wooLEsoros. i 865. WHOLESALE. 1865. .r.UOS. W. EVANS Sr, CO., Are eatir opening their FALL IMPORTATION. AND RAVE NOW ON IE. A CHOICE LINE OF FINE DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, .Sao. whieu the attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS IS INVITED. 820 CitESTNIIT STREET, UT STAIRS auxat 180. FALL. • 180. JAS. B. CAMPBELL /lc CO., 1'27 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Cash Buyers at wholesale zo their stock of FEEZTOt:BBITISH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOOD s Which, for extent, - variety, and general adapta tion to the wants of the trade, is unrivalled. SILKS, MERINOES. POPLINS, EPINGLINES, TARTAN PLAIDS. BLANEET% FLANNELS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, alma BRADFORD GOODS. Package Buyers supplied with scarce and deslra- Ole 6'0041 5 at and under market rates. wilco - LENA:LE ROOMS EP STAIRS. atz-ti" rar , ilvz w. T nvmolT-01 1:- 1865. FALL. 1865. GLEN pAciao GERMANTOWN, PA. 31'CAIX.UM. Sr,. CO., IMANT, , FAcTunEns & IMPORTERS OF cAiti-JorrrN - Gs, OIL CLOTS, MATTINGS. &0., WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 509 . CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, 11(6-3m 519 CHESTNUT STREET. CARPETINGSt CARPETLNGS!! J. T. No. 37 South SECOND Street, No. 37 ABOVE CHESTNUT. HAS JUST RECEIVED A 'FULL LINE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPETINGS, OF THE BEST MARES AND NEWEST STYLES. WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL-eLorm, DRIIGGET*. RAG, LIST, AND COTTAGE CARPETS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. J. T. DELACROIX, 37 SOUTH SECOND STREET. Between Chestnut and Market streets, PhDada. sel-fstuwthata NEW CARPET WAREHOUSE. LEEDOM & SHAW Will open MONDAY, Sept. 11,18G5, with an entire New locit of ENGLISH and AMERICAN CAR PETING, In all their variety, to which we respect fulls invite the attention of our friends and the public Arntrally at Se 7-117 rO. 90 ARCH Street, Philadelphia, GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS. VINE SHIRT DIANIFACTORY. A. The subscribers would invite a.ttentiontotheir IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make *specialty]. their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. W. SCOTT do CO., GENTLEIIEN'S FURNISHING STORE, INTO. CHESTNUT street Four doors below the Continental. p:OII.I,)S4II3t4.I(zIfILXVIE 3/NII 600 ARCH STREET. 600 _ GLASS JARS AND TIN CAPS, KITCHEN WARES, CUTLERY, WOODEN-WARE. se7-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE, SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR. GREEK' GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, &C. All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling 'Pun:loses. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALERS IN FINE GROCERIES, au2B-tr Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. COTTON -WARP CLOTHS, TRICOTS, WAVE AND OnIER PATTERNS ALL-WOOL 33 0 iESK.INS, AND OTHER PASTY PATTERNS For sale by the Manufacturers, BEM. BULLOCK'S SONS, 40 and 42 South FRONT Street ROMAINE'S CRIMEAN BITTERS IVTIAT THEY ARE. A purely medical preparation, composed of recog nized standard remedies In diseases for which it 13 recommended. their curative powerS Increased by combination. and extracted by a scientific pharrae teutieal preteen, which secures a perfect and uni form concentration of medical virtues. They are the moot reliable preventive and cure of FEVI,R and AGUE known. They restore the tone of the etomaeh, and impart strength to the digestive organs when recovering from sicaimaa. 'They protect the system from the effects of•incle ment weather :end miasma, avert Chills and Feller, and remove slight attacks of Rheumatism and Neu ralgia. They relieve Diarrhoea , Flatulence, and Colic, and counteract the effect of change of water and ell. mate. They are especially adapted for Dyspeptics, In calids, and Sedentary persons, who need a tonic T:timul ant. Thely stimulating properties being chiefly derived frown roots and - plants, they exhilarate without creating a craving for aicoliotte drinks. Theyare approved by thehighest medical i ii th ar i.. ties in 'United States Army Hospitals, where they Mme been used. They are very delicate In flavor, and agreeable to the palate. WHAT THEY ARE NOT. Trin'r Ann NOT a decoction of inert aromatics, to tild a compromise with conscience which shrinks 11 . 0P1 open TREY ARE NOT tippling`' under another name. Tne ARE NOT a worthless compound puffed into notoriety. irnd to your Druggist for Circular, with full par ticulars MILLER & CO., Proprlethrg, 110 Liberty St., N. Y. k'or sale by Johnston, lloiloway & Cowden, at itamufaeturc_•s' rates, and retailed by all respecta ble Druggists and rainily Grocers. av3l-thstu-Beir ON HAND, FINE BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS, will be made up to order in the best htyle, at the lowest cash prices. Now is the time to leave your orders. Goods are :My:toeing. C. S. HIMMELWRIGHT, No. 234 North FOURTH Street. PHOTOGRAPHS EXECUTED WITH rare skill, of churches, realdeliCeS and putille buildings. Parties or Individuals deairteb . , should '.l?Ply to B. F. REIMER, Photographer, 621 Adeli Street. It,* PORTRAITS THAT NEVER FAIL to pIeIIFC the most critical. See silecimenu,tlF%7 .I.e photographs, in oil colors, at A. F. REIMPAt " 11, r5", 634 ARCH Street. Culuring exquisite It CARTES DE VISIT AT REIMER'S gallery, SECOND Street above Green. You mill sad selnien •styles In great variety, finely ex "nt(A. Cannot fall to please In style oijtelsh. it* -- .SII.A.TTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED liziansoLDlS EXTEACT SLTOLIU. 14 South TEN TH Street. Ti. S. &W. . CHAFFEE, WHOLE pa • sale dealers ROBieff. Gloves, Trimmings, 4 t7 LiOotls, . N O .U Olt MARKET Stkeet, seG-19.t. I I A.VA.NA CIGARB.-A GOOD VA. RLETY constantly in store and bond, at toßest Cash rates FUEVIIRT & SONS, 111'924 -Wm' SOAS South FRONT Street. LAKE BALL CLUBS WILL FIND. A s full stock of Bases, Balls, Seore-BoOks, spikes, Lors, Belts, and Rules °Mame at PHILIP WILSON co. , s, 409 CHESTNUT Street. •ligool A I 'O B 'DO' • B'env e regapned TE by N T R H SLreSt.L D'S ESAXI23-lAlli RETAIL DRY GOODS. AUTUMN AND WinF4R. Black Broadcloths, fine qualities, low nriceS New tiobby Overeoatings and Cloakings. Heavy fine goods, for business snits. "SimOnis " Cloths, for dress"coats. "Fred'lc Erken's" Doeskins and Cloths. " Johanny 1 ' Cloths and Beavers. "Molly," flue fabrics for dress suits. "Harris" Casslmeres and Coatings. American Con:U . llgs and Overcoatings. 49.1%2_VARICA_N LOOMS rlOdilee fabrics which, foe style. texture, weight, and permanency of color are scarcely second to those of the Old World, while In price they are much lower. We always keel' full lines of very good make AMERICAN WOOLLENS_ PRE-RMINENT CASSINERES, FOR BOYS. STANDARD FINE CADETS AND MIXES. BOYS FITTED FOR SCHOOL OR COLLV,GE • Tariors• Linings, of cycry kind. Tailors supplied wholcsaie Neat and plain styles Woollens, nuest qualities, for good custom. COOPER CONARD, geN2t B. E. cor, NINTH and DIAILKET. NEW LACE CURTAINS OF RICH AND ELEGANT DESIGNS. One or the largest and beet assortment of fine viods in the city, just received, at greatly reduced prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEIsT, & ARRISON, CURTAIN WAREHOUSE; se9-sttxt li-^t 1008 CHESTNUT Street. GREAT STOCK OF JOB LOTS OF CLOTHS, CASSIIVIEEES, - KNOBBY COATINGS, IYEANERS, VELOURS, VELVETS, CHINCHILLAS, of the latest and most beautiful styles we have ever offered to the trade or publie generally, (MOON Of the army and navy may feel assured of special attention. We also have a complete stock of FRIENDS , WEAR, COACH CLOTHII, BILLIARDS, and BAGATELLES. Our motto is "Good Goods at Fair Prices," at w. T. SN-O.lDGrRA*$' CLOTH HOUSE, 24 SOUTH SECOND STREET 23 • STRAWBERRY STREET. WHOLESALE BUYERS WILL FIND -A LARGE STOCK OF FRENCH MERINOES, RICH POPLINS, MOUSSEL DE LAINES, PLAID CASHMERES. From the late AUcTiO , ll S AM.3IIS IN NEW YORK, which will be sold at less than regular prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St.; se7-3t above Willow. IT STEEL &SON HAVE JUST P OPENED a large assortment of new fine FANCY AND PLAIN SILKS. PLAIN CORDED SILKS. PLAIN POULIT DE SOIES. MOIRE ANTIQUES. W 3D) 11.13.5, iu BROWN, BLACK, STEEL, MODE, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, MAUVE, PEARL, BUFF, WHITE, and WINE COLORS. All Colors In Figured Silks, $1.75 to $2.50. Figured Black. Silks, $1.40 to $4.2.5. Extra hoary Black Lyons Silks, $3.50 to $B. Fine qualities French Merinoes, at $1.25. Do. do. do. do. $1.37. Do. do. do. do. $1.50. Do. do. do. Thibet, $2.00. Fine French Empress Cloth Poplins at $1.25. Do. do. do. do. do. $1.37. Do. do. do. do. do. $1.50. Do. do. do. do. do. $1.75. Do. do. Corded Poplins at $1.87 to $2.25. Do. Silk and Wool Rep Poplins at $2.25. Do. do. do. do. $2.50. Do. do. do. do. $2.75. Do. do. do. Empress Poplins, $3.00. Do. do. do. do. do. $3.25. Do. Irish Poplins, all colors, at $2.50. Do. do. do. do. $3.25. Do. do. do. do, $.3 pct. Do. French Plaid Poplins at $1.5 to $2.25. Plain, Mixed, and Plaid English and German Poplins, 75e. to $1.25. A large asecrtmeut of the NEWEST and HAND SOMEST FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS that can be found in any market, DAILY RECEIVING NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. DARE AMERICAN DELAI NES, new styles, 35C. Two bales Russian Crash at 25031 e. 6-4 extra heavy Lkn en Sheeting at 90e.,worth $1.25. Domestics of all kinds at the lowest Drives. Nos. 713 and 715 NORTH TENTH STREET. se4-mws3t BLACK THIBET SH A W - L SIL K FRINGE, Black Thiliet Shawls, Wool Fringe, Long, Black Thihet Shawls, Lc ng Black Cashmere Shawls, From the late Auction sales in New York. CUR WEN STODDART B BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 451- North bEciOND Street, E el-it Abov e Willow. BLANKET IS, COUNTERPANES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGS, A fall and variea stock. CIIIIIVEN STODDART & BROTHER, :ST°, 450, 4.5.2, and 454- North SIICOND street, Bc7-3t, Above Willow. CHOICE COLORS IVIERINOES, A-I Prices ranging from $1.25 to $1.75. From the late Auction Sales in New York. CUItWEN STODDAUT & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street sc7-at Above Willow. ALL WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS, FROM. THE LATE AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. &80, 'lsg, and 454 North SECOND Street, se`-gt Above Witiow. BROADCLOTHS, CA BOINIERE 9, COATINGS, Guods of an kinds, for Men and BoVs Wear, of new designs, at the lowest prices. CUBWEN STODDART S BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7.3t. Above Willow. PICII STYLES PLAID POPLIN'S, AA) HlOll STYLES STRIPED POPLINS, iu choice coloring. from the late ATJCTION SALES 1N NEW. YORK _ . CUIEWiN 5T6613.A1T & BROTHER, Nos- 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, &P.7 -at Above Willow. MEDIUM &ND LOW-PRICED DRESS DOOM, from 3734 c to 62!4c. A splendid llne from the late Auction Sales in New York. CURWEN STODDART 455 IMOTtIER, Nos. 150, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, se7-8t Above Willow. f - lIIOICE COLORS PLAIN ALL-WOOL POPLINS from the LATE AUCTION SALES IN NEW YORK. CURIVEN STODDART .15 BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, end 454 North SECOND Street, ee74t Above Willow. - ROUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ABRI SON, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, Are now receiving their Fall assortment of IIOIOSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS Such as Table Cloths, Napkins, Damask and v Diaper; Towelln, Towels, Linen and Cotton bhcccings of all Kinds. Pillow Linen and Muslin, Blankets, Quilts, and generally every article of Dry Goods required in a well ordered house hold. se2-staith6t EAL WELSH FLANNELS.-JUST AA; received an asltintpel3tjg it.EA7. ~ Y ... ' _..__... ItELSH FLAti7NELS. Well known to housekeepers for their superior washing qualities. SREPYARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON se2-stuthBt No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. pLANKETS.-THE CHEAPEST -A- , BLANKET HOUSE IN THE CITY:—Now is the time to buy them, for as the season advances they will undoubtedly be higher. There has not been near the usual quantity made, and the demand for them is already very great. I am offering great Inducements now by putting the prices very low and will guarantee to sell Blankets at less than the same qualities can be had_ I have them as low as 0 per pair, and from that up. At per pair I. have a line all - wool one that did not sell last whiter less than $l5. They are a good bargain, and well worth examining. Anyone want ing such will save at least *2 per pair, us they are libly that much under the marketprice. Pr% Blankets all sizes and qualities? One lot heavy Marseilles Counterpanes at 400; the last of the saine quality were sold at $l5; I bought them from a recent importation, and they arc the cheapest quilt in the city. Also, several other quali ties equallylow; Honeycomb, Lancaster,and Bridal Quilts; heavy ready-made Comfortables, and one of the best assortments Of Flannels that eau he offered. Blankets can be furnished in any quantity as my stock is Very large. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. set-it POWER LOOM TABLE LINENS, 87-ic, *l, andsl.l2y,. Heavy Unbleached Talde Linen, 823 i, 75, and 871.0. Russia Crash, 23 and 25 cents—cheap. American Crush—a nice assortment. Napkins at all prices. Scotch Diaper, from 2 t005 a piece. Largest and best-Honey-comb Quilts. Very fine Linen Towels and Towelling. JOHN . H. STOKES, se4 MI ARCH Street. 1 1 W 0 BALES OF REAL RUSSIA CRAM - 1, received. Price, 25 and 21 cents. Damask Table Linens and Napkins. Huck Towellingm and Bird-Bye Diapers. Linen and Cotton Meetings. Fine and medium quality Flannels, New York Mills and Willlainsville sDtallns. English and American Prints. Stripe Chintzes for,wrappers and bordering. EDWIN HALL a CO.. auBo-tf 26 South SECOND Street. BLANKETS -ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRIORS. Medium and tine Blankets.' Some extra cheap lots, SS and $lO. -Fine crib Blankets; Horse Blankets. Honey.comb Quilts; wide, heavir Sheetlngs. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, 1 and $l.lO. Bust quality Canton Flannels; ickings. . Linen Diapers, V• 2 5, $7.30 1 $3, and 830, &e. ELAINIO. 107 pieces new Delaines, 35 and 37 cts. Da pieces new prints,best makes, only 23 to 35CtS. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stock complete. COOPER CONARD, S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKKT ntreete. CANADA. LUMBER YARD. LUMBER DISTRICT, ALBANT, N. Y. JONES & CO. have on hand (800 ➢i). three hun dred thousand feet dry three-inch Pine, good 4th end select. Are daily receiving a large quantity of Box. Ban iONSS & CD. THE .PRESsrllTl:kinftPErA, SA.TURDAY; SEPTEMBER 9, 1865: RETAIL DRY GOODS . sl2ssli c aB o. T H E O,IIOICE Lupin's fine all-wool Detainee, Soc. Double-Width blue]: all-wool Detainee, )1. Fine black Alpacas 50c. Pure black Mohair Lustres. 'Mc, ii. C. STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. of EIGMTEI and MARKET. 7 6 CENTS FOR ALL-WOOL PLAID OA.SITIVIERES. Small-figured, all-wool Delaines, age. Wide French Chintzes, striped and flgured,6sC. Piano covers, Table covers, stand covers. 100 pieces new style Fall Delaines, cheat). C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. $9 FOR HANDSOME ALL-WOOL Lc:ail& SHAWLS. Misses' Long and Square Shawls. Berlin Zephyr Shawls. Brodie and Stella SlLawls. Silk and Black Ththot Shawls. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. $1.65 Graim,BEST WATERPROOF Cadet gray Cassirueres, for Boys Scarlet Cloths, light &turnings for fait wear. Double-milled o ...assimeres for Men, +2. Gems , heavy travelling sbawts, $7.50. J. C. STRA.WBRIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. $6 . 075 FORA PAIR OF ALL-WOOL • BLANxErs. Blankets from 4,5 to ops per pair. Dealers will find it to their advantage to buy Blankets of us and save money. To families about to purchase, we can otter inducements that few possess. Most of our goods are di rect from the Mills. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE t CO., Northwest cor. - 41euTu. and MARKET. see-stuthtf B ARGAINS! BARGAINS!! FROM AUCTION .—TAGG & BRO., corner TENTH and PINE. have just received— I lot brown 'green, and Magenta Plaid Poplins, $l. 1 lot 1,5 wide Twilled Stripe Mohalrs, $1.25. I. lot high colors brown ground Detainee, 35e. I lot fall styles English Prints, Be. 1 lot high lustre stout Black Alpacas, $l. 1 lot, 50 cartons Hemstitch Linen Ildkfs., 31c. up. 1 lot, 10 dozen dents' medium Merino Undershirts, $1 25. 1 lot Ladies'- Fancy Silk Neckties, 35c; not quar ter price, 1 lot Gents' Limn Hemstitched 3301 4 list Ladies' Patent Leather Belts, 100. 1 lot Chadwick's Colored Spool Cotton, 75c, per dozen. - 1 lot 5-8 Damask Linen Napkins, $3, up. 1 lot Buffalo Belt Buckles, 40c. 1 lot, 100 dozen Ladles' Lisle Thread Gloves, 20c. 1 lot Ladies. Linen Collars, 10 and MC. 1 lot Ladles' colored English Silk Gloves, sic. Also. all colors Velvet Ribbons; Bonnet Trim ming Ribbons; sets Collars and Cuffs; Plaid Nein sook, and CambrlcMuslins; Children's Hdkfs.; Let ter, and Note Papers. Also, Notions. All at-less than regular prices. se9-2t 628H00P 6KIRTS.-NEW 1-ppt FALL STYLES NOW READY MAOL , at Hopkins' Manufactory, No. 658 ARCII Street. Our assortment is complete, containing full lines of Ladies', Misses', and Children's Skirts. of every style, length, and size, which, for finish, durability, and Cheapness, are unequalled' by any other hoop shirts ;mule, and are warranted to give satisfaction. Skirts made to order, altt red., and repaired, Also, good Eastern-made skirts, from fifteen to forty springs, at very low prices. Wholesale and re tail. sea-lin* =l= OFFICE FOR THE BALE OF GrOVERNMENT LOANS No. 114 S. THIRD STREET. JAT coo sr. co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Offer for Bale, at lowest market rateS, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AS FOLLOWS U. 0.1.30 Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 16, 1864 Do. do. do. June 150E85 Do. do. do. July 15,1885 BONDS OF 1881. 5-20 LOAN OF 1862. 040 LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CODESIISSION. Information given concerning all kinds of Secu rities. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. an24-tjal , .Nloo .... JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Noe. 239 and 241 North Third Street, PH_ILADELPIIIA. Cloths, Prints, Cassimeres, Delaines, Sattinetts, Alpacas,_ Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cettonades, Drown and Bleeched Meetings, Denims, Brown and Bleached Shirtings, Stripes, Oralsh Ghambras, Cheeks, Omish Tweeds, Ginghams, Flannels, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, auz3-3m NOTIONS, &C., C. CURTAIN GOODS. E. WALRANEN, MASONIC HALL, no CELESTNIiT STREET, HAS JEST DECEIVED A PULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM cuivrAiNs, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED HATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITS PATENT 'UMBRELLA FRAMER, ALL SIM, MADE FOR USE WINDOW SHADES. OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. IvM-t[ SPECIAL NOTICE. I have made arrangements to remain for a SHORT TIME ONLY, In m~ ppresent store , Velywac;AteTsu, continue rleigtrig.; notice, GEO. J. HENKELS, sel-Im 803 and Sli CRESTNTJT Street. LOOKING GLASSES. The largest and most complete assortment, .at moderate prices. OIL PAINTINGS, Recent Importations. ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CIIROSIO-LITIEsoaRAPLIS, , SWISS, AMERICAN AND ENO - LISA SCENERY, Rogers' Statuettes, linstie Frames, And every other character of Frames for Eugra- JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, 810 CHESTNUT Street wings. seB-12t LOCKWOOD'S TRADE ---- - - - . • • PAPER COLLARS. CLOTH LINED, AND WITHOUT MARK. CLOTH LINING. The Cloth Lined Collars made by the LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 255 South rHIRD Street, Philadelphia, Lave been In general use since 1853, and notwith standing the fact that numerous imitations of them Lave been made they still rank superior to any Col lar in the market. They are the only collars lined throughout with cloth. with a layer of paper on each side, and are seeped upon ,formers, or plonk's, so as to at the neck and allow a space for the cravat. The ,peCuliar process used in their manufacture, makes them re semble linen very closely; when finished the fibres of the cloth give the appearance of linen to the Faber. They are very strong and do not tear at the button-boles, and are the only collarsinade that eau be turned and worn on both sides without the but toll•holcS giving Way and the paper tearing. Parties purchasing collars will be- careful to see that each collar is stamped upon the inside—Loek wOod es, Cloth Lined, laza the Trade Mark of the Co. and date of Patents. Do not be deceived by the hoses or false representations, but see for your self. If the collar itself is not stamped upon the in side its above, it Is not genuine. The enormous demand for Mean goods (largely CX ceethng that of any collar made) has kept them sold ahead of production, but with a large amount of new machinery, this Co. is now able to all all orders promptly, either In Philadelphia or at any of the' Agencies. In addition to these best standard goods,*several lowergrad t of collars are constantly in stock. The LochwoodAlfg. Co. are the sole licenses under Hunt's and Lockwood's Patents, (tile first On. Paper Collars eter issued,) and by purchasing these goods. parties avoid difficulties and lawsuits, which are now being vigorously prosecuted against all dealers lu other makes of paper collars, which infringe one Or more of these Patents. THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY W. E. ik E. D. I.OOKWOOD,I SOLE AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD 3IFG. CO., 255, 257, and 259 South THIRD Street, Phi Ma. tut3l. thstu2w PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BURLOCK, MANUFA CTURERS or PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Nos. 1102 and 110* BANBOX St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns with a great variety Of clasps and ornaments. 'they are unsurpassed in beauly and durability by soy in the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to charged ealers.. Catalogues mailed to any address without POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTO, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burloek , s superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles of binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 1102 and 1104 RANSOM St.,Philadelphia. au3-wfmSt&dim VOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON TINENCE ()Purina, Irritation, inflammation or ulceration or the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, stone In the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick-dust deposit. and all diseases of the bladder kidneys , and dropsical swellings, 104 SouthTENTH Street. - Uss auraibourti , /URA Ex.Ta4o2 um/v. NEW PUBLICATIONS. FAMISHED THIS DAY. Mli GIOOIIPFM , LT,OWYS COOKERY AS IT SHOULD BE. New Manual of the Dining- Room and -Kitchen.. The publishers, in presenting this Cook Book to the public. feel an assurance of its being well re ceived, from a knowledge of the source from whence it comes• It is a new manual of the Dining-room and Kitchen. It contains original receipts on every branch of Cookery; Domestic Beverages; Food for Inra valids; Brandy In Fruits; Pickling; rteSeVY lug; Salting and Curing Heats, etc., etc.; Together with the Rules on Carving, with full ll lustrationa of the same; Suggestive Hints to Young Housekeepers; Table Cutlery; Wines; Yeast and Permeated Beverages. Also. Bills of. Fare for ever 4 , 164 , in the year; . . Forming one of the most complete Cook and House hold Receipt Book ever published. It is by the justly-celebrated Mrs. GOODFELLOW, who was for many years in Philadelphia torC'eltli nent in the art of cooking. Besides this advantage of being a practical cook, she obtained some of the best receipts from experienced housekeepers from the South, who understood well the art of com pounding good things. Many of the receipts are from Europe, presented to her by travelling friends, and experimented on by the authoress, and adapted to American palates. All these considerations are calculated to make it not only an acceptable, but a valuable household assistant, in arranging that most important branch — the 011linary department. As such, the publishers have great pleasure in offer ing it to the American public, with the belief that, if they will only follow the rules herein set forth, they will be enabled to become as good housekeep ers aS tile authoress of this celebrated work. Complete in one largo duodecimo volume, neatly and Etrongly bound in cloth, full gilt back. PRICE TWO DOLLARS. BEST COOK BOOK PUBLISHED. Mrs. CroOdfollow's Cookery as it Should Be ill 90 Petersons , New Cook Book 2 00 Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book 2 00 Widditield's New Cook Book 2 00 Mrs. Hale's Receipts for Cooking 2 00 Miss Leslie's New Receipts for Cooking 2 00 Mn.s Hale's New Cook Book '2OO Francatella's Celebrated Cook Book. The Mo dern Cook, with 62 illustrations, 600 large 00- tavo pages . 500 XIGY - Booksellers, News Agents, and all others will please send on their Orders at Onec for what they may want of Mrs. Goodfellow's Cook Book, as it is going to have a very large sale; or any other of the above Cook Books. Published and for sale at the Cheapest Book Masa lil the world to buy yr sod for a stock of books, width Is at T, -11. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa., To whom all orders must come addressed, and they will receive immediate attention. Copies of any of the above books will be sent to ally one free of postage, on remitting the retail price of ones wanted to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, in a letter. it MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW BOOK TIME LOST WILL • THE LO6T WILL: THE LOST WILL; AND THE DIAMOND BRACELET. By Mrs. HENRY WOOD. Will be published and for sale on SATURDAY next by all booksellers, complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty Cents a copy. Published by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Copies will be sent everywhere, at once, free of postage, on receipt of retail price. It THE " PRICE CURRENT " Is published EVERY SATURDAY By STEPHEN N. WINSLOW. A4l DOCK Street PUBLISHED THIS DAY THE TJ C 33 E. "X' BY CAPTAIN BELLEW. Price, Fifty Cents. Mailed, Postage Paid on Receipt of Pelee. FREDERICK A. - BRADY, lt• Publisher, 22 ANN Street, N. Y IJURD & HOUGHTON, No. 401 BROADWAY, N. Y., PubMb, SATURDAY, September 2, _CRAYON MISCELLANY. By Washington Ir ving. The new Riverside Edition, ,, printed from new plates in neat portable size, 1 VO l ,, 16 11 . 10 . rate, $1.75. Also Heady: SKETCH BOOK, GOLDSMITH, KNICRERBOCKER, TRAVELLER, BRACEBRIDGE HALL. OLD MOTHER HUBBARD AND HEIL DOG. With fifteen 111ustrat!ons on atone. in tint, from cig signs by H. L. 'Stephens. 1 vol., quarto, $1.2.5. THE. HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. With fifteen illustrations on stone, In tint. from designs by 11. L. Stephens. 1 vol.. quarto, $1.25. For sale by all booksellers. —•••••• Lately 'Published. Iv. MY MARRIED LIFE AT HILLSIDE. By Barry gray. With illustrations by MeNevin. vol. Cwwn Svo. Price,s2. Although the ook is chiefly of au amusing elm raCter, it is not so entirely There is considerable pathos in its pages, as wet 'as some good poetry.” Cot. Rep. " They are lively, humorous, and sparkling."-- [Roston Times. " A book:which ought to be popular. It is not so introspective as 'Reveries of a Bachelor bw6wlll be appreciated more by a discerning public. s & work for Saratoga or any other writerleg-place. a a * * There it lust Mami of improba bility in the story to let one know that its author designs to be satirical. "—CR. Y. Citizen. V. THE GAME OF CROQUET: ITS APPOINTMENT AND LAWS. By R. Fellow. With Descriptive Illus trations and Frontispiece, by Hoppin ' being a com plete hand-book. containing, by the exactness of ilescription, absence of technicalities, and compre hensiveness, full directions anti regulations apper taining to this interesting game. One vol., Bvo., Cloth. Price, 50 cents. The Standard Authority of the Game. Five Thou sand Copies already sold. Any of the above sent by nu% 1, prepaid, on receipt of the prices annexed to each. Severn' new and interesting works in press, which will beAnnouneed shortly. sep7-thsat26 60,004 COIIIS -14 50,000 COPIES ARTEMUS WARD'S NEW BOOK A GREAT RUSH FOR IT Orders for this splendid New nook are pouring in upon the Publisher by the bushel full. Every one Is wanting it in large quantities, and judging by the orders already Inundating our desks, there will be something like 50,000 COPIES ORDERED IN ADVANCE. ARTERY'S WARD-HIS TRAVELS Among the Mormons and IndlanS, is the title of the Book. A Monster Edition is Inlnting, and it will he ready in a few days. illustrated. - Prize, 51.50. Also ready at same time, OUR ARTIST IN CUBA, A new Comic Pictorial Book on Cuba. By G. W Carleton. Fifty Illustrations. Price, $1.50. CARLETON, Publisher, set-wstr NEW YORK. AARE, CURIOUS, AND SCARCE OLD BOOMS AND MAN IJSCIIIPTS. The subscriber, .who has been engaged In the . Book business for upwards of seventeen years, In Leeds, England, has opened a store at No. 2,2 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, wherz he will keep constantly on hand the best Literary Works, as wen as such rarities in print and Manuscript as are to be obtained from English sales and private purchase.. Having unusual facilities lie can Import Books for those desiring particular works, and his prices, either for Books on the shelves or Imported, will be at a small advance on cost. Els first Catalogue, to be issued in a few days, will be forwarded gratis to those desiring it. The-patronage of the public Is respectfully . . N. B. He is prepared to make liberal offers to Persons desirous of selling Libraries, Single Books, or Manuscripts. ses.wsSt. BENJN. ASIIWORTH. INSECT ENEMIES OF FRUIT TREES. By Isaac P. Trimble, N. 1).., tutomologist to the Slate Agricultural Society at New Jersey. With Illustrations drawn from Nature. In one volume. ALSO, H n ALL'S GUIDE T - O THE GREAT WEST. With Mas &e. S'rdßY OF THE GREAT 'MARCH. By a Staff (Meer. With Illustrations. An New and Standard Books. For sale at low prices by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, se6 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. - 'MEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. THE BIBLE HAND-BOOK. An Introduction to the SI udy of Sacred Scripture. 13y Joseph Angus, D. D. Revised edition with illustrations. Crown, Svc,.. THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE CIVIL POLICY OF AMERICA. By John WWI= Draper, M. D., LL THE OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Showing where Petroleum is found: bow it is ob tained; and at what cost. With hints for whom it, may concern. By William Wright. All the new books received as soon as published, and for sale by ,TAIVEM CLAXTON, se6 tSuecesSoe 00 W C H &A T . N M TS on ee X. AZIQUE.-THIS POPULAR GAME P hanikomely put, up In boxes, with Rules and Register. In three styles. —Prieep, *2.50, $5. and $l2. AOHMEAD NVAN, Se7-thb7.t N. '724 CHESTNUT Street. °ROQUE T-GET THE BEST.- Handsome sets of Croquet put up in strong and neat boxes. A most elegant game for this and next month. ASHMEAD Sr, EV A:s.IS, tie 7 -that Xo- 724 CHESTNUT Street. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHTI is pleasant in taste and odor, free from all Injurious properties, and iuunediate In its action. 104 South TENTH Street. att2.3-Int WNCOTTR&GE DOMESTIC INDUS. -a-t TRY_ HARBISON & BRADFORD, STEEL PEN MANU FACTURES, give employment to over ONE HUNDRED AhIERICAN LIEN Alio WOMEN, and produce over TWENTY-FIVE ISIILLIONS ANNUALLY of American Steel Pens, stamped with their name in full, and bearing their label, In quality. Unlsa, selection, and style of putting up, these Pens are warranted to surplus any Pens ever offered to the American nubile. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, by MOSS & CO., Stationers and Blank Book Manufacturers, Str 43ql , CH ilade IphiESTNUT. Street, and 430 MARKET eet Pha aubt4m 50 ti BALES COTTON WICK JUST 1., received. Also, full stock of Cotton Taros, Carpet Chain, &c., at lowest market pprice. ROWE, HUSTON, & CO., aull • 157 and 158 f orth-TLUILD Street. - EDUCATIONAL PLOCUTION TAUGHT AND STA.M --A-4 MERIN& CURED. PHILIP LAWRENCE, Professor of Elocution, 2019 LOCUST St. e,c4-6t. THE MISSES DE CHA_RMES FRENCH JL and - English School will reopen at No. MB FILBERT street, on MONDAY, September 11, IA& eep4-7t. THE MISSES DARRACH WILL RR OPEN their SCHOOL for Young Ladies,' at No. ga SoUth EIGHTEENTH Street, On MONDAY, oeptember 11th, 1138 u. gel-12t. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH scßom or the subscriber, S. R. corner of TRIRTNIII and LOCIIS'r Streets, will Reopen OD MONDAY, Sept. 11. [au2B4m.] D:KEITDA.I.I...• MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE OPEN her SCHOOL FOR DIALS at 209 South THIRTEENTH Street, below Walnut, on MON DAY, September 4th. • au2B-12t. p,P RING -GA RD E N ACADEMY- A Caviled, Mathematical, and Englieh School for Boys and Young Men, corner EIGHTH anti litlT .TuNwooD Streets, will reopen MONDAY ffentem ber 4. J. P. BIItCH A. M., ataa-lm CATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WILL RE OPEN her School, at No. 4 SOUTHWEST PENN" Square, on the llth of Ninth Month, (Sep tember,) au2B-12.* WILLIAM . EEWSMITH'S CLASSI CAL and English School, No. IDOR CHEST NUT Street, will reopen on MONDAY, September 4. au2S-he SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTMT will reopen MONDAY, September 18, 1865, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. The Primary Department Is conducted as a Kin dergarten., upon the German (Frcebel's) system, and includes boys and girls under teu years of age. Older pupils will be received.. In both departments, Gymnastics (under the sys tem of Dr. DlO Lewis), and Drawing from still UM are taught. GERTRUDE W. FULTON, *HARRIET IL DARLINGTON, au2B-12t MARY E. SPEAKMAN". ACADEMY FOR BOYS, REAR OF NO. 41 North ELEVENTH Street, reopens Ninth lon (Sept.) 4tll. W. WHITALL. atas-imr THE CLASSICAL INSTITUTE,_ DEAN STREET, BELOW LOCUST, Will be reopened SEPTEMBER 4th. alln--g" J. W. FAMES, D. D., Principal. MISS' BROOKS AND MRS. J. a. HALL will resume the duties of their BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1911.8 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the Zeth inst. ants-2m* ABACHMANN, TEACHER OF THE . Plano, Organ, Melodeon, and Violin, 92 SPRING GARDEN Street. ADVANCED PUPILS FINISHED. Classes formed in Harmony. Appll eatione, 12 to IA. X.: 6 to 7 P. M. au3o-Im. MARGARET ROBINSON WILL RE +or.- oneu her School for Gir15..190% RACE Street,o ll the rith or the Ninth month. Apply to F. GIL LINGHAM, sel.l2V 1235 SPRING GARDEN Street. MRS. E. J. DAVIS WILL REOPEN her SELECT SCHOOL for Children, on MON DAY. September 4th, at NO. 319 South Mall- TEENTD.Street. au2o-11t* TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS TOWN, Pa., for young men and boys. Twenty second year. The Winter Session of six months, will commence on TUESDAY, Sept. 10th. For cir culars, addreee JOHN W. LOUR, Principal. scs-6t* SIG, RIZZO WILL RESUME HIS LES SONS in Vocal Music at his residenceA No. 313 South SIXTEENTH Street, October I. He may be addressed meantime through the City r, Q, as above. ; sass-tf CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH. and SPRING- GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for business. Special attention given to small boys. Ite a s u te .o n w ee, , 031 , N o. o . r m th t T E E ß T s ra , S A tr . pri MARY P. ROBESON'S 8 1 "— GL FOR YOUNG LADIES w"' be Reopened at 1613 FILBERT Bt.. st t ' month (Sept. an30.1.111 * TEM FRENCH AND ENGLISH HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame DIABSIS will reopen on MONDAY, September nith. In this institution instruction is thorough In every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation, French Is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circa lam containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 131.2 srftucv, St., Pbilada.,, Pa. enlewlin - FAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, GREEN Street, west of Twenty-second street, Philadelphia.—ibis superior Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, will begin its next term September 13th. A Preparatory Deartrpent is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, apply to or address Rev. J. W. RA_RNHART, A. IL, President. auls-1m CALEB S. HALLOWELL'S SELECT High School for young men and boys, No. 110 North TENTH Street, will reopen on the 18th instant. se2-141* pEMOVAL.-MISS JAMES HAVING rented the spacious Hail in the Philadelphia Institute N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets opposite her former location, will open her SCHOOL on the 4th of SEPTEMBER,. Residence, No. ill North Tenth street. anm-r2t YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. E. corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Duties resumed SEPTEMBER 11. au29-12V ENOCH H..SUPPLEE,A. M.,Prinetual. M ISS LYMAN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES_ t No. 226 South BROAD Street . , Will reopen WEDNESDaAul'ltspetiestumbwelnetill. QUSAN HAYHURST WILL OPEN her school in the commodious rooms Southeast corner of NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, (entrance on Ninth,) September lath. Facilities will be afforded to Young Ladies for 'receiving a thorough education. A Department for Children, under a competent teacher, will be conducted upon the Kindergarten, or-Object System, Reference, former patrons. For further information, apply to Dr,C.N .PEIRCE,SOI North SEVENTH St. BM-12t* THE CLASSICAL AND Elio:IL - 1BH SCHOOL of IL D. GREGORY, A. M.,10.11.08 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember 4th. an2l-11n* PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. STITUTE for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNU , T and "EIGHTEENTH Street, _Et (for. 'nen) , at 1520 Arch street.) Circulars at 12146 arid 3224 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Boa 2611. The next Session will commence on MONDAY Sep tember 18t11... Rey. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., Principal. anlo-1m vREGARAY INSTITUTE.-EMILISH and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1527 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Pill ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber Mb . • • • French is the language of the family, and is eon- Stantly spoken in the institute. For circulars and particulars applE to • au9-lm Madame IVIIERTIL Y, THE. ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL -a- SCHOOL of A. B. SIiEARER, A.M., North west corner of CHESTNUT and TWELFTH Sts., (second floor,) will reopen on MONDAY, Sept. 4. For taw, referellec"s, !cc, see Circulars; to be ob tained at Mr. Hansard's Drag Siete, Or 11 , 0111 tile Principal, at the School Rooms, every morning be tween 10 and 123¢ o'clock. nu.-110 MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be Obtained at the W. E. corner or glumee and Tenth streets. au2l-,180 THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. -A- BEEBE will reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young _Ladies, No. 11'03 - WALNUT. Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th of Sept. att2-2m. CIERMANTOWN FEMALE SNAIL N-49 NARY, GREEN Street. south of Walnut lane, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September 13th. Circulars containing full information as to Terms, course of Instruction, character of the Seminary, &m, &c., may be obtained of Prof. WAITER S. FORTESCUE, au22-tf Prlnelpll. CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber of BOYS, each pupil being taught by the Princi pal, A. W SCOTT, from Yale Collee. J Recommended by J. E. Nischen, Yrolter, J. S. "[needier, and O. Platt. .tul7-Im* MRS. GERTRUDE J. CARY WILL re.open her SCHOOL, 1532( SP.RUCE Street, on WEDNEsn.A.Y, September 13th, with increased facilities for the comfort and improvement of her au3l-120 VIIESTNIIT-STREET FEMALE SE MINARY—ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September i3th, at 1615 CHESTNUT Street. Particulars from Circulars. attls-tocl THOMARI , BAT -- "WI.1 -1 F1E N G Mathematical and Classical School for. Boyd, N. E. corner BROAD and ARCH, will reopen Sep tember 4. .„ au2s-ine ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, • AND MA THEMATICAL INSTITUTE, No, g Southwest PENN SQUARE. Duties resumed Sept. nth. 111122-2 m JOSEPII DAVISON, Principal. GFORGE R. BARKER'S ENGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL PRICE Street,Her mantovni will reopen On ANNI) &I', Sept. 4th, au2S-ISt* fIOURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTE FOE DOTS AND YOUTH.—Address Prof. E. D.SAUNDENS, D. D., Philadelphia. .119-Im. VNGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 1009 and 1011 CLIESTNITT Street, (in the rooms lately occupied bY the Y. Al.. C. A.) This school will open MONDAY, September MIL It is designed to prepare for any college of the United States or for mercantile life. T. B RANTLYLANEt- TON, OSWALD SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. aul4-1m WILLIAM S. COOLEY, A. M. WILL reopen_ o bis CLASSICAL and E , GL IS El SCHOOL 11.1.21 MARKET Street, on MON DAY, September 4. an29-Im* PRIVATE SOP OOL FOR BOYS-IN the Philadelphia City Institute, N. E. corner CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets. Reopens SEPT. 4, .1865. Entrance ou Eighteenth street. L. HARROWS , JOHN IL R. APELTIOY, Principals. MISS 'MARY E. THROPP WILL RE AL& OPEN her English and French Boarding' and Day School for Young Ladies at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on thelith of September. For Circulars, apply at the School. aul7-Im* WEST BRANCH BOARDING SCHOOL. MALE AND FEMALE. JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING COUNTY, PENNA. Terms, $l5O per year. C Pupils prepared for College Business or ordinary du Wes of - domestic life, with the comforts of a good Dome. Catalogues, with full particulars, Of Philip Wilson, 409 Chestnut street, or address as shove. aul7-The P. DONLBAYY LONG, A. IL,Principal. 14UGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEDIT. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution Is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, in its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of Its classical and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be lined to take a high stand In their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life. First session commences Seistemberlfitli. Circulars, with DM Information. can be had at it Chestnut street. EDW. DidatENDE, Bbicri z t, A. IL. Principal. IlarnnicseitS.—Caleb Cope, Esq., Hon. Wm:D. Kelley, Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilidin, Esq„ Thomas Potter, Esq.,A.. U. Franeisons, Esq., H. P. H. Birkinbine, Esq. - aule-tm. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September 7, at 4 F. M. Cadets may_ pursue either a Classical or Scientific course of stud 1, under experienced and thorough Instructors. In the Primary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military instruction is given in the three,arms of the service. The Aca demy Is furnished with horses for Cavalry and florse-Artiliery exercises. • All the appointments of the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religious InstructlOu of the Cadets is carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. Ii.I)RNIE, Esq. fftf626 CHESTNUT Street, phlladelphla, or to Col TE. tYATT, President of Penna. Alll'y Aca'y.Cau/4-bn yOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.— Engißlshv . Classical Math NNA c a M I ., anal - aer nt a Sehool for Young Men and poys, No. WIC MOUNT VERNON Street. on the nest MONDAY in Septem ber. The instruction will be particular and tho rough, such as will prepare young men for buaineas _or college.. For terms, &0., apply as above. aul9-be EItiVCATIONAL W IS THE TIME FOR YOUNG 4, MEN to enter upon a course of study at BRY. ANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDING% B. W. corner of CREsTNHT and TENTH Street% Call or send for a Circular. set -74 RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will rind the readiest means of honora ble aud lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business can he smutted at little expenm and in a ailort period of time, at nRYANT, STRATTON, et DAICSISTER'S National Commercial Collage. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W corner of CHESTNUT and TENTHStreets. A liberal deduction It'll be wade in all cases worthy of surh eowaideration. sco-2t EVENING SESSIONS AT BRYANT, STRATTOR,A BANNISTER'S National COM mercird College, S. W. corner Of. CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. will continence on ' TUESDAY EVENING, the 12th lust. Young men who are et gaged in business during the day can takatim full couroe by attending evenings only. seMt INSTRUCTION IN FRENCH.-A Toting Lady, born and educated In Paris, will F give Lessons In rench In private familles,or at her own dwelling.. The successful experience in teaching during the last few years. by a new and improved Method, enables her to promise to her phpiiS perfect knowledge of the FrenelikanAhage in a short time. For terms and references, apply from to 12 and from 2to 5,-at No. 827 North Mani Street. 559-smtlebit.lf JOHN 0. ZIMMERiVIANT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. No. 316 GREENWICH Street, riilladelphie., will resume Sept. 11,1885. seV-te WOOLMAN IS PREPARED to give 'lessons on 013JECTS in different schools; she will also open a class for small children in the afternoons. _ Apply at No. 715 BROWN St MRS. A. TEGTMELER, WHO HE •LYA.C.EIVED a thorough musiCal education under one of the best Professors in Germany and after several years of successful . teaching in Seminaries, and In this city, has resumed her duties as teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. References, Lee & Walker, 722 Chestnut street Residence, 1513 VINE Street. At home frona 12 to 1. melba? THE EVENING SESSIONS OF CRIT -a- TENDEN'S COMMEItCIAL COLLEGE, 837 CHESTNU t T Sreet, corner of Seventh, commence SEPTEMBER 18th. Students instructed separately In Hook-teepinPenmanship, Commercial Arlth "[WlC, Business'orms &c. Catalogues furnished application. se9-6t.if - - T .ABBERTON OFIA.SE'S SCHOOL. ..LA —ln consequence of the continued illness orbit'. Labberton, the opening of the next session is post poned from - Monday, beptember Mb, to. Monthly, beptember 181 h. oe3-3t* THE MISSES DURANG WILL resume their Instruction in SINGING and PIANO. 1201 FILBERT Street. seB-3t* A R. TAYLOR TEACHER OF SING. A 11.10 and PIANO, 1.226 MELON swo t will resume September 11th, at from 7 to 9 A. X. and 0 co 7 P. M. seG-4t. T ABBERTON & CRAPE'S SCHOOL, No. 1804 CHANCELLOR Street (first street below Walnut, between Sixteenth and Seven teenth), will reopen on MONDAY, September it. During this week the Principals may be seen at No. 338 South FIFTEENTH Street. seo-4t* sPRING-GARDEN INSTITUTE FOR Young Ladies. Duties resumed Sept. 4th. au2B-3w* (SILBERT COMBS, A. M., -Principal. MISS V. P. 1111 OWN No. 1907 PINE Street, will (on MONDAY., Sept. 4th,) resume the duties of her School for Children, between the ages of 9 and 15. au29-Im. ERCILDINN BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, cif - EST= COUNTY, PENNA., three miles south of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Month, (Oetober,) Ott, 1865. Terms—sBo per session of twenty weeks. Music, $lO f ;Drawing or Painting, Each tp, Languages not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal, =MARI) DARLINGTON, Erelnlottn aul2-stuth lm INSTRUCTION_. LTLICOUGH BOORS, - I :oBJE6T_,A . AND * PICTURES. ANN DIGKSON will reopen her SCHOOL for, ,ROYS and GIRLS, at No. 1O South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the Ilth of September. aul7-thitn-tc S Oll 00 L FOR BOYS-SPRING GAR DEN INSTITUTE REOPENS 9 mo (September 4th.) Clreulars 1349 iIIOTJET VEItNON Street. tutl7-tbstu-lit" AA CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CIIURCH, LOCUST AN) JU NIPER STREETS.—The autumnal session will open on MONDAY, September 9th, at u o'clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made during the pre ceding week between 10 and 12 o'clock in the morning. JAMES W. ItODINS, aul6-tutbsixo Head Master. MOUNT HOLLY INSTITUTE,. AT MOUNT HOLLY, N: J. An English and. Classical BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR BOYS, con ducted by the Subscriber, for some years associated with his father, the late Rev. Samuel Aaron. Term opens September 1.1111. References: Hon. J. C. Ten Eyck. Ex. Senator from New Jerson Rev. Howard Afaeolm, D. D.; Rev, Win. Y, Breed, D. 13,, Phila delphia. Address au22-tuths9t CHAS.E. AARON, A.M., Principal. MISS C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will he reopened SEPTEM BER MN at 1037 WALNUT Street. Cam-Mars may be obtained at the School-house. se,stutlibre MR. GEORGE FELIX BEI'UtERT will resume his PIANO LESSONS September 3.Bth. Address se2-stuthi3t . No. 716 CHESTNUT Street. VRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT ST.. CORNER SEVENTII. - Established 1844. Incorporated 1854. The Course of Instruction includes Book-keeping in its different branches Penmanship, Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Commercial Law, 410., furnishing a necessayy - PIIBPATIATIMI FOR BUSINESS LIFE. - . Students Instructed separately_ and received at any time. Diplomas awarded for Graduation. Ca talogues furnishad gratis, on application. Evening Sessions after September-18th. set-St if• MISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S SCHOOL for Young Ladies ! , No. 1210 SPRITOE Street, will be reopened on MONDAY, September it. The course embraces a thorough English Eilucation,with French, German, Music, Drawing, Painting, &c. ses4m. FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE for ygulLadies, Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. DAVEN Pritteirials.• No. 2003 FRANIEFORD Road hiladelphia. Circulars can be. bad, on application, at the Institute, and at Messrs. TORN PENNINGTON SONS, No. 127 South SEVENTH Street. RE V. ALBERT HENRY BARNES will reopen Clasaleal and IMnstis% Sdhaai, at 922 CHESTNUT Street, on Monday, September sel.-12t* WOODLAND SEMINARY.— NOB. 9 and 1U WOODLAND TERRACE, 'West Phi ladclphia.—A. DAY AND BOARD/N4 SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, al', and atetad tive. Pall Session commences Sept.l2. For Circulars apply to jy2l-21n 5 REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. A CADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, 10g5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Parents and tinardians are respectfully informed that the '.` Ladi es of the Sacred Heart++ intend open ing a DAY SChOOL FOR YOUNG- LADLES on the Second MONDAY of September. -The system of education will be the same as that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue anti impart to the mind a solid and remsed education. Application can be made for Circulars lot Sep tember. _ . aui2-lm BROAD-bTREET ACADEMY, NO. 337 South BROAD Street, El). ROTH, A. M., Prin cip_al. School. reopens Septembte 4. New Cirenlars at Mr. E. CUMMISHEY'S,IO37 CHESTNUT. Street, at they Academy, and sent postpaid to any address. aa23-ICt SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, FARIIESBiIIiG, Chester cotinty,fentisrivanlat forty miles from Philadelphia. The duties of this School will be resumed OCTO BER tat, MM. Terms—WS per session. For Circulars, apply to Misses JOUNSTON and KELLY, Principals. au26-lm POLYTECHNIC COLLAGE, 1.865--88. sciENTIRLD SCHOOL begtua September 11th. TECHNICAL SiIIIOOLS begin September lath. The EXPERDSEVTAL FARM of 175 acres, near Owynedd,,Montgolotecy county, Pa ., will he opened September l2th to a select class of students, on the Principles and Malec of AGRICULTURE. who will reside - out/work on the Farm, and atistedly at tend Lectures at the College In the city. Applications for admission should be made to the undersigned, at tile College Building, WEST PENN SQUARE. ALFRED L. KENNEDY, 111. D., an26-18t President of Faculty. THE SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, N. W. cor, Of Twelfth, reopens SEPTEMBER alt. This Is the bes' nrollided School for but In Airterle. au24-mr. /Wird. VIL LA GE GEEEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARPTING. SCHOOL:—Terms very moderate. Thorough ootirSO of study in Mathematics, English Classics, &e. Supplies the benefits of a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JpIIN C. CAPP & SON, 23 South THIRD Street; THOS, J. CLAYTON,Esq. FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr. CEORtiE P. KNOTT, , 38 11111)SON• Street. Number limited. Address Env. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Omen, Pennsylvania. au44m FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPT-EMBER, the ie.th. A Few VSSaIIOISS only remain. For 01 1 0 , logues, containing terms etc.. Address. i Rev. JOHN f. BRARELEY, A. H., am2-614r President. ha A LAR G E ASSORTMENT OF - W. Ladles',ies', and Children's Straw, Felt, ed Silk-plush FIATS. Also, newel's, Feathers, Velvets and Ribbons, which will be sold nt the low est cash price, or short tinte. T. E. HARRIS, 59 North SECOND Street. NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT- A. MG ESTABL/SiDIENT, STATEN ISLAND.- 40 North EIGHTH Street.—This Company, so long and favorably. known in New York during the pastforty-anc weirs, have opened an office as above. Lattice and tientleinen , s - Garments, and wearing apparel of every, kind, dyed and cleansed to the most perfect manner. Stains and spots removed from garments without being 7-12,1. Merchants having goods of undesirablc cosr can have them redyed in superior style. ante-thstuast* TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND -A. Unsafe Remedies for unpleasant and danger ous diseases. Use EXLMRPLI: O B EXTRACT BROW and Improved Rose Wash. 1.04 South PERTH Street. . anZi-Ita CI H. GARDEN & CO._, MANUFAC • TIMERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, STRAW GOODS. RIBBONS, &.c., ac., No. 600 and 642 MARKET street. The largest sand most complete stock, the twat terms and eltentilst prices, Country merchants and the trade supplied. anee-am INFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUTIONS, otbeth sexes, nse linmutoLD'S EXTRACT ECCIIE. It will give brisk ansl energetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. 10* 'South TENTH Street. ankt-lm 148 - NJAMIN F. BLOOD, -L-P ATTORNEY AT LAW, Having been recently discharged from the army, has resumed the practice of the law; and having beets ailliOlitted t! tt —ononiseloer of Deeds for the most Of the Btntee. by the Governors thereof, 19 alt thorned to take depusltiong, acknowledgment of deeds, &c.., to he used or recorded thereat, Office, No. 614 CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. atakim A READY AND CONCIXSIVE TEST •A- I- of the properties of llntitnotts's FLUID. Ex- TRACT 'Buctiu will he 3 30711parison with those. set forth in the - United States Volspeusary. 1414 South TENTH. Street. au723-1m VISRER'S BEEF-SEALING FRUIT CANS. Every howerkeeper in the city, and countrs . should use this exeellent Can.. It is the most con venient and reliable Can in use, and glees entice satisfaction wherever introduced. It Is sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement In the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as the,prese ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per. feet. The cap is unfastened by inthocktng 'the spring and running a thin hate around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can at " J. montimTßirs , SOS SPRING (WIDEN Street lyl4-2nif Philadelphia. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH A- —Therefore, the nervous and 'IMAM% ted would immediately use FiliscunOLD's EXTRACT ',Wean, 00Uth-TEN Street.. sat2;i•lm wANTIy. 'VIVANT ED-AN ASSISTANT BOOZ , KEEPER., from eighteen to twenty years of age. .Address P. O. Box 1097, with references WANTED - SEVERAL INDUSTRL. v OM young moo AS Copyists. Address this office. ' ANTED- OPERA.TORB ON THE (:rovers: Baker Faisil.lp &Wing Machine, Principally for Eno , l °Wert% Learners, to Whom employment , will he given, after they learn to operate. N. cliarc'e for teaching, .4) ) PlY 1() WATsitN, 730 cH EST N Street. 0.- WANTED—A SITUATION AS ENG- Lisu GOVERNESS for children finder four teen yeats of age. For referenees and partieUlare address "W. R. T.," PrOR Office. .--- lt* WANTED—A PARTNER WHO dAll furnish from $O,OOO to 420,000. in a good Kann fin:luring Business, or any profitable bilsineSS. None but a good business wan need apply. The same :1100Unt, will be furnished. Good reference Oren and required. Apply at 21 North FRONT Street. Phlhultlplo , WANTED—AGENTS-410 PER DAY AT nomE.-4 want an Agent, Male or Pe. Male, in every town and nejghborhood, to sell "The Great Labor Saver." Every family wants it, and agents are making from $3 to $93 per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article is patented, and a capital of but sa to ate is required to begirt with. Further particulars Sent on receipt of two red stamps for efreulars and re• turn postage. Address R. WAYVELL, Box 4181, CHIC/AGO. attl9.lm. AN EXPERIENCED DOUBLE-EN TRY BOOK-BEEPER, with unexceptionable referenCe to pre§ent emplorerg, desires a situation; salary being a minor conildcratiosi. Address Y. M.," 605 MARKET Street, Phila. se7.2t AGENTS WANTED FOR THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR, com plete In one large rovaboetavo volume of over 1,000 pangs, Splendidly illustrated with 127 flue portaits orDenerals and battle scenes. Tide laiast the book the people want. It :presents a rare chance for agents. Teachers, ladies, energotle men, and espe erally returned and disabled officers and soldiers, In want of profitable employment, will find It pe culiarly adapted to their condition. Send for (area l/WS. Address "JONES. BROS. & CO.. an2B-ImWit . " Philadelphia, Pa." AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work, the moot complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Address JONES, BROTHERS, St Par auTi-Imo AGENTS WANTED FOR THE 111& MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATIO:418 TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra inlurc tnents offered. Address HENRY A. LOVEL,LNII, No. 2U NorthISIERRICK Street, northwest ...I l'enu Square, rbilaria... Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD THE DUNGEON, AND TIDE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, • New York Tribunt, Corres pondent. The most Interesting and exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. itiChardSOLt's unrtrancieo experience for four years, travelling througla the South in the secret service of the Tribune, the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets. both East and West: during the first two year.; 01 the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his eon ;Mo ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraer lous iollP ncy, by night, of nearly four hundred maws, It, will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Teachers, ladles, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled °Ricers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it 1,0.;_ liarly atlaptett t 9 their condition. We have agents clearing *draper month, which. Wd WRlPrtr.te to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BR.'" N. E. corner SIXT'' & CO.. aul7-Im. MINOR Streets, PhiladelpitM, Pa. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND mcVv- ORIGINALLY POING BUSINESS ..,2LAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large pt:lN'Aness experience, and ammalnted . with the coun- LIT and people of Texaz, is soon to return there on T ".tvate 1/lull:ken C9lleeti4ns and other business Mit be R 4 oihptly and _properly attended 4t , while there, if entrusted to ills hands. Address 4 ` Loyal, + + at this office. autn-Sw* PARTNER WANTED--WITH $1.0,000 . 1 - to $15,000, to take the place of a partner re tiring- in a well-cstabltshed Produce CounnisaLou House. Address 44 COMMISgION," at tills office. se7-3V SECRETARY WANTED-FOR AN OIL COMPANY getting under way. An active, reliable young gentleman, not otherwise engaged, and who is not dependent upon the situation for a tA living preferr, ;ones however, are eligible who have not an ORIGINAL ESTTERRST in the Company of at least oNEr THOUSAND DOLLARS, which will be furnish.:d to a suitable applicant. Salary of none of the officers yet fixed. Charter not Pet received_ and circulars and stock not yet roperty of the Company well situated, and all paid fora To secure the position, widreSS "Secretary'' Post-office. lee THE ADVERTISER, WHO HAS HAD a business experience of nine years in a West ern city desires a situation as ASSISTANT numi- KEEPeR or CLERK. Salary not so much an °Went as IRTI/1/11//ent emssifiylllollt. Address " at this Mize. se9-3V clOOOO ti TO $20,000 WANTED FOR , wished manufactur i Vann o e f ss e rin i aTe g a a n% e lig - - ntabLe. Address •‘l4. G. IN .., Press odie.e. G 0 nilri TO INVES T NOW, OR BY eilo,...u,‘Jl.Jki the let of November, In some es tablished mercantile or manufacturing business, or would form a connection with some one harlOgs. large trade. Address With real name ' 7 lione.sty. , Press office. ses-vt. EWANTED TO RENT-A MODE RATE sized Furnished Rouse, in a good neigh borhood. Rent moderate. Address Box 2527 Post Office, Philadelphia. ses3t. fij WANTED-BY THE FIRST OF iinatJanuary, a STORE ou ARCH Street (south stde preferred). between Eighth and Tenth, Or a Dwell tog that could he altered into a store. Achim* "MA.0, ,, this office, lice days. .. LLWANTED TO RENT-I SMALL MILL,wIth Cotton Machinery. Call or athlress NICHOLS, 'WHITTLE, & CO., 5r5.474* 734 t. ,. . - .IHARD Avenue. FOR SALE AND To LET. ya A FAMILY DESIRE TO RENT, for six months only, a comfortable HOUSE, iu a respectable part of the city. Must contain live bed foblilt. Address Box 2075 P. Q, 4eg-stutlat* al FOR SALE-VALUABLE FOUR sza STORYI BRICK DWELLINt/ ROUSE, with StxUfe trod Coach House in the rear, No. 1519 nPRUCE Street. linnindiate possession Oven. Apply to LEWIS H. RE 11' NO.LSB South FOURTH Street, ita FOR SALE CHEAP-NEAT COT. TAOE, containing H rooms, aud. about one acre of on PasFenger Roach near the Wlssa, hickon. B. F. GLENN. 1.233 S. FOURTH St. anti. I'OR SALE—SMALL PLACE OF 14 atw :tow, Dwelling', lit ar Bri6tel, Pa.,cheap. au') 11 F. GLENN, S. POITIVBf St. 'ZEAL ESTATE.—PURCHASERS is ?' REAL ESTATE. rf.E . AsE TAKE NO TICE F C. MILLEIt, Mist,-ESTATE BROKER, will le; removed t„, the N. W. coma of SIXTH and WALNUT Sts., on MONDAY MORN -IN€+ next, at which thee and pinee the New Cata logue for September wlll be issued. and sent, free of charge. to any address in the United States. Contains only city and suburban property, end 1 , 4 of the greatest importance to sull purchasers. F.Olnik: C. MI Vat, Noel Estate Broker, 11:11 North SIXTH Street, rtt, FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE - -.BUSINESS PROPERTY, eoeststing• of three Stores and Ii velltes; s contatniag tee chambers, MtuaLed at the eorner nt two main streets, West phflaficiimp; very . Weil adapted for a prOVlstma anti flintily grocery nusuicsa. Lot SO ay Vol tent_' ApplY to ROBT. MAC GBE13)11. It 419 WALNUT Street. F 0 R SALE—NEAT DWELL -3 Yount Vernon. strert, atlove Tenth. NeatliWtllilljr. OM MAI ant Vernon. .2 , 144 Mount Vernon—vacant. " TIl2 Omen. " Dwelling, 2213 and t 215 Spring tiarden. " Dtvciliug, MO Pine. • " Dwelling, 1426 illarsltall, • Utrcl ling, 21.13 Brandywine—vacant. Dwelling, 2214 MT ndywi tI — rnl tut. " 253SOliii 1 Tenth street—rtiestill. Vi Jr; qtsV4.3i-N7 123 south FOUR ii &wet, anq ee9 S. W . corner Seventeenth anti lircen. FOR SdLE—DESIRABLE .1E /Dwelling No, 1010 Coates stre et.. Lot 20 by 114 feet, to a street. Possession inorlober. Price, $6.110. Desirable Dwelling No. 1010 Vine street, with side yard. Lot 25 by 101 Sect. Possession to suit. Mee, $lO,lOO. • heat Dwelling No. 2230 Locust street. Lot 15 feet 4 Inches by 100 feet. Price, *3,000. Persons having Houses and Farms for sale are re quested to call and have deserihtioas entered Oil oar Register, as we have applications dotty foe sceli property. GEORGE W. GRIS 4 PIN, scHt Real gstsle 'Broker, 134 S. FOURTH St. it , FOR SALE, A BUSINESS STAND -b FOR SALE, 624Walnat G tre4 ; Valuable proprrly. AVply tort. , A. J. OAs No. 34.04 Bitlinig btivet, mantu.tv tut_ between s and G o'clock. uu29-lm• l a TRUSTEES' SALE OF It VALUABLE RE 4L> ESTATE CECIL COUNTY, MARYLAND. By virtue of a deerfe of the Circuit Court for Cecil county, In chancery, the undersign ad, as True. tees, will expose at public sale, at the COURT HOUSE, in Elkton, on TUESDAY', the Dili day of September, 1865, at 3 o'clock I'. M., tho following devcribed rent estate, Whereof Benjamin W, Esq., died seized: 2,0. 1 is a very valuable and highly-Improved FARM, lying twit r st. Augustine. Cecil comity, Md., 23i miles from the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and 8 miles from the PhiCadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad. and 4 miles from the Bela ware Railroad, placing it in easy communication with Philadelphia and Baltimore, both by rail anti water. it contains, by a survey just made, 340 :tares, cer which dO acres or upwards are covered with vainalne. Timber, and the remainder is untie.' ellitiVatlinf and highly productive. The Fencing is good, att.! Our improvements consist of the Mansion House, is a handsome frame dwelling, nearly new, 33 by H feet, 2S stories high, with portico in front, and Milli building 20 by di beet, attached. Also, a good Barn. and ail the other necessary out-buildings. klso, Isrick Ileilse, now eecuplail by tile 31 by 23 legit, I;4' stories high. with triune Mich indoling, Also, another Barn, Carriage-house, Aleut-house. &a. There are also two small !WIMPS on this proper ty, suitable for the accommodation of the farm hands and their families. This Laud is of a very superior quality, and On imrpassed productiveness. The Stilt is a cattily 10:1111 Of dark, chocolate rotor, tetailling its natural for , Miry under tile acyere.,:t cultivation, and with a moderate system of manorlog, yielding the most abundant crops of grater nod grass. Being in the midst of the peach-growing district of Cecil county— the anent. peach-grow log count ry ill the world—it may' be con verteO tete a ,pearli farm, which is the uaott proiltalde crop cultivated tu addition to those agricultural advantages, the. pro perty is eon, enicuttov inirelleS, schools, and mills, with Food count,' roads leading In all directions. The lam ;s well supplied with excellent water, and the neighborhood is of unsurpassed licalthfulneSa. A. 1115,1 of the property nu, be seen on or boroire th e 1:15r id sale, by abbliontion to either of the no . derslgned. No, 2 is half are mere or GROUND, In St. Aagas- One, Improved tyy a double Brick Dwelling, BO by 20 fee:4 two stories itlgh. TERM OF SALE The terms Or bale. ”s pro scribed by the decree, at,JA of the WIT VIM(' 111011 , : y Wm, patd.in cash (al the dal Or MO"; one-third in - and the remainder in twelve tuenths from the day of sale. The reedit papneut6 to ben r Interest from the day or sale, and to he ee uurell by the Oondsof the pn:Wiser, whir approved security. JAMES 'l'. fifoGLlLl.OUlith,. YIIEL/F./C/Cli STLTSIP, JAMES U. OHOOME, se-942,14,W 'Pastel's. Elkton, hte.a a- FOR SALE—A HIGHLY IDL PROVED Country Seat. e r oidaSaing Fifty 'Acres; eight ill weed and. Thirty tifinitteS' ride by railroad. *tatioe non the preinisefi. r. Every tun-. dent ( . 0 ,,,,, t nit Bro. JOll geed finality; Ii:WL tturt healthy. amin ianalog d fine find extended YieW Itt the surrueuding counter. Por farther reirtieuiare aaddddrreessa `'.l.engevity,". Ingram. office. s' - - tlie2.t. VO — R — SALE-THE GOODWILL, viIKTITRES of a first-Anse PTOVI, Slort•-•WOOD'S MARKET-HOUSE, S. Ar. ...veer 368 ZilAitituvr st,,*et. CAPITALISTS.--FORSALE TO 1 close a partnership concern, ot•er two thousand acres of elidice land In Indiana county. A Map can be seen and further information givett at 5915 REX Street. [set-10V] B. WILT. TO LET--TWO 'ROOMS, WiTil STEAM POWELL wEll lighted, by syntkOtr CHARLES EVANS. taHARig St. ABU lIEDIENTS. NEW ,CABEITNITT-BTREET THE ; et 81. CITEMIUT Meet, Above Twelfth, GROVER Leameri and Managers. 11/* THIS ((Saturday) AFTERNOON Bei - narrow i• FIFTY-EIXTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE. _Uponyillic_ll.9 Upon wu.,- ACCoMPLLSHED - ARTIS - TE, MISS HATE diE/ONOLDS, Hue kindly cousented to appear AS OCORITA, me Wild Flower of Ntenle , v, In the Grand Dramatic Romance, THIRST OF ICE: Or, A FOR GOLD. Admission to the Matinee Thirtyoents to ali parts Of the bowie. Children Twenty-nre Cents. Doom open 1% otelnek. Fi.rfurrnanne to COMMeuse at 2. THIS (Satordayi EVENING 4 LAST N IGHT of the GREAT COMEDIENNE OF THE AMERICAN - - sTAGE, • - MISS HATEURIC-MOLDS. LAST MIGHT Of the Great Siicaiten Grailia, In dire acts, THE ;S CA t /F . ICE Which will be presenteo with NEW SCENERY. NOVEL EFFECTS, OULU MAI. MUSIC, and POWERFUL CAST, Introducing MISS KATE REIGNOLIDS as OGORITA, Mr. F. MORDATINT'aft CARLOS,. And the MONDAYTif OF THE coMPANY. EVENING., 14ttia. Miss HELEN WESTERN as the VRENCII SPY. MRS. JOHN DREW'S . NEW ARCH. STREET THEATRE. SEVENTH NIGHT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. THIS (SATUR HOW DAY) EV iO ENING, Sept. 9, 1855, SHE iq'n 3s /; Lady Selina Rattle Ticker, .' , DREW Supported by the fill( r ~.„,,,. CommaiW. To conclude wills the thrilling drama of THE WILLOW LOFSE. Luke Fielding E. L. Tilton. Augustus -Stuart Robson. Rose Fielding . 'CBS E. Price, Meg Mr s, C. Henri. On MI iN Mrs, JOHN Dlt EW 49 ROSA. LEIGH. AL NUT -ST.REET THEATRE.-. VV Acting and Stage Manager..W. S. Fredericka Business Manager and Tre asit rer.... T. J. Hemphill T/lIS (SATURDAY) EVEN Nu. September 9, 1815- Will be prebeniad tll9 Tllrilllu4 MY Of THE DEA D HEART, With appropriate scenery, appointments, and O MR. BAR OAP HILL AS ROBERT LANDRY, The whole strength of the Company in the east. sir- In consequence of the length and importance of the play of the Dead Heart, it will constitute the; evening's performisnee. Cirele,' 25 cents; Chairs in Orchestra and. Dress Circle, SO cents; secured chairs In Clreliestra, and Dress Circles,7B cents• Orchestra Chairs, *1; Oreestra Boxes, * 8; Private ßoxes, $8 to *B. Doors open at 754 o'clock; confluence at quarter before 8. WALNUT -STREET THEATnE, TIIE EMINENT ARTIST AIRS. D. I'. BOWERS., 11th, Seats (41/1130 aecitreil at the Box 011 tee at and after Friday the Bth Instant. seT•at NEW AMERICAN THEATRE-• WALNUT Street, above F.lghtb. EXTRAORDIXARI ATTRACTION - . THUS EVENIlit* ANIS ON 0471.111DA.Y AFTERNOON.. MISS KATE 10.1811 ER, The great equestrian Actress in the grand apectacla DIAZEPP.A; OR, THE WILD HOUSE OV TAlitjU produced with new bectic , 7, ( MOW VW. . politttaeuts, Wardrobe, Ornitil Tottroapt- - AP= alla Tartar Ballets, which ...at, I , olisla MtLLE. GAM - 4E174 3 , 1 , ` - ' a nd Corps de MIME am , — ,SS. ANTONIO, "tropistic Co,'pao • ~,au; Characters by a full be4-at _., and AUXILIARIES. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC BENEFIT OF THE YALU FOH TILE :RUA, DIERS' AND SAILORS' HOSEE. Tile TYPOGRAPHICAL 1114 - MATH; ASSOCIA TION have the honor to ammunee n Grand Par- Minnows at the Academy Of 'MOW on sATun* HAY EVENING. Svolemoer ith taok on which oe e„,- -ion they will be assisted by o, the PHIL ADELP HI A A. SNtiEllflUND, who have kindly vol t perform the great Prize Song whiel, carried off the tanner at the Nati;!nat Stengerfest, recently held In New. York city. An ohongeident has also been ef footed with the " Herman La Oraegi. • The bill far the evening will nontdof OfSlibrittlia Knowles' health Hal play of THE WIFE: A TALE OF 31104THA. To be followed by the "Prize Song by the " Philadel”hle Sea. teirbund." To cone - Rule with a. laughable hurlesque, by a member of' the P. D. on the Peak Family of Bed Ringers and Carter Zoltan LOtipe, Introducing the Belle, Female Brass Band, (1113y1 Drill, arid, In Hee of Protons: a :Magnificent Tabieun, entitled "America and her Defenders., . Admission, KO centvt. 'Family Circle and Amphi theatre, 2a cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Per formance commences quarter to S preeisely. Box Sheets now open at Chas. 1%. A. Trampler's Mu gi: Store, sot/1444 corner Seventh and Chestnut, ant at the Academy Ot A.1 , +.1e. • it MR. AND MRS. HARRY WATKINS have the honor to announce to the public that they will reappear before them on MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 11th, and every evening until further notice, in their Int.- 111OrOUS and laughable enterta intent of " TWO HOURS IN FUN LAND," from the pen of the popular author, GAYLOR, Esq., assisted by the eminent_planist, MISS CARLOTTA. SHAW, from the Nobilities Concert, London, at the ASSE•MID.Y BIIILDINGS Corner of TRITTII umd CITESTATUT Ste, For further partlettlarg gee gthttll bills, tee -it SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN. THE WONDERS OF THE WORLDt - MOST POSITIVELY THE LAST TWO HAYS, PilLADELrili A MUS.EV4, 833 MARKET STREET, The Management begs to, inform the politic, that at the request of numerous families of the surround ing towns that have not had au opportunity of see ing those great wonders. THE siAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN has, at agreat outlay, secured them for two days more, which will pOfirely he the only chance the citizens of Will ever hate of witilega• ing the Twins again on exhibition. Hours of exhibition from 9 to 1.^., morning; 2 to 6, afternoon:7l.o 0, evening. Admission, 26 cents. Children under ten years of age, 15 cents. JUDGE INGALLS, seB-2t. Proprietor. CONCERT HALL-FOR FLUB NIGHTS L Y—Commetteing TUESDAY, Sept- sth.—Owing to the unbounded apillttuSe and complete success, the CARTER ZOITAI I, TROUPE and PROTEUS will exhibit as above, which will POsitively terminate their engagement to tliti city. 80400 Challenge to any MllitarY opipply, or other persons, who Will ellrinnia the Garter Zone veo in stay - king arms in their Zonave Drill. Admission, 85 cent s. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To coinmence at 80'0h:stk. Reserved Seats at Mr. Clots. W. A. Trilmviera Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut streetqt Pugh'S, sixth tout Chestnut streets, and at itiAley , a Perk:Alt:id Continental Hotel. Afternoon Performance every SATURD AY, at. half past 2 o'clock T. HENEA.GE CARTER, ro. p rictor. L. M. W. STEERE, Agent. se4-61! (iONCERT HALL.—TOM, TIIE NLIND NEGRO roY PIANIST, Will give n sviiv 1 entotig.iiiniente Olt Week commencing TtiIISI).AN EVENING, sum, 12, ADMISSION 50 CENTS, Reserved seats. 4475 c.. Gallery, 1)oors open at 7j4 o'clock, commencing at 3 1 4. N. B.—Reserved seats may be secured eath day a. Mr. T. B. riir's Book Store, S. cor. Sixth anti Che.thS t. The grand Piano 'abed for the gOlhtt,l44 ty Ii furcirited by Blasius Bros, LOOS chestnut C. J. RITATER 4 Agent. A OADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CaIEZT JA, NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9 A. X, CHRIST r. M. netthmin West's great DietUM et CHRIST REJECTED t•tin 9n Exineitioll• len BOA BRING. DAN BOARD-WITII FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 621 Snail WASHINGTON Square.. IYB-3m' LOST AND FOUND. - - .0 S T—POLICY OF INSURANCE, Na. 32,014, issued by Franklin Fire insurance company:al the 21:14110 of ELiZabetle Lye. T , tinder sanewill return the &e lo N. T r PDXE in ) 521 Yi"" ;NUT Street, application hating been iiiii/lt for a new policy. $O-etrltt REMOVALS. 1.? EMOVAILL-BENEDIUT U.5111111.1t. LA ail(' PARASOL Atanufa oturer i ha* removed to 39 North SIXTH greet. ises.lm - if REMOVAL. I. S. LONTIB, WATCHMAKER XXI- ) JEWELLER' Formerly at' No. 140 'North Tlarteektik street. at. &nib; his uumerotta MOMS and customers that hi has removed to . . NO. 61 North Etel-rfilStreei, whore he intends to open with a tine and well dv lecleti MortMellt of WA.TCHES and JR W.ELRY. Everything In Ids line will be foetid of a collector Quality and workmanship, and every article War. ranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing dna Watches. Jewelry made to order, and. repaired. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed in his old store , by former customers, and asks the rarer or the public generally. aubblm EXCURSIONS. agc, „ 1 -7..?„-77-4 GRAND EXCURSION . •BRANCH . . L. B. CULL , wlll'gt7c.L°Nll Gii r) XC UUSIO TO LONGI- 1311 rrcz3,• ON SATURDAY, September eth, Leaving Camden at 2 p, ilf," and returning on Hou• dav, arriving in Milan A. M. Parties wishing to spew! two nights atid One day at the. Sea-shore, should take advantage of Om op. portunity. Fare from Camden to Long Branch and return, *r2. For information, inquire or se2-7t. L. B. COLE, Ag , :nt, Camden. sisizesw . X 0 R,8 , 1 ONB TO Trains tor Long lirainr'jli n fle N a t t'' l e L COOPEß'S rotivr, Camden,naily (Sunday exceptedy at 9,15 A.. M. Fare, +2. Eseuralon Ttekete,, good for three days, $3, 6. B. COLE. keellt, Camden. CIDER MILLS AND PRESSES.The liritoser, Keystone, Hutchison's, and Eureka Patents, in store and for sale by ROBERT 131118 T, Jit., Agrtettitti rid and 91..0(1 WarellollBo, It Nos, oak} 1111 , 1 Q 24 ilitAttliET St., an, Ninth. SIPRIME WHITE AND RED BLEDF WHEAT. WHITE SEED RYE, Ground ETA , Emirs. Super Phosphate of Time Su store Hutt for sale by Rumour TRUST, it Nos. (19!21 and 021 MARKET St., nil. Ninth. GRAIN DEILLB, GRAIN FANS, ...L.—FARM HOLLERS, Cora Sheitra., nal', MACAW, null Fodder Cutters. florae, Powers hint 'lf hreghl!l n to Maetliue S. PLOWS, thuyow 1•4/$11i, OM al, 111111. thirtlen Wheelbarrow., irlib MI linplernentet 1 . 1../ i red by the fanner, for ..ale at inallitntettlrers` }}wives, ItITISP. 11 Nog. 022 sitil 024 NlMitiliT St., 1 0 ). Ninth. . 01 411 IIIPOIt TA N T—TO KNOW where the belt nod Most durable Shoes can he made for Ladino. .Ifissed, Children, and Ynntlke,or every tuiyiv. At WISVS,In ELEVENTH. Mregt above n07.61* .0 WRITTEN AND VERBAL - A 0,1 2 A PESCILIPTIONS of Character., ttitlOn, and with ADVICE on, Bustnead, Health, Education, Self. 1 ‘ ..,,proveracnt, Ma nage oh. tit ;Lad Tratialag • of C/111.1>ICEN. Social Adaptation, • : day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPEN, EW' Phrenologist /11111 Bookseller, o. fey S TENTH Street, above Uhestuut. ocil-tu Hist Of rthi.-37-IAR—iIsTGS.---300 KEGS TAMA.- 71014.13 g to glen, rt oil for %tie Dy AURETCHE 10YETION seB-12t Nog. 202 Mid sooth FitONT gtt.edt- LATOUR OLIVE OIL-IN STORE, -Li and for sale by the sae agents. JAIMIETCHE AE LAVEItGNE, st-8-nt 20A and. %1044-t , outb FRONT treet. ITELMI3OLD'S EXTRACT BUOIAIT gives health and vigor to the frame, and bleoin to the panid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to. consumption. insanity, or epileptic, etc taISAIP • 104 Smith 'PENTH Street. anZi-fm TO SPOItTSMEIL-PRIMP WILSON & 00., Nit. 409 CHESTNUT Street, call ilia attention of Sportsmen to our stock of EINE GUNS. of our own and best English makers. Also, Hales, Pistols, Skates Cricket and Base-Hall lintiletattats. Powder, Sbet, Wads, Cana, Flasks, Pouches, &C.. at lowest prises. Repairing site in the best manner, 11TELMBOLD CONCtNTRATEDIt A-A- EXTRACT BUCHU le the Great DitiretiO. HEI.MISOLD , S CONCENTRATED Extumn Sastaa. PADILLA is the Great 'Howl Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Phartrk••• 03r and (700.011§try, and are the moat 140 We that Oa*. be wade, 04.0 kt% TIENTII Uproot.
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