. . . . e''''; ~, ~ , , .'', A ),, ,; 1 1 1 misf7x ..„ itgoto.,;il:l , l -., . IPritosee tko siii a i g • :tra ',Pi. , 1 ?-1,1 , ?i,fr ~.V.i . 0 ; • :: (;tt .;% f :- •'.,•' jintpo o ';o43tAt itAr , . 't.loaiiihti•gied it4l f *A do • . ,),,' .;,,% 1 , ! , ,,:,„... ~,- .. '—A N 0 ~ '0 , 40004 4 ~ p iii ktittbUir chlpf In . , 2:0-Ittlyoritens•litieeiWfpfoposO to 'do= tie betel°. ;t • 7 , r• w • w i •,. : • • , , • ln. tiscatt belie., 4 Welk dig 4 toe= dred hitt, deelPeettgred4ollf filled op 'with n;gro*ttyseitilixt,a the' persoh oti white -trottoilvi I** POpetratea 11—" rtth iv ... o . 4 , •• , • siv _i M ' Nutioual DCA ot tittabutg hes d its tiredly: fq public deb ppaito to ,000.' ' ' , ~ ~. . -drkt:Nectui cutheeyeeelved II spordibeieefto ti tVoii24Aok Which 00A44,0i iso6ll64ticild• Oa iii,.. , ' l . ,' tea' ,' et gicia•wi,atig, WY b t , to oa at tptiliti irl. l ***, y, douse tem Wig pc;ou il4Cfcttitgehtii. , 4.tibiltilikgro echst4iiee in'• Lottialana WPAtitt thiace arrest* they first shoct)heir frflYts l 4 , ooo 4 ithdise them, - iku po ~ .... . ~,..:,.. iii t iifii,:,..fr,0,03.11044v. report tb4 *4 1 '941 ii ocdsio hot_4(a 4itepkilliruttdifq the AIrOPII, III to NOriti!reftirn •Prs s V l 4 . • 04, 4 0;' .". ' ' '• : '• .' • • „ . " 410 / 441 0 1 " d ' §ll4tiPt*elm 0011t00 %lapilli heyelopt .eorot ete4:"the erection orlikte 44 Ob i scotf#por.loillieB at las. it,'", . --()Wes lberteen - cod . throe 4 , t . t.i , 7141 - 1 htt c t ! ,0 p alo'o'f' g: cr,l re for 'ann.,. de ri x '' 4 %4 tt Aii#i:, $i , 4 ) .00.ii.,, 1 0 , \Y'OhOra . . , tts ~ . , `i.;-• ti shitli 4ridolt initirelyenepeoded on the, of Afrieit , l: eribe•iii no 4 A+ inipiirtinA, 006 leg it irtifer6ollo Afriefti,ili ind grain Lei gifen'Otlitt . trifilli;':;• -. • ; , ~ ,, ? 'lt ','' M "'I ." . 'l'4 —RAW H. ,Wqapdward, a young und'likw YdOav; Optitton •N. H., hot 'elde4 h Ud dit *tin cha 110 his, rgiCi t woinff 011 Tu't!Adit'Y by theca ist ' • • '• ~„ . , -441fred Doiter, Of 'Bethlehem, lost his, gold tibia' attottg , the ite lee house; ear4 r4 last spring. Thq.‘ratch was found lust w t and,on being wound npovas found to PerteOPT 4 er... , • -A widow named Mary Reardon was', steAell! by her brnther,;FranCia,#eiferman t iYork , Oa , Monday, whilc he latter wee thtab. gbe 'kelie l o.Y , 410 s i , Tae brute Wei welted: „ „ , . y Wednesday' Morning an unknpwn =in ,irha had been heaten to. 400 1 )fsAteeild in the third storY of ,racant , ,Ndid ng ( at Tenth , and. Ellsworth ,streets t , Philadelphia. The,elletrtlves have the matter in hand, • -4thi eniolce frnlin the .eruption in the Sandwich 4iand4 WAS 0400 I,9fX) miles from,the islands, and at, half that ; distance was se dense that oflieere of.'ships were pre vented from milking 004. pbservatione. • < • . . Tuesdayafiermino ;, In &tr. York, Deputy Collector V. D. Lawrence, who was being pursued by an excited crowd, fired his pistol, the bullet striking , a woman Mrs. Kelly, in the left l4'easti i'llie,mayrecorer. Lawrginee weearrritted,' Ito Was looklng for illicit stilla at the dine Of th`e , disttirbanee. —A temperance lectnrer desCanting on the superior virtues of cold water remarked : "When th% world hod Itermit: ;so , corru pt p _ tbst,the Lord toolll do' nothing 'With. It, ho was :bilged to give it a thorough sousing in cold water." "Yea," replied 0 toper pres ent, "but it kill:A uvory critter on the Pico of the earth." —The body of Amos Broughton; who wai., buried in Wayne county, New York, six yearn ago. WIN recently removed, when it was found to 1)e petrified, to' the appearance of mirth,' withoutthe Slightest vestige of decay.' Its weig ht , had • increased frOM 2(10 to ' 800 pounthi. "Nei) , filature and 'line ,anent was perfect: . , . . • —The Downingteh (Cheater co.) Journal gees that two iosidonts. et, that place, re• cently visited Mifflin connty, on a hunting, expedition, remaining ,nbout live dnyr, and ; returned home with seventy eightaquirrele t one poet Wild tarkey, and awn° of the &Atoned wootienek: The party saw deer and plenty of othoo gam: " —Lit. woman named Henrietta MeyerObiain e4:l a judgment in the Circuit Court, at Bt. Louis ) on Monday, against tho' heti% •ittil• road.for,ss,ooo damages,, oconsioned by the killing of her hnsband !Mit July. Meyer was &flagman ? and 'while signahnif one train wail rUn over by'another ehming froni'nn polite direction, —A family named Gorman In Westville, Cona:, quarrelled, when, it is alleged; one of thsm o ff ered a tnan named Leaeh sl s ooo to aidrder anOthel• of the' ,Leach received $6OO, sad made an unsgeeessfyl nt• tempt to kill the,man ! which resulted in his arrest and c_OnAssion. Ills story iii g?ner• ally believed. 'Henna three Others he tried beitt,week.' . • —A constable in, brew*: city in thin State welted on' Tuesday et Na. 705 Cal. lowhill street, Philadelphia, Rosanna Foust, anagytorniui, on the charge of infanticide. Shed permission to retire to another roomy tpoo the repreSentation that she want= ed to make come change in her clothinitand aneoeeded In crating' her escape. Wen the Constable made searOliflir 111%814 6°od not be found. . r —A husband and wife and their hired man recently rode to St. Johnsbury, Vt., where, irbilntbe husband wag settling the la wy er's • fees foi'adivoice from his irife on' a Charge of adultery, she giid the hired man were betas married. The fi rst pair had eight children ) , the lounseat•only three weeks old, and the whole affear wee so scandalous that the indignant neighbors compelled • the newly married pair to loam for more con. geniakilihrtinf. • —A. young limiy !trait ih tAniiiagtmrg. Oho plays the'piano, A look of geese are in the baMt of smtincletke, riler*ne 44 th window. , when.,sonsts le 7 per, if they are 44;404 1 0g, they Pitt' or sear to get the fittiAl4-,l l ilid taq rams ( eo still throug hou t it . t t ent.":‘7oO could, ,neez. a pin 4lpp" io the wstAii-" i,TbOtiltutt pi, Twenty Yeti's Ago " ti o i t topeta. Vid a plump old *der, air ; Watt ,f or. the TtomkittOtog Market, ' wood , to I#ll4 taw r.tporilitiOstitiotpiiminte opiAtttkgs diet!' trkrilit for Want 'of ladies with boffiolent, 10k of mock modesty to tike part. • •,• r;' coittitatioir. aolitglis • ' '• . - ;?%•`%,' % • • ;ii ' • . , J 110 Teceiztat,the IL LB BO UM i AM Hee or bele us Woe 'Mlle, lie • Ole 'thy, *bte le be scold at the Toe4o ll WWI. It of to tlr r : r a t ztage or o aro IO wont of bOtllke te OW Prieto be ore parebobto eleelebete, . ,eikaym .. , • • , ' . , ' oWooabiree flew Mthbd. lea tieraebt • ' 11 , 1 • Coll boe" Mu 1 &Oki. . '; f totealo . poi k i.ii, •to Oittil ' If litodard'Vme. • • tr's okio .` 411110 VI mar t • , 8 Wit d* 11121 0 'CtoodOph's 11. V. Maori, f• • r OreinleartAlitilMet4e . TeIIIIOY gempay,, . 0 lhotte' !molder, Thooaeftsolory, • ,IT I A. Sia iirid'AßLitekaliaili t Spencerhialjeopyllookb,,' t ismilion aN Meat, • MEI EWoodbury'e e t:en %Trio flermerißixdorg •So oul ilkaaskets, '' ' " ink,eiiptation'ose4t4 of oiaitiKii*cip' Li , • . , , ' •li. - •• , • ‘,1 , , - ;•., --, , Oiittcidues• Bookkeipinp Ilith et41,,0!„ Ale*, POOFC. II Ponnooles Metory of Boglona. Giroooe, and Rome, 'lditohePe Intermediato and Primary Geographiep. ME THE PRNNSYLVANIA (BORAX.' HARMONY cmltalOnk,iß• P CRU,ROII MELODIES, 111 GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT . ~ ForWijittbe „ 4 5u4110 , 1V6000* 1 =II taita11Y2.1 1 1.5 1 44 4 4 4 1:44 . . • 7 11011041. /Ewa t OtlfYii~lOb~ EMI INIM 11 . , " " .1 • PENN gTAEET. READING. NM NMI ~~<<. =I = i%vvita wttti.! 'i 111111 MEM - i5l Pe,a!! iii ,r :.t 1,, 5 ) ' ' • ' ''''' - . '''' 4•': :14' , ‘..7 , , , ,.g•0ti. , /, , ..: - i':-=!-•, \';`,;•• `1'1• 4 % , -•%• ii ,- 'lloolokT il , , ,„,,,•::,,,,- , :41 -, ':,•(-;;ti:, - '..,t ,- , , -: , , m4-1 - r , „ - 1 1 :,„ ~,,:..t ~, ~ 1 ' , •.. i ,C.'s, ,c ,a,• $ , , A.,, , , „A v ., r i t ( ittsll ' MO,' .ST ,•. -" ‘,-' .:• , 4' . -L' , ', -- Anci'Ma*OkettitifilOt• •*- ,-- -) , •:‘• iiA,; -,,- PIM' RAllilli4o - - FOROI4I#IETERY - - -,, s .--,,: .-,;; -; " ,_,,,1., , : .I, c , ~-;,-,-,!:...,),-,,, ~ ~, , , „,;!,•-, ~.:: 10T124 •4ko.v=f- , N . ,•-....• i•- , • ''' itlii4ovilt , 114111110121$ s'Alipliril - El/ •~:a ... oidi4mo. CITY HOTEL eovion OTANIST IMADING PA. lopOivist liedPrAto. aummlfMr. riorigettr 140 IMO = K ,TAYLOR HouSEI 841 Nortli lefaittit 60.30 t, Mt " . 4 , 8 g, *( 0 8 of .144 „1700 l eacork 09,a: Rikintio, PA. S S. /a: 10 , 1 ! 1 *, 3 , 01. 0 1/ /i , r"P ri°lo * 04/11 lESi irlrc t 41111 E t 1 ILK tt t J iat.reP e lled II largo lot Of ' , ta,ABOW N a BIIBIIIfIRO'S Celebrated Chemilial Writing Fluid. tius h o Pint4tinallgO a i I or gal Guest). at the klateLK BQOK Maw I= IE .. . 1 tAt I (#' ' il" ' , °YB ° t 1 1, ,P l .. , 74 ' BS : : I •.' '' ' . ,44,401 : :ARTDEG AM; t w er No: 242 Penn St., Beading,. ', • } ise unde r signed. respectfully Invites PublA s t l i t t trtlou to: hie nowly invented Heater, !ma R . ICZYSTONE HEATER !I . BEST nEkrPR EVEI% INTRODUCED. THREE suss. . . , . , . It hurts lest &al,' althea snore heat, takes unless room; and rises better. iatlsfpottbn thaw any stint-- I r nventlon ever in t i Rosa to`thce rtubllo. tarvr e ll i deVNP) it to weirtp, S PI T etarr liir teee t sit Ibe le to' satorY 4ir 0 gve 1 neell at it isreuperiOr to any one Javan. ted, • kfulywutpitSs aro eo Nanifoll4 4 fad so tiaat'oOnspreh Oiled: that it npotis only to beseeti ttioor t i the Lost tikeptionl. - In 'PrtiOf cr thi• loxes Uy Wets the publitt, ht penitislion, to the re wins os t nied, , p onions vrho / nre, now ,netwe those, mart' . Ji : Glio, , wini,T,, . ~ '.. Mite, iilltylgiiiol4' 0. D. .. awma. ~ , , f i rt, o.(' ~ •+' "Ai, A. moue, , iptiti awitieol4 , f , ..1100M . i lt MORT. ' _gano It ULM. , • . -11.1•101 w I.l4lutv • , '; ' ww. intwestst.• ' ' •‘• • ~• • „ • JACOB KAUFFMAN, Blandon, Orphans'. host}, 1111 ,t rry =OM He also invites epeeist attention to the BEAUTY, RANGE . Whiol;lei late Improved, BUJPettOt Roma for in t and for utioh he is the 13ole Agent. in this'Olty; Thip_Ratio,can be seen. n operation at the Iron Oity Hall, Not 428 Penn d reet ; '•tit 'Peter' HHigh's,Franklin street slier e Fourth, and Mother' aces Particular attention paid to ' TIN ROOIPING"AND AND ' Plano Slate Roofing:. Me employe , none but skillful /*hob nlos—all orders promptly executed, uPdxratteD Wt. eatisfitotion. IY . 4Ri EGA , may 22' Ira: ":Penn fi t, NEW - WINE :HOUSE, Na. 052 PENN STREET, • • , READING, PA.. • QBO,AII, R. ,CHRIST, • • IPROPRIETOR, . Dooley in all k!nds of Domeatto Winea of .the bast !"' l !` Y. LAGER; BER, ALE, 'Am ' op 24-, • . • LET FACTS BE KNOWN i •• • • :.F..A11."A ND WIDE!, That the best place to buy ,READY WADE , OLOTHINGI 'Forman and boyt, or got thorn made to &def. fa M Place.PoVitlarilea , br,iqod goo4o. doe itifel ow prieu, patronitod by iniipaimoo tbrkige of pooplo. to whom. , • . - . JA MISO,IsT-. 4Sz'CO,',' i t MIR N ER . - .11;271 ANA . .Pili hie BAIA ilikvEsecolip.,. 1 • • . .HOllBEllO'l.6 woitios .. 4 , t, ... AIR *ell-known that we make, up nothing but what Is good, that our. large Mahlon has been built up 'by always having the balidsomeet styles atm the best fitting garments; and . thts, Aoupled with moderate prices, has been, and Is still the secret Why so many people buy at our esta blish- Went. , Went. , We sell Only' whet we can teoommill and each customer. therefore, hiss the satisfli on Of kilOWlTig he een'tlepentl,on the article he u s. We are enabled to buy,oheap, and there ore, sell cheap Call and see . cot 13-Im, J. AMMON' &00. THIS WAY! J.• K. DUNDORE, Else n4vr on hand atlll and 'Menai(' aasottment of. GROOEEIES, OONFECTIONBitY, • rpm.Pßommst • I 4,o);ef ;;li'd' a ehttleo lot • r ~ C,IGA'IIB AND TORA a O otat trlWeis AA low it CrhoubeonYennetreet s 111,0r04.4010,12at1kW,5.4 - . iktlf • , Alll l / 4 130 aoct oh otp 13iftlirelfaess o on4 tow at ti cola . bats ft4ti lutod 4 ,• , . • • • • •' P AR' CIDER 'VINEGIA.I4 '• , i. cPlos, Pettoltee l i3w t o and Irish A 04: 3 1 11491 1 _1 10 M 11110 d Bra . • Th‘l above it * hue Ed% e*P rot • -awl bousek.e.pcilitillmil take Id. , vaikt o ool 9 o: 10 1M,(krwolL74°W ti g eri " l " l2 ' 3 *WI* idiot *4144404; „ ••,-;,;',,,,; % 1 4 , : ,, K ; ; ;., D um na 0. 1 W.0 ORgAT INDUCEMEtITBI 841 PENN STREET, 841 PRZIN BTREEZ • 030-bno, ~~ ',04. 1.. .:; ' 2A:k . likilik • ' ....*'. ? • •':,. , t .: , ... , •t", ' • r ,- , , 5 , „... • ''.i, k , ..7, .. A. 1 'fl , '‘k4.4 '•`"ii.lt A fr'iW ''''' ' - ` 1 • 1 , 4 p ', i, --"s'f.! ,i, , , ..._. . ' -:- '. .. :,...'.• ...11. 'irkt4tiot,44... iritotorg4476*4-..0 . , AA, fr vg , , I• f k .% , V . ... :', ‘ ,l v'' 1 , T. . , 'it ~ i'''',V,'; .-t . ” '..,. ,1 .:' .; ; V. 4 --:', =`• *: . ~ •z,`..,:;;;:;';•11::, rifo; . ,lt,'T.' ~'''' ; ..:;4;_ r !:' A-U' i ti ctr i s i , 1 KHpI O O rtantlE n 00 .4 1 " 1 4 ... ISi ilk. ' A generormaintateut of 11 • - ..•,, ... ,'- '„' • • ' ' ' I WIIIIS mrs - inibitoor 4 :.F.lPßl7oB, .0111.1110 t, OAK, ASK, CILKBTNIIT,"'. ..,;‘,.-f-,:,, , .., .NE . - CAROLINA'. AlAlli rn if • , . ~~.. ~s, En mtoamiti pANEL LITBIBER. , • indoi 09Ter , 1110,90#48, AP: Noreta ctßourt4 ramp Enit S 'TUN Gl4-1 roitettid: 0401 pronto* tended to. • Nor priced. /M. 00,1 i at t4e , NEVI/Mir OMB, On the. Perm* et Fourth.,Bl ihno Bia s ' :tot 'Kant • "ii;kahig- , 0 , 081E13111911818 . 1, Facto wive Grain . *rim house' • • 4 -,. • • • . 1 Now roidao for I • FARMERS ANIi 00118IGNO4B, ott o nfgroil w r i e4 4:04° 2ftge il , latito FLOUR AND /PEW), , yoreali) wiolople and retai l ( prloorthiin eon beiptiroho/fd elerch!,re.• o. ri f Velr;oo at 0 , . BUOktOlutat Meal 'and Ntateek Oftloo.Noaos North Eighth-St. Reitisufit•Plog, T" "READING ADLER,'( 'The oldest fliiimint Nessetitiper the Circulation over The Thousand I . , So"lieading Adler" le the beatt►dgertleing me. diem for the German Distriete in EaserQPenntyl• vania,haviog a oireglatton of over Ave I:tiousind Tcoplie. It 9ontOps t erenty : -eight Nrie coltininsof aavCrthealonts and, etqoAli. l, selected ,rei§(ibit autte I ter. Thei Adler thoroughly Demo° eiple, elleavoring to teeniest°, the's clootrinit,lo4,urfortifsOlers;ail Ittld.do !'!Ion and J'Aokeon. PjtIOE °six $1.56 A Publiqted (mark Tneidlty taornltlit 4 - 00.15 IITOE0194;)Y:,,t0,00.;" - : 6:'..0 X:.',70{.4:414;', • ; ( *s er Rah flout .Wc#l4ioatm , iitteett.' pole dient cor•Berbe and 40,u'cii celebrated •I. • . " " • ' SAMP.SO ildikLE , 067 ii he • an d durable Bak: , ever placed most , -—. ‘P ,'. ' ' 7 , ..,-.- , veil and lakthem be fore pusea;klains alinmaerfa Superior in canon },o,ingr Inlieft. Mot of 'moo d-haa ' 1 44 1 1 on band and for saliebeep. ? ' v RypER, 0.0.,` Manufacturers of ' • - A • DR. BT(EVEWS Celebrated Tonto kerb Bitters, • Importersof • • • NABS AND LIQII'OIO. w * E i ll o til „ & oi l . for BAlkorelpptpir4DßTil, No. 121.11orth 4 4 , 414' t <l`,o ‘,„l' ; , • , °l f _ " NE tri r f i t/H .' / Ws ' " 14 ce; CMI ME '4l,thl: l / 2 •'' • ' MN United Mates. BI74SWDaID Ut 17f1: and polftleal I , ~;~ ~.. RITTER, No. 861, eniiStieet, (Reading. Pa. uu lAf the LEA; ~~`~ `t, J ! n'" • ',•' .• as ME Bo okoellers', Btati.onere, 'isto flossut Diatom ro , PAMIR O NV Wier Aga t , , :. ~; ~iia~~~reaQ~~oo!K~t~oo~;~~..; 1,10 . .,';14 °,*.on:*;:iiiiiiOt, 4 11l Y/ / 'l, Raving eimuthudly on hand a largo and wellneleeir sd sipOir:O . ClitiOßLLAßiollt OI1OO & ANA. BLANK BOOIraPAPiR AND arAriolyni; • •gob as Wrltitm intd Wnppl pliperg, IRE Penn,'Penollejak. litlatee; Oopyllooke,PasinoOle; tt , . AO.. which sio boughttor Quit pad will be • soli' on toms i favorsble as tione'clony otherbouns lathe • , • 010—ir#iesylottiOLY Merehilits inct o*m who deny/ to make purohimee In our liqe to Sitio, ; with &call before Dumb mini elsewhere. Orders by s*ailprompUy and carry Sled. WNW 8o400r; tto to min; -bar Jeffol SINGING- BOOKS I EAR. EAGL.E BOOZ, ERNIE, CO., Cati MEI HAPPY VOi6P3, Rept 4- HAPPY VOTOPI ,S4BATAI 80001)-11M =lll )•• '• , • T. 2 !,) ,•‘• J.;?! .!:Ckl,;,'O' 01 - 0 (''',•! ;Ces' %i f tOrX4 l tt eSa • "t 1 of Obit 011141filloolv ~.,~~+ } mo t ? ;' .. ~ • '.•;1;•,,;,- 111111 `T,, MEI MB BM =I ffil (Near nvio.) I // ;; • MI BEADINV, PA. • AT ITIIIII No. evil Peon !!heel, ME EMI I.4O,'„GOLDEN 014.1* NW, ooL1;;4 Ofutw: t. 7 7 ,7 NE MEM ~~:i~,~ ,~~'s,gS ::: :.i:•. :! - : -:,', - i'777 : :7. WPMOI)Lfi,; =I WoUol"oilattlidsta. yebffiers,4 4, oeukto,(4ott l .,4o BEI Eng is(or,qouei's Oi!oiprdelki1 4 0 Didkurt. I. Adler!a German and EnslbkDiottonam oe4leohlaiger's Proncßityaing Oirmin Dlostionary, 4 ,EAOLN" 1100X§TORR; / / GREAT MINIM DM SCIEWEDER FEla, NflOiMicat . 60 run i ar eta k 11411 WiOnet4 MANCIP.AOPORY. WASIII4NPN itrAphi vllomextip•4,NpApTAit,' 'Ate public pt . tection LO Ow splendid stvx v Vat It:A t irti• n eti "Anthill 'ewer att . MUMMA II laa 'had to their uneurpassai ti FIXTIONSION :TABLE% • IntEssitsta: Vuituus, MONO ROOM CRAMS • / " =I CENTRE AND' . 0 1- 41P,P, BEDSTEADS OF THE JATEST STAN ? and every other article in their Iln. of baduta IlVery artlele tfianullotured bLi i heteset a l their ad mtrably . arranged minis teary,4 th I Most The) nilietkinep t ,iiAoll 1 4 09 and tin, pel Fla • Also prepared.totzeotttaalt Orders tot $ CARVING, TURNING,. SAiYikici t sui MOULDINGS. , stenateld **Ott, Ovetatliditouoti. ; • ; • '-", ; t at, At - N. 6EIIO, BOOT Affl) 8/10,E IWM , 658 141t1 &met, .I*(VS • AB CONSTI3LYVIANDTr, t neettd_ terpop ta 4 614 v 60 PO Ira or' opiligg ; 0 r oe; t o otyloi .. 1 .; 411 f bolttii. 114Atio • " • • g 6'641 o k i i kba a lulotals, 4 4 00 go •+ , 60 !.. •• i Broirantl i re , '"rittl& ' Allem ' , Glov ni,,, 1 „ f • 1194' hlPb tW i nitr!' 14,. 1 I% " 511 2 1 ! + 1 1 . Veilienia Or/4641d' blab Po)L. ' 1 ?'". 50 401 b 1 1 1 t1Pr.0 1 •1 1 / 1 ° .• 16 1 4 Went I . eather tip • 545 co 175 KM slippers $ Mit Piaeht id ll 4 ler t i p b a t oer. citZMo foat,pateni leather tip 41- gilt • ggo • 6404141.• • • 4:00). • 0511. 1 " '— ;". • ` 41531141/1/mTh ~HEREADIIUaFIREJNS lIJIWESPAND 1. %WM, VVIIIRANY QV R*l4 441 • J06Y61867. . . . Office Reaffing 'in.toranbo orner ßulidivi Na.l9 Nora AO etreelog. R. . 41 Cad tout t •- „ • 1., z 40 4 00 494 re ftimA 8, A1 . N39.8 r•s• •.' 't LPrntlelonei! , - anterdshir. n it ir P v s! ) ' 0 4 00 d• 0 ilk 1 59 0 ,1 . *.', •' , J.. T. pekoe% ' . g , ' 1 Jingo Oh tater. - T. T. tiny thiiTgo Btegir. " ' '• Thla Coini ,r , 1000to0- 011 ' 41: of pt Pe oltoittot *WO , ago by trait /11 4 7,,„51a1l Otheiretillibto .. lb .663 , 6646699 d aI7D Y4'°"' 'to Steak InlyiritthaD lloopinlar - v., ', ,•••' ' • Perpetual Piltplee lamed • rilUglria, n0r..., „„..,wh......w..,„ ~„.,,, .1 1 44 ,D 6 femme miy WAG; • lass oraoono oA i YO per oath . to antratielObri Ode Wit -19 FT. 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IA MoKR Wit kg , dig Milt Aloosll.' 1 0' 11$111 ....,.,.-:, - . 41 WOW, IME =NM El ~. .'~ TAtiiit 0 MIMEO I , •y • 4.0 • • ' g4*, : 4 1 4,4 1 1b 1 V.I* 1. : 0 .9100 311 7 4910,Pegi tO Itll_P o itqat'grl n t:llllrln ia4 = 4 lo Pl lo7ll 111 ts departmen , le •finla. yto topply AI gamut" fer I • • • rffill (t • supEaroa . suvr vq - goapi.. For tiol d dlotoot _ootiomosdlop, ALtlil rol t . **MAW .t° 4 0 ,PP 1111°1 JrinfitC SVOUTePRTiII4 ixopogi:44,*) t0404.08P* Mon unit. • IRE , ) a ;:,, N. IL—A Deem*. *in biiallovied AstentiabrOaL, Ea MMMI EMI iiro)#•!'s 4tch,l3.ti9Oi, (Rev, R 44 Wibitteli)Oralitilkl3oll9o. WebstetiPtlmartatli t IMIII 11. =I Woreester's SettoolPletiolim For tale at the. ,Street, near Fourth. ~ ~i': ~ 1 P4W , Q MTH. WM 'VesttistoitAt;Ll,:,, l i ',.:,, ) ::..,: CAPITA!, SitiOPON anti 12 ME •'t '.~.'s~' ~
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