaoa of tho oyo, ear. now) and throat and ityneooloirv I. A v Y l-lHli. 1 M C KANCK'S Law and Cnlleotlon ..f Y nco, , No. air Hpruco nt., opposite PoTSSl louse. Scrnnton, Pa,; collections a fpecialty tniouirhout l'eiuiHylvania: rullublu correspond ents in every county. I h"'lS C ,H w u Attorneys and t'ouiiaol .1 lora at Law. Couimouwealth building Wauhiuutoo ava W. H. Jkbhcp, HoRAOS 11, Hawd. W II J i ssue, Jn. lVll-l-AHD. WARKKN A; K.NAI'l', Attor- uoya aud Counselors at Ijiw, Kenubllcaa huildinir, Waahinirton av-.. Scranton, l'a, pA'lTKHMdN & WlUuX, Attorney a mil J. (,'ouuaellors at Lnw; ulilces U and b Library Luildiiiifc bcrantou, l'a. ll'iswct.r, n. PATTsnio 1LI.1AM A. Wllx-OX I.I'KKll HANI) WILLIAM .1 IIANU, At" torneya and Counsellors, Cominonweallb biiilillnu' KonriH I'J. JU and :l U r. BOYLE, Attorney ut Law. Hoa.19 and tO, Burr build inn, Waahlngton avenue. HI.MtV M SEKLY Law otll.ej In Price building, 1 91 Waahltik'ton avenue. l.'li ANK T OKaLL, Attornsy at Law. ltoem 1 .i. Coal Excbanife. Scranton. Pa. HILTON W. LOW Hi, i Alt ys, 2.T Wanhinx ('. II VUN 8TORCH, i ton av.. C II aquara Iamkmw. OAKKOKD, Attdrna; at Uw, .1 rrsjins (VI, (K and i .V Coiuinon wealth b'l'K QAMUEL W. HOUaR, Attorney at Law. Office, JIT Kprucest , Scranton. l'a. L, I'. ( A. WAI'ItK.-,, Attorney nt Law. til Ln-liawamia am-.. S--rantnn. l'a 1'. SMITH. ( oaiuollor at Law. Ufilca. r.'oins M, Vi. Vi Commonwealth builmii.' It. Pi l l II Kit. Attorney at Law, Coiu- rnooweaim l.ullaii Serantoii, l'a (-'. COMEOV8. atl Surnooat 11. KKl LnliLE. Attornev-Loans nou- . tiatod on real estate security. 40i Spruci KK Klt.LAM. Attorney t Law. 12U W Mnlafavonn, Scraatoa. 1 1 A VH Y( it'll DKBDfl AND MoHTOAOKrt Jl written and ackuowledired by J. W. BltoWMNH, Attorney aud Notary Public -V c mraonwsaith Balldia t. "( HOI, I.-. ei HOUL 09 THE LACKAWANNA, (icran O ton, l'a . preparea lioya and eiria forcolieja or l-unlnoda: tboroughly traioa youtis children Iklalotfuo at rouuet ltrr TnoMAs M Can Waltth H BeSLU IIs WOBCEUTKBH KUtOHBOABTEN -I ao l SiLi-ol, 412 Adau.s avtnu-- Pupd, rrcelvM kt all tlmoa. Next tern wlU ouva April UKM I IMi ( . H M C LACBACH. Smrgwa Ueut..u No. 1U Wv, milic are. -'I "A . I ' i.V. ,,ffiVn i ...1 KT.-h-n.- Inivi 'Pin. BKPUBLIO Bavins and Lou Ami I ciatiou will loan vou in ney on eai-ier terms and (-.. y ' i butter on Inv.-Htment 'tin-; .ny other av..-lati in. Call --n B. N. CAI.Lt.N DIB. Dime Bsnii hnildlna kKKIi. ( I ' ct.AKK A C(, seiviaoMn, r: rtsta VI. and Nurserymen; store Un Vahint;t.n avenue: green h"uae,i-toJ North Mam aveuuu: tore telephone 7a2 II UHAM' INK IN IKA ItJ.. Jon,-, Bra t lit - R I N. 10.1 KIT.TTEU M La.-Sawar.ua avenu l i-. ranton Pa . mannf r . f V-r- Sfre,-ns INT1 RI si i !; M 'flu. m:st.vinmeu .i. .: ' M) in ns 1 av. hoonii heated ntth steam: all .-rn naprovsraoata v. ntciu. nil I lis, i acMASt, Prop rrBt F.I.K CAFE. 12', and 127 Franklin avo 1 M Lain- reasonable. P. Zina tn, propristof, . kbiaiiwiib'i'EB HOTEL J w a BOBEXCS, staaatss bixteenth rtreet, one block east M Broadway, at UnlOD Square. New Torn. A merit-mil plan. Ja 5o per day ami upward uiYNK UOVSE, European plan, ni J room ciMn day and ulghu liar u: piled with tha last P ft. COYNE. Prorrletor l'i KAN 1 ON HOl'SE. n.-ai l . L & W i t' nger deliot Conduct",! on the Ktirot-ean DISH, VicToH Kocm. i'roprletor i". ha"m ( entkaL i h largoai and b-mi J rnnippel hotol in Allentown. Pa., ratal .' and J2.JII per day. V KTOS P BAaaSS, Proprietor. Alien 1 1 1 1 rs tAVlB 5 llOt'tT, Arcnltect. RTwiusTi t and W Conin.onu aalth a'W'f, Scranton. ; 1. W A 1.1 EH, Architect, Library build' j fng. Wvommg a.etiue. Scrnnton. I.. BKuWN. Arch B Architect, Price building. 138 WssMOftOn Ave-.crant'-n. 1lls( III AM (U a l)Al F.R S ORCHESTRA Ml'SlO FOR Jl lialir picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings an I c - ii-eil work furnished. For term addro-st R. .1. Bauer, OSOdaolor, IL Wyominf ave . over Hnltssrt's music store, yjoHTi'N D. "sV Al. I H WHOi'.KSA'LR Il lumW, k snd U Dime Bank building, Scrnnton. Pa. Ml OARUKF. BKOTHERB. I'RINTERSV mppllt's. envelopes, paper bags, twiim Warehouse, 130 Washington ave, Bcranton, Pa. I'OOTE'S I I VI RY. 1-Vsl Cnpouse avenue I First class carriage. D. L I OOTE, Agl Funeral Director and Emhalmcp. I 'Rank p. brown a co, whole 1 sale dealers in Woodnaro, Cordage aud Oii Cloth, R0 W. Lcckawanna nv, DM bZBA FINN & SONS, builders aad contrac Ij tors, lards: Corner (dive st. and Adann ave.: corner Ash st and Penn uve, Scranton THE Thatcher IS THE BiST. Get prices snd ten the fnrnace aud be con vinced. A full lina of HEAT EltS. Appollo and Gauz Door Hnngea. CONLAN'SliARDWAKE I'ITTSTON PA. ailllllllltlllllllllHIIIIinilNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiUBIIIIHlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIKIU I AMERICA I I COUPON NO. 67. I S Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, S S with Ten Cents, and get one of the serios of sixteen magnitieent B photographs. Teh numbers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra. 5 aiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinn CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insuring IDS TA1ILE IN EFFECT FEB. I, 1R!H. Trains loavo Bcranton for ,Pittston, Wilkes. Barre, etc , at 8.111, 11.15, U.S0 a. m., 12.), 2 OA 8.:, 5.nn, 7.2.1, 11.115 p. in. Buudaya, B.U) a. in.. UO, tOO, T.10D. m. Tor Atlantis City, 8.10 n. in. Fur N( w York, Nowurk and Elizabeth, 8.19 fexpress) a. in., 12.i)0 (exprosa with Buffol piirlor car;, li.'M (exprotaj p. in. Sunday, 2.UQ p. m. Foil MAl!CIl ClICNK, Al.l.ENTOWN, BeTIII.B- nil, Kastok and l'MII-AIiELl'lllA, 8.1U a. m.. 12,:iu, 11.3U, 5.IX) (oxoept Philadelphia; p. m. Bandar, mi p. m. For Load BRAKcH, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.10 a. m., 12.:i0p. m. For KeadiiiK, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, ,1U u. m., 12. M, 5.00, u.m. BuiiJay. LOO p. m. " 1 For I'ottsville, 8.10 a. m., 2..'in p. m. ltetiirninif. leave New York, foot of Liberty street, Xortli river, at IW0 (express) a. in., 1.10, 1.20, tSjl (exprasa with llull'ei parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4 :i a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Keadini; Terminal, 9.1.1 a. m., 2.00 and 4.:ii p, m. Sunday, (i 27 a. in. 1 broush tickets to all points at. lowest rates may bo bad on application in advancu to tha ticket aiient at th- station. S. P. BALDWTK, J. tt OLHAtJSBN, tlen. Pass. A'iiDt UliLAWAItE AND HUO HON RAILROAD. Commeni iag Hay 211, lS'.rl, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts ton Wilkes Harre, etc., 8.11, ':. 9.91, 102 a. in.. 12.10, 1,25. las, i pi. iu, iu, y. is and 11.89 p, in. For Nov.- Yor'r and Phlla deli.hia. Hnua.ni.. 12.10. ;.21 2.38. 4 Ifl and 11.30 p. ni. For llonesdalo (from Delaware. I.ackav,-anr.a nnd western depot;, 7.00, S.30, 10 10 a.m., lil.ua tn.. 2. 17. 5.10 p. in. For Carbondale and lntormedlatl stations, 5.40, T.flO, e.:. 10.10 a. m.. I2.nu m.,2 17. 3.25,5 in, ii 20 and 1)35 p. m.: from Brldgs Street Depot, 2.03 a. in.. 2.17and II .'5 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, tho Adi rondack Mountains, Boaton sad New England points, SM a m., rriv.n at Albany IES& Saratoga 2.20 p, ni , and Ian Tins Scranton at I ji. in . arriving ut Albany at a,.?1 p. in., Sara toga, 12 .Via. m , and B ston, MO a. m The only direct route between the coal Bsldl and Uoston. "The Leading Tourists' ft . of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes Oc-orgu and Chainplain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson nfStom, may be obtained ut all Dataware and Hudson ticket oflieea. 11. (1. YOUNO, J. W. UURIJICK, I .1 Vi'-e l're-id--r... Pen. Pass, Alt JEHIQ3 VALLEY RAILHOAD. j ras, ii, is'j:. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. A- II R K. at 8 a.m.. 12.10. 2.3 and 11 '15 p. ni via D, L. & W. R. R., 6 U0, t.is.ll.SO a m., and LI0 p. in. Leave S'-rantou for I'ittston and Wilkei Barro via l., L As W. R. K , O.u;, a08,lii) a. in . LSO, :iSM. a 07, 0.3s p. m. Leave Scranton for hito Haven. Hazleton, Pottarllla and all noints on the Beavir i Moadow and pottsvilf.. branches, via E. W. .. 10 a.m., v a D. ii IL R. P.. at - a.m., 12.pl, 2.38. 4 16 p.m, Tia D.. L. 4: W, R. R., 6.U0, B OS. 11.20 a m., l 3-1, ESD p.m. Leave Seranton for Bethlehem. Easton. Keuiii.g, llarrisburft and all lutorra'.-llats points . .a D. A- II. It, B., B a ra . 12.10. 2 :. 11.3J run., via D , L ti w. B. fLA w os, 11.20 a. m, LSD p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhannock. Towanda, Eimira. Ithaca. (fneva and all lntcrmediita yo nts via I. & H K R..1' '7 a in.. 12 lo and 11.3J p. m..vial). L. & V. K R.. EM a m.,l.S) p. m. Uaava B Tan ton for ilfKhestor. buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all point. West viaD A: II R. H. W.'iT a.m.. 12 iO,.U,UJS p. m . vu I). L. W, B. B. and Pittstoi Junction, aos a m., 1-30 0 & p. m.. via E A; W. R H.. 3.(1 n. m. For Eimira and th ) west via Salamanok via I). A H. li K EOTa.Bk, IA10,t,li p. ra . via D , LW K R. ,1 0- a BL, LSD and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L V. chair ears on all trains between LAB. Junction or Wiikos Barre and New York, Phliad.-lp-.ia, Buffalo and Snspeu-ion Bridge. Ri'l.I.IN 1! WILBUR. Uon Supt. Et Dir. CRAB S, LKE li-n. Paas. Act, PhiU.Po. A W KONXEUACHEB.Aaa'1 a.-aPa-s. A't. Pa. nELAW,,RS2 Lackawanna and Wl BTBRN RAlLRi aD Trains liava Scrani- n as foil ws: Expresi for New York snd ail points East LOO, 2.50, 6 l 100 aad 0 '."1 a. m ; 12 & and 3 50 p, m. Express t-, East-.a. Treaton, Pbiiad -iphti ai.-i ta S- -ath, 5i elal ati-1 ,5; a. ra.; .2.51 and 3 So p. m. VV laaiofton and way stations, 3M p m. Tobyhauna aocoiniu "iatiua, 0 10 p. m. F.xpr sa for BltighaniUm. Oawegn, Eiraira, Corning. Hath. Danviile, il- unt Jlorri. and Buffalo. 12 hi. 2 15 a. m. and 1 21 p. ra.. making close onnaaetioas at Buffalo to all points in th W'.-st, Northwest and Southwest. Bath aoniannioflstii a, '- a m. Bii.ghamt.-o and way stations. 12 37 p. ra.! Nicholson and way stations, 5 45 p. in. Nichoaoa accommodatlou, a: 4 p. m. and t n m Bingharatm and Eimira Express, fl 05 p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. t)wo;s, Utlcaand Richfl.ld springs. 111 a. in. and LSI p. ni. Ithaca. 215 and Bath 'a. m. and 1 M p m For Northumhcr!:ind,Pittaton,S'Ukos llarra, Plynii uth. Blo-msburg and DanvilK making clos,, connections at Northumberland for W lllianisp-Tt. llarrisfiurg, Baltim -re, V. asa- Ir.gtoti aud the South. Nor rthnmbtrland and intermediate sutionv ti wl, v.;') a in. and 1 . and il07 p. m Kantlooka and intermediate statiora 9.U snd 11.91 a m Plymouth and lntermedlati atations, 3.Viand lets p. 111. I'ullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all oxpicss trains For derailed information, pocket timUbloj, etc , applv to M. L Bsuth, city ticket otHcs 32c l.a- kawaunaaveuuc, or depot ticket ol'dJii. Sl'KAM'ilN I It ION. In I licet January Nth, 1 Bfl I. Norlh Rnuna. 200 SOI 100 Aoulli Hound. k08 -2iM e.is Esl!;l!iih Stations a v ri - , a, BlmNII rams uaa) v ccpt Mitina ' m A rrlve Leave, , 2 a : Si N Y Franklin St. 7 3S 7 10 West 42nd street ...,,,.. 75.I 7Ui Wocliawkcn .... .... s,.i a Arrive Leave M ... r t Hi Uanoook JtiaotlOs no" .... 1 oj sn ... IlnnoiH'k I ifl I II I2M :.' 01 I.M7 '.' w 12 hi starlight Preston park t'oino Povntcllo Belmont rie.isant Mt, Dniondols Forset city Carbondale White llildje Maytlrld Jermyn Archibald Wliiton PtckvUls tUv; bant Prekson Throsp Provldsnoo Park Place li IS ., v .. (i.'IJ . 6 l'i .. tits . OH .. 1 24 It 2 41 Sit i 51 I 01 :i it) 3 IU 7 ni r.M 7 TON : r, i bi II . . 7 ot.'r ll IDs sn 5 32 1 1 4 1 7 24 9 IS 3 .14 7 27 '.I It IS 3.1 fiiiu N i : fi tt II M tt 41 n 5 0m : 0 14111 08 Ml 1 1VT. 7 31 8 5(1 3 .11 740 10lVi3 91 7 (3 IOCS1 3 S4 7 4,s 111 111 I S35 (d tt 0 2. 1 1 21 S89 II I 10 15 4 01 8 21 II 15 7 54 HI 17 1 1 7 f It II in 7 :o :oso I 00 10 M 4 10 4 14 0 IB .1 l.H ffl 13 f 4 5V H OHIO 81 4 17 0 IU 1 ' 1 1 iW scrautou 8 OS lo SO 4 IN r M !P aU u Leave Arrlvo a ha u r a All li aim run dally except Sunday. t abrnlOes tJlat trslni stop on signal for pas. santrerfl Additional trains b ave carbnidale tor scran, ton : i 1 and 0,10 p. m., arriving at Scranton 1.58 and 7 Leave scranton for Carbondale fl.M and S.S0 arriving ai curb nidnle at 7.30 and 3.1.1 p. m. heoure rates via imtarlo a Western bctors R Da-chasing tickets and save monsf , Day and Uigt K.prcss to the Weal. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pais. AgL T. VUtoroIt, Dir. Pass, Agt. scranton. Pa. J IJ1RIE AND WYOMINU VALLEY RAIL r koatj Train - h ave Scrnnton for Now York and in termediate points on tho Erie railroad at &3 a. m. and :124 p m. Also for Honesdale, llnwley and local points at iKli, 9. 45 a. m , and 3 24 n. m. All tho above arc through trains to and from Honesdale. An additional train leaves Soranton for Lake Ariel at 0,89 p.m. aud arrives nt Scran ton from tha Lake at I M a at, and 7,:15 p.m. Trains leave for Wllkos-Uarre at 6.40 a. m. and 3 11 p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers