r 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, JANUABY 13, 1894. Daily Chronicle OF Pittston Events. (Tue Scranton Tribune's Pittston office. No. 8 South Main street, is in charge of W. E. Tooke and J. M. Fany, to whom complaints and news items may be referred by any subscriber. J ' , WAS HE POISONED? Case That the Authorities Could Inveitl gate with Profit. Genaro Lepre, an Italian, died very suddenly at his hoarding house at 219 Salem street, West Pittston, one week ago today under circumstances that savor very much of suspicion. As he was a foreigner without friends in these parts he was buried and nothing more thought of the case. Strange as were the circumstances of his death, it remains for The Tribune to make them public for the first time. In doing so it is with the hope that the authorities will make an investigation and set at rest the suspicions that have arisen since Lepre died. As is wel) known the customs and manners of the class of people to which Lepre belonged are entirely foreigu to Americans, making it therefore very hard to iearn any thing eonctfniug their doings, On the day of Lcpre's deatn, Satur day, Jan. 0, he worked, as was his cus torn, until noon. He was a robust fel low, agod about 113 years, and the pic ture of health. During tbe morning hours he whs in excel. out spirits and showed no sign of illness. In fact, it is alleged he was particularly jolly in his own way, and the announcement of bis suddon death a few hours later created a big surprise to his . fellow workmen upon learning the news. When the mine whistle blw 'or 12 o'clock Lepre seized his dinner pail an I partook with Beaming relish of its scantv contents. Immediately after he was taken suddenly ill and requested to be given water, wnjch he drank in copious draughts. He was promptly taken to his boarding house. Dr. Mo Fad den was summoned and arrived about 8 o'clock. Upon entering the house and asking for Lepre, he was pointea out to him sitting on a ohair with his feet in the oven of the kitchen stove and a heavy ulster coat about his shoulders. The doctor addresied him, only to find, upon failing to receive an answer, that he was dead. When the inmates of the house were questioned by the doctor regarding the circumstances of Lspre's death they stated all tuny knew regarding hlin was he die'l from drinking water. Doctor McFadden thinking the cirenmstances warranted an investigation ordered the under taker not to embalm the corps and telephoned Deputy Coroner Perkins but for some unknown cause the latter, either from not receiving the message or through utter indifference, failed to put in an appearance. . SCHOOL BOARD MATTERS. A Britf But Interesting Session Was Hsld Last Evening. The school board met in regular ses sion in the high school building last evening. Every member was present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The several teachers presented their reports for the month of December and orders were drawn on the treasurer for their salaries. The following bills were presented and ordered paid: John T. Flannery. insurance, $520; F. P. Casper, printing, $1.50; Williams & McAnnlty, supplies. $4 98; Educational Book company, $3.29. Tbe bill of R. J. Hallock & Co., for $432, flagging and curbing, was held pending an inspection and accept ance of the work. The treasurer was ordered to pay Mr. Hal look $350 on account, tbe balance to be withheld until spring. On motion, Secretary Hinei was in structed to advertise for bids for an iron fence to be erected around tbe Junction school. The building com mittee was instructed to have the high school building properly wired in order to have it comply with the terms of tbe insurance policy. After a brief discussion of matters of a desultory nature, an adjournment was taken for two weeks. OUR SHOP GIRLS cation in this vicinity. They endeav ored to effect an entrance into Mrs. W. Y. Thomss' residence, corner of Exeter and Washington streets, Friday morn ing, but were scared away before com mit ting any depredation. The large 24 inch water main of the Spring Brook Water company, whleh crosses Main street at a point above J. E. Patterson's planing mill, burst Thursday. A large force of men are at work repairing the break. The ladies interested In the ap proaching fair and festival of the Eagle Hose company met Thursday evening and organized by electing the follow ing officers: President, Mrs. E. Fried man (temporary); vice president, Mrs. Annie Hustle; secretary. Miss Olive Smith; treasurer, Mr. William Qaiun. Another meeting will bs held on nest Tuesday evening, to further arrange ments for tbe fair. Weather prophets who have besn predicting a change in the weather "by the 15th" were about right for once in their calculations yesterday. It came a little in advance of the fifteenth and with a vengeance. All day yesterday housekeepers were kept busy keeping np fires, while outsiders wore anything hut comfortable. As night wore on a heavy snow storm set in, covering the frozen gronnd with a white mantle in a very few minutes, The funeral of Miss Margaret Brnnn, who died at her home in Exeter Thursday afternoon, will occur tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock. Funeral services at at. Johns church. Inter ment in Market street ceui tTy. The week of prayer is being observed by the two churches on Welsh Hill. At the Fir.it Congregational church last evening the service was conducted by the Christian Eudeavor society. An interesting meeting on behalf of Home mission was held In the Broad Street Presbyterian church last even ing. The servic was under the charge of the Sunday school, and all members of the school and a large number beside were present. Thre was a meeting of class No, 15 at the close of the service. Richard Bremen is suffering from a severely sprained leg, sustained by slip ping on ice in his yard Thursday after noon. The injury is painful, but is not considered v.:ry serious. George B. Reap of William street is lying critically ill at bis home with the grip, His condition yesterday was very critical. The Carrie Louis company delighted a large audienee at Music Hall last evening with the laughable comedy farce "U -le Susan." Tonight they will cone . their week's engagement with "Fnnchon the Cricket." The Ladies' Aid society oi the West Side Methodist church have elected the following officers: President, Miss Margaret Cool; vice president. Mrs. Joseph Langfonl ; secretary. Mrs. W. ti. Jackson ; treasurer, Mrs. 13. D. Be- yea, ihs society passed a vote of thanks to Judge Cool for a gift of sil verware, and to Joseph Langford for dishes. Slocum council, 271, Junior Order United American Mechanics, has elected the following officers for six months: C. Alfred Siglin; V. G, Frank Siglin; A. R, S, Elmer Williams, R. Charles Crowell; t. H., Ernest Stites; treasurer, Josiab Siglin; war den, Frank Williams; oonductor, Wil liam Lusinger; O. S. Henry Burkhart; I. , George A. Mayo. Tbe annual meeting of the stock holders of the Springbrook Water company was held at tbe company s office at Moosic, at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, when tbe following directors were elected: Dr. L. Shoemaker, Hon. L. A. Watres, Hon. L. Amerman, George Nesbiit. The following offi cera were re-elected: President, Dr. L. Shoemaker; secretary, L A Watres; treasurer, Abram Nesbitt. Not Easy to Smile and Be Pleasant from 8 Till S Nerrods Fatigue from Trying to riease Everybody The Remedy. "And it's O, to bo a slave Along with tho barbarous Turk; Whore women have neier a soul to save, If this be Christian work." "It is fearfully trying to nerves and brain," said a young woman in one of Scran ton's stores yesterday, "this being forced to look pleasant all day long when one is ready to drop with fatigue and vexation. " There are thousands of such tired, overworked women behind shop counters and in offices, Nothing so quickly brings nervous irritability and exhaustion and robs tbe body of its elasticity and health as trying to smile and humor the countless peculiarities of the throng of buyers. In addition to the real fatigue from long hours is added this nervous fatigue which is still more wearing. If statistics prove anything they show how surely Paine's celery com pound recruits the nervous energy of just such weak and overtaxed women. Headaches cease; the tired, anxious expression leaves the face; neuralgia, a sure sign of ill -fed nerves, vanishes, and white cheeks, white lips, white blood, gradually gain the color of health if Paine's oelery compound is taken with reasonable regularity. From the first taking M celery com pound a feeling of hope and encour agement comes over the invalid. This is the universal testimony of thousands. Paine's celery compound sends new pure blood to the heirt nnd takes away the weary feeling that comes from de bility. The costliest condition for a man or woman in any station in life is that of weakness and disease. Paine's celery componnn permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. It quickly furnishes new material to the wornout nervons system The forms that ner vous diseases wge art legion: Dyspep sia, Sleeplessness, headaches, neuralgia, heart trouble, rheumatism, depression and nervous prostration. Paiue's -el ery compound goes to the root of the trouble: It creates a now appetite and prepares the digeslive organs t o build np a strong, healthy body. Strange bo v people shut their eyes to tbe plainest facts and live at ease in the midst of evident danger. Scrofula, eczema, jaundice, scalf and skin dis eases show hb plain as sunlight a viti ated state of the blood. Paine's celery compound soon eliminates every trace of impurity from the blood. Sound, lasting health, with its atten dant happiness, surely comes froia Paiue's celery compound. None are too old to be helped by Paine's celery compound; none are too young to bo benefited. Celery compound is the great mod ern remedy for stomach, heart liver and kidneys. It makes pure, vigorous blood and quiet, healthy nerves. Try it. LITTLE HOPE OF RECOVERY. Consulting Pbveicans Probe for Bullet, but Fail to Locate It. Thursday afternoon a consultation of tbe hospital physicians wis held in the case of Halt, the colored man who was shot Tuesday by Havard. There was present Drs. Hartman, Underwood, Bevan, McFadden, Birrett and Walsh. Drs. Walsh and Hartman probed for the bullet, but failed to find any traoe of it after reaching the rib. Tin phy sicians are of tbe opinion the ball, in ploughing its way, caused a splinter to enter the lnng, thereby causing tbe patient to expectorate blood. After a thorongh investigation the physicians decided tbe wounded man had but a small chance of reoovery. Dr. Walsh accordingly notified the proper authorities that if they wished an anti-mortem statement there was no time to De lost. Havard, the assassin, is still at large and it is feared be will get out of tbe cdlntry before the authorities are able to apprehend him. He is known to be a bad man, having been mixed up ia several scrapes of a similar character previous to locatin here. NORTH MAIN STREET FIRE, A Pile of Burning Logs Oreatsi Much Exci ement for a Time. Soon after 6 o'clock last evening an alarm of fire was turned in from box No. 85, located at the corner of Main nnd Lambert streets. At first it was thought the rear of Toubill'i foundry was afire and much actirltv was man ifested in consequence. Suoh proved not to be tbe case, tbe blaze being nothing more than a pile of railroad ties that lay on tbe canal bed tracks of the Lehigh Valley railroad and wbieh nad in some unaccountable manner become ignited. The fire companies responded beautl fully, they being on the scene in a shorter spaoe of time than it takes to relate it, Luckily, however, their ser vices wis not needed. LIVE PITTSTON LOCALS. the Some of the Minor Happenings of Twin Boroughs. A union Sunday school offering is to be made for the hospital on Sunday, Jan. 21, in the various Sunday schools of both sides of the river. Envelopes will De distributed in the scho.li mak ing this bffir tomorrow. The amount given to be enclosed in the envelope and banded in on the following Son- day. Nearly all of the schools, in both East and West Pittston. have signified tbelr willingness to make this offering. Tbe money ruined will bs paid to W. L. Watson, treasurer of tbe hospital Burglars are again plying their vo- ctmits DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA . CURES DYSPEPSIA Promotes Digestion Having suffered tram DyJ pepeia for three years, I deJ eided to try BckdoOK BLOOD R firms and after using one bottle I found myself so tauc better that I was encouraged to one another: after taking: this I find myself so tuty y rej stored that I do ot seed any more medicine, feehng truly grateful to B. B. B. Mr. Q. White, Taberg.Oneida Co., W.T. The Strike Over E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tbe Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Per Annum, MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestic use,and of all sizes, delivered in any part of tbe city at lowest price. Orders loft at my office. NO. U, WYOMING AVEKI7E, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receivo prompt attontlon. Special contracts will bo madofor a sale and duhvery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITE AUCTION, AUCTION AT j H 'Bargain Stores Penn Avenue, COMMENCING MONDAY EYENING, JAN. 15. 133 PITTSTON CASES TO BE TRIED. Monday Jan. 29, Edmund Uff nlskey, selling on Sunday, D. J. Gallagher, pros. H riday, feu. a, (J. W. Hosenkrance, involuntary manslaughter, two counts, Mrs. Thomas Rowen and Andrew Quinn, pros. ; Patrick Jordan, Jataes Alangan, Thomas Walsh, J.lward Keating, jr., Martin Barrett, election fraud, Thomas Mitchell, proi. A CHANCE to huv fit vnur nwn nnnp y . j r Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Red Flag. VARIOUS TAYLOR TOPICS. Tbe News of One Day Portrayed In Pungent Paragraphs. Special to the Scranton TVibaae. Taylor, Pa., Jan. 12. J. F. Tnbbs baa received tbe appointment of bor ough clerk in place of John Evans, re signed. Bbep Snow has been appoint ed chief of fire department. The cantata of the Welsh Congre gational cbnrch. which was to be given Tnesdny night, has been post poned nntil Jan. 23. Charles E. Button will lecture and give an entertainment to-night in Weber's rink on tbe "World's Foir." WORKING ON HALF TIME. Collieries at Forest City Are Not as Ac tive as Usual. flpeciat fo the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Pa, Jan. 13. The Hill side Coal and iron company's collieries in this place are idle today and will also be idle tomorrow, having worked four three quarter days, which is the same as half time. Heretofore this place has always beon noted for tbe steadiness with which tbe mine worked until tbis winter, which is very severe with many fam ilies here. THE SMALLER, THE BETTER II you can only be sure that a mall pill will do you as much food. Dr. Pierce's leasant Pellets are smaller than any others, sugar coated, easier to take and easier in the way thoy act and yet they really do you more good. Their reHned and concentrated vegetable extracts act upon the liver in a natural way that lusts. They have a peculiar strengthening offect on the intestines. They not only relieve, but permanently cure. In every liver, stomach, and bowel disor derConstipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Windy Eructations. " Risings of Food," Sick or Bilious Headaches, Sour Stomach they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money m rotuniou. PIERCE a" CURE OR HONEY RETURNED. . $5,000 FYom the X V. Tribune, t'ov. 1, D9S. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 31. Fhe first oilioial announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judgej to the flour manu factured by tbe Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills Minneapolis. The committee reports tbe flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." I ME6ARGEL & GONNELL WHOLESALE AGENTS. -WORTH OF- Dry Goods And other seasonable artioles were tied up on the road and delivered to us now These must be sold every article is marked with its lowest selling prioa ia plain figures. We will deduct an extra Gash Discount of 20 Per Cent. Thus offering a grand variety of fine presents at prices invariably leas than cost of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Eta Each article is a piece of art, ornamental and useful. Our annex is located on William street, next to onr Millinery Department. See the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of fine wares, such as Quilts, Bed Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and many other use ful select artioles. These constitute our List of of Rare Bargains Every article is a preent to you if yon patronize the Pioneer Establishment of warranted goods and low prices, A. B, BROWN'S BEE HIVE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. (JBITRHi RftMOAD OF & J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN EFFECT CEC.21, 1193. Train loavo Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes f.aArrfvetS A."1,1?'1"' U ;M 12.30, 2.00, !Ii3&if5 P' m- a.m For Atluntlc City, 8.10 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express) a.ni., 12.30 (oxptosa with Buffet parlor car), 3 30 (expretej p. m. Sunday, 2.00 p. m. For MAocn CnuNK, Aixentowm.Bethle Si'iJ!' t-) and P'uladeupiiia, 8.10 a. in.. 12.J) 3.30, 4.25 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2 00 p. m. For Lo.no BiiAwrn, Ocean Qhove, etc., at 8.10a. in., 12.30 p. m. For Read 1lt. I ... I m 11. in dn.l 1 1 .. . .. 11... .... .. 1 Allentown, 8.10 a. m.. 12.30. i .25 n.m. Hun'duv. 2.10 d. m ror rottaville, 8.10 a ra;, 12.30 p m. We will and can show you a larger stock than any other concern in this section. Reup .'Diner, we are MAKERS;, the ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Dpartmnt an 1 as to prices, we invite comparison with any concern in the laud and know we are the cheapest A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 33 N, Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St PITTSTON, PA. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL l'HYSK 1ANS AND BtTROBOMft DK O. JO. DEAN, Diseases of the Eye, Nose Tin wit and Kar, 604 Spruco street, oppo site court house. DR. A. J. t-ON NELL, Office 201 Waahinirton avenue, corner Spruce street, over Franoko'a drup store. Residence, IB Vine at Office bom 10.30 to 12 a. no. and 2 to i and 11.30 to 7.30 p. m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. YV K. ALLEN, ! Office "cor. Udta. wanna and Washington aves. ; over Leon ard shoe store; office hours. 10 to 12 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m.; eveninKS at residence, 512 N. Washington ave. DR. C L. FREY, Practice limited to Dis eases of tho Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; office. 122 Wyoming avo. Residence, 528 Vine street. DK. L. W. GATES, 140 Washington Avenue. Office hours, 8 to 0 am., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., J Commonwealth building T K. Q. 1J easi Offices 52 and 51 : residence 711 Madison live: otfioo hours. 10 to 12. 2 to i. 7 to 8; Sundays 2.80 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat . "neoology. D. u ;RAY, specialty made on dis eases ' . and skin. 212 w voining Ave. Office hours: il 10 a in.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. MKS DR.KING. 320 MULBERRY BTBBBT. At Carbondalc on Fridays of each week. VK1EKINARY SCROKONS r.T STL HUE. Veterinary i j . tistry a specialty, cold medalist of On- ge. umce. summer j Keller's carriage shop. tario Veterinary Collei livery. 320 Dix St.. near Telephone No. 4Kt. i.. VI.K.V T M. (3. RANCH'S Law and Collection of J . Uce, No. 817 Spruce st., opposite Forest House, Scranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond eatj in every county. E83UPS & HAND, Attorneys and I lors at i.aw, Washington ave. Counsel- Commonwealth building. W. H. JEBSCP, Horace E. Hand. W. H. Jkbsup, Jb. riLI.ARD, WARREN KN'APP, Attor VV neysand Counselors at Law, Republican building, Washington ave.. Boranton. Pa. IJATTERSON & WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; offices 0 and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSWELT, H. PATTBRSOK William A. Wilcox. ARCHITECTS. DAVIS HOCPT, Architect. Booms 24, 25 and 20 Commonweajth 0 Id g. S.-ranv r L. WALTER, Architect, Library build- ing, Wyoming avenue, Scranton. U L. BROWN, Arch B. Architect, Price 1 bnilding.126 WaRlilngton Ave., Scranton. MI.NCEL1.AN K.Ol'S. JORTON D. SWART8- WHOLESA LE I J lumber, 8 and V Dime bank building, Scranton. Pa. VfEGAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' 1V1 supplies, envelopes, papor bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington are., Scranton, Pa. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and oonoort work furnished. For terms address It. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbert's music storo. Returning, leave New York, foot of Liberty f 'SnJVSn r,ver- at 8,44 Oppress) a. m 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. in. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, S.40 a. m., 2.00 and 4.SJ p. m. Sunday. 0 .37 a. m. l nrough tickets to nil points at lowest rate may be had on application in advance to the BgUIll at uo staticn. H. P. BALDWIN, H. OLHOU8EN, -' Agent. Gel.. Supt. JEHIGS VALLEY RAILROAD. j, v t.a,T9 SorfaX?B fr Philadelphia and n ,and 11,15 K' ,m, vla D- L- W. R. R., 8.08 11. , 0 a. a., and 1.30, 3.50 p. m, Leave Si:rntj,n f,.,. UJ... j ttT.i, R. R., a08, 11.20a. in, Barro via D., L & W 1.30, aft). 0.07. 0.38 n m Leave Serantmi fnr Whit, n rr -i . .. . iottSMlle and all p ,mu on the Bmm Meadow and Pottsville branches, via D. & EL R. R. at 8 a.m., 12 10, 2 .38, 4 10 n m t a D T. f w. r. r.hos, fo7mZinjS2t h' Leave Scranton for Bothlebom. Easton. Reading Harrisburg and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R 8 a.m., 12. 10, 1 as na p.in.,via D., L. & W. R. U.,8.08. 11.20 a. m., 1.30 .1.50 p.ni L.Lt'a,N Scranton for Tunkhannock, Towanda, no, ,t, ueuevu ami an invermouults points via D. & H. R. !'... US and LUG p. in., via D. L, A W. R. R 9.50 a m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west vlaD. & H. R. R. 1 25.iV 15,11 85 p. m.. via O. L. & W. H. R. and Pittston Junction (t 30 a. m. for Buffalo only;, 1.30 0.38 p. in., via E A W. R. R 4. in p. m. For Elniira and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R atC.15p. m.. viaD., L. & W P. By 0, St.;0 a. m. and 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor ud sleeping or L. V. chair car on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Jillces-Barro and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROLLIN H. WILBCR. Gen. Supt- East Dlv. . .,V?A?;5,Ji.KEl Gu"- Pass A''. pl'la -Pa-A.W N ONKEH A0HER, Aat't O-n.Pass. Ag t. South Bethlehem, Pa. EZRA FINN & SONS, builders and contrac tors. Yards: Corner Olive at and Adams ave. : corner Ash st. and Penn ave., Scranton SEED. CLARK & CO.. Seedsmen. Florists and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avenue; green house,ia isorth Main avenue; store telephone 782. G.Hai TKAt. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros. WIRE Sf REKNS. fOS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avenue, I Scranton, Pa., manuf'r of Wire Screens. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices aad see tbe furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, 'Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At torney and Counsellors. Commonwealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. TT'RANK T. OKU.L, Attorney at Law. Room V 5. Coal Exchange, Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. LOWRY, l-Att'ys, C. H. VON STORCH, I ton av.. TAMES W. OAKFORD. Attorney tl rooms 63. 64 and Ki, Commonwealth b i'g. QAMUSL W. EDOaR, Attorney at Law. Office, 317 Spruce st, Scranton. Pa. 227 Washing- C. H. square. I w, A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, Lackawanna sue.. Scranton. Pa. 423 P. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. Office, rooms 54, 65, 50 Commonwealth building. c H. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, monwi S'tn building. Scranton, Pa. Com- C. COMEGYS, 321 Spruce st. ( SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tbe above brands of flour can be had at any of tbe following merebanta, who will acnept The Tribune flour coupon Of 25 on each one hundred pounds of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour. 'II8S WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN 1T1 and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils fieranton F. P. Price, Washington avonue, Gold Medal Brand. Hyde Par k-eCarson & Davit, Washburn St Gold Medal Brand; Jeeepn A. Mears.Maln avenue. Suporlntive Brand. Green Ridge-A.L.Sponcer.Oold Medal Brand. Dunmore F. P. Price. Gold Modal Brand. Olyphant Jamee Jordan, Superlative Brand. Dunmore-F. D Manloy Superlative 3rand. Provldenco Fenner Chapjiell N Main ave nue, Superlative hrand;C. J. Gillespie, W. Market ttre. t, Gold Medal Brand. Pcckvllle-Shaffor & Keiser, Superlative Brand. Jermyn C, I). Winters ft Co. Superalatlve Brand. Carbondale-B. S. Clark, Gold Modal Brand. Honesdale-J. N, Foster St Co. Gold Medal Brand. nonesdale W.P Schenck, Superlative Brand Lalton-S. E. Finn ft Son, Gold Modal Brand Gouldsboro-B A. Adams. Gold Medal Brand Tobyhanua Toliyhanna ft Lehigh Luinbe Co., Gold Medal Brand. W I rfiiMi TT M Nw tunnm. Wil RESTORE LOST VIGOR a-'ll'AKAN EE tofuro ItrVOM DftllltT LoHaftazial P.r Btfoiu juil Al.n Ullug. Sold with WRITTEN i ........ ... -. ... Inoluntrr Rmlnlc.il from any cni. If nlrtd. inch trouhlm lend l i uuBiiinjiin.ii er iniKt iiy, vi, neper 1)01 Dy mail, ft Ihiivr for Sfl. Wllh efry $V i. n wntwu uutunin,',. 10 cursor rPIUua lUt BBODCy, AUUI.AI i)ii.iir. uu.. ciayaiaua, Ulno. oril 1 tAL MKIiK'INK CO v For sale by JOHN H. Scranton, Pa. PHELPS, Pharmacfet. cor. Wyoming Ave. and Bpruio St, DB. REPLOGLE, Attorney-Loans nego- tlated on real estate security. 408 Spruco. B. H P. KILL AM, Attoruv at Law. 120 Wy oming avenue, Scranton. AVE YOUR" DEEDS AND MOHTUAOKS written and aoknow leilged by J. W. libl BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Commonwealth Huiitiing. ubllc, sCBo'I,k." SCHOOL OF TUB LACKAWANNA, Scran ton, Pa , prepares boys and girla for collogs or business: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at Request. Rav. Thomas M. Cans, Waltrh H. Hi l m received at all times. He'.tember 4. Fall Una will open DKNIINTS. CC. LATJBACH, Surgeon Dentist, No, lit . Wyoming ave. R. M. HT RATION, office Coal Exchange. ro? P. LOANS, CTOP PAYING RENT. OWN YOUR O home. Money to loan on naar monthly laymenta. S. N. CALLENDER, Dime Bank Building DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopon Mills, Lu zerne county Pa and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstriot, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank B.illdlng. ACENCtr.S. THOS. FORD, Pittston, P. JOHN B SMITH ftON; Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barro. Pa. Agents for the Kepauuo Chemical Com pany's High Explosives. -THE- , HOTI.I.S AND It KST A 17 Ft A NTS. ' lEGLER'S HOTEL, aV lj uue, Scranton. HE WESTMINSTER, 217219 Wyoming avo. Rooms heated with steam: all mod rrn improvements. C. M. Tin m in iVop. Ijioknwanna ave- Rates reasonable. P. ZlEQt.ER, Proprietor. W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Broiulw way. 'ItrUUTAllNSTER HO IEL. V T Sixteenth street, one block east of at Uulon Batiare. Now York. American ilan, JO 60 per day and upward 'OYNE HOUSE, Europosn plan; 'good rooms. Umii dav and night. Bar sun. plied with the bcBt. P. H. COYNE, Proprietor, CCRANTON HOUSE, near D U ft W. paa O aenger depot. Conducted on the European plan VicTon Korn, Proprietor. ND CENTRAL. The large and boat no ppo l hotel in Allentown, Pa.; ratal (2.00 pe W equl 82 and J per dny. VIC Ton D. Barner, Proprietor. MOOSIC POWDER CO Rooms 1 and I CommorA'saltti Bld'g SCRANTON, PA. MINING nd BLASTING POWDER Made at tbe MO03IO mid RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electrie Batteries, Fusoi for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and RepauooChemical Co.'s High Explosives THE LARGEST CHEABEST BEST The Tribune l it DELAWARE AND II UD l Ji j SON RAILROAD. 'if0 I Commencing May , 1898, trains will run as follows: WWjZ I I Trains lenvu Bi iilgo Street M AthJ Ir tut 'on' fronton, for Pitts W JwTiCbM ton, Wilkes-Barre.ete., n.00, mm Tmn it. 1042.1. m.. 12.10. l,2fi, 2,:iS, 4.16. 5.16, 0.15, tf.la ana u. m p. m, For New York and Pbila delohia. a 00 a. m. 12.10 : . "L 2 38. 4.10 and I1J0& m. Tor Honesdale i from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot i, 7.00, 8.30, 10. 10 n.m., 12,00 m.. 2 17, 5 10 p. m. For Carlondalo and Intermediate stations. 5.40. 7 00. .:. 10.10a. m . 12.00m ,2.17, 8.15,6.111, 8.20anltt6p m : from trldge btroet Depot. 2.UI a. m., 2. Wand 11 H p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl n ndack Mountains, Bct mutid New England points. 5.40 a. m., arrivin,' at Albany 12.45. parstoga 2.20 p. m., and leaving Scranton at 8 p. m.. arriving at Albany at 150 p. in. , Sara toga. LUI a. m , and B o . 7.00 a. m The only direct route between the coal fields and Boston "Tho Loading Tourists' Route of America'' to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes George and Chainplain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson syHtem, may be obtained at all Dclawure and Hudson ticket offices. H. O. YOUNG. J. W. BURDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Agt. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York nnd all points East. 1.50. 2.50. 5.15, 8.0ii and 0.50 a. in. ; 12 65 and 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.50 a. in.; 12.55 and 3.50 p m. Washington and way stations, 2.40 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation. 0.10 p. m. Expr ss for Binghamton. Oswego. Elmlra, Corning. Bath. Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 215 a.m. and 1.24 p. m making lose confections at Buffalo to all points in the West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation. 9.00 a. in. Binghaniton and way stations. 12.17 n. m. Nicholson and wav stations. 5.45 p. til. Binghaniton and Elniira Express. 0 05 p, m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca. 2.15 nnd ti.ifl a. m. and 1.24 p. m. For Northumberland. Pittston, Wiikes-Barre, Plymouth. BloomsLurg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Williamsort, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, 0.0(1. V.50 a. in. anil 1.JI0 af d 6.07 p. m. Nanticoke and intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.211 11. in Plymouth and intermediate stations, 3.6" aud V.3f p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tim- tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, Lackawannaavenue, or depot ticket office. New york. Ontario and we-.tf.rn Railroad, Scranton Division. Time table In effort Nov. 19, MS, Trains h ave Scranton for Carbondale: 6.50, 8.30, 11.05 a. in., 4.50. a. In p. m. For Hancock Junction and main connections 11.06 a.m., 8.10 p. m. Trains leavo BttMOOh Junction for main line connection for Scrnnton, 0 00 a.m., 2.05 p. m. Trains leave Carbondalo for Scranton 7.24, 0.45 a.m., 1.10, 3.34, 0.15 pm. J. C. ANDERSON, Oeneral Passenger Agent, New York. T. FLITCROFT. District Passenger Agent, Scranton. WYOMING VALLEY RAIL- 17 HIE AND l'j ROAD. Train leavo Scrnnton for New York and in termediate points on the Erio and Hawlev nnd local points at 0 35. 9.46 a. in. and 3.24 p m. Train leaving at U.45 a. m. and 324 p. in. are through trains to and from Hones 1 ale. Trains loavo for Wilkes-BarTuat 6 40 a. in. and 8.41 p. m. pTTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantlo Lead and French Zlne, Pure Llnared nil. Turpentine and Varnishes. Ready-mixed Paints In all colors, Glldert' M lilting. Paris White and Ralsomlne, Oil- Vltrol, Marble Dust and Window Glass Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-class Bar attached. Depot for Berguer A Eugel'a Tannhuiuter Beer. I. E, Cor. Mil and Filbert Ms,, Ptiilada. Most desirable for residents of N.E. Penn aylvania All conveniences for traTolers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. D lirable for visiting Sorautonlaus and pen I le in the An tbraolte Region. T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. 1
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