II NION TICKET 61' hiILYOR, itionToN MeIffICRAEL. CITY SOLICITOR, CAWEIOLL BREWSTER. CITY TREASURER, HENRY/ .111IIMM. cITY CORTROLLVIL, JOSEPH H. LYNDALL. CITY CONWSSIONTE, JOHN GIVEN. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM IL MANN. ,02)IONOTAET OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, ritEDERICK G. WOLBERT. SENATE. SECOND DISTRICT. JACOB E. RIDGWAY. FOURTH DISTRICT. CrEORGE CONNEDE. REPRESENTATIVES. ,:tt District—GEOßGE W. GHEGAN. ',11(1 Distrlet—WlLLlAM H. RODDIMAN. 5..:11 District—JOHN MCCAW. :,tfl.ll DDIACt — W/LMAili. W. WATT. District—JOSEPH T. THOMAS. District—JAMES FREEBORN. District—JAMES SIIBERS. District—JAMES N. KERNS. DI.trIet—FIIEDERICK DITTMAN. District—ELlSHA W. DAVIS. ;isentli District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. ;OA District—ALEXANDER ADAIR. :;:te,litii District — WILLIABI scHoLLEN BEi:GER. trieciLtli District—FßANClS ROOD. ~IcentilDistrict—ETEOß&E DE HAVEN, JR. ~tcoltll llbtrict — DAVlD A. WALLACE. ventecuth District—EDWAßD Q. LEE. tteentiz District—JAMES N. MARKS. Aq. INITIED 'STATES itREASURY, LTSTO3I-lIOITSE BIIILDING, PHILADELPHIA, 1865.—Coupons or the United States ::Lean. due Ist November next, will be paid on at this office. vr.a..17 of the b'eeretary of the Treasury. AROMIIALD MOST YEE, AFsistant Treasurer United States. --- OFFICE BIG SANDY OIL CON. PAtiY, 404 WALNUT Street.—A special '!2 of the titockolders of t company will he MONDAY, at 8 o'clock he P. IL., at We office s company. zuol attonlance particularly requested. W. ALLEN, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE FRENCH - CHEEK L. OIL COMPANY 247 South .SIXTH Street. Adhsernecl Meeting Of Stockholders will be , WED.NE.-3DA - Y, 27th inst., at I o'clock P. for the purpose of pgoyiding a further Working SA. , WLEL AVAGNEIL, Jn., Secretary. GLEN NVILLIE COAL COMPANY. —The aannal meeting of the - stockholders of tl,:anville Coal Company will be held at the -: of the Philadelphia Coal Exchange, No. WALN liT street, on THURSDAY, Oct. 5, CHAS. It. H. COOK, Secretary. CERIBJEKLA MOVEMENT CO irITAL STOCK .. . 200,000 SHAEE 1.5.ce o. 228 Sou xauc COAL AND IN. MPANY. ' S, AT 65 EACH 1.000,000. th FOURTH Street. TOJIS: Bylvester J. Mogargen. Tatlow Jackson, Price I. Patton, Thomas H. Rickert. e Smith. • J. MEGARGEE. er, ALBERT It. SCIIO au1041" • V.. }eat C, ert L. &)i au, Yard E. Faulkner, A. Enge Pre.V.Er.t. NILVESTE %waits and 'rum Tab. 7 OFFICE OF THE FBANKIMI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. PIIIIsADELVIIIA, SeTember 20, 1865. D 67 ELECTION for TEI Ilt CTORS., for the 1" year. will be Mid, a reeably to charter, at Meeting of the Stockholders fon,that pur. -. at the OFFICE of the Company, on MON- October 2, 1065, at 10 o'clock A. M. J. W. MCALLISTER, Secretary pro tern. OFFICE 01' THE HILLER OIL COMPANY, 133 South FOURTH Street. meeting or the Stockholders, held THIS DAY, sinent of FIFTEEN CENTS per share was to increase_the Working Capital, payable nth to the2,oth inst. Books will be open : zraus.fer until the 1911, inst., after which no eon be made until the assessment Is paid. .:(nic-r of the Stockholders. JOHN H. WY.LE, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE CONTINEE. TAL OIL COMPANY No. 133 SOUTH FtCRTII STREET—TO DELINQUENT STOCK _,III:IN.—In accordance with Sections 16. 17, and ..f!i the act Of July 3.0111, 1863, notice I. lineap tl:c sinless the assessment called for at a tf the Directors, held July 10th, 1803, be cl•before the 30th day of September, 1665. a camber of shares will be sold at public dar at 10 o'clock, et tile ofilee of the mjmuy, to Irak said assessment, with , seidental expenses. By order of the Board. hi-nt JOHN H. WYLE. Treasurer. r 'ME LADIES.—CONTRIBV- W VON* for the Exhibition of the PENN fiI,YANIAHOI;TICIILTWEAL SOCLETY, to open 27th of September, of wax fruits and fitINMTS, ::d-arced fruits, dried flowers and grasses, skele .E.od or phantom bouquets, rustic works, fern 5a5:. and lemarlums„ are reSpeetfully solicited by eharamoi of the Ladies Committee. se23-3t NoTICE.- 2 -THE ANNUAL MEET. ISG of the Stoctholders of the NORTH :101:SIAM COAL COMPANY for the election of :;.nc[on and the transaction of such other business ztay be legally brought before the meeting, will .:141.1 at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Philatiel !" Lh Ott WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of October, it I o'clock Y. M. . < ktieli will be had upon a proposition to sell the ;Nt-I'll" Of the Company. WM. D. POULE, • it:AO. Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE I ' 4l OF THE PHILADELPHIA. aERMAN . ,OVN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COX .._ z.,:fli;;;s.:,lalioito:(24lnerkdeamntordfaainf:Anitsta::reniesorrast.gbeliebtoeroousztduhwtouailifyleolboefeutli2ocirdbleureods:feart:cilereodxetnetaoc.stblluarrrre:d 20th 2. ,- ;dl,uti 01 FounrEß CENT., clear of alt taxed, THE AUTUMNAL EXHIBITION 141 ' of the PENNSYLVANIA lIORTECULTU LIL SOCIETY will open on WEDNESDAY EVE SING. Sept. 27th, at 7 o'clock, and continue Thurs ey am/ } riiiny, day and evening,in a GRAND ILION, on the lot on BROAD Street. next to academy of Music. A BAND OF MUSIC will :a:attendance every evening. Contributions of irtlit.l'lentS, flowers, and Vegetables - wilt be re lof the Committee on Tuesday, 26th, and elnes(ray, 27th of September, up to 12 0"e10ek,..61., piave of exhibition. z'airle Tickets 50 cents; children half price; sea tickets D; tickets to aumit one gentleman and se2o.9t FrLam nErAItIVIKENT, lINIVER. SITT 11' PENNSYLVANIA.—A Term will ' , gum MIN DAY, October 2.1. The Introductory W ill be delivered Iv Professor EI.SPEN'OER .11,1.1:".1:, at S o'clock P. M., at the lecture-room of • Lniversity. sel9-to2 OFFICE or TUE STAR OIL COMTANY, No. IM3 South SEVENTH l'imikimidullA, Sept. 15, 1865. Tire first Annual meeting of the Stockholders of company %du be held at their office, on. WED t...;i2ptember 27th, at 3 o'clock P. 51. An cleetion for Directors will be held. 416.101. SAMUEL ALLEN, Secretary. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Wanted for the 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce eats held out to all entering the Marine Corpo; z:wions opportunity to vieit foreign countries; a=-+d pay, excellent accommodations, light and rasp duties, , Yuan further information inquire at the &Unit gr Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, hlladelphia. between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every Lay except Sunday. CHARLES HF,YWOOD, Captain and Recruiting Officer. rcrwrEyrt— oe,basenrjpgmtvgznefoorflt'ficitograplis in CRAYON the lamented RT. REV. ALONZO POTTER, D. D and cxtunific specimen& BENSZEY PHOTOGRAPHERS, SM AROSE STREET. PST RECEIVED, NEW PANS, 13./L11... 1 -V" eir, CO., 819 CHESTNUT STREET. PRESTON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., IWO SOLT= NINTH STREET. STARCHING, IRONING, SCOUR. ING, AND CLEANSING, Without injury to color or fabric. LIC/I FAMILY'S WASH KEPT SEPARATE. ....0- Ord eraby mall to Bolt 2024. 6e6-stnthl2 t IN'GRAM'S FINE TEAS REDUCED to ad; COFFEE reduced to 25 and 30/cts. TRY TE EM 43 South sECOND Street. 813ERRY AND . k WINES. ,thThbean&ndseheryrlrgndy anvogarpoand 14 Store and for sale la RY B °FILEN & COW. 6(2r4t 221 and 2273—Soutit FOURTH Street. PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT MA- CHINE - moo or romndrio . o f En g ines, Car pits, and Machinery. Persona desiring can have i!Jati carefully photographed„by applying to B. F. a443 /ER, 624 ARCH Street. lt* E CARTES DE VISITE FINELY EX lam), in all 'Varietie judgeyle, to satisfy n..1 ., 1 tsttt. Bet specimens andof their artist' >nerlt • 13 • F. REIMER'S, 624 ABOHStreet. CARD pROTOORA.PHS,I2 FOR $1.25, ,7:7.,neat, pretty. and desirable style Likeness, ( .I,b/e ror Albmns and scholars to exchange with t lSM 4s4l liales. REIMER'S, SECOND htreet, above Its OWOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS.- 11i1 Pure Sperm Oil at less price than No. 1 Lard wind') more work; make the material more t y 'bie, and lake less alkali to cleanse it. For sale (1, A. & E. A. LANDELL, 5e23.6i. No. 110 North DELAWARE Avenue. IDEATING AND STEAM PIPES-ON „.t4 hand and for sale in quantities to suit pur -aers, oinell, Cineb. 54i-Inch and 7-inch t FLANGED BEATINO AND STEAM PIPES, ci , u and drilled. SEXTON & CO., No. 4-4 - South SEVENTH Street. PIJGVET & SONS, COMDiStall 1142.110114LNT5. AND "'bortOrs of HAVANA CIGARS and TOBACCO, 216 South FRONT Street. COTTON AND 'FLAX SAIL DUCK Tent AND CANVAS, of All number% and. brands. Awning, Trunk. and Wagon-cover oao. t s° , Paper Manufacturers ' Drier Felts, from one o Ave feet wide; Pauline Bolting Ball Twine. aze. JOHN Ur . EVNEHAN dt co., ro. NNW Alley. RETAIL - DRY 000"06 EDWIN tailL 4t 00 2 sollali SECOND STREET, rill OM THIS MORNING the balance or their IMPORTATION of "Poins" Irish Poplins, re ceived direct from DUBLIN. - In the DOUBLE QUALITY are the following shades of colors: PEARL AND WINE, GREENS AND MODES, PURPLE AND GARNET, BLACKS AND BROWNS, BLUES AND LAVENDERS. In the SINGLE QUALITY shades of the same, Including WHITE. /32 the PLAIDS are the following-named styles: THE ALBERT, THE VICTORIA, THE STEWART, THE DRESS STEWART, THE ROB ROY, THE COLQUHASIN. We have also- a good stock of the lower grades of POPLINS in the FRENCH and GERMAN makes, se2B-1t TALL IMPORTATION. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVE NOW OPEN ARO ARE DAILY RECEIVING NEW' AND CHOICE STYLES DRESS G-POODS, SILKS, arc., TO which they respeetraY invite attention. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. .8e215-fit 1865 NEW GOODS FOR 1865. EYRE & LAN - DELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. Di PORTERS, JOBBERS* RETAILERS, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. WHOLESALE-SECOND FLOOR. ise23-te GREAT STOCK OF JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, KNOBBY COATINGS, BEAVERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or piddle generally. Officers of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We also have a complete stock of FRIENDS' WEAR. COACH CLOTHS, BILLIARDS. and BAGATELLES. Onr motto is "Good Goods at Fair Prices,' at W. T. SNODGRASS' CLOTH HOUSE, 84 SOBTII SECOND STREET AND - 23 STRAWBERRY STREET. sea-1m FURNITURE PLUSH. Just received, one case crimson and green FURNITURE FLUSH, or superior ei_utaity,_ SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN &" ARRISDN, Importers of house furnishing . cleygoods, se2B-6t No.looB CHESTNUT Street. WHITE GOODS. ,S',HEPPARD, VAN N HARLINGEN & ARRI SO, • NO. 1008 CiinTNUT Street. are now receiving their Fall assortment of WHITE GOODS, Comprising light and heavy Cambric Muslin. plaid and striped .1 aconet. India Mull and Nainsook. On too itimain4. Tarletaus and Bobinetts. Brilliantes and India Dimity. French and Cambric Dimity. French Cambric and Percale. India Twills and Hair Cord Cam:brio. -- • Shirred and Tucked intudinb. Victoria and Bishop Lawn. Irish Lawns, Linen Cambric, &c., Re. sell-6t CHEAPEST BLANKET HOUSE IN N-/ THE ClTY.—Persons wanting Blankets for the coming cold weather, will save money by examin ing my stock anti purchasing now. 1 am selling a great many every day much lower than the same kinds are being sold at all over the city. Money, time and trouble can all be saved by coming at once to where they can be bought the cheapest. I am selling a right good blanket at* per pair; better and finer at $6. t 5 .1 0, $ 7 - 50 , $B, $9 and $lO. I believe these will all be higher in a short time, as I could not sell these at the prices I mune if they had not been bought some time ago. Crib Blankets, differ ent sizes and qualities. iloods will be sent to any part of the city, no matter how far. CrRANVILLE B. HAINES, SC2C-It No. 1013 MAIIKET Street, above Tenth. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES.— I am offering a great bargain in these goods at prices far below what the same kinds have been tad are now selling at. This lot was imported when gold was 15 per cent. lower than now, and my price is in the same proportion; they are heavy and large size at $9, worth one dollar more at wholesale: one lot finer, at $10; extra size at $ll and $42. Mar seilles Counterpanes for cribs, different sizes and beautiful patterns, equally deap. Also, Honey comb, Lancaster and Bridal Quilts; Woollen Cov erlets, of various designs and Colors, These goods are under the market rates. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, sc26-4t No. 1013 MARKET Street. above Tenth. 12-4 FINE HEAVY BARNSLAY SHEETING, sl.ls.—Just from auction, at the above low price. CURWEN STODDART R BROTHER, N05..450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, Above Willow. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES, or on grades and size...S. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452 and 454 North. SECOND Street, Above 'Willow. SUPERB QUALITY BLANKETS.— A full line of Blankets, comprising all Sizes and grades. CITRWEN STODDART Ss BROTHER, Nos. 450, 45g and 454 North S above Street, Willow. H EAVY GRAY BLANKETS, at 101 V prices. CIIRWEN STODDART Rs BROTHER, Nos. 450, 45,3 and 454 North SECOND Street, set?-at Above Willow. $1.25 FOIL ALIT AND 4 cases all-wool 31erinoes, from 80 to $1.7... 2 cases splendid plaid roplins, Very tine black Dferinoes and Empress Cloths. single and double-width Cashmeres for wrappers. J. C. STRAMBRIDGE & Cu., Northwest tor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. $1.96 BFROAl&s+iaivERY SUPERIOR Hoary white edged Gros Grains awl Taffetas. A very choice lot of figured Silks, €61.75. The cheapest black Alpacas in the city. 2s pieces very pretty Plaids at 50 cents. J. C. STRAWBECIDOE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and I.I.A.IIKET. SI3FOR A VERY LARGE RAND swaz BLANRET. 2.5C11,5CE1 and bales Blankets at the lowest prices. "White, blue, gray and brown Blankets. Lapsßlankets, liorse Blankets, Berth and Crib Blankets. Comfortables, Quilts and Counterpanes, whole sale and Retail. J. C. BTBAWBRIDGE & CO.,_ Northwest con EIGHTH and M_AARBT. 40 CENTS FOR AN ALL-WOOL WHITE FLANNEL. Fine and heavy wide Shaker Flannels, 87y, ; Cents and Id, Large sized fringed Towels at Z 5 cents, Loom and half-bleached Table Linens. Linen for shirt-fronts, from 50 cents to $1,25. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO.,_ Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. 62 1.-2 CENTS FOR YARD WIDE FRENCH CHINTZES. 45 cents for yard wide purple Calicoes. 45 cents for yard widelgoglish Chintzes. 28 cents for fast colored American Chintzes. 31CCILtS for the best double purple Calicoes. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. EIGUTLI and MARKET. acn-stutlytf EDWIN HALL & CO., 2G SOUTH SECOND STREET, Ve now open a, full stock Of . 6 Lupin's" French Merinoeg. Lupin's" Mouslin de Laines. Silk-faced Poplins. Silk and Wool Poplins. All-wool Poplins. Plaid Poplins, of ordered styles. i3lCh-iigured all-wool Cashmeres. Bien styles of Wool De Lathes. Polka Dot De Laines and Reps. Dress Goods, In great variety, of our Owi se vi. porta-Lion. ATTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES A full line of French Merl:noes, A full Hoe of Poplins, A fun line of Bllfcs and Shawls, A full line of Blankets, A full line of Muslims A full line.of Table Linens, A full line of Cloths and Caasinierekati JOHN H. STOKES, sel2 702 ARCH Street. FALL GOODS. Just received a large assortment of goods suitable for the fall season, consisting of Lupin's all wool delaineS. Lupin's rocrinoes. Lupin's cashmere D'EcosSe. Empeess cloth. Lupin's Par - Jolt:nue. LUPln t g Tamlse N yards wide. Lupin's Velour Ituss. Lupin's poplins. Lupin's poplin Pekin. Lupin's Biarritz. Lupin's bombazines. Alpacas, crown mohairs, Queen's cloth, Sec. Also ,a. One assortment of second znonrnene goods. Black silks,. taffeta, gros de Rhines, ponit de 801, &c., &c. In different qualities. PERKINS, sc23-3t No. 9 South NINTH street, B LUE DOUBLE WIDTH. Lut.hva Wool Detains, of good quality, at ad." 1236, Also, Greens, Browns. Mpdea, &c. $1.37 Lupin's plain Poplins, Greens, Browns, Blues Plantes. il.2g Luplo , s Black Poplins.WO Lupin's 7-4 Bleek - Delaines. olored .Aeas, PorAMattas, &G. r) MARSEILLESO. QUILTS. New invoice, good qualities and large sizes, at lower prices than for three years. Also, iloneyeowl) Fine Meek Or Bea, Crib, Cradle, and COlored BLAA'KETS. 'COOPER & CONARD_ Se2o4f 5, E, corner NINTH and ALAICIEBT. THE PRESS.--PIaTLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1865. RETAIL DRY GOODS. AT RETAIL. • JAMES R. CAMBELL a CO 727 CIIMSTN STREET, OFFER AT POPULAR mon: BLACK SILKS In great variety, including the best goods let ported, Royal Armures Gros Grains, Lyona Taf feta, Parisiennes, Drap de France, Drap de Lyon, Gros de Rhine, 010 S d'AfriqUef COLORED SILKS In desirable shades, embracing newest colorings in Moire Antiques and Real Lyons Taffetas, in cluding all the desirable evening aliado. DRESS GOODS. Lupinu3 choicest Fabrics—Merinoes, Poplins, Velour Russo, Sllk Chain Epinglines, Crepe Eugenie, Clan Plaids, &c., &C. VELVETS. Lyons Cloaking Velvets, all widths, of superior fabric. SHAWLS In great variety, including latest novelties in Long and Square easianere Brodie, la original designs. Mourning Goods, • Linen and Cotton Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Ate., WHOLESALE ROOMS HP.STAIRS. se2s•st SHAWLS ! SHAWLS Bound Blanket Shawls. Plain Long Shawls, for friends. Extra-size Square Shawls. Fine Plaid Shawls, newest patterns. Mistes , And Children's Shawls. Black and Mode Thibet Shawls. Berlin Jacquard Shawls. sea At JOHN H. STOKES', 702 ARCH St. F 628 E H AL O L O lI P LE R A — Lit v , ir 628 at Hopkins' Manufactory, No. 628 ARCH Street. Our assortment is complete, containing felt of Lathes', Misses', and Children's Skirts, of every style, length, and size, which, for finish, durability, and cheapness, are unequalled by any other hoop skirts Made, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired. Also, good Eastern-made skirts, from fifteen to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and re tail. seathn* 13 I 111 14 'carpi ro :; :1 :4,11 SHEPHERD PLAIDS, IN GREAT VARIETY, IN ALL-WOOL SAXONY, FOULARD DE LAINE, TOILE DU NORD, POILE DE CIIEVIIIM. FOR SALE BY PIECE OR PACKAGE, BY HALLOWELL, GARDNER & CO., se23-6t 615 CHESTNUT Street FIiEV.SI-1 GOODS. - m" HALLOWELL, GARDNER, & IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ARE NOW OPENING AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS , Comprising* an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade to Elegant Designs Foreign Fancy Fabrics. AIso—CHOICE MAKES in iSdrourED STAPLE GOODS, such as sallJae required for AUTUMN SALES, which they offer at - LOW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets, 7y31.-mw£3m jr.&MES, KENT, BANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY Ibroops, Nos. 239 and 241 North Third street, PHILADELPHIA. Clotho, Prints, Cassimeree, DeMines, - Sattinetts, Alpacas, Jeans, Cottonades, Brown and Bleached' Sheeting% Denims, Brown and Bleeched Shirtings, Stripes, Omish Chambras, Checks, °wish Tweeds, cringharde, irlanllClSl Diapers, Linens, FIIIIITIBECINEI - GOODS, WHITE GOODS, - - oNS, Ate. FINANCIAL. OFFICE FOR THE BALE OF GrOIiIIitBNIVZENT LOANS JAY COOKS At CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Having Removed teMpOrarily to NO. 305 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for sale, at lowest market retell, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS! U.S. 7.80 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15,18&1. Do. do. do. June 150865. Do. do. do. July 15,1865. BONDS OF 1881. 8-go LOAN 01' 1868. 5-20 LOAN OF 1861. 10-80 LOAN OF 1861. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. InformatiOn given concerning all kinds of Secu rities. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. an24-tjal CEIITRAL NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, 109 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CAPITAL siso,ooo_ This Dank will issue Certificates of Deposit bear ing interest, on favorable terms. EIUVIN, Jr., CAOHIER. ruiLADELPRIA, Sept. 22, 1865. Se23-st, CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS. CARPETINGS 1 CARPETING I 3. T. DF.LACROIS, No. 37 South SECOND Street, NO. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT, HAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LIVE ENGLISH AND ADIERICXR CARPETINGS, OF TEN BEST' MAKES AND NEWEST STYLES, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL-CLOTEs, DRIJOGETS,RAG, LIST AND COTTAGE CARPETS, AT THE )LOWEST INSIOESs J. T. DE - LACROIX; 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET Between Chestnut and Market streets, ut'hllada. set-fstnWth3M NEW CARPET HOUSE. 14.10M1200031 Sr, SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, will open ON MONDAY, September 18th, a new and choice selection of CARPETINGS, of all the various qualities, Housekeepers will And it to their advantage to cau.ana examine before purchasing. sel7-1m 1865. 1865. GLEN ECHO DrELAIASs faBBNANTOWNI PA. M'CALLATISI Sr, CO., GILUCUPACTURERB h EII:PORTERS OF CA-UPETINGS, HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE Stock and Interest of the late SAMUEL ME OARGEN, Eng., I will continue the business at the old stand, DELLWARE Avenue, above Poplar street. JOHN A. BRUNER. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, I PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 15, 1865. sel9-12t. OIL CLOTH, MATTINGS. &c., 600 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. 619 CHESTNUT STREET 1 1 1AVANA CIGARS.—A GOOD Vil• Burry constantly in store and bond, at lOw. git wish mo t, 15. YUGtacT SOX% N 04 4 51. 'KO* Sle 401 1 th 1 . 59 NT an% MILLINERY. ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28x$, ITN! WILL OPEN e FULL LUTE or FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS, To which we invite the attention of our CUSTOMERS end THE TRADE. - HARDING & GARDNER, 5e26.2t 413 ARCH STREET'. JOS. UAMBERGER, \ No. 25 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Receives daily from Auction; VELVETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, SILKS, \ and other novelties In the MILLINERY LINE. MERCHANTS and MILLINERS are respectfully invited to mat and examine before purchasing else• where. se 2t* V. P. GILL & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN A FULL LINE OF HANDSOME FALL BONNETS, HATS, AND MILLINERI GOODS. Alga, CHOICE FLOWEMI RIBBONS, and OR NAJNENTS for the Hair. E. P. GILL & CO., sel2-12? 7SO ARCH Str,let. CU.RTAIIV IitOODS. I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL; 719 CHESTNUT STREET, Ba.ll JOST BROICIV A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CUItTAINS, ENT/RELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REPITOED RATE& PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITS PATENT IJMBRELLA PILAXESs ALL SIZES, READY FOR UM. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. 13124,1 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 1865. F A. L L . 1865. JAS. Re cimrpELL & co., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Bunn at wholesale to their Mock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN D 1 ' QOOD B, Which, for extent, variety, and general adapta tlon to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, WrFIRINOES, - POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLIANIKETS 4 ' " FLANNELS, BAL;zrrn:?_.s. . WHITE GOODS, — LINENS, LINENS, and BRADFORD GOODS. package Buyers supplied with scarce and desire isle goods at and nnder marnet rates. WZIOLESALE ROOMS lIP STAMM. an2B-tf NEW PUBLICATIONS. MACItENZIE THP, LARYNVO- J"- SCOPE With numerous Illustrations. PublishedTHlS DAY: THE USE OF THE LARYNGOSCOPE, in Dis eases of the Throat with an Appendix on Rhino scopy. MOItELL MACKENZIE, M. D. Loud. M. IL C. r. 4. Physician to the Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat; corresponding Member of the /PlPe rial Royal Society of ehysicians of 'Vienna, &c., &c., with ILVITSTRATIow. ALSO, A complete Classified and Priced Catalogue of NLEDiCAL BOOBS, - which will be furnished gratis, upon application. LINDSAY & MARMON, Publishers and Booksellers, se'N. No. R 5 South SIXTH Street. LATE PUBLIOATIONS.-AN EXAM INATION OF SIR WILLIAM BAINIILTON , S PHILOSOPHY, and of the - Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. By John Stuart Mill, in two volumes :12 mo. HONOR . OR THE SLAVE-DEALER'S DAUGH TER. By Stemn G. Bullinch, THE BLADEAND THE EAR.—Thoughts far a Young Man. By A. B. Hussey. DISSERTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS.—PoIiti ea), Philosophical and Historical. By John Stuart Mill ; 3 volumes 12 mo. All the new books received as soon as Published, and for sale by JAMBS 5, CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. .t A. Martienj se2o 600 CHESTNUT Street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of - FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domes - HO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. ILLICOVACTIIRERS or WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, IC. AGENTS FOR TER CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Cowmen supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. (33,14-Bul GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY• PI RE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEN GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &C All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling purposes. -ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, 81226-t( COT. ELEVENTH and VINE streets 1:34 if. 4 4 CI) 1 / 4 1 A :41: 1 1 11:mo fizA O IL(V,_ MINING, COAL, AND OTIIEII W CONPAN/E5. We are prepared to fttrAfah New COITONSOPUS with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles ondladlar. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOS - RAP/MD " TRANSFER 800 - K. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDO-ER. STOCK LEDUER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY VED4dEIi. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFAUTIfiCERS AND BTATIONEBB. 43A CHESTNI7T Street. SrECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangementS to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY, In m_y present store, andyvill continue to sell first class FURNITURE at very low prices, until further notice. GEO, J. HENKEL% Fiel-Im 809 and 1311 CHESTNUT Street. ipERBONS SEEKING MEDICAL AID -s- would do well to consult Dr. C. A. DUNEAs, N 0.1037 WALNUT street, for prompt sad ea dent treatment. Distant patients consulted by letter, and reme dies forwarded to any address. sel4-Ims BAKER'S POPULAR BAIR ESTAB. LISHMENT—The assortment of Braids, Wiga, Toupees, Banbeaux, Papillons, itonleaux, Ton dues, Frizzes, Crimpaes, Curls, Illusive Seams for Ladles, cannot be equalled by any other house in the United States, at prices lower than elsewhere. No. 909 cilizsTxu7 Street. se2a-lm* CORN EXCHANGE BAG IiANUFACTOBY. 10,000 Cotton Seamless Bags. 10,000 Llneu do. do. 20,000 Jute do- do. Iu store and for sale by_ JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., sel4-31n. 113 North FRONT Street „ T NEVER RAD A GOOD PICTURE BEFORE 1” exclaimed one of Philadelphia's fairest daughters, as she gated with delight on her Photo-Miniature. made at OREMER 45.5 DILLON'S, 18 South EIGHTH Street. seld-nnif N. B.—Albums and Stereoseopealu great variety $2O•-(4. & S. CRYSTAL, D. P.—s2o. *Low a year can be realised gilding and putting_up the Crystal Door Plate. Agents wanted. Stock, Toole, and Instructions cost $2O. L. L. TODD & CO., 39 NANti&II Street, New York. Send ror a Circular, send-u 4 EDUCATIONAL. OVER - ONE HUNDRED HAVE ENTERED STUDENTS THE UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH. AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, DURING 2'llR PAST WEEIC. The College opened on MONDAY, Sept. 18th, and is Dow PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED With A THOROUGH ORGANIZATION, EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT, PRACTICAL COURSE OF INSTRUCTION, and UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS. During the present week and until October 23d,. FULL COURSE SCHOLARSHIPS Can be purchased at the REDUCED PRICE of 1 THIRTY DOLLARS. • OFFICE, 531 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. Circulars can be obtained, gratuitously, by appli cation at the Office, in person or by letter. 5e26.5i, 'IIITSINEBS EDUCATION.-PRACTI CAL INSTRUCTION in ieciokkeeping in all its branches; Penmanship, Business Forms, Commer elal Calculations, Telegraphing ,tc. CRITTENDEN'S COMMEII DIAL COLLEGE; 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh; Students last/voted separately, and received at any time. Day and Evening sessions. sets-4t• WANTED.--A THOROUGH AND EL perieneed Lady Teacher of Music, an Episco palian, to reside in a large Church School. Address. with refer ences, H. 11, 5. 4 " at 1015 QUEEN Street, Philadelphia. it ETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will find the readiest means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for PUsluess can be acquired at little expense, and in a short _period of lime, at BRYANT. STRATTON BANNISTER'S National Commercial College ASSEMBLY BUILDING, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A. liberal deduction will be made in all cases westhy of swell consideration. 5e25.2t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF _FINE ARTS.—NOTICE TO ARTISTS AND STUDENTS.—The Evening Schools will be open for ¢udy, from Life, MONDAY, Oct. 2ti, and from the kntique on Oct. LI. se26-tutlacsat T 4 E PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL IINSTITUTIOF for YOUNG MEN BRTANT., STRATTON Br; BANNISTER'S NA TIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ASSEMBLY BUILDING , S W. corner of CHESTNUT anENTEt Streets. Instruction in Bookkeeping in allits departments and, apOications, Commercial Arithmetic, Corn menial Law, Penmanship, Business Correspond.! Ma_ Forms, Telegraphing, &c, Tits is the only Institution in the State whet% it full knowledge of all the details of business can he acqulred, through BUSINESS aperfected SYSTEM OF TRAINING, repriSentiug the actual operations of the principal branthes of trade and commerce. THE 'PRACTICAL DEPART3IENT is in operation both day and evening, affording to young men who are engaged during the day an op portunity to obtain a thorough knowledge of Book li-.eeping and business by attending evenings only. Call or send for a circular. se2s-2t pENNSYLVANTA MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST CHESTER.—The duties 'of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, SEPTEIYIBER The following gentlemen compose the Board of Trustees: Hon. James Pollock, EL.D.,President; , Capt. William Apple, Vice President,• W. E. Bar iber, Esq., Secretary; James H. Orne, Esq., Treasu rer; Rev. Richard Newton, D. D. Rev. Thomas Brainerd, D. D. Ho n . Oswald Thomson, Hon. Charles O'Neill, Hon. W. E.Lehman, Major Gen. S. W. Crawford, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell., Major Wayne McVeagh; - Messrs. Joseph B. Townsend, James L. Clagtorn, Charles B. Dungan, GeOrge Russell, Wm. L. Springs, Addison May, and B. Peterson. Cadets may pursue an English, Classical, or Sci entific course of studies, at the option of parents. The Academic Staff is composed of twelve 'profes sors and instruetors,who have been educated in our best institutions, and have had an extensive and successful experience in the training of youth. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, of experience and ability, conducts the Military De partment. The moral and religious instruction of the Cadets is carefully attended to. For circulars, apply to James H, Orne, Esq„ No. 626 Chestnut street T. B. Pcterson,Esq.,No. 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. or to Col. THEO. HYATT, se2o-1m President Penna. Military Academy. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY ' MILITARY BOARDIN43 SCHOOL.—Terms Very moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics, English Classics, Sic. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP Br, SON 23 South THIRD Street; THOS J. CLAYTON Es 0., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. &EOROE F. ithoTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Nomber limited, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village %men, Pennsylvania. au4-3m ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, LOCUST AND JD. NIPP.II STREETS.—The autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 4tb, at 9 o'clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made during the prteeding week between 10 and i 2 o'clock in the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS. A. M., auls-tuthstol, Read Master. MISS MINA DE BOTE, S whDISH ARTIST OF MOW, just arrived In Phila delphia, gives LESSONS on the PIANO and SiNis , in private families and at her Music Room, 260 South TENTH Street, near Spruce. Residence, 1010 Spruce street. References at the principal mu sic stores in Philadelphia...l Beio-tutitsete Tllr UNION 33T3gINJESS C0141.0E.G-, Is now attended by a number of lady pupils. Its course of Instruction includes PEITMA&SIiIP, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, BOOK-KEEPING, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, CORRES PORDENCE, &-thi And is designed to confer upon ladies the advan tage of a BUSINESS EDUCATION, winch has hith erto been connned to young men. This Department is separate trom the other de- Partments, has an independent entrance, and every advantage of a quiet location and convenient ac commodations. • Fuller particulars can be obtained, and arrange ments made for entering upon AN USEFUL COURSE OF INSTRUCTION., AT THE OFFICE, No. 331 X. EIGHTH STREET. CIRCULARS FREE MISS C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR 'POLING LAMER will be reopened SEPTEM BER 15th, at 1037 WALNUT Street. Cirenieen may be obtained at the Sehool-bouse. se2-etutliim. MR. GEORGE FELIX BENKERT win resume his PIANO LESSONS September 18th. Address set-stuthi3t• No. flO CHESTNUT Street. LABBERTON. & CHASE'S SCHOOL REOPENS SEPT. 18th, at 1.004 CHANCEL LOR Street, (first street south of Walnut, between B i Eß e T n O t N h , a R n E d G S l e N v A n L t D ee H n CHASE E S R I T H st . t 1-7 t . INSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. .ANN DICKSON reopen ber SCHOOL for BOYS and. GUMS, at No. 108 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 11th of September. aul7-tbstu-24t, S IG. RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at his residence,] No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October I. He may be addressed meantime through the City r. 0., as above. au29-t2 (1. C ENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen 'September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the - Public Grammar Schools, for College., or for business. Special attention gdven to small boys. Residence, Da* North TENTH Stfeet. auZi-sw H. G. MeGTILRE, Ai PrlnOtpia. PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS—IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, M. Entrance on Eighteenth street. L. BARROWS Principal au29-Im* JOHN R. 3VELROY THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEEBE will reopen their Boarding and Dal fichoci p L WALNUT street, Young adies, No. 1703 street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th 00qPt• au2-2141. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE A -IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES. northwest corn CHAS.EIiTNU and EIGIITHEENTR Sts. Rev. A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. e2O-6t* TEE CLASKICAL AND ENGLISH 1 SCHOOL of the subscriber, S. E. corner of THIRTHRNTH and LOCUST Streets, will Reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 11. Cau2B-2m*) B. KENDALL, SIGNOR P. RONDINELLA-ITALIAN and 'English Singing _Lessons. isesidence, ii. W. corner BROAD and PINE. se2l-lin* CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SE PONARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September lath, at 1615 C.STNILIT Street. Particulars from Circulars. auls-tool ENGLIBH, CLASSICAL,LOP MA THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No. Southwest PENN - SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. rilh. au.29-21n* JOSEPH DAVISON, Principal. 'WILLIAM B. COOLEY, A. M. WILL TT reopen hie CLASSICAL and ENGLISH. SCHOOL at No. 1.112 ISEALRKET street, on MON DAY, September 4. au29-1m• CATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her. School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN BellinfOiOn the 11th of Ninth Mo au2B-1110- nth, (Se- toraber) o A GRADUATE OF A NEW ENGLAND -LA- College, who has had experience in teaching, desires to Impart Instruction a few hours each day in a private family in this city or suburban town. Satisfactory references given. Address 'ALPHA. Press o ffi ce. 5e2.6-st* THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL LL INBTITITTZ, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor.. Of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER 4th. Thin i 0 best provided School for boys i .n. As m is er rrneipai. ea i au26-2m SPRING-GARDEN ACADEMY- A Claseical, Mathematical, anAlAug_lish School for Boys and Young Men,_corner EIGHTH and BUT TO.NWOODOtreetaovnl reopen MONDAY, Be%em ber 4. J. P. BIRCH A. M., uu2B-lm Principal. A YOUNG LADY DESIRES A SITU ATION its Visiting or Resident GOVERNESS, to teach the English branches and French. Address 8.," at this Office. se2ow6t. WILLIAM FEWSMITH'S CLASSI CAL and English School, No. 1008 CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. au26-2m . J. W. FAMES. D. D., Principal. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at 11.2e1E1 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst. au2n-Rni. MI $ V. P. P BROWN No. 1907 PINE R reet, will (on MONDAY, Sept. tth,) resume the duties of her Seltool for Children, between the ages of 4 and 15: au2B-Im,* EDUCATIONAL. A BA.CHMANN, TEACHER OF THE • Piano GARDEN'SOrg Melod ADVANCEDin. 922 SPRING reet., PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed in Harmony. Appli cations, 12 to 1 A. M. : 6 to 7 P. M. au3o-Im. MARY P. ROBESON'S SCHOOL FOR FILBEYOURTG LADIES th will Wept. be Reopene dau3o4M* at 9.61.3 N SL, 9th THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH reopenND DAY SCH Septemberdame MASSE will on MONDAY/Bth. In this Institution instruction is thorough in every departnicat, Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the Vranclied of a good English edn. , cation. French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1342 SPRUCE St., Fhilada., Pa. aull-2m fiIIEGARAY INSTITUTB.-ENQL/Kt and French Boarding and Bay School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1527 and 1529 SFRUCZ Street, Flif; ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber Mill. French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken in the Institute. For circulars and partlenintdmly to au9-am Madame D , REILVILLY, Principal. MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladles, No. MO SPRUCE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September 11. The course en:kb:noes a thorough English Education, with Latin, French, German, Made, DraWinE, faintinp &c. SUSAN HAYHURST WILL OPEN her School in the commodious rooms Southeast •eorner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets (entrance on Ninth), September / 5 t14, Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladles for recetying thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or Object System. Reference, former patrons. For further information, apply to Dr. C. N. PEIRCE, 501 N. SEVENTH St. sel.6-12t. SURVEYING, ENGINEERING, THE HIGHER MATHEMATICS, PHONOGRAPHY, AND ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP ADE TAUGUT AT THE UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE ) in the Most thorough and practical manner. Call Or aeliti ror a Circular containing terms and particulars. OFFICE, NO. 531 N. EIGHTH ST. seta-5t WANTS. WANTED. -A FIRST-CLASS ..BOOK KEEPER, good Salesman, and out-door bu siness man desires a position with a Mercantile or Manufacturing Rouse, who need such services. Satisfattory references. Address " liENNA-T." this office. se24-20 WANTED -BY A PERSON THO roughly competent, a SITUATION in a shoe Finding house, well acquainted with the business ift all lta various braucllea — Elaatle boot Webs. ac. Reference given from last engagement. Adams "ELASTIC," Press Office, for two days. It* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A situation in a WRORP, to make himself g C e n a wr it us aa fair hand, and is quick and cor rect at figures. Can give the best of security for honesty. Apply at No. 17 North SECOND Street. se26-3t5 WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to take charge of the Cloth and Cassimere Counter in a llrst-class 'Befall Store. None need apply unless they feel competent and can Pressgood references. Address H . B. tt C 0.," Fregg office. 5e2.6-2t. -WANTED -A GIRL FOR GENERAL Housework. Good reference. Apply G 25 ARCH Street, from 9 to 12 o'clock. 1t• WANTED -A. POSITION BY A young Mu as Assistant Book.-keeper hi a Dry Goods Commission or Jobbing House. elm furnish No. lreference. Address "W. ft." at this °Mee. se2s-2t. WANTED. -AN INTELLIGENT and industrious young having, suine knowledge of the Book business. Compensation fifty dollars per month. Apply, in handwriting of the applicant, addressed to Box 207, Philadelphia Post Office. se23-3t. WANTED—AGENTS, MALE AND Female, in every town and neighborhood to take orders for "THE GREAT LABOR 'SAVER:" a patented article that every family wants. Will save ten times its cost yearly. Agents are making *5 to $25 per day. Only *3 to $lO capital required. Full particulars of the 'business sent to any ad dress on receipt of 6 opiate for Circulars and return postage. Address R. WAYVELL Chicago, Illinois. Box 9781. se23-16t* WANTED -SITUATION AS TRA VELLING SALESMAN In a reSPdasible Wholesale House; can sell any kind of goods; have a large acquaintance lathe country. speaks German and English language. Address STATES UNION MOTEL, MARTITT St., " B. F. G." sell 6t* WANTED -AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in a Wholesale and Retail Can. pet House. Address "MCDOWELL, ROBINSON ,N 5 C 0.," Baltimore, giving references. selG-tf AGENTS WANTED TO SELL IN Philadelphia, Delaware Montgomery and Bucks counties, the great &oleo/ Time and Eterni ty. With of the Bible; picture or extraordi nary interest and value. Fine chance ror agents. Address JAMES BULLAISIOIII,, Room 10 No. 30, North FIFTH Street Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OP THE WAR, com plete in one large royal octavo volume of over 1,000 pages. Splendidly illustrated with 127 line portaits of GesternTh nnA ha**, ggvala t i r rlilfASAUghitt hook a s .."-rAnlanliifigu:Zl A ,Aiemen,and. esiie; In want of Profitable employruc-Y., ;Attila. it t enliarly adapted to their condition. Send for circu lars. Address "JONES. BROS. Jr CO., au2s-ImWlt• "Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTS , WANTED FOR "TH THE FIECRET SELDRVICE, THE DUNGEON, AND TIE ESCAPE.'" By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting beta ever pub lished embgecing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four years, travelling through the South in the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Horace Greeley gays; Areat g many ing this war, in Dk addition w nyet be Written concern- to the many already in print; but not one of them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies, andinstrumentall ties of the Waveholders , Rebellion than does the unpretending narrative of Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted tO their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, width we will prove to any doubtinapplicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES,_ M BROTHERS,gs CO., N. E. corner SLYTH and INOR Streets, aul7-2111* Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR OTIR GREAT National Work, the most complete, only au thentih and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. au2o-Ims AGENTS IVANTEt33 FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Midas., Pa. au2B-Im* BOOKKEEPER --A - YOUNG LADY wants a situation as Bookkeeper. Address "A. C.," Press office. 1e26-3t. CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED— .I/4-, One thoroughly competent and experienced. - BENNETT & CO., se26-3t Tower Hall, HS MAKKET Street. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, 'ORIGINALLY DOING BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience. and acquainted the coun try and people of Texas, is soon to return there on private business. Collections and other business will be promptly and properly attended to while there, it entrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal," at this office. au22-6w. P ARTNER WANTED-ONE HAVING} $25,0:10 Capital, to start a safe and profitable bu siness. Please address "Er. 1e.," Press Office. se26-2t. TO CAPITALISTS.-A THOROUGH• LY experienced Party haring 'inade arelimina ry arrangements for establishing a WR CLOTIIING 11.0 USE in this City on a grin and libe ral basis, desire to admit an additional PARTNER, either active or silent, with capital of from 1020,000 to VO,OOE. All correspondence strictly confidential, CANmust etre real name, and address "ABIERI- EisITERPRISE," Pre.9.9 01lie, SOP 3 t5 :S4 000 TO LOAN (TRUST) FUND 9 on mortgage of city pr , operty.. E. CARPENTER & bON, 9e23.Gt* 243 South THIRD Street. 11WANTED. -A FURNISHED 110 USE between Ninth and Twentieth and Vine and . Pine streets, wanted for one year by a Small Family. Satisfactory references given. Ad dress "1.. U. 11,' , Press Ofttee. se2B-2t* et A FURNISIIED HOUSE WANTED, =dor six mouths from the 15th of November next, Boxfamily of four persons. No children. Address 1255, Post Office, stating loCation and price. sep2S-31. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, 512 CHESTNUT STREET. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CLOTHES ITNSUBrASSED IN QUALITY AND STYLE. MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS Attended to by J. S. TAYLOR, the beet Military and Naval Tailor in the country—last four years the Cutter at OWENS', Washington. sa2o•tf PATENT AERATED BREAD, SWEET BREAD, HEALTHY BREAD, CLEAN BREAD, WHITE BREAD, CHEAP BREAD. Keep longer than any other Bread; made with out yeast fermentation or hands. wholly by Ma chinery; positively pure; free from deleterious sub stances. New and improved Oven and Machinery reeom niended by eminent chemists and physicians. It requires but one hour and twenty Minutes after the flour leaves the barrel before it is in Bread. CALL AND SEE THE PROCESS. A. B.—Familles supplied throughout the city as soon as agencies Can be established. FULLER & JOHNSON, Nos. 10, 12, 11, and 16 BOuth EIGHTEENTH Street, near Market. Sole Manufacturers for the city of Pniladelpidi. selii-theta et ABB BALL CLUBS WILL .FIND A full stock of Bases, Balls,Score-Books, Spikes, Shoes, belts, and Rules of Game at PHILIP wilAorz & c 0 . 40, seam 199 CLIEATKIA FOR SALE AND TO LET. im TO RENT, HOLMEBBIJEG-A, zt large STORE and comfortable DWELLING , COMmunicating,on the main street,about tbe centre' of the village, in which a large and suceeSlifdiecl, l l4. - try store business was done for over forty years, now being fully repaired with fixtures complete. Large garden—lot 60 by 300 feet. Inquire of J. NIGHOLSON. No. 103 North THIRD Street. FOR SALE—A HANDSOME Brown Stone Residence on WALNUT Street, above Twentieth. - WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, 5e2.5.3t* S. E. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT._ d FOR REN T—A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED HOME on WALNUT Street. Apply 623 WALNUT Street, Office No. 4. se26-6t. fff, FOR SALE-A FARM OF 250 .11amAcres, near Goshen. New Jersey. Also, one of 2a acres. WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, s.zs-ati , 9. R. nor. FOURTH and WALNUT, et FOR SALE-A NEAT EIGHT- Jua ROOM HOUSE with back building's, near Balti more Depot; only 0,200. Immediate possession. se2s-3t. W. C. STILES. 332 WALNUT St. et FOR SAL .-AN ELEGANT AND malarge double Dwelling House, on WALNUT Street below Broad street, with Coach House and Stable attached. immediate possession. Apply to CHARLES RHOADS, Convey_ancer, sett-2t NCI. 36 S. SEVENTH SEND, Above Chesnut street CI FOR SALE-2111 BRANDYWINE Mia Street, with immediate possession; in good or der. Price, 53,400. - Northeast corner Twenty-third and Spring Gar den streets!. Doesession soon; $ 0 , 50 0. 2028 and 2036 Master street. 966 Poplar street; possession non; $5,700. 3002 Mount Vernon street; possession soon. 2.53 South Tenth street; vacant; $6,000. 905 Filbert street; $3600. Warnock street,sixtls house 'south of Montgomery avenue; NOON Forty-nrst street and Poplar , let 603[150! CAI B. F. GLENN, 1.213 South FOURTH Street, Se 23 and S. W. eor. Seventeenth and Green. est ARCH STREET BUSINESS Plae4. No. 906. immediate ooBBeba9ll7 for sale by A. P. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. twig at* fie FOR SALE—WITH 'IMMEDIATE -MA possession, dwelling No. 1561 PINE Street. Use of furniture may be had for six months. Address 330 k Nei- 1215 Pont Officei se22.4t* el FOR SALE—THE DESIRABLE MaI,DWELLING,witb, side yard, No. 711 GREEN street. Can be seen after 9A.IK . Possess Lon No vember lst. Apply to BACON & WARDER, 915% WALNUT stavgt,seat - St * _ , . ef i t FOR SALE—VACANT--A NEAT Mai ten-roomed house, central, In good repair; suitable for Physician or Dentist : terms easy. sep2o-6t. WARD, 493 LIBRARY Street. EFOR SALE.--THE - EBNSINGToN STEAM SOAP AND CANDLE - FADT'ORY will be offered at Public Sale WEDNESDAY AF TERNOON, Sept. 27, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, GERMANTOWN Road and SECOND Street. The above well-known property, situated on lot 40 feet front Ou Germantown read, and extending in depth 390 feet to 'Sophia street. Fronting on tiermantOwn road are two two three•story brick STORES and DWELLINGS, with back buildings and all the modern improvements; also, a brick Stable and Carriage-house. Near the centre of the lot is a three-story brick Factory, 40x32 feet, containing 0110 largo steanb•holler, bOX for condensed steam, soap pans, soda tubs and receivers, rendering end melting pans, coolers, copper-lined tallow tubs, pumps, coils, pipes, .itc. with all the necessary apparatus for manufactuilng Soap and Candles in the moat 0144.9Ved manner. The above propertY is one of the most desirably located for butiness In the city, and will be sold clear of incumbrances. If desired, the Dwelling houses and Stores will be sold separate from the factory. Terms at sale. For plan and further information, apply to JAWS A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, sel3-12t 422 WALNUT Street. CA FOR SALE—No. 4314 WALNUT Street. Immediate possession. Large build- ins! now oeetioleti ac ()Mos. Lot 25 feet front by 14feet deep, MILLER., se2a-4tlf SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. gial FOR SALE, A.BUSINESS STAND— Four-storyßrownliouse,No.S24Waluut street. Valuable property. Apply to R. A. J. PANCOA.ST, No. 3404 BRIDGE Otrect, Mantuaville, between 3 and 6 o'clock. au2.6,110 TO CAPITALISTS X;;& FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LART) fronting Lemon Hill Park, containing FORTY AORDS! The whole win he sehl together, or in squares. The following Meats tqln through it: East and West—Parrish, Lemon, Pop lar, Park, Girard avenue, Pleasant, Thompson, and Sheldon streets; north and south, Twenty-eighth. Twenty-ninth (or Landing avenue,) Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. This property lies between Girard College and Pennsylvania avenue. It is one of the ihieo loco= Lions for elegant building lots in the city, the ground being very high: it overlooks the city, and has eighteen - hundred:and fifty-eight feet front on Lemon HIE Park. Inquire of MATTHEW NEWKIRK. se23-4t Office No. 320 WALNUT Mreet. aft TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE.- About 2,000 acres of White Pine White Oak and Hemlock Timber Lauds, in CLINTON COUNTY, Pennsylvania, near station on the Philadelphia and Erie Ran rowl, Several saw-mills convenient. Will be sold cheap, on.l on Abed terms. Apply to UEO. W. URIFFIN, Real Estate limiter, se22-6t 134 South FOURT II Street. at FOR SALE-A SIXTY-ACRE FARM, bordering the city of Trenton. N. MA J. A rare chance for mpeoulatloll. Address L. B. LONG, 1607 CAD IVALAWIR gt., PJili t. 5026.0t44 ft FOR SALE-CHESTER coux-tos =&TY FAR3I-100 acres excellent soil, 2S m11e5....&;. southeast of West Grove Station, on the Baltimore Centro,' liailroad. Good bulloihr first-rate or chard, &c. B. se23 1.2.3 South FOuRTII street. at, FOR SALE-EIGHTY-ACRES& lu Delaware county, two miles Ue low Darby; excellent sell, wellL watered• large hulHl33igs,l3l good order, and large orchard of choice fruit. 13. F, GLENN, . se23 123 South FOURTH Street. efl FOR SALE—FARM OF 4534411, .121 , 10,E.S.A . S8abii t cl.p . .katIon, on Cainde;..4l. ana we .I.ieliwrgaq.44P,ye Camden: mo ll. F. GLENN:, • se'23 123 South FOURTH treet._ r AB T L IFSTEE'S SALE OF VALE"- BEAT. ESTATE IN NEW CASTLE bELAWARIGI A FAMILY MANSION AND COUNTRY SEAT, WITH VALUABLE FARM ATTACHED, One mile from the city of Wilmineton, Delaware, imowii as " EDENP.A.I I.i. .." _ _ .10=WEI CON,SISTIN(i OF 2.5,5 ACRES Of the most productive and desirable land in New Castle county - , will be offered at Public Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Rath, 1865, At the Hotel of B. C. PEARCE, FIFTH and MAR KET Streets , in the city of WILMINGTON, at two o'clock P. M. it will be sold in two separate par cels. No. I.—The MANSION HOUSE, with Its Stabling ! out-bblldinfs, &c., complete, with TWELVE 01. eHE FINEST LAND, including the Grove, Lawns. Nursery; also, large and highly cal -anted 'VEGETABLE, GARDEN, with GARDEN ER'S HOME ereeted Mann, The Mansion Is a spacious three-storied stone and brick building, rough-cast, newly fitted up, with parlor, dining, and smoking-rooms, library, two halls, and conservatory on the first floor; fourteen bed chambers, besides servants' rooms, and good attics on the upper floors; the whole in excellent condition. The roof and upper stories were built in Ma, of the best material and WorlananShip; the rooms are well distributed and proportionate, sup plied with bath, and water-closets, good drainage, and ample supply of pure water In the house. The kitchen, wash, and ironing-rooms, with eOIII.IIOUSe, &c., all complete. Large , dry, and commodious Cellars under the whole building, with heating ap paratus, flues, &c. The stable appurtenant Is of brick, nevr, and well arranged for seven horses, with abundant carriage-room; and. adjoining it there is a Well constructed lee-house Of ample Ca pacity. The GROVE adjoining Is composed of the finest old trees, through which avenues are laid out; the grounds surrounding are well stocked with a variety of the choicest fruit trees, also flowers and shrub bery, The entire establishment is of a class rare in this countr ) , and seldom offered for aillet and has been occupied only by its owners during the present century. No. 2.—THE EDEN PARK FARM. containing 173 acres of land, not surpassed in fer tility and productiveness by any in the county of New Castle. It Is well fence buildings,red through out, with complete Set of partly new, and all substantial. The FARM HOUSE is a double three-storied brick building. There are three large Barns, with Ice-house, Granary, Tool-house, Out houses, Shedding, Stock Yard, &c., with abundant supply of excellent water from wells, withpinups In good order, The property abuts upon the Chris tiana River,with exectlent landing for steam or sail ing vessels, the Bank or Levee having lately been renewed and faced with stone, so as to be perma nent without further outlay. The location of this property and the character of its soil especially adapt it to the production of vegetables and fruit, for which the adjacent markets of Wilmington and Philadelphia create a constant MO,Sro wing de - Maud. A large and profitable vegetable garden is now in operation upon the farm, and the induce ments for its Increase is very great. The place is perfectly healthyand Ms. In the midst Or a fertile district of well improved farina, intersected With excellent roads, and is within fif teen minutes drive of the stations of the Philadel phia and Baltimore and the Delaware Railways, also Steamboats for Philadelphia. Inspection by those desiring to purchase can be had by applying to the Tenant at the Farm-house, or to the Coachman in charge of tine Mansion and or after September ist. The title is unquestionable, and terms of sale will be faVorable. Possession of the Mansion given immediately, and likewise ofhthefarnitthe latter subject to a tenantcy on shares, (with a first-class tenant,) expiring March 25th. 1858. For further particulars, address FLORENC.IO d. VERMER, Trustee, 6Th WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, or THOMAS F. BAYARD, Wilmington, Del. N. B.—The landlord's share of the Pane Stock is for sale, and a pair of valuabiemarriage horses, with Household Furniture, &e., will be Mild on. &WM her Znb, on the premises. au3o-stuthbit , k 52 FOR SALE - A DARK BAY HORSE; 16 hands, sound, kind at stylish; six years old, fast traveller. Address Rox 2069, Post Office. se26-It. 'MR SALE—A FLORENCE SEWING- Stre et. it* - 1 " MACHIN, Walnut ease, No. 211.8 UREEN TOLE T—TWO COMMUNICATING OFFICES, In a central losatiou t suitable for a Broker or at. UP Company. Mann "LC," at TJie PrEBB 011 Ice. "se2o-2V FOR SALE-STOCK, GOOD WILL and Fixtures of an established Merchant Tailor. One of the best business stands on Arch street. store and dwelling to rent. ANly at 533 ARV Street. sea-at IRON STAIRS AND IRON DOORS FOR SALE, at Depot, STIVENTrI Street, above Thompson, Coe23-et.) NATHAN W. ELLIS. .._. • CKS, FOR, SALE, at Depot, nvErini above Thom_son stree t. se23.Bt* NATHAN W. ELLIS. TO B - RIT-A PART OF TWO COM municating omeda, furnished, In the lelntty of Fourth and Walnut streets. Address at this °Mee. act-3t* To LET.—ROOMS IN THE GRANITE BUILDING, (formerly Post Office.) A Dock street below Third, With bteani row"' lso the THIRD STORY of the 04513311t011ireflIth /Midi* Nos. 011 and all II Chestnut street. TO3. H. CO - NELL Counting-house of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, 242 CHESTNUT Street. ee2o.6t* DWHTS OF A VALUABLE PATENT ron BALE. Address ++ PATENTEE," this office. scea-lt.* F OR BALE. CIiATTANOWA ROLLIRtt MILL' Wan DlMATermanr , OFFICE OF DIRECTOR AND GssigßAL .11LANAO.Elt OF MILITARY RAILROADS U. S. WAnunvorow, D. c., July 31, 1806. PROPOSALS wilt be received at Oita office until 12 o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAIt, Sentetilber 1865, to purchase the United States Military Rail road R0L1,11.4 6- MILL at CHATTANOOGA, Ten nessee, WW the machinery, toils, buildings, fix tures, and track connecting the Rolling Mill with the liashvllle and Chattanooga Railroa to re-roll The m ill and machinery Constructed railroad iron are entirely new, and of the MOM im proved character. For full description and details of operation, oft pacity, &c, apply In person or by letter to Ten- YARDLEY, Superintendent, Chattanooga, 310/39CC. AD bids Chattanoogae endorsed, •irroposals to Par chase Rolling Mill. i 13, C. McCALLUM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager Military Railroads U. S. Xo s kidilietory bid haying beenrrecelved under the recent advertisement for the AMA of the Matta., nooga Rolling MIL, the time for receiving bids is extended to toe FIFTH OF OCTOBER, 1865, same hour. D. C. McOALLUM, Brevet Brigadier General, Director and General Manager selS.lit AtilliarY cr, FOR SALE AND MO LET. FOR BALE--FIVE HOUSES OK mantOMBAWD Street, between Seventeenth and. Ereenth street. AU of than Storm Two Houses be empty on October Ist. Inquire et No. 1.735. raultßD Street, die SPLINDID INVESTMENT.—FOR arasate, a fine Store Property situated on CHEST NM Street, near Eighth. paying ntne per eep h itiet income on Drive. Ant& to E. It. JON ISOZ-at * Do. 504 WALNUT Str t. it FOR BALE--No. 2312 GIILEN JeaStrtet-41 Well-built Three-star,' HOUSE, with' all the modern IrnMwetnents; now Defog repotted. Apply at IL X6 fitc.N Street. se2:3-3t* AVCTION SAGES. AUCTION BADE OF 110SPITAL PROPERTY. C: W. 30TE/oBRI AUCT/OvXZEIt. MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFTOR. WaSninoTON, D. C. September 25 Will be exposed at Publld Anetion, on Tit RS. DAY, September `D, 1835, at the Warehouse, &inure, Fifth and E streets, under the (Urea. Doh of Captain If; JOhneelk Med. l. K., D. 4. Army, a large lot of Serirteetad: property, epnatsts lag of— Iron Bedsteads. Blankets, MO:tresses, halt and shuck; Hair Pillows:, Sheets, Mien and cotton; Mugs Pitchers, Knives and Forks. Spoons,. Tam biers; Bowls Shirts, Drs4ers, Socns, &c. The - attention of hattEekeepers WO proprietors of hotels and AtearallOtttS, Testers in secon44 l 4 4 tlina* Unita, and others, IS rlspeetfully called to ther.d sales, as articles are offered fit riunntlttes to SULU both large and small purchasers. Terms: Cash, In Goverl_raent funot",, Purchasers are reoldrol. to pay for and remove gincip fOrty-light hours from date Of sulcr C. 8 RL A.ND STERR'S CITY BAZAAR AND 'PATTERSALLS, FILBERT SIMPP t, between SE.7.ENTiI and EIGILTIL THE OLD CITY AUCTION MART REVIVED. Tile subseriber intends to reopen this old esta blished place of bustness,On TUESDAYMOUNING. October the 3d. at 10 o'clock. This "Establishment lifts been rebuilt and much Im proved sod enlarged hi style aunt size, and Is now - One Of the most complete Dineen for the sale et Horses, CarriageS, Harness, &c., 5n this city, it be ing so very centrally situated right In the bitainesl part of the city. The builclluKs be sufficiently complete by the latter part of this week to reeelVei Vehicles Harness, &c. of alt descriptions. 14. U. 'Due notion tell) he ILIVIM ye.th deserlp. tions of Horses, Carriages ere., intended Poi , altiG. N. B.—Consigners will please hand In the deserip- Hon of all articles intended to be offered at the first. sale In time to be regularly catalogued. • N. 11.—Public sales will be held regularly, until Author notice, every TUESDAY avid FltillAX MOHNING. ' N. D.-Advances made On all armies intended for solo. N. B.—No postponement on IllTDunt of the: weather. WM. IL STERR, se2s-6t Atutloneer. =J) WALNUT -STREET THEATRE _ . Acting and Stage Manager . W. S. Fredericks DROpess Manager anti Trea 7 yrez; ,.. .....1 .5 . J. Hemphill THtS MUM/ /iY) UNPREqEDIoNTE trU V O i kr ' M i lt " brA t i . Net: r. - - iibiVEli3 AS "LADY AU LEY. in accordance with the request of hundreds it will be reheated ONE TIME MORE. The perform ante will commence with • LADY AUDI...FPS SECRET, Lady Audio' Mr& D. P. ilowergs Robert Audiey Mr, Bartoulial. To conclude with the favorite Nautical Drains, Of BLACK-EYED SUSAN. Mr. Barton RBI. liinck-eyea XI...MISS A nole saralMxi. Painily Circle 25 cents; Chairs Orchestra and D r ess Circle, Secants; secured chilli's Its Orellegirit and Dress Circles, n cents; Orchestra Chairs, $1; Orchestra Boxes, $0: Private Boxes, $8 to $B. NEW OHESTNUT•STREET TRE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. GROVER & SINN Lessees and &tanagers. CONTINUED POPULARITY OF THE YOUNG. BEAUTIFUL, AND GIFTED MISS HELEN WESTERN. MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS, Sept. 240 and 26th, will be presented the grand . romantic alieetacular drama, THE SEA OF Ter,: On, A THIRST FOR GOLD, (with new Scenery, Original Music, Correct Ap ncliplinents, &C.) Louise cle Lasebtin 4 tliiii MVP Ogarithn. the Wild Flower of :Mexico, Wegtern. SUPPORTED hy a CAST OF BEAT STItENGTII.- Friday owning, benefit or HELEN 'WESTERN. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, lit , Dt. 30, FIFTY-NINTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. When the SEA OF lON wig be performed. In active preparatioa, THE ANGEL OF MIDNIGHT. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH .STREET THEA.TRE. LAST WEEK OF EDWIN ADAMS. NONDAT, TL 13A1. VIRDNINDA:I4 AND tlittliWoWv THE SERF. The Serf Edwin Adams. Concluding encli evening with a AVOILITE COMEDIETTA, Sinbrnehig the entire strength or the CaMpany. Ze2s-4tMVIDAr — .I 3 ENErtrOF EDWIN ADAMS. NEW AMERICAN TlitiTnE, W M n S u SKATE FovH E E let h. In eight original characters. First fitment:twee of MILLE AUGUSTA, The beautiful and Ucebzuplished amens°, frola Niblo , s Garden, N. Y. THIS EVENING- The performance will commence with the powerful Drama, In allots, entitled the - FEMALE AMERICAN SPY. TimSDlr....r....n,rrrr..yMiss Kate Fisher, supported oy the entire Uompany, and THE BEAUTIFUL HORSE WONDER. • GRAND D/VRRTMEMENT. Mille Augusta Mons. Antonio, a adAlarps de Ballet to conclude with the very laughable Farce of the T }MEE. LOVERS. FAMILY MATINEE EVERY SATLTEDAY AF. TERNOON. ee2.5 BY SPECIAL REQUEST, MR. EDWIN ADAMS wIU appear for the benelit of the MOYAAIENSLEG HOSE COMPANY, ,SATURDAY, Sept. 201.11. It MUSICAL FUND IiALL ADOW ADOOI ARTIEYIJS WARD AMONG THE MORMONS. ;:afs aNzr, - • ABTEMUS wARp respecitully announces three farewell :Mormon WhOullo Pea late som ENTIRELYIy' stories, and prusullt an NEW PANORAMA. - - These will be Artemus Ward's last nights in rut. ladelphia, previous to his departure for Europe. Minis/gull 50 Center Reserved seats, 75 cents. Re.. served seats for sale at Truils,r3lel l l HUMP. Stores corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at Els. ley's Continental Hotel News Stand. Sale of seats will commence Friday, Sept. 22, at 9 A. M., to 5 P. M., and continue following days. Doors open at 7. COMlnenee at 8 0 ' 810 ,8k . ! se2t-st MUSICAL FUND HALL. ARTEMUS WARD. ➢aOEMON. ENTERTAINMENT. SECOND A.E,TEMITS WILED Will repeat TO-NIGHT (Tuesday*, Sept. 20, His Entertainment, which wits given last night to AN OVERFLOWING HOUSE. To-MORROW ICIOIIT ()Vellumlat), MOst posi tivoly 11w lust appearance in Philadelphia. or ARTExtra WARD, Prior to his departure for England. se2S CONCERT HALL.—T HI RD , WEEK 01' 8L1.N.0 Tott. Owing to the wild enthusiasm and immense 8110. cess with which TOM has been greeted, he will con tinue his stay In the city this week, and will appear at Cobden, Hall EV'EILY except Fri day evening. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Peribrillallee to COM.- merle° at 8 o'clock. _ . . . . . ADMISSION 50 CENTS. Reserved Seats, .75e. to be bud atT B. Pugh's Book Storer corner p,IXTEI and CHESTNUT Streets. Gallery 2.5 eente, Comfortable seats have been reserved for the all. COMMOthltion of colored people in the gallery. GRAND IBATIN NE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Sept. 30. 5e2.5-at S. C. J. THAYER, Agent. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS ; mini AND CHESTNUT. A SUCCESS 'UNPARALLELED IN THE WORLD OP AMUSEAIENT Has been achieved by the distinguished artists,. MR. ANI) MRS. HARRY WATKINS, And the beet of ltvlti rhoOots;, MISS CARIAATA. Iu their comical Musical Entertainment TWO HOURSII FUNLANDI TWO HOURS IN PUNIANDt Prononuced by Press and Public the most charming AND DELIGHTFUL OP AMUSEMENTS. Eliciting, hearty laughter allti VAlhusittam by time brilliant music, sarcasm, wit, and ssug dlslflaged by these incomparable artists in delineating, LINE'S COMIC FEATURES: HITS at the TEKESt Every evening at S. Tickets 50 aud 25 eentS. se2-et ACADEMY OF FMB ARTS, CHEST NUT Street; above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till &P. SI. Benjamin West'sgreat pleture of CHRIST REJECTED dill on Exhibition. Jell BOARDING. IptREAKFAST AND TEA.—TWO GEX-. B i'LEMEN can he acconnnodated with CHOICE ROOKS and BEEAKFAST and TVA, in a moat fiC6/111149 )oeanty. A.thlte "z\. t;. W. Press Office. EXCURSIONS. 111:77-Fr7.. EXCURSIONS TO LaN.G. BRANCH. Trains for Long Branch will leave COONIII 4 II POINT, Canalenolaily (Sunday eXcented) at 9.16 A. M. Fare, ea, Excursion. Tickets, good for titres days, sta. b. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. &Ewa W E T CHESTER AND PIIILADELPBIA. RAILROAD, VIA AIEDIA. • _ SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JIM sth, 265, the trains vat leave as MOW; WEST 011EsTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 7.35 and 10.30 A. M., and 2.30, 4.45 and 0.45 P. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 0.76, 7.45. and 10.85 A. M., and 2 and 9.45 P. Train§ leaving West Chester at 7.45 A. M., ano. leaving Plinadelplilit 4.15 P. M.., Will not OPP at Penns ton , and will BM, beloW B. O. Janet on Media only. B. C. JUNCTION TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. C. JunetiOn at 5.02 and Imo Lea r. ve B ns., d'..landtion for Plih ilelpll Aat 8.24 Aare and 7.20 P. M. These trains stop at all intermediate atationt. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8. 30 A. and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester at 8 A. M and 5 P. M. Trains leaving Philadcilitia at 7.35 M. and 4.41 P. M., and leavlng West Mesta, at 7,4 b A. N. mid M.connect at B. O. Juncon ith trains on P. and , B. C. B. B. for Oxford a n d in termediate p Passengers are allowed to take Wearing apparel opty as baggage and the Company will not in any ease r e Pas laps, for An amount exceeding one hunded de p ilate, mum a 00aclal contract le made for the same. BENNY WOOD, General Superintendent. PIGLADEpriIIe, March 15, 245. mpg 1800 CHST:Myr STREAT. WATORe, SRWELRY, vlial s STERLING SILVERWARE, PEAR/41MA." BLONDS. and PLATTEDpius stones. BESTWARE, &c., &O. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired, mit woratited. Laic of BMW & 04)&4 T. GALLAGHER, formerly 1300 DRESTNUT Street& Bailey et, Michela. f aele•St. A LABQE ASSORTMENT OW Ladies', Dllane,. and alifidt , Anla Straw, Felt, and Silk-plush HATS. Also, Flowers t reethere. Velvets, price,ibbons, which will be sold at Straw, cash or short time. T. E. HARRIS, ses.lras9 North SECOND Street. • -VT--- , WRITTEN AND VERBLIt DESCRIPTiONS Citaraeter,_Oonstl. !VA ' Mien, and Tulent,with ADVICE on. ra Business Health, Education, Self-Int gr.vothatracreitdadiJortn.g! Ai and evening, by _ _ s Ong L. CAPE Phrenologist and Bookseller. o. 25 S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut. oell-tuthelylf Ot3AGE ORANGE, ARBOR VITA, and other hedgeAslmatsi Fruit, Ornamental Trees act. atbiErideN CIERMANT6W.N xu . R • smut*. oe2l-lin• MEBBRS. J. A. GANDARA & CO., HAVANA, CUBA. offer tIiMP serVieell to those desiring to purchain any of the products of the Wand, Mid soIIOIS oOns algnments of 'Vessels. Provisions, and Approved Goods upon which they offer liberal cash advances, through Messrs. S. FUG= SONtd, Warta,o whom they ram Purveyor,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers