MCI , AVADING*i PA.4 A I t UST rt . — 100 44 01 1001 Mitt , ON. - ROO 0 - OEYINIM or vrA xag,. • , voi .vioa PalisißNTl • OBE 1 1 1101012 . ;1'. BLAIR, 110021trai. , , - Rlec k l6l4 kWda it ltatimber Bd, 1889. i Dos1er11100:1161110 Milimiassloo. 1011 i AUDI TOll 4#lllllRAlri SON. (1 1 9C10144'.E. BMA f)IF !AT T. ooVXTT. !toaawissymeginazAL: 1 0 WEgitiOTON. N. ENT, Pr MAMMA 00171rriN • 'AA" 2 1 041114 , * 1 000bel:1841 186 k • Ditiocisiowno MAIM 00:110itirrplIE•' asmaporsitie Slat* `Vousatesemo *teesii . 4 , . 001:Aluni, Saar.. • ' - , Petifacletphfii,Aug. 24080. To Tug Pet:only? 1 1 mixenieme, . The Itecliesli rei4tukoe the stale slanders of the put, givi try to ignore the ,giakis questions of the present. ' , • / They prate of th'sir loyalty • thc'exeinit,fot"..l4oli-Oera, ptfon ! Atele,eiv t *Tsigio?, ~, Ind *LT fikhr 4 * " The ;44Y00 hive slept 'de y. ring these yea*‘o l f,' the . 101404 0 1144 1 4100 1 * raMity end t,h47ois 'WM forget that , turathip Oppresses yon, that i/oir commerealaognish• es, end that your , hoSioits is broken They hive proven thenrielves powsrtel destroy rind powerierni tii'restere.. si • Their 'Only t :pelloY • iiriOdoi 40,10,01 - $ they 'ask,* new leeip'ofpnwei t 6;1)59! thht a thialdrii . si . iiieticti. people regiii f e • them . • „ . • 't iW is, the netionaldebt greeter *Mirth y 1011149 sorrendirediAuid trhy does Itlicltl l l luiresse I • It., What ho 'bee4, l u;oo. 00.0404 hilOsld mtitions ardallirs Oxoyil i 've wrung the c°nit°,o l ..fiOd .o°PePiti4 4 l. , o9 , l )l3 Po lo', s i ne june f 18$9 , • Why amore then. one !Modred millions of dollsee'lmnaisllY, legated on the unfeoll - struoted south, aad why Is it not prude. to ' Yield as enuoh, to reliere us from taxation; and aid in imylag ourAleht ? - ' ‘ .l ' Why is:the white man made the in terior of the negrolu every Seeplera State ? Why s l'est,no elass Of mop' totally (memo, from t it t lon whilst all others groku nesth the loid they.shoulkald in bearing? _ , Why shall the,'B•2o b9llB be tield to gall, whewi c br 00 **press tetras' of the cOotrecti . they ?Vert , resole t)ttable ildgettea der notes , . . , . Why,' vonalitutic4 Aoltitedihntitle - • • tinton net restored,' and'ivhy are 163160- yes wastedolio people oppressed, tl,LO t Oit Of living tteblefl, and our trade destroyed II D2MOORATS OP TICNNBiLYANIA • • • AllOllBll 71111 PEOPLU4 Organize • a apialting °Oriels in' 'etrevY locality. Go - into the strongholds of limn callirn, and., s MOH TUN _PXOPLIC. • ' • Direct your argamonis to reason and not to the passions. Confine them to tie !Moil issues of tho present and of tho immediate future, , rums THR • EARL • Our grand old State .moves steadily htit surely Into her tree place in the Democratic line.. , _ . „. • Awn every section comes the, glad Owe ota"defiant . 04 vikittiaPompori4l4ol of torpid and dispirited foe. Orsinitriton, energy and united ••-effor t will (ring Yoii*gleVons victory. 4novila TgAou • 4 Pdatium +nut snit • ' By order ef,..the.,Petrieoatfo State Oen Nei. - niitte. 4 A.,\,,tALLAs* " • :Cliairpum!: MI • /10?04", We .haireieoeliett ri letteittr*ltii, Icramph; Preiddint of ttio'llo!*e for Meld. 101 Oliityea tiir . s lo3 Oki 1 0 . 0tintrof,4 11 i eMte44eredi . *J*oo ll ' Ntithilt eer tidn,chmies sg4l4lt, ditotigh .the cohnins of,t)4 EAcitmok fei, egth'undei the' heading ' of •"•Tha . , Soldiers' Orphans% Home at Latioaiter)! , gra: Kiiimil 'states . that the children are well fed and wellyeat, ed; suid'intites iaiestigigion: of tlui titannge4 ment of the t' Hose." '' tha t the institati4n, is , not a I', notne " fer soh diets' orPhins iiiolusirelp; iniiitles our tnif-, t, tat in the otentet'snd tntphtio* ntitk i r .4* Uri which We'ltire nbt Millet Wm te'sno4 l 4 Oohed.. :'i‘niii 'the Mee Sine Welniire' hatt fbr investtstioi prOloni- to the receipt of . this letter ' , ii feel confident 1 that our infor., aunt wee irtiO4,ten In 49m0, ki:ohde,null Per' , haPi labeling under a misapprehension in others., ' We ate patfectly willing to take the \word othelitistAgept ta i the C llBO . We ems . g l a d that o t e Militanate is ,doiNt: in ,tech' good siiti'SiniAtaltsi*ten'eknnii , 4 ithein%, that the miiaittiSioaite*Wl:4l3iteatskf id and aasiSted wiili,-rpitienkit .44:4444t 440 n 40 4 , 1 * 401090 tfii teArblittiitittigh . bitt when ens* roe ehelienel,te "UP 441 ' a IPmeto it tbre*t. gtht l '. OR prciil4,49. st r ia lip i n uatNa4it :or;th0: 4 ,0ren0, 1 ":" '''', k grid oikolikt,i‘ 410141 Ot 044460,_ l e aa, .paplaeatioli '1,4(4 `,of.?lirt• ''' 'it littaldiiite .beettisitteelor 0 i . . ' . t *o l o. - ... t :i• 4k.04 4 -i a,a, 4, 4504.4 1 00150 1 :,,1 1 04 • —:. 10 4 ~.,,-t lireihiiiiiiiiiii4etrdara ' • ;" ' . .. et Sii . Cob I *notha sit* ' a ie'iii".ll47 .fied, I irkitia# Hikes"' 1 Ibpaumfittli OIEU . • The aet.iikak by tAai *died, to 61, 1 erred 401:11‘itio Tjeymiour delli cite f ad liCitt dame* hi4iarY 14414 .4(60 dliPesed 004 let* 'from in ii t eAll4i ti:.0,.11110.• Witiogi l Minn. The :radical press mud irivent some now .story;—the old ones' will nat . bear laiestijah• tion. Read the letter, and judged for your selves's . ' • .., ~,, • • Suess Faro Seneca CO., Die . 1 .! I'. '. • • July 10,1808.• 43 *or Mother sl' find in the St: Paul pa pers sets mg ,several article* representing Cloy; Seymour as is WSW of delicate healtb,s awl . that there is insaui I in his family. nest to h eas newspaper stories are pure ly . mal lone. There is eot a word of truth in tae i nor any foundat oil for'them,On 'the, Other 'hand, Oov. Seymour is a man of excellent health, and .possestod of a vigo rous Constitution. Uniformiy tempsratOf in his hshiti, and of the purest morals; be has no Ilitill of disease in his system; and his devotion• to outdoor pursuits has developed an unusually fine pftv,sigue.: • 'lt may be interesting to you to know that besides being *.Practleal farmer, - residing on. and vultivatUng one of the finest farms in the State, he is a keen sportsman, and has spent ColllllOTable "MAW' in the W' forests of NO York. From these "greattlfort4 woods," which he usually visits in the winter, he has brought many trophies of his skill and daring as a hunter, and the visitors at his residence ivilliind•over his hall doer, the bead hoofs, and antlers of a ma- ni moth moose'killed by him, and which are said to be the finest spe cimens in the country . . • . . . $o has oven considerable attention to the subject of artificial fiahbreeding ,' and d is on a commission created by tho Legislature to stock • the lakes and rivers of our State with fish. As practical as ha is profound in his soholaiihip; he Seeks. 4 teapply every branch of kildwiecigo towardlrodueing some result useful to humanity;' mile has proved him. self .in all; the' rehdjons of life", public and private, emphatically "the poor man's friend." Rat m y object was to sPeak'only of Gov. Seymour health.. You see his -habits and occupations indicate; good health of body and mind, and I can truly say I know of no other man equally Intellectual, ,who to all appearances has a firmer hold on life. • His family—from their first settlement in the CountrY, lag before the Revolution—hare been remarkable for their uniform strength of body and vigor of mind. Look at the history, of Connecticut, Vermont, and New •York and see what '"giaits", have sprung frOut the Seymour Stock.' Richard Seymour, the. founder, a hardy pioneer marking out the site of the City of Hartford. 'then Con decticut was yet the home. of the red man., Major Moses Saviour . , 'brittle's grandfa th'er, tut active o ffi cer in the Revolutionary war. His grandmother, on that side, a niece of the bravo Colonel tedyard, who at the sack of Croton , by the traitor Arnold, fell. Readers of history will remember how Fan ny bedyard, on 'that occasion; distinguished heraelf by daring attention to the patriot wounded. His father and -his uncles, lead. era alike in,the Senate, the council chamber, at the ber, t on the bench, and bettor than all, Uniformly anceessfulzas practical business men. On his mother's side Horatio came of it no less sturdy and patriotic rate. HIS ma ternal grandfatherwa Colonel For Man of New Jerifey,'afterward General Forman, of New York, who spent is large fortune in the war*of independence, and his mother is well reidembeted by" tt° early Seldom of WeStern New York, who speak of her as a woman respected fOr 'her excellent heart and Olds dam Character, as as for her sound judg ment ~and want life. She lived to an unu sual age in the enjoyment of all her faculties, and WIMYWWOUIati of whom all her eons are juetly proud. • But I need not pursue this subject. They who know Governor Seymour are very will login rest ids cause on hist:serifs. Noose log in an eminent degree the necessary qublitiO3 rot:the Chief Magistrate of a, great and frati pelvic,' the Eepublicabs have not "matched," tuid cannot. "mateh him.") If Mir 'opponents doubt WI oriclusiokt let them arrange a meeting:nd invite their can didate to meet durs to pronounce policy, and discuss issues or if this cannot be, any intelligent andimpartial man visit'eath ; observe the habits and measure the acquire ments and Capacity of each; and then report' results. Democrats need • not fear the ver dict; Aftectionately yours ' . • • JOSIAH T. Millen. Geo. 0. Ktxo, Esq., Hustings, Minn. • *u *ADICATiM ATTEMPTINGI A day or two agoea gentleman in this city. received a letter from the "National 0110 P Republican 4 Committee," at Washington, regnititing hint to de 'ail in bit Power to In crease the Republican vige in Borks county, or at 'events to deereate'the' Democratic majority, and promising that money, or any 'Other assistance that might be necessary, 'Would be freely. farpithed;for the -popese named; if application . Were made through the Republican County Committee. The lettei.also contained' an intimitionkthat the tenderp knew the recipientlyia betn a Dem• octitiftint they knew he Intended to vote' for grad and Colfax-.--also a speech of the 'blatant Radical Schofield..., ,This underhanded ,ateemilt at bribery was received with the contempt it deserved,rand the letter wai immediately aiming the things that were t Indere pot. • Tbe document)! were retained, and shown to ut yeliteratiy. • We are sorry the letter was hot preeerved---L we wouldlike to see it, in print. IN real meaning Ivato l. ,that: ,the gentleman was willing to tell his ptineiiles to the ' Black Republienns;. and hie 'soul to the devil, the money should b e forth-coming throdsh the *ibis and aettcirs of this syttem of bribery, h the listinblienalConety Committee., „ Means used by the Iparty of 090 ~their rotten, a w l fayliitcius, 'Wii t t balfe"nian w4i . syp). etieba 11100;10:pie Who hat; any. '4041 1 IttO t ait 4 ii k aiibin ,4eitetteil,and, - tin* fi,c4o4 sit3tif.. 4 80,, Cif; tid, - 440 they; ciOncitbefo4l 4 4:oo4WgY ate"lt voter, bit tito promliiitotalltheinimeY P 088088• ion of „their' igkelcers,s the: meneypa! aristo-' tom of Rniope and , Amerim They 'bad! bettei hold son to their ill-gotten gains, ,for' ittieltl4l:f4s. filnitdAing *Riven b i ls,qyprj and th.:9, mqpict xaey ti, , ,ell' f4436:4l4lsuekfillthe Otile ' L • , . it:, t, bi It i 0 1 011i111441. !AWN . * e Steic unilep, 11,t) 1 1 ' 0 1; *itiPtlndsjo Wag,: gloW l i, ilics_Ms 4 illf itiani, Aelndi4 l ol ani Wit l atheibilthi+itai *bilia*riet=', oa to wthilstto they if zeopuiri.!' BRINIM X Y• • AN Gen, Oriuit'er y'ol44ll** , a•per,lif of the ketirsiew twenty thousand and hiirty : thouttend doltsrs I year. This little, sum is paid by ilia ttt! :'pliYers—the bondholders do not contribute tout nt, all. Igo wonder the' bondholderii taror the election of. Grant ! , .Hai don't cost them anything, and he will ho so Mindy ) to make the peOple pay up their taxes - after a while, you know, when they become tired of supporting the bondholders and feding fiet 'Southern, tiegroes. . A General, with his artily, is a very handy thing to have,' you know f 4n 'ease the "ebnornon people" be come restiv e . Tax-payed, don't you think 'do?' If not; you had betterrte for Seymour and Blair, and have the large standing army reduced. . • TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. , • SINITMOUR AND DLAIR. ilew the Deameratie Column to Moving. MAINE. =I PORTLAND,' August 20.—The canvass in this Stat e is 'progressing most gratifyingly. The Radicals are alarmed, and are sending in. money and speakers. Forney and others have been telegraphed. Tho majority in the State will be greatly reduced at the coming September election. It would be a matter of no surprise if the State was' carried for Sey mour iu'iNovember. George 11. Pendleton is doing good service in the State; " . LOUISIANA. LE,A I , NEW On, ws, August 20.—Tho canvass in this, State as actively begun. General Steadman and others will do the hard woric. The mass meeting to be hold on Saturday will be a monster affair. E'notigh bands cannot be proeured to-furnish music. SOUTH CAROLINA. CtientEarow l August '2o.—We have ward meetings here 'every week, and we aro thor oughly , organized. The Democracy will carry the State. We daily receive largo Re cessions, of colored voters. • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Womierozi, August 28.—Netirly (111 tho ward associatiotis . hold pectings last night, at which thkro was a largeattondance, riiiiiiivViiiiimmOs. McCulloch M. llollluk. W i tswevoN, August Z.—Another move ment to compromise the Internal Revenue imbroglio This boon made by proposiMg to Mr. Rollins the appointment of Comptroller Hurlburdin his place. It was represented that if Rollins would unconditionally resign the President would'appoint 'Mr. Hurlburd, but the former has, so far,deblined the offer, and will probably hold on dntil after the Presidential election. The dead - lock bo teen the Secretary of the Treasury and the CoMmissionce still continues, so far as the appointment of &pm:visors is concerned. Yesterday, „however, - the Secretary utterly ignored some of Mr.. Rollins' , nominations for gauger and' storekeepers, and appoitited won tfhis own selection, all Democrats. . HUMORED DEFALCATION BY A SOUTHERN COLLECTOR. There is a rumor that a largo dehilcatiou, aniountingfo Many thousands, has been disi covered in htho'aceounts of a Collector of a Southern port who has been recently super. Betted, The discovery was made by the officer 'who succeeded him. The amount is fixed at — s2oo,ooo, but this is evidently much exag:erated. reateneil Negro -11.ebelllon hi Louisiana. WASHINGTON. August 26.—1 n sevoral of the towns Of Louisiana, according, to adVices from New Orleans, the negroes are arming and, drilling, and express their intention of "cleaning out" the whites. The Monroe Telegraph says :' "Of late theiv have been 'nearly every night meetings of armed nogrees back of the .town. It #ppears tO be a thoronghipequipp ed . military.organiz \ ation. They drill, carry muskets and rifles, and post sentinels; and these sentinels , are itf the habit of halting people passing. A prominent negro, an employee on the railroad, within forty-eight hours hasholdly said that "it ik time for the negroes to risp, and that ho trill shoot the first white man that crooks his, finger at him." We would iidvise the whites to be prudent but. beware. We want no riots and outbreaks, but let us stand ready to meet httacks,como at what hour they may." Threateued War ijit Brow!)low's tiling. . _ NASHVILLE, Ansi : M.—The Committee on Military Affairs reported a bill, and recom mended its passage. The bill authorizes the Govornor to organize and equip into active servir a volUnteer force of one or more regi- Monts from each Congressional distriet,to be .composed of loyal men, and to be governed by the revised .rules and 'regulations of the United'Statcs army,tho expense of the same to be paid , out of the State Treasury in sums not exceeding WAD at any ono time. Tho Governor is authorized to declare martial law In anY county, and to quarter troops in stiqh'iotiii,ties, the n expense to be paid by a tax. upon tho people or said county. Tho bill is now on its third reading, Radical Plan far a War Willi France. WARIIINOTON, Aitguat . 24.—1 t is now un• derstood that 'if General Grant is elected President, ono 'of his first movements will be to call Franco to account for the estab• lisknient of the, Empire in' Mexico. This is an old sore With Grunt, and it is the •ono thing coacerning'Which lin may be said to have " policy .". Ho is known to have been in favor f or driving the trench troops (mai Mexico by forciyand kvopld have been very glad . to nio wet; he had learned to consider- as:. "MS" pm for that purpose' immedimelyaffeOhe'snrrepar of lice end the elogn of otirwar. ' • paollerona to Mariners. . • WASHINGTON, Augrait 26.—A sunken rock in the tracii frora Demarara to Ti inidad has punn,lisapys i red, and ralasures willbe.takan to :rinzave it. It is in this Gulf of Bain, abOut twelltypilitv,sQucliettst of Goners, in !IMO.) 10 degreetlB6 , lOnsitude 60 detrooslll minutes, trio bearlng. IPAPIXMWI dom. mmmew MMMIE 7 O Aumtriiimue. '` ' Fetid the Erenitag .7'elegrppl4 . 94emiter4o h , wci take the following pt*eedinv lithe cage Alexander, being .phis on a; charge of def!tanding t clove* went:- -3 CouxissitixFala Heitittxo,..--.Ai noon ki;l- day 0. W. Alexander, late -Asse'ssoi of the EightkDistriet of Pennsylvaiiia . ,was (+raged before'U. S. Commissioner Smith with 'aid ing and abetting in the removal , of - certain distilled Spirits. This is the case in which the authorities of the United States have ex perienced so much trouble in getting the tie cuped in the city-a:Judge of Rending hav- ing released him from the custody eta Unit ed States Marshal. A second warrant,charg ing him with receiving a bribe of Woo, was issued for his arrest, on Aihich his present° was secured. The counsel of the prisoner said that the accused having been held In Beading to ap pear at Court on the charge of illegally re moving distilled spirits,that case had already been disposed of. Igr. Commissioner SMith held that the Commissioner in Reading had no control over his warrant, and as Such he Would pro ceed with the testimony as•though no' action had been taken in the Matter by a foreign authority. . . The Counsel then desired to waive a hear ing in both eases. • District - Attorney Valentine said that the, United States,hail a right to hear .the te,sti , mony, and ho asked that the ease go on. .1 1 Tim Commissioner having so decided; th following testimony was adduced: . David C. Keller,sworn.—l reside in head ing, Pa.; since 1860 I have-boon a distiller; I know the defendant; ho Iran the /Wenner of the Eighth District; duriag the latter park of the time my distillery was at Exeter Station I ;six miles below Reading; Alexander and I were good friends when ho went into, thotf ficetwo often had conVersatiOitabout my dig-' tillery; the first o interview I had with hint about fotluing a "rine was in his oflico; when Iwout in he asked me tatake a seat;' .1 sat down and he asked me what I was "do. inn;" I told him I was not "doing"' any thiag at that timerilisked hiiii bow he was getting along; ho says, "not very Weir the office was not worth much any More; I said I was not making,anytrg just then; but I had a distillery, end th re Might be some-, thing in that; ho allowe, that my. place was top small, and another thing if he had to' go &Ong with me ho might inaliosomethingibut ho did not trust the otherdistilleries- . 1 told him about Mr. Barto's and Lave is distiller ies, that they each had a largo ono; ho said it was useless to talk about Barto going into anything of the kind, because:they were net on good terms; A . naidthat all might .be. ar ranged; ho didn't think so, as it was , only is catch of Barto's to get hint into.trouble; Ivo didn't came to aitycanclusion at that . time, except, he said if Biirto, wanted to know any thing in 'confidence that ho should centime his office; I had talks with Barto about it - and afterwards consulted Alexander,whon I told hint that Barto would not consenti•AleXand-' or and I went to Darto's t house, about 10 te. clock at night (this wits 'about the middle of March last); Mt. Barto was alone; I intro• duced them and they came to the conclusion to lay allTormer difficulties aside;Alexandor said that we should go oli with our distiller.' Jos, make what we could, and not make full returns to the Government; we were not sat isfied with that, and wanted to know how miner we were to pay; we wanted some secu rity; lie said never mind that, we'll'fix . .. that 'afterwards. Wo,asked, hint what we were to pay to his assistants, Tuilori,Greff. end Ider. et; he said wo could got along without them,. we were not satisfied that such could be done, and we left without corning to a , don nito conclu 'on; the next evening Bade and ho came t my house; we concluded that we should jus go on, : and that everything.would (I be right on hitt part; ha & said that ho would not trust Moret; that Groff might probably be all rightohat he could keep a secret; the next day they came to sea me, and told me that they knew all about it;they said that we would meet at the,Anterican Hotel that eve ning, and go froth — there to Barto's store; I went there on the sameevening; I saw Alok ander the next afternoon; I saw him alone; I told him that I had come to an arrangement with Groff and Moret; I told him that I was to make a return di ten bushels every other day to the government; the balancelwasto be somehow smuggled away;we were to account to Alexander at . tho rate of 60 cents 'to . the bushel or 88 cents per gallon for all that was distilled over and above the quantity return ed; ho asked the if Groff and Moret had told 'me how the money Was to bo divided; rtold hint that Groff told me that onalialf wan to be given to Col. Alexander, ;the other half divided between Groff and Dltiret; ho did not _appear to be satisfied, and .said that Groff and Moret got toe much; 116' said ho Was the reapoesible'inan if any troublashould arise from it; ho allowed that they . oaght to be sat. Lifted with $6 extra-per day in addition 41' what they recelved from the Government. 'they, however,:wanted,ene.halft lie said tha - he could fix it in such a way that I Shout not make a true return to them,' but that I shouldeeme back and fix it With 'him pri vately; it was done; ho said ',that I should build attib and Store the whisky.and not re" port tolloret and Groff what I did enter; I built it and put it tinier the rectifying:hem; it had a capacity of about forty-five barrels - afterwards, ,- afterwards under this arrangemeli the tub was filled; he saw it then; hasaw t 6 Whisky in it; ho took a rod and measured how much Ives in it; he said-that it was O complete al.= raugement, and that he ought to have ante , tiler ono like it; that it was getting full; that whisky paid no tax,' no return was, made of it, except the private arrangement • with him ; it was afterwards put in ,bonds; and - taken to • 'a I - cellar 'elate by the distillery ;ho then figured &it the amount coming to him upon the whinkyiand made it about $1000; he said that he had a note to pay - in bank, .on which My. Jacobs' was indorser, and that he -must have that stun I he wanted it to pay, the note, and debts of honor; I afteiwarde went to his office and paid him. the money ; lie gave the no re ceipt; it was two or three days after; about the 28th day of May; this whiskywas after; wards seized by his orders; we would • not agree to make false oaths to ouriretufnit,and he said that could all be fixed by him and his assistant assessors Groffond Moret,in filling out their returns ; . and they, certified,' them without enr,swearing to them . - I. The following additipthil evidepeo is givcit in the Philadelphia Zedoor ofte:day: . • Evidence of Daniel C, Iceller, 4outinued. —4 made A return of ten bushels very either day ; I never swore to a return I tea de „ The , , . wtuess wasw not eroskexurained. ' Tobiai Barba, High Sheriff of Borks.toun., ty,also a distiller ,referre&to,hy the former, 'Witness as the Poison vim mefiColonel Alex ander by the appointment of David 0.1(.41-: .ler,.was now called to..the.wituess stand, and 'testified to the interviewt(Whieb bled takenv ,place hetweenthe three.' Much*of the testi-: navy given by the Sheriff was of the-sate; tenor as that -sworn to by Mr. 'Kellen He' said in addition, that at ono of • Oe'rneetitie he remarked-to the Colonel that he wag (MIT, running at his distillerY.twentAthiliela a. day,. to which the AsSessor remarked thatif be intended to enter .into the arrangement: (meaning gat referre_d fa by Mr. Kellery that he-must run the, distillery tip - tO itt'full• capacity; ' 'Being asked how nideli •be could -"run, witness replied that - ho' could run fifty 1 bushels at a mel t 'and .could make two i!MM ERRE ~... . . . . mashes 'day , The • witness. i-4.ntinued :LI said that I was fearful' that I could not jot the' pettisky Array .ty/ ut J ON( exposed ; lth said that:the Oovg eol,ofiAt l f wouldtp, ? Ii In tne:wagtk,'; and th Iwofild, -ent all "terference s we pntiiiollut afte, retards Keller,' ilrottand Merritt', ealld atit4tiouse ;tit was the firettime I spoke P:l'74o6M for nine menthe, though during all that time he wan the• detective \at my distillery ; they. talked: about ,the price I was them ; they thought that they ought to 'get as Alexander—though the latter wanted mill> i as he had to bear ,tho brunt n ease of diffi culty ; Oroff and Merritt talked .theie about' 415 per fi b arrel ; &said that 1 could not afford , to pay even $lO per, barre33.2tlorritt then said, don't bi afraid, wOWilljeat Sivearns hard Car you wlthi you get ittt4 trouble; that if we all stuck. together they would defy anybady , to detect 10 ; Groff said that Col, Alexander intended to take Morritt'anay froni the dis-. tillery and. put, himself Mott) In his place; it was dent) r the. book of returns has to be made out by them, and L was only: to Min it;' I paid Groff either $B2 or $O2, aud mention ed the pitjrteent to , Alexander;_' about this time lily old distiller raised a disturbance, and threatened to report .mb 'to Alexander unless I paid him a bonus of $l2OO :. he re ally, did go to Alexander and reported me i Alexander. drove him' from • tho office and afterwards told me . foiGod's sake to fix the matter so that no exposure would ho made. Two other witnesses were ealled - itt refer ence to the vat' at Mnt Keller's distillery, and both of them testified that Col - Aiken. : der hail•soen it with whisky in ,it.• '' . . ' The accused. was then hold to bail ittsoooo for his appearance at ,the next tom 4 the. United Slates' District. Court, ottltate third Mdetley in' Se ptember ,' before the; 'District Court of the .United States. Mehra; Rem S. Eckert, AMos Deysheti Solomon l3ruba ker aud John D, Norris became his syretiee: Col. Alext nder . returned to Reading last evening, by the B.o'clifek'trale,' ' T.0.4)4(V i 15i TS. AIS NOLA, TiON .00 .1PAIILTNNIK811111e; -- JlNottoo b hereby gitore that _the pa r trtershlP lately existing between Israel B,' Ritter and Iton• nevillo liertoletto of Itending, r,v under the firm of Ritter tt Serlolette, Ultdertekei pas dissolved on the 20th day of August, 18;8, by; utuateensont. All debts owing to the said partlteretkip are' to Do received by A . R. Stauffer, hat, Dlii,D2l:Court street Rending, and all detuandi n the mid part nership aro to he Presented to him for,payment. 4 • ISRAEL 8, •' ' • , auto 27-it ' , THEATRE . COMIQUB. Atgonbaeh's Hall; GO anti 616 Penn St. • J. 0. STEIVAItic - ;Lesson and gating**. 1•:t AIA F ttErt or tho - H. ' WILD lIORSE OF LAUhR'S. PAU, written by J. C.litowart.• • • . . Admission 25 coma; 'Oreltestra seats 35 contl. Children 15 eta. •Doors 'open at WI ; curtain rises at 8 (Nock . , • • Don't forget, the aftepoon porformante on 84 urdoy / afternoon at gy o'clock. of -wo, -...“0 ;I --------4P-4111 the Sillti --- otti;• 1 (r , qualiti's _4l' Jimmie() 4 4 11 1 1 raii°. Try_ tLcOpen id Soap Roldia the Al .141101 1 1114.1414:WOU1411, 45 .N44irth Front street, Philadelphia. 'au 'Mime • ' Stamm. : RtiOlini 1. , ` "• . • SCHOOL, SOOKII I Just received at tho E4OLFOIIOOIEITKORE,Ii full lino of books hi tlfo In the Publid .oohools In this oily Which .be sold at the very lowest pried .It . t would be to the ndyantago of •such who Ara invent of books to ascertain our prices before purchasing oleowhere. 1 4r6 havo• . . . . . „ . . QWoodbUry'ri New Method. with tlerntn.B ts" _.,_. Composition Books. C. , Fuqualto's Frcnoh Course, 0 ', ki . lionnienstio's• Monsurption. . .11 . ' S T i a t t i re d rctilt r /11 1 0T3114 " .'A . Tr O • / I • • - . • ,Dullion'sGratntuar. V! • .. Itay's Algobra, . .15,.. Cutter's Anatomy, • • Q. 0 ' Goodrich's U. B. History. 0 1 4 . Orconleare Atithmotte, . . . Tonneen tiooloitY. • • .I•• - , , • - ri , Davis'. Legend er, - " - ‘I . L' . • : ThoinasiZtyinolem i• ki A Dictletlanarlos., • , Peps and .I)Penholders. , T G ' Slates •nnil i Ifilate Patens, SpeneorienkJeopy 'Woke, . 1 • ' i Antlion'st - Virgil, , 'll i 4 ' liullion'al Cesar, 1 WoodtAry's Element try tlerintinitenderE _ fiehtiol Onskets. ' Parkor4 Watson'e odes of school Books, '• - • ' . • ' 5 . , • . Criktendoo, BookkoWnp, with gotta of Blank.. I.miss, i , , - PENN STREE'r. .. , Pennock's of England, Or i eeee, and Rome, READING.' I • Mitchel's Intermediate and Fri Mary Geographies. : POLY lUAIi CARDS. FOR DIEIiVOT ATTORNEY. TO the *oilers of Reeks County. ' WELLOW,DSMOCRAP,—EneI i ragecI by, thit vorY largo Vole I received in. q Demeeratio COnvention of 1866 for,the nominat Oft fur District Attorbey for Dodo' County i which placed moon the returns, (nextrte the-successful candidatejand for which lam deeply gratefut, I slain offer my self se a candidate 441 the office of District Attor ney rit, the ensuing election, subject to the"deols-' ion of the next Democratic Delegate Convention. Should'l be successful in obtaining the nomina tion and subsequent election, I pledge myself 100 discharge the duties of the Mho° with fidelity, in tegrity and courtesy, . • MUHL C. BECKER: Reading. July 2). • tf -- FOR , AOBRItiBLY.• • up,om hare been authoell to'. *allow/ea the Av n °fill/110 rli We, neOullough, of the el y. of Reading, as a eaudhlate for Assembly, sUb- Jed , to the deobilou of,the Demoaratio D.9legato Convention, '' aug /Ott X . l O/1' 001INTir 001111D38I0B,ER, • , vITB have been anlhorizt4 to announce , the v name of Wifiltaliot 19.1110 tint candi- A , uto for County °Commissioneromb cot to the de cision of the Democratic Delegate nv . ention. a 5-tf , FOR cowry AUDITORS EITAVE beim, authori;vd to atufounee tke name orIVILLuit If. 81141:011 of Ilerefotd Tomlin. Mt &candidate for County Auditoroun- Jot to the de 4 pion of 'the next, DomocratiO Pejo kaje Canyon z • • • lereforg, sTystp, 1W4.-td • r o ocKET C*X§.?folatit Zit! o Bookstore., a lute lot of ooket Book o eitet t l / 4 P • 4 5.41 • 1-4 f • 64> • ‘", ; M . " 1 1 , 1: ' r , WhArrr4k 1.,. I A,4Q14 A V. ' - % it A , tt 7. R - D I ‘ . ay, Vl* P I WIP-- o, t aEAtfl zi a. The tuidenic44,..calingtoi ow. rhino of tho eo4wortiliqn a 016 Vitt of Beadle,. , havi tie ti t _ ANAulogniq to remake rimer - • . , . , Eit i .VENTYTIVR TOUSMID bolas: nal upee, ftl " Oil Water Woiks et the OW a Well . 40 10 thiP en R I . to lame. ri ea o . bay*, i l l ~._ en; biter ta i til join tkober wl: ir a mst the ltY. p' G % 4 Ulna, of t . , w Mime 1 etuesiele . ireP re!. •-, • B r Lult. a nh II N, 1 Bea • Ab e , ......_ ME 'DWELLING ROUSE WANT,tD: ,„ 00.101 SIR TENT I.IW tILLI 110VSR It 'endl44ll l 7C. : a l= t TIT arsl o f octoker. 4a Ow I. tamll7,_ t 04 4 .1 of tee • PAILx a 10 tir • i~ WHERE TO : OHT ITI ' VI 717 46 721 /ismi`Strat, !leading, FUI N I "1" , IT RIC IN la Brume AND MATINIAS. The litiOStassortmont hi the eltylo seltvl and lib:ma much lower than any ether hove% gall rn manna in went of any *Melo otlen l i tu , I n wont e moat e:Pentive down, Is sollotted, CAII, - PRTINGB; litA.'rklNGS AND 0114'0110T118. , A fvutitoot always at lair ' a moil On cosh . • 04.11 and lee. ' 'a'Aoon febt9tf , 717 a t2l rttirvit. .- ... 100 1 11O18:—Ttio trin of Dr w k OtOY,er , Butet• -114 o te, hit boon dissOlYtt b 7 Inutgel ' qotatat, 'all persons indebte4 to the rut kre cat4liciar4 to mak°, paYMent, Wo 1110110 but tbo Indent gneti, all ecounts 01 tho tirm bo ne in pt y limb,. Rills will mato tut, awl all potions Intlebtalt {lbw rail. upon to make payment. ' i i. „.: JACOB GOODBART, Ja, . for . ADAM BTEVIIIt CHAS, U. DAVIS. , nut al -St . , . • . 4 _ GREAT FURNITURE DErOT. SCHROER & fiLIX: Wareroom, 'tuner Fifth and tishiugton -• - streets, 4 MANUOCIYMY, *AS/ittioTOß STRATI , BELOW ' WitOtI; ' SATIAND RETAILS, .lINDERSIONHD lINSONOTFUI4I,It 11 vito publics ettention to their splendid stook ot• fret-iders Iltrnittiro now and eontdantly on end, d made to order to suit customers, • • Ainonit other' artiblee. espeolal attention (e la• vited to their uneurtmeed 1 • • ' • • • EXTENSION TABLES', ' • • . • PIIESSING.BUREA.US, DINO3I'ROVM .V 1141104, • CENTRE AND, UTIDIR TABLES, BEDSTEADS Op TO I.,ATE4T i OTIMRS. i ll, and every other eritol? in the i Hop of, brattiest. ih i ei l r " ifeifalg s tr i t i k l a u vii r t ge t t n iZiviTlN toopt Delloot-,titorkitiery, ;an9' 0, ilifus nieopeum and finished In an uskturpeilsed mariner. ; , Allo preparba to e*eoute all orders for 1 - N• I OARViNG, ' . •; , ~ ,-.1 '' TURNING,,,- • 1 SAVilitai and • MOULDINGS. • . • MI ord ore pramOtir exe4,lttell,*idiarranted - 6 glvosallefappon. , - . sp. 194 K itY n & ct. 1: • , Manuta6turere 0f.• ,, 141: fifaiNEWS • Oefebia4d • .Tonio Bitters. ,Importi)re of • • WINES AND. mow. Also polo Meath for Ilatt,tv'e UnntrantO Rye libriag me. No. 121 ,North : Third•filtroot, >sIiIL&DELPHI& For sato at the Eagle Ifooketore. • pie M•tf . . Notice', to Water. Consumers.- , (1)117 to the e x treme, of the water kiln th Reservoirs and te impossibility of Com- PleUng t e intovements for increasing. he water, supply of tb City boforo the licit two or thro months, the Mmisslopers of Water would r." guest the vrater-takem Of theolty to bens econom cal im possible in the use °Niter ,arptesent. 1 / 7 proper ettention to ,this request,' On the. part of each constanor Intim a,tnitititios of water cab be aav a d and a . tit - it-supply- For ordipary -purposes guaranteed to' 11. • • ' 'The several Ire. companies pro, alp requested • to cease ,using water durinc.tho'picsont drought. exe , SPI in Can!' of Area 'By order of thy , , . r, s • CVMAILS'aIOIVERB OP IVA TEIV H. F t HAUS, qporetarle. '. • - , : ) , 11.1,1( ,ta-city Papers will pleaaa copy • , - -I -i LAD I ES.' • - - DRESSTRIMMINOS LACE OF KINDS, neat arta Imitation. `. • • EMBROIDERIES, , • HOSIERY., 0 1, 01 7 63 ' • r 1 • , • NOTIONS,;&c.; Sce. , Wm pf ZEPHYRS,' • ALk MO E CORSETS, Gent's' ':Furnishing Go*, 'll. R. BOYER , (46 AtiehOOrk k Bro.) 62 - .Ponn.' . Bt,reet 8P4044 itatininte' triDERTAKERI :r MEI No, 320 Boni Otoet, ME = • AOtVitari kiinits astied .• "itort nen& alt o totin etodpirY,, attfation riven to ebusineto • aux 2 2* , ~~~~'P ~ 61:1 ME FMCI . ,z 1 r - El I, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers