The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G . E3. 8c Co.,
Imprinted nn farti Cgir
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
I ul Kl UUUM. -i.-l .il.L
iJOTo b.30 if.U.
This is naturally the dullest loolal
weak In the year, All form of enter
tainment hate been practioally aband
ne I and the society b-ll- is fortifying
lerself for the gay round of pleaanre
that Easter week will usher in as a
ecorapense for the restrictions that
'.he penitential season imposed.
Ths appearance of the Kendall
at the Academy of Mu.ic Thuri
dtiy eveuiuK, will probably bring out a
nnuiber of sosiety people, notwith
standing that it is the ere of Good
Friday. It is the tirat appearance of
Mr and Mrs Kendal in tuts city, and
innnv are anxious to see these cnarui
log English people of whom so much
has been said aud written.
OnWcdneaday evening the Bieyole
club will open its paat-lenten social
season with one of the delightful par
ties that have beeu such an important
factor iu the social lite of Scran ton this
The young People' assembly bai is
sued invitations fur its social at Seigel's
on Thursday evening, March 29.
On Easter Monday night the Adjnis
Dancing class will entertain friends at
Excelsior Hall with a social.
At Blsgsl'a next Wednesday night
the Social Oronp will give a social.
The Marquette club of the West Side
will hold i'.s select social In St David's
hall on April 5. it wns decided that
Beers' hall was not sufficiently commo
tions for the event
The entertainment and bop which
the Excelsior Social club proposed to
give at its rooms on Wyoming avenue
tonight has been postpmel to a date to
be fixed later
J. A. Martin, of (Jverton. is at the Wejt
mineter. 13 F. hngLes, of CarbonJale, was in the
city yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. L H. Taylor, of Plymouth,
re in this city.
E N. Frisbie, of Wilkos-Barre, was in
this city veiterday.
A. W. Stockist, of Maucli Chunk, was
in Scranton yesterday,
Attorney Replogl has returned from a
triD to thi? Jimiita Valley.
J. F. Schneider and Parry Dean, of Dan
ville, were In the city yesterday.
William Creiguton, of NW York, visited
the lace works at QratO Ridge yesterday.
John Knbbnck and .1 1 . Hirdsall were
Honesda.e visitors iu Scranton yesterday.
City Editor Oritman, of the Carboodale
Leader, was among yesterdays's Scranton
Peter F. 'utnmines.of West Lackawanna
v-1, i- Is dangerously ill of inlUniation of
the bowels.
A. H Christy and O. 8. Johnson have re
turned from a three woeks' trip to Cuba
rid Florid t.
O. Harry Waite, V. ItcConsiok and C.
I! Fisher, all of liinghaiuton, are at tlm
Mrs. H. A. Coarsen and daughter are
vinitine at Orange, N. J., and will be ab
sent about ten days.
Manager Jobo II Blackwood, of the
Frothingham theater, was in New York
yesterday on theati i.-al buone-m.
R. Ripraaple, of t'Uilade'phia, and Will
lain S. Kyle, of Patersou, N. J interested
in silk industries, are at the Wyoming.
E. C. Roberts aud H. EL Ilathiwav, of
Bingbauitoni K. Bagel, of Key West, Fia.,
and U C Mondenhall, of Cutawisau.uri; at
the Valley House.
Mr. ami Mrs. Johu Oreensled.of Jermyn,
retiirn-'d home yesterday, aft- r spending
the pa-t lew days visiting Miss Mary J.
Hopkins, of this city.
Theodore Conntll is expected borne to
duy from Vale to spend tbe Kaster vaca
tion period at the reeldenoe of his father,
William Couuell. on Clay avenue,
T. A. Brashear, Pennsylvania supnrin
tendeDdent of tbe st. Louis Wrought Iron
Range company, was in i his city yester
day. He will transfer his workiug force
from Montrose to Ualtou tbe first of the
coming mouth.
Hiss KJla t. Miller will he married to
George W. Keyes this evening at the How
ard Place African Methodist Episcopal
church. A reception will follow at tbe
Amerioau House, w West Lackawanna
avouue. Mr. Keyes is one of the best
known colored men iu this part of thu
state and was for years the coachman of
the Into Colonel Ira Tripp.
Want.d Young Man ond Womtn Out
of Employment.
We have bad a good year. To meet the
demands of the school extra teaciiers were
employed they are with us now. Over
CuO young meu aud women are out of em
ployment in Scranton. This spring aud
summer we propose to take those young
people in our school ou easy term.
The demand for people is not great iu
auy line, but couut up the peoplo who do
clerical work in all the ohicos, store-,
banks aud manufactories, aud see what an
array of book keepers, stenographers aud
clerks aro employed. These persons are
tbe business men of tomorrow,
Hundreds of your friends have been at
;he college and hundreds have succeedel.
The faithlul ones win; tbe inattentive fail.
Take these next few months aud learn
Kok-keepiug or stenography; brush up In
rammar, spelling, urithmetic: keep your
ye on penmanship, get u good knowledge
(I notes, drafts, checks; kuuw something
of commercial law, aud wind up with the
busiuess practice.
You have the time come in and seo us.
Wood's Collkuk ok Business and Siiukt-
BAND. F. E. Wool), Proprietor.
Violkis at Clark's.
Happening of a Day That Will literal Hyde
FdrH Rea'lii'i. ,
House Owned by Thomas Richards
Badly Daniaed Funeral o( Miss
Maggie Carroll Hyde Park En
campment Elects Officers Birth
day Party to Miss Fannie B. Foster.
Funeral of Mrs. Benjamin Wntburn.
The West Sid olios of the Sohanton
TninpNK is located at Us South Slain ave
nue, arheraeubioriptlons, edvertlaemeoM
ami commnnloationi will receive prompt
An alarm of tire was sounded from
box IM at iu ;!J yesterday morning on
account of a uiaaa In a double two
story dwelling own.'d bv Thomas Rich
ards at the corner of Lafayette street
and Lincoln avenue. Toe Ore origin
ated In a anmmer kitchen situated la
the resr of the house, sad burned
fiercely. Tbe Franklin and Columbia
Fire companies responded quickly, and
in a short time had the llimes sub
lined, but not until the property was
badly damaged, The house was ooon
pied by W. v. Evans and Evan Will
iams, who suffered some lost In furni
ture, Tde 1ms on the buildloga is cov
ered by insurance.
Miss Masifte ( airoll Euii d
The funeral of Mia Maggie Carroll,
a highly esteemed young lady, who
died on Saturday at the lionie of her
grandmother, Airs Mary Ryan, on Di
vision street, took place yesterday, and
was lamely attended, lh remains
were taken to St. Patrick's church,
where a solemn high mass of requiem
was celebrated, after which the cortege
moved to the Hyde Park CatUolie ceuii
tvry, where interment was ma le
Blsotioo of OtBjsrs.
Hyde Park Bocamptnant No. 849,
Independent Order of Old Pellowe,
has elected the following officers:
Chief patriot, William Graylord Thomas ;
high pri"6t, Thomas Carson; senior
warden, Emmet Bsvau ; secretary, R.
H. Williauis; tressnrr, D H. Jones
On Saturday, March 81, Slocum lodge
No 'JTO will sleet officers.
Birthday Party.
Miss Fannie 13. Foster, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs S. N. Foster, of 1223
Washburn street, attained her Seventh
birthday yesterday, and In honor of
tbe occasion a party was giveu at the
home to ber young associates. R'
fresbmsnts were served and the young
folks assembled eujoyed a very pleas
uut afternoon.
The News Coodenssd.
Th employes at the Capouae colliery
were paid yesterday.
D S. Ryan, druggist, of North .Main
avenue, left yesterday for Philadel
phia on busiuess.
The funeral of Mrs. Benjamin Wat
burn, of Bellevue. occurredyesterday
afternoon. The rem tins were takeu to
Taylor for interment.
The remains of Harry, the 14-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Msddock, of
Bloom street, were interred at the
Washburn Street cem-tery yesterday
The funeral of Mrs. Eva Rinker, wife
of Peter Rinker, or South Bromley av--r.u,
will occur at 'J o'clock this morn
ing. The remains will he conveyed to
Stroudsbnrg on the 'J.'i) Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western train foriu
terment. Obsequies private.
Company F cleared about $100 on
their recent hill The proceeds will
bo nsed for the Qxlog up of u reception
The Patriotic Order Sons of America
enmpsof tho city will hold a reunion
on Thursday evening, March 89, in the
rooms of Camp ITS on North Main
Mi .. t i :x ' Stanton Su-ta Him for
$3,000 Dtmisn.
Mrs. Margaret Stantou, wife of Pat
rick Stanton, of Taylor, says that Pat
rick Burke, of the same place, has
grievously injured her by circulating
stories calculated to injure her reputa
tion, and yesterday she brought suit
ugaintt. him through Attorney Joseph
O'Brien to recover $:i.0i)0 damages,
Mrs. Stanton declares that Mr. Burke
on March IS publicly stated that she Is
an unchaste person and untrtis to her
husband, all of which she avers is so
false that ths father of lies mu;t have
instigated the statements.
Jamea Loftus, Jr , Bnuck on tho Head
Wl b a S one and JUy Dla.
JUU( S LoftUS, J i' , son of J.uuss L if-
tns, o(b'i West Market s'reet, Provi
dence, lies at the horn I of his pireuts
in a precarious conditio i,
While young LoftUS was playing
Monday evening a boy named Burns
accidently struek bimouthe head with
a stone.
An Indention of tbe skull resulted
and tho attending physician la unable
as yet to say whether or not t he boy
will recover
Conrad Bcpplcr's Kiss Won Back a
Wife He Had Abused and Ended
a Divorce Suit.
By permission of the court the action
for it divorce brought b,' Mr LiClie
Beppler against Conrad Bsppler, or
lVtersbnrg, has been withdrawn. .Mr
and Mrs Beppler have concluded to
forget the past and the actions that
brought tlo iii into a divorce court and
re again living together, happy and
contented us iu the days of their honey
They were married on April 23, 1870,
and ou Oct. Ill) last Mrs. Beppler hlu'l
her libtd in divorce alleging cruel aud
barbarous treatmeui ou the part of her
About one mouth ago testimony was
t ik-m in the esse. Bsppls was at that
timeserving a term of Imprisonment
in the county jail for ill-treating his
wife, and wa3 brought down to tbe
court house in charge of Warden
Orimes to he present at the hearing
While the testimony was bdtig taken
he feasted his eyes ou his wife's face,
but she persistently ignored his pres
ence. After the hearing he went out
into the corridor and there extending
his hand to his wife he besought her to
spsnk to him.
"Won't you shake hands with me,
Lizzie';" he pleaded.
Her attorney, T. F. Wells, urged her
to comply with his request aud she did
so. They talked long and earnestly to
gether and when Warden Grimes was
about to lead Beppler away the latter
gathered his wife in his arms and the
sound of a resounding hiss echoed
through the corridors a moment later.
Mrs. Beppler is only human. She
m-'lted under the influence of her bus.
band's love, and when ln was released
from jail sh received him aguin as her
lord and master. Consequently the
case of Beppler vs. B'ppler has been
expunged from the court record.
Tho social of the Lilies' Aid society
hel l last night at the Btptist church
was a decided success and a large num
ber attended. Four lr;e tables were
spread with a beautiful collation and
ths eager crowd present did ample jus
tice to tho toothsome viands. The
yoUUg ladies present who took charge
and caterd to the comfort of the
gusts were: Missn.i Annie Hoffman,
Giissie Pinckncy. Dunn Cspwell, Min
nie Bingham, Eva Osterbont, Fanny
Haycock, Kitty Bnj iinin and Inez
Miss Maud Savage is confined to her
home by illness.
Th funeral of ths Iste Mrs Eli
Swart! occurred from her late home on
Monroe avenue yesterday afternoon
and was largely attended. Interment
was made in Dautnore cemetery,
J. F. Judge, of the Index, and Tallie
Moraan will make speeches In com
memoration of Neal Dow's birthday
at the Odd Fellows' hall this evening
at l.'M o'clock. The lectures are given
under the auspices of the Loyal legion.
e -
fjoort yesterdsy refused a re argument
in the matter of the gra ling of Fig street.
The hearing iu the Paul K. Weit.znl
habeas corpus case Was continued by the
court yesterday unt:l this morning,
A rule for a decree in divorce was
granted by the ooufs yesterday in the ease
of Wolcott against Wolcott aud made re
turnable to argil mniit court.
Marriage licenses wore granted by the
cb-rk of the courts yesterday to Andrew
Kearney and Rose Ellen Mnlrsy and El
ward Smith aud BeselS L Watkiua, all of
Swan ton,
John Kohorsky was yesterday sentenced
to pay a tine of $10 and costs by the COOrt.
Ho was convicted some time ago of assault
and battery. Joseph BchelOSUy was sen
tenced to pay the costs in tbe case in which
he was prosecutor.
Arbitrators T. J, Duggan, T. P. II. .ban,
and U. C. Donovan filed an award yester
day allowing aar.-J to tho plaintiff
iu tbe esse of Mrs, Hannah Coar against
Bridget Moran. Ths action wus brought
to recover on a boik account.
Attorney Oenrge D. Taylor, acting as
auditor, heard testimony in the arhltra
tion room yesterday with regard to tno
proper manner of distributing tho ."i,00n
that remained iu the hands of the execu
tor of J. F. Kiubuck. of Caiboudale, after
the estate had been settled.
John Mctiinty yesterday ohfainod a writ,
of rnpleviu through Attorney Joseph
O'Brien to recover a bar and fixtures, one
clock, one ice box, lUteuu barrels of Wills
koy, one double wash stand, ono stove,
seven chairs, one pool table, five barrels
of wMekoy, one tnnle and one hanging
lamp, which lie says have been uulawtully
seized and bald by patriCk Jordan and
William Davis, bailiff. Mr. McUinty val
ues thu effects seized at 105'J.
Minia Boxes Exclusively.
Best muds. Play nny desired number of
tunes. Qnutscbl & Sons., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
dertul orchestrial organs, only f.r and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tuuoa.
The O n of the Fire Is Nut
The building at y 1 5 West Market
street, Providfiioe, owned by William
McNsiuara, and used as a dwelling
house aud dancing hall, was entirely
destroyed by tire at 3 o'clock Tuesday
An alarm was sounded, but before a
stream of watr could be directed
against the llimes, the building was
Tue origin of the firs is not known.
They Had Unbridle4 Tongues.
Lewis Hosanna hihI IVter Mhscow were
arraigned before Alderman DeLscy Mon
day night, charged with ;having nisde vul
gar and indecent remarks to Mrs. Bogger,
of CepOUse avenue, They were peiiiteut
and Mrs. Bogger forgave th-m and iu con
Sequence the alderman allowed the ungui
um fellows their linerty ou the payment
of ."i and costs by each.
PUrcr- ii... to Osrbutfa.
William Eld ridge was arrested yesterday
by Sanitary Policeman Burke at the in
stance of John Pierce, who charged Bid
rid Its with dumping gtrhag" in front of
ilio couiplinnaut's premises on Nay Aug
avenue, Last evening the accused was
Biven a hearing before Aid. rmau Ilurnn.uf
Providence, aud lined and costs lor his
The "Confidential Clerk'' will be
produced by members of tbe Father
Wbltty society, at St. Mary's hall on
Faster Monday night. The piece is
well east and thu society is making
strenuous effort to stage it in uxuel
unt form. A large house Is expuoted.
as the society is popular and always
foremost in every od work. In this
section of the city there is no society
that has dons more for the cause of
temperance than the Pather Wbltty's.
Its efforts for the moral elevation of
those who are addicted to the evil of
intemperance are commendable and
generally appreciated. The literary
and military teslurs of the society are
excellent aud bav- an ennobling effect,
intellectually and physically.
The new Puritan church on West
Market street is being painted and
beautified. It is neat, sightly and adds
much to the adornment of this portion
of the city. It will be dedicated at an
early date.
Jacob Bohr has been appointed j sui
tor of Company H armory.
United States Detective McSwoeney
viit d Providence Monday night for
the purpose of completing arrange
ments in regard to the pending trial of
the counterfeiters who were captured
here some time ago. The trial will
take place at Pittsburg Several North
End people will testify against the
Oik opening Will occur on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Our display of mil
linery ouo of the bus: over shown in tho
dty. J. Boi.z,
e IN Wyoming aveuuo.
Anheuser iluich Beer.
Louis LohlniinV !M Spruce at. SS
F.amtkh Lilies, never so line, nt t.'lark's.
Beadleeton ft Woera's and Ballantlne'e
Ales are the beet. B, J. Walsh, agent, SS
Lackawanua aveuue. ' , .,-
M A K It 1 10 D.
19, U'Ji, by Key. M. Harvey, Barry
Perkins and Miss Jennie Itiyuolds, both
of Plymouth.
Oil I.
KOUUE-On March 10, 18D4, Thomas Jo
seph Huube, son of James Hoche, of 894
Gibson street, aged 4 years. Funeral
Wednesday nt 3 o'clock p. in. from the
house. lutermeut iu Hyde Park Cath
olic cemetery.
Happening o( a Day That Will Interest
Uauy Trlbuns Readeri.
The Swampy Condition of tho Ground
Oaueing Sickness - Patrick Moran
of Bellevue, Disgusts the Residents
of Cedar Avonue Last Lenten Ser
mon Lydla Sailor Wins First Prize
-Personals and Shorter Para
graphs. The residents of Remington avenue
and adjacent street iu tiie hollow on
the eastern side of tho Diduware and
Hudson railro id tricks are again ap
pealing for a remedy for the uuaatii
tury condition of the neighborhood,
arising from the stagnant pools catissd
by tack of drainage. At this season of
the year the ground is a veritable
quagmire, aud the hot sun causes such
unpleasant exhalations that living
tneio becomes almost unb'-urable.
Morun on ths Rampsire
Patrick Morno, of Bellevne.took pos
session of Cedar avenue, between Par
and rig streets, yesterday morning
and for tour hours held it in true bor
der style. He worked Monday night In
the lower xleel mill and when bis turn
was Dulahed he filled uu With intoxi
cants. From 7 a ui. until noon, he al
lowed no pei sou, man or woman, to
pass without molestation. He tackled
a burly fellow named Kilrain, who tried
to pacify him, aud got badly used up
in the encounter. This did not deter
Moran. hut ou the contrary it spp isred
to stimulate him. A young woman
happened along about U o'clock, and
was pursued. Fiually three trumps
passing ou their way were attacked,
aud one of their number received a
deep gash on the jaw from a brick
thrown by Morau. Special Officer
Clearwater reached the scene of activ
ity us the fiisilade of brick-bats was
most serious, hut Morau succeeded iu
Another Prizi Winner.
Mils Lydla Sailor, of Cedar nvenue,
is auother ons who contributed to the
musical renown of the South Slda, by
taking the honors in her class at
Wilkes-Burre at the eMsteddfol on St.
Patrick's Day, Sue took the first prize,
which was $10, for the btst soprsno
solo, for all ladies uuder 21 years of
age. A quartette, of which she was a
member, also wou a prize. Miss Sailor
is possetse 1 of a clear, sweet soprano
voice of wide range. ' -
Laat L;nten Sermon.
The last s rtnon of Lsnt in St. John's
church was delivered last night by
Rev. F. P Walsh. Father Walsh is
ranked among tlie uumber of brilliant
and ekquent young clergymeu of this
diocese, and his effort last uight was
au uxiraordinury one. His subject was
''The Adoration of the Blessed Sacra
ment, und the Graces Derived from
Devout Supplication to tbe Sacred
Heart." Tue church was filled to over
flowing aud duriug the srmou ths at
tentive sllenoe was impressive.
Enters a Convent.
Miss Katie Kuane, of Beech street,
has renounced the world aud entered
upon her novitiate as a Sister of the
Immaculate Heart in the convent nt
Carhondale. She bade farewell to all
her friends and entered upon ber re
ligious life Tuesday morning.
Ebortrr Paragraphs.
The funeral of John Higgins was a
large oue yesterday morning, attesting
the many friends gained by the young
man's cheerful disposition, lutermeut
was made in Hyde Park cemetery.
Mrs. Patrick Lydon. of Miuooka, is
expected to breathe ber last ut any
moment. She has been oiling for the
tisst two months. Sim is the mother
of a large family of small childnu, thu
oldest not yet 10 years. The doctors
have nn hope of iier recovery
Master Mechanic William Thomas,
of the William C'onnell Coal company,
has a large force of men at work put
ting in an additional pump in the
Meadow Brook shaft.
Hie South Side Choral union 'will
hold its regular weekly meeting torn or
row night in Pharmacy hall. Nego
tiations are under way toward the pur
chase of an organ for rehearsals.
A voting child of Thomss Joyce, of
Stafford street, Minooka, is dauger
ouely ill. aud death is hourly antici
pated. The regular meeting of the Scranton
Athletic cluli will be held ut the rooms
tomorrow night The committee on
excursion will repirtitnd receive fur
ther instructions us to themitter of
arranging games, etc. for the excur
sion to Farview ou June 19,
John Flaherty, of Cherry street, will
begin in May to build m now barber
shop on the situ of his present quar
ters, ihenew bun ting willti- uTter
the most approved patient and will
Contain a finely iqilipped lavatory.
The ladies of the Young Women's
Christian association hail au entertain
ment at the looms on Cedar avenue
Monday night Admission was by
membership car Is only and a very de
lightful evening was spent. Miss Nina
Murphy gavs a recitation that was
highly appl t tided. After the enter
tainment refreihmenti were sorved.
P reonala,
Michael Higgins, of Fltn street, the
fattier of the young man who acci
dently killed himself, is not expected
to survive m mv days, Previous to the
death of his son he ha I been quite sick
and that shock has greatly endangered
bis condition.
Mrs. Patrick Cavauagh and two
children, of Wllkss-Bsrre, are visiti Qg
her mother, Mrs. Best, In Aliuooki.
Peter Aydt, of Nsrrowsluirg, N. Y.,
Is visiting his son-in-law, Henry Wick
ham. of Birch street.
Mils Mary Newcomhe, of Pittstnn, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Bridget New
combe, of Lane avenue, Miuooka.
John Lvaiis. of Birney aveuue, a
driver iu the Greenwood mine, had his
leg broken y-sfr I ,v afternoon.
If you are hesitating from uncer
tainty read the following:
1 have examined with cousiderable care
the copy of Vol, I of the Kucynlopedia
Britannloa of the edition offered by TnK
Tbibunb, and compared it with the same
volume of the Scrihner edition which I
havu iu my library, aud Hud it, so far us I
can see, identical with the latter, except
that it has more and inter maps aud a
supplement bound with it that brings the
treatment of tbe subjects down ton later
date than the original. It is u marvel to
me that it can be offered at tho extremely
low price uamud.
Tbo.s F. Wells,
Attorney aud Counsellor.
In the early part of 1V.I2 1 purchased
from i has. Boribner's BottS their edition of
the Encyclopedia Britauuicu, twenty-live
volumes, bound in leather, for 1150.00.
O. M W a i. son.
Attorney and Counsellor.
Referring to the Booylopsdia Brltan
nisa offered by Tin: Tribune, I consider it
an excellent work. 1 have tho Edinburgh
edition, which cost me 18.00 pur volume.
This reprint at ft '.e p-r volume is another
Instance of American ingenuity.
Kiev. P. F. ZtZUUIANN,
Kx-I'resident of Vale College says: "1
will defy any one lo buy 8,000 volumes
that will give him as good a working libra
ry us is furnished in tho EnoycTopedia
Brltannlca alone."
It leenis to me to go without saying
that Tin-: Tribunk is proving Itself a pub
lic benefactor In placing before the public
such a marvel of reliable Information to
date, upon the great subjects of thought,
ms is presented In the Encyclopedia Brltan
nlca, with American revisions aud addi
tions, and known as Tin; TRIBCNI edition.
It is flmply a matter of wonder that eucb
a work, preferable to the mm e costly edi
tion, iu one or more Importuut respects,
can be offered at less than ti a volume, aud
every lovr o hooks ought to appreciate
the marvels of the day in book makiug.
N. F. hTAUL,
Pastor Green Bidge Presbyterian church.
Only 10 days remain iu which to receive
Lily ok TBI VALLKV at Clark's.
-- KV I
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Goinjr through our stock we made a careful selection of
To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them,
Our Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises.
Martin 6c IDelamy
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
PRING . . .
Styles of
Largest and Best Line in
tha city.
ha i o
Have arrived.
Best quality and
lowest prices.
220 Lacka. Avenue.
Forthe Spring and
Summer of '94.
Stock Large and Attractive.
Prices the Lowest on Kcronl.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
I "MathusheF pianos 1
ESTAB. 186G. S
iw V.'rlc WMri"'ms. Nx
80 rnn ftvanno
Si ledoali i s in thli Motion a
jj Offlce 123 Adams avenue S
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tlio S)i'cialist on tho Eyo. HakdMhtt nnil
NervooanoM relltYtd.' Latest and Improved
Style of Br. UlasHi' and Spetaetea ut Um
LfOWtat Price Beat ArtifloUU Kyte laaartad
for f j
SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Post Offic.
Union for Ever
Florey & Holt
Y. M. C. A. Block.
& Co.
Clonk MiiUorn ntiil Furriers,
508 Spruce St. Court House Square
Special for This Com
ing Week.
I.'nlies' Kid l.titton, pmnted and
Philadelphia tos. Dtont ltatbar
tips; ipaoial price, $2 69; worth, 8.50.
Ladies' Doosola Kid Bntton.hand
sewed, specidl price, $3; worth 4 50.
Misses' Ki.1 Button, plain tres,
ipriaa htel, ipaeial price, i-s!
worth $2 00
Boys' School Shoes, Dotiuoln top.
atcsaty to Sf, special prioa, $1. 50;
worth 2.00
Men's Calf Patent Leather L ic,
pointed toss, special price, $3.00;
worth $4-00
Men's Calf Mucher. hand sewed
wlt. 1'iccadilly laBt, special pric.
$2.69; worth $3 50
Littla Boys' Shoe, button and
luce, sprinu hanl, made "just like
p ip i's," sizes B to lt)J, special prioi).
iii 50; worth $1.90
Youths' Calf, button and lace,
spring hssls, (Liodvear w.lts. sizm
II (0 91, special price, worth, $0 50
SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store.
I AST YEAR he had saved ;ioo.
He liotifiht ii house worth $lf5U
paid (300 down, navo a mort
gage for 11,550, Today he esti
mates tu follows:
lieut saved M IX)
Interest uu mortgage $M 00
TuXea and '.'6 50 119 50
Net saving on rent In SO
Sv d on anlnrv 15U 00
To apply on mortgugo J270 iJ
RB If LECTION "In I Of It years that
house will ba free from tlclit aud I shall
llavo a Uouitt of my own.''
OKI KN RIDOE Is the parndlse fo
homes. Finn ,k Stms liuve recontly flu.
lahad a baautlfnl vtiia. w hich they offeiv
on easy payiueuts, at 81830.
I nil ut il.. ii ofllca, between WaahlngtoD
und Adams uu Olive street.
Are at rrsHut tlm lioMt Popnlar aad Preferred bf
Leading Arllata
Wardrooms : Opposita Columbus Monument,
20S Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
Tho Great Marvel ol Dental Science
A recent discovery and the Bole
property of
Hen wood a Wardell, i
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Aftar luiving eleven teeth extl-Hetetl nt
nee sitting by the pfttnlSSS inothuil, I ire
iionnoe It entirely satlsfneiorv In nvery
partlamlar, J. u. SKAMOKB
i nt K or tlieae OOUPONS,
sentert at The Tribune JOlllee
iter I'euu avenue, and Sirur.- -eutltles
the holder In nil l
lieges of tho naparalliOi i
for distributing inni
among oar raaders. 1 he .
by The Tribune tunli...
as follows:
gj 15 CENTS on. I Finn iti
sn any volume In the Cilullil.ll.
S3 rlea. Over 100 titles toseln i
3 S)3. 75 and Four Coupons for u I
volume sat of Jllckens' ,
aa works.
S "
S SOCK.NTitnnd Four Coupons for
- any book In the Itugby Senas.
5?5 CI NTS nnil Four Coupons for
a nny book Iu the Oxford Berlea.