sr Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. JL jm lewder ABSOLUTELY PURE GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Laces and Embroideries Wore never 10 beautiful as uow lVsiJe their loveliness, the prices are such as to commend them to tho atleutiou of the more ynuleut buyers. Notwith standing1 ttu uue.; . i i demand for luce this season, our sl.vk ll consistent with the deuniul THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Fine American at 10 and 12'.. Ginghams c. In a complete hue of styles In all the new combinations and color Inge, The goodi are e so optional value at the price, this identical 1 , , . , , . Jaokton H'aaiuy anns uesu ioi i iav season for IS and 10 cents per yard. Outor towneorrosMndente of Til Tutu PMRchOQMClQ their ttea&SC tu full t.i jU Uwi letter, not for publication i .4 KHIUl dooolltloU.I STROUDSBURG TOPICS. Nawi from Momoe'e lit ty Capital Con .lute-. 1 tor QutOk Ferueal 'I'ft'ui tv the ScroafOA IVttwHt. STBOVIMBVRQ, l'a., March SS llarrv P. Nvce, formerly employed hy the t'lisMencer Ksilway company, has ' a position at the silk mill us foreman Mrs Randolph NeaTei, of Washing ton. N J., te m her utter iu law Mrs. V. A Martin, a Tisit. H ilpli 1'rbau, eon of a former paotor of the Methodist bptsropal church, spent Sunday with fneude in town. Pike county, lOCOrdlng to the tisstif' ion returns, has l.OUJ dogs Miss May Michaels, the designer at Ileliuer's millinery es'atli-hmeut. has j Lift returned from New York, where he had been acquainting herself with tie spriug aud summer styles of head Serpentine Crepa at 20c. This fabric bears a strong re emblance to an all-wool inite rial. It is light, airy and is shown in ten different coloriugs. including all the popular shades for evening wear, 36-inch French Percales at 12l.c In many styles and colorings, t he choicest product of the mills. 3re fully represented, and the de signs are entirely different from any other printed fabric on the market. Opening of Millinery There was no evidence of hard times at oar Millinery Opening A large number of ladies were present to pick out their hats from an assortment so inviting as to make choosing a pleasant difficulty. The demands upon us for prompt execution of orlers are o,aite extraordinary. Gorman's Grand Depot T HIM HI ACTI Read What Your WrtfhbOfe Thick of Britannic. 'Ihe set of Bntannina ordered from you nas been received and unpacked, and upon examination I find that the work exceeds my expectations in paper, print and bind ing, ft is the great Edinburgh, page for page, which I have always desiretf bat could not purchase before on account of the price, llij in cloth. J'jH.V W. W'aoner, Principal No. 10 School. This is the age of books. Learning is so broad and books are so numerous that it is impossible for any one to procure sepa rata volume npon all tha subjects which at present engage tinman thought, : in place of thi'. a good Encyclopedia li f n. vi aor. i, or epromize, ify all knowledge to bring it within the limit of onr comprehension. After a some what careful study of three or four of the principal Encyclopedias, I affirm without hesitancy that the Britannic M;TXi ecperior. Readers of all classes should possess it W. O. WATKIN9, Pastor Providence baptist church. ia turret SyjaasTiAV, Pa., L9 7, 18S3. About one yew ago i purchased from -cnhimr's H-.os tho i.intlt Irtjon of the Eocyclopedi Britannica, leather binding, to per volnme, li.w k nr. P Htr Attorney and Cc Judge H. M. Edwards says' I I uave.comparxl the volume of joar re print of the EdfUtmrg edition afbe Eri tannic encyclopedia with a volume of the original edition in my possession, aod i find it to be the arne. besides having the American addition. It is a complete li brary in Itself. The public should appreciate and take advantage of TrtE Tribi k' a offer of a copy of the great Edinburg edition of the Encyclopedia Hritannica with supple mental matter ridded to .-ach volume). and the latest maps, at a, : per vohfoie, and on so easy payment It is a rare opportun ity. It is h complete library and should be in the home of every school hoy and girl. (Joe who has never uied an Encyclopedia Efcnnot itpprei into It valae. Let the boy tad gil leefn its use wheu young, and so ' lay the foundation. They are not nsing snch aids half enough. W. K, Oka van, Principal No. 35. From the scores of such expressions commendatory of thi great work it seems that eriongh had -i said to es tablltti confidence. Only Ave days re main In which to secure it. Office at 487 Spruce street; open evenings. On receipt of $4. !0 by mail the twenty-rive volumes will be forwarded, express prepaid. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who havo used Electric Bitters sine the same, song of praise.--A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Hnlt Kheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Contispation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entile natislaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 eta, and II per bottle nt Matthews Bros., Drug store. Yallercbaum of Middl Siuitl'.tield, who narrowly escape! be uig murdereJ a couple ot weeks ago. is improving, and it is thought that he wiileutirelv recover The poeket-book taken from Mr Vallerehauip, bv the robbers, was discovsrei several yards trom the house. I hi is the only clue aud the authorities havo abont given up the hope of bringing the guilty par ties 10 justice T. A nyder.of Lehighton, formerly of Stroudsburit, has beeu appointed a notary public by Governor I'attison John Johnson, a Norwegian, Is tramping through the country, came to Strondsburg a few days ago, and is selling oil paintings which he paiuts while you wait. Mr. Johnson's work displays considerable talent. A merry lot of people gathered at the home of Frank LaBar, Booth Siroadsburg, Saturday eveuiug. Au excellent supper was served. Those present report a very pleasant time. The Easttr edition of the Times eon iits of twelve pages the regular edi tion witn a beautiful four-pig cover. Miss Ella Ksllar and Miss Ella Isett, while out driving last week, met with what might have resulted in a serious accident. When turning a corner one uind wheel ot the carriage broke down . but a farmer came to the rescue, se cured the horse and loaned the ladies another vehicle. The mock trial held Friday evening. March 38, in the Grand Army of the Republic hall, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. L., was a langhable affair throughout. The trial ws to decide wnether Burgess Eistler stole George M Weaver's rooster. Those who par ticipated were; Judge, Mike Brown attorneys. Will Er lman, Cicero Gear bant; clerk, J. L. Kellogg, sheriff, William Flory; crier, Ed Wyckoff. the witnesses, Sid Waiton, FrelNutt, Hon. B. F. Schwsrz. Frank Tratttu Dr. Tom Walton, Van C. Peters; the jury, "twelve men, good and true " During the evening a drawing room seance was held by leading oitisent, nnder the direction of Junes Louis Kellogg, in whioh his famous bur lesque was actually illustrate!. AnoU LaLLOSj carriage mannfacturer, 119 Carroil street, Buffalo, X. Y., states I was troubled with nausea of the stom ach, sick headache and general debility. Burdock's Blood Bitters cured me. -4 priceburg pickups. Li'.tl Local of . Intersit From Northern Sabirb. fipKiaito ih feraalon ZVieaaa PricI'.bxru. Pa , March i'i A snr prise party was tendered MissBissi Potbecary at her hotm on Carmalt street, GaDriis. singing and other amuafimen -were indulged In during the errening Refreshments wer served and nil had agocsltim), The following persons wre present Mr. and Mrs. yames Vlivor, Mr and Mrs. James Walfciss, Mr an I Mrs John Wieland Mrs. BarTOO, Mrs. Marget son, Mrs. Cooper. Mary and Lizzie Birkbeck, Minnie Cook, Hannah Cooper.' Jake Pfifer. Thomas Bkr, Lnke Hall, James Margetson, Will Ferris, James Cook, George RoMMM, Charles Ri ;hardlon, Ktward Jackson and Cept. hi and Iaaao Cioper Mrs. Wieland, mother of oontractor tteorge Wielaud, is very ill at her home on Main street. (i I'. Hill, of Ulnghamtou, N. Y , is a gnett at the Central. Tbomna Mr.Uoireis nnrsing a sore foot, tha result of an injury reoalved in Richmond' mines lie was ntie of the crave rescuer who descended the fiery shaft to find the bodies of hie f el low workmen KILLED BV THE ENGINE. The First Ac.ldent on th Ltokawanna ar.d Montroe Railroad Sprciitl In thr .Irrantun Tribune. Montk'jhe, Pa., March 2.1 At 10 o'clock yesterday morning while the nngiua was making it run to the cream ery and aged woman by the-name of Mr Oriflin, wa fatally injured by lie ing struck by the pilot beam of the en- glue. She win walking through th out and stood in the ditch by the side of the traek and when the engine wa close npon her she attempted to cross the track in front of the engine from tho leftside when she was seen by the engineer, John Spenoe, when about 00 feet away ami he reversod tha engine ind applied the air brake, but to no purpose. nue was romovea 10 uer home. She di d at 11 15 a. m. . . DOINGS AT OUNMORE. Munloipul Muddtea A Few Personal Paragraph of Interest. ftieri'uJ re tte .Srranron Tritxiae. 1H SMORB, IV. March 88.- The pub lic demaud for the retention of C. P. Savage a borough clerk btOOinei mora general as the inn Hies by, and it i hoped by all that the council will be governed by this and re-eleot him as it reward for his rormer Mltlinu alid elll clvut duties. The Demooratlo uouuoil men by opposiug bim, di 1 ho with the uuderatiindlng that the public demaii'l- ed it, but the cnure that their ac tion has amused ahoiild he iiirtlclent to show that the re election of Mr. Savage would receive tho approbation of their adherents us well as thole of ih Republican party, and tbeoonncll man who tirsl atepe in the inter tit of harmony that will again roll the wheels nf mnnU'ipal prograss forward will undoubtedly be applauded by all voters The legality connected with the ftp- notutmeut of the new health board la (iiii'siunied bv sumo ptomiueiil citUina Por the benefit of those lnlarostod Tin rBlBUNB repreHsntallvo iiueetioiieil some of thr councilman regarding it mid was told timt so far a they knew the appointment were made according to law and at the auggestlou of llurgi'H Duggau, who read lo them the lite net -wining the health boards of borouv'hs. Tins is in thn p itssasiou of the binge uud open for public per uaal rfipures that the president of the council shall appoiul a certain number ot health etllcers, one to be alloted to each health district and among which number snail be u reput able pnvsiclau I e.-h in vi ahall real.leutof the district in which be live and the term of ollljn be from one lo live yeara In accordance to the law the ftDDOintm "its have beeu made and the new board organized with lr. Chamberlain as president and secre tary. If there aro any illegal appoint inetits the council is not aware of it. L R. Fowler of Mohawk, spent Sun dav with his family at this place. Miss Agnes Kelly, of PrOTtdftnM,bftl beeu visiting here for the pait few days. Misses Emilv Flvnn. Mry Gilligtn aud Annie McLaiu. students of tlx uormsl school at Stroudsburg, aT ipeudiug their F, ister vacation at home. Mrs. WltHimf, the wife of School Superintendent Williams ha been ill for a few days. The tuuer'al of Mildred, the infant hill of Charles Wagner occurred Saturday. Is Holland. Mich,, C. J. Uoesbury pub lishes the News, aud iu its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, ca tarrh and asthma. e NOTED AT NICHOLSON. MARCH 26, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your ohoioe of threo DMOtlftll pic tu res, ' 'Telephone (1 i rl, " " I c liverinn CliriBtinaH I'reseniH" and "Maidens Swinging." Bend by mail or niessenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, lo TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Peun Ave. and Spruce St Event of 1 itereet Recorded for Gen eral Peruial In Bright Paraareuhl. Special to the ticruntnH Tribune. Nicholson, Pa., March .'5 a. II. Moore male a business trip to the Electric City on Thursday 1 ist To-night the Jolly Four Social Club will hold their first annual ball at thr Blnkeelee's Opera Hnnte, The stamp office of the Underwriter Association, which wis situated in this place, bat been removed to Scrau ton. Frank N. Boyle was in Scranton on Friday last. Mrs. Martin Milli'an died at her home in Lathrop last We lues lay. The funeral was held on Friday in the Methodist Episcopal church at this place. Ihe Nicholson Caramel works aie still idle. The electric road ihonl 1 run from Tunkbannock to Nicholson. All those that take stock in the branch of the Repnbllo Savings and Loan association between now an I April 1, will become cnrter members aha grand jurors drawn from tbis place to erv April term of court are W. L. McMillen, O R Blaksle, petit jnror are Albert Knuney. Fred. Uabcock, the stage-dliver be tween here and Tunkbannock, has sold out IVIrick's store building will not he finished by tho first of April as expected L T. Whltbeck arrived In town r rl- day from L ing Island Milton lhurber was in town on Saturday last Tne partnership between R I). & C. R. Newton ha beta ilimol?e1, N, V. Walker of Uuflalo, N Y. spent haster with In parents in town. W. W. I,e R iv ma le a trip to the Eleotric City on Satnr lay, Wm F, Shields and son Ralph were In Soranton on Saturday Inst. Ralph Williams spiut Enter with his parents in town. Ihe branch ot the Kepubllc Havings sun loan association has about thirty c isrter membtrs In this plane. FOREST CI ry SPUNTERS. An Eaatar Offerlna- from a Live Oorre pondent'e Not Bonk. Sji'riitl tu the Si-inntim Trihttm Foiikst City, Pa., March 'i Messrs. J D Caryl, J. W. Whlto and Benjs rnin Maxey were In I'eakvlll yester'lav to see thn working of an olaotrlo drill iu ns at oni of Ihe colliorle at that plaoe, Miss Kate llivis, of Bromley avenu Scranton, If spendltig K istor in this placs as tho guest of Miss Ada .Inn ninga. Mr E A. Wheeler and son aro vis iting in Thompson. At the Presbyterian supper Friday evening the drawings for the bed room suit and ton set occ irred. Mrs (I A. Shepherd hold the lucky number for the bed room suit nnd William E;au for th latter. John Biggin was looking after his business Interests In Carboadale yesterday. Rsv. J BalsUv, of th Eplscopil church In Carbon dale, was Iu Forest City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. (ilynn Morgan, of thla place, will bo Ihe guest of Scranton friend and relatives for a week. I The marriage of Ssrah Hntirvltch, of this place, ami Harry Vlukleitein, of Hcranton. will he snlmnnizid this ovn ing at 5 t) m. at the bride' horn i on .Nin th Mtln street. Mr. and Mr, frank Sarafiiiski (nee Apoloni Yokouuki) started yetrday for a visit with friends iu Nauticoke. II. O. Watrous attorney at law, was in Caruondale yesttrday. Mr. Watrous will in a ihort time devote part or his lime to law practice in the Pioueer City and still continue his practice In this place. S. (J. Ochs, of Baltimore: i: J. Mon ger, of Scranton, anil A M. O'Donaell, of Binglumton, wire registered at the rorest House yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wiilih are i ling Easter in the Eluctrio City. I hw Erie pay car passed over thn Jell"' Saturday distributing the "long green to the many employee. Bernard O llara, au attach" of tho Erie station ia this place, spsut a short time in the Anthracite today. Br. U Ihvyer, of ' irbondale, was seen upon Forest City's midway today. OWER AI OLVPHANT. Louala of Pasataif Umitint Culled and Crlaply Recorded SeeelOl to the SerOatOS Tribune. OLTPHANT, Maroh 'J5. -B. J Lynch, of MUlerseiUe State Normal Mhool, is home to spend E ,st . I Mrs. P Bnelcher,of Aiohbald, vilitod Mrs John Ferguson witerday The II month-old omld of John Ey ons, of Upper Uuumore street, died tin afternoon, The Adonis Literary and Boolftl olub are reliHaralng a play entitled "Ne da." They expect to prueut it some time during May W. W. Roed. of West Side, moved to Providence today, where will take up his future residence Mis Annie Nualou, of Carboiidele, baa been visiting iu town the pant week. Mrs. John O Mallcy, of Dunmore street, in-nt today at Scranton. John Ferguaon was visiting frundri down the valley toJav. There were aptcUl Eastar rvicS at Patrick' church Sunday The choir rendered Home excellent musio under the leadership of Professor T. VV, Wat kiue. The choir was assisted by Pgo fessor Wnlkinushaw's orcbestrn. Miss Annie Bhifton, of Forest City, returned home today after visiting Mrs. J. H ('ummiugs, of the West Side, the paat week. The cantata "Joseph" wa performed again tonight before a large audience The Peckvitle Untieing class have issned invitations for a social lo be held at Keystone hall, March till J. v. Kennedy, of Scranton, spent yesterday with hit parent ill Hlakely I ne Japanese social Wliiuh was held u the Welsh Bintiet church last even ng was a success. A large crowd en joyed tne entertainment, which was of nigh order. Refreshments were served by Japanese ladies. Miss Edith Piobertis sponuing a few days at Kingston. JERMVN JOTTINGS. All th New from a HuaiUng Town Pithily Paragraphed. Friffiat to the Scanton Tribune. Jeumyn, Pa., Marcu 'Jo An effort is being in, ie tn organize a lodge of the Royitl Aicanum here. Ihe funeral ot George Elwardt, ar , took place Satnrday afternoon and was argeiy attended by a large concourse f friend from Carbondale, Scrantou n l intermediate points. 1 he outer tainin-jut under the auspices of Catholio Mutual lieu, tit association wiUUke place tomorrow eveuiug, Tne Irawiug tor the iJ.iO orize will come off at ,the close of the programme. A large number of tickets nave beeu sold aud a full house Is assure!. The E nvortii league of the Metho dist church, will piy a friendly visit to the Carbondale league on the evening of April 0 Republican headquarters will bt formally opmed to visitors tonight. Good speakers will be in attendance. Last evening (,onrt Lily of the Val ley lodge, No.'8,079, Order of Forrest ers, attended service iu the Methodist Episcopal chnrch. Mollie, only child of Frank Carey, this a'demoon funeral Monday. Weak Kidneys Sluup, shooting pains, lack ache, side ache, i. In st pains and palpi tation relieved in Onk Mini ik by the Cuu cbKA Anii-Pain Plas TIK the lirst and only pain-killing plaster. It restores vital tltrtru ity, and hence cutcs nei IfOW pains and mus euUi weakliest. Price ejc. ; five, St.. o At all drtiggut or by mail. PoTTE 1RUQ and Chsm, Cosi- , lloiton. Scrofula is Disease Germs living in the Blood and fot-ding upon its Life. Overcome these germs with Scott's Emulsion JOTbHWWsnfJSWe!aMGHHW the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, and make your blood healthy, skin pure and system strong. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived bj Substitutes! Prepare i l Si-ell A Bewa,ll Y All DnilintU WE BELIEVE We have the hand son. est line of Parlor and I )rawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and wc would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ave. Mix. 4 ii nil Deemera PauttOD, I'eiin. Weak Nerves Numb Spells, Dyspepsia, Poor Blood Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Strength, Removed That Tired Feeling. "0, I, Hood ft Co., Lowell, Man Gentlemen: i (eel tiiui i inut uy a trw words ainiiit Hood's Km tapai Ilia, an 1 Hunk 11 is tin- beet medlelne i haveevti taken i bad iys ieutla, ini'l my nines Were weak, in y blood ulso in bad condition, and I was troubled wun numb i-i when i would sit oi Itedowu, I Was So Weak that I COUld lianlly walk eorotl lliu Iiuiisi- when I lii'gan to laku ilood I lartaparlluV I liave how u.ted seven bOttlei ol this fnedlCln and nave gained in itrength, can do an iu work Hood's1 Cures and mil get tired, am ever so mucfa bet Hi in every wuy " Mks. AMKA DBBMBM, Haulton, PeoniylvanUti HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have spltuditl ability, but they havo never beeu wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of Inactivity and want to do somethiujj tangible, Come to the College. COMMON BNGMSU COUK8B. BUSINESS COURSE. MIOUI HAND COL HKK v tj mtsvrt n Hood's Pills act easily, yel nrumptlj ain.' efllclenUy, on tbe llvei and bwnei. Uu. Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Fpeclalist. And tie aaooiated ttutl of EiielUh end Ger man t'LyalcUua.iire now iiernjaneLtly located temple Court Building Si 1 SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON Where iliey may bo consulted DAILY AN'D Sil'MIAY. Tho Poetor Is a graduate ot tho fnlvoraity ef Penueylvania, formorlr demontrtor ot physicWv und snrirory at the Mcdleo-Cblr-urglcal College, of Phildelihla. Be la also an honorary member ot tho Medico Chirur glcel Aiwociatlon, and w phveiclan and turgeon-ln chief of the moat noted American and in- ,u. romee liinhly indorsed by the leading professor ot Philadeliibla and New Vork. Hi many years of honnitAl riperleno en able thla emlni'ut phyeieinn and eurgeon to correctly dlagnomi and treat all deformitie and diseaee with tin. numt HatUTing aucceas, and his huh ttamtlng in the etati- will not all w hltn to accept anv incurAble case LOS I ItlAMIool) i: - nii.i ii WKAKNKM OF VOUNO HEM fVltEn llyouriavt dwd nivin up ny your physi cian rnll upon the doctor and he examined. He cures tfic worst canesof Nervoue nihility, Kerofula. Old Horoa atarrh. l'Uea. Female Wiakne. Affection of the Ear, Ey v Note and Throat, Aethma. Deafness. Tumor. I'an ceia and Criwile of every doscription Con sultation In Riielwh and German Ere, which ahull he considered sacred and atrictly coufl dattX liffiaa Honrs: o A. M. to 1". 1. I'allj. Rantlay. '. i. in. to p in. Atlantic Refining Co. Maiiiifaetiirers and Dealers in Dlnminating and Lubricating OILS Unload QH, Nnptlia anil tlaso linos ot nil jtnules. Axle Grenso. I'inion Oretii niul Colliery Com pound . also, it I mic" liua ot Par ratline Wnx Caudle. Wp nlso hanille tho Famous CROWS ACME OIL, tbe only family safety i in urn oil in tha market WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Office: Coal Kxrhnngo, Wyoming Aye, orke at I'lno Hrook. Onyx Top Brass Table Third National Bank of Scranton. Slat.'iiu.iit rb, '-'H , IH1M. railed for be Ho- I i-in Hi i ol tlo- I ill i . in , RBIOUIU I I I.oane Overdrafts United state Bonds Other Honda Untieing Hotter rreniltiuia nn 11. H. Ilond. I'm i i D. s Treasurer., Hun It-ont IIhiih ntt 1, 10,840 00 1147. 117 ao.tiiio.oti .. Rl :,mh 7n H,074.40 04tl 7A 7.IIOOOO . 'lis II i. 7:1 I 411. 010. .14 Hi LIAIIIiniKS. I'aiiltnl , tt00,000.00 aiiroltia '40 000 00 tlmllvldiol Proflte .0.1 so 11,, 111, ol, .11..., 7V. OOO.OO OlvMi'iiile l.'uunld 3 .'14 AO 1, 004. Allll 04 lino tu Ilnuk tin .inn .mi V,UO,000 AO WILLIAM fONNri.l, rreeldent. UKO. II. ATI.IN, Vlro-I'rcelilent tvn.LiAsi H. til k, Oashlan UlMtCTOM William roiiniill, Oeorge II. Cntlln, Alfred Hand. .Inttiea Arebbnlil, Henry llelln, Jr., William T. smith. Lutlier Keller. EACH. JLb. $ EACH. Hat and Coat Racks. 3-hook, 25c; 5-hook, 50c. KERR U SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. Title hank nflora tn iiepnaltor every facility warranted Oy tltelr Oalitnei'M, Intel ii.ibh lull r.Nllotiel bl lit V. apeolal ettentlon itivnn tn hualnna no- rottnta littereat ,niil on lime neoiite. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. zoo am) m vm m km "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have be6n," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. ji i mini iiiii i mint ii minimi iib uiiimiimimm'-' s s s B s iiMimniiimiiiimmmmmiimiiiuuiiasimm.iJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers