D STATES MARINE CORPS. ill i nt, '" f9r the UNITED STATES bLUUNE etia_me-bodied MEN. Splendid induce sra-seett outle t ali tt litt v ezhig f i o lg i r x itrille Corps; tr CiP ti r c t :lien Y t aecommOdatiOnS, TfEht and pop s. %rater information inuiratt l l4BAi t ernt q t B e idettoue, No. n 3 l l Alt e r ir ß eri ,delP b ri erit t al e . e CHJCBLiES HEYWOOD, i:exceP oantain and Recruiting Meer. FINANCIAL. ''' iFOR )I , ' THE SALE OR o vEICNMENT LOANS JAIL - COOK.E. Sr. CO_, BANKERS AND BROKERS, j os !tailored temporarily to so, $O5 CHESTNUT STREET, of " sate. at loweat market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Ag 'FOLLOWS: 0. 7.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15, last do. do. June 15,1885 110 de. do. July IA MS BONDS 01' 1881. 1 6-26 LOAN OF 1.662. 5-20 LOAN OF 1861. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS., N:ES OF ALL BINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. or mation given concerning all kinds ot fteu- -elections on all points made at lowest rates. MILLINERY, v 0 0 D C A IVY offer, in their Retail Department (in addition usual stock of Straw and Fancy Bonnets, ~es and Misses' Hats, etc. ),a full line of rnixETs, CRAPES, RIBBONS, LACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GILT ORNA3IENTS, and 9tber novel ties of their own importation. WOOD CARY, No. 725 CHESTNUT STREET lONNET DPENINCI. WEDNESDAY, October 4. WOOD ec CARIC, Ice. '725 CILESTNTIT STREET &nit)U Wit Lay iklk :t:) '( I II,PHERD PLAIDS, )GREAT VARIETY, IN ALL-WOOL BARONY, OULAIECD DE LAINE, OILS DU NORD, POILE 'DE CI-LIEVICE. FUR SALE BY PIECE OR PACKAGE, BY HALLOWELL, GARDNER & CO., CEIERTNIIT Street. FRESS GOODS. ILIL.LOWELL, GARDNER, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ARE NOW OPBNING AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK ON SILKS AND, FANCY DRESS GOODS , Aprlsing an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade in Eiegaut Desi gns Foreign Fanoy Fabrics. lA-CHOICE MAKES In IMPORTED STAPLE GOODS, 28, is witibe required for AUTUMN BALES, , hlcli they offer at LOW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 115 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets. ?.Nil riwfain JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, DUX" GOODS, los. 239 and 241 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. („loths, Prints, eistmerea. Delefties, lattinetts, Alpacas, i t . llllS, Fancy Dress Goods, ;unonades, Brava and Bleeehed fiheetilign, denims, Brown and Bleeched bhirtings, zripts, Omish Chambras, leeks, Ondsh Tweeds, . ataa. 4as gh ers, " Linens, nnels, PURNIBHINU GOODS, WHITE OOODS, NOTIONS, &0., ka. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 1865, FALL. 1865. JAS. R. CAMIBELL & CO" 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale their idea Pr FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICA-N . DRY Gl- o o s, Which, for extent, variety, and general adapts,. Zs to the wants of the trade, Is unrivalled. SILKS, MEM - NOES, POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANKETS. FLANNELS, BALMORALS, - WHITE GOODS, LINENS, and. BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with Knee aul. desire' Qe goods at and under market rates. WHOLESALE ROOMS VP, STAIRS. lON -11r17117177" OIL MINING , COAL, AND OTHER /N NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish NSW CO/POVAtiOnl 1 1th all the Soaks they require, at short notice and 4,l Dricea, of Ant quality. All etylea of finding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. SROKESS , PETTY LEDOES, ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS So CO. BLANK BOOK MANUFAVTITIBENB AND STATIONERS. 432 CHESTNUT Street. 4 1 ST RECEIVED, NEB S, 13..4314E1C & C 0.,. ° `-am 819 CIDESTIII7T STKBET. - 1 10TOGRAERS TAKEN AT MA• -R/NE Works and Foundries of rngines, Car. ii d gea, and Machinery. Persons desiring_can have 0 1 1 carefully Photographed by. B. F. MBIDIER, ....t.t.49CIL Street. ' It (lA - 4 , • D ' EXE i„ tes CITKED, in all varieties of style, to satisfy all Bespecimens, and judge of their artistic S. P. - REDEEM, 024- AMOR Street. it. 0, 4 1113 PHOTOGIIA.PHS, 12 FOR $1.25 ~ .it i Zako rp ret ty, and di o r i ,V . lezty e lz ia t n lkAnzif , "a btquates. .11,11trAPo.1.9,81egECatli, ab. Green. e 4 - 13 /NET SECOND & CIAXPIONI Ice tre 5181 8011TH SECOND STREET, th e Diutart their ollow the detline in the inark ll .et e u.2l .. purultuTe. rut I Aamme oar atom RETAIL MIT GOODS DEPOT FURNISHING DRY GOOFS, A CARD. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, NO. 1008 icnia.snorilua• er., Whose establishment ror the sale of HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS Is unequalled iu the extent and 'variety of its as. sortment, beg to announce to HOUSEKEEPERS, RENEWING THEIR SUPPLY, Or persons allolit to furnish, that they are new re ceiving their FALL ASSORTMENT FRESH LINEN, COTTON AND WOOLLEN QOODS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE, MISOZEI LINEN SHEETING% COTTON SHEETINGS, rthLow DITJSLINS, PILLOW LINENS, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE LINENS, DAMASK NAPKINS, BORDEUBD TOWELS, TOWELLINGS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, And every other article suitable for a well-ordered household. se29. -tf FALL IMPORTATION. THOMAS W. EVANS a CO.; e. 1 , 47 p, HAVE NOW OPEN !70 44 AND • ARE DAILY• RECEIVING NEW AND CHOICE STYLES DRESS GOODS, SILKS ° aDc., To which they respectfully invite attention. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. seta-fit • 1865 NEW GOODS FOR 1865. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. o ras TOUTERS, JOBBERS, RETAILERS, Farley and Staple Dry Goods waoLEsALE—SECOND FLOOR. se234l. AT RETAIL. JAMB It. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 401-13ESTDI UT STREET, OFFER AT - POPULAR PRICES: BLACK SILKS In great variety, including the beet goods im ported, Royal Armures Gros Grains, Lyons Taf feta, Parisiennes, Drap de France, Drap de Lyon, Gros de Rhine, Gros frAfrique, &c., &c COLORED SILKS In desirable shades, embracing newest colorings in Moire Antiques and Real Lyons Taffetas, in cluding all the desirable evening shades. DRESS GOODS. Lupin's choicest Fabrics—Merinoes, retains, Velour Busse, Silk Chain Epinglines, Crepe Eugenie, Clan Plaids, &c., &c. VELVETS. Lyons Cloaking Velvets, all widths, of superior fabric. SHAWLS In great Variety, including latest uoirefueei in Long and Square Cashmere Brodie, beorigittal designs. Mourning Goo ds , Linen and Cotton Goods, Flannels, Blankets, &c,, &c. • wHoI.V.SALR ROOMS UPSTAIRS. se2s-6t GREAT STOCK OF JOB LOTS Or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of thsOtest and most beautiful styles we have ever Offered to the trade or public generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We aso have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR, COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS, and. .BAGATELLES. Our motto Is "Good Goods at Fair Prices," at W. T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET AND 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. REAL FRENCH. LINEN SHEETING. A few pieces more of nom very superior FRENCH LINEN sIiEETINGS,for single end dou• ble beds, just received. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Housekee_plug Dry Goods, sas-at N 0.1005 CHESTNUT Street. SILESIA TABLE DIAPERS. •We have unexpectedly received an invoice of those very desirable goods. To those who have used them, we need say no word or commendation. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Linen and Rouse-furnishing Goods, 8e29-6t No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. 'FURNITURE PLUSH. -1 1 - Just received one case crimson and green FURNITURE PLUSH, of superior quality. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & AsestisON, Import/Ire. of house furnitiblng dry goods, se2O-6t No. loos caus.wiaztlT Street. WHITE GOODS. V SHEPPARD, VANSON HARLINGEN & AItRI , • Ea. 1008 CHESTNUT StreCt i are now receiving:thelr Fall assortment or WHITE GOODS, Comprising light and heavy Cambric Muslin. • riain,:plaid and striped Jaconet. India Mull and Nainsook. French and Swiss h Tarlatans and Bobinetts. Briiiia 'lies and India Dimity. French and Cambric Dimity. .French Cambric and Percale. India Twills and Hair Cord Cambric. Shirred and Waked MIMS. Victoria and Bishop Lawn. Irish Lawns, Linen Cambric, &C., SEC- se26-6t CHEAPEST BLANKET HOUSE IN THE ClTY.—Persons wanting Blankets for the coming cold weather, will save money by examin ing my stock and purchasing now. I am selling a great many every day much lower than the same kinds are being sold at all over ttie city. Money, time and unlade can all be saved by coming at once to where they can be bought the cheapest. I am selling a right geed blanket at $ 5 per pair - better and liner at SG. ne.ss, (WO, +A, fbeliCYC these will all be higher in a short time, as I could not sell these at the prices name if they had not been bought some time ago. Crib Blankets, differ ent sizes and qualities. Goods will be sent to any part of the city, no matter how far. WIANVILLE B. BADIES. sets-At No. 1013 MARKET Street, auove Tenth. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES.- Axa-I am offering a great bargain iu these goods at prices far below what the same kinds have been and are now selling at. This lot was imported when gold was 15 per cent. lower than now, and my price Is in the same proportion; they are heavy and large size at $9, worth one dollar more at wholesale; one lot liner, at *10; extra size, at $ll and $l2. Mar seilles Counterpanes for cribs, different sizes and beautiful patterns, Taffy cheap. Also, Hone - comb, LaneasiCY DI/A rlde WQOach Cov erlets, of various designs - and colors. These goods are under the market rates. SiRANVILLE B. RAINES, se2o.4t No. 1013 MARKET street, above Tenth. VDWIN _HALL & CO. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Have now open a full stock of "Lupin's' , French Merinoes. . " Mouslin de Laines. 511 k-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplin& All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. Inch-figured all-wool Cashmeres. Rich styles of Wool De Lanes. Polka Dot De Lames and Reps. Dress Goods, in great variety, of our own im portation, sell BLUE DOUBLE WIDTH. Lupin's Wool Delalues, of good quality, at Al l:o so, Greene, nawns. litpdeS, $7.37' Lvptcr'a plain Poplins, Greens, Browns, Blues Purnibti , 5i.2.3 Implirs Black Pop_line. 1.10 Lupin's 'l4 Black Delalnee. 'colored Alpacas, Paratnattas, Delaines, Prints. Plaid &e. MARSEILLES S QUILTS. New invoice, good qualities and large_ sizes, at lower prices than for three Years* Also, Itoneyeoint. Wits. Fine stock of Bed, Crib, Cradle, and qiptored BLANKETS, COOPER & COWARD, ae.2041 5, It, eerner NINTH and MARKET. SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS ! Bound Blanket Shawls. Plain Long Shawls, for friends. Extra-size Square Shawls. Fine Plain Shawls. newest patterns. Atlases' and Children's Shawls. lilack and Berlin Jacq Mode uard ShaThinet Shawle wls. aeZ JO ON 8. STOASS', 70X 4.&C8 St THE PRESS,--PHTLADELPHIA:, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1865: RETAIL DRY GOODS OPENING THIS DAY, AT I tEB PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK FUR NO. 920 CUESTNIIT STREET. PARIS AND LONDON CLOAKS, In great abundance of Style and Material RICH, FURS OF ALL.NAITIONS, LADIES, MISSES, and J. W. PROCTOR & CO., se27-3t No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET 6 6 rims' , IRISH POPLINS, CHOICE SHADES OF ALL TUE NEW AND DESIRABLE COLORS, *MOLE AND DOUBLE QUALITY. RIM PLAID IRISH POPLINS. SILK CASHMERES IN RICH PLAIDS. RICH PLAID FRENCH POPLINS. FINE SILK FRENCH POPLINS. FINE ALL-WOOL FRENCH POPLINS. Do. do. do. MERINOES. _ In all the new and desirable colors. HANDSOME SILKS, in great variety. RICH SHADES OF MQJRE ANTIQUES RICH SHADES OF COLORED SILKS. MR SHADES OF PLAIN SILKS. RICH STYLES OF FANCY SILKS. FINE QUALITIES OF BLACK SILKS ALL AT THE VERT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. FINE DRESS GOODS, OF EVERY VARIETY, AT THE _LOWEST PRICES H. STEEL A.; SOW, se2S-3t Nos. 713 and 715 N. Teuth St. ASPECIALLY INTERESTING REOPENING. JCISEE•MI H. (LATE THORN - LEY at ORIVIT) Having made extensive repairs and alterations to the old stand. Northeast corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, has reopened with a magnificent stock of new and beautiful Goods, se lected with .great care, and WWI special reference to the first-class trade who have 50 long patOoifixad the old firm. Audi would here take the opportunity of thanking all our former customers,and of assuring them that no effort will be spared in the future to retain their continued patronage. There will be found a good stock of BLACK SILKS AND SHAWLS. _. RICH PLAID AND PLAIN POPLINS. "FRENCH MERINOES, DELAINES, AND CALI COES. CLOTHS, _CASSIMERES, FLAN NELS, AND BLANKETS. LINEN GOODS, MUSLINS, GINGHAM, &C.,&C. JOSEPIi H. THORNLEY, se27-1m Cor.EIURTIi and SPRING GARDEN JWM. HOFMANN, • NO. 9 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Solicits attention to his large stock Of HOSIERY GOODS. Cartwright & Warner's superior make of Merino Vests, Shirts, Drawers, and Stockings, of all sizes, for ladies, Reins , and children's wear. Woollen Shirts and Drawers of domestic MlMl facture—a very heavy aitiele. COTTON SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. We have opened a full line of English Cotton Shirts and Drawers-12 to 46 Inches. - Illedium and superior qualities. ft iNGWOOD GLOVES. We have a very large assortment of Ringwood Gloves,l in mode and fancy colors, for ladles' and misses' wear. BREAKFAST SHAWLS. . . - . We have an invoice of Breakfast 'Shawls ' in va rious sizes—sonic extra largo. These goods are of very fine quality, and beautiful colors. e have also a large invoice of fancy. Woollen Skirts, for misses' wear; very rine in material and colors. se29-3t* 12-4 FINE JJEAVY BARNSLEY SHEETING, $1.75. Just from Auction, at the above low prices. CURWEN STODDART Sc BRO THEN, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, 5528 St above Willow. MADDER PRINTS. Reduced to 25 cents CU/MEN STODDART & BROTHER,' Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street se2B-8t Above Willow. BEST MAKES-BLACK SILKS. HEAVY BLACK TAFFETAS, From recent Auction Sales, at less than the. usua prices. CURWEN STODDARD & BROTHER Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street Above Willow. ri,Lomis AND CLOAKINGS. Ladies , Cloaks of all the newest styles. Cloaklngs In great variety}. CURNVEN STODDART & BEDTIME, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street se2S-E above Willow. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES A full line of French Merinoes, A full line of Poplins, A full line of Silks and Shawls, A full line of Blankets, A A ff o ull line o f f la To u t s i l e int loona, A full line of Cloths and Cassinieres, at' JOHN H. STOKES, sell 702 ARCH Street. CARPETS AND OIL■CLOTHS. CARPETINGS 1 CARPETINGS 1 1 a. DELACIWIX, No. 87 South SECOND Street, No. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT. HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETING% OF THE BEST MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, DRUGGETSRAG, LIST AND COTTAGE CARPETS, •ALT THE I.OWEST PRICES. J. T. DELACROIX, 37 SOUTH SECONDSTREET, Between Chestnut and Marken streets, dehllada. seMetnWtham NEW CARPET HOUSE. 1"- - v`w73C031 ASE. SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, will open ON MONDAY, SepteMber 18th, a new and choice selection of CARPETINGS, of all the various qualities. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call and examine berets purchasing. gerr-im 1865. FALL. 1865. GLEN ECHO IKLLa4SI GERMANTOWN, P.A. Sr, CO., IKANUFACTUEEES & IMPORTERS OF C.A.TMIETINGDS, OIL. CLOTH, . MATTINGS. &c., WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 CHESTNUT STREET. EETATI, DEPARTMENT, se7-3m 519 CHESTNUT STREET. E. D. F. MORGAN, • . - ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLEOTINO AGENT, DIEUPECIS, TENN. Civil Courts or this District are neof pre& Mat OlidgPtion. Haying practiced at the 'Memphis bar for ten (10 years, my acquaintanc,e with the business community greatly facilitates in the speedy eollectlen et claims. - jyn-em E. D. F. MODDLII, HAVANA CIGARS AND GUAVA JELLY. Fresh invoices, assorted, just in store, per steamer Columbia, and offered low to dealers. Ciffars comprising Figaro, Espanola, Filantropa, , te. ;S. FrnalUET SONS,lmporters, 64:21-12t, Rao poutu ruplr NktlE. NEW PITHLICATIONN ON SATURDAY, MESSRS. HURD & HOUGHTON, 401 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 11IATRIMONIAL INFELICITIES, WITH AN OCCASIONAL FELICITY BY WAY BY BARRY GRAY. ONE VOL. CROWN OCTAVO. *1.75. NY MARRIED LIFE AT HILLSIDE BY BiatnY GRAY. With Illustrations hy bleNe vin. 1 vol. crown Bvo. Price V. "Although the book is chiefly or an amusing Cha racter, it is not to entirely. There is considerable pathos in its pages, as well at some good poetry." — Had: Col. Rep. "They are lively, humorous and sparkling."— 'BO.OOII rimes. Either of the above sent by man, prepaid, on re ceipt of the prices annexed to each. se29-2tif NEW AND INTERESTING WORK. LIFE OF JOHN BRAINERD, TEE NEW JERSEY MISSIONARY, From 1747 to 1781. By Rev. THOMAS RRALNERD, D. D., of Philadelphia. "It is interesting as a novel. "—U. S. Gazette. "Dr. Brainerd IMO given us a model biography." —N. Y. Evangelist. "The volume will have ap_lace alongside the me moirs of the elder brother (David Brainerd), many of the characteristics of which it possesses."—N. Y. Observer. Pub Dolled by the PRESBYTERIAN PUBLICATION COISIALITTEE, 1334 CHESTNUT STREET. And for sale by .ASIUMEAD & EVANS 724 Chestnut street. T. D. PETERSON & BROS. 808 Chestnut street. J. S. CLAXTON, and other booksellers. se2B4t CHILDREN. LIBRARY EDITION. THE CONSPIRACY TRIAL. VOLUME 11. Price, Muslin Extra. +2 00 Law Sheep 2 SO One-half Gan' 3 50 Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. J. E TILTON ct Co , se2B2t PUBLISHERS, Boston. NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOKS !! I Just received by ASHMEAD S 5 EVANS, No. 724 OriEt3TNITT Street. HESPERUS; or, Forty-five Dog-Post-Days. A Biography from the German of Jean Paul Fried rich Richter. Translated by Charles T. Brooks. 2 Volumes. RECOLLECTIONS OF SEVENTY YEARS. By Mrs. John Farrar. OUR ARTIST IN CUBA. Fifty Drawings On wood. By George W. Carleton. ARTEMUS WARD. His Travels. Comic Bins trations• THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA. By John William Draper. SHIRSPBARR'S WORKS, complete. The Globe edition. Edited by Clark and Wright. In ono volume. Clear, beautiful type. Price, $2.50. BOYDELL'SILLUSTRATIONS TO SHAR WEAR& By the most eminent Artists .of Great Britain. Large folio. 2volumes; half Russia. One handSOMe books ever Issued. Price, $O. THE LIFE OF 401 IN BRAINERD4 By Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D. On tinted paper. Illus trated. sae-St - MISS M'KEEVER'S P 0 PULA R AO -a- VOLUMES—NEW ADDITIONS. WOODOLIFEE. •By HARRIET B. N'KEEVER. One volume. I2mo.,cloth. EDITH'S MINISTRY. 125n0., cloth. SUNSHINE; OR, BATE VINTON. 16m0., cloth, $l. THE FLOUNCED ROBE, AND WHAT LT COSTS. With Frontispiece. 75 etc. Miss Meßeever's popularity as an authoress, and the elevated character of her writings, have given to them a standard character equal to those of any female writer of the present day. LINDSAY es BLAKISTON, Publishers, se29 No: 25 South SIXTH Street. VALUABLE SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Fcgt SALE BY JAMES R. SIMON. Agent 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Aove C Appleton's New American Cyclbopediahestnut.. Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia. Rebellion Record. Edited by Frank Moore. Smith's History of the World. _Martin's History of Fratiee. Martineaus' History of England. Cyclopedia of Commercial Anecdotes. Four Years in Secessia. HEADLEY'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION. WORKS OF EDMUND BURKE, line Edition. IitYI.HOT. COOPER'S. and DICKENS' WORKS. Bancroft's and Merivalu's Histories. Appleton's and lire's Dictionaries of Arts, &c. Wational Quarterly Review. N. IL—Public and private Libraries furnished with any Books published at the lowest rates. se27-at LATE PIIBLICATIONS.-AN EXAM. 'NATION OF SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON'S PHILOSOPHY, and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. By John Stuart Mill, in two volumes ; 12mo. HONOR 1 OR THE SLAVE-DEALER'S DAUGH TER. By Steu Ilulnuch. THE BLADE AND THE EAR.—Thonghts for a Young Man. By A. B. Matey. DIS3ERTATIONS AND DISOUSSIONS.—PoIiti eat, Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart Mill ; 3 volumes 12 mo. All the new books received am maim is published, and for oats by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martiem) se2o 606 CHESTNUT Street. I E. WALItIi.VEN, 719 CURATEUT STREET, LACE AND NOTTINGHAM ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, PINE, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA EXUDES, WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST FATTWEI. PIANO COVERS. CURTAIN STORE! CURTAIN STORE! CH~EITNUT E3TRMET. RICH LACE CURTAINS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, WINDOW SHADES, BROCATELLES, REPS_ C. M. STOUT .S CO. se27-wPrtuBt NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS by the pail, NOTTINGHAM LACE for CURTAINS, by the yard. Now on hand, the largest quantity, from original hands in original cases, and sundry lots from auc tion, low -pr iced,-.medium, high• cost, and elegant Curtains, much under regular prices, at WORNE'S Late and EminvWery Store, No. 38 North EIGHTS Street. • It. NEW FALL STYLES WALL PAPERS! N. E. Cor. Fourth •nd Market Streeter PAPER HA.MG-Itler£3 WINDOW SHADES. aull-fmw2m r ; a • s; r tOO ' • f• FLUE SHIRT MANIMAOTORY. The imbseribere would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialtyi their business. Also, constantly recoiling ROYALTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S IVILLE. J. W. SCOTT & C 0.,„ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STUN& No. 514 CHESTNUT Street, Pour doors below the Continental. MACKEREL, HERRING-, BRAD, &a AN-A- bbls. Mars. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel late-caught fiat Rah, in assorted packages. 2,ooobbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bey, and Hall fax Herring. 2.603 boxes Lnbec, sealed, No. 1 Herring. 160 bbls. New Mess Shad.' 250 boxes Herkimer-count/Cheese, Ate. In store and for sale by M U RPHY d KOONS. fala-tf N0..14111 NORTH W.HARVER. GARDEN '8& . :MANIJF.A.C- C. TUBERS OF AND WHOLESALE DELLEBB IN HATS, CAPS FURS,' BONNETS. STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS, Ec.,. &C., No. 600 and 60% MARKET street: The largest mud most complete Pluck, the best ;terms and cheapest prices, Country merchant, and Ow trade supplied. auEt-am SATURDAY. WILL PUBT,IIBII OI OF CONTRAST LATELY ruBLIBRED NOW RE .4. 3D . CERTAIN GOODS. MASONIC HALL, HAS JUST RECEIV A FULL LINE OF CURTALN St AT REDUCED MM. ALL 131.ZE8, READY FOR USE Alk. CHOICE *SSW/TM:ENT. 1922.-tt 1020 WALL PAPERS. PHILADELPHIA HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF EDUCATIONAL O VER ONE HUNDRED STUDENTS HAVE 'ENTERED • THE UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, HANDEL AM) HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, DURING THE PAST WEEK. The College opened on MONDAY, Sept. lath, and Is now PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED with A THOROUGH ORGANIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT, PRACTICAL COURSE or INSTRUCTION, and UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS. During the present week and until October 23(1, FULL COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS can be purchased et the REDUCED PRICE of THIRTY DOLLARS. OFFICE, 531 NORTH Husain' STREET. Malan can be Obtained, gratuitously, by appli.- 6ation at the Office, in person or by letter. se26-5t CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COL - bECTE, _6371 - OreE . ST . ;I . IIIT street, corner of Seventh.: Established 1844. Incorporated 1855. Complete preparation for the counting-house and business life. The course of instruction includes book-keeping, in all its brautbes,as practiced by the best account tants, penmanship, plain and ornamental, coni• viercial calculations, business forms, commercial law, detecting counterfeit bank notes, &c. TELEGRAP HING, by both sound and paper in struments, taught by one of the best of practical operators. • In extent of accommodations, thoroughness and lrctical value of, its well tried business f instrue. ion, and in real advantages to men, this institution is unequalled. The instruction given is of the most practical character, and every facility is afforded for acquiring a finished business ethics lien. EVENING SESSIONS afford those who are e w n % durliztted da ff y opportunitytobeco quail forbisl.sfiiinstructed parittely and received at any time. Diplomas, with the seal of, the institution attached, awarded on graduation. Catalogues, containing terms, stu dents, names, &c., may be obtained-gratis on ap plication. 5129-3t3p * S. H. CRITTENDEN & CO. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, northwest corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Bey. CHAS. A. SMITH, D.D., Principal. se2.l6t. M BEECH'S CLASSES FOR DANC. • ING, Etiquette, Elegance of Deportment, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at the ele gant Ball Room, S. E. corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, at 2X Y. M. se29-6t. THE MISSES DUNNING AND TAY LOR will resume their SCHOOL FOR CHILD REN, on MONDAY next, Oct. 2d, corner MAIN St. and )'cast WALNUT Lane, Germantown. se27-4t* PRIVATE TUITION IN THE OLAS -0.03, by a graduate Of HARVARD COLLEGE. Address, "A. 8.," Box se27-fir. 892 Post Mee. BUSINESS EDUCATION.-PRLOTI CAL INSTRUCTION in Bookkeeping Ii all its branches; Penmanship, RnsinesS Forms, Ceininer cial Calculations, Telegraphing, &c. • CRITTENDEN'S CoM.MERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Students instructed separately, and received at a ny time. Day and Evening sessions. se26-11. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.--Thc duties of this Institusion will SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, .7xtr. The following gentlemen comlose the Board of Trustees: lion. James Pollock, L. D., President; Capt. William Apple, Vice Preal.d6ntL W. E. Bar ber, Esq., Secretary: James H. Orne, Esq., Treasu rer; Rev. Richard Newton, D. D. Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D.; Hon. Oswald Thomson, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Hon. W. E./Lehman, Major Gen. S. W. Crawford, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, Major Wayne Ifelreaghl Messrs, Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Claghorn, Charles B. - Olingan, Geot , gB I. Russell, Wm. L. Springs, Addison May, and T. B. Peterson. Cadets may pursue an English, Classical, or Sci entific course of studies, at the option of parents. The Aeadende Staff is cOmposed of twelve profes sors and instructors,who have been eaticated in Our best institutions, and have had an extensive and successful experience in the training of youth. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, of experience and ability, conducts the Military De partment. The moral and religious instruction of the Oalleta fa carefully to For Circulars, apply to James H. Arne, Esq., No. 026 Chestnut street.T. B. Peterson,Esq.,No. 315 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. or to Col. THEO. HYATT, seal-im President Penna. Military Academy. A LADY, EXPERIENCED IN TEACH -4-3- ITU*, desires to give lessons in schools or p rated. families, in the English branches, liatin, French, nedaMnsic. Address "C. N.," Bookstore, 1224 CHESTbINT Street. , wfm-at. TO EV. ALBERT HENRY BARNES' Classical and Englislk School, 922. CHESTNUT Street. se.V-wfintot• VISITING GOVERNESS.--A LADY, who has just completed an enagement of seve ral years, wishes to give INSTRU(,TION, in private families or schools, in the different branches of a lreferences e Eil i f e li s s t h iv F e r n e , n A ch d , dr a es e s r u m t aka , E rid mo . BookStOre,l224 CHESTNUT Street, rien-wfmet,4p MM McMULLIN WILL - RESUME THE . duties of her SEMINARY FOR YOUNG curbppEN . on MONDAY, September 11th, 1865, at No. 411 South EIGHTEENTH Street, 'DOM Pine. Be4-mwrl3t* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY— MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorouh course of study in Mathematics, English Cliassics, foe. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP & SON,_ 23 South TIDED Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON, sq., F I FTH and PRUNE ; Mr. GEORGE F. KNOTT Rev. J.VI S TIrL4I I. EABTON, A. M„ Piiiage Green s Pennsylvania. au4-9ru THE, LADIES' DEPARTMENT THE UNION 13USINESS COLLiEGOO, Is now attended by a number of lady pupils.. Its course. of Instruction includes PENMANSHIP, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, BOOK,IIEEPMG, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, COERES• PONDENCE, &c., And is designed fo confer upon ladles the advan tape of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, which has pith erto been confined to young men. This Department is separate from the other de partments, has an indepeardent entrance, and every advantage of a quiet location and convenient ac comModations. Fuller particulars can be obtained, and arrange Mente Made for enteringupon AN USEFUL COURSE OF INSTRUCTION, AT THE OFFICE, No. 531 N. EIGHTH STREET CIRCULARS FREE QI. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES. SONS in Vocal Music at his residence, i No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October 1. He may be addressed meantime through-the City P. 0.. as above. au29-tf A B.A.CFIMANN, TAAOHER OF THE • Piano, Organ, Melodeon, and Vt011n,•9204 SPRING GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS cations Classes fornaed in Harmony. Appli cations, 12 to IA. M. 6to 7 P. M. au3O-Dn. MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will be Reopened ;a 1013 FILBERT St., 9th month (Sept. Ilth). au3o-Im. THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH A- BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September lath. In this institution instruction is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed f Frenche bran language good English edu cation. is the of the Maly, and is constantly spoken in the - institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particad dress 1342 SPRITCY, Si., Philada., - Pa. tars,2 CHEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH N.-/ and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. th 27 and 1.62.9 SPRIJCIC, Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber:DO: Frencn 15 she language of the family, gad le con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to au9-Bni Madame D'HEEIULLY, Principal. CEN TRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH 'ha and SPRING GARDEN Streets, viii reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar - Schools, - for College, or for business. Bpeelal _attention g.iven to small boys. Residence, 534 North TENTH Street. au.9l-4W G, McGUIRE, A. M., Principal. THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles, No. 1703 WALNIIT Street, on. WEDNESDAY , " the 20th of Sept. au2.-21n. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL or the subscriber, S. E. corner of TIRRTEENTIE and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. IL - Cau2B-2m s ] B. KENDALL. SIGNOR P. RONDIZIELLA-ITALIAN and English Singing Lessons. ltesidenoc, S.W. corner BROAD and P 1 E. se2l-Im* PHESTNUT-STREET FEMALE BE- . WINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING A - 1415 DAY SCHOOL—Principala, MO Bon ney and Miss Dlllaye.—The Thirty-first semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September lath, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. auls-toel VNGLISII, CLASICAL SoulNA L 4 THERATICAL IN S TITUTE, , No. 2 west PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. 11th. au29-2m. JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. A GRADUATE OP A NEW ENGLAND J--a- College, who lin had experience in teaching, desires to Impart instritetion a few hours each day in a private family in this city or suburban town. Satisfactory references given. Address "ALPHA." Press office. se2s-st. Tllt SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. COT: of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4th. This is the best provided School for boys in America. au2l3-2m* J. ENNIS, Principal. MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladles, No. 12 Y 10 SPRUCE Street, will be reopened on MONDA, September 11. The course embraces a thorough English Education, with Latin,,Rreueb, German, Music, Drawing, Painting, dcc,ses-I.m. SUSAN • 11/LYHURST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious rooms, Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRINTGARDFN Streets (entrance on Ninth). September 18th. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladles for receiving a thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent WOO_ or, wUt be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or ()Wet Sy - stein. Referelleo4 former patrons. For further information, apply to Dr. C. N. PEIRCE, 501. N. SEVENTH St. 5e111.12.t" THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST Will tie reopened SEVTP.MnER 4th. au26-2re J. W. FAMES, D. 11.. Pelnelpal MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. B. lIALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at li4lB WALNUT Street , on WEDNESDAY, the voth inst. au2R-2m. rro SPORTSMEN.—PHILIP WILSON & CO. No. 4.09 CHESTNUT Street call the 'mention sportsmen to our Stock Of - 111 *F' G IS M o Pistols,n and Cricketglish makers. Also, Riles, Skstes„_ and Base-Ball Implements, Powder, Shot, Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &e.; at lowest prices. Repairing done to the best manner. „ EDUCATIONAL. SURVEYING, ENGINEERING, THE UIU ES MATHEMATICS, PHONOGRAPHY, AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP ARE TAUGHT AT THE UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, In the most thorough and practical manner. Call or send for a circular containing tssmt and particulars. OFFICE, NO. 531 N. EIGHTH ST. se2.lhst WANTS. WANTED -By A COMPETENT AND energetic business man SITUATION as Travelling Salesman for a Wholesa l e'Boot and Shoe House. Has been travelling , for some time in the above capacity through the State of Pennsylvania, and Is thoroughly acquainted with the trade. Best of references given. 'Please address "SALESMAN, 5c29.2t. Box 595 Philadelphia P. 0. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A T MARRIED MAN; has ten years , practical ex perience at Book-keening, and a good knowledge of business generally. A. permanent situation de sired. The best of city reference given." Address ''THOMAS," at this Vince. seal-st.* WANTED -AGENTS, MALE AND Female, In every town and neighborhood to take orders for " THE GREAT LARUE SAVER:" a patented article that every family wants. Will save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making to $25 per day, Only $3 to $lO capital required. F un particulars of the business seat to ally ad dress on receipt of 6 cents for circulars and return postage. Address R. WAYVELL Chicago, Illinois. Box op. seta-16t• ,ANTED -SITUATION AS TR& T VELLING SALESMAN In a responsible Wholesale House; qan sell any kind of goods; bare a large acquaintance lathe, country, speaks German and English language. Address STATES UNION BOTEL, MARKET „"B. F. G." se23 6t. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -STOCK HOLDER'S BEASON TICKET WANTED. Ad dress, with price, Eox 2849, Post Office. 5e22.20 AOENTS WANTED—FOR THE LIFE or AwIAtIAM LINCOLN. both English and German. All orders for the German from Agents selling any Life of Lincoln will be promptly tilled. Address P. GARRETT & CO., 600 CHESTNUT Street, second floor, Philadelphia. se2B-6t. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL IN Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks counties, the great Scene of Time and Eterni ty. with the'Friend of the Bible; picture of extraordi nary interest and value. Fine chance for agents. Address JAMES BULLAMORE, Room 10 No, 30, North FIFTH Street se22-im. Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE . SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Richardsonis unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the !beret service of the TriNne, at the outbreak'of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and . West. during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, 14 night, of nearly four hundred Mlles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Horace Greeley says; " A greatmany boobs will yet be written concern ing this war, in addition to the many already in print; but not one of them willgive within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, and'instrumentali ties of the Slaveholdersi Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO.. N. R. cornet' SIXTH and MINOR Streets aul7-2ms Philadelphia, Pia._ NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND J. • OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING- BUSINESS IN TEXAS. — A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience, and acquainted with the COUR- , try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on private business. Collections and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, if entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal," at this orate. au22.-6w* S IX GOOD BOYS WANTED, PROM half-past 4 o'clock until 10 o'clock In the morn ing. Apply In Basement of South FOURTH Street, after 10 o'clock. 2t* 11 $7OO „e°, ,sll. oo ,, , , T rA r r . ED UNTIL inte rest in advance, And good 81631AZIALCeihairlet*CS " L. M. M.," Press office. Hi* $10 9 4 300 G I TGE L Te E cori l fa l -st ° re! Pro ° pe ß ;t r y worth nearly three times the amount. Apply to J L. CAVEN, ns North NINTH Street. sers-at. $5,000. - AN TUNI E TY C is E o l Per E ed t T o l O nFeYt O tit amount, or thereabouts, for three or five years, in enlarging a prosperous literary enterprize of high statuling t tattoo city. A ilberaipereeutage guaran tied on the investment. Address " Lettmas”, at the office of the Press. sees-30, $4 000 TO LOAN (TRUST) FUND L CARL eit )ro ert-. on ut" Z a 'EkLltt do N, seta-ot- 9.42 South THIRD Street, WANTED-HOUSE FURNISHED Mak or unfurnished, by a Presbyterian Minister, wt ere rent will be taken in board of owner or neett pant. Address "➢IINIBTE3,•' Pres.* Office. se29-2t. maWANTED -FOR SIX MONTHS from Ist Nov., by a family without children, a Furnished Residence, pleasantly situated, worth from 1475 to $lOO per mouth. Apply to R. MAC GREGOR, seffiLmwfat 419 WALNUT Street. f - A, TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS. mai —WANTED to rent or lease a large STORE or HOUSE with improving lease, on Arch or Chestnut street, between Sixth and Broad streets. Address, with terms and particulars, A. B. 5.," No. 109 SEVENTH Street. se At* te WANTED TO RENT-ON OR before the Ist of January next, by an old established 'business house, a Store on Market street, bOtiveon Front and Fourth streets, or on Third or Fourth streets, near Market, Address "STORE," se27-3t* At this (dace. do WANTED TO PURCHASE- A -M3lmoilern-bullt BOMB, with all the conveni ences, above Market street and west of Twelfth. Address Box 2377 Post Office, with price, &e. A double house preferred. se27-3t5 COMMISSION HOUSES. HADLEY COMPANY SOFT FINISH SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. WARRANTED 300 YDS. "LEWIS BROS_ it CO.. • Sole Agents is Philadelphia, 238 Chestnut Street. eelo4m TO MANUFACTURERS, CLOTHIERS, e CITY TRADE GENERALLY, The subscriber is Commission Agent for mana factarers of the following Goods: COTTON YARN, sit nursl432. COTTON WARPS. alt numbers. COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET WARP. WADDING, all qualities. WICK, TWINE, BATTS, AND RAU CARPETS. GELLING- AND SEINE TWINES. R. T. WHITE, 537 MARKET Street, 226 CHURCH Alley. Sea-rAn BAGS! BAGS I BAGS ! NEW AND. SECOND-HAND. 3EAMLEN, IS A BURLAP AND GUNNY Or FLOUR AND BALT BA G, § ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & jy39-gm N 0.113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SAL& OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, lus CHTNUT L WIRKRT, PHIL ES ADEPHIA., AND 103 BEADE STREET, NEW YORK. je2s-6M O. MATHEWSON , GENERAL COM- E/ /a MISSION PRODUCE PAQICER AND FOB WARDING MERCHANT, No. 2g5 BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia t at the old stand of the late arms of T. P. Stovall & Co., Stovall, McLaughlin, .1.; Co., and O. H. McLaughlin, ,p & Co., Will give his prompt. and personal attention to the purchase and We of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flofir, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Haring the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills I am prepared, at all times , to supply orders for Yarns, Sheeting, Skirtings, Osnaburgs t Drills, Jeans, &c. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage. and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise an Produce consigned to me for forwarding In any direction. au2S-3m MUM AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 8s CO., N. K. Corner of 'FOURTH and Rd= Streets, PHILADELPSIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE (mass. KILNUFACTUBIRS Or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS• PUTTY, am AGENTS FOX Viz CELEBBATIM FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOE CABE. Dyis.ol GROCEItIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CEDER AND WIRE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, Sic. All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. ArAsEILT O. ROBERTS. DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, att26-tf Cor. ELEVENTH And VINE Streets. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ett, FOR BALE—TWO NEAT HOUSES tWE:on Ft FTEENTEI St reet, above rine; one plea House out WALLACE Street, above Twentieth; also. an elegant Itesitlenee 01 NonnisTowN. With Inttnedia pOOtt•eirbioll- CHAS. L I.: ES ENS, seta-at 146 goitflt reef, ge TO RENT, HOLDIESBURG.—A ma. large STORE and comfortable 'DWELLING communicallog , on tin main street, about the centre of the village, to a large and suceess. I all Wahl fy :tore lmaineas was done for over forty years, now being folly repairtal limtaPag cut& plete. Large garden—lot 66 by 300 Inquire of .f. NICHOLSON, seC9-2t. No. 103 North' THIRD Stret. EARLY POSSESSION OF No. 307 imouPhw gtruct and Mllon ot , re(tt — tlegivable DWELLIINIUS., will: modern' improvements. Pot , sale by J. R. Onavowtaeer, 233 North TEXTH Street HOUSE FOR SALE—WITH POS sEL-3bitsit. fOostig, iu Fifte, (till strati near Baltimore depot; 0,210. ;MLR% 332 WALNUT ht., 2d door. 5a2.9-30 EA FURNISHED HOUSE ON cffEsTNuT Hu i !, FOB RENT—Five minutes walk Prom Depot. Addretos Box 831, P.O. g029-thsGiF4t'r ett FOR SALE, WITH IMMEDIATE mia possession, House No. 1121 VINE St. Terms accommodating. Apply to J. L. CAVEN, MS N. NINTH Street . se2B-3t• tA FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT IN GERMANTOWN for the winter months. For particulars, apply to Box 1870 Philadelphia I'. 0. se2B Bt. de FOR SALE—WITH IMMEDIATE gi e r ..t. T , hew DWELLING S No. 4 , et FOR SALE-WITH IMMEDIATE Possession, a convenient three-story front and three-story back-building, situated on North Twen tieth, above Arch on 04SY terms. Apply to to FEIGETo 729 CHESTNUT St et. ee2.7-2.0 FOR BEN T-A FIRST-CLASS Alia FURNISHED HOUSE on WALNUT Street. Apply 023 WALNUT Street. Office No. 4. se2B4lt. MARKET-STREET PROPERTY.— ma Will be offered at public sale, on TUESDAY, October 3, BY M. THOMAS Jr SON, The very desirable property No. 312 MARKET Street. _ _ and Nog. 13 and 15 HUDSON Street, Connecting. with the above in form of an L In rear. Front on Market street, 19 feet 93 inches. Depth, 219 feet 7 inches. At the distance of about 80 feet from Market street it is 33 feet wide for nearly 100 feet. Front on Hudson street, TS feet. The lot is built upon its entire depth. The orotterty Is very desirable to any nwp requi ring great room. se27- w fin list* e l VALUABLE IRON WORKS (known as "WARWICK FURNACE ") AT rErVATXSALE. — The subscribers offer atprivate sale the valuable Iroii Works known its "Warwick Furnace," the property of the late DAVID POTTS, Jr., deceased, situated partly in Chester, partly in Lancaster, and partly i•n Berke counties, contain ing upwards of 8,000 Acres of Land, with that por tion of the Iron Ore rights that may suit the per eliagAga. The Furnace and 9,90 , ) pros win be sold, if desired. Persons wishing to examine the Mile will call upon the subscribers at Warwick Furnace. THOMAS M. POTTS , /, xecutors. • se22-fr4t* NATHAN'L POTTS, in FOR SALE-2111 BRANDYWINE Mk d Street, with humediate possession; in good er.Pr, PAM. or- Northeast corner Twenty-third and Spring ear. den streets; possession soon; $6,500. 2028 and 2036 Master street. 966 Poplar street; possession soon: $3,700. 1002 Mount Vernon street; possession soon. , 258 South Tenth street; vacant7, - 0,6041. 905 Filbert street: $3,500. Warnock street,sisith house south or Montgomery avenue;64,Boo. Forty-first street and . Poplar: tot 60x1601 $2,500. B. F. ei.ENN, UM South FOURTH Street, setr.l. and S. W. nor. Seventeenth and Green. A VALUABLE FARM AT PRI- VATE The subscriber Will sell at NOUN sale his Farm, situated en East Marlborough township, Chagos county, Pa., north of and within two miles of Ken nett Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad, at Taggart's Roads, where a stage passes by twice a day from Unionville via _Kennett-atm ion and Wilmington. This Farm con tains 1U acres, about 20 or which is of good timber, the balance in a high state of cultivation, divided In eleven enclosures, all watered, except one. This situation is hard to be surpassed for its beauty and ease of farming (ever) field can be seen. from the buildings); convenient to mills, shops, and places of worship. The - Improvements consist of a large brick house, stir lee high, 35 braa; two brick kitchens attache,, - with 1,3 M ramie In each; a complete Celliir and vault; the buildings mostly roofed with slate; a large frame barn, with two floors; carriage -house, with granaries; corn-house, with do., and all other necessary out-buildings. There are two tenant houses on the Farm, an excellent abpic orchard, with chotee Milt, an d various' kinds of fruit. Many conveniences not described. Come and examine for yourselves. You will be shown the same by the subscriber, living thereon. selsdr3t* BNOCR SWAYNE. spi FOR SALE-A SIXTY-ACRE FARM, bordering the city of Trenton. N. ma J. A rare chance for speculation. Aaldress L. B. LONG, 1607 CAD WALADER St., Phila. se2B-6V. SFOR SALE—CHESTER COUN-$l6 TY FARM-100 acres excellent soll,2h . rollea—m- , southeast of West Grove Station, on the Baltimore Central Railroad. Good buildings, first-rate or chard, ,Sr.e., &c. B. F. GLENN, se23 123 South 'FOURTH Street. FOR SAL F.—EIGHTY-AC RE tak .I.FARIVI, eiawarb COMAS', two miles be low Darby; excellent soil., well watered; large . buildings, in good order, and large orchard of choice fruit. B. F. GLENN, eels - 123 South FOURTH Street. ft„ FOR SA L g-FARM OF 454i911 .MILACRES. at Cambridge Station, on Caindeit s.AU and Amboy Railroad, ten miles above Camden; mo derate 'buildings; good soil for early vegetables, and fronting on the Delaware river. . F. GLENN, gaZt , 1q South FOURTH Street. SOAP FACTORY IN CHANCERY Lane, with foil variety of fixtures, to rent for a few years ver3 low. Apply 22 North EltilniPH Street. lt* T O LET-ROOM IN THE GRANITE BUILDING, Nos. 237 and 239 Dock street (for merly Post 01Ilee), with THOSteam Power. S. H. CONNELL, Counting-house of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, sets-6t` 542 CIiESTNOT Street. To LET-TO BANKERS AND 13110- i_ 'KEES and INSURANCE COMPANIES, the fine OFFICE 133 South FOURTH Street. Fixtures r sale. se29-2tfo TO MANUFACTURERS, -L 0 T 0 N -IL Eighth street, near Read street, 42 feet on MO th street 12.5 feet deep• ' 103 feet on Charles street. For sale low by J. H. BIORNIS, Conveyancer, 5e2.9-3t. No. 233 North TENTH. To rani T. Five large Rooms, in the YOTTERAL BUILDING, Northwest corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Sts., suitable for manufacturing plirpoPee. For farther information, apply to I'. FIERST & CO., No. 30a CHENEY Street, between 3d and 4th. se2S.6t. IRON STAIRS AND IRON DOORS FOR SALE, at DrROI SE + YrtNni Streßt, above Tliompeon. Esc23-6t ls AIR F. AN W. LL BENCHES WITH BACKS, FOR SALE, at Depot, SEVENTH above Thompson street. e=-6t. NATHAN W. ELLIS. FOR sArgn. CHATTANOOGA ROLLING MILL WAR. DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF DIBECTOIt AND GENERAL MANAGER OF MILITAIta ltair..ii6.kliS WASHINGTON, D. C. July 31, 18a. PROPOSAIS will be received at tide office until 12 o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, September 13, 1865, to purchase the United States Military Rail road BOLLING DULL, at CHATTANOOGA, Ten nessee, with the UlaChillefy, tools, buildings, fix tures, and track connecting the Rolling MRI with the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. The mill and machinery constructed to re-roll railroad iron are entirely new, and of the most im proved charaetef. For full description and details of operation; ca p_ECIIT. Cc., apply in person or by letter to T. W. YARMLEY, 1311perilitC0ent, Chattanooga, Ten nessee, All bids should be endorsed, "Proposals to pur chase Chattanooga Rolling Mill." D, C. MCCALLUM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and - General Manager Military Railroads U, S. No satisfactory bid having been received tinder the recent advertisement for the sale of the Chatta nooga Rolling DIM. the time for receiving bids is extended to the FIFTH OF OCTOBER, ii'3s, seine hour. D. C. McOALLUM, Brevet Brigadivr General, Director and General Manager sel9-15t Military Railroads U. B. BOARDING. B OARDiN O-OONVENIENT TO, and having frequent railroad communication with the city, and near the station. Inquire before 2 o'clock, at 1402 WALNUT Street. se2B-iut VIBST-CLASS BOARD.—THE -a- UNITtb STATES HOTEL, 413 CHESTNUT St reet, Is now open for tint-class Boarders. Charges moderate. This house has no bar. Two large handsome Chambers vacant to-morrow. se29-3t. - pocoss-- WITH OR WITHOUT board—one newly fdrnialed—suitable for two gentlemen. or gentleman and wife, al No. 1319 CRESTNITT Street. set -3L« MONSO.N'S PATENT r•oti LOWERING OR RAISING GAS FIXTURES AT PLEASURE, This is a contrivance by which teas Fixtures can, without trouble, be pulled up or down at pleasure, 11' itllollt the use of a water slide. On eXhlhition at the store of MISIERE, MERRILL & TMACKARA, 718 CHESTNUT STREET, 5e29.6t Agents for the Manufacturers. Bisn.op DOTTER. Subscript kola taken for Photographs in CRAYON T..ife and Cabinet dlae, of the lamented RT. 'REV. ALONZO POTTEIL Di Do Can and examine specimens. HENSZEY & CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS, herrn* 812 ARCH STREET. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST.—TTIE PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY CLEAN CARPETS On their "Boston Carpet Cleaner," to the best manner. Carpets taken up and put down when de sired, without trouble to housekeepers. send or ders to PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY, 16210 South NINTH St. P. O. Box 2024. pREFERENCE IB DVE TO tairal CAN . MANUFACTURE .—HOD Olm mical WHITING FLUID, COPYING INK, AND CARIIINK INK .Fur sale by Stationers altd. Druggists, and by the manufacturer, WM. HODO6ON. Mice, No. .1.03 Nbeth TENTH Street, selB•wttn2m A CARD.-HAVING RESUMED THE PIIACTICE OF LAW. 1 will give etirl stet tentloll,lo all business which Ma y be entrudo lily OFFIOE, so. I. 2(1 FLOOR BIBLE RUILDISIO, FAYETTE dtreet, near Charles street, lialtlinore. se29-lin JOHN It. KF.Nidlr. A TYNE STOCK OF CUTLERY.— INDIA. Roost lt STOCK and TABLE KNIVES. !your mnip.b.e. do, du , ao . HORN do. do. do. do. KITCHEN WARES COMPLETE. a€ o 2o-a GRIFFITH d PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. INGBit-wS FINE TEAS REDUCED to lit; cukTEE I , 4IIiUCKi to 2,8 and SO 04, TRY THEM : se2,l;t. 43Soutil SECOND Street, g FUGUET it SONS, Nip COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Importvr4 of 11.A.VANA 011iaM,Iind TOBACCO se2.l-tut M 1.13 South .IrkitsSlT Btt4Mq. 500 BALES COTTON WICK JUST received. Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns, carvet Chain; ie.. at Unrest Market price. ROWE, .t CO., aniS 151 and 189 Borth TET.u4D 13Lreet. AUCTION SALES Zjir k HERKNEIBB' BAZAAR—NINTH, and SANSOM Streets. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CARRIACIES, &C. On SATURDAY MORNING next, at El o , e/oek, comprising about NINETY HORSES, suited to: nattiest and the Saddle. Full desoriptiovr at sale. New anti second•kand A Carriages, Light W *gotta, nearborua, &c., with which the sale will COM+ Thence. Single and Double Harness, !Saddles, Bridles, &c. Jikip Sale Onieraaa tet . on W A E v NES Pfr JIbT , CarSiages and,H LFRED t n ri RNKNES S, Auctioneer. se2B-2 If STERR'S CITY BAZAAR AND, TATTER'dALLN, FlLBitit7' Stiodt,bettcyntAMVENTliandßLlßlTX ----. THE OLD CITY AUCTION MART REVVED. The subscriber intends to reopen this old estad blished place of business,on TUESLAYMORNING. October tliead, at 10 o'clock. Tilts Establishmeht hal an rebuilt mei with im— proved and enlarged In style and size. aim I s now one of the Most complete places for the sale of Horses, Carriages, Harness, &c., in tills eft y, it be ing so very centrally situated right In the business part of the city. The holidings will be sit niciru tI y wohlete by the hitter part of 010,week to reeelYo Vehicles, Harneag, ,te. of all tleseriplloils. N. B.—One notice will he given, with the deserlp. Hone of Horses Carriages, &c., intended for sale. N. IL—Conalners.vskil please hand In the &scrip , * Hon of all articles intended to be offered at the first sale In time to be regularly catalogued. N. 11.—YublIc sales will be held regularly unfit further notiell, every THEMHAY and I FRDAY MORNING. N. B.—Advances made on all articles Intended tot sale. N. B.—No postponement on account of the weather. W IL STERR, sc2o-et Auctioneer, ADIVEIENIENTS. S. JOHN DREW'S NEW A.RCH MR AN-A- STREET THEATRE. THIS (Friday) EVENING, tiapt. 29. PAttEwn.T. inglomerr OF EDWIN APAR& Comedy and Nautical Drama, THE MEN OF THE DAY. Frank Hawthorn Fit w AtlalllEis ACK-EYED SUSAN. William Edwin Adams. Moitday, Mrs. F . • WALNUT -STREET TUEA.TRE, N.E. corner NINTH. and WALNUT Streets,. THIS (Friday) EVENING}, Sept. 29th. 11tH, BENEFIT OF 311tS. D. I'. BOWERS. On n•lllth . octSlan MR. JOHN MCC ITL FJODDIL hes In Ilse kindest manner volunteered lilo ser vices, and will appear as RUDOLF. AIRS. 1). I'. BOWERS, At LEAH: THE FORSAKEN. LEAH Mrtl If. P. BOWERS. Rudolf "1111111131 r. JAI/ NeCallougli. Nathan 111r.1 artOn HILL To conclude with the Laughable eoniedietta of THE DAY AFTER THN: WEDDING, Lady Elizabeth Freelove Mrs. I). P. BOWERS.. Colonel Freelovc Mr. Bartnn Hilt,. MONDAY. ,, THB Pr‘Br-O'PAY. Doors open at 7 o'clock; COMMellet t. - NEW CHESTNUT-STREET TRW+, TEE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth, FRIDAY EVEMNG, Sept. 21111. Growl threwell heuent of the yethig, beatitifuti r and sensational gilled Artiste, MSS HELEN WESTERN, And positively her last night butt one, who WILL appears pon this occasion lit FOUR DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. THIS EVENING, will be presented the Drama. in four acts, THE ACTRESS OF rAPUA. THISBIE, the Act ress,,Miss HELEN IVEtiTERN". To conclude with the Milner) . Drama, THE FRENCH SPY. lteurt St: Mine I.Slttsg HELEN WFAALIOrt Barnet SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Set. 20, FIFTY-NINTH GRAND FA3111.1 MATINEE, when the SEA OF ICE will be presented. 9GARITTA MISS JOSLE owrox,. uettve preparation, OF mystical drolnfil THE ANGEL OF 3ILONI.OHT. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE," Walnut street, above Eighth. BENEFIT ciF • MISS 'KATE FISHER, who will appear In two of her most eelebratad meters. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 20tit, will be performed, by request, the great drama of MA% EPPA: OR, THE WILD HORSE OF TARTMir Mazeppa miss Kate Fisher. Wild Horse, by the Celebrated Wonder. TWO (IRANI) BALLETS, Wile Augusta, Mous. Antonio, and Corps de Ballet. WONDELFUL DRAW 8E0Z1D2.103. To conclude with the drama of Dr()Ji TVIWIN• Dick Turpin Mitt Kate InshSß FAMILY MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY Al.. TERNOON. se2ll CONCERT . HALL.-T 11. I RDE WEEK OF BLIND TOM, Owing to the wild enthusiasm and jmtheilie cess with which TOM has been greete he, will con tinue his stay in-the city this week and will appear at Concert Rail EVERY EVENING, except Fri day evening. pilot's open at 7 o'clock. Performance to eons.- menet at Boielaelt. ADMISSION 50 GENTS. Reserved Seats, 75e' to be had at r B. Pugh's Boot Store, corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT - Streets. Gallery 25 cents. Comfortable seats have been reserved for the ae connuodatioa of colored people in the gallery. GliA ND MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 20. se2s-6t IS, U. J, THAV.EP., A.gefiL ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTS: AND CHESTNUT. A SUCCESS UNPARALLELED IN THE WORLD ON AMUS's mE NT Has been achieved by the distinguished tirtiSiSt HR. AND MRS. HARRY WATKINS, And the best of living lady Pianists... MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, In their comical Musical Entertainment, TWO HOURS IN FUNLA.ND TWO HOURS IN FUNLAND:, Pronounced by Press Publie the most ellarlaillg AND DELIGHTFUL OF AMUSEMENTS, Eliciting hearty laughter and enthusiasm by the brilliant music, sarcasm, wit, and song displayed, by these incomparable artists in delineating I 4 'S COMIC FEATURES! HITS at the TIMES!. Byer) . - eNcialig at I. Tickets 60 and 26 00142 r se2s-bt BARRETT' S MNA SIUM, SPARR_,- Ins Rooms and Ride Gallery, now open, 8011 i MARKET Street, set:-lit'' - - 4-S- A CADENLY OF I IN2 ARTS, CIIRSTa NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from tO A. M. till 6P. M. Benjamin Weet , e great picture of CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition. pia EXCURSIONS, aw• WET CHETE AND P HILADE L PHI A, IsAILIWAII. EXCURSION TICKETS to the AeItitAILTIJRAL ExIHEITION at Wiar CHESTER, will be sold on FRIDAY mud SAT DAY, 29th and Oath of September. Fare for the Excursion ONE DOLLAR AND , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. An extra train wilt blare Weet %ester for Philadelphia on SATUR— DAY, SeptembeiMili, at 11.45 P. AL HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent. aplom . EXCURSIONS TO LONG - BRANCH, Trains ror Lona Wail& will leave COOPER' S 'POINT, Camden, daily (Sunday excepted) at 9.1 b A,. M., Fare, $2. Excursion Tickets, good for three dals, $2. S. B. COLE, C am Agent, den. SPECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY. ol l ata ra itraigilitni l 4 l 4 w gv e rgeg g un 9 tll e g notice. GEO. J. HENKELS, ael.lm 99p and 811 CHESTNUT Street. 628H00P SKIRTS.-NEW 623 FALL STYLES NOW READY at Hopkins , Manufactory, No. ORO ARCH Street. Our assortment is complete containing full lines oC Ladies', Misses'. and Children's Skirts of ever" y style, length, and size, which, for ditrabilit ,/ and cheapness, are unequalled by any oi4ierl hqoki skirts made, and are warranted to give sat sfactloa, Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired. Also., good Eastern-made skirts, from fifteen to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and re. tail. se9-1m" GEORGE T. RILEY into, CONFECTIONER 4 FANCY CAKES, Jellies, Ice Creams and Ices, 1115 RACE STREET, Families, Weddings and Parties Suppfled. se27-41e TO WOOLLEN MANUFACTUREIIS.--' Pure Sperm Ott at less price than No. 1 Lard, Oil; will do more work; make the material mord pliable, and take less alkali to cleanse it. For said by & E. A. LANDELL, 5e25.6t. No. 110 North DELAWARE Avenue. MESSRS. J. A. tiANDARA & CO., HAVANA, CUBA, offer their services to those ,destring to purchase any of the products of tile and Solicit Con. sigunients of Vessels, Provisions and Approved Goode,upoii Which they offer eftSllloll 7 lßleiisi, throuli - hiessrs. B G . YUUET & 130.1 M phis, o whom they refer. se2l-im PERSONS SEEKING MEDICAL AID would do well to "consult Dr. C. A. DUMAS. No, 107 WALNUT btrect, for prompt and nit clent treatment. Distant patients consulted by letter, and rents dies forwarded to any address. sell-ine BAKER'S POPULAR HAIR ESTAB. LISHMENT—The assortment of Braids, Wigs, MbpseS, Builbenux. 114Peus nouleaux, dues, Frizzes; Crlmpaes Stilling far Ladies, cannot be equalled by any other house la the 'United States, at prices tower than elsewhere. No. 909 CHESTNUT Street. - se2l-110 BASE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND A, full stock of Bases, BMW, Suore- 1306 i5, 6 9ike 4 % Shoes, Belts, and Rules of Ciente et PHILIIthON COOS, 4P09 W CHESTNUT Street,__ CORN tXCLIA.NGE BAG MANUFACTORY. 10,000 Cotton Seamless Bags. 10,000 Linen do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. btore Mid fAr sale by JOHN T. BAILEY CCO. I 113 North FRONT Street. sel4-3m HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE Stock and Interest of the late SAMUEL ME GARGEE, Esq.. I will continue the business at tile old stabil, DELAWARE ATOM, above Poplar street. J 0131.1 BittrEli. PHILADELIMIA, Sept. 15, MIS. sello42to “T 'NEVER HAD A GOOD PIOTURN. nErogg j” exclaimed one or rhiladelphla's6 fairest daughters, as she gared With delight Olt liar Photo-Mintuture, made at 011F.11)Elt .1k DILLON'S: IS South EIGHTH Street, tu great variety: sete-itnte )3.—Albums and StereoseoPer Ve` putttngup the Cryki:i l gor Plate. Agents Wauted. Stock, Toole, and Instructions coat. We. L. L. TODD & CO., SO NASSAU Street, New York, Send for n Circuiar. se23-Ine. HAVANA GIGARB.-A GOOD VA.: REMIT constantly In'tore and bond, at low. , es r !casli ritt ec, No. si p s gotatri7ol4os2Mot, Ign DR, C. L. NIJIINS 741 SPRII,M, Street, EXTRACTS TEnTII without LIM least pain, by administering nitrous oxide get:: ' This gas is without taste or smell, and lies not Mot unpleasant effect of ether or chloroform. It la psim, fectly harmless and delightful to inhale, actl-lul OW DR. J. P. WYMAN, DENTIST removed to No. 257 NorthSlXTil Street! below Vine. ve2943t* 1300 CHESTNUT STREET. .. , WATVIM, JEWELRY, STERLING' BILN'ERWABE,PEARM, Dli. MONDE. nod other_preelnun stones. - BEST PLATED WARE, &0., &C. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired, aail. warranted. L a t o ur Deily & Co.,} 1. T. CALL A.(Hil ER, ni forvilY • 110 0 CHESTNUT ]Trod, Enßoy & Ripener', ne^initi IC mml OSAGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, ...11..an0 other heilice olitnts: Fria, OrtiouketitoL, Trees. &e.. at MEEHAN'S UfIUSIANTOWN NUR LAERIE. se2l-Im* na A. 14 A. It G n ASSORTMENT Or Ladles', Itsses• and eltildrenlit Strew, Falco, and . Bilk-plush 'HATS. Also, Flowers, Feathers*, Velvets, and Ribbons, which will be sold at the low. p est cash price, or short thee. T. E. HARRIS, seo.llu 59 North 54:COND Street, •- PHRENOLOGICAL EXAJMU'.• 4 TIONS. with full descriptions of ehormetess grteu DAY and EVENEA(:,bp T4 L CAPEN, 41111 ocl2-wrody No. R 5 South mall
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers