t i t) ,i, te 5 k 5 . MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1865 The Federal Patronage in Missouri, '[From the St. Louis (No.) Democrat, duly 27.] Mr. R.J. Howard has been reappointed to the °Mee of Surveyor of the Port of St. Louis; a highly lucrative and responsible position. This has occasioned a good deal of surprise in tit is (-mum unity. In point of personal respell sibilitv and business qualitica tions the appoint ment may not .have been inappropriate, but in every political sense it was clearly one not At to be made; len Howard is a Claybank—member of a small political faction hi -Missouri. which has always managed to enjoy , the Bon's share of Federal patronage in this State, wi bout pos- SeSSing a particle of real political st rength. It is made up of the persotial followers of Ed ward Bates wad Ceneral u - raelt Blitiroh;, :and has been-held 1011.e -thee chiefly by the •ofileitil emoluments they have had at their .command. its imsitton in reference to :National politics has not at all tittles been clearly defined, but can best be un- , deratoOd front the course of the two leaders we have named. it sent a. delegatien to „the Baltimore Convention of the Einon party last good part of. the men, summer, made tip in who afterwards openly supported McClellan for the Presidency, where ft succeeded An get ling four votes for admission, against/any hen ,dred and . foriv for the radical delegation, with which i t w as acontestant. if Mr, Lincoln got generally, that fad votes of its merubersi lies been greatly misapprehended. (in all local issues its position has been well understood. It has co-operated openly and all the time with the Copperheads or rebel _Democracy. At the last two general epee Lions for State officers they ran a common - ticket, in opposition to the ‘‘ Radical" ticket. It has opposed. making Missouri a free State. Vpon the pretence that it was in favor of gradual emancipation, it has opposed every movement for immediate and practical freedom, branding all friends of immediate •emancipation as "Jacobins) , It has bit terly resisted the whole Radical freedom movement in this State, and led the opposition to the new Constitution, which was ratified by popular vote On the Sth day of June last. Oil that occasion its memberS voted side by side with the worst of rebels and bushwhack ers in MiSSOltri, and made themselves espe cially active in bringing such men to the polls—their leader, Edward Bates, haVing written a letter urging rebels to take the oath required of all voters, to the effect that thus - liad never favored the rebellion, on the round first advanced by Reverdy Johnson, that the Oath was void, and that its false tak ing did not constitute perjury. The strength of this Motion may be inferred from the fact that, with the help of all the Copperheads and all the rebels in the State, it failed to defeat the Constitution which the Radical Unionists supported. It has no repre zentative in either branch of Congress, both Of the Senators and eight of Chenille Congress men from this State being Radicals, Its entire power has consisted in the infinence it has wielded at Washington through Edward Bates and the Blairs. At the Baltimore Convention the issue was distinctly made between the Radical and the Claybank (Bates and. Blair) delegations, as to which the Union party would sustain, and was decided in favor of the Radicals by a vote of four hundred and forty to four. Bates told Montgomery Blair, soon after this decision, left the Cabinet; and Mr. Lincoln gave the Radical representatives from this State to.un derstand that, in his reappoiutments,he would respect that decision. In view of the above faets, we insist that, if party claims are to be recognized in the distri bution of patronage, the reappointment of It. J. Howard, by a Republican ..i.dmintstration, is an act of bad faith and bad poliny. Certain is it that if this appointinent is to be taken as an indication of the policy to be pursued by the authorities at Washington, in like eases, the radical. nionists of Missouri, who last fall gave the Republicrn ticket 40,000 majority, and who have made Missouri a free State, after three years of unprecedented struggle with the element to which 3fr. Howard belongs, ignite very far from content Tinder the wron,s -Whieli is thus put upon them and they will de- Bland of their Senators and Representatives in Congress, that theytake such action as may be best calculated to right the injustice done them. . . • We do not know, of course, that the political B(alus of Mr. Howard was known to the Secre tary of the Treasury, upon whose recommen dation it is Who presumed he was appointed, hut of his connection with the Claybank or Bates and Blair party, and the course which that party has pursued and is now pursuing, there is noquestion. The Secretary of the Treasury and other officials at Washington have power, of course, to bestow their patron age where th ey please, but if it is to be given to men who compose the boldest and moat dangerous element of Copperheadism in our State, the Radical Unionists of Missouri, con trolling a clear majority of the voters of the State, desire to understand the fact. A New York Brewer Hills Himself in the Presenee of Hie Wife and Children. At quite an early hour this morning the rest. -dents of Attorney, near Houston street, were startled by the report of a pistol-shot and the mingled cries of a woman and several children. On examination, i t was found that the cries came from apartments on the second floor of the tenement house, 35. Attorney street, occu pied by Gottfried Nestle, a well to do German :brewer. Captain Ullman, of the Eleventh precinct, being on patrol, and hearing the report of the pistol, at once rushed to the spot and there learned the following facts: It appears that Nestle, unable to bear the smiles of fortune with which he had been favored, took to Airink, and, despite the entreaties of his wife and friends, continued in that course. lie had in his house a small armory, containing seve ral pistols, revolverS, rifles, U., with which he threatened several times to put an end to his existence, but was always persuaded by his wife not to do so. For,about five or six weeks Nestle had been drinking more than usual, and in his conduct showed the signs of delirium tremens, with the exception of the last few days, - when there appeared to be con siderable Improvement in his COndition- Yesterday he drank two bottles ot Rhine wine, several drinks of brandy, and a large quantity of lager beer, which of course upset him entirely. In that state lie went around the house, murmuring threats, but at midnight w - as finally persuaded by Ins wife to go to his 1700311. Mrs. Nestle left bite there, and was Just turning tO enter a entail bedroom where her three -children were awaiting her, when Nestle pulled a large navy revolver from his breast and shot himself through the head. The ball broke the scull, scattering the brains till over the floor. The condition of poor Mrs. Nestle can be easier imagined than described. She fainted at the horrible sight, and it was sonic time before she could be re vived. The excitement in the neighborhood this morning was wide-spread, as Nestle was well known, and much sympathy is expressed at his untimely end. He leaves a wife and four children, the oldest of 'whom is a young man about eighteen years of age.—N. Y. Express, .Saturday. YOUNG LADY COWHIDES A STOREREEPES. IN Bsoonam , r, Y.—Betweert eight and nine o'clock on Friday evening, Minnie rhalen, twenty-one years of age, residing in East Wil liamsburg, entered the furnishing, store of Mr. Gustave Bac), 1% Grand street, E. D. and as saulted him with a cowhide. Mr. Bael resisted her vigorous castigation, and took up a stick in self-defence. A young gentlemen, named James Forrest, who resides in New Yerk, and who wag in the young lady's company, then seized Bael, while Minnie - belabored him with the cowhide. In this emergency Mr. Bael called out lustily "Watch!" " - Murder!" when Ofbeer 'Walsh, of the Forty-fifth precinct, was attracted to the spot and arrested the lady and her companion. They were taken to the sta tion-house and locked up. Miss Phalen states, iu explanation of her =au; that she visited Baes store, early On 1110nday - morning IASt, to purellaSe some articles,and tlist after the arti- , vies were put up the storekeeper charged her more than she had agreed to pav: She there fore refused to take the purchase, and de manded back her money, which demand was refused by Bael, who called her, she alleges, names which did not belong to her. Hence the cowhiding.—N. Y Einress, S'erturday. - YOUNG COENT&RFEITEIia—SINGULAR DEMSIOI4. —The St. Louis Republican says: Two young Men were arrested on Tuesday last at. hock Island, 111., charged with passing a twenty dol lar greenback, and taken before a justice there for examination, who associated with him another justice, in compliance with the law of the State in such cases. The boys were arrested under the forgery and counter feiting clause of the criminal cede of Illinois. Mr. Pleasants, their attorney, took the ground that they could not be held under the code ; that they had not passed " a counterfeit bank note ;" that a United States treasury note was not a bank note, but was money itself, just as Mlle so as gold and silver coin, having been made so by the act of Congress ; and that, if they were to be prosecuted at all, they must be prosecuted before a United States Commis sioner. The Justice agreed with Mr. Pleasants and discharged the youths. ATTEMPT TO FLOOD THE CITY OF ALTIANy, N. Y., WITH COUNTERFEIT POSTAL CURRENCY..- - Thepolice of Albany, New York, received infor mation, a few days since, that an attempt Was about to he made to flood that city with . eon n terfeit postal. currency. The names of the par ties; however, could not at the time be ascer tained; but, nothing daunted, the superinten dent of police set to work, and on Friday last succeeded in arresting a gang of most hard ened scoundrels, among whom were two wo men. The party were to have been examined before Commissioner Frothingain On Satur day afternoon; but- we have not 1115 yet heard whether anything new was brought to light. EXPLOSION' 45P G NEAR SAVAMTAII,—A. Tour-pound gun, which was being fired on board the steamship Perit, yesterday as a sig nal on her approach to the city, accidentally burst, tearing ore a portion of the starboard rail, striking the pilot-house, and slightly Wounding the steward of the ship. Many of the passengers were standing in the neighbor- Alcoa of the gun, but fortunately escaped in jury. The accident is supposed to have oc ,eurred from the neglect on the part of the tunner to ram the wad houte.—..Stwannoh _Re pubnean, 2d. WHAT THE SOUTH Witt. WANT.—North Caro- lina, the Newbern 2itnef says, will, during the present year, want at least two hundred thou sand dollars' worth of ploughs, and as many more of the various implements necessary for successful farming. To these add one hundred thousand more for Carriages, wagons, &c. Then it will require fifty thousaud to supply wooden ware, such as tubs, buckets, pails, bar rels, &c., and fifty thousand more to supply candies and soap, while two hundred thousand will hardly be sufficient to furnish shoes for the population. It thinks the people ought to supply these articles for themselves, and not be dependent upon other sources ; but to do so requires a still greater expenditure for the tifachlrieri and mannfaett?ries to make them, to say not ping of the skilled labor required. It will take some time yet to make I.Torth Carolina independent of the North for its manufacturing supplies. In the meantime our manufacturers can study the present wants of that region and he prepared to supply them. A SNAKE STaKE.---A short-time since there arrived at the Walnut Street House, a myste rious looking individual, having as a part Of his baggage, a large . box, perforated with breathing holes, and marked Bewae of the snake—certain death," which was deposited for the time with the rest of the baggage upon the floor of the office. Accidentally two of the holes bad been " knocked into one," and but a short time elapsed before one of nib . snakes, :an infant anaconda, abont ten feet in length, issued from the hos, and. rapidly crawled ; along the floor, the possession of which was yielded to it without any dispute on the part •of the terrified guests, with whom chairs and benches Were immediately at a premium. The danger appeared imminent—the eti,. ,, encv one with which only a true hero;dare to grapple. Fortunately, just as a 'bus toad of would he gnests—if they dared to—turned away from the door at the frightful cry of " drive on,"the -needed hero was found in the person of mine lost, Crittenden, who issued from the office with a huge cavalry sabre. Courageously the gallant "Grit" attacked the monster, and with more than mythological energy quickly se. Tered :his-snakesbip , s bodTtuto Several sepa_ rate 'arid `dittlnet parts, to - the Inexpres4ihte disgust of the owner, who was seen an xiomiy inquiring a few moments after, as to who had &Med his 000 anaeonda.—Oinn. Comm. smiurrsg .sALEg. Q,IIIIIIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levant Faelas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evenieg, August at:4 .Zo'cleck. at Sansom street Hall, ' ' All that troet of, land, situate in the late township of Penn, now eltFof.ph ll edelphia, described , loses: Begitinifig PoSt on the south side - or it two-perch wide lane (ettlied-MIMIn lane) leading from tile Wissahickon road to .a landing of the ealmylkill river; thence by said inu eslanewessoturityft.oftnye three degrees and twenty m perches and 53-100ths of a. pereh, to land late be longing to Joshua Fisher and Joseph Marriott, at a post; thence by same land south 'thirty-Mx degrees anti forty minutes east thirty-one perches and 1-100ths of a perch, to a stone near a. black oak tree; thence by land late of Wm. Ramie, Esq., northfifty three degrees and twenty minutes east fifty-one perches and 53-100ths of aerch, to post; thence _p by other land late of said W m. Rawls, Beth, north thirty-six ; degrees and tOrty. minutes >west thiety onepereites and 5-100ths of a perch, to,the:place of begetting, containing ten acres of land; tieing the' same premises which James S. Huber and wife, by indenture-hearing even date with the-mortgage un der which this execution is had, to witl August 30, 1854, which was going for part of the said considers- tionmonevs, and recorded in Deed Book T.. 11., No. 171, page 210,, did, grant and' conveytinto said Adol,. plans Keil - ergo,. and Chariest - 40mo in fee. N. B.—Of the above the. following only. Will be. sold; . No. 1.-All that lot ground marked No. 1 in plait of lots laid out by the Mlfflin - Land Association; re-' corded at Philadelphia,. in Deed Book It. D. W. No. 155, page' 535, situate on the east side of Corlies street, two hundred and twenty-one feet and one-' half of an inCh south of Oxford street, in the Twen tieth ward of said city, containing in recut seven• teen feet, anti ill depth eighty feet to a four-feet wide alley 'leading northward into another four feet-wide alley, running from said Carnes street to Thirty-fourth street, together with the privilege of said alleys. No. 2.—A1l that lot of ground marked - No. - 14 in the aforesaid plan, situate on the west side of Thir ty-fourth street, One hundred and thirteen feet and one-half of an lush south of oxford street, in the .Twentieth ward aforesaid, containing in front • eighteen feet, and in depth ninety-one - feet to said first-namettfour-feet-wide alley leading northward into the said other four-feet-wide alley as afore said, with the privilege of said alleys. • • - No. s.—All that lot of ground. composed of six• .contiguous lots, marked 15, 16, 17, IS, 19, and 21), in the aforesaid plan, situate on the cast side of Thirty—fourth street, tiro hundred and thirty-one' feet and one-half of an Inch south of Oxford street, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid; containing in frost one hundred and twenty feet, and In depth ninety-six feet to a Your-feet-wide alley leading northward into another four-feet-wide alleyo.ea, ning from said Thirty-fourth Street 'to Melrose street, with tile privilege of said alley s . No. 4,—Ail that lot of ground, marked No. 31, in the aforesaid plan, situate on the, east side of. Thirty-fourth street, 'one hundred' and eighty-six feet north of Oxford Strert, 111 the.Twentleth ward aforesaid: COntaining In front twenty feet, and - in depth ninety- six feet to a four-feet-wide alley, which leads northward into another four-feet-wide alley, :which, leads Into Oxford street, and which leads also southward into a certain other four-feet wide alley, running from said Thirty-fourth to Melrose streets, with, the privilege of said alleys. N0.5.—A1l that lot of ground composed of two con tiguous lots,marked No. 43 and letter B in the afore said Plan, situate in the. Twentieth ward aforesaid; beginning at a pOillt on the west side of Thirty fourth street one - hundred and elghty-four feet north of Oxford street; thence iforth along said Thirty fourth street one hundred and eight feet. more or less, to a point at the interseetion of 'Mifflin raid thence. southwest along the southeasterly side thereof one hundred and thirty-three feet, more or less, to a four-feet-wide alley, which leads south ward from Mifflin lane to another four-feet-wide alley which runs from said Thirty-fourth street to Mifflin lane; thence south along said first alley par allel with Thirty-fourth street six feetmere or less, to lot No. 42; thence east along said lot ninety-six feet to the place of beginning; with privilege' of said alleys. No. 6.—A1l that lot of ground marked No. 54 in said plan.situate on the south side of Oxfordstreet, seventy-five feet west of Thirty-fourth street, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid,• containing in front on said Oxford street twenty-five feet, and in depth one hundred and nine feet to a four-feet-wide alley - rimming from said Thirty-fourth to Coolies street; with the privilege of said alley. No. 7.—A1l that lot of ground composed of seven contiguous lots, marked Nos. 58,.59, 60, 61, 62, 63, and 61 in tile aforesaid plan, situate at the northeast corner of Thirty-fourth and Oxford streets; con taining in front en said Oxford street one hundred and fifty-six feet and in depth along said Thirty - fourth street one hundred and six fest to it four-feet wide alley, running from said Thirty-fourth to Mel rose streets, with - cite privilege of said alleys and those communicating therewith. No. S.—All that lot of g round composed of eight contiguous lots, marked 66, 67,88, 69, 70, 71. 72, and 73 in the aforesaid plan, situate on the south side of. Oxford street. east side of Thirty-fourth street,and west side of Melrose street, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid; containing in front on said Oxford street one hundred and eighty feet. and in depth along said Thirty-fourth street and Melrose street respec tively- one hundred and seven feet, to a Pour-feet wide alley, running from said Thirty-fourth to Mel rose streets, with the privilege of said alley and those coMmunicating therewith. No. 9.—A1l that lot of ground, composed of seven contiguous lots, marked in said plan Nos. 74, 75, 76. 77, 78, 79, and SO. situate at the northeast corner of Oxford and Melrose streets, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid ; containing in front on said Oxford street one hundred and fifty-six feet, and in depth along said Melrose street one hundred and six feet, to a four-feet-wide alley, running from said Mel rose to Thirty-third streets, with, the privilege of said alley and those communicating therewith. No. 10.—All that lot of ground composed of four contiguous lots, marked Roe. 82, 83, 84, and 85 in the aforesaid plan, situate at the southeast corner of Melrose and Oxford streets, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid; containing in front on said Oxford street ninety feet, and in depth along said Melrose street one hundred and four feet,to a filer-feet-wide alley, running from said Melrose to Thirty-third streets, with the privilege of said alley. No. 11. All that lot of ground composed of two contiguous lots, marked N 05.113 and 114 in the afore said plan, situate on the west side of Melrose street, one hundred and ten feet north of Oxford street, in the Twentieth ward aforesaid; containing in front thirty-eight feet and in depth eighty feet, to a four feet-wide atte - y,which leads northward into another four-feet-wide alley, leading eastward Into said Melrose street, and which also leads southward into another four-feet-wide alley, which runs from. said Melrose to Thirty-fourth streets, with the privilege of said alleys. No. 12. All that lot of ground, marked No. 124 in the aforesaid plan, situate on the west side of Mel rose street, one hundrettand thirty-four feet south of Columbia ayelllle, in the Twentieth ward afore said: containing in front eighteen feet 'and in depth eighty feet, to a four-feet-wide alley, which leads northward into anotherfour-feet-wide all ev,leading eastward into said Melrose street, and which also leads southward into another four-feet-wide alley, - which runs from said Melrose to Thirty-fourth streets, with the privilege of said alleys. No. 13. All that lot of ground, marked No._ 1261 n said plan, situate on the east- side of Melrose street, one hundred and ten feet north of Oxford street, in the TWentletif ward aforeeaid; containing in front twenty feet, and In depth eighty feet, to a four feet-wide alley, which leads northward and south ward into two other four-feet-wide alleys running respectieely from Melrose to Thirty-third streets, with the privilege of said alleys. No. 14. .All that lot of ground composed of two contiguous lots, marked Nos. 150 and 151 in said plan, situate on the west side orefelrose street, one hundred and eleven feet and one-half of an Inch south of Oxford street, -in the Twentieth ward aforesaid! containing in front thirty-eight feet, and in depth eighty feet, to a four-feet-wide alley, which leads northward into a certain other four-feet-wide alley, running from said Tbirty-fourth to Melrose streets - with the privilege of said alleys. • CD. d.; J., '65. 488. Debt, $10,004.85. Juvenal.) , Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Goepp, Charles Bosse, administrator of Adolphus Ketterlinue, deceased. and "The Mifflin Land Association,"" terra tenants. -- HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, July 24, 1865. jy26-at SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ ofLevari Faclas, to Me directedovill be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Dan, All those certain three triangularpieces of ground situate in the late District of Penn, now theTiVetl tieth ward of the city of Philadelphia: No.l.Reginning at the intersection of the middle of Columbia avenue and the middle of Thirty-third street, thence extending by the middle of Colum bia avenue westward 130 feet 5% inches to. the line hitherto separating the lands of the Mifflin Land Association and the said Rebecca Pemberton, thence by the same south 30 degrees 8 minutes east 169 feet 534 inches more or less to the middle of Thirty-third street, thence by the middle of. Thirty-thirdstreet northward 107 feet 7% inches to the place or begin ning. No. 2. Beginning at a point in the middle of Thlr t3--thiril street 108 feet south from the south side of Oxford street, thence extending westward parallel with the said Oxford street 180 feet 9% inches snore or less to the, line hitherto separating the lands of the said Muffin Land Association from those of the said Rebecca Pemberton, thence by the same north fa degrees 54 minutes east 283 feet 11% inches more or less to the middle or said Thirty-third street thence by the same southward 218 feet U9B more or less to the place or beginning. No- 8. Beginning in the middle of a new forty feet-wide street called Melrose street to be opened from Jefferson street to Columbia avenue parallel with and midway between Thirty-third and-Thirty fourth street, at a point 356 feet and seven-eighths of au inch south from the south side of Oxford street; thence extending westward parallel with said Oxford street 156 feet and three-fourths Inches more or less to what was hitherto a corner of the lands of said Mifflin Land Association and of the said Rebecca -Pemberton; thence by the line hitherto separating the lands of the said parties last mentioned, north 50 degrees 51 minutes, cast 245 feet Melrose inches more or less to the middle of the said Melrose street; thence by the same. southward 189 feet 6 34 inches more or less to the place of begin ning. (eing the same premises which Rebecca Pemberton, by indenture dated the day of August, 1856, and revorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No. 94, page 297, did grant and convey unto the said Mifliin Land Association in fee.) ID. C.: J.,'65. 446. Debt, $10,001.85. Juvenal.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of " The Within Land Association." HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, July 24, 1865. jy26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Venditioni Exponas,to me direCted,will be exposed to public sale or venue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1805, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Ilan, No. 1. All that lot of ground situate on the south east side of College avenue, 252 feet southwest of Schuylkill Fourth street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on College avenue 17 feet, (Including on the southwest side the half-part of a two-feet alley of about thirty feet depth,' and in depth 80 feet with the privilege of said alley. (Which premises Osborn Conrad, by deed dated May Ist, 1851, recorded in Deed Book (. W. C., No. 97, page 137, &c., conveyed unto Isaac H. -Penni more in fee, reserving ground rent of $46.25.3 No. 2. All that lot of ground situate ou the south. east side of College avenue, 289 feet southwest of Schuylkill _Fourth street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Collenn avenue 17 feet, fincluding On the northeast side tille half-part of a two-feet alley of about 20 feet in depth,) and in depth 80 feet, with _privilege of said alley. [Which premises Osborn Conrad. by deed dated May ist, 1851, recorded in Deed Book G. W. C., No. 79, page 139, &c., conveyed unto Isaac H. Fenulmore in fee, reserving ground rent of $546.2.5.7 No. 3. All that lot of ground situate On the south east side of College avenue, 276 feet southwest of iiebuylkin Fourth street, in College it avenue del phia! containing in frOnt on inelv(incluilina on the southwest side the half-part of a two-feet-wide alley of about SO feet depth,) anti in depth 80 feet. [Which premises Osborn. Conrail, by deed dated May Ist, 1805, recorded in Deed nook G. W. C. No. 97, page 142, ac. conveyed unto Isaac H. VelllgUlOrC in fee, reserving ground rent of 004.24.] (D. C.,• J., 'B5. 430. 0096.89. Pulton2 Taken in execution and to tfe sold as the property of I.afte H. Fennitnore• HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 24, 188.5. Jy2ll-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levart Faclas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San tini-street Hall one full undivided half part Of the following pre mises: No.l.—All that yearly ground rent of s3so,eliarge able, issuing, and payable first of May and Novem ber, out of all that lot of ground situate on the west side of St. John street, between George and Beaver streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on st. John street 100 feet, and In depth 225 feet to Collocksink creek. - No. 2.—A1l that two-story inessuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of St. John street, between Georand Beaver streets; containing in front on St. Jollal street 35 feet, and in depth 225 feet to Cohocksink creek . Igor recital see writ.] CD. C. J., '65. 522. Debt, 111,NA. Black.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Wiley and Hannah Wiley, administratrix of John R. Wiley, deceased, HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, July 25, MS. 1Y27-3t QIIERIIT'S SALE. -BY - VI RTUE OF A. Ly writ of Veinlitioni Ls snag, to me directed, will be exposed to public salt or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1/165, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Ball, AII that certain two-story frame messuage and lot of ground beginning - on the southeast side of Dela ware street, 5, feet northwestward from Dela Ware avenue. In Holmesburg, In the city or Philadelphia; thence extending sotaltwostwsrd at feet; thence southeastward 28 feet; thence southwestward 29 feet 9 Inches; thence northwestward 69 feet; thence northeastward 182 feet 6 inches to saldFlotme street; thence along the same Southeastward 14 feet to the beginning. 0. - r. • J. 65.; 95. Debt, 45.862. Freeman.] Taken In ciecntion And to be sold as the property of. William J. Barton. HENRY C. HOWELL, sh er iff . dlia, Sheriff's (Mice, July 15, lins. 3y17-3t Fes! SI - 11 - ERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facias, to me.diracted, will in, exposed to patine sale or Nendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1885, at 4 o'cloCk, at Sansom, street Hall, • • All the buildings, improvements and lot of ground situate on the north side of Wood street, one hun dred and three feet seven and three-quarter inches east of Eleventh street. in the city of Philadelphia: containing In front on Wood street sixteen feet, and lit depth eighty feet to Carlton street. Min pre mises Philip Nramer ux.,_ byileed dated March 24. M S fg, conveyed unto Sarah S . Morgan in fee; sub ject to a ground rent of fifty-two dollars.) [D. C. J.,''55. 623. Dent, Cheet.s3. Morris.) T.ltvn in meet iou and to be sold as the property of Willi:no 11. - Morgan and Sarah Moraan. 'HENRY 110WELI., Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheila 'a Mee, JU/Y 28,1855. jy27-lit lIERIFr'S SALE.—BYITIRTUR,OF writ of Altai Vendittent Exponas, to Me directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON-, OAT Eyentng, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at S'an soni-street Hal l, • _ ;All that lot of ground, with the buildings and tin.: liroltelisents thereon' erected, situate on the *est sidisofThirteenth street and south of Potts street, In the-city of Philadelphia; beginning at the south westerly corner of said Thirteenth end Potts streCts,. thence extending •by the said • Thirteenth street southward thirty feet. tisane extending westward at right Angles with the said Thirteenth street flftY four feet nine inches and five-eighths of an.hich, thence extending northeasterly thirty-six feeteight inches and one-eighth of au inch to the southerly side of said Potts street, and thence easterly by the same forty-ntne feet three inches and live-eighths of .an Inch to the place of beginning; bounde,d north ward by said Potts street, southward by ground now or late of James Fox, westward by ground now or late of Samuel English, and eastward by Thirteenth street aforesaid. hieing the same premises which 'Ransom Rogers, Jr,, and - wife, by • indenture dated the twenty-fourth day of September, A. D. 16.59, and •irecorded at Philadelphia in Dead Book A. D. 8., No. 120, page 42, &e., granted and conveyed to the: • said John Williams in fee.) N.ll.—The above premises will be subdivided and sold separately, as follows • No.. I.—All that two-story brick messuage and: afore And lot of ground, beginning at the southwest eoruerofThirteenth and Potts stre et, lit the said elty; thence westward along the south side of said Potts; street thirty-five feet two and live-eighths inches, thence southward parallel with said Thirteenth street . fourteen feet eleven andthree-quarterlnches.thence westward at right angles vrith said Thirteenth street two feet. thence Southward parallel with Thirteenth street two feet two•inahes, thence west ward at right all,gles with Thirteenth street three feet, thence southward parallel .Thirteenth street three feet three inches, thence eastward at. right angles with Thirteenth street' eleven feet • eleven and a quarter inches, thence northward pa rallel with Thirteenth street eleven inches, thence eastward at right angles with. Thirteenth street twenty-eight feet to the west line of said Thirteenth street, thence northward along the same fifteen feet le tile place of begluititig. No. 2—All that, two-story brick messitage 'ana store.and•lot of ground, beginning on the west line of Thitteenth street, at the distance of fifteen feet. southward from the south side of Potts street; 'in the Fourteenth ward of the said city; thence west ward at right-angles with Thirteenth street twenty-; eight feet; thence southward parallel with Thlr-. teenth street eleven inches; thence westward.' at right-angles with Thirteenth street twenty4our feet tire and seven-eighths inches; thence south-, ward at right-angles with Melon street fourteen fist three and a quarter inches; thence eastward at right-angles with Thirteenth street fifty-four-feet nine'rind three-eighths, incites to the west line of said Thirteenth street; thence northward along the same fifteen feet to the place of beginning. To gether with the privilege of a two-feat alley in width leading Into Potts street across the rear end of the herein-described lot, as a nassago-way. and watercourse for the accommodation of the mood adjoining to the southward in .common with the herein-described premises. No. 3.—A1l that three-story brick messuage and lot or piece of ground, beginning at a point on the south line of Potts street, at the distance of thirty five feet two and dye-eighths inches westwardfrom the west side of Thirteenth street, in the Fourteenth ward of said city: thence southward parallel with Thirteenth street fourteen feet eleven and three quarter inches, 'thence westward at right angles with Thirteenth street two feet, thence southward p_arallel with Thirteenth streettwo feet two inches, thence westward at right angles with Thirteenth street - three feet, thence southward parallel with Thirteenth street three feet' three inches, ' theued westward at right angles with Thirteenth street twelve feet six and tlve-eleth.... Wiles, thence northsvard at right angleswith Melon street t wenty two feet five and five-eighths inches to the south side of said Potts street, hence eastward along the same fourteen feet one Inch to the 'dace of begin ning; Together with the privilege of the said alley, two feet in width leading into Potts street across the western side of the herein described lot, as a . . passage-Way , and water-course for the accommo dation of the two lots adjoining to the southward in common with the herein described premises. Also, All that three-story brick messuage or te nement and lot of ground situate on the cast side of Twenty-first street, beginning at the distance of thirty-three feet four inches southward from the_ south side of Wood street, and containing in front on said Twenty-first stret sixteen fee; eight inches, and extending iu depth' eastward seventy-eight feet nine inches and a half on the south line thereof, and seventy-eight feet nine Inches on the north line thereof. (Being the same premises which Ransom Rogers, Jr., and wife, by indenture dated the second day of April A. D. 1860, conveyed to the said John i G. Williams n fee.] Together with the free use of a three-feet-wide alley opening_into Wood street. CD. G.. J., '65. 513. Debt, woo. A. Thompson.) Taken ' in exeentiOn and to be sold as the property of John G. Williams. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July2s, 1865. Jy27-3t RERIFF'S SALB.—BY VIRTUE OF NJ a writ of Alias Levert Fitelas, to me directed, win be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. August 7, isos, at 4 o'clock, at San born-street ilsil, • All that certain lot or piece of ground, with the buildings and lutprov.inents thereon erected, (known as the Columbus Tavern.) situate in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phila delphia, and described agreeably to a survey made thereof on the seventh day of June, A. D. 1859, by Samuel S. Smedley, City Surveyor, as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a stone on the northeast side of the Lancaster Turnpike road, thence by the Old Lancaster road north twenty-eight degrees ten minutes and a half west two hundred and-twenty two feet seven inches to a stone, thence by hind of Isaac Heston north seventy-four degrees thirty seven minutes east two hundred and thirty-eight feet two inches and a half to a stone, on the north bank of the Columbia Railroad, thence south forty seven degrees thirty-eight minutes east five hun dred and thirty-nine feet ten inches and five-eighths to the south side of Merlon aYenue, thence by the said avenue south fifty-six degrees tlfti-live min utes east fifty-six feet live inches to a stone, thence by Samuel Ellis' land south thirty-six degrees eleven minutes west one hundred and ninety-eight feet to a stone on the northeast side of said Lancaster Turnpike road, thence along the said Lancaster Turnpike road north fifty-six degrees fifty-eight minutes west five hundred and forty-one feet seven inches to the place of beginning: containing three acres one hundred and six square perches, the same premises which Samuel:Martin et. ux., by indenture bearing date June 18, 1859, recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. D. B. No. is, page 315, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said "The Hestonville, Mantua, and Fairmount Passenger Railroad Company' , in fee.] CD • C.: J., 'Os. 543. Debt, 138304.50. Beyer.] Taken in execution and Co be sold as the property of The Restouville, Manttla,. and Fairmount Pas senger Railroad Company. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 28, 1865. Jy27-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of 2d Finites Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Alt that certain_ undivided ninth part of all that certain tract or parcel of land situate on the _south side of Buck lane, in the city of Philadelphia, late* District of •Moyamensing, bounded and described in one tract according to a survey made as follows, that is to say: Beginning , at a stake on the side of Moymnensing road at the corner of land formerly of Andrew Hannis, thence along the said road four teen degrees east twenty perches and six-tenths of a perch to the corner of land formerly of Samuel Weeler, since of Peter Young, thence partly by. Enid young's land, and - partiy ae ht te land a ndf.[G ft eo h r a g i e r Bastian, the elder, south iu west, crossing a two-perehes-W1 e lane, left open agreeably to James Leone's will, eighty-rdne perches and two-tenths of a perch to land Mof Andrew Hannis, deceased, thence by the said Lhnd north twelve drgres west twenty perches and'six tenths of a perch to a stake, and north eighty-four. degrees and - three-quarters east eighty-eight perch es and six-tenths to the place of beginning; con taining eleven, acres and sixty-two perches, in cluding the two-perches-wide lane, now vatatea. [Being the same premises which George Bastian, by indenture bearing date the 28th day of - February, A. D. 1826, recorded in Deed Book W. C. No. 19, page 154 , & c., granted and'conveyed unto Benjamin Robinson, father of Samuel Robinson the mort gager, in fee, and the said Benjamin Robinson being so seized thereof departed this life having first made and published ids last will aria testament in writing, bearing date the 22d day of April, A. D. 1850, duly proved and of record in the oilice of the Register of Wills, &c., at Philadelphia, in Will Book No. 27, page 381, wherein and whereby he de vised the said la - rge tract of land unto his children in fee, in nine equal parts after the decease of his wife, as by reference thereto .will more fully ap- Pe l.i. 'There is upon the said piece of land a two and•qt-half-story double frame house, with a one story frame kitchen, fronting the Buck lane, a frame harn of the dimensions of about 32 by 40 feet, a frame wagon-house of about 14 by 24 feet in size. R. B. Less 124 perches sold off the westerly end or said lot. . ' CD. C.; J., '65. 509. Debt, $7007 Hanbest.] Taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Robinson. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 28, 1865. jr.27-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE. OF A writ of Veudilioni Exponas, to use directed, will roe exposed to public sale or vendue, on 1Y101.713AY vening, August 7, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street 1.70. 1. All that certain three-story brick niessnage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Otsego street 75 feet 2 inches north from Washington ave nue, in the city of Philadelphia; containingg in front 17 feet 93!),' inches, and in depth, on the south line, 45 feet, awl on the north line 40 feet 1 inch, gradually narrowing tell feet 5 Inches in the rear_ No. 2. All that certain lot of ground and Improve ments thereon, situate oh the northwest corner of Front street and Washington avenue; containing in front on Washington avenue 08 feet 6 inches, and in depth, on the east line (Front street,) 4 feet 8 inches, and on the west line, along a 7 feet alley, 19 feet. No. 3. All that certain three-story brick bakery and dwelling-house, frame InCSSilagc and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Queen Street, 140 feet west of Front street, containing ill front 33 feet, and in depth 101 feet 6 inches, (C. C. .; '65. 85. Debt, $87.40. Pile.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of C. V. Fort. MENItY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otlice, July 15, 1865. }yl7-31 • SHERIFF'S"SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or -vendee, on MON.. DAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the west side of Nineteenth street, beginning at a point 90 feet PA' inches northward from the north side of conies street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence north along said Nineteenth street 20 feet to a mint; thence on a Hue at right angles with the said Nineteenth street westward 106 feet to a four-feet -wide alley; thence along the eastern ilne of the said alley southward 16 feet to a point; thence eastward along the said alley 6 feet; thence southward along the same, on a line parallel with Nineteenth street, 13 feets inches, to another four-feet-wide alley, run ning southwestwardly into West street; thence along the same northeastwardly 73 feet 7.74 inches to a point in a line at right angles with. Nineteenth street, at a distance of - 60 feet l 3 inches north Ward from the north side of Coates street; thence along the same 23feet to Nineteenth street aud.place of beginning. - [D. C.; J.,.'65. 318. Debt, *4OO. Bull.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George W. Shepherd. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Wiles, July2s, 1865.. jy27-3t SHERIFF'S SA.LE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me al rooted, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Ertl:dn . ; A.ugust 7,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street h ail, All that lot of ground situate on the east side of Fortieth street 241 feet 876 inches north of Pratt street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fortieth street 26 feet inches, and to depth 200 feet 11.1.4 Inches to Sloan street. CD• C.: J., '65. 580. Debt, *406. Dechert.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William McMahan. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 26,1865. iY27-34. SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF writ of Levari ruble, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee,'or, MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom street Hall,, All those two four-story brick mesSuages and one story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Pine street, 225 feet west of Twen ty-flfth street, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Pine street 60 feet, and in depth 68 feet. [Width premises Girard Life Insurance, An nuity and Trust Company, by deed dated February 2,.1847 1 recorded In Deed Book A. W. M., No. 26, page 195, &c., conveyed unto Thomas Blackstone, in fee.] CD. (..; J.,'65. 498. Debt, $6,948.94. Littleton.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of Thomas Blackstone. HENRY C. ROWEDL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July2s, 1885. jy2T-3t SHERIF S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ. or Vend Mont mxponas, to me directed, will be exposed to Piddle Sale or 'rename, on MON DAY Eveninig, August 7, MS, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetliall, All that frame messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Mifflin street, 470 feet 5 inches more or less northeast of Ridge Turnpike road, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mifflin street 30 feet, and in depth on the north line 264 feet 1 inch, and on the south line 227 feet I inch. (Which premises Louis Ilitttinger, et ex., by deed dated December lath, I&s6,*recorded in Deed Book, A. D. 8., Xo. Sf page 263,. &c., conveyed unto Henry Becker (called ha said deed Henry Baker) In fee.j - [D. C.; J., '65. 286. Debt, 4u201.63. White.) Taken in execntion'and to he sold as the property of Henry Becker. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Aflice, July 26, 1865. Jy27-3t SHERIFF'S. SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ Of IreigHtiOni EXgonas, to me directed. will be eXpostni to pshllo sale or. vendue, Oil IVIN DAY Evening, Augudt 7, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at rian-, som-street Hall, All that brick messunge and lot of ground situate on the south side ofMarriner street, one hundred and twenty-eight feet west of Thirteenth street, Its Ulu city of Philadelphia ; • containing in front on marriner street sixteen Met, and In depth forty seven feet one Inch, more or loss. (Which remises S. Helmuth, trustee, et al., by deed dated De cember3l, lass, recorded In Deed Book A. H. NO. 00, page an, conveyed unto Jonathan T. John son in fee, reserving thcreout a ground rent of thirty-two dollars.] [D. C.; J. 'O5. 485. Debt, $1223.84. C. Biddle.] Taken' in execution and to be sold as the property , of Jonathan T. Johnson. HENRIT C. HOWELL, Seerlft alicriff 's (ace, July 2a, BCC jyao-4t • . • • I _ THE PI{IAA-A"FITT,AVV,T.AittI.k. BERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF •• a writ of 'Levert Factas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,, , - on 'MONDAY Evening, August 7, lass, at 4 o'clock, at SanSOnits street Hall, All those- certain, two pieces .of ground,sittla,te in 'of Penn Township.? now the Twentieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia: No.l.—Beginning in the middle of a certain street, called Coriles street, (to be opened to the width of fifty feet from Jelferson to Oxford streets, Intranet 1.6 and midway between Thirty-fourth and Thirty fifth streets) at a point two hundred and sixty-three feet and one-fourth. andn inch extend rom tile Mid dle of Oxford street, theneelngbastward in a line at right angles with Thirty-fourth street, and by other ground of the said Samuel Fisher Cor lies(one hundred and fifty-six feet'five inches and three-fourths of an' inch; more or less, to the line hitherto separating the grounds of the said parties: . thence extending ny said last , mentioned line north thirty-six degreca and forty minutes west two hun dred and two feet ten inches, more or less, to the middle of the said fifty-feet-wide Street to be opened add culled Cornea street; and thence, In the same „and by the other ground of the said Samuel Fisher Forties, southward one hundred and twenty-nine feet one inch and three-fourths, more or less, to the place of beginning. . NO. 2.—Beginning in the middle of Thirty-fourth street. at a point three hundred andliftr-one feet one inch and alutif south from the south 'sideCif Ox ' 'ford street t thence extending eastward in a line at right angles,with the said Thirty-fourth street Stx,ty eight feet six. inches and a quarter, more Or less, to the line hitherto separating the grounds of - the said 'parties; thence by the said last-mentioned _line north thirty-six: degrees fOrtv'minutes west eighty eight feet nine inches and three-quarters, more or less, to the middle of said Thirty - fourth street; and thence in the same and by other ground of the said. Switsuel Fisher COrlies Deathward fifty-six feet six ;inches end ilve-eightbs; more or lest, to the place - of • beginning. Together with the free use and privi lege of, in. to, and over the said Conies street and Thirty-fourth street, j.n common with the said Samuel Fisher Corliei, his heirs and assigns, ten , ants, and occupiers of the ground bounding thereon; being the same premises Which: Samuel Fisher Cor lies and wife, by indenture dated the twelfth day of 1565, and. recorded in Deed Book 11,13. W., No. 33, page 304, ac,, did grant and beileey unto said Mifflin Land Association in fee. - CD. C.: J., 135. 987. Dent $10,004.85. juveuald Taken in execution, and to be sold as the property Of . The Mifflin Land Association. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. '" ,t Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office , July 24, 1818.5. 33,26-3 t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a wit of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning., August 7, 1881, at 4 o'clock, at ‘danoom-atree Hai All the following-described two lots or pieges of ground with the three-story brick messuage thereon erected, situate on the east side of Twenty-sepond street: No. I.—Situate on the north side of Shalleross Street, to the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Twenty-second street 'fifteen feet, and in depth eastward along Shalleross street lifty.elght feet; subject to a yearly ground rent, or sum atv'aix-, ty dollars; subject as respects the easter:lnfest two feet six 'inches of the above-described lot to - be as and fora passage-way and water-course by the owners nnd occupiers of the lot adjoining, at all times hereafter forever. No. 2.—Situate on the east side of Twenty-seiond street one hundred and sixty-nine feet southward from Arch street, in said city; containing in front on said Front street fifteen feet, and in depth east ward fifty-el ht feet; subject to a ,yearly ground rent or sum of sixty dollars: and subject as respects the most easterly two feet six incites of the lot above described for the distance of flue feet frOm the south line thereof, to be used as and for a passage and water-Course by the owners and occupiers of the lots adjoining. ' ['Being the same two lots or pieces of ground which Henry Allen and. wife by deed conveyed to Mary Jane Smiley, in fee.] CD. C.; J., 'B5. 501. .Debt, $17.5.41. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be -sold as the property of John Smiley and Mary Jane Smiley. HENRY C. HOWELL; Sheriff. Philada., Sheriff ' s. Office, July 21,-18s5. jr2B-3t SHERIFF'S' SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Alias Levari Fact* to me directed, - will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som,street Hall, No. 1. All that three-story brick dwelling-house and lot of ground situate on the north side of Laurel street,_forty-three feet eleven inches westward from New Market (late Budd) street, in the said street of Philadelphia; containing in front depth Laurel, fteen feet four inches, and in depth north;• ward fifty feet. No. 2. Ali that lot of ground, with the brick mea silage thereon erected, situate on the north side of Laurel street, beginning seventy-threof feet due inches westward from the west side of said Budd street; containing in front on Laurel street-four teen feet three inches, more or less, and in depth northward one] hundred feet to Pollard's alley. [Being the same premises which William H. Kern, Sheriff, by deed poll, dated December gist, 1858, ac knowledged in open District Court, and , entered among the records thereof, in Book R. 2, page 292, conveyed unto the said James Logan, in fee.j N. B.—On-the second above-described - property there is one three-story brick niessuage on Laurel street, and one two-story brick messuage on Pol lard's alley, or street. CD. C.: J., '65. 580. Debt, $2,930.62. Abrams.] Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of James Logan, Charles Krebbs, and Errederk Klemm, terre tenants. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 25, 1865. jy27-8t SHERIFF'S' , SALE—BY - VIRTUE OF a writ of Vend Mont Expense, to me directed, rill be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street N. 1. All that lot of ground situate on the north west corner of Sixty-third and Vine streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sixty third street 290 feet, and in depth no feet to middle of Sixty-fourth street. No. 2. All those four messnages and barn And lot of ground, situate ou the Haverford road, at inter section of Gray's lane or Coulter's road, in the city of Philadelphia; commencing in the middle of said G rare lane and Haverford road, thence south along °rare lane about 690 feet to Callowhill street or Westminster avenue, thence ea along middle of same 1,008 feet, more or lege, to middle of Fifty eighth street, thence north along middle of same 120 feet to a point, thence north 85 degrees 50 mi nutes east M , feet, thence north 36 feet to Haver ford road, thence west along same 1,470 feet to be ginning; containing 10% acres of land. No. 3. All that lot of ground situate at the inter section of Haverford road and Sycamore Street 228 feet to o point, thence south I® feet, thence by a line at right angles with Haverford road 34 feet to inches to Haverford road, thencealong same 244 feet Winches to Sycamore street and the beginning. [D. C.; J., '65. 541., Debt, 844,000. Simpson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph S. Silver. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 26, 1885. jy27-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditlont Exponas, to me directed, ffi be exposed to public sale or venduo, on MON DAY Evening, August 1, 1101, at 4 otelock, at Sans som-street Hall, All that messuage and two-story frame dwelling house and lot of ground, situate in the village of Branchtown, Twenty-second ward of the city of Philadelphia; beginning on the south side of Green lane a corner of land of Alexander Hamilton; thence along same southerly 104 feet, more or less; thence easterly along Jacob Rorer's land 30 feet, more 'or legal thence northerly 104 feet to Green lane ; thouou along same westerly 30 feet to :beginning. [l l 7llLob premises Jacob Rorer et by deed doled Novem ber 20, 1850, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. No. 103, page 310, Sec.., conveyed unto Richard G: Ma chette in fee.) CD. C.; J., '65, 529. Debt, $582.75. W.R. 'Mater.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of Richard G. Dlachette. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July-23,198a. jr.l7, -at QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Venditioni Expouas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendne,.on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, AU that two-story brickmessnage and lot ofground situate On the southwest corner of Front and Ship pen streets in the city of Philadelphia; Containing in front on 'Front street 18 feet and in depth 70 feet, along Shippen street. [Which premises William Kehrum, by , his last will, admitted to probate July 28, 1846, recorded in Will Book. No. 18, page 415, de vised a certain share of his real estate unto William R. Kehrum. 3 For further recital see writ. CD. C.; J.; '65. 491. Debt, $lO,OOO. W. S. Price.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of William R. Kehrum. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, July 2.5, 1865. Sv27-3t S HERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Pilules Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Sixth street 48 feet north of Wharton street, in the city of Phila delhia: Containing in front on Sixth street 15 feet, and in depth 67 feet with the privilege of a three feet-wide alley, [Which premises Stephen Myers et ux., by deed dated July 20, 1855, recorded in Deed Book, No. —, page — , conveyed. unto Herman. Van Bell, in fee, subject toground rent of *30.1_ [D. C.; a., '65. 471. Debt, $625.70. Fulton. j Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Herman Van Bell and terre-tenant. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office &lir 25,1865.D27-81 • SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTITE . OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,.on MONDAY -Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Ball, All the buildings, Improvements, and lot of ground situate on the north side of Burton street sixty feet west of Fifteenth street, in the city or 'Phila delphia; containing in front on Burton street six teen feet, and In depth thirty-six feet. [Which premises Alexander B. Darver,by deed dated March 24, 1847, recorded in Deed Book A. W. M., •No 27 , page 287, &c., conveyed unto James Boyd in fee, re serving a ground rent of twenty-four dollars, Said Boyd died - intestate, leaving a widow, Jane Boyd. and John G. Boyd, surviving him.) CD. C.; J.,"85. 498. Debt, $498.80. Quin.) Taken in exeention and to be eold . as the property of Jane Boyd and John 1.4,- Boyd. HENRY O. ROWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 28, 1865.jr27-8t SHERIFF'S BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF i•-•'a writ of Levarl Yachts, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock , i at SallBolll- Street Hall, All that three-story brick metatuttfe and lot Of ground situate on the north side of Mard avenue, five hundrCd and eighty-lour feet eight inches west of Nineteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Girard avenue sixteen feet, and in depth on east line fifty - nine feet four and one-eighth inches and on west line fifty-four feet five-eighths of an inch to College avenue, where the breadth is sixteen feet ten and a quarter . inches. [Width 'promisee Osborn Conrad, by deed dated No- Telliber2A2 1656, conveyed unto Isaac Newton in fee.) ID. C.; J. '65, MS. Debt, M. S. L. Taylor.) Taken M execution and to be sold as the property of Isaac Newton. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July %OM: jr141.3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Faelas,.to me.direeted, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveming, August 7, 1886, at 4 o'cIOGIE 7 it/i69 l i4r street Hall, All that three-story brick manage and hack buildings situate on the north side of Haverford street 04 feet east of Logan street i ts the elty of Philadelphia; containi appurtenant thereto. and in depth 100 feet, with lot CD. C. • J., '65. 527. Debt, $111.79. Auge.3 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Peter Wilson and John Patterson owners, HENRY C. HOWELL, littera. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offtee, Tilly 26, 1805. jrzt-at SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale. or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1565, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall,. An that three-story brick inessuage and back buildings situate on the north aide of Flaverford street 107' feet. east of Logan street, in the city of Philadelphia. containing in front 13 feet, and in depth 100 fed, with lot appurtenant thereto. CD. C.: J., '65. 526. Debt, $111.79. Auge.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter Wilson and Jelin Patterson, owners, Jac. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. rhiladelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 26, 1665, jy27.31 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A Writ of Venditloni Expouas, to me directed will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on DIONDAY Evening, August 7, 1885, at 4 o'clock, at Sinsom street Hall, • All that three-story brick ruessuage and lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Fifth and Tasker streets, in the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Fifth street 17 feet, and In depth along Tasker street 64 feet. CD. c .; -ec. 532 - Debt. $100.117. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of William Thorn. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Onice, July2s, 1885. jy27-3t P„HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF 1,7 a writ of Lexari Faclas, to me directed. will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY E,t gg i gg , August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, - at Sans=- street Hall, All that three story brick messuage and back buildings, situate on the north side of Haverford street, 78 feet south of Logan street, In the city of Philadelphia . containing in front 13 feet, and in , depth 100 feet, with lot appurtenant thereto. , CD. C.: J.,' 65. 525. Debt, $111.79. Auge.] Taken In exectlon and to be sold as the property. of Peter Wilson and John Patterson, owners, &a.. HENRY C. HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia, sheriff's Office, Julyll, 10, jyz;-3t -- SHERIFF'S SALE.HY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levarl. Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on ALONDAY Eventrtg. August 7,1065, at 4 o'clock, at SZUkI3OIII, street Hall, All that threc;story briek rilessitage and back buildings situate on the north aide of Haverford Street . , G 5 feet cast of Logan street, in the elly of Philadelphia: COntalithig lit front 13 feet, and in depth 100 feet, with lot appurtenant thereto. ID. C.: ;I. ID. 524. Debt, i 5111.711. Atige•l .Takenlmoxeciitlonttnd to be sold asthe:propetty , of Peter Wilson and John Patterson, owneru,'&6: HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. rhiludelphia , Sheriff's trace, July Zei 1805, j127-3t SHERIFF'S SALES. IVI(XT)AfIt.:' A iTOTTST - 7,'.*1865-.' SHERIFF'S SALES. SIEEERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE• OF ki a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON pi% y gvening. August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San- Sent-strect All the right, title, and interest of Francis Tit liughurst, in and to 'all those frame - niessuages or tenements anti lot of piece of ground thereunto be longing, situate ou the west side.of Delaware Se cond street, in the District of Southwark, in the county.of Phillidelplitat containing in breadth. on said Second street nineteen feet and a half, and ex tending of that breadth westward between Lot No. 82. assigned to Samuel Massey and Lretltia, his wife, in right of said Lzetitia, and Lot No. Bb•assittlied to Charles Pryor, and Lot No. to thams Pryor: being in length, on the noith.shie thereof, 'one hundred - and twenty-two feet, and on the SOnth Side thereof one hundred and twenty-three feet, he the same more or less. The said premises being No. _770 South street, 'and now occupied by Lewis Fayette'. undertaker. C. C. P.; J. 'B5. 57. Debt, 391.84. Clayton.) Takeirlirex - eeutien and to he sold as the property of Frauds W. Tillinghurst. , NUS! C., HOWELL. Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office; July 15. 1865. jyri-h, H SERIFF'S SALE.-=BY VIRTUE OF J. a.writ Of Venditionl Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sau s,om-street ' All thA certain three-story brick building and lot of ground, situate en the east SW of Apple street, 218 reel SOuthword from Susquehanna avenue, iu the city of Philadelphia; containing lir front on Apple street 18. feet, and extending in depth 90 feet to Mechanic otrqet..-CWhich said ,premises Charles Norris et al., by deed dated October 14,,1852, re corded iu Deed Book R. D. W., No. 8, page 39, &c., conveyed unto. Ezekiel A. Brooke in fee, reserving aroundJu rent of liera.po, Brooke. January and C C. P. J., vs. 88. , Debt, !Mit. Ferguson.] Takenl in execution and to be sold as thdproperty of Ezeliciel A. BroHENRYHE NRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 15,1860. Jyl7-It sEgRIFF'S SALE:—BY VIRTUE OF A • Writ or yei,dttioni F.nponas, to Inc directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7,1865, at 4 o , clock,at Sansom-street Han, . All that certain lot of ground situate on the north easterly side of Lancaster avenue, 1.59 feet 8 inches northwestward front Wyalustng street, In the city of Philadelphia.; containing in front on Lancaster avenue 25 feet, and extending in depth from the middle thereof of that width 149 feet. (Which said Premises Frederick Leak and wife. by deed dated November 15, 1850, recorded In Deed Book A.D. 18., Itio.ll4,page 271, &e., conveyed unto James Mclntyre in fee, reserving a ground rent of $17.50.] [D. C. P.; J. '65. 94. Debt, $101.89. Law.] • Taken in ciectition and to be sold as the property of James Mclntyre. HENRY C. HOWELL; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 15, 1865. }yl7-3t .SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Yirrit Of Venditioni Eaponas, to ma directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, August 7,1865, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street Hall, • All that certain lot of ground, situate on the northeastwardly side of Lancaster avenue, 184 feet 8 inches northwestward from Wyalusing street, An the city or Philadelphia; containing in front on Lancaster avenue 25 feet and in depth of that width from the middle of said .avenue 149 feet. (Which said premises Frederick Leak et ux.. 4 by deed dated November 15; - 1860, recorded lit Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 144. page 263, &c., conveyed unto Daniel McDe vitt in feereserving a ground rent of $37 50j CC. Cl. P.: J., 65. 86. Debt, $lOl 89. Law.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel McDevitt. • - HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. - Philadelplaia, Sheriff's Office, Ju1y,1.5, 1865. jyl7-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed -to public sale or vendue. on MON DAY Evening, August 3, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at San- som-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the south .side of Barker street . sixty-six feet west ward from Nineteenth street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on ,the Barker street eighty-six feet, and iu depth of that width one bundrod and five feet. [Which said premises ' Edward Gratz by deed dated October 21, 1861, re. corded in Deed-Book L. It. 8., No. 59, page 309, Ste., Conveyed unto Warren F. Ferguson in lee. reserv ing a ground rent of 4430, payable Ist Aprll and Oc tober.] - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property Of Warken F. Ferguson. -HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Sherlilis Office, July 16, 1865. jyl7-3t SERIFF'S SALE;-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening,August 7,1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, - All that certain three-story brick messuage and three two-story frame naessnages and lot ofground situate on the southeast cornerof Locust and quince (between Eleventh and Twelfth) streets, in tile city of - Philadelphia: cantaining_in front on Locust street 20 feet, and in depth along Quince street 100 feet to a 20 feet alley. (Which said premises Benjamin W. Morris et al., by deed dated 25th May, 1797, recorded In Deed Book D.; No. 65, page 270, &c.,conveyed unto John Lloyd in fee, reserving a ground rent of s4oi payable lot November and May. 2 IC. C. P.; A. '65. 93. Debt, 04.06. Hopper.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Lloyd. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ju1y15,1865. jyl7-3t SRERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall; An that three-story brick messuage, piazza, and back - buildings and lot of ground situate on the south side of Callowhill street, sixty-nine feet pine -and a half inches west.of Schuylkill Sixth street:, thence west along Callowhill street sixteen feet; thence south by ground of George Gordon, Sr ., sixty feet to a three-feet alley; thence along same east seven teen feet; thence north by ground - of Harrison G. Winslow about.thirty feet; thence west alon same g one foot; thence by same north thirty feet to be ginning., with the privilege of said CD. C.' J., '65. 457. Debt, 42,342.50. Pant] Taken in execution' and to be sold its the property of Harrison Grey HENRY HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelpnia,Shertirs Office,July 240865. j-y26-St SBERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF f•- , a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yendue, on MON DAY Evening, August?, 1863, at 4 o'clock, at San som-street All that lot of ground situate in the env Of rhila delphiti, on the west side of Fourth street 77 feet 2'4' Inches north from Cadwalader street; containing in front 39 feet, and In depth westward on the north line 21 feet lg inches, and on the south line 14 feet 8 inches; thence sontliwestwardly on the north line 21 feet and 136 inches, and in the south line 19 feet 8 inches to Cadwalader street; subject to a ground rent of 638.25; ID. C.; J. 'its. .470. Debt, *275.92. Pile.) - Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Ellison. HENRY C. HOWELL,' Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °ince, July 25, IES. jy26-3t SHERIFF'' -S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Factas, to use directed ,_ will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evrening August 7th, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom ,Street flail, Ail that uiessugg6 and lot of ground situate on the south side of Poplar street and east Elide of Ontario street, in the city of Philadelphia,- containing in front on Poplar street twenty-two feet one inch, and In depth along Ontario street seventy feet to a four feet alley. D. D. J., '65. 481. Debt, 51,220. H.C.Thompson.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Sylvanue 8. Fairbanks. HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Julyrdaatie. Jyrda-at p, HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Lever! Faelas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sate or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of h'ixtit street sixty two feet north Of Willow street, in the city ofrhila delphia; containing in front on Sixth street twenty one feet, and in depth eighty feet. [Which premises John White, by deed dated July 16, 1845, recorded in Deed Book R. L. L., No. 97, page 38, &e., conveyed unto Jacob Scheetz in fee.]_ • • CD. C.; J., '65. 481. Debt, 4,3,765. Hopper.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Scheetz.. HENRY C. TIDWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 24, 1865. 13.26-3 t SHERIFF'S. SALE.-BY VIRTUE' OF a writ of Alias Levari Paelas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or Tendne, on MON DAY Evening, August 7, 1865, at 4 o'clock. at San gom-street Hall, All that four-story rough-cast messuage and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Vine and Eighteenth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; eon- Wiling in front on Vine street 22 feet 10 inches, and in depth 125 feet to an 18 feet-Wide-street,extendlng from Eighteenth - to Nineteenth streets, [Bein part of the 'premises which Charles Harlan, by deed dated October 12th, 1944, recorded Deed Book R. 'L. L., No. 28,.page 79, &c., conveyed unto William Thompson in fee.] [D. C.; J.,'65. 542. Debt, 5,554.17. H.Binney,Jr.] Taken in execution and to be sold us the property of William Thompson. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. P1.11....4e1phia. Sheriff ls Office.Jdly 26,1865. iy27-at LEGAL. NOTICE IN PARTITION.—Notice is hereby given that a writ in , partition in which Edwin Dyer is plaintiff, and Anthony Schoder and Mary E. Schoder his wife, Thomas B. Jacques, SamuePß. Jacques, Isaac S. Jacques, heirs-at.l yof Samuel C. Jacques, Ellis - Lewis, Robert Q . White, and James Lowrey are defendants, ha A issued out Of the Court of Common Pleas of Tim etountv Penn 'Tlni!eia,;rbue.;orlient,legi trag h d,ro . iftjughtiat next, asking partition among the aforesaid parties of-the following-describedpece or parcel of land situate in Bloss township, Tioga county, and State of. Pennsylvania, and described as follows: begin ning at a beech and , running thence by lands of Samuel 'Wallis south 4034 degrees west 210 perches to a beech; thence south 4934 degrees east rel perches to post; thence north 4034 degrees east 119 perches to a birch; thence north MY degrees west MS perches to a hemlock; thence north 4934 degrees west six perches to the place of begirming; containing 166 acres and allowance, more or less, with the appur tenances surveyed in pursuance or warrant No. 613, granted to Jeremiah Rees. Which said writ is now in my hands, all of which the aforesaid defendants are hereby required to take notice. ' LEROY TABER, Sheriff. .Wellsboro, .Tuly 19, 1885. • jy24-m6t 'STATE OF CATHARINE SHE?. PARD.—Letters Testamentary to the Estate of CATHARINE SHEPPARD havin been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estate .are requested to make payment, and those having maims to present them for settlement to JOS.BOAT , - TERGOOD, Acting Exeentor,fia SPRUCE Street. an2-wfm6l. COPARTNERSHIPS. Fit ISSOLITTION.-THE COPARTNER ii,herbtoforee e3tlettng between V. FRY mut M. V. OLET, linger rrliinfie SiSu kyle of N. T. FRY & 00.,is this clay dissolved by mutual eon sent. W: T. F retires from the firm, and M. V. Olry will settle the business of the late couartner ship. WM. T..FRY, M. V. OLRY. PIIILADEWIA, sth August, 1865. NOTICE.—HAYING PURCHASED THE INTE REST of W. T. FRY in the Rein of WM. T. FRY e CO., the underaigned will continuo the hosioteaa at the old stand, No. 9 North SIXTH Street, Phi ladelphia. M. V. OLRY. au7-6t • THE .COPARTNERSHIP HERETO FORE existing between the undersigned, under the style and title of THOS. R. TOMB Br, CO., is - WS day dissolved by ntutual consent. The business will he continued by ALBERT O. RUZBY, (at 223 and 225 Chestnut street,) who -is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm. • THOS. R. TUNIS, A. G. BUZBY. riIILADELPRIA, July 26th, 1865. NOTICE OP pARTNETtSHIP.—The enbeeribers havelormed a limited partnership according to law, under the - firm name of A. FAIZBY, for the traneaetion or the general Dry Goods C0M1111591011 and MereantiM Business at 223 and 225 CHEST NUT Street 7a the city of Philadelphia. The general partner ts ALBERT BUZBY, and the special partner is THOMAS R. TUNIS, who has contributed to the common stock of said firm twenty thousand (20,0:10) dollars in cash. 'The partnership is to commence on the first day of August, ISO, and will terminate on the thirty I,A -first o iat f .. J l,B ul uu y mz , i r B66 syL: Plinannt.rntA, July 28111,1865. aul-titd.ttuot THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE' THIS DAY formed a Copartnership, under the firm of LOTIGHEAD do STOTESBURY, for the transaction of a General Merchandise Brokerage Business, at No. 119 South EBONY Street. GEO. P. LOTIGREAD,_ CHAS. C. STOTESBURY. AUCUST 1, 1565. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership 'under the name and title of BUTINER, WANN. & CO_., for the transaction of the t+VNE- ItAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNER, SR., D. C. WANN A. BRIJNER:JR. PurLADELnuA Julys 1805 THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN eonneetion with an old established Lumber Depot s t Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard euperior ad antages. .11-3m* VOVSEAFURNISIIING: GOODS. tiOo ARCH STREET. 600 _ REVRIOERATORS,_ WA 7 EB ' l Y ( 4' 4 ' 43. 'rwtEnzEßs. GAB-STOVES, FOR WICKER COOKING. crRIPTITIL & PAGE, 131X111 Rad &Ws• RAILROAD LINEN. WEST JERSEY - RAILROAD LINES—From foot of Market street, Upper Ferry. Daily except Sundays. cwomencin_g_SATUßWCY, June 10th, 1805. For CAPE 3.14 Y, &e., (at 8.30 Express), 2.30 P. M., Passenger. • For MILLVILLE, VINELAND, &e., 8.30'A. M., and 2.30 I'. M. For BRIDGETON, SALEM, to., at 9.15 A. M.. 9.00 P. M. For GLASSBORO, &c., 8.30 and 9.15 A. M., 2.30 and 4.00 P. M. For WOODBURY, &e., 8.30 and 9.15 A. M., 2.30, 4.00 and 6.50 P. M. RETURNING, WILL LEAVE Cape Mvly at 5.:105 A. M, Mail (8.20 A. N., Freight), 5.00 P. M., Passenger. • Afillville at 7.32 A. M., Mail, (12.08 P. M., Freight), 8.58 P. M., Passenger. Bridgeton at CO A. M., Mall, (9.45 A. M., Freight), 4.20 P. M. Passenger. - Salem at 6.25 A. M., Mail, (9.00 A. M., Freight), 4.05 I'. M., Passenger. Woodbury at 7.0 e, 8.13, and 9.06' A.• 92.,.-(1.90 P. M.:, Freight). 5.54 and B.UP. Phadenger: wi O n e u t e lke ad l d st ed day to ef an J a nly fr a o n ni ad c d a i p i e n t 0 b a i l a y e x , p . r: d s s train ith wail leave Cape May at 8.00 A. M., and Philadelphia at 4.30 I'. M. throne in three hours from Camden. J. 'VAN NSSELAER, Superintendent W e s t Jersey, Salem, and Cape May and Nillvllle Rilroad. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the 11$11111 branches of express bn• airless, receive, deliver and forward through' other responsible Express Companies; to taparts at' the country, any artiele entrusted to Muni. ,• A Special IlieSSellger accompanies cash through train. • PHILADELPHIA, July 24, 1883. ' jelo-teet COAL. COAL FOtt' LOW-DOWN ( RATER.- The subscribers having been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the sale of the celebrated LEWIS VEIN COAL of the DUNCAN COAL COMPANY'S Mining, now offer it for sale to the citizens of Phila delphia. This Coal is a deep Red Ash, and is espe cially adapted to the new style of LOIY-DOWN GRATES, the ashes being heavy do not about the room; it Is a FREE-BURNING COAL, and superior to any other Ned Abb in the market. We also invite attention to our stock of LOCUST MOUNTAIN, EAGLE VEIN, and RAINBOW COAL. REPPLIER, O'DONNELL, & CO., 329 WALNUT Street, N. W. corner BROAD and SPRUCE Streets, And S. W. corner BROAD and RACE Streets. Jyll-mwflat. RUT YOUR WINTER SUPPLIER -I- , NOW—Lowest Price for the Season.—Genuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg .and Stove sizes, $8; Large Nut , Try it. You will be sure to be pleased. Office, 1211. South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. .)3:=- 3 m ELLIS BRANSON. K L E LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Mica and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. jyl4-Inr. COAL. -W M . H. CURTIS & CO., 'kJ LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLowaiLL Street. jylo7lm* CO A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and Deo Locust Mountain, flumSehuyllitll, prepared expressly for family use. Depot, - N. "W. cornet EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Oftlee,No. 1.1.% S. SECOND Street. Cap.s-tfl J. WALTON & CO. MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. No. 154 North ELEVENTH, below RACE Street; also. CHESTNUT and FORTIETH Streets, West Philadelphia.. Patients will be treated at their residences when desired; a large number of testimonials may be seen at the Offices from patients in this city, Consultations gratis. Office hours 9 A. X. to SP. M. in the city. DRS. T. ALLEN and E. HAI7ERSTICX, ,j)/1-3m Eleetropathists. F, LECTROPATHIC ESTABLISH WIENT.—DR. A. H. STEVENS, one of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treat ing disease by . MODIFIED ELECTRICAL APPLI CATIONS, and who has been so very successful at PENN SQUARE for the last three years, has re moved his Office and Residence to 1638 VINE Street, one door below Seventeenth. • All persons desiring references, or anyparticulars With regard to his special mode of treatment, will p Consultationend for a pamphlet. or advice gratuitous. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF saißms, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, Conatantly receiving • NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. • J. W. SCOTT & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below the Continental. SHIPPING. As k PHILADELPHIA AND RICH- MOND STEAM. PACKET COMPANY. The Steamer MAYFLOWER,cmPs. Robin OD will leave the FiltsT - WHARF above MARKET street, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, AT 12 NORFOLK, CITY POINT, AND RICHMOND For freight or passage, having State Room mat modatlons, apply to WM. P. CLYDE ea CO., 14 NORTH WHARVES. The new Steamships Washington and Norfolk will shortly be put upon this route. Jyll3-1m IL S. MAIL LINE FROM BAL TIMORE for FORT MONROE, NOR FOLK, CITY POINT, and RICHMOND, by first class steamers and experienced captains. The old established Bay Line, daily. Passengers leaving Baltimore at 6P. M. arrive in Richmond the next afternoon at 8 P. M. The Bay Line steamers Louisiana and Deorglans. will leave the Union Dock, foot of Concord street, daily, at 6 o'clock P. M., for Fort Monroe and 'Norfolk, Va., connecting at Fort Monroe with the well-known new, fast and splendid Steamers Thomas Collyer and Milton Martin, built for the Hudson River, and finished without regard to ex pense, for City Point and Richmond, Va. Returning,will-leave Richmond at 6A. M. daily, stopping - at bit Point, and connecting at Norfolk with the -Ray Line steamers that leave Norfolk ataii P. M., and arriving in Baltimore in time .for the Eastern and Western trains, and for Washing ton City D. C. The steamel - e 9f this line navigate the James river, going and returning entirely ln day time, Fillaug passengers ample time to see the fortifielatlons, and all other objects of interest. FareArom Philadelphia to Richmond $ll 75 City Point 1125 66 66 Norfolk 9 75 64 66 Fortress Monroe.. 875 Fare ‘ f i rom Baltimore to Norfolk $ Fort Monroe 3 a 6 00 so 64 Richmond 8 00 City Point .... " .. 750 Through tickets can be obtained at all .... depots of the principal Northern, Eastern, and Western cities, and Washington City, D. 0; Be particular to procure tickets by the old-esta blished Bay Line. State-rooms and Meals extra. The state-room accommodations are unsurpassed, and the table well supplied. Passengers taking the LB train felon Philadel phia will make connection with this line.' Passengers taking the 8 A. M. train from New York have ample time to dine in Baltimore. Passengers taking the 8 P. H. train from Was& ington make connection with this line. Passengers and their baggage transported free between Railroad depots alad.s Learners. M. N. FALLS, President. R. D. JAMAR, general Passenger Agent. jyiS.tf BOSTON AND PHILADEL ' • MIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from drat wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, sad. Long Wharf, Bos ton. The steamer SAXON, Captain Matthews , will sail B from Philadelphia for oston on Saturday, Aug. 12, at 10A. ?d., and steamer NORMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia, same day, at 4 P. M. These new and subatantialatesmships forma regu lar line, sailing from each port punctually on aatur days. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at fair rates. B r i tip o P f ur a ag g rtliipsYd.to send Slip iteCelpte and goods. ta lr o or Freight or PaselyieNrirvAllibentergaods 112:4pply to 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. 4 y, , STEAM TO LIVERPOOL-- Callingat Queenstown — The Inman Line, CITY OF MANCH, ESTER.WEDNBSDAY, Aug. 2. CITY OF L0ND0N..... ...SATURDAY, Aug; St At Noon, from Pier 44 North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin *9O 00 Steerage 00 00 "to London.. 95 001 " to London.. 84 00 " to Paris 105 00' " to Paris 90 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bremen, ise., at moderate rates. Passage by tbe Wednesday steamers, first cabin, .90; steerage, gdö; payable in U. S. currency. Steerage passage from Liverpool or queenstown, 30 gold, or its equivalent. Tickets can be bought here by persons sending for their friends. For thither information., apply at the Company's Oflices. JOHN Agent, jyll 111. WALNUT Street, Phila. . 64 206 FOR ALBANY AND TROY, N.Y. VIA DE LAWARE AND RARI TAN CANAL.—Tie barge S. FLANAGAN, T. Spleet, Master, is now loading at first wharf be low Spruce street, for the above points, and will leave on WEDNESDAY F,VENING. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable teaterms, apply to D. L..FLANAGAN, Agent, 7-3 t 301-South DELAWARE Avenue. i figr al t NEW TOW-BOAT LINE, —DBLAWAYA AND CHESAPEARN tiTßAbt TOW-BOAT COMPANY,--Barges towed to and7rorn Philadelphia, Havre de Grave, Balti more, Washington, and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. • jel3-tdel j ud dr e t NEW EXPREAS LINE TO ALEXANDRIA, GEORGETOWN, AND WAnlinitiTON, Via Chempeake and Dela ware. Canal. . • . Steamers leave flrst Wharf abovs -MARKET Street every - WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12M. For Freight apply to Agents, W - M. P. CLYDE & CO., 14 hiorth and South Wharves Philadelphia; J. E. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, C.; FLOW ERS & BOWEN, Alexandria, Va. inhl4-9m L e st=o, NOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK.-'the PHILADELPHIA. AND NEW. YORE EXPRESS STEAMBOAT. COMPA NY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Steamers leave DAILY first wbart" below. MAR.. HET Street, at 2 o'clock j' . M. WM. P. CLYDE & CO. 8. WHARVES, Phila. JAMES HAND, 117 WALL Street, lnkls-970 New York. E i c NOTICE THE NEW AND SWIFT STEAMER METEOR, CAPTAIN J. Q.. A. DENNY, Wlll leave, on and after MONDAY, July 17th, 180, from Sharpless' wharf, Chester, daily (Sundays ex cepted), at 7.20 A. M., for Philadelphia, touching at Billingsport and Red Bank. Returning, leaves Philadelphia 7. 3 o'clock P. M., touching at the above-named f i r a e c i es h . t. Particular attention paid to the handling 0 g Fare from Chester to Philadelphia, 25 cents; from Billingsport, 25 cents; from Red Bank, 15 cents. 15 , 21-1 m tiara. J. Q. A. DENNY. ES'LEY'S 43OTTAGE ORGANS, Not only UNP.XCEIJLED, but rinequALLED im purity of. Tone and Power, designed especially for Churches and Schools, but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing-Room. For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, No. 13 North SEVENTH Street. Also, a completep assortment of the Perfect Me lodeon constantly on band. fe2l-em. cs - PHILADELPHIA SURGEON'S isANDAGE INBTITUTE, No, 14 Nora NINTH Street, above Market. — n. C, - EVERPIrr, after thirty years' practical experience, guarantees the skilful adjustment of his Premium Patent Graduating Pressure Truss, Supporters, Elastic C Stockings, Shoulder Braces Crutches, &c. Ladies' apartments conducted by a - Lady. anl2-ly E. B. EARLEY, FURNISIIING- UNDERTAKER, 13. E.coraer TENTU and 1,13 EN ,::::~:~er~~' AUCTION SALES JOHN B. MYERS & C 0.,. AUCTION EBBS, N. 232 and 234 MA RKET Street. , • FIRST LARGE , FALL SALE OF 1.100 PACK AGES BOOTS. SHOES. BROGANS, BALKO .RALs, TRAVELLING 13Aus, &C. ON TUESDAY MORNING, August Atli, will he sold stlo o ?clock. by 0110 3 -ogue , on four months credit, 1 100 packages boots, shoed, &e., city and Eastern manufacture, for fall trade. Open for examination, ; with catalogues, early on morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOM SHOES, BA.LmoRALs, &c. NOTICE. Included lu our sale of boots, shoes, &c, ON TUESDAY MORNING, /Main, h, win Ise found. in part, the 10110171ag fresh and destiable assortmentoylz: 7- cases men's, boys', and yoatna , ealf,double sole, and Jlalf-welt dress boots. -cases men's, boys', and youths ' kip and buff leather boots. cases men's line grain, long-leg cavalry and Na poleon thick boots. cases men's and boys' calf, buff leather (buckle and plain) Congress boots and bahnorals, cases mend, boyel, and youths' kip, huff, and polished grain, half welt, and heavy double sole brogans. -cases ladies' fine kid,' goat, morocco, and ena melled patent sewed, buckle, and plain bal.- morals and Congress gaiters. —cases women's, misses", and children's calf and buff leather halmorals and lace boots. cases children's fine kid.. sewed, city-made lace boots, fancy -sewed Milmorals, and ankle ties. "-Cases ladles' dim black and colored lasting Coll" gress and side-lace gaiters. eases women's, misses', and eh ildren's goat and morocco copper-nailed lace boots. —cases ladies' line kid slippers, metallic .oirer . shoes, and sandals, carpet-slippers, traiellbig bags. . FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISII FRENCH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR FALL Or. . • , We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic dry goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit and •Part for cash. ON THURSDAY MORNING - , August 10th, at 10 o'clock, embracing, ahOut 600 Packages and lots of stniale and fancy articles, in woolens, worsteds, linens, silks, and .cottons, to 'Which we invite the Attention of, clealArs. N. B.—CatalogUes ready and goods arranged for exhibition canyon morning of sale. FIRST FALL SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC. PRY. GOODS. Included in our large sale of Tliursday, August 10, will be found, In part, the following. pieces black mobairs, alpacas, and Coburgs. pieces black Italians and-satin de cbene. pieces irenci, chintzes, plaid lining flannels. —pieces plain and fancy nioaambld ues• - pieces ortentals. laconau, and lawns. LINEN GOODS. , - - Barnsley linen shootings, bucks, damasks. crash, table cloths, towels,crunth cloths,brown and cream canvas, ducks, burlaps, meal bagging,&c. 3,000 DOZEN LINEN-OAMBRIO - HANDRER- MM2MI 1,000 dozen 3d plaialien-c'ainlirle handkerchiefs. 1,000 dozen St plain linen-cambric handkerchiefs, 500 dozen M and 34 benuned linen-cambric hdkfs. ' 500 dozen 4 and 36 bemstitcfied handkdkalliets. 250 dozen linen shirt fronts. . - -- MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. - - -,pieces Belgian black cloth. pieces French blue cloth. • • -pieces French fancy casshneres. pieces hea hearers and pilots. pieces sealskins and incltons: i Pieces repellant cloths. —pieces blue and Oxford satinets. - . ••• pieces twds ee and jeans: • • ; DOMMTIO GOODS. A full assortment of dozoe#tic cotton and Woollen goods to be sold SIE rex* c ß ash. HOY AND SHIRTS. 8,000 dozen woollen hose hose. I,COO dozen woollen hose and half hose. 150 dozen travelling shirts. • • ioo dozen merino shirts and drawers.- ; 100 dozen bitek and heaver gloves and gauntlets, FIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF CARPET INGS, &e. ON FRIDAY MORNING, August 11, at 11o , clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months' credit- an assortment of superfine and fine ingrain,' Venetian, hemp cottage, and rag carpetings, - which, may be, examined early on the morning of sale. - _ : AT PRIVATE BALE. . 150 eases CANTON PALM PANS, parlous sizes, with natural and lacquered handles. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 5515 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streeti. SECOND FALL SALE OF 1865, OF 1,400 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON MONDAY MORNING, August 7, at 10 o'clock, we will sell, by catalogue, for cash, 1,400 easteltien's,boys', and youths' boots, shoes, balmorals, prairie boots, Congress gaiters, &e., wills a , desirable . assortment of women's, misses', and:children's Wear. SALE OF 1,100 OASES OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY 111ORNING, August 10th, ,commencing at ten o'clock, we will sell, by catalogue,loco eases prime boots, shoes, brogans, babliorals, jco.,&c., to which the attention of buyers is Invited. PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AIIC TIONEEES, No. 2 .140 MARKET Street. TIRST LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES. LINEN AND HOSIERY GOODS, HOOP SHIRTS, CORSETS, &c., for fall of 1865, by data lOgue, • ON WV,PiTERDi . _ August 16, Commencing . at 10 o'clock, comprising about 700 lots of fresh and desirable goods for fall sales. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR. CONVERTING FORD'S THEATRE INTO A Fint-PROOF BUILDING. CHIEF QIIAItTERMASTEIt'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASIWIGTON, WASHINGTON. D. C., August 4. 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this of fice until Thursday. August 17,1985, at 12 o'clock M., for Converting Ford's Theatre, in this city, into a fire-proof building The building will be divided. into three stories, with cast iron posts, wrought iron beams, of Phae nixville make, and brick arches and floors. The flooring to be laid in cement. Plans and specifications can be seen, on and after August 6,1863, at the office of Captain J. H. Crowell, A. Q. M., corner of Eighteenth and tit streets, la tills city. The proposalS should state the sum asked for malt ing the requiredalterationS, in accordance with the plans and specifications, and the time at which the work will be completed. Time of completion will be taken into consideration in awarding the con tract. A bond in the sum Of ten thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and two sureties, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, both as to the quality of the work and materials, and the time of its completion, The relponeibility of the sureties must be certified to by a Li WWI States Disttiet Attorney,. to the'ef feet that they are, individually, worth over and above their debts and liabilities, the antoont'of the required bond. Proposals should be addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed, "PROPOSALS FOR CONVERT ING FORD'S THEATRE INTO A FIRE-PROOF BEILDING.'' D.ll. BUCKER, Brevet . M4jor Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, aul-at Depot of Washington? ASSISTANT QUARTERMAS TER'S OFFICE. • 1139 GIRARD STREET, Putr.,ADELMnIA, August 5, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until ni o'clock M., THURSDAY. August 10, 186.5_ for furnishing the Quartermaster's Depart ment with best enmity White Ash Authraelte Egg STOVE COAL, to weigh 2,240 pounds to the ton, tO be inspected by an Inspector. appointed on the part of the Government, to be delivered free of charge of vessels at the port of Philadelphia, in gnod order and cendltion, free from-slate, dust, and other im purities, at such times and in such quantities as may be ordered .by the , Quartermaster's Depart ment, Irons AugnatlB6s,. to March gist, 1888. Ten per cent. will lie withheld from the amount of all payments made, which restvation is not to be paid until 'the contract shall have been fully "COM pleted. Payments of the remaining ninety per cent. or balance due, will be made monthly when the Department is in funds for that purpose. Ili case of failure to deliver the coal in sufficient 'quantities and at the proper time and place, the 'Department reserves the right to make good any deficiency by purchase, at the contractor's risk and ' - epense. Each offer must be accompanied by a written gtlit ratitee signed by two or More responsible parties, their responsibility to be Certified- to by a United States Judge. Attorney or Collector, that the bidder or bidders will, iflits or their bid be accepted, enter into written obligation, with good and sufficient sureties, in tile sum of Twenty Thousand (g 0,000,) Dollars to furnish the proposed supplies. No proposition will be considered unless the terms of this advertisement (a copy of which shouki aceoup. pany each proposal) are complied with. • Proposals to be made out in duplicate on the re gular printed forms, which may be had on applica tion at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved,and no bid from a defaulting contractor wilt be received. • • The envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Coal,'' and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Colonel Wm. W. McKim, U. S. A., Chief quartermaster Philadelphia Denot. GEO. R. ORME, ans-5t Captain and Ansintaiit Quartermaster. PROPOSALS . FOR BURGLAR-PROOF -x. SAFES. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 22, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury De partment, WASHINGTON, D. C. until 12 M. of August 15,1865, for all the'Fire and Burglar-Proof SALES and VAULTS required by the Treasury De partment, prior to August 15, 1886. Plans and speffis fications - can "be 'obtained by application to this office, personally or by letter. The Locks for the Safes will be furnished by the Department, but must be put on by the contractor without extra charge. • The Safes are to be delivered and set up, within a reasonable time from date of order, at their place of destination, in perfect condition, and the lock:must be in tierfeet woriting order when the Safe is turned over to the proper officer. The bids to he per superileial foot, measured on the outside, and the price to cover all charges what ever—door fixtures, painting, &c.,—except locks, freight, and actual transportation expenses (exclu sive board) of mechanics, if the services of suitable ones cannot be procured at Biel:dace where the Safe is to be put up, will be paid for extra. All bids must be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons, 111 the sunt or five thousand dollars, that the bidder will accept and perform the contract, if awarded to him; the sufficiency of the security to be certified to by the Collector of In ternal Revenue of the district. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bids, if it .be deemed the interest of the Government to do so; and no bid will be considered that does not conforin to the requirements of this advertisement- 1 Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Safes and Vaults," and be addressed to Supervising Architeetl Treasury Department. • • ISAIAH ROGERS, iiin_jet • Superyising Architect. PROPOSALS FOR HEATI e RATUS. WASHINGTON D. C., July 26, RM.' SgALED PROPtrzAus will be received at the 001ce of the gourvising Archited, Treasury De partment, WAS INGTON, D. U., limb 'AL of August 15. 186,5 for all the improved }MATING. :APPARATUS ('hot water or tiould , s patent,) that may be required for the various Public Buildings in charge of this Department prior to the 15th of Au gust, 1866. The Apparatus required will be on the hot-water systeM, Or hot water and-low-pressure steam Gain blued Wrouldhs patent), and bidders arereptired to furnish descriptions or plane Of their mode of con struction. The Apparatus must, in all cases, be furnished and put up complete within a reasonable time from date or order, and must be In perfect working con ' dition when earned over to the proper officers. The bids are to be per cubic foot of space actually heated, and the price to cover all expenses what ever—screens, painting. cutting of or constructing masonry, &c.*, the freight and actual transportation expenses of mechanics, if the services of suitable ones cannakbe procured In the places where the Ap paratus is to be put up, will be paid for extra. ' Payments, not exceeding fifty per centum of the value of work done, will be made during the pro gress of the work, upon certificates of authorized °Myers; forty per cent= will' be paid for after the work has 'been completed and thoroughly tested, during a period of the cold season; the balance of ten per cantata will be retained for twelve months Lifter completion of work. All repairs or alterations becoming necessary during this period of twelve months, and wilish were occasioned by imperfect working of the Apparatus, must be made at the cost of the contractor. . . . . All bids must be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons, in the sum of live thousand dollars, that the bidder wilt accept and perform the contract, if awarded to him; the sufficiency of the Beenrity to be certified to by the Collector of In ternal Revenue of the district, The Department reserveS the right to reject any or all the - W(18,1f It be deemed to the interest of the Government to do so; and uo bid will he considered that does not conform to thd requirements of tills advertisement. Proposals slitudd be endorsed "Proposals for Heating Apparatus," and mist be addressed to Su pervising Areldteet,,TioasUry . Department. - InATAIT ROUVRS, ry2-18t, Stlnortrlithut A rah Rea, WHITE . VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES II V —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder-. rat compound of the age• There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth; nor tale In its compo sition, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre aery lug the Elkin, making it .ort, smooth, fair, and transpWrent It 'makes the *old appear , you ug t the homely handsome, the handsome more bmtutiiNil, and tlie most beltutiful divine. Prices 30 and 10 Cents. Prepared only by HUNT It C0.,-Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH E3tieet, taco doors above Chest. nut. and 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Wal- CIIIL D R E N 8 - CARRIAGES AT SAORIFICE.--Tialatice of F stink, beatatlfel Bt}'lCB, clostuK out th.n. COEit 1101YEIEUSTON, & CO, ant-tf anti/UV .tipytla TillaD Street. AUCTION' SALES. FURNESI3, BM - MAY, & CO, ; Nos. 615 CRESTNITT rind 01.2 M. THOMAS it SONS, Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street CARD—STOCRS AND REAL ESTATE, Tugn DAY ICEXT. — Pamplllet catalogues now r,la,ty° eantainlng full deserlpt,loll of All the property tO be sold Ott Tuesday next, Bth inst., comprisi ag isrm variety of valuable residences, dwellings, and country - seats, market-house, ground rent.' b u ilding lots, cottage sites, he., he., by OMNI' of Orphans' Court, executors, trustees, and others, CARD. EXECUTOR'S PEREMPTORY S ALF,- SPArEX TV-FIVE ACRE LOT, NiCETOtux LANE TWENTY FIFTH WARD. we invite attention to the above anlotlier valua. hie property, • Including the " PERMANzziI MILLS," Dwellingn, &e : , to be sold ON TUESDAY NEXT. Bth Inst. Sale of Lots at Cape Island, on SATURDAY next . REAL ESTATE AND-STOCKS. Public sale of Real Estate and Stocks, at the Ix. change, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock, during ta i business season. In July and August only oseeafon al salet. THUR ARP Sales SDAYof furniture at the Aucttora Store ever) BALE OF REAL ESTATE AUGUST g Full particulars in handbills. 100.000 FEET OF LUMBER, FURNITURE, & A at `the Citizens ' Volunteer Hospital, S. E. corr,:;. Of Broad and Washington street& ' OR WEDNESDAY August 9,,at 10 o'clock, will be sold at public sole, on the premises, 100,000 feet of lumber, ineludleg white-pine boards, hemlock and spruce seeetli n , flooring, & c., suitable for shedding, sheatiiing,seaT. folding, or any rough punmse; bein_g the lumber contains:l - 1 in the Citizens , Volunteer Hospital, The building will .be divided and sold in sections, Ma purchasers will be required to itiliova it from th, lot within three weeks of sale. • FURNITURE. Also, store-room goods, stoves, gas and water pipes, sashes, flags and flag-pole, glass and cooking ware, and other hospital stores. lir Catalogue three days previous to sale. TO HOTEL.KEEPERS AND OTHERS, SALE FOR AcUotiNTT U. S. IRON BEDSTEADS, CALDRONS, STOVE% &c, ON FRIDAY MORNING, August MIL, at 10 o'clock, at the S. E. corner or Broad and Cherry streets, 5,700 iron bedsteads, caldrons, 6 stoves, 7 bath tubs. To be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Terms, cash; Zi per cent. to be paid at time °teals. Trustee's Peremptory Sale at Atlantic City, N.J. VALUABLE COTTAGE AND HOTEL SITES, AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ON SATURDAY, August 12th,at 12 o'clock, noon, at the United States Hotel Atlantic City, will be sold on account of Thqmas H. Dudley, Trustee, about 201:1 Building Lots. AtICTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT . CUTTINGS, Ito, • CLOTHING DEPOT, Settuirt.unt. ARSENAL, OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE AND INSPECTING OFFiCER, PHILADELPHIA, August 5, 1866. By direction or Col. WILLIAM W. MtKIM, Chief Quartermaster Philadelphia Depot, 'tilers alb b e sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the SCHUYLKILL THURSDAY,ay's Ferry Road, Philadelphia, oa AUGUST 10th„ 1865, at 10 o'clock A. a large lot of Cuttings, Old Rope, etc., as lipl rsc ay-blee Wool Cuttings, Dark-blue do. do. White Cotton do. Colored do. do. Colort o ed Cotton and Wool CuCuings. Tent d. Mixed do. Old Baling. Old Rope. Old Twine. Waste Paper. 011 Cloth. Knapsack Scraps. Haversack do. Successful bidders muet remove the property with. in five (5) days from date of sale. Terme: Cash, in Government fun*. HENRY W. JANES, Captain and A. Q. M. U. S. Army, aus-5t Executive and Inspecting Oflicer. QALE OF GOVAIINMENT K- 7 WAGONS, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. • CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON, WASHINGTON, D. C., July al, 1865. Will be sol d at public auction, at ALEXANDRIA, ITA...under the direction of Captain J. G. C. Lee, A, (I, M. S. A., on FRIDAY, August 11, 1865, at 11 o'clock A. M. d lot Of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SHY!' N WAGONS, which have been used in Government service. The sale will be continued from day to day utttft the whole number is sold. Terms—Cash, in government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Brevet MM. Gen. and Chief Quarterilaster, 141.12-7 t Depot of Washington. GREAT SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AND MULES. 25,000 ANIMALS TO BE SOLD DURING THZ MONTH Or AUGUST, in 'the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana Delaware, Maryland, and New Jersey, and the District of Columbia. QUARTEIRMAnan Owirniii2 4 4 OFFI4II,_ Wasimieerow, D. C., July 24, 1005. Win be sold at public auction, to the hi Best bid. der, at the time and places named below, via: NEW YORK. New York city, Tuesday and Friday of each week. 200 Horses each day. New 'York city, Wednesday or each week,. VA Dlules each day. Elmira, Tuesday, August s, 200 Horses. Elmira, Tuesday, August 16.600 Mules. Albany, Friday, August 25, 500 Mules. Buffalo, Wednesday, August 30, 500 Mules. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Thursday of each week, 200 Some each day. Philadelphia, Wednesday and Saturday of took week, 100 Mules each day. Pittaburg, Thursday of each week. 150 Muloo each day. Pottsville, Tuesday, August 1, 200 Malec 311fflintown, Friday, August 4, 200 Mules. York, Friday, August 4, 200 Horses. Newville, Wednesday, August 9, 100 Horses. Newville, Thursday, August 10, 100 Mules. Reading, Friday, August 11, 200 Horses. Shippenshurg, - Wednesday, August 19, 100 Horses. Erie, Thursday, August 17. 200 Horne, Bhieusburf, TharklaY, August 17, 100 - gales. Williamspor , Friday, August 18,_200 Horses. Indiana Monday, August 2.1, 200 Horses. Citambersburg, Wednesday, August 23, UN Horses. Chamber id, Thursday, August 24, 100 Hula. Milton, Friday, August 25, 200 Horses. Carlisle, Wednesday, August 94, 100 Horses. Carlisle, Thursday, August 31, 100 Mules. OHM, Columbiana Tuesday, August 1, Mo Horses. Salenh.Weditesday, August 2, 100 Horses. Alliance Thursday, August 9, 200 Horses. canton,Saturday, .August 5, 200 Horses. Cleveland, Tuesday, August 8, 1 Mule. Massillon, Tuesday, August 15 200 Horses. Crestline, Thursday, August 500 Mules. Cleveland, Monday, _August 21, n , 280 Horses. . • . Fort Wayne, Thu INDIANA m rsday, August 24, 1,000 Miai DELAWARE. Wilmington, Tuesday Of midi Weal PP Horses each day. . Wilmington, Friday of each week, 200 Mules each day. . HEW JERSEY. Trenton, Thursday, August 10, 220 Mules. A Trenton, Thursday Au RY g LusANDt 24.,. 200 Mules. M Baltimore, Wednesday, August 9, and Wednesday Of each week thyyeatter„22o,ll„orses each day. ivAs p BiNI~TON, D.~a. Each week day, 200 Mules. IaIESBORO, D. C. Each week day except Wednesday, 200 Horses. An opportunity to purchase a superior class of saddle and draft animals, at far less than their true value, is now offered to the public. Though the majority of them are sound and see. vieenble, they are no longer required in the lirinye and must be Bold. Many of the mules were bought in . the beginning of the war when young, accompanied. the armlet in all their marches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exercise, gentle and familiar from being so long surrounded by the soldiers. Animals will be sold singly. Sales :co commence at 10 A. 35!(._ Terms—Cash, in United States currency. JAMES A. MEIN, Brevet Brigadier General In charge, 137 2 / 1 -tauBl - First DlTloton, Q. M. t. LP SALE OF . CONDEMNED . WARTER MASTBR'S STORES, GRAIN, AND GRAIN SACKS. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON D. C. July ae, MM. Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, under the direction.of Captain-Samuel Lauffer. A. Q. M., at Sixth-Street Wharf, - in the City of Washington, D. C., on TUESDAY, AUgust S 1801, at 10 &Moak A. M., a lot of Quartermaster's 'Stores, condemned as being unlit for public service, viz.: Boilers, Scoops,Muckets, Cups, Brushes, Brooms, Curryr Combs, Lanterns, Augurs, Hatchets, Spades, &c. ALSO, at the same time and place, about TWENTY-SIX HUNDRED Bushels of OATS, and ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND GRAIN RACKS. Successful bidders must remove the stores within live (5) days from date of sale. Terms: Cash in Government funds. D. H. RUCKER, Brevet Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, jy2B-9t Depot of Washington.— AUCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED HOSPITAL PROPERTY, 'MEDICAL rtinvzroieg OFirlas • WASHINGTON, D. C., July 24, MS. Will be sold at public auction in this city, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on MONDAY, the seventh day of August, 1868, at the Warehouse, corner of Eight eenth and F streets, a large quantity of Condemned Bost/Its] Furniture and Beddingconsisting of 217 Bedside Tables, 278 . 00t5, 1785 Tin Plates, 488 Husk Mattresses, 781 Tin Cups 3988 Blankets, 883 Wooden Buckets, 1980 Bedsaeks, 294 Leather Thickets, 900 Sheets, 182 Common Chairs, 8001 Boxes 107 Large Tin Boilers, 827 Flour Barrels, 2 Galvanized 0ven5,_107,413 Bottles, PM Iron Bedsteads,99l Litters, Besides Stoves, Cauldrons, Tin Pans, Coffee Pots, Knives Forks, Spoons, Candlesticks, and a quantity of old Lead, Copper, and Tinware. Successful bidders will he reqrilred to remove the stores within five (5) days from date of sale. Terms cash, in Government funds. C. SUTHERLAND, jy2l-18t] Surgeon U. S. A. and Medical Purveyor. SPECIAL'SALE OP GOVERNMENT TH M E U UNITED STATES W 14 t3EIrL AT run- LIC AUCTION, cilAairlo.w,l9 CITY BAZAAR AND TATTVII- SALLS, RACE STREET, Between Eleventh find Twelfth, Phllailelphi3 , 2Iin4 4 TTII OF AubrusT, 1865, NINE HUNDRED MULES. These Mules are all serviceable, and sold only for want of use. Buyers are invited to examine them at any time, and every facility will be given for a alarm!). inopecao7. Roomy sinus are provided for peateetlon frOill ;au and rain. ONE HUNDRED MULES Will be sold on each WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY, throughout the month of August, commie. - in_g at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms cash, in Government funds. By order of Brigadier General Ekin. ALBRUT IIWFAD AO • - Captain and Assistant QuartOrlolls4or. o.ffice, No. 721 MARKET se., PtiilB. iy29-tviu2d UNITED i STATES MILITARY RAIL. OFF= OF ASSISTANT QUAItTERMASTEN. D 25, 1865. AUCTION BALE Or ROLLINO FiTOCI . Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, tothe ithrheSt bidder, the following rolling stock : On TUESDAY, September 19, at 1110 Portland Co.'s Shop in Portland, Maine, Six (6) Locomotive Engines. On THURSDAY, September 21, at ilinkly & Wll - Shop In Boston, Mass., Pour (9) Locomotive Engines. • On MONDAY, september 25, at Kennett Square, near Plillatielphia, Pa., Fifty cao) liox proien Oars, four feet eight and half Melt gaugc, On WEDNESDAY, September 27, at Wilmitigtont Del., Eight-four (84) Box Freight Oars, Ave-foot gaug Te e abovev stock is all new, and of the very hest qualit The Engines are live-feet gauge, live-foot drlvera, and cylinders 10124 inches. They eau be changed to 112 , rrow gauge at a trilling expense. Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms : Cash In Goverument funds. 11. L. noPINsON Brevet Volonel and A. Q, QALE AT ALEX, A, Or kJ CONDEMNED A QUAR NDRIA TERM AS V T A E R'S STORES,'CLOTHING, CAMP, AND GARRISON EPUIPAGE. camp QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, 1)BroT ON. WASitiNGTONA. WASHINGTON., O. Ot.thilY A /W" Will be sold at 11.111L1C AT.JCTIOri, ue Medi• reetion of Captain J. O. U. Dee A. M A V. B. A., at Alexandria, VII ~ on WEDNESD ' l7, ugust 9, 1886, at 11 o'clock A.. E. a largo lot of condenined Quartermaster's Stores, Clothing, Jo., consisting of Moves, Heaters, /irldles, Saddle Blankets, Sad. dies, Chains, Vices, Anvils, Hammers, Cold Cisels, /Leaps "Files, Hatchets, Saws, Portable Forges. 52‘daijrs , Tools, Weighing Scales, Hriiidot"" . Warts, Dinners, tints Trowsers, Coats, i llootn, B oo tees, 01991,64 , ,e, hekets, CAllt een "si la rfr sacks, Drums, TelitS, Tent.glies, xr,:ttles, WV° ~ ades, Harness, Forks, Ste. Me sale will be ettlttiallea front day to day, until the whole Is sold. Successful bidders will be reg tared to remove Ole stores Within Eve (5) days from into of sate: Terms: Cask, in Government flings, _ Katt D. i. Elm; Brevet Major General and Chief Qoarterma,ter, iy26-104 Depot of w voalaugtoA. ~,~
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