THE'tdrcit tu nertt (flandlaya Eteefted,) • AT THE 901011 TA, it44lliN4 ADIAI,I4 No. lial VENN • The RsADIIIO PATO ihtiOtAil ltl bo fuiatehed to suloterlbers In the eil i at IRS Ilk/MUIR WI I. To mail subscribers at 60a ye i c,bril , 2B squatter —to be paid for Inver ably I advance. A liberal deduction_wlll be made Wein of tenor more sub. scribers., Ti Orivedttalitalttity all Jere ehttaisk ivfilreggeu "Mama LIAUGY ZIE/Mk . . er An u rEjto .0013 E G. RAVI ' • • • `, ' TOE CAMPAAIN RAOUL ' Doling the present campaign, from •Sept. 126 toltoverober 12th, a period ;s.f' thite monftk, the Minx fidal,l2 will be. issued to campaign subscribers'at the tolloiring Kravis From Sept: 12th to Nov. 12th, 2 mos. 80 From 04.12 th to\Nov. A2ql, , 40 No subseription'for tho campaign tAGILE will bo received urilesk accompanied by the cash. • + Any wood getting up a club, of Teri subscribers, will receive a copy giatis. , Tho keep its redden; Well tu• formed on all the political topic's of the day, '`will labor and zealously for the ilissetaiita tion of sound Doplocriitio doctillies, the unity an4,harmony of the, "great Demperatip .party, and 04 triumph .of DemOcratic principles and the D em;Ocratio'crMAldates; • It will also ' O'Ont4int'll4pllodrl'fgrrat all the genoial sows ,of tho,day, .with a coin• play and cOrrect.,acoount of all focal mat• tors In Or 04;41'1149e-a with our pity and coml. sty. 4 • s , • , Every votor In. Berke county shoi,tld take the I.l,tout tor.the taeantign. Addrrurs' ' ' mmit & co., I putt Oifice, Reading, Pa. ARRIVAL AND DEPAATURE • 0.1 4 . - STAGES AND •MA LS. . , . liontlloo, .10ly 1,3, 100 S. • ' TVRAMSTOWN M AIL AND STAOII LINE' .. Leaves Reading at 8 a. 41"ra-weekly. TaesdaY. , 7hurs4ay and SatdrdaY. Returns Immo days at 5 p, in, It servos tho following namod Poat °Moo: Cymru, Oonglersvillo, Adamstown ! Sohwartz , ville,Reamstown. BOXIORTQWN MAIL .AND BTAGI:LIPM I l vavcs Boyettorn at 0 o olook, 'arm., Arrivos si Stliatill 1110 0 olooic, rt.mi. Returning, loaves Rotting 43,24 p. pi: Arrives at Boyertown at 8 v. la. It_parites _Dionort_v_ille, lirumfieldvllle, (lresliviile 14119ir House Bolvillo 'and Boyers town._, • • ~• • L •,' • , BBATI,LI4 MAIL AN STA ( R LINE Loaves °that sat' 4 oroloo L .,' a, M.,. ritrIVVI ht Reading 4 10. o'olook,. 4.`m.• !Warning, leafeS Reading at o cloak. 0, in., arrivea at Millersburg at 9p. tn. it ottrveg Leinbsehs, Lower Born, Bern , . ville, Rebrorehurgi Bathe). , . TUlPehooetfit and Roisters Mills, BLVD. lIALI. ,44/1. AND STAGG/ LIND , 6 . Le av os itettiling on Moaday, Wednesday and Fri; day at 9.9 ;gook, sow, Itoturning,. kayo Bluo lia 1 on Ilesday, 'Thorley and ,idaturdny, ar tly ng ,at, iteadjvg at 4 o olook, p. tn, It tittore Mole' Store, KtlfiliOr d, i ßir numevVe, 1, ay Ore Is, TT Hi i ll Wol t er s ill ar luo al . •PI U 4 MAIL, ND TAG I L NE Laavea e In! on ondaYy 1 edgAday , and Priv at An oe , a. tn.. Artwar at ite n adpig fi r n ' sit ire tailuni, 114'4 It ?Y° " 4 PuT'aoe Ro P r r g i 'nto falbOtvAle, ° •llL4'Bioli n o. m ik ( tie els 1E014)5 MAIL LINE e It s otoFe t ol ti t ' alltOt l it s ang A . r t i = i s t firtlitl i gg , t sts • '' bir• Ile on Tuesd y, Thqrstiay sail 2 oio oe , p. O. Arrives at Lobo:he:We at 7 o o oek. p. tn. It serves Alzaeo,Oleyand Lobstohs , vll e. '• • READING TO OOLDMBIA . Daily by Railroad—Leaves Reading at 0 v. In. Arrives/410:304411f: 131pliofFiltatown,Itoinholds' Station, Stevens; li.vhr Ph Mahar, Lids, Man helmnflillieati_ isyllto end SilverBvringe.• .Ntili DR TO BIRDSBORO • • • Trilweo by go--Loaves Westchester oh Monday • , adnest ay at' Wrleltay at 7a, tn. ,• Ar. TIM fit'Dirds.boto at V. in, Returning, loaves Birdsboro on Tuesday, twirsday and_ Saturday at 7_ll. tn. SappitesOolgerto Mills, RIO+ Rook, Long's, Wallaeo; Uwohiand, Lionville and West Whito land. ByApING TO ROBESON , Semi-moldy by Stage—Leaves Reading on Tues. day and Saturday at 7:30 a. nwhnd arrives at Read ing s e t 11 a. m. •, • ' , I . 1 . , IFADINO TO ROST , • , . Semi-MOKIY Y Stage—Loaves Reading ttos day so Saha if it at,ll:3o a tn. Arrivot at Read, ilg it MO a. tn. upplios Addah4 8 Tav,e Mill s,Lower eidolberg, Nor•• Heidelberg, Itrich s M old oat. L. LEESPORT TO NOR A _ Tri-weekly by Staire—Lenves Leesport Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdv at 12 tn. Arrives at Lees port nt 3 p. ni. Supplies South' Evansville and Menton!). • onowN TO V I ROINSV I LLP, Tri-weekly by Stago—Lonves Coxtown Tuesday, ' Thursday and Saturday atP n. in. Arrtyes nt Cox- Own at . r . m. Supplies s irbgvllio, hithielein and Virgin' le, RERSBURO TO STOUOIISBURO 'Fri -weekly by Stage—Leaves Itehroraburfues liay Thursday and Saturday tall it, - Art vta at ebrersburg at op. M. Supplies Wintordvii o and est, READING' MAILS. twion DAILY. New York--Oloies atlOn. u. and 10 p..u. Arrives at 1 A. U. and 2 r. tr. PhllaVphla—Arrlves tit 10:30 and or. u. Mau at A. U. and 4P, U. • Itarritburg—Arrives at 1 0 :30 A. U. and 4:30 P. U. Gyros at 10 A. lc and 5:30 r. u. Pottellier-Arrives nt 10:30 A. U. and 4:30 P. M. • Closes At 10 A. /Land 5:30 P. M. , ALLIINTOWN, AND &MON. Arrlvoli at *Or. , 010301. MUMMA. an k uarow-tbrao 110103 a week. • Arrives it 5:00 r. ' Closes at 8:00 A. U. BIUMVILLIL Arrives at10;00nos, • I , Closes at 2:00 r. norKtorrows, Arrives at 10:00 A. Closes At 2:30 P. 11. toam)asviLLN----t too times A week, Arrives at 9:i103 A. x. • I • Close at 2:30 P. M. riquA--three times a week. Arrives At 7:00 P. M. Closes At 5:00 A. V. it ' autni 'BALL—throe times a week, Arrives at 4;00 r.ll. , . 01080 At 9:00 A. V. 1 11 :11 1 : 110 .1111110 - 1W100111T00k • • Arrives etT.lll, :4 • Close at 1130 A. 11, t 010401P""1*100 a Week, AMT.. a . Ai 1 Ciolo tit 7:BQ/-k. ~t~c~.a~i%i►iv~eo;ut~; °OFF N Of EN.MAND:S.Ok of ENCIAN 0 SOA p uu t)t rtsidLAND'SOAP...,.`, . • • • , . BOt doing .* 'family washing in the best 4 ent4PettirAnntYt. thictrantes4 equal to any in a tt i l IfOrld Illas an the strength of old rosin soap wit the MIR' , an 4 lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Bog). Soldia the ALDEN 4314BallUAL WOIRKB, 48 North Pront street. INlMettlelphins au 7-emo LBNUART a'OltET.Uf. MAOMNISTB, FOUNDBRS, COINtRAtiMAI;EIIS IN -' iNednitte and tionufasturerS' Supplies No: 671 in 629 PIAMILIn 130 m 1an713-tf MONEY WANTED. ;MONEY WANTED! BY, TN4 CI4Y. OF READING. O T g he r u a n t d br g t n t e p d ,tnCtozt ton i ß e a dnn P ha no Lo b gb e a n anutorlsoci to borrow the 111101 of SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLS. ter the purpose of enlarging the Water Works of the td city, hereby give notice that they are pre. cg ti red to issue Vertificates of Loan, bearing sixz , per L'bstersit; to parties desiring lei foal) monek to he olt Y • Apply tb either of the Ondersignod or to illtam Reldenrelob, Esq . . City Treasurer. • • FMK LA DANIF,i, Uni DANIEL 8 UN I Oomalttee inane, And DING. PA _ , . • . • . , • ~.! ,t A. en. 1" 'l,OO " 0 " , lf-st" ii'el''l,' ' Ig•-x• . ~.• - • •-, . ,. • - Arf ;14 0 1 i..?' 0,1.14il ::I Ait 4. , . -0, •:4\4, • •-, -''' ..,•• '1 ' - '' - 'tl . i f:. • ) „ • •. : • ..I h r .:.„ , , , , ' ' ‘' . i- ..--:-• - ~.i r i i, g., N o . 7 , . t , : ; ~..1 . 1 ,,- • ' -, IN G ..,..t....,...„ ,.i .., , .. • ~.. r, . . ..,,..,.,... ....,.,„, ~,..•.... • ~ ~, ,) t .„ . 1? • 't ' i .;•'', ' ? '.••`- i--• - . 4.- - • 1 . -!. 4•••., , I! !!:- 1 - 14. i.,r - •_. -; . ••• • • - ~•• ; I .•i _ „ • ,‘ ~-. . •f- ,, - - I, ' ) k.•• - . , •-• ' • --' ` ' ' .'. , ' e , • ~ ',k • • ' , • . : ` „• • : I . , ir-A . - •T t .. •_ • .. -.*;" -- • 1 " f; , ,ft•i -i , 'i , •'', . ,--. ' 3 e'' -, ~•• , . • t ..., , , , ; ;, .",...-•, --.4t*-0.--.7-.•••••1T. 4 •. .; r li POD. ' Tit % odoto Tilli. LAClllll,AlltilitAltinti'‘lPO • /NM WaOlta' THAT UNRUH RICSIISTANCEO r : • .• . • ' : 1 I ... '4. 1 •'%- ' • . ME • , iiiiiiia3 11 -' lB ' 6E r PriaCitii: • • PRING- ' TER ; ICE , tr?? W. A k iltillerATTAxixf,i• Ie proptorsd to eupply_citizensgirlth the purest ggp ids , , ate co lll l a r Pt or Pm l 4 l • I,lantit - lop. X 436 DOribt,,NO. 213 North qth.stroet,' Hi ieeelve Proinpt isttentlon ' tap. 4-Sino BICXEL 7 S ' NEW tOOAL - :.:EXPRESK 1: •.:. OPFICH 110'AL. The Andetslitich Mei het eetabliaked. a, pow' LOCA , IO t:B*P.RPBI3:, and la vrobared to carry and deliver all 1 1 t , GOO - DS AND PAOKA,G ES • In and from all parts of the city, with promptness and we. i All 9rdors ta to loft at Idlshler's Hotel. *! sprilo-8inol: MOSES Sr 13161012. B. T.,YODER, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DIALER IN WINES. & LIQUORS, ii6..l ; .;%Tiorpra E m pt;ET,` iihA.Dll4O; PA. Constantly on hand, a otiol3o stook of SUPERIOR .LIQUOR.S; En 2 BRANDIES, WINE b , s ) ,ra._c ir BRANDIES, IN, FINE OLD It,YE . *IIISKEY, AtiottachifiEtxmANlßG • WJUS.KEY, ' &c., &c. ) Iktanyalldg pro:rmucated td try th orn . Ordi?rozriptlyill , tog. • 1.1#0 , 1*(1_, RHMOV Et , 1 11HMOVED 11 . JAMBEVIONG, STOVHAND TIN , WARE DEALER, JIM temovoc from fibroid etand, outer 'of sth and Court alloota, toi . o.• 13 . North Fifth Street. "`" ' • LAinot's tAl.gutpAY .• . • .-'notippo; PA. Thep ybec ft an-Toth:acts tit tho pub lio that ho h- a rocently btilurgoil his' BrOwery to a considerablosextout, and introduced etoam parer Weil Its ddpartments, and le now ready to .eupply all domande for SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS,;• • ; i?or home and dlstaiit consumption. Ills stook of Malt bs iguore, warranted to keep in oil ellmato, is as foltowit ' , , BROWN STOUT, PORTER, BOTTLINI4 ALE,'A - NQ LAGER BEES, • : FREDIC . LAVER. • N. B.—A littoral per contuse wilt bo allowed to Agents abroati.,/ " ' Jam --.— r r bLINGII 170)1?OilND AANIO4I4iiiimENT, Vii ifiCif?? , :itt liolwwit",T:LrianVegtittf preparation o no Bubscri i no i r begs 1 1 0av c e to cril b I tna ,ritto o n a tlo o n . tree ;as uns rpassod for AS Healing Rua, Otgatlve pro ortiositittlltitos 0 externriloOM plaints for which Lin eons aro used, such as - . . CO Bruises, Cheifes, Galls,":Rhounatism ) ..#trt, Nervous oE l'illammatory raitis, ~; , kielotalgia l Headace l ;l'alnelti: f • .. ' o ' t'eute, Babk or Joint,. I , .., id nil such' eases it may pe uite i lth i l tieit slut, of relief. •It Is gogd, 111, Met, Ind 02 , 0,4 puts whir() an extertnit aPl)llantlen Itt 14 4# an i or , pewit, and tho subscriber (ink , , r , 0 ukudy recommend it ns one of the bolt ~.1, , • . nn sof tffe do,y • , r' • • ' •• A , .1 ,t .: 9 ;,, , Prioe'26 Ceuta pot It v iittiti*--: ror 8;40 ktt. o}o nnAdl,l4l 4(ltlif*.#ll, j • 1 . !..' RITTtR & 00, ':. ' ' „,,,,, xvo, do t I .AN” dirN 1. O „,,, '' t dptionp Rnontlx exeauto t tlxci' Aiti.OLIV tabliAhnront. •. • ... , JOB Job Print! . Ptiitinx h; 'O4TH.: ,*EippOt,vriateHO. ecimfAiiy . 4t i zith;:io oiLtioßrui 11' fa trOltkebui or Nlearalatb, 1 . • 4)Vitttilyi of 1, • 'NetAtoms lie of the F. Itt nage rotnert (many otheY tine. or informatio_nc;rosa thwundorrigned &toot, iSewx - r • . f ~N, o hiNGTONa Agrati EVI I Felt I I es .1011.1 BU( SOIIANINCVS - CELnDhATtD t SWEDISti AVrTtitS Cure with eiNkaintiall'ilironio derangements of tho Liver Stomach and Kidno4s, is the most Pow. erfut T 043 Of, tho Digeative, usoular and . Nor vole Sibt, nt. and Cie' west Ite fable .greservatide against all kinds of Foyer, Dysentery, and Infic• ions cheeses, especially against Cholera, Typhoid ild:Yoltri*lftstet.,,-IPrtoo 75 er i entkA bottlo. r fix for V: ettgait at the 0113agli P , Skoktge '') • Rlrrtm. d.;' • MI Penn Street. • • ,• 2 -; , IP; McGowan dr,..,Miltimore,_, • DEALERS IN CUTLERY GUNS, HOIT,EVZI 4 ITR,NIBIIING 000D . S . . E AI'S • TIN PLATE* . AIIEET N Building_ Materia4 ',AproLERY, dco:,.&e;, /cp.. No,. , • , PAWN STREET, .RRADING,,Pi • . nONSIWI'IION VIM t - lisan'sbesh %Meat Carefoir4onamption and: ronebial Af fections; is presdribed and reconitne (led by Phr edam all ovir ilbe,oeun i try. and i is pmßvoinfiNG MORI! CELLS fMAit ALL lls DIES COMBINE). tottila eegy peolits . roat skeptical. $1 per tie; 'wit for gb.. lin by isi o ft Oircularsfree, Bold br,s. ,o. up , . irath MOW steaeiti anal a Drnigists. n7t r. 1111 . 04--An /Lott un 'with 6smellcapi tal. partner ip fret-olrjtepthurant in tat* o For al pnrtionito addri* liniliedinteb , • t , - 11 • 44 411,girAtTRAeCri nag 81-u/(10f14P/g•Ps BEM A!oft.Ti.);NG, 4:,.00U4pi:i tit*Oli4,o4sTki*#;:i3l.o,B,fo3, ' 'DU* 7,401116 Iloe imam KUSN. , , 4 ' p.rnan AND`RESIDANOB. • No.2i4iloilti Kluft' Stridfileaditint ' ; • SWA U ngie js ; 3119ITIST,' Odle.' No, 539 Mast M t ar et Siolirit. over David Neirs D .,. t.iloode Store. • -., . Irourcw. micilotitt )fill'ult il ftiiw rr- 7 ,.. Ty OMee-Aooker Building. let door: blat.) ; . i 80 Centre street ia Pottaville, *.%.010* be e id on a gu ra lieu 14 the (tering* *gape*. , • 1 • 1 -- , lir en% 41 SI 1.• 0 . /111_14 b 1,15,10 It t All i plUVY .I.4ND l COUNSEilmilt, A t LAW. 0 ea: No. 610 Court St., (heat Sleth,)llßAtiltte. PIK • ' talett , 3 61;960E r. 11ARN, ATTiiiiNEy At 14W, 'REAtoroi.pA.! Omba: No. i4O Court, Stroot. WistalraJ tr NAtitt, I • P113(.8;0 AN, (13. H. 'Pension Surgobi.) $4O Penn Street, Itett4lng. ,Pa. ' Mee hours i 2 to 2 0. , m. Bto Bp. 1 1 / T9 :214 4A, 0 r p 1.1 D M. A IsT Deice, No, 29 Nora' eth StrOot., OiTos to rod Office, -.44 - 14orlvonifig and „non Veyarieln g prompt), At t ended to, • ' • sfoblQ4o3,o, up. nen; REM; • ‘ . (BOn of the torte deo. MdectuirEut.). ATTORNEY, LAW;. 0 1110 e: 'Centro street, opposite the apitteopo Jen2B4tf POTTEWILLBik.!E 0. Libi.witiEV, • • AT,TORNEY AT. LAW, 011 ice, No. '4O (second floor,) North Sixth Ellreelp nearly oppoito tho Court Itoulaclteadiug, Pa, lan. 28-tf , J IENRY naLztm, , ATTO.ItkEi A,ft I,A,W. el t fl 9 RORIII SIXTH, STU*, BEAPOQ J nio f. QUIET nx,ertAittis p Arroinvor Ar LAw, g 0.530 Court wok, over the office of John e; Itionarus, Esq. , febe-tt 111 DANIEL IDRIIIHNTROUT t TrOliNElr r LA*, Oglce in North Sixth Street, corner Court Mieya . . • feb6-tf AUGUSTUS B. SABSAmiAtio AITORNE7 AT LAWo. . MlNgeagottnitlirgagift! man language. felAtf joWsrApTorr. • ATTORNEY A i r LAW; • Office, N 0.19 North Sixth.stre it, Opposito tlnip er stone notice, lteading,Pi, , , febtl-j,f irUNTr 1 JOEL D. WANNER. TTORNEY AT 44*. United State's Claim; Pensiork andßounty Agent. Office, N 0.526 washington street. b etween .iiith and Sigth street 4, Reading, Pa. No foes demanded until the elahns are semired. fob6-tf w itLiJAPII iticlMSTion,,. • • - , orat ,Reformed Chnrch.) TI4OIIEII. OF PIAliO POND, OROAN AND 114010 NY. 10, 223 North Sixth stroot, 11.4110 g, Pa. ' I(. D.--Planoa Tuned. 1/0 0 20•0 DR. E. MISSED, S B GAR N D OFFICE-L-519 Penn Street, Bending, • Iwiltee the Oublio to Call' and examine his now: plan for extracting tooth without pain. All - opor• ationa in the' profess ion neatly executed • and charges reasonable. " • • up2so I . DK II 14 1) 14 I. 1. API 1 , ; 41 1J IS. 1 HELLER'S , CO*POSITION PAVEMENT , 4 AND FLOORING. nVIIIS PAVEMENT AND FLOORING IS NOW. acknowledged to bo GO best in two. It be.: comes hard and firm immediately, is dry, dttrable, and impervious to water, anarnotaffected by eithmi heat or cold. All, ettlers promptly attended to, and the work guarant ed to give satisfaction. Appil to D, C. IIif,LER, • ' 'fun() 8-tf • " Xo. 27, Sout Fourth St 139!" by alLig.VatiiVi:idem.pell'em lU H.. BIRO ,BROi t Di. A. H. LIGH I i, W. J, THIEWEC iER, • WELLS. , • Agents, 4ending, Pa. m 10517 WEST END • \C O A.LI, LIME, &NAND Or. roan , ittict : *n.eptreo - 4.,!\ B E r u ai n tni l alrait Ml ' Wei , or Po e; anilpanu lu'enY t.arcoltbe 4117,kee • pkd or e prem! l4se . ingitt' Otii:;;,lt9sibit. ilia A Nuuccazerat, ',YARD! • MISCII4IOSANEOUS. ti ME It EADIUM _Ws iNSUItAIItfLE AND TURINT coilifeAXLOF BOWS CO. VA PITA 11,40.0904*, °Ate Iriddisp lituronee ,R•• 19. 4 COlh Weft, Wrner (tf OntrteTreet. • 0120 Mitt) JULY. 1807. 1 o,llice how's 11.ont BA, it, to Br. v. ( \ _., me at 1 r. ~„„,p., autos McKnight. toprEZ. von flood, , cool) r haubor, T. T. JnOksolt D. 14.ht0ut.. , ones Molter. i ~. tii„T. volaittlnot { . tie° rit e Ittoser. I . 1 Thts Oonipany lourci all *lode of, preportt aghinst lea" oil dem nkb by lire at rates ea low as any stberrellablo Com pit agouti upon overYlatut known to fltook leskienoe Companies. Forpotual Pelletal issued requiring ti o renewal tnd upon Which the atuottut of Pteintunt paid Oa he reolilme§ot Any titn% lasi. etIPtIoD o c i ilvdo per coat i ihe ativeutaitoli 0f;, 3 IPOtaq are Prortby orate OtterttlOrs orforuie4 ! t otem hay nfr ttrste , chisa dwelliel holisoik • pa } rid .xother wildiagadn town or coltatf•, o DOOR 1 • 014 4 1 11 , :stand salbst, _ i roiloleti for one43fo,tltreo. five Or little yeare i r 40683 that Vest f*uedxand no charge tu e or POIIoY sn satiel WhOn reucTilo‘' w ill t n h l %' ll t il e g Tittglia otir4llll/71 t o 1 tAtilt e; 1 34 Leperif Ont. main ly g 0 t o it intenice, have ow t rep/wiles° of eficpt Or ineurtuices VI a pgo natitution, well omit a° OtilA,Ofkorilitivilite )liiti In' end tuaranteed tap tat, mutating as strong it both! of Searity as that Of en, utast cows pany. aka advrtago Of doing inisiness d irectly with the uompo / and the Iniporivioe of keening solno portion of be tante s paid for insuratees, in circulation t homot ti I si, anprothtted laY AIL .j. !Nal, J lA, resdent, 1 ,_ JA ES itlo 14 /11% Vita Preeldent, A 8 ittroov Boer end roes. fjunelo-tf . . . . • SCllool. — goomo 1 ' rioncrou noous .1 1 init rocelied at the` mom 11001(13TORB, a Atli lino of books in use in the Pliblio tioltoola in this C O which will he cold at,the lory I.OWeSt prices. i t would bo to the aaN antago of t ellen who nr6 in wait of bdoke to ascertain Our prcos before purchasing ChM bore. We have Q'Weodbury's NOW Mit . bed t with Gertnan."D 1.., . ' . Conkposi on .11 h oolo, ~.. IA - 21 , . Viumpoile's repo Cohreo, Bonnicastto's Bignaurittion; • 4 . 1:i ' • ' fitodderd'a itrithinellos; 1 ' f • ! Patlr'el thitorophy, . , I, b ) .• . Pl RAPV l Alg r try n ts, l47 '' '- • . 1( 'auttor # Atatonv. • .. , .r . ' S Goo IJ, 4. Ilistor7-4: ; Lvov . , . tireprileae li iirithelogo, , , • ,'. . Tenney a Eleoloey, ',' , , • '', E. ~ • ~ „TDi v victie'llittgalleOiy;, , I ' ,IS A , Poil i elii ° l3Po r kl i Actem-` ~ 1 . - .4 . 1 8 ~„.. ~, : Slates' an SlatcPariguai .:, •'. i 11 -$ , o,P2o9ritql, Qqpy # 0 ,4 11 , ~i ~ L, • ' Hglit:g4 , CV: .:' ~,, ..: . EWood ‘. bOs'allne4tli^b7 i tiz t ai ,. al!Roadok . F 4 ' Parker & Wataon T a Oaiti. of, klahbapaoice,. 351 drittotufoiee 'llookkoetin t , with ;sotto, of'BinAk-i PENN fiI'REET.• Po'nnook'fi and ItEADlttfl.:? • o'oo474les', VISIiTINGI IDS, „ ~,„ BUSINES4 . ,TARDS i ),. ' 4 ' • ° 1 11113DDING' CAREOB / .- die. ) • of all kinds', mei) , Ektitvi Offies.;- ' ticotr'Stils i t urnisko4dt All slab V11.1)o done .10 tits mppt ,l)settift,tl.llllllk• t°A4 3 B l 4At t ° / 13 ;WCIt 4PR,Y, vrom. INL • , • • . No, i 5 Noith ,44111 Ntriiet, • ' Whore she will keep a hill line of Trlmmings,*e, the most reliable Patterns for Ltullegend Ohildrtin's , lething.' Particular attention paid Oloalt-misk• og. 09°4 work arid ported file Werrehted.• ' • Multi I GREAT FURNITURE REPO SCHR(EDEEtTELII; 7tiettieioom,,oo#lor ' Fifth ' Wtieldpgtirp ' MANUFACTORY, :WAS t IIINGiON !k1e 1 .192 1 0/ 1 1 11 : • WHOLESALE ;AN ' li4tE/FAIL. rII.IIR .UNDERSIONED- ItESPEOPOLLYIN ivite publio 'attentloli'td their'dblendid otOok o first-olosa furniture now tint) oonntantlk , on band. and made to order to quit oustOpotil. Among other ortiojea, ottliootkl cd)oyttioA fa In 'Mod to their-tinqutpatised. ' • • EXTENSION TAII4B, •PRF ., § I O BE1Ii1: MIS, DIttING ROOM OrrAIRS; OgNTitt AND calEp. TABLES, BEDsTEADSorva LArEFersTirlits and every othei csrtiolo in their line;offair "Every article h mannfacturdd theinseter, i their Admirably arranged' manufaetory, w th most perfect machinery, and,skUlfal-tnec as t tipd iknishod IP Un gl lFPWe,d ; Also prepared to execute ell'ordbra for ' CARVING, TPRNING: , , 1110IILDIENGS; Alt orderskromPtly exeoutodi and warratitskt9 giv9 satisfaction. , • at , q4f, 4 1 1fgITIO3S4.TAVrAYERS; . lit Ll. • REAL ESTATE AND PElie , ol4At City Tartar 'for • 1868, are to •be Paid to the remit*r of the city of Reading. until the int day of Octobe After thci first -day of August Ave per cent. will be . added to all teri retaining' Un paid ; and after the first" day of . October IWO per cent. additional Will be charged •and the Dupli cates placed , in tke.hands ef,eopeetors. who w il l proceed to collect, the same Wat t the ' thirty-4rd day Of December.. After the first day arJantearl. 1869. the Duplicates of Real Estate taxes IMP to given to the testy Eolfeltor, who will cause liens t( bef t ntered sigatnst all delinquents. a Treaturek inair,be found during the day and .bv deg: at all business • hours,' it his office In the City Hall, comer of Fifth arid Xranklbi etreefi. , seoond story Bata* to Ms Olga op Franklin Street, N 0.003. .. ..... :• . • • , . wx. pEIDENBEIC4I. .. , June 1-irtios , , . , ' :„: E.:, , , Frreasuer VOTIONAKIES, Nebster'sUnabrtdited, ' , . , . • • Wein.ter'a Aoadengo Mex Ed.)/ __ ). i W . ehoter's Iligh &hoot, (Rev; Ed;) , i Webettea Comwoki Belk • " WebatpesPdmary, ((Bev. WO Thad,' Knell/ill Dlctaty, • • • '• ' . Woroesteo ' taerehent:tetiottim.! r, Voteepter's oat DtattnatuT t Afiter'g German and English Die 0 ty. ' • OtalsehlageesPronotinelne.German DientiY. ' for sale at the , • dIIACIIIK BOOK B E, , • unttl4f. 3 51 Pena Street; near Bllfirth : , ,"; ,••" , 2 ?-- t f Bo rth: 1 . 11. IRIIII MOE - ====l llaa I'OtOOtOCI to ~~ '✓ NEM IMO 1111 •-• 1 -.7 .----' ---- *-- -- I' 7 "r -- "rs Fr . -- Tr 7 1:21; 4 YAP Pi 44' Altitft 1, ........._.....,___:___. „.._:..i...4_,....,.......„. 4 .4.:..., , ,..,...; ~----- .-,..--4--,----- , , , t.,.....„.. .20 toliewirg table Ora fbetlaidbyible a Lalt I , one! (tins, on the I °rent-Rid age* . re and depart fr om this oily: •e • - ~ ?,' ; , +II , . t . . DarlirtzFOß Palt a tlptt . i •- 1 trAitTatAfilawitins . 47 W .. .t ' 1 ' . N -.- Ay an ruargotti . all 5tati0n5......‘4,..,,...4 ‘: . ,W. Ituertitti. ttinelpal statlons...,, .. . .. ..„',..,,,,,. 4; .133:• Way M 34,10811, all stations ' ' • 4.".......5: rda • rorravim.a. • • , ~ rlapa, t rarn ad,ua. &0., and W. elation% r olls: otrille,4ll4 all way etati0ne..,...... Al p.m. 44 ril rnlnd. Tamaqua, .to ", :10 '.`• • it tuarnarnian AND t o Witalri:' l it trreal, eanon, Harrisburg and eat. d i O Ilk p, ' Olda4farrisburg and ell ply statlans : 11. 4 , , nil, HarrlsburLautt principal stattbus, 10: , ad * lobs on ; Harrlsburg and the west, 1: , p; Jai AY'. Ilatriebure and all *ay Illtions. 6: „ I , prose lab., Harrisburg And t o wost,_lo: s- RRIV x Iron Ilarrisburg at4:49. ;06,1Q:25 il. tn.and 4:11;:..?..1; 1130 p. rn. . • , von NNW iroat, - ~ .- ud t r : lll way statiortv—w...w. 4 4: 14 a: la. dr ow Or AtidplindlMWAYltattobe ;(4 ,t o •.• ot ~ • , and jll way.l4tlous ............ , . or " 'tiP. n. or ...• 41 .1 • ,",: " " • ~ , el p.p. or • " • ~„fiVl lll,lP al %raj' stens. 11:4 ~ Itlttiß fretn r‘o York It 1;00; 0;00 a. di . and 3150. 4 . tt9 oclt.lit, lA. . : , , , . .. 4. /... y , R , eading* Ool*nlitt Railroad. , ~ „ „ , it e ji % A . s i i , A n t% h t , ) f , Al 0 XD A r, JUNa , 1 i I'B Op 4 rastebgor,,TrSius will rutioti, this Road, is ,_ • ', ' ,: followst , , ,01 A !.:' 0 Leltvo Rett.s4ur 0 , , .„ , , *it 1 ' ' 6 ?Otto tt Lancaster at - 0 Jib 4 IPolubla , 0 23 , • " 11 Lantaiter and Columbia 330 P. as. REsTURNING: , Lave Lancaster and Columbia at 840 . .. a Aviv° at Neaditte. ' 1020 : 1, . ' SUNDAY TNAINS: 660 ). Leavo Reading at 3 8 00 6. 40 . , Arrive at lianoat;ter and Columbia at '1025 Columbia andLanpastor at • c 01) ), i RETURNING I Leave' Lancaster and Columbia at', t. 't 40 ~ .1 I•anctister , , 3 45 . " • “ columbid t ' z 0 . . * ; 340 . ; Arrive at lteading ~ •410 V ) . • Trains I N op; Audi, inalth drool Aopapti 14 Reading with `Nrains erth apoi 4outh. on Phi t and 'Reading Ratite s d. ottidlY4l46oLebtdaeti•Y - ley Itoffid. tie, 2 altnit makiett Itimenaneettelkwi . Train inr. r yorke , EXOURS ON T101008` 1 4 1,1 14 - .4 0 1 4 1110 8 to ON point e on_th s road, at e aeon fates.. EXCURSION TIOK 8 sold between' all grin 2 4lionf,cok th l l llo ol -3 c0 4 ((I qUntlar • 1 f al l / only. 'rickets catbo obtained at thet Mats of, the New Jersey antral itiiirogd, foot, ef Liberty 1 4' New York, ant Phlln. and Reading Railroad, 13th and Oallowhill Sts.• Pbtiridqtphia, 1 . 1. Cy Through Tickets to Now York and Philadelphia "id fit all the Principal StatiOns, and Baggage 0 ticked Through. Mini are tun by 'I), k R. lt, Tillie, niftot: is 10 minutes faster than Penna. R. R. Time. ) I I GEO. P. GAGE . ' , tr ,:i . _ Superlntehdent. E. Fi Itsavn • Gen i i Fro , and Tiek,ot Agt. 117,1, gut Penu4ylvanio, Railroad _ , . QuistßiEtt, AItNANOVMENT. OOBISIENOINO 13 WednesdaY.MaY 20ill. /Mt SIX TRAINS . DAILY TO NNW YORK WIT/I ,OUT 011 ANGE OF OAItS. l On and ifter Wednoadat t May; 20th, 1868; Ore Passenger Traluswill lowa itoaditirollYe i llAooPl Sundays,) for AI °Matra artd way stations, at /o.m A. M. and 4.20• V. M.. etoinliog. at I'Ll/ ttO fffi $ 1 4 1, ' tions between Ileadin( and new xor , IQ kink also close connections or. Mauch Chunk and 'hilo ;dolphin via Lehigh I allay It. lti, , and arrive at New York at 3.30 and 10.16 I'.M. Font (4)` through Expross Trains'will flOava Reading daily. (excopt Sundays,) for New York and the East, leaving Readli At 4.44 and 7.00 A. M. and at 4.40 andll.4o P. • A . t tt Those Train" run through from Pittsburgh in Ne_W York, without ohaVeats Stopp(ng only at Lyons, Allentpwa. Dothi eni,litstop, 'tamp on flombieryilte Plain d and_ elirabeth, i na arri t vo at Now York at • 10.00 A. M.I 1240 M.. 7,25 P. f. and 5.00 A. M. The 4.44 A. M. train will not , leave Reading on Mondays. The 7.04 A. id, and 11.40 I'. Al. trains • run daily, Sunday, inetuded. Trains leave Now York, foot'of Liborty street if ally,iexeept Sundays) at 9.00 A. M., 12 noon, 5, 8 and 8. P. 31,, and arrive at Bonding at 1.50. 4,00 and•lo. 0 P. M - ,., • And at 1.00 and 2A2 A. M. i Tim 8,00 P. M. train from NeW Y ork, leaves dalky, Sundays included. t A Sunday Excursion Train will len'iro Roan* ever?, Sunday at 8 A. M.,stoping at all stations and intermediate points. • Ar tivo at Allentown, atlo A. Al. Returaing• leave Allentown, at 4.00 P. M. Arrive at Reading at 0 P.M. Passef gem are, requested to purchase' tickets bct.. fore en °ring the oars, na 25 oenta extra will ho charge end collected on the ‘train front all Wl4O NU thq faro to tile. Conductor. e 3 3 ,1f O. STOLTZ, Eng . , and Supt.' Philadelphia & Reading 'Railroad, , (Revised.) ' 4 ' itlCAbtlioo AVOVOT 8111 1808. 1 SII3IBIIIt ARRAN G EMENT 011 PASSENGER, TRAINS, August 8 1808. Five Train s down to thiladelphin, passing ilea.; tag at 7 , 50, 10 35, and 11 30 a. in., and 4 2,3 apd 434 1). To*'' a . 'tip hi Pottsville, at 1040 a. tn., and 550 and 600 2).am, : Not to 4etanon anti Diwrioisrg i Western Eairess from Now York', at 110 a. la, an d 1 50 and ' 1 10p, m. , . Harrisburg ' ocominodation Traiq at 715 a, tn., 04 piall trains at 1Q 45 a. in. and 0 Oq p. m, , i On Sundays, the down ' traihs PUN Tioadin di 0 40 a. in. and 425 p. in,, and up trains at 10 0 a; int. and 6 67 • prin. The 425 p, m. down, and 10 5 0 a. M. Ili; ttains run'only between Philtideinhia /ladkteadiva. _ . llp trains leave Philadelphia far neading, 'tar.* risburg and l'ottsville, at 7 80 and 815 a. to , 1245 noon, acid 890 p, M. and 616 p. to./ to/ 11:eadi g PalY. , %be 815 g a, in. trains conaeot 'trite, trains f. Tamagilo, WlillamspOrl, Elmira,' Buffalo, Niagara and Canada. The 815 a. in. and 380 p, in. n i g trains from Phili ddelphia, and 1435a :pi. and 4 p, nti down trails, stop oaly s ,atprineipaigatioqs, oleig Reading. , Reading Aceoiamodation fratn, leaves iottdlttg at 730 a. m.. returning leaVei Philadelphia at 634 p.m. Pottstown AccoiamodationTrain boot Potts town at 4.5 a t . u: Q , returning leatrett, Philsd"lphis to at 49 p. . k I The Western Expreatirrains connect at Ilaniti burg with express trains on the Pennsylvania x R. for Illtlmorq. Pitteburgh, ands: o o we t s) • and the o4 6cail train ef t reete at 1,1 bu rg fo rittabur h, teener, ambersbnr , .13 hbn gEloranton, Pittstbn• WI keibarre, unamsPorr ook Haven, Elmira and the Canadas, i PsasengenTtaini le ye Up ter DOPSt, at 7/10 a. litr, And 01p„ot, 9,, for Ephrata, /i t .• jiancatitar anti' Colorant Through First-class Coupon Relicts and Emiv grants' tickets at reduced fares, to ail the prineipai 'points in the Nor th West and the %n as. commuttriox 7i TIONE,Y, With itlebnpons, a 25 per cent. dKount bain itg aril IMltas desired, s it v irlGH ,TI C KETS`,. tit:4 1 101'2000 Mil s betweed all points, at $62.50 40 mi eb find]) ass Army. 1 .t . A BEASON TICKETS, . Good for the 'older only, for 3,6,9 and 1 2 months, between all points at reduced fares,. Belicsil season tiekets at sae -ijkird less than the above. , , _ , t Prune gene svin take the Expreati Trains west at the , Omer Depot, and another trod twat, the 4ower or Old Della. i 100 pOunds Of beggage•allowed epah ppsenger. Poti,ronsitrairOrermosted to,ppronase their tickets talfzOre en rib* the dam he blather fates are thug* if paid in the ears. , , • . .„ - 1 Excursion Tioket a ~,,,odi g One lay. 1/ tt), *do Accommodation Trarn to liade phiii ii te riti; 6(4265 each,. ' , G. A, NIOOLLS, Gent Bora IEI =EMI imrki &it 's. ' Jtust:cecelved a largo lot of &•BIJiMPIELDI3 d • ;,' celebrated chemical Wilo l oll4a , • , ronart.RintAnal#4,Abc.9lo,at Ito, isli oats% A th e EAGLE BOOK 0100 r, ..c • : • , oatiO 0911 . ..4 4 4 1 (?4 141 1 1 , Pl# w 4,4: •"ftlil•Icr),_“ 1 1 10 ", !: — .'" r . jj0i:4,141- UM". ilitol,l*44lllll' AWAttilie : 1 '!:. 40 . 111 0,(A.P, 4 :! 1 . 1 111,010., .. ; ~, - ..• : -• '..,, •,..-,•:,-,,i, 5 7:77 , 4 ... :,;, , , - N , '`','The fellt 4 ): .• : •. - 0 -) lWaits of - %11, Ante of 8r0 w7 40 "....:? I ,* Autoe, is .' ff i VI the Obit Itriboga 1 i ittik . '_. ttAps. 12. •_ ' C O andfiterif P Mt*, Motile ,' l lit.. , _ i iie that liti•lilu* . 144: ` cot. 100441t*er! . lieirabeekfetamal Jltotegli It 44 1 4.4117#0.07 t 4 :• • • ytesseo.under Ilivfipt!,r l '-,' ~ . - . 4 c"IY . O loarne4Mtergat a. 4411004ra ot : 4 hcittalikontiltgetproWn 'itttnk". Titifil '‘ 4 station, by five 'itegioJtV, ''Olii iefortafint>. #r. St'antifer, is' 6,,igerttlentatt !. *elk • knowo . . 11411 tiltisltia kit kfUeVittotiO, : 0441 1 6 - 8 atements.nre triii in •tit`4 opartionlart-: , : . is, farmer rpettliitk,inika.,tttOtbef*a • , f the scene ho'rehttes. t, It atvOlu'illit the lieleitY of 'House's Ofttup*ound, _about ono ka a hit( ta. l o.4Vili v ili44; l #;;l44. t k l / 2 4 4;',4 v :; lie otiittilt . tyki t .. .01:.,:ii*Iltoii71;)044,elksei t . tin obitiO ireek!lpfli MA) a titroo4ll.l* 1ik;14,41A 4 :t ' Oer of tftiri4 : 4 l o l Vlkiki °o VA 19 -: :`;fofo l ,tiV" ilb Chi/91$ ltsy`,ll4r,n*berlistti ite,fts, • !dui • eir• entraps :upon , the Arotneit',4. :.this rntiftovltOirS44l4l4l On 8 C44 1. 004ii#441 lasts, a thtnilintinied.Clarditier, •frorolittrete itlitbtrairi,atTivotl at the dielp iltooad ) aathab 'Tillage is knosinCintendiuc to, ,mtiko a' • permanqut ; sattteeitio , ; , • 7' Wltto I ftt l 7 icfP' oistuthittlitiin dittriltAiki:titk l 6l nit& bt Pout sixty yatri, i‘ii4. ibfeb \ datighters; all *attained to'*omenhood.4 , They bOttlaveloa trout' Aioir 00 hotaeljoyalaitooNont#4o their for personal and 4ouaahottcfrects• .' Arri4ing,iti the outskirti, of,-the village, they dofortnintd4'etly the o 7 the loot. • towing : morning- . After their 'fr , ugal - meta, i,hey laid do** rtO thte!iagott 'and ' iibitt 1$! Sloop.' About' ntidnigiitt 'boy i , o're . alVskoti.. pa , hy, ioy4 . POOH :! 11, 54'..; AtAroo.l,UP.' ,l 4i Affright, found ,thats a !pallor of nogroes *aro in andiroittoil tha .‘i , OA. ,itir, Gatd. net., liteeble old:ittOi Stibli ~ i4',ill4:l4!:Nl i / 1 l i ttegrooB.reiliedyritk•oathl, 10; 'it...ekvitaisriNt ! i • ;Gardiner, boat hint flyer y. 'rho women sereatued, anil,'OfiOlf.tuStancit arriving ' , the negroe's hastily' 'good rosin; Akiii : than' Wont the wagon, and, tylitg.the two eldest, ;took the yoingest 'of ,tho' trotnen; ! Willa • vas !about 25 years old ? and the father, bound i 'their apr, . aid , hastily, ritoMing i, tr l i i r "horses, • aisnppeared, in the 'woods; ` ii 'two women, bound to the tiriei,.• Screamed Indly,_but'ito portsbiv eitoie 'to ttlioir ''isilat4 ;once. I - • ti • • • ME REM Ell • suitor a feorful night et',ll4l.9litigrft.44 suspense, daylight dawnil., Been after day light a farnur dro'vo lifthe &Athos cOuPlo, and at OucoWetit, thett 1 8, 1 ,1 g., , • • • ' Ita Ot'' Aft' binding them,',thoy nip 4 t9, 1 4 1 11, 1 1 1 ..,Rid , r "a id idtr wcw,o, and husten?d'baolr :!to ' 'norm 'eoct spread; 'nut . `40 1 ';.4 1 q tig l f ° l l ,9 t rO . ,ngit: lo oVat; l loo,. t 4 l thetoot h, started out tothatt the' ,nograee 4144 ‘Shoir victims.., Taking, flu) ~cours,o polo t ted:,iit to them by the, two :women,; accom panied them,- they rode for oho it three 'miles through the woods, when' they 'amp upon the hither and' daughter, liing';ol the ground within twenty foot of each ,Other, mad "both to . alt eilmartitiees;: dead. .*r: l'ilardier was covered litillot-h?le'reaMi hi his breo. l : Mid ditilf• nee citittroly' naked ? Vnd +fibre evident marks of outrage. w 44 at , once applied to:both the short time theytwero ouabled to 0! k 0 5 7 4 14. They Ivero.carilod back to ,The village, nn l by evening Mr. Gardiner . iroCoYeied,, tiently to relate the cruolties.te which; ‘ey • had been subjected at the hands of the par; barons rod merciless negroes. • I'Mr Gardiner stated 'that 'the itegtoea, tiVe in number ) had taken them tal)idl i i , tb the fi(it where they were found,'. and 'kttter ditoniinting, had tied,binf "iti a: !Add We of the negtoesselz4 hie daughitir l 4lle another proceeded to' outrages her potion. Maddened by the Scans; liable as hb was, and niimerons' l ad, were' tthe negrobai -ho attempted to , break his bonds #d go 'to, hls dsughter's rescue,. its atietap werp i4 vin, antl,ha oriati out in. anguish Or:11.0441 Ono 9fithO PegF9PB ' would stop, his,, meuthi „and c itniactuakely firea at, b l % ;ge, Mfla seiousnees of, the 10144 dohdi ;* ,groeB. Fy0111:1110 ,11ppnr4t1d.0 1 241i t s.tittrdi• IPeri.4 1 8 OOP that4) 160 .4 0 09f 4 1 )0i flaw *fated, her ,person ‘ ,..*Thick ,unt'oteni k ti:girl had, not tee vexed, entlioenily; *1114,1; Stantifer lett, to tell her doubt 'fat if sho•ivillircover at all. , ,;) ,; 'The ' citizens are :afraid' Ur , snow ; their IVollieniod of Omit houses:, 4 perfect reign F ur terror exis4 t all *ho. , con OtOviktium - goiio; 0 are, , gothip , : Mri:Stliatifeuol,,td fhlo r pface on frbothdosifdisgifoty. WelleVti. • d last eVenitig that one bf oneg rot ~ bietiAtteited r and sotiloYeCtO3h. ioAL in l at iii i i ii .t ~, i„,i 7f-;:.A. - ,,. - 1 I ; - -fii . - - r.:-.-1 -..m.H. ,t1•4,1i", . lr, AlgQo7 4 ,' ,OMA . , COIF ,? 1 It • 044 1 i iti v P4O •t 4 4to tliikt i t ll,l3onoo 411 '8 II 111 t ' eniro t Tot ontioo lon't4 tile' VII 1 a ' l / 2 141:. strOtig iniotitihol , id o 4 ll o ol toid l lll.. ielite Ileiiesirfloveinnient is orgepito&l , ?Ma in theiStAtet-of etimlidniarig.; ataxic) and Sinaleaiititii# the . ) hthiaticat.o.,staokitit 00004 Lsge4e, at 'Pejtst,r.- , ' a . ..., lA' it l e •dri geSon P 91 0 14%, .Lienoral . . l i o vitso . making e;tensive preptiretibue : . Mit" the Oovetniniuit tor*: "'-`. if ' -,,-. -../, ttO , t ~ti " (301411 , T0 Co'cliriar t 'ot Westinorated • 'Cdtrnty' 0511611617 known 'tug Melting ,Colonel,") inadn'n initripg spnekir eitiV the'Diimooratio)rsuseoit . gOnier, on tho sth lust. Cdl. Coulter voted" for LineoldittlBo4, and was oner of ikeVilivest soldiers Of the -war ! Jr/ 3, ,t, - ' n;f:=•`,.) •„! _ ~ - • . '` ' t ' ..i.i. ;,I ',.,.1', , t J , i i .- Lt .... if i kii >..12 is ' :* n 4ll )golg° ,,fr9 F l 7 ' C . 1 4 11 t" balite bronobt;by S'AcOliti di 11,3 ; . 1 ,‘,, , p . r *nit gill pietriegad bplbfiedattatribei on fident Otlialdingoatun Vaaaiiitlawarab old Wan. , l'hay bad tuft i5,19#4,9t2,6, 4 !led 4 1 and a InMPi r iIPPA , , 'P r f , •!R e l r A l l i rfflti t 4.llo.lateat 'news frofikapt4itY.,r,.. .mt,,of. 44. , R2YOVIRP4I' and, ill' 'i. Y ° join'ed thn raps, and tft ' i s Otto 0 hc. m ails inatobintdirliadti t 'AllAhfaltt las bead declared pil4 atiVistegn , ,,, I: I ' ,-,.` —The National 1:44501' ag ed friday in , diecaiiro . 4 Ate ; ,aonition aad:electiog Oflinos. , 7 ; 'NW IfeVAP.l9ol4.l),ets ]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers