The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 07, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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F. El. WOOD,
General Manager.
rcm.moEK DAILY ami mill in BobAR
ton. va.. by inn xiiiauai Pubio
Frank B. Ohav. Manaqkii.
UutereJ at (Ao PottaffiC at Scronton, P.,
Second-Clau Mali Matter.
QUKKN Lil will bo permitted to Itc
tnie; but if uliw essitys to enaut Opholla
We can guarantee her no safe najluui.
The l elcDbono Problem.
A good many persons throughout the
country nre beginning to feel tht if
the expiration of the 1.111 Telephone,
patents is to result n general cheauan -i
it K f tho cost of the public telephone
tnjvice, soma tvidenoei of this (eel
ought to bein to appear. Some time
ftto, as Vc then announced, agents of a
New York company visited Carbon
ialo with the proepeotui of a new tele
phone aysteui which promleed to?"
duce the rental of 'phones to from $1 00
"p to $3 per month, the former figure
relating to 'pbonee used in residences
sud tha latter being the maximum
rental of 'phones placid In a public of
fice or store, Wo havo been unable to
learn the result of thij vijit, but two
other facte that greet our eye in the
news dispatches pos3?n pwtlng inter
st. At Washington, this state, tha Cen
tral Distriot and Printing Telegraph
ci.iiiuauy had lier3tofoM possessed n
monopoly of the telephone busiae.e.
lf rcfaped to 'offer a lower rental than
(60 a year. Beveraldayi agoannm
ber of Waablngton capitalist organ
ized a company and obtained a com
peting francliis. Thereupon tha older
company reduced t)n rates on residence
'phones from $30 to frltl The itoond
fact beuringon this qoeatton is no'lsed
inadispatcli from Kiston asserting;
that tha Stroudsburir aud Bnibkill
Telephone oompany had decided to
establiah a uniform yearly rental of
$U In neither case are wo informed
an to the quality of the service to be
rendered at the reduced prices; but
with competition operating M .0on
Itant stimulus it is presum tUa that
tbeaervlce will not notarially deteri
efnte In the loc il field, during the discnt
lion of tbs polo tax propoGiiion, it whs
repeatedly stated by the official! of the
Ceutral Telephone oompany that con
tinual ImproTenrenti and changes had
10 eaten into their revenues as to Ieav
nothing like a satisfactory margin of
profit. At tho aame time tbero has
been more or less dissatisfaction with
the service, particularly ou stormy
daya. Tha fault iu this matter prob
ably does not He with the company it
eelf, since complaint is m'ide
wherever wires me strung overheal
tr.d connected with tho old type of
transmitter, but it has tendency,
nevertheless to matte the average
telephone BuWribur impatient for the
r!ny when docronieil royalties to rich
ir.vantors will enable looal exchange
to pat in better instruments at a rental
if possible below that now charged.
No Iiul ut we shall hear a scream o'.
yy from Brother Zimmerman, tha
courtly and atniahl ; editor of the Ilaad
ing Times, now that a eensm bulletin
has given Beading larger rating than
Seranton in a table showing ths valu
ations of various mnnicipilitiss, for
purposes of taxation, Th rating of
Heading i B1,004 001, while that of
!-V)ranton Is only lo, 758,237. With a
view to anticipating any premature
hilarity on the colonel's part we beg to
nsk bim what tha basis of swesernent
is In Beading, whether on full value or
enly half value? These facts should
bo made known before any invidious
distinctions nrs drawn.
Jack Robinson's Views.
Dashing Jar.k BobinSOQ has accept-".!
the gauntlet thrown down in the pub
lic declaration of David Martin, the
Philadelphia leader, in bohalf of Walt
er Lyon. This is what he ssys: "i
Want tossy, Without any desire to over
rstiiuate or exaggerate tho politlsal sit
uation or to turn it in ray favor, that
I am perfectly well satisfied with tha
ootloolt. I cnturvd the contest with
the written and verbal aamraiicj of my
friend, Colonel Qaay (hat, there would
be no interference on Lis part. It is
also trn that Colonel Q iny's sot), Hon.
Dick t lay, has been ver active for
Walter Lyon. This activity upon his
part should be undt-rstool. IVrsonaily
and socially he and Senator Lyon have
been very close for t number of years.
Vhilo I do not think it is very good
tasto for Dick to be active In behalf of
nuy candidate, for the reason that his
movements and admUsions nre inter
preted as the acts of his father, yet 1
do not think that, so far, he has done
ne a very great amount of harm.
Among Mr, (Quay's stanch friends
who are for ma thera is not one who
lias btcn influenced by tho action of
Dick. They believe that Senator Quay
is absolutely to be relied on when he
once gives assurance of fair play and
nn open field. "
Continuing, Mr. Robinson remarks.
"Tho situation is just tide. The Re
publican voters of the state of Penn
sylvania do not think that Mr. t nay
lias any preference as to who should b
lieutenant governor, provided he Is not
ii political enemy of his, li iih H'nator
Lyon and myself have been political
friends of Mr. it lav for a long timo.
IMore the couvoution time comes I
expect support at every place. There
is not a corner of the state that 1 urn
not at work in or where my friends are
not pushing for me. In regard to Mr.
Lyon personally, I have the highest
i.ppreciation for him, hut I do really
think that it Iras beeu doxnnnstratod
itlreudr that unless he can get the ac tive
Interference and interposition in
his behalf of objectionable lntl leuces
lie cannot win this tight. There is not
ii politician in Pennsylvania, enst or
west, who doss not know that I can
defeat Mr. Lyon lf the two of us are
let go to light it out in the open clear
ing. I expect, and so do all my friends,
that thia influence will not be used
against me. It ought not to be used
ngviust we, awl, as 1 say, in Mr. Q'.iay'a
case, uoc-intdrfVrence Lias beu posi
lively iirouiiid."
Asked if be thought there would be
any danger of a revolt this year simi
lar to tho one In 1690, Mr. Bobtason
replied: "Nona whataotTer. Whoever
il nominated on tha ticket thin
Will be elected ; some by larger in ijorl
ties than others, some candidate! more
cordially than others; but the Cleve
land limes will carry throu;h almost
any candidate who is put upon the
tickot. But this very confidence of
success aud security of Bepublloan
poitlon should ugg"at to tha leaders
uot to try experiments or put person
alities above party demands. In other
words, we should not bo tin proud or
haughty over the Republican condi
tions in Pennsylvania It is due en
tirely to the menace of tho Wilson bill.
That defeated or avoided, tlu Republi
can nnjoritv In Pennsylvania la uot
more than 30.000 "
These views are j rssented, in justice
to Mr. Robinson, whom many Scran
tonians adraire. They do not call for
comment. All thut is wauled is a fair
field and no favors. Then may the best
mau win,
ONgSFFECT of the general deprrs
sion In Democratic ambition should he
a decision on tho part of Republicans
everywhere to put their best candi
dates foremost. There is no trouncing
like a complete troonolng that is to
say, wheu the victims are Democrats.
4 .
One Momentous Change.
Wheeler H. Beckham, of the New
York bar, whom Mr. Cleveland namoJ
for associate justice of the United
States supreme court, pnblkly chai jres
Tammany with extorting large sums
of blackmail from various business
men iu New York city, lie says be
knows positively of one corporation
which pays $50 00!) for the privilege of
pursuing its business in freedom from
official Interruption j and he intimates
tliat another corporation, tlu Metro
politan Telephone company, pays an
nually a similar sum.
The new thing about this typa of as
sertion, the thiiigthat today possesses
general nignil ca ice, is tbat it . made
oj. oul v aud wituOOt ressrve. Tun years
ago men, if t'.ey knew of sueii facts at
all, took OMS to Speak of them iu
guarded whispers or to fortify tlwir
timidity behind the indirection of a
hint. Kvsn five years ago ii was the
custom of the great majority of New
STork husinetB and professional men !
itltttg thtir Shoulders when co:;froutd
by the Tammany issu-', and indicate
lilheriu words or gestures that tbs
safest policy toward coneoded abUISS
wan acquiescence.
I'or the change which in so rsmarka
fly short time lias been brought about,
the change which, in otily a fow mouths
hus put tho once defiant bosses iu the
position, not of lords, but of fugi
tives, jail birds or suppliants, wo aro
indebted In groat measure to one man.
Almost nnkuown sud almost alone, he
undertook she task of municipal purifi
cation, coming to it from the quiet at
inosphero of a minister's study, where
peace, gentility and unbroken tranquil
ity had hitherto been the happy inci
dents of his MTser, To look uvea now
to the first bold challenge Issued by Dr.
Parkbnrst against vices and influences
compared with which he seemed tlien
the merest pigmy, gives toe spectator
a new insigat into t lie snblime power
of truth and a firmer grasp on the eter
nal verities of justics and right.
FbOM Tins time on local politics will
doubtless receive the undivided atten
tion of the Lackawanna oonuty cam
naign liar, and popular diaaount should
be applied accordingly.
As to Out Door Fleliaf.
The esteemed Alioona Tribune th inks
there "is uot an Intelligent suidsnt rf
sociology in the country who doss not
beliovo the out door relief system a
vicious and expansive metbol of
spreading panpsrism, aud one almost
certain to result In corruption." It uot
this a sweeping statement! An intsll i
gent student of sociology who site on
the bench of Lackawanna county be
lieves to tha contrary ; and hisroceut
opinion sustaining the power of the
.Scranton Poor board to grant outdoor
relief was received with ap
proval by persons who do not place
much OOofttlsnOS in the poor houses
over the hill.
Tbsre is a good deal to be said on
both sides of this question. While It
would he desirable to have sufficient
business prosperity to render out-door
relief unnecessary, crises such a tbat
through which oar country has jint
passed make temporary relief an nbso
luta necessity in many esses, it is
rjuite possible to draw too delicate a
distinction in this matter. Were poor
hous8 alwsys conducted as tbsy should
be, and were there, alec, a sufficiently
exalted public sentiment to admit that
deserving paupers end unfortunates
are to be respected nud uot sneered at,
U would no doubt bo possible to do
without ou'-door relief and to mass all
victims of poverty iu publiu iastitu
tious of refuge.
Unhappily, those ideal condit oas do
notfxist. We lire compolled to take
peoDle as we find them; and wo find B
majority of thun eutertalniug an un
conquerable repugnance to being
carted away in disgrace and hoarded
with good, bad and indifferent fallow
victims in the contemntd abode of un
fortnnates. It should certainly not be
the desire of public charity to under
mine the self respect of (hove to whom
it ministers. Ami while, in pursuauos
of a contrary policy, abuses may develop
nnd eorrnptlon foi'in, is tbero real like
lihood that the poor house system
would be less objectionable on those
BH0D8 Isi.AND'd redemption was sig
nified by a smaller majority than Mr.
Crow got, mainly because Rhode Is
land had not enough voters to make it
. .
IMPOUTIOAL circles the story is our
rent that Collector Herring will not
give Luzirne county tho deputyship
belonging to it and Carbon, lor the
reason tbat hs doesn't fanny the ardent
manner in which Luzsrne Democrats
stuck to Conn I if. Wo cannot prelend
to believe that this rumor is true,
tjpon the contrary, nothing ia Mr.
Herring's disposition encourages the
belief that he dislikes a good fighter or
would punish nny muu for being loyal
to bis friend). At the same time we
would be willing to wager a toothpick
that Lttfirne will get loft. In the first
place that is a Luzerne habit. Aud iu
thesicoud placo wo havo it on very
good authority that at this writing tho
deputyship is olated for Editor Molloy,
cf Ltnslord.
In riRuswa the oolumnsota Wiikes
Barra contemporary we notice that
Lu7.rne's cnj'.ital has just been cdlfiejri
by tho organization of a Kickers' r! n'.
Its membership is mad-np of those
who have, it is said, kicked over the
traces of every other organization that
tbey hnvo evvr been In, and who now
propose to roducH this ptooliarity down
to the delicate proportions of a fi in art
This may be merely a facotiom e.
planation: but it is obvioui that som
such an arrangement, seriously entered
into, would greatly conduce to !h bet
terment of mankind. Tho Kicker mi y
be a neoetsary Institution, but he would
look much better if herded bv himself.
Woniaii Hears
I have bad several letters the past
week asking nts to give my roal opin
ion of girls who work in men's ollices
as typewriteru and assistants. I don't
sne how my unknown correspondents
can espsot me to give my "real opin
ion upon this subjsot in any other
words than to remark that there's
nothing tho matter with the typewriter
if site's all right. It is only occasion
ally thut yon and a young woman em
ployed in an Office where she isiiloue
with ber employer the larger ptrt of
the time; and my aotual opinion is
tbat it would be hotter if these cases
were still more exoptioual. Iu the of
fice whieh 1 brighten with my presence
I see many prisons who are coming
and going at ail hours, and who pay
no more attention to me than it 1 were
tho radiator, the revolving top of the
desk or any other appurtenance of tho
room. Most of the visitors aro men,
too, but if they are interested iu any
typewriter it evidently isn't Helen
My employer, who I bsllevo is fond
of women's society in gensral, but not
In particular, toq'iote his wife, pickod
me out for my business qaslltiottlons,
and not for my looks, as to ray bst
knowledge nnd beli-if he has nover
looked at me sinco i entered upon my
duties some time ago. Perhaps you
will recognise his portrait when I Ml
you that he has a habit of looking iu
any other direction than into the fees
of tho person to wiiOlU ho m y be
Hut, to return io the snbjsot, I really
and truly tbink tbat it would bk- better
for tho typewriter, and everybody els--
concerned, if she would invist upon
heiug stationed inn public office wher-i
die may be seen by many people, than
to withdraw to a less conspicuous one
where she and employer mo thrown
Into each other's soiiely. One must
either dislike or love a in m exceedingly
to endure such companionship very
And, sneaking about men, par'oapi it
it a dlsgression to state that (he mi iu
b rs of that Breckinridge-Pollard juiy
are never going to bring In a vrdit of
heavy damages for the plaintiff in thl
world. Some of them will be sure to
reason that, one Of these days, they
may be in theBuura position as that now
occupied by the white-haired defend
ant. The typewriter plays a prominent
part in this case, you notice. I'm glad
she seems disposed to tell the truth
about the business, but I must any tbat
I never yet bav- boon asked to invade
love letters. As a rule most men ce m
to prefer to give themselves away by
their own handwriting, rather than by
inuns of a tvnewritar, who is apt io
live long enouxh to tell about it in
court, Lawyers are dreadfully a'.iarp
about writing letters that uro likely to
Incriminate thera, but they ought, to
learn to run a typo machine themselves
if they must carry on lovealt'airs wiiei e
a correspondence is necessary. The:e
Is a little less individuality about tl.o
machine than about tno girl who inar
ipulntes it and tho machine hasn't ; a
oud a memory as the girl.
e e e
Talking of lawyers reminds me of
preachers and I am moved to remark
that U too bad the theatre pop! for
got to arrange fur every night n-xt
W fktobe tilled with performer:!, fnr
they say there are to bo several tin u
drod preAohoramort'or Kssin the city
and many of thera coma from the
country, poor things, where they never
get a chance to sen u good show or in
tact to have any amusement more
wildly exbilarating than the Mewing
society, the Bnnday school picnic or
Ibeir annual donation should think the
managers would hav been more con
siderate, No doubt llr. Frotbingham
tvonld send the whole delegation com
plimentary tickets if ha had tbonttbt
of it sooner. Kate Claxton'c "Two
Orphans" may ba rather depressing In
:'pots, but still they may enjoy it.
e e e
Mr. Powdsrly, shortstop Brooks and
the Sheridan ItlfWs are destined to
preoaive t-icranton from going down
into oblivion. If the people here at
home forget to have these names in
scribed on tho tombstones of their
memory (Is that the correot eimlleT)
they will not be allowed to thus auff:r
from similar neglect in other places,
lbise ball will survive when tha polo
ordinnuce, Uice's Surprise party, aud
the effusions of our local poite ere for
gotten. Mr. Powdsrly will be re
membered after workingmen'a organ
iitions cease, while the stntna of
Sheridan will be admired when
Columbus aud Washington ani th
other small boy, who liuvo to go ou
foot above their pelestnlj, are of no ac
count by the side of those who can ride
on a lino curveting ohargtr,
Eiinestriaa statues oujxht naturally
to be regarded with approbation,
'i'hsre is more to 'em, an I we Soran
toniana like to got ne much as possibln
for our money, I only hope they will
secure a horso that is not too bow-leg
ie 1, liko one of the statues of which
WB are already the proud poss'ssors
There nre just three men in this
town uo more who should bo voted
estaliH In Nay Aug park or ou the
Court House square, You may gumi
who they are.
e e
I can't fi'ti that Mayor (Jounell
omitted any unimportant recommenda
tion In bis mess 'gn except the suppres
sion of the hnrdv gurdy woman and of
linemen who climb poles for the pur
pose of dropping hammers and monkey
K'renobea upon the heuds of unoffend
ing passers-by. lie might also have
suggested the introduction ofaclante
of the cabmen ordinance to applv Ilk--wlas
to extortionate aldermen. I wish
he had specified what part of the $40,
000 needed for street repairs Should be
expended on the crossing npar TBI
TRIBUNE building and the old postulate
ovr Bnrnoe street, l positively dread
coming down this Way every week with
uiv copy. Two or three thousand
dollars would fjg it up in pood Style
and the superllnous mud would fill In
the high tohool cave vry satisfse
tori ly. Haunt Wayni:.
There is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white load,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.
The following brands an; stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and arc
always absolutely
White Lead
"Atlantic,' "iJeymer-Eaunian,"
" Jewott," " Davis-ChaMbers,'
"FahneEtoc::," " Armstrcaz U, ItsKalvy.''
If yon want colored p:iint, tint
any of the above strictly pun leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colon;.
These coters sis o!d in one-pound cans, fach
can betngsnSklent n tint as pounds of BtncUy
Pars White Lead tho desired shads tbey are :n
r.u sense ready-mixed paints, but a cocabkuuioa
il peitcclly pure COtOtl In the form to
lint Btrlclly Puts Whits Lead,
Send Uii a ustul card tad get uur Luuk on
jainu ana color-card, tree.
Up to DATE
Something New lor
I BNKINS & MOKKIS, formerly with
" L,0llll .1
Joues, dUniiv m tsrm nnd
vell-nelectud utock of Fathi enable
Spring Styles in Millinery,
Esptoinl Httentlnti girsn to Artistic
City Music Store,
BTUI.TZ & ItAUbli;
i)t a Itfffa wtork cf firt-cl.iii
APPJL 6, 1894.
Your choifse of three beaotifal
pieturcs, "Telephone Girl," "De
ivering Christmas Presents"
and ''Maidens Swinging." Send
by mail (r iiicssciigcr or bring
coupons liko this of three differ
ent dates, with 10 cents, stumps
or coin, to
Cor. Psua Ave. uud Spruoa tit.
Will remove about April ist to 22h "Wyoming Ave
nue (Y. M. C. A. Building), with a full line of
Pianos and Organs
At Wholesale and Retail, on easy monthly payments. It will
pay to wait for them.
BBte y MsW y -JT fr
Vera) -JL &Hsraf L L kiu
DELICIO'Ja, MILD StTOAXt ounED absol'w't:-;i.v r'unB
Our bargains are like the celebrated 'powuin trap that would catch the var
mints "cokin' or a-gwine." Being always at bright aud fresh as a July morn
ing, our Stock is ever rich iu novelties and abundant in staples. To buy with
out seeing oar aggregation Is to deplete your purio without consulting your
judgment. That, In times like these, Is almost criminal.
Boys' and Girl
A Big Drive in Ladies' Broadcloth Capes, in Tan, Navy
Brown and Black AT $1.73.
A Still Greater Drive in Ladies' All Wool Broadcloth
I hree-Piece Capes, with Double Ruffle Collars; enormous
sweep; all colors, AT Si. 98.
Ladies jacket Walking Suits, in the Most Stylish Cut,
Tailor Made, $4.98.
In our Curtain Department we are offering a lot of first
class Window Shade, complete with fixtures and ready to
hang, 1 7 cents.
Tsv iLO tsVOlTSS
With the New Vaive3
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
j And a full line of Boys' and
I Girl:;' W heels. We are male
inr extremely low prices on
i Second-hand Wheels.
1 n 111 1 m
S14 Lacka. Ava.
Wedding Invitations,
Menus and Dinner Cards,
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers r.nd Et r .verj.
N.B. We are offering a new
edition of the Hook of Common
Prayer, well bonnd in eloth.
Two Copies for 25c.
Single Copies, 13c.
f 7"" 1
'm L
1 uou
Price everywhere, 25c. We will give you Two Pairs for the
Quarter while they last. You ought to see them.
Timothy, Clover
Foote & Shear Go
I ljpTxr-1 Tht ii! osi complete
mggrfr medium-priced
The Fashion
Lackawanna A'Aenue.
Millinery Department
We liave never shown as select an assortment in hats,
trimmed in the latest style aa;l in endless variety, as we
do this season, and we cordially invite all ladies to visit
leaks an
d Gaoes
We are just opening a large shioment of Olosks and Capes.
A handsome lau Ladies' .Jacket, Umbrella Back, Reefer
Front at $7,00
A tight littiug Clay Worsted Jacket, with Moire ReverS
nt $2,50
A beautiful Black (May Worsted Cane, with Mohair Braid
Ami dozens of other styles from
JL- -J-
Knockabout Hose
and Lawn Seeds.
$!.93 to $25.00
? I
S UK 11 A I: IT. &
r. 1 " tut
il EDWIN G. LL0YD42iv"ck 1
I mt
All Mini- l ie Ii I lull l.'tioUiMl lilil.
Imiiy Siui'ki1 It i 1 1 ln t.
Itolll'lttKH I ',
Vitriiiuutli lU.iiil.-i x
i uit Mkrl.
lioeliwur. Clinko ay. AVCTPRQ
Miiiirn.. nii.'i t uu U I q I riil g
U)U I'.iinl
Kofi CUtn, IbMnipii
W. H. PIE-: RGB,
FGKN av::