MARRIED. rsgriwEI—DMELS.--On Wednesday even.. F. Berl, D. pig., August 90, 1865, byLthe Rev. J. A , o stos Esenwein to Kate Angelo Dante 13, all of this citY. DIED. , aß ifig.--On Friday nigh,t the 11th inst., Mrs. . t u n Farris, relict of Thomas Harris, in the Nan flex . age. 7 1 ;V e r s ,Vtives and friends are respectfully Invited, Jini/ further notice, to attend the fonerat. from b e r tate residence, No. 1919 Raee otrect. 91/ from iin,dar morning, the 16th inst., at 10 o'clock. '° EvANS.—On the 9th inst., Stockton H. Evans. residenceh and friends are invited to meet at the his father, Charles Evans, No. A. Vine street, on to pr Woodland, at 10 - A. Male friends to proceed to Ceme 1cri4„,..,.,. eldl 11.."'"AV Rcliuvliclit Haven on the evening ,r PM 'August, e‘ecAlt e Newell 7ollek„_wye of T. C. Zuliek, aged 35 rears. The relatives and friends of ,he family are invited 14th 1,. attend her funeral. on Sanday afternoon, instant. wl , bout further notice. TO proceed to Nonni Laurel Cemetery. Pottsville. DIXON.—On Wt.tillt•St Mr. the 9th instant, John W. Dixon. Faneral from hts late residence, 502 Marshall aftrrneon. at aN. o'clock. a street,On aids 3' ~IjoURNING GOODS JUST RE cauvEn. oray and Black English Chintzes, 31 cents. Gray - Poplins, 6231 cents Shepherd Plaid Mbhairs; 50 cents. pack and White Striped Molt airs, 95 cents. • Stack and White Plaid Scotch Ginghams, 56 cents. Wadi 0 :119'38y Alpacas or Moliairs, BgallN & 80N, Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. one price. Prices in plain figures. jy27 F, on YARDS LUPIN'S FRENC MERINOES. d i: r l?i,t=i=nt. ease 'high colors. lease all-woo' Plaids. lease Rep Cashmere Es. YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH 81:COND Anvzioir MEETINGS.— Elder F. It BITRBANx will ,preaclx at the c er er NINTH anti erttlNG (1-AIIIIEN Streets, at *L.A. 31. and 7.?; P. M. -Subject in the morning, -Ault-Christ." it* CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, N.E. corner BROAD and AUCH. rublie Worailfp every SABBATH EVENING, at 8 0 - cluck. Rev. LEWELLYN PRATT will preach TO-MORROW, Seats free. r sPIRITIIALISAL A CONFER,. 11 , g ENCE will be held at Sansom-street ll:L11. on SUNDAY, at 10;4 A. M.., and a lecture by Aitir CARTER, of Cincinnati.. "On Progress— r,,hersal, National, and Individual," at $ BEV. JOlllll CHAMBER' WILL preach TO-MORROW. at .1.0!4 A. M. and 4 V. 31. Fcbject to the afternoon— . • What kind of a iniAtt has Christ given to tile Church:-• ---- W, UNION DI. E. CIFIIRCH, FOVIEITIIE ' street, below Areb.—Rev. G. D. CARROW. pa ~tor, will preach TO.MOBROW, at 10}i o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. it. _ . .. ARCH•STREETiIIETHODIST CHAPEL. BROAD and ARCH Streets.—The Pee. Mr. DVHDIT will preaelt at iO A. 31., and quarter nave , e "'clod: P. 31., un Sabbath. it REV. T. S TOR K, D. 11” WILL Preach TO-MORROW at IlLti ST. NATTIiEW'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, NEW St., tdow Fourth. lA* THIRD REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, corner TENTH and FILBERT S, B. D131310 . C.K, of Syracuse, , v 1I 1 pr t aellTo.3loll.KOW• ' OW. 111104: Welock TO THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND TILE ADMINISTRATION. The Union Citizens of the various Wards of the city of Philadelphia are hereby requested to itSSem fle at such places as may he designated by the oni , of the Union Ward Association, on TUESDAY Er ENING, August 15th, 1588. at 8 o'clock, pursuant 10 the rules governing the Union party, for such ores loads and provided, to elect one Judge and c inspectors for each election Division of said Ward. to conduct the primary election on Tuesday e arning, August 22, between the hours of 6 and 8 'test.: also to place in nomination candidates for Drag :des to a City Convention to nominate caudi ;Um; for city and county officers; also, to place in calcination candidates, or Delegates to Senatorial Ohl - rations in the Second and Fourth Senatorial b6teletg. and Delegates to the various llepresebta tin! and Ward Conventions, to nominate Lbler for immbers of the State Legislature, City anvil:. and ward officers; also, to place in timid :min candidates for Delegates to the various Sur wyers' Conventions. The Meetings, elections, and conventions herein moaitaed shall - he held in conformity with the rules i;ermug the Union Party. y /astir of the Union 10,1tv Committee of Super hthadenee. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Chairman nal:Elfr T. DILL Secretaries WILLIAM R. LEEDS, FIFTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION.—A Meeting of the A,soclation will be held at the Good Intent Hall, inkt tI'HUCE Street, on TUESDAY EVENING, August 15, 1861. at S o'clock, to elect officers of the Ets.....latiow. and also officers to conduct the dele gate election to be held on August 'ffid, 1865. a612-51` D. If. fficCol.ll4 ELI, Secretary. cENTRAI, NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, DESIGNATED DE -I.osl TART OF UNITED STATES, 1.09 South FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, AlignSt 11, 1861. The Coupons due August 15th Instant, on the l'vite4 States 7.10 Treasury' Notes. Will be paid on spd 4lter that date by this Bank. Blank schedules 1,1111.,7 furnished to pliPtinll hOlding MHO tllBl twen iy napons. ALEX. ERVIN, J.R., Cashier. tar SOLDIERS , MASS MEEING. SOLDIERS'MASS MEETING SOLDIERS' MASS MEETING Te-NIOIIT, at NATIONAL HALL. MARKET St., Ihirteenth, to adopt the Constitution of the zi , 1,13W National Union, the objects of which are 1 ,ecure the equalization of bounties; and form a permanent association for the mutual benefit of sol dirt. Frominent Speakers and a splendid Band. Sow. then. Soldiers, come up in solid column. lt." or THE COMMITTEE OF INVESTI. GATION on the "ROYAL PETROLEUM 0.131 PA - wake the following Synontieal Re ;,,rtt /Wit. The amount of cash on hand and on deposit is hank amounts to nearly fl;22,000. Second. The Company has on hand at least five hundred barrels of oil ready for market. Third. A new well has been struck alongside of the old Reed Well, on Reed lease, and two new ones :MI the Mot ready to tube. . . . . Fiwri7l. That new life and energetic work _ is now ohig 011 at Lot N0..26v0n the Hyde & Eghert - Farm. RM. That there ismow great effort - being made en die H. Meetintouk Farm to restore the Kuntz Wen. Sixth. That there is an earnest present intention ;•• put down another 'well on the bmith Farm lease, ,dose de of the. Hobbs Well, the engine being on :l4round, well located, and a contract made, or %i , , , st being made, at once to build derrick and en -s,rodh. The contemplated sale of part of the , ispanv's territory .has been deemed inexpedient ) oil r i•ommittee. _hat )(any,. The officers of said Company have - , ,tolitted to an investigation, and proved the Com worthr of confidence. D. AIME. Committee RONW, of CHAS. V. NAGNER, Investigation, EDWARD J. B. THOMAS, Secretary. A ut•r:4 18.65. • 11():ArAIT::41711TATO OF CHIEF 311S3IONER, S. W. Corner WALNUT and FIFTH PHILADELPHIA. August 7th, 1863. EN Met of an Ordinance in relation to Carriage and (AS Drivers. Approved May 10th, A. D. 1.1354. resios 2_ No driver shall drive any hackney ..aell or carriage for the convevance of persons, for ,in• in said city, until he shall have procured from c License Clerk, In the Department of Highways. Al.roper license as a driver of Hackney Carriages. slice is hereby given that all persons so eni -o,,yed are required to appear at this Office and ob nin said License, or they will he dealt with as the isa directs. THOMAS M. TRIM, ;a!-lutlisat License Clerk. OSTEWART GOLD MINE COSI PANY OF NORTH CAbOLINA, OFFICE, IN WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.—A meeting me STOCKHOLDERS will be hell on next THURSDAY, 17th instant, at 12 o'clock M. , an 5.12,11,16 4t. J. D. REINDOTH, Secretary. cr FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PHILADELPHIA, August 9, 1865, avoid detention,rties bolding thirty or more 1 :V1:1:-T1111PPY COUPONS, due August 15th, are to leave them for eXanlination prior to !nit tithe. Clerks will be ready for delivery_on the morning that day. C. H. CLARK, au 51-1 t President. afr" INS. CO. OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AUGUST 7th, 1865. ?be Directors have this day declared a Dividend .6 TWENTY DOLLARS per Share, clear of all 'xes• payable to the stockholder's or their legal 2 *Prcbeigatives on demand. .ac-pa WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. ND COAL AND LW AIPANY. 0 '5, AT $5 EACaI• 0.000,000. th. FOURTH Mreet. TORS: 1 PATlelajeg!liengargee, Price. I. Patton, Thomas H. Rickert. tie Smith. II J. MEGARGEE. 'el . , ALBERT R. SCIIO - CUMBERLA. b " — z" PROVEMENT oth STOCK 200 000 gIIARE! (Mice , 1 / 4 0. 22439111; DIRECT 1 ...ie1.11 Lesley. I :..ttrt H. Beatty, An*rt D. Boileau, Eduard H. Faulkner, g. A. uen yr,tident, SYLVE E STEI ~ .retgry. and. Treastlri lELD Wa THE FOURTH QUARTERLY MEETING of the AN IR ONND EEL AM OCIATION will take AMERIC place at CLE A VE- Ohio, on WEDNESDAY the 23d of August, A general attendance of Iron and Steel Ma and Manufacturers Is expected and desired. ROBERT H. LAMBORN, Secretary ati9-irs4t 13R.2 WALNUT Street, Plilladelinta. 1 -3. • OFFICE or THE CITY BOUNTY. FUND COMMISSION, Girard Estate Build. 0. 19 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. PitiLADELPilia, July 18, 1865. pursuance of the ordinance to close the opera ',oh- of this Commission, aroved July 85, 1865, Is hereby given t Bounty,m against the Philadelphia for :e.,i num be !•tleritli presented at tills Mee; and, that at the rApiratlon of sixty days from the passage of said • ,41 1menee, all warrants remaining on hand will be by order of the Committee. RICHARD C. WIN SHIP, Secretary. i)l9-w&s-taulB ar OFFICE MAN DAN MINING COIL. 1.1-o. 224 wALNUT Street. PHlL.A.romputA, July 18, 18&5. NoTICE HEREBY . GIVEN that alt Stock of 7 4 Mandan Mining Company , on which instalments Ore due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and ~ ,1 11 be sold at public auction on 'MONDAY the 21st of AUGUST, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the flt., of the Secretary of the corporation,according .ho charter and by-laws, unless previously re. ' : ti ned. 'By order of the Directors. - U A. hOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. 01FIFICE GIRARD MINING COM. PANY, No 324 WALNUT Street, IHILADF6LPHIA, July lath. 1989. Ntyf • ILE Is hereby even that All Stock of the , All/1 MINING COMPANY, ;on which instal- Ste due and Unpaid, Is herebi declared far- TN: 1 0 and will be sold at Pubs. nation on SA. the 19th day of August, 1985, at 12 o'clock Secretary t:ws, unless USA]- redeemed. • "‘ order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, . .222929 Secretary and Treasurer. MILITARY. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Wated for The 'UNITED STATES MARINE eWa'S, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce news opportunity l entering the Marine Corps; lorious to visit foreign countries; to°d pay. excellent accommodations, light and Y Outies• further Infornuattou Inqui FRONTliecrnit• 'P„ltetttleavous, No. 311 South Street, , cu udelphla, between 9A. H. and P. M: every ovr, except S unday. CHARLES HEYWOOD. lyj ' amain and Recruiting Mixer. COAL. RUN' YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuinfi Eagle Vein COAL. equal, If not superior, to Lehigh. ,- ;y1; anti Stove sizes, BS; Large But, 97. Try 11, .b.,,n will be sure to he pleased'. Depot iioutu [ ouinif Street, below Chestnut. 1419 t ALLOWRILL Street, above Broad. )5Z.-3sa ELLIS BRANSON. KNOWLES' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and PISA COAL at reduced prices. Owe* ,Aral Yard. NINTH and WILLOW Sts. itrl4.3lle C 0 A L —SUGAR LOAF BEAVER 2:IMEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, 21.4 best Locust Mountain, from Sehuytklit t proparee art i Vly for firtizar iatir Depot, o 4„ o 174 S ECOli r t u street. Capa-til e.Te. 'CO. COGNAC BRANDIES.-JITST RE; p , er‘ )10 ' 9 1 241V.,2,1f.12,P "in. &eunessey Cognac, rell e cyotaln I . l .andles. Co. 'pale and dark, in leaska and 3.‘ casks, of la nn E d eltY Ba ß e O l a r LF,N & CO., - ---at 221 and 323 Booth FOURTH Street. ITAYANA CIGARS.--A MOOD TA: RIETY constantly tn store snit time, at :UM. teask rates. 8 FUOTOCT * 800. -42441 ° . NO. RN BOUttr FRONT Street. I BIIROLARY RAMPANT! LILLIE'S CHILLED-IRON SAFE STILL THE MASTER OF THE SITUATION, It is sometimes said that truth is STRANGER than fiction. It must be admitted that truth is far STRONGER and much more NIGHTY, and that it will prevail over both error and Action. That the burglar was never more active than at present; that the common safe is opened, and suc cessfully robbed almost nightly, and is not aprotec tion against the burglar, must be admitted by , all men of common observation. That Lillie•s Wrought and Chilled-iron Safe is the Only strictly Fire and Burglar-proof Safe now made at a price that business men generally can afford to pay, must also be admitted, after the most thorough examination. It is presumed that the citizens ofl'hiladelphia and vicinity will generally recollect that last year a sheet-Iron safe render; of this city, publicly-an nounced that it was very easy to drill a hole through .I.lllle's Safe door, over the lock, and open it; that soon thereafter some of his pupil* of the burglar profession, on his plan. madea most serious attempt to open one of Lillie's Safes, at the West Philadel phia Trust Fund, on Market street, and that it proved an entire failure, under the most favorable circumstances for the operatorS. During the present season, it has been a(inounced by another sheet-iron safe vendor, that it was very easy to open Lillie's Safe in a new way, that was both simple and practicable; that the operator had only to drive some iron wedges between the edge of the door and the safe, to burst the safe open, al leging It tO - be only cast-iron. That both Of the above statements .were designed to operate on those who were noilron-worken, and not posted, and made by interested parties, with the sole object to discredit Lllllels SaTe, is undoubt edly true. But it can hardly be supposed that either state ment was made to induce a professional burglar to experiment upon eitherplan, as he necessarily must be an iron worker, and as such knows that to get a bole through thorougly chilled iron, must be ground through, and to do this it takes too long a time to operate successfully, and too much power for the burglar. . lie knows, also, that as Lillie's Safe is supported by a network of wrought lion bars over the whole surface, it would be literally impossible to burst the safe or break the bars by driving - wedges in at the edge of the door. It would seeti, however, that some of the inexpe rienced and younger of the profession have made the attempt to open Lillie's Safe in the latter way, by driving wedges, and, after a most severe and thorough aloft) Utterly failed; still not satisfied, and having the opportunity, they next tried the sledge, and aftersledging for twohours with aheavy sledge without effect, the operators deliberately left. (See certificate below.) Verily, truth is much stronger and more mighty than error or fiction. The above results are introduced, trusting that parties who wish to be secured against the burglar, will look after the truth, and not believe or. trust those who are interested to deceive and lead them into error, trusting also that the inexperienced burglar will learn wisdom, and not be led astray by these false teachers, and thereby imperil his liberty and perhapshis life, with scarcely a prospect of gain. The safe last referred to is now at my depot, not Injured for use, and all parties interested in haying a safe that is strictly fire and burglar proof are particularly invited to call and examine this safe. I have also Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes, Bankers'; Rouse and Mercantile, Fire and Burglar Proof, also Burglar Proof, and Lillie 's Wrought Iron Fire Proofs, all at very low prices. Also, a great num ber ofsecon.l-hand safes of the mostpopularmakers, not imported from other cities, but received in ea change for Lillie's, which I offer at lower terms than can be found at the Auction Booms: • M, C. SADLER, Agent, NO. 21 S. SEVENTH STREET. GLOUCESTER, N. J., July 17,1865 M. C. Sadler, Esq., Agent Lillie's Safes. —Dear Sir; In• August, IMO, I purchased of you a No. 6 'Mercantile Safe (Lillie's fought and Chilled Iron). On Saturday night, the 15th instant, a gang of burg lars (by false keys) entered my office, and made a serious and mos% thorough attempt to open the safe by the use of a heavy sledge and other implements. The safe was heavily sledged at one end, which only caused a crack on the surface, like a fire crack; then, by sharp-pointed instruments, they tried to open the crack, hut utterly falled. , They sledged the door also, ut without injury. They also tried to buret open the safe by sharp instruments between the edge of the door and the safe in different places, without any effect. They also tried to drive In the lock without any success, and I can't see that the safe 'is injured for use in any respect. I have no doubt the burglarsvolnntarilyleft,belng fully convinced they could not open the safe. After this severe trial, I must say that mg confidence in the safe is greatly increased. and can most cheer fully recommend Lillie's Wrought and Chilled Iron Safe to all who wish to protect their valuables from thieveS and burglars. Yours truly, ma-intim-ft 'WILLIAMS MCC:ALLISTER. LEGAL. TN THE' DISTRICT COURT OF THE -a- 'UNITED STATES, INfAND FOR THE EAST ERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 'UNITED STATES. EASTERN 'DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—SAT. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel, flied in the name of the United States.hath decreed on the sth day of August, A. D. 1885, that all persons wbo claim to have any interest in the Steamer SCURVIN, Captured on the high seas, to wit: at NallfaX, On the Roanoke Hirer, on the coast of North uarolina, by the "fusee." "Palley City," and Picket-boat No. 5, vessels-of-war of the United States, be monished and cited. Therefore, all persons who claim to have any inte rest in the said steamer and cargo are mouished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer and cargo should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to condemnation as a lawfulprlze. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. P. C. ELLMAKER, U. S.. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, August 5, 1865. auB-tutus-fit ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO, AND those having claims upon the Estate of WILLIAM R. PAUL, deceased, will pay and pre sent the same to JOSEPH R. PAUL, No. 1811 WALLACE Street. By order of Adininistratrix and Administrators. MARGARET PAUL, JOSEPH R. PAUL, aus-s6t JACOB A. PAUL. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY TO -RA the Estate of. ELIZA MORASSO having been, granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make payment, and those having claims agains said Estate will present them to M. B. ESPY, Executor, aull-6t 5 221 South SEVENTEENTH Street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the Fire Associa tion for the renewal of POLICY OF INSURANCE No. 20,4 n. for 512.500, issued June 6, 1853, to CHRIS TIAN SCHNITZEL, which has been LOST OR MIS LAuDtu tAny2 t n formatTHEF r RE ASSOCIATION. by FIRST NATIONAL BAN SNECHANIGSI3I7IM, Pennalin 17, 1885. ThiS Bank Is calling in, and will redeem in lawful money of the United States, all the circulating notes of the late MECHANICSBURG BANK, when pre sented at our counter. 11. A. STURGEON, jel7-stdal. Cashier. SUMMER RESORTS. R URAL'HOTEL, • VEAANGO COIINTY, JAMES E. STEEL, „..„ Proprietor. This well-IEIIOIM and popular House has Just been thoroughly rented ane enlarged to more than double its former capacity It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready Recess by Rail and Stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels In any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House comblnlng.the comforts of Rome with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. jy4.4M SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY CAPE ISL*ND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL kOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National - Hll le now receiving visitors . Price per week, $l6; children an d servants JOO-2m AARON OAERETOON, -Proprietor. U NITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the receptiop of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af. ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early, —June 10, 1806. jelo-2thw BENJ: A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. MARSHAL'S SALES., A/FARSHAL'S SALE.—BY _ VIRTUE -M.A.of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADEE, Judge of the District CoUrt of the United States, in and for the Eagtern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be.Bolll at public sale, to the highest and best bid der, for cash, at SIMMON & NEILL'S DRY DOCK WHARF, CHRISTIAN Street, on SATURDAY, the 19th day of Aogust, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., the bark MARIA. and JULIA, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture. She was bunt at Bilboa, Spain, in 1855; is two hundred and tlfty-two tons burdelit is copper fastened, diagonal Rimed; has just been thoroughly overhauled and yellow metaled to the bends,nuder the , insnection Of the marine surveyors, at a large expense: she is well found h, anehors, chaluS, sails, rigging, &c ., and can be sent to sea at a sins)) ex pi,me, I'. C. F.LLMAKER, U. S. Marshal, E. D. of Penna. PRILADELFRIA. August 4, 1865. au4 8 10 . 12 16 19-6 t STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. OIOI e Ik c i , IN& F ? s OAL, AND OTHER We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices,Aff first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OP STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. - MOSS ec CO_ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 432 CHESTNUT Street. COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANNA% or all numberl and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-Cover Puck. Also, Paper Manufacturers , Drier reite, mom one to Ave feet wide; Pauline BoltingB6ll Twine, &e. noa _ ts JOHN W. NENNI4N____.& cc!, No. lOMJONW Allal. c''P *3 CARRIAGES AT MCRIFICE.—BaIance of stock, beautiful - styles, closing out at less than mat, • ROWS EUSTO N it Co., aut-tr 1 51 and 159 North TRUSD Street. ClatTAlllll GOODS. wENDOW 'SHADES, . _ CURTAIN CORNICES, AIM - ?‘• 13 - ISIMPING. W. BENNY PATTEN . ; aul2-sw2t 1408 CHESTNUT Street. I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STRSETs see fralt , nacarvln A FULL LIRE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO ItA.ltSs WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOB WE, WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. SEWING MACHINES. wur_oLcox & a ilEtris, 1 SEWING MACHIIII. It is the best family Machine. It is a definition or " elmplicttar ,, and ""perfec• tton." - The Needle cannot be let wrong. • The Hemmer, Feller, and Braider are acknow ledged to be superior to all others. A patented device prevents its being turned back ward. It la 6stirely noiseless. It received.the Gold Medal of the AmeriCan Insti tute in 1861. It received the Silver Medal of the "New York State Fair," 1864. It received the Silver Medal of the "Pennsylva nia State Pair," 1864. It also received the First Premium for "TEE BEST Eiswnzei MACHINE" at the great "New England Fair, l, the "Vermont State Fair," and the "In diana State Fair," 1864. Send for a circular containing fun information notices from the press, testimonials from those using the machine, &c. AGENTS WANTED. WILLCOX & GIBBS SEWING MACHINE, uO., 740 CHESTNUT STREET. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN BTOR2 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Mbe_tf SPRING GOODS. GENTS' FURSHSHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A- The subscribers would invite attention to their - IMPROVED OUT OF SHEETS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAE. J. W_ SCOTT & 00. t GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING S TORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, jal-ly Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 600 ARCH STREET. 06 0 REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS ITEEZERE. GAS-STOVES, FOR SIIHHEE uOOKING.• jelA-if IaRIFFITIFI A PAGE. SIXTH awl ARCH. COPARTNERSHIPS. TIISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. -1-"—The Partnership formerly existing between Samuel Becky, Alexander Hogg, and Robert H. Beattie, under the name of MACKY. HOGG, A CO., having been dissolved by the death of Alexander Hogg, all persons having claims against the late dim of /WACKY, HOGG, A CO. are requested to present them and all . persona Indebted to said firm to make payment to either of the surviving part ners. . • SAMUEL MACKY. ROBT. 13, BEATTIE. 25 South WATER Street. CO.PARTNERBHIP.—The undersigned have en tered into a partnership under the name of MACKY. A BEATTIE, to carry on the. Produce and General Commission business, from and after the ISt day Of August, A. D at No. 25 South WATER Street. and 1933 and 1025 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. SAMUEL MACKY, augl-tuths-6t ROBT. R. BEATTIE. DISSOLUTION. -THE COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing between W. T. FRY and M. V. OLRY, under the name and style of W. T. FRY & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. W. T. Fry retires from the firm, end M. V. cury will settle the business of the late copartner ship. WM. T. FRY, M. V. OLRY. PHILADELPHIA, sth August, 1865. NoTTRE.—HAVING PURCHASED THE INTE REST of W. T. FRY In the firm or WM. T. PRY & CO., the linnerzigned will continue the business at the old stand, E. 9 North SLXTII Street Fll ladelphia. OtitY. an7-6t C OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H B Undersigned have this day entered into a co- Kl l AT. 'l , l 4l P e u o. d , e f l Or ti gie na t m ra e urtiAi t c i a t i le ae r tirnit UAL UMBER BIISINEE3B at ma MARKET Bt. A. BRUNER, Bs.. D. C. WANN, A. RREINER, JR. PHILADELPHIA. July S, MM. TUB BUSINEBt3 WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad,. van:tapes. yn-am• C ARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large dock of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER The assortment le complete GEO. J. HENKELB, le2l-2m 809 and 811 CIiESTNIIT Street. 64 SMITH JONES" BRAND. The old friends of the above celebrated and favor ite brand of ' VIRGINIA MANITACTIIKKO-VOBACCO are hulked to examine a lot.-(fiery superlorojust received per steamer "11fr Nl6wer,4l .V0)1311110- J.. RINALDO SANK ed CO., 31 North WATER - Street, and _ aii9 , o 30. North DELAWARE Avenue. To . THE FRIENDS OP OUR LATE LAMENTED PRESIDENT. The Subscribers haiVe just published a large and beautifully-executed Memorial Medal of the late President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. All desirous of obtaining the most correct, de sirable, and cheap likeness vet offered to the public, ill dou,:,rei the United States. e . all. Price in. w Agent rilo ya l t fl j JOHN S. WARNER, & 60M, No. 326 CHESTNUT Street. aul2-2t* Third floor. - LEWIS & COX. JosEra J. LEWIS, CilAI/LTON T. LEWIS, S. S. COE. COUNaELLORS AT LAW,_I32, Box, no. 5,880, KEW IW biTy 7 Attend to all business in the Courts of the united States and in the Departments at Washington. Especial attention given to Internal -Revenue-busi ness, and to Claims against Foreign Governments, as well as our own. Judge Lewis' experience as Commissioner of In ternal Revenue, and Charlton T. Lewis' experience as Deputy Commissioner, will' he a guarantee of thorouh acquaintance with the Revenue Laws. Mr. (fox's connection with the Committee of For eign Affairs in Congress, and his long membership of the National Legislature, insure a thorough knowledge of legislation and practice in the depart. Meats. au7-12t OIL COMPANIES DESIRING TO it EDUCE CURRENT EXPENSES.—A Secre tary of an 011 Company, having safe and ample (Mee accommodations, will keep the books of one or more goofs it Companies. on very reasonable terms. Oa oil is struck. Call Omee Ma Ire Petro. loom Company, No. 25 South TIDED bitreet, Pht- Isdelphla. aull,2t. WANADWrEIt a BROWN, rffE PRESS.;-? -WWII' MILIVAND DRY GOODS J 01 04104 FA.LL. 1865,' . EDMUND xr.Ants & 617. tites_tnut and 614 Jayne Sti., • INTORTEPA AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS VoOODS, • • LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND BALMORALS. DEALERS IN AMERICAN DRESS (400 D% GERMANTOWN FANCX WOOL GOODS, AND BALMORALS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET RATER: auB-lm FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY Goo") s, 113 y, the Piece or- P'aelrese, AT AND ITND2R. MARKET RATE'S: JAS. L CAMPBELL & CO., 721 CHESTNUT ST. ji giZOLESALE ROOIItS, UP STAIRS.) WADDING WARESOUSE. • N - 0. 212 CHURCH ALLEY. The attention of the TRADE is called to the sat- Scribers , large and varied assortment of WADDINGS; which lie has now in store, and is constantly recety ing, to wit: CHEAP HEAVY WADDINGS FOR CLOTHIERS. SUPERIOR QUALITY DO. FOR JOBBERS. HEAVY BLACK AND WHITE PIECE WADDING% FOR FURRIERS. ALSO, FINE COTTON' LAPS AND TIE YARNS. R. E. EVANS, aus-'smw2m Manufacturers' Agent, BAGS ! BAGS ! BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, B B uRLAP G , AND quiort A FLOUR AND SALT DA6s, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY & CO. iy26-6m. No. Xl3 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGBINTE. FOIL THE BALL' OF WILLIAM BROOM E E,: COMMISSION M ER C HANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Wlll continue the, Commission business of the late firm of THOMAS RICHARDSON 4% CO. Advances made on PRODUCE consigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE, & CO. LIVERPOOL, and to correspondents in LONDON, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. AUGUST 1, IsBs. and-tmlf Tr STEEL & SON; Nm. •713 , 715 North TENTH Street, are now offering great bargains in WAXER DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods of all kinds at reduced prices. Shawls of all kinds at reduced prices. Domestics of all kinds at reduced prices: Linen Goods of all reduced prices. 1% yards wide English Cashmeres-Fail colors,, MUSS OF ALL KINDS AT LqWP _RDDEa. Just opened 1 ease of Hoyle'e-best quality 4-4 Eng lish Chintzes, double purples,. at Ste. aul2 T CHAMBERS, NO: 810 ARCH ST. Extra fine Hemmed Handkerchiefs at 25 cents. Marseilles for Basques and Dresses. Striped Naltisook9 for Waists, 452. per yard. Soft finish Cambric, rilYards , vide- Camtiric Edgings and insertions. Crochet Edgings. Pointe Lace Goods under regular prices. Thread Lace Collars from 50 cents. an4-12t PLAIN BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets: Pure white - Shetland Shawls. White Shirred Muslim. Plal&and Stripe Nainsooks. Plain Nalusooks, Swiss Muslim, Combrics, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines. EDWIN HALL & CO., uth SECOND Stret. N.D.—Summer Dress G oode closing out re e gard, less of,cost. jeW-tt COOPER & CONARtri - x rams= AND MARKET, have • The best Cabsimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks,Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of everkind. _Muslin stock complete, prices rite Family.Llnens, selling, gold, at . Gauze, Doinet, and other Insane. Pearl Wool Delaines, and 66 Cents, Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas, su. - - Lupin's d-4 black Wool Delaines, Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslins, finest Cambria; and Jaconets, puffed Mnslins, Pique, &c. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. Je7-tf 628H00P SKIRTS 628 HOPKINS , ~O WITAIAKE, t HOOP SKIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen finished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured slippingve ma chinery, which entirely prevents and be coming unclasped, rendering them super to all Other Shirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On band and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at di ARCH Street. Jy26-Im. 'UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOW DUE. OFFICE. DEPUTE COLLECTOR INT. B/MENIIP., FIFTU COLLECTION DISTRICT, PA., MAIN STREET AND °HELTON AVEISUID GERMA.NTOWX,Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Col lection Lists have been received, and the Taxes ate now due and payable. N The Annual List An chides the tax on , licenses„ incomes, carriages, watch - Ea, musical instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the; mode of notice — via. by advertise ment in one newspaper, and netifittatiODA to bepoat ed up In four public places. • Persons residing in the Twenty-second and Twen ty.ilfth wards will make payment at this oftlee. Those residing in the Twenty-third ward will make payment to THOMAS S. FOULIMOD, Deputy Col lector, FRANXFORD Street, Frankford. This Annual Tax is by law payable on or before the 30th day of June in each year ; but as the Tax Diets for this year were unavoidably delayed, the day fixed for this District RS the latest day upon which it may be paid withent liability to penalty is the 26th day of August, 1865. WILLIAM H. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District, Glermautown. July 29, 1666. jy29-satutht-13t PARAFFINS' LUBRICATING -g- gmo BBL 9. Pat received, direct from the works of the UNION COAL AND OIL COMPANY, adapted to all classes of machinery, in store and for sale by the undersigned, sole agent for this market. CAUTION. Haying learned that unprincipled parties are offering worthless 011 s, representing them to be the same well-known PARAFFIN E OILS as sold by the undersigned, to the great injury of the re putation of the same, I beg leave to caution eon- Burners against this gross and wilful imposition, and to inform them that we are the sole agent for till sale of this Oil in this market. These Oils are prepared exclusively from CAN NEL COAL: are free from acids: will not gum; and AGENCYbIe, must be procured directly from the N 0.125 WALNUT Street,Philadelp_hia. 1,000 1,315. No.ll Refined PARAFFINE WAX in store and for isle. • aus-sw.3t* IgrAzDnielt, Agent. NEW YORK DYING AND PRINT. -L. ING ESTABLISHMENT, STATEN ISLAND.- 40'North EIGHTH Street.—This Company, so long and favorably known in New. York during the past forty-six years, have opened an °Mee as above. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Ciarments and weaving apparel of erery kind, dyed and cleansed in the Most perfect manner: Stains and spots removed from garments without being ripped. - Merchants having goods of undesirable colors can have them redyed in superior style. aulo-thstu39t* McCANDLESS & SMITH MALT VINEGAR FACToRS, _ BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Genstarrtly on hand and for eale a large stock of MALT and WHITE INlfd YINEGAR — a new article of manufacture inthis Country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in - Enrepe. All sales warranted free from Impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts of the country. AGENTS. L. E. CIMBLOEI, No. /13 Walnut street, Plan . PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal timore. - CHRISTIAN LEE & CO:, Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD & CO., Newbern, N. C. jel9-3m WHITE VIRMN WAX OF ANTILLES —Anew French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is tile most Wonder ful compound Of the age. There is neither ehalk. powder, ma bismuth, nor tale in its tempos sition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin W a x; hence.the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making it so.ft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the b;; L iqf me more beeteifol, and the most beautiful di . *Prices BO and So cents. Prepared only by T kerfamere, 41 Sodth m.GHTH Street, two aoors above Chest nut, and 133 BoUth SEVENTH Street, above Wal- jy21.8111 FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS.— . Just received, from Paris, a large lot of the finest French Flowers, for the tall trade; also the newest styles for the hair, wholesale and retail. at No. 21 N. NINTH Street, attove Market, east side. au4-10t HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 doz. Sausag.e Meat. • 500 " Roast Beef. 500 " do Veal. 500 " do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turkey. • 1,000 " do Chicken.' 8,000 " Mooned Soups, I,_Z, 231 lb. cans. Fortf le 107 S A 'WILLIAMS WATER , ree-outh litreet. E D. F. MORGAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COLLECTING AGENT, MEM:11:112, TENN. The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the Memphis bar for :ten; (10) years, my acquaintance with the business community greatly facilitates in the speedy collection of claims. D E. . r..moßGium. 10kOHLEN'S WEESP ANCIIOR ConManny'n O.: band and for Bale by the under signed,. oat importers of Ws Gin in thd United bunes , , . HENRY BOHLEN & CO., .nulft-at ,99e1. and 22R SOuth . FOTIRTH tweet. COMMISSION ' HOUSES. PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 HEADE STREET, NEW YORK. je23-6m RETAIL DRY GOODS. CHEAPEST BLAC% "s11:0 ilfrT6ll9e. GREAT CEATHAL CLOTHING HOUSE, owmpAr,':, AUGUST - l.' it:' • MOW PUBLICAI7OIII3. TAUCHNITZ COLLECTION BRITISH AUTHORS. Just received by steamer ONCE AND AGAIN. 2 vols. By the author lof " ho. Breaks Pays." Also. a new supply of OH III STIANTHESISTAHE. the auttior of "John Halifax. if And uIL the novelties. • Price, each volume, 75' cents. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price. F. LEYPOLDT'S Bookstore, aul2-stuthat ma CHESTNUT St., up stairs: a ( A ,er GOBI 11%r.. A, NEW NOVEL. ERY OF MONTGOMERY. A striking new novel by the author of Philip Thaxter." One large handsome volume. Cloth . bound,-priceAlso, a finer edition in two' volumes, price $B. SaulbobPaperv.A.eomle book byJohn Ilmenix,sl44 Looking Around-A new.novel, by A. S. Roe .41.50 'Orpheus C. Kerr Papers-A third series $1.50 Hand-An e =Ring new English novelsl.7s Falr7Flngera-Mrs.llltebteistatowattbiewnoveisias St. Phillips-Nell novel by author "Ruttodge"floo Hugh W‘orthlngton-Mre.Holmesi new novel-6 1 M . Mary Braneagee-A new "Woinan , s'novell , 10rk n 1ebinkatoosevel Vs new sporting books 2 00 Sir Mr.:CARLETON begs leave to sellers that there will be no alterations in the priceet OP ally of his nublleationa before Jan. 1, 1865. All handsomely ,hound in Cloth, and sent' by In2f46:id" price,rENti,. Publisher, TrILPAT.RICK AND OUR CAVALRY. -LA- With an account of the Cavalry Raids and En gagements from the beginning of the Rebellion to the garrender ofJobnston, 12mo. L . THE STORY OF GENERAL SHEHIIIA N 49 GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By MaJOe Nichols. 12m0. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. By the author of John Halifax." 12mo. ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. 12mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE: A Book of Boy Trgyel. By M. A. , EdWgras. - .- All the new books received as soon 9SpnbliSnod and for sale by JAMES S. OLAX T ON. (Successor'lenj• aul2 60fi CHESTNUTStreet. ATTRACTIVE BOOKS FOR THE COUNTRY AND SEA-SIDE. GALA. COUNTRY DAYS—BT CFalCt Gail Hamilton. STUMBLING - BLOcKS-137 Gail Hamilton. HOUSEHOLD POEMS—By Longfellow. SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS—By Tennyson. NATIONAL LYRICS—By Whittier. TENNYSONT POEMS;Farringford edition. ENOCH ARDEN, Illustrated—By Tennyson. HYMNS OF THE AGES—Selections from Wither, erashaw, Sontlmell; and others. FOLLOWING THE FLAG—By Carleton. For sale by LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, sus .No. 25 South SIXTH Street. EDUCATIONAL. ACADEMY OF THRSACRED HEART, No. 1625-WALNUT Street, Philadelphia.• •Parents and Guardians are respectfully informed that the ' , Ladies of the Sacred II end" intend open ing a DAY soffooL FOR YOTTSFO LADIES on the Second MONDAY of September: The system of educationwill be. the same as that pursued so successfully in all the Institutes of the Sacred Heart throughout Europe and America. These Ladies; being 'devoted to•the instruction of youth, spare no pains tovrin'the heart to virtue and impart to the mind a solid and'reilned education. Application can be madO for Circulars Ist Sep tember- atil2-1m MRS. SCHAFFER'S SCHOOL WILL • be REOPENED . on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER at 933 SPRUCE Street. Circulars may be obtained . at the N. E. corner of- Spruce and Tenth streets. aun-stutkiat. ERGILDOUN HOARDING- SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA, 4 three miles south of Coatesville, on the Penna. Railroad. Winter termuommences Tenth Month, (Oetober,) 9th, 1865. Terms--$BO per session of twenty weeks. Music, ; Drawing or Painting, each $5. Languages-not extra. For Circulars, address the Principal. RICHARD DARLINGTON, aul2-stuth tm Ercildonn, Pa. TIME WOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUN( MEN to enter upon a course of study at BRY ANT, STRATTON,, & BANNISTER'S National ASSE Commercial College, . • MBLYBUILDINGS, S. W. elorner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Call or send for a Circular. anl2-2t RETURNED AND DISABLED SOL •DIERS will find the readiest means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in a abortperiod of time, at BRYANT, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal deduction will be made in all cases wor -thy of such consideration anl2-2t TESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, WILMINGTON, DEL. —The next Annual Session will begin on THURSDAY, September 7,1865. For catalogues or further information, address aull-19t 5 JOHN WILSON, President. INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, AT FREE- N. J.—The Fall Term will commence UTTEMBER 13th, and continue fourteen weeks. BOys fated for business or college. TerM*-1800 per yeari of forty-two weeks—one-third at the com mencement of each term. Great attention will be paid to the morals and manners of pupils, 'as well as to scientific attainments. Motto—" We reason from what we know." Deduction, thoroughness in firstprineiples. CYRUS BALDNIN, Prfacipal. lieTerences—llec. E. E. 'Adams, Sehermerhorn & Bancroft, E..6impson,Wm. Musser. aunt-Let. . , pHILADELPEtIA. COLLEGIATE IN. STITUTE,for Yob - 1 , 111 LADIES N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Circulars at 12/6 and 133 , Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Boa 2611. The next Sessionwill commence on MONDAY, Sep tember lath. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. PrinelPaL aulo.lm CALVARY ACILDEXY, AT °ALVA "-, EY CHURCH, - MANHEIM Street, GERMAN TOWN.—B. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Principal; as sisted in the different departments by experienced teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, 1885. 'Font Boys, between the ages of eight and fourteen years, will be received into the family of the Principal. For Circulars address B. SHOEMAKER, corner of crEßmAmotivN Ave nue and 5/10EMAIER'S Lane, Germantown Phi- D-- T..C..llenry, B. G. Gbdfrey, T. A. Newha , Carroll Brewster, Esqs., and Rev..G. A. Strong. JyB-stni7t. rfEMOUNT SEMINARY, NORRIS owN, Ta.-I'nr Young bleu and Boys—Twen ty-secon7l year. The Winter Seeginn, of six mOntlis, Will commence on TUESDAY, Sernber 19th. For circmare, address JOILN W. LOCH, so-tut - my. , - . Principal. MANTUA FEMALE ": EMIN AE Y, 4a-a- BARING Street, below Thirty-fifth, West Philadelphia. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladles. The next Term will _open Set. For circulars apply to , Rey. JOHN MOO aul•tuthel3o rrinv ALA inHEGARAY INSTITUTE.-ENGLISH v and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Nos. 1521 and 1529 SPRUCE Street, Phi ladelphia, will reopen on WEDNESDAY, Septem ber 20th. French is the language of the family.; and is con stantly spoken to the Institute. . - For circulars and particulars Apply to au9-3m .3liadarne ToIIERVILLY, Principal. OHIO FEMALE COLLEGE. The fall term of this popular institution will open on MONDAY, September 4th. 1865. Its admirable location, (six miles from Cincinnati), its extensive grounds, its elegant buildings and its superior Board of Instruction in every 'department, give It the first place among Female Colleges. Catalogues furnished, inquiries answered, and TOMS secured, by addressing OHIO FEMALE .VOLLEGE, aus.siv6t College Hill, Ohio. BRISTOL BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will reopen September sth, 1885. For Circulaze, address R. A, PEIRCE, Bristol, Penna. jyl2-w&817t• CRITTENDEN* PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Established 1894. Incorporated 1858. The course of instruction includes BOOK-KEEP— ING in its different branches, PENMANSHIP; Mercantile Calculations, Business Forms, Com mercial Law, &c. furnishing a necessary • PREPARATION FOR BUSINESS LIFE. NO VACATION.. Students Instructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas awarded on , graduation. Catalogues famished gratis on appli cation. au9-12t. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL. Terms Very moderate. Thorough course of study in. bthotleo, English Cassias, Ac. Supplies tile enefits of e a home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys °foliag gies received. Bens Septem ber 4th. Refers to JOIN C. CAPP A SON, 23. South THIRD Street; THOS J. CLAYTON, ESQ., FIFTH and PRUNE ; Mr.GEORGE F. KNOTT, 3S HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Village Green, Pennsylvania. - au4-3m FEMALE COLLEGE, - BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The WINTER SESSION of this INSTITTJTION will commence SEPTEMBER the 18th. A few vacancies only remain. For cata logues, containing terms_, etc. Address. Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEY, A. a u.-ew resident. MOUNT JOY -ACADEMY; MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNRYL YANIA.—This old and well-knowernstitutioU will be reopened for the reception or boarding pupils 011 the SECOND TUESDAY OF SEPTEMBER, the nth. For particulars, address the Principal. au2-14t* L. 11. 19-AIISE. TEE , MISSES CASEY AND - MRS. BEEBE nt,lll reopen their - BnordingAmd Day School for Young Ladies, No. 1703 WALNUT Street, on wEDSDAY, the 20th ofSept. au2-2m - RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STITUTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well-known School of Engi neering. and Natural Science, will commence Sept. 1885. The New Annual Reg Mer of ISM, giving run information, may be obtained by addressing Prf. CHARLES DROWNE, Director, Troy, N. X. aul-30t. MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with char tered privileges, superior advantages, and a pa tronage of 150 pupils the first rear, reopens Sept. 5. For circulars, address /ter. M. L. 13OFNORD, A. President. auilm A. R. BECK'S SCIIOOL AT LITIZ, .4-z- Lancaster county, Penna., intended for a lim ited number of boys between the ages of seven and eleven years. Thenupils have the advantage of living in the Principal'sfamily, and being under his constant care. • • , FOrterms, apto jy29-/m ABRAHAM FL BECK, Principal. THE .WEST CHESTER ACADEMY -11- AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. Foe Catalogues. containing TOMS and full infor mation, apply to RS Principal. 33 , 2 3-6 w WILLIAM - T. WYERS. A. WOODLAND SEMINARY.— NOS. 9 11 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West Phi.. ladelPhia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrao• Live. Fall Session commeneem Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to jynam• REV. TIMMY REEVES. nine!. al. A LOT OF BOSTON SCHOOL DESKS for sale at_ . aus.l2t 634 North'TENTII Street. ACKAREL HERRING, SHAD, &o. M -2,500 bbis. Mass. Nos. 12, and Mackerel, late-caught flat fish , in assorte d packages.' 2 , 000 bbla. New Eitotport, Fortuna Bay, and an-, fax Herring. 2, _6OO boxes Lubec, sealed, No. Marring. 150 bide. New Mess had. 210 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese, &C. In store and for sale by MURPHY t BOONA, jal9-tf No. via NORTH WHARVE. ITAVAN A. CIGARS AND GUAVA JELLY.—New invOiCer Now landing—offered low to dealers. Cigars stilted for retailing at Bc, 10c, and 12c. Guava Jelly from Dominica factory. S. FUGUF.T & SONS, Importers. ou9-12t s No. 216 :with FRONT Street. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CANPION, . • _ 281 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are preparedlo follow the decline In the market it she price of their Furniture. Purcbeeere wiu please can end examine nnr stank. - nevle-10► S. E. COE. SLITH AND MARKET STREETS WANTED-A. BOY TO- MARX TAE tineeGrist-Mill, or a Low-priced Ira d. Address "Atip-Burr," Honeybrook, Obes er County, Pa. an 12,4 W ANT E D—AN EXPEETENCtiD SALESMAN, in a Wholesale Hat House. AS SN:AS Box ZiEe, Phllada. P. (), mar/AMU-Mt WANTED=AGENTB TO SELL T' E LINCOLN WATCH, the ..grenteat thing e ,er _inveni ed; looks like silver; weighs four ouneds, ' Price 35 Cents. 'Sample sent bi mall, postage paid, 50 cen cents ts (postage costs 24 .----$2OO per day matte at eatile shows and fairs; 10 tc. $lO anywhere: , Local agents wanted In every town, and -a whote ..saio agfAit le 05011 large eityr invented duly 2ith, • • Send for a circular. (Cut this out. -J. RNA & CO., 57 WASHIIsiOrTON Street, aul2-2t.. Boston, Mass. - ...... WANTED—A SALESMAN INA HAT and ".Ca — .llouse. With one having a good iTt4c c, and willing to travel, a liberal arrangement will be male. p lioatisag strictly nonlidontial, Addroßs Box 2342 Philadelphia P. 0. aull-3l _ WANTED- TN A. PUBLIF HI ITG House, a MAN thorougly acquainted with the book business, and a good salesman. A compe tent party can obtain apermanent situation. Ad dress, with references, *.Publisher, ,, Box 200,Phi ladelphi Poet-olfloe. • ault-2P WANTED -A 81.117AT,1 0 N A. young' man Just past sixteen years; ° 'serired two years in the High School. Is willing to-make himself geeprally umful for a small compensation. Apply at No. .7 North FRONT St. aule-thstiat. • WANTED—AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and. Soldiers, • Teachero, Ladies, and energetic young' men to CANVASS for our great national work, ii• The Life Times, and Public services of Abraham Lincoln.' , By Dr. L. P. Brackett. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting Applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES; BEM, dr, CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. • AGENTS. WANTEP, IN EVERY Township, to sell GRANT AND SHERMAN; THEIR CAMPAIGNS AND GENERALS. By Hon John T. Headley, author of •! Washington add his Generals, ,comprising popular Biographies of prominent Generals of the union army, inclu ding graphic descriptions of Battles, Sieges Ad ventures, &e., with numerous Steel Portraits and Battle scenes, 4;,1a only by Agents. To all seek ing profitable employinewt rare Chance is offered to make money. 'For terms and territory, address at once, with stamp, IE. B. TREAT, Publisher, 130 GRAND Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work. —The most complete; only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Send for circulars, Address P . 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, ra. • jy2l.-lindeW4t AGENTS WANTED FOR • "THE SE CRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever published. - Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS., & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. IY2B-Inr" AGENTS WANTED - FOR THE ME MORIAL 'RECORD OP THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra Induce- Twits offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 NorthMERRION. Street, northwest of Penn Square, PhUada., Pa. ' jy27-Ine AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr..T. G.. Hol land. No comment IS necessary;'s repu tation as a Wflferle fully established. EXperleneed canvassers know why it sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-240 Chester county, Penna. :ir7o -A MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS eve where at S7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. 6, &t wit', Did.:l6 - roed, mylNdit,Wam sl 4) tx . MONTH.—AGENTS WANT. *. ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler .& Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and BaCbeider, All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are InfrlngeMentei and the seller and user are liable to fine and finpriSonment. Salary and expenses, Or law commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SIIA.W & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&W3ni $l,OO ll -A F.gW MORETERSONS, lr • with *l,OOO cashh can secure original interests in the PIONEER PITCH AND LUMBER COMPANY, if application is xnade immediately- A perfectly safe and legitimate enterprise. and Will pay, at present prices, over 600 per cent,pront ; and at the lowest prices ever known. at least 200 per cent. profit the first year. A circular giving full particulars and reliable references can he had on application. HALL .4, JOHNSON, aus-7t 5221 WALNUT Street. de WANTED TO RENT—A: PUR IM; NISHED ROUSE -for Six. months. Address "L. IL," at this Mace. - aul24o` - - da PART OF A. HOUSE WANTED— Ma:Rent not to exceed $BOO, wlthln five or ten mi nutes walk front Penn Square. Address P. H. 'W.," Ledger office. it FOR SALE AND TO LET. et o FOR BALE,-NEAT DWELLING .I=lNo. 1859 North ELEVENTH Street. Neat Dwelling No. 635 North THIRTEENTH. Street. Neat Dwelling No: 406 North FRONT Street. Neat Dwelling No. 1905 COATES Street. Neat Dwelling No. 1311 North TWELFTH. Street. Neat Dwelling No. 2628 LOMBARD Street. Large Dwelling-1367 South BROAD Street, 61,1011, I`AB South FOURTH Street, and aul2 S. IV cor. SEVENTEENTH• and GREEN: _ TO RENT--THE HOUSE,. COR MINER Melton avenue and Wayne street, Ger mantown, with all.the modern improvements. Pos session September ist, 1865. Apply to wine-st* W. IL STOKES; Ins. Office, Germantown. FOR BALE—DWELLING, WITH MM. sideyard, SPRING - GARDEN Street, west of Twentieth. Dwelling, with side yard, Spring Garden street, west of Twenty-first street. Dwelling, with side yard, Spring Garden etreet, west of Twenty-second street. Dwelling, 406 North Front street. . Dwelling, 1905 Coates street. Dwelling, BM Spring Garden street. Dwelling, 2113 Branwine street, Damn& Dwelling, 1859 North Eleventhstreet, in excellent order; with earlypossession. B.F.' GLENN, 123 South FOIIRTH Street au4 and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENH and GREEN. TOR SALE-THE TWO. VERY DE .mk. arable ARCH-Street Houses, Nos. L932and 1934. /lex .urith Immediate possession , - - - Also, a number of desirable HOIIBCI3 on Green and adjaCent streets. au4 B. F. GLENN, 123 Beath FOURTH Street. FOR SALE—HOUSE AND FUR NITURE complete, BROWN Street, west of „Fifteenth.. Wilt be disposed of at a very .reasonable price. House, three stories, with three-story , double back buildings; furniture nearly new. H. F. GLENN, ISO South FOIIIITH Street. aui and S. W- dor_ SEVENTEENTH and de FOR SALE, DOWNINGtoWN MAPROPERTY.—First-class Dwelling and large Store, one of the best stands in the place, conve nient to Railroad, and very desirable both as a resi dence and place of business. B. F. GLENN, aus 123 South FOURTH Street. or FOR SAL E-BARGAIN POE: MOLTFVELY—SpIendid first-class DWELLING, on Spruce street, west of Seventeenth. 'Fifteen rooms. Only $17,600. Easy terms and immediate possession. MILLER, au9-4tif 155 N. SIXTH Street. In TO HOTEL KEEPERS, AND JEOLOTHERE.—TO RENT, late NATIONAL HO TEL, in Race street, between Third and Fourth streets, containing forty-four rooms. It has been put in perfect order, and will be rented reasonable. Foy terms apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent, N. W. cor. FOURTH and PINE Ste. 'auB-6t. fa- FOR SALE, IN TRENTON—IS =one of the most magi/Moot I'ItOPERTLICS ever offered; is located immediately on the river p • most positively be seen in ordt r to form a correct estimate of its Intrinsic value. Price, $30,000. Also, a first-class FARM of 180 acres, In Pennsyl vania, on the Delaware. Immediately opposite Trenton; very superior improvements, fte. Price, *2OO per acre. .MILLER, aue-wths3t 153 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - - AA Emu Excellent FARM or 70 acres in Chester county, very near West Branch Station, on the Bal. timore Central Railroad. Good neighborhoOdi good improvements. Price, $7,000. A good city - dwelling taken as part pay. MILLER, auD-wills3t 155 North SIXTH Street. iffl FOR SALE-FARM OF 180 a. acres, on the Delaware River, and only 12 roiles from the city. Splendid gravelahore and 1.0.0 L bank. One of the most desirable propertles on um river. MILLER, au9-wthigt . 155 North SIXTI7I Street. et FOR SALE OR: EXCHANGE in Mil FOR CITY PROPERTY—FARM of 130 +IL acres, in Montgomery county, two miles from sta tion on the ie. P. R.R. 20 acres of woodland, 30 of valuable meaScef; large Mansion, new Barn, and plenty of fruit. • Also, one of es acres. B. J. DOGSIPio, aull-fstuat* 108 South FOURTH Street. FOR BALE-A FARM OF At ma about fifty-seven acres, situated on the 01d...16.. York Turnpike, 11miles from the city, and 234 miles from Abington Station. North Pennsylvania Rail road. It has near half mile front on the pike. Apply at 206 WAI:NTJT Street, between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. aulo-4t* CHAS. H.. 11. TRIEBELS. FOR RENT, _ - AN ITALIAN VILLA,_ Late the residence of DAVID C. WILSON, situ ate ji( of a mile from the CITY of WILMINGTON, Within ZOO yards of the City Railway (passing every minutes.) The. house toeing new) la in excellent order, supplied with water from a tang in the attic, with every modern improvement, heated throughout by steam; a Hue porch the entire length of the building. Tim grounds in front of the house (con taining 4 acres, are tastefully laid out in walks and plats, dotted with trees and shrubbery, the whole burrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate ly, by application to DB. IL B A IL YARD, PORT.Eit, T. F. Exceutors, au3-4w Wilmington, Del. • Cri STEAMSHIP ORIENTAL FOR. SALE.—The superior Steamship 1./UIENTAL, now In Easton, Iron hull, three masts, 210 feet long, 740 tons register; has two 10-inch Cylinders., 3Q-inch stroke, large CA.rryillo capacity. A desirable son-going steamer• Apply to . CHARLES SPEAR, Roston, Or, EDMUND A. SOUDER & CO., aulo-4t . DOCK-Street Wharf, Phila. "DEAL ESTATE—SS,OOO,OOO WORTH .nov FOR SALE.—Don't fan to call ilrst on GEO. C. MILLER, Real Estato • Broker, 1.5 s North Street, If you wlbh either to pareltilee or sell city or "suburban PROPERTY. Ha, greater fitellltiee for accommodating the public than Ally other Broker in this city. ' aue-wthatlf TI'OR SALE—A DESIRABLE RUSI NESS STAND, on MARKET Street, between F uire tit rt iamm FirthMARKET ntreets Street. . Teems. favo r auttble.-ot I.n -q FOR BALE-A SUPERIOR IRON FUR NACE, in fullblast, with about 1,000 acres of laud, in Adams CO, Pa., capable of making 80 tons per week. B. F. GLENN, aus '123 South FOURTH Street. - A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A MERCHANT TAILOR. —The Well-known Sp tablishment at Kennett Square, Chester county, Pa. formerly occupied by Franklin Darlington, and recently by Lewis Seal, deceased, is now offered fur sale or rent. .A large business has al ways been done here, and an enterprising man, making early application, will find this a rare op md poytty for engaging in &profitable trade. There is on hand a large assortment of cloths and eau& macs, which win be sold lower than they can he bought In market. Those desiring Information, will cull upon or address SUSAN W. SEAL, or WM. T. SEAL, Adners of LEWIS SEAL, dee , d, an4-12t*.Kennett Square, Pa. FOR SALE--320 ACRES 'VALUABLE boring LAND, on 'the headwaters of Little Hickory Creek, Venango county Pa. To be sold 10W. Apply to LusOos aud-no - 144 SontEWROURTH'iii., Phila. IRON- FOUNDRY ARD MACHINE SHOPS SITUATE IN MOUND CITY, 11, 'LINO'S. The lot has a front on the Ohio River 0f.265 feet, and extends 200 feetln depth to a one-hundred-feet wide street, with streets on each side. The bulld- Jpgs Dna, and contain a. sixty-horse-power engine, two coisolas, tilt and Atip-hatunlen W , /ON and every variety or machinery and tools need to tirst•elass machlue-shops.. - There are also patterns for marine railway machinery, steamboat, saw, and sugar-mill engines, arid for wood and `coal-Stoves, with all the latest improvements. • , iron and coattobe.,ebtalned in the imelghborhood in abundance. FOY sale by • • • 1. C. PRICE, 441-121 5 014011BEITIcI31 , Street. TASTEFUL AND 81MTANTIAL CLOTIEING Foie !RALE! AND TO LET. .DEBIRABLB DWELLING-IEOI7BE 'ma-WANTED—Within a Short distance of Erb: d and Chestnut, either now or by the first of October.. Any one knowing of a house being vacated will be paid for notifying the advertiser, should it lead to an engagement. Address lt HENRY," Ledger office. Hi FOR FURNITURE. BROWNT t HUIIbE AND 't teenth. B.- P. , GLENN. • min 123 South POUT 11,T if , 6tror t. 111 FOR SALE-THE TWO VERY desirable Arch-street HOUSES NO. 1.918 and 1920; new and complete. Immediatossession. FOURTH ENN, iLdl2 1183 Boutii .0490. deFOR BALE-OERMANTOWN COT TAGE and FURNITURE, complete, on EUgh street. lmmedlate possession. B. F. GLENN, anl2 123 Smith FOURTH Street. AUCTION NA LES. /A m ITERKNEBB ? BAZAAR, NINTH AND HANSOM STREETS. SPECIAL SALE OF THIRTY HORSES. ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at the BAZAAR, will be sold THIRTY HORSES, Formerly to use by the government ail young and serviceable, and to be sold to the highest bld - - 00r, to close a concern. ALFRED I EfERIENESS, aul2-2tif Auctioneer. AUCTION NOTICE. LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. SAMUEL O. 000K 1 AUCTIONO/C4, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 18, 1866, AT HALF.PABT TEN TgLOCK, No. 124 South Front St., above Walnut, WILL BE SOLD. for account of the Medical. Bureau, V. A.,gthe • following Merchandise, mostly in bales and original, packages, entirely new stadia good order: 50,000 pair Blankets. 93,008 yards , Linen Sheeting. ei,5MS¢ Bed Sacking. 22,0033 " Linen Pillow Casing, 84,0519( " Colored Cotton Check. 155,753 X " Mosquito Netting. 21,000 " Huck Towelling. 13,932 Shirting Muslin. LOOO " Window Shade Muslin. 5,000 " 11,1304 " Muslin Sheeting. 1,882 " Check Pillow Ticking. • 20,000 pair Drawers. • 20,000 " Socks. 10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wrappers. 1,000 Counterpanes. 800 Hair Ilattresses. .3,610 141104 Cases, Cotton check. 10,000 Pillow Ticks. 50,000 Sheets. ALSO, 100 bales, containing 5,000 pair Blankets, nearly new, in good order. Can be examined with catalogues three days pre vious to sale. lyia, 17, 20, 29, 27, all aui, 2,3, 4, 5. 7. 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 14;16, id. SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER bIASTERIS STORES, GRAIN AND GRAIN SACKS. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON, WASIIINGTOIS, D. C., August 4,.1885. Will be sold at public auction, at 51xtli street wharkWashington, D. C., under the direction of the °Meer in charge of Forage at that pointon TUESDAY, August 16, 1885, at o'clock A. ti., a lot of condemned Quartermaster Stores, consisting of Brooms Brushes, Cups, Knives and Forks, Lamps,Lanterns, Curry Combs, Rules, Halters, &c. ALSO, At the same time and place, about SEVEN THOU SAND isimura.s OATg,NINETY BUSHELS OF CORN, AND FIFTY THOUS4ND GRAIN . SACKS. Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within live (5) days front date of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. D. IL RECKER, ' .. 7 1 7 :t t rev. Maj. Gen. and Chief Qu of W arterm ashington.aster, Depot if ARGE BALE OP CONDEMNED , -u-d QUARTERMASTER STORES, CARTS, MOW ING MACHINE, &c. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON:, WASHINGTON D. C., August 4, 1886.Wi1l be sold at public auction, under the direction of Brevet Colonel C. H. 'Tompkins, A. Q. H., 17. S. A., at the Government Warehouse, situated on the square between E and F, and Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, Washington, D. C., on WED NESDAY, August 18, 1885, at 10 o'clock A. M., a large lot of Condemned Quartermaster Stores, con sisting of Anvils, Bellows, Braces, Chisels, Forges, Files, Hammers, Knives, Punches Pincers, Squares, Stocks and Dies, Vices, Augurs,Compasses, Gauges, Hatchets, Planes, Saws , Tool Chests, Lank/11#, l'lONVing. Machine, Pau/ins, Ploughs, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, n large lot Of LOSllitr Scraps, Cast and Wrought-Iron Scraps, Wagon Tire, etc. ALSO, Will be sold at the foot of Nineteenth street, near Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, immediately after the completion of the sale above referred to, a number of Carts, Wagon Bodies, Wagon Wheels, Ambu lance Wheels and Bodies, Pluming Gear, dcc. The sale will be continued from day to day until 'the whole is sold. Successful bidders will he required to remove the stores within five (51 days from date of sale. Terms—Cash, in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Brev. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, au7-St. , Depot of Washington. AUCTION SALE OF SERYWELD:r4E GOVERNMENT MULES. I will offer for sate on MONDAY, the 21st inst., at the Government Corrals in Nashville, Tennessee, fifteen hundred serviceable mules. These mules have been on pasture for some time, are large ll sized, in good condition, - free from disease, young, and -webroken. — Me to commence at 10 A. M. and continue daily until the atoek is an sold_ Terms—Cash in Government Muds. By order Col. A. J. MACKAY, Chief Q. M., Department Tennessee. E. andIRK CaptainA. Q, M. Nashville, Tenn:, August 7.1865. aug-let BOARDING-. VIRST-CLASS BOARD—TVA FAMI. 1. - /F.s and single Gentlemen. CO North ritta Street. . DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Square. 131-2 m• i Q' .NI `: 11 ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. F. Corner of FOTIIITH and BACK Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS_ Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. 3,1A-N1fFA0.19723R8 OF WRITE LEAD AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY, ac. doIENTS FOR THZ ORLSZHATZIO FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAUL 03r4-8m BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC ...DRUGIj. ROBERT A. RANGE, 7E9 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer- chants, and others, to his stock of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A Rat line of ROTANICIAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, Ae., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. nryll-3m GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES AZSIDIIie IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, £O., AC. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, mySt-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. HOTELS. SPOTTSWOOD HOTEL, RICHMOND, VA, AlDchst, 1865. It having been reported that the bpottawood Hotel had neon confiscated and closed; the vroPrle tore deem It proper to assure th e public that such is not the case. - The House is open fur the aCeinei modation of visitors, as it has been from its opening day in September, Pk • The House has been remodeled, renovated, re furnished. and put in perfect orderthroughout, and tile travelling public way rest assured of finding as comfortable accommodations with ua as eau be found in any drat-class Hotel North or South. Our friends, patrons, and the travelling public generally, visiting Richmond, are cordially invited to make their home with us, and no pains will be spared to make them comfortable, as we arc pledged to sustain the well-known reputation of the O House. CORKEHY MILLWOD, . aulo-1m Proprietors. T N GRA M HOTEL, PORTLAND A-a - MACE, tONDON. , ..This ecanmoattetv flute, the largest In London," Is now open; it is situ ated on the most open and healthy site in the West. end,Witlt all modern Improvements, Suites of Apart ment, Salle a Manger 100 by 40 feet, elegant Ladies' Room a spacious Gentlemen's SITTINO AND WRITING ROOM, ETC. Within a short drive of all the Railway Termini. Far term to Retire accommodation , address— The Manager, C. scuinfANN, aug74m JONES HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, CHARLES H. MANN, PROPRIETOR. AMERICAN HOTEL, A LA [MUNE, Pik. - LA FA LENTz. , ROBERT EL.01 4 2., IProPrietore. TERM-12 Der day. $l2 - per week. auB-211t• 44 A NERICAN HOUB:A". -.Ls- POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO.. U. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor.. This House has recently beeu re-pposed, sad lrl such style and character as will merit fittit-0 1988 tronage. jy27-1M FISHER'S BELF-BEALING PRUIT CANS' . in thecity and country EveEveryhousekeeperthe is the moat eon should use this excellent Can. venient and reliable Can in use, d gives entire tiro introduced. a rt is sealed In a . a i n . a . aw ing, thee e/fillPinir ' t Instant. antiong sn eninf aria preeeing i cap ever around die °n en t _ .. , ue cement In the upon a ring of cemented Melina and. as thepres• paper welts by the heat OL ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect.'fastened by unhooking the The cap spring and running u : thin knife around under the cement ed . pl :a e CRS a rsn er ii examine this CarhiKt J. MoiIWATRIN.9• , , . . 809 srxrxer tt.AZDEIe Btreet, .J7lB-I.mif Philadelphia. - SOLDIERS AND OTHERS WILL find it to ' their Interest to buy Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Travelling Bags. R e., a EIAItRETT n.. n it i 31 South SECOND,ab. Chestnut, east I AT It EASONABIaI rUCES. • • A - CAD.Ehry or itvg9,..- TIER R R TI N Y APiaXf in OM !, AU-. ItIORIPAY and vrrti. g ust Nth and lath, and 5a..151170317144P:2101NAC5111. rtitria us Vettehr.a th e t a iga in i titenr 13111Sidli ► finny equipped, will Abbas.; r:RoVierfut Orchestra t and Maul' St nath—Tlirtll. Ina Tableaux of Rattles—Peace a oi l Union. gale of 13euts to commence on )".1 - PYRSI 3 Art A ug . goat lath,' at - the A611./iViti, of Ara'alal TrliMpier southeast COPIIPC of (lostuttt ;ma tioventb, butt at. Risley's Book-stand, Continental, Free of 'Admlsslon• (no extra rirtrati lot re ,eil:9o,seats.) etq.; Fa mily Cirek. 2S: rt, it NEW CHESTNUT—BT. TELYMTRE. THIS (SATTIADAY - 1 - APTERNOONWiIt 12. 'FOURTH ORAN]) FAanLy amen - zunai OF 401 ralltlaffß SEASON, when the r OreEAVF IRISH DRAWL, 'ARRAN NA POGUE, . . will be _presented wits all tte GRANDLY MAGNIFICENT EFFECIE. Admission to..the_lifatinee,.Bo-cents to all parts or the house; Children,2s cents. Doors open o'clock; perforllM pt commence Z. 51, (irUDA. will be presented OM 'NOM Ir YpNr&N lalf Drams, me 5 acts, by Dion Bouctcault and 11 . Nonuser en titled • ANNAN NA roeuz;. OE THE WICKLOW WEDDING. The success of this Great Dramatic. Novelty st!/! contintles,_and at its zenith. • Ittaaathroblear tit GREATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS ever kno.Wnwith'. the ithfiala SUMME.It AMUSEMENTS IN THIS , CITY. It will be presented with its- new and beautiful. Scenery, novel Mechanical Etractamorreol Appoint ments, eosth , Wardrobe. brilliant Musieoind • CAST OF BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH. CONCERT HALL—FOUR ItTlGtliTa ONLY.--Coninteneing on WEDNESDAY EYE -NING/4 Auguat /0, The orglual and only . BRYANT'S WHNSTRELS, , From No, 47a BROADWAY, New York. DAN. and NEIL BRYANT Pronrietors, Tag,EXCELKOR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. whose performances during the last ten years in,the city of New York haye met With a'success unprece dented in the annald'of public amusement. Admis. slom 35 cents, Reserved Seats,,so cents. amusement. Seats tickets for sale at Trumpler'SMneicBtOrereor her Seventh and Chestnut Streets, and at ontinen tat News-Stand.. Oken at 7: commence at 8 o'clock. suit-8t JOHN Y. SMITH, Business Neuter. Fox' AMERICAN VARIFIrir THEATRE. OPEN EVERY EVENING. Highly sumegeful Drama. IS than sec"? CROGRAN EINatIELA. EL NINO EDDIE, the most mitonishiiig Child 1.11. the world on the Tight-Rope; Splendid , Ballet". Laughable Farms. ... RAMILY MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. an2-tf - FAIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, (WIRE BRIDD , E, t AFTERNOON comm Eap - RIM DAY, From 4 to 7 y HASSLER'S GRAND MILITARY BAND. -Programmes of Music issued dully'. Tile Arch, Vine, and. Callowhill-street, care runt directly to the place. aus-7t A CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. -4 - x. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9 A. 101. 1111 6 I', M. BonAmln Worn great picture of ONNIST ItMittoTpD still on 113/htbitlon. fon REMOVALS. i N REMOVAL • P. B. LOFTIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, formerly Ott Ka. 140 North Thirteenth, Wept, i.*** forms bts =thermos Mewls stud °Women that kV has removed to No. 01 North EIGHTH Street, where he intends to open with a fine and well se— lected assortment of WATCHES and JEWELRY. Everything in his line will be found of a superior quality and workmanship, and every article War— ranted ao rrPrawnted• Particular uttcollo. given to repairing fine Watches. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. He solicits h continuance of the liberal patronage bestowed in his old store by former customers, and, asks the favor of the public generally. aulg-lisi 11011 EMOVAL. -BENEDICT_MILLER, "UMBRELLA and PARASOL Mannfacturer hag removed to 39 NOW) SIXTH street. iyzr-teeir, REMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON - At. -sow CO. have removed their CA.RRIA.GiE REPOSI. TOBY to their old place, No. 12119 CHESTNUT' Street (under Concert Hall,) where they will keep s. stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-clam* work. .TuNr. 7. 1865. EXCURSION'S. _ . ammo CAPE MAY, BY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET. 8.30 A.M., EXPRESS AND NAIL 2.30 P. 111,, PASSEIVGEIL 4.30 P.M., EXPRESS. jr2o-emw-teel S. VAN RENSSELAER, SaPit. &MUNK CHLPB WEST JERSEY R4ILROAD; FROM FOOT OF I MARAR3 O ITREET t 17P211/11 8.30 ( A t LANDEMMEN% Dlit 2AO N., 1 1 , 4L . BEIDNEFEB. Due it a* 4.30 P. Wunss. Dna at, 7.0 r. Fare, $3.00. 6ervanta,.o2.oo. EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon Tickets. to be used by one person only, 10 Ids .05.00. • Passengers and Baggage taken to and from tka. Island and Station wlthont . additlonal charge. - Freight daily rim Sandfordle What& MOW Hpruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY st 5.80AJ1L., Mall; A. dd., Express; SF. M., Accommoastiallt. 8.2 A A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, BMA. PEILApp.,PHLionay 24, Mg. .lye -fit _ _. W ax .... ti CATAISSA RAM , ROAD COMP ANIr.TYR Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season of 18Illk Lake Ontario, Sagnen i al River, The Thousand Islands, Portlan , The Itanlds of St. Law- White Mountains, rem° River, Nontresl, Saratoga. Springs, _ c. &et &C., &Ott My Quebec, &c., &c., Tickets for the above Excursions, which !Lava been so long and favorably known to the Philadel. ph is p at üblic, by various routes to Niagara FAIL, for sale the - CATAWroSA ELMLRA RAILROAD TICKET Or.. FICE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, under Philadelphia Baal. where full Informotion will be given. N, VAN HORN, Paseenger Altegite WM-Im . .128 CHESTNUT NM*. &Nagai 'CAMDEN AND AT LA.NTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July Ist, 1865, FlVit trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET PEER. ae follows: Special Excursion A. IL Mall Train 7.80 As P.s. Freight, with Passenger Car attached : ... 9.15 A. t Express (through in two hours). ....... ... 2.00 P. Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 P. . RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation &sr A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7.09 A. 1 . . Freight,P a with ssenger Car attaehed....ll.47 A. Mall Train 4.45 P. Special ZMCUrsIO II 6,314 Pp I& SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7,90 4, E . Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4.45 t• Fare to Atlantic. sd. Round-trip- Tickets, goon only for the day and train on which they are issiumk. P. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION.. • • - . Leave Vine-etreeP FerrF at 5 - . Be r. ea- Leave Jackson a_v." OM Ze EXTRA mApriONIPIMLD TRINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.3 A. M. and 1.15 P. Y., Leave Haddonfield at 11.46 A. M. and 2.45 P. W. N. B.—Freight must be delivered at Ooope.tox Pohat before 5 o'clock P. M. to Insure ltagotngdOlni the next day. JOHN H. BRYANT, je2St-ti Agent. EXCURSIONS,TYJ LONG BRANH.—Trans Long Branch wlll leave Cooper's Point, CANED daily (Sundays excepted, ) at 9.18 A. M. Pare. Excursion Tickets, good rcor three days, sa. train on Saturdays al. 4.80 P. M. Returning, arrlygi at Camden at 9.10 A. M. Monday. • Je26-2m L. R. COLE, Agent, Casndea. EOWRITTEN AND 'UMW+ Ds - , of Character, Conant - 4197/v ! and Talent, with ADVICE on Duatnegg,, Health, Education, SW-improvement, Maw. - agpment and Training of CHILDREN, ao.. elal A.daptatlon, dm., day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPEN. Phrenologist and Bookeellnr. No. 2$ 13, TENTH btreet, above Chestzwit. 0011-tuthalyit ailit a STEAMSHIP SAXON, FROM BOSTON.—Coosignoes of merchandise per above steamer will please send for their goods. now landing at PINE-STREET WHARF., HENRY WINSOR & 00. PITILiDRLFRIA, August 9. atilo-8t iamb RS. EARLAi t FURNISHING UNDERTAIMR,. S. E.corner TENTH and GREEN Streets. Ciell.Bse own WILLIAM HILL MOORE, FUR NIBIII24% UNDERTAKER, his old mod, ITT. SOS ARCM Street, above ' METALLIC COFFINS constantly on nand. Particular ottelttlott Igid to pfirtioUS desit.6llll Ot purchasing grounds in woodiand cemetery. aul2-stutblat* 011ie WILLIAM H. MOORE, GENERAL FEBAksinlycr lIINDERTAIKJEB, No. 923 RACE nntitor. Au me CS PHILADELPHIA SURGEON'S BANDAGE INSTITHTE_,_ No. 14 North. NINTH street, above Market.—E. 0. EVERETT.. after MI rty yenrepractical experience guarantees toe altilibl tuinlanlent of nix Premium Patent Graduating Procure Trona, SuDportare. KlU*ls apartments conducted &O. Latiltar apartments conducted by a Ladit. ' liP/1-17 NM ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only UNEXCELLED, but TrNletrai.l.llll f purity of Tone sad rcmer, designed altheilliYt Churches and deboola, bud fouls to be equally adapted to th e Parlor and DrawillgfßOOM• Or sale only by E. lit. BRUCE, No. 13 North SEVENTH Stmt. lod Also, co a complete assortment of the Perfect EL... e onconstantly on hnd. .4mt-es THOMSON'S LONDON HITCH,. EVER, on EUROPEAN RANGE, for_knjP Gee, toteleor_onnsintatottone, le Tw.w.r.- TY ISTESENT MANS. Abe% r 111 1145 47 Dma *ankles, Ilot-air PurnikeeS, Portable Nolen Lowdown Gratee,Tireboarti Stoves/ 33414 BiT ela Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Oooking Stoves , eta , . . wholesale and retell, hy take manothetorers. CHASE StIABP, & TIFIONSON, ap2B-tutbsein No. 'SO9 North SECOND Street ill SUM & WATBOVB ElawillANDlll fiNM STORE, _ 16 SOUTH "FOURTH aTjaXBT, , PHILDELIIV. , ...ra kluge variety of FIRE' SA7flta always on hand. DEPARTMENT FOR MAMA WORT.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers