THE . SCRAXTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 19, 1894. ONE CENT A Word Wants of nil Kinds cost thai mch, cr Icit Situations Wanted, which are inserted vast. . Situations Wanted. SITUATION' WANTED AS HUB8B UUU. or to do linht BoiisewnrK. AiMrem. I rf.. Nn. 115 N Pi Imoro ve. U ANTKP POSITION HY A MaUU'EM man U guriln.- or floTl t; will take any otnr honor We i mployiu n . Address, w ii , Najjl Phelpa t . fecranton.Pa. U' ANTED -A SITUATION ASA LABOli or. WflUag und able to ilo inauv kiuue of work. Addre- W. H A , Trtbum U" r ANTES A SITUATION At "liooK keeper by Uily I'm! -I stands DOtb tingle uud double entry fan gl reference 11 required Addree M. A.. Tribune oltiio SITUATION WA.NTKD-BY A Pd'l'LAK youug BWn to learn OS bartemlliig WW neat, or hotel clerk in a DTK clue place, Aililii'St V. Tribune oftW s1 Wanted. UrANTKDLOAN OF S'.OOO for flvsyeare on tirst mortgage. Vall'y: property rvuti for S'.eJ pr year; InMraUOS flS.001 Inquire room-i Kanari, Library IruMIng, Bean ton, Pa. S. WOULD GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Statistics of Anthracite Coil Production Two Decembers, Compared. tot COMPLETE FIGURES LAST YEAR. The Excess Over the Preceding Twelve-Month Is Miare Than One Million Tons Arguments Pro and Con as to the Present Status of the TradeThe Asa Packer Estate Said Not to Have Voting Control of the Lehigh Valley Properly --Miscellaneous Notes. 1 1 ANTEO AWOENTLKMAN 11 lik t- hirnUhad room witli or without hoa'd. Pleune k'lve tuii-e tor room hUo room I with board. Address B. E, Tribune offl Agents Wanted. U 'ANTED A SALESMAN. KB TO HO weekly cau bo made wltli our good" in any looaltty, will prove it or forfeit $11'. Salary or oommlaaloD as you prefer. The re mlt of a tow Hour-' work often equal-, a Week's wage. Andrew. "atANCPAdTK tKs. P O. Box 59U8, Bont ui. Mil. U-ANTED LOCAL BOLICITOR8 FOB ''tinea a Woo." Ckll at Hoom ML Huir bulldinc Wahini!toii uvtv. between j and tl p. m. W. H BLOOMBg. MaimiM' Help Wanted Females. ' ANTED -A tlooD'lHiOK AND LAI N dreea BURY Apuiy D Olive itn 10 .MKS E P KINO: Board Wanted. U 'ANTED- FOR MAM AND WIFK.S11TE of rooms centrally located with tmni permanent Mate iocstion and pries, X. V. '.., Tribuuo i HBce For Sale. 1iK BALK CHOICE I row, wire bred Jerseys ami also half brfoa-i. iddrtsi HIMRl 0. Haplewood, Wayne County. Pa FRESH PAMll.Y al also hal slLKMAN 1K DALE - ti J and ntentfla. ili -i.roo avo. ACRK .1 M. FARM. si'uc'K SHEFFIELD, tin OU SALE ON B NEW YOST TlrSV Iddrets H. J., care Tribune of- i 1 J1 writer, also new Abbott cheek punch at a bargain. flee, l.'OR SALE i'K EXCHANGE FOBBCBAN- ton property -A bearing orange grove .lll.tloll increasing in pro the orange aoetiou NETTLETON, Luk ami value yearly in Florida. A, biros F. E. Helen. Fionua Private Sale. AT PRIVATE BALE UNPRECEDENTED otter. Will sell Wilton ru parlor nit L.W, beaut ful pattern worth SUM for SC. ami also handsome, iateat style black walnut Led room suit, now juut witiiout a Idem vo-th $125. forfk fn ly those me aaiBa; boil Iiess neeU auplyo tlli Adams aieuue. be twet-n 1 1 . m and I g m. For Kent. 170R KENT APRIL l THE ROOMS NOW T ooenpted by the Telephone Exchange, BOB Lackawanna ttvcnuf Amity at th-a olftre of I...huh Salt Mlnlns Co., Third National bank tuildinK L. 9. and I C. Fuller. h ike FOB RENT i'uRS BOOM AND bas-iuenr, N.,. 121 Penu areuuv, now o' curded by C. S. W.lwortli ii5 a 5 cent store. Inquire ot B. O. HILL. 131 North Washington av'HQuu. T'ORKEN r A LARGE SI i iKK HO' I M AT P 4uriSpru.ce street Inquire at lit Wyom ing avenue. V'oK RENT -TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL V ling Louse; modern improvemeiits. ;II." Forest Court Apply to MAURICE COLLIN'S, agent. T21 West Lackawanna avenue. LET FOR A TERM OF YEAKs - Part or all of three hundred feet of yard roi.m along railroad. Apply at Franklin avenue. 'U KENT-STORE SxflO OK FURNISHED hall on flreen Ridge atrrct. Very desira- location and on reasouablo terms. Apply s Ti V to F E. NETTLETON Repnbiioan building. or fj, rt. WOODRUI F, Special Notices. rpHH LACKAWANNA TRUST AND HAKE 1 1 DEPOSIT COMPANY, IF 8CRANT0N, FA., Jan. 18, 114. THE ANNUAL MEETIN'i i OF THE STOCK holders of the Company for the election of' Directors will he beld at their otftce. No. 401 Lackawanna avenue, on Monday Feb'y 5, I- ! between tbehoureofl and 4 p.m. HEN RY liEl.IN', Jr.. secretary. The statement of shipments of ati tlirncitx coal for the month of Docrin ber, lSKII, as .coitijiaie 1 with tha oor rospi)iiiling period in 1899, shows a dt OrtaM trom nil regions of I5'J,Ui") toim For the year, however, there is nn in crease of 1,190,110 tons. Both the Wyoming and .Lehigh regions scored increuaea for the yenr. but the Suliuyl k ill (from which the Heading WOWtl most of its conl) decreased 'Jtiy,!M0 tons. The statement follows Ration, Poc.lWt. Dao. Mat Diilereneo. Wvoming. .1.W.I.NC.' H l.lH:ii.Wi Doc. D7,Bia.ia Lehigh ULTtAOS HI&TTllia Dee. RS.tlll.M Schuylkill.. 1,046, lii IU 1 07A4H.U Dec. 3d,SW.l:l Totals. . . ,8liM0il MW,0S1, 14 Dec. IW,flS, IT Regions. For vour. For year, DiffereDoe. Wy'iig..23.s:iifil hi 23,815.4$!) U Ino.l,(M4,m07 Lehitfh.. ,Hri,Xi$.02 0,451,(1711.0 Inc 44 1,278.011 iaVyi...lS.I57,iiAl5 )2.ii2.7ri4.ot; Deo. M$MO.0l Total. .3,060,&Btf.U 4i,$3.mis ic 1. 15,910.00 The opinion of the Philkdelphl Stockhohtur is tlint the Asa PrtOktf estute does not hold voting-control of the Lehigh Valley pronerty, as hereto fore silDpose I. The way this decision is figured out is as follows The total number of shares noted ou Tuesday was 8ovi,000 out of iv possible HOC, ODD. At tha time of Mr. Packer's death ha owned, it was auid, ISO.OOO allures, or about 15 per oent. of the then out etiindtiiK capital stock. His will pro vided that iu case there should b any allotments of stock the estato was to take und to hold its proportion. Only one allotment has been made since bis death '.'() per cent in 1S53 which. it is said, increased tint estate's holdings by about 30.000 shares, making a total (if these figures are correct) of 210,00.) shares. It is possible, however, tuat the estate has been it purchaser in the market at various times, and itd total holdings today may reach, in round numlers, $90,000 lharef. If all these were voted Tuesday, President Wilbur, the Lindermauts, and other olose friends of the management would ap pear to have voted only about IOj.OOO shares in addition. A labored argument is put forth by tha Philadelphia Stockholder in behalf of n lower anthracite circular than that now in vogue, which is based on prices realized last June. It argus ' ihat severe cold weather is- the only factor that would render the pi es silt policy successful Already, the Stock holder believes, it has "operated to the hardship of a number of industrial en terprises which use pea and buckwheat I sizes. A reduction of one-half iu the I output has reduced the production of those siz'S to the minimum, nod is totally inadequate to meet trade de mands. Stocks of coal in tne hands ot dealers nre small, having been reduced j to the minimum. This is proved by i the advent of a cold day, which almost ! invariably brings a large number of j them into the market with orders for I quick delivery." In tha interest of economy, the Reading railroad management is con sidering the advisability of making wage disbursements directly through tbo division superintendents, thus do ing away with the services of a pay master, a paymaster's engine, car and retinue of assistants. The aavitig, it is estimated, would be $19,000 a year. tirpBE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAli; 1 containing Frank Leslie's tamous old TJur pictures. Two volume folio. Every psgl illustrated. Over '.'.Vipage. As an nilu t aiur it is unexi elled Sold nn easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete Address P. O .Moody. It'll l iankliu avenue, itgent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS CAN EE HAD AT Hi, comer Spruce street and Franklin avo BUS. Twenty men tickets for 18.10, Good table board.. claimed that the large blocks of stock stand iu tint ratio of 51 for Mr. Stoau and 40 for the Vanderbilt-Maxwell party. (leorge Scott, of 1'bervnle, and ex-8cna-lor Charles F. King; of Mabauoy City, have been awurded tho contract to siuk the abaft ut the uew Scott colliery of; the Union foul company near Mt. Cnrmel. s CR NTON' WlilJi'll-.i: HO-sPITAL, :!!' Spruce itreet. ground floor. '1 be liest solid white rubber rollers, olio dollur each. Work guaranteed by the oldest and only ex l,.rt wringer repairer in Serantou. Ecranton Wholesale Marketa. Scrahtok. Jan. is. Fruits and Pro BUCC Ui'led applea, per lb., fiaTe.: evap orated apple. 8uUc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 4fca5e.; English currants. 4aD4.; layer raisins, tl.U0u2.00; muscatels, $1.40a 1.50 per box; new Vulenclaa, ".a7'tn. per lb. Bbans Marrowfats, $2. 00a2. 85 per bushel; mediums, ll.80al.U0. Pka.8 Green, tl.25a1.80 par bushel ;spllt, 2.50a2.e0: lentels, KalOo. per pound. Potatoes 65a70c. per bushel. U.i ions 7na75n. per bushel. Buttbu 20a25e. per lb. CHiisn 10al2Hc per lb. Eoea Fresh. 94nj pickled, 100.1 coolers. 19c, ilfATs hams, lie.: large. lOJ-jc. ; skinned hams, lOUc; California bams, ,(.; shoulders, Bci dry salted bellies, '.'4c.; smoked breakfast bacon. 12c; fresh pork loins, inc.; "Wyoming" pork sausage, lie; Wyoming home made sau sage, 8-pound pail, larded, 11c,; butch ers' sauaage, s y , our own make; fresh pork shoulders. Be.: fresh pigs' feet, Sc.: freeh pigs beads, 5c.; fresh spare ribs, 8c; fresh leaf lard, lie; fresh kidneys, 8c. doz.; rough Bausage meat, KXc.: tongue, h;.-.; plucks. Gc.each; whole hogs, 7JJ0. i una Mesa at $17; short cut, $18. LaBD Laf in tlerses at UJc.; la tubs 0$4c; in 10-pound pails, 10c: in 5-poand pails, 10c; 8-pound pails. !'",. per pound. Deep Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Poultry Chlekens, lOJallo.; turkeys, 38al3Xo.; ducks. 12al8c, Flour -Minnesota patent, par barrel $4.40a.0; Ohio and Indiana amber, at $8.75; tirabani at 18.50; rye ttour, at (Ms, Buckwheat Flour $2.U0 per cwt. Feed Mixed, per cwt., at $1.00. OltiiN-ltye, 06.; corn, 4U to 68s.; oats, $Ua45c. per bushel. Hyk Straw Par ton, $llalA II ay Per ton. $16al8. -- . WOULD you ride on u railroad bbnt uses no danger signaler That cough Is a signal of danger. The safest cure is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. The three pictures, "Telephone dirl," "(iood Morning ' and "Swiugiug." offered by The Tribune, now brighten hundreds of homes. The young men In the office are kept busy dealing out these gems of ft Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known mid so popular ns to need no special men tion. All who. have used Electric Bitters ting tbu snmo oug of pruise.A purer medicine does notexisi end It is guaran teed to do, uh I bat is i In lined. Klectric Bitters will euro all diseases of the Liver ninl Kidneys, will remove Pimples, lloils, Suit Hhoum nud other affections unused by Impure blood. Will drive Aialaria from the system ami prevent as well as cure nil Malarial fevers. Mr cure of Headache, Contlspntlon aud Indigestion try Electric BittoiH Entile Fatistartion guarautoeil, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. aud 11 per bottle ut Matthews Dr. - . Drug stole. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL g. Stocka and Sonde New Yoiik, Jan. 18. The announce ment that Secretary Carlisle would offer Vk000,000 of 3 per cent, bonds atreugtli enM the stock market ut the opeulug of business. Loudon bought nearly 12,000 shares of stock nnd aoine of the more timid of the shorts rushed to cover. The local and foreign buying resulted in an ad vance of to IU iu which Rock island, St. Paul, Sugar, iiurlinjtou, I. misville and Nashville, Manliattan, Now Kugland, Union l'aclllo and Western Union wore most coiiaplci'uus. When the Loudon order! wore tilled the market began to sair and after a period of extreme dull ness tho bears renewed their attacks. They sold tho grangers, general electric ami Chicago gas, their sales during the af ternoon being estimated tit bet weuu 15,000 and 20,000 abaret. These offerings, as well as tho confidence displayed by the sell ers, discouraged the early buyers and nul llffled the good effect! of the propoacd bond lasoe iv farus today's market is concerned. The decline from the top of the day was eqoa) loW to:ii0 percent Chicago gas diopped 2'a; western union, 2; Rjck Is land, 2; general electric, 9; sugar, 2!: Barlington, iWi whiskey, l't: Louisville and Nashville, IVfj and the other active slocks H to I. The market closed weak hut )i to above the lowest of theduy. Total sales 104,609 shares. The foil wing complete table showing the day's BuctuatJona in activ stook .- Hupplled ami revised daily by I.aBar & Fuller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- lbi.b- Low Clo ingi Am. Cut. Oil 20 Am Sugar. $M AT. AS. t ilH Can. So 40).! Cou. N. J .7 Chic, ft R, W li OS- C B. & y 7W Chic. l4 p., 0,, C. iSt. L... an tin. 41 I 2D tiU. U 4S litii Low est. 2D m IDs 4t ln&U til 0414 seri tm liaj 4H lKU. 74hl D. 11. D,, L. A: W D & C. F Erie Q. E. Co Lake Bnore L. A N Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. V. & N. E ... N. Y'. Central. . . N. Y' .O. & W . N. Y..S. A; W.. U. S. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf . . Omaha Pao, Mall Reading Rock lsinud R. T St. Paul T..C. & I Texas A; Pac Union Puc Wabatn, pr W. Union W. AL. I W. 4: L. E. pf... .1.11'e 11UIB Mil, Lin, ... n?i ... 87 ...IV) ... UK ...12IU, ... '-OM .. m ... w .. 1514 n ISU M 07 m . I6fi . sv . CO m IBM m ,'2' ST 128 41 m i 15li '? m 10M 08 mi 101, 1$& 14 MM 0M OUtg 20 14' i lv2 9i 9$U 12S, W IV m 80 13t.j llUj 00 57 ? 15-S ft ri4 4't, .0 m asU ml MM 1 w 41k 154 o2 BU 67?k i ri 10W 14 m Two railway movements of interest are thus chronicled iu the Philadelphia limes: The New Cumberland and Pittsburg railroad, which will be built through Biaver county, Pa., is designed I to link the Panhandle and the Fort I Wayne iu yet another place nn the big system of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg. The advantages of such a link for the transmission of freight or travelers are incalculable, and es I ppcially so In case either the Fort I Wavne or the Panhandle becomes gorged with freight. The new line is an extension of the New Cumberland branch of the Panhandle, which branch ' rnns through a very rich portion of West Virginia. The Baltimore and Cumberland is an extension of the West Virgina and PlttBburg. and will form a connection with the Cumberland Val ley railroad. Work on tho line will begin at all point! where it can ad vantageously be done ns soon ns the I weather opens in the spring. N'egotla- tions for the right of way iu West Vir ! ginia have been closed up and agents ' are at work In Maryland. The road starts from Cumberland and joins the Cumberland Valley line about two miles from Hagerstnwn, the distance being about sixty miles. Tired of waiting for tho coal tralo to take on a better condition, the ranks of tha Hungarian nnd Polish laborer! in the Bcbuylkill rsgion are being thinned out by msny leaving in search of work iu other parti of the region or going home. In order to keep the amount of coal mined slown to the figures agreed upon for this month by the coal sales agents, all tho Heading, Lehigh Valley and in dividual collieries of the Schuylkill region were shut down last night, to remain closed until next Monday. Minor Industrial (Justs; ' The stock of coal on hand at tidewater shipping points December HI, l03, was 728,878 tons: on November 30, 18U8, 7S1, 104 tons: increase, 7,714 tons. The Pennsylvania railroad new repair shops at roitsvniu nre nuisneu. The hearing of tho Rico petition, asking for un investigation of Mr. McLeod's trans actions in Ronton and Maine nnd New England stocks, will begin on Monday next at 11 o'clock, at i.h office of bpeciul saner oeorge u, rawroru. An Instance showing the extent of the recent depression ie cited at Sunbury, where, on the Northern Central division of the Pennsylvania railway system 31,000 fewer ireigut car passed a given point U 1WJ thnn DSSSSa it one year before. Reports from dilfereut mining districts in western reiinsyivnma luilicnto that the miners have failed to oboy the general strike order, aud the greater number of pits are working. Iu the third and second pools the diggers, who agreed to work Wednesday at the 2V-cont rate are vet loafing. It is generally believed that President Sloan will bo able to maintain hi hold on Lackawanna at tho comiug election. It in Chicago Qrain and Provisions. BORAMTOR, Jan. D.-Tls following quota. Hons are supplied an I c .rrccted daily by La Bat 4i Fuller, stock brokore,12l Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Jan. Mav. July. iW's 04, H (Hiih B$M $M BOM 012 05? OO'i, UJs W-x M 3 DDL. il4?H 8li an 'M'H 87' arifa mi 88 2ou mt 20' 2sLJ fucj 2ss nU 20's 20J4 2S?a 1810 1310 - IBM 1891 - 1310 1310 -1312 1827 7SU 757 -7ri7 770 71 757 785 767 - OilO 057 - Oil'J 072 tWl 057 Sod 070 (JON CERT UY Mr. Ttieo, Hembrger, Violinist Lute Pupil of JOACHIM. Ilarlln, Assisted by MISS EMMA CONRAD, -AT- YJ.C. A. Hall, Thursday Evening JANUARY 25. Programme will ho published later. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reusonuble. Space will not permit us to mention the good things for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found iu a first-class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENS AVE. OATS. Opening Highest Lowest , CT sing PORK. Opining Highest Low- st Closing LAUD. Opening Highest Lowest CT sing Sll KT KIBR, Opening Highest Lowest Closing New York l ioiuce Markat. New Yore, - Jan. 'IS. FLoun-Dull weak. Wheat Dull, firmer: No. 2 red, storo and elevator, D7MawHfC.; nlloat, O.'intrie. i.o. d. , OTMaomC: ungraded red, Ola fiSc; No. 1 northern, Tl ifn7 1 i'c. : options moderately active, firm; ISo. 2 red Jan uary, 90x0.! February. Sfia: March. 6S;c; 5iay, 70Wc ; June, 7lc; July, 72o. August, 72);c. ; December, 7t'i'e. corn tuiet, tinner; .No. 2, 42;iu42,c. ; eievaior, toxasoc.: uugraileil mix;u, 4154-n4.c. : steamer mixed, 41J742c: low mixed, tlJaatW.; No. 2 white, 49Mai9Mc options were fairly active, closing firm; January, 42c; Februarv, 42"3c.; Alurch, SO710., aiay, sic. oath Quiet, firmer; options, firmer, quiet; closed. January, 83c; February, HMO.; March, 84; ,c: May, 84,f,e; No. 9 wnito fetirnury, .'0,1c.; ijiot prices No. 2, 33jc; No. 2 white, raXic: No. 2 Chicago, 34c. ; No. 3, ttke.1 No. 3 white, Dim ; mixed western, 34a35c white do., WHOAI white state, 8iia40c. Beef Hrra. dull; family. fllalS; extra mess, B9.UUSB.BU, bltf Ham.4 Quiet; HO.riOalT.OO. TiEltcEU i:ee Inactive; ciiy extra Iniliii mess, $iy::o. CUT Meats- Firm, quiet. ; pickled bolltos, FttCj pickien siioui(lurs,uvc; pickled hams OVaU'io. Middlem Nominal. DAhD Uaier, steady; westeni Bteam 1 BO asked city. $ 7.58 option sales, none retlued, qiiiat; conilnuut, $8.05: South America, svl0j compound, 9WaOXO, Pork Quiet, steady; mess. 'tl4.b0al.V Butter -Moderate demand, steady.state oairy irtaaoc; uo. creamery, I8n22c; western dairy, i.ixniic; d". creamery, lSa25Wc; far tory, 18al5iic; elglns, 2525)c; imitation crenmery, laawoi rolls, lnlllc. Chkbse Firm, fair demand; largo, state OaUXci fancy, IlKallKo.! do. smull 1SKC.J psrt bkim, 4al0c, full skims, kaSc MO! Veijr heavy receipts, quiet wenker: ice house, per case, $la2.00; west in fresh, 14al4)c. . fall packed per cuse souiuern, i.ianc. Philadelphia Tallow rim a in i.i-iiu, Jan. is. Tallow was in fair demand aud steady. Prices were Prime city, In hogsheads, .vHc; prime country, m nogsneaus, oc. do. dark, iu hggsbeads, 4,'aC; grease, 40. For Colds, Croup, Ahthua, iiioro mi rw and Sore Throat uso Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil, and gut the genuine. Res I Estate. TWO Tiioi B:nd dollars down 1 und two thousand dollars In five yeare or Ii uger. Kill iiiya mn n on 1ioubi with all mis, rn iinpi i. in- nt . . a ( live tweeti Auamsauu juiiersun aves Addiose, A B CLTrlbuue. IOH SALE -SlNOI.E DOUSE, 005 VUINUY J avenue; very deairablo location. Aimlv I). F. REYNOLDS, or WILLARD, WARREN l i, j rr, v-,ii.'j will buy Modern news noon l? Bouan, all Improvements: terms easy; cor uur Madison uvunue aud Delewareatreet. An ..In 1.1 A I. I) V I L'L O y.. UAOWI t.l-.l..? 1,400 WILL BUY VERY DEHIKA1ILE LOT W corner .Madison avenue and Delawar itreet. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Holes in your lungs are the Homes of Consumption Germs. The diseased spots are wiped out with new tissue made by Scott'4 nMMmiMfl9JBr' Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, and hypophosphites. This acts immediately upon the Lungs and makes new tissue there. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! ptapircil b; Scott 1 Uonni, N Y. All Orofeisti. Connolly & Wallace COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL, THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12,50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6.00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4,00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10.00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7.50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5,00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3,00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of goods. MT. PLEASANT AT ltKTAIL. Coal of the best nualitv for domestic use. und of all sizes, delivered iu any part of the city utiowe-t price. orders lort at my omen, NO, 118, WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Hank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention I ' .. contrueta win ne m.ido tor the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. W - i WM. T. SMITH. DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything in tho line of WAT4'M HA. If you buve uny idea of purchasing anv kind of a Watch, lady's or gent's. Hold or Silver, you will make a uriev ous mistake it you do not give ua a cull und gut our prices, which you will And far below ull otners, especially iu all the high grades of Elgin, Walthuin and Hampden movements If you have snv doubts uud nre at all nested un prices gi ve us a call and wa will have no bio in convincing you. v entlll have a large to dlsuo-e of. und will otfer you won- dirlul Inducements In Jewelrv. Silverware. Clocks and all other goode which we have iu stock. eHS C. W. Freeman Pnn Ave. and Spruce St. BLOOQ P0IS0M!-- Qdy. under i:mranty, hftxirl b) JfruiHlucJiaU. i i f ' , ' .! loO-DdiTsi bow, t;l' tioai I iirsfriu ; i.'i- i 'i I . nml vtl-n id.- s'j ;i,s-. I j .nd utnittyraii, ur Maeic Rbmedy I r,.fftjei out-. imir Krui . i ibvn. m. AHTOHEHARTHAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Concrete Flagging. Concrete Bbcks, Potato, Butter aud Coal Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may be left at Thoiupaon & Pratt, Will urns 6C Co , Main and Eyneu Streets, or at Scrunton Stove Works. Alio Foundations, Cisterns. Fiah Wire Tunnels and Coflins. Flagging for Durdeu Walks. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Russian Lynx Circular Cap's, II Inches, iM rr. .! .1... . , n .. . . .... ElectrUi Seal CIrcnutr Capes. U in.. Astrakhan circular Capes, A in Wool Sral Circular Cup.-s, in Stone Marten Circular ''apes, Ui in . Brown Marten Circular Capes, H in. Otter Circulai Capes, ' iu ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FK1UAY, JAN. 1. Cornell University Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs. FOBTY JOLLY COLLECT: BOYS IN THEIR GREAT SPECIAL TIES. Regular prices. Sale opens Wednesday. .. li.SS i ..4U.0U ! ..46.UU i ..W.uo Seal Sacques WE'RE) ALL W ORIINaME 1ST Workingmen Appreciate Luxuries as Well as Rich Men. This Applies Especially to a Library. It's Hard Work, Saving, Sometimes. Especially the Ordinary Way. It's Harcl'to Get a Library That Way. There's an Ex traoatiinary Way. This Way You Can Buy the Greatest Reference Library on Earth. Ten Cents a Day Does It. Whal This Library Is. jou're it v7orkingman. We're all woikinmou. Still, some rich people can afford more luxuries than souic woi'kiiijmii'ii. Seal Sacques, 8b inches long 9150 00 Seal Jackets, !W lnchea IUOuO Seal Jackets. Si Inches long W OO Astrakhan Jackets, HI inches Ion Si .0Q Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, 30 inches long, with butterfly Cape $e00 Otter Circular Cape, lij inches luug.wlth Butterfly Cape 105.00 Sublo Circular Cups, UO i .iches long J5 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, 80 inches long 2-' ) Electric Seal Circular Cape, 3'J la. long . SU Ou Cray Cniumer CircularCupe. 30 in. long M U0 4o dozen American B.-ul Mutts at....Jl Ii each 1 lot rf Children's seta nt VSr. each 1 lot of 'bleigh Kobes, plush lined $i each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Pradfcal Furrier in the city. V library is a luxury. Workingmen appreciate luxuries as much as mauy uiore thau most, When a man has to work hard to get anything be wants he prize? it all the more when lie yet it. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, J.AN' 20. W. S. CLEVELAND'S MINSTRELS Allied with the Eurupean Vaudevilles. GREAT, GRAND. GORGEOUS. COLUMBUS, FIRST PART, WORLD'S FAIR PANORAMA Strong Minstrel Organization. Sale opens Thursday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. There wiil bo luu in town when THE HUSTLER COMES Monday Night, Jan. 22, Presented by Thomas H. lJavis' oOtnpany of Farcical, Vocal, Dancing and Ai ro batto Entertainers. Sale opens Friday. It's lllU'll s:iuio, B0ineiiiue3. We all know - we who have been through the mill. We scrape aud scrape and save, and it never seems to do any good. Still, there's saviug and saving. To buy a large library containing information on all possible sub jects would cost thousands of dollars---in the onii nurv way. There's an extraordinary way, though, THE TRIBUNE a. tin: newspaper man's way, the 10- ceiit-a day wa . 'an't you save 10 Cents a dayl For thai small sating you can buy a complete library, a poor man's library, o rich man's library, a library no man could afford to be without if it cost him a thousand dollars. E. Robinson's Sons' Lagbr Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbts. Per Annum, The Total Cost. Further Explana tion of This Ex traordinary Way. THE TRIBUNE Guarantees This Library. You Can See It Before Purchasing. You cau )et it for 10 cents a day. It's the famous Encyclopedia Britannica. The Ninth the latest-edition, brought down to date. Everything complete. The articles are not cut down, the work being of the same number of pages as the costly Edinburgh, Thirty thousand dollars expended in adding to it. Twenty-live de cant volumes on good quality paper and beauti fully bound iu heavy silk cloth. Pure gold leaf lettering and everything as elegant as cau be de Sired for the finest library iu the laud. You get theentire set for Sft.!); per volume. $5 down and the balance ou easy monthly payments. You gel half the entire set delivered to you upon payment of three dollars and the remainder when the lirst half is paid for. This offer won't last long. THE TRIBUNE positively guarantees the work to be exactly as stated. If you like, before pur chasing it. will seud you a volume for cxauiiua 1 tun. You can see this clrgantlibrary at THE TRIBUNE I '.iu yelopedia Hritauuica Headquarters, i'd", Spruce street. See it free. N. Tl. BROOKS, Supt. and Lecturer. HARBY THoSNS. Stage Manafsr. Weekromiuencine MONDAY ,1 AM ARY 13 Second uud Lust Wo 'k ot MISS FLORA STAMFORD, Supported by the Henry Oomedy Oom'ny. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesd sy A WIFE'S TRIUMPH Thursday! F:ida aid Saturday. AURORA FLOYD IOo. to buck of balcony; MOc. to Iront of balcony and rear naronsttsj aUc opera chairs. Performances at KM aud 8.U p.iu. Doors open at 1.30 uud 7. EDEN MUSEE AND BIJOU THEATRE 221 and 223 Lackawanna Ays. 11KS. D. JiF.LI.lXI Geneial Mauatfoi B RICK 3 BIG FEATURES IN CURIO HALL 3 THEATER Edwards & Mclntyre's IMPERIAL VAUDEVILLE CO. ADMISSION TO ALL, 1 00. Saturday Mntines for children, 5c, iu chilling, seat iu Theatre. DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in tho market. Brandt Clay Product Co. OFFICE: Blnsliamton. N.Y. FACTORY i Brundt. Pa. MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer and Dealera I Burning, All AanJ lubricating U1LO m Uso Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE:-7il Weat Lackawanna Ave. WoUKJi Merldlau Strejl Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Court Hut'si: BqnAU, All kinds of Lauudry work guariiutouJ i he best.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers