SHERIFF'S !ALFA. cRE - RIFF';: 4 SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF vonutioni Er pnntts, to me directed, will be ex; used to publie sale or vendue, ou MOE DAT Evening, October 2. at 4 o'clock, at San sons-street Hall, - All that lot of ground, with the mill thereon erected. situate in the Twenty-second ward or the city of Philadelphia. began:un- at a stone on the southwest side of Wissahickon creek; thence north 97 deg. 7 min.. west 70 feet to a corner hi the Wis sahickon turnpike road; thence along the same north 19 deg. 59 min., west. 11l feet to Indies to a earner; northl4 deg. 17 min.,west 202 Owt 3 inches /0 a corner; north 22 deg. S il nitu,, wc,i 622 feet 2 Inches to a corner; north 13 deg. a.. h West 275 feet 11 Inches, north 21 deg. 0 9 min..west .i() feet 'l6 inches to the Of Thorp's lan e. north 17 deg. a min., west 296 feet ON inches, north 29 (leg. 5 min.. west 437 feet 10 inehes,itortb 15 deg. .22 min., west 203 feet 8 inches to a Corner in thle of land late of Rich ard Wlstar, deceased. fa c ile,. lit the same, north 64 deg. 57 min., east 40 feet and e 1 ,2 inehes. tO 11010 drilled in a rock mice by along the southwest side of Wissahickon er. ck au 7 hy land of same, north 55 deg. 30 rain_ west 418 feet Wt; inches to a chestnut swan'', north 62. deg. 20 min.. west 367 feet 11M inches To Outwit stmuo. north 72 deg. is min., west 124 feet 1 inch, north 7e deg.. wet:l - 211 feet 2 . .1 illebes to a stone. north et deg. 15111111., west 207 feet 1074 inches to a stone; theme by land late ofJoseph 'Middleton, north 42 deg. 10 min- east 261 feet clinches to a stone, SOW it 48 30 min . east 23 feet 1 inch to a stake on the side of wt.:ditch/3n creek theme through and crossing to the opposite side of said creek, north 76 deg. 52 min., east 959 feet 9N inches to a corner; thence down the side of said creek, following 'the several courses thereof 940 feet 6 inches more or less to the turn in said creek: and thence still along the .:due side of the creek, a further distance of 800 feel more or less, to the line between hands of Wil liam 31iller and Alexander Houston: thence by the same, north 24 deg. 47 min.._ east 36 feet to a corner; - W thence b 3 land ofilliam Miller, south 69 deg. 36 min., east 474 feet to a comer 3 feet southwest of a small walnut tree, south 39 deg. 36 min. east 342 feet to a corner 4 feet northeast of a mall:v.l tree, south 12 (leg. 55 min., east 2.16 feet inches, north 61 deg. niin., east 139 feet 814 inches: thence crossing Thorp's lane and along the southwest face of a wall. on the southeast side of said lane. south 30 deg. 30 min., east 295 feet to a cornet' and south 61 deg. 5 min., west 69 feet 6 inches to a corner 1 foot east of a corner of foundation wall. of a Clain• ney; thence south 26 degrees 56 minutes, west 246 feet 6 latches to a corner near the Wissahickon creek; thence south 2 (leg. 39 men., eastl9l feet, south 17 deg. 20 min.. east 481 feet 4 inches, south 23 deg. 26 rain., east 198 feet 8 inches, and south 66 deg. 94 min.. west 10 feet 8 inches to a corner on the bank of the creek in tile tine of land late of William W. Piper: then by the same, crossing: Wissahickon creek, south 5 deg. 19 min., east 534 feet 11N Inches to the place of beginning. Containing 17 A. 1 R. 26-26 r., more or less. Also, all that certain other lot or piece of ground situate in tile said Twenty-second ward of said city, beginning at a corner in the =la dle of Wissahickon turnpike and Thorp's lane; thence along Thorp's lane south 65 deg. 3'3 min., west 568 feet, and south 67 deg. 53 min. West 274 feet 751 inehes to a corner in line of Will iam Rain's land; thence by the same 47 deg. 7 Min., east 256 feet 6 inched to a corner; thence Thy land of William Mills. north 64 deg. 41 min., east 328 feet 6inebes, and north 57 deg. 501100. east 411 feet to a corner in the Wissa hickon turnp ike; thence along the same north 21 deg. 29 min., west 161 feet 4 inches to the place of beginning. Containing 3 A. 2P.. 34-58 P. Also, all thatcertain other lot or piece of ground situate inthe said Twenty-second ward of the said city, begin ning at a corner in Thorp's lane in the line between lands of William Miller and William Rahn; thence by the same south 45 deg. 45 min., west . 473 feet to a chestnut tree-hi the line of John Beadley's land; thence by the same north 47 deg. 45 min., west 190 feet to a corner in Thorp's lane; thence along the same north 70 (leg. 37 min., cast DS feet. and north 64 deg. 33 min., east 299 feet 10 inches to the place of beginning. Containing 3R.31 P. The above properties will be sold as one, together with all tile steam engine boilers, shafting. ma chinery. and all fixtures upon the above-described tiremises or belonging thereto. CD. C.; S., '65. 222. Debt, 5144143/. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John White. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. se2l-3t SHEIIIFF'B BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A. s•- , - writ of Alias Fleri Facias, to me direct ed., will be exposed to public sale or centime, on MONDAY Evening, October 2. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage and lot Of ground situate on the west side of Tenth street. 64 feet northward from Pine streeet, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Tenth street 21 feet 3,¢, inches, and in depth 90 feet. with the privilege of a 2-feet 6-inches wide alley. [See writ for tee - ital.] No. 2. All that four-story brick messuage and lot a ground. Situate ell the north tide of . Clinton street, 149 feet eastward from Tenth street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Clinton street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred and fifteen feet, to Bond street. [Which premises Catharine Stockton, by deed dated July 13,1865, re corded in Deed Book L. R. 'B , No. 107. rage On, conveyed unto Robert Fox, in fee.] Subject to a mortgage debt of $3,000. [D. C.; b., 65. 154. Debt, 0,000. Gummey.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Fox. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditloni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. October 2, 1865, at 4 o,clock, at San som-street All those. MeeStlages and lots of ground situate on the north side of Reed street. 54 feet west of Fif teenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing, in front on Reed street 36 feet (each lot 18 feet), and in depth SO feet to six-feet alley. CS. C.: J., '66. 10. Debt, $l,OOO. Bullitt.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Resitard Sprting)4. HENRY DOWELL- suerife. Philadelphia,Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1665. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF writ of Levari Facies to me directed, will be expoeed to public sale or residue. on MONDAY EVe• ming. October 2., 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that two-and-a-lialf.story briek messuage and lot of ground situate on the sotaltivest corner of Forty-eighth and SyenMOre streets, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on sycamore street 7a feet, and in depth 1•i0 feet. CD. C.; S., '65. 210. Debt, $70.61. Ronson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Phillip[. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1805. se2l-at SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF SHERIFF'S a writ of Levu' Facias, to me directed.-will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY evening. October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at SANSOM street All that two-and-a-imif story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Sycamore street. 125 feet west of Forty-eighth street, in the City of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Syca more street 50 feet, and in depth 150 feet. CD. C. S., '65. 214. Debt, $70.61. Somali.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Phillip'. HENRY HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1865. 5021.51 HERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF S an Order of Sale in Partition, to me directed, will be sold at public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Evening. October Z, 1061, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, No. 1. All that three-story brick messuage, No. 1025 1 and lot of ground situate on the north side of Walnut street, 178 feet east of Eleventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Walnut street 18 feet, and in. depth 107 feet 6 Inches 10 a twenty-feet-wide alley. (Which premises James Truxton. 'Esc!, Sheriff, .2c., by deed dated April 20, 1818, recorded in Supreme Court in Deed. Book C., page 553, conveyed unto Aquila A. Browne in fee, subject to ground rent of $36.] No. 2. All that three-story brick messuage, No. 1027. and lot of ground situate on the north side of Walnut street, 1.513 feet east of Eleventh street. it. the city Of rhiladelphia; containing In front on Walnut street 20feet, and In depth 107 - fee t 6 inches to a twentv-feet alley. [Which premises Ebenezer Conrad et ux., by deed dated March 26, 1827, re corded in Deed Book G. W. It., No. 14, page 721, eonveyed unto Aquila A. Browne in fee,subject to_ground rent of $40.) .oio. 3. A]] that yearlyground rent of *4O issuing and payable out of and for all that lot of ground situate on the south side of Brown street, between Front and Budd-streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brown street 23 feet, more Or less, and in depth4o feet: bounded east by ground late of John Browne, south by ground late of Mary Dutton, - west by ground late of Joseph Copper thwatte, and north by Brown street. [Which lot Aquila A. Browne et Ox,, by deed dated. March 22, 1828, conveyed unto Jacob Fisher in fee, reserving ground rent of 840.] . No. 4. Ali that yearly ground rent of .25 125., in gold or silver money. issuing and payable out of and for all that lot of ground situate on the south side of Brown street, between Budd and Front streets, in the city. of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brown street 28 feet, and in depth 40 feet; bounded north by Brown street, west by ground late of John Browne. south by ground formerly Of William Sutors, eitSt by ground late. Of Joseph Nansfield CD, C S., VI ILI. Campbell.] HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 9, 1865. sell-St ERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF sli rs- , a writ of Yenditioni. Exponas, to me &reeked, trill bec....tposed to public sale or venduc, on MON DAY Elltning, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San soul- street Ball, All that tbree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tile east side of Apple street, 107 feet south of Susquehanna avenue, in the City of Philadelphia: containing in front on Apple street 16 feet, and in depth 90 feet to Mechanic street. ( - Which premises - Michael Price,hv deed dated Sept. 12, 1853, conveyed unto William McCloskey in fee, subject to monger of $1,050 and arrests of interest.) [C. t S.. '65. 20, Debt, $58.70. Otterson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William -McCartney. TigNEY C. HO - WELT., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 9, 181i5. sell-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—EY VIRTUE OF a - writ of VendltioltiExponas_ to ins directed, will be exposed to publie sale or vendue, on MON - DAY Evening October 2, 18&5, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetHall.. No. 1." All that three-story brick and partly frame building and lot of ground situate on the south side of Slary street. between Sixth and Seventh streets, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front Oil Mary street sixteen feet, and in depth forty feet to tot lito. 2. No. 2. All that two-story frame messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of South street, between Sixth and Seventh streets: containing in front On South street siXtven feet, and in depth fifty feet tolot No. 1. Bounded east by ;t t' ruan or John Mercer, and west by ground late of Owen Jones. fWhich premises Owen Jones, by deed dated Sep tember 7, 1795, recorded in Deed book R. L. , No. se, page KO, conveyed unto I.leorge Mercer in fee, reserving ground rent of thirty-two dollars.] S. CI. 21. halt *52. Parsons.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George Mercer. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 9,126 a. SHERIFF'S SALE„--BY VIRTUE, OF a - writ of Venditioni itXponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on idOlsi DAY lEvening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Had, All that three-story brick mess - nage and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Arch and Fifth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in fronton Arch street it feet 6 inches, and in depth, along Filth street, 65 feet, (excepting the north three-and-a-half feet, which is added to an alley). CWhiell premises Thos. Bartholomew et us., by deed dated November 24th, 1762. recorded in Deed Book No. 19, page 430, &c., conveyed unto Benjalnin Davis in fee reserving grennil rent of .F.5.j (e_ P.l S., 'B5. M. ' • Debt. 9t9.08. ArmstrOng,) •Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Davis. . . HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's ()face, Sept. 9,1865. sel2-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Vermilion' Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenhig, October 2, 1.865. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Street Hall, All that messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side Of Hutchinson street, it feet north of Pop lar street. in the City of Philadelphia: containing in front on Hutchinson street 16 feet, and in depth 61 feet. (Which premises Freeman Scott, et us., by deed dated August 13, 1840. conveyed unto James Cambell, in fee, reservinggrouud rentof $74.] CC. P.; 5.'65. 24. Debt, F 8.31. C. Myers.). Taken In execution and to be sold as the property Of James Campbell. HENRY C. HOWELL, ilherlff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 9, 1885. sel3-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lcvari Facies, to me directed, will be t atoned to public sale or Vendee, on MONDAY Evening , October 2,• 1865, at 4 o'clock. at gansont street H;111, All that two-story brick dwelling and store, with two-story brick and frame back buildings, three story frame dwelling zdjoining, two small three story brick dwellings, and an old three-siory frame building in rear, and lot of ground situate on the- west side of Front street, between Poplar and Lau rel streets, In the city of Philadelphia.; containing in front on Front street 20. feet, decreasing to It feet 2 inches at rear end of said lot, and on south side 206 feet, and on north side 195 feet snore or msg. Rounded south by ground now or late of Warwick Coates, west by ground of Levi Budd, north by ground now or late of Jesse Shoemaker,and east by Front street. (Which premises John Douglass, Sheriff, &c., by ded dated June 13,1825, recorded in District Court, in Deed Book D., page 404, Ste., con veyed unto George Ball, in fee.] ID- G.; il-, 1511._ Debt, *1,700. Piddle, Taken in execution and to be Sold as the property of George Bali. HENRY C. HOWELL, sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19 , 1365. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levan Faclas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at o'clock, at Sansom street Fall, All those four four-story brick messuages and lot Of ground situate on the sontheaet corner of Fif teenth and Uarlton streets, in e city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Fifteenth street tel feet, and in depth 50 feet. Taken in execution on judieuent U. 0. ; 5,, ,05. rel. Latta) On City _Claim for Taxes, and to be sold as the property of William Dohgherty. 'HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. • lilladelphla, ,s,herlirs office. Sept. ta, ises. arm-at PErtrEOTION SHERIFF'S SALES. RHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE - OP 1..7 a Writ of Levari Faclas, to me directed will be ,rosed to public. sale or vendue, on MONDAY Vs-ening. October 2, 1860, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom st reet Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the north corner of Emerald and Ann streets, in the city of Philo: Mph's: Containing in front on Emerald street 139 reel 3 tattles, more or4ess, and in depth northwest along Ann street 80 feet, more or less. Taken in execution on Judgment [C. C. P.: J. '55. 50. Dedrick) on City Claim for Paving, and to be sold as the property of L. Mulvaney. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept, 20, 1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Leval.' Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1965, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue, 7 feet 23t inches west of Pen 'eek street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Pennsylvania avenue 21 feet 7% inches, and in depth on north line 23 feet 1 Inn, and on south line 5 feet 9 inches to Pennock street, upon which from Dula street to Canal street. Taken in execution on Judgment (C. (L.P. M. '6l. 352. Sellers) on City Claim for Culvert, and t o be sold as the propel of Henry Stewart. HEN YC. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee, Sept. 20, 1865. se2l-3t HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF S a writ of Levari Facias, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1565, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom. area Hall, All that two-and-a-half-story brick nicssiisgs and lot of ground situate on the south side of Syca more street, 125 feet west of Forty-eighth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sycamore street 50 feet, and in depth 150 feet. [D. C.; S., '65. 214. Debt, *80.61. Bonsall.] Talien In execution and to be cold as the property of Henry Pnillioi. HENRY C. HOWELL,Slieriff. Philadelphia,Sheriff 's Office,Sept. 20,1865. sell-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Pacias, to me directed will be exposed to nubile sale Or Tendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1805, at 4 o'clock, at SaliSOlfl - Ball, Al! that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side side of Eighth street 61 feet 6 inches south of Thompson street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Bigeth street 10 feet 8 inches, end in depth 94 feet to - Clinton street. [Which premises Simon alVers, by deed dated August 15, 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 91, page 103, cons - eyed unto Ma tilda Daub, in fee, subject to ground rent of 5 11 . 25 .] [D. C. S., '65. 201. Debt, $717.07. Taylor.] Taken in execution and to be gold 9.9 the property of Satmel Daub and Matilda Daub. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. sell-It SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF KJ a writ of Levart Paetas, to use directed. will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansontr street Hall, AM that three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the west side 01 Seventeenth .street in the city of Philadelphia; beginning 45 feet 4% inches south of Brown street, thence west Mina* lel with Brown street 44 feet 6% inches to a three feet-wide alley, thence south along same 21 feet 1% inches. thence east 44 feet 11% inches to Seventeenth street, thence north along same 13 feet to begin ning. (Which premises George H. Hart, by deed dated Ju1y20,1860, conveyed unto Joshua Clendenon in fee, subJectto a ground rent of $60.1 CD. C.; S., T 65. 121. Debt, $1,220. A. Thompson.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Joshua Clendeuon. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept 19, 1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or - vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1866, at o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Emerald street, 510 feet 7% inches northeast of Huntingdon street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Emerald street 16 feet, and in depth 79 feet 6 inches to a three-feet alley. Taken in execution on judgment CC. C. P. • :, J., '65. SS. Dedriekj on City Claim for paving, and. to be sold as the properi of William R. Witte. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,.1865. sett-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-RY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Faeids, to sue directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on 2.10.1.. THAN Evening, October 2, 11M5, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom dtreet Hall, All those two three-story brick messnages and lot of ground situate on the south side of Filbert street, 152 feet east of Twenty-tirst street, in the clty of Philadelphia; containing in front on Filbert street 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet to Jones alley; subject to a ground rent of $53. CO. C.: 5.,'81. NO. Debt, $1.012. Brinckle.j Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Andrew Elliott. HENRY D. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20,1561. sezz-3t SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Expouas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY evening, October 2, 1860, at 4 o'CloCh, at San som-street Rail, No. 1. All those certain yearly ground rents is issuing out of the following descriliedlot of ground, situate at tt e southwest corner of Sassafras (Race street) and. Twelfth streets, in the city of Phila delpbia; containing in breadth on said Sassafras Area 180 feet, and in depth on Said Twelfth street 100 feet. Bounded - westward by a thirty-sty-feet wide street called Jacoby street, southward by a a ten-feet-wide alley, eastward by Twelfth street aforesaid, and northward by Sassafras street afore said. To-wit : All that yearly ground rent of $65, situate at the southwest earner of Race and Twelfth streets; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $BO, situate on the south side of Race street, at the distance of 20 feet - west of the west side of Twelfth street; con taining In front . 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly . ground rent of NO, situate 011 the south side of Race street, at the distance of 40 feet westward from the west side of Twelfth street, containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $lOO, situate on the south side of Name street, at the distance of 60 feet westward from the west side of Twelfth street; con taining in front 20 feet, and in depth MO feet. All that yearly ground-rent of $lOO, situate on the south side of Race street, at the distance of 80 feet west ward from the west side of Twelfth street: con taining in front 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $BO, situate on the south side of Race street, at the distance of 6() feet east ward from the east side of Jacoby street; eeeltain ing in front 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $BO, situate on the south side of Race street, at the distance of 40 feet eastward from the east side of Jacoby street; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly grotind rent of $6O, situate on the south side of Race street, at the distance of 20 feet eastward from the east side of. Jacobi street; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 14 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $6O, situate on the southeast corner of Race and Jacoby streets; containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 74 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $2O, situate on the northeast corner ofJacoby street and a certain ten-feet-wide alley t containing ill front 13 feet, and in depth 37 feet 73,4 inches. Ali that yearly grOund rent of $2O, situate on the east side of Jacoby street, at the distance of 74 feet southward from Race street containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 37 feet 71fInches. No. 2. All those certain yearly ground rents is suing out of the following desertimil lot Of ground situate at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Cherry streets, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in breadth on the said Twelfth street 178 feet, and in length or depth on Said Cherry street 180 feet. Bounded westward by a thirty-six-feet-wide street Called Jacoby street, northward by a ten-feet wide alley, eastward by Twelfths street, and south ward-by Cher street. To }Lit: All that yearly ground rent of , situate at the northwest corner of Twelfth and 'miry streets, containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that }early ground rent of 645, situate on the west side of livelfth street, at distance of 18 feet northward from Cherry street; containing in front 16 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearlyg•round rent of $45, situate on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of 36 feet northward from Cherry street; containing In front 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly Tround rent of $45, situate on the west side of welfth street, at the distance of 54 feet northward from Cherry street: containing in front la feet, and In depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $45, situate on the west side of Twelfth Street, at the distance of 72 feet northward from Cherry street; containing in front 18 feet, and hi depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $6O, situate on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of 90 feet northward from Cherry street; containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $6O, situate on the west side of Twelfth street, at the distance of 103 feet northward from Cherry street; containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $5l, situate on the west side of. Twelfth street, at the distance of 126 feet northward from Cherry street! containing in front lE feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $54, situate on the west side of Twelfth street. at Lite distance of 144 feet northward from Cherry street: containing in front 38 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $52, eituate on the west side of Twelfth street,at the distance of 110 feet south Of Race street: containing in front 16 feet, and in depth 100 feet. All that yearly ground rent of NO, situate at the southeast corner of Jacoby street -and the said ten-feet-wide alley: containing in front 14 feet, and in depth 76 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $3O, situate on the east side of Jacoby street, at the distance of ISO feet northward from Cherry street; containing in front 14 feet, and In depth 76 feet. All those two - yearly ground rents of $3O each,situate on the east side of Jacoby street, at the distance of 120 feet north of cherry street: containing in front 30 feet—that is to say, each lot ta feet, bald in depth 76 feet. All those two yearly ground rents of $3O each, situate on the east side of Jacoby street, at the dis tance of 90 feet northward from Cherry street; con taining in front 30 feet — that is to say, each lot 15 feet, and in depth 76 feet. All that yearly ground rent of 626.25, situate on the east side of Jacoby street, at the instance of 75 feet - north of Charm! street; containing in front is feet, and in depth I r d feet. All that yearly ground rent of $3O, situate on the north side of Cherry street. at the distance of 104 feet westward from 'Twelfth street: containing in front 15 feet, and in depth 75 feet. All those two yearly ground rents of $20.25 each, situate on the north side of Cherry street, at nil distance of 119 feet westward of TWelllll Street: containing in front to ether 30 feet—that is, 15 feet earls, and in length 75 feet. All that yearly ground rent of $62. situate on the northeast corner of Jacoby. and Cherry streets; containing in front 31 feet, and in depth 70 feet. ED. C•: S., '65. 218. Debt, $l.OOO. Vanarsdal.e.3 Taken'in execution and to be sold as the property of Wylie Jacoby. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff., Sheriff's Ottlee, Sept. 15, 1885. - se2l-3t SHEIIIFF'S SALE—BY ArIRTUE OP a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed. with be exosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southwest side of Sergeant street. 146 feet northwest of Amber street, in the city of Philadelphla•' containing in front on Set•geant street 16 fect,and in depth mCfeet C inches to 1 , irth street.. . . . . Taken ill execution on Judgment [C. C. P.: 43. Hedrick] on. City Claim forpaying, and to be sold as the property of Cornelius Wendell. 'HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, SherifPs Office, Sept. to. 1865. 021-3 i SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari facias, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at. Sansoin street Hail, All that two-and• a-half story brick ineagatige and hat of ground situate on the south side of Sycamore street L 5 feet west of Forty-eighth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sycamore street 50 feet, and in depth ise feet. CD. C. • S., '65. 215. Debt 670.61. Bonsall.] Taken in eiceention and to be sold as the property of henry 11111110. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1885. sell-It SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Levari Faelas, to me directed. will be exposed. to public sale or yendue, on. MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1863, at 2 o'clock, at Sansoin street Hall, All that messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Howard street, 184 feet south of Cum berland street, in the city of Philadelphia: contain in front, on Howard street 18 feet, and in depth 95 feet 6 incises toWateidob Janet. Taken in execution on Judgment EC.O.P.; J., '55. 61. Hedrick] on city claim for paying, and to be sold as the property of John Milhorter. 'HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20,1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K , a writ of Levart "Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eventim, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, ut Sansom street Hall, All that three...story brick MeSsuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast stele of Sergeant street, 110 feet a inches southeast of Emerald street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on kergeant street 15 feet a inches, and in depth 73 feet 7 inches to a 5-feet ii-luelles alley, - Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P.; J. 'as. 48. Dedrick) on city claim for paving and to he sold as the property m of George Grisco. ENEY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1865. se2tr3t SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF LI a writ of Lc:tnt FaelaSi to Inc directed, will be exposed to public sale or rendue, on atOIsTDAY Evening, October 2 ,. 1865, at 4 o'clock, at bansor street Hall, All the messuage or tenement and lot of ground situate on the north side of James or Chestnut street, in the Twenty-fourth ward, city of rims— delphiat containing in front On Chestnut Street 45 feet, and in depth 200 feet to Oak street; bounded west by lot now or late of Joseph Hunt, north by Oak street, east by tot now or late of Jacob Snyder, Jr., and south by Chestnut street. (Which premises Anson V. Parsons, by deed dated - February 1.4, 1863, convoyed unto Waldron J. Cheyney In fee, subject to a_prlor mortgage of $4.500.) CD• C.; 4., '65. 136. Debt, *1,567.50, Parsons.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Waldron J. Cheyney. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 2e. 1865. MEGi3ANIBM: ' SHERIFF'S SALES. QRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A • writ of Levari rectos, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or venduc, on MONDAY Eve , October 2,1965, at 4 °Week, at Sansone - street Ha All that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Eighteenth and Girard avenue, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Girard ave nue Hi feet, and in depth on east line 105 feet 676 Incites, and on west line 101 feet 7,V_ inches to Ham mond street. [Which premises Joseph Cabot, et ux., by deed dated May 20, 1862, conveyed unto Peter ]l. Levering in-fee.] CD. C.; S., 65. 207. Debt, :13,125. Paschall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter 15. Levering fthr . _ iffr C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. la, 1865. sc2l-3 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies ' to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY October 2, 1865, at 4 0 7 e/001, bana9l3l- street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Deal street, 189 feet east of Franitford road, in the city of EMlR delpbta,--containing In front on Deal street 18 feet, and in depth DO feet, Taken in execution on judgment (C.C. P. t 66. Hedrick) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of William S. Allen. HENRY C. HOWELL, sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's otilce, Sept. 19, 1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L a writ of Levari Fact:l,s, tonne directed, will lie exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 O'clock, at Sansoni street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Girard avenue, 118 feet Binches west of Seventeenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Girard avenue 20 feet, and In depth on east line 109 feet 9.91 inches, and on west line 104 feet 1096 n cites to 'Hammond street. [Whielt premises Joseph Cabot et ox., by deed dated may 20, 1802, conveyed unto Peter B. Levering in fee.) CD. C.; S., '65. 20. Debt, $1,013.33. Paschall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter B. Levering HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20,1865. se2l.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl Facias, to me directed., will be exposed to public sale or venclue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the east side of York avenue, 224 feet north of Buttonwood street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on York avenue 9 feet 2 inches and :in depth on [north line 132 feet, and on south line 129 feet 6 Inches. Taken In execution on Judgment (0. C. P.; J., '65. 144. Abrams) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of William Smith. HENI2Y C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1866. sel9-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levan Facias, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or. Vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that two-story brick messuage and lot of fround situate on the west side of Eighth street, 61 eet 6 inches south of Thompson street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Eighth street 16 feet 6 inches, and in depth 94 feet to Clin ton street. [Which premises Simon Myers, by deed dated August 15, 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 91, page 103, conveyed unto Matilda Daub, in fee, subject to ground rent of $41.25. CD. U. S.. '65. 201. Debt, $777.07. Taylor.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Daub and Matilda Daub. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lecari Fatlas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at. Sansom street Ball, All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Deal Street 127 feet east of Frankford Road, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Deal street 18 feet, and in depth 99 feet. Taken in execution on Judgment CC. C. P. J. '65, 64. Dedrick] on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of James Thompson. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. iO,l - 863'. sell-It SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAYEve ming, October 2,1865, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Bal All ' that two-story - rough-etiAt 1119e611fige and lot of ground situate on the northeast side of Wakefield street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on. Wakefield street 20 feet, and in depth 96 feet 5H inches on southeast line, and 96 feet VA inelles on .northwest line; bounded southeast by laud of Henry F. Warthman, uortheast by land of William Dealer, Jr., northwest by land of John M. Rockius, and southwe st by Wakefield street. [Which premises John M. Bockins, by deed dated Novem ber 12. 1859, conveyed unto Elizabeth Fox in fee. ] [D. O.; S., '65. 211. Debt, $324.37. Harris.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Fox. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, ' 1865. se2i-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening, Oct. 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at SaIISODI-. street Hall, All that two-story-:brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Emerald street, 478 feet 7.36 inches northeast of Huntingdon street, lii the city of Philadelphia; mintainin.• in front on Emerald street 16 feet, and hi deptbefeet 6 inches to a three feet alley. Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P.; J.. '65. 55. Dedrltk) on eitf claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of William H. Witte. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philatielphia,Sheriff's Office, 5ept.19,1885. se2l-St SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of . Levari Facies, to sue directed, will be eXpOSed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1843, at 4 o'clock, at SallSOnt , street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Pagoda streets, in the city of Philadelphia; thence north along east side of Pagoda street 11l feet 2tl Inches; thence east 160 feet to Twenty-fourth street • thence south along same 118 feet one-eighth inch to bacon street; thence west along Same 148 feet Elfp inches to Pennsylvania avenue; thence north along same 12 feet 1171, Inches to beginning. Taken in execution on Judgment CC. C. P.; S.'6o. 97. Sellers.) on city claim for culvert, and to be sold as the property of daeob Brent*, HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 204663. se2l-3t, SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Feelas. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on 'MONDAY Evening, October 2,186 g, at 4 o'clock, at Sensate street nen, All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Emerald street, 494 feet 756 luehes northeast of Huntingdon street, in the citrof Philadelphia; containing in front on Emerald street in feet, and in depth 79 feet 1 lathes to a three feet alley. Taken in execution on pidginent C. P. J. Va. 54. Dedrick) on city claim forpaying and to be sold as the property of William H. Witt e. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, SberiirsOirice, Sept 20,1865, se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY. Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San sons-street Hall, - All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Lombard street 108 feet -west of Fourth street, In the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Lombard street 18 feet, and in depth 123 feet, to an 18-feet-wide alley. CD. 0.• ' 8., '65. 195. Debt, $284.42. Longstreth.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. S. Cassey. HENRY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offiee, Sept. 20, 1865. se2l-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. October 2, 1865, at 4 /coclock,ll at hansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that messuage and lot otground situate on the west side of Seventh street, 169 feet 6 inches south of Diamond street, in the city of Philadel phia containing in front on Seventh street 17 feet (including on north side the half part of a 2 feet 4 inches alley,) and in depth 80 feet, with privilege of said alley. [Which premises John C. Hawkins, et al, by deed dated , August 21, 1863. recorded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 112, p. 162, Sc., conveyed unto David B. Sorver, in fee. Subject to ground rent of $44.3 Nu. 2. All that building and lot of ground situate on the east Mee of Franklin street, 171 feet 4t inches south of Diamond street, in the city Of Plliia delphia: containing in front on Franklin street, 17 feet, and in depth on north line 72 feet. 4y, inches, and on south line 72 feet 934 Inches. [Which premises -William Weightman, et ex., by deed dated August 21, 1862; recorded in Deed Book. A. D. H., No. 112, page 119, &c,, conveyed unto David B. Sorter, in fee. Reserv - 11„- - ground rent oral.] - [D. C 108. Debt, .11.1922. Ruddiman.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David B. Sorter. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. sea-3G SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari leacias, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street All that three-story brick mesSua_ge and 10t Of ground situate on the northeast side - of Sergeant street, 126 feet southeast of Emerald street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Ser geant street 15 feet 3inches, and in depth 73 feet 7 inches, to a 5 feet-11-inches alley. Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P.; J. '65. 47. De drkk) city claim for paving, anti to be sold as the property of George Griscom. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 20, 1865. se2l-3t gIIERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A-• a writ Of Venditloni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, October 2, 1665, at 4 O'clock, at san som-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the east side of Finch street, and north side of Turner's lane, in the city of Philadelphia; thence along Finch street 273 e 0 174 inehes: thence south 22 tiegrce§ 20 minutes east 290 feet 114 inches to Turner's lane; thence along same south 61 degrees 18 minutes west 178 feet % inches to beginning. ED. C.; S., '62. 210. Debt. $243.83. Robinson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert McKinley. I"ci. noWnt., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff 's Office, Sept. 20, 1665. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S pALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert "Vedas, to me directed, will be exposed to public safe or vendue, on AIONDAY Evenbig, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at a.usom Hall, All those four three-Story brick messuages and lot ofground situate on the south side of Hamilton street 180 feet east of 'Nixon street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Hamilton 18 feet, and in depth 140 feet to Linn street. [Which premises Richard D. Wood et ux., 13y deed dated une 8, 1850, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 53, page 238, ttc., conveyed unto John Kelelian in fee, reserving ground rent of 054, which by deed dated December 24, 1852, was merged' and extinuished.] [D. C.: 0.. '65. 142. Debt, $2,000. Biddle.] Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John -Ketch:kn. • • • HENRY C. HOWELL, slierlif,, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Olfice,Sept. 20, 1666. se2l-3t, SHERIFF'S'SALE.- - -BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Foelas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or venclue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2,1833, at 4 o'clock, at Sallsolll - reet Hall: - . - All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Tenth and Thompson streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Tenth street 16 feet, and in depth 53 feet 6 inches. (Which premises John Alex ander._ et six,, by deed dated April 17th, 1855, re corded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 7, page 115,&e., conveyed unto Julia Alexander, in fee. [D. C.: S., '65. 197. Debt, $2,092.98. Brewster.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Hugh Alexander and Julia Alexander. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. ndiadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 204865. se2l-3t HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom street Hall, Ali that three story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on the northeast side of Sergeant street, 140 feet 3 inches northwest of Coral street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing In front on Sergeant street 15 fet t 3 inches, and in depth 73 feet 7 inches to a 5-feet 11 inches alley. 'Paten In execution on judgment (C, C, P.,• J., '6.5. 95. Dedrick) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of Harvey._Outerbridge Co. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street No. 1. All the right, title, and interest of John Mulvany of, in, and to all that lot of ground situate mn the west tide of Broad street, 75 feet north of Ox ford street, in the city of Philadelphia- containing In front on Broad street 25 feet, and in depth 200 feet to Carlisle street. [Which premises William Henry Rawic, by deed dated July 25, 1862, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H.. No. 83, page 389, &c., conveyed unto James Nicholson (Minty In fee.] No. 2. All that roar-story brick tonnage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Broad street, .50 feet north of Oxford street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in fronton Broad street 25 feet, and in depth 200 Met to Carlisle street. [Which premises William Henry Rawie,by deed dated July 25, 1962,recorded in Deed Book A. C. IL, No, 53, page 386, &c., conveyed unto James Nicholson Ca hair in fee.) CD. C.; S., '65. 1116. Debt, $172.97. Wollaston.] HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff 's Oifice,Sept. 20. 1865. se2l-3t WILLCOX • 42 GIDD3' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHI.A., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1865. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Parrish and Randolph streets, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Parrish street 14 feet 4X WOOS, and in depth 26 feet Iy¢ inches. (For recital see writ.) CD. C.; 8.'65. 150. Debt, $5OO. O'Brien.] Taken in execution and to be sold, as the property of Thomas J. James. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. rhiladelphia, Sheriff , s Office, Sept.l9,lBGs. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed. will be ex posed_to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning, October 2, 1.13(E, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, An that lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Emerald street 290 feet northeast of Hunt ingdon street, in the city of Philade/phia; contain ing in front on Emerald street 202 feet 7,6 inches, and in depth on southwett line 162 feet, and on northeast line 162 feet 2).4 inebes to Braddock street. Taken in execution onJudgment (C. C. P.; J., '65. 52, Dettrich) on city violin for paving, and to be sold as the property of Woodward & Amer. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,1865. s p,HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A 1 1 / 4 - 1 writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, AU that three-story brick messuage and three story brisk back buildings, and lot of ground situ ate On the cast side of Twentieth street, too feet south of Brown street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Twentieth street 18 feet, and in depth 100 feet, snore or less. ID. C.; S., '65. 147. Debt,5162.90. Bryan.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Henry, owner. dce. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. sell-3t Q,HERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF V- , a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public aisle or vendee, on MON DAY Evening October 2, 1865, at o'clock, at San solo-street Hail, All that large double two-story brick messuage and backbuildings and lot of ground situate in the late township of the Northern Liberties, in the county of Philadelphia, marked in a plan or draught of a large tract late anent Prudhomnae, of which this lot was a part with the Number One. Begin ning at a post on the side of the road leading to Harrowgate; thence extending along said road north 27% degrees, west 12 perches. 1016 links to an other post on the said road; thenee !caving said road by another lot marked in said Alan NO_'l, now or late of the said Rent Prudhomlue, south 71% de grees. west 52 perches - and 13 links to another post standing on the line of Mr. Drinker's lot; thence running by the same line south 30ii degrees, east 20% perches to another post, a corner of Edward rawardts lot; thence running with big line north 63% degrees, east 46 perches and 14 unksto the place of beginning. Containing 5 acres andl2_perches of land. [Being the same premises which Hester Gil liam, by indenture dated the 25th day of April, A. D. 1831, recorded at Philadelphia In Deed Book S.H. F., No. 15, page 368, Jic.,_ granted and conveyed unto John Mapother in fee, subject to a certain mortgage debt of five thousand dollars and the in terest thereon.] [3.0. • 8.055. 208. Debt. $334.70. E. S. Campbell.] $lOO to be paid at time of sale. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Ann Mapother, Mary A. Mapother, Helena A. Mapother, and Sarah E. Mapother. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1865. sell-It SHERIFFS SALE.- E Y VIRTUE OF A. writ of Levan Emilia,' to me directed, will be exposed to public, sale or vendue, On MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausoin street Hall, All that two story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on toe southeast side of Emerald street 462 feet 736 inches northeast of Huntingdon street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Emerald street 16 feet, and ttt depth 79. feet °lnches to a three-feet alley. Taken in execution on judgment IC. C. P. J. , 65. 60. Hedrick] on city claim for paying, and to be sold as the property of Robert Floyd. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ottice, Septaß, 1865. se2l4t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveniiig, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock. at Sausom- Meet All that lot or ground intended to ne aged 28 MR M. ley situate on the southeast side of Emerald street 443 feet 7% inches northeast of Huntingdon street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Emerald street 2 feet 11% inches, and in depth on southwest 11atli62 feet 7)4 inches, and on northeast line 82 feet 6 inldies. . . Taken in execution on judgment CC. C. P.; J., '65. 53. Hedrick] on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of William H. Witte. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865. sell-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom, street Hal], All that brick mcssuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Second street, between Arch and Race streets, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Second street 17 feet, including half part of a three-feet alley with privilege there of, and in depth 106 feet; bounded east by Second street, south by ground formerly of Thomas Green, Pest and north by ground late of Peter Chevalier. CWhich premises joimson Tolman, et tlx., by deed dated March Ist, 1851, recorded in Deed Book, G, W. C., No. 93, p. 24, conveyed unto Moses Brown, ill fee, subject to ground-rent of three- pounds eiglit shillings.] C.; S. '65. 187. Debt, $6,262. Hazlehurst.] Taken in execution and to be gold HS the property of Moses Brown. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept.2o, 1865. sell-St p.HERIFF'S SALE,-BY VIUTITE OF r`—' a writ of Levari Faclas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veudue„ on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 °Week, at SansoM street Hall, . All those three two-story brick mcssuages and lot of ground situate on the north side of Poplar street, $6 feet east of Tenth street, in the city of Philadel phia. 42feet by 24 feet. Taken in execution on judgment (C. C. P.; S. '62. 58. Latta) on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of r Newnan Scott. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,1865. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ ofLevari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, October 2, 1865, at 4 &cleat, at Sansom-street kiall, All that lot. of ground situate on the northeast corner otTeunsylvania avenue anil Twenty-seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence southeast alongisaid Pennsylvania avenue 39 feet 5t inches to centre line of Acorn alley, vacated; thence north along same about 63 feet; thence west `l2 feet to Twenty-seventh street; thence south along same about 35 feet to beginning. Talton 111 exerutfon oniudgment (C. C. P. lit. '64 275. Sellers) on city claim for culvert, and to be sold as the property of George W. Tryon. FIENHY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20,1885. sell-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Pluries Levert Facie s, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or'vendue, on MON, DAY Evening, October 2, 1855, at 4 o'clock, at Ban sonl-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Tacony street, beginning at the southwest corner of Orthodox street; thence extending west along Ta cony street 127 feet 8 inches: thence south 100 feet; thence west 20 feet; thence north 100 feet to Tammy street; thence west along same 210 feet: thence south 200 feet to Melrose street; along same 387 feet 6 inches to Orthodox street; thence north along same 200 feet to beginning. (Which premises Charles .1. Stille et six., by deed dated 18—, con veyed unto Henry E. Wallace in fee.] [I). C.: 8., '65. 178. Debt, $2,771.40. Perkins. 85800 to be paid at time of sale by order of Court.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry E. Wallace. HENRY C.'HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19, 1865• se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Evening, Qctober 2, /865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom- Street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Seventeenth and Girard avenue, in the city of Philadelphia.; containing in front on Girard avenue 18 feet 8 inches, and in depth on west line 101 feet 63, ( inches, and on east line 101 536 inches to Hammond street. (Which premises Joseph Cabot, et ux., inter alio., by deed dated Hay 20, 1862, Con veyed unto Peter P., Levering, in fee.] [H. C.; no. Debt, ai 3 0 , 13.19. Parahall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter B. Levering. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oilice, Sept. 20, 1865. se2o-3t S HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTI.T4 a writ of Levari Faeias, to Me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the north side of Deal street ' 180 feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Deal street 9 feet, and in depth 89 feet. Taken in execution on judgment (O. C. P. J. '65. 65. Dedriel) on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of Joseph Tumbledown. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff+. Office, Sept. 20, 1865. ec2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Et - ening, October 2,1805, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hail, All that three-story brick messaage, No. 001, and lot of ground situate ou the northeast corner of Tenth and Poplar streets, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front 18 feet, and In depth 36 feet. Taken in execution on Judgment (CALF. S. '62. 59. Latta) on city claim for taxes, and to be sold as the property of Freeman Scott. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,1865. ce2l-2t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAV Evening, October 2, Mb, Si Cr Gine% at bansom-street All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Sixth street, 162 feet south of Vine street in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sixth street 18 feet. and in depth gJ feets then widening on south side to 86 feet, and extending 21 feet 6 inches to Farr street. premises Isaac M. Pennock„ by deed dated. June 30, 1891, recorded in Deed Book. R. D. W. No. 116, page 381, &c., conveyed itnto William E. kim ball in f reserving ground rent of 4100.1 [D.C.; S., 'ZS: Mt. Debt. 019.65. Lex.] Token In execution and to be sold as the property of William HENRY C. HOWELL; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otnce, Sept. 19, 1895. se2l-3t S HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OE a writ of Lenart Pacias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendor, on MONDAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansone , street Hail, All that three-story brick messuage and two-story back building and lot of ground situate on the east Side of Fourth street,6o feet north of Shippen street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing Inj front on Fourth street 17 feet, and in depth 29 feet. [Which premises Mary Aderly Hoffmaster by deed dated May 30, 1854, conveyed unto Thomas B. Roney in fee. subject to a ground rent of six pounds, seven shillings and six pence, lawful money of Pennsyl vania.] . ED. C. 9.T., '65. 175. Debt, $1,028. McCabe.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property 'Monism B. ItoneY, deceased. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 19,1885. se2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OP A writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, October 2, 1.885, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street All that messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Budd street. 160 feet north of Haver ford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Budd street 25 feet, and in depth 90 feet. (Which premises John Sloan, et ux., by deed dated July 22, 4158, recorded in Dead Rook A. D. E. No. 116, page 24, &c., conveyed unto William D. Clark, in fee, reserving ground rent of *17.50. tP. C.; 8., 210. Debt, *170.88. Coleman.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William S. Clark. , HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheritrerollice, Sept. 20,1985. s 21-It SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a wilt of Levert Facias, to me directed, will be exposed topublic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenin_g, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'clock - , at Sansom street Hall, All that three-story brick mess uasidege and lot of ground suate on the northeast of Sereant street 126 f eet northwest of Coral street, la the g city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sergeant street to feet 3 inches. and in depth 73 feet 7 inches to a 6 feet 11 inched alley. Taken In execution on judgment CC. C. P. J. 'GS. 44. Hedrick] on city claim for paving, and to be sold as the property of Taylor & Warrick. HENRI C. HOWELL, Sheriff. - Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept, 19, 1865. sell-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed wits be exposed to public sale or veudue , on MONDAY EVENING, October 2, 180, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, All that messuage and lot of ground situate on the 110rt11 side of Walnut street. arty feet east of - Forty- Bret street, In the city orPhiladolphist Containing in front on Walnut fifty feet, awl In depth one hun dred and twenty feet two inches. CD Men premi ses Anthony J. Drexel, et ux., by deed dated Octo ber 17, 1864, recorded in Deed Book L. U. 13., No. 57, page 429, conveyed unto Franklin 111. I - teaser.] ED, 0.1 `65. 220. Debt. $22,291.16. JUVe T a ken in execution and to be sold us the proporty or Franiffiu M. ReaZelr. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 20, 1865. salt-3t' SHERIFF'S SALES, SEWING MACfIN ES. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY YIRTITE OF a writ of Pluries LevariPacias. to Inc directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MON DAY Evening, October 2, 1865, at 4 o'cloct, at San som-street No. 1. All that stable and lot of ground Si tuate , on the north side of Brandywine street, los feet to inches east of Twentieth street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front 16 feet, and in depth 70 feet to Wilcox street. No. 2, All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Brandywine street, 125 feet 10 inches east of Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front 16 feet, and in depth 70 feet to Wilcox street. No. 8. All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Brandywine street, 141 feet 10 inches east of Twentieth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 70 feet to Wileox%treet Taken in execution on Judgment [C. C. P.; J.,'65. 122. Goforth] on city claim for work done, and to be sold as the property of Josiah H. Shoemaker. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ser4.2o, 1863. se22-3t PROPOSALS. GOVERNMENT SALE OF WHISKY - OFFICE DEPOT CommiSe.liril, FORTRESS MONROE, Va., September 21, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, are invited and will - be received by the undersigned at this De pot until ,12 o'clock M, On the 13tli day of OCTO BER, 1865 for the sale of one thousand seven hun dred and fifteen (1,715) barrels of WHISKY, more or less, as follows, viz; • Lot No. 1. Consisting! of ten r I ed and sixty seven (1,067) barrels of Rectilled ' Whisky, originally ', inspected In April, 114 y, and June, 1864, and-Janu sty,l66s, containing about forty-tioo thousand three hundred and forty , five (42,345) gallons. Proposals for ten (10) barrels and upwards of this lot will be received. Lot No. 2. Consisting of four hundred and sixty (MO) barrels Pure Copper Distilled and Superior Bourbon Whisky, originally inspected to February, 1865, containing about eighteen thousand four hun dred and ninety-eight (18,498) gallons. Proposals for live (5) barrels and upwards of this lot will be received.- Lot No. 3. Consisting_ of one hundred and twenty (120) barrels Pure Rye Whisky, originally inspected in Pciwnery, DM, containing about four thousand eight hundred (4,800) gallons. Proposals for three (3) barrels and upwards of this lot will be received. Lot No. 4. Consisting of sixty-three (2) barrels Pure Old Rye Whisky, originally inspected in Feb ruary, 1861, eOlitailling about two thousand five hun dred and twenty (2,620) gallons. , Proposals for two (2) barrels and upwards of Oils of will be received. Lot No. 5. Consisting of five (5) barrels Pure Old Bourbon Whisky, originally inspected June, 18/14, contigning about one hundred and sixty-three (161) gallons. Proposals for one U) barrel and upwards of this lot will be received. The Whisky was originally selected with great care,. and is all pure and. of prime quality. The rec tified was designed for issue to the troops in the field, and the Bourbon and Rye for sales to alma, and are equal if not superior to any Whiskies now in the,tparket; has been all engaged within the pre sent month, and is in excellent order, packages being of the best quality. Samples of the Whisky can be seen, and blank pro posals obtained, :It the offices of the following named officers of the Subsistence Department, viz Colonel D. F. Clarke, A. D. C. and A. C. G. S., B ew S ork. Brevet Brigadier General Thos. Wilson, C. S., Baltimore, Md. Major George Bell, C. S. Washin,gton, D.C. Captain Thomas C. Sullivan, C. S. Bichmond,Va. Captain E. D. Brigham, U.S., Boston , MISS. Captain 1. B. Wiggin, C. S.. Philadelphia. Pa. Tile Government reserves the right to wlthdral any or all of the above lots, and to reject any pro posal deemed too low. Payments to be made in United States currency within ten (10) days after notification of acceptance of bid, and prior to the delivery of the property. A guarantee equal to one-half the amount pro rased for must accompany the bid, signed by two - Ni l Tre p n o ;• l e s in b c l 4l l 4ll l l e e s. Whisky purchasers will pro . Tide their own transportation, and the Government will load the vessels feee of wharfage, dockage, or labor. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of their proposals. Brevet Brigadier General Jo seph Roberts, U. S. A., commanding at Fort Mon roe, Va., or some other officer of rank, will be pre sent at the opening Of the bids to represent ab sentees. JAMES CURRY se23-10t Colonel and C. S. V. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U. S., - WASHINGTON - , D. C.,September I, 18(16. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Clerk's Office, House of Representatives of the United States, instil Friday, the 29th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1865, at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing for the use of the House Of Representatives 700 tons (2,240 tbs.) of best Anthracite Coal, equal to the Ral thnore Company's Coal—No. 1 or large egg-size. 100 cords of best Baker's Pine Wood, (seasoned.) 50 cords of seasoned Oak in lengths of two feet. 50 cords of seasoned Hickory in lengths of two feet. The whole to be delivered into the vaults at the Capitol by the ist of November ensuing, under the directions of the Chief Engineer, with whom satis factory arrangements must be made for weighing and measuring. Satisfactory security for the per formance of the contract will be required. Proposals should be directed "To the Clerk of the House Of IiePiTSO/natives," and endorsed "Propo sals for Fuel." EDWARD MePITERSON. set brit Clerk of the H. R., U. S. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, N 0.11.30 GIRARD Street. PHILADELPHIA, September= 188$. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock IK. 6ATIIED KY, gepteinitelt 30, 1865, for furnishing Anthracite Steamer Coal for a period of three months, commencing Octoberj., 1865, and ending list day of December, 1866, elusive. , , Coal to be of the best quality . Anthracite, for the use of steamers to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton, and to be subject to inspection. The coatis to be delivered on board of vessels in the ports of Philadelphia, Pa., or New York, N. Y., In such quantities and at such times as may be re quired, not exceeding three illOileodfill tons per week. In ease of failure to deliver the coal in sufficient Guantity and at the proper time and place, the overnment reserves the right to make good any deficiency by purchase at the contractors' risk and ex_pense. The price (which should be stated both in figures and writing) must bereft separately for the coal delivered on board o vessels at this port and at New T ork, on the terms and conditions above stated. Ten per cent. will be withheld from the amount of all payments made, which reservation is not to be paid until the contract shall have been fully com pleted. -. Payments of the remaining s ninety per cent. or balance due wilt be made zoOnthly, when the De partment is in funds for that purpose. - _Each offer must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by two or more responsible 'par ties, their responsibility certified to by a United States Judge, Attorney, or Collector, that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be no pepted, enter into written obligations, with good 'and sufficient sureties on the seine, of fifty thou sand 450,011 ff dollars to furnish the proposed sup plies. No proposition will be considered unless thee. terms of tido advertisement la copy of which sliOUld accompany each . proposal) are complied with. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved, and no bids from a defaulting con tractor will be accepted. Endorse envelope' Proposals for Coal." By order of Colonel W. W. McKim, Chief Quar termaster Philadelphia depot. HENRY BOWMAN, se23-7t Captain and Asst. Quartermaster. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH WAYS, Office S. W. corner WALNUT and FIFTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. September NOTICNTO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, 25th inst. for the con struction of a Sewer on the line of Girard avenue Prim Eighteenth to Nineteenth street to be of Brick, circidar In form, with an inside diameter of four feet, and one man hole as may he directed by the Chief Engineer and Sul veyor. The understand ing to be that the Contractor shall- take bills pre pared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amount of seventy•tive cents for each lineal foot of front on eaeh slde of the street, exciaShe of dedlictions, as so much cash paid; the street inter sections and legal deductions to be paid by the and the balance to be paid by the property owners. All bidders are invited to be present at the time and place of opening the said proposals. Each proposal bewill he accompanied by a certificate that a bond has filed in the Law Department as directed by Ordinance of May 25, 1860. If the lowest bidder shall not execute a contract within five days after the work is awarded he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference be tween his bid and the next higher bid. Specifica tions may be had at tile Department of Surreys, which will be strictly adhered to, W. W. SMEDLEY, se2o 23 25-3 t Chief Commissioner of Highways, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH WAYS, °nice S. IW. corner WALNUT and FIFTH Btrects. r/lILADELPITIA, Sepiember lga.S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. - SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at the Office of tile Chief Commissioner of Highways until 12 o'clock M., on MONDAY, 25th inst.,for-the con etruction of a Hewer on the line of Seventeenth street, from the north side of Fitzwater street, southward to the sewer on Carpenter street; to be -built of brick; two feet six inches inside diameter, with inlets at the northeast and northwest corners of Fitzwater, Catharine and Christian streets, and with such man-boles as may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, The understanding to be that the Contractor shall take bills prepared against the property fronting on said sewer to the amount of seventv-nve cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so much cash paid; the balance to be paid by the city. All bid ders are Invited to be present at the time and place of opening, the said proposals. Each proposal will be acconuntnied by a certificate that a bond has been Bled in the Law Department, as directed by Ordi nance of May 2.5, 1360. If the lowest bidder shall not execute a contract within five days after the work is awarded he will be deemed as deelining,and will be held liable on ids bond for the difference be tween his bid and the next higher bid. STecifica lions may be bad at the Deptirtnierit of surveys, which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. SMEDLET, se2o 23 23-3 t Chief Commissioner of Highways. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE U. S. ARMY, No. 20 SOUTH STREET BALTIMORE, DID., September 12th, INS. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be re ceived at this oflice until 12, noon. THURSDAY. October 5t11_,. 1885, for tile _purchase of about ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY HEAD OF mum BEEP CATTLE in lots of te.n and upwards. These Cattle are all in prime condition, having been on hand several months and fed daily with hay and corn, and are fully equal to any offered in mar ket. So rare an opportunity for the purchase of ex tra fine beef is seldom found. Proposals most state the number it is proposed to purchase and the price per pound gross. The Cattle to be weighed by tile State Weigher on delivery, and the weights,las rendered by him, to be the standard by which all bills are to be settled. Terms of sale cash in Government funds. A de posit of fifty (50) per cent. to be made on notification acceptance of bitt, the balance to be paid when the Cattle.are delivered. Successful bidders to be allowed ten days in which to remove their stock.. The Cattle can be examined at any time from the date of this advertisement till Octoberitb, 1865, from 10 A. DI. till 4 P. M. daily, at the United States Cat tle Corral adjoining the Government Hay Scales on the Franklin Road, near Baltimore. Tile undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all bids if they are deemed not advantageous to the United States. The lots will be arranged numerically , from Nos. 1 to 1,750, and the awards will be made in the same order unless a particular tot may be designated in the bid. In no mate will the skipping of numbers be allowed. Proposals must be upon blank forms furnished at this ollice. Telegrams will not receive attention unless the same are prepaid. Proposals to be endorsed" Proposals for the pur chase of Beef Cattle," sealed and addressed to the undersigned.. By order of Brevet Brigadier General THOMAS WILSON, C. S., U. S. A. W. H. PARKHURST, sel4-tos Ca taln and C. S. D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING , MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this mallet are now in prao. tical Operation. Having practiced at the Memphis bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with Ms business community greatly facilitates in the speedy collection of claims. jylo-6PI E. D. P. MORGAN. rrO•SPORTSMEN.—PRILIP WILSON & CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Street, call the attention of Sportsmen to our stock of FINE GUNS of our own and. best English makers. Also, Rifles, Pistols, Skates, Cricket and Base-Ball Implements, powder, Shot, Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, ate., at lowest prices. Repairing done in the best manner. aul7-tf WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES 1r 1 A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is neither chap, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compo sition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax: hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful and the most beautiful divine. Prices 80 and 50 cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chest nnuut. t, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above -Waal isms WILLIAM IL MOORE, GE. , eete u3o.3o No. P23 N R E A R C A E L StVertre i ont.I N I MRTAKE44 SarPersonal attention at all hours. • - THEY ARE DANIEL H. BURDETT, AUCTION. EER. BUEDETT, JONES & COMPANY, WILL SELL ON WEDNESDAY, September 27, 1866, AT THE NAVY YARD, BROOKLYN, ;i:=S1)1,141 LI) gt) Length, 203 feet 6 inches; breadth 32feet; depth of hold, 13 feetl inches; between decks, 7 feet 7 Inehell one side lever engine—diameter cylinder, 72 inches; stroke, 8 feet; 2 tubular boilers; Bfurnaces; 1 auxin -817 boiler, Length, 108 feet 4 inches; breadth 22 feet 4 inches; depth, 7 feet 7 inches; one beam engine—diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; stroke, 6 feet 8 inches; one fine and return tubular boiler; 2 furnace& SCREW STEAMER GALATIA. Lengthy 203 feet 8; breadth,36 feet 4; depth of hold, 12 feet 6; between deeks, 7 feet 11; double screw en glne—dlameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 86 inches; 2horlzontal tubular boilers; 4 furnaces, IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER DONEGAL. Length, 200 feet; breadth, 38 feet; depth of hold, 10 feet 6; between decks, 7 feet 5; one beam engine— diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke it feet; one fl return ee belief 2 Arnaees. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER FORT JACKSON. Length, 298 feet 9; breadth, 31 feet 1; depth of hold, 11 feet 7; depth of lower between decks, 7 feet 1; depth of upper between decks, 7 feet 6; one beam engine—diameter of cylinder, 90 inches; stroke, feet; four boilers, horizontal return tubes; 19 fur naces. Leheih, 120 feet: breadth, 21 feet 6; depth of hold ? 1.0 feet; one vertical direct acting engine—diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; stroke,,3o inches; one line and return tubular boiler; 2 furnaces. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER WANDO. Length, 22e feet; breadth, 2a- feet; depth of hold, 11 feet 5 inches; diameter of cylinder, 52 inches; stroke, 4 feet; 2 oscillating engines; 2 tubular boil ers, containing 8 furnaces. SIDE-WREEL FERRY BOAT COM. MULL Length, 191 feet; breadth, 28feet 10 inches; ' depth, 11 feet; inclined engine—diameter of cylinder, 3.8 inches; stroke, 9 feet; one boiler. BIDE•WREEL FERRY BOAT SHOKOKON Length, 181 feet 7 Inches; breadth, 32 feetl inch; depth, 19 feet 5 inches; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 8 feet; 1 beam engine; 1 boiler. SCHOONER GEORGE MANGHAH. Length, 107 feet; breadth, 28 feet 6 inches; depth, 9 feet 5 inches. Length, 168 feet 6 inches; breadth, 29 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet; height between decks, 6 feeta inches; diameter of cylinder, 92 inches; stroke, 42 inches; 1 'vertical engine; rboiler, with tme &maces. SCREW STEAMER DAYLIGHT. Length, 175 feet; breadth, 29 feet 6 Inches; depth of hold, 11 feet; height between decks, 6 feet 10inches; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches; stroke, 24 Inches. DOREW TUG -HYDRANGEA. Length, us feet; theadth, 20 feet 3; depth; 7 reett diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; stroke, 30 inches; 1 engine, 1 boiler, 2 furnaces. Length, 105 feet a; Drcedth l V. feet 2; depth, 7 feet 2; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; stroke, 30 Inches; 1 vertical engine, 1 boiler, 2 furnaces. Length, 129 feet; breadth, 29 feet; depth of hold, 11 feet e. . . 1 . 11 . . . u t' Length, 124 feet 6; breadth, 29 feet 3; depth, 12 feet 2. SCHOONER RACER, Length, 106-,ibet; breadth, 24 feet 10: depth, 9 feet er, Length, 183 feet; breadth, 31 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 3 Inches; depth between decks, 6 feet 10 inches. Length, 227 feet; breadth, 30 feet linch; depth of hold, 11 feet sinches; depth between decks, 7 feet 7 inches. Two English vertical direct acting en gines; diameter of crlindcr, 45 intlies; stroke, 36 inches; two horizontal tubular toilers and sir Nl naces. TERMS—Twenty per cent. on day of sale; the ba lance Avithin six days, when the vessels must be re moved from the yartit sets-xnwfts C. H. BELL, Commander. JOHN H. DRAPER, AUCTIONEER. UNDERWRITERS' SA:Lt. OP tastkami) GOODS. The following property„_sared from the fire at COE'S BONDED WA - REHOUSES, on Cherry,East, and Water streets, New York, will be sold at Pub lic Auction by JOHN 11. DRAPER & CO. , - - - Salo to commence TUESDAY. BeDteMber 26tb, 1865, at 11 o'clock A. ht, ON THE GROUND, and to be continued every day until all is sold. 9,000 bales of rags. - 2,000 bales of gooney cloth. 2,000 bales of hemp. 600 bales of cotton. 500 bes of wool. 8,000 bags of sugar. 400 tons of Russian junk. 100,000 hides. And such other property as may be saved. Terms of Sale—Cash. se22-5t LARGE BALE •OF ARMY CLOTHING AT AUCTION. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DIVISION OF CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, _ ST. LOUIS, Mo., September 11, 1865. By order of the Quartermaster General, U. S. I will sell at public auction at my warehOnSe4 80, 154 North SECOND Street, in the city of St. Louis, on TUESDAY, September 28, : 1865, at 10 o'clock A. 27,000 ARMY GREAT COATS, (More or less), of different kinds and materials, as follows, to wit: Gray Satinet, Gray Felt, Seal Skin, Petersham, Light Blue Satinet, and Pilot Cloth, al/ boxed in good order for shipping. Terms: Cash on delivery, United States funds. Each successful bidder will be required to deposit 10 per cent. on the amount of his purchase at time of sale. IL. S. HART. 5e1542/1 Ca stain and A. ',. M. FOR SAVANNAH, GA. SOUDER'S REGULAR LINE. THE REGULAR U. B. MAIL STEAMSHIP will leave the Steamship Wharf, first above RACE fitreet, ON SATURDAY, Sept• 30, BM, at 12 o'clock noon, for SAVANNAH direct. Freight received daily. For freight or passage, having elegant aCC01111110• dations, apply to E. A. SOUDER 00., No. 3 DOCK Street, and No. 210 N. DELAWARE Avenue. The first-class steamship CAMBRIA will follow, and sail OCTOBER 7,1865, for the same port. B e23-6t i tinh BOSTON AND PHILADEL• PHIA. STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Bos ton. The steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Septem ber 30,.at 10 A. M., and steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews, from Boston for Philadelphia, same day, atSP.M. These new and substantial steamships form a regu lar line, sailing from each port punctually on Battu , - days. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (hay fine accommoda• tions), apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., zah2-tf 332 SOutli DELAWARE Avenue. FOR RICHMOND, NORFOLK, 4 .141 V AND CITY POINT. PHILADELPHIA AND RICHMOND STEAM . PACKET COMPANY. The fine steamship vaionita. will rail from the First Wharf above MARKET St., On WEDNESDAY, September 27, 1865, at 12 M. These steamers insure at lowest rates ana sail re gularly every Wednesday and Saturday. For freight Qr pmsatte, with excellent accommo dations, apply to WM. P. CLYDE & CO. No. 14 NORTH WHARVES. z aZ i t FOR HARTFORD, CONN. DIRECT, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL.—The Philadelphia Stearn; Propeller CatapultVs Steamer " SAIL , Jones, Master will sail as above with dispatch. Apply on board, at LENNIO'S Wharf, second above DOCK Street, or to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., Agents, 122 SOUTH DELAWARE Avenue. FOR ALBANY AND TROY, N. Y., VIA DEL AWARE AND RARI TAN CANAL.—The barge MONTEREY, R. Dan vers, Master, Is now loading at first wharf be low Spruce street, for the above points, and will leave on WEDNESDAY EVENING. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to D. L. FLANAGANA_ Agent, Se2sAt 304 South DELAWARE Avenue. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WASIIINGTO;q, via Chesapeake and Dela ware Canal. Steamers leave first Wharf above. MARKET Street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12. • For Freight apply to Agents, WM. P. CLYDE t Co., 14 North and South Wharves, Philadelphia; J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. 0.• FLOW ERY & BOWEN, Alexandria, Vs, 'mbl4-9m N. B.—Goods forwarded to Lynchburg and a/3 points on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. i sagt NOTICE.-FOR NEW YORK.—The PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT (102EPA.- NY, via. Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY, first wharf Mawr MAR KET Street, at 12 o'clock M. WM. P. CLYDE & C0,_11.4 S. WHARVES, Phllll. JAMES HAND, 111 WALL Street, =kik-9m New York. ad d E t. NEW TOW-BOAT LING —DELAWARE.' AND CHESAPEAXE &TEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Barges towed to and from Philadelphia, Havre de Grace, Balti more, Washington,and intermediate points. WIC 1% CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. kik SOUTH WHARVES, Eitiladelphia. Jela-tdol NO. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also, CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; a large number of testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city. Consultations gratis. Office hours 9A. H. S D R 6 SP. H.. in the clty. RS. T. ALLEN and B. HA.VERSTICE, jy23-3m Electropathlsts. ELECTROPATHIC ESTABLISH 31ENT.—DH. A. H. STEVENS, one of th• NEST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treat ing disease by MODIFIED ELECTRICAL KEPI& CATIONS and who has been so very saccessful PENN SQUARE for the last three years, has re moved his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. All persons desiring references, or any partienlars with regard to his spade mode of treatment, will please call or send for a pamphlet. - Onosidtatirrn or fIIiVICA sratnitorm. mhft-tf SIMPLE. AUCTION SALES. rt{111 ,„ %14011111L,T, AT AUCTION. AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, BY ORDER OF THE NAVY DEPARTMENT, THE FOLLOWING-NAMED VESSELS: SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER. GEREB. SCREW STE,AAIER SWEET BRIAR SCREW STEADIER QUEEN SCREW TU CATALPA SCHOONER RITTATINNY BARK ARTHUR STEAMER MEMPHIS! SHIPPING. MENNETONTLA.* JOHN W. BALCH, Commander, MEDICAL. Dimprilgo cyl_fig..kom 41 THEY ARE NOISELESS. AUCTION . SALES. JOHN B. NUM & VO., AUCTION EIGIA 24 . 08. Ras and zat- - KAMM Wed. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FRENCH AND , SAXONY DRY GOODS, &c. THIS DAY. A CARD.—We offer this morning, to the special attention oflobbing and retail Merchants, a supe rior assortment of freshly-ImPorted French and _Saxony dry goods. &e., embracing MO lots of sea sonable articles. Sale by catalogus i on four months' credit, commencing at 10'o'clock. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEANHISMORNIN DRY (51130D5, &c. TG. September2s, an° o'clock,will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, about 750 LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry goods embracing a full assortment of fancy and staple articles, in silks, worsteds, woollens , linens, and eottotia. N. B.—Goods arranged for examination and cata logues ready early on morning of sale. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOODS. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our sale OF MONDAY, Sept. Zsth, will be found, in part, the following! DRESS GOODS. 150 pieces real Paris high cost satin Mine. SO pieces Paris limey woolsey. 200 pieces 6-4 Paris plaid poplins. pieces 7-4 black and colored Paris mcrinocs. pieced do. do. do. 11101,15.1411105 f pieces melanges, reps, epinglines, cashmeres. pieces taffetas de Parts. silk checks, dimities. ALPACAS, MOHAIItS, COBURGS. 3130 pieces black and colored alpaccas, mohairs, eobtirgs. SILKS. Pleees superb Lyons black taffeta. pieces Gros de Rhin, gros grains, armures, &c. pieces fancy plaids, poult de sole, gros de Na ples. SHAWLS. CLOAKS, ac. SOO Vienna broche long and square shawls, of choice designs and colors. 200 double zephyr long shawls, of dark bright co lors.- ' 50 real Paris very high cost Intiou shawls. A large invoice silk and cloth cloaks, &e. • Berlin wool and (troche border steno shawls. ALSO cartons poult de sole and velvet ribbons. cartons gros grain and trimnittig ribbons. cartons gelds' and ladies' Paris kidgloves. cartons Berlin, silk, lisle, and beaver gloves. 3.1 and 5 - 8 Mien Cainbric handkerchicia; linen Shirt fronts; silk ties; bead nets; in , aldel veils! trimmings; notions. .oc. MANTILLA VELVETS. 20 pieces superb quality real Lyons black silk Mali tills velvets, for best city trade. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, TRAVELLING BAGS, Ito. ON TUESDAY MORNING, September 26th, will be sold at 10 o'clock, by cata logue, on four months' credit, I,2oopackages boots, shoes, &c., of city and Eastern manur r acture. Open for examixiaitoil with catalogue early on morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF' BOOTS,SROES, TRAVELLING BAGS, &c. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our large sale of boots, shoes, &c., ON TUESDAY MORNING, Seplitember2flh,wlll be found, in part, the follow in_g fresh and desirable assortment, viz: Men's, boys', and youths' calf, double sole, and half-welt dress boots; men's, boys', and youths' kip and buff leather boots; men's tine grain, long leg cavalry and Napoleon boots; mews and boys' calf, buff leather (buckle and plain) Congress boots and balmorals; men's, boys', and youths' super kip, buff, and polishedgrain half welt, and heavy double-sole brogans; ladies' fine kid, goat, morocco, and enamelled patent sewed (buckle and plain) bal morals and Congress gaiters; women's, misses', and children's calf and huff leather balmorals and lace boots; children's fine kid, sewed, city-made lace boots, fancy-sewed balmorals,: and snide ties; ladles" fine black and colored lasting Congress and side-lace gaiters; women's, misses', and children's goat and morocco copper-nailed lace boots; ladies' fine kid slippers; metallic overshoes, and sandals; carpet-slippers; carpet and enamelled leather tra velling bags, Are. We will inelude, in above sale, LEATHER. LEATHER. 2,000 pounds oak-tannedleather. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH 4 FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We will - bold a large sale or foreign and domestic dry goods, by catalogue, on four,monthe , credit and part - for cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, September 28th, at 10 o'clock, embracing about 700 packages and lots of staple and fancy articles, In woollens, worsteds, linens, SiMs, and cottons, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. 8.--Uatalogues ready andgoods arranged for exhibition early on morning of sale. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINGS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, Septembertuth, at It &club, will be sold, by eats. logue, on four months , credit, about 2030 pieces su perfine and line ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and rag carpetings, which may be examined early on the morning of' sale. IPANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUU -A PIONEERS. No. 240 MARKET St3eet. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 700 LOTS OF AHE WIGAN AND IMPORTED MILLINERY LINEN AND HOSIERY GOODS, MGOODS- uata trr*EDNESDAY HORNING, - . . Sept. 27, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a full and general assortminit' of seasonable and de sirable goods. PHILIP FORD CO., AUCTIONEERS, 535 MARKS and 523 0013MERCE Streets; SALE OF 1,400 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. THIS MORNINH, September 25th, commencing at 10 o'clockove will sell, by catalogue, for cash, 1,400 cases men's, boys' and youths' boots, Shoes, brogans, balmorals, Con gress and gum-sole boots, Ace., with e. desirable as sortment of women's, misses , , and children's wear. SALE OF 1,1-50 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. oN THURSDAY MORNING, September 28th, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell eataloglie for cash, 1,450 eases men's, boy's, and youth's boots, shoes, brogans balmorals, gum sole, and prairie boots, with a deSirable assortment of women's, misses', and children's wear. Catalogues ready, and the goods open for exami nation early on morning Of sole, SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, 1.020 B• CHESTNUT STREET. SALE OF FINELY-CARVED ALABASTER VASES, URNS, SCULFTURE, .Sce., of the import:Won ofMetsrs. Vlti Bros. To take place at our Gallery. 1020 ' Chestnut street, ON TUESDAY MORNING NEXT, 211th inst., at 11 o'clock. The collection will be arranged for examination on 3fouday afternoon and evening, 26th inst., and will comprise in part finely-carved alabaster groups of the Three Graces" and the Dancing . atria of Ca nova, Bellerina d'Ecoiano, do. do. Del Floe, La Baccanti, English poets, &c,: very elaborate agate vases, on square pedestals: line .Dardiglio, Etrus can, and Roman urns; Castellina vases, card re ceivers. of agate and Bardiglio; fancy goods, &cc. The above collection embraces many new and pleasing subjects, well adapted fOr the decorations of parlors, halls, &c. Catalogues ready on morning of sale. SALE OF ELEGANT ALABASTER VASES, URNS, GROUYES, FRENCH BRONZES, &c., OF TUE IMPORT/IT/ON' OF MESSRS. VITI BROIT.ERS I to take place at the ART GALLERY. No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, ON TUESDAY MORNING, September 26,401 k 1E will be ready for eitftnilnittion ON MONDAY, 25th Inst. sell-at BY THOMAS BIRCH & SON, /WC- BALE OF UNITED STATES PROPERTY AT FORT DELAWARE, THIS MORNING. - - September 25th, at 11 O'clock, at Fort Delaware, will be sold, for account of the - United States, a large quantity of goods, consisting of shovels, axes, hatchets, crowbars, saws.nails, and other hardware. FoUr platform scales, 2 the-proof chests, 5 refrige rators, 1,21X1 feet leather hose, 200 feet of double suction hose. 1200 feet of gum nose,2o large cal drons, 120 gallons: 230 gallons coal SO. One wagon and harness, two carts. Also, boilers, stoves, 1,900 knives and forks, 3,500 table spoons, lamps, window glass, lumber, paints, brooms, hteehes, buckets, and various other ar ticles. TERMS CASH; the motley to be paid on day of sale. Catalogues can be had at the auction store on Friday. Kira Persons desiring to attend the sale must leave In the 7.45 train, (Broad and Prime streets,) for New Castle, where a boat will be in waiting to take them to the fort. sel9-et .AI3,GE SALE OF GOVERNMENT -LA CARS. ENGINES, AND RAILROAD IRON. ITRITTAIS STATED MILITARY RAILROADS, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT 9,I7ARTZEDLtentn, WASHINGTON, D. C., August'll,_lBBs. Will be sold at CITY POINT, Va., on WEDNES. DAY, October 11, at 11 o'clock A. H.: About four thousand (4 000),tons Railroad Iron. At PORTSMOUTH, VII, itnt FRIDAY, October 13, at 1231.: Five (5) first-class Locomotive Engines. About fifty (50) Freight Cars and one (1) Passenger Car. At NORFOLK, Va., October 13, at 5 P. N.: One new Locomotive Engine, 5 foot gauge. At ALEXANDRIA, - Va., on Ttlltgß.AY, octane] 17: Fifty (50) first-class Locomotive Engines, 4-feet 8%• inch gauge. Eighteen (18) new Platform Cars five-foot gauge. five Twenty-five (25) new Box Cars, (5) foot gauge. About three hundred and My MO) Box Cars, 4-Net 8%-Inch gauge. About two hundred.and thirty (230) Platform do., 4. feet 838 inch gauge. About thirty (30) Stock do., 4-feet 8%-inch gauge. Twenty (20) Passenger do., do., do., do. One (1) Wrecking do., do., do., do. Two (2) new Trucks, Sixty do., do., framed. Fourteen (14) Flats. About two thousand (2,000) tons Railroad Iron. Sales to efunnlenee at ALEXANDRIA at 10 A. Ma. and to continue from day to day until all are sold Terms: Cash, in Government funds. 11. L. ROBINSON Brevet Colonel and A. Q, M. aul4-toelo U. S. 'Military -Railroads. SPECIAL SALE OF GOVERNMENT 1111.71,ES In Philadelphia, at the CITY BAZAAR and TATTERSBIeLS, 1126 RACE. Street, ONE HUNDRED muLts'. wilt be Sold each WEDNS. DAY and SATURDAY throughout the month of September, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. These Mules are nearly all first-class, and sold only for want of use. Every opportunity will be given to examine thou. Terms cash in Government funds. By order of Captain ALBERT S. mg:MEAD' Assistant Quartermaster. sel fintuth-im R. B CHAMPION, Auctioneer. PEEP AND STOCK CATTLE AT AUCTION. ()PRICE, DEPOT DOZIMISSAny 61 4 gtIIISInTIMCB,_ WASliimiTn.:s - , D. 0., September 14. 188.5. Will be offered at Public Auction, at the Govern ment Cattle Yard in Alexandria, Virginia on Thursday, the 28th inst ., at 11 o'clock A. 01., about 1,500 head of Beef and Stock Cattle. Conditions of sale made known before the sale. Terms, Caili hi Government Funds. 41. BELL, selB-7t Diay & C. S., U. S. A. LARGE BALE OF GOVERNMENT LARGE RAILROAD ENGINES AND GABS. UNITED STATES MILITAnY RAILROADS, ()Prime OF A6EI6TANT OcrAwritititAATEß, WASHINGTON n D. C. August 11, 1855. Will be sold at SIANC ESTER, opposite Rich mond, Va., on TUESDAY, October 3: Twenty-flve (25) new first-elan Locomotive En gines; nye (!) foot gauge, (lye (5) foot drivers: cylinders 10/t2l iliCheS; capacity of tank, 1,900 gal. lone. Five (5) tirst-class Locomotives, 4 feet 63G-IliCh gauge. Two hundred and sixty-flve (265) new Box Freight Cars, five (5) foot gauge. Fifteenf (15) new Platform Cars eve (5) foot gauge. Ten i 1 0) Freight Cara, 4-feet 8 ) 4 Inch gauge. The sale to continue from day to day until all are sold. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. Terms: Cash, in Government funds. H. L. ROBINSON, Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. anl4-tool u. 5. Military Railroads. AIIgT o y E T ry SA !., ES OF HOSPITAL MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S Orricy, WASHINGTON, D. C., August 29. lisas. Will be held until further notice. in this city, ma EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, commeneing SEPTEMBER 7. pros., at 10 O'clock A. M. at Ju diciary Square Warehouse, FIFTH and E Streets, au auction sale of Hospital Furniture, Bedding,&e., which have been used In the Government service. These sakes will embrace many articles of it ser viceable character, and tile ettentloll Of Hotel. keepers, Proprietors of Steamboats, and others, Is called to them. Terms—Cash, at the time of sale. Successful bidders must remove their purchases within forty-eight (As) hours from date of sale. If not taken away within that time the articles will be resold at the next subsequent sale, at the risk of the first purchaser. C. SUTHERLAND, aual-tf Surgeon U. S. A.. "Medical Purveyor. PHILADELPHIA BUR. GEON , S BANDAGE iNmiTIITE,_ No - 14 Werth NINTH Street, *hove Mart ket.—E. C. EVERETT, after thirty years' praotL; cal experience, guarantees the skilful adjustmen. of his Premium Patent araduating Pressure Truss. Supporters. Elastic Stockings, Shoulder Braces- Crutches, 10. Ladles' apartments conducted by gi Lady, spia-t7 EVANS & WATBON B SALAMANDER SAYE STORE, _ 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of FIRE-PROOF 14LIPILS tlyan on WO. THEY ARE COMPLETE. AUCTION FURNESS, BRINLEY, & Co, No 615 CHESTNUT ann 614 J ATlvt B,r. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMEsTit; • ON TUESDAY MORIN I September 25th, at 10 o'clock, Ott tow credit, 066 lets fancy and staple dry soodS, BOTVINCTIA.II LAO.. I,oooiine Nottingham lace curtains. ALSO, GM pieces Saxony-woven dress goods, &fa f importation, comprising sonic new and .` , 1: etvlos Just landed. Also, 3,000 BLUE FLANNEL BLOUSES, For cash. 2.8 BALES ALL-WOOL FLANNELS FOIL 17 bales heavy gray flannels. 3 bales heavy white flannels, 8 bales 8-4 Cain, fine tittality intllgothlea ! k n . , for sacks, &c. I,OOO,PIECES SAXONY-WOVEN DR ESs Gu„ OF A FAVORITE IMPORTATION. ' ON TUESDAY. Rich dotted and striped Clualatlua, Solid Check Nollafro, Figured andstripe Catina and Parka. Plaid Piona, Satin Plaid Anoka. Plaid and stripe Vender°, Geneta and Votai. Neat stripe Agricola and Yapura. Silk plaid Apollo and Tioga a Sole. Silk stripe Decorah a Soie. 8-4 Bilk Plaid BrApann a Sole: 8-4 Satin stripe Venduro. 6-4 Silk plaid and stripe Oeellee a Sole. ALSO, Coburgs, Alpaceas, and Molatirs, FRENCH COLORED MERINOES. 50 pieces 8-483rd 1'1.6.1181i Marlitoes. BLACK SILK-VELVET RIBBONS. Nos. I to 32 Lyons super black Silk-Velriq lc bons. ALSO, 200 I 1 simeres, anti M. TL JAI- Nos. &SO - NB, d 141 south FOURTH Street, REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, Public fige of Real Estate and Stocks, at the cba uge . ever y TVEBDAY, at 12 aidio&k , air Bales of furniture at the Auction More e THURSDAY. FOURTH FALL SALE, SEPTEMBER. SOTti Executor's Sale.—Vnluable BUSINESS STA No. 242 Market street. MODERN RESIDENCE, No. mosimee sty,9.t, MODERN DWELLING, No, 4111 South Eish street. MODERN RESIDENCE, Stable, slid c oa , bouse, TiOga street, west of Twenty-first. VALUABLE RESIDENCE, No. 507 South Fri street, s. Peremptory Sale.-TWO NE.' Ar A ol)F.l DWELLINGS, Nos. 10 anti 12 South Tataaa street. MODERN DWELLING, No. 830 south Street. Peremptory Sale, -310D.ERN 962 North Slxtll street. Four well secured GROUND RENTS, *124.66% a year. Peremptory Sate.—MODERN DWELLING, N o RaS J ull an a etrece. kiecntoi'e. Perm/0%91T Sale.—Eatate of Mau. Clayton, deceased.—ELlAANT MODEM: 11116 DEC,NE S. W. corner of Thirty-third and Bri.l K . streets, Twenty-fourth ward. Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of George F. 1 . 13 v deeeased.—TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING No. 929 North Fifth street. same Estate. TWO:AND-A-HALF STOI!, BRICK Dwnt.tarta, No. 032 Noah PICIIi atreel, LOGAN NURSERY, three acres, Ohl York real below Fisher's lane. MODERN TWO-STORY BRICK STABLE, Pear street, between Eighteenth and Nineteeath, boV, Vine street. TWO THREE-STORY BRICK DIVELLINGIi 1441.5. 483 anti 491 York IIEWE_ DWELLING, No. 781 South Sixth street ERICK DWELLING. No. 1171 South Tenth street BRION DWELLING, No. 511 South Junius street. THREE. BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. Is% Ist andl6a Seigel street, between Nolre aild JGlllip and Front and Second streets. . . Executor's Bale.-4t shares NORTHERN MEER TIM NATIONAL BANK. SPLENDID COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM SNOW A `SPRINUBROOK," Over 110 acres; superior mansion, gaotielioF o 4 66t tago and green houses, graperies, and other vain able outbuildings and improvements, Bristol turn pike, between Frankford anti Holthesburg, on, mile from steamboat landing and railroad stalls. at Taeony, eight miles from Market street, Plata delphia. . - ON WEDNESDAY, October 4th, 1865, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, on the premises, at that very superior situate at the eight mile StOpia pp the... Bristol turnpike, between Frank ford ann.Holmesbarg, and about t mile from the steamboat landing and railroad station at Taroup containing 110 acres and 113 perches of land, to which are first-claaa improvements, &c., all in ex cellent order. sir it will be divided and sold. in several tracts, The mansion and other improVeinentS, with acres, will be sold first, the, remainder into several sites for country seats. It is bounded by three public roads, and is well worthy the attention of capitalists and persons wanting sites for country - seats. A. city passenger railway is contemlllatcil, Which will pass near this property. Alfir- Clear of all incmnbrance. Alfir A large portion of the purchase-mousy may remain on mortgage if desired. Anr - The furniture, valuable collection of . plash, farming stock and utensils, will be solo lanue4l. atety after tita sale of the real estate. Full partici!. lays in catalogues. Sale absolute—Mr. Stuart being about to visit Europe. Sale No. 923 North Broad urea HANDSOME EURNITIDIE, MANTF.I, AND liiHß MIRRORS ,_ HANDSOME 1 100E.CASE% ELEGANT VELVET CARPETS% 5cC, THIS MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 03 North Broad street, IT catalogue, the handsome furniture, suit walnut and plush, drawing-room furniture, walnut chum. ber Otte French plate mantel and pia mirrors, large walnut secretary and bookcase, ele gant velvet and Brussels carpets, Le. May be ex• mined at 9 o'clock on the morning of sale. RALF. OP MI9CIPLL A NEOUS BOOKS, HAW— TRATED AND MILITARY WORKS, Cs., I , Rum A LIBRARY. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September 26th, at the auction store, coma enchl4 at 4 o'clock, miscellaneous hooks, illUStrateli Ned military ri'd's, ke. For part lcularssectticluguel, Sale for account of the United States, at the Saltct- Ice hospital. West Philadelphia. HOSPITAL FURNITURE, MATTRASSES, IRON BEDsTEADS, BLANKETS, BEDDING, &c. On TUESDAY MORNING.. _ - - Sept. 20, at 10 o'clock, et the Satterlee Hospital, West Philadelphia, a large quantity of 11°5111141PP. niture, blankets, bedding, crockery, &c, Full particulars In catalogues. now ready. Terms cash, twenty per cent. to be paid at time or sale. Same 1537 Locust street 11AM:1.2011E FURNITURE. PIER MIRROR! MANTLE CLOCK, FINE BRUSSELS CARFETI, MATTINGS, &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, . 27th inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 1637 Locust street, by catalogue, the handsome walnut furniture, flue prtneh Kate pier mirror, French mantle clock, hue brussels and 'lngrain earpati, Matting's, cooking utensils. &e. ifir Maybe examined on the morning of sale, at O'clock. _Sale No. 256 South Fifteenth street. . . HANDSOMI FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO, atANTLEMIRROIN,CITANDELIERS, VELVET CARPETS. ON SATURDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at No. 250 South Fifteenth street. by eatalosue, the handsome furniture, rosewood piano by Vogt, two flue French plate mantle stir , PUS, Clltualellers, 'velvet carpets, arc., Sze. Also, the kitchen Liteitals. 3.lay be examined at 8 o'clock On the morning of sale. J AB A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 42s WALNUT Street. REAL ESTATE SALE, sErTEsthEll STOCKS. See Catalogues. BROAD AND WALNUT STREETS.—The ele- Eant Mansion House and Grounds, 1430235 feet, xecutors , positive sale. Estate of JamCs Duutlas, deceased. BitoAr , AND WALNUT STREETSe—ResidelltV and Lot. N. W. corner, 201c100 feet. Same estate. ADJOlNlNG.—Residence same description and dimensions. Sante estate. GROUND RENTS.—Nine of VD each and one of $65. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Godfrey Twells. deceased. • timimANTOVilk.:.—Stoile Dwelling and Lot. anti thirteen Lots adjoining. Estate of John Rang, deceased. TAVERN STAND, S. E. corner of Fifteenth and Brown. 18 ACRES of Land, Kennedy's - pane, Twenty fir§t ward. Sale absolute. TWo BwelllhgS, NOS. 1839 nod 1859 North Thir teenth street. Three Dwellings, Nos. 1805, 1841, and 1044 Cantu street. Two Dwellings, Nos. 1819 and 1851 N. Twelfth st. Two Dwellings, Nos. IEAN and 1835 31ervlite street. A Dwelling, 815 Boutit Ninth street. Residence 821 Spruce street. Absolute We. /Or Pamphlet CratUtl)o 2 / 6 8 ,LO/lo ready. FIFTH FALL SALE, SEPTEMBER 27. On the premises, at 3 o^eloek P. 111,, the valuable Soap and Candle radon', with Dwelling 4 and Steam Machinery, tierinautown toad and Seem'. street. Executor's Sale. TALITABLE PLANTS. ON THURSDAY MORNING. Sept. !N. at 10 creloek4 will be l-I eataloF", at the auction store, the entire welmo-we Wee. tion of Plants belonging CO the estate or the late James Dundas, Esq., deceased. Catalogueel uriY be had of the executors, at their ofilec, 121W:died , street, where also may be had cards of athaisideu to the collectiOn, which will be exposed to view on the preiolsos. N. R. corner of Broad Alt , t streets, tor three days previous to sale, betwves A. M. and 1 o'clock" P. 11. DAMS it HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, STOR%aNCO.vl3l33slbMakiti•Virsit/EET. CARD.—Persons wishing to Oispose or their household goods, either at their residence, or hi removal to the store, will receive personal atten tion, and our best exertion to secure satisfactory returns. Sale 333 Chestnut gtreet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE FRENCH PLATE MIR RORS, ROOK-CASE, FINE CARPETS, .4.5 c., ON TUESDAY MORNING At 10 o'clock, :it the Auction Store. The superior furniture. line French plat 9 mirrors . cottage s uites, superior hook-ease, line Brest,:is and 81110 r Pamela. China and glassware, Sos. Also, a small stettni-elp. gine. May he examined 011 Monday. with catalogue. CLOSING SALES OE GOVERNMENT 110R5A5 AND miluno. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. August 24,1884. SEPTEMBER, nubile, auction:during the mouth of to the highest bidder, at the time and places named below viz NEW YORK. New York city, Tuesday of each Week, 100 Horses each day. New York city, Thursday of each week, 200 Hulett each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 100 Horses ekel, day Philadelphia, Saturday, September 2, and Wednel day and Saturday of each week thereafter, 100 Mules each day. Pittsburg, Thursday and Friday of each week, to September cc inclusive, 150 Mules each day. Harrisburg; Tuesday of each week, 150 mules each day__ Mauch Chunk, Thursday, September 7, 515 M 1159. Indiana, Tuesday, September 12, 150'511,1e5. Greensburg, Thursday, September 14, 150 HOMO. Reading, Thursday, September 14, 200 Mules. Altoona, Thursday, September 28, 150 Horses. aiDIANA. and Indianapolis, September 11, 18 , 1 5, Horses each day. Indianapolis, September 12, 14, and. 18, 150 0101 es each day. ILLINOIS. Chicaga, September 5,7, 9,18 t 21, 23, 30, 150 I,l.ulea each day. Chicago, September 4,9, 113, in, 22, 29, 160 Horse! each day. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Friday of each week, 150 Mules each d Wiludngton, Tuesday of each week, 100 Horses each day. NEW SEMEN. Trenton, Tuesday, Septembers, 150 Trenton, Tuesday, September% 150 Mules. MARYLAND. Baltimore, Thursday, September 7, 150 Mules. Baltimore, Thursday, §efttember 21, 150 Mules. Miss6vlll. St. Louis, Thursday, September 7, and Tuesday and Thursday. of each week thereafter, 209 Males each day. KANSAS. Fort Leavenworth, commencing Tuesday, Sell. leMber 12, and continuing thereafter at Mien Use 9 as the Depot, Quartermaster may desioate, 2 , 0 , Mules, CIESBORO, D. C. Tuesday and Thursday o 1 each weca, 100 llorsza each day. No sales of Mules will take place at. WASHINGTON, 1), The animals to be sold in September are suparior to any heretofore offered to the msblic. The seaSO. rity of them are sound and serviceable. It is ezpeote4 that at this aeries cif sales ail. Buy pins Governmtut animals will Se disPsgwi of• era 810014 4 4 taerefore avail Mutates of this fast or , POriunita". rOpurehitSe. Animals will be sold. singly. Sales to commence at 10 .M. Terms cash, In United States curreney, JAMES A. SKIN, Preyet Brigadier General iu chstrxe o au2B-30t lyst„ Dlvi9l G•« OFFICE, No. 720 CHESTNUT sTntrr. vers, Doeskilt,
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