FURS. LAD/ES' FANCY FURS. aorzN No. Ei ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH. at. his Old-established Store), IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB LADIES AND CHILDREN. Saving now in Store a very-large and benignl assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FORS FOR LADIES' AND CHIL DREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name And number. JOHN'FAREIRA, ne ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have 'no Partner or connection with any other store he use city. 005-4ffiif 1865. m' s- 1865. L K. & F. A WOMRATH, (SUOMI/30E5 TO THE LATE G. F. WOMEATiL) No. 415 Arch Street, Hem:. Now arm A FULL ANO/VilnEwn OF IdiLl*Ekii s FANCY FURS, To which they invite the attention of Anyera. oc3-11m NOLLEITERIC. W OOD 8z CARY Now offer, in their Retail' Department (in addition UnaMIX MEIJI stock of Straw and . Fancy Bonnets, Ladles , awl Elmo , Hato, eic.l,a fult lino of S/Llll3, VELVETS. cltd-ffES, RIBBONS, LADES, FLOWERS, FRATIELEES, INT AND elliT ORNAMENTS, and Wier novel• ties of their own Importation. WOOD & C Altl, No. '725 CHESTNUT STREET. BONNET _OPENING WEDNESDAY, October 4. woiox. 4Str, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET. ee2B-Iw. 726 pIEr w NITT STREET. h zdmi Ntigute or lassortment of suitable for the Fall and Winter Beason, consisting of BONNET, ROYAL AND lIpIaid. NOIST VELVETS, AND ore and BONNET TRIMMING RIBBONS - , of every width and shade. SILKS, LADES, - MALINES, ENGLISH CREPES, FRE'S'ali FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. An unusually rich seu.-ileonany styles that cannot be had STRAW,SILIE AND FELT HATS .11.23 NomISETS, all the new shapes. - THE BEST BONNET F NEW YORRAMEK A.ND FRENCH S. UMW attention to the market and the auction eales in New York and this city enable lire to offer at all times a complete assortment of fresh and de sirable goods at the lowest prices. Particular attention paid to country orders. N. WEYL, 7218 CHESTNUT Street. ITV MISS ASK&M, NO. 15 SOUTH 11P.i. NINTH Street, will open WINTER MILLI NERY on THURSDAY. October 12, HAS. oelo-3t. ript MIMES 013BYAN, 1107 WAL NUT Street have now o_p_en a handsome assort ment of PARIS MILLINERY for the rall. oc.l-12t5 WALL PAPERS. M2=M PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS! HOWELL & BURKE, . E. Cot , . Fotirtb and Market Streets, mANITFACTtr/tEim or PAPER HANGINGS ..., snii_firi Z m lNDOW SHADES_ REMOVALS. REMOVAL -2R. THOS. WARDLE has removed REMOVAL.-2 R. office to No. 156 North EIGHTH Street. OC4-12t• REMOVAL MEROFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GOVERN.. E LOANS. JAY COORE & CO., during the alterations necessary in the enlargement of their old office, have taken the commodious BOOMS, No. 305 CHESTNUT street, next door to the Bank of North America, where they will be pleased to see their old friends. se2B-lm REMOVAL-NOTICR-THE OFFICE of tbe Excelsior Oil mammy U 3 removed to Boom No. 24 Merchants' Exchange. 13C15-30t NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. U. Si FIVE-TWENTIES. The Secretary of the Treasury having given notice that be will exchange Certificates of Indebtedness, maturing before the hit day of January next, Com pound-Interest Notes, an d One and Two-Year Ilva Per Cent. Treasury Notes to the extent of FIFTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, For SIX PER CENT. FIVE-TWENTY YEAR BONDS, Interest being allowed on the Treasury Notes and Certificates to the let of November, and the Bonds bearing date from that time at Three Per Cent. Premium: We are prepared to make the Convereion ere or certificates and Treasury notes Witheat charge; and will also furnish the Bonds in any amount AT -BEST WARREN RATES. JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, No. 305 CHESTNUT Street THE FARKERS' AND MECHANICS, NATION"AI. BANS Or PIIILADELPHM FINANCIAL AGENT AND DEPOSITORY OF oe4-wfmtal ,DYNION, FOR THE BALE OF THE UNITED STATES, Will receive Subscriptions, payable In Certitt= cater of Indebtedness, One and Two Year Treasury .Notes, and Compound-interest Notes, for UNITED STATES FIVE-TWENTY BONDS, according to the terms prescribed by We Secretary Of the Treasury. W. RUSHTON, Jr.. CASHIER !AY COOKE Aro CO., BANNERS AND BROKERS, fisdng Removed temporarily to NO. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, per for sale, at loireet market rates, COVRIMENT SECURITIES, LE POLLOWS: 1:J.6. 7.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15, lam Do. do. de. JAM DO. do. do. July 16,1886. BONDS OP 11101.- • 8-A9 - wax V 3.86 x. 5-M0 LOAN OF Mt. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDMITSPNEEIL aSTOCEN OF ALL KINDS 130130 HT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. info:m.l,4los given conSenLing Cl kinds M SM. Collection on all points made at lowest rates. anni-tial. STOCKS, LOANS, &o. BOUGHT AND SOLD AT THE BOARD OF BROKERS, BY GEORGE J. BOYD, IR South THIRD Street, aello.3in Second door above Mechanical Bank 600 HOUSE J WIi i tN t aI i WTOODS, 600 CUTLERY. oc9 GRIF FITH & PAGE. NEW RAISINS. •••• 250 boxes new M. R. Raising. 250 boxes new Layer Raisins. 15 boxes new Turkish Prunes. ISO boxes Valencia Raisins. 25 barrels new Frante currants. 50 mats new Seedless Raisins. 5 eases new Citron. For sale by. RHODES & WILLIAMS, 9 " 1 197 01/44 WATER Streets RETAIL DRY GOODS. A CARD, The subscriber haring received per the Steamer BOSPHOBIM lila FALL IMPORTATION OF LA - POT IS 9 very respectfully invites attention to his Stock of FURNISHING GOODS, Which now comprises A FULL AOS9IiTHEXT. He asks particular attention to his 'PILLOW AND SHEETING LINENS, OF THE VARIOUS GRADES AND WIDTHS. 15 131.11TINGIS, DAMASK NAPKINS, (Amongst which are some entirely New Designs,) F rOli*Miaifl s iPlat€l9 &0., dco. PERKINS', oemst 9 SOIITH NINTH STREET. DMPOrr FURNISHING DIM COORS, SHEPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & NO. zoos ciamsprrur Whose establishment for the sale of a.ousE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS Is unequalled In the extent and variety of 111 41- sortment, beg to announce to HOUSVIZEEPERS, 13,E2iEWING THEIR SUPPLY, Or persons about to furnish, that they are now re ceiving their FALL. ASSORTMENT . FRESH. LINEN, COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE, LINEN MEETINGS, COTTON MEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, PILLOW MUSL/lis, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE LINENS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, And even , other article imitable for a Well-ordered household. se29-tr PREFERENCE IS DUE TO AMERI CAN ainriHredTHßES. —HODGSON'S Oho. mical , W lam PLUM COPYING INK, AND CARMINE INN For sale by Stata......rs and Druggists, and by the manufacturer, HODGSON mice, No. .1.03 North TENTH Street, ael3-wfm2m Philadelphts. Fimsn. GOODS. HALLOWELL, GARDNER, & CO., . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ANN N -ow orOINTWO. AN ENT/RELY NEW STOCK OF SILKS • AND FART DRESS GOODS, Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade in Elegant- Designs Foreign. Fancy Fabrics. AIso—CHOICE MARES in IMPORTED STAPLE, 0 , 001" such d will be reanlred for Au'rWas HAT-Mas 111a°' LJW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets, Syai-mwfiin 1865. NEW GOODS FOR 1.865. , • EYRE & LINDELL FOURTH AND ARCH. IMPORTERS, JOBBERS, RETAILERS, Fancy and Staple Dry Goode. WHOLESALE-SEOOND FLOOR. de22-tf itCORSETS ! CORSETS I CORSETS! For good-fitting CORSETS, ladies should call at the Corset and part Store, TR.NTI7I AND CRESTNUT, Where they will find a large and varied assortment at all prices. Please call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. cell-3t« T 'CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH BT. V • NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. Thread Veils new designs. Thread Lace Barbee. Calabria Lace Veils, from $l. Thread Lace Collars. from 50 celltik Empress Collars in polnte de gaze, point ap lique, and valenciennes. WRITE GOODS. PrenchNEnslin, 2 yards wide for dresses. Soft finish Cambric, Nainsook, Plaid and Stripe Heeling very cheap Rich Cambric E dgin gs t arid Insertions, French Embroidered Bands, ounciags, &c., Hemstitched Hdkfs., extra line, 25 eta. 0r9.12t FINE CLOAKTNGS. Large Stock Beaver cloths, Chinchillas, lours, Frosted Beavers, Water-proofs, &e. Also, Overeoatings, fine Black Broadcloths, Black Ca 1351.• raeres, Fancy Cassimeres, &c. Ladlesi Water- roof Cloaks. Fine Fall and winter Cloaks. Open Centre Broche Long Shawls. • Best quality Hoop Skirts. Black Thlbet Long Shawls. COOPER a CONARD. oc4-tf S. F. corner NINTH and MARKET Sts. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES. full line of Freneji Merinoea, A full line of Poplins, A full line of Sllke and Shawl& A full line of Blankets, A full line of Muslims A full line of Table Linens, A full line of Cloths and Casalmeres at . JOHN H. STO H W ICFB, sei2 702 ARCent. RHAWLS I SHAWLS I Na Bound Blanket Shawls. Plain Long Shawls,for friends. Extra•elze square Shawls. Fine Plaid Shawls, newest patterns. Misses' and Children's Shawls. Black and Mode Thibet Shawls. Berlin Januarcl Shawls. eon At acenl'l H. aToHESI , , 7'02 ARM St A SPECIALLY REOPENING. JOSEPH 13. rial-c•RICLEV, Having made extensive repairs and alterations to the old stand, Northeast corner of EICBITII and isT.RIND GARDEN Streets, has reopened with 4 magnificent stock of new and beautiful Goods, se lected with great care, and with special reference to the first-class trade who have so long patronized the old firm. And I would here take the opportunity of thanking all ourformer customers andof assuring them that no effort will be oared in the future to retain their continued patronage. There will be found a good stock of BLACK SILKS AND SHAWLS. RICH PLAID AND PLAIN POPLINS. FRENCH AtEB/NDES, DELAIKES, AND CALI. COBS. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, FLAN NEM, AND BLANKETS. . . . LINEN GOOIiS, - liitTSLiN:UrlN . Oili.llls, &C., &C. LOAN* JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, se27-lm Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. - RDwIN HALL & CO. 26 SOUTH SECOMYSTREET. Have now open a full stock of "Lupin's" - French Eferinoes. "Lupin's" Nowlin de Lathes. Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. Alt-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Rich-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Lathes. Polka Dot De Lalnes and Reps. Dregs .floods, in great variety, of our own lin nortation. sell CA.SSIMERES, CLOTHS AND CLOAK- FrErilotto, Brawn and olive. Frosted and Chinchilla Beavers.. Olive, Black and Brown Velvet Beavers. 4 • Plata and Plain Mixed Casslmeres for Boys. Harris Casslineres for Sults. Gray, Oxford, Brown and Black Mixed Doeskins. French GiOtlla For Ladies' Sacr ucs. OC9 Joilkt 11. STOKFA, 7l ARCH. gILESIA. NAPKINS. F-7 ,just received, a small parcel of real AlLrglA DOUBLE DAMASK. NAPKINS, large Mae and heavy quality, at a very reasonable price. SHEITARD„VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Linen Honeekeeping_Hry Goods, ocs..et No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. F . A. HOYT & BROTHER Rona now on hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOYS' 1 01.4 4 0.2"1 - 1 IN GI-, to which they invite the attention of their cue timers and the public in general. A nue line Of goods for MEN'S and BOYS' WERE. —to make to order. F. A. HOYT & _BRO., ike*EliftLY .121UILDLNIIS, TENTH AND cHESTNITT STREETS. se2o-wfmt2t TBADELLA. AND CATAWBA GRAPES -a- of choice quality, in small boxes. Just received and for sale by EHODRS .t WILLIAMS. 901 LOW §401.11 WATSS glintnt A CARD. ARREON, SUCH AS DAMEWK BORDERED TOWELS, , I'OWELLINGS, (LATH TIZOILIPLBY & =Sao THE PRESS.--PIMADELPHIA , WEDNESDAY_ OCTOBER H I 1865. CLOAKS AND SKA.WLS. E DWIN HALL It CO., No. xis mouth Second SireAt, WILL HAVE THEIR SVECIA.L. OPENING CLOAKS ON - f iIaITMOWLV, MlU3r. odAr CLOAK. OPENING.. L. L'EFEVRE WILL OPEN ON TUMMY, OCTOIR 12, 1865, His Fall and Winter Cloaks. 1202 CHESTNUT STREET. oclo-S• CURTAIN GOODS. 1865. FALL. I. E. WAX...RAY-MDT, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, ELAN NOW OPEN Ills FALL IMPORTATION CURTAIN MATERIALS, The meet eleont assortment ever offered in rnna- delpbta, SELECTED BY REE PERSONALLY The Best European Markets, Embracing in part, FRENCH BROCATELLE, SATIN DAMASK, SILK TERRY, PLAIN OAT/N i SMYRNA CLOTa, COT/MANE, STRIPED TERRY, SATIN DE LADNE, • WORSTED DAMASK, PEKIN CLOTH. X‘MBROIDERED CURTAINS, LACE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, MUSLIN CURTAINS, TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, WINDOW SHADES. Air These goods are offered in every desirable eiYie awl eOlor at IMPORTATION PR-WEB. WALRAYEN, 719 CILIESPNUIT ISTRW.F.;c7:6I CURTAIN ESTABLAISH.DIENT. Sheppard, Van Harlingen & irrisony No. 11.008 CHESTNUT Street, Are now receiving the commencement or their Fall Assortment of FRENCH AND ENGrLtas LACE ounTAlla, BROCATELLE, BILE TERRY, PLAIN WOOL REPS SATIN DE LIMES, FANCY UNION REPS, UTRECHT VELVET, • And a variety of other materials for CURTAIN and FURNITURE COVERING, oe7-tr CURTAIN STORE! CURTAIN STORE! 10,Q0 a) 1 , 1WZ:14 %111;3 1 V D)Di. RICH LACE CURTAINS; PIANO AND TADLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, BROCATELLES, REPS. C..M. S9ICCOUrr Sr, CO. se2l-wfrtuBin MERCHANT TAILORS. , EDWARD P. KELLY,. - TAILOR, CIEESTNIIT STREET. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND STYLE. MILITARY AIM NATAL OFFICERS Attended to by J. S. TAYLOR, the best Military and Naval Tailor in the country—last four years the Cutter at OWENS', Wautilugtuu. Sefle-tf Alik STEAM TO SAVANNAH, GA. SOUDER'S LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP c - u nrt _l_, CHARLES W. FRENCH, Commander, Will sail from first wharf above RACE atreet, on SATURDAY, October 14L1ik MN for SAYI Georgia, at a P. M. Freight received daily. For freight or plumage, apply to EDMUND A- SOUDER CO_, Nos. 3 DOCK-STREET WHARF and WO NORTH DEAWARE AVENUE MINTER dc GAREMELL, AGENTS AT SAVANNAH. LiAe . NEW EXPRESS LINE—TO AL GEORGETOWN, and WllKilt/C-TON—Vla Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leave first wharf above MARKET Street every SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY at I2M. For freight apply to the agents, AVM. I'. MVO% & CO., 14 NORTH and SOUTH WHARVES, Phila. J. B. DAVIDSON, Doorgetown, D. C. M. ELDBIDUE Alexandria,Va. N. B.—Hoods forwarded to Lynchburg, and all points on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. ESTABLISHED INIBBI7. EMIL MATHIEU & SON, Cider, Vinegar, Pickling, and Preserving Esta blishment, Nos. 120, 122, and 1216 LOMBARD Street, below Second. Relined Bottling Chier,Pick- Bug and Family Vinegar, which le well known for Ito fiavor, strength, and purity, and warranted to improve by age. Preserved Fruits of all kinds. French Mustard, Salad Cream, Flavoring Extracts, English Calves-foot Jelly, English Milk Punch, Pickles. Ketchups, Byrum., &c., &cc. The above goods, manufactured By us, are war ranted to be of a aupe r riorqoanty. SHIPPING ORDZEP =VI fit the shortest no- NEW P V DUCAT I DNS. 'TEW AND INTERESTING OIL.COL ORED JUVENILE •I:onKS.rUST IMPORT E O. TIT TINY MID TITTENB, the three white kit re. Large ~to; prtuicti oil etdof6i Illustra tions. THREE LITTLE KITTENS, who lost their mit tens. 6 plates. OLD MOTHER HUBBARD AND HER DOG. 6 Illustmitions, THE CHILD'S -OWN ROOK OF dcßirruax PICTURES, containing the chief scenes and events of Bible History. Illuminated. A. VISIT TO AUNT /WILES. 4 oil engravings. PRETTY TALM IVA THE NURSERY. Numer ous piatee. LITTLE FRANK AT THE FARM. Numerous pi M ates Y . PRETTY LESSON BOOK, or some first things for a child to know. MY PRETTY VERSE BOOK. - Illustrated cover. 3IY PRETTY BO ..IK. Numerous plates. Always On hand the be,t collection Of Juvenile Books, adaptedlo the wants of children. JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to Win. S.& A. Martien,) @al 606 CHESTNUT Street. a,OOO • ARTISTS IN CUBA. That is to say, .9,000 e 019120 of Mr. Col9ooll'B nen, comic book, entitled OUR ART/OT 1N CUBA, have been sold in teal; than a week, and another edition 18 rapidly passing through the press. OUR ARTIST IN CUBA, • is a beautiful little book, containing My comic sketches of a traveler's haps and mishaps In that lovely land of leather-colored Cubans, seorplone, rats, cockroaches, tarantnias,lleasopiders, lizards, donkeys cock.fights, mask-balls, codfish, garlic,on lons and oranges that do abound in the tropics. The Pubttaher would say that the pictures are brim full Of humor, and are being praised by every one— but the dtuiltor forbids any sueh Widmer of miserti sing—so the book mast speak for itself. . 3,000 COPIES • are nOw e raking for themselves, and there will eon be a, more. Elegantly printed tented n pd pe an bound in. a new style. Price p.• sent by mall FREE, on receipt of rice, rice, by CAIIILETON, Publisher, oc-swzr . Nirav FAYOltriß TAMICIINITZ EDITION OF BRITISH AUTHORS, JUST RECEIVED. "NAND AND (LOVE,'?' B Y AMELIA. B. EDWARDS. Author of "BARBARA'S HISTORY." 1 vol. Price, 75 cents. All the noveitles outland In this collection. Kith Volume sold separately. Price, 75 Cents. Apply for complete list. Imported and for sale by FREDERICK. LEYPOLDT. • Publisher add Bookseller, 0094 t 1323 CHESTNUT Street, 2nd Floor. HOOK'S CHURCH DICTIONARY. A. Church Dictionary. By Walter Farquhar Rook D. D., Vicar of Leeds. dixth edition. Revised and adapted to the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America: By a Pres byter of said Church. Price . *3.50 Published and for sale by_ E. H. BUTLER it CO., ocll-2t NO. 137 south FOURTH 'Street. yr 13 SP BRIJ R; "OR, FORTY-FIVE Dog-Post Days; a Biography fromtlie.Gerulan * Of Jean Paul Frederick Richter, translated by Charles T. Brooks. In two volumes. ALSO, ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. By Matthew Arnold. RECOLLECTIONS OF SEVENTY YEARS. By Mrs. Farrar. - HELEN MAC CIREGFOR; OR, CONQUEST AND SACRIFICE. By Mrs. C. V. Barlow, MATRIMONIAL INFELICITIES. By Barry Gray. , All new and standard books received as soon as published, and sold at the lowest prices, by LINDSAY eo BLAEISION, • Publishers and Booksellers, 009 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. 1865. BURKE'S WORKS—FINE EDITION —Vow bang published in monthly volumes. The only readable edition published la tuts country. ALSO, LIFE OF JOHNSON. Edited by Frank Moore. JAS. SDION, Office New American Cyclopedia, oe9-at 33 South SIXTI - I Street. A PPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN AA.CY CLOPEDIA, COMPLIiA IN SIXTEEN VOLUMES. This Doeh forms a complete library of the most useful kind of information, and 'OlivaTable for re ference. For the purpose of giving It tile large cir culation it deserves, it is now offered at a price ma king it the cheapest book in the country. Call and see the various styles of binding, at the agency for this city, 33 South SINT a Street, above Chestnut. COO5-6tl JAS. E. SIMON. L ATE PUBLICATIONS.-AN EXAM. INATION OF SIB IV - ILL - UK HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY, and of the - Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. By John Smart Mill, in two volumes • 12mo. HONOR : OR THE SLAVB-DEALBB'S BAUGH TEE. By Staten. H. Buifinch. TUE BLAD AND THE EAB.—Tboughts for a Young Man. By A. B. Muzzey. DISSERTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.—PoIiti caI, Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart Mill ; 3 volumes 12 mo. All the iiiibOoiriieceives as soon as puousbea, and for sale by JAMES IL CLAXTOI.I, se2o (Successor nO w HES .A N s tr ee t. Mrtien VbTATE OF EDMUND TOLAND, deceased. Letters testamentary the Estate of ED MUND TOLAND, deceased, hart... granted to the undersigned, all pereent indebted to estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims to present the same without delay, to ELIZABETH TOLAND. Executor, Germantown, Or to her Attorney, JOS. R. RHOADS oell-NOV 829 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN W. S. PURNELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the third and final aceouak ouRDON BRINOKLE, Administrator of JOHN W. &PURNELL, deceased, dad to report distri bution of the baiance ta.li.a,via of the 1100011IIt. _ ant , interested ,for the pur poses of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of October. 1865, at four o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 37150uth FIFTH Street , in the city of Philadelphia. 004-wfmst IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of HENRY B. MARKLAND, a minor. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of HENRY SPIEBR, guardian of HENRY B. MARKLAND, and to re port distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for tile purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, Oc tober loth, 1865 5. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 325 North SIXTH Street, in the city of Philldel. phis. JOHN L. SHOERAHAH, oel-wfm6t* Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of GEORGE GAR DOrd, executor and trustee of Estate of CIJARLES FOX deceased, in account with said Estate, as al lotted and apportioned to the four childilen of said CHARLES FOX, deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balance in the panda of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on SATURDAY, October 14th, 1665 ] at 12 o'clock, noon,. at hie °Mee, Southeast cor- SIXTH and WALNUT Streetshi the eitv of Phila delphia. 1 0 . W. O'BRIEN, oc2-rowfrSt Auditor. NOTICE. -ESTATE OF JOHN STIN .4. SON, late of the clty of Philadelphia, deceased. Letters testamentary on the Estate of said JOIIN STINSON, deceased. having been granted by the Register of Wills of the city of Philadelphia to the undersigned Executors, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and these having claims against the same willpreSent them, without delay, to CHARLES STINSON, No. 1530 ISAACEH Street, DETWEILEN, No. 1015 BROWN St.,Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Aug, 26, Th6s. ioe2-60) Executors. TN THE COURT OF COMMON IN FLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF MAGGIE B. fiNEIPP, By. her next friend, &c., June T., 1864. va. • In Divorce. CLEMENT C. KKEIPP. 2trelcmcnt 0. KnMAP, the above-named respondent: Sim Please take notice that the daPooltions of witnesses, upon the part of the libellant in the above case, will be taken before MORA.TIO HUB BELL, Esq., Examiner, at No. 124 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, October 16, 1561, at 4 o'clock P. M. J. WARREN COIMSTON, Attorney for Libellant. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 28, 1885. • se2B-15t It C H [Prom the Dispensatory of the United States.] MGM& CRENATA. BIJCHU LEAVES. ENOPISRTIES.—Their odor is strong, -diffusive and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES.—Buchn leaves are gentl stimulant, with a peculiar ten dency to the Urinary Organs, producing and like other similar medicines, exulting diapho resis, when circumstances favor this mode of ac tion. They are given In complaints of the Urinary Or gans, such as Gravel, chronic Catarrh of the Blad der, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostate and Retention or Inconti nence of Urine, from a lcu s of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dspepsia, Chronic Rheu matism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy. lielinbalct , a Extract Euchu is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 2s, and from 35 to 55, or in the de cline or change of life; after Confinement or Labor Pains; Bedwetting in children. IN AFFECTIONS PECULIAR. TO FEMALES, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other re medy, as In. Cni.onosis OR RETENTION, MAHAR. LARITY, PAINFULNESS Ob SUPPRESSION OF CUS- TomAlty EVACUATIONS J _ ULCERATED OR SCIIIR- R - U OLE STATE OF TILE TERUS, LauenunnalA OR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS.—This medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Eniargenzents are reduced, as well an Pain and Inflammation. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE' has cured every vase ofDIAIIETBS in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck Of the Bladder and Inflam mation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostate (Band, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delisate Con stitutions, ofliuth sexes, attended withlfild ing 53 . 11100121.5: Indisposition to Exertion, Lose Of Power. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of DI sease,Wake fffiness, Minim, of Vision, Pain in the Bach. Hot Muds, Flushing of the Body,Dryness of the Skin. Eruption on the Paco, Pallid oentenaited, Culver. sal Lassitude or the Muscular System, Ste. HELMBOLD'S EXTIPACT RUCHE IS DIURETIC AND BLOOD-PURIFYING, And cures all Diseases arising from llxblts of DU sipution, Excesses xnd Imprudence In Life. lie purities of the Blood, See., superseding Co pallet in affections for whirli it is used, such ue fionorrliwa, Wrel or tong' standing, and Syphilitic Affections —in these 111SCIlSO., used in eou nection with itELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHNNICAL W4R4IIOU:3E, 594 BROADWAY, And by Druggists everywhere ELMS CS , ID SS. TAKE NO OTHER BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS MEDICAL AID.- ST ANGERS IN search of Medical Aid would do well to con sult Dr. C. A. DUMAS. No. 1031 WALNUT St., for prompt and efficient treatment of seldom over three days. Distant patients consulted by let ter. and remedies forwarded to any address. oclO4t. CORN EXCHANGE • BAG MANUFACTORY. 10,000 qotton Seamless Bags. 10,000 Linen do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. In store and for sale 1W sel4-3m . - 113 North "FRONT_ Street. _ _ OSAGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, ...1-and other hedge plants; Fruit, Ornamental Trees. &c., atklDEue..ecO tvgattLINTOWN WINO IMMO+ LEGAL, MEDICAL. SOLD AT ABK FOR EDUCATIONAL. THE -UNION irt..Tearmss4 40431. - EinaMl, tt.A..S7 MT. AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH AND t3ERING GARDEN STREETS, CARLL, PEIRCE & FARR, Proprietors. SPECIAL NOTlC2.—During the TWO WEEK'S ending eictober 23d FULL-COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS will be issued at the reduced price of THE UNION B I 3 i I n E DV CO Ar EG r E has rapidly attained the highest rank among the first-class Com mercial Schools of the country. Within three weeks over ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY STUDENTS have availed themselves of the remarkably cheap COst of tuition and the unsuspassed advantfigt sof an institution conducted by PRACTICAL RUMNESS MEN AND EXPERI ENCED AND SUCCESSFUL TEACIIERS. The College occupies more than half the large building (250 feet long and 30 feet wide) located at the northeast corner of EIGHTH and SPRING cStAItIIEN Streets, -lust beyond the badness mitre, and in the Most quiet, convenient, and respectable portion of the city. The rooms consist of two large halls, each 100 feet long, 33 feet wide, and 2.5 feet high; a Ladles' department, 33 feet square and 15 feet high; twe tiresping rooms, and some half dozen smaller rooms, for classes and private Instruction. These are furnished in an elegant and sub! Mattel manner. This Institution Is therefore the largest and most attractive Business College In the city. PRACTICE AND THEORY are combined In the course of instruction in the most satisfactory manner, giving the student not only a thorough - knowledge of the theory, bat also an actual experience in the daily routine of busi ness. YOUNG MEN who wish to secure a THOROUGH PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION in the shortest time, and at the least expense, can save from two to three weeks, and from $4O to $lO by availing. them. elves of the superior advantages and reduced rates of THE UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE. OFFICE, NO. Sal NORTH EIGHTH STREET. Circulars free. Call or address R. D. CARLL, Business Superintendent.' oci.U.st PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.—The duties of this Institution will SEPTEMBER THURSDAY t nu, . The following gentlemen compose Me Beam or Trustees: lion. Tames Pollock, LL. D., President; William Apple,Vice President; W. E. Bar ber, Barbi kiecreteryi,x-arses H. Orne, Esq., Treasu rer; Be,-. sla t m:A °wt.., RA,. Thomas Brainerd„ D. D.• Hon . Oswald Thomson , Charles O'Neill, lion. W. E. Lehman, Major Gen, B. W. Crawford, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, Major Wayne MeVeaghl Messrs. Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Claelorn, Charles B. Dungan, ileorge Russell, Wm. L. Springs, Addison May, and T. B. Peterson. Cadets may pursue an English, Classical, or Sci entific course o.f studies, at the option of parents. The Academic gtafF is composed of educatedmica -80143 and instructors, who have been in our best institutions, and have had an extensive and successful experience in the training of youth. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, of experience and ability, conducts the Military De tartment. the moral add faligidas Instruction Of he Cadets is carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James H. acne, Esq., No. 626 Chestnut street,T. B. PetereouJiso.,No. SOS Chestnut street, Philadelphia or to Col. THEO. HYATT, se2o-1m .President Penna. Military Academy. MISB.MARY E THBOPP WILL RE open her English and French Boarding and Duy School for Young Ladles, at No. 1841 CHEST NUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 11th of gown her. For circulars apply at the School. oe2mwfl3o EV. ALBERT HENRY BARNES' -aw Classical and English School, 92X , CHESTNUT Street- SCV-EIMEK* JANE M. HARPER'S SELECT SCHOOL FOR SMALL CHILDREN, IN THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SIXTEENTH Street, west side, Below Chestnut. Opens OCTOBER 16th. 04-60 DANCING.—M. C. CAMPBELL, MR. A. , and .Idra. SHANK, receive and teach" Ladies and Gentlemen, Masters and] Misses Dancing, Eti quette and deportment private& and in crimes, day and evenin at WAS MOWN HALL, EIGHTH TH and SPRING GARDEN. oca-Bts D CARPENTER'S 'PRIVATE • DANCING , ACADEMY, o%s'Altoll gtreei. —To Young Ladies, Young Gentlemen, and Pa rents, who are desirous of learning Dancing pro perly, and with ease and grace, for your private Drawing-Rooms hoirte or Soctables, mail on the long-ettablished and punctual waster of the wt, D. L. CARPENTER, at any hour—morning, Noon, or Evening—dy and n Wl ighl N y. FAL ally AND TER TERM. Scholars can commence at any time, being dated Prom the time of entering. Pb Mozart% Lancer pladrilles, are properly taught. Vor the German Short Redowa, Deux Temp, Trois Temp, Ging Temp, Polka-itedowa, Polka- Mazurka, ttc. For references, call on the thousands Of pupils whom D. L. CARPENTER, 625 ARCH Street, has taught. so2o-Em VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of stndy In Mathematics, English Classics, &re. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying , and Engineering taught. Boys ofall agesreceived. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAP t 33. South THIRD Street; THOS, CLAYTON,_Esg., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE F. KNOTT, 3$ HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3m Sm. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at hi e residence,. No. 313 SOULS SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. Re may be addressed meantime through the City P. 0., as above. au29-tf THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September )81h. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teaehers ere em teuy.l..e.e.euthAratutgieo.lll sr good - English' edu cation. French 18 the language or the family; and is constantly spoken in the Institute. For then lam, containing. terms and other particulars, ad dress 1342 SPI CE Si., Philada., - Pa. aum-2m IHEGARAY INSTITUT - E.—ENGLISH N./ and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1397 and•ls29 SPRUCE Street, Will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem- F ber aGch. For circulars and particulars _gilipty to an9-8m Madame D'HERVILLY, Principal. THE GLAIR3IVELL AND ENGLISH scHom of the subscriber, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and LOOBST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. tan2d.dmn B. KENDALL. suit Ton P. RONDINELLA-ITALIAN and English Singlng_Lessons. Residence, S.W. corner BROAD and PINE. se2l-lin* ENGLISH , CLASSICAL, AND DIA THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. 2 Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. au29-2m. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. TEE SCIENTIFIC. AND CLASSICAL - 2 - INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor. of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best provided Sbhool for boys In America. au2B-2m* J. ENNIS, Principal. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMiEsEE 4th. au26-210 J. W. Ir4LII.ES, D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING end DAY SCHOOL for You Ladies at 121 g WALNUT street, on WEDNES D AY, g the loth inst. an2a-am. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF COPAR TNER smr.—The enartnerthip heretofore existing between the gubsertbera, under the flan of EDsoN; SUTTER & MILLER, Is this day dissolved bymu fuel consent—W. D. EDSON retiring. DANIEL SUTTER . 4t ARTHUR MILLER will continue the Boot. Shoe and Rubber Business under the name of SUTTER & MILLER, and are authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm and use the name in n. EDSON DANIEL SUTTER, ARTHUR AtILLER. PUILADET . ZIIIA, Oct. 9th, 1865. o 90-6t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAI -A. E. D. CROSSM4N has associated himself witu the undersigned, and the business heretofore car ried on under the arm and style of SOLOMON, SPEAR & CO., 116 North THIRD Street. Philadel phia, and 175 WASHINGTON Street, New York, will be continued under the firm and style of CROSS. MAN, SOLOMON & SPEAR . the new arm assuming all the assets and liabilities of the old llnn. SOLOMON, SPEAR & CO. raiLAbni.PttiA, Oet. 1, 1855. ocie-it'" DISSOLUTION. -THE FIRM OF JO SEPH CAMPBELL . BROTHER Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be eettled by CHARLES CAMPBELL, who will continue tile business at the aid stand,lO MARKET Street. JOSEPH CAMPBELL . CHARLES CAMPBELL. PRILADA., Sept 30;1865. oe4-43t. r,, PIANOS PIANOS ! PIANOS I r SCHOMACKER & CO.'S SUPERIOR PIANOS, WAREROOMS No: OM CHESTNUT STREET, are celebrated for their Volume,Purity of Tone, great rower, Brilliancy, Painagll Depth and Even ness of Touch, with exquisite delicacy and sweet ness. We respectfully invite our friends and the public genenally to call at our warcrooms and examine our extensive assortment of highly-improved Square and Grand Maim. we have received the highest premitnna at all the great exhibitions ever held in this countryy, including the Prize. Medal at the World's Fair, Orystal Palace, New York, and numerous teettmoatais from the beat artists ill thld country and Europe. 'We feel satisfied that there are no Pianos made in this country superior to our own. As a Philadelphia manufacturer we pride our gelycs.in haying achieved a reputation for our in struments unexcelled by any other makers lu this country. It la a well-known fact that our Pianos have for many years maintained their high reputa tion notwithstanding the powerful competition of the Eastern makers. . . New York and Boston Pianos have been flooded into this market throu g h their ageneles,and herald ed by them as the only Pianos in the country; yet at the same time these agents very seldom continue to sell any one maker's instruments for any length of time. for the reason that they are inferior, and they are compelled to take hold of other maker's, per haps still more Inferior, although pulled up by them as celebrated Pianos, when at the some time Neil makers have never been known or heard of in their own cities. The consequence is, that our citizens are often induced to purchase 15‘101 inferior instra moats, tit it hunt uonsidering their own, or the gene ral interests of their city. The advantage our eitlzenS have in encouraging home manufactures certainly should not be over looked, for the following reasons: First. It is acknowledged that Philadelphia is the great 11181111(aCtUring city of this country, and cele brated for its superior and skilful workmen. Second. 'p he purchaser obtains the piano directly from 11t. the manufacturers, and saves tile amount made by the agent. who usually claims greater pro file than the manufacturer. Thirst. The agent's responsibility amounts to 110. , thing; there is no redress; the instrument he sells made for the market, and the purchaser must run the risk. Whereas, on the oilier hand, we, as the manufacturers, are held responsible, and eannot shirk the responsibility like the agent. Our reputa tion is at stake at ail i sues, sAtl. It is, therefore, to our interest to turn out none other thin lirst•class instruments. . • Fourth. Admitting that such Instruments might be equal to our own when new they cannot give the same satisfaction, or wear t he same length of time, for the reason that the agent depends upon others to keep such pianos as he sells in order, and will, of course ' not expend any of his pro fi ts to do so; whilst Ire, the mane fueturers t have our own ex cellent workmen, 1 . 1+1.0 now undarrtand the 111111 , ness, and will promptly give their attention, and the pianos be made to wear much longer. Our establishment is one of the most extensive in this country, and when our new Improvements,now in progress, are completed, it will be one of the largest ill the world. Our object is to make this bratch of industry one the great niatitntlons of this city. Our Instruments also possess geese Improvements over others. and our extensive facilities for mama factoring enables us to keep on WO larre stock of material, and procure th e best machinery, Nee- If persons desirous to purchase will give us a call, We will prove all that we have said in regard CO our pianos. There are, of course. always differences of opinion; and prejudiced minds, and those who are interested in the sale of o th er pittiMS Who may differ from us; to Such we have only to say, that it would give us much pleasure, at any time, to test our in struments with any other make which they may choose to Hanle, we again ask our Mends and the imbue to can 'and examine our superior rialtos. We feel satis fied that no house in this city tan compete with 115, our prices being reasonable aud terms accommo dating. Cilculars call be had at the Warerooms, giving fell descriptions of the styles Mid Prlet'si with re ferences. N. B.—Second-hand pianos taken in exchange. PIA.NOS TO KENT. Orders for Tuning promptly at tended to. SCHOMACK ER & CO., ocS-wstf - ATO.'IO2I CH l n'i'NUT Street. SHAKER CORN.-50 BARRELS new crop, to ztrrtve to a few days. For sale by RliqpEs & WILLIAMS, belt. 107 k , Ontli WATER Street. C ARTES DE VISITE.-LB E A T accuracy, awl taste are the characterlatlea of • those ulnae at R. F. BRIM RIPS Gallery. (Mit ARCH' Mimi. Experience directs the opetattons o the t OCtiAla WANTS. A SINGLE YOUNG MAN, WllO .1.1A6 Ai- seen employed in the Coal Business seven year wants a young partner with capital tr, eom mence business. Address Box 1815. Philadelphia Foot Ofllce. GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS. WHAT THE PEOPLE, WANT, COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE WAR, In one large volume, splendidly Illustrated, with over 1.2.5 fine - Portraits Of Generale and Rattle Scenes. Th. 2.00. Mid, loold complete, allthentiO anti Te llable history published. It contains reading mat ter equal to three large octavo volumes. Bend for circulars and see our terms. Address "MORES, BROS. t CO., oes-im&W4t* "Philadelphia, Pa." MUSIC AND FRENCH TEACHER WANTED.—I wish to engage &LADY fully competent to instruct a few advanced Pupils in Vo cal and Instrumental (Plano) Music, and the French language, and to assist in the English department if necessary. The best of teatimonlale will be expected. Salary WO, and board, lc., for a term of nine months. JAMES S. lIA.L.LOWEL.I., Fulford Female Seminary. Sandy Spring P. ia" oclo-2t 5 Montgomery county, aid. WANTED -A YOUNG MAN A$ SALESMAN% one that has some knowledge of the Gents. , Furnishing Goods preferred. Address 4, K., 41 Pr4.98 Office. oc9-inw2t* A YOUNG LADY WISHES A HOME A.A. in a Private Family where the use of tier PIANO AND INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC to One Of more MCI/Mere of the family will be re ceived +as partial or entire oomnetMation for Board. References exchanged. Address "E. 8.," office of The Press. - ont-wfmet. WANTED -A PARTNER, WITH A cash capital of from $25,000 to p 3,000, in a -Ala eh Ina and Boiler Shop,centrally located. ' The adver tiser has 20 years practical knowledge of his business and commands first-class trade. Can give satisfac tory reference as to standing and ability. All com munications, with real name, held strictly mmeden- MI. Address "DrIAGIIINE vArrritL, tuts wilco. oc9-3t* NIVANTPD-SITUATIOT IN CLOTH • • bTOTLE by person oi experleAdA. AddrOgg i iS. 8.," Preas Office, stating where an interview may be had. OCIO-Zr AA GUN GI MAN OF SEVENTEEN months experience lit the Dry GOMM, Cloth, and Cassimere Business, desires a SITUATION in either of the same. Can speak English and German, and Jere the best city references. Address "C. W. Press ofilee, oca-at` WANTED—THE CONSUMERS' UNION COAL COMPANY are anxious AO secure the services of a competent person to super intend Qteir Colliery , near Wiliceabarre. Lucerne county, Pennsylvania. Those making application will bring their recom mendations asto competency and character. Office, 45 West FAYETTE St. BALTIMORE. Oefi-M J,6 4 mg . * J. GIVEN Secretary. WANTE D-AGENTS MALE AND Female, in every town and neighborhood_ to take orders for •. TEE GREAT LABOR SAVER:" patented article that every family wants. win save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are makin to $25 per day. Only $3 to $lO capital required g . mull particulars of the business sent to any ad dress on receipt of 6 cents for circulars and return postage. Address Box 4781. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL IN the State or New Jersey. Philadelphia, Dela. ware, Montgomery and Bucks counties,Pennsyl vania the great ,Scene of Time and Brnitif, with the Friend of the Bible; picture of extraordinary in terest and value. Fine chance for agents. Address JAB:11$ BULLAMORE & CO.,_ Office Northo,_filotori 10) FIFTH Street, se22-Im s Philadelphia. AUENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERYICEI THE FIELD, THE DIINGEOIiAND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson,' New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and ekbittng book ever pub. lished, embracing Mr. Riehardson's unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebe ll ion; his capture Ills confine , . meet for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident t and romance of the war than any Other work im Horace Greeley sari: " A greatmauy boots will yet be written concern irg this war, In addition to the many already in printi but not one of them will give within a similar compass a dearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, and instrumentali ties of the blaveholders' Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Eicigardson." Teachers, ladles, energetic young Mtn, and me. , Many returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will and it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing Refs per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address Iphia JONES, BROTHERS,A CO.. aul7-213f lc E. corner SIXTH and Mhilade INOR Streets_, . P, Pa. eFURNISHED HOUSE WANTED, From November or December 1 until May Ist, for family of tour persons and no small children. AddresE Box 2047 Post Office. oc4-10t* BOARDING. BOARDING- TWO MEDIUM-SIZED BOUNO, at 0e11.40` No. 6g14 S. WASHINGTON, Square. BOARDING.. -MRS. J. H. MOUCK la now ready to receive PERMANENT AND TABLE BOARDERS, at 2738001 k St et, above Spruce. 0.640 BOARDING -IN WEST PHILA.DEE• rpiA, for oe/41eAx . ken,ox Rapiliee‘.FittrutCial, drerr,bn - driyapplicatiokt at ;32.1 11 II A • and having frequent railroad communication with the city, and near the station. Inquire before 2 'clock, at 1402 WALNUT street. se2B-im• P ERMANENT BOARD WANTEIS, BY a single Young Man, In a desirable locality. Ad dress, stating terms, "J. W.,'' Preas °face. oclo-2t* AUCTION SALE& CITY BAZAAR AND TATTER BALL 'O, BMX Street, between Eleventh and Twelfth . R. B. CHAMPION, Auctioneer, Will sell ON FRIDAY, October lath, At 10 o'clock, about THIRTY HORSES, comprising Tietting . , Farm, Family, and Draught Horses, from some ol the best stock in the country. Also, new and second-hand Carriages. Light Wagons, Sulkies, &c., with which the sale will commence. . . . Together with Single and Double Harness, Sad dles, "griffin, Whips, Sheets, ac., made by superior makers. Full particulars in catalOttge, which will be ready in time for the sale. R. B. C. respectfully calls the attention of per chasers to the above sale. No postponement on account of weather. Horses, Vehicles, and Harness always on hand at private sale. Superior stable accommodations for horses enter ed for public or private sale. °cab& R. B. CHAMPION, Auctioneer. CHAMPION'S CITY BAZAAB AND TATTERSALL'S, RACE Street, be tween E/Ml4l:i and Twelfth. It. B. CHAMPION, Auctioneer, will sell on SATURDAY, October 14th, at 10 o'clock, for account of the United states, ONE HUNDRED MULE& Sale positive. /3y order of DEOROE R. ORME, oca-4t Clipt. and Assistant Quartermaster, Di HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH and SANSOM Streets. AUCTION SALE OP HORSES, An. On WEDNESDAY AIORNING - HCGOPOr ' nth, at 10 o'clock, comprising about rIFTY HORSES. Stilted to harness and the saddle. SALE OP GOVERNMENT HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, BLANKETS, 1,500 SCROINGLES, HALTERS, AC., On WEDNESDAY MORNING, October 11th, pre vious to the horses. Sale of One Hundred and Forty o %o: b e . r r nmw th nt . Ilorsee 011 YiIURSPAT MORNING. at 10 O'clock. Terms cash. tailed Statelt currency, Sale of Horses, Carriages, Ac._,_on SATURDAY. ALFARD M. HERKNESs, • 0c10.21 if Auctioneer. BANKS, RAILROAD STEAMBOAT MANttritTtIIIVRS, MERCHANTS, &applied with BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ae, at _ _ _ MOSS Et ,00.'S, 432 CHESTNUT Street pHOTOGRAPiis TAKEN AT FOUN DRIES and Machine bhope for persons desiring, of Engines, Carriages, and blachinery. For terms ab appv e ly tat REINER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, reen. 11. P„ALSLEY PATENT STEP-LADDER, .LR manufactured by J. Knott. 29 PM street, Pittsburg, Penna., exclusively for Pennsylvania, strong', light and ornamental.. Sold by all House furnishing Dealers. They are In daily demand in stores. Hotels and Dwellings. The low price re commends them to all. They are manufactured or all sizes frond. 9 to 10 feet. Liberal discounts Made to dealers. A large Steck for city trade at the Agri cultural ehouse of D. LANDRETH & SON, 2.1 ant! ;2,3 South SIXTH Street. J. FOlibral, Agent for Eastern Pennsylvania. 00.6 t. (RICE & LONG FULTON WORKS, 1340 BEACH STREET, Engineers, Haklitalato, Boiler *liken, and Car Runners. Tataka of every description made to oral.. Sole Agents for Long's Marine SalittOreetere.MVlS-1y NEVEM HAD A GOOD PICTURE -I- BEFORE t" exclaimed one or rhiladelphia's learnt daughters, as she gazed with delight on het Photo-Miniature, made at ()NEMER & DILLON'S, PR South EIGHTH street. sele-Imit" N. B.—Alhums and Stereoseopbelu great variety. ( 1 , U. GARDEN & Ca ; MANUFAO- N-4 TUBERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RATS CAPS, FURS BONNETS, STRAW UOODS, RIBBONS, &c., he., No. 600 and 6091 MARKET street. The largest and must complete stock, the best terms and cheapest prices, couTitri merchants and the trade supplied. aust-dm ,Ic.ATES OF EVERY VARIETY, Cyoqiiet, AridLeryj Cricket and Base-Ball Im plements, for sale by PHILIP WILSON C 0.,& se3o-Ire 409 CHESTNUT Street. PRINCESS PAPER.SHELL AL pIciNDS, new Brazil Nuts. new French Wal nuts, Filberts, dint Pelt nit& For Bale by RHODES a WILLIAMS, °ell 107 South WATER Street. . _ dm= WILLIAM H. _MOORE GE. NE3s - f, FurtNisuirilt UNDRIVAILICR, No. 1423 RACE Street, (late of Arch street.) &IP Personal attention at all hours. analhain 6 6 ONE-PRTCE STORE." G. W. PITCHER,. SON-CHESTNUT STREET-80S. Dealer in Books, Albums, Magasines. Stationary. Portfolios, Writing Cases. Card. ?dewlap and Imperial Photographs. Past el Paintings *tea kograyless_ Stereoscopt s audStereoscopie Views. Walnut Brackets, Book Racks, and Easels. Frames of all Mils on hand and made to order. paintings and Pictures of all sizes framed in the Lett manner. Also, /1 fine assortment of Cord and Tassels, at the lowest, 59055, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. G. W. PITCHER, SOS CHESTNUT Street — SOS, oc7-tf Philadelphia. TOW IS THE TIME TO OBTAIN AT reduced prices fine Colored PHOTOGRAPHS, executed in the style that seemed them 'heir ha mente imllarity. REIMER'S' Gallery, SECOND fit reel, abOVt: Green, • It. SPLENDID SPnenth Ng, OF ART, flnnand acuurately-voIored.POWPRAITS. B. F. IcEIMEU'S unequalled style life•size Photographs, in oil coloni; pronounced by all superior pictures. QOM. 9Nt AKA fiyr cell TO CAPITALISTS. GREAT BARGA. IN! THE OWNEZ 9f.' A FULL, Ulsan V 11) ED, IN 48,000 AM : MAE!. O COAL, TIMBER, anci Will sell the said Interest at an Perfect satisfaction to party wishing to intrchase Address "BONA. FIDE," Piegg Offiael oelo-6t. TO RENT—FROM JANUARY 1, 1866, 1. SECOND and THIRD FLOORS or Store AM MARKET Street, Apply On the prothloez— nrgt floor. ocu.-et, To RENT-PART Or TWO 'PUR- NajjED coryvES. Apply at No. 219 South FOVlrrfi Otreet, second story. FOR SALE-- ROUSE NO. 408 jii,goirsg pINTII Street, 20 by 100 feet, double twe. - story baciCcmilding., iiate4 &tip altantAara. -with other modern improvements. Apply at No, 260 CHESTNUT Street. 0011-wfmat. FOR SALE—A SPLENDID nearly- u rhifttug-top 1J AETON4 and a double set of lire-gilt harness—by the undersign ed, who intends to leave the city. Apply from 10 to 11 A. 3f. J. It. PRICE, 0011 lt' 247 MARKET Street. MAFOR SAL E.--TWO BUBURISA,Ii COTTAGES, situated on TRANSCRIPT Street, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets— each house Contains nine rooms, and have all the hibtlern inprovemonts Introduced,' 13)9 190.4 re 50 feet front by Iho feet deep to Irving street. Imme diate possession given. They will be sold loer, and on easy terms. The West Philadelphia Passenger Railway cars run within 200 feet of the eremises. Apply to g, G. HOPKINS, LOOAN Btreei, Near Hacerford Street, Or on the premises, between 4 and BP. M. °M-W• a FINE STORE PROPERTY AT . PUBLIC SALE IN MON TGOMERY CO. On the 16th of October, at I o'clock P. M., on the premises, opposite Three Tuns Hotel, Upper Dublin totruship—Dwelling, Store and RIVE ACRES OF I.4ND; House 58 by 80; Kitchen attached 18 by lb: Post-oSiee and daily Cellar Barn 80 feet It u lfa r glA r iti t t e a r n a d t 2Y l 4 l % n ail ickig i tt ation on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. ()LEARNT JONES. ser-For particulars inquire of W. Midi:ism co., NO. 611 Chestnut street, and OwenShoeinalter, corn ner Franklin and Green streets, Phila. 0111.43 t R. WATVELL Chicago, Illinois, se23-1130 glh ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF MIL . _ Will be sold at public sale, pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Bucks county, on the IifeMIRS, of rt . FTH-DAY (THURSDAY) the 19th of October, ssa, the Real Estate of ELIJAH OHM. TON, deceased, consisting of a FARM, containing about one hundred and sixty acres of good land. seven of which are woodland, situate on the Bris tol turnpike-road, in Bristol township, Bucks COUR -o', one-fourth of a mile from Schenck's Nation, on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, Sixteen the from Pbiladeiplita, and two from Bristol, ad joining lands with Henry L. Craw, O. N. Taylor, and others. The improvements consist of a good stone Dwelling-house, large stone barn, wagon-house, iferlloU§S, c good frame tenant-house, and other nottoings: large apple orchard and other fruit trees, There is a siren= of water passing through the pre mises. This farm will he offered in four parts and all together, and sold the, way that will command the most money: No. i. Stktp acres, with the buildings. No. 2. Forty acres. No. 3. Forty acres, with the tenant-house. No. 9. Twenty acres, with the woodland, ail of which have, good fronts, with splendid building sites on the turnpike Taking into consideration the location and the many other advantages tills property possesses, it is desirable either for the capitalist, the business man, or the farmer. The superior facilities for ac eessto our principal cities, New York and Phila delphia, renders it unusually - desirable, and Wet as is seldom offered to the public. Persons wishing to view the premises previous to the day of sale will call on WILMOT CRESTON, residing thereon, or either of the subscribers, who Will cheerfully show the same. Sale to commence at o'clock P. M. Conditions at sale'. A train leaves Kensington depot at it o'clock A. M., and leaves &bench's Nation at 6 o'clock P.M. _ _ ;MEIN WlLDMANj.ildminktratorg E. 1 - IARMON, 0c1044t JEWS G. WEBST R, Auctioneer. liA BEAUTIFUL FARM OF jek ng Aeree Will be sold at pliblie eale on the At; Oremises, on fourth day, the 18th of she idth mouth, ctober, to commence at 2 &clock P. M., OEIIBO in Solebury township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, near the Delaware /Direr, eenvenient to the Loin berville Post-oillee, the Mows island Station oh the Belvidere Delaware Railroad, mills, stores, tele graph educe, places of worship, and nearly every thlea, conducive to man's comfort and happiness. The land Is In line condition, nicely divided with c42tattitteir-ii„, healthful; a large stone manslonhouse, nearynew; good tenant house; stone barn, in Middling good order; good wagon-house, and other out buildings. 'lent of TEM in variety, and lasting Water Of THE BEET KIND. - - . - Any further particulars will be cheerfully given on application to the subscriber, living near the pram nee, U letter or otherwise. Address, Lumbervine Pot-offieo, Bleb] eountyk SALE POSITIVE, AND TITLE PERFECT. JOHN E. KENDERDINE, Adm'r of the Estate of SARAH LIVEZEY, deceased. Lumberton, 19th month, 5, 1865. ocli-wrs t 1 FACTORY BUILDING FOR RENT, with the use of a Steam-Engine in perfeet or der. The Building has been thoroughly repaired Is well adapted for any business requiring plenty o room and ouperi9r light. Apply t° JAMIE M. RLIAR4 se27-wtbs9t* No. 325 WALNUT St., Room No. 2. aWILL BE SOLD, AT PUBLICAN Bale, on THURSDAY, October 28th, PUBLIC 2 0 *CdOCK, On the PrePilises, a FARM, of about SUE teen acres, late the rebitience of Mts. Catharine Henderson, recessed, situated on the Lancaster Turnpike, about a quarter of a mile west of the Eagle Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Improvements area good stone house, with a well of good Witter in the kitchen, and it reams barn. It is a desirable place for a country residence, being It healthy neighborhood, and convenient to eiturehee and schools, and capable of handsome improve ment. bale peremptory se3o-swBt4 el FOR SALE—A VERY DESTRA.- le four-story Brick DWELLING-ROUSE. No. fiat West aldo of PROM! Street, below Calk/whin; hot and cold water, gag, rr.tee, $4,500. Terms easy. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, se3o-aw4t. 1035 REACH St., above Laurel. FOR SALE-ELEGANT ga ma Country St at and Flinn, in Cheater Val ley, 43 acres, situated on the Lancaster Turnpike, 24 tulles from Philadelphia, ten minutes walk from • • bleamboat station, , Pennsylvania Railroad, and raw mile from West Chester Branch and Chester Valley Ibdlioaals, all of widell are in eight, The improvenienta are a very handsome and commodi ous dwelling. built with nitwit care and taste. and having all the modern conveniences--furnace, range, bath-room, ice house, with excellent water to erery mem in the second story; drawing- room. library dining and stote I.oolllg, With inner and outer kitchens In the drat story; four chambers and bath-room in the second story, with handsomely finished attics: stone barn. wills roach house, corn alb; twoastory tenant 119000, 7' l 4p 15 rounds are well laid out. arber.yita- hedges, evergreeli4 and shrubbery , . with fruit trees and traps Vines In great .variety: The farm laud is well fenced and watered, and is of the best quality. Apply to E. C. ORAEPF, Or on the premises, to NO, 116 S. SIXTH Street, oclo.3t* S. II AZLEHURST. FOR SALE—SUPERIOR FARM of rotty-one acres, near Darby tin mMlca from the city. Magnlacent mansion and qiher buildings. The orchards and fruit trees generally, grape-vines, ac., are not excelled. The whole pre mises must be seen and examined t In order to he appreciated. _Price g30.1p0. Immediate possession. MILLER, SIXTH d ALIIIJT, oc9-3tlf. COMPANIES, VALUABLE NEW YORK PRO PERTY MUST HE BOLD—THAT JIEAUTIFUL DROWN STONE ._ connr,n gousr.,; situated On Sixtieth street, .I.4eW York, with its massive browdoitnite rails and banisters, and portico doorway' tiled areal aloo, 110 Wed, with Brandon marble all through;mantles a Lest StatilatV grates and renders, with four-hold bars; rosewood doors and trimming; stairs of' rosewood and black walnut; all the hardware very heavy silver plated. This house has four stories., basement and cellar. Its Sire is twentY - three feet by fifty. Lot one hun dred feet, with a flower gahleil dile hundred feet. It Is on the main entrance of Sixtieth street, now considered one of the best and handsomest in New York city, facing Central Park. It can be rented fur over $4,000, should the our• chaser wish to rent it. The house Is strictly first 's/ems in every respect. fries only $i46,000. Also, for salts the adjoining house. sante style, price $16,000. Apply to 'JOHN FETTRETCH, No. 418 ',MUD Avenue. ocB-61 New York. BIiO~CETCS, I`OR BMA-VERY CELEAP! Will be sold, at HALF PRICR, lin ORIGINAL INTEREST' in one of the beat .1.111413 ER AND COAL COMPANIES - ENTNNT. Cost CAC Will he sold for M. Is worth 40,000 Great sacrifice! Address M. HENRY, oc.lo-d6t Box '2,N11, 4014 POR SALE-CHEAP LANDS I ...a— MINERAL and TIMBER LANDS—GauIt/Um —only $4 to $8 per acre. GUARANTEED by the owners. GEO. N. TOWNSEND, 0010.8 t V . .3,5i South FOURTH Street. ift FOR SALE-THE HOUSE, NO, M1L171.4 Pine street. Apply at the premises, or to oeto-att WM. DUANE, 514 WALE LIT St. TO RENT_--THE SECOND, THIRD and fourth stories of the large and spacious Store, No. 247 MARKET Street. Apply upon the prerniana. oeo-2t POR SALE—AN ELECIANT Itrowu-stone-front Dwelling,ollMpritee street. west of Seventeenth. Possession soon. Neat Dwelling - , 5151 Mount Vernon street. Neat Dwelling, poi North Sixth street. Neat Dwelling, ikM d,ill M.1 , 60t. Neat Dwelling, 1528 North street. Neat Dwelling, New street. north of Coates. Neat Dwelling, Marlborough street, bet. Duke. Neat Dwelling, 406 North Front. Immediate pox. session. B. F. GLENN, 133 FOURTH Street, oe7-tf and S.W. eor. t3eveuteentlt atul (iroeib_ ER , TO RENT- A. FIRST-CLASS miiiiIIVOIPETivE, with Flllll4[l' WM. on SPRUCE btreet. - west oigixieerdh. JOHN AA II t oe4-131. 502 IY,A. torilJT Street. fit FOR SALE-THE WELL-BUILT ma and convenient DWELLING 7D GREEN St, with large side yard,with immedlite.pessessiOn. r. MNN. 0c444 1213 South FOUltni FOit RI SALE, WITH FOSBESS/01i, ' - lIANDSOME DWELLINGS„ On Ridge Road, above Thompson street. These barolsome,welbilnished Modern Residences TIM Ity sold Si PAID prices and on easy terms. only 41,000 cash wsittalttlatittlen by illettlGno ll ts• GEO. N. TOttiNnENO OCieat 123;6 South FOURTH Street. dit 115 R SALE—GERMANTOWN tak itikPROPERTL — A YerY desirable nroperty—A;a.: geed double two-story dwellhig, With seven acres of land. within one square of two depots, with flue old shade-trees...ad evergreens. A handsome stream of water passing through the property, and water works on the property, supplying the house. A. fountain in front or the house, and stable and gat , den, with the hest at i.fdditg water. lIIESKTIibIi Apply to S WASHINGTON lILTILDINti, 90 4 W 1 11.14 U OKciti itINTO lirtaQUl FOR SALE AND TO LET. VOIR. 16?-iA...1....E," ON'LV e 4,500. riNE-TWELFTH INT F 4 HEST MINERAL LANDS IMMENSE SACRIFICE. VALUABLE SEAL ESTATE. TORN LANG& "Executor. FOB SALE AND TO LET. de FULTON HALL AT PUBLIU ainam.pr,.—This valuable pro . perty will be oirerett at public sale, at Cortriare Hotel, on MONDAY, October 18th, at 2,45" o'clock P. The building, erected with the beet material and in the most substantial manner, is itfi feet front nit Prince street, and 148 in depth to Water atm% dm a haying two A purchaser who would give special attentMa to renting all the different rooms as well as the mai* saloon for concerts, public meetings, Ite.„. It may het made to pay large receipts and a very profitable ins vestment. It would be well adapted for it silk. Weelle. or cotton manufactory, gee being intro— rdouocmedlntlfzutlaittilke. largefeellar as well as In every , . The chandelier, settees, blinds, and all the feral's , ' tug will be included In the sale. Terms aml rheditioas Will he Made known itt tit Ca' sale. In the meantime farther information may bet bad of GEO. K. REED, Oct at Treasurer Fulton Hall Association,. AM FOR SALE THE HANDSOME "maim - ImA, No, ]433 ARCH WM, Arial! at No. 136 CHESTNUT street, between 10,4 and/. 12M o'clock. Immediate potigt,gsion given. (m341;1' it FOR SALE—WITH POSSESSIONi TWO FURNISHED DWELLINGS. Warn. Eu81(1011008, hananwery ittasited with sit modern Improvements. Furnished in the Ihit•se style. Situate on GIRARD Avenue. OEO. N. TOWNSEND a CO., Dm S. FOURTH Street, FOR BALE, OSSESSIGN AT MaIONOE—One HOUSE on Twelttii etreeio ouS HOUSE on Cameo street, $3,6, 00 ,,,,,atc.„, , 2 1 x 1, 04 ' vise street, KM; ftio9t4l3,Minaciegirec— oes-st* 61.4 CHESTNUT Street. LFOR SALE-SPLENDID FARM one hundred and eighty acres, In syivania, opiboaltd TrotitOnt superior lawn/tee ments,am One or the most desirable properties ever offered. Immediate possess on. Price stBo per acre. MILLER, SIXTH and WALNUT. oc9-3tif INII2I VINE 13TREET-FOR BALE, with immediate Possesslon—A handsome %VA& htory BRICK HOUSE, with Double Back 'Maid. , ings, all in tirst-rate order, newly, papered and painted throughout, with all the modern conve niences; lot 140 feet deep. Apply to A. L. CAVES. me North NINTH Otrret,tke 94 t . . _ •ron SALE-NO, 431{ WALNUT STREET.—lmmediste possession. Large 'Alibi itigi now occupied as °likes. Lot 28 feat front BT 140 eep. MILLBII4 469-Stlf SIXTH and WALNUT *troulth F OB SALE-LADIES' SHOE MANU. O twelveyeiail istrattitlite. RafttoOtil for belling-111 hOtitli. alvO kgreittr bargain. 56 North FOURTH Street, Second Story. A FINE BADDLE.HORSE FOR' sal cu Apply at CRAIOE'S Stable, No, 247 North FOU R TH Street . oeo-Bt. , THE KEANS.—THE SALE OF SEATS for these distinguished artists will COMII)Pllre et the VADEIIII , OF MUSIC on TIII;RSDAIC MOIL h t 1 ! 4 4 8,4,1 t. Tlity idly Ito poem nud ntti IIitiMIILVIV SEVENTH and Olt ESTN UT fife„ up to 4 P. M. TODAY. A MERWAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -LA- 'Leone and '2 , tanamer....TlENDA! C.EVP (Also of the Roston Theatre'. FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY. THURSDAY EVSNIE-1 Commenting , Pet, lgti, tsa. The World-renowned eremitc celebrities, MR. AND MRS. CHA RLES REAM, Who will be properly and powerfully supported by .Mr. J. F. (.ATHCART, Xr, GEO, E) BRETT, Miss CHAPMAN Of the Princeidi and Drub' Lapp ThPaHeS t Lond on, IHr. FRANK atalt Tile popular young California Tragedian, And the leading members of the Dramatic Compa nies attached to NIBLOIS GARDEN AND THE 'BOSTON THEATRE. THURSDAY EVENING, Oct. 12th, 1.104, R Will be acted tibakcpeare's play of HENY VIII., Termlnatln_gwlth the DOWNFALL OF WOLSEY. Cardirial Waite} , ~,Mr, Charles ECM Queen Catharine Mrs. Charles Keen Anne Boleyn bliss Chapmais Cromwell Mr. J. P. Cathcart Earl of garrupt.. Mr. (lea. Everett King Henry VIII MK Frank Mayo For full cast see small bills, To conclude with Colmau's celebrated Comedy, lit three acts, entitled THE JEALOUS WIFE. Mr , Qaklcy Mr. Charles Mesa Mrs. Welty Mrs. Marisa Kati! Major Oakley Mr Geo, Everett Mrs. Barrlet Miss Chapinala Charley Oakley Mr. J. F, cataract For full cast see small bills. VittilAV EVENING,_OSt. lgth, 1865. THE MEIECHANT OF VENIOE• With a powerful distribution of characters. Shylock Mr, Marlee Krim Portia litra.charles bATTJUDAT I LOUIS Xi. Oliatita Seed _ =Thll MAMA", Mr9. Charles In consequence of the Meriting! imatintarp Malay involved in the engagement of these eminent ar tists being greater than Was ever Incurred In anar series of Dramatic Entertainments ever given is the United States, the Manager is compelled to fol low the Prudent Worded by every Theatre la which Mr. and Mrs. KEAN have ar , Dearad, and ans nounces a reasonable Increase in the PRICES OF ADMISSION.—Parquet, Balcony, and Dress Circle, ild; Secured Seats, $1.00; Family Circle. 50 cents. Doors open at ti o`elockl eonnuetict at 714 o'clock. Ticket oitice atTILUMPLItiIig (late Uotild 'eh corner gIiNENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ooross WALNUT.EiTREET TILEATRB. Skews NICHT OP EAST LYNNE. MR$. D. P. ROWERS In her great character or LADY ISABEL AND MAD. VINE. ROUSE CROWDED IN EVERY PART. filllS (WEDNESDAY) EVENDith DO, ./It /k/r For the bocond grfa; @.,U.41211,„Ph.7 or F.AST LYNN E. EAgT 1. YE 2.7 it. Lady Isabel. Mrs, D. P. BOWERS. Madame Vlnth bir Francis Leyison Mr, iintion Mr. Carlyle Mr. John McCullough. Alfey Hallyjohn Miss Ellie Gerntoll. To conclude with the roaring Faroe of AUNT ,cnAELOTT.EI3...M.4.I.IA ut zinguis• Malfdr..fididit 4- - Miss Effie tiering. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at N. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH -s'lloEl' THEATRE. LAST WEER OF MRS. F. W. LANDER, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINDS4 ' , JOAN OF ARO," Joan of Arc Mrs; F. W. Lander. After whleb, JOHN WOPPB. StuJohnart Rabitaa • FEIDAy, BENEFIT Or AIR'S F. LANDRR. I MONDAY, Mr. and )Ira. BARNEY WILLIAM& oell-2t TEWr CHM tv r 1./...JSZNirr-STREET TUBA -J TRE—CHESTNUT Street, above twelfth. LEONARD GROVER & WM. E. SINN, LeSseed and Managers, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS. BRILLIANT and SUCCESS of the Grand bramatisatinn, by Joseph O. Fosters of Dumas celebrated Novel, MONTE CRISTO, which will he presented at an OUTLAY OF 3,000 DOLLARS, with New and Beautiful Scenery, Novel Minas, Superb Costuniati_Costly Acoussories. Etrantl TO' bleaux, Brilliant and a CAST OF CHARACTERS embracing the following lumbers of our TALENTED sTAIt COMPANYI MISS AWE ORTON, Mr, F. Zdoltt.AHNT, Me. G. R. CLARKE. Mr. Walter Lennox, Mr. IL Young, Mr. J. T. Ward Mr. Lewis, MC. F. Foster, Mr. W. J. Oros, Mr. W. W. Morel Mr. J. V. Daily, Miss Cor dell% Cappello, Mrs, F, Keach, Mrs. Mordaunt„, and others, M I LLE TERESA WOOV 4 W SMITH, mid AURA r)RI'S DE HAMLET unman of SIXTE CO EN REAITTIFUL YOUNG. LADIES - have been eiiStigfid kkptieStly to loud Inge Haney to the DAZZLING MASQUERADE 50112111. In which ONE HUNDRED PERSONS, elegantly costumed, will take part. This Great Scene surpasses anything BEFORE ATTEMPTED IN THIS CITYI Them will ne no other_pleee performed with META CRISTO. SATURDAY AFTEIIIN'OON. Oct. kIIXTV•FiIifiT GRAND FAMILY MATIEE, when MONTE CRISTO will be performed. M USICAL FUND HALL.. , ..THS 4-ul. BRASS BAND (Odle HOUSE OF BEFUtiE uF BALTIMORE, consisting( of 20 Bore, aged from 9 to 161 . 1 are, will gl vo a YOUAL AND INsTIDJMENTAL coxoEnT, ACC7O2O - ANIR ITIVI DECLAMATIONS AND L DDA. AT T MUSICAL FUND HALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, Get. 17t9, 1885. Tickets to cents. Reserved Beats 71 Cents. To lie had at Dltisla Moms anti M MO Darr oell.w MUSICAL FUND HALL. MASTER RICHARD COKEIti_ Late principalSoitelind Trinity Choir, New Yorkl will glue a, Series of TWO GRAND CONCERTS, THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, Oct. 1,101 and 18th, commencing at 8 o'clock, assisted by the folio II! !MIMI 11rs. JENNY NEMPTON, Contralto, Mr. E. D. ruWledtS, the Popular Amerhaillt Tenor. Mr. OTTO FLEMING, Basso, and Signor lAN ZUNI, Pianist and Accompanist. ADMISSION, FIFTY OEM O. Reserved Seats (numbered), 78 wag , ‘ o " be bad at Mr. Trnmpler , s Music Store arm tctsky Rook Stand, Continental Hotel. The sale of Ito. served Scats wilt commence on Monday mottling, Out, so, at Xt. rum ilex's Musk Store. WIHDOWS. Bus. Manama' NEW AMERICAN THEATRE, Witl4 lZ - NN f 3 Will be performed the eliedesefill local drama of it , BILADELPHIA BY (4 ABLIGIIT, MISS KATE FISHER in ten characters. New DlYtltiop BO ement liy lE mo ns, Antonio ) LA PRU RA, To conclude with the great drama of the FR FINCH SPY ON HORSEBACK. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY Afternoon, ocg- TNSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND. - wRittttIVION syttry WEDNESDAY, at ;3,Y P.M. Admission, 10 cents. !Store, No. 11 South Street. TARRETT'S GYMNASIUM , SPA.IIII. Ng TioniPs/old Rifle Gallern now open, 8110 MARKET 6treut. ti027,,17E* ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, OHEST. NUT t ltr9et, atove Tenth—Open from M. tin 6r. . on great WOW( Of 011ittel , ILEJECTED still on Behan Wont Piz' LAUGHING GAS! LAXIGUING GAS& DR. giMPOT T Whose entertainments at c.oneert two yearn since were crowded by the host eines of ladies 11114 gentlemen, will have the honor to give one Grlt/Illr Exhibition of the Here! and Amnslive Effects of Si/THOUS OXIDE, OH LAUGHING GAM, AT CONCERT 1 - (Able. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Ott, Twelve Gentlemen of the first respectability wlli Inlinie the Gas. Every prowl] ft)p taken to guard against Injury or accident. The effect oe the Gas clerelopoa the eliaraeter4 Dr. C. hopes to deserve Hie patronage i as former. ly. of the best class of ladles and gentlemen. The aniesthetle powers of the Gas will be deruoip. stre I cif oxtviultitig a tooth while ttre subject la mdeep under the effects of a lS rge 11080. Pr. Colton will open the cotton Dental Asso ciation," for oxtraetio,g_toeth only, at 0 X37 WA.L. nipr latreel, on THURSDAY, OetolSur 12th. & Unmet. twose tame itialittition In NOW Tint Whom within and half years, we hove extrortels teeth for 8,840 patients without pato or a olitais failure or accident. The names of all on a serot4 written with their own hands will be exhibited Wednesday evening at CereHall. iii:TS, 1115 CENTS. Doors open at ' ; to oaleisienee at 71 4 ( alma, ociu.2r, QKATING ! SKATING !I aKATING I 11 (IA.MDRELL DEoDiciiawl Leann 111E/10 Gallery 11, d WASHING O Q N C O H w A ftu A s . , , RIGWI So tt svRING GARDEN, WEDNE.6DAV and 14111) r IkiouNINGS, from 10 to 12 0010,41, LOST AND tOVNIL NoTioE.— NOTICE, IS HEREBY ovoi that Oertlflok to No, 167, (MA POOtp limber. 1858, Issued to me ]Dr eta bhar, o Ut capital stock of the Union Bank of Philadelphia. lota been lost by fire, and all parties interested are hereby ilotitied that application wilt be made for a renewal of pa id certificate. C. W. EYsTER. sTIPHII'ENOLOGICAL tlons EXA.MINA. . OS, with full deserlo of ullatoottr j give N n DAY out' EVENINO,by J. L. CIAPIttf, ofl2-vi folly No. Rid gouth 'PLINTH Street. MIDR. O. L. UNS A 181 Street, EXTR A CT S TEETHTEETH witliOtit SPRUCE the 'Mgt psis, by administering nitrous oxide sae. Thls gas witheut taste or snug, gild haLtigt. Mg. ankh:mint effect of ether yr eidefqreyin. Isar ,fc c oy o rwen 110/ 1 11 1 /01t9 PIN% ON- '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers