THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19, J694. LIVE NEWS Of m MS Events of the Upper End of Luzerue County ' "riefly Narrated. VALUABLE LAND IS IN DISPUTE Litigation Arises Between J. E. Pat terson & Co., and the Proprietors of Touhill's Foundry Calendar Dan, a Queer Character, Makes His An nual Pilgrimage Taken to Dan villeOther News and Gossip of the Two Pittstons. I I Thk Si iiAM'iiN Tmui-xK's Pittston de partment is in cliarjj" of J- L Fuliy, to wlioui uuws items auil cuiupluinU may bo referred. 1 Aiuit involvitie; a strip of land on North Main street has been til.-.l in court by J. E. I'utter.sou against J. A. Tanliill, of this place. The itrip of land in question is located on the westerly side of North Main street be tween the foundry and machine shops of Mr. Touuill and the uiauufucturiui; plant of J. E. l'atterson, located on tliw north side. The plaintiff alleges he hold a deed coTefmg the land iu dis pute, Mr. Toulnll, M the other haud. disputes the former's title by a deed from the origiual ownors who obtained the laud by letters pateut from the tate. Tire cause of action hinges in a great measure ou the course of the old canal whlou has long such been done away with. The cast will ba stubbornly fought through the courts, able attor neys having bscu retained on both ides. A BRILLIANT ENTERTAINMENT. Held in thi Trinity Church Sunday School Room The entertainment held in the San iky school room of the West Sid:.' Trin ity church last evening, was largely attended and greatly enjoyed by those present. The following programme was rendered. PART L a. "Morning Prayer" Koincke 6. "March Impromptu" Low c. "Merry Making in the Gardu" Neumann Miss Lillie L. Howe, Miss Hilda 13. Snyder. "Farmer Stobbins on Rollers" Carlton Miss Jessie ii. Young. "Happy Davs ' ivwlia onligatoi . .Strelezke Miss Edytu H. Lewis. "Twenty Years After," From Rip Van Winkle Mr. Willard H. Howe. Medley iguitar and harmonica) Mr. Will Thomas. PART II. "Scene de Belle" De Beriot Master Clark (Natl Johnson. "0, Swallow, Happy Swallow," ' Edith H. Lewis, Mils Catherine Moyer. 1 a.' "Tne Proposal. " b. "The Acceptance. " Miss Lizzie Mills. Miss Louise Dohrer, Mr. Will Morrow, Mr. Harry Carter. Seloction. Mr. Willard D. Howe, Mr. Harry E. Smith. Topsy turvey (Machine Poetry by the Com.) Choir Boys. The accompanists were: Mrs Farrar, Miss Ruth Wheeler, Miss Hilda B. Snyder, Rev. E II. Eckel, Mr. John H. Farrar. CALENDAR DAN'S VISIT. Very The Annual Ri appearance of a Unique Local Personage "Calendar Dan" paid his twentieth annual visit to Pittston yesterday, and created the usual quantity of marri mnnt among the school children. He faithfully visited every drug store in the borough, just as be has done, year in and year out, for two decades. andM he asked each druggist his usual ques tion: "Got any calendars for me?" he followed it up witii the assertion : "I'm the gishdurndest best fellow to scat ter awmanacks about ye ever seen. " Dan's eareer is involved in mystery. Pretty mnch all that is known of him is that he has a mania for calendars and rolling pins. In his grip be oar Ties a varried assortment of both, and varies the monotony of his long tramps on foot by talking to bis pets as be would address children. TAKN TO DANVILLE. Sul- THE RUSH WAS GREATER YESTERDAY THAN BEFORE AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE This Is the Picture of the "Maidens Swinging," One of the Three Beautiful Works of Art, Obtainable at The Tribune Office by Cutting Out Three Coupons of Different Dates with 10 Cents. ANNDAL CLEARING SAL 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan, 18, at 10 A,M. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Renmante of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Vuv Capes during sale at less than cost of material. Ev ery inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's' ttylei 10c. each. Boys' Winter Waists 1 0o each. Muffs , 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT CHARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. Of course, this picture gives only the faintest conception of the artistic excel lence of the fine photographic gem for which crowds daily besiege the office and the mails come burdened with coupons and cash. Yon can't tell how long this offer will remain open under such continuous demands; therefore cut out your coupons while you have the opportunity. Malachi Siangan, Who Attemptod clde, Declared to Be Insane. Maiachi Mangan. of Inkerman, who made an unsuccessful attempt at sui cide some ton weeks ago by cutting his throat with a razor, had been ad judged insane by a commission in lunacy. He was taken to Danville yesterday for treatment. Criticisms' a Young- Lady. "She would be a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's that?"' asked C'barloy. George Her face is : 'ways covered with purple and red blotch Charley Oh, that's easily enough din posed of. Used to be the saroo way my self, but I cau(?bt. on to the trouble one day, and got ml of it in no time. (George What was it? barley Simply blood ernptions. Took a short course of P. P. I'. I tell yon, it's jho boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could hear him holler clear across "he country every time ho moved. He tried it, aud you know what an athletic old trent he is now. If somebody would givo Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank thorn after wards. All the drug stores sell it.. m MINOR NEWS NOTES. The Doing of the Twin Villages Chron icled in Brief. Frank E. Elliot, until recently iden tified with the West Pittston Journal, will in a few days issue a newspaper to be known as th rress. It will be pub lished at Kingston. An application was filed a Wilkes Barre Wednesday for tho Incorporation of the Nos. 0 and 10 Collieries Accident association of this place. The associa tion will have for its object the care of members in good rtandiug. Last evening .Too Keating, of RniU road street, a carrier boy for the Even ing Gillette, averted what might hare proved aserious accident to himself by adroitly slipping out of his overcoat which caught in the cogs of one of the presses in the Gazette office. His top coat and nnder coat were both torn to shreds, but Joe was not injured though badly scared. journal. William Drury, who a few days ngo lent a letter to the citizen committee, withdrawing his name from the ticket as tax receiver at the solicitation of many friends, has reconsidered bis ac tion and has decided to allow his name o be placed on the ticket. At a recent meeting of the Leek Cor let band the following officers were leeted for the ensuing term : Presi dent, Alexander G. McMillan ; leader, beorge Lovell , assistant leader, Isaao Lovell; secretary, Joseph Cr.iy ; treas urer, George Livell ; music committee, Isaac Lovell, H. Eltericn aud Joseph Jones. The West End Hoso company's fair and festival opened In the Armory hall last evening under most favorable cir cumstances. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Thomas L linnan, of Parson age street, and Miss Mary Pender, of Center street, to take place at St. John's church, Wednesday, Jan. 24. John Murphy, aged 30 years, died at his home on Charles street, Wdns day afternoon, of consumption. The deceased leaves a widowed mother, two sisters and two brothers to mourn his loss. The family formerly.' resided at Plains, but have been living here the past fiV9 years. The funeral will oc cur this afternoon at 1.30 o'clock In terment will be made in Plaint Catho lic cemetery. The Eatis Social clnb has arranged for a series of sacred entertainments which they propose to hold as occasion warrants. They will give the first of the series next Sondty evening in their hall, when the following programme will be rendered: Solo, Hngn Neil, Ashley; recitation, Miss Mtgirie Ben nit, Ashlev; duet, Messrs. Quinnan and Golden; Solo, Miss Anna Riley; comic songs, Giughan and Walsh; selections by Wilkes-Btrre Mandolin and Guitar club; solo, Miss Doha Lnughney ; recitati in,Mis Nellie Hresnahan ; quartette, U .Hil,(iaughan, Lloyd and Reese; solo, Mr. Lloyd, of Ashley; dnet, Miss Riley and Mr. O'Neil, of Wilkes-Btrre; solo, James Lininnan. Miss B. Lsnzan will be the pianist. The entertainment will begin at 7.30, and an admission of 10 cent will be charged. Mrs. Henry Wiseman, of William street, visited friends in Wilkes-Barre yesterday. Mrs. fll. ti. Kyte and children are visiting her sister, Mrs. Jacob Gsiser, in Scranton. Mrs (ieorge Keer 'and son, Charles, of Scranton, are visitinK her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Cbarles Watson, on Broad street. Mrs. W. L. Hartman, of Susque hanna avenue, is in Minneapolis at tending the funeral of her f ither. S. Jay Barber, of the West Sid, spent Wednesday with friends in Ply mouth. Miss Lillian Rosencrance, of Broad street, visited friends in Wilkes-Barre yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillian, of River street, gave a tea party Wednes day evening in honor of Mrs A?nes Howntson, an annt of Mrs. McMillian, who celebrated her seventy-first birth day. A most enjoyable time was had by those who were present, Miss Clara Collier, a tencher in the High sehool, is sick with the grip. DURYEA DOTS AND DASHES. Thriving Little Community1, Daily His tory Told In Brief. Spevial to the Knanton Tribune. Dl'ryka, Pa., Jan. IS John Grana linn and Bridget Maloue, a well-known young conple, were united in marriage on Wednesday. The grbom is a resi dent of this place The bride is one of Little York's most prominent and ac complished young ladies, The Democrats and Republicans will hold their respective caucus on Satur day evening, for the purpose of placing in nomination township officers. The former will caucus at the graded school, while the latter element will select their material nt the primary school. The number of new applicants for license over last yoar is seventeen in Maroy township. Contractors Corcoran & Donahoe have completed their work of XOtjYA tins and building the stone work in connection with the Lawrence Coal company's proposed new breaker. Mrs. Thomas Keating, of Main street, is convalescent after a severe attack of pneumonia. ALLEGED SECRET CONFERENCE. Leh g'.i Valley Trainmen' Committee to Meet Mnnager Voorhees. Wilkes Barii;:, Pa., Jan 18. It has been qpietly said tonight that John H Riue, of Wilkes Barre; A. A. Vaughn and William Preston, of Siyre; J. E Derrlpsey, of Pittston; H. David, of Esston, and Mr. McGovern, members of the Lehigh Valley railroad griev ance committee, mm to have a confer ence with Gener il Manager Voorhees in Philadelphia tomorrow. Railroad men are reticent here about giving any information as to the object, but it is said they will make an appeal to have him recall an order issued some time ago effecting the discharge of a number of the old employes who are still out of work. PIONEER CORPS RECEPTION. An A BUSINESS WOMAN, or a woman who works, sooner or Inter has to Imild up her strength with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. If you suffer f rom linckaelie, nervousness, fninting spells, or sleepU'sKhoHs, tnko the "Proscrip tion." It Is woman's special tonic and nervine. It's a medicine that builds up, Invigorates, regulates, and cures. It lessens the pains and burdens of child bearing. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in " female complaint" and weaknesses, you bavo your money liack. DR. K. V. Pikrck: Denr Sir-1 have tsken the " Favorite Prescription " und I can recom mend It. to any body that suffers with any fe male disease. I have tried several doctor's rcscrlptleuB but none did me the good that yo'" did. Yours respectfully, Post Mistress, Sherrtr mu, Dallas Co, .d'ia. Enjoyable Time Was Had at the Initial Ball. BpieMt tn Me Hcranton Tribune. HomtSDALft. Pa.. Jan. 18. The new hall of St. Francis Pioneer corps was hung with bunting and green last evening in honor of their first ball. 1 he initials and symbol of the organi zation wer prettily set forth over the drapery of flsgs. Music was furnished by Rehbein. The grand march took place at 13 o'olock and was led by Jacob Tbeabold and Miss Miunie Krantz. Do net put oft" taking medicine. Numer ous little ailments, if neglected, will soon broak up the system. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla now, to expol disease, giving strength and appetite. Hood's Pills cures constipatioa by restor ing tho peristaltic'actioti of tho alimentary canaL WEAK MEN ,(... YOUR is ;'.!. ATTENTION I.ED TO THE A. B BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. J BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS- AND snti.lilVs. DR. " K. DEAN, UiKoaees of the Eye, Nose Tin out and Eur. UA Huruca i, nnnn. site court house. 1H. A J. t-ONNBLL; Office- UU1 Washington U avenue, corner Spruce etreot. ovor Francko'n dru(r store. Residence, 7i Vino st Ofllco hours: 10.9) to 12 . m. and t to aud li.;J U 7.;J p. m. Sunday, 2 to I m. DR. W. E. ALLEN. Offlco cer. Xscki wanna and Washington avee.; ovor Leon ard shoe store; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m.; evening ut realdonoo, 6UN. WashiiiKton ave. DR.C.L. FBKY, Practice limited to Dl eaaos of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; ofnen, 122 Wyoming avo. Rusideiico, u29 Vine street. From the N. Y. Tribune, ov. 1, MS. The Flour Awards "CHICAGO, Oct 31. Fhe Orst official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flonr strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flonr for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AGENTS. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Thk TRIBUNE flour coupon of i.'5 on each on hundred pounds of flour or o0 on each barrel of flour. tcrenton-F. P. Price, Washington avenue. Hold .Modal Brand. Hyde Park Carson & Davis. Washburn st- Hold Medal Brand; Jsejih A. Hears, Main avenue, Superlative Brand. Qreen BUs-A.Lv8pencer.OoU Modal Brand Danmore F. P. Price, Hold Medal Brand, Olrphant Jamee Jordan, Superlative Brand. Danmore F, I) Mauley Buperlatfve Brand Providence Fennor & Uhappull N- Main ave line. Superlative I raiid'.C. J Gilloenie, W. Market etreot, UolJ Medal Brand. Pockvillo-Shaffer & Kvlser, Superlative Brand. Jormyn - C. D. Winters & Co. Superalativa Brand. Carbomlalo-R S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. Honesdalo-J. N. Foster & Co. Gold Medal Brand. Honciidule W.P. Schonck, Superlative Braud I alton- S. E. Finn & Son, Hold Medal brand QonldSDoro-8 A. Adame. Gold Medal Brand Tubyliaiina Tohyhauun & Lehigh Lumba Co., Hold Medal Braud. jfStK 49 ''teat i iiKlisli llcmcdy, m fS? Gray's Specific Medicine Jfc IF YOU SUFFER from Ner- HfWETMlUB. MTU TUM ' ' VnllH I " - bilitr, WoRrTtiOrW ni Body nnd Mind, SptTina tm rnca, and ImjiotcDi y, and ill i-.. -, tliHt arlau from ovnr-indulueiu-M und tw-fcbfllfctt bOfei of Memory and rownr, limnHs of VIm ion, 1'romatnro Old Avo und many Othtrdl oast's Mint lead to insanity or ( otiriumptiun and nm-aflv trrnvf, vnftorof n pumphltd. : UltAY MKUK'INK CO., lluflfalo, N. Y. Tlio Spt'vifln Slfdk'intt in sold hy all druvtfistri ut $ por packaot or nix AoAgM ffr $o,iirwnt livmall on rccrdpt of jnoncyTnnd with tVery MCoOorder WE (iUARA illl n cafe or money rofiiiiilcii.HswsMMMi tW" f U account of conntorfelli wv bava adoptedtho iWOW Wrapni-r, tho only euu iti' Sold in Srrantoii bv Matthvwa Hros. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale outline of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Coloring's and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend' them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Lost Manhood ntronhv. tc . RlirrlY vltv hv IMM lllli'luo li' in. .h . With Hi I mi kiiii unh-r lorur. Hold by and vlfmr qukkty AI. Mi- u PUZZLE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthraclto coal UBOd exclusively, Insuring eleanliueKs und i-omfort TIMK TAItLE IN IFFECT .1 AN. H, I8B4. Traiue leave Kcrsnton for Pitt;t'in, Wilkos Burro, oto., t8.10, O.lli, H.SO . in., U.S0, 2.00, ;illO, 5.KI, 7 2.'., 11.05 p. m. Sundsj-s, B.OO a. m., 1.00, 2.0U, 7. 10 p. m. For Ailuntle City, 8.10 a. m. For Now York, Newark und Ellzaboth, 8.10 (express) a. m.. 12.I1H (express with Buffet parlor earj, 3..W (exprotsj p. m. Buuday, 2.00 p. ni. Fob MAI'cii CBUXK, Ai.i.f.ntown. Bf.thls in m F.ASToN and I'mi ti-i,niit. 8.10 a. m.. uk (.except rDUMMDnlaj n. in. Bumtay, 2 00 i Lo.mi BiiAHCII, Oi'KAN for 8.10 a. m A veil II I. J and 7 DK. I..M. GATES, IK) Wasldngton Oflico hours, 8 to U a.m., 1 .SO to to 8 p.m. TOHN h. WENTZ, M. El Offlco fa and U J Cominonwualth building: rmiilenoo 711 Madison avo: office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; tiundays 2 SO to 4, evenings nt residence. A specialty made of dlFeasos of tho eye, oar, uos and throat and RyueooloKy. Dlt. O. 6. MUKKAY, siieclaltr mado ou dis eases of eye and skin. 212 Wyoming Avo. Office hours: Until 111 a m .2 to 4 and T to 8 p.m. MRS. DK KING, US MULBERRY STHKKl' At Cfcrbondmlfl on Fridays of eaJi week. VKI Kltl.NAKY SUItOKONS. E. HTURGE, Veterinur tihtry a spei.-ialty ; gol y Mirijoon, uen- d meil.ilist of On tario Veterinary Colleu-o. Offlea bummer's livery, 32U Dix (.. near Keller's carriutf shop. Tt Urohon No. 4l:t. I.A 1,111. M7c. RANOKti Law andTcoUactlon of I . flee, No. 817 Bpruce St., opposite Forest House, Scranton, Pa, ; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correepoud enUln every county. JESBt'PS A' HAND, Attorney a'el 'outil lors at Law, Commnnwealth bulldmg. Washington av. W. II. Jessi:p, Horace E Hand. W. H. Jf.wmup, Jr. VriLI.AKD, WAKRKK A- KNAPP, Attir VV neys and Counselors at Law, Republican bulldinv. Washington live.. Seianton. Pa. nATTEluwirV" WILCOX, Attorney and J. Counsellors at Law; ollice U and b Library building, bcrantou, Pa. RoswEti. M. rArnnsoi, William a. Wnxoi. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM . I. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. LKANK T. OKi-LL, Attorney at Law. Room F 5. Coal Kxcliance. Mcrantou. Pa. fiioVI. etc at. 12..') n. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrlsburg. vi Alleiitown. 8,10 a. m.. 12.IW. 5.00. 2.00 p. ni. For Pottavllle, 8.10a. in., 12..'10 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liberty eirot, ;-orui river, ni m-i (,-xpress) a. in., l.lo, l.:n, 4.l (express with Buffet parlor carj p. m. Sunday, 4.11) a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Tennlnal, K40 a. m., 2.00 and i.'Ju p. in. Sunday, 1127 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be hud on application in advance ;to tha ticket agent ut tho station. II P. BALDWIN, . Gen Pa-is. Agent. OLHAl'SDN. Geu. Supt. J. 11. MILTON W. LOWRY, C. i Att'ys, l ton av 227 Washing (' H wiuara. IAMESW. OAKPOKD, Attorney at Law. J rooms ft!. rA and li.1), 'oinnionweulth b'l'g. ("A. MC EL W. EDGAR, Attorney ut Law. i5 Offlco, 317 Snrucest . Scranton. Pl L A. WATHES, Attorney ut Law, 423 . Lackawanna aue.. Scranton. Pa. X) V. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. ofhYB. r . rooms 54, M. W Commonwealth building. R. PITCHER. Attorney ut Law, Com monwealth building. Scranton, Po C. COMEIiYS. :fJl Spruce st. DB. REPLOOLE, Attorney-Lonns ne?o- tlated on real estate security. 40s Spruce. Bi" . KILL AM, Attornev-at Law, laTwf omingavenue. Scranton. TJA VE YOril DT.EDS AND MORTGAGES AX written and acknowledged by J. YV BROWNING. Attorney aud Notary Commonwealth Building. blic, 211 J KHIG3 VALLEY RAILROAD. Train leaves Keranton for Philadelphia and 2.J8 and UM p. m via D , L. A- W. R. R, 8.08, H. .0u. iu.,uud l.:), IJOjL ,, Leave Scranton fr Pittston and Wilkss- rM',1S1,'-' h W' R- B-. 08. 11.31 a. ni. I. .W, .iry). O.Ui, u.:w p. m Leave SoTRRton for White Haven, llaileton, Pottsvlllo and all points on the BeRVM Meadow ami Pott Villa branches, via D. Sc H. R. R. at 8 12.10, 2.:i, 4 lit n v a D L WW. R. R.sfV. 12.10 a.m.. lM"x:,,u.,n' Iave S ranton for Bethl.-heiu, Easbm, Riadiug. jUrrabnrg and nil IntermedUU point via D. & H. R R., s a.ui ,12 10, 2 118 11 15 b in. , via D., L. & W. R R..s.i)8, 11.20 a. m., UU p.m. I Leave Scranton for Tullk ban nock. Towanda, Elmira. Ithaca. QeMTR und all luCarnudlkM isilnts via D. Sc 11 li EL 1 and j ,,. m via D L. it W R. R.. H..V) a in.. LKip. m. Irfave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Kails, Detroit. Chicago and all point west viaD & li. H. H. I 2V 15,11 to tm , via D. L. St W. R. R. and Pittston Junction (HSI u. in. forHuffa o only;. LJOKfl p. m , via E & WeR. R 4.1(1 p. m. 1'or Ehniru and tho west via Salamanca, via D. H. K. K m.. viaD , L. St W. K. H.. 0. MO a. m and 107 p. in. Pullman parlor i Ud sleenini? or L. V. chair cars on all liuins between L. & B. Junction or Wl kes Burr- and New York, Philadelphia, Buflulo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H WILBUR, Gen. SuDt. Ffast Div. CHAH S. LKK. Gen. Pass. Ag t. Phila .Pa. A W NOVNBMACHER.AM't (Ha Puss Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. sJ Ho.. I - QCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly train young children. Cutulo.ue at request. Rnr. TnoMAs M. Can Walter H. Buell. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, Jl- Adams avenue, pupils received at all time. Full term will open September 4 pi C. LACBACII, Surgeon Dentist, No, 113 Wyoming ave. R. M. STRATTON. office Coal Exchange. TO! LOANS PAYING RENT. Yiw'v vnfii O homa. Money to loan on easy monthly nvmnnti S. N. OALLENDER. Dime Bank Building IIOTKLS AM) KKs-TA I'lt ANT. T M1E WESTMINSTER, 217 21K eve. Rooms heated with steam: all mod ern improvementaL C. M Thi mam Prep 1617 Lackawanna ave- rlEGLER'S HOTEL. Li nue, Sciunton. Hates reasonable. P. ZiEoi.F.u, Pr.iiinetor1 esTallnster HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth street, one block eaat of Broadway. at Lmon square, new lorK. American plan, la 50 per day and upward. plan; good night. Bar sup- HOUSE. European rooms. Open day anu e best. pUYXE KJ rooms plied with the p. n. roYXF. Proprietor L & W. pas- ni'D lVTiiV IICI'KP ,ln., Il O iengor depot Conducted on tho European plan. Victoii Korii. Proprietor I i RAM) CENTRAL. 1 he largest and bust VJi equlppol VKTon n. HAnNEB. froprietor. $2 and 12.50 per day. ARCHITECTS. 1AYIS i HOCPT. Architects. Rooms lJ 25 and W Commonwealth ti UVg. Scranton. 24. E. L. WALTER. Architect, Library build ing. Wyoming avenue. Scranton. F. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price bulldtnf.lM Washington Ave., Scranton. M18CELLANI OC9, H4 OBTON D. SWAKTS WHOLESALR lumlicr, 8 and Dimo Uauk l.uildmg. Scranton, Pa ' EUAKGKE HHOTHEKS, PIUNTLRS' IV 1 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Wastiiugtou ave., Scranton. Pa THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valnatyi ns n Houvonlr of tlie Fair. QUITO BAST WHBN YOU KNOW HOW $300 IN PUl.IN WILL nr. DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THK PU IN Till'; S1KJKTI.ST SPACE 19V 'A'lJREi, 1'OK SAI.K It Y ALL NEWS OOUPANIBS STATIONERS AX 1) AT TOY HTOItKH, OH Sl'.ST TO AX Y ADDRESS l I ON UKOEll'T OF PRICE, 2.1 CENTS, HV 11- COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW BTRBBT, BALTIMORE, Mil RESTORE LOST YIGOR I i in. vnu unln ft Wi i 1; S..IH with WRITTKN rdUAHAN i F.E to Cure RervontDeV,' '.. I .1-. ! I - n.-i in elthrlMl, tnvolualarr iRutReal n-oei any lavie, li nefltned, (eich tronhlen ls.1 t . .. .1 . , nil-, i in I'll or li v. i1 i ner ... ni-i i i. ...... r,.r ni l .cirtri H vtnig. order we gite a written gusililee In'eureer lefauiltll money. AJJrm I I. M. Ml M. IM. 00.. H ,h . Forsnln by JOHN II. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. WyoiAiug Avo. and Bpruce St., Scranton, l'a. 'ViXV-wjSs-i1 New di.cetnrf. Wil The only Bate, Rtire and reliable female riLL ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend ed to married Ladios. .Anb for OS. MOTT'S FEMYSOTAl HUB and tako no other. Wiar-Send for cteoular. l'rlro 91.(10 iter Inn, 6 boiea for jiA.OO. 1 1 li. X'X"R JHlXjyilCJ.VLi UQL -iovoiuuti, -Uio. nifl by O, N. IIAltltl, Drniriltt, l1 I eon Av.-i.up. BAri'.lt'S ("Kt'llKsTHA M1S1C FlMl balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed diriffs and ooncert work furnished. For tcrmi address K. .1. Bauer, conductor. 11 Wyominij avo.. ovor Htilbert's music store. S ERA FINN & SONS, builders and contrac tors. nnls: Corner Olive st. and Ailstm ave ; corner Ash st. and ronn ave , scranton LI.LAWAKK AND HUD SON HAILKOAD. OomtRanomg May (K l trains will run as billows: 1 rains leave Bridce Btreet Station, Scranton, for Pitts ton. W likes Barre, etc., S.OO, .1.(17, 9.IT, 10.42 a. m., 12.10, 1.:::,. tK, LIS, t,l6, ;.16, SU5 and ll.oTj p. to For New York and Phila delphia, s 00 a. in.. 1210. ;.2i 2.:ix. 4.1C, and I1J0 p. m- For Honesdale'trom Delaware. Lackawanna and western depot i, 7.00, h.30, 10.10 a.m., 12.00 Bm 2. 17. 5. 10 p. m. For Curbondale and intermediate stations, 5.40, 7 00. t:jO. 10.10a. m.. 12.0dm, 2 17, 8.SS.S.1IL Ji ana li .15 p. m. : I rum Bridge Street Depot, 103 a. in., 2. Kami 11 '.'u y, m. Fast elprens to Albany. Saratoga, the Adl rendack Moaiituins, Bost on and New England points. "l4H a. in., arnvm.' at Albany 12.45. saratoca 2.2ii p. in, and lea Tins Scranton at 8 p. m . arriving at AlhaRy at p in. . Sara toga. 11.65 a, m . and B sion. 7.00 a. m. The only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourist-' Koute of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re sorts, Lakes Qeorgw and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train servico between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket ..ffl es. a ft YuL'NW. .!. W. BfHDirK. Second Vice President. Wen. Pass. Agt. DEI.AWiHK. LACKAWANNA AND WB8TEBN RAIi.KuAD Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for Now York aud all points East, I.K), 2.50, (.16, H.Oji and 0.50 a. m. ; 12 K and 1.50 p. m. Express fur Eastou. Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and .5n a. in.: 12.55 aud iJ.50 p. ni. WashingUin and way stations. 2.40 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, fi ll) p. in. Exp'r ss for Bingliamton, Oswego, Elmira, Corning, Bath. DaRsrUle, Mount Morris und Buffalo. 12.10. 2 15 a. in. and 1. 24 n. m.. making close com ections at Buffalo to all noints iu the West. Northwest and Soiithwisit. Buffalo accommodation. 9.01 a. m. Binghamton and way stations. 12.37 p. m. Nicholson and wav stations, 5.45 p. in. Binghamton and Elmira Express, t; 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswogo, I'tica aud Klchfield Springs, 2.15 u. m. am! 1.21 p. m. Ithaca. 215 and ft.'K) a. in. and 1.24 p. m. lor NorthiimlHTlaiid.Piltston.W like- Barre. Plymouth. Bloomshurg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for WDUaSUpoTt, Harrisbnrg, Baltimoio. Wash ington and the South. Northumberland nd intermediate stations, (MM, MO a. m. and IM and 6.07 p. m. Nanttooke and intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intormedlato stations. 3..5H and i, p. ni. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ou all express trains. For detailed information, pocket tim-tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 32s Larkawannaavenue. or depot ticket office. VEIV YuKK. t'NTAHIo AND WEsTEKN Hadroad, Scranton Division. Timetable in iffecl Nov. V.i. IMS, Trains leave Scranton for Carbondalo: B.50. 8.30. 11.05 a. m.. 4.50, 0 111 p m. For Hancock Junction and main connections 11 05a.m , (110 p. m. Trains leave BtRMOl Junction for main line connection for Scranton, (.00 a.m., 2.03 p. in. Trains leave Carbondalo for Scranton 7.24, 0.45 a.m., 1.10,3.34, li 15 p m. J. C. ANDERSON. Ooneral Passenger Agent, New York. T. FLITCRoFT, District Passenger Agent, Scranton. T74RIE AM' I - 1 SEEDS. -i li. CLARK CO.. SceJstnen. Florists V.T, jind Nurservinen: store 1IH Washington avenne; green hoiisc, 1350 North Main IMsM store l.jeiihono TS'J T BAR, OKAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. RE BORE I Ns. Lackawanna 1 (IS. Kl'F.TTF.L, i.i.i Lackawanna nvenne. fj Scranton, Pa., mannf r of Vt iro Screens. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO PENNYROYAL PILLS. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Got prices and tee the furnnoe ami be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Airsello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE 1'ITTSTON, PA. T HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, 315 LACKAWANNA AVF.NUK, SI IIANTON. VA. 6 AAVINd MAI)', a contract with M 9 frame tsmon to turn ouW A I Iraiii.H between now nud ( hr st 3 iss. I wish toaniiicinco to the nub $S' He that I w ill ni '.!... a UKNU1NE OKA YON POKTK AI T copied from any smnll ono ABSOLUTELY FKEE OF CIIAHUU. LATENT STVI.Kst OF KKAMES FROM Hi SO M tVAltl). Workmanship guarantoed. Frames DO per cent, less than regular price. K. I)t Till ;i L, Artist. Rooms 1 and I Commonwsaltti Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Mado at tho MOOSIO and RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflin & Rnnd l'owder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrio Dattorles, Fuso for explol ing blasts. Safety Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives THE LARGEST CHEAl'EST BEST The Tribune WYOMING VALLEY RAI L- KOAll. I'rain leave Scranton for New York and in- tar media ts imints ett the Erie and Hawlev and local wints at tl 3.",, 0.4.'. a. m. and Itltt p in. Train leaving at t.T a. ill. and SJM p m. aro through trains to and from Itonestalo. Trains le.ive foi Wilkes-Barroat ( IOa.Rt.WM 1.41 p. 111. pTTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALKKS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic I end Rod lMR0R Inc. I'u i Llns. eil Oil, Turpentine and Yurnlsbes. Ready-mixed Paints In all colors. Gliders' Whltlaf, 1'arls White and Kalsomlnev Oil' Yitrol, Marble Dust ami Window dm Hotel Wayerly Enropoan Plan. First-class Par attsehi i Depot for Bei'tfiier Engul's Taiinhu-iu A Beer. 1 1 Cor, 15th and Filbert Ms., Philada. Most desirable for residents of N.E. PennJ sylvaiila. All conveniences tor travelers to aud from Broad Btreet station and the Twelfth and Market Street rtation. De sirable for visiting Sorantonlans and taw tie iu tho Anthracite Heglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers