. . . • :3, _• , _ . - • - • •.:- i - \ 11/7 41 IC I " S 1-. V \ • --,--1 -1-. Z ''.'-• :--- .',.. "r : • Li -4.4f PI \ -.)- ( ADI • ~. ..„. .. ... TA - e l . . ft , (4 i:, .. i ) (•. ‘,... 1.... -::. , ~:-, r • •,:cr ~ ,v-. !,_ t f;jl j zo 4,,,.... . . ~, 4, Orl b 4. yso _-_-_- .... PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE CITY OF .READING, BERM COUNTY, PA.---TERMS: $1,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. J. LAWRENCE GETZ, EDITOR.J PUBLISHED EVERY sEnrEDAY DIOTFING 01,e, Wirth-Wert corner of Penn and Fifth efreet, ad- Joining the Farmers' Bank of Pestling. TERMS OF SIIBSCRIPTIOY 51,50 a ysar, payee& ix 6/d1N.... 1,00 for six months, in advance. To Cuss : Four copies for $3, in eicance. Ten copies for 12., hi -- 411 papers discontinued at the expiration of the RATES OF ADVERTISING IN THE GAZETTE. It. st Imn. Smo. eino. ly Square, 5 lines, or less, .50 AO 75 2,00 305 5,00 i •• 10 • 50 1,00 1.25 3,05 5,110 5,00 I. . 24) • 1,00 ZOO 2,50 5,00 8,00 15,00 31 " 1,50 3,00 3,75 7,50 12,00 20,00 [Larger Advertisements In proportion.] IMO Executors' and Administrators' Notices, 6 insertions $2,00 Auditors Notices and Legal Notices. 3 .• 1,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 eta, a line for one In4ertion. LQ Marriage notices 25 cents each. Deaths will be r ohlished gratuitously. • tge - jt. obituary Noticas, BasoicitidaS of Beneficial and other Private Amocietione, will be charged for, et. sayer iiomente, at the above rates. ~•. • • . . dud- a dvertisements for Religions, Charitable and Edn esti.mal objects. one half the above ratea. 4 All tidy°, timing Will be considered payable In cash, on the 13. t insertion- advertisera shall bare the privilege (if desired) of renewing' their advercisementis every three 7e.4 oftefer. Any additional renewals. or advert - Wing ex ceeding the amount contracted for. will be charged Extra at one-half the rates above specified for transient adver tieenienta Yea:ly advertisers wilt be charged the same rates as tbiteleet advertisers for all matters not relating &Tully fo th-.frtlaeinefe. PRINTING OF EVRItT DESCRIPTION Executed in a superior manner, at the very lowest prices. Oar at.kr tmeut of Joy TYPE is large and fashionable, and our Work speaks for itself. • BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, InclediniCrancultaaT and PAPER Dative, Moierratatn, WWI.. AnTIOLa3IIP AAIREEMENT, LEASES, and a variety of JI,T/CES' BULIMS, kept constantly for sale, or printed to order. NEWTON D, STRONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O FFICE IN COURT STREET, NEAR FIFTH, Urteading, Pa. [March 14, 1563-3 mo 30.111 V ILILLSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE WITH A. B. WANNER, .NORTH Slxtb Street (above the Court Muse) Iteadiug, Pa. February 21.1563-1 y REMOVAL. WILLIAM IL LIVINGOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. has removed his office to the north side of Court street Stet door below Sixth. [dee 22-tf JESSE G. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O FFICE WITH S. L. TOITNG, ESQ., PENN Screet, above Sixth, Reading, Pa. XI - Will be at Friedensburg, every Thursday. September 29, 1860-Iy* Charles Davis, tALTTOREET" AT LAW—HAS REMOVED HIS ea. - . the Office lately occupied by the BOIL David . (Jordon, deceased, is Sixth street, opposite the Court House. [april 14 Daniel Ermentront, TTORNEY AT LAW—OFFICE IN NORTE It Rita rind, eornar of Court alley_ [aug 13.1 y David Neff, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, No. 25 East can street, Reading, Pa. (March 10, 1860. LIYINCOOD'S United States Bounty, Back Pay and Pension Office, COURT 'STREET, BEAR SIXTH. TTAVING BEEN ENGAGED IN COLLECT tea claims against tha Govarnmant. I feel confident test alt who have heretofore employed me will eheerfully endorse my promptness and fidelity. My charges are =Aerate and no charge made until obtained. WILLIAM IL LIVISIGOOD, oct IS-tf] Attorney at Law, Court St., Reading, ea. ASA RL HART, (Late Mart 4r. Mayer') DEALER IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, CARPETING% Am, Wholesale and Ro ail, at Philadelphia prices. Sign of the Golden Bee Hive, No. 14 East Penn Square. [sprit 17—tf P. Ilashong & Bona, f ANITFACTURE RS OF BURNING FLUID, Absolute, Deodorized and Druggists' Alcohol; also, me 111, which obey will sell at the lowest Wholesale prices, at Reading, Pa. AMP Orders respectfully solicited. DRz T. YARDLEY BROWN, SURGEON DENTIST. GRADUATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Dental College. Teeth extracted by Fran , *is. • a cis" Ream Magnetic proems, with Clarke's improvement. With this method teeth are xtraeted with much less pain than the usual way. No extra charge. Olive in Fifth street, opposite the Presbyte rian Chnrch.4 [april 2-ly Dr. G. M. MIT.J.MR, SURGEON DENTIST, FROM TEE College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. °M. OfIleo! At Lis residence in Rain street, liaraliarg, Pa. AV- Teeth extracted under the infittence of Ether, or by the Eleetro-Magnetic Machine, without extra charge. Scurvy cured. air He bus ales Patent and other MEDICINES for sale at his office. tmay 31 CHARLES LANCASTER, MEDICAL ELECTRICIAN, Fourth Street, above Penn, Reading. Jammu' 24. 1863-ti PENSIONS, BOUNTIES & BACK PAY. APPLICATIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED to. Terme moderate and no obarge until obtained. A. O. ORENN, Attorney at Law, Jan 31-6mo] Offtoe in Court ereet, SOLDIERS' SOONWP-SICONEY, BACE-PAY - AND PENSION MAXUS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BY A. K. STAIIFFER, Attorney at Law, Othce In Court Street, Jan 31-M] READING, Pl. PETTENGILL & CO. No. grgARK HOW,NEW-YOILIC,& 6 STATE ST., BOSTON, Are Agents for the Reading Gazette, In those cities, and are authorized to take Advertineinenta and Subscriptione for us at one established rates. WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. RELIABLE IN QUALITY AND AT LOW WIWI. WATCH REPAHLIOO.—WaIchea put in per ferct order and every one warranted for one year. JACOB =DEN, nov 15-6wol -21 North Fifth Street, Reading, Pa. F. P. HELLER, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER , AND DEALER IN WATUIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, QPOONS, SPECTACLES, GOLD PENS, &c., 1.„3 Sigriof the BIG WATCH," No. mg ga Fe u . Street, above Sixth, north ride, Reading, Pa. Every article warranted to be what it Is sold for Watobeit, (Roche Jewelry, &c., repaired with particular attention, awl guaranteed. I—tf NOTICE. A PRENIITK WILL BE PAID ON GOLD S cam.=, 03X.7-.I:7MNL -AND-- P.A.R. 33.ALMT3Er.. XVICITIIMSI !MEM EXCHANGE AND BANKING OFFICE -OF- G. W. GOODRICH, • READING, Pa. August 10 1861-ill JUST RECEIVED, 2000 FLOWER POTS, AT THE OLD JAIL pal -ti WI. SWIM Jr. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL lEESTABLISIIED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY The Only Place Where a Cure Can be Obtained. . DJOHNSTON HAS DISCOVERED THE I_,,P meet Certain, Speedy and may Effectual Remedy in the World for all Private Diseame., Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Nervousness, Dyspepsia. Languor, Low Spirits, Confu sion of 14ens, Ps,lpitation of the Heart, 'I imitlity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease or the Head, Throat, Nose or Chin, affections of the Liver, Longs, Stomach or Bowels—those Tel tilde Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those EIRCRET and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrews to the kfariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Sic., impossible. YOUNG MEN F.specially. who have become the victims or Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweepa to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exaltod talents and brilliant intellect. who might other wise have entranced listening Senatoo, with the thundera of eloquence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call With full coulldence. SCATIRIALGE. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily cured. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide is his honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ORGANIC WIDAIIIVESS Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing d ffectiou— wb Ech renders hire miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the vic tims of improper indulgences. T.. ung persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful ...sequences that may ease.. You, who that undarstunde the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procrea tion is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by tha prudent ? Besides being deprived the pleas ure of healthy offspring, the most serious and.destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system be comes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritubitl- ity, Dyspepsia, ' , Aphelion of the ITAart. Indigestion, Con• etirntionel Debility, a Westing of the Praline, Cough, Con sumption, Decay end Death. Office, No. 7 South X'rederiok Street, Lett band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and amber. Lettere matt be paid dad coutata a stamp. The Doctor's Dipiemas hang to his (Mice. 017.11.11 WARRANTED TWO DAYS. .ho Morharti or /Ty/seasons. Drugs. Mt. 30111OWLION. Member of the ltoyal College of Surgeons, London, Gradu ate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States. and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousners, being alarmed at sudden Sounds, baehfulneee, with frequent blushing, et tatiacci sometimes Leith derangement of mind, were eared 'mieedfately. PALIMICIMELB. NOTICE. Dr..l. addratims all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin both body end mind, unfitting theta for either business, study, society or marriage. Tame are come of the sad and iliaMllolo/V effects Drain& ed by early habits of youth, viz: Weakuece of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lore of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, tiervone Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, Gen eral Debility, Symptom. of Consumption, &e. MBSTALL4.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to lie dreaded—Lore or Memory, Coate:mien of Ideas, Devoe- Eton of SWIM, Evil Forebodings, aversion to Society,Self- Diairnet, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c., are some of the evils produced. . . . Triousenns of persona of all ages can now judge what le the cruse of their declining health, losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale, nervous end emaciated, having a stn• grdar appearance alms; the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. TOUNG BEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice indul ged in when alone, a habit freqnently learned from evil companions, or at school, theeffects of which are nightly Mt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible. and destroys both mind and body, should ap• ply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of bin parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a cer tain secret habit. Such persons scar, before contemplat ing INEARTLIASII. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with out these the journey through lile becomes a weary pib. grimage ; the. prospect bonny darkens to the view; the soind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be come,. blighted with our own. DDISZIASE OX' XXXPRITIOXIIOGIL When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure Ands that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delayingtill the constitutional symptoms Of ibis horrid dis ease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bend and limbs, dim ness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin-bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this aw ful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that. Undiscovered Country from whence no trav eller returns." [march 12 It is a fnedancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ignor ant pretenders, who, by the nee of that Deadly Poison., Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. STRANGERS Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of many Un learned and worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge ; name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertise ments, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking heir filthy and poison ous compounds, or as long as the smallest CMS can be ob tained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your own galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. • His credentials or diplomas always hang in his office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more extensive Prinate Prae• Mr than any other Physician in the world. 01P Tsa MESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations perform 4 by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Son," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which bare appeared again and again before the public, besides his stnuiling as a gentleman of character and re sponsibility, ix a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Skin Diseases Speedily Cnred. [a — No letters received unless post-paid and containing a stamp to be used on the reply. rernOilli writing should state age, and send portion of advertisement dencribing symptoms .ll).llN SR. .701INSTON, Eli. D., Of the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland may 10-Iy] FRENCH'S HOTEL. ON 'ZEE EUROPEAN PLAN. CITY OF NEW YORE. Single Rooms Fifty Cents per Day. City Hall Square, corner Frankfort St., (OPPOSITE CITY HALL.) M I.!.L.rSalnSp refectory.l E Y Therel Y 1 3,3 E. Barber's OßDEßED st Shop and N Butte nootaii aktachad to the Hotel. ROT Beware of RUNNERS nod HAUKMEN who any we are (O. Jao 11 ly] R. FRENCH, Proprietor. NATIONAL HOTEL (LATH WHITE SWAN.) 9 Rags Street, above , Third, Philadelphia. 911H18 ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS GREAT I_ inducements, not only on account of reduced rates of board, but Dom its central location to the avenues of trade, an well en the COncenicnonn of by the nevernt .Paueonger Railways running pant and contiguous to it, by which goads can pass to and from the Hotel, should they be preferred to the regular Omnibus connected with the House. lam determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and convenience of my gtleals. Sir Terms, $1 HS per du • D g. C. SIEDRIST, Proprietor, Formerly from Eagle Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. "r„ o. ATIOADR,CIerk. (march lfi-tf LAUER'S BREWERY READING-, PA. frHE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to J. the pabllethat he has recently enlarged his BRAVU RA to aeonalderableextent, Mid introduced steam-power, Wad is now ready to supply all dementia for SIIPZIRIOR WALT L1Q17014.0, For Dome and distant consumption. His stock of Malt Liquors, warranted to keep in all climates, is an follows: BROWN STOUT. PORTER, BOTTLING ALE, DRAUGHT ALE AND LAGER BEER. June 19-If FILRDERIOR LAURI!. N.B.—Aliberal per eentage will be allowed to Agent' abroad. FRESH GROCERIES —AT— REDUCED PRICES. AT THE Corner of rum and Spruce Streets. /lambi 11. KBFFEII & SOX. S feavu. THE STUDENT HEART. [PROM THE GERMAN—YOE THE .1106t04 robt Oh student heart, what makes thee grieve? Why droops thy weary wing? Doot ask if freedom yet doll) live, Of which the poets sine? 04 etudent-heart, the strife give o'er, Our land is freedom's home no more ! Eth, no, not therefore is my smart Not therefore my remorse; My /mart In just a human heart, dull Wails with huttram &wee! That I am far from her I love, Grieves me all other Minya above Poor heart, my pity you excito, Yon keenly feel the dart, So far away, In love's despite. Forced from your love to part. tot be consoled and courage take, And bear your ills for her dear uako Alas, no pleasure can I have, No joy Carl me invite To be with her is al! I crave All that can give delight. Away from her, I nigh and moan, And bents my heart for her alone. Well, then, to her you dearly hive, lidera in quickest time; Pack up your beaks and make a move Towards her for whom you pine I In her dear arms, and on her breast, Oh student•heart, thou'll be at rest. 'Tie tdle, ail, thy tarrying here With yearnings such, as thine; Science a mistress Is, severe, To pilgrims at her shrine— And love, a jealous deity, With learning bath no et mpathy THE EVENING SERVICE. The sun had drawn near to his setting, One beautiful Sabbath in June, When I sat at my window and listened Spell-bound to a glorious lane. 'Twas the peal of a wonderful organ, Touched by a performer unseen, And the fuil•rolamed music arose like Mlle prelude to come mighty strain. Then the Whole voice of nature responded In chorus that floated along ; The high air, the low eel tic, the deep ocean, All joined in harmonious song. I thought that I well could Interpret The meaning of thin festive lay ; 'Twas a tribute of fl raise and thanksgiving To Him who perfected the day. nowt knew 'twas the evening service, And our priest was the bird on a tree Per a glory from Heaves was on him, No priest unanoluted was he. So I waited in reverent silence Till the going down of the sun, For the prayer, and the hymn, and the blessing That come when tho sermon is done. But one long, continuous warble WaD sermon, and anthem, and prayer And WineW not that aervlco wan over 'Till the priest was away in the air. Gates ani Sletelits. SECOND SIGHT. Strong of limb, and fleet of foot, with crisp, auburn curls, with cheeks like hard red apples, and eyes glowing like stars, Angus M'Lean was surely not likely to be the victim of disease. His family said ho had the gift of second sight. But we have been accustomed to consider these it children of the mist," even when they belong to the stronger sex, to be weak, even as hysteri cal women. Their bodies ire suppose to be emaciated, their nerves without tone, and if they see into the neat world, we judge it is because the vail of flesh is fretted so thin by disease, that it becomes as it were transparent. But Angus 1111,ean was no hystet 7 ical, nervous, or nerveless being, bearing about the misery of unmanliness and seeing ghosts in every graveyard. He was a man of few words, and never told aught that he had seen that common eyes could never see, unless it were to do some good, or avert some evil. And he would have been a brave friend or foe who dared ask Angus aught respecting ghost elegy. What Angus chose to reveal was told simply, truthfully, and with no seeming sense of the marvellous. I remember a night in-Edin burgh when I was_young and inexperienced, with hot blood in my heart and my head, that a singular adventure befell me. I had been sent by my father to the Horns public house to meet a drover, who was to pay tim some money. I had received the money, and should have gone directly home, for the sum was•very considerable, and I was not one to venture on my own strength. Then this house, to which I was sent, had fallen under suspicion as a place where our national morality was not respected as it should be. But I troubled myself little about rumors. I was young and full of enthusiasm, and pleased to be entrusted by my father with so important a mat ter. My father was so much an invalid, that he used to call me his hands and feet. We had been in pecuniary difficulties which it had taken all our fortitude to bear, but this money was to set us free, and make my father as much at ease as a man with moderate wants and enough to supply them, can be. I went then with an excellent heart to receive this money, which was duly paid OM I put it safely in my pocket, and was about to return at once to my home, when a tall, pale man, who at apart in a coffee-room, interested me, and I lingered for one moment, thinking what might the book be that he was reading. As I looked at him he raised his eyes to mine with a quick intelligence and closed his book, keeping his place with his thumb between the leaves. Then he addressed me as if by the feeling of a common sympathy, and said: "Young gentleman, do you happen to be familiar with The Cotter's Saturday Night?"' Now Burns was my idol, and that home scene with its piety, purity, and poetry, was sacred to me I expressed my feeling with the enthusiasm of youth, and the stranger seemed delighted with my sentiments, but he sighed heavily. " Far from 'home," said he, " this exquisite word painting brings all I love dearest before me so clearly, that I am saddened in spite of myself." I pitied the stranger. The stranger's heart, 0 %sauna It not, A yearning anguish is Ire lot. These words thrilled through my heart, and I kept beside the gentleman when 1 ought to have been on my way home. At length I spoke of going. " My young friend," said the lover of Burns, "you will not go till you have drunk to the memory of Scotia's bard." SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, Ife spoke gravely and tenderly, and Ijoined him over a bowl of punch made by the "Dew off Ben Nevis," meaning to leave my fascinating friend after a Single glass. But I was not fated to do this. Ostoned to his musical voice, as he quoted liberally from Burns, and lauded him as liberally. Ithad never a strong head, and the national beverage and the national poetry, I suspect, we're too much for me pretty soon. I remember that the gentleman remarked that " the higher sentiments should not be exposed before the vulgar," and in illustration of the re mark he proposed that we should go into his own private ronm, which adjoined the coffee-room, but was fitted up much more elegantly. Then lie opened a backgammon hoard and said with indifference "Do you ever play?" At home I had never been allowed to play at backgammon, and probably for this reason I was very fond of the game. I said I liked no game better ; and we began to play. I was very much excited by the punch, and by all the circumstan ces of the evening, and after a time I found we were betting largely. This seemed only natural, and I went on staking my father's money and winning the stranger's. I remember baying a confused notion that if I took the gentleman's money when I had won it, the play would be gaming and no longer the innocent game I had consented to play. Therefore, though winning largely the m ranger's money, I refused to take it. lie urged the gold upon me, telling me that he should take my money without scruple, if he won it. A pile of gold lay at my elbow that I had refused to take, when he began to win from me. t , Win your own money in welcome," said I; "I will stake it all, and twenty guineas beside, on this throw." As I said these words, a heavy band was laid upon my shoulder, but I was too much under the influence of the puncli, and the game to notice " Won, by all the Gods," sail the gentleman ".listrel over your tweoty guineas." " Won—but with leaded dice, and from a. boy who stakes his father's money with a professional gamester who has made him drunk," said the deep voice of Angus Al'ltcan, who had come un- announced and at midnight into this room, which had a semi-public character, and, as we after wards learned, was often used for the nefarious work of the.professional blackleg. Angus knew the house well, hut such had been the accuracy of his information this night, that he would have found me, if he had known nothing before of the house or its character. As Angus spoke of loaded dice, the gambler cried out, "A base falsehood." At the same time he attempted to sweep them from the table. But Angus was too quick for him. Ile coolly put them in his pocket, saying, " I will just save this wee bit of evidence, and you, sir, may call me to account whenever you like." The discomfited gambler scraped up his gold, and slunk out of the room. Angus drew my arm through his own, and essayed to take me away. I was weak from the awe of the liquor, and violently affected by the opportune appearance of Angus. The thought that I had been within a hair's breadth of ruining my poor father came upon me, and sobered me, like a deluge of cold water. Now Angus Itl'Lean always spoke Scotch when excited, though in the main he was only an En. gash speaking connopolitai, having spent sever— al years in London, and having no pride in his Scottish idiom. , 4 Ye Emir oallant," said he to me, as we emerg ed into the open air. I did na ken ye at a'. To think of your bein' clean wad that night, just real daft, and throwing awe' your puir auld fa ther's last bawbee." I heard him, and yet I seemed not to hear him. I was in a dream-like state, and suffered myself to be led home and put to bed by Angus, as if I had been a child of two years led by the hand. When I awoke next morning Angus was beside me. He brought me a bottle of soda-water, which somewhat cured the confusion in my head, besides quenching a burning thirst.. " My poor boy," said Angus, " do you remem- ber ?" The rush of recollection, though confused, the shame of my conduct, the ruin, the misery that I had so narrowly escaped bringing upon my poor father and our family, overcame me entire ly. I nearly fainted. I believe I felt in that moment all the agony that would have been my father's portion, if Angus had not interposed his strong arm between me and that most accom plished knave and hypocrite, who had me wholly in his power. After a few moments of keen re morse I revived, and replied I have but a con fused recollection." As I reflected, the incidents of the first part of the evening came out one by one on the background of memory with much clearness. Bat how came you to think of com ing to the Horns, Angus, and at 12 o'clock at night ?" I asked. "I will tell you," said he, very seriously, "that you may know how Providence watches over you; but I trust you will not therefore ever tempt Providence again. Last night I re tired at ten, and, as is my custom. I was asleep the minute after my head touched the pillow. At eleven, I awoke with a violent pal pitation of the heart, and I saw that gaming room ut the Horns, and you and that gamester at the table. I saw him ply you with spirits, I saw that you played at dice, and I saw, too, that his were loaded. I watched you both as lie al lowed you to win, and I thought of your poor father, and the ruin that was being wrought for him. I saw all this in a moment, as one sees a landscape, and takes in its features of house, hill, and vale, in a single flash of lightning, and I sprang from my bed, dressed me as rapidly as my agitation and trembling would allow, and laid my hand on your shoulder at the Horns as soon as my limbs would bear me there. And if your life had depended on my speed, I would have trusted myself sooner than any horse I ever saw." You saved me from life-long remorse, and my dear father from ruin, my good Angus," said 1. My heart was too full for adequate expres• sion. " Give God thanks," said Angus. , t It was my gift.. It was the second sight, Allan, and all our gifts are from God. Therefore we should use them wisely. Keep my secret, Allan, and I will keep yours, and we will both be thankful all our days, to the good Providence that had 118 in keeping." Though this occurred many years since, I have MB hover before communicated the facts to any per , eon. I would like to have this and other strange experiences of my friend explained. When I have spoken with him on the subject, he has al ways said, 4. It is my gift. Allan. It never comes at call, and lam glad it does not, but it always comes for good. I thank God for it, and lam sure you do Allan, for had you not cause ?" TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. "Take care of yourself," is a principle which, in some respects, is not neglected by mankind in general, but is not often carried out in the way it aught to be. Take cars of yourself q fer, he assured, from the very outset, that if you do not take care of yourself, there are none to be found who will perform this office for you. In taking care of yourself, your health, your reputation, your interests, your happiness, are to be con sidered, and whatever else combines with them to make up the individual known as yourself. A contrary course, may secure your temporary popular - sty, but nothing mere, People may call you a clever fellow, and all that; but heed them not; for the day may come, unless there he a prudent change in your tactics, when the same people will pass you with a smile of contemptuous pity, as the man who did not know how to take care of himself; and this you will find but a poor reward for sacrificing to the good of others. Your individual self, remember, is a sacred trust coaled to your looping; anti ac that trust is discharged, so will be your happiness. It is a great fault to neglect yonr own advance ment in life; see to it always, by every means of a fair and honorable character. It is folly to stand aside while °there pant and struggle for a prize which might as well be. yours as theirs. Assert your own claims, your own dignity ; and heed pot the sneers that may assail your coining forward, It is ever so. If you aro eueoessful, these sneers will be changed at last into applause. What are great men, successful men, self— made men—all men whom the world admires ? What, but men who have taken care. ef them selves ? It Is not, perhaps, that all of them are en dowed with lofty qualities ; this was not necessary to the end; hut it is evident. that they have been firm and inflexible in taking care of themselves. Those nearest to them have doubtless often thought that they were cold, selfish, and want— ing in generous sympathies—perhaps, even considered them mono-maniacs. But let it be remembered, that if you take good' care of your self, it is essential that you devote yourself to a purpose, always fixing your energies upon the end you have in view, and laboring steadily un til that view has been attained.. All else must be secondary and insignificant. If you pause to chase butterflies, and play among the roses more than is necessary to nourish strength, some one else, who better understands how to take care of himself, steps fleetly beyond your place of s ener vating repose, and you will never recover the lost ground. Up, then, and be doing:. " Waste not, want not," was well written on the walls of the industrious man's kitchen ; but "Take care of yourself," shotil,l be placed in letters of gold before the eyes of the young, that it may never, even for a moment, be forgotten. Pay no regard to unreasonable sneers about tak ing care of Number One. IL is your special business on earth to take care of that number, and to have a sharp eye for Number One's wel fare. Who else is there but you to take care of that number? Will Tom do it? or will Dick I No, nor Barry either. If you acknowledge the correctness of this maxim, awake at once from your dreams of dis interestedness, and look at Lhe fate of those who were careless of Number One. ,Bee them in mid dle life ; observe them in old age. Alas ! what Borrow, what suffering, what remorse! Be wise, therefore, while it is morning ; for in paying due attention to yourself, you will be able to as sist those who stand in need of your assistance; and there is no greater happiness than this. " NEVER SAY DIE." Three months ago a young musician well known in Philadelphia, struggling with poverty, undertook to commit suicide. He had a single dollar remaining, with no prospect of obtaining more. He invested the dollar in a bottle of Rhine wine, drank it, and ordered up a three levy pair of slippers in which to "shuffle off this mortal coil." Ile decided upon drowning as the easiest method of leaving a frigid world. He went down to Callowhill street wharf, to commit suicide by drowning. One of the harbor police, divining has intention, took hinsto his house, and like a good Samaritan ministered to his ne cessities. He remained at the policeman's house for two days. While there he casually observed in a newspaper a four stanza ballad. In a mo ment of inspiration lie improvised an air for it. lie took on now life. Energy was aroused with in him, and he wrote out the melody with piano I accompaniment. A publisher of music next day agreed to get out the piece, with the usual copy right to the author. We yesterday learned that the young Teuton, who three months ago was in intention a suicide, has since received 51750 upon the copyright sale of the ballast. It chanced to be whit, like the song "When this cruel war is over," a song that has netted its author the sum of ten thousand dollars, copyright alone. The moral of all this is "never say die!" The darkest cloud has a silver lining. In nine eases out of ten the suicide repents of his deed at the moment his jugular is severed, and when it is first ascertained that styptics can have no saving efficacy.—Fbile. North Anzericart. WASHINGTON AND THE CONTINENTAL CO x 013.588—LINOOLN AND MoCLELLAN.—The Boston Commercial Bulletin closes a long article on the "Deposition of General. McClellan," with this well put contrast : How would our immortal and venerated Washington have fared, if judged by this arbi trary rule of invariable success? He failed vexatiously and repeatedly in military enter prises, and like McClellan, was charged by en vious politicians with tardiness and incompe tency. Yet the country knew his worth, and treated his apparent short-comings with gener ous forbearance. But suppose the Continental Congress had indulged in the caprice of remov ing him from the command of its armies when ever the fortunes of the war seemed to lag, and in experimenting with new leaders, what would have been the issue of our revolutionary strug gle ? We should have had no country to fight for at this epoch,—and our fighting now will be of little avail if the Union army is to be made the sport of puerile counsels and discordant cliques." {VOL. V 111. NO. 51.-WHOLE NO. 1963. Letters from the Mist Pennsylvania Regiment. CAMP 1518 T REM% P. V., REAR BELLE PLAINS, VA., Hipsou 2Sch, 1863. Dear Editor :—This day having been set aside to review the 3d Division of the lot Army Corps by Maj. Genl. [looker and Gov. Curtin, and it now being a rainy day, the officers of the four Berks County Companies attached to this Regi ment. considered it an appropriate time to give an account of tooltersAgrberal, to our friends at home, through the nolu'mns of your widely read paper. The evening previous to our departure from Reading, (Oct. lOth) Maj. Kupp entertained us with an excellent supper, which deserves our mention here. And Lieut.. Hessler, who has just returned from a short furlough, which' he spent in Reading, cheered us all by presenting the gifts of Mr. Barto, consisting of Excellent Old Rye, and Fine Brown Havanas. We assure you, that the thought of being forgotten, since noth ing was said of us in print, flitted away, and we all felt the welcome assurance that we are still warm in the remembrances of our friends. An account of our doings may be interesting to you ; so thinking, we will give a summary account of our Regiment, composed of 4 Berks, 2 Susquehanna, 1 Juniata, 1 Pike, 1 Warren, and 1 Schuylkill County Companies, commanded by Col. H. Allen, from Warren, for whom all cherish the kindest feelings, he being a man who has his head and heart in their proper places. Our field and staff officers are all excellent men, and we assure you, you will not find ar.other Regi— ment in service, in which the officers and men are more social, and friendly. On the 21ith of November, we left Harrisburg, coming through Baltimore, en route for Wash ington. We were splendidly entertained by the "Maryland Union Relief Association," and reached Washington at dusk of the 27th. From there we came to Arlington Heights, where our Regiment was furnished with 8500 lbs. of am munition, giving 100 rounds to each man; from thence we left on the 3tl of December for Alex amide, initiating the men in carrying knapsacks. At Alexandria we beaded the ears at 2 o'clock P. M. and went to Union Mills, where we arrived at night, and our teams not having come up, we had the not so pleasant experiment, of sleeping out doors in winter." Next morning our tents came, and there being plenty of old rebel bar racks around, we soon made ourselves comforta ble quarters, so much so, that we felt like at home. Here we had, for over 2 months, 48 hours picketing along the famous Bull Run, to 24 hours rest, and much sluehly weather; still , we liked the place so much, that when the order „game to report to General Hooker, we were sorry to leave. Notwithstanding, on the - nth of iPeb marl, we again boarded the ears; it was a beau• tiful day, and General Hays. our Brigade com mander, accompanied no to the cars. He is a respect. deserving man, and was sorry to see us go. At 2 o'clock, P. M.-, we were all aboard the train, mostly on top, the inside being filled with our baggage—and started for Alexandria. About 4 miles below Union Mills, our train halt ed on a siding to let pass a way train from Al exandria which was due, and the track was sin gle. After the train had passed, we started again, but just as our train began passing the switch to the main track, two ears in front ran 01l the frock, the first one, loaded with the ambulances, and the next with - the regimental horses, 10 in number; which latter car fell on the side, down a little bank. The men, on per eeiving this, flung knapsacks, guns, accoutre ments, themselves, &e., down on the hard track beneath, with. the impulse of despair ! One would have thought to see a few hundred dead or crippled men, and every beast ruined, in beholding such an accident; but strange as it may seem, only a few men were slightly scratched, and all the horses were saved in a ser viceable condition. After two hours' delay we started again, arriving at. Alexandria by dusk, where we expected the transports to take us on, which were however for some reason or other not there, so we marched about one mile from the city to the commons, where we again slept out doors on the wet ground. The night passed with rain and storm, and when our tents were brought up in the morning we assure you,'we all found great relief. We expected to depart that day, but transportation not having come, we spent the day, unpleasant as it was, in learn ing something about the city. Early on Sunday morning, the 15th, amid rain, and mud, we struck tents, marched to the harbor, and by 11 o'clock A. M., we were snugly stored aboard three steamers, respectively in charge of Col. Allen, Lt. Col. McFarland, and Maj. Young. Each one wanted to be foremost, so the Major started the race, but his machinery got out of order, by which he lost start; but he managed to get all right again, and renewed the race. However, the Colonel who is always first, came out best. It. was, much to our regret, rainy, which robbed us of the inspiriting view we ex— pected of Mount Vernon. Still the gloomy weather tended to make a permanent impression on our minds, thinking that the soil made sacred as the resting place of the illustrious Washington, is the arena upon which unprinci pled men are striving forever to annihilate his noble principles of, Union and Independence. At Aquia Creek landing, we anchored the three steamers aside each other for the night, awaiting the morning for orders. During the night, we had a very high storm, but morning brought us a bright, calm, beautiful day. We were ordered to land at Belle Plains; accord ingly we started, and effected a safe landing by 5 o'clock, P. M. From thence we began reading, for such it was indeed, and came about two miles from the landing in the direction of Fal mouth, where we bivouacked for the night in the woods. It was truly a beatitiful evening, calm, and mild, but, to when we awoke in the morti ing, four inches of snow, the gift of Hibernus, haul covered us. During the night our baggage was brought up, and you may form an idea of the mud when you consider the fact that it made 85 four mule loads. Early in the morning alt` were busy in pitching teats. It snowed all that day, and cleared up next with rain. We stayed there until the 21 of March, all the time under marching orders, but waiting for passable roads. On the 21 we came here, one of the finest camping places you can imagine, six miles from Falmouth, having plenty of wood, good water, and a con venient commissary. The men are in good trim, tine spirits, tolerable good health,-and finely im proving in efficiency. We are under marching ordero, and may soon get work to do with the rebs, which, if it must be so, may be in time Berke will find occasion to applaud her interest in the 1515 t.. We have not been fighting any, but have had as much active duly as any other Regiment for the time we have been out. We would yet say that we wish there was more Uninn at home. Our motto is, " Tire war is begun, rebellion must be erushid, and the Union restored." So, God speed us! Maj. Kupp and Mr. Barto will accept our sin cere thanks for compliments tendered. Yours affectionately, &c. THE OFFICERS FROM BERKS. Mr. Editor:—having a few leisure moments to dispose of, I avail myself of this favorable op portunity to drop you a few lines. Since leav ing home we have passed through some very beautiful country, and have appreciated the dif ferent sceneries. As I have seen no notice in your interesting sheet, in reference to our Regiment (151st), which Regiment is composed nearly all of gallant boys of old Berks, an account rendered of what we have already undergone, may likely interest some of your readers. Col. 11. Allen, of Warren County, Pa., has com mand of our Regiment—a man of shrewd busi ness qualities, and eminently fitted for the post he now occupies. A good soldier, and one well acquainted. with military details, we are gratified that we are singularly blessed by the presence of such a man. Possessing, also, those genial qual ities that endear persons toward each other, I may will safety assert that he is beloved by ths whole Regiment and is decidedly a popular offi cer. .re left Harrisburg on the 26 h of Nov. 1862, and proceeded to Camp Seward, 4 miles distance frnm Washington, where we remained some four or live weeks, when we were ordered to.pack up, and "march" was the word to Camp Casey, near the noted Bull Run. Here we remained in quar ters until Friday, Feb. 13th, when we were obliged to report to our brave, gallant, fighting Joe Hooker, the commander in chief, thence to Fredericksburg. On our journey from Union Mills to Fairfax Station, we came near being unfortunate by a collision of cars. Our boys nevertheless escaped without injury. One car was thrown off the track, laden with some LI horses, and upset, which piled the horses into a heap. The first man I noticed in the way of relieving the misery of the poor animals, was our gallant Colonel, with an axe in his hand and chopping away at the car. After this fracas, we were obliged to tarry awhile for transportation to Fredericksburg— where we are now encamped. We have every reason to believe that our sojourn in this locality will not be of long duration ; for, if desire can beget results, we have no fear hut that we will soon experience the practical realities of a soldier's vocation. As soon as the roads will permit, we may expect a "forward movement." The health of our Regiment has been excellent thus far, the boys generally have grown fat-- Suffice it to say we are ever ready to discharge the duties of our Country's call. Yours &c., CAPT. L. M. C—, 151st Reg't. P. V. President's Proclamation for a Day WHEREAS, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the Supreme Authority and just Government of Almighty God, in all the [Whirs of man and of nations, has, by to resolu tion, requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humilia tion : Ann, WHEREAS, it is the duty of nations, as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the over-ruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognise the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord. And, inasmuch as we know that, by his Divine law, nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may wo not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war, which now desolates the land, may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins, to the needful end of our na tionaeformatitm as a whole people ? We have bee recipients of the choicest bounties ofro igiov He . .., We have been preserved, these many years, - in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have ftrgotten the gracious !land which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us i and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were pro duced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us ! It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves be fore the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness. Now, therefore, in compliance with the re quest, anti fully concurring in the views of the Senate, I do, by this my proclamation, designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of. April, 1803, as a day of national humiliation, fasting, and prayer. And Ido hereby request all the people to abstain on that day from their ordina ry secular pursuits, and to unite, at their several places of public worship and their respective homes, in keeping the day holy to the Lord, and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion. All this being done, in sincerity and truth. let us, then, rest humbly in the hope, authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the nation will he heard on High, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering country to its former happy condition of unity and peace. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, able thirtieth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States the eighty seventh. [L. S.] By the President : Wm. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State , Adam Clarke's Opinion of Political Preaching. The great Methodist Commentator and Preach er, Adam Clarke, has left on record his opinion of political preachers, which we give in his own words : " It was the lot of ,tr. Clarke to be associated at this time with two eminent men who unfortu nately took opposite sides of this great political question ; one pleading for the lowest Repnbli- • CalliEM, the other exhausting himself in main taining the divine right of kings and regular governments to do what might seem right in their own eyes. the people having nothing to do with the laws but to obey them. His soul was griev ed at this state of things ; but he went calmly on his way, preaching Christ crucified for the redemption of stoat world ; and though his abil ities were greatly inferior to those of his col leagues, his congregation was equal to theirs, and his work more abundantly useful. Political preachers neither convert souls nor build up be lievers in theit; most holy faith; one may pique himself on his loyalty, the other otl his liberality and popular notions of government; but in the sight of the great Head of the Church, the first is a sounding brass and the second a tinkling cym bal, "When preachers of the Gospel become parties in party politics, religion mourns, the Church is undeified, and political disputes agitate even the faithful of the land. Such preachers, no matter which side they take, are no longer messengers of glad tidings, but the seedsmen of confusion, and wasters of the heritage of Christ. Though Mr. Clarke had fully made up his mind on the politics of the day, and never swerved from llis whig principles, yet in the pulpit there was nothing heard rom him but Christ crucified. and the salvation procured by his blood."—Life of Dr. Adam Clarke, Vol. 1, pp. 100-161. The above extracts, though written in the third person, are from Dr. Clarke's own pen. The quotation itself is literal, italic and all, as a reference to the book will show. For our own expressions of disapproval of political preaching we have been called an infidel. Onr political priesthood will be gracious enough to allow that we are at least in good company, We have no desire to injure them, but would earnestly labor for their benefit. May they forsake the error of their ways, so that it may not be said of them, in the language of Dr. Clarke, whom we again quote—" they neglected their pastoral duty, so that the hungry sheep looked up and were not fed." MARCH 18th, 1803 sior Immorality wreoke more forinnee than adversity, and bad habits make more bettkrapte than bad trade. of Munination and Prayer. ABRAHAM LINCOLN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers