INDILAM NOTICES. rigtltY'S MOTH AND FRIT.CHLE LOTION.-- oilos sina, or gothpatch (also called LivernpOt s ) and Lently. or Freckles, are often very annoying, ort ioisey to ladles of light complexion, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the face of a D iode than of a brunette; but they greatly mar the Do tty of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injskring the tartars or rotor oitht skln is certainly a desideratum. Dr. C , fnnuY, who has made diseases of the skin a perudity. nas discovered a remedy for these disco iostions which is at once prompt, Infallible, and lionaless. Wholenle in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON , HOL ISM-AY, & COWDEN, 23 North sINTII Street, by DYOTT & CO., :332 North SECOND Street. p r epared only by B. C. Permatolo:4l.9t, .e. 49 BOND Street, New York. and for gale by Oli Pruggi.ts. Price, per bottle. Call for rEOLY•s MOTH ANI) FRECKLE LOTION. For further Information ad,l it_ C. AL 49 BOND Street, NFAr )-011K, jey_wimain FOR NARROW STIES OF DOORS, we 1111. Te Show Case Patches, Locks, Flush Springs, a , everm B ete l ntlellCS, Bolt Substitutes, Short and. Newry Flush Bens, and a - variety of other uxuiereit mon Hardware. TRUMAN & SHAW, No. fi b (Eight Thirty-ftve)MARHET Street, below Ninth. It FOR STORE tisE, we have heavy Iron Vox Mallets, Box Chisels, Crows'Feet, Box Serape is, frnck Wbeels,liam and Butter Tasters, Tap Borers, Ming- Drivers., Spigots, Faucets and Molasses Oates, 'Ord and Anne Sticks. Scales. and Weights. TRU MAN & SHAW, No. Ei36 (Eight Thirty-live) MAR 'SET Street, below Ninth, It HAIR DYE. I HAIR DIM I BATClitmows HAIR DYE is the best in the „ o rid, The only trite and Defect Dye—harmless, instantaneous, and reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects Of Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed' w. A. BATCHELOR, 51 BARCLAY Street, New ork. jag-mwf-ty DIARRUCEA AND DYSENTERY.—A KITS remedy for the worst case of acute or chronic Mar inas std Dysentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI CHOLERA MIXTURE; thousands have been cured by it; our Government uses it in the hospitals. It D 35 cured teeny of our soldiers after all other means fated; to fact, we have enough proof of the efficacy of tads valuable preparation of astringents, ab sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise every one of our readers to get a bottle and have it in readiness, and to those who suffer try it directly. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Ask for Dr. Strick land's Anti-Cholera Mixture. jy3-inwf-Stn FOR EVERY DAY Usr..—Tßunn Is NO inner maxim than that "Prevention is better than Cure." PLANTATION BITTERS should always be used whenever the first symptom of disease is felt. Heartburn, Headache, Cold Feet, Pain in the Back - , Low Spirits, and Indigestion, are lie Silre forerunners or Dyspepsia, and other hot -rid nightmare diseases. For all such symptoms PLANTATION BITTERS area certain and Ready Relief. An immediate good effect is always felt from the first trial. They are ea , y to procure, pleasant to take, and sure to do good, t•liever give up; it IS Veber and better Always to hope, than once to despair; PLANTATION BITTERS break ennui's fetter, And drive out the demons of sickness and care." Fatigued, overworked men, merchants, students, and ill persons whose occupation wears out the - DM - and racks the brain, find in PLANTATWN BITTERS Edlltit'STED NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. EYE, EAR, AND CATARRH SUCCESSFULLY treated by J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 019 FINE street, Artificial eyes inserted. No eltarge Icor caarnination. aul7-tt COMING HOME FROM THE COUNTRY AND ,ia-shore ladies should use " EDIAIL DE P which, dissolving freckles, tan, and diseoTtliattons closed by salt air, will effectually clear the skin and testate it to more than its original purity. Sold by :all Druggists, Perfumers, and Hair-dressers. E. Jan:, 111 South TENTH Street, below Chestnnt. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY, & COWDEN, and DY OTT & CO., General Agents. auto-mwAstf ITCS. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. 13ALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT Will ewe the Itch in forty-eight hears. .Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions Of the Skin. Price, 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for- Muded free by mall. For sale by all Druggists. gible-Sm fr PRICES RaDttcED. • WANAM&XEI.t. & BROWN, ' Ai` Popular Clothing • Lionse • onc FALL. S. L nor. Sixth and Market DIED. Pl."Cli.—Cin the 20th instant, Lillie Irene, daugh tcr of Edward H. and E. P. Pugh, aged 7 months. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited IQ attend her funeral, from her parents ' residence, renter Ttirty-eighth and Baring streets, on Weds netrdity. at 10 o'clock, To proem" - to Radnor. *** td.EB3l.9s.—Suddenly, on Saturday evening, 19th inst., George J. S. Siesnutn, aged 48 years. his friends areparticularly invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from the residence of Mrs. E. Atkinson, No. 123 South Seventh street, (0 Tuesday' afternoon, 220 inst., at 4 o'clock, To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. MYULTON . —AA Burlington, N. J., on the morn ing of the 19th inst. William E. Boultou, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, southeast corner of Broad and St. Mary streets, Burlington, on 3d day, 22d of Bth 211011111, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. atEPPARD.—On the 26th of Third month, 18CO, of typhoid fever, at Wilmington North Carolina, llynry Sheppard, only son of'P, s. and the late S. C. riteppard, of Philadelphia, in the 24th year Of Ida ae. 310 REY.—On the 19th instant, Frank, son of 'Har riet J. and the late John E. Morey, in the 17th year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from hislmothees residence, bernlantown, on plank-road, near Wayne Station, on Weduesdiy,23.l instant, at 3 O'clock. To pro ceed to Laurel Hill. Carriages will leave the office ofE. S. Ear]y , undertaker , Tenth and tireen streets, at half-past 12 o'clock, to convey the Mende to the funeral. filostonerrs please eoPY. .** TIMM L .—On the 18th Inst., Elizabeth, wife of Lewis H. Trimbell, aged 52 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re-, snectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her inishand's residence, No. 26 North Seventh street, on Monday, the 21st inst., at 9 o'clock, without further notice. SLIMMERS.—On the morning of the 18th instant, T. /Benton, son of the late Martin Summers, in the th year of his age. De relatives and friends of the family are respect flay Inylted to attend the funeral, from his late _residence, 1904 Sansom street, on Monday, the 21st instant, at 2 o'elocits [New York papers please a , e C°l ll4 1. ZINGER.—On the 18th Inst., Mrs. Eupeme Munzinger, wife of Peter Munzinger, aged 28 years. The relatives and friends of the family are re- Speetfully invited to attend the funeral, from the Tesidenee of her husband, No. 1531 South Fifth ;'il'ett. on Wilday morning at a weioak. Weekly Report of Interments. HEALTH OFFICE, August 19, 1865. Aiatks and Interments tin the city of Philadelphia, from the 12th to the 19th of August, 1865. ~ ~ ~ .cAusEs OF DEATH Gangrene Hemorrhage, Me' s Honing Gougir/J.. Inliaminat"n Brain I! Bronchi - !. cheat.' Heart ..1 4, Lungs.. -" Perlt'in S & Bow Tonsils. Intemperance Insanity 'lnanition -.... Jaundice Mania-a-POW IMarasnins .... Measles..... Old Age !Palsy of Heart, !Palsy Poisoning .... Scurvy Scrofula ,Bore Mouth 'Softening of Brain. Small Pox .... Still Born Suffocation Suicide Syphilis Teething 1.31.,,i ,, a."n of Rowels 7Juknown., ..... ~.. Wounds, Gun Shot Asthma. Apoplexy Canserty l lizr... Cs.usitios Croup Congestion Brain. Lungs Cholera Infuntum.. Morbus Consumpt , n Lungs Convulsions CV;IIIOSiS Colic Diphtheria.— Inarrhcett Dropsy Abdominal " Brain Chest Disease of Heart .. Lungs.. Drowned r tor Dysentery Debility Elfi:don on Brain. F:nlitrLrain. Bilious ` Cutarrah.' Remittent ,1 " Scarlet Typhus Typhoid:.. FistulaTy.-Icterodes Total IPERB- OF VIE ABOVE THEM: linderl year From 1 to 2 to S " 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 30 " 80 to 40 Total WARDS. WARDS. WARDS. First ward. ....18 1 Teuth . ..... 10 , NlOtteenth....22 Second.... 18!Eleventi 8 Twentieth ....19 Third.... 8 Twenty-first .13 Fourth.... 18 Thirteenth * 5 Twenty-secd . . 7 Fifth 13 Fourteenth ... 9 Twenty-third .10 6 Fifteenth 22 Twenty-fourth2o" Seventh 29 Sixteenth . ....10 Twenty-fifth. • 7 Eighth.., 12 Seventeenth...2l Twenty-sixth. 9 ..... Eighteenth .. az,Unknown ..... 7 ,08 From 40 to 50. 48 " 50 to 60. 29 " 60 to 70 15 " 70 to 80 4 1 " 80 to 90 10 " 90 to 100 36 " 100 to 110 32 Total Deduct deaths from the country Net deaths in the city 358 NATIVITY—United States, 282; Foreign, 65; luown, 18 ; from the Almshouse, 9; People of Color, Stales, 191 Country, 7. Females, 174; Boys, 116; Girls, 98. heaths and interments of Soldiers, 3. Tile uumer of deaths, compared with the cones rlifts' week of 1864, and of last week, was as 161- 9. 9: Week ending August 20, 1864, - was 419. Week ending August 12, 1865, was 388. BY order of the Board of Health, GEO. E. CHAMBERS, Registrar. 160MBAZINEEL-A NEW STOOK OF , English and French Bombazines, just opened; Lic Warp Cashmeres. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. au2l BLACK KID GLOVES.—" JOUVIN & ae'YO.." "Widow Jonsdn" and "Alexandre's" s best quality Ma Gloves, just received by soxStrcet.y, biouruirig Store, 918 CHESTNUT au2,l SWI YARDS LUPIN'S FRENCH 51 5 .. w ITERINOES. 2 cases dark assortment. 2 cases medium assortment. I case high colors. 1 all-Wool Plaids. case - Sep CaAdheres. EYRE & LANDELL.,_ auS-tt FOURTH and ARCH. FRANIEFORD OIL compitNy. A Snecial Meeting of the Stockholders Of the FEANKEORI) OIL COMPANY will be held at Wrlght , s Institute, on MONDAY EVENING, Att guet 21st, 1805. By order of the Board of Directors aulb•tufm3t* A. It. ELLIS. Secretary, Er. OFFICE MANDAN MINIMA CON. PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street: PRILARELPIIIA, JulylB, 11365. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining Company , on Which Instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and Will be sold at. public unction on MONDAY the 21st of Atter.MT, 1848, at 12 o'clock noon, ..8 the ernes of the Secretary of the corporation,aeeording le the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. 3➢lB-tBB2l OFFICE OF THE LOCUST. atom- TAI N COAL AND IRON COMPANY, August 17, 1885. At a Meeting Of the Board of DireCtors of thls ( knpany_, held this day, a Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PER CENT. on the Capital Stuck, clear of State Tax, was declared, payable to the St ockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 29th inst. The Transfer Books will be dosed until 29th inst. aulB-19t UPWARD ELY, Treasurer. WTHOMAS COCHRAN, Row— SIII: The undersigned voters of the Second Senatorial District, composed oLthe Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth wards. do siring to be represented by an honest and intelli gent man, one who would faithfully represent his constituency, and who will resist corrupt legisla tion; and you having_proyen yourself, by several years , service in the House of Representatives, in telligent honest, and fearless in the discharge of your duties, and believing you will be equally so in the Senate, take the liberty of asking you to become a candidate at the coming election. James L. Claghorn, Geo. Truman Jr., John H. Ogden, J. Bea_rgellitt Price, H. Newkirk, Geo. Watson, Thomas Potter, Sterling Bonn% Eli K. Price, P. Edwards Win. S. Stokely . Alexander DI. Fog, James IL Orne, John Steward, Jr., Washington L. Atiee, Charles Watson, Wm. S. Horstmann, Wm. J. Thomason, J. Price Wellierill, Joseph Chapman, Win. C. Ludwig, Henry gimpSoll, Jos; S. Modern, Win. Calverly, Robert Lindsay, G. o—Bremen, AlfredlL Love, Wm. Tussey, , David Faust, It. T. McCarter, Wm. li. Webb, Geo. P. Nagel, Thomas C. Pollock, Isaac C. Pearson, Conrad 8. Feller, - Win. 0. Porter, J. W. Stockton, George C. Naphey, Charles A. Stout, Amos R. Littell, James S. Mason, Benj. Bentley, Jos. B. Townsend, Jame D. Ferguson, John P. Verree, James s V. Watson, J. K. Snyder, A. Kline, C. C. Aivord, B. Young, - John Horn, John V. Copper, Clinches S. Ogden, James Shields, ' ' ;Tof. E. Addieks, John F. Carr, Frederick Graff, John Stillman, Henry Heber, HE nry Shgder, A»dw. Epplesheimer, James Cannon, Samuel P. - Litligow, Francis Blackburn, - .Daniel K. Grimm, E. C. Markley, E..Dallett, M. J. ()roil, P. A. Koons, Simon Mudge, C. J. Hoffman, John lingey, Cr. W. Blabon, Samuel sparhawk. Eli Holden, R. Kirkpatrick, Wm. Wainwright, David Brooks, Thomas Birch, A. H. Mershon, E. 0. Markley, Jr., R. A. 'Hoopes, A. B. Chambers Jacob Bennett, Richard A. Lewis, • John L. Shoemaker, A. Cuthbert Thomas,A. W. Parsons, Wilson Jewell, M. 1., James Truman, C. M. Pearce, John Pry, James M. Borer, G. C. Evans, 'A. H. Alburger, David Evans, H. Geiger, J. Hollowbush. N. J. Nickerson, and many others. To Jame* L. Claghorn, John 11f. Ogden, M Newkirk, Thomas. Potter, Eli X. Price, and others : iliKli - TIaJCEN: Your letter requestinF me to be come a candidate for Senator in the becond, Sena torial District has been received. it Is indeed gratifying to me to rocas - eau endorse ment of my course, while a member of the House of Representatives, from citizens whose good opin ion we all value. . . - After a consultation with many of my friends, I had heretofore determined to submit my name to the Union couvmaion of the district for nomina tion, and your mount entourages and Strengthen* 'me in that purpose. nominated and elected, I hope my future nets may merit the same approbation which ion have expressed of the past. Very truly yours, THOMAS COCHRAN. PIIILADELPItrA, August 19, ISO. It. TA., UNION CITIZENS OF THE hl. - Cri,i,iff WARD.—Agr..ably to the Call of the City .y..:...entien Committee,. the Union Citizens are invited to assemble at their severat precincts viz.: Ist Precinct, 810 Sansoin street; 2d " Southwest cor. Twelfth and Locust; ad " Broad and Locust streets; 4th " Southeast cor.Eleventh and Sansoml sth ‘. Twenty-first and Locust streets; 6th. " Sausom, above Twentieth street; ^lb it NOrineaSt eon TWentiCtil an.dSpruee, On TUESDAY BYJSZirtiti-, Augnet hetween the hours of 6 and 8 I'. Id., to elect Delegates to the City, County, Legislative, and Ward Conventions. A. J. HARPER, President EDWARD M. VINTON, CHAS. W. SMITH, }Secretaries SURGEON GENERAL'S orrice, WASBINGTOS Cfrx - , D. C. August 17, 18k. AN ARMY MEDICAL BOARD, to consist of Brevet Colonel C. S. Tripler, Surgeon U. S. A., President Brevet Lieutenant Colonel B. R. Wirtz, Surgeon U. S. A.; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel An thony Heger. Surgeon U. S. A. and Brevet Major C. C. Lee, Assistant Surgeon U. S. A., Recorder, will meet in New York City, on the 20/11 of iSeptem ber next for the examination Of Candidates for ad mission into the Medical man - of Incthe United States - Army , and of Assistant Surgeons for promotion. Applicants must be between 21 arida, years of age, and physically sound. Applications must be addressed to the Surgeon General of the army, stating the residence of the applicant, and the date and place of his birth; they must be accompanied by respectable testimonials of moral character. If the applicant has lleen In the service, he will send the testimonial Of the chief medical officer under whom lie has served, and if in service at the present time, the application must be sent through the Medical Director of the respective Department. No allowance is made for the expenses of persons undergoing the examination, as it is au imdispen same pre-requisite to appointment. There are now twelve vacancies in the Medical Stall. J. K. BARNES, au2l-rawnin Surgeon General U. S. Army. nr INCOME TAX. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, U. S. Internal Fte-venne, FIRST DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. 304 CHESTNUT STREET. To the RESIDENTS of the First Congressional District of Pennsylvania, embracing the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eleventh Wards; Notice is hereby given that the Income Lists (lulu ding Carriages, Yachts, •Billiard Tables, Gold and SilvertPlate), for the year ending December at, 1864, have been received at this office, and payment is hereby demanded of the same• If not paid on or before the sth day of September, 1965, a penalty of ten per centum will be imposed on all delinquents. JESPE= lIA.RDING, aul&l6t • arFALB FOB TAKE SoLntintS , AND SAILORS , HOME. TO THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. _ _ The Ladles ' Visiting Committee of the SOL DIERS, HOME, in the city of Ftaladelphlii, pro pose to open a National Fair at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on the twenty-third day of October next, for the purpose of raising a Building and Endow ment Fund for the Institution with which they are Connected. The undersigned commend this project to the fa vorable notice of their fellow- entrant of the United States. - • • The Soldiers , Borne hes been incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania for the relief of Soldiers and Seamen who have been honorably discharged from, and the children of those who have died in, the ser vice of the country. The Cooper Shop Soldiers' Home has been merged in this Institution by Legislative authority, and is now in successful operation, But as the building now occupied at the corner of Itnee and Crown streets, is entirely inadequate to the necessities of the Home, the Managers have given their sanction to the proposed Fair. Although the some is located In Philadelphia, its benefactions are not limited by State boundaries. Its doors are freely opened to every deserving Sol dier and Sailor of the Republic who seeks admis sion. The management contemplates an Industrial De partment in the Institution, in which the inmateS who are able to work at their trades may end em ployment, and thus be relieved from the position of mere dependents on public charity. It contem plates, also a department where children of those who have died in the service will be tenderly pro tected, and carefully educated and prepared for suitable vocations. . . . While the hearts of tile people are overflowing with gratitude LO God for his great gift of Victory to our patriot armies, we should not forget our du ties to the brave men who will soon be returning from the fields they have won, disabled by honor able wounds from the active pursuits of their pro fessions. The Orphan children whose fathers have fallen in our great struggle are also specially entitled to the public favor and protection. Let us provide a Home worthy of their acceptance, and worthy Of a people whose property they have protected, whose liberty they have secured, whose Government they have saved, and whose hearts they have gladdened by their splendid achievements. Committees for the organization of the Fair will be announced in due season. Newspaper proprietors will render important ser vice by occasional pubileationS of thisinotice, which will be duly acknowledged as contributions to the Fair. • PHILADELPHIA, April 14th, nes. Andrew G. Curtin. George H. Boker. Alexander Henry. Lindley Smyth. Simon Cameron. John Haseltine. James Pollock. L. A. Godey. Caleb Cope. E. S. Halt, Henry C. Carey. James Milliken. E. D. Saunders. A. J. Drexel. Dr. A. Nebinger. William M. Cooper. E. W. Clark. William D. Kelley. A. Martin. Charles Gibbons. James L. Claghorn. D. B. C.mmlus. Daniel Haddock, Jr. Henry D. Moore. Daniel Smith, Jr. John Welsh. Edmund A. Souder. William D. Lewis. Robert P. King. J. Edgar Thomson. James H. Orne. -Dr. E. Wallace. Samuel Field. A. E. Borie. Morton McMichael. Charles O'Neill. Daniel Dougherty. James C. Hand. Jay Cooke. M. W. Baldwin. Joseph Harrison, Jr. J. IL Lippincott. H. It. Warriner. S. Morris Walu. N. B. Browne. George H. Stuart. Thomas A. Newnan. E.*amcce Miller_ ChariesMacalester. S. M. Bowman. , William Struthers. Donations in money for the Fair may be - sent to William Struthers, Treasurer, No. 10 - M Market street. Aid Societies, Hospital and other Committees about disbanding, are earnestly requested to con tribute whatever funds Or articles or use they may have on band, for the 'Anent of the Pair, or for the Soldiers' Home. Donations in Goods Provisions, &e, may be sent H to the SOLDIERS' OME, corner or RACE and CROWN Streets, Philadelphia, marked to the care of Mns. D. HADDOCK, JR., President, or Mits. J. HORNER, Secretary. All donations duly acknowledged. gar OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, August 15, 1865. The Mortgage Bonds of the Connecting Railway Company, 'between the station of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in West Philadelphia and Frank ford, a distance of seven miles, can be obtained at this (Mee, No. 23S South THIRD Street. These bonds are In sums Of One thousand dollars, with interest coupons attached, payable at said office on the 15th day Of March and September in each year, at the rate of six per eentum per annum, and the principal payable In live equal annual amounts, at the rate of VOO,OOO per annum—the first series on September 15, A. D. INO. The principal and interest are secured by a mortgage for one million of dollars upon all the railway and property of the company, and are guaranteed by the PelnitSYMPlia Rauroa 4 Company. These bonds are made free of State taxes by the Company. The railway is being constructed in the most sub stantial manner. and will he completed during the ensuing year. This road perfects the connection between the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York lines via Philadelphia, and becoming, as it will, the main channel of communication between New York and the West, as well as to and from the National Capital, will always Obtain large reve nues, and be one of the most important railways of the Union. Under a contract with the Philadelphia and Tren ton Railroad Company, that company leases the road of the Connecting Railway Company, and agrees to pay an annual rent for 999 years of six per centual upon the MI Of the road, clear or taxes. These bonds are therefore recommended as a drat. class security. For further information ap_ply at the office of the Company. THOMAS T. FIRTH, auf7-1m Treasurer. 3 13 .5 Ilgr NOTICE—BANK OF PENNSTL VANIA.—NotIce is hereby given that the Notes of the Bank or Pennsylvania will be paid in full upon preaentatiOn and proof, at the 0111. e or the Asslitnees, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, In the city of Philadelphia. Parties holding notes of the said Bank not yet presented are notified that un less the same are presented MO proved at the As signees, Office on or before the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1865, they , will be debarred from all claim thereon. . PATTERSON, W. L. SAVAGE, }Assignees, J. D. TAYLOR anl4-natoel No. 107 VIIIItARY'Straet. wc. NOTICE.—THE STOCKHOLD ERS OR THE MECCA OIL COMPANY of this city are requested to meet at the office of the Coinpany, No. 134 South FOURTH Street, on THURSDAY, the Sith inst.,.at 11 o'clock A. AL., to tranStiet business of great tmportanee to the Com pany. By Qrdet , of the BOW of Directors. auto-8t• GEORGE W. OW:PPM Secretary. ligr CUMBERLAND COAL AND I 11• PROVEMENT COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK£O,9OO,OOO. 200 000 SHARES, AT R 5 EACH. ()Mee }go. 228 South FOURTH Street. DIRECTORS: Meakr argee' Price I. Patton, Thomas IL Rickert. le Smith. - R J. MEGARBEE. Ter, ALBERT R.attlo-tf SOHO Joseph Lesley, Robert H. Beatty, Albert D. Boileau, Edward H. Faulkner, A. Eugen President, SYLVESTEI Secretary and Treasure FIELD EDMUND YARD ea 00., 617 Chestnut and 611 Jayne Streets, H aft just received from Auction 500 PIECES FRENCH MERINOES, 300 PIECES ALL-WOOL HELAINE% Which they offer to the trade at a small advance. aulB-11 FRESH GOODS. HALLOWELL, GARDNER, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ABE NOW OPENING AN ENTIRELY'NEW STOCK OP S 1.4-JEC • • AND FANCY DRESS GOODS , Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade in Elegant Designs Foreign Fancy- Fabrios. AIso—CHOICE MARES in IMPORTED STAPLE GOODS, such as will be renil t ef Ai lf SALES, which theltiffer at LOW PRICES TO CASE BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets, jy3l-Inwfain `ALL. 1865. FALL. EDMUND YAUD 13c. CO., COLLECTOR- AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATES. ,us-8n EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 20 SOUTH SECOND MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity' accommodations countriesi good par, eiCeilent light and easy dot es. - For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing liendesvotts, No. 311 South FRONT Street, rhiladelphia_, between 9 A. X. and El P. M. (Oren' day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, , 1191. Cantata and Recruiting Officer. CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRAVEN, MA.SONIO HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, lIAB JUST BECRIPXD A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NO TING HAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, BEADY FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. 1y22 tt SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne Sts., IattrOBTERZ it.ND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND DALNORALS. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS GOODS. OM; r xxvicv- WOOL c}cooros, BALMORALS, RETAIL DRY GOODS. ARE NOW OPENING THEIR FALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION FANCY.SZLSS, PLAIN SII.KSS, BLACK SILKS, FRENCH, IRISH, AND GrENDIAN POPLINS, TaTENCI - I. 311FAEMINTOES, FANCY AND PLAIN DELAINBS, And Novelties in Dress , Goods, - OF ALL KINDS. For Sale Wholesale and Retail TOR BLANKETS, GO TO THE BEST PLACE. Where you can find the leading makes of ENG LISH AND AMERICAN, at the VERY LOW EST PRICES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE &. CO., Northwest cor. of EIGHTH and-MARKET. NAPKINS, ALL LINEN, AT $2 PER DOZEN. 10-4 Linen Sheeting, $1.25. Russia Crash, Me, 28e., Ste. 000 dozen. Towels, at $2.25, $2,50, and $3 per dozen. Fronting Linen, good, at 50c. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE Az CO. A , rthwest cor. of EIGHTH MARKET. (7100 D ALL-WOOL CASSIMERE, FOR N-A BOYS, at $1.25. Extra heavy Cassimere, for men, $1.50. A line assortment of Coatings. Examine our Cloths for Cloakingt. J. C. STRAWBRIDNE & CO. Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. LUPIN'S FINE ALL-WOOL DE LAINRS, 50c. Handsome Poplin Reps, $1.23. Jihad: figured Silks, double - facad, $1.65. 300 Balmoral Skirts, ebeap, $53.50. J. C. STRAWI3RIDGE & CO., Northwest cor. EIGHTH and MARKET. I:I74SHEETINGS, EXTRA HEAVY, $1.15. 10-4 Sheettrigs, 10-4 heavy linDlenelled, 31.10. 5-4 Pillow Muslin, 52)0. N ew York 311111 S, Wlllhunsville,_WairtStlttd. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., di.l9-tf Northwest eor. EIGHTH and MARKET. HPr STEEL & SON, Nos. 713 & 715 North TENTH Street, are now offering great mrgains In SLIMIER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices. . Linen Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. I% yards wide English Cashmeres, Fall colors, $l. BILKS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICES. CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS IN THE CITY. Just opened t ease of Hoyle's best quality 4.4 Eng ish Chintzes, double purples, at 50c. an= PLAINPERCALLES BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE a- or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure whiteSlietland Shawls. White Shirred Musllns. mato and stripe Nainsooks. Plain Nain6ooks, i3wlls Mullins, Cambrics, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double widthplain Be Laines. EDWIN HALL & CO., AO South SECOND Street. N.B.—Sommer Dress Goods closing out regard esti of cost. Je2o-tf COOPER OONA.RD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at We. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, bs and as cents. Extra One black Mohair Alpaca g 1 Lupin's 6-9 black Wool Detainee, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslims, finest Cambrics ind Jaconets, puffed Muslims, Pique, Ac. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacquee and Summer Dusters. Je7-tt 628H00P SKIRTS. R2B uonamse "OWN MAKE" OF NJ Floor sluitTS are manufactured of the best woven capes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with :Men finished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured , by improved ma- Minery, which entirely prevents slipping and be mming unclasped, rendering them superior to all ether Skirts in the - market. All the new and desira nic styles, sues and lengths for ladies, misses. and .itildren. On thud and made to order, 'wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 028 ARCH Street. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, NASH VILLE. TENNESSEE. August Ilth, 1885. NOTICE TO TENNESSEE BONDHOLDERS. In obedience to a Resolution of the General As -nitily of TenliCSSeo, passed May ?Ad, 1865, you are .crehy requested to forward to this Maw a state :tient of your name and residence. with the date Ind number of each Bond of the State of Tennessee .caned by you, and the amount and character of -tll Bond. Your early compliance is requested. S. W. HAMLETT, aulG^l% • Comptroller. WANAKAR= & BROWN, THE PRESS.7-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 21. 1865. LITTLE, BROWN, & CO R• II A. ME SPEA L., B. & CO. will publish, August 28th, SHAKSPEARE. Tills volume completes the Works Of Shakapeare, edited by RICHARD GRANT Worm Inn Tow. PIONEERS OF FRANCE IN THE NEW By FRANCIS PARKMAN, author of the 6 ' History of the' Conspiracy of Pontifreo , &c. Small Syn. Being the first volume of a Historical Series, enti tled, FRANCE AND ENGLAND IN NORTH Attain - 0m and consisting of a succession of Histories and Memoirs relating to the conflict of the leading European Powers for the possession of this Con tinent. (Part 11.—Tfra JILSUIT IN TEE WILDSR- Ngsa—in preparation.) THE LIFE AND SPEECHES OF ANDREW JOHNSON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, EDITED BY PRAWN MOORE. GEIMM , S LIFE OF MICHAEL ANGELO,: Trans'bled by F.E.Buswvaur. 2 vols. ; crown octavo Translated by ELiZABETri eARTBR, an Edited by T. W. MGGINSON. OF SAMUEL ADAMS. By his Great Grandson, WILLIAM V. WELLS 3 vols., Svo. IN THE COURSE OF ruDLIcATrox, In Twelve Monthly Volumes, CroWll Bvo., Price $2.25 each., THE WORKS OF THE The publishers will send the volumes as Issued, free of expense to subscribers upon the receipt of $2.25. au2l-mwfat MITCHELL'S GEOGRAPHY - AND ATLAS. ENTIRELY DiEW — MA-Pg TEXT, AND ILLUS. TRA.TIoNS. Just Published. Price, $2.60. MITCHELL'S NEW. SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. A system of Geography, Physical, Political, and Descriptive. 1 vol. small I2mo, 4.6 pages. trated by 200 Engravings, with Tables of the Princi pal Cities of the world, and their population, and a list of nearly 1,000 Geographieal words, with their explanation and Meaning. MITCHELL'S NEW SC.BCPOL ATLAS. A eerles of 44 copper-plate maps, compiled from the great Atlases of Keith 'Johnston, Mom% the Geo graphical Institute of Weimar, from the United States Coast Survey, the. Surveys of the War De partmen authorities,he several States, and from other reliable drawn and engraved expressly to Illustrate Mitchell's New School Geography; with important Geographical Tables and a Pronouncing Vocabulary of 10,000 Geographical names found ill these worke. Extract from the Preface. GEOGRAPHY is two-fold, physical and political. In the present treatise, these two elements of the science are combined, and wrought into one con sistent and harmonious whole. In the account that is giren of every part of the earth one uniform order is nurstieti, rirst, the Natural features are deseribetkillellilliegithe locality and size; the moun tains. plains, rivers, lakes, seas, and generally whatever constitutes the surface; the soil and cli mate; the products, or what the soil and climate produce, and the minerals — all:these coming under the head of its Physical character.: Secondly, the Political features are described, including the palm lation, as to race and descent, as well as to num bers; the minium% and customs of the people% the capitals and chief 'towns; the goyernment and re ligion, and, occasionally, important historical statements—all these coming under the head of . Po litical Geography. By following this method uniformly throughout the hook, several important advantages are secured. 1. Greater clearness and exactness of statement are obtained. I. Anauch largeramount of luforina 'Mon Isgiven in the same space, without crowding or contusion. 3. It is easier to refer to any par ocular fact that is wanted. 4. The matter, when thus presented, is more readily understood. 6. It is more easily learned. 6. It is more easily taught. 7. It remains more permanently fixed in the memo ry. Indeed, there is no science in which a clear and natural method is of more importance that it is in Geography where the facts arc so numerous and varied, and where accuracy is of such vital con sequence. . The reader is invited to .open the book at any part of it, to see how thoroughly this method hasbeen carried out. . _ The Atlas accompanying this volume has the large number of forty-four copper-plate maps, compiled front the great Atlases of Keith Johnston, Kiepert, and tile lircographical Institute of Weimar, from the V. S. Coast Survey. the SlirVeyii Of the War Department and of the several States, oud from other reliable authorities. Attention is invited also to the Geographical Tables, and to the valuable and extensive Pro nouncing Vocabulary of 10,000 names in the.Atiast to the large number and the excellent character of the engravings In the book, most of which are from original drawings of the Qbjects represented; and, finally, to the evidences of conscientious care which has been bestowed upon every department of the work—literary, artistic, and mechanical—to make it, if possible, in every way worthy of the present advanced state of geographical knowledge and of po_pular education. Teachers, Educational BoardS, and others, are in-sitod to examine this work, 'Ear sale by bOolisellei t gw . V ergy itrat co au2l-2t 137 South FOURTH Street, Philadai EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS! THE AMERICAN STATESMAN. PRICE REDUCED TO fa. PER YEAR, Making the Best and Cheapest Paper in the World. Our vire/Rive advertising patronage and large Circulation enables us to reduce the price of this popularjournal to ONLY .1 PER YEAR. DECIDEDLY THE CHEAPEST AND BEST WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED. The Great National Paper of the (lay for the Ame rican People. Devoted to Reconstruction, Tariff, Duties, Taxes, State and National Policies and Politics, Commerce, Manufacture, Arts, Science., and the Newt) of the day. SEND FOR IT AT ONCE. Published Weekly at One Dollar per year, in ad vance. A Club of ten or more, an extra copy to-the getter-up o AMERICANddress STATESMAN Office, 65 and 61' NASSAU Street, New York. auis-Bt&W4s KILPATRICK AND OUR CAVALRY. With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En gagements from the beginning of the Rebellion to the surrender ofJohnston. 121 no. THE STORY OF GENERAL SHERMAN'S GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Major Nichols. 12mo. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author of " John Halifa" ESSAYS e. ARNOLD'S AND CRITICISMS. 12m0. PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A Book of Boy Travel. By M. A. Edwards. .All the new books received as soon as published 'and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor;to W. S. &A. Martiero aul.2 - 606 CHESTNUT Street. ATTAACTIYE ,BOOKS FOR, THE COUNTRY AND SEA-SIDE. COUNTRY LIVING—Iiv Gail Hamilton. GALA DAYS—By Gall namllton. STUMBLING BLOCKS—By Gail Hamilton. FOR D HOUSE POEMS—By_Longfellow. SONGS ALL SEASONS—By Tennyson. NATIONAL LYRICS—By Whittier. TENNYSON'S POEMS—Farringford edition. ENOCH AUDEN, Illustrued—By Tennyson. 'HYMNS OF TEE AGEg—Weetions from Wither, (iraehaw, Southwen, and others. FOLLOWING THE FLAG—By Carleton. For sale by LINDSAY & .13LAKISTON, an 9 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. MILLER & BURLOCK, MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPH AI,ItUMS, Nos. 1102 and 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Albums, comprising over three hundred varieties of the latest styles andmost beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty and durability by auy in the market, and sold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis count to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any Whines without charge. POCKET BIBLES AND POCKET TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burlock's superior and well-known Pearl Bible, also their Pearl Testament, in various styles uf binding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 1102 andu7 110* inkt SANS OM St.,Phlladelphla. aAwfttillin McCANDLEBS & SMITH, MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on band and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process , and USed exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country. AGENTS. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. Da Walnut street, Phila. delphia. PITT it WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal. timore. CHRISTIAN LEE It CO., Richmond, Ye. E. W. GOULD & CO., Newbern, N. O. jele-am FISHER'S SELF-SEALING F RUIT CANS. Every housekeeper In the city and countrl should use this excellent Can. It is the most eon. venient and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed in as instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat ol the fruit, and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. The cap is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can, _at J. MeIdURTRIEW, 808 SPRING GARDEN Street 3y13-2inif Philadelphia. TO SPORTSMEN.—PHILIP WILSON & CO., No. 409 CHESTNUT Street, call the attoption or Sportsmen to our stook of FINE, GUNS Of onr own mid best English maker& Aleo, Rifles, Pistols, Skates, Cricket and Base-Ball Implements, Powder, Shot, Wads, Caps, Flasks, Pouches, &c., at lowest prices. Repairing done in the best manner. ant?-tf CLAIMS FOR RECRUITING.—BY DI- Caution of the PrOVost Marabal General, per sons baling just and proper claims ileitilist the tins vernment for expenses incurred in reeruiting in tile Eastern Division of Pennsylvania, and properly chargeable to the fund for "ColleCting,Drilling d and. Organizing Volunteers," are hereby notifie that such claims must be presented at °lite for ad justment to the Chief Mustering and Disbursing officer in this city. W. B. LANE,. BreyetMujor U. S. A., Chief M. and 11, (MO, Ea stern Division of Pennsylvania, No. 1214 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, Pa. aute-wsmin Fro MANUFACTURERS OF COTTON, -A- FLAX, AND JUTE.—WILLIAM HIGGINS & SONS, Manufacturers of Cotton, Flax and Jute Machinery, Manchester, England. Mr. James Hig gins (One Of the firm) Is at present in the United Stifles, anti - would Dc glad to communicate with any firm requiring dlachincry of the above deSeription. Address "Care °IR. GARSED & BRO., Franxford, rhiladelphtu.' , anl6-120 CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers wih please cell atotexamina our wick. mave-ix HAVANA CIGARS.-A GOOD VA RIETY constantly in store and bond. at low est cash rates. S. FIIGIORT a SONS, mr2,4-the No. MS South FRONT Street. COTTON AND FLAX 0411 i DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers awl brands, Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Felts, from one to five feet wide; Pauline, Bolting Sail Twine, &o. JOHN W. BVWNLAN & 00., nott-tr No. 103 .TONIFS , Alley. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTIILNCk HOUSE, ki AIMUU :37g117.10 4 Wkli HAVE JUST PIIIILISFIED LIFE AND GENIUS J3T P,ICXtARD GRANT Crown, svo. SEPTEMBER MD, WORLD SEPTEMBER Ran, SEPTEMBER 9TR, ErICTETUS READY IN DECEMBER, THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SEItVICES RIGHT HON. EDMUND BURKE NETTSED EDITION VOL DOW ready. EDUCATIONAL. O,OURTLAND SAUNDERS INSTI. •••-/ TUTE FOR ROTS AND YOUTlL—Aildreso Prof. R. D.SAUNDERS, D. D., Philadelphia. ELOCUTION TAUGHT ANT)BTAX MERINO CURED. PHILIP LAWEEN'ec Professor of Elocution, 2019 LOCUST St. au:ll.-St• MISS C. A. GLOVER WILL REOPEN her Seminary, No. 1523 POPLAR. Street, on the first Monday of September, for the reception of pupils of both sexes. (Boys under ten years.) litbiladelphis, August 11), 18a5. au2l-13t. fl ENT RAL INSTITUTE, TENTH. and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen September 9tli. Boys prepared for any division of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for business. Special attentio»given to small boys. att2l-6w H. 0, HecHrum, A. M., Principal. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL of 11. D. DE - BOOBY, A. M.N0.1.1013 MARKET Street, will reopen on MONDAY. Se 1- 4th . auM-Int MRS. SCHAITTR'S SCHOOL WILL be REOPENED on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, at 933 SPRUCE Street- Circalaret may be obtained at the .E. corner or Spruce ant Tenth streets. nutt-lot* HOME INSTRUCTION.-A'CLERGY MAN of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with ten years experience as a Teacher, desires to secure Private Pupils for instruction In Greek or Latin, English Literature, and English Composition. VTasheu in Schools for Young Ladies also taught in either of these branches of study. Address C •• Cler gyman," Protestant Episcopal Book Beposltory, 1224- C HESTNUT Street. • aul9-61. MISS MA YE. THROPP WILL; RE OPEN her English atid French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladles at 11341 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia, on the lith of September. For Otreulan, apply at the School. aul7-I.m. CHESTNUT -HILL ACADEMY WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 12, with a limited.uum ber of BOYS, each pupil being taught br the Princi pal, 11. W. SCOTT, from Yale College. Recommended by J. E. Mitchell, W. IL Trotter, J. S. %needler. and C. Platt. aul7-lm• WEST BRANCH BOARDING Ti SCHOOL., MALE AND FEMALE. JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING COUNTY, PEN NA. Terms $l5O per year. Pupils prepared for College' Business or ordinary duties of domestic life, with the comforts - of a: good Dome. Catalogues, with full particulars, of Philip Wilson, MA Chestnut Street, Or address as above. avl7-Im* F. DON - I.,BAYY.LOZIkt, A. ht.,Princioid. 1 IJGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH -a-a , ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established tn SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the best SehOOls of this country and - of England, in its eye tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical ma mathematical course. . . Those preparing- for college will be fitted to take a high stand in their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life. Circu lars, with fill information, can be had at 1228 Chest nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M.. Principal. gslt ra&NUEIS. Caleb Cope, Esq. Sion. Wm. D. setter non. Jas_ Amgen, Alexander Vin:tint Esq.:Thomas Potter, Esq.,A. H. Yranclocus, Es q.; P. M. l3irkintsine, Esq. aul6-Im. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACA DEMY, AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September:7, at 4P. M, Cadets may pursue either a Classical or Scientific course of study, under experienced and thorough instructors. in the Primary Department the usual English branches are taught. Military instruction is given in the three arms of the service. The Aca demy is furnished with horses for Cavalry and Horse-Artillery exercises. All the appointments of the Institution are of the first order, and no expense or effort is spared to advance the education and military training of the Cadets. The religiowiltiStriletlOn Of MC Cadets is carefully attended to. For Circulars, apply to J. H. ORNE, Egg, 626 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, or to Col THEO. HYATT, President of Penna. Mil'y Aca,y.Cauls-lin THE FRENCH AND ENGLISH SckARDING AND DAY SCHOOL of Madame MASSE will reopen on MONDAY, September Jam, In this institution instruction, ig thorough in every department. Competent English teachers are em ployed for all the branches of a good English edu cation. French Is the language of She family, and is constantly spoken in the institute. For circu lars, ,containing terms and other particulars, ad dress 1342 SPRUCE St., Philada., Pa. auls-2m VAIRDWITNT FEMALE, COLLEGE, -a- GREEN Meet, Tres* of Twenty-sccond street, Philadelphia—This superior Boarding anti Day School for Young Ladies, will be_gin its next term September 13tli. A Preparatory Department is pro vided for younger pupils. Eor circulars, apply to or address Rev. J. W. BARNHART, A. N., President. anls-1m CUMBERL A D VALLEY INSTI FOR YOUNGi E GENTLEMEN. ME.4tSON,G, P. REV.O. Duties resume September 1. Charges, $112.50 per five months , session, In ad vance. send for a Oren]. t anll-fmn-12t YOUNG MEN D BOYS' SCHOOL:— Rev. JAS. El: SHINN, A. M., will open an English, Classical,' Mathematical, and Scientific School for Young Men and Bon, N 0.1906 ISIOUNT VERNON Street; on the first MONDAY in Septem ber. The instruction Will be particular and tho rough, such as will pre are young men for business or college. For terms, c., apply as above. aulagni* THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues, containing Terms and Ash hafor illation, apply to its Principal, Jyys-ow WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. M. WOODLAND SEMINARY.— NOB. 0 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phi. ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for YonngLadies. Location healthy, airy, and attract tive. — Fall Session commences Sept. 12. Fox Circulars apply to jyrt-zor , REV. EVERY BEEVES, Principal. IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE A • ° MECHANICSBURG; PA. REX. T. P. EGE, A.M., PRESIDENT; ASSIEred by the old corps of teachers. TEETH ANNUAL SESSION begins September 6. Charges, per five MOMS' session, In advance, MS; with MEW; uso. Send for a Circular. aull-fmw-Ht ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, FORTY-FIRST, above HUTTON Street, Mantua, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for boys. The next term will commence September 6th. For circulars, apply to Wm. G. Crowell, Ego. 510 WALNUT street, or to J. W. Pinkerton, A. M., Principal. aue-wfml2l* CHESTNUT-STREET FEMALE sE xa :MINARY—ENGLISHH AND. FRENCH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL Principals, Miss Bon ney and Miss Dillaye.—The Thirty-first Semi-An nual Session will smell WEDNESDAY, September 13th, at 161.5 CHESTNUT Street, Particulars from Circulars. auls-tool SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN,. corner of FILBERT Street and North PENN Square, re-opens on MONDAY, September 4th. , JOSEPH Id.ARRISON, Esq., President. WILLIAM BIICKNELL, - Esq., VlCePresident. P. P. MORRIS, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS W. J. Honstman, David S. Brown, B. Warner, BB K. Price, James L. CiaghOrit, Ocorge Whitney. W. R. Wilstaell, James A. Wright. James IL Orne, aulS-18t T. W. B AIDWOOD, Principal THE FRENCH AND AMERICAN IN BTITIITE for Young Ladies Rev. N. CYR and Mrs. M. G. DAVENPORT, Principals, 2953 FRANXFONA Road, wiu open on the lath of next month. rarentsund guardians will do well to send for a circular, and inquire about the soured of study, which offers superior advantages for the acquisition of the ornamental branches. auls-60 ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADE MY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, (in the rooms lately ocelltded by the Y. M. C. A..) This school will open MONDAY, September nth_ It is designed tO prepare for any mitten of the United States orfor mercantile life. Cieetdars containing particulars may be obtained of Mr. ROGERS, 1000 Chestnut street. T. BRANTLY LANGTON, US WALD SEIDENSTICKER, Principals. EEFEIIENCES.—Prof. G. Allen, Rev. G. D. Board man, Rev. James Clark, Rev. G. D. Carrow,C. E. Lea, Bag., J. B. Townsend, Esq., W. J. Hortsman, Esq., Pliny E, Chase, Esq. zrul4-1m ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART, No. 1625 WALNUT Street, Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the "Ladies of the Sacred Heart" intend open ing a DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES on the Second MONDAY of September: The system of caeca - Hon will be the SaMe, at that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the 'Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies, being devoted to the instruction of youth, spare no pains to win the heart to virtue and Impart to the mind a solid and refined education. Application can be made for Circulars Ist Sep tember. aul2-1m WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, DEL. —The newt Annual Session will begin on THURSDAY, September 7,18135. For catalogues or further Information, address JOHN WILSON: President. INSTITUTE 'FOR BOYS, AT FREE HOLD, N. J.—The Fall Tenn will commence SEPTEMBER 13th, and continue fourteen weeks. Boys fitted for business Or college. Terms-1000 per year, of forty-two weeks—one-thied at the Min mencement of each term. great attention will be paid to the morals and manners of pupils, as well as to scientific attainments. Motto- 6 We reason from what we know." Deduction,_ thoroughness M firstprineiples. CYRUS BALDWIN, Principal. References—Rev. E. E. Adams, Schermerhorn 1 Bancroft, E. SimpfaM,W3ll, Musser. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN. STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at 12M and 12% Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2811. The next Session will counnente on MONDAY, Sep tember 18th. Bev. WIABLES A. SMITH, D. B•, Principal. 133110-1 m nnEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH; v and Frenctoßoarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 15W andt329 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on.WEDNESDAY, Septem ber Mb. French is the language of the family, and is con stantly spoked in the Institute. For circulars and particulars apply to auS-am Madame D , IIERNULLY, Principal. fIRITTENDEIPS PHILA.DELPHIA. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 140. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Established 1844. Incorporated 1855. Tile course of instruction includes BOOK-KEEP INC- in its different branches, l'ENsta.staur, Mercantile Calculations, Business Perms, Com. menial Law, Sec. Ste. ,_furnishing _a necessary PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. NO VACATION. Students instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Catalogues furnished gratis on appli cation. au9-12t. L A.GE GRE E N SEMINARY— . MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL. — Terms verry moderate. Thorough course of etndy in Mathematic*, English Classics, &c. Supplies the benefits of a home, Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys ',Wall ages received. Begins Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOHN C. CAPP & SON, 23 Mouth THIRD *mot; THOS CLAYTONEsq„ 'FIFTH and PliilNt Mr. .FORGE F. /0 01 ' 1 '1 38 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. au4-8m FEMALE COLLEGE, :*BORN. -a• TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. For esta logues, containing terms, etch Address. Rev JO R. BRAMBLES!, A. M., au2-6w President. THE MISSES CASEY AND MRS. THE BEEBE will reopen their Boarding_and Day School for Young Ladles, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th ofSept. an2.-2m" - ippxSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITUTE, TROY, N. y.—The Forty-second Annual Session Of thia wen• known School of Engl. neering and Natural - Science, win commence SOIL 13th, M. The New Annual Register of 168.5„ giving full information, may be obtained by addressing Prof. Prof. CHARLES DROWNE, Director, Troy, N. Y. au.l4ot* MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN JAL STITUTE, ALLENTowN, PA., with char tered nrivile s r, 73UperiPr advgilitligAS, and a pa tronage of II pupils the first year, red,Pens Sept. b. For circulars, address Rev. lit. L. IitOFOR A. M., President. aul-t u, ui A R. RECR'S SCHOOL AT LUIZ, Lancaster county, Penna. intended for a lim ited nutacer of 'boys between the ages, of seven and Maven years. The inipils have the toirantsta af living In Principal's Deafly, and being under LIB COII3IOIII care. For terms, &c . ., applyto ABIATIAM R. BECK. Prind al. S. E. COB. SIXTH AND MARKET STREATB EDUCATIONAL. ORITTENDEEPS PHIL A D ELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. B.TYCIIESTNUT Street, corner of SEVENTH. Established 1[11844. Incorporated 184.5. The Course of Instruction includes BOOK-KEEP ING in it, dilThrent branches, PENHANSHlP,lller cantile Calculations, Business Forms, Commercial Lal9,_etc., furnishing , a necessary PREPARATION FOR. BUSINESS LIFE. NO VACATIONS.-.Students instructed separate- IY. and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on Graduation. Catalogues for the year eliding April 15, containing terms, etc., sent free on appli cation. Six hundred and bevcay-uine Wu:lents is attendance last year. aul963tir 'TOP IS THE TIME FOR YOIMIG MEN to enter upon a course of study at MtY ANT, STRATTON, BANNISTER'S National Commercial College. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Call or send for a Circular. aulD-smw3t RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS Will find the readiest means of honor°, .ble and lucrative employment In a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business eau be acquired at little expense, and in a short period of time, at BRY ANT , STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. WL corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cages wor• tby of such consideration. auni-smw3t THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COL LEG7., TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. INCORPORATED BY A SPECIAL ACT OF THE LEOLSLATIIRE OP PENNSYLVANIA, AND HAY ING MORE EXTENSIVE CHARTEHEP.PRI-n -',BOBS THAN ANY OTHER commHnOrAL SCHOOL IN THE UNITED•STATES. DIPLOMAS AND DEGRES OF MERIT AWARDED BY AU THORITY OF LAW. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES. As a thorough Practical School of nosiness this in stitution offers in every respect, advantages and facilities of the very highest order. The course of instruction Combines in the mostperfect manner THEORY AND PRACTICE, Giving in the shortest possible time a complete in sight into the forms 4 routine and details of ~ACTt AL BUSINESS, And making the student master of that which can be only imperfectly comprehended by a system of instruction based on theory alone. ACCOMMODATIONS. . . . . The Institution liaa • the most extensive accommo cons, and all the rooms are fitted up and furnished in a style, for convenience and elegance, une qualled. SPECIAL NOTICE., Several new instructors have been engaged for the Fall Season, and renewed efforts Will be made to meet the expectations of patrons. INSTRUCTION IN Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic the Higher Mathematics, nasiaeas Forms and Customs, Ac tual Business Practice Commercial Law, &e. YOUNG MEN Sill° wish to avail themselves of the best means at their command for a thorough education for busi ness, are invited to call or send for a Catalogue. aul9-2t* WANTS. WANTED-A LIGHT CONCORD EL I PRESS WAGON, Platform Springs. Ad dress, with price, 1668 , P. 0. It• 'ANTED—AN EFFICIENT SALES ir MAN, in a Retail Carpet Store, on CHEST NUT Street , difiddressi with reference, Box Post-Ottlee.. adbat, WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TY SALESLADY, in a Hosiery and Trimming store. Address, with reference, "A. 8., Box 1945, Philadelphia Post-office. aul9-ats WANTED-AGENTS-$lO PER DAY V V AT 11031 E.—1 want an Agent, Male or Fe male, in °Verytown and neighborhood, to sell "The Great Labor Sayer." Myory family Wants it, and agents are making from *3 to *2O per day. This is the best chance ever offered to agents, as the article Is patented, and a capital of but *3 to *lO is required to begin:with. Further particulars sent on receipt of two red stamps for circulars and re turn _postage. Address It. WAYVELL, Box 4781, Clll.O - AGO_ auls-lm* WANTED -BY A LADY OP PlP teen years' experiencea SITUATION, either to take charge of a School, , Assistant Teacher, Teacher in a private family, or as Copyist. Best of reference given. Address M . J.," 327 South EIGHTEENTH Street, Philadelphia. aula-at* WANTED—A PARTNER WITH 10,000, in a pleasant and profitable "Strictly Cash" business. Can be largely ex tended by additional capital. This is a good op portunity to invest in a perfectly safe establish ment.. Address "Capital," at this office. PHILADELPHIA, August 16, 1865. aul6-tf WANTED IN A MANUFACTORY Moods Y of Cotton , established and doing a good business, a PARTNER , who has from eight to ten thousand dollars to invest. To take the plate Of a retiring partner. A man of years preferred. Ad dress 'lox 252,. Post °thee, Philadelphia. aul4-6t. MARKET.STREET DRY GOODS Eciuge will engage a Salesman of some expe rience. A liberal compensation given. Address "JOBBER," PreaB office. auzi-2614 A YOUTH- WANTED IN A MAR -LA- %ET-STREET JOBBING HOUSE—One who is correct at figures and a good penman. Address, in handwriting, of applicant, Box 2150 Post Of fice, au2l-2t. A YOUNG MAN, BROUGHT VP IN A. JAI- Wholesale Woollen f4tore,ls desirous of a per manent situation in a first-class Woollen or Dry goods House, as SALESMAN. Would be satisfied with a moderate salary at first. eau give best city references. Address "0. P. Q.,' at this office. au-LS-sum:it* A GENTS WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE." By A. D. Richardson, New York Tribune Corres pondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. Itieliartison , s unparalleled experience far lour years, travelling through the South In the at via setniee of the Tribune, at thb outbreak of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling capture; Ms confine ment for twenty months in seven different Rebel prisons; his escape, and almost miraculous jour ney, by night, of nearly four hundred miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, inybiebt, and romance of the war than any. Other work published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pecu liarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing *175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. bdnd for yrroulatod. Address JONES, BROTHERS, CO.. N. E. corner SLXTEI and MINCE Streets, aul7-Im* Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED—MALE OR FE MALE—To sell the LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, "People's Edition." Address B. B. RUSSELL & CO., Publishers, BeetON Mass.. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF.LINCOLN published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. .IY2I-Im&W4t AGENTSWANTED FOR " THE SE- GlitET WizinVlGE, THE FIELDS THE DUN. GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," tin most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, & CO. Phila delphia, Pa. 134.8-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce ments 'offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North MERRICK Street, northwest of Perin Square, Phflada., Pa. Jy2l-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writer is fully established. Experienced canvassers know why it sells. Address, for terms, NOABIO BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-24. Chester county, Penna. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION.—A Young Lady, who can give the most satisfactory references, would like to teach young children in a 'Annie," Box two or three hours per day. Address Box 2274 Phila. P. O. mile-Wm:3V 870 A MONTH, —WA NT AGENTS e rLh:Prr grt gt o Ben ARTlttt: ea z e' offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GARET, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-41,kW3m $125. ISKiNTH.—AGENTS WANT SHAW & I.7FlE rw l l lil r a P TV t -1112tA e. Vea r i o lTM SEWING MACHINE, the only low.price machine in the country which is licensed by (*rover & Dakor, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements and the seller and user are Habie to fins and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine, mario-a&wauk &WANT ED TO PURCHASE, A Dwelling on Wallace street, south side, west of Twentieth, or Mount Vernon street, north side, west of Twentieth. Possession by Dee. let next. Address "Dividends," Ledger office. att2l-3tif egl WANTED TO RENT-A LARGE .114111IOUSR, suitable for a BOARDING I - 1011*E, by an experienced HOUSCKeuper. Addreag Ras 1397, Post-office. aalB-6t a WANTED TO RENT-$lOO Mt bonus will be paid for a good sized dwelling, within ten 'minutes walk of Seventh and Brown streets. Rent not to exceed *7OO. Address " NE CESSITY Ledger office. Possession wanted on ," or before Oepteni Per Ist. 8.18-4 t SEWING MACHINES. WIL.LCCOX 8z Gri:l33l3S' SEWING MAME. It Is the best fandlv Machine. It la a defluitiou simplicity " and , " perfee- Hon. " The Needle cannot be f et wrong. The Hemmer, Feller, and . Braider. are acknow ledged to be superior to all others. • A patented device prevents its being. turned back ward. It Is entirely noiseless. It received the Gold Medal of the American Insti tute Mae& It received the Silver Medal of the "New York State Fair," 1864. It received the Silver. Medal of the "Penneylva ole. State Fair," M. It also received.the - Elrstrremiamfor "TICIEMIRT SEWI2..M. PetACHINIt" St the great ".New England Fair," the "Vermont State Fair," and the "In diana State Fair," 1284. Send for a circular containing full information, notices from the press, testimonials from those tieing the eneehino,.&e. AGENTS W.A.NTED. WILLCOX & GIBBS syIwING.MACHIN'Ite., STREET, o=3 COAL• - HUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.--Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, $8; Large Nut, $7. Try B. You will be sure to be pleased. Mee, 124 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1119 CALLE/WHILL Street, above E Broad. 1312-am l, TAB BRANSON. - 1( NOWLE 13' LEHIGH, HICKORY, ..134- and FISIC COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. itrl4-3m. OA L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beet Lopustidomutat E r, from SebuTll . Vre c tared VitrITAT - Arti l L; l 4 l 2tee;COricei_NOL l M S. SECOND Street. 1ap5443 J. w ALTOot Co. YIERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. Sau- B sage Neat. &Xi " Reasteef. 600 " do Veal. 600 Ii do MtMOP, 1,000 " do Turkey. 1,000 " do Chicken. 3,000 " assorted Soups, in 1,2, 2)4 !b. cans. For sale by RUODES wiLLrAms, fefi-tf 107 South WATER Street. 500 BALES COTTON WICK JUST received. AM>, 111115106 k Of CUttou Tarns, Carpet Chain, Sto.,, at towce;t market ttlaa. BOWE EUSTON , & (10.. auls 157 and 169 North THIRD Street. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTH-MI FOR SALE AM! TO LET. di FOR RENT-110118 B, 1106 VINE Awl-Street. Possession, Sept. 1. Bent, We. In quire on the premises. aul9- t* FOR SALE—THE TWO VERY Amu desirable Arch-street HOUSES. No. 1918 and MO; new and complete. Immediate posseeelcon. R. E. GLENN, &UN IR3 South FOURTH Street. et FOR BALE-GERMANTOWN COT WAGE and FURNITURE, complete, on U)gfl street. Immediate possession. B. F. GLENN, ap11) 123 booth FOURTH Street. F 0 If S. A L E-GREEN STREET Mall0t111(3, No. - 119, four stories beautiful situa tion. Possetstnn•soou. 11. F. ortENN" auto S. W. ear. SFVFNTA.ENTHand GREEN. MIFOR SALE-VERY LOW, WITH early_possession. a well-built Dwelling, No. 406 North Front street"; would make an excellent business place. 8, F. GLENN, B➢lBlz3 South Street. , FOR BALE-VERY NEAT WELL. FINISHED HOUSE, N. E. corner RLEVENTH and BERKS Streets, No. 1859. Immediate posses sion• B. F. MANN, 5019 123 South FOURTH Street. fiff FOR SALE-WELL.-BUILT, .114113 WELLING, No. 1311 : North TWELFTH Street., in complete order. POSSCEIbIOW soon. It; F. GLENN , aul9 S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEoi. FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, mit' east side SEVENTH street, below Arch. Good Duslncoo place. B. F. GLENN; au 19 123 Sou th FOURTH street. eri FOR . SALE-NEAT HOUSE. AND FURNITURE, BROWN Street, below SI,E -teeuth. B. F. GLENN, aul9 123 South FOURTH Street. al FOR SALE-THE HANDSOME 1■211.2/ESIDEN OE. No. 1519 Spruce Street, with brick stable on rear, M feet front by MO feet deep to itit ner street. Immediate possession. Suitable for a physician.. Also, the four-story brick Residence, Northeast corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets, 22 feet front by 125 feet deep. Immediate possession. Apply to LEWIS H. REDNER, auu-tbmat No. 11.5% South FOTRTII Street FOR SALE-LARGE FOUR STORY li a - welling, No. MI South Broad street, lot 23 by 200 feet. Immediate possession. Neat Dwelling, No. =North Eighteenth street. Possession in a few days. Neat Dwelling, No. 2035 Wood street, with two mouses on rear end of the lot. B. F. G.L.ENN. 123 South FOURTH Street, or b. W: corner SE VENTEENTH and GREEN. anl9 et FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY Aliabriek DWELLING, No. 711 Gruen street, 22 feet front, with 12-feet side yard. Built in the best manner, with all modern conveniences and in good order. Apply to /3AOON & WARDER, aeis-st* 21133 i WALNUT Street. fi# DELAWARE COUNTY.—FOR Mit SALE, a modern-bunt brick DWELLING-- ROUSE in the borough of Media, fronting on the Court Rouse square; the maid building has parlors, ball open staircase; the back buildings are three stories; the whole containing eleven rooms,and roof ed with slate. Lot 30 feet by 175 feet; yard in front, enclosed withiron railing. stable and carriage -house In rear of lot. Property beautifully located, and bunt in the best robillier_ Prtee i 154.500. Terms easy, JAB. It. CIJMMINS, 501 WALNUT Street. N. B.—Delaware and Chester County Farms for Sale. Call for catalogue. aut7-5t giftFOß BALE ON EASY TERMS— As splendid new eleven-roomed HOUSE, with a 1 modern improvements. Possession at once. Lot Man On a Street sos feet wide. THOMAS GEORGE, 79S Boutli sEvoND Sircet Address aull-Gt 11. FOR RENT AN ITALIAN VILLA., ' Late the residence of DAVID C. WILSON, situ ate ), of a mile from the - CITY of WILMINGTON, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every 10 minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, supplied with water from a tank in the attic, with every modern improvement, heated throughout by steam; a fine porch the entire length of the building. - The grounds In front of the house (con taining 4 acres,) are tastefully laid out in walks and plate, dotted - with trees and shrubbery, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate bY application to Dn. it. it. PORTER., T. F. BAYARD, Executors, 41/3-4w Wilmington, Del. OFFICE ROOMS TO RENT.-GOOD race rooms to rent, In complete order, suita ble for Brokers, Coal or 011 Companies, at 18 South THIRD Street, two doors above the Maehantes' Bank. au9-wfulat. 'FOR SALE-A 15-HORSE PORTA BLE-A - STEAM ENGINE. Apply 1008 MARKET Street. S. CLARK. aidB-Jt* J. . 'FOR SALE-320 AcREB VALUABLE -1 1 - . boring LAND, on the headwalerb of Little Hickory Creek, Veniingo county, Pa. To be sold low. Apply to LEWIS L. HOUPT, au4-Im 4 ' 151 South FOURTH St., Phila. "ESTATE OF SAMITEIeMBGARGEE •A-A DECEASED—LUMBER BUSINESS ESTA- P.LIMMENT FOR BALE WELL-S-NOWN WHARF PROPERTY AND LONG EgTA. RLISHED LUMBER YARD.—WiII be bid at private sale, for cash, to a suitable purchaser Who may wish to carry on the business and become the tenant of the premises, all the stock of lumber, sheds, fixtures, implements, horses carts, &a., at the lumber yard and business establishment of the late Samuel Megargee, Esq., fronting on Beach street and Delaware avenue, and the river Dela. ware north of street, in the city of• Philade lphia. The said premises and stock ()number, etc., of which a full and specific statement and descrip tion will be furnished to all applicants, may be ex amined at any time before the 25th Instant. A lease of the whole property will be granted to the purchaser. • Proposals in writing will be received until August 28th, 160. DANIEL M. FOE, 551 - 170.1tR: Avenue. ROBERT M. LOUAN, No. 484. North THIRD Street, aul4-12t • Executors. BOARDING. THREE OR FOUR. ROOMS WARTED, with or without BOARD. in a light airy house, within a few minutes' walk of Sixth and Green sta. Possession desired September Ist. Reference given and required. Address "Promptness," Box 2807, Philadelphia Post Office. aulo-20. - vnin-cLAss.. BOARD, AT MODB -1 RATE charges, can be hail at the UNITED STATES HOTEL, 413 CHESTNUT Street, This House has lately been refurnished. Two large, handsomely-furnished Chambers are now vacant. This House has no bar. ' aula-et. D AY BOARD—WITH FIRST-CLASS Square. 1311. DINNERS, St No, 0344 South WAZHINGTON 2ms REMOVALS. REMOVAL. J. JOLLIVET, LADIES , HAIR DRESSER, - Formerly at 1.10. 1919 Chestnut street, informs his f r i en d s a nd cu s t om ,. {het he has removed to No. RNA South NINTH Street, (Four doors above Locust street,) Where he intends to keep an extensive assort ment of tine FRENCH FLOWERS HAIR WORK, PERFUMERY, &C. He would also state that he has Just received the latest style of Front .Curls, Plaits, Waterfalls, &c. aum-12t5 REMOVAL. P. R. LOVTIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Formerly at No. 140 North Thirteenth street, in forms his numerous friends and customers that he has removed to ND. 01 North EIG-HTH Street. where he intends to open with a fine and Well se. lected assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY. Everything in his line will be found of a superior quality and workmanship, and every article war. ranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing line Watches. Jewclry)made to order, andrepalred. He solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage bptowe fa his old store by former customers, and &sirs theor of the public gellerally. •• . akul2-Ixo EMOVAL.—BENEDICT .MILLER, UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer-has removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. jy27-Imlf. REMOVAL.— . GEO. W. WATSON CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOS!, TORY to their oldpjA No. I N II9 atiEBll4lll Street (under Concert Hallo where. they will knell. I stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re. calve orders for every descriptiOn Of nrst-ciags work. Joint T. 1515. je7-3ns ANOTHER GREAT TRIUMPH EVANS & NVATSON'S MA_N DI R SA_F9ES: READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE From Messrs. HALL & GARRISON, whose large four-story Picture-Frame Manufactory, Third and Poplar, was destroyed by lire on the morning of the 17th inst.: PUILADRLPIII.A., August 18,1885. We take great Isleasure In certifying to Messrs. Evans Watson that their maim of Sate, to_ has been used by us, and was exposed to ,an intense heat for several hours at the destruction or our factory by fire last night, turned out a perfect pro tection to our books and papers, which were found not to have been injured in the least degree. We take great plenSure in recommending their make of Safes to any person deeiNOUR of a good FIN-Proof Safe. 'TALL & GAlittth"oll. A large supply of the above make of Safes on hand and for sale at 16 South FOURTH Street. altia-at HIGHEST PRICE: WILL BE rivii) FOR nlymcmir. COITNT3C 13024T1305• 146 SOUTH THIRD STREET CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRIVY- I will sell the balance of ,my.lerge stock of FURNITURE. .0,1 vary LOW Drlseth lißta SEPTEMBER The assortment is complete. aEo. J. FLILITKELS, inn-8m 809 and 01 1311135TrilTX street. E D. F. MORGAN, /WOMEN AT A L NTD COLLECTING G • NINENNh TENN* The Civil Courts of this District are now in prao- Deal operation. Having practiced at the hien/phis bar for ten (10) years, Illy Sequaintsnos With the business community greatly Militates Mae spe ed y collection of claims. jy4-0m E. D. Y. MORGAN. . _ - ENCOUD.A.,GE DOMESTIC INDUS. RY. RAP.RISON & ERADFORD,STEEL PEN MAXII. FACTURE R, give employment to over ONE lIVNDIII,D AMEEICAN MEN AN O WOMEN, and produce over TWV.NTY-FlVel MILLIONS ANNUALL,Y Of American Steel Pens, storeyed with theig name in full, and bearing their label. In quality, finish, selection, too style Of purl; up, these pens are warranted to silrYstir an: end end ever offored to the American pu FOR SALE, HOLESALE AND raTAIL, by MOSS & 00, Stationers and Wank Book Manufacturers, 432 CHI ia ESTNUT Streets and 430 MARN au 14-l ET Street, Indelphin, nt DEAF 1 4 ,1 ADE To HEAR.—INSTRII MENVS the Semips at MADEIRA'S, 115Soittl:,. TENTH St., IRLmtnut. illll4-66. AT REASONABLE PRICES, AMUSEMENTS. NSW CRESTNUT-ST, THEATRE, OItOVEsTNUT Street, above Tweitia, Rdo SINN Lessees and Manaiterri THE THEATRE ALWAYS 000 L AND COM FORTABLE. Another week of the new Drama and the LAST SIX NIGHTS, MOST POSITIVELY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, August 21 and 2; win be presented, at the earnest reeuest of hundreds of citizens Wbb' have boon nb cent from the city Curia(( the Bast RTC weeks, the GREAT I KWH DRAMA, By Dien Bouelcault and E. H. House, styled ARRAN NA POGUE; ORTHE WICKLOW ' WEDDING. It will be_prosented with all the MAGNIFICENT SCENIC AND MECHANICAL EFFECTS, NEW WARDROBE, ORIGINAL MUSIC, COSTLY ACCESSORIES, AND GIIEAT (;AST, SATURDAY AFTERNOoN, August 20, LAST GRAND. AHEAD NA FouE'MATINHE. MOST POSITIVELY. WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 23d, BENEFIT OF MRS. SOPHIE GIMINEIt KUHN, THURSDAY' KVKNIND, Außnst Benefit of Me rl e a , WILES AND DLAOXIDINN. MONDAY EVENING, AMUlit Commencement of the. Fall anti Winter Season. F OX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE—WALNUT Street above Eighth. EVERY' EVENING*' • will be performed the'ney: , eansatiolldramit,entttle4 THE CIGAR 0 . 175 L OF. CUBA. EL NINO EDDIE, the woeueeef the .werid., en the Tight none. .I.I , LLE ANNETTI GALLETTI, the greatest Danseuse in 'America, la a new grand Ballet. . • • MISS LILLIE'WHITING, the beautiful and aceommtehed Comedienne; i II new Burlean, FAMILY ALATDIR - r, 'ZVI:DM SATURDAY AFTERNOON.. einl44( FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, (WIRE BRIDGE.) R AFTERNOON CONCETS EVERY DAY. Front 4 to 7 o'clock by RASSLER 4 E GRAND . MILUAItY BAND. Programmes of Music issued 4 1allY. 3%e Arch, Vino, and Callowhillitreet ears ran dlreetl~tb the place, outs-te A CADENT OF FINE ARTS, CHES?• -LA- NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9 A.. S. till 6P. X. Benjamin West's great pietnee of CHRIST REJECTED , still on Exhibition. lelB SIMMER RESORTS. LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE • ATLANTIC CITY, The nearest house to the surf. JONAH WOOTTON, Proprietor. MEM:22 L HOT V ' L ' 1111 11:4' "" I likilA.N00 aouNvi, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just beea thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capaci t y', It Is pleasantly situate in the centre o ft/ion:MIL with ready access by Rail and Stage to WI DMUS 121 the OIL REGION, and its accomraddations for Aluests fully equal to those of drat-class Hotels la any part of the country. It has been the elm of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Houle with all the advantages of a large /Intel, and he believes he has pacceeded. 334-61 a ATLANTIC CITY.-" THE OLARES! DON" Is open for the reesptlon of Boarders. j5 , 24-mwrim DR. JAMES JENKINS, PrePristßir. SEA BATHING—CAPE MAY ()APB ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.... Ttdo laFge and commodious Hotel, known u the Notional Hall ( 18 now reOelYine visitors. Erica per week. VC olilinren ono pea-v.. 16 half-nylee. leBo-2m AARON OATIBIETSON. proprietors HOTELS. T.ANGHA Ai HOTEL, PORTLAND L PLACE, LONDON.—This commodious Hotel. " largest in London,lt now mut it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site In t•Ug "Arest end,With all modern improvements, Suites of Apart ment, Salle a Manger 100 by 90 feet, elegant Ladies , Room a spacious Gentlemen's SITTING AND WRITING ROOM, •ETO. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini, Nor terms to secure accommodation address— The Manager, 6011131 ANN. sup-am JONES HOUSE, CORNER OB MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, MIALIELVARIVICTILGE, CHARLES H. MANN, stil-im PROPRIETOIL AMERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH CHUNK, PA. OB LA FA LENTZ rroprletors 1 • r an?py R uva•All TERMS—. 2 per day ERT K . $l2 per week. "AMERICAN HOUSE ) " POTTSVILLE, SCIIVILICILL CO.. U. B. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. Thli Haug® has recently been reopened, and to such style and character se wnt zaexit , atik-taaa DIA tronsge. ,W2l-11)1 EXCURSIONS. a t ina CA:PV. BY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET. 8.30 A. M., EXPRESS AND MAIL 2.30 P. M., PASSENGEL - 4.30 P. M., EXPRESS. iy29-smw-tsel J. VAN EENSBELAER, Bupit. alllMMai CA " MAY° WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OP MARKE AT T STREET, UPPER 8. 80 A . M ., vi. m. Allo ERPREM. Rat) 2.30 P. M., id. PASSENGER. Das at 1.0 EXPRESS. Due it Le 4.30 P. K, Fare, #3.00. Servantsi 107J.60, EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon T?Wt►f+ to be used by one 'person Only., 10 for 845.00. Passenge S t ation aggage addit i on a l nd from dm Island andwithout charge. Freight daily troth Bandford's t419v 4 Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.90. A. M. Mall; 8 A. M., Expreop; 6 P. M., Accommodatio* 8.24 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, tßiptt nig„far&Lrl/A, July 24, 188&. w i n . Nßl_ td CAPE MAY i EST JROAD. On and after TUESDAY next, August 22d, the 5.30 A. M. train up from CAPE MAY, and 4.30 P.M. train down from - PHILADELPHIA, will be discon tinued. The 8 A. M. train lip from, Cape. May will make stops, and be due at tialnden at 12 The 8.30 A. M. train down from Philadelphia will make stops below Ghlasboro, and he due at Cape May at 12.30 P. M. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. CAMDEN, August 18111, aul9-3t OATAWISSA. RAM ROAD COMPANY.—Tt Tourists snit travellett - Exattralon Seek% 9( MIL Lake Ontario, Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Law. White Mountains, rence River, Saratoga Springs, Montreal, &c., &C., ate. Quebec, &e., &c., Tickets for the above Excursions, which haws been so long and favorably known to: the Philadei phia public, by various routes to Niagara PAW, fort Bale at the CATAWISSA ELAILRA RAILROAD TICKET Or^ VICE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, muter Philadelphia Dana. where full inforrnotion will begiven. N. VAN HORN, Passenger Agent, iY2 2 -nn 425 CHESTNUT Street, ammo CAMDEN AND. A' L ANTIO ItAILROAP. *UMUER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS, , On and after SATURDAY, July MOMS, FIV/d trains daily to Atlantle.City, and one on Sunday. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY as follows: . . _ Diectal /Issurslcu 8.20 A. At all Tra h . 7,00 A. N Freight, with Passenger Car attached ~, ; 5.15 A. NI Express (through in . wo texts) 2,00 P. as - Atlantic Accommodation 4.18 P. if RETURNING, LEAVHATLANTIC. • Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. hi, Express (through in two hours) 7.06 A.. 11,, Freight, with Passenger Car attached....ll.47 A. M., Mall Train 4.46 P.•*. Special Excursion," , 54 r, X' woNDAY MAIL TRAINe Leaves Vine-street Petry at 7.50 A,,1[.. Returning, leaves Atlantic 4.46. P. 11. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Bound - trip Tickets, KW only for the day and train on which they us WWI SS. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vine-street Ferry at ....... ~,,,,,.. 5,80 r, It. Leave EXTRA H ADDONFIELD. TRAINS . 11A. la Leave Viz o.street Ferry at 10.11 A.M. mid 1.151 P. X Leave Haddonfield at...... 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. X. N. B.—Freight , must be delivered at Cooper') , Point before 0 o'clock P. M. to insure its going dOWII the next day. JOHN 0. BUY:ANT, Je2B-tf • Agent: &wow EX sio Vs - LOl4Ol-1113.02CH...Tralninn , Long Branch will leave Coopees PointL CAMDEN.- daily (Sundays excepted,) at 9.16 A. AS. gark i t Excursion Tiokete, good, for three der), 99. train on Saturdays at 4.30 P. si. Returning, AtTrti at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Monday. 1e 26-2 ut L, B. COLE. Agent, Camden. BUIST , B N. 1.1 RSERYi SIXTY ...a -SEVENTH Street and Darby Road, Philadel phia. Just now a stow grand show or thousands of GLADIOLUS and JAPAN LILIRS in, full, bloom. alal9-Bt* Inv LADEL PgIA SCALP. wORIIts.—BANKS, Co., successors to A. B, Davie $ ner FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYL. MANIA Avenue, manufacturers of Patent Scales, suitable for Weigh Locks, Railroad Tracks, - Depots; coal, Hay, and - Live Stock ; also, all the 'widens deseriptiolle, of Dormant and Portable Platform Sexiest Counter scale and Patent Beams; Patent. oceek Reim Soule,tpr Bleat 'Furnaces', Patent. Parallel Crane Beam, TO weighing, boilers, ings, and giber heavy macilimitYl Stopper Scales, for weighing grain, indicating husliels and pounds; Banks,lmproved Eolling-Mill and. Union Seale. Every Seale Warranted. prompt attention glVert to Repairing. Send for a + Circular. C. M. BABESR. IL DINKGRE, LEWIS L. HOGPT, GEEnia, J. H. SPRINGER, aul9-2t* A RARE CtTANIQE..AN lOTA tii/WORLionEDBUOIA ItANUPUFACTUItif. for sale, urn years , standlogi reason for telling I health. Apply Apply 50 N. FOUI 12T212.t., 2d story. sut6.Bt, SOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL find It to their Interest to buy Itoota,__Shoeo. TrPk!) Tkakvelltats *art, Ste., at GARRETT , th 1 boutb SECO.ND,ab, ()nautililt, pat Oble.uutt-tat HAVANA CIGARS AND GUAVA JZLLY.—New invoices now landing—oftered low to dealers. Cigars suited forr ete l ling at Sot 100, and 12e. Guava Jelly from Dominica factory. £l. FUGUE T t BONS. Imorters, guiwin* No. sae South FRONT Street. DEPARTMENT Ecort DIATOM WM.
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