I t TTTE SCT? ANTON TTfTBTJKE -THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1S94. WYOMING CONFERENCE Concluded from Page I. laid to love his in i;hbor as bimself. He that vtlnntarilv couuuuot iu ignorance ta guilty of all tho crime, wuicu iitnoruuco produce; u. to him that should extinguiab tin- upeis of a lihthoube, ink-lit justly bs imputed :ho cftlatalttri of aliipwreck. Ohritttaftity l thWghM prfcuoii of bntsnnlty; and uo umu I nui but as ho Wisl es lit- at ml of others, uo uiau can ho l.od iu thtntgheat il.gree who wish, anu: l-j olh.rs the lnrueat measures of UM gTMtwt good. To omit tor a year, or for n diy, tho most efficacious molbod of ad-Ynui-ing Chrietmuity in cjniplmnie with any purposes that terminate ou this tide of the Krave, 1 a crime of which I know cot tli world has yet had an example, except in the practice of the planters of America, uracecit mortuls wuutn, I suppose, no uth.tr man wishes to resemble. We have a drug called santonin, a bitter, white, ct.VBtaiiue Biibstauce, which pro duces temporary color bliuduusi- causiug Uiiugs to auuear yellow. Self is moral santonin. We give to missions but a pittance! lam not un mindful of Wyoming's steady advance. I have as much pride iu her achievement!) as any of you. Her progresiun in prophetic ! Vet she is not sucrinciug for missions. .Nor is the church, lain optimistic. Ve are heaued the right way. The day will coins wheu men will respond to tho call as unto a fealt Deflcieuciou will be un known : The need of the church today is greater responsiveness to Clod. VOlt'LS IN t'EOVIlL.N(.lS. leurs, ce&turles of them, had passed with an occasional voice ..tiling to the rescue, as of Columba. lionlface, Raymond Hull, and Frauds of Amissi. In a pious cobbler of Paulersperry, with twelve friends, in tho humble cottage of the Widow Wallis. at Kettering, formed the pioneer "Society for Propagating tho Oonpel among the Heathen." They laid IhirtMO pounds, two shilling and six panel upon tho altar, attempting great llniign for (iod and expecting great things Jroia Hod.'' Th following yeBr Carey went forth. What murvelous changes iu tiie Cntur.V since his going. Bit bugle call has ruined nil nation. i ho limes are past when men can be i lihmced while discussing the "church iluty with regard to milsTona." And who would now declare such plans fanciful and laughable I n is no longer rare that men and women offer themselves for the field abroad. Missionary entorpriius are given prominence. 'balls of comparative theology art being established, and courses of lectures on missions being delivered bi foro our universities. India, too "Gibraltar ot Paganism," seemed Impregnable. Now it is as a starry firmament, studded with missionary sta tions, t'astp is yielding. "The Hindoo are busy pulling down their own religion." 'I'lie "Lici t of Asia " is fading, while the Light Of the world just appears above the horizon. India's millious are hungering for the Bread ot Life. Kurniah 13 looking opon the uplifted Christ and living. Slam' eight millions are just beginning to feel the thrill of contact with western civilization. Telegraph, oostal system and mercantile enterprise are her. A king sits on bur throne, second only to the ill l-u.i.i i r' l ,j. in in' itrvAulvafiMU' lues liia wife send for a Bible, baring lost faith 1 in his own religion, that ue may ue con "!d by the abidiDg comforter. A wide- open d"or! The Oriental Yankee had walled them selves in. Their authentic uistory well nigh antedating fable a civilization re markable, Powder, printing, compasB, paper, silk, porcelain, long known to them. Though of tunny religions, it is n cation of atheist, gambler, opinm eaters, rakes and drunkard, by treaty this land is opened. Her destitution is uu appalling cry for iielp. Japan, the iSunriso Kingdom, onco decreed that If any Christian, or even the Christian's iod himself, should set foot ou the islands he sliould lose his head. At each stri'io . mile she measures as she moves toward i t lvilizatioo. than Spam Has more newspapers today and llusiia combined iVer ,i00), astonishing mankind. Fukuzawa wrote urging that Christianity be not even tolernteu, now he writes urg ing iis adoption by the Empire. There is uowuo "Hermit Nation." Korea opeua her door.'. The Ottoman Empire is considered to be iu u condition of crisis. Opportunities aro mure favorable now than ever before for evangelistic work. fUces once thrilled by Chrysostou and Athaasias will again re ceive the word. Africa, as it by magic, springs into view Hue of her sous bore the cros for tho i not be filled? P.ipa! land ure being modified. Savon arola's dying cry was, "O, Italy, 1 warn ibee Hint tin ly C'brietcau tare thee: ' Jha time for tie Holy niiost bo not yet come, but it will' t eeetne now joal beginning to come, Under the shadow of the Vat! an is told the story of the Ubrlst life. rheisland of tLe MR. tbelr froaded ! pa uis to the sazouf civilized eve-. Cam )alim is Do mo: Tnis century has spread a miuionary net work over tho giobo Three hundred language and dialect are now- tb chart iots In bear tho wonderful w.;:'ds of life. .'.lone; theae providence eloquent in their appMlr Does II not look u if the viiole wi r'.l were preunng for a 'leat loedlngl OrPORTL'MTf !S OIUI'IATIVK. God ha placed hitherto bidden force nude r our control. Rapid transit y etemi Ly wiiter and lar.d have made nation lieicbhor, Wo send onr wbuperlng nnwr tho sec. to oor brother ou tb other eie. 'Jleee improved arenui ot com faunicallou .my be need by the adversary tor tbu convey tog of poleonous sefd. Are no; tiinse providence Owl' voicus calling It loawake, eiii beaten .' The tului Kof notions wiil be governed by the sloth or activity of the preeut. I nu debtor both to the (reik and bar btrino. Ont of Hie ibadow of nighl The world rate into light; it iedsytefeaS very where I'e yuinsey iu one of bis dreams saw "The morning wk como of a mighty day u day of crisis and ot final bope for humnn nature, thai: suftenng some mysterious oelipe, and laboring in some dread ex tremity. Somowhere, 1 knew not where--iiotnchow, I knew not now -by some be ings, I kuow not whom-a battle, a strife, en njony wat conducting was evolving like a great drama or piece of mnsio; with which my sympathy was the more insup portable from my confusion as to its place, it cause, it nature, aud Its possible isine, 1, as is usual in dream?, had tho power, and yet had not the power, to decide it. J had the power if i could i aiso myself, to will it, aud yet again bad not the power, for the weight of twenty Atlantic was upon me." While in this stale he saw himself sin rounded by an ocean of faces appealingly turned toward him. Heloved ! I show you a vision ' Tho morn iug of a great and mighty day is come, a day of crisis. Human beings suffering from ocllpse of soul, and laboring in dread extremity. Hotnowhere, w know whore; somehow, we know how, a strife, an agony i.i conducting. An ocean of faccn are i in null, toward us imploringly. No twenty Atlantics are upon us. We have the power. : il : we not to their rescue? 1 am tjobtor both to the Wreck end the barbarian! THE EVENING SESSION. il.v. Sr. Price Dtllvar a Powerful Ad- drsn on Tsmpsranca Prog-reas The evening session of tho confer ence wa to commemorate the temper ance autiiveraerv. The suasion was at tended by a lurgo audience, who, not withstanding the inclement weather, were attracted by the announcement that Her. J. E. Prioe, D.D , formerly pastor of the Klin Park church, aud BE sure and get your choice of Multichromos. One Coupon and One Dime. now of Bt James' Slethodist Episcopal church of New York, would deliver the nddnn of tb evsuint,'. The service, wbicli was preiidsd over by Rev. T. F. Hall, ot BaiubridKA N. Y., opend by song. Praysr was of fered by Rev, Otaorge M. Col vi lie, of BingbuuitDU. In iulroducin' the speaker of the evening, Rev. Mr. Hall said that the liquor iiiu'Stinn was an old lint liv; one and iuvolved the Very esUtnco of the government. When Dr. Price cams forward !:? was granted with applause, lie said he ws thankful tor tho atmosphere of no c irdlsl a WelOOUie In substanuo his remark were as loiluws: THE ENEMY'S STRENOTU. The theme ought to inspire us and wo should protit by military experience and ascertnln ttie strength ot the enemy. Afterward ;let us make more of our own forces. First, the lienor traffic entrenched be hind a vast physical appetite. Can we imagine the distress which accompanies a thirst! Ot its power and nam we mid many figurative lessons iu the scripture. "The Lord is my iuhoritauce and my cup,' for instance. We can raoru accurately estimate it by going to the side ot a levar stricken patient In the hospitals, to tho soldier who on the Meld ot battle cries for just ouo cup of water or to the man dyiug on the dosert. Wo cannot kuow how the habit intensi fies tho thirst- we can only imagine it. Drop n stone from A height: It falls sixteen teet the first second, thirty-two feet the next uud so on; a man wuo has become a victim hurries on his downward wav to ! destructiou at the same ratio. The susceptibility of his being and his ; whole nervous force are so grooved and fixed that the slightest desire or teinpta- I tiou makes it impossible for him to resist tho cup. We cannot estimate this suscep tibility! its results are so abnormal, so ex traordinary wheu compared to other phy- ' sical uppetites thut we can scarcely com pruhend them. It is a Weight that drugs hint down, down, down. Again, this business is entrenched be hind the love ot money and a rampart of j greed and avarice. If it could bo done, there are men who would locate a factory louthe tieid of the battle ot tiettysburg i and grind tho bleached boues of t'ni.m soldiers into phosphate: but this sacrilege would not compare with tho existing uieanu?sa of the liquor business. SALOONS AUK PROFITABLE. We have got to put ourselves against a vested interest, the large profit Of which even enable tMU to pay iu the larger cities a rental ot 1X000 where tU'M) is u fair price for decent enterprises. It i said that JWU.b'JU.O 'ii are paid annually f"V drink, 1 claim ir. n ?.',000. 000, 000. Why lieeause the addition of the loss of energy, crime and pauperism make it that sum. This is not legitimate: it is waste, and waste only. This suggest the recent financial depres iou. Some point to a free trade or a tariff, say create a seigniorage or vacuum. 1 am for the latter if it will "vacuum" the sal Cone, or for any or all of them if it will do the same thing. The foe is entrenched in politics. The conducting of primaries, caucusses and the very nominations aro iufected with it and diotated by it. The evil is slso protected by the statu tory enactments and the saloon has us god a right to float the stars and stripes as the Thirteenth regiment armory Now where are our forces. I can tell you nothing new; we have merely the old methods at our command political meth ods, for Instance. Any man ot us can do no wrong in voting for the party he thinks best, if he ib honest iu his intentions to do the greatest good thereby. However, there should be les9. us a consequence, of taunt answered by taunt. Nothing but harm will come of it. We should consider this a battle crisis like that on the soil of Pennsylvania when ti e l':iion was or was not to he. Our reg iments paused not to differ over colors, mechanism of gnus or details, but united in one grand purpose, and were victorious, l or the actual suppression of the traffic J must not rest on our arms, but keep on '"-""""""".. in nave a lorco in our pnoiiej scuoois. The next army will be of the generation now iu training. They get it to a large degree from the sciontific books which will make them rise and strike the blow wheu the time arrives fur the demolition of the liquor business. CITIZENS ARE AT FAULT, Will it astouish you when 1 say we all have a proprietary interest in the saloons. : and aro as much responsible for the (rime I of a drunkard as the man who sells him I I. ... i. . VA'a ar.1,1 ki.n I ., .......... ....I . 1 ;':. : ; . court; the court says tho law authorized him to do so: the law was framed by legUT i.itors. and the legislator were elected to o.'tice by tho votes of so-called responsible men. Why should they not as wed be ar rested as the man who sells the product of their ballot? There is one remaining force on our side net pledges from the bovs.iutorest the Lp Worlh and Youths' leagues, pres., the the cuurcli. w o ministers can do much oider men to abstinence, and .submit plain, everyday preaching, I would not sound the plea of Scriptural custom u r cience. There is one argument almost Invariably responded to tho law of Christ's life and Unlove for tho sake of Others. For the lake of example thev mil j desist, not for what It costs thein, but for the salte of others. Oa this point the pul pit must take its stand aud make it i last and Lnal appeal. DAILY CONFERENCE PROGRAMME. What Will Be TJon Kach Sesaion (Jatll Final Adjournment. The programme of the conference as it will bo continued from 'hi morning to the Uaal adjournment is a follows: THURSDAY, Sa. m.--Devotional service. ''a, in. Business sessions :.:wp. m. Historical unoiversary. The Hev. Manloy S. Hard, D. I)., prosidinsr. Address the liov. Ceorgo it. Crooks, 1). 1., and others. 7.80 p.m. Anniversary of Preachers' Aid society, Tho Hev. V. c. Smith, Li. D., presiding. The Hon. Uovernor Pattison is expected to deliver the address. TODAY. M n. m 1'entacostal ervice in leoture room, led by Hev. Mauley s. Hard, D. JJ. 9 a. m. Bneinee session. 1 80 p ui. Anniversury of the Women's Home Missionary society, Mr. W. H. Pearce, presiding. Address, Mrs. .Mary Leonard Wells. Morristown, New Jersey ." 7.30 p. mi Anniversary of the Church Extension fiocioty. The llev. John Brad baw, presiding. Addresae, tho llev1 Manly S. Hard, U.D., Rev W. A. Spencer ATUBDAY, 8. a. m. Consecration service, lecture room; the Rev. W. Webb, D.D., leader. 9 a. m, Business session. :i.UG p. m. -Anniversary of the Women's Foreign Mis9ionery society. Mrs. M. s. Hard, presiding. Address, Mr, h. I). is horn, Brooklyn, N. Y. 7.80 p. in. Anniversary of the Kducn tionnl and Freedman's Aid societies. The Hev. L. I.. Sprague, D.D. and tho Her. J. W. Nicholson, presiding. Addresses, tho Rev. Charles Payne, H.D.. and the liov. J, a. Hirtiel, 1J.H. BDNDAY. 8n. in. Conference lovofeaat. The Rev. M. D, Fuller, leader. 10 a. in. Sermon and ordination of deacons. Bishop John F. llurt. J p. m. Ordination of older and mem orial service. 8.80 p. m F.pworth league anoiveriary. Tho Rev. J. O. woodruff, presiding. Ad dress s, Professor W. F. Winchester, Wcs leyan university, Mlddletown, Conn.; liishon Hurst and the Rev. J. O. Peck I). D.. New York. 7.80 p. m. Missionary nninversary. Rishop IJnrel, presiding. Address, Rev. J. 0. Peck, D.U., New York. MdNDAV. 8 a. m Devotional service. 'J a, m. Busiuess session. 7Ht HISTORICAL SOCIErY. Will Hold Its Anniversary Dnrir.a: This Aftevnoon'i Session. A particularly interesting sessiou will be held at 1110 o'clock today the an nivertAry of tho Historical society. Kjv. Mauley S. Hitrd. of this city, will preside, and the udf.'Ss will bo deliv ered by Key. George L. Crooks, LL.D. of Drew Theological Hmiuaiy. A male, choir of twenty Vo.c-'s will conduct th liogjlng, Tau-minutb d (lresscs will be niude by Thtnnas H. Diie, ReTlJ. K. Pnk and Rev. C. V, Arnold. A report of the urchivist will im made by lT-..ie.uur L. L. fcuraguc, D D A ousiness m ".'ting of the societ y will be held at the cloie of the annivei- sary. BUTTONS OH ALL SORTS. Tli Papular Une Are Mudu at llreideu CKtaa, Cut Jet aud Pearl, The buttou maker's craft U suceptible ol quite as surprising a development as any otlier branch of industry, lluttoiis, orig huHljf strictly utilitarian article, now of ton form the sole trimming of gOWDIOI coate and are amply sulUcieut for that pur pose. e have long been able to have uiu cloth and silk, buttons luudo to order of tlit same material us the costume for which t hey are intended. More recently we havt been supplied with composition buttons, which are an Mtoniihing imitation of tkt Bilk and serge covered articleund wear iu definitely, which the latter do not. This being a union of buttons, a great variety is shown in more expensive styles as carved mother of pearl and cut jet, whilt with the fashion of Dresden china umbrellu and parasol handles have come Dresden buttons of various sizes, decorated in tlit same manner and used on rich costumes especially on court coats. Where buttom are adopted us u garniture, il they are iu- DOUBLE SKIRTED i OBI 0ME. tpnded to give the effect of fusteniti any thing together, it. is much the best way tc have the corresponding Imttoittioles madt anil really button the thing instead ol merely securing il by the thread w ith which the buttons are sewed on. It is more trou ble, but well made buttonholes are a dec oration in themselves, and there is some thine; auoiualous iu the position of a button Without a buttonhole. Although the double s,kirt or overskirt i. steadily advancing In popularity, the plain Hkirt refuses to retire from public favor, and it is to be hoped that It Will COOtlnU) to hold its place, for it is lighter and niort convenient in every respect than thedrnped skirl. The lattei appears to advantage in mualln, gsuse and thin evening materials, but iu woolen noods tor Street w ear it is uu denlably weighty. It is being used for all sorts of gowns, however, and probably b next winter it will be llrinly established a lhe ruling mode, anil we shall see heavy cloth and even velvets made up in that style. A sketch is given of a double skirted toi let In silver gray vlgnone. The plain tut derakirt is of checked silk to match, whilt the second skirt is draped in box plait Over the hips, eolilined by a strap, wblrL i i buttoned in pluce. The vest, tight sleevei and revers are also of checked silk, whlU the upper half of the sleeve consists of a balloon puff of viguons surmounted bj a wide epaulet of the .nine material but toned down the top ol the shoulder. JtfDIO CHOIXKT. uarn gloves in Duitonnoie stitcu, re- peuted till tho hole is filled up. Clothe! carefully folded and sprinkled tre half i rotted. f). W. Fuller, of i auajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. Kings New Discovery in the house, and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that ho would not be without it it procurable. H. A. Dykemnn. druggist, Catlsklll, N. V., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best coutth remedy: that be hss used it in his family lor eight years, and It has never failod to do all that is claimed for .t. Why not tie a remedy so long tried and tested'' Trial bottles tree nt Mattbows Ilros'. dru; story. Regular size Mc. and 81.00. - - The first trial of Dr. Wood s Norway Pine nyrnp will satisfy any one that the lung healing virtue of the pine tree has now been rellned mto an effective aud convenient cough niediciiie. Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. WL ii Uuuy eta tick, we gave her (.'astorla. Wheu she vras a Uilld, she cried for ( astorla. When the became .Miss, she eluag to '.'astoria. When sho hLd Chlldrea,sh gavelhcui i 'astorla, Legal. 1? STATU OF ISAAt ' ELLIS, I.ATK fiK J the township of North AhhiKtou. l.'ounty of backaivanna nnci stati of PenBsylvanls, tteeeBtd. Letters of ndininistrnlion iikii the above liuuied estate hsvlm; lvn granted to the uu signed, all nersous hsvini olaim or demand ga)ni th said estate will pre.ent them for payment, and thOSS Uldehteel therewith will ploastt make imrneaiate payment to MARY E, ELUB. Administratrix. RBO. W. BEaLE, Attorney for Estate, Price Bnlldlng. Notice to Taxpayers. Nx,oTiiTriAYK payers of the city of Seniuton. Pa., will hereby take uotii o that th hoard of appeals apnolnted by the city councils of said city to hearund determine appeal troin city assess ments for Ui" year 1"! arc. lioldliiK meetings daily at tl In f tlej city olerl: between tho hoars uf u a. ni. audfi p. ui. for the purpose aforesaid and that appeals wilt only bo heard in eases of iisw asse .snients for said year, the authority vested in said board not penult tun: tho revision of asssssmnnts for any year hut that of IS!H. The meetings of the hoard will cease March 31, 1KB. Ity order of board uf appeals. 11. T. I A V I i i, I . City Clerk. Re i estate. LMJR MAl.K SlNUI.i: HOUSK, SOJ gl'lNUV JT avenue; very desirable location. Aoply (. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLAKD, WABUN KNAPP. JJiZl540 WILL BUY lldDKKN NKW8 BOOM tj lioufre, all Improvements; terms easy; oor nor Modlsou avenue and Deleware street. Ap ply HARRY LESS. $1,4(0 WILL BUY VERY DE8IRAHLE LOT corner Madison avenue aud Uelaware street Terms muty. Apply UARRY LEES. ONE CEHT A Word. kTaiiteo nti ttiruti cost thai niuci, IBS rent Situation WanU4,vihieh or inserted l HER Situation vVantcd. UfjitjifiiW an, eapioyment In hotel, store or one foira. Address V. BASNEti BUROHi East StroutH bin g, Pa. tbUNQ MAN, tl, WHO HAS HAUEXPE l rience ae a clerk and D, E. bwtaeper, desires position a either or hotb. Expects small salarv at first. Would like an interview. A.idioss Ha j .,:.!, Xunlthannocki Pa- OITl VHvt.N WANTED A8 'SHlPPlMfl l? clerk, r umilar position: have had es perlenee ana can furnub tattofaotory reier ence. Address I.. V. D.,i!ls North Suiuiier avenue. City. POSITION' W X NT'ED AS UARTENKEK T or as i lerk; eiiu speak Oermiui ami Polish, also Eiirfllsii Address 8U Putman street, Providence t.ity. . SITUATION WANTED - A LADY at O years old wants a situation as housekeeper In reipectable widower's family; Hood tmik and nurse: eleven years' experience; v.ill go to city or country. Address M. A. B , Uoji in". East 8troudburg, Pa, SITUATION WANTED a OOOD PEN limn and s.holar desires a siluutioii where he is wllliuu to make himself generally ustul. "C" Tribune ofllee. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOL NO 0 man a- clerk in grocery, dry goods or clothiii store Had experience at arocery business, flood reference. Address, T A. M., Tribune office. POBITION WANTED BY A YOUNU 1 lady, tfomi writer. Address I.iiie 1, Henernl Delivery. Sersnt'U. Pa CITUATION WANTED BY A OOOD 0 baker; 0l of references. Address. Baker, tin: WiiNhinaton Avenue. Hclo WantedFemales. I Al.lEs'WA.VI BD TO WlVl I E AT HOME: I j BIS weekly t no can vasatnat. Reply with tamp, miss kannie i klknok South Bond. lad. Help Wanted-Male. U1;m7?iri7 hoofs Carriage work, BIB, SKI, S23 anil iS. North Sevi.uth street. Agents Wanted. Uf ANTED MAN WITBLIFE and FIRE Insurance exporleuee us solicitor in Lackawanna county; itood inducemunts tu right man Address 1125 vi Bet, building, Philadelphia. Pa. Ur ANTED- TWO YOUNG MEN Of OOOD addre-s to call on business In, uses. Steady employment for good men. Apply NATIONAL CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade buildiug. U'ANTED-aitENTs TO TAKE OttDERB by sample: we will pay experts and Mil ary or allow liberal commission; samples sent on applii'at ion. Address Lock BOX G-lH, New York City. Furnished Rooms to Let. rpwO Villi 1 rooms for UY PLEASANT FURNISHED rent, tils .lellerson avenue. For Rent, 170K RENT APRIL 1 THE ROOMS NOW X occupied by the Telephone Exchange, M Lackawanna avenue. Apply at tno omee oi Lehigh Halt Mining Co., Third National Bank building. L. S. and E. C. Fuller. I'LL BENT - BUlLDlNi; ! LAt'KA J wuiina avenue from April 1. CHABLEB B WELLES, Coal Enehan re. POB BENT THREE ROOMS. PBONT ON 1 Hcond lloor, over N. A. lluibert's music store. Hi Wyoming avenue, from April 1. In quire in the store. 'vo Let khi a term or years- 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad. Apply at 21C Frnu'klta tvenue. 'po RENT STORE 35xu OR FURNtBHED J ball on Green Ridge street. Very dtBira i lu location and on roasonable terms. Apply toF. K. NETTLETON or g B. WOODRUFF Republican buildipg. For Sale. 1 iOR SALE - A FARM OF EIGHTY ACRttS,' J one and one half miles from Daltuu ou the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad First class farm house with a never tailing spring nearby; two barns, goud land and good orchard. Will bo sold eheap. Terms Mar. Address B. F VON STOHl'H or ISAAC ELLIS, executors, Daltou, Lackawanna county. Pa. I.'OK SALE - es-ACHi; FARM, STOCK SHE ITT ELD, SJU and utensils. J. M. Monroe ave. POB SALE olt EXCHANGE FOR st'KAN A ton property- A bearing orange grove Increasing in production anil value yearly iu the orange seetlon In Florida. Addres F. E. NETTLETON. Lake Helen. Kioriaa Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN S-'i.ouu TO BliMJOO ON central elty property, D W.BROWN, Attorney. "us Spruce st. Special Notices. pLANlv BOOKS! I'AMl-lli.l.'lS. .MaU.x' U nines, etc., bound or rebound at Tin: Tuiulnk office, yniek work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD T HI corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets lor iW-.VJL Oood table board . CAM KNAt P HAS TAKEN THE UVBaY, C? stabiH lately occupied by Ered s. Warren 117 Monroe avenue, rear, wnero be is prepared to furnish Ills; class Landaus. Surrey, Phe tons aud Buggies g,od horse arm careful drivers. Telephone connections. OTOOKHOLDEBaV MEETING THE AN- ' uual .uisetlug of the stockholders of the Providence Ga and Water Company will be h'M at the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com pany a building, t87 Piaulilin avsnne, Scran ton. I'a , at v a. in., Monday. May 7. IMI4, to elect officers to serve during the ensuing year, and ti iinsa. t any other business that may lei? presented Hi f. ATHEBTON, Beeretany, Scrautou .April 5, IM'1. Proposals. CEALEO PROPOBALb WILL BE BE P oeived ut the ullice of thu Clt Clerk, Bcranton. Pa, until 7.ju o'cloog p. m, Tliurs dav, April IK. bt, to furnish audlay sidewalk and )uivnd gutter oa wester y side of Sixtti street from Lackawauna avetuie to Carbon street. In aeenrdaneo wdth tl plans and BpeeP Ik ations in office of City Cterk. Blddors shall eui.-less with each proposal the sum of ten illUi dollars, casti or cttrtilled cheek. In (, iho bidder to whom the contract shall have been awarded omits to execute n contract for the work, thu enclosure of ten dollars s. com panylng his proposal shall be forfeited to the oity "t Bcranton. The elt reserves the right to reject any all bins, Hv order of cltv . nun ells. M. T. L.WT.LLE, Cltv Clerk. Serautou, l'a April 7, Ism. OEALHD PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ij calved at the office r tin. ORj Clerk, Bcranton. Pa., nntll 7,110 o'clook p.m.. Thure dav. April IB, 18W, to grade Marion street between Washin .ton and Sanderson avenues The strei't is t,. la-griided to its l ull width und the work i to bed, me in accordance with the plans and ipeclflcatiou in the. ity engineer's office and under his direction. Bach bid shall be accompanied by a oertlnod check or , ash iu the iiiin uf ten per centum of the amount bid. In case the bidder to whom the contract shall have been awarded refuses or omits to execute a contract within Uu days from date of award thereof, the enclosure a"e eumpiiuylug his proposal shall be forfeited to the city of Scrauton. The city engineer's esti mate of cost of tho work in four hundred aud twenlv tivo dollars. The city reserves the l ight to reject anv and nil bids. By order ,. eit v . mmcii. M. t. LAVELLB. City Clerk. QEALBD PROPOSALS Wll L HE RE O reived at the office of tho City Clerk Hcranton. Pa., uutil 7.:RI o'clock p. m.. Tliurs. day, April l, Usui, to construct a lateral sewer In Roche court from tho fifteenth uta D iet lnaiti sewer westerly a distance ol about eight hundred and seventy feet (STll) feet; ids , t0 consti net th manholes, lampbeles. bi auehes nml llxtures that are designated, unit to furnish all labor ind supplies neCMmn I" complete lb work I'ropuauls shall state price per lineal foot complete. Bidders shall on loc with each propesul thef iunof live per centuin of the amount bid as a guaranteu to execute u contract within ten days if awarded the same. The work shall he finished within sixty days fruin date of commencement. Pto- poeannot accompanied by the required de posit and not iu accordance with advertise ment and ordiuanus will not be considered. The city resol ves tho right to reject any and all bids. By order of cltv councils. M. T. LAVELLB, City clerk. Scrautou, Pa , April 7, lssi. Connolly & Wallace t stwr- MC, 150 NEW ARRIVALS TODAY. LATEST STYLES, BEST WORKMANSHIP LOWEST PRICES In Our Dress Goods Department CONNOLLY & DUPONT'S MINl.VO, BLASTING AXIl SPoKTINf POWDER Manufactured st the Wupwitllopeu Mills, I. u ierue county Pn uud st Wll luington, iJelewsre. HENRY BELIN, Jr. (tenernl Agent for Uie Wyoming District, u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. '.h ril Natioual Bank Building. AOIMCISS. 7HOK. FOfta I'itlaton. r JOHN li SMITH & SUN; Plymouth, Il W. MULLIGAN. Wilhes-Burre. P Agents for the Itupauuo Chemical Coin lany's Hifh Explosives. Oh, My Poor THOMAS E, SHEA, Yes, they are undoubtedly poor and will continue 5oJ,,J',SlS:.!?S;:i,v""- .. , , , , Monday "BkOaPM from Blng Sine." until you have them properly and scientifically wSSnSJuij "!u; '"''-"'.Vv: ' fitted with suitable Glases. Our Mr. Adams is ! -iir. .ii i.v'i U i!.-":'vde I Batnrday MatinM.. . ''Bin Van WlnkU." well qualified and we do not charge you a small j iatau: "The Black Flag.- . . . rp i , m c i. I Pnces- 10 20 and 30c. lortune, either. 1 ry him. No lit. no charge. sale ot seats open Friday, Apriiw, forth I entire wek. Mercereau :J07 IjACKAWANNA AVENUli "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DiCKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON A.ND WJLKES-BARKE. PA . JIANCFACTCJKEH3 O.' Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men ami young women in ttm country who nave splendid ability, but tbo. bae uevet been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand lias been an Inspiration to hundreds ui young people, if yoa are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON BNGLISH COVME. I'.i sim ns OOURME. SHOUTIIAM) COURSE. LUTHER SEWER PIPES, Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. fN MANHOOD TTtr. 'i,r L-rnni.i uir "'"' LIME, CEMENT atrUHtANDAFTtRUSInG.no other. Audrei .-sasia van lli We aiaiuuic .u.,,... For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H.C. SANDERSON. Driblet, cor Wnshins-ton .Itid SurucH at rafts. n nupn mm ivtti i in W , . i i r 'A II I i 11 r D 1 F1 Is V. ' r a Am m MM) We are showing a Handsome Line of Satin Stripe Jav anais. It will pay you to look at them. WALLACE 209 Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholster Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The Scranton BOB iii.i uiu i u k . .. .in i ;i Eyes ! Connell Gciitrul Ollice. BCRANTON, PA F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING, FLUE LININGS. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. RESTORED! iiPPVFvFFnn ThUwQsdfrtSI rtia4i fssr i inniSSIWWW wdbhw W" m,f,n,rv.. . - eae. sueli Weak Memorr. Lull of Brain l-owir.Heaeaelie,ttaketiiiiieti. , l.osiMi.nhmI.NIlilly Ruiluioiii, Nervousnem, allilialosan 1IOU u t power lu Ou.ieiatlTeOrKam of enber set canned !iivereiertt'"!.youinrnieri-ori. eicemlveuse urtobacoo.oplaraormbnulaMs. wlochleaJ to liiNrmur, .won. iluanitlonorlnianltT. Can bacirrledln rest pucket. ml KJ-fcZsiZS bT u all prepaM. With a KS order eirlTe wr "en suni-antee ta 'or refund Chf money. .rctillr free. M,.l,i br all .IriieaUIS. Aforlt,tk i ! 'L .'' ,'. ,..,,. I, , WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Retail Mattresses at Prices. Bedding- Co. Ave eornar Adams u. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, fine Week, 'uinnieiieitit; Monday, April II MatiMe Saturday ut 2..1J P M. I The Popular and lluver CharactST Act Or. V,Bk eommeneiug MONDAY, APRll 9 ANDREW M'PHEE'8 tiranil lK.utle Mttmui .tli Bpwtaonlar UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY .Nniub riu( Thirty Artists and a yuunetta, WlUSptdal Scenery and all Aceeiorie. Grand Street Parade Daily .With full Ullttary Band beaded by the ONLY LMf DRUM-MJGR IU THE WORLD. ADMISSION, 10 'Jitand SO CENTS nrtomaneM wry afternoon, except Mo days and Tliurisdaya. el (JO, and every evuu ilia at S li. Duois uiionat I. an and T.0J I1 M MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of Urn best quality for Jo:u?jtio ns..,:4 of allfizes. delivered iu any part of the city at lowet price. Orders feft at my offl -e. NO. IIS, WYOMING AVENUE. Rear room, Hist fl.vir, Third Natioual Baut or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will ! receive prompt attention. Special coutiactii ill !,j nude tor the tala dalti ..r,- U....I....I .. v, . ... .. . ... . . , WM. T. SMITE DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters toi everything to the line ot WATCH EN If joa have auvliU of pnrohailng anv kind of a Watch, ladv'aor gent'H. Hold or Mlver, yon will make iriev 1.11. s luistake it yon do not gtv n a call and p-t "in prices, which you will llnd far below all otMr, espeeiullv in ail the fh grades of Elfltt. Walthaui ami llaiapden lnovemi-nts If yoa hare any doubts IM .'ire at all pested L.n pries givu a call and we will have no trouble in convincing f on. W still have a larwo stick to d'.Apo.e of, anil will offer y ou won- i tirlul inducemeuts iu Jewelry, Silverware, (.' .irks sad nil other goods vvhiob we have la l stork C. W. Freeman I'mu At and Spruce SL P t.',h,i in ! 100'PtE buak. illuitmtd IriM I lift U ! pi -1 . i.. f -en by tint. Whta Hot Spring. ud Mtnaryf-il. Onr Ml ale Remedy will I po.tttvdly cure. IUUA, VU.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers