101 A ELIZIED. csi.HONEKLINE, —on the 2.lst day of An. m A " D• 1888, at 13:e residence of the Offieutting n i im,i, 31r. Joseph H. Kennard, Dennis A. Me rji;,333, 0 Mary Frances, daughter of Mon. John Tone. bath Of Ude sty. No 01 . -- .NVERlN6—Rosv..—On T. 2.11 ins t.,at 'Roxboro, ts . R e v, w. N. Watkinson, Silas J. Levering and 1111111:1 D. Rose. No cards. * 111 1 Li.it'S—STEWARD.—On Monday morning', August 21, at 8 o'clock mass, at the Ono Charles n,,,,3333p1i0n. by the Nev. C. J. H. Curler, I.urf. :-on Of dauluel R. Phillips. to Mary Louisa, . daii. i 2 l, 3 ,.ek.f John Steward, both of MI city. *"`"' . . .. DIED. . _ HDING. — On Monday, the 2rst inst.. at Chest nut Rill, after a short illness, Jesocr Harding, in ii„,31411 year of his age. Ms relatives and male friends are respectfully 10 attend the roueral. tWdn Ms late rest- No_ 314 south Third ',INN. t_(01 intraday ar.. i.•rneou next. at 3 o'clock. Fun,ral ervices at kit. ;niers Church. Interment at the Church of st. (AIMS the Less. *** hii.OADs. — On the 2151 instant, 'Hannah "Rhoads, relict of J oseph Rhoads. aged ears. lice friends and Iho, of the family are respect folly invited to attend her funeral. without further m a„. , N on , her late residence at Germantown, on Sixth -day. the :!sfli inefaut. tn iner t All A. ' M. The interment will late place at Friends , meeting house, Springfield, Delaware county, Pa., near I°...l"i"ilNr TON —0 , 1 1 ."". wo wri . n timo -t ay, the list, Mary 11, infant daughter of Dr. J. H. Worthington. r from her father's residence, near Frank. Fain-day morning, the 241,11 Instant, at WISE.--on the 21st instant, Edith Wise, in Ills 77fh year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son h_nov. Charles E. Greed% corner of Green lane and izidgea venue, Roxborough, on Thursday afternoon, 1 1 'I ll'elect, Without furthur notice. the list instant, Ann Pettit!, aged ,early 911 years. The relatives and friends of the family arc invited In attend the funeral, on Fifth-day a f te r n oon, t h e :lth instant, at 4 o'clock, from her late residence, South Third street, without further no*ic ss e. latermenj at Friends' Eastern Ground. 11111,LIPS.-rOn the 20th inst., J. D. Phillips, aged it years. ilia relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend hi* funeral from the residence of his father Mr . Amos aid Marshall street, on Tinirsaay, 24th inst., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel BM. lCM.—August Annie, infant daughter of Charles L. and Sallie A. Drum. BOMBAZINES. — A NEW STOCK OF Englisill and French Bomb.zines, just opened: Silk Warp CHESTNUTSS Jr, S. _llouraing Store, 918 Street. au2t 1/LB CK KID GLOVES.—" JOUVIN & .5, c 0.." "Widow Jonvin" and "Alexandre's' , I.,illire• best quality Kiel Gloves, just received by & s(niT, Mourning Store, WS CHESTNUT and nYARDS LUPIN'S FRENCH MERINOES. 2 cases dark assortrneht • 2 cases medium assortment. lease high colors. lease a Il.wool I case Rep Cashmere s. EYßE & LANDELL,_ FOI7RTH and ARCH. wDIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE of the MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, 24 WALNUT Street. PITILADF.LPIIIIA„ Au ,,ast 24d, Is6s.—The hoard of Directors have tills day Jerlarril a t hyldetol of FOUR P f!IR CENT. on the Capital Stock, parable ou and after the 30th, clear of State taxes. The Transfer Boots will close on 2311 at 3P. M.. and opeu on the 31st. ar34-6t THOS. It. SEARLE. Secretary. AT A MEETING OF THE STOCK . - 1-‘-v lIOLDEItS of the GLOBE 1311, COMPANY. L ,14 - 1 this day, an Assessment of FIVE CENTS PER rUARE, was leYled % payable oti the 20111 host J. J. Sb ARPLESS, Treasurer. August 23. ISM. an24-thstu3t. orAN ANNUAL MEETING OF THE loctliholtlers of MONTGOMERY OIL 00M pAN 1- for choice of Directors. and any other Mod acs s. will be held, at Itt o'ciock. AL, on FRIDAY, 1.1,,,t1 , day of September. 1865. Per order. JAS. H. MILLINGTON, Prest. t3.3lyrtt, gceeetary. au2l-tiltl4t* wAT A MEETING OF THE DELE GATES of the UN lON PARTY. comprising nu! Third Survey District, pursuant to a call of the NITS eyors' Convention, D. HUDSON SHEDAEER , vas tumultuously nominated. by acclamation, for "'e -1 as Surveyor and Regulator of the said Dis ;:kt. RAYMOND 'E. MOORE, President. X ' " 11 - I T, i 6 D r i g,l o „ ), }Secretaries, It OFFICE OF THE HARRISBITRO. ronTsmourn, TLC. MOUNT JOY, AND LAN CAr.EII RAILROAD COMPANY. - - - - rHILADELPH lA, August 22, 1.30. 'Hir annual Sleeting of the Stockholders of the osq,:my will be held - out FRIDAY, September 1, at II O'clock A. M., at the corner or THIRD cruel awl WILLING'S Alley. at which time au rtion fin• Directors will be held. to serve for the c.aming year. GEORGE TABER, u23-at` Secretary. CUMBERLAND COAL AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY. VAS:ITM , STOCK 200.000. SHARE Uffice :Zit?. NOO .9.40ut Ducica _ it 1.11100,000. 6, AT $.5 EACH. h POTIRTII Street. TORS: Sylvester J. Megargee, Tatlow Jackson, Price I. Patton, Thomas 11. - Rickert. . c Smith. li, J. MICGARGEE. er, ALBERT R. SCIPIO aiIIO-tf Joreph Lesley, uorot H. Beatty, Albert D. Boileau, Edward H. Faulkner Bu, A. ge • President, SYLVESTE rjurretary and Treasu FIELD RT-. HAVING BEEN DETAILED BY order of Major Gen. GEO. H. THOMAS as mmirrintendent of the "SOLDIERS' NATIONAL CEMETERY." on the Stone River Battle-Field, I tsht this mode of informing the friends of our brave • enmities, who fell on that memorable field, and lher battle-fields in this vicinity, that we will dis i::l;:r all the bodies, and carefully bury them in the raid Mil grounds now being prepared; and if any r detcrmined to remove the remains of their no dead to their homes, they will confer a great wor on me if they will notity me of the fact, by i•itirr cc otherwise, givin name, rank, company, wiriment, brigade, and division of the deceased. [ ask this favor so that they may be sent home as end them, and before they are re-Interred. Mr. John W. Ewing, of ibis eity, will furnish bu rial cases at the lowest possible price, and by writipg him he will have the bodies sent to Menus as they' may direct. I 'win say, for the comfort of the friends of these fallen braves, that every effort will he put forth to make tkis sacred spot beautiful and attractive. Any information desired I will gladly furnish. Ail loyal papers will please Copy. 'WIL ChapinAßNsnAw, n S. A., mid Supterintendent Soldiers' National. Cemetery. WaI , IIEES.BORCI, Tenn., Aug. 14, met. au22-3t M.'"-• OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL. •-L , ROAD COMPANY. P.IIILADELPHIA, August 15, 1865. The itlortgage Bonds of the Connecting Railway Company, befwecn the station of the Penusyliranis, }hill road Companyin West Philadelphia and Erma: i•Jd. a distance of seven miles, can be obtained at (Alice, No. 238 South THIRD Street. These bonds are in sums of one thousand dollars, with Interest coupons attached, payable at said :,Ice on the lath day of March and September in each sear, at the rate of six per centum per annum, and :se principal payable in five equal annual amounts, the rate of C.WO 005 nor annum — the first series on September 15, A. b. 1 Tile principal and interest ere secured by a mortgage for one million of dollars upon all the railway and property of the company, API arc guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. These bonds are made free of State taxes ar the Company. The railway is being constructed in the most snb itmtlal manner, and will be completed during the rushing year. This road perfects the connection between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New )(at lines via Philadelphia, and becoming, as it ulll, the main channel of communication between Nov York and the West, as well as to and from the National Capital, will always obtain large reve 1111eS, and be one of the most Important railways of the tinlon. tnaer a contract with the Philadelphia and Tren i,a Railroad Company, that company leases the :cad of the Connecting Railway Company, and vrees to pay an annual rent for SOS years of six per ccaluin upon the cost of the road, clear of taxes. These bonds are therefore recommended as a first t!aF.s security. ler further information applv at the office of the THOMAS T. FIRTH, nul l -1m Treasurer. :IrOFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUN. TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY,__ PHILADELPHIA, August 17, 11614.5. At a nieeting of the Board of Directors of this fwnpan3 held this day, a Dividend of THREE ASIJ A HALF PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, dear of State Tax, was declared, payable to the atorldioiders Or Men' legal representatives on and after the Z3th inst. The Transfer Books Will be thbed until 18th inst. aul6-70t EDWARD ELY, Treasurer. Er.SOTICE. — THE STOCKHOLD ERS OF THE MECCA OIL COMPANY of city are requested to meet at the office of the siiirany, No. 134 South FOURTH Street_ on the 24th that., at 11 o'clock A. Al., to tr...aet Lusluess of great importance to the COM -I+any. by order of the Board of Directors. attls-9t* . GEORGE W. GRIFFIN, Secretary. Wer STOCKHOLDERS , MEETING.—A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the hEItTON OIL AND MANI:WiIk:TURING i U)IPANY will be held et their office, No. 424 ALIVUT Street, on TUESDAX, August agh, at 8 u duck P. M. Punctual attendance to requested, aS ht,inesa of humane& will be presented. By order of the Board of Directors. +u22-6t J. C. POWELL, Secretary. FAIR FOR THE SOLDIERS' THE 1 S HOME. 'DI THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. He. Ladies' Visiting Committee of the SOL HOME, in the city of Philadelphla,pro 0e to open a National Fair at the ACADEMY tHP on the twenty-third day of October next, th, purpose of raising a Building and Endow- It.. el Fund for the Institution with which they are .:tueeeted. The undersigned commend this project to the fa r •raLt e of their fellow. citizens at the United The Soldiers' Home has bee. Dicorporated by the *tate of Pennsylvania for the relief of Soldiers and Who have been honorably discharged from, ,- Iy l the children of those - who have died in, the ser- ID , : of the country. 'I he Cooper Shop Soldiers' Home has been merged this institution by Legislative authority, and is ..iii In successful operation. But at the building occupied at the corner of Race and Crown ireetS, Is entirely inadequate to the necessities or u;f: Houle, the Managers have given their sanction the proposed Fair. A l though the Rome is located In Philadelphia its AsefactiOnS are not limited by State boundaries. doors are freely opened to every deserving Sol '/?l'atitl Satter of the Republic who Seeks adnils .,,u. The management contemplates an Industrial , stmneut in the Institution, in which the inmates , ho are able to work at their trades may find em- Vloyment, and thus. be relieved from the position of , Lore dependents on public charity It contem ,dhtes, also, a department where children of those wia, hare died in theservice will be tenderly pro and carefully educated and prepared for ~U nable vocations. While the hearts of the people are overflowing ~1111 gratitude to God for his great gift of Victory !f , aiir patriot armies, we should not forget our du to the breve men who will soon he returning the fields they have won, disabled by honor wounds from the active pursuits of their pro ih,pluin children whose fathers have fallen in , ;: . ..Krritt. struggle are also specially entitled to the A , lir favor and protection. Let its provide a ~me worthy of their acceptance, and worthy Of a whose property they have protected, wnose they have secured, whose Government they saved, and whose hearts they have gladdened spleinild achievements. i musittees for the organization of the Pair will due seas On. proprietors will render important ser ,,- occasional publications of thisinotice, Which dilly acknowledged as contributions to the PHI LADELPHIA, April lUD, MS. Andrew ti. Curtin. G eo rge H. Bolter. Alexander Henry. 1 Lindley Smyth. ninum Cameron. • John Haseltine. •innies Pollock. IL. A. Godey. t'alel.Cope. E. S. Hall. Henry C. Carey. I James Milliken. !•:. D. Saunders. 1 A. J. Drexel. or. A. liebluger. 1 William M. Cooper. t.. W. Clark. William D. li.eltei. A. Martin. Charlee Gibbons. -iatees L. Claghorn. 1). B. Cumming. I Janie' Haddock, Jr. Henry D. Moore. Daniel Smith, Jr. John Welsh. Edmund A. Souder. William D. Lewis. Robert P. Ring. J. Edgar Thomson. James R. Orne. Dr. E. Wallace. Samuel Field. A. E. Boric.. Morton Ale,ilichael. Charles O'Neill. Daniel Dotrgltert7. .1 awes C. Hand. Jay Cooke. M. W. Raldwin. Joseph Harrison, Jr. J. R. Lippincott. Si. H. Warriner. S. Morris Waln. N. B. Browne. George li. Stuart. Thomas A. Newhall. E._Speneer Miller. f:karles Macalester. S. AL Bowman. 11 iniam Struthers. . Dosations In mousy for the Fair may he sent to )i imam ,struttLers, Treasurer, No. 1022 Market , treet. Aid Societies, Hospital and other Committees I'''.. , at disbanding, are earnestly requested to eon rllde whatever funds or articles of use they may 4, e en hand, for the benefit of the Fair, or for the ~,hi lers'llo/13C. D onations in Gooda,Proylstons, &e..,may be sent ,`"„lhe SOLDIERS , HOME, corner of RACE and - ...1•Yt• Streets Phlladeipitta, marked to the care Of :FIRS. D. BLI3DOCK, Ju., President. or hinSi 4. DORNER, Secretary. All donations duly acknowledged. .....„ -PR NON-RETENTION OR INCON ;),lN,l;:ii!Ainlrinqed,ir,iltratggaAlalins=oorf ir",,prost;:tc: glalids . l a tiloll r l: in Hie blidder, calculus, hi:Z/ or nricii-thilit deposit. and all di9eA.e4 of ilia ,ikr. kidneys * and dropsical swellings. aunt-lm "A; iLlia4l,4i9LA*4 rmap g/ETLaCT BuCLUi. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted Yor the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. AL every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, Captain and Recruiting Officer. CURTAIN GOODS. I. E. wAIRANEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNIIT STREET, HAS JUST RECTUM rt 71.1. LINK OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINK, WHITE AND ELITE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, BEADY FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. tv2Z-tf RETAIL DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL a co., No. 26 SOUTH SECOND ARE SIOW OPENING THEIR FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION FANCY SILKS, PLAIN ISILgE 3 s BLACK SILKS, FRENCH, IRISH, AND GERMAN POPLINS,' FRENCH. NEETS,INOES, FANCY AND PLAIN DELAINES, NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS. OF ALL KINDS au2l4t For Bale Wholesale and Retail. JCHAMBERS, Iqo. 810 ARCH • Street. Novelties in Lace Goods opening Daily. Valencienne Laces, all widths. Thread Veils, new designs. Thread Collars. Empress Collars, in Pointed de Gaze, Point Applititte, Valenciennes ac., tic. Crochet Edgings. Cambric Edgil and Insertions. a,,24 -fit Marseilles for D resses and Basques. B LANKETS—ENTIRE NEW STOCK, LOW PRICES. Medium and fine Blankets. Some extra cheap lots,s6 , andato. Nine crib Etanttetgl Horse Blankets, Honey-comb Quilts; wide. heavy Sheeting's. Shaker Flannels, finest goods, $1 and $l.lO. Best quality Canton Flannels• ' Pickings. Linen Diapers, 14:2 25 $2.50 iS3, and $3.50, &C. 107 pieces new Octanes, 35 and 37 cts. 118 pieces new prints,best makes, only 28 to 35 ets. Daily opening new dress goods. Black dress goods stuck complete. COorrai & cctrAnt), S. E. tor. NINTH and ALARM+. T Streets. BLANKETS. -WE ARE OFFERING A very large stock of blankets, at prices below all competition. A good ail-wool heavy Blanket for 446.75 per pair; finer for 438.50 and ido per pair; extra size Blankets: double extra fine Blankets; every quality of blanket made; Crib Blankets. Persons in want of Blankets may save 65 per pair by buying of us at once. Good heavy Comfortabiee, $4.50 each; Woollen Quilts: Honey Comb Quilts; Marseilles Quilts. B.D. Er. W. H. PiSNhiELL,IO2I MARKET street. au=-4t PLANNELS, MTJSLINS, AND LlN ENS.—Flannel 273 t cents per yard; do, 45; do. 50; very fine yard wide 75 cents; beavy dbakcr flan nel 62.15 cents; Shawl flannel toe infanta! red flannel; grayflannel; blue flannel, 6:e. Muslins of every make, width, and quality made; linen goods in great variety: Crash. 12,4 cents per yard; Towels of every kind; hand-loom table linen, 8734; Barnsley table linen 873.6; unbleached table linen 62%; flue ta ble linens, $l, $1.25, $1.50, and $2 ner yard; linen sheeting ; linens; napkins, linen handlcer tillers, sheeting R. D. & W. D. PENNELL, llOa. MAR KET Street. au22-41 FOR BLANKETS, GO TO THE BEST -a- PLACE. Where you can find the leading makes of ENG LISH AND AMERICAN, at the VERY LOW EST PRICES, HOLESALE OR RETAIL. J. C sTRAWBRIDGE CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. NAPKINS, ALL LINEN, AT $2 PER DOZEN. 304 Linen Sheeting, $1.2.5. Russia Crash, 25e, 28c, 31e. 500 dozen Towels, at $2.25, $2.50, and $3 per dozen. Fronting Linen, good, nt we. J. 1.3 . STRAWBRIDGE & Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and MARKET. G OOD ALL-WOOL OASSIMERE, FOR BOYS, at 111.25. Extra heavy Cassimere, for men, $1.50. A fine assortment of Coatings. Examine our Cloths for CloakingS. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE , & CO., Northwest eon EIORTYL and MARKET. LUPIN'S FINE ALL-WOOL DE LAINES, 50c. Handsome Poplin Reps, $1.25. Black figured silks, double-faced, $1.65. 800 Balmoral Skirts, Cilea J, (), STRAWBRIDITE It CO., Northwest eon EIGHTH and MARKET. 11_4 SHEETING'S, EXTRA HEAVY, $1.15. .10-4 Sheetiugs, $l. 10-4 heavy Unbleached, 10.10. 5-4 Pillow Muslin 5 . 2.‘,4e. NeW York Mills. Muslin, 5 . 2.‘,4e.- J. C. STRAWBRIOVE t anl9-tf Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. A . STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 -ILA-. North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics Of all kinds at reduced prices. Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. .1,14 yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, $1 SILKS OF ALL RINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY Just opened 1 case of Hoyle's best quality 9-4 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples, at 90e. aulr. PLAIN BUFF PINK AND BLUE PRRCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, 'Rink, and blue Jaconets. Pure white Shetland Shawls. White Shirred Mullins. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks. - Plain Nainswits, Swiss Muslims, Cambria, &C. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins loinravelling dresses. Simile and Joule width paDe Laines. EDWIN HALL & g,e, South SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. Je2o-tf 628H00P SKIRTS. 628 HOPKINS , "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SKIRTS are Manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen finished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings and secured by improved ma chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, wholesale and retail, Warranted to give satisfaction, at 02i8 ARCH Street. i :Abe COMMISSION HOUSES. B AGs I BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS, FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY 8c CO. nrze-sm No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS. FOR TIM BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, na CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORE. je22.Bm WILLIAM BROCKIE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Commission business of the late firm of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Advances made on PRODUC LIVERPOOLg RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & C 0.,, and to correspondents In LONDON, DELFAsT, and OLASUOW. AUGUST 1, 1865. 1111.1Mlf JO. MATHEWSON, GENERAL COM • MISSION PRODUCE BROKER AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, No. gfibl BROAD Street, AUGUSTA, Georgia_ at the old stand of the late tiring of T. P. Stovall St CO., Stovall, McLaughlin, & Co., anti 0. H. McLaughlin, & Co., Will give his prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale of Cotton, Domestic Goods, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Grain, Flour, Rope, Bagging, and merchandise generally. Raving the agency of several first-class Cotton Mills, I am prepared, at all times, to supply orders for yarns, Sheeting, Shirting's, Osnaburgs, Drills, Jeans, ,ke. With extensive FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSES, can furnish secure Storage_,_ and give prompt atten tion to Merchandise and Produce consigned to me for for wa Ming in any d I rection. itu2.3-3in Lap ;i) ro, !Lox 141 gODIETIIING NEW. PATENT CLOTHES WASHER Tor s2.to. IT SAVES THE HANDS. GLASS JARS, ' TIN CANS. ati2.34f GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH BENJAMIN F. BLOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Haying been recently discharged from the army, has resumed the practice of the law; and leasing been appointed a Commissioner of Deeds for the most of the States, by the tiOveroors thereof, is du thOrized tO take depositions, acknowledgment of deeds. &e.. to be used or recorded therein. Office, No. 61+ CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. ati24-1u ITELMBOLD'S FLU I D EXTRACT BUCHI is pleasant in taste and odor, free from an injurious proparties, and immediate ill its action. au2.l-Im 500 BALES COTTON WICK JUST recelvol, Also, full stock of Cotton Yarns, Carpet Milan, e,,a at lowea market price. ROWE, ELISTOIV, ct CO., auls 157 and 159 North THIRD Street.' HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BITCHTS is the Great Diuretic. HELSIBOLD'S CONCInereATED EXTRACT LUISA" PARILLA is the Grect Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Manila eT and and are the moat active that can ITlAttei THE PRESS.-PfIILADELEELIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1865: OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT LOANS No. 114 B. THIRD STREET. JAX CcocaKv. Shr , CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Otrer for sale, at lowest market rates, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Treasury Notes of date of Aug. 15, 1961. Do. do. do. June 15, 1565. Do. do. do. July is, 1865. BONDS OF 1881. r:,--mo LOAN OF 1862. 5.20 LOAN OF 1864. 10-40 LOAN OF 1864. CMITIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. STOCKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Information given concerning all kinds - of Secu rities. Collections on all points made at lowest rates. ne24-tial $ r. vos I) LillErfir) WO JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., MIPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Nos. 239 and 241 North Third Street, rITILA.DELPILLA Cloths, Prints, Cassiuieres, Delanes, Salt'netts, Alpacas, Jeans, Fancy Dress Goods, Cot touades, Brown and Bleeched Sheetings, Dentin*, Brown and Blecched Shtrtings, Stripes, Owlish Onatabras, Checks, Omish Tweeds, Hingham*,. Linens,:. - FURNISHING Diapers, FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, au23.3m _ NOTIONS, etc., Ac FALL. EDMUND YARD Sr. CO., 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Sts., IMPORTERS A - ND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORAL& DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOL GOODS, BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. auB-1m DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. N. Corner of FOUILTEE - and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers end Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS* MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, SW. AGENTS FOR TEE CELEBEA.TED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS_ Dealersand Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. C196-2m tH tNtrWTI9 F INE SHIRT MANI.LeACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF BHIRTO, which they make a specialtyc their business. Also, Constantly receiving NOVELTLEB FOE GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT do CO., GENTLEMEN'S 1 0 1:MNIsHING STORE, NO. Sl4 CRESTNtrT Stveet, jai-ly Four doors below the Continental. INSURANCES. THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY OF FRILADELPIIIA, INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, 3D MO., 24D, 1865. Insures Lives, Allows Interest on.Depo. sits, and Grants Annuities. CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORS. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, RICHARD CADBURY, JEREMIAD HACKER, ( HENRY HAINES JOSHUA H. mommas, T. WISTAR BROArN RICHARD WOO MIA, omesmardm, S. Y. COFTTII.I SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, PRESIDENT. ROWLAND PARRY, Ac,'TUARY. TEMPORARY OFFICE, No. 247 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BASEMENT. 1. -tuthal Lt ;flat y, o[_ , _J 4111 ARMY AND NAVAL OFFICERS J. S. TAYLOR, THE BEST MILITARY AND NAVAL TAILOR IN THE UNION, Is now connected With EDWARD P. KELLY. • 61S CHESTNUT STREET. J. S. TAYLOR has been for the last four years the Cutter for the Military and Naval Tailoring Es tabllsllllleln or OWENS, 212 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, WASHINGTON. OROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THR RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES. TEAS, AO. ALBERT a ROBERTS, myS4-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. TO MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, FLAX., AND JUTE. WILLIAM HIGGINS 64; SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, FLAX, AND JUTE. MACHINERY, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND_ AIR. JAMES HIGGINS (one of the firm) Is at present in the United States, and would be glad to communicate with any firm requiring i‘faehinery of tile above description, Address, "Care of R. GARSED & BRO., Frank ford, Philadelphia." au234t TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND 4 1 . Unsafe Remedies for unpleasant and danger ous diseases. Use 11 - sr...inoLDIS Exmi.tem BinniU and iniprOred Rose Wash. aii23-lrn McCANDLESS & SMITH MALT VINEGAR FACTORS BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT anQ WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new cradle Of manufacture in this country, made by the Celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country, AGENTS. L. CAMBLOB, No, 113 Walnut street, Phila. lelphla. PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal. Elmore. CHRISTIAN LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD & CO., Newbern, N. U. iel9-3m A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST of the properties of liIMMPOLD'S FLUID EX- ThA(l Blltalti Will he it COlnpurison with those set rimh the xi .Ited Slates Dispensary, R 1123-1111 FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT -1- CANS.. Every housekeeper in the city and country should use this excellent Can. It is the most con. cement and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed in an instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon aA of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat of the frult,and as thepress. lug continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cap is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the seraented paper. Please call and examine this Can, at J. IticATURTRIEns, 808 SPRING GARDEN Street Jyl3-2mif Philadelphia. T_TELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHE X—A- gives health and vigor to the frame, and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility Is accompanied by many at-arming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, COUSIIIIIitIOn, lusaultri- or epileptic cam. adaisk NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. WRITINGS OF JAMES MADISON. 4 vol B.Bro. WATT'S DICTIONARY OF, CHEMISTRY. a vols. aro. READE'S SAVAGE AFRICA. Svo. DIsCOVEItY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. Byyaptain Speke. v A MBEItIt I'S CENTRAL ASIA. MILL'S IVIATI4)AL ECONOMY. 2 vols. All New and Standard Rooks. For sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON - , au24 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. 1/RIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGS-T for 1862-'6s. — Annual Digest of the Laws of POIIIIB3I - ranta for the years 1862 to 1865: Namely, from 21st May, 1861, to 21st June, 1885, together with some laws of Older date, inadvertently omitted la Purdon's Digest, completing Brightly's Ptirdon's Digest to the present date. By F. O. Brightly, Esq. Price $1.56. Just published and for sale by RAY & BROTHER, Law Booksellers, aun-tutbsat. No. Pi South SIXTH Street. A CARD.-JUST RECEIVED BY THE CHINA, DON QUIXOTE, with 400 Illustra tions, by GUSTAVE DORE, in monthly parts. Price, 40ceals. Specimen copies on hand. JOHN J. KROMER, that* 403 CHESTNUT Street. KILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En gagements from the beginning of the Robellionto the surrender ofJohnston. nine. THE STORY OF GENERAL STUMM A.N'S GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Major Nichols. 12mo. CJIIRISTIAIq , S MISTAKE. By the author of '' John Halifax." )2mo. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS ANY) CRITICISMS. 12mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A Book of Boy Travel. By M. A. Edwards. All the new hooks received as soon as published and for sale-by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor:to W. S. & A. Martien,) aul2 fteto ('HESTNTJT Street. , A N G H A M. HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel, "the largest In London," is now open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site In the West end,with all modern improvements, Suites at Apart ment, balle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladies , Room a spacious - Gentlemen's SITTING - AND WHITING ROOM, ETC, Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. For terms to secure accommodationaddress — The Manager, C. ang7-3m JONES HOUSE, BLARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, HAIZIIISI3I7Rfa, CHARLES H. MANN, PROPRIETOR AMERICAN HOTEL t MUCH CHUNK, PA. LA FA LENTZ, ROBERT KLOTZ, Proprietors. TERMS—&2 per day. OIZ per week. au3-23t* FALL. 6 A MERICAN HOUSE," -LA- POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA., U. B. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This House bas recently been re-opened, and in such style and character as will merit first-class pa tronage. -lm Rimq.k7 10! ; tuy efIL, MININGCOMPANI , COAL, AND OTHER V NEW . We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of Oral quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED It TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES.. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. sal-tf 4.32 CHESTNUT Street. ESTATE OF WILLLIM. McKED, DE CEASED.—Letters testamentary on the Estate of WILLIAM McNEE, late of the city of Philadel phia, deceased, having been granted torte under signed executors of his Will, al] persons having claims against saillEstate arc requested to present them for Opasmeu ,t and those indebted to Said ES rate to pay to -LOITIS C. NORRIS, JOHN A. ARM STRONti, Executors, 228 or IDA cli - EsTtiv.r Street. anti-thst VSTATB OP JOHN WILSON 3100 RA -RA deceased.—Letters Testamentary on the above Estate having been granted to the undersign ed,all persons indebted to said Estate Are requested to make Immediate payment, anti all having claims against time same will present them without delayto RACHEL WILSON MOORE, Executrix, HARVEY Street, near Green, Germantown; WILSON MOORE JENKINS, Northwest corner NINTH and MARKET, Philada.: or JACOB M. ELLIS, No. 325 WALNUT St., Philada., Executors. ante-that. VSTATE OF JACOB ALTER, DR -2-i CEABED.--Letters testamentary on the Es tate of JACOB ALTER, late of the city of Phila delphia, deceased, baying been granted to the sub scriber by the Register of Wills of the county of Philadelpiila all pornono indobtod te emu mutate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against the same to present them 'without delay to MARY ALTER, Executrix, jy2o-that. No. 834 North SIXTH Street. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of PETER H. BECK. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle,' and adjust the account of WILLIAM B. EEL HEIALER, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will Meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hPi appointment, 011 MONDAY, August 240, 1865, at four o'clock P. M., at the °Mee of A. S. Letch worth Esq., 131 South FIFTH Street , in the city of Philadelphia. JOHN SHALLCROSS, anl7-thstust. Auditor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of ruraoic OF INSHRANuE No. 20,422. for 42,t00, issued June 6, MU, to OE/RIS. TIAN SCHNITZEL, which has been LOST OR MIS LAID. Any information thereof eivd by auB-tuthsl2t* THE. FIREASSOCIATION. COPARTNERSHIPS. TIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore existing under the name of LESLEY Sc CO., Dealers in Hardware, No. 607 Market street, is dissolved by the death of JAMES LESLEY, JR. The business of the late firm will be closed by the surviving partner. EDWIN G. STONES. PHILADELPHIA, August 19, 1865. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING PURCHASED the interest of James Lesley, Jr., in the late liens of Lesley & Co. and having associated with him self ABEL C. 'ALLMAN, of Camden,N. J., will continue the Hardware business at the old stand. No. 807 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, under the name of E. G. STONES & CO. EDWIN G. STONES. PIIILADELPIIIA, August 10. 1860. ati24-6t 'COPARTNERSHIP. -THE UNDER. SIGNED have this day entered into a Copart nership, under the name and title or TIRING HURST A CO., Oar the purpose of MANUFAC TURING STEEL AND SAWS, at N 05.1513 aud 1515 AMERICA Street. THOMAS BRINGHTIRST, SAMUEL, H. BIBIGHA:118. PIIILADELrritAi August le, BM 81119*61i NOTICE—THAT I HAVE THIS DAY I disposed of my entire interest in the business of the QUAKER CITY SAW AND STEEL WORKS, to my son, THOMAS BRING HORST, and SAMUEL H. EIBIGHAUS. ' The former business will be settled 14 the subscriber. JOHN 11. BRINGHIIRST. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 16, 1865. aul9-61 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-T H E Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at LOOS MRKET St. A. BRUNE A R SB., D. C. WANI4, A. BRUNNB, dB. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 18&5. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED. IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. iyll-Bm•' in STILL ANOTHER GREA,T TRIUMPH FOR EVANS & WATSON'S &A.l-fA.3IA.NIDF..R. Bead the Following Certificate From Messrs. Hall Si. Garrison, whose large four story Minn-Frame Manufactory, Third and Pop- lar streets, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 18th instant: PHILADELPHIA, August 18, 186 Messrs. .EVAA'S & WATSON: 6ENTLENBN ; We take great pleasure in inform ing you that your make of bate, which has boon used by us, and was exposed to an intense beat for several hours at the destruction of our Factory by Fire early this morning, proved a perfect protec tion to our Books and Papers, which were found not to have been injured In the least degree. The great security of the safe was shown by its falling from the third story, and being in no wise injured by the fall. We take _great pleasure In recommending your make of Safe to any person desirous of a perfect Fire-Proof Safe. HALL & GARRISON. A large assortment of our FIRE and Bulici - LAt,- PROOF SAFES on hand and for sale at Imo. 10 South Toourtb. Street. au22.stif EVANS iC WATSON. ABER'S PENCILS, NO. 2,, (GENU r-4 ]r E,) at 75 cents per cloratu, and all other arti cles of Sint 1011(1 . 1• proportionately low, at Chase's, 22 South FOURTH. Street. an23-3t. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by HELMBOLL'b. EXTRACT NIXED S TATES ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOV Dun- - OFFICE DEPUTY. COLLECTOR INT. REVENUE, FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA., MAIN STREET AND CHELTON AVENUE, CiERMANTOWN, Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Col lection Lists have been -received, received, and the Taxes are noW due and payable. The Annual List in cludes the tux on licenses, thimbles, earrlintesi watches, musical instruments, plate, and yachts. It Is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the mode of notice—vie.,by advertise ment In one newspaper, and nothicatons to be post ed tip in four nubile places. Persons residino In the Twenty-second and Twen ty-11mwordswords Will make payment at tills °lnce. 'I hose residing in the Twenty-third ward will make payment to THOMAS S. FOULKEDD, Deputy Col lector, FRANKFOILD Street, Frankford. This Annual Tax Is by law payable on or before the nub day of June In each year ; but as the Tax- Lists for this year were unavoidably delayed, the day fixed for this District as the latest day upon RUSH it May be paid without liability to penalty Is the 26th day of Iftgust 186.5. WILLIAM H. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District, Germantown. July 29, 1130.5. jy29-satutlit-13t SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE STORED by BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIMINI: pHOTOGRAP II ALBUMS, MILLER & BURLOCK, MM. UFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPH AL RUMS, Nos. 1102 and 1101 SANSOM St.; Philadelphia, Oiler to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments.- They are unsurpassed la beauty and durability by any iu the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Cataloguesmailed to any address without charge. POCKET BIBLES A ND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. - Miller & Burlock's imperior and well-known Pearl also their Pearl Testament, in various stree bindingbf „ for salt On Ilborai-tartag, at NBA. 1.1.0% and 1104 bANSOM ant-wfmat&dlm ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON STITUTIONS, of both sexes, use ItxustuoLD's EXTRACT BUCIII7. It will give brisk and elleMetlO ROI/WINO 001/ 1 c ,M Wf , /i;ee I CcUI ;10=-Ltu. HOTELS. CORNER 07 LEGAL. EDUCATIONAL. BROAD -STREET ACADEMY, NO. an South BROAD Street, ED. ROTH, A. M., Prin. N Cipal. Sehool reopens September 4. ew Circulars at Mr. E. OUMMISKEY'S, 1.037 CHESTNUT :Street, at thel Academy, and scut postpaid to any address. au23-16t FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE for Young Ladles, Rev. N. CYR and Mira. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals. No. 2053 FRANKFORD Road Philadelphia. Circulars can be had, on application, at the Institute and at 'Messrs. JOHN - PENNINGTON & SONS, No. 127 South SEVENTH Street. au23-lin* COURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI TUTU, POR BO AND YOUTH.—Address Prof. E. D.SAUNDERS, D. D., Philadelphia. aul9-13n. MISS C. A. GLOVER WILL REOPEN her Seminary, No. 1523 POPLAR Street, on the first Monday of September, for the reception of pupils of both sexes. (Boys under ten years.) khiladelphiu, August Itt 1856. au2t4t. C ENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH_ and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 4th. Boys prepared for any division of the Public. Grammar Schools, for Oollege. or for business. Special attentiongiven. to small boys. Residence, 531- North TENTH Street. wo2l-ew It. G. ManilßE, A. K.. Principal. THE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH -I- SCHOOL of H. D. GREGORY, A. M. No. 1108 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY, Sep tember 4th. au2l-Im. MRS. SCHAEFER'S SCHOOL WILL be REO.PENED on MONDAY - , SEPTEMBER 4th at 833 Orniyoß Street. Circular* maybe obtained at the N. E. corner of Spruce awl Tenth streets. au2l-Igt* HOME INSTRUCTION.-A CLERGY MAN of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with ten years experience as a Teacher, desires to secure Private royals for instruction In Greek or Latin, English Literature, and English Composition. Classes in Schools for Yotlng Ladles also taught in either of these branches of study. Address " Cler gYman.," Protestant Episcopal Book Depository, 1224 CHESTNUT Street. aul9-61.* CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL v REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited num ber Of BUTS, each pupil being taught by the Princi pal, K. IV. SCOTT, from Yale College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. H. Trotter, J. S. Kneedler, and C. Matt. ant:-lot* INSTRUCTION THROUGH. BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES. ANN DICKSON will reopen her SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS, at No. 108 South EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 11th of Septem ber. auli-theta-tf SCHOOL FOR BOYS-SPRING GiIR. DEN INSTITUTE REOPEN 9 mo (Septeinber 4th.) Circulars 1349 MOUNT VERNON Street. • aui7-thstu-13V A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHIURCH, LOCUST AND JU NIPER STREETS.—TIie autumnal cession Will open on 'MONDAY, September 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Applications for admission may be made during the prt ceding week between 10 and 12 o'clock in the morning. JAMES W. ROBINS, A. M., atils-tuthslm Head blaster. ERCILDOUN BOARDING' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., three Miles BOUM of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter term commences Tenth Mouth, (October,) 9th, 1865. Terms-480 per session of twenty weeks. Music, *lO •, Drawing or Painting, each *5. Languages not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal, RICHARD DARLINGTON, aul2-stuth Im Ercildoun, Pa. TR - REMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS TOWN, Pa.--For - Young Men and Boys—Twen ty-second year. The Winter Session, of six months, will commence on TUESDAY, September 19th. Tor circulartt, address JOHN W. LOCH, auB-tuths9t* Principal. MANIA. FEMALE SEMINARY, BARING- Street, below Thirty-fifth, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladies. The next Term will open Sept. 4th. For circulars apply to Rev. JOHN MOOR E, Principal.ll MISS WOOLMAN IS PREPARED TO give Lessons on Objects in different Schools; she will also open tt Oass for man tatildren in the afternoon. Apply after September 4, at TM BROWN Street. att22-315 MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL RE OPEN" her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies at 11341 CHESTN LIT Street, Philadelphia, on the nth of September. For Circulars, apply at the School. aul7-Ims MOUNT HOLLY INSTITUTE, AT MOUNT HOLLY, N. J. —An English and Classical BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR BOY, con ducted by the Subscriber, for some years associated with his father, the late Rev. Samuel Aaron. Term opens September 11th. References: Hon. J. C. Ten Eyck Ex-Senator from New Jersey; Rev. Howard macolm, D. D.; Rev, Win. P. Breed, D. 13,, Phila delphia. Address an22.tutliset CHAS. E. AARON,A.M., Principal. WEST BRANCH BOARDING T V SCHOOL. _ MALE AND FEMALE.. JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING COUNTY, PENNA. Terms, VISO per year. Pupils prepared for College, Business or ordinary' duties of domestic life, with the comforts of a good Borne. Catalogues, with full particulars; of rhillp Wilson., 409 Chestnut street. or address as above. aul7-1m• F. DONLEAVY LONG, A. Al.,Prinelpal. RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISB ACADEMY. 12456 CIIESTNIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, Which win be established to SEP TE:4II3EIt 'NEXT, is designed to rival the best schools of this country and of England, In Its sys tem of Instruction and discipline, and In the full nee., of no etasrival and mathematical course. Those preparing for college will be fitted to take a high stand in their class, and to graduate with honor. It will be tile special aim also to prepare youngmen for business or professional life. Circu lars, with full information, can be had at 1228 Chest nut street. EDW. CLA_RENCE SMITH . , A. M.. Principal. REFURENCES.—CaIeb Cope, Esq.,'..Hon_ Win. D. Kelley, Hon. Jos. Allison, Alexander Whilldin, Esq., Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Franelsens, Esq., H. P. lit Birkinbine, Esq. anlB-Im, PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this Institution will be resumed on TiIUESDAY, Bepterabcte 7, at 4 P. M. Cadets - may pursue either a Classical or 6clentiftc course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. qn the Primary Department the usual English brunches are taught. Military instruction is given in the three arms of the service. The Aca, demy is furnished - with horses for Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments ot' the Institution are of the rust order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religious instruction of the Cadets Is carefully attended to. . . For Circulars, apply to. J. H. ORNE, Eact., 62(4 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col THEO. HYATT, President of Penna. Miry Aea'y.Caula-Int THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September 18th. In this institution instruction Is thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation- French is the language of the family, and is constantly spoken in the - imtitute. For circu lars, containing terms and other, particulars, ath. dress 1.:343 SPRUCE St.. Philada., Pa. auls-Zin "FAIRMOUNT FEMALE COLLEGE, _IL: GREEN Street, west of Twenty-second street, Philadelphia.—This superior Boarding and Day School tor. Young Ladles, will be_gin Its next term September 33111. A Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. For circulars, appl) to or address Rey. J. BA.RNIZA_Rdc A. 14 ,4 President. aulrplm YOUNG MEN AND BOYS' SCHOOL.— Rey. JAS. G. SHINN, A. M., will open au English, Classical, Mathematical, and SclOhtific School for Young slen and Boys,No. 1906 MOUNT"VERN,S NOtreet, MONDAYthe first in Septem ber. The instruction will be particular alai tho rough, such as will prepare young men for business or college. For terms, &e., apply as above. auln-luf. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ton months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of SeirteMber. For Catalogues, containing Terms and full Inbar. mation, apply to its Principal, jr2B-6w WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. 'RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITUTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well-known School of Engi neeringand Natural Seigice, will commence Sept. 12th, 1861. The New Annual Regkker 0f13115. ulvlng full information, may be obtained by addressilag Prof. CHARLES DROWNE, Director, Troy, N. Y. aul-301. VIIESTNITT-STREET FEMALE SE MINAILY—ENULISH AND FRENCH BOARD INC, AND DAY SCHOOL—Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss DUlaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will open WEDNESDAY, September 13th, at 101 b CHESTNUT Street. -PartiCtilars from Circulars. auls-toei SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN_, corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN Square, re-opens on MONDAY. September 4th. JOSEPH HARRISON, Esq. President. wiLLIAM BUCKNVLL, ..esq., Vice President. P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer, DIRECTORS. W. J. Horstman, David S. Brown, B. F. Warner, Eli K. Price, James L. Cia. , horn, George Whitney. W. R. WilstAh, • James A. Wright. James H. Orue, auls-Ibt T. W. ERAIDWOOD, Principal VNGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY,ua 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, On the rooms lately occupied by the Y. M. C. AO This school will open MONDAY, September DO. It is designed to prepare for any college of the United States orfor mercantile life. Circulars containing particulars may be obtained of Mr. ROGERS, 1009 Chestnut street, T, BRANTLY LANGITON, OS WALD SEIDENSTICIttit, Principals. REVEIIF.NCEI3.—rrOf. G. Allen, Rev. G. D. Board man, Rev. James Clark, Rev. G. D. Carrow, C. E. Lex, Esq., J. B. Townsend, Esq., W. J. Hortsman, Esq., 1?Ility. E. Chase, Esq. aulf-lm A CADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 111.25 WALNUT Street, • Philadelphia. Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" Intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES' on the Second MONDAY of September. The system of education will be the same as that pur ac suea so successfully in all the Institutes of the red Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spore no pains to win the heart to virtue and nro Application 'en = I.Tm li a d d a e n fo i r .efi C ß l;c d u e l= i tr Sep - tember. xn 12-101 WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, wiuuNG TON, DEL. —The next *Annual Session win begin on THUILROAY, September 74865. For catalogues or further information, address atoi-19t• JOHN WILSON, President, I _ NSTITUTE FOR BOYS, AT FREE limp, N. J.—The Fall Term will commence SEPTEMBER 13th, and continue fourteen weeks. Boys fitted for business or college. Terms-1300 per year, of forty-two WeldiS—One-third at the cum menceinent of each term. (frond attention will be paid to the morals and manners of pupils, as well as to scientific attainments. Motto—" We reason from what we know." Deduction. thoroughness to firstprineiples. CYRUS BALDWIN, Principal, References—Rev. E. E. Adams, Schermerhorti Xc Bancroft, B. Simpson,Wm. Musser. atilt-12t• PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIIATE IN. sTITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at itid and 13& Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2611. The next Session will commence On DIONDAY Se p tember 18th. HOY. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. ft-, Principal. auio-1112 OREGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1.521 r and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, SePteul her 26th. French Is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoken ht the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply tO ang-3m Madame D'HERVILLY, Principal. TILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY_ 31ILITAIty BOARDING SCHOOL.—Turtus very moderate. Thorough course of stndy in. Mathematics, English Classics, &c. Supplies the benefits or 0. home. Surveying and Engineering tuuet. Boys of ail ageff Teecived. Reels Tem her 4th. Refers to JuHN C. GAM' 80 South THIRD Street; TROS, CLAYTON. Esih, FIFTH and PRUNE Mr. REOROE N. KNOTT, 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. ffi., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-3in 1E bT A L E COLLEGE, BORDEN -1 TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER gESSION of this INSTITUTION wlh commence SEPTEMBER the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logucs, containing terinu, etc. Address. Rev. JOHN IL BRARIELEY, A. M., au2.6w President. A I t. SCHOOL AT LITIZ, Lancaster comity, Penna., Intended fora lim ited Windier of boys betweee the ages of seven and eleven years. The pupils have the advantages of living in the Principal's family, and being under his constant care. For terms, /cc., apply_to jra-litt 413/4.4,WiAit, D.EVX, PrUICI/Mil EDUCATIONAL. MONS. AIRY.. WOLOWSKI, THE well known Pianist and Vocalist, eolitimich and Singing Course by his entirely New NOn- Pii.lhct Method. 'Those who wish to become, in a very short time, tine Singers or excellent per formers, can call at 8212 WALNUT Street. Romp lien 1 ours are only from 121 o %O'clock P.M. au23-2t5 (... I ERMAN TOWN FEMALE SEMI NARY, UnEEN Street. south of Walnut lane. will reopen on WEDNESDAY, September lath. Circulars containing full information AS to Terms, course Or Instruction, character of the Seminary, &c., &c.. may be obtained of Prof. - WALTER S. FORTESCUE, A.M., ti=-tf Principal. WOODLAND SEMINARY.- NO5, 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Pith ladelphla.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL t'or Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrac• tire. Fall Session commences Sept. 72. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2m 5 REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. 'MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with char tered privileges, superior advantages, and a pa. tronage of 15a pupils the first year, reopens Sept. 5. For circulars, address Nev. M. L. MONFORD, A. M., President. T EE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. BEBBE tti reopen their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies No. 1703 WA I4 NITT Street, on WEITINBODAY:thn Zinh ofBMI t. ati2-2111# WANTS. WANTED—BY A PHYSICIAN, AN T T OFFICE and Chamber, with Board. Location between Market and Brown and Sixth F.nd. Broad streets. Address "D. C. J.," PreHtt Office. It* WANTED -IN A DRY GOODS JOBBING HOUSE, a SALESMAN competent to introduce New Trade. Address, with real name, Dry Goods," at the office of this paper. All com munications confidential. au24-at. WANTED -1N A WHOLESALE GRO CERY STORIE,a young man from IS to 20 years of age, to assist in keening the books, and to make himself generally useful. Address, in own handwriting, "C. W. J.," Press office. au24-6t5 WANTED—A SITUATION AS RUN• 888, or shollar employment, by a young colored man. who has lost an arm in the U. S. ser vice. Best of references. Apply at Freedmea's Society ROOMS. 421 IV A lAN UT St. an 2- tuthsat* WANTED—AGENTB—SIO PER DAY AT HOME.—I want an Agent, Male or Fe male, In every town and neighborhood, to sell " The (treat Labor Saver." Every family wants it, and agents are making from 4.8 to 4,%) per day. This is the hest chalice ever offered to,aments, as article is patented, and a capital or but w to 1510 is required to begin with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn postage. Address t. WAYVELL, Box 4781, CHICAGO. aul9-Im. A CONVEYANCER WANTS A LAD about sixteen, to liarll the business; inset write plain round band. Compensation nominal. Ad dress `;Conveyancer,"Press °Mee. ANOTHER GREAT LABOR-SAVING Machine for the Farmers—a SELF-ACTING HAY RARER AND LOADER; saves four or live men's labor. A capitalist wanted to l'gc Lit into no tice anti use. Address or call on WILLIAM HILL, 39 South FIFTH Street. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HIS TORY OF THE WAR, complete in one large royal octavo VOWIRC of over 1.000 pages, splendidly illustrated with 127 portraits of Generals and battle Relies. ThlS is just the bpok the people want. and It presents a rare disuse far agents to make money. Send for circulars. Address JONES BHOd.A Philadelphia, Pa." its AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE E, THE DIJNGISAUT, A FI ND L T D UE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune uorres- dent. The most Interesting o a n nd exciting hook ever pub lished embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for Jour years, travelling through the South in the stcret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisona; his escape, and almost miraculous Jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more Of the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any other work published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circular's. Address JONES, BROTHERS, do CO.. . N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets, anl7-lm. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED—MALE OR FE MALE—To sell the LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "People's Eoition. ,, Address B. B. RUSSELL ez auis-Gt Fulllisllers, Boston, A GENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Philadelphia, Fa. 33,21-Im&W4t AGENTS WANTED FOR " THE SE CRET SAWICZ, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Semi for circulars. Address JONES, BILOS., & CO.. Phila delphia, Pa. Jr2.B-Im. AGENTS WANTED . - FOR TEM IKE RROORD OP THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Philada., Pa. jy27-im• AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM - LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writeris fully established. Experienced canvassers know why It sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-24t. Chester county, Penna. LOT OF GROUND WANTED—FOR a Public School-House:, equal to 100 feet front b 100 Broad, al , e , ex a w , ilh e li n ith .st u re b e o t und; a o r f ti Twentieth, es i. Vine, snibibln Int to offer i piease sZli(lress WILLIAM MATTHEWS, 2,022 MOUNT VERNON St., stattrig location, particular size, and price. au22-3t5 NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ORIGINALLY DOING. BUSINESS IN TEXAS.—A reliable gentleman, with a large business experience. and acquainted with the coun try and people of Texas. is soon to return there on private business. Collections and Other beeineee will be promptly and properly attended to while there, ifentrusted to his hands. Address "Loyal," at this office. au22.-Giv't SITUATION WANTED-BY A COH- N- , PETENT Book-Keeper, with ten years' practi cal , ckpe.rienee. Can correspond in Engi French, and understands the (Inman tangnake. Rest references. Address "X. X.," °ince of The PreBB. Ltu22-3t5 87)(l( --A_MORTGAGE OF THIS 7 • amount on valuable Farm, near the city, wanted. Address "Junius," this ollice.au24-41t5 410,000 -WANTED ONE OR more Parties having Capital at com mand to complete the development Of a Very 'Valu able COAL MINE, promising a certain and early return. Address M. H.," at this Office. au2.3-3tl WANTED TO RENT—AB OU T the first of November next, a small Dwelling Bone, convenient to a station on the germantown or Norristown Railroad (one in Itoxborougit pre ferred.) Address " lioxborougli," inquirer Wane. auV..-3t* WANTED TO RENT-A LARGE HOUSE, suitable for a BOARDfNer HOUSE, by an experienced 'Housekeeper. Address Box. Post-office. Rola-St BOARDING. "ROOMS-FURNISHED OR UNFUR -RA) NISTIED, TO LET, au24.2t. 245 South FIFTH Street. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT first-class Board can be had at the United States Hotel., 413 CHESTNUT Street. This nails° has no bar. Charges moderate. One large hand somely_ furnished Chamber on Parlor floor now vacant. au23-nt* WANTED-FOR THREE SISTERS, V y Xy9ARD in a private family, or where there are but b... , ders. Friends' lainily prOgred. Limits, Ninth and Thirteenth. Arch and Vine. Re ferences exchanged. Address —ii R. '• 714 ARCH Street. atai-2t* D AY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 6214 South WASHINGTON square. 1314 m" REMOVALS. pEMOVA H E AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY (Pennsylvania Branch) has removed from 929 to No. 1%10 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. H. N. TIIISSELL, Secretary and Treasurer lI4EIIIOVAL. -Ey J. JOLLIVET, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, Formerly at No. 1314 Chestnut street, Informs his friends and customers that he has removed to No. 224 South NIE TH Street, (Four doors above Locust street,) men Whet of fl re ue he inFtendßE N s to CH . FLOWERS j keep an extensive assort- HAIR. WORK, PERFUMER - I, Sun. He would also state that he has just received the latest style of - Front Sarls, Plaits, Waterfalls, &c. ate2l-12t. ta REMOVAL. P. S. LOFTIS, WATCIIMAICER AND JEWELLER, ForMerly at No. /40 North Thirteenth street, In. forms his numerous friends and customers thai, ht has removed to No. 01 North EIGHTH Street, where he intends to open with a fine and well se lected assortment of WATCYIES and JEWELRY. Everything In Ms line will no hand of it suDerlot quality and workmanship, and every article war. ranted as represented. Particular attention given to repalting fine - Watches. Jeweirylmade to order, and repaired. Ile solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed in his old store by former customers, and *Qs the favor of the public generally. , nun-im - p EMOVAL.-tENIDICA" R UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer ha/ removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. Jy27-Indf. P --- EMOVAL.GEO. W. WATSON & -mu CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 1210 CHESTNUT Street (under Coneert Ra1)0 where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-clam work. JUNE 7. 186.5. PHILADELPHIA kCALE WORKS.—BANKS, DINMORE, & CO., a I al Bth.:CessOrii to A. B. Davis & Co., N. W. cor ner FIFTEENTH 4rt. and_ PENNSYL VANIA Avenue, manufacturers of Patent Scales, suitable for Weigh Locks, Railroad Tracks, Depots, Coal, Hay, and Live Stock; also, all the various descriptions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales; and Patent Beams; Patent Stock House Scale, for Blast Furnaces; Patent Parallel Crane DOM, for weighing boilers, cast ings, and other Scary m nhhiarye Hopper Swami, for weighing grain. Indicating bushels and pounds; Banks' Improved Rolling-Mill and Union Settle. Every Scale warranted. Prompt attention given to repairin Send fora circular. C. M. BA g. NKS,I it. H. DINMORE, LEWIS L. HOUPT, C. U. GERING. J. H. SPIIIIkttEIt, rtultZ-Sin EFAIRBANKS' STANDARD . SCALES, Adapted to every branch of business where a correct and durable Scale Is required. A uniform standard of weights, and a correct system of weighing, ale miltleats clahning the at tention of every individual In the community. A WORD OP-CAUTION. TuR WELL-F.AnNED REPUTATION OP TIESSE SCALES has induced the manufacturers and. Ven ders of imperfect and cheap made balances to oiler them as FAIRBANKS' SCALER, and purchasers have therefore been subjected to fraud awl impasftion; and further, other manufacturers have falsely as. nerted to to they have secured the services of valned Superintendents and foremen from Oar estabitSll - tt t. The subscribers have no dmitvaversy with honor. able competitors, but regarding the perpetrators Of the above frauds an pursuing a course alike nilfaBl and dishonorab/e, they take this method to caution the public against their impositions. PAIRBANKS & EWING, fpWRITTEN AND VERBAL DE. SCHIPTiONS of Character, Constitution. • and Talent, with ADVICE ou Business, Health, EdudatiOn, Self-Improvement, Man. 'Woe' agement and Training of CHILDREN, So cial Adaptation, ace., day and evening, by JOHN L. IJAPEN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, No. 91.5 S. TENTH Street, above Chestnut. oallstuthSlYlf SOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL find it to their interest to buy Boots. ShoeS, Trunks, Travelling Bags, &c., at GAtititETT , S. Nutit kt:,CON Poi), Clostuat, east side.aalt-W AUCTION SALES. ITERENESS , BAZAAR, NINTH SAMSON STREETS. Autyllobr SALE OF - HORSES, verneons. AND HARNESS, ONJS , A TURDAY MORNING, ALIO o'clock, comprising about— Sk;VENTY HORSES, Including— A light driving establishment, conslating of • A hatkinome sty - link blooded Mack Mare: A W•H * Hng-top Wagmn, by Wallis & Blal: , ston; A set tight single harness, by Lacy It fhibips. ALSO, A blooded hay double carriage Horse. A fast racking Kentucky Messenger gray Horse. Avery haruhionie brown family Norse, live years Old, suited for a 'sops. A hair or sops plop Horses. five:: and six years old, A gray saddle Pony. atria d foe children. A LtiO, A large collection of desirable new and second hand Carriages. Wagons. &c., with which the sale will commence, inelnding a handsonicextensfon-top Itarouebe, by D. M. Lane: a set of light double ihttneSa gilt mountings; a Military Saddle, Equip ments. &c. ALFRED M. HERKEESS, e‘.2.4.2tir Auctioneer. FOR SALE AND TO LET. eflg WANTED TO RENT OR PUA CIIASE-A .slodern DWELLING, north of Market street. Price about 40,000. Possession any time before the first of January. 1366. Address Box 2310, Philadviplaa P. 0. auM-stuthat. Er REAL ESTAI E. REAL ESTA.TE. MIL REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. t 5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. 5,000.000 WORTH FOR SALE. 'NEW lONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOG - 11E JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DIPTIOBUTION. CONTAINS TO PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That MILLER'S Monthly Catalogue Is the great est production of the age to parties Interested in the purchase of city or suburbanproperties. No person wishing to purchase should fail to get a copy Sent free or charge to any address In the United Suites, GEORGE U. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator, for the last 2ajears, au23-wthsatlf No. 155 North SIXTH Street. REAL ESTATE. - EXECUTORS, AdlsiniStralors, Assignees, and others, wish ing: to dispose of property, should call on me at once, Its I have hundreds of application:4 daily for all de seriptleim of all and suburban REAL ETATE• Nev Monthly Catalogue Is now being corny/ilea, atel will he issued shortly, at my new (Alice, at the N, W. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets, GEORGE C. MILLER, Real Eetate Broker, • au23-4t-if 155 North SIXTH Street. frf FOR SALE—SPRUCE ST., WEST ava. of SEVENTEENTH, magnificent four-story Brown-stone Front DWELLING. Lot =feet front, Only 023,000. Possession, October next. No. 14109 WALNUT Street. Now vacant. Neat Four-story !Drown-stone Front DWELLING. Lot 20 by 130 to a street. 0,000. On West SPRUCE Street, and corner of another main street. Neat large DWELLING. Lot 22 by 130. Price, 11;17,000 PINE Street, south stile, west of RtGIITEENTH Street. Neat large Four-story DWELLING. Only $13200. SPRUCE,Street, north side west of FIFTEENTH. Large First-class DWELLING, all In excellent order, positively. Lot 22 feet front by 240 feet deep to a street. Price, glen,llo.l. Immediate possession, CRESTNITT Street, (WeSt Philadelphia), near THIRTY-SEVENTITSpIendid 1 111.4.1 , 4510 N and Large LOT; 50 by 220 feet deep. Beautiful garden, grape vines, shrubbery, fruit trees. &e. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will be sold low and on easy terms. GEORGE C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, an23-wths3t-if 1.05 North SIXTH Street. get, SALE.-IRON MASTERS, ATTENTRYN—GREAT RARCIATN ,. 4SO,OOO CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR—First-class ROLLING MILL in this city, with all the splendid, nearly new inachinely, with three engines—one of 60, another of 150, and another of 30-horse power; has seven boilers. First-rate machinery for mann tutu ring railroad Iron, chairs, spikes, ,kc.;5,01X) tons of.all descriptions of iron can he Inade In one year. Is now all liana operation; his water and steam rail road communieation, coal chutes, &c.; all the water used upon the premises derived from springs near by, free of charge. There are also a row of twelve stone tenant dwellings included. Prlce, $75,000; worth iltiOo.ooo. Easy terms. GEO. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker; au=-stif 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE—THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE, N 0.1619 Num street, with brick Stable on rear, 22 feet front by . MO rest A6Oll to Lifts ner street. Immediate possession. Suitable for a physician. Also, the four-story brick Residence, Northeast corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets, 22 feet front by 125 feet deep. Immediate possession. Apply to LEWIS EL _WERNER, aut.-tlrmat No. 152 South FOURTH' Street. gl FOR SAL E—TEN MAGNIFL AMACENT MANSIONS, with large lots, In the very best portions or West rhthidelphlA. GEO. C. MILLER, au22-3tH 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-THE FOUR-STORY brick building and lot of ground, situate No. 417 Dlllwrn street, above Cahowifiii street, suitable for stguni4nili or a inanUfaciortng 64tabliglinnint, Immediate possession given, Apply to W. M. LEVICK, , au22-6t. No. 331 North SIXTH Street, aft FOR BA.LE-- THE TWO. VERY Mat. desirable Akreh-street ROUSES, No. 1918 and 19201 now and complete. Immearram aul9 123 South FOURTH. edreet. a FOR SALE-GERMANTOWN COT 111MTAGE and FURNITITRE, complete, on High street. Immediate possdsslon. B. F. GLENN, nun 123 South FOURTH Street. e l FOR SAL E--OREEN STREET am/house, No. 15W, four stone*, Dean/Hal sltac- Hon. Possefision soon. B. F. GLENN, atH9 S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTHaad GREEN. da FOR SALE—VERY LOW, WITH mra early, possession, a well-built Dwelling, No. 406 North Yrout street; would make an excellent business place. 11,_ F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—VERY NEAT, WEL L- A:a FINISHED HOUSE, N. 49. corner ELEVENTH and BEERS Streets, No. 1859.. Immediate posses sion. B. F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. EFOR BALE-WELL-BUILT, DWELLING ; No. 1311 Ni/Fill TWELFTH Street., in complete order. Possession sooii. B. P. GLENNT,_ aul9 S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. a t FOR SALE-ROUSE AND LOT, Mg& east side SEVENTH street, below Arch. Good business place. B. F. GLENN, anl* 123 South FOURTH Street. de FOR SALE—NEAT HOUSE AND L.Wa. FURNITURE, BROWN Street, below Six teenth. B. F. GLENN, nun 123 South FOURTH Street. go FOR SALE—LARGE FOUR STORY mloyoung, No. 007 South Broad street, lot 23 DY' 200 feet. -- Immediate possession. Neat Dwelling:, No. 630 North Eighteenth street. Possession in a Pew days. Neat Dwelling, No. 2035 Wood street, with two houses on rear end of the lot. R. F. GL ENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, or S. W. corner SE VENTEENTH and GREEN. sale Oft VALUABLE FARM FOR SAI , E, Containing eighty-five acres. in lifontgom ery county two mites front Pluenixville, and eight from Norristown, six acres of woodland, balance in highest state of cultivation; has a two-story stone Tenant Douse, seven rooms and attic. Large dou ble thresh-floor barn stone stable, high, will hold six horses, twenty-six cows, and forty sheep. A line wagon shed ornamental carriage house, with wood and coal Ands attached, and carpenter shop and granary Over all. Also blauksmith shoD and chicken house attached. A fine bearing orchard just In prime; also, Mien , . er orchard of two hundred trees of assorted fruit three years planted. A fine pond of spring water, with boat on it, spring house, never flitting spring. Mansion House is a double, two-story and attic, built Qf line brick in modern parlor, setting room, aning-rothii. kitchen, and hack kitclloll, uu first floor; three chambers and storeroom on second floor, and three attics, all papered and painted throughout. Also, has bake oven and smokehouse attached: icehouse within tell feet of the door. The grounds are laid out and planted with a large vari ety of friit trees, and over six hundred grape vines uo w. in bearing. The owner will sell at a bargain. a! he JP engaged in other business. Nor further Informationimpilre of CHAS. D. KNIGHT, au2.l-thslutt 233 South THIRD Street. FOR SALE-FARM AND GOOD, Mal improvements. of 140 neves; very near Mor-,..a— -saws Corner Station, on the Pennsylvania. Central Railroad. 8100 per acre. MUM of 170 aerag, on the Penney/YAW. Central Railroad, very near a station; twenty-nye mile* from the citv. Only:Palau acre. EXCELLENT FARM of 78 acres and good im provements, near West Branch Station, on the Bal timore Central Railroad. Only *B.BOO. GEO. C. MILLER, att22-3tif ISO North SINAI{ Street. ga FOR SALE-THIRTY FIRST CLASS2I. MANSIONS, with a manlier of acresof land, In excellent neighborhoods, and an within twenty milesof the city, and near Stations. MILLER, Yin-kir 155 North SIXTH street. FOR RENT, oft e. AN. ITALIAN VILLA Late the residence of DAVID 0. , ActiF,situ.• ate of a mile from the CITY of wthmiti(i'VON, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, supplied with water from a tank in the attic, with every modern improvement, heated throughout by steam; a tine porch the entire length of the building. The grounds In front of the house (con taining 4 acres,) are tastefully laid out in walks and plats, dotted with t.rees and thrubberY, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate ly, by application to Dn. F. PORTER, T. BAYARD, Executors, Wilmington, Del. - • I.CP MOND CvA. ) PRO PERT Y.- -RAJ At Private Sale, that valuable Lot, 27,'¢ by OS feet, in the burnt district, corner of MAIN and FOURTEENTH Streets, being the principal whole sale and retail streets of the city, occupied for 50 years as a dry anods store. Tit e clear of alt in cumbrance and not subject to confiscation. Apply to JOHN IL It. Richmond, Va. TO LET-THE W H O•L E OF TH E FIFTH AND SIXTH STORIES of the Granite Building Nos. 237 and gag DOCK Street, wit!' steam. Al" P,everal smaller Room s on the first floor. Tile large, oe.,tMrd gtorsr CommolllYeallll Building, Nos. 611 and CIC Chestlint street, Tile cc cowl and upper stories 'Marble BuildingMO Chest nut street. Ti - LOS. H. CONN'ELT,, Counting-house Dr. D. Jayne &Son, au=-61) . 242 CHESTNUT Street. OR SALE-320 ACRES VALUAB LE boring LAND, on Ow hoadwatora of Tittle Hickory Creek, Venattgo comity, Pa. To be mold low. Apply to 1.1 ,- AVIS L. IIOUPT, aml-lut. 154 South FOURTH St., Phila. VSTATE OF SAMUEL MEGARGEE -s-AvEcEAsEn —LUMBER BUSINESS ESTA BLISHMENT FOR SALE WELL-KNOWN WHARF PROPERTY AND LONG Es d T B A.- .LISHED LUMBER. YARDt—Wt ha sol at private sale, for ellah, 10 a sellable parchageV WllO may wish to carry on the business and beemne the tenant of the premises, all the stoel: of lumber, sheets, fixtures, implements, horses. carts, &e l , at the lumber yard and business establishment of the late SainUel )legarger, Etat-, tronthrg on Beach stiteet anti Delaware avenue, end the river Dela ware north of Poplar street, in tlia zits , of Pltlindola Phln. The said premises and stock of lumber, Aar., of which a full and specific statement and deserip- Mit will be furnished to all applicants, may be ex amined at any time before the lath instant. A lease of the. whole property will be granted to the pfirchaser. Froposuis in widtilly will he received until August WO, RES. DANIEL. M. FOX, 551 YORK AVVIItIC. ROBERT M. r.OO No. 48 4 1 North THIRD Street. anD-121. Executors. THE GLORY OF MAN IS S'NfEINGT I-1 - 1 - —There rove, the nervous and debit l inl Pll shont.i Immediately (Inc 11ELmnoLu• s EKTI4 ACT /31.211 C. alai-1111 COMPTROLLER'S °FMB, NASH viLLE. TENNESS'EE, August nth, Mt. NOTICE TO TENNESSEE IRON (MOLD FIRS. lu Obedience ton Iteeolution of the Genera/ As sethttly et' Teuite..tgoa. patit;ell Mura', Mt, you :tee hereby requested In forward to this ollWl3 u state. Sliteuee. with Out date Meta of your 11 and nambetof each Bond of the State at Tellne.99Bo Owned by you, and the amount and eh:Wu:Ler of such Bond. You; early etunpliance is Err, 41118-151comptroner. • , CAPE _ i Y BY WEST JERSEY RA.1.1,11.0A.D. On and afterTHURSDAY, August 24, the 5.30 A.. 31. train ap from CA PE MAY, and 4.30 P.M. train down from PHILADELPHIA, will be discontinnott The 8 A. M. train up from Cape May wilt mum stops, and be due at Camden at 12 M. 8.20 A. DI. train down from VintadelfAtta will Matte Mops tretivW Glassboro, and be 4411, At cape May at 42,30 P. M. J. VAN RENSSELA.ER t FAtintinteudent, got DES, Atigust, 18111, 1343, au1846 AMUSEMENTS. A CARD.— THE UNDERSIGNED 1.1,1 i-l og (Lammed the proprietorship of the Weil nut-litret.t Thsatre, him to ittlllollllCe tllat, since the building lin, lu.uu t4g,iilll.lV renlodelca hoOrr tho direction Of Mr. S. P. BUSH, they are enabled to presrnt (Vs a and complele establishment, uur Messrs. HEMPHILL mid FitEDEHICKS, gentle st:aim; 1; 1 1 . e l o )i n e s a 4 t i l i t e e d t r o t men of arthowleilpol taste aril experience, alto pied Kt• th0,,01,,, to ,q,aeo no oxertion to !Timer the theatre In pvily reklieel ili , Nerviny the eOlitildt• ration and patroosp : of Inc vomit., with grateful aeßliONYle(litint . nts, The Public's obedient servants, JOHN S, °LAMM WALNUT -STREET THELTRE.— Acting and S tagc W. 4. PREDERIIIICS, Itustness llamy.n m virtu, 113 E OTICIIE STI A, " 1 - 910 I NITS tin point of itinillier6 tithiolird to any A iii,ricati Theatre, will embrace some of the most, distftwel , he , ltllllNlval talent In the country. ',railer, Mr. MARK If ASi3LEII. Principal Scenic A rtist CHARLES WWII AM. A.Asiiiat Scenic Artist WM. Fle.'l7l , :ibi. Master hilt; t and fia . rPunt cr, ”: 4- 31V,' N' p ATit t p z : 3l comtumer PropertivAlllll l Appointments, hy....CHAS, This estraillsiimeitt, virtually . a DOW Theatre to every particular, WILL OPEN for the Season on . . SATUnDAY EVENING, August26tlLlB6s. I'LARI{Ei (prior to his engagehiont Now York, which posi tively commences 011 131 , 1)telnbor 4th, I will appear for SEVEN N 1 :FITS ONLY, And will be presented sterlioxuoyne , s Dashing Comedy of EVERYBOItY '8 Fitt END, ENTigLLISHED WITH NEw ANI) ELEGANT SUENEItY AND APPOINTIMENTB, MAJOR , DEBOOTS Mr. d, S, OLARIEE. (His first professional appearance in live inonthsAl IttF.ISROON I. U. S. FA:DUETTE,. (From the Winter Garden, N. Y.. his first appear ' " • aneeiu Philadelphia.) Mr. F1A77 . 7.1kLY ......... HERNE. Mss EFFIff (Uer ra appearance nt this Theatre.) Dirs. SWANSDOWN ' , I • TMiss ANNIE GRAHAM. Mrs, DEDOOTS Mlrk MARY CARR. (Her first appearance at thk Theatre.) THE ORCHESTRA. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mr. MARK HASSLER, WILL PERFORM VA— THOUS POPULAR MUSICAL SELECTIONS. The performance to conclude with the Laughable Conic:elate of _ _ LOVE IN LIVERY Paid Faust, Lora Hpark lG Sparkle Kr. Howard J. S. CLARICE, , ~,,,,,31r, J. A. Mr. ST IILL. Thomas CouritesaViolet Louisa •_ i11.A.11111L,8. ._. Atlas A.. tiItABLANL. ...air:, B. CIi.MTER. (Her first appearance.) Betty, (a Gook) IIttE.T.S FORD. Susan. (Chambermaid) ,' ' ~,, li. raErt.. The Management has sincere pleasure aittibtlitti- Ing that the eminent lawyer, DAVID PAUL BROWN, Esq., has kindly contributed AN OPENING ADDRESS - - - for the occasion. which will be spoken by MISS EFFIE GERMoN, Hue potlee will he given of the first appearance.or the faTOrite BARTON HILL. Also, MR. O. S. ORIFFITH Anti MR. JOHN BARRON. In addition to the above are engaged; Mr, IF,. WOODRUFF, bib ant appearance in rhUatitilL/bia. Air, JAmEs TAYLOR. his first appearance herr, Mr. CORTLAND HESS, E. WILKS, Mr,. J , QUINN. 3lles ANDREWS, from the London Theatres, her first appearance here. Messrs. HENDERSON, PRICE, DAVENPORT, &e., ladles and gentlemen NNiIOSS talents are aeknowtedged by the Philadelphia press and public, are eiliogeo, [toil Will appear during the season. b'CAbr, OP PRICES. Faintly Circle 21 cents,. Chairs In Dress and Orchestra Circles.... 50 Orchestra Chairs sod Orchestra Boxes Private Boxes Dux-book will opened OlLTlll3lNDAl t rigitst. 24, from e A. M. to 31'. M. Doors open at 7M. Performances will tegill at L quarter before eight. Chairs In Orchestra, Orchestra and Dress Circles. may be secured from 9A. M. to 3P. M., and from T to 10 P. M., during the season. au24.2t NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE. CSTU STREET. ABOVE TWELFTH. THE THEATRE ALWAYS COOL AND CE[— LAST WEEK OF TIIE, NEW DRAMA, THURSDAY EVENING, August 2.ith s BENEFIT OF MESSRS. WILES AND BLACKWOOD, Master Maehltilats of the Theatre, _ and LAST NIGHT BUT TWO of the NEW 'IRISH DRAMA, ARRAN NA POGUE; OR, THE Wlcttt 4 OW WEDDING. It will be print:uteri with all the MAGNIFICENT SCENIC AND MEODANICA.I. EFFECTS, NEW WARDROBE, ORIGINAL MUSIC, COSTLY ACCESSORIES, AND GREAT CAST. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August 26. LAST GRAND ARRAN NA POGUE - MATINEE, ➢IOST rosiTivEili SATURDAY Benefit of Mr. LEWIS BAKER Ana j..A.A. NIGHT OF THE SEASON. MONDAY EVENING, August 28. INAUGURATION OF THE FALL AND WIN TER SEASON, AND INITIAL NIGHT OF MISS KATE lIEIGNOLDS, AND MR. W. SEDLEY SMITH, wbo upeetty In tile tine Goinetnes of TUE WONDL'II isND 14 ANAL ENGAGEMENTS. NEW AMERICAN THEATRE— WALNUT Street„ above Eighth. EVERY EVENIA G will be performed the new sensation drama,entitled THE CIGAR GIRL OF (JUBA. EL NINO EDDIE, the wonder of the world, on the Tight Rope. MILLE ANDIETTI LIALLP.TTI, the greatest Panseuse In America, in a new gratto Ballet. MISS LILLIE WRITING, the beautiful and accomplished Oomedieune, In it new Burietta. FAMILY MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. aOl4-t[" CONCERT HALL. -- COMMENCING MONDAX, AugustZatit, The CARTER 5501JAVN TROUPE Alt D FEMALE MUSS BAND 4, will give a series of their poptliar Vocal and Instru mental Concerts, as above. Mr. CARTER has the _pleasure of stating that he has Just returned from England, bringing with hint the new and wonderful invention of Pro T. Pepper, (Inventor of the celebrated Ghost, PROTEUSt or, We are Rom but not Here I Which Is acknowledged by the public preaa Si' Eng. land to he superior to the once ?MOUS " Ghost. , and altogether surpassing the notorious "Cabinet+ , of the well-known Davenport Brothers, which is given nightly in connection with, and In addition to, the very popu CARTER ZOITAVE TROUPE. Admission, 35 ents. Reserved beets, so cents, Doors open et 7 o'clock. To dohltnellee at g o'etoolt. Reserved Neats at Mr, Chas. W. A. Trite:Mere Music Store, Seventh and Chest - hut strees, Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut streets. and at Bislerst Periodical Stand, Continental Rotel. Afternoon Perrot/nonce evera SATURDAY, at balf•past 2 Welcrok. lIENEA E CARTER, Pro prietor. L. STEERE, Agent. aunt-St* _.„ SIAMESE TWINS AND CHILDREN. TUE WONDERS OF TILE WORLD I FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY; AT PRILADELPHA MUSEUM, 533 MARKET STREET. The Manager begs leave to inform the public that In conserve:tee of other engagements prevl- ously inade, TILE SIAMESE TWINS cannot possibly remain but a few days longer, and heads of families wishing their children to see these great wonders, will do well to take this opportu nity, as it will be the last of their exhibitions in this city. Hours of exhibition from 9 to 12, morningl 2 to 6, afternoon; 7 to 9, evening. Admission, 24 t'OliP, it* FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, (WIVE RIDG) AFTERNOON CONCIERTS EVERY DAY. Front 4 to 7 o'clock by DASSLER*I3 GRAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Music Issued dolly. The ArChi Vine, and Callondtill-street. era run (Breen to the. lace. auartr EXCUItSIOIVS. Mg . sp_ . CAPE MAY V.X.CTJUSIONy BY - RAILROAD. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1863. FARt, *2.50. From PhlllflClol4, ?list boat at 7 A. Mt, CrOM foot. of MARKET i'itreeti upp,, The, Train will lett.vo C 4111.1011 :it 7.20, Mut be due at Cape May at 11.20 A. M. A LIMITED /CLIMBER 01.' TICKETB ONLY WILL BE SOLD Returning, leave Cape May at 7 P. M.. and be dne: fu Cannlidi at 10.30 r. M., and PI3ll/A.lolllllu at 10.1.1 an24-2t, VAN RENSSELAER, ourit. Wig_-NE CAFE MAY, WEST JEU I SEY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT VF MARKET EIMEET, METIER FERRY, 8.30 A. M., e a jA i IL m AND EXPREWL 99e 2,30 P . kr ., fiAbSENUEB. Pue at ii-t) 4.80 P. M., EXPRESS. Me at 7,46 P, ht. Fare, $3.00. Servants, $2.00. fbi Passengers and Baggage taken to and from task Island and Station without additional charge, Freight daily from Sandford's Wharf, below Spruce street. Returning Trains leave GAVE OA le et B.* Mail• 8 A. M., Express; 5 r at, Accommothttica 8.20 I. xi., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, SUP't, FIIILAD&LPHIA, July 24, 1835. .19144a1 IAvD ANNuA„L 11. N. CURSION OF-THE: YOUNG 111 EN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION TO , ATLANTIC CITY, NEXT FRIDAY, Anglia. 25th. Tickets ii 0.50: children half price. To be had at the Hall. MO CHESTNUT btroet, and at YIN E STR ERT WHARF. A Wit )gepients have I)6min:tile for pit swe , Ker• n »t 1 fur the Sitet boat. to le:Wis Vita-stenut Dro cistly at 6.30 A. M. iiira,st. - - =WigPOE THE SEA•SHORE BY MOONT,I(7 11T. stUND '''' EIGHTH C(IILPLIIIENTARY II 10310 N MO ()ma owl', 11.1 1 5 vi Ty, ANNUAL - I I I . II B PLIMENTARY TO ATI,A AT, 4I 'qui August t10t11• ON gA.TUALIAL: 1 % 1 A:will; itEp rgEtßy at a Last boot leaves 7 'l • f, 1 ,, 1 in j. ..rolittil MO VAC. o'clock P.M. Rettnmlb.. i t i l 'i t i t• r v i p ' N . Al:1 1 ./..N r TI 0 at 3 o'clock A. Mi t .. on MOND, Y- -° 1 tt the WHARF, ONE HOU BEFOlth 3 ` titTLIN G. , Tiekets,%itit DAIID 11, , MUNDY, UolltillatOY, be lint, I. a — T - 1 - sm4s AC MDEN AND Vl' LANTI.6I RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANDEMENT. THEODOR IN TWO HOURS. tin and alter SATURDAY, July let, 1885, F/VRY trains daily to Atlantic Clty.~ ilrLd, one on Sunda,. TRAINg LEAVE ITINR.oTIIIERT P 1199 as follows; Special Excursion. 8.20 A. 18.. 7 Mall Train ,80 A. Ili. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9.15 A. W. Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. ad.. Aumtue Atmommodstiort 4.15 P. ppTURNINU, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 6.47 A. X Express (through in Otto 110025) %) 7.00 46 ., ~ Freight, with Passenger Car attached....ll.47 A.. Mail Train 4.45 P. M., Special Excursion 500 P. 80. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.00 A. AL, Returning, leaves Atlantic: at 4.46 P. Me Pare to Atlantic, RoVild-trIP Tickets , ReOlg. only for the riny and train On whlolt - they are issued, 48. a UNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vine-street Perry at , 5.80 P. 21) Leave Jackson at 13.74 A. ar , EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.16 A. M. and 1.15 P. Leave liaddonneld at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. 14... N.ll.—Freight must be delivered at Cooper'. oink berm% olelnek H. to Inure itszolosito..sr the next day. JOHN U.. BRYANT._ Je2B-tf 400181, EXCURSIONS TO allinggi LONG BRAl4oll.—Train:x Long Branch will leave Cooper's Point (JAMBE . daily (Sundays excepted,) at 9.15 A. hi. Fire, Excursion T ic kets, good for three days, $B. E Mitt en Saturdayo,Ay. 4.R P. - 81. Returning. metre at Camden at litie A. AB.IMMO% latati to 18, COLE, ageral +assail..
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