I THE SCI? ANTON T1?TBTTN-AVT:TNESDAY MORNING-. APRIL 18. 1894. 1 rot be permitted to set up as a defense to ihe recovery of tho amount of tlio license Much lie is iv,ii,st.'d 1 p.i, when suit ahall tie brought, that hoi not it dealer iiimerchau Use, etc The law further providos that It ih.nl h. the duty of the county treasurer to iuo for the recovery of all licenses duly re turned lo turn by the mercantile appraiser if set paid on or before the flrvt day of ""J". In ilch and every year, within ten day after late, and said treasurer uall not bcdlschargeJ 'r?m tsy such lioens; r.:.lesi he b7,uj: Bait cj rtrjTor trw tami on or bOT that date. TAKE NOTICE. All whj ar-i coa:;med in tins that anay seal vrill htld at the Arbitration room, "jurt house intbecityof Scianton, en Thurs lay April 2ft 1 balrwojn the bout a of Va n and S p.m.. tot city and coast y, at Trhioh :me ind V '-e pci.-on ..lov.. nam.d. d'. Jtcd and claaaad as uforeaid or their agents H attorneys, may app.tr and appeal fioiii 1c ir-ai'' ::;:."Xvutj at bavo error, if uuv ;orre"-..-a if to; v thinU proper. T P OUUaLloN Appraiser. PROPOSED CLUB ROOMS Bona of Columbia l Open a 8uit. of Club Room Shortly fjjtcu lo the Sc-onfoa IHMiM PntStoM, Pa., April 1?. -Handaom i. lit. i- With all accessories aadll us ivumasiuui room, billiard rooms ate , i a proposed Innovation suorlly to be Itattad by the Sons of Columbia of tins jlace. ith that object 1U view h committee of tb membeig appointil at it recent meetlnt; are now actlvaly rDHaRtd in aectiriuK suitable atlattWI Among the moat favorable sites which Impressed the committee was ;lie three jtorr brick reeideno of Mrs jTormau, located on Willi im stieet The committee made au otfsr of jW moutb rent for u tetut of bvc years The proposition it benu held uuder touilderation bv the owner. hurt in The mines. fatal Acuinte at the Clsar Spring Sbaft Y.at.iday. iuI to tkt Scranton Vidua. PtlfCTON, Pa. April 17. John, the 15 year-old aou of Jaws 0 Boyle, of Market atreet. employed ui the Clear Spring colliery, ou the Weet ide, was badly injured yesteiday by beius tun Der by a "water car. " He was taeu to bit bouie lu the :ouipauys ambulauce. Buckleu'a Aiuloa Salve. The beet salve in the worid for Cms prunes, Sires, Ulcers, Salt Kheuui, Ferer Seres, Tetter, (.'happed Hands, (.'bubUius, l' ma and all f-aio blrupiious, and posi tively cures Piles, of no pay required. It : guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction .t money refunded. Price iu cents per Cox. For aaie by Alattlieivs BrjA Mytttnout Dis.pp laranc. Pittston, Pa., April IT Mrs. Julia Audersou, wife of William &ndwon, A Broad street, left borne) some time luring Monday evening in tbe absence if bar husband, and siuce that tims no 'race of the missinz woman has bees liKoverad Mrs. Aodtrion M tcotuct M br ?S3 3ii;h:iv detu?:ttd and any infer satioa ccscernias her vrberJiiboats rriii be tciakfaiiv r5:?iTcd by iasr tai cacd. Tbe ttusioa" notnaa it If tncighl :.rried away quite a UTgi VUb of nonty, . Funeral of Mra. STa:s. tgtcfal to tint Scranton Triiaaa FiTlaTo.v, Pa , April 17 Tue rs l2i, ns ot Mrs. Alice tvife uf Patrick Uevers, of Port Gritfi:b were coo laaed to their last resting pUco in Market Street cemite'T yesterday. Tae funeral occurred at V 30 o'clock from ;ue family horn and was very largely attended by friends and .relatives from all s ctions of tbe valley The remains were borne to St. John's Bhnrcli, where a reiiniem mass was cal ibrated by Kv J, F Graeve. Dr Wood's Norway Hne Syrup cures couxhs ami cold quicker than any other remedy, bUCMIl it combines the luoi healing quality of tbe pine-tree with other valuable medicines. old by all dealers ju a guarantee of satisfaction. PERSONAL MENTION. 5feciai tutht irantun jT.fcan. PiTTsToN. Pa., April 17. -Mine In fpector John M. Ltwis, of Hazletou, who baa been spending tbe past few days among old acquaintances, re turned nom yesterday. George Everett wbo nas been visiting his father of the past three weeks, ruturned to Superior, Wis , yes terday, where bo is associated in bnii MMla the manufacture of stores and rsnges John Eigley, of Pice strset, is sarTer ioz nitta aa attack of poeumoaia. kui J. L. luorrrrva and Mrj Jot.-pi! Hitcha-:. o tbo Wst Side, laft yester day for Philadelphia, woto thiy Trill attond tbe National Baptist Fottlfo Missionary society. Ihomai D Wyli. bookkpsr at the Stove works departed for Philadelohia Monday night to arrange for his furtn c iming marriag. Hod Jonn T. Fiannery tear) neit wesa: for Omaha, Neb , as a d?eg.ite to tha National convention of the Ancient Ordar of Hibsrnians, BiarJ of Americans Miss Dale, of Scrantou, who baa been the guest of Mr and Mrs. William Sazs, has returned hoai9 Mrs. Stevens and daughter, of Btrtg harntoD, and Miss leinentine Bevaii, of Scranton. are gnssts of F. B. Sand sr's family on the West Side. Deputy Coroner Jobn k. Perkins, of Wilkes-barre, was bars yestsrday ou official busiDeae. VTaen Baby v&3 sick-, ire gate her f'ait .na Wben sl.e ... a Child, she cried for f.'o.torla. VTbea she buii,e Miss, she clun.- to asCorla, Wots it.i, uaa i. mitta, abe gave tbea CaMorla CCH.HM Biliousuese, CURKH Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. Dlr.rt Proof. al? wife ha been tro A with Liver Complaint an I pitatlon of the h.art for , a year. Her case baffled th ait., I of onr beat physicians. After using lb res bottles of yonr Burdock Blood Bitters be is al most entirely well. We trmy ouoaasnd your medicine. O3O;01W. 88AtL. aJoatpchcr. fUlia2ij Oo , O LIVER AHTONE HARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenui' Ccutractor and builder ot Concrete Flagjt ;, . le-i e' Bluck. Potato Butter and Coal tins. Wet Cellars dried up. Order) may be eft at Thompson St Pratt, Will arcs Si Co, lain and Eyson Streets, or at ttciantoa itovo Works- Also Foundations. Cisterns. Fed! Wire Tunnel and C'ltSnj. ' i . . : Warden Wallis. BOTH PITTSTON'S PARAGRAPHS. A L'vily Ctrl at of News Condensations Interestingly Told. "Swcfal fo the Siranton Triiunt. Pittston, Pa.. April 17. Company C, Father Mstthew Battalion, will rnn u eicnrsion to Mountain part Jnua Lvr Doostttndorl celebrated mia atrel npsregaticn rriil bo at Music Kail tbia ovming Burglars broke into the Pittston Beef coinpiny s office Suoflty evening and tried to blow open the safe, but failed. Dr. Clarke lecture was. ns rxpetted, tho treat of the season. The large hall was hardly ahlu to accommodate the thrsnj; which uutbered ftom poiuts op and doWd the valley. At n meeting of the hospital trustees Inst Vtnlnir, the resignation of Dr. 0 J Barrett, one of the hospital statt was receivi d The mnny friends of Mr nnd Mrs John 11 Foy will be grievod to learn of the s.nl affliction which bns befell tlivm iu the dentil of their bright mid lotrstln little daughter, Sarah An tohatte, aged y months uud -i days, wuich occurred nt their home yester day The funeral will take place to mo: row nt 12 3t) o'clock. Tbe remains will be taken to Scrnnton and interred iu Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. inquisitive. A srwtont gentleman recently gave a luHuewartnlng party, having just moved Into n new dwelliug. A large company was invitvJ. nud the entile mansiou was thrown open to the BUWtt, The house wm uioitei ii in us appointmenta to the bust degree, tun to beinn lighted With elec trieity iuttcud of gas. One Joaug tuau among the guests saw luueli to UOUM bis i m iosity, uud SfU on tbe aJltt tor new discoveries A celt braced sltglf 'lild just taken her dace at the piauo when this young man, who Wstt Standing It) the lower hull uear the parlor door, laiwiit -lnht ot something that looked like a black rubber button iu the center of n smalt marble disk. What could t hut be lor? He was o anxious to liuow that lie could not UatOB to the siuirer. The crowd was great, and he felt sure he could exam ine the CTiriOtity without being noticed. He passed las bauds over it slyly, touched the rubber or metal button with bis liuger, pressed i: softly, and on the instant the parlors and hall were in tctul darkness! The song of the soprauo euded ill a little shriek, and the ftlf was full oT e(.lauia tious ' Pray keep perfectly quiet," the VOlcSJ of the host was heard suyiug. "Wewtll have lights in a moment." Qroptni his way through the crowd, step ping on their toes, striking against thom, and putting his outstretched bands into shriukins luces, the chagrined host finally made his way into the hall, felt, along the wall until he touched the electric button, r-essed it, Md the rooms were aga:n Hood ed who light. The iaquUi tire yencj man hidn't pns rrce c aiad isov.h to hoid Ul ..-ngve. Ob. '.3 tea: That thit t'onj is for. " hi said. "1 didn't know, ot I I i oulua : hay-j tOttOhgd It ' Youit. Coapoaioa. R, MURRAY, M. D S-.-gscr. Qonoml(Rsrtlrod Phiiaciaipfiia- u. A. v.-sit;; aaocr Nervou 5 Dyspepsia "As a dietetic preparation I believe Bovinine of great value. I have used it for more than a year in a very aggra vated ease of nervous dyspep sia, and found it very much superior to any other meat extract food. 1 also end it keeps m the warmest -weather. It is easily prepared for administration, and has been successful in everycasewherelhavetnedit." Sold by ail drag-gifts frit. HOViNiNE CO., NEW VORK. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, v . tj ... i ., -u a . sciu;aoi BTB1NWAY HON DECKER UltOTHKRt m H KAN if 'II ft H.IUai Sll I 1,1 i.i.i UAlitLK PIANOS ORGANS 01 1 J H I . I , . 1 1 , 1 U ' 1 1 A X I J I b la, MUHIU HSU, Kra ; BOVTMNE ! ( The Original Raw Food ? THE Thatcher S THE BEST Get prices and at the inrnace and be Con vinced A foil line of HEAT ERS, Aipllo and Qn:e Door Ranges CONLAN'S HARDWARE riTTSTON PA, Tublo fl'llote ltepurtee. They had reuched tbe last course in a fifty cent table d'hote, nud there wus no good in it. The man who had promised to take them to "the best place in the city, sir, for tbe prlot" tried to ward off criti cism bv ptrfng the ranversetlon n literary torn. ' Let's see. ' gHid be cbserfully. "isn't there u line ia Brst Hsrti's Little Breeches 1 Tcs.' istarraptod s of hi; Tictix?. " tnd there ' a line ia my little BnooheiM looka a gcod deal liks a hair ' Nerr York Times. BhrtDafCk'l inseparable compr.nioni.are f.vo liir;-e Dunish houtids At dinner they cat bostda their master, and he occasion ally lecds then, with bis own hands Alter dinner the prince smokes three pipofull of tobacco, that being the amount allowed him by the doctors. Blood sliould be rich to nourish. Dopletctl blocci moans a pale faco and Anaemia. Scott's jOHxammmmiimmm- Emulsion tlie cream of Cdd-llver Oil, enriches the Llood, restores .1 healthy color, cures AnCBtntS and tones up the system, Phyui-utns, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! t'ruir,'il I'j Scott i Himno. N. V All l)iug:a'lsts B SSBtV SJ Burdock Blood Bitters Iu (111 rely veijetabla potuiiound.pobi'ssiug pfitt-ct ragulatlng piwers uVifr all tUB or- ans of th svsNttt, and cuDtrol'iiiu their sccrttlons. It also puudus the bioou that 't Cures All blood liuuiorsaud dijfiies. from a com mon pimple to tho worst scrofulous sore, and soil oorabinM with its aorirallad r Knlatluf. cleansing un-l puntyiui; iuflu nice oa the secretioui of thii liver.kidaeys bowels andsltlu, render it unequalled as a cure for all disene of the rrom cao to trro bottles rill mnf bolls, pimple, blotches, nettle rtsh.scruf tetter, ind ail the simple (cms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will euro salt heum 0: atiioma, shingles, eryipelaj, ul cers, abicttssa, maalog sores, and all skiu rupticn. i: u uoticeablo that suffereri froai skin Diseases Are nearl.T always ajiravated by intoler . ! c h 1 u jf . but this quicklf subsides on the emoral of tbe disease by B. B. B. Pass r.pon to graver yet prernlent diseases, -uch us ierolnlous swellings, humors and Scrofula v' have undoubted proof that from thret 0 six bottles used internally and by out- enrd at plication idiluted H the skin is iroken, to tho affected Dart, will effect a nr Thegieat mission of B. B B Is to eulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and 'loed, to correct addity and wrong action I f tbt itoinacb, anil to open the sluice vays ot tue system to ;carrv oir all clogged 'ud impure secretions, allowing imture bus to aid recoverr and remove without ail Bad Blood iver complaint, hllionsneis, dyspepsia, ;c headache, dropsy, lhcumatism, and very species of disease aii-ingfrom dis rderecl liver, kidneys, stoniac'n, bjwels i id bioon. We guarantee every bottle of i B. B. Should any person be dlssatis ed after usiog the flrif bottle, we will re- fs-d tbe money on application personally r by letter. VV'o Trill also b? :fad to ?;d ostlnoniais nnd information proving the fleets of B B. B. in tbo above named dl- seesesjin applicmlon to :OSTKR JilLBCRN ii CO. Buffalo.N. T. Spring Ginghams. W'ci have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the (Oming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patroni GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITT8T0N, PA. MT. PLEASANT AT BRVAIta foslof the best nuslilv f ,r Ooin?stlo use. and cf IU Sixes, dellrored iu any jmft of tbe city it lowest price. Chd.-r I left a: my office, NO, 11B. WVOniNfS AV-Ni:r. Kcar room, first floor. Thirl National Bank. or sent by fnall or telephone to its aiiae. v.-di icrelve proinpt atttStfoa fecial cnlia-;ts will bs rnnde fnr the- cals strl tlellreiy or Esckstheat Coat WE T. SMITH. I tujft 'J- -tllan.--M), t.-.l: I I, IKM OKlcl, .il RmnS:td l:m tick- iiinitottd urn Iitktionpaii'ti ui' b .--in tJMBMavtssjl I sal tti'taiiii.1 out Magic Ri.medf mill Mliml StsfB (Si , ru.-s,-?, III. I R. FL Ri R ADWAY'S HE&DY RELIEF, rolt ISITJSltKAIi ATS XXTK&WAL Vtl in rising medlolnn to step piia. wo should avoid audi K inflict Injury on th -.yit.-m. Opium, Jlor;htti. Chliroform Ether. I o cmno and 1 bloral stop pain by dosiroying tbo Kensu of psroeptioo, th patlsnt losing tho MWt) t feslujE Tw is .1 raeit Bestrttc tire prsctic: II MlM tbo symptoms shnta up, and, Instead f runiovl-.ig tinble, breaks di,;vn tlies'omuc , liver and lowed', and, if continued In for a length of tlinp, Kills the nerves nnd produces local 01 general psmly- Thero Ijuo necessity fui usng theso ujiror tain Stents whe'i n posiiivo remedy lkeRAFJ WAY'S READY KKHEI' will atopthaiu.st oxe-rue'latin(! pi n qui. Iter without untailiui; tholeait d.i'ipe'i hi :tli.-i infant or adult It instantly s"op the nioit ercruciatinu pain", allays inflininiailoa and euros OuBft' lions, ivhetnei of th l.uns. Stonuob, Bow or othorg' ndsor m i ' uons tssmbranas FiiR MPRAINS, BRUIM!, BACKACHE, pai in rut en est ort siuks, hiau Al'llE TOO I'll A CHe OR ANY OTHER fAlX a tew applications a t like inaic, caus ing the pain to instantly itjp CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, ABthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, kbantbaiunii Nsrtraigla, Balatlaa, l um baga, walling ot tli ilolnta, Palua in Ba i si of Limbs, The application of the l'.KAUY' tUOjtt to lie pint ci parts wpere tbe illmculty or pain exlats will afford a,e ami comfort ALL INTERN Al. I'AIN'H 1'AINS l.N BOW K LB OR ToMACll CRAMPS. Ml-A.SMS, BOUR BTOMACH, NAI'SKA VO.ViHINO. HKABTHURN. SKUVurNE-!S. BLEEP LEBSNEI 8,SH KHEADA' BIC.DIARRttCEA, COLl i. FLATULENCY, KAIN l INei HPKlXa are relleveil liistautl,' anil qulclily cured by tak tig Internally "half t.i h teaspo .iifiil uf Baady Kelle-I in ball a tumbler of .,., Mm la ria, Chills and Fover, Fever and Ague Conquered. There Is not a remedial aitent In the world tbnt will cure r and Aijue, and all other Malarious, Billons and other Pavers, aided by Radway'a Pills, so quickly as Railway s Ready Relief. Price 50c. par buttle. Sold by Druggists. ADWAY'S PILLS, for the core of nil disorders of tlip Stnm nch, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, llladder. Ner v us Diseases Hcndache, i'oustiput Ion, Costiveness, InntgsMslOO, lljsprpslu, Pll- i ...-s i'evi'i .Intiainiuatioii ot the Bn-.v- S)la, Flics unil all ileraiicenients of the In ternal Vlscern Purely Veg. -table, o ni tutnlnc no mercury, minerals or 1IELE TERIOI'S DELOS. Pr Ire 25c p er box. Sobl by all druggists, or on receipt of price will be sent by mail. 1 ivo boxes for One Dollar. UADWAY CO, 3? Wsrren St.. K, T, Lost Manhood trophy, stc,. un-lr tui.J by IMiaiMi. ti.e sisat HlndnaReri.nl; With lirHlaaSBNia(SS i ears, SolJ t,y U yirili-.WS i.i:. i . Scrajitou, Fa. dooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'a, SCR AN TO V, I A. MINING and BLASTING POWDER l.'adeat:he MOO"IC nnd RUSE DALE WORKS. Laffiin ft Rnnd Forrdpr Co.'j ORANQE GUN POWDER Electric Butteries, Fuso for explol lng blast, )afpty Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives PHTtiR anon CO., lac. fnpitai, Pi.noo.oin. BKbjt m.iii HiiOE in rnr WObLd "A dollar tarrtl iifi tloltar Kirvril." l i hll i idlea'aolld Franca llnncnln Rid iin ton Hoot dollverid free anvobcru In tbo O.iT, 0 riMjciptoicssh, sioasyurdsi or Kustil Note for tl.M' Konals erery nay the boot old In nil retail stores fci ti.GI. We ruate Ibis boot ouiselves, thereforo we i.ur n aire mo jii, unt ami ir.-nr, and If any one Is not sailiSeil no win riiima me mrnry or iud another pair, i.lpcia o or v oiainos tens, widths t', Ji K. & RE, .lltrs 1 lo S and hull 'in! yvttrtitt; .lis ui.i fit you. jlluitrateil istn loaufl t FREE Dexter Shoe Co,, FtDtNAL ST., l.ilSTON. M SS- Si'frtal frrras to Ittattt. for Deltcnoy, For purity, and for unpioveniiiii otttMOOB1 pleiion, iijUiiiih I'nuala I'olroni s Pnv.iler ERIE AND WYuJlINit VaLLKY RAIL ROAD Train leave erkototj fur New York and in Irrmediate points on tbe Krle railroad nt ft'd a 111 ami I !4 p rn AIm, tw HlWllJf sud locnl points at it 36, V 46 and il '.'lpm. Train leaving al 0 46 a m and 3 21 p ra. are through trains tw and from llonesuale. Trains leave for Wilkes Barre at 8 40 a. m. and 8.41 p, m. M00S1C POWDER CO II I ('.',( ' u 143 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. pffiaU UILROilD 0F l LEHIGH AND SUStJU EHANNA DIVISION Anthraclt'.' coal used eicluslrelv, Insiirlne rleuliness and omfort. ti.xe -Aoti in rrrscr rzz. I, isni 7rnln3 leave Scrnr.tOT fr Fif.stoa. WiQMS tW&titN6 V-M- "so a. in.. i:.ao. S.00, Hu' ?,ISl' ! ll u6 m Sunday 9.00 0. in., 1 00. 2 00, 7.10 p. m. For A'lantic City, f 10 n. m. For New Tort, Newark and Eii:aboth, 8 10 (express a. m., Il' 3u (express with Bullet parlor car;, 3 JO (express; p. m. bunday, 00 p. m Fob JlAucn CntjMK, ali.entowx BtTHtt n,r.i'! .'-A''! oh and Philadeli-hia, M0 a ra ULsUa.su AM (except Fbiladelpuiai p in. bunday, 2 0op m. lr Lonu biiAK.'o, Ocean Qnovr., etc , at 8 10 a ra . Ii to p. in. For Heading. Lebanon and Harnsburc via Allentuwn, 5,10 a. in , IZ'M, 5.00. p in Buuday, '-' oo p. in For Pi.ttsvillo, 8 lu a in , 12 30 p. tn. KatUfBiag. leave New York, foot of Liberty Street, North river, at I'.IO (express; a. in., 1 in, 1.30, 4 9) (express witb Enffet parlor car; p. m. Sunday, 180 a. in l'b.l.t I' lpln.1 lu-aditi;- Ti-iminal n 1 w a. m , 2.00 nnd 4 :f i p m Sunday, 0 If a. ir . '1 lirouuli tickets w all points at lowest lates uiiiy be bad on application in advance to ths ticket -merit at the station. Ii P. BALDWIN, ... Gen Pass. Agant- J H. OLHAUSEN. Pen, iupt. DELAWAHE AND HUD SON RAILKiIAD. Commenting May 29. 1S92. trains will run as follows l runs leave Bridge Street Station. Hciantou, for Pitts- M TMtt,, :J7, 10 a a. m.. 12.10. W W mm 1 S-38. 4.W. .1.1,, 15, i.u fB r ur.d II. Ji p, in. Jf" i . Haw ..ik and Pblla- deli.bia, I 00a. in, 1210, IM, MS, tic and II Wft m. Pol Honetdalt((fairi I ielaware. Lackawanna Hlld Westell! depot., 00, CilX lu lu ii. IU , l'.'UO In., I, IV, V10 p. in. For Cm Irfinilnle and iutei iiieillnte atntlons. f. iu. i oo, tu.ui . ui . 12.0U iu .21;, a.sr', i lit l it.SO and 0 U p in ; friua Brian struct Depot. , LIB h. in., 2.hund II 15 I . ra. Fast siprsjas to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondaek Mountains, Boston and New F.riKlarid poiuts, 5.40 a in . aniv.ur at Albany 12.4V Surntona 2 20 p. m., mid IsJaTlfM Scrnnton ut :i p in . h i ' i i v in,' hi Albany at4 5i'p. in., Sara ton, 18.55 in , and U mtou. 7.00 a. in. Tat only direct i-uute batWeen ths coal fields and Boston "Tbo Leadini: Tourlnts' Koute ol Auieiica" to the Adirondack Mountain re (.ui ts, Lukes (leorge and C'liuui,lalu, Montreal, etc. Time 1 1 bios showltli; local and through train service between nlatloiia on ull divisions Deli. wine and Hudsou system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H Q TOUNa, J. W. BL'HDICK, Second Vice 1'resident. (len. Pass. Agt. T EBI03 VALI.LY RAILROAD, li Feb ll, m:. Trkin laaVM Soranton for Fhiialelpbia anl New Vui k via. U JL- n R R at i a.m . 12 10, 2.3sand II :i5p. m via D , L & W. R. R , 000, S.iW.ll 20 a. in., and 1.00 p. in. Leave Beranton for Pittston and Wilkes Bin re via D., L & W. R. R (1.00, a. in , UN. a.50. u.07, ll.:jti p. m. Lou vii Boranton for white Haveu, Hnaloton, Pottsville nnd all points on the BeavBr Meadow and I'ottiville branches, via K & W. V., tt4ihi.ni., v a D. II. It. R. at a a m., 12.10, 2.M, 4 10 p.m , v!a D., U, & W. K. R., 0.00, H.Uj, 11.20 a in.. 1.31. H9Jp.m Leavo Scranton for Betlileliem, Kaslon, Reading, Harrisbur;? and all iutennedlat points via D. & H. K. R Sam .12 10. 1.88, U.M p.ra .via D . L. W. P. E..0 0K5.0S. 11 20 a. at . L80 p.m. Leave Scrsntsn fcr7alEhsancis. TorrhrAx Eiaira. Ithaca. Geneva r.ad all internediite points via D- & H. R.B.,9.0? n.tn..UlUand 11.35 p.m.,via D. L. & W, R P... S.0J am.. 1.3) p. m. Leave Scranton for Rcc'ncster, Buffalo. Si aeara Falls, Detmit. Chicago and all points westTiaD & H. R. B., 8.0; .... 10A15.il.J5 p. m . via D L & W. R. R. aud Pittstou Junction, ti OS am, 1509 33 p. m . v.r, E & W. R R.. 3 41 p m. For Eim in and th? we3t via SaUmsr.oi. via D. 1 H K R V.U7 a.m.. Is 10,6.15 p. ra., via D . L. & W. R. R. . .8 08 a.m.. 1 80 and (97 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on ell trains between L & B. Junction or Wilkos-LUiie and New York. Puii.Urlpuia, Buffalo and Ssspenlon Bridge ROLLIN H WILBUR. Gen Bapt Esst Div CHA3 S, LKE. Gsn. Pasi Af't, Phils ,P A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass t (Jan Pass Ag t, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAW RE, LACKAtVANXA AXD WESTERN RAI ROAD Trains leave Pcrantnn as follows Express for Now York and all poiuts East. l.Ao, 2.30, 5 If, S OU and j a m : lS6i and 3 60 p, m. Express for Enston, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, i I'., 6.00 and 9..VI a ui ; U35 and 3. .'si p m. Washiriitton and wnv stations. J 40 p m. Tobybannn accuiiini'idation, 610 p. m. Expr ss for Binnhaintori, Oswego, Elmira, ("oruniB. Batb. fjansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 1110, 216 a, ta- and lit p. in., making close coiu.ections at Buffalo to all points in tha West, Northwest aud Southwest. Bath accommodation, H 'JO a. m. BinghaintoD and way stations, 12 37 p m. Nicliolon and wav stati.uis. a.So p. in. Blnphaniton and Elmira E.vpren. Bib p, m Express for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswoiro, L'tica and Rlcbfidd Springs, a,U a in. and UN p m. Itlinca. " 16 and I '20 a m. and 1 51 p m For Northumlierlaud.llttsti.n. Wilkes Barre, Plrinoutlt. Blooinslmrg and Llat.villo, making close connections at Northumberland for YYllllnnisport. llarrisburg, Baltimore. Wash ingtmi and the South. Northumberland ;.nd intermediate stations, COO, V 00 a. m- anil IJW and (1.07 p. m. Hantleoka and intermediate stations. SOS aud 11. R) a m Plyniouih and intermedlat stations. DM and 0.:te' p. m Pullman jmrlor and sleeping coaches on all sspress trains. For detailed information, pocket tisa tables, etc . opplv to M. L Smith, city ticket offlc? oiiS LacKn'Tiinnnnvcruc. or ucpet ticket cfilcc St' IIATnN ITttON. In BflWet Juniian- SSih. tlM, Norrli noiind. Miniih llniind, 51 Tji 8ni ion mi iOS m s i J Stations mi 3 a, ,9 c M 1 1 rams raiiv, -, a, g i 8 ST-9 r M Arrive Leave . It I Franklin St I, , ; IOVSj 4'iud etreet: . , roo Weehanlteu l 7f5 7 V) MOO M .05 ' 11 1124 2 31 r u TIB r MiArnvo Leave a a ... 1 15 ll.ui. 6ci Juiictlou bun 8 10 1 ov. Hancock 0 00 II M I'.T.V 12 4. Ill IVld-J Stai light Ficstou Paik cono poi btalle lleluiflUt Plessant Mt. iiibuidalc F6mt city latbondaie Wbitc Pi ldg Muylleld Jciinvn Aicblbald intoli PeckMlle ulrptual Dickson rnroOp Prin Idenco I'Sik Place IS 7 si I I, .... 71 71 ..1.1 ' 2 41 2 50 4S' 53 7 f? 19 70s IS I I I !?.. 6 66 . li 5b 1 1 M 7 in a M 3 IS e ni Wll 41 issi IMl M '5 27 11140' ! 27 0 46 13 3S Ii 32 IS 53 3 4S 7 3i 5 a fli 43116 c Ii h B36 5 14, tl N 4.' 10 oa, 1 1 fr, 3 HSS s 11 flivj! 1 . 1,1 c.1 .. ,4 II Ml II 17 II i: II 13 II UK 7 II in 10 7 52 10 15 3 ( 1. H 4 04 ii. 1 M I 11 4 17 1 vi V M 10 I it; tu 7 CO 10 20 tl W 10 114 ii ii fb 13 f4 W 3 0210 2 Ii ID 4 mm 1 or '-Viautou 8 0.110 80 4 ) r m t al 1 m Leave Sill,. I 111 Ml M All trains run dullv except sundsv. t sluiines that tislus stop on signal tor ps senger i. Additional trains leave rsrboiifl.-ile tor Soran ton 1 in and 0.16 p. tu , ai living at Nrranton I d and 7.00 Leave Scrnnton for Oarhnndsie OMi anil 130 arriving at cm Uondslu nt ; and n 15 p m eccurc rates via uatnrlo a Western beton purcbii--liig tickets ind save luonsi Dai aud Klhgt Express to the West J. C. Anderson, Qta. pass Agt. V . riltcrott, IHv. Pass, Agt SerantiiB, Pa, m x9m y The most complete medium-priced FOLDINS BED in the market, Hull i Co. M &HD 07 mUM AVE, ' SUPERLA TIVE AND GOLD MEDAL 1 he above brand of flour enn be had at any of the following merchants who will Hccopt Tllfi Tribune rLOUR COPPCUI ot '.) on each one hundred pounds of flour or M ou each barrel of flour. rci anion F. P. Pries, Washington avenu, 1 Uold iledai Brand. Duiiinore-F. P Price. Gold Modal Bi and lJuntnore-F U ilanluy. Superlative Brand. Hyde Pari Oarson t Uaie Wushbun, St. OOM Mudal Brand; J epb A. Hears, Mam aveiiuc, Superlatne Biaud. Orcen RIiIro-a L.Spchcer.tJoU Medal Brand. J. T.MoHala, Snpsrlativtv rrovidc-ncc-Fenner tt (Jhappell.N Main ave line, Superlative lirand;!.. J liille,ui, W. ilaikc-t street. Hold BacTal Brand. Olyuhant-.Iames Jordan. tluttrlative Bland Peckvllle shalfer K ls r Supeilatlte. I Jermvu -C. U. Wii.tcrs it Co Supeialative ArclibaM-JoneS. 8 tnpson ft (Jo . Hold Medal I ( arbondale-B. S ('lark, Hold Medal Bland. Honesdale-1. N, F.iter dr (jo Uold Medal Minooka M H. l.avells NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND si I, V Kit i:TUA SPECIAL S.V.NDEKSU.VS LNCiLISH Il ssol-'S BNGLIBH CAST BTKEL HOHSt: SHOK3 IOE CALk I IKE MACHINERY hl'I'.INU SOI 1 HTEEL ANVILS BKLLOW8 BOUSE NAILS YMLEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BPC? CEf'ilNG MACHiNLr.Y !ittenbender& Co., Scranton Wbolesale and retail dealers in Wasonriiakerj' ani Blackiniitlis' SUPPLIES SrB R n jr LJ LJ - PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT 2 and potassium Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison 1 Rheumatism and Scrofula 4liV P. P. P. purifies the blood, bOllds np Mjt the weak anil oebiMtateJ, gives TTT Btrength to weakened nerves, expels SJsTS dlseasos.pvini; ihe patient health and dB happiness where ?.lcltness, floorav feeli: ,3 and lassitude Hrst prevailed. For prlnarv,?ocndiry sndrertisry 5iui..i.,. i.iui:aa pcifocias sercu rial pc.:cs. nialtria. dyspc?3,a. cad 12 nil bi.'d sad skis dica:e. list Motch?s. pispi??. ..-i c-hror.lc uleors. tetter, scald bwc. bc!b, c.-ysfpolst. c:reaa- Trenavsav. wltaeat fear cf contradiction. that F. t. P. is the best blood per florin the wcrld.-.ad inr.licj positive, speedy ur-d ermstisat ecru la all cases. Ladias whose systems art poisoned and whole blood is la an Impure cocdl tlon, duetemehtrrnsi irregularities, . benctited by ths won derful tonic snd bleou Bnaastbf prep ertlesof P. P. F -r-nckiy Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. eraiKsriKUD, Mo.. Av.. 11th. IK. I can speak In the hlghei t.-rms of your raeilicina from my ,-wn personal Irnowledae. I was ufUcteJ vlth heart diseafe, pleansr and rheumatism tor J.', years, was treated by the vervbest rihysirla.n ap.i sponf hundred-, of Ool srs, tried every kuown rvmedr with out Cndlint r..lief. I have oalv rn a one bottle at your P. P. P. , and . . i oheerfully say It has done me mora food tnsu anvtlilng 1 r.nrssvor taken can reoomiaead your medicine le alt suilercrsoi the abcre diseases, MKS M. M. TFOlY. Spi .(ttskl Urssn Ooonty, Mo. 7 "'' i ",, VsWWisi F1I,U,IIU I,U l.lPtt'.ll Ml. I i'.l i 4JSD AFTFR t'eiMl- Col vile bgC H BAMttk, DrUttltt, iiiiiiiii i.iiji' iJiiiii.iininiiiiiiHii.i.ii.MiMMtiiMiiisiiii.iifiniHi.m,!,! : I AMERICA Send r bring uyi of uttM ooupoQi) differently noinbeNd, 3 I Xrttlt Ten Ccnts.aud get one of Hie series of sixteen DUkgoifloent E I photogrnphs. Eight uninhers now ready. IMail ovders.ie. erclra. s illlillilllllilllllltllllllllllllllllllilllinillllKiiliiiiislliljlllilliiilliililiSiiiilii iiiiir,"iiiiiiii!;iiiiiimiiii.AitHiiiiifii!iiiiHiiiiii;iiiiiiii I Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.; Aprii 18, 1894. Send this coupon, with 10 cents in cash, and get four of the marvelous Multichrome Art Gems by far the greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2c. extra, Jiom (Ac A'. 1. rrioune, Aoc), J8M The Flour Awards "CniCACO, Oct. 31 Fh first official snnonncemcnt of World's Fair di plomas on flour has beon made. A medal has been arrardad by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in tbe great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as firat-class patent flour for family and lakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL TYnOLt-SALK AGENTS. Taylor-Judge ft Co, Uoid Medal; AUuitou ft Co., Superlative. iJUiyua -Lawieuc store Co., (lend Medal llooslc-Jnhri MeCHndM, nolo Medal Pittaton M W U'boyle, Uold ilwia!. Claik's Ureeii -Fiac ft Parker. Superlative Clark I uuuriit-F M Young, Cold Medal Lialtoii-S. E. Finn ft Bon, Uold Mattel Brand. Nicholson -J E Haralfajg. Wavtrly-M vi Bliss & Son, Uoid Medal. Factory ville-Charles Uai dner, Uold Medal Hopbottoio- n, M I'lunftSoa, Uold Med.' Tobybanna-T'ibybar.ua ft LeLigU Lumber Co. Hold Medal Brand. Uouldsboro-S A. Adams. Gold Me HI Brand. Mocoy.' Game A Clements, Qajd Medal. Lalta Ari.-l-Juniss A. Bortree, Uold Medal Forest Cay J L Kofftn ft i-V Uold Mattel WAGON WHEELS A X LI a PRING! HUBS fePORRI J-.IMs STEEL SKEIN'S R. 1.. IPIKJU SCREW Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3 7 . M . . "m Catarrh, Malaria g and Kidney Troubles Are emirelT remoTfsa by P.P.P. sW -Prii kly Ash, Poke R.iot and Potas- ' alum, tat greatest blood purifier oo "-saw wfST Altar.IKN. O . J,;iT . i gjM Mr;tS5. Lipp.mas Bros. , Savannah, mm Oa : UF.ARSiaS-1 bouirhl a brittle of SjP . ui PJ, p, at h. i .-, . gi .asa It tif. done me more F,v.J than three months' irestaent a; the H.-.t Springs. '"F Head three borrlri. i . u. D. . -agl Respecttullj J.,nrs. JAS. II, .VFWTON, --kW Aberdeen, Brown County, 0, f Capt. J. D. JobBsion. -s TV vJl nhnm it met conwr. 1 bare 'SS' bv testify to the wonderful properties . sS of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I S Suffered lor several years w.th an un tightly snd disagreeable eruption oa dS cr lace. I tried every Uaown reme 07 t ut in vtin.nr.t.i r P. P. was used, atM and aa aosr estlrel; arcd, cSlftetlby) 16. h fatJTOW. Si-i rr.nrrr Csrcd. P fMRtsesi) - . : Rh -s Stertx Tlv.. Jtcrcrv i. i5?: Ksssru. UrrMsx Bros . S.-.var.r.s'n. Gt. . t-c.rir-.rs I have trlea your P. P F. for a dlsntse ot thtskm. tisaailv knewn as skin ccnctr.of thirty rears standing, and found great reuel it farifletthe C-iood and removf ? all ir ItarloD troa the teat ot the dnease and prevents any spreading of the oores i have taken five or six bottles and foal cc r.fldent thai another course will effect a oure. it has also relieved me from indigestion and stornaoa troubloa. Years truly. CAPT W M. R"?T. Attorney at Us, M uil M RRBN lolled FIN ALL DRVGOiSTd SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. FR0P8IKT0rS, Llpprann . m . . i.,i. , ., RESTORED MANHOOD Oft, MOTT'S MRYLRIM. PILLS Tht great remedy for nervous prostration nod nil ncrvoiisdlse.iies of tbo generative organs ot cither wx sui h NeirousProstratlt n, Vail- wiwi.ti,i urn, , oiofiii:.. l.l.n li lead int. . is ith evrr sAorder we ,'iven wntienguar- inssK)wrai)rjotii,:j i Mjaojasj ,,, si.ou per bo v eta t lii-W B. W,tlcisKMU AiJi.,llevoiai.d otic! I r Pasia ATtmn, COUPON NO. A3, s . . SSJ iHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiittiliHiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers