itiyALS AT THE HOTELS. annals'. ;Jlleberton, Jersey City IA R Yorhune, Jersey City 111 W Draper, Illinois 1 J O'Connor & wi, l'ittsbg jCapt N J Biglev, Pittsbg lL Child & _Pittsburg N Mains, Wileox The Con y pox. nallpopre J 31 effer. asurngt oa crron, Balmtnx.en IN IcUr " 11-1 . ( -ilingto i n j "11..1\ t lt imore troP ol4l o ') witilinore 0' tSatterlo.l • 1 ... Ls C A Walwoto....‘. I) Cli .t Itnrr- blouo'• \ InU s' - o - York 0 uradrord.oina E E Z2)'4r, Pittsbg Portland i i ( i. ' ll ;) l ll) l, 4 l ) l g i rrf,it A j• ;$ -I Y•roclauielliVirginia Jers9 - City Grrinaut n AVINon, Buffalo 311,1; " Wilson, Buffalo AV T Buffalo v .rz wf. 'Wash 3.1 r, A BilleClu re, room lißitlusviti, P Mumforil. New Torlil 14 - Wilton, rtanti. E C Tlek, St Louis ,T Love & wf, Pittsburg Mrs C Wood & mu, Pa E Rouse, Pittsburg J B SettelL Boiton J L Green, Norwich J Jeffries, Jr, Boston E W Cutler,Boston R A Newell Boston T J Perkin , Florida M 'Ferry, New York Mn!s J MeLandburgit PUN:. Ari•L:0).0100.01 1 1I AVI,LL •IIO'3O. I*: Franklin. New 11)1•:•L 0:LLO Sauget.t. Mass 3 ' " • • ••riLOl Lt wr, N Y -•• ' • L he man, Etl, li oll, J hett,Charlest'n,Se n nuns, Jersey City L Bourland & sun 11l T Dexter, New York Mrs Dulkehart, New York B Gillet, New York P doves, Louisville A ti Cambridge, Ky W Irvin, Pennsylvania I M Uneterman, Cin, Ohio J B Beaumont l du. 11l A V Mitchell. It S N DI Levy. C is Sankey. r ConPO A Valk, New York Mrs Taylor it Bait I Iss Taylor. lta ttimore S H Strti!). 11"3 , 11. P S T }Toward. D C H C Sliastv r F flair Mrs Blair J A Brabni. Illinois: ';" H K u Ben n nett. 1 & 11inois olud Miss' It Kunkel ' 1' & to I, ty Goodwin. 3d PV Art Gates. WashingtonC ,D ai Loder,ble'w Bath shire . 0 J. Bidwell, Wadi ' . C Xl,indwell & svt,Wash l' I Mill. New Orleans Bogel, New Orleans Whitinf, .3folule I:W..0010dt. Mobile 1.31 Wilson. Mobile 316,31 C Mobile WW Atterbarr. Madison A‘.l%tullu. WiPoint..NY T II :arbor. New York 1. Child. ;:lavannab II 3 Bishop. Cuba AN" Prim,. L. 'A liCkinip• MI to IV A 1/Mown & liy d luxe, ;sew York ,1 - flossy. New York V Hallett Wasb. D TEM.:Maar, ow d Wilso e . Nw N York Yorki S Braden, Cincinnati Dr C Bower, Harritdiurg P C nollingshen .1, Ky 1 , R Wilson, IT S A X C Pain - MM. 'Virginia JO li Smith ..CI. La, Illinois •'(?, Woods &iff,Springtield Miss Woods Springfield WWells&la,'Madison. led E R Butler & wf, Indiana J Banvis & wf, N Jersey Mrs Col Randolpb,SLonis Miss Bavard, St Louis Miss Figh. lit Louts j K Rogers: St LoniS Brig Gen J R Keel}}. USN WC Moreland& w, l'ittslig WBaker, Evansville, Ind. Mrs Baker, Evansville, id Miss Noreross,Evansvllle Master W Baker, Evansv ES Williams & wi, Col, 0 Mrs WoßV.tson, Columbus A 11HW:de S; la, 0111, 0 Francis Baker.lNcir, York IWPw Taylor,ilichniona FL Parmenter.New York J D Aymar, New York R F Krupp, Baltimore D 111 Howard, 'Elkton !Miss L Phelps, _Maryland 131 Bowen & Mari•lantl H Moir 111 Weinberg & la, Va IT Nichols, Brooklyn Miss L Hudson, Wash JJ S Weible, Pittsburg J L Bergman, Pittsburg HR Holiinson, Baltimore JS Brooks & wf,_lS Miss E Brooks, Y 1) Brost:, Mew Jersey 111 glow, 'New Jersey J S N elson, Wye rstown P B Bair. aula The G li ii Allan. Delaware H t;ar,lner, Wash Frasier. Wash p Washington it' Harper. Jr, U S A lest Ininson, U S A Noble. Titusville, Pa ; A Gamble & la. Penna A G White, retina Hamnle, Jersey Shore i; I. Saunders, Penna 311,3 Crant•. Penna !Hsi. L '6anderson. remut l&s 31 Brown, .I',.una James Young CH Howl. Baltimore C S Sit! Yell. Baltimore F .1 Henry, Elkton CM Lee, W Salley. Denver City Moulellus.Simbury,Pa all,,TTMouielins,renna; alts M A Moulellns, Fa Fi•ltir it la, Poona Vrs J C Polon. 151 Chunk) 1111& - s Douglass, 31 Chunk JII Steele, - Maryland .J SOuthertanct, B York Chas Beaster, Deia.•are 11 . V Staddiford. B York J H Lester, New York BF Franklin A wf, 31ISS Franklin S: tiro 110orgus, Nowtownl John Johnson. Virginia Airs JJohnson aiinu,Va das Suydam. Pittsburg Simius, Pennsylvania Charles Beggs P Seward &wf,Baltimoye Miss Stuard. Boston Miss M Stuard. Boston D Herrison, New York J Monson, Penns. - Mrs R. Hyde.Pittsburg R C Hyde. Pittsburg Megesson, New h ork J S Aspenwell. New York A H. Sehultz Jr. Flsbktll IGanaßell, Quincy, 111 A Nevin, Cape Bray James Stuard But , ton . 1 - luglt Steel, Port Deposit B Swellsl'l)eposit ;I - A Althouse, Heading P Bair, Lancaster - • !John W Bowers, Newton C A Kearny & Jas P Bonner, N Jersey Mrs Dr Wilson iharrisb'g J Raymond , Middletown CRavin ona,Miaaleto wn Davidson & wr, Pa N I) Norton,Counersv'le Bett & ntece, Elmira :Jas Bums, Lewistown - IC N Watts, Carlisle B H Piainington, halt J H Elam', Baltimore - Mrs - MA Stanton & s, Wash W E li - avenaugh, Wash Cant Hemmill, Nashville S H Lemon, Nashville IBM Johnston, Penns, E Sander, St Louis S R Matlack. Harrisburg Win Norman D3I King, Boston M Fowler, Cortooef lent Hartwell & wf N York J Long, Lancaster S F Eagle, Marietta, Pa The Me Jnoßproul, Jr. ,t! wf, N J MissSJ t,:iwool,N Jersey L Matthew, :Kew Jersey HO Bennett, N llaMps'e A Mints. N Hampshire Morsonew York Jos Jordan . , Baltimore J Blair. Sh/npensburg It Buck. Harrisburg P Sneeringer. Tyrone C McClure. Lewisburg L Plitt, Johnstown A Frowenfebt Pittsburg L Ito,eofett. Chicago Jag Lyons, PitPlila" A Brittan. New Samuel Craig. Brookville P Blood. I,rookville J WAN' ilibehn.lirookyllle ' S Dearborrow. rittshg B Brue, Wheeling, Va Jacob Hoffinau, Mrs CrenVrrS. N York C 2 , t Bigler. Columbus, 0 AI, rui - nex: Clarksville • oSamitt•ker, lowa Jas F` :McNeal & la, Pa C Y Rengler, Lancaster Nr6 C F Rangier, Lauer 11 Cltengler, -Lancaster chants. IA Simon, Pittsburg IS A Beckhardt.Bridgeton • t4Til Geesemamßridgeton A HFitsinger. M Chtml, J 1,3 0.1.11ua, M. Chunk W Heberling.3l Chunk' IMrsTPSimpsou,lnChunk 'MrsJ W Euhudy, 3L 011 , k W Jack, Hollidaysburg . D C Herbert. PILLSI , II rA Den B Meliibbin.lT S A Mrs Wright S. en. Trenton Chas W slosn, Trenton Mrs Dr Houser ,k ch, ]hilt JOlinati/3n0nc35;1... Ca cm da Adams is, Maine . J Peger, Pottsville J 11 Murray, New Jersey Henry Howard i la, N 11 J Adams & wf, Philada Mrs Hoffman & son, Pa ID Altiek & son, Lanc'r (Miss Altiek, Lancaster (Miss Altick, Lancaster • A R Hatt, Tennessee T K Temiesi,ee Judge E F.Chambera, Md. ,SlVJohnston & la, Pa W Oribler, Ohio er can. The A F Mender, Baltimore E C Dunning. New York Win De Lorfidel, Canada • Pope_ Canada Radcliffe. Baltimore AV R Johnson, Baltimore L B Smith. Reading C Richards. Prof. RI II Frank, Lock Haven J P Moore BP113:1I11111. Baltimore - WOW. Baltimore FL llonnoir.34.e York liostetter.(lrecneastle AY A Uri& reeneastle Win L Weldl.l3 ti A John S ValiderSimd. Pa IV 6 SIOVer. Nem York C M Ward. Tray, N Y Rm.. Washington JD MarAttanik. Lane Geo Lear. Doylestown Henry Lcar, boylestown Marshbank, Laneas'r !Miss Murshbank, Lane'r (Sand S Wick. N ew Jersey 1W B Tomlinson, Del (Jos M Willhow.(;en_ Dol jR R Morris, Pottsville Redenour & son,D C R M Hodgson U S N Li WDraper.'lninois H Smith, New York (1 H Bryan, New Jersey W Marshall,New York H E Jones, New York ;John W ConrOy,lt Jersey- Mr Barton & wr, Del so It B Cuthbert L L Ellsworth, N York J K Mt :Curtly, Reading [Chas Muesse.Pottsville IC C Carter, Pottsville I Win C I J F Trout, Marietttr The N Albany N Albany John Bowman. U S N I/Hodgkins, 3tew Market R Blaakton, Baltimore Tt .1{ DUborough. roma CWedekinti,Lanolister I ;PO Webn. Johnstown ST Bennett, Morrisiana .las Evans, San Francisco! .1 l Maw/hand, Pittsburg! D Smith. Franklin L Bordeutown I E G Evans, Latrobe,ra A W Shoiter, Lancaster liE Vincent, Vincent, 0 H Ndan, WI!. Del J A Hawks, M D S A Reeder; M D,Chicago Saml Shuck. Bedford. Po IMrs New - York !J B Bair, M D, Poona Jas Potts, Lancaster Thos C Hanford, lowa 'Geo T Work, Ohio Ciao H Albra, New York mereiaL Jos B alley T 11 Thompson, Oxford J A Smyth, Columbia J C Albertson, Virglull : C B Watts The Co .. .T P Walton, f'oellransv'e J W Howell, - 13 , 0311e5t0w,, I) (, Rome. 141 - Y Meeltaniesh 43 A. Zaellarrias. Palma .J A Brandt, Mer hanicsb Knowles, Boston I Wilmer. Laneaster co Tvion. Coatesville 1111 Coatesv'e r lIL Newton. Coatesville 4.l.tAieder. Coatesville B troonell. Coatesville I :1 II ckman J L Meredith, Chester co Guir, Chester. W Flinn, Delaware A J Gould, Dover, N Ii W 31 Geary, Goldsboro J Sin Rios Lt son, Bucks co J 31 - I"coph74, Pot.t4vllle es 'Union. Thos Morris, Penna C M Robinson, Penna Mrs - J W Pastor, Penna H A A Williams, Poona A C Walborn & la. I's C E Conner, Ohio t W erilnu, Wlsconsiu - A Miles. Buffalo The Stat J Collins ,J Dray. Newark, N Black, Downingtown 4; Davis J W'alktx S; EJ Koons, Allentown 11 Norris.Cbiengo 11" C; Townsend. Penna. B S lilekuntn.W Chester kil=lll2=l The 111 .E,l Foster. Cape 31.:* - ‘1 - s Forbin). ;Sew York 1' Hassan). Bock, eu M=t!l W Remalington & fa, Miss Edgar. N.l W Field, Newark, N 14 AEarle , Vlnelatkj,NJ 1J Anderson & la, N J Finney. Stockton, .N J lb} W . linignt, Canulen,NJ A Rainear, N J 11;1..44_ Phila 7. ti Grepnwno4l. Conn H Del T H Shod:. Allentown. 1.31 W M The Bart D SIAM.% Vre»thi own John Parker. Fri•nehrn: A J Larne, Pvon.-htutra ic Lind:. New York H Wilson. Chestur co Ley Sheaf. ;G Davis, Chester co Chas Wat.on. Pinla ;John saylor.Fronebtown 1J H Minnick, Hazleton D Slxck,Freuchtowu d Eagle. IC Spangler, Myerstowu 1,1 Bali, Quakertown JWK.urtz,Tompsontown IA Calvin, Penua The Bal T Nlease..1,111:111.1 AV" 31111er. Lvini vine I S t S Grarblll. Juniata co The Black Bear. Pattie' , nelitiS, 110111erSet IV Haines, Pennsylvania. Mercer, Unioa co, rat Jatol, G Kteiu, Pit 31 ll Grim, Bovertown H Vincent, Hareienleg `SPECIA_I. NOTICES. Buy roue; BATnricd ROBES for Ladies :m t Gentlemen at JOHN P. SLOAN'S, SOO MAR- Ic ET street, ane ai Lip Store, CAPP. ISLAND. all4-3t. THE PATENT CLI3TCIT. BRACE ...9.D.IIISTS - itself to any Brace Bit, and firmly bolds it, without the need of fitting or notching. For sale, with other Braees and Bite and .a general 'variety of Tools, by TRUMAN 84 SHAW, No. 536. (Eight. Thirty-five) DIABEET Street, below Ninth. WHAT ARE A FEW CENTS COMTAHHH TO the death or life-long injury of your child, caused by the giving away of a swing ? We keep, for sate, Swing Fixtures and Ropes of sufficient strength to remove such risk. TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-dye) MARKET Street, below Ninth. SELLING OFF SUMMER CLOTREKG AT RE- DtC2.l3 PRICES. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Telling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. :Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Sun - truer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced P=ie., Selling Off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERRY & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Ea. RO9 C8.86T/C9T St. (Stoker old stand.) 9. R. Corner of SEVENTH and hiszotOt Sin_ (Jones.) Jrat-at. BETTER TITAN OIL WELLS.---THE MOST valuable possession on earth is good health. PLANTATION BITTERS Are an excellent preeerVerof the health and vigor Of the whole system. They quiet the nerves. They cure Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They create a healthy appetite. They cure Cramps and Cholic. They purify and invigorate the system. They cure iteadacthe, Constipation, and Bilious 'ten. They require no change of diet. They instantly relieve distress after eating. They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaa bark, win" ttergreen, Sassafras, roots and herbs, all preserved in perfectly pare St. unit' rum. For particulars, bee Circa/are and ttstnnoulala around each bottle. TUT TIMM, AND /IN CURED, iS2O-" Imaav AmuoLun.--Have you tried 4lt ? If so, you approve of it. of course the re markable demand for this excellent preparation for the Bair Ithe been Solely created by its merits; for, Awben once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. ,M4M ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. • *SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Wlll cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures bait Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price, 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to WIC/CRS Ai POTTER, BOSTON, slass., will be for- . warded tree by MM. For mac b 7 all Drageoto. Palm's MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION.-- chnomona, or Mothpatch (also called Liverepot,) and Lentlgo i or Freckles, are often:very annoying, particularly to ladies or light complexion, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the face of a blonde than of a brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injuring the texture or color of the akin is certainly a desideratum. Dr. B. C. ESREY, who has made diseases of the skin a speciality, has discovered a remedy for these disco lor:Alone which is at once prompt, infallible, and harmless. Wbolesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, HOL LOWAY, & COWDEN, 23 North SIXTH Street, awl by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street. Prepared only by B. C. PVITLY, Dermatologist, No. 49 FOND Street, New York, and for sate by all Druggists. Price, la per bottle. Can for •PERRYIS MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION. For further Information address Dr. B. C. PER RY, 49 BOND Street, NEW YORK. ia-wfm3m MARIMBA AND DYSENTERY. -A sure remedy for the worst ease of acute or chronic Diar rhcea and Dysentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI CHOLERA MIXTURE; thousands have been cured by it; our Government uses it In the hospitals. It has cured many of our soldiers after all other means failed; in fact, we have enough proof of the efficacy of this valuable - preparation of astringents, ab sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise every one of our rea'ilers to get a bottle and have it in readiness, and to those who suffer try it directly. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Ask for Dr. Strick land's Anti-Cholera Mixture. Jy3rmwf-am - - HAIR DYR I HAIR Drs ! BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE is the best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—harmless, instantaneous, and reliable; produces a splendid Black - or Natural Brown; remedies the - ill effects of Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed W. A. BATCHELOR, 51 BARCLAY - Street, New York. ja-mwf-ly egr PRICES REDUCED. haft WANAMARKU & BROWN, igr Popular Air. Clothing Alin Home, OAK. HALL. S. cor. Sixth and Market. MARRIED. RIGLEE—KOCH.—On Thursday, August ad. in the Moravian Church, by the Right Rev. ll.Ater, "William IL Bigler. of Bethlehem, Pa., to Mary Keith, daughter of Dr. A. W. Koch, of this city. DIED. AMOS.—On Thursday morning, 3d Inst., Jacob Antos, Sr., In toe 74th year of his age. The relatives and male friends of the family, the Carpenters , Company, and Southwark Hose Com pany., arc respertfultv invited to attend the fune ral, trom his late residence, No. 217 NM street, on Monday morning. 7111 inst., at nine o'clock. Inter -inert at Laurel Hill. as FELLOWS.—On the 24 inn., Sarah, rebut of the late Catch Fellows ' aged a Scars. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her residence, No. 1018 Clinton street, on Saturday, the sth Inst., - at nine o'clock . . PATTERSON.—On Thursday, August 3d, 1831, Wm. Rushton Patterson, son of John and Sancti Patterson. . . Ills friends and those of the family are invited to attend MA funeral.' on Saturday, Anguat Ulu at 4 (Meek in the afternoon,tree , the e , u.lenee. of his father, John Patterson, N. W. corner Nineteenth aad South streets. Interment at Mount Morlah Ce- Metery. ** WALTER.—On Wednesday evening, August 24, William Penn, only son of Israel 11. and Martha J. Walter, in the 18th year of his age. The relatives and .friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, front his father's residence, NO, In Marshall street, on Saturday afternoon. at 3 O'clock. SIMONS.—On the aa lnetrint, Minnie E., infant daughter of George W. and Mary E. Simons, aged 2 years and 4 months. STEVENS.—In Trappe, Talbot county, Maryland, on the 29th nit., of typhoid fever, James M. Ste vens, of Louisville, Ity., formerly of this city, aged 37 years. • 00I4FELDT.—On Tuesday, Ist inst., JOFIS/ COS FELD'S, aged 45 years. The reletivevand friends, also the officers and members of Lafayette Lodge, No. 71, A. Y. M., and the officers and members. of Neptune Lodge, No. 4 E 4, I. 0. 0. F., and the Order in_general. the ngi neer.' BenevolentAssocintion, blo. 1, and the Press in general, are particularly invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence,No. 1218 Randolph street, above Girard avenue, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. 45 BULLOCK.-On fourth-day morning, 2d Instant, -Sarah, relict of the late IsaacHullock, in Mend year Of her age. The rmatiyes and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her son-in-law, Jacob Rush, No, 1229 North Eighteenth street,eorncr of Stiles, on Seventh-day morning, sth instant, at ley o'clock. woo killitiG.—On Wednesday morning, August 2, Car rie Wheeler, youngest :laughter of Horace H. and Helen Virginia Grigg, aged if months. The relatives and frtedds are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. Dna Stiles street, On Friday afternoon, August 4, at four o'clock. SAUNDERS.—On the 2d Instant, Martha S., dangiv. ter of Macpherson and Sarah Saunders, In the 234 year of her age. Her friends and those of the family are invited to attend her funeral, on Seventh-day morning, the Bth lust., at 10 o'clock. from the residence of Daniel Sutter, No. 728 Buttonwood street. Interment in South Laurellllll. *s* MOURNING GOODS JUST RE CEIVED. Gray and Black English ChintzeS, 31 Cents. Gray Poplins. 63% cents, Shepherd Plaid 3lohairs. 50 cents. Black and White Striped Mohalrs, 45 cents, Black and White Plaid Scotch Ginghams, 56 cents. Black Glossy Alpacas or Moil:tics, $l. BESSON & SON . , Mourning Store, 916 URESTNTJT Street. One pried. Prices In plain figures. .1327 100 PURE A WHITE SHETLAND EYRE dc LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, WHITES, BLUES, GREENS&e. EYRE Sr. 'LAE-DELL. 1 flh LOW WHITE QUILTS,FOR ff HOTMMMEWLZODCHEAP TOWELS. EAEETANELL. W7MR. EDITOR:—HAVING. RAD the.pleasure of spending some. days at that great resort of The People, Atlantic City, . I could not but feel grateful that the march of improvement had brought so near to our metropOlis, Old Ocean's great curative and restorative properties, and that enterprise line furnished us with such excellent zic commodations in firet-class Hotels, among which, our citizens, by their overflowing patronage, rank the White House as A No. I, which, by the way, was tile scene of a very pleasing Incident on last Mon day evening at the supper tahle, A gentleman arose, and, after some remarks com mendatory of the While House as a seaside home, read time following resolutions, which were moved and seconded, and passed by acclamation by the la dies and gentlemen present, :unid deafening cheers and ringing of spoons in cups and glasses: Whereas, A_ portion of the Boarders and Transient Visitors of the White House at Atlantic City are about leaving for their homes, we feel that somil ex pression of our approbation of itsproprietor, Mr. WIIITEHOUIa. is due l - 0 /inn for the very liberal manner iu which lie has entertained us, therefore Resolved,. That the thanks of the boarders and transient guests of the White House are eminently due., and are hereby tendered to its Proprietor and Lady. for the very ilberalmaimer in which they pro -vide for the comfort of all who visit them. Resolved also, That. ill our .imlgment, his table is t:CO3‘II to none in tliC city, it being so abundantly supplied with all the delicacies of the season as well as the more substantial comforts of life. Beaotred, That we also tender our thanks to his very efficient corps of waiters for their uniform at tendance and courteous demeanor. J. S. HAMILTON, J. D. STITES, JOSEPH - ii. THORNLEY, Bev. J. H. ALDAN', W. D. ILDWAED ; : SAMUEL SIME6, TA' BATES, WM:W. FRANKLIN, And many others. IigSINOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING =' of the Stockholders of the ROYAL PETRO LEUM COMPANY will he held at the Contpany's (Mee, No. 305 CHESTNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 7th insts flt 12 AL to hear the Report of the COhnolitee. 'The I/14115(10- books will lie CiOakd Qh that day. JOHN GALLAGHER, Jr., au44it - • Secretary. ErM'Elr. THE UNDERSIGNED RETURNS litte- his sincere thanks to a - member of the Em pire Hook and Ladder Company, for PRESERVING AND RETURNING MONEY and valuables. during the fire at his house, on the night of the lot instant. its. AUGUST AREND. NrAT A MEETIN ter OF TUE DIREt TOES OF THE DUNEARD CREEK OIL COMPANY. held this day, an Assessment of TEN CENTS PER SHARE was levied on the Stock, due anti payable to the Treasurer on the ith lust. T. MORRIS PEROT, Treasurer, 621 MARKET Street. PHILADELPTIIA, August 3, 1365. lt* Ilrar. CUMBERLAND COAL AND IX 111=ir,- pRovESIENT COMPANY.—At a meeting or the stockholders of this Company, held at the office, 229 South FOURTIE Street, Philadelphia, 011 the 25th of. July last, the Wowing gentlemen were elected Directors: Joseph Lesley, Sy!rester J. Megargee, Robert U. Scatty, . ratio w Jackson, Albert D. Boileau, Price J. Patton, Edward H. Faulkner, Thomas Ff. Rickert, A. Eugene Smith. J.T h M D tnGE E Org Pre m sidb n ycl eundng WF E R R . SCIIOFIRLD, Secretary and Treasurer. iluU-St OFFICE PENNA. CENTRAL COAL *mei' AND OIL CO., N. E. Corner THIRD. and DOCK Streets, second story. PIIILADELPHIA, July 14, 1865. TO DELINQUENT STOOKIIOLDERS.—Notice Is hereby given that unless the assessment of twen ty-five cents per share called for by resolution of November, 1€64, is paid on or before August 4, Mai, a sufficient number of shares to pay the said assess ment, with necessary and incidental expenses, will be sold, at this Office, at public sate, at 12 o'clock, on that day. By order of the Board. jyls-18t 5 ADAM WARTHISIAN, Treasurer. WOFFICE MANDAN MINING COM. FANY, No. 321 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 18, 181x5. NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining' Company on which instalments are due and unpaid Is hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold atimblic auction on MONDAY the 21st day of AUGUST, 1855, at 12 o'clock noon, at the othce of the Secretary of the corporation,according to the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order Of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, jyl9-tat2l Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE GIRARD MINING CUM. gr - PANY, N 0,324 WALNUT titreet, PIIILA.DELruIu, July 12th. 1985. NOTICE is hereby given that all Stock of the GIRARD MINING COMPANY, on which instal meets are due and unpaid, is hereby declared for feited, and will be sold at Public Auction on SA TURDAY, the 19th day of August, 1885, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless previously redeemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, .Iylstants secretary. and Trdasurer. FarOFFICE OF TICE OE LVILLXN OIL COMPANY VF PENNSYLVANIA.-The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Guitan on Company of Pennsylvania will be held at their °Bice, 409 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th of AUGUST, at 3 o'clock P. M. An election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. PRYER, jilfltann secretary and Treasurer. NILIMART. lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid Induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corp a; glOriOtts Opportunity to visit foreign countrie;• good pay, excellent seeommodationa, light and easy duties. For all further Information inquire at the Recruit ing, Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between a A. M. and 3 P. M. every day except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, ivi Captain and Itenrititine 11)11.0TOGRA.PH ALBUMS. 1 MILLER & BURLOCK, MANUFACTURERS CIF PHOTOURAPIET ALBUM'', N 05,1102 auil 1104 SANSOM St., Philadelphia, Offer to the trade the most complete and extensive assortment of Photograph Athlone, comprising over three hundred varlet les of the latest styles and most beautiful patterns, with a great variety of clasps and ornaments. They are unsurpassed in beauty and durahl.ity by any in thy market, and Bold at less than the general average prices. Satisfaction munauteed or the money refunded. A liberal dis ount to dealers. Catalogues mailed to any address without e-liegge. rocRET MLES AND root' Elf TESTAMENTS, WITH PSALMS IN METRE. Miller & Burloek's snot nor and well-known Pearl Thhiv, also their Pearl l'estament, in various styles •,t: Wilding, for sale on liberal terms, at Nos. 1102 :ind I IO4SANSOM St.,Ptilladelphla. - HAVANA CIGARS.—A GOOD VA - RIETY COUSttifltly In store and bond, at low e" crib Mts. S. FUGUET SONS, 1 " 24444* No. 810 South FRONT Stmt. CURTAIN GOODS. I . B. w4LRA.VEDT, MASONIC HALL. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, RAS MST RECEIVED A PULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES. FINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO BARS, WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, READY FOR USE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST FATTBENO. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN K,ELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT BTREBT, RAVE NOW IN STORE A C OMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF m 1,241 SPRING GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT DIA.NITPACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which theymalce a specialty la their Imminent. "deo, conotantry receiving NOVELTIES FOR - GENTLEMEN , B WHAM J. W. SCOTT & CO.,_ GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STuRE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, jal-ly Four doors below the Continental. USLI.P.I DI, a ;-301 C.l Ilk cliv[inl.l.-:111 600 ARCH STREET. 600 _ REFRIGERATORS, _ WATER COOLERS ImEzz - nits. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. Jelo-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH and:ARCH. SUMMER RESORTS. RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, VENANOO COUNTY, PA JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House haslnst been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity i It is pleasantly situated n the centre of the Town, with ready access by Hall and Stage to allpoinLa in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of Jirst-class Hotels in any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the' comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. 334-8 m ATLANTIC CITY.-" THE CLAREN DON" is open for the reception of Boarders. 33 , 24-Inwilm DR. JAMES JENKINS, Proprietor. QEA BATHING-CAPE MAY CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall is now receiving visitors. Price per week, *l6; children and servants half-price. jeBo-1:m AARON GARRETSON, proprietor. TINNED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock Von). Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 1865. jelo-2ms BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. HR AT A MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot , ' of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York,. For particulars address the Proprietor, el-2m J. W. FREDERICK. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING U THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &C. a_HOBERTS, _ _ -- my24-tf. Cor. ELEVENTH islideeta. COAL. COAL 'FOR LOW-DOWA GRATES,- The subscribers having •been appointed SOLE AGENTS for the safe of the celebrated LEWIS VEIN COAL of the DUNCAN COAL COMPANY'S Mining, now offer it for sale to the citizens of Phila delphia. This Coal is a deep Red Ash, and is espe cially adapted to the new style of LOW-DOWN GRATES, the ashes being' heavy_ do not fly about the room ; it is a FRE.E-BURNING COAL, and superior to any other Red Ash in the market. Woalzuprette attention to our stock of LOCUSTMOUNTAIN, EAGLE VEIN, and RAINBOW COAL REPPLIER, O'DONNELL, & CO., 29 WALNU Streets N. W. corner BROADand SPRUCE And S. W. corner BROAD and RACE Streets. jyrt-mwfl3t* BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price Or the Season.—blenuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, if not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, $8; Large Nut, $7. Try it. You will be sure to be pleased. Office, 121 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 cALLowniLL Street, above Broad. jy224m ELLIS BRANSON. OWLE S , LEHIGH, HICKORY, -.4. and 'lsx. COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, MATH and`WILLOW Sta. jyl4-lint COAL.-WM. H. CURTIS .64 CO., LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. jylo-1m• C O A L ,__-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and bessLocuat Mountain, from Sebuylkiil,prepared expressly for family use. Depot, N. W. somas EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Ofilee,__No. 112 S. SECOND Street. Caps-tfl J. WALTON It CO. REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF LOOSING-GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, Sl6 CHESTNUT STREET, Have been able to make a REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF THEIR LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS, RUSTIC FRAMES, &c., to which attention is directed. A full stock, of ELEGANT MANUFACTURE and most SUBSTANTIAL MATERIALS, always on hand. xeco.maus , Grum;Ps, comprising sixteen subject., war and limnoroUs; sole agency. JAMES S. EARLE Jc SONS are prepared to fill orders for, goods, deliverable in the autumn or winter, at prices more favorable than they may be at those seasons. - Mirrors, of every character, made to order, to till IfantelS, Piers, Walls, Saloons, and Cabins of Ves sels, le. GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, open free. 3317-12 t CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance or my large stock of FURNITURE, At very tow prices, until SEPTEMBER Ist. The assortment le COMtate. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, SOP and Sll CHESTNUT Street. JONES IT.OI7SE, =Mill MARKET STREET AND - MARKET SQUARE, CHARLES H. MANN, PROPRIETOR PHOTOGRAPHS_ - PHOTOGRAPHS ticken of Churches, HOMOlees, and Public Buildlngs, iu the most artistic Minima - . TheS4 Mtn desire them should apply to B. F. REIMER, 624 ABER Street. it. CARTES DE VISITE OF SUPERIOR soles, evineingrare artistic skill and wondrous :iceman - . are made at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery, 624 AfiCH Street. See specimens and obtain mod pictures. it. COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, Of ail numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier 'Pelts, from one to five feet wide. Paulins,_Bolting Sail Twine, ac. JOHN W. EVERMAN & CO., noa-tf No. UM JONES' Ailey. • ivr cC DLESS MALT VINEGAR FACTuRS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly' on hand and fbr sale a, large stork of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of madufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Pickling in Europe. All sales Warranted free from impurities and chemicals. Orders filled promptly tilf to all parts of the country. N TS. L. E. CANBLos, No. Oa Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT & WRITE, No. 4 Exchange Film Bal timore. CHRISTIAN_ LEE & CO., Richmond, Va. E. w. GOULD lt CO.. Newbern, N. C. Jell-3m MORGAN, ORB & CO., STEAM EN GINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Gene ral Machinlato and Boller Makers. NO, 11.2119 Lope, LL street, rhUIVIOPtatt. fe294t TWE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; FRTDAY, ATTGTTST 4; 1865: PRINTING AND STATIONERY. JAMES H. BRYSON'S JOB PRINTING- AND STATIONERY EMPORIUM, No. 8 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia Established lit 1845, and a FIRST SILVER MEDAL AWARDED FOR THE This well•established Printing and Stationery Mose has superior facilities to execute all orders for the same. Printing, Stationery, and Blank nooks or every description furnished with promptness and de spatch, upon the most favorable terms for Cash. Our Specimen Books of Label Printing, and Cata logues of Stationery, will be freely sent by mail, on receipt of postage of stamps, or by Express if pre ferred. A supply of hand-made Papert and Envelopes, so much In demand, constantly kept on baud. Inks rspers t and Blank Boas on hand. Specialßuling and Blank Book work furnished to order. Bryson & Son's Tablets, a new article, introduced by them, for every clerk, and extensively used by every accountant. All sizes on hand. jy29-7t SILK AND DRY GOODS YOBBERS F . II3EYN. GC:6II. • HALLOWELL, GAIIDNER, A, WHOLESALE DEALERS, ARE NOW OPENING AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. OF AND FANCY DRESS GOODS , Comprising an extensive and attractive assortment of styles to meet present trade in Elegant Designs Foreign Fancy Fabrics. AIso—CHOICE MANES In IMPORTED STAPLE GOODS, such as will be reAtle i ll 3 4 for AUTUMN SALES, which they offer at LOW PRICES TO CASH BUYERS. 615 Chestnut and 612 Jayne streets. )S3l-mwfam WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, By the Piece or 'Packages AT AND UNDER MARTmT RATES. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST. (WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP STAIRS.) jy 15-1 m COMMISSION HOUSES. BAGS S BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW -AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGes, FLOUR AND SALT RAGS. ALL SIZES, 'ET T r JOHN T. TO CO., iT26-6111. No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. lIAZARD & HITTCHINSQN, AGENTS FOR THE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 1121 CHESTNUT STREET, PHTLADEEPRIA., AND 103 READE STREET, NEW YORE. 30 4m WILLIAM BROCKIE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Will continue the Cononission business of the late firm of THOMAS RICHARDSON le CO. Advancee Made on PRODUCEvonsAgned to RICH ARDSON, si-sacc'E, & cO., LIVERPOOL' and to correspondents In LONDON, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. AUGUST A, 1885. anl-Imlf CLOSING OUT I CLOS 00' I CLOSING OUT I GREAT BARGAINS zN PRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK BILKS. Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. • Silk Grenadines at reiluCta pricaa. 75C. Silk Grenadines reduced to 450. $1 Silk Grenadines reduced to 55c. " Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 8730., $l, $1.25. New styles Cambric Lawns, 3734 c., 50c. New Styles Jaeonet Lamm 100., 62,iic„ 550. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40c., 65c., inc. e Fine Linen Lawns, 823fc., 75c. ' Drees Go iireVery derierintion, at low prices - . . . SHAWLS AT. REDUCED PRICES. Flain,:Elaid, and Striped White Swim and Or gandies. Plain,, and Striped Nabasooka and iiambries: White Putted and Tucked Muslims. H. STEEL & SON, .19 8 -if Nos. 713 and 718 North TENTH Street. A - CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. V 1 • 'Extra floe Hemmed Handkerchiefs at 25 cents. Marseilles for Basques and Dre,SfiCli. Striped Nainsooks for Waists, 45c. per yard. Soft 1111141 Cambrfe, 114 yards wide. Cambric Edgings and Insertions. Crochet Edgings. Pointe Lace Goods raider regalar prices. Thread Lace Collars from 50 cents. an 4-121 PLAIN BUFF, 'PINK, AND BLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. , Plain buff, pink,. and blue Jaconete, Pure white - Shetiand Shawls. White Shirred Muslin& Field and Stripe Natnsooks. Plain Nainsooks, Swiss Muslims, Cambrics, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines. EDWIN HALI. & CO., 26 south SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Doods closing out rem& less of cost. Je2o-tf COOPER & CONARD, NINTH. AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen DABS, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of eve kd. Muslin stock complete, pricesMOM. Family Linens, selling, gold, aSNo. Gause,Doinet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Castries, 55 and 65 cents. Extra line black Mohair Alpacas, SO. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Canines, $l. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslins, finest Cambria; and Jaconets, puffed Muslins, Pique, Jse. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Bilk Bacques and Bummer Dusters. FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, In Black and Gray Grounds., sec to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chene *7.50. • VERY CHEAP' BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, THANac COTTON GOODS AT LESS WHOLESALE nucEs. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 255. 10-4 Waltham and reperill bleached Sheetin_gs, STEEL es SOW, myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 628 HOOP SKIRT S . 62815,.TE r HOOP SHIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen enished covering, clasped at the side, all the metallic fable/MT:4e and secured by improved ma chinery, which entlielyt.rovents slipping and De- Willing' - unclasped, rendering them superior to all other bkirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 628 ARCH Street. )316-Im. STATIONERY 81, BLANK BOOKS. OIL, MINING, COAL, AND OTHER NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of drat quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. • BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS it • GO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND VBTATE OF CATHARINE SHEB , AL.A PA D.—Letters Testamentary to the Estate of eATIIARME biIEPPARD having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to Said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to JOS.SCAT TERCOOD, Acting Executor,l-13 SPRUCE Street. lad-wreath. .STATE OF THOMAS RICHARD SON, Deceased.—Letters testamentary upon the Estate of THOMAS RICHARDSON, Deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, by the Re g-Woe of it for the City and County of Phila delphia, all pertons haueuteti -ter - tine said IMO requested. to make payment, Mid these haring claims against tine same to present them without delay, to . STEPHEN S. PRICE, Executor, jy2.3461! , ma CHESTNUT Street. FRENCH ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS.— Just received, frets Parts. a large lot of the fittest French Flowers, for the fall trade; also. the newest styles for the bah', wholesale and retail. at No. 21 M. NINTH Street, above Market, east side. ' aut-lot AMERICAN HOTEL, • MAUCH CHUNK, PA. LA FA LIiNT7., ROBERT KLOTI , Proprietors. TERMS-84 per day. V: per week. au3-2.3t* -4-1-A MERICAN,HOUSE," POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA., U. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This Rouse lias recently been re-opened, and In such style and tharartla as will merit lirst-elaas pa tronage. jy27-lin CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES- AT sActurlcE.--Balauce of stock, bountiful styles, closing out at less than cost. ROWE. EUSTON, & CO., 1157 and 150 North THIRD Street. 1012, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, , Boring Tools, Planers, Lathes, punching and Drilling binehinee, 011-well Tubing. For sale ii&TEAWAY, LEACH, & STEARNS, 131-1 m 9-1.7 ARCH street. Philmlelnillll. PABD PHOTOGRAPHS, TWELVE for $1.25, CXCellikfl in great variety of styles, aultable for albums or scholars to exchange with cla ten maates, IiSIXELM SECOND. street, nbove r. 11* l~ ~ ♦ C ~ .. RETAIL DRY GOODS. STATIONERS. 432 CHESTNUT Street. LEGAL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE NATION. This Day Published, August 3, 1835. CO2iTEINTS THE WEEK. TOPICS OF THE DAY: What Delays the Ainenduent. The Nebel Parole. Class Rule. CORRESPONDENCE: The Tariff. Emigration to the South. The South as It Is. England—The Result of the Elections. Memo from Westminster Hall. The Humes of the Anthropologists. Oceanic Telegraphy. Army Correspondence. LITERATURE: Literary Notes. Education at the Great English Public Schools. Prince Adam Czartoryski and Alexander I. of Russia. A Dletanehtdy Poet. Anti-Slavery Measures in Congress. Current Literature. SCIENCE: Discoveries and Inventions. PINE ARTS: Something about Monuments FINANCIAL REVIEW. It embraces among its regular or occasional contributors the following names HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. JOHN G. WHITTIER. SAMUEL ELIOT, (ex*President Trinity College, Hartford.) • ProfessorTOßßEY, (Harvard.) Professor SOLDWIN SMITH, (Oxford.) Dr. FRANCIS LIEBER. Professor CHILD, (Harvard.) CHARLES E. NORTON. HENRY JAMES. Judge BOND, (Baltimore.) EDMUND QUINCY. Professor W. D. WHITNEY, (Yale.) Professor D. O. GILMAN, (Yale.) • Judge pALY. • Profdesor DWIGHT, (Columbia College.) Professor TAYLER LEWIS, Schenectady. Judge WAYLAND. FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED. Rev. Dr. DieCLINTOCK. Rev. Dr. JOS. P. THOMPSON. Rev. PHILLIPS . BROOKS. Rev. Dr. BELLOWS. C. J. STILLE. HENRYT. TUCKERMAN. BAYARD TAYLOR. C. A. BRISTED. C. L. BRACE. VrILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. SYDNEY GEORGE. FISHER. THEODORE TILTON. JAMES PARTON. GAIL HAMILTON. rrEItIVXSI , 1112.7. E DOLLARS PER ANNUM', in advance; six months, Two Dollars. - When delivered by car rier inNew York or Brooklyn, fifty cents addi tional. JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, PubHsher, No. 130 NASSAU Street, New York. • T. 13. PUGH, CORNER SIXTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, AGENT FOR THIS CITY FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. It NEW BOOKS ! NEW BOOBS ! THE STORY OF GENERAL b'HERMAIT , 3 GREAT MARCH THROUGH THE SOUTH. By Ma or N1C13019. 3.2M0. CHRISTIAN'S• MISTAKE. By the author of "Johu 12mo. . • ST. PHILIPS. Ry the author of "Rutledge," ARNOLD'S ESSAYS AND CRITCISMS. 12mo. PHILIP IN PALESTINE. A book of Roy Travel. By M. A. Edwards. All the bow books received SS soon 1 1 8_PlIbIlsbed and for sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martlen.) an 4 605 CHESTNUT Street. T)LEASANT SUMMER READING. NEW MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. MERRIVALE'S CONVERSION.OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. ARTIC RESEARCHES. By Captain Rail. With illustrations. • CENTRAL'ASIA. By A. Vantberg. With Map and Illustrations. SAVAGE AFRICA. By W. W. Reads. AFRICA: DISCOVERY OF THE SOURCE OF THE NILE. By J. H. Speke. Illustrated. YOUMAN'S ATLAS OF CHEMISTRY. NAPOLEON'S JULIUS CRSAR. With Maps. MILDRED ARKELL. By Mrs. 11. WoDd. STRANGERS' GII/DE .IN PHILADELPHIA. Revised. tIBEIGICA.L 'HISTORY OF A CANDLE. , afor sale by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, ati3 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. - TYPE FOUNDERS. & McLEESTBR'S NORTH AMERICAN g TYPE STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FUUNDrw. Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, No. 705 JAYNE STREET, TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any . made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken in exchange for new at 15 cents per pound, if delivered to us free of charge. Si` Every article necessary for a Printing Office constantly on hand. Agents for Hoe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, 'osier's, Degener's, and• Well s, Presses. Ages for Mather celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces An Shown In "Tux VRBSS.“ DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 85 CO., N, E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE streets, • PRELADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in . Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. SLANCTICTIJRXX6 or WRITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &S. AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED . FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at -vzwr LOW P.IIIOEB FOR CASH. BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stook of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, In various sized packages, Of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &c., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-3mlp COPARTNERSHIPS. TEE COPARTNERFAiIr HERETO FORE existing between the undersigned, under the style and title Of THOS. it. TUNIS & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued lay ALBERT G. IIUZBY, (at 223 and 225 Chestnut street,) who is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm. TOO'S. R. TUNIS, A. G. BUZBY PittiADRLPIIIA, July Mb 1865. NOTICE OF. PARTNERSHIP.—The Subscribers have formed a limited partner.hip, according to law, under tile firm name of A. G. DUZBY, for the transaction of the general Dry Goods Commission and Mercantile Business at 223 and 225 CHEST NUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The general partner is ALBERT U,._BUZBY, and the special partner is THOMAS It. TUNIS, who has contributed to the common stock of said firm twenty thousand (20,000) dollars in each. The partnership is to commenee On the that day of August, 1865, and will terminate on the thirty-first day of JulyISM ALBEIBB G. BU . ZRY, THOMAS R. TUNIS, PHILADELPIIIA, July 28th, MS. aulditd&tuSt THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAT formed a Copartnership, under the firm of LOUGHEAD & STOTESSURY, for the transaction of a General Merchandise Brokerage Business, at No. 119 South FRONTStreet. GEO. T. LOUGHEAD CHAS. C. STOTESBUitT. AUGUST 1, ISC,S. aul-6th' THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between JAMES CIIALLEN & SON Is dissolved by mutual consent, and all claims against or due said lirm will be settled by HOW ARD CIIALLEN, who will continue the business at 1308 CHESTNUT. July TA, 11365, HOWARD CHALLEN, 1305 CHESTNUT, hay i„nitiraltlxeleVegt 5 . e a l s ' e cY lr quanti ties so that even , subserlber will be supplied. (MALLEN 'SClite CU ATING LIB ItAllY, j 3 ,81-13 MOS CHESTNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H E WV Ilitilerslgned.have this day entered into a Co. rtnerahlp under the name and .title of BRUNER, BIANNIi, CO., for the transaction of the GENE. HAL LuMBERBUBINEBB, at Moos MARKET St, A. O. WANN BRUNER, , EL. D. A. BRUNER, JB. PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1886. THE BUDINEBB WILL BE CONDUCTED IN cuiMedtion with an old establishCd Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving trio yard sabevinv ad. vantages. )3,11-6m5 MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by .the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in mid for tile Eastern District of Penn Sylvania, Po-admiralty, to ece directed, wilt be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bid der. for cash, at SIMPSON & NEIL.VS DRY DOCK WHAR HF, CRISTIAN Street, on SATI7HDAY, the 19th day of August, ISM, at 12 o'clock H., the hark MARIA JULIA, her tackle, apparel, 11111 i flllr-' attar, She was built at Bllboa. Spain, In ts llyo 11111141 ml and fitly-two tvto4 blivden: Is copper fastened, dtagoual kneedt hastiest been 1 1 10 r 0 n#MY overhauled. and yellow metaled to the adds, under the Inspeethm et the marine SIIIWCytPrd, at a large expense' she la well found In anchors, chains, salt., rigging, &c., and call be sent to sea at a small ex pense. P. C.*EI.I.IAKEIt, 13. S. Marshal, E. D. of Penna. PIDLADELY.nre. August 4. 1881. ' 11114-2 t MACKEREL HERRING, SHAD, dtc. bbla. Mass. Nos. I, 2, and a Mackerel, tate•caught flat fish, In assorted pachNses. 2,000 bins, New Eastport, Fortune Ban and Hali fax Herring. 2,500 boxes Lubec. ' sealed, No. 1 Herring. 110 bbis. New Mess Shad. 250 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese, &c. In store and for sale by MURPHY ft NOON'S, jala-tt No. 140 NORTH WHARVE. WANTS. WANTED -IN A CLOTH STORE, A competent Retail Salesman. All applications will he treated confidentially. and must have real name and address. L. tt R. nua-Bt*' Office of this Paper. 'WANTED -A SITUATION AS Agent for an Oil or Coal Coilipany, by a gen tleman (late officer in U. S. A..) who has resided for ten years in the Coal Region of Pennsylvania; has Jest returned from visiting the Western and South ern Oil Section in this State. The best of reference given. Address " P. S. 5.." Germantown Post-Office, Phila. au4-3t. WANTED—BY THREE SISTERS, Board la a RM. - rate funnily ,_ or one where there are but few other hoarders . • Friends' faMilv pre ferred. Limit. Ninth and Thirteen Arch Thirteenth. Ar and Vine Streets. References given and required. Ad dress E. lt. M., 714 ARCH Street. att4-2t, WANTED-AN ENERGETIC MAN, will f or 8,000 dollars, as a partner in the Silver business. A up) yat rifi N. SEVir,NTI-I St. au 1-30 NATANTED-F ROM THIRTY TO T 'Fifty Aer& Of gond Land, in any direction within ten miles from the centre of Philadelphia. Most be near a railroad station. • • . . Address at once, with location, price, and terms, Box 572 Phlholeltibia Post-office. 11,` WANTED -A YOUNG MAN WITH some knowledge of the Cloth Business. Best reference requited. Address Box 2317 P. O. an3-3t. WANTE D-IN A WHOLESALE IF Fancy Dry Good* and Hosiery House, a COM petent SALESMAN. To one who can eounniturl a good trade liberal salary will be given. Address Box 199,! , Philadelphia Post-office. ati3-3t. 'WANTED TO RENT-A STORE, BY Ist January next, hi COMMERCE Street, or in _FOURTH or FIFTH, near Market. Address "B. C. it Co„" this office. au3-6t. WANTED-AT $176 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Oilleers and Soldiers, Teachers., Ladies, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our great national work, 'rThe Life, Times, and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." By Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing VA per month, which we will prove to any dg _ppa Ileant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, - BROS., & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Pila delphia, Pa. .i.VII-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Send for circulars. Address P. 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, Pa. jy2l-ImtsW4t A GENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE ORET SERVICE. THE "FIELD, THE DUN (iEOII, AND THE ESiCilltE, l l the meet Were* tog and exciting book ever published. bend fur circulars. Address JONES, BEDS, CO, Phila delphia, Pa. . _iy2B-Im+ AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORIAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM. LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 NOrtliME/MlOl3. Street, northwest of Penn Square, Phtlada., Pa. 7r27-Im' AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Rol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writer's fully established. Experienced canvassers know why it sells; Address, for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-24t 5 Chester county, Penna. $ 7O A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GABEY, Biddeford, Maine. myld-d.Nnin $125 A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to introduce the Improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover la Baker Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer it CO., ana Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are Infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address 'SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. mylflA &Want S7SOO.—T H ISon flrxt mortgage of AMOUNT TO pro perty. Also, several mortgages Cu) grnol rents for sale at a discount. Apply to E. PE'ITIT, 323 WALNUT Street. tut4-20` FOR SALE AND TO LET. MFOR SA LE, A DESIRABLE BROWN ' Stoneßesidence, with all the modern Con veniences, built linOn the centre of the tot, situated on Baltimore Avenue, near Fortieth Street. A_IMIY to ROBERT MAC tiREGOR, 419 WALNUT Street. It ga REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. 000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. 5,001 L _OOO WORTH FOR SALE. NEW ONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY OAT ALOGUE, JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE that MIL LER'S Monthly , Catalogue is the greatest produc tion of the age to parties interested in the purchase of city or suburban properties. No person wishing to purchase should fail to get a copy . Sent free charge to any address brthe United. States. GEORGE C. MILLER, FraeildalßealEatate Operator (Or the last2o years), tY2D-snif 155 North SIXTH Street. LTO LET.—HOUSE No. 12 HAMIL TON TERRACE, West Philadelphia. Apply to F. H. WARREN, next door to the premises. anl-tf dm FOR SALE ON. ELEVENTH, AWL Twelfth, and Thirteenth streets, a number of neat Dwellings, on easy terms. Also, 2214 lfrandywine street, in perfect order. Immediate possession. Also, VERY CHEAP DWELLING, 1615 Marshall street- Lot 17x125 feet. This. will be sold exceed ingly tow. Also, neat Dwelling, 1042 North Second street. Lot 121 feet 9 inches to Philip, with House on rear end. Also, 1834 Master street, Cheap, with immediate possession. • Also, north side Spring Garden, west of Fifteenth. Also, 3905 Coates, in good Order; founedlate pos session. Also, 1226 North Fifteenth street, welt oath-, pea session' soon. With many others, large and small, in various localities. B. F. GLENN, 123 S. VOIHITH Street, or .33,29 S. W. eor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. irt FOR SALE--TWO VERY DESI- Mkrable Houses, 19:V and 1934 ARCH Street, new and well built, with every modern convenience. mediate possession. B. F. GLENN, 3329 123 South FOURTH Street. . FOR SALE, DOWNINGTOWN rARPItOPERTY.—First-class Dwelling and large Store,one of the best stands in the place, conve nient Railroad, gml very desirable both as a resi dent..and place or busineis. H. F. GLENN, .LYZ 3 • 1.23 South FOURTH Street. 'FOR RENT AN ITALIAN VILLA ANL Late the residence of DAVID C. WILSON, situ ate 31 of a mile from the CITY of WILNIINOTON, within 200 yards of the City Railway (passing every to minutes.) The house (being new) is in excellent order, supplied with water Irons a tank In the attic, with eVerylnOtieraimptovemetit., heated througliont by steam; n fine porch the entire length of the building. Tile grounds in front of the house (con taining 4 acres,) are tastefully laid out in walks and plats, dotted with trees and shrubbery, the whole surrounded by hedge and wall. This country seat is considered one of the most desirable and pleasant locations in the State. Possession given immediate ly, by application to Du. It. R. PORTER, T. F. BAYARD. Executors, aufi-lw fen FOR SALE.—MARYLAND la mgai. PLANTATION containing 400 acres, two sets of large Buildings, Peach Orchard of seven thousand trees, selected Fruits. Situate on the Chester river, near Chestertown, Queen Anne county. Two lines of steamers leaving for Phila delphia awl Baltimore ever? , other day from near the premises. Price only * Nor partleillAro apply to E. PETTIT, 323 WALNUT St. atti-2t' ei FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF MIL valuable Farms Country Seats, Cottage anti Building Lots, Factory Buildings, Furnaces Indeed, almost every variety of Real Estate. Cali and see Register. B. F. GLENN, jy29 123 South - FOURTH Street. FOR .SALE.-A LARGE NII3II3ER .0.11.. of first-class Farms to the adjoining, counties. averaging from ten to three hundred acres. Call and examine register of farms. E. PETTIT, 323 WAL:SIIT :Street. PEACH TREES FOR SALE-- Fruit of the best selection, ripening from the earliest to the latest, including the HisErr,.ly, "icbtelt ripens two weeks In ndrunCe of the earliest varieties: • Orders sent direct to JOlll , l rEttif Moorestown, N. J.,will be promptly attende I to. Catalogues sent gratis. JOHN PERKINS, Pro. ant-wful A R ARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A A MERCHANT TAILOR.—The well-known es tablishment at Kennett Square, Chester county, ra,, formerly occupied by "Franklin Darlington, and more recently by Lewla Seal, deceased, Is now offered for sale or rent. A large biviittcs has la -ways been done here and an enterprising man, snaking early application, will find this a rare op portunity for - engaging in a profitable trade. There is on hand a large assortment of cloths and IMO nieces, which will he sold lower than they can he bought in mrket. Those desiring information, will tall upon or address SUSAN W. SEAL, or Wilt. T. SEAL, Adin' rs of LEWIS SEAL, deed, airs-t2t• Kennett Square, Pa. OFFICE ROOMS TO RENT.-GOOD oMee rooms to rent, In complete order, suita ble for Brokers, Coal or 011 Companies, at 18 South THIRD Street, two doors above the Mechanics' Bank. au2-wfmat. 1' OR SAL E, OZT EASY TERMS, first-class Hots t property, conventent'lo the city, .mitit ten APPPEI Of groutol. For Particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, 323 WALNUT at.. VOR SALE-320 ACRES VALUABLE . betty LAND, on the headwaters of Little Hickory reek, Venaugo county, Pa. To be sold low. Apply to LEWIS L. MAIM and-110 - 151 South FOURTH St., Phila. FOR SALE CHEAP—A COMPLETE Sot Of Sellool, Furniture. Apply, for one week, at 1030 8.81.N0- GARDEN Street. IRON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS SITUATE IN WOUND CITY, IL LINOIS. The lot has a front on the Ohio River of 265 feet, and extends 200 feet in depth to a one-hundred-feet wide street, with streets on each side. The build ings are of brick; and contain a sixty-horse-power engine, two cupolas, tilt and trip-hammers, lathes, and every variety of machinery and Wile used In first-class machine-shops. There are also patterns for marine railway machinery, sleamboat, saw, and sugar-mill engines, and for wood and coal-stoves, with all the latest improvements. Iron and coal to be obtained in the neighborhood in abundance. . . . I. C. PRICE, No. GM- CHESTNUT Street . . For sale by ul-121 FOE SALE—IRON MASTERS, AT TEN TION—GRE AT DARGAIN—S3O,OOO CAN BE CLEARED IN ONE YE AlL—First-class ROL L ING DULL in this city, with all the splendid, nearly new machinery, with three engines, one of 60, ano ther of 150, and another of 80-horse. power; has seven boilers: first-rate machinery for manufac turing railroad Iron, chairs, spikes, &c.; 5,013 tons of all descriptions or iron can, be made htone year; is now all in full operation; has water• and steam railroad communication, coal shutes, &c.; ail the water used upon the premises derived from springs /war , by, frog or charge. TI/Pro is also , a row or twelve stone tenant dwellings included. Prim $75,000; worth $lOO,OOO. Easy terms. GEO. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, ,Iys-7111 155 North SIXTH Street. . FOR SALE-A SUPERIORIRON FUR NACE, titian Matt, with about 1,000 acres of laud, AMPis Co., Fa., capable of mukluk 30 tuns per week, li. F.(3LENN ? .11'29 123 Banal lelll7/1111 h'ircct. BOAROINGI. HANDSOME COMMUNICATING Booms, for first-class Boarders. Apply at 313 E. 111114,17: DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-OLASS DINNERS, at No. OSA South WASHINGTON Square. 13,6-2m* FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS. Every housekeeper in the city and country should Use this exec/Mut Can. it Is the most con venient and reliable Can in nee, Mid gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. it Is sealed lit eit Instant, by booking cud spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement in the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as the press- Illy continues the fruit cools, and the sealing Is per rect. The cap Is unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can, at J. liicatURTRIES , , SOS SPEINQ HARDEN Street Philadelphia. DEAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRI7• went,: to assist the heating, at MADEIRA'S, 116 S• Street, below (Attatlytt. nit-Qt` AVCIP ON S AUCTION NOTICE UNITED STATES SALE. Steamers ) Tugs, and Sailing Rods, SAMUEL C. COOK; Auctioneer. ON THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 10, 18651 AT 11 O'CLOCK, PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, Will be sold for aocount of the United States 13. e. vernment THE WOODEN WHEW STEADIER "NoITT OOMERY.I9 Register dlmenslons—Length, 197 feet 1 inch; breadth, 80 feet; depth of hold, 20 feet. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 50 Inches; length of stroke, 42 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER `.ALABAMA. , ' Register dimensions—Length 214 feet 4 Inches; bremitli,3s feet 2 Inches; depth of hold, 22 feet. Has one stile lever engine; diameter of Gr inder, 65 inches; length of stroke, 8 feet. Schooner rigged.. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "FAH KEE." Register dimensions—Length, 163 feet 8 inches; breadth, 28 feet 11 Inches; depth of hold, 20 feet. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 42 inches; length of stroke, 42 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER MARY SANFORD. Register dimensions—Length, 158 feet 6 inches; breadth, 31 feet 8 inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 10 inches. Has two vertical engines; diameter of cylinder, 25 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER " RED. TANNIA, 7I Register difliensions—Length, 181 feet 4 inches; breadth, 23 feet 3 Inches; depth of Reid, 12 feet 2 inches. Has two English steeple engines; di ameter of eyilnder,6s inches; length of stroke, afeet. Schooner rigged. THE GOVERNMENT-BUILT WOODEN SIDE WHEEL STEAMER " Register dimen sions—Length, BE feet 4 inches; breadth, 33 feet 2 incites., depth of bohl, 10 feet IN Ittelle.4. Ilan one inclined engine; diameter of cylinder, 44 inches ; length of stroke, 7 feet. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "STARS AND STRIPES." Register dimensions—Length, VA feet 3 inches; breadth, 34 feet 6 inches; depth of bold, 16 feet 4 inches. Has tWo vertical engines; di ameter of cylinder, 26 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "NOR- Register dimensions—Length, 132 feet 5 inches; breadth, 24 feet 6 Inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 5 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " Register dimensions—Length, 120 feet 7 inches; breadth, 22 feet 10;4• inches; depth of bold, 16 feet inch. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 36 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "SUNFLOWER." Register dimensions—Length, 101 feet S inches; breadth, 29 feet 9 inches; depth of hOld, 12 feet 7 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 36 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches. Schooner .rigged.' THE THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "AZALIA." Re giste rdlmensions—Length, 100 foet 3 inches; breadth, 20 feet 10% inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 2% inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 80 niches; length of stroke, 32 inches, THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " LARKSPUR." Register dimensions—Length, 90 feet 9 inches; breadth, 19 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 3 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, Winches; length of stroke, 28 inches. TUE WOODEN SCREW TUG " WHITEHEAD." Register dimensions—Length, 93 feet 1% inches; breadth, 19 feet 9% inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 3 inches. Has two inclined engines; diameter of cyl inder, 18 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG POTONSHA.” Register dimensions—Length, 134 feet 6 inches; breadth, 27 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet 8 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 34 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "CARNATION"."' Register dimensions—Length, 7/ feet 8 inches;. breadth, 17 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 2 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 20 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "MARTIN." Re gister dimensions—Length, 4 feet &inches; breadth, it feet S inches; depth of bold, 5 feet 10 inches. Has One vortical engine; diameter of cylinderoaN inches; length of stroke, 15 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " HOYT." Re gister dimensions—Length, 95 feet; breadth, 10 feet 5 inches; depth of hold, 4 feet 7 inches. Has one ver tical high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder, 12 incises; length of stroke; 12 inches. THE BARK "A. HOUGHTON." Register di- Inensiong—Length, 113 feet 4 Indies; breadth, 24 feet 3 inches; depth of hold, 12 feet. • THE BARE "RESTLESS." Register dimen sions—Length, 107 feet 3 inches; breadth, 24 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 10 feet. THE GOVERNMENT-BUILT BRIG " PERRY. Register dimensions—Length, 124 feet 4 inches; breadth, 25 feet 0 inches; depth of hold, 12 feet 3 inches. THE SCHOONER "DAN magi" Register di mensions—Length, 87 feet 9 inches; breadth, 25 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 2 inches. THE SCHOONER "C. P. WILLIAMS." Regis ter dimensions—Length, 102 feet; breadth, 28 feet 3 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 8 inches. THE SCHOONER "MATTHEW VASsAIt." ne faster dimensions—Length ; 90 feet; breadth, 27 feet 7 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 2 inches. THE SCHOONER ' , NORFOLK PACKET." Re gister dimensions—Length, 108 feet; breadth, 28 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 9 feet 8 inches. THE SCHOONER "o. H. LEE." Register di mensions—Length, 98 feet 7 Incites; breadth, 27 feat 3 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 9 inches. Inventories at the Auction Store, No. 124 South FRONT Street, above WALNUT. Twenty per centum of the purchase money must be paid on the datof sale, and the remainder before the Tease/ is removed from the Navy Yard, which will be done 'within silt days after the day of SidOr J. COMMANDANT. fyl9, 22, 25, 28, aul, 4,7, 9, 10 AUCTION NOTICE. IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SALE, Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, itc. Samuel C. Cook, Auctioneer. ON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1.835, AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK. At 124 South Front St., above Walnut, WILL B BOLD, .For account of the Medial Bureau, U. B. A.., a large assortment of Drugs, Medleinea, se., In bulk and put up in army style at the United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia all all In good order being above the amount required by the Medical Department, comprising: 35,0001b5. Ex. Beef. [ 45,000 doz. Quinine Pills. 5,000 oz. Snip. Quinine. 20,000 doz. Opium Pißs. 5,000 lbs. Rochelle Salts. 115,000 yils. Isl.. P.t.v.sfer. 110,e63 Adhosin 110. 18,000 " oiled suk. 3,0410 ' 4 Oiled Kadin. [ 2,000 " Magnesia CPli. [ 2,500 lbs. . .5,000 " Epsom salts. 900 " Essential. 250 fIOZ. Olive Oil. 500 " Castor M. 50,000 lbs. Cont'd Milk. 10,000 " Acids, ass'd. 12,000 gals 2,200 lbs. Gum Arabic, 9,009 " Ammonia. 1,000 11 Chain, Flowers. 1,000 " Y. B. Arsenic. 1,000 " Assafcetida. 800 " Belladona. 500 " Rocha. 2,000 " Camphor. 1,000 " Cantharides. 1,003 " Capsicum, pd. 1,500 " Catechu. 1,200 White Wax. 1,000 " Colman Bark. 650 " Chloroform. 200 " Collodium. 3,100 " Copalba. 500 " Creosote. 550 " Cubebs. 23,000 " Med. Ext. ass'd 5,000 "Prep. Iron, assd 1,800 " Calomel. 1,000 " Mercury. 500 " J,600 .• ipecac. 1400 " Flaxseed. 800 gals. Olive Oil 1,250 tbs. Pow , d Opium. 1,200 " Ilyd. Potash. - - 2,5001113, sngar Lead. 3,800 Cream 'fteilr. 2,500 " CM°. Potash. 1,800 " Ref. Borax.. 2,000 " Black Tea. 20,000 doz. Camph. 12,000 " CatltartlePlllB. 1,500 lbs. Blearb r Potash. 2,500 " Syrup bquills. 2,000 " Patent Lint. 2,000 pieces Binding. 5,000 Towels. 3,000 Slop. Bandages. 320 lbs. nbuhatli. 1,000 lbs. Powdb.l. 25,000 Bandages. r, Cocoa , Mustard, Gina .oda, Oxide Zinc, Castile • Glasses, Surgeons' Nee : and Litters, Twine, &c. Nutmegs , Cloves, Pepp mon, Sal Soda, Blearb. Soap, Saltpetre, Cupplu; tiles, Scissors, Syringes, ed. with COaiosuea, three .1321-ttna Samples will bo arrang days previous to sale. AUCTION NOTICE LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. SAMUEL C. COOK, AUCTIONEER ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 18, 1886, AT HALF-PAST TEN °TWEE, No. 124 south Front St., libtoY6 WAlnuti WILL BE SOLD. for account of the Medical Bureau, 11, S. A.,lthe following Merchandise, mostly in bales and originill packaes, entirely new and in good order 50,000 natl. Blankets. 08,008 yards Linen Sheeting. 61,81a8i " Bed gacking. ~617334 " Linen Pillow Casing 15 55 5,753% " Colored Cotton.checir. 155 ' 753 % " Mosquito Betting. 21 4 030 " Huck Towelling. 18,932 " Shirting Muslin, 7,000 " Window Shade MINIM* 5,000 " Muslin. a,ls4 Muslin slieTat king, 1;852 " Vil9c l r " l9 26,000 pair Drawees .2o,ooo Socks. 10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wialliwra. 1,000 Counterpanes. 800 Hair tresses. 8 000 l'illow Gases, Gotten check. 10:0 , n Mow Ticks 50,000 Sheets, ALSO, 100 bales, containing 5,000 pair Blankets, nese, now , Jr, good order. CCU be examined Trill; catalogues three days pre- T ioue to gale. )1 13 , 17 . 26, 24, 27, 30.; sui t I, a, 4, is, 7. 9,9, 11, lt3, AUCTION SALES. LAi l BAZAAR NINTH AND SAN. ma STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CARICIADES, and! HARNESS. ON SATURDAY MORNING-, at Matlock, comprising SEVENTY HORSES. Stated to harness and the saddle, lncluding A pair or very superior dark brown Carlisle Horses, the property of 0 g en t le/11a° going Europe. A very superior bay Horse • trots In 2.48. A full spring Caffrey no-ton Wagon. A set of fine Harness , by t dilips, nearly new. A pair of brown Mules, le% hands high. A pair of huperiumultylnil bay Horses.. . A largo collection of do AL e' S 11), rahle new and second hand carriages, wagons, &c., with which .the sale will commence. Also, Single and double harness, saddles, bri dles. &a. sir No postponement nn account of the weather. SALE OP TWO HUNDRED UOVIGRNMENT HORSES. Every THURSDAY and FRIDAY MORNING. ALFRED M. REEKNESS, Auctioneer. AMUSEMENTS. THE GRAND CAIjIsTIVAI AT CAPE M-.ErYI FANCY AND CITIZENS' DRESS.PROMENADE AND DAL MASQUE, Under the auspices or Messrs, ABEL & RISLEY., the original projectors of La 00terle Hialudlos and a committee of gentleman sojourning, at Island, will be given at CONGRESS HALL,_ TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUI ST 9, 180.5 e The musical department will be directed by MR. MARK HASSLER, . • who has secured the best performers of the day. The Hotel and Lawn will be decorated and illumi nated, and every facility Worded for the, general enjoyment of the guests, suscription Tickets ea A Package of Two Tickets • 001. To he ontatned Risley's 1 1 / 4 :(2Wg Dopot,COlitmen tali Hotel PetersonN Bookstore, No, MB QilcnLnn street, and at Congress Hall, Cape inlaid TILE STEAMER "MANHATTAN" will carry excursionists front ARCH,ST. WHARF., on TUESDAY Morning at 9 o'eloclz. Fair, there and back, V. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET TEMA TV—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. GROTE & SlNN,,Losseee still Manager& The Theatre always Cool and Comfortside, FRIDAY EVENING . AUGUST 4, Will be presented the GLORIOUSLY SUCCESSFUL IRISH DRAMA, in three acts, by Dion Boueleault and E. li. House, styled • ARRAN NA POQUE; WICKLOW WMIDING,_ TWENTY&SIX TROUS - AND PERSONS Have witnessed tuns greot Dramatic matttdPrlikelel during th e past two weeks. It wtll be presented 6 with Its new and beautiful Scenery, wonderful Me chanism, superb Wardrobe, original Mesta, correct Appointments, and CAST OF BRILLIANCY AND STRENGTH, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August S. TIMID GRAND FAMILY BIAVNEE OF TDB SVMMER SEASON When ABRAM NA POGUE will be peiformed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AROII-BT. THEATRE. THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Augitst 184)5,_ FAREWELL BENEFIT OF ONE BUDWRTH, AND LAST NIGHT BUT OF HOOLEY'S - - - MINSTRELS. Last night of ARRAFI.NO-BROGUE. Flrdt ifight of WAITING FDIC THE VERDICT. Firgt u kat of ' Who Wed the Folll'oo l 4'4 ?" SATURDAY, BENEFIT OF ARCM( IDIOM& FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. OPEN EVERY EVENING. Highly successful Drama, in three acts, CROGHAN KINSHELA. EL NINO EDDIE, the most astonishing Child In the world on the Tight -sole; Splendid ppughoble Ihtree.s, FAMILY MATINEE EVERY §AV AFTERNOON. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, above Tenth—Open from 9A. M. till 6P. N. Benjamin West's great picture of CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition. fell ED UCA TION4b• VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY , MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL.—Terms very moderate. Thorough course of study in Mathematics English Classics, &e. Supplies the benefits of a' home. Surveying and Engineering taught. Boys of all ages received. Begins Septem ber Ch. Refers to JoIIN C. CAPP to SON. 23 South THIRD street; THOS J. CLAYTON, Es q,,, Firm slid PRUNE t Mr, 6EOTWE F. KNOTT. 35 HUDSON Street. Number limited. Address Rey. J. HENRY BARTON, A. M., Greeth Pennsylvania. nit 4-3111 VEMALE COLLEGE BORDEN TOWN, N. J.—The, WI. ik ?SESSION of this INSTITUTION will commence SEPTEMBER, the 18th. A few vacancies only INITLRIII. For eata logues, containing terms, etc. Address, Rey, , TORN id. ERAKELEY. A. President. -01-OIIIsT T JOY- ACADEMY, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYL. VANIA.—ThIs old and well-knowu 1115MMion Wilt be reopened for the receMion of boardinginipils on the SECOND TUESDAY OF SEPTEMBER, the 12th. For particulars, address the Principal. au2-14t. L. IL GAUSE. THE MISSES CABBY AND NI'S BEEBE will reopen!wiling, and Dar School for Young Lathes No. 703 ArA.LNIIT MI Street, on WEDSDAY: the 20th of Sept. ant-21n• RUGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. 1226 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is designed to rival the beat schools of Ulla colindry and or England., Its tern of instruction and Moog-dine, Allan the fuit truss of Its classical and mathematical enure°, hose preparing for college will be tined to take a high stand In their class and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim also to prepare young men for business or professional life: Circu lars, with full information, can be had. at 1226 Chest nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH, A. Principal. Rarnwaxcus.—Caleb Cope, Esq., Ron. Wm. D. Rena, Hop, Jog, Allison, Alexander Whilldin, Thomas Potter, Esq.„.k. H. Franeleemis Enia H. r. Pt, Blrkinblue, Esq. ityls.mwf4m IRENSBELA:ER POLYTECHNIC IN• STITUTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Session of this well. known School of Engl. neer3ng end Natural Science, wilt commence Sept. 13th, 1313, The Now Annual Register of 1585, giving fUll Information, 704iy lie obtained by Prof. catABLEs DitoWNE, Director, Troy 4 N. ri attl-aDt* MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN, PA., with char tered privileges, superior advantages, and a pa tronage of 150 pupils the first _year, reopens Sent. 6. For eireUtare, address Rev. IL L. 11OA. 6L, President, ma-Um A . R. BEOB'S SCHOOL AT LIT/A . £- 1 - Lancaster county, Penna., intended for a lim ited number of boys between the ages of seven and eleven years. Thepupils have the advantage of living in the Principal's family, and being under his constant care. For terms, .4e., avnly to jyza.lm R. BEGS, Principal. PAE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the first WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues, containing Terms and full Infor mation, apply to its Principal, 3y28-6W WILLIAM F. WYERS, A. X. WOODLAND UNWARY.- NOS. $ and 10 WOODLAND TERRACR, Wait Phia ladelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING- SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrilt. tire. Fail Session commences Sept. H. For Circulars apply to ,ly2l-2m. REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. AILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN P STritTTP, at YOUNG, LAM M N, W, 00 4 qter and EIGHTEENTJI Streets o of CHESTNUT t.- xnerty at MO Arch greet.) Bev. CHARLE A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1288 and 18M Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box MI. jzto.nnw REMOVALS. pEMOVAL,---131XEDIOT MILLER, UMBRELLA and PARASOL Mastifacturer has removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. Jy27-Imltv REMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON de CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSP. TORY to their old place, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert Hall,) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re eelTe orders for every description of first-Chl“ work. June. 7, 1985. jOl-11ni EXCURSIONS. a t igamti CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROADS FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, UPPILS FERRY, AT 8.30 A. M.f at 1 S AND EXPRESS. Das 2,30 P. M., rt, SSENGKR. Due at 0.15 r. 4.30 P. M,, EXPRESS. Due at Me P. Fare, $3.00. Servants. $2.00. {o be used 5 t7 L I :AN s igV ;IgioCouponl crib" ILIT:EirIitran .B MILOA Vag:ln:Lir Freight daily from Bandford4 Wharf, below Spruce street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.80 A, M.. Mall; 8 A. , M., E xpress; 6 P. M., Aecommodatkliat A. 211. Freht. J. VAN lIENNELAVT, 15u" PI/ITADaLYBIA, July 24, 1865. b 1141141 , CATAWISS& RAIL. s L... ROAD COMPARL—Tts Tourists and Travellers—Excursion season of 1814. Lake Ontario, 'Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, Portianal, Tile Runlds of tat, Law- White Mountains, reuee River, Won Itipringe Montreal, Ste.,, etc., ate., dkar St Quebec, e, ate., Tickets for the above Excursions, which hart been so long and favorably known to the Philadel phia public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the CATAMWSSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OP. E, 42,5 CHESTNUT StreetFl, C under Philadelphia Bank. wimp full informotion will be ulven• M, VAN HORN, Passenger Agulko J3'22-flu 423 CHEnTNirt Orese- • aIINERM CAMDEN AND Av. LANTZ() RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July lit, 180, trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on klundiy. TsteuiB LEAVE VINE-STREET VIII= as follows: . . . tipecial ria4lnion 7. 0.50.4., Xt... 80A,asW Mail Train Freight, with pa Haeuger Car attached.... 0.15 A+ Ms Express (through In two hours) 2.00 r. iii. Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 P. Xs RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 6.47 4 1 Me Express (through in two hours) tett A. IL Freightowith Passenger Car attached.... 11.47 A. DE, Mill Train ~, ~,,,,,,, ,„„ 4.4 s P. X. special RlOlirsion. „. , tall In P. ilit SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Tine-street Ferry at 7150 A. EL Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4.45 FiA Fare to Atlantic, 12. Round-trip Tickets only for the day and train on which they are fieued, $3.. . JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. ' Leave Vine-street Ferry at '5.86.P. EL Leave lel l i t Cl l llADWONViiii'D Ilitiga2B. A. 1114 t , ,, Leave Vine-street 'Ferry at 10.15 A, bl• and toe P. IMO Leave Haddonfield at 1L45 A, M. and 0.45 P. X. N. R.—Freight must be delivered. at Cooper , * Point before 0 o'clock P. M. to insure IP; going sideni the next day. . JOHN G. BRYANT, )e2B-tfAgent. wmfflig EXCIIIIRSIONS TU LONG BRANl9ft.'"Traltitai Long Branch trlll 10119 e Cooper's Po n ( daily (Sundays excepted.) at 9.16 A. M. __FA ht. Excursion Tickets, good for three days, sib: in train on Saturdays at 4.90 P. M. Beturningostiii9o. at Camden at 9.10 A. M. MonditY. PM -2 m - L, B. COLE. Agent, Claindes. PABINRT FURNITURE. moons a CAMPION. son SOUTH SECOND STREET. are prepared to renew the dgeline in the market tat the pries of their rertitaret W Parehatiere 'o l .opla O and enemas* our ate*. RN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers