•a wiSIWML,. --The Arkansas House has concurred with the senate in ratifying the Suffrage amendment. —Gen. Stoneman, commanding in Virginia, has published the act of Con gress vacating dim held by,disquaiified persons within thirty clefs. Some 'near appointments were made for ltichmonil• city officers on Monday evening., T -ThePresident sent several notnina• tioha to the Renate on 'Monday, among th4n2 Vim. A, Forbes, to bo Pension Agent at Philadelphia. No'nominations have yet boon made for foreign missions. —Robert Martin Douglas has been ap• pointed Assistant Priv* , Secretary to the President. —A delegation of Indians, represent ing the Choctaws, Cherokees, Creeks and Chickasaws, called upon President Grant qa blonday t to pay,their respects and Offer their eetigretulatione. t —Since the 4th of March ! about 400 bills have been introduced in Congress. In the last Congress 8480, bills were in. troduced, of which 2600 were in the House. • —Marcus Eldridgo, a prominent citizen of Troy, N. Y., committed suicide on Sunday night by cutting his throat. --Drunkenness has become Tearfully prevalent among tbo wine-growing dia. trieta •af , California, Even' young girls are sometimes aeon reeling in the streets under the influence of the "pure Cali fornim" • , —A. villain put powder in the stave of IN public school house near Baltimore a few days ago, and by the explosion eight aeholars Were injured, two little girls being fatally buried. 7 —A convention of tho delegate's of tho workingmen of Luzerne, Carbon, Lehigh, tlohuplki I , epd other counties, will be hold at Heilefon on the 17th inst. —Horses aro no numerous in - New Routh Wales that they can bo bought for two cents apiece. - . -Muoh of Frailes t WWI) , all of Spain, and largo portions of Italy, are entirely dotting° of forests. • —Captain M. E, Lonald, was aseaultl ed and robbed in Milwaukee, on &tut.• day night. He la not expected to re• tour.t • f —Allison Smith was killed at Spencer. pod, N. Y.; on Sunday, while enterini, a ehutekatothe head of n funeral. Tho wind blew a belfry down upon bim. The city of St. Louis hra brought spit against \Vett, the late Comptroller, and his bondsmen for $90,000 to $lOO,- oaN'ythigh alieged - ho embezzled, . Ineendinry fire nt An,ola Minn,, 01 ;Wordily night, destroyed '526,000 worth of property, —The steamer 'Ruth; from St. Louis for New Orleans,' was burned on Mon day; with all her cargo. .No lives Were leiti --Tito Congregational Church at Wil ton, Mo., was crushed in by 'snow on Monday and dostroyod, with its turniture and organ. • ' —A hailstorm in Memphis, on Mon day, destroyed shrubbery and fences, and nearly all tho window , glass in the city. ---The planters in Tennessee complain of aireat scarcity of labor, and are offering 25 per cents more wages than last year. —New York city has over 8000 music_ teachers; - -A spring wagon has bon invented by a gentleman in Mays Ky., which he proposes to run' without apy kind of animal or steam power. Ale has already perfected a small model, which runs up or down hill very rapidly. The power is received from an immense coiled steel spring, which will run for half an hour without being wou!J up. In going up Millie spring exhausts itself, but in go. ing down hill it winds itself up. 'I ho inventor claims that ho can carry very heavy loads over any ordinary road. youngster 'being shown nt a toy &lop n papier mach mouse, which, when wound up, ran about in a very lifo• like manner, Qxclaimed, with contempt, "0, mamma, I don't want that; we've got lots of thorn nt home, and don't have to wind 'em up, either.", —Thoro was a stump and startling eetlbition at Laconia, N. IL, a few Sun. days ago. As the peoplo weroassombling for worship a well•dressed stranger cool• ly ascended somo ladders which still re. mined upon tho 'now Unitarian Church, mdunted to tho very ten of the steeple, seamed for n few moments the land. soaps and those who were watching him in terrified groups, turned n somersault, gazed about a few moments more, descended to tho ground and walked out of town without uttering a word or manifesting i any" emotion but of calm stolidity,. Ho is thought to hare been an lscapodl lunatie. • plgging boots •by steam, twenty mates, oT 240 pairs of boots, ere a mml day's work, One man in 'Hopkinton, Mass. ; it is said, bai pegged eighty-three eases, 10A2 boots, in two days. Ile once poggod forty-eight boots, twice round, in fourteen tninutes, and did ono boot, iu a Will of speed, in thirteen seconds —A veloclpedist in New Hareni,Conn., while crossing a street, ran into a horse and knocked him down. The horse was so injured bi the fall thnt the owner was obliged to kill hitu,'and ho now holds the velocipede rider responsible to the extent of $B6O. , , —A gentleman in St. Louis, a day or two sinq,lost $B,OOO, for the recovery of which' he offered a reward of $5OO. On the übsequent day ho received through the liostree the abm.he had lost, minus the rows d. No - name or note accompa• nied the Inelosare. lowa paper; intending to tell us *.prisoner eseaped l says:."The consta ble %nd prisoner diSagreed as to which was the best route, and as. the prisoner hog not, been , heard of since, it is sup. POO that 114' took the K rong road,!' i • ''' '46 eitehnie tolls tersely of a noted nem,: thati,thiough the energy of,a .beriff h it n otr,94ol,nts'n rustle grave yard." Mataaeltusetts has what ii vllled the .'larr hoer temperance party,"' who have to that extent btchelid from first • 'pm following*, fiffw . 10,4,1a* ; "pi! Snit R I ilur..klß • :_0.:6,'; AT TUN EAGLE BOOK STO Nt. , 542 Penn Street, Readinsl, Quit Claim Deeds,• Yoe Mavis Deeds, - / Adthinistrators Deeds, Tr as tees' f itseentors , or Guardian's Doods Mortkage, (Common norm) is (Sofro kno!se) = Juaguient Note, ' ' Si (with wilivor) Promlosory Note, (with waiver) § • Magistrate's Blanks, Expoution Attachment, (with intorroga torios) Summons,*(Landlord atil. Tenant) Suintnons t Subpoena, Warrant, Execution, Constable's Sale, Petition; In Dlvere, (Adultoty) • Intorrogittorlea in ease of Adultery, ' Petition, in Divorce (Desortims) Interrogatories In ofte6 of Dosertion, Petition in Divorco (Intolerable Treat- mont) Interrogatories In -ease of Intolerable Treatment, • =I Doolorations, Debt by,2ml Assignee of Bend," 'Dobt by srd Assignoo of Bona, Dobt by Asslgnoo of Bond, Work, ,bilbor and Materials, Check,. Slander, Common Breach, f Bill ofExchange,lnd Indorsee Vs. Acceptor, Bill of It zolure vs. Drawer or Indorsok, Bill of Exch ngo vs. Acceptor, Coin mencompiii of Doclarati OA in case, Goods Bold and Doliverod, Quantum Valobant, - • .• Money Lent and Advanced, Money had and . Recolved, • Account stated, Money Paid, Debt upon Bond and (!ognov it Aetionern, Prommissory Note Payee vs. Maker, " ludprseo vs. Indorser, " si vs. Maker, 13:1 , ,1 TrOver, Work, ito., Goode Sold, /to:, and tho Idoinny Counts Joined in ono Count, Bill of Exchange Payer ye. **et in ease Of Non Acceptance, Bill of Exchange linker ye. I►coeptor, Iteleaso of a Judgraer'.* Refunding Bond . A P I . I POWERS OF ATTORNRY. Power, of Attorney, (General) Power of Attorney to Amite Inter : nit, Power of Attorney to Reoelve Dividend Due and coming Duo, Poier.of Attorney to Transfer Stook, Loam, (Lindlord and Tenant). Landlord's NOlleo toOntt, • Bond &net Werrant la Nett rceently • .A.Eloptod by the Court for Alit *matt. -1 THE I s I 'EY 6ZilktE +HE Rtalt tiOrriNUER FOR • BOOTS NA);:gli0 E 8 N. T. GEIIO, BOOT AND SHORMAdI eas row arid, Reading,. Pa.. • EAS CONSTANTLY ' ON . HAND VILE l l lNNl s tuortn t nat is of o r t ino t at a n o d i l ha lato and Ohtirou'lPlXOsa of all khiaa. See lid of styles an priesst- 11fIriPa calf boot., home wade. f 3 BO 'to $7 00 • kip •. • 4 c tO 373' 800, II 1111 200 0,4 75 Yonth's,4 -- " • " 1 . 90 41 925 Wonitn , o klp Ittoo•boOto i 23 " 7 5 Woinon's Goat, Polish, ml , BOB , 4. . Men's Arotio,_ • , Plain aural, 00 Womonts 4,1, . $0 Mtn 46 . 61 70 Children's • Oa dec. 7 d • l' c , I= ' • • .1 ME EE Tho Proprietor! of the Daily Esgto and Weekly Gazette) IM II FM I= JOll3 PRINTING. , • I IM:MI AItl?, PREPARUD TO DO ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK PROAIIiTLY, NEATLY FAIR PRICES! Having arifplo facilities and good workmen they aro enabled to exe cute every variety' of printing de sired by MERCHANTS; MECHANICS, . ANI BUSINESS MEN. 1311011 AS ~, Book!, • Pamphlets, !Postirs, Handbills, Progitimmes, Circulars, Legal Blanks Notes, Receipts,- Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Ball Cards, • Bills of Faro, Wedding Cards, • Business Cards, &0., We are confident that all work entrusted to us will ,be done -satis factorily to the customer both as to style and price. : Orders by express or mail will be'promptly executed. Address RITTER lk DAIL? DAVLD AND, GAZETTE OFFICE 542 Penn Stroot, Reading, Pa. nne 26.168. ' TORE STAND FOR RENT.—The good 13 will of an EXCRLIANT STORE STAND, corner of Ninth and 'Chestnut streets, le offered for rent. with or without the sale of the GoOde. The stand is a very profit able ono, andis only d isposed of for want of time to attend to the business. Possession given on the first of April. Apply to RUMEN D the REXEL, On Premises mar 4+4hroodditi Removal of the "Temple of Fashion." QERD,OPENING OF SPRING Fashions, Monday, March, ),1869. • For the bolter convenience of hor patrons, Mrs, M. A, BIN El; has retaorod t hor DRESS TEIUMNOS AND. PAPER, PAT. • 1 - 'TERN STORE to the N. IV. Coiner of ELEVENTH and cliEsTl4f oT streets, Philadelphia.. Dress and Cloak Making. Dresses Made toflt with ease and elegance. The Meat as sortment of Ladies+ Dr ops and Cloak Trim mings in the city, at the lowest rites. Or. i l l dors executed at short notice. Enthrold tales Ildtlifs, Laces, Ribbons; B del Veils E i gO t IrOVlCAtin t rit a nd j4 trog r rin s : 4 (11T:1:In c & and fitting; A perfect aratent of. Dress Cutting taught;' 'Pelee ,at 150, "with Chart. Plitteernii sent , by Mail or Express' to all larts of the Unten. D.) tint friftot our hew ocation, N. W, corner .ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT STR,BETS, rhusidipbls.' • • Afars ispir ? .. ;1- • • • i •,•••-• ----TT-. v., 2'll'; • • • fr:t MIMI EMI Retie _ Umbrellas, FAST COLOR. Prices within the reach et Heep the wearer dry, do not soil the dress or Boor and will not -turn ginside out." . All will bear inside the above mark, none others genuine. • „.. , At wholesale only by . WRIGHT, BROTH[RS 'di 00., 3112 nhd 354 Market Street, Phila. !BROADWAY, BRAY YORE. fob 27-Imw • ORPHANS i COURT - SALE.— Pursuaut to an order of the Orphans' Court of Berko county• will be sold at rub lio Vulpine, on WEDNtSDAY • tho 24th.day of March, A. P iron, n the premises, in Ontelaunce to wnship, Berke county. Nun-, sylyanie • • All that eon i n TAVERN STAND .1, and tract et', jithco of land, situate . In the' toumship of Ontelannee, aforetalti, adjoining lands of Bonneville Moser, Israel Martin and others, contain ing p acres more or less, with theappurte !lances.. The improvements torthist of a TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, used as Tavern, Frame Stable and Sitedding,rwell of water, and the land is In a good 'Mato of oultivatiolt. Apple and other Fruit trees on the( premises, ito. Tito property of Willfant, r Delp, a minor, . • Sale t 0 commence at 1 o'clock in the Af ternoon, when duo attendance will begiVen and the terms otsaleAnde known by • FREDERICK B.IIARTMAN, Guardian. .By order of the Cohrt.—Luvl H. lassa t fee 211.-tsw lie In the Court of Common Pleas of 'Berke 'County. 4 CATUABINE GRATZ, • 0I - January Term , by her t next friend .1 a, No. O. Subpos na sun' Mel for Di • Bernhardt Sauer, voreo, Dee. 7. Pat* VS. • tion filed same day Jolly GRATZ. - stibmna issued : , . (Sheri ff 's Return to Subpcona.) BERICS.COUNTY, SS. Joseph B, Boyer, Deputy Sheriff, ha ving been duly qualified according to law, doth depose and say, that ho has made diligent much for the respondent in said stUt and could not find him in hie baili- J ick. anuary 9th, 1869, Alias Subeena awarded , by the ClOurt, , Santo day Alias Subpcena issued. (Sherlfrs Return to Alias Subpoena.) BERKS COUNTY; B.Sr. Joseph S: Boyer, Deputy Sheriff, having been duly qualified according to law, salt that the within named John Gratz 'could not be found in his bailiwick. February 20,186'9; It was ordered that the Sheriff cause notice to be published in One newspaper t published in the county of forks, for four successive weeks prior to the first day of April Term next, requiring the defendant above named to appear on said day, to answer the complaintset forth in the Libel of the Plaintiff above named, By the Court. CIiAS, RESSLER, A. J, February 20th, 1869. Interrogatories flied. Same day the Court on motion of F. Leaf Smith, Attorney for Libellant appoint A: R. Stauffer, Esq., Commissioner, to take testimony on tho part of the Libellant— By F ro th th e Court. CRAB. IiRBSLER;A..T. m e Records. .W, B. lintssaman, Prothonotary. The defendant above named will take no tice of the above findings and orders of the Court, and appear on the .12th day of April next, A. D1.,1869, at It o'clock A. M,, which will be the first day of Apt% Term, W. B. ALBRIGHT, Sheriff. All parties interested will take • notice, that the undersigned Commissioner will attend to the duties of his'oppointment on the 16th day of April, A 9 D. 1860.• between the hours of 1 o'clock and 4 ololook,( at his °trice Ro. 521 Court street, k In the fatty of Reading. A. R. wrAurrs fob 27J5tw) • Commissioner. IMO TICE'S HORSE POWDERS. HORSE rDWDERS ) CURE YELLOW WAT MPERRE, FOUN DE 4, . • ROUGHNESS OP THE SKIN, HIDE ROUNDNESS, LOSS OF APPIIT/TE . and diseases ()thorns generally. THEY ARE WARRANTED TO HELP. Dr. Tice has praotiood as veterinary stir. goon ter many years, Closely observed the diseases of horses, and compounded these, powder& after a long -and' careful study. They wore never known to fall. The de mand for them is daily inorgaidng; These excellent powdore aro prepared and for sale by DR. W. J. TIIIRWECIITER;" 640 Penn stieet, Reading, (Next door to the finagle' , Book Store.) They may also be had of R & F. 8. Lad wig, Wernersville ; Bowman & Bro., Robe sonic' ; Filbert, & tiro Womeledorf; Jonas Shatter, Schuylkill ond; S. 11. Lenbart, Leesport; Solomon S toner, Bliumstown ; L. B. Ralleway, Douglassville; W. K. Ruth, Sinking Syringe; Larch & Noocker , Bothell Fisher & Heifer, Stouelmburg. _ Pob. 6.-3 m w Oat°looues, VENDUE OF ITENRY BEI DLER, deceased.—Will be sold at pub. lie sale on Tuesday, March 23, 1869, at the late residence of Henry Boidler, deceased, in Spring township Burks county, 2!4 miles from Reading, 2q miles from Sinking Spring and j 2 mile rom the Dauphin Linn. pike, the following personal property, vizi 5 horse, ono of which is a good family horse, 1 and brood 'nave and 2 good buggy horses, 1 of the beet mill% cows. l ono Tear old bull, 1 two years old bull, 1 sow, 8 shoats, 1 wagon with bed, 1 narrow wheeled wagon, 1 broad wheeled wagon, 1 carriage with harness, as good as now, 2 plows, 2 harrows, 2 small cultivators, 2 set hay dora, 2 crowbars, 1 set stono quarrying tools, 1 apple mill and cider press, 9 beds and bedsteads, 1 bureau, 1 sideboard, as gbod as new, 2,dinner tables, 1 coal stove, 2 dozen chairs, 8 (Meets, 1 settee, 2 cqp. boards, 2 looking glasses, 2 stoves with pipe, 1 rocking chair, 75 yards of rag and ingrain carpets, 8 saddles, horse gem, bushels cooking pOtatoes, 10 bushels planting potatos, WO pounds . pork, 800 pounds beef, 150 pounds lard, 50 pounds tallow, 1 copper barrel kettle, 1 iron kettle, and a variety of other housohold furniture and farm implements too numerous to Mention. Lablos, Sale to ;tommonco at 10 o'clock A. N. 'Conditions and 'ten months' credit on tho day of sale by HENRY W. BRIDLE% JOHN BEIDLER Adm I nistratois. Joscrii D. Holl2thlltelNa. Auctioneer. *3-11nekstera aro not allowed to bring intoxicating liquors to t4O above axle. mar 0-3tiv* GOVERNMENT PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE • 4111:KINs.00. The Great Head ¢uarteri for all ilnati of Army Goods Now and Scoond-lrand, and old aat tith o i of Wry cost. HAANESS, Wheel and Lead Team Hunter, Ambu lance, Light and Heavy Express. Cart and Buggy Harness, Maclellan and Officers Bad -dies,- Bridles, Collars, Reins, Halters, Bur, elagles, oto., oto. TENTS, Hospital, Wall and Wedge, with polls'.lind pins complete, Wagon Covers,. Awn gs, Sacking Bottoms and Bags. , - MILITARY CLOTHING, Overcoats, rriack Coate, Jiokets, Bloues, PantS, Army_ Blankets, Horse Covere, Fly Sheets and Nets, etc, etc. The largest and best assortment we, have over erased. Send for descriptive Pttco Lis sea free on application. Small orders by Express, C. 0. D: LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WHOLE. • SALE DEALERS. • PITTUtIf co. ' (Formerly on Fr.rint St.,' now) 71 N. Second St, just betow Arch St., • PHILADELPHIA, PA. • • Also, =d• PARR P1440.4- New Pork. _mare4mw ; '" ' • TKIL rugs, Penholders,' Lead Peiglis tationery of Vr_ou,klndiet the § - s *era Boon Broom, NG! Mf(021.44.0044 *O4V; - - 4 , • .. 1 9 1 , 0 •;, s 44 .4 tk e?''cOV Ell wltleS l Tsol k THESEJCELEBRATED Niii ME 0 1 0 ,471 4 °10 0W it kAOrtiti Al, THE BE2II.7OBESSIOZIOFTHIS InatitutlOn irl 4 ll,eonnineno# in Ifondoy rll OtlOnSi. Frluelpel f hietnileonsai tne Intake. tIOn, *lll now mike It. trit.elsesbOergielt school. , ito r tultlOn in the letn i n t ir 116 b mob* per onlitrteroite ft tie ke, irk For elrenlare address the Pr 1101 r. mar Is4tw E. i U. KOO =I MOINE — -1180.101tER FOR:- SALE I.'s " , •• , '• UNDARSIGNED WILLTLIEor Al4OSOiiT akTiNit' Cott:Atoso AND '1011:i 11 . OP 8 HORSE POWER. •I RITTER & CO. ! • mar *tfw , 642 Penn etlieet. A.N ,THE ,ORPHANS ' COURT OP , Berke County 'and • State Of Pennsyl vania: In the matter of the Writ of Plan. Mon or valuation Of the real estate of Peter Kern, late of Haraburg.Berkseounty,deold. 73NRIC3 COUNTY, W.: • 1 1..A.11 1 'At an Orphans' Cont r,' held 'at' L. 8., Reading, in and for said county, on the tith day of March A. D. IM. ...v... Present, all the Judges of the said Court. The Court grant a rule upon all the heirs and legal representatives of said- Pe ter Kern, (lewd, and MI pelves interested, citing each of thorn to be and appearbefore the Judges of said Court, at an Orphans" Court, to be held at Reading, in and for the County of Barks, on the Zith day of April next, at 100'4310a A.m., then and there to accept or refuse the real estate aforesaid at tho valuation, or oilbr in writing more for the same, or show cause why the same, should not be sold. By the Court LItVI H. LIEN, Work O. U. mar 13-otw ASSIGNEE'S 13Att. r -- Ith4 ll] sold nt the nalf-Way Hobs°, in Maiden. creek township, on Wednesday l March 81, at 1 o'clOok P. 81„ the fell wing articles, to wit : A lot of Hay, lot of Oatzi, lot Of Vine. gar, Bode and Bedding, Carpet, Chairs, Bar Fixtures (including decanters, tumblers, 150.,) and various oi lier articles. Condi. Lions made known at the time nod place, by • JOHN B. FOXO wi - AsBigueo of Bli Becket, 1869.. 1 . SPRING 186 , OPSNING or NEW SILKS, OPENINre or NEW SHAWLS, OPANIta} or NEW CHINTZES, • °MINING or NEW•POPLINS. Full stock of STAPLE and FANCY SPRING ,GOODS. EYRE LANDELL, •'. FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA,. N. 2.—JOBS, from AUCTION (Hilly:re. colvnd. , num 13-6tw mar 13-9 In the Court of Oo Berke Cou Of flotobor Term SOPIHAWODENSMITH, 1869, No. 2, Sub. by her next friend pcona sur libel Charles Doom; for Divorce. Aug. vs. • 22, 1868, petition BAWL WODENSMITH. filed. Same day ' Subpoena Issued, 'ASheriff 7 s Return to Subpconn;) BRIM - COUNTY, 88, , Joseph ti, foyer, Deputy :Sheriff, having boon duly qualified doth depose mid Say, that ho has madopdillgentsearoh for the re spondent in seta suit, and could not find him in his bailiwick. • 1869, Januttyy 18th, Alias Sillaina award ed by the Venn, Same day AI as ,Subprona issued. • (Shorfirs Return to Alias Subpoena.) B EBRO' CO UNTY, BN. ' Joseph S. Hoyer, Deputy Sheriff, having boon duly qualified, saith that the within named Samuel Wobentimith could not iii 3 fonnd in his bailiwick. • March 10th, 1869. It was ordered that the Sheriff cadet) notice to be published in'one newspaper, published, fn the county of Berke, for four successive weeks prior. to the first day of next April Term, requiring the defendant aboPo named to appearon said day, to answeV the complaint sot ferth in the Libel of the Plaintiff above named. By the Court.. CHARLES KESSLER, Assoolato Judge. March 10th,1869. Interrogatories fi led. Same day 1 Court, On motioh of Jesse G. Hawley, A tto rney for. Libellant, appoint henry Van Rood, Esq.. Commissioner, tp take testimony on the Darter the Libellant. By the COu rt. CHARLES K MLR R, Associate . Judge. From the Records; • W. a. Ontasautut, Prothonotary, Tho defendant above named will take no, tics of the above findings and orders of the Court, and appear on the 12th day of next April, 1869, at t ill A. M.. which be the first day of April Term. WILLIAM B. ALBRIGHT„Sheriff,. - All parties .interested will 'take notice that tho un .dersignoti Commlsion,or will attend to thedut lee of his app intment, on the 17th day of April, A. D 1 886 9 , between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. M., at his of fice, No. 114 North Sixth street, in the city of Reading. HENRY VAN REED, mar 18-Btw) Commissioner. I , THE,' GREAT ZINGARI 'BITTERS. A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER.. A PLEASANT.BEVERAGE, A CERTAIN CURE .\... PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES. The ZINOARI BITTERBare Compounded from a prescription of the celebrated Egyp.: tiara physician Do. CIINOPISUB, who, after years of trial and experiment, discovered the Zingarint Herb—the most remarkable vegetable production, the earth, perhaps, hes everylelded—certainly the moat Woe. tive in tilk intro of disease. _lt, In comb'. nation with the Other 'valuable 'properties of which tfrupoZINGAIII INLTTEREI Is corn pomi, will Cure • Dyspwsits, Fever and Agu, Billions Pe ver, ChoHe, Cords, Bromehetts, Consump- Mrs in its first stage, Flatulency, filer- rows Debility, Female Complaints, • . 7 theurnatlem,Dyeentery, Acute uuZ ( Chronic Ikturrhiea, Cholera Mor- I bun, Cholera, Typhoid a n d Ty phus Feder Yellow Yellow Fever, Scrofula, • Disease* of the R . -taneye t Thitual Costive wasp ay. ite., &Co In the PURVIINTION and Co knownft ove disetuses; it has never been to-fail, as thousands of Oar most prominent citi zens throughout all •parts of the country,• will testify, Let the afflicted send for eir etfiftr containing testimonials and certifi cates of those who have been cured after thelrcases have been pronopeced hopeless by our best physicians. PRINCIPAL Dito4Tr, • F. 'RANTER & CO., No. • N.Pront•St., Philadelphia. BECOMMENDED BY Rx. Gov. David 11.7orter, of Penn ey!yarda. Hon. Robort J. Faber, • " Hon, Rdward_MoPhoreon;ll Ron. Joel p. Danner, if • o Hon, Wm. MoSherry, u „ • 4' • And othell. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. mar 13-lyw. AS SIG 'E . E E )13 Beaker. of the t6wnshlp Of Malden creek. in . the County of Iterka,•having.exe• ontod an aaelgnment of . all •Ithl estate to John 8. Fox, Of the same plan, trait:fox the benefit Of We creditors; an Bth qay,nf TebrneryjA 11,, 1889. • Nintlee hereby eye.); that all persons OWBltitl ablate _will present theta. d all pews Owing motley tOsatil estato. will mak. lin lll B B latnPs,tattlet' to the tiLdtralipt#l. „ • 4Qflj 5. -vox. mon Pleas of MI , SPLENDID TONIC. AND MEI , .• , - • ip 611111111ot STA 01114451100. ME , {.5 , ; ,: ,; . , ...., i . 4- . ' , , _. , ~ v o l t, ~,t . ;. ~.~ NM 1869 SPRING. 1.866 BLAOK SILKS. ' OLO ICED SILKS. ' MELANGt I 'POPLINS. BLACK ALPACA. PLAIN DRESS 0003. MIXED DRESS GcsODS. STRIPED DRESS GOODS. PLAID DRESS GOODS. MOURNING. BLACK AND WHITE GOODS. FINE SPICING SHAWLS. GOOD FILLrOASE - " Wo take pleas re in °toiling to the TRADE GREAT BARGAINS In a largo lot of Now Casalmores for Boys' woar. .B. IL BROWN • :.; 313,PENN/sT R EET • RE AD ( .N U fob 27 w A - IMIt I - O 8 NOTE.-TITE underelgned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Rorke county, to audit the account of Ignattue Shade, Adminietra• tor of the Ratate of Anthony Shade, late of the City of Reading, deceased, and make dietribution of the balance in the hands of onid Administrator, hereby gives nOtico that be will attend U 0 the duties of lite ap• pointinentio.n Tuesday, April Oth, 1889, at 1 Welotik P.M., at hie Wilco, No. 40 North Sixth afoot, , P, B. LAUCKS, Auditor. mar 13-3tw PUILADELPIIIA. March 10th, 1860. We bog leave to Intone you that we are prepared to offer for your teepee ton, our usual assortment of MILLINERY GOODS.' ' Consisting of the Newest Itliapei In Straw, Silk and (Asap HATO, BONNlVrailted Velvets, Sint Goods, Ribbons, Flowors, Feathers, Ruches, Crapes, Blonds,llraidsiOrnanients, ao, We shall bo happy to wait on you at your etoro or receive your order. Prices tow for .cash. Yours so., IL WARD, Nos. 103 lee and RI N. Second St, Phllad'a. roar 18-Itnw , =LL• VSTATE OF GEORGE idEL, late of Greenwich ` township; Berke county, deceased.—Letter Testamen tary to the estate of the abovo-named de cedent have been granted to the eubseri• ber, residing in said township. Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having 'claims Will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement.. NAM) HIMMEL. fob 27 Otw I • Executor. AGENTS WANTED. ( 000 D BOOM GRSAT WACHISt .I.,AROS SALBBIJ For the People's Edition ofOM abrivallod Biblical WM Lliatorleal work i CONYBKABE & iwyesozva "LIFE AND EPISTLES OP ST. PAUL, II With an introduction by Rev. JAnns I. 000311, D. D., LL. I)., Pre sident of Prince ton College, who was personally and in timately acquainted with the authors. beautifully illueratod with, Engravings and Maps, printed from new plates, with Unabridged 2ial, and English notes ; oo ptete One Volume of 1000 pages. liltlhl recommended by the most emminent - d iG vines of an denominations, and sold only by subscription at the low ,prico of 0.60. It is in Met the most •Populer and Saleable Edition published. iIdrTAICE NOTICE.—As our Liberal Ter ma tatt surprise the reader, we advite, Me; to tend at once for Ctroutara. Address the Publishers,• muss To., Mar 8-taw] 100 Broad lit., Newark; N. J. SEED OATS, IIetERNIIART 'AND KOCH A... have rccevcd direct from the West 6,000 bushels W RITE II ANY PATB,*aigh ing from 82 te 84 pounds. to which they in vite the particular attention of Farmers. Also, will take in exchange light oats for seed oats, DERNHART k KOCH, mar 8-3tw" Cor . Eighth and Court Ste, BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE ) lIANUPAOTUEEED BY ' HENRY BOWER, (limnlet, PHILADELPHIA. MADE PEOM f(uper-Phovhaio of Lf►ne, Ammoiiferatid • s,Potaals. ViAIMANTED Winn rapt ADIILTIIIIATION. This Manure contairis all the elements tO produce large crops of all kinds, and is highly rebounnended by all who use it, also by distinguished chemists who have s by analypis, seated its qualities. Packed in B?zg9 of,Voo lbs. each. And by dealers goierally threnghout the eountiy. . DIXON. SIIAMPLESII& Coq AGENTS, 80 South Water and 40 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA& • 7/011 SAGE BIC WILLIAM RETNOLDH, .. 79 South Street, Batlimore, Md. And by dealers generally throughout the • • ,country.. For Information, addrebe Henry Dower, Philadelphia. [mar 13714 m RHODES _StIPER PHOSPHATE THE STANDARD MANURE. MANUFACTURED BY POTTS & CAMDEN, New Jerßey. The attention of Farmers is espeolgtly collect to the RHODES SUPERPHOSPHATE , ~ as the most valuable and reliable manure for wheat and grail', as well as for other orope, as attested by an iisperleneo of ltf tee.ayeare. • This long established and standard ma nure isprepared expressly o r DRILLING tail particular Cate is tall, ati to maintain the high reputation it had Obtaine, We are prepareg to fiiinish the RHODES SUPER ,pnospßATit 'n bbit!. or la' bags of 200 kV. aims, bei desired. • " ' • air For sale by dealers, and hi YARNALL &'TRIMBI,E, va liouth Whams, 419 2noi fleo6o, , P llll .4lDIELlParli s mixl34ttiow ', . - , • •ESTATE OF - - not J - LENDACIL late of the olty of Reed- Ing_ deceased.-Letters of administration 'to the °eta° of the above named ' admin istration have beisn grantedto erel• residing in 'City: , Not i ce is lief* Y . given, that all person, Indebted-to sttldi ,estate• Are requested ; to b 2l l l te_: Ahlmool• litAl e ienbet stsul,those essamaid et the ,0• ,tpemtisentteated, will sottletheat;', • •, 441AGENNl,11.1f, felrif-ifittirj ' Votaisto • , BER I 1 ME BOLO tr. RAUDENBUsi t wtioiesaild in& 'tetra Deaterer s mos ot ku L'!:r.MBER CORNER OF FOURTH ~1k SPRUCE fit, READING,. VA, ran Irmsr zintiman raiz. 111111.11VM Amain; /BLOW n - MTH HAVE CONSTANTLY vY. baud altititego issortmout ot - WhltaPine and llendook, ;Iloarde 'and Plank, I • • whito Pine Old llonalook and Yellow a y Flooring, ,„, *foto Pine and Ilentlook Pruning Joists tuid Bcantlingel'alliengttiam% Iftobtgiku Panel Lumber, Poplar, Oak,Walnut and Chu" Sawed, shaved' and Cypress Roofing and - Plastering LATHS i t k i Rails and Picket of all lenethei whirettit sell at the /own Market pried., Wo are also PrePared to furnish kinds of Lumber by the !ear loa4 At v f , liantsport prices, with freight intleta; and respect - lull/ invite Furtuore anti lt4 dere to call and examine our stook bo o purchasing elsewhere. A. If, 13UQ8.. W. ItAUDElibtliil, Fob 186E-tf A. H. LIGHT, M. D., (Graduate Of the Ultveralty of Alta.: WOULD RESI'ECTFI3I4,y inform the public, that' ho has pa. oheeed and talion possessloatid the RU G STOIO , (formerly kOpt by Louis W,yotb,) North=east Corner Firth and Poing, • READING, PA., whore will be foiled oc nstantly on 1 31 1 a full and frosit assortment ot DRUGS , AND MEDICINES • The undoreignod has already replenished apd largely increased his Stook with so. eial referenee to the'.watits of mire:am. My. Of Patent Modloines ho Is thin, r t . calving a large supply ; also, of Es 81111 and yronoh Soaps, Buffalo Black Bur Brushes, Hard ltubuor Combs, Tto4 Druttbee, PERFUMERY, imported attd of American distillation pa. Tmfael, and Toilet Soaps. Besides Usis alrtiolos will also be found on hand DIS STUFFS, PAINTS, TUIIPENTLNE, ULABI, Sto., &.3. s ir physician's Prosoriptiona earlier OOmpounded. IA share of public; patronage ie fully affiliated. English and - cram spa ken. lilt. A; 11. LIM Drug Store Entranoo, No. I North Enlist, April 93-/y) Reading". DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BitANCH 13 11 T tits A mlld and *arable TOlpy STOIC. LANT, STOIidAOIII.O and CAIiMINI TIVE BITTERS, Extracted entirely front Highly benellolil in , .DYSPE#SIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, And Is of Appetite; and an ,excellent CORRECTIVE persona aufferlng from Disorders of 04 Bowels, flatulence, &o. SOLD ~EVERYWHERE. Depot t No.4lB Market Stred,lllllailelei ' 4241.1,y1 3'. K. TAYLOR (tail NEW MEAT MARKEI' , THE und oraign ed_baving opened $ ph MEAT STOItIG under labrs l 7 Corner of Fifth and Franklin etroets,*, apeotfally eolloit a shire hil l ub Pill"' Be.g Alwayii on hand a u supply of s 3 kinds of Meat, Sausage, SerspPlol, l4 at', • reatsonable prices. All emn promptly filled; and customers Wed their houses, • ' • • RAUDENBUSII k CONBAD. Jan SCOTT FOUNDRY AND U' etIINE 13110 P.—North Eighth gal Reading. All kinds of =shiner! ll° other castings. ][refine work by 'oncelit machinists. Pattern wori beet Pattern Makers. Orders proliPul 'Ailed, on reasonable terms. m SEW'S= MCMANUS* vw Ocit !Muir. • • • TO CONSITAIrmEs I -JONATHAN HEISLER'S. TONIC O . RIITTBRS ... L .. MOST, 817CUSSFI A I , , IllelntlMS yet ditooiered Mettle Ca" of Consumptioni Dyspepsia, Liver Cott piaint, .Brontsbitia, and all diereses Of 11 1 Throat. grOitat And Lungs. It le rai1d,,,,i 0 , 1 ; tirely'of Boots and. lierbs, and nor ro ta will convince all who will give It Intl• rrerftred and for nolo by JONATHAN IItISLER A Mg, _2` Schuylkill _A I 49 id,r *ale bgf Pr. A. IL ARO corner Sift wad Penn arta% ow" J• 110Firlatax,_No. 401 atree 0,046111.11. find Dlr. HILLIS, on makereville, Berke countv • *linly 4 ./. /1. .•••••• VSTATE • OF • Au DECKER * late • of ; Marlon 041 '7 Berke empty decid. Lottero TeitatnC!,..l tots ho •gatine grouted above t wilit decm7 A bang been , to the, tindaride; no tee hereby ggven that all repo 10004 1.0,..,0g 4 . woe are f0r,1 4 0 . Wanakorlpatnad ate payment. a° ..npeP preimpt thorn, laurentleatefl, fora nttiement , • DBOSESJulpeh occrs trip DICKER Marlon, rot • • Obi SWltt • . EICO . . 11 ME Hlilittl3 and RROOTS.~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers