itIMIVALS AT THE HOTELS* The Continental. Tpo i Boston 811 Runic, ritt...hoete .41'1; lit-1.--.15.T *: t r t i i t ocv. i F k lo u 3 i - I , i s e i t , i ( t . e p i , - I.4 X L. ewYork X York Sill-11-311‘...kiliat:ri.s-`..:.j..b11e John II Peet, New York :. 1 Ten) Ben) M Hodges dr, Balt. 311 ,, J Me.‘,;,, - ..:. T e nn Mrs_ Bodges S . ; 3‘chil Balt 311 ''' V N ''''..: - ;',; -. olk 31r..: 11 B Stewart ' . :las A. -I '.'n . --,;:,.,, 1 ..)-k I, Sllnrrlgo. 11 Sz Sarcalh - Nor York A C Labriskie. - New York Julio II ,)-,",":: o der. X Y.Mrs Labriskle & ..unt, S Y alr , 4, 1 ".;:` '',,, N York It A George. Pit t-dittr , 111 . - 3 1 • t ''''''' . X Y Miss A George, Pittsburg *•V• 111 fvf,. •1 / I•' I) ,' ,'k .011. isYork disc A Coltart. Pittsburg 1-qt.,Ve':‘,io'bi.. Itieltntoptl Johan McCune, .1 . . la. VV. F .%. l oid.osn. 7,), I. ork Wm Thoni pson.Pit 1 sbarg ~ • berm brooklvn 9 Norrnent. W. 1,41 :....'l-011,ailiertt [' rune' Mrs Norment&. eb.Wash ,refillCaoaden_ 'N York Mist) Norturlit. Wash do - s 'Wainwright, N Y 1311S:4 Fowler ; 3 . ‘ :a4i ~ I: Its untley. 111 tsburg . m s:anford. Erie, P . a. I. W Rogers,Dayton,o!N N e wburgh. (1111 , 1, 0 .1 11 Temple A.l 1.11. La I.lohn 31 h., . • - • IV -Mauer. Pittsburg 11)11 l'eadtr, Wohio 'Atoll Ed 31111t.r. l:ineinnatl. OJI 31 tilePhish• l laßiotura 31iis L E3l iller, Cllll.llll ; lerailk Coiby, New Yuck 31r, E J iiiiller. Cinein ~t .1 Fre null .3: la. N 0 311, , Brae.: 31 Niue,. CM F II Koilm-1 . ) - . Pittsburg Ceo D Leaf. iteallng !Miss King, Pittsburg W L Campbell, tt,ueling. Miss Brown, Pittsintrg L Wyeth, V OnliillLT W W Wright. Wash JOllll W, Cell. iN,C.I illg ,'S. C . Tyri4ol.l, US A W A Crisrfnril Lt. CM .1 I. Semple, Louisville A Green 8„ p i _ 3tilwaukee, Col C 31 Linn E Brooke. P.•,,,,,y1 ,,, 0 10 ... 1 . 1 3latern & In, Zaneay C t:teitninte,, & ii,. X Y 1 Edw iiietilyn, New York II C 31,Cianzs. Ilailiinorel AM Guthrie, Pittsburg 1.1 Howland. Sew York II W (Innate, Pittsburg E B Allem I...avenwortliMr Earle & la A F 7:11111110 man. Penne, ',Miss Knight, New York ,I A (.o.4i.tize 111. Mass IJ T D Skillman A wf. Mo c S it autiblati. (`))1 umbia IDr .1 II Ilayes,Wash, I) C I. A Moltke. t'ilv Point IC AV Lord. Daltitnore IT 11 Frerlkpiambaltim'el Dr Dimling til Is, M.I T I: Pressfilßan. Ilan im'e 11 B Barney, New York 11 11 Porter. Baltimore A C Shull %, NOV York ,1 X Neuhaus, tit Lonis Jlt 'Holmes, St Louts 1 Ell iggins..l r. Baltimore!C E Chenerv, California 4 . 11 e `ell. I_l t lea 'l O Cowin, New York T li trXeit, titlesE For New York :\.l . Pillow. Mont real I J Gorlti. New Y ork 11 Tindall & will J bloodline & wife 11r , Knight. Nen' York iC W Crary, US Nll. Win Kin, 011 cit.; 1 FI(.IAV Detcraead, Georgia II It Dsohorly.New York . T Denweao, n:iithoore C A Walker ,i: la. Illinois. I' R Voorhees, LT 8 N ~ 1 leidelberg, Cupe3lay .1 W Vorbitrglt,Baltiinore 31 Morganstern. Pittsb g U%V Pulliam, N Carolina 81. Yl:l,lmtan, Pittsburg G C Rickert, Washington. W C'Crunipburn.St LonislG .1 Doll, Maryland .1 L 31,•Leau„ New Jersey N II Derr, Maryland Win F Witte. l'enn a Miss L Wrigh ,N York John 1 1 Bowe. Bo:- ton C W Bottler, Jr, Wash tient 1Y Yollge,, CS A J B McCrary A la, Plata ( cut & la• ll S N E McCrary, Philadelphia Henry Baldwin. Boston. Miss A.:Meer:lrv, Pllll9 I; et, FROlller, Poston Mrs J S Dliworks, Penns W w Warn.. tto,ton W R Deiries, Baltimore 1. Il A. mu, lto,tott Mrs W R Deiries, Bait Mrs 1.0- 1 dams. Poston Miss Deirles, Baltimore S 11 Hal terslmer. U S N brawl. Mrs Anderson, Penna - Mrs Wilrinnison, Penna 3Uss E Auedrson, Prima Miss A Anderson, Prima IC Anderson, Penn. 3Easter Anderson. renna ;tt H W Creigh, Prone A 31C Wood, New York IC+ Mears, 1 [ nut ngdou co M F Medlar % son. Penna T Young, New York NF Clark; New York W Colder, Ilarrlsburg Brlggs_._llarriql oirg D 1) Boas, - Ilarrlshn rg 3 C Kunkle, Itarristalrg Itirq I3ubldg, Lancaster :IR:K:6 Wrier, Penne 3lrsT "Marklarol Pittsburg F FoliptCMttsborg iMrs ,EolNer,a son, - Pa ;Jacob D C . Thou liFeardper • The 411; s Frow IL Baltimore 1: Law thar. W .. to}i•]]. Illinois Mi.— Nogg•}.tl:u•rislmrg J nue*, liarrislig 11131eKee. t• W lloY 2% .driek,Capc•lsl'd Mr,: IV .. v:11. Mooint burg Air, Boyd. Sunbur,y rrislrg, F Dolen. Nell. York 31r., I, Itolvti ch, N Y Dun S. In (in. 0 • E.l Skater S: AvE Balt. A 11 stlitillz, Ncr: York 11" ;••I•4arp. 110 0011 Nr* E 3l:crter 0 7. 4 1.1.1,1.: .1 D lirugumv. Wash}) C Mr, E .I.:nyr:ot & ch,D.O 111 1%111,11,1 , 4,k & wE. Pa Wash I rlttb'g Captain ikty A II 4.OllllVr. Delaware en; t ' SPear 111., .1.1 eii am :Man, S S Beinictletjialtimore ,I‘ll Yrazior, Baltimore Y - J Warren. Neu' York Jas Dull, Wu sliinuton. A W Nichols ,t, wr, Wank A Bishop .k. NV f. Wa;11. ,J Doyel, California Wolin Lighten. N Jersey ~ r F IlEarsli, Washington I) E Bishop, Baltimore ' E W Brown . , Washington James Mullion Geo P Capen John AlcLatta - Min Briggs, New York A Carney, t-t Joseph Vosburgh. Noss York L Curran. Nen - York F P Dunn. New York P Lout:in:ad, L F V It Neil. un,yivania II 11 Patton. Diltiintße F B Fisher. Baltimore C B Getz, Baltimore . H 811.1111111011, titorgetown .7 obn lI Dawron, Virginia Hogh Carroll In Marshall, Boston c Aeker. Washing,ton Jos A Schloss lt' luorgen Dr W I 1 l:0min, Wash Aug Prosper], Wash :•. 4 A Shnmerton. USN lion J A IC iohoh. , on. Del John 11 ieholson, Del 111loulnlrat, D noels 11" IN <I Denry, Eiktoll.3id 11 1) hl Howard, 31d , M=l 111 , Young, IL:mover, L'a John IA" Livingston, N Y . v Rogers, Ilartforti,Ct Coin Crabb. S N !J N George. Lehanon,Pa 'Jacob W Stiller, Balt ' J ulitt Berry, Baltimore &elm Young, Baltimore S Turner, Ball (mu re. C Crone, Baltimore 'Jos C Mitchell, Balt IS Forney. U 8 N S S Detwiler, Columbia IM M Striekler, Columbia H Latimer l'enna ,Sirs 8 Small, J r.lo ra Miss Sally B Small,renna J E Mt:Dom - 01, Ponta WLWltaritt.Frsuktin.Ps. F Britt. itsltingt on Mrs B F Bemiett. :Mass Mrs S T Pyttrcv C son, Ma 1: Cohen, Wa, : laugton ETey. Harrt&nu B Perusing; oil. Del Henry rellrill%410!). Del N Slfriggs. Nvw York P H Vitafttr, 'Wash The Merchants. A Loam. col - York jP Worth, Chester co S liotb:Mentl , . Wis J Bristol, Middleton It Block. elark.,,ille 111 W Baker, Penua lbi M.orri. - New York; Miss L Houston, Penna. A Harris, Mcninhi: ISM liel/ough. Lancaster Mllessbery, Biclunund F. Lehman, Chicago F (401(1,411u R. Ri. ionond IC S Lucas, Penint J H rakc, INelina,nd S Delerose, Baltimore Sr. Soul. Virginia Henry S Ronnie J . )1_1) 11 11, Lexington, B.y , J if Chlhoun, Connecticut Join Cox. New York H M Hundlett, U S N . John Vogel. PiitArarg C IP Wagner, Scranton C A Eaten. Chicago B Hirsh, Cincinnati lire J 11 Lott a.l; reensbg IT J Forbes, Sew York W Jack 1W A Dean, Harrisburg „ fir d - Eitz wf. Perna C Snavely, liarri.sbari C T Pitt, Daßime, Et W Himmeirtgh, Pa it llagho.4. Penult P W Himnielrigh, Pa tik Sawyer. liar? 7 Stone, chambersburg ti Woodliarv, DFass Mrs Good.& sou, Peuna it ii Multleitherg atf,PaT Beitler,Gettsborg, ii g Fulton, ('_rut r. co 0 Mull, Nashville .1 E Mee rn e, ilarrisbg is J Pritchard, 17 S N 11 'Edwards, lotts - 011e iJ It Durand, Baltimore F Worth. Chester co IE Hyde Park, Ps Mifflin cc IT Ii Diftenhach. Marietta _ l‘tisstittrenbaeli, Marietta E C Beck, York. Col d J3cbwariz.Cllicago 1. 111 York lc A Roberts, COMI Hays, Cleveland N Blumhard, Newark L Blumhard, Newark ISE , Payne, Towanda Efork IV B Watitiv. Virginia ti W 31tul...NVAV York - W Ralston fi witv t Brnwnold, Cap, May 13 Daman. Pittston EMM?= erlean. The A '6 r(110115. Pcmia Dtrz.llrbaraz, L Akiadia .. 1 1 .1 J Hogan, New York B uati, vmetonatt, Uoio A Rho'Lange, Cio.iaoati. A M Crane, Vermont J T Anderson, Indiana, E C Waples, Delaware J P Windsor. Milten,Del 015 Douglass N Jersey Jos Sltentital, ' Baltimore Jl,Rieggi, Baltimore 'D . I Drag:Reeve, N Jersey I S DYrkkett, N Junicy W R Ripley. Boston I E F Crane, Baltimore C, A Heurlykoll, U g N P J Hughes IC 13 Goodrich.. Syrnense W H Ilutchiu:3, Mu • Dt 1/111 . 119)1k, 1 . 1.111111 P. nun, Mss rerklas, roma Geo I/ Johmoo, N York , Jas 7.11 Flood, L N J E v. Jr, N Y Win tikroal, Iloston RH Wainwright . Unite E Lamb, Germaotolft T Myers. Balthuore McCarty, Bethle'm br01zen , ,, , ,), ii barlingtor ..(7 w. DaV't 1 At King, Waterford A Harvey, A lta ru ! lffe ri,ipipA, Jr, Noweastlel ,14,1 . 1truL-ras T Blake The Union. PII Pricker. Neivr, Pa 1 John Stroh' & wf, Ohio 6 Kroninbur,, , ilarrish'g Miss btrohl, Ohio ()Wild t la. New Jersey,Cha.Q Muller, California J lc Webb. Maryland ;Mrs C Q Muller, Cal .1 11 Y01:11:, Mass ID P Greth, Reading Thos IV lazvis, New York; E. I) Sterling, Norrolk,Ya J 1) •loLin,tru. 191t:iburg Mrs Slocum, Norfolk, Va W Ilauan. r. PittoAtrg i John M Kolloek, MI?, Pa 1' 11 Terlome, NI.-1V York' Joshua Thompson. N.l S White. Nrw York L Lawrence, N Jersey ..1 . Lanlz. New -York Ili (5 \V Heener, rt Carbon 1.7 F : - Juit b. 1.51,11.01 a. I%[ G "Paper I) It k•i:10. Pi. , !lvlllii lilenry Ificontom, MI toy :Uri sc ,, W Twining, Penns JI. Suydam, Om rles co i Jos H Higgins, N Jersey ,lames . N Mohr. - Penns A Nevin, Cape May. I', it Dull, Pittsburg I The Commercial. (J E Jones lA. Evans. Pottstown E G - Howard, Maryland IJas Geddes, Long Branch D Weh,ter, Lane co,Pa & SOIL, Paß Wehstsi.Lannc co,Pa:Thos POILELIL F Leak; Lane eo, Pa Mrs 3111 Shantz,Capellay hos Sloan, Oxford. Pa Miss Carrie Shantz '.l Frank Davis. Chester co ;Miss Mary Brown, V Manson. St John, N B Gen A Becket t.Cape May ,Msialt Phillips. Penna John S Paxson, Ponta es Mercer,M CM 'Ace co .1 H 11111, Doylestown .10111 llr IC C Hickman. it Chester 'rhos J Marsh, Lane eo It W Levis, W Chr.ster E Hamer. Illinois Vilu B Hickman & wr, Pa Eachus. Chester en 31ise E E Hiekinan, Pa Wm Mater IMiss E H Mutat:lt, Penna David, Zook. Mt Joy ;Miss 31 x Matlaek. Penna. J H Barmanj Geo B Matlack. Pcnna .r Harvey Ijas J MeCox IJos .1 - antes. Unionville I - 1 p:.lsleredith. N .S .1 Barrett, Fenna ==6===tEnli= The Stat J De Cook..3f . elephis Simon If litet; ! J IA.111;111(1, Ncir 1 Alexandra, New Jerteyi J Hartly, Neu Je:,,3el A Speak & ly C Lanion es union. Tlt Torn, Lancaster, Pa Weblicr, Duel:* co, Pa ,31 Hoffman, :Kew York '.l Dennison, New York M Cincinnati dII 11 lon, Elkton.M ltawlin6, Elkton, Mil 1) Smith ?! I' Long, Buif4lo If \Callus, John-town 1 Altnmherp.r lc, Pa Ali, Kate AV l'a .312,s Am] Wilbu.), I: s;upiwas & chi:trn, A Town.send, Pt,nna. If 11 Lynes, 11oylestown T Ewing Georgia M. , C.gmag-o J AleKindlev, Detroit It C Frnini & wi, Del 14 S Bisbee, Pa. ===El d Eagle. FTmery, Penna IR Yerkes, Quakertown D S Grally. White Marsh IL P L ai r., jH McNair, Midf/MOwn M Payne, Gressoum Stahl !t; II Knerr, Lehigh Val iMr Clarkson, Sell I Laren Ti Auspoeh, Le ,:non G F . Kinsey, Quakertown The Thal .TlTraring A Bertrand. Reading T!: : Tutler- Atl,ntown Pthild. Ore fi eld r Huber, Ric7.1,15,111e 4 Frmoceltc.r. Eoston AV .;Anna.,. Qcol.:crt , n Selloyl!iill co Frook II Kto LYNTIIItZ. noun EJSIIIIO3 Penn:' C li Lictr CB , llerks co The Barley Shear. T Fleck. Monigoniery co 'On Cheslett, Chicago Jotin J Penna. :David Nixtlians fONIM A lierkheinier. Pee na Beavisiey,'N Y F 0 Daniel, M I) ID V.r C Fretz, Chicago Geo Ilovlestown IV Gardner. Perna Miss Thompson, - PCIIIIa IG C Swayge, Hyde Park d Reading, Hatboro The Madison. - I; A Roget, Nowoort, ; Geo riancroft,llarriiburg le wi - 410r & rennajJ S &Its, tiorcbury Alfred Ford. 3in rv:autt A P N J W Wintane, N 0 Fel() ry, St roil d.iln.r Cunuolly !Johu Tucker, Norristrru E Maddox, it althuore The Black 'Rear. AS Smith, Allentown IA Weiss, Easton B S Koons. Ali, , ut own iF tiarslauer, Easton Crotts, Pittsburg, :C Ohier, Easton P Pursel. Wilkt:sbarre iG Schlotert;r, N Wales Dr Fry, Cooper -town SPF:CIAT- NOTICES. eIrEVAMER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR restore Gray Hair to RS ORIGINAL COLOR; strengthen* and promotes the growth of the weakest hoir; stops its falling ant In three days; keeps the need clean, cool and healthy; can be used freely; contains t°l2, lna injurious; TUE BEST HATS-IMPSenal EVER OFFekko TO TUB PUBLIC; It is recommended and ased by the first medical authority. Sold at the drug-stores and at my oftice, No. liZd Broadway, New York. I assure all persons the above preparation will do an that is Oloiolod for it. JY6-tuturau .ARATI A. CIIEVALIER, M. D. CHAIN Bur:Ts PERMIT CHAMBERS OR oilier doors to bi lab ily opened, and thus promote ventilation, while :.ley are as secure as other bolts. - Various pattern, for sale by TRUMAN Br, SHAW, 1335 (Ewa Thirty-tive) MARKET Street, 'below Ninth. It SARDINE , OI'ENERS OP SEVERAL PATTERNS, Champagne Opeoer:s. Cork Drawers, awl a variety of Cork Serews:. arc forsair by Tit UMAN SH AVlri 1 :0.835 (Eight Thirty-five)MAItKET Street, below PlOta,telpt.ia. .ELLING SUIT:AEU. CLOTHING AT RE MUCITAD Pit tcEs. Selling off Cuienier Clothing at TtedneetlPrietts. -Selling oil soomw, clothing at Inzoltte,,,l. :Selling off Sutelner Clothing at Reduced -Selling off &Wither Clothing at Reflimell Prices. :Selling oir 'Summer Clott:lng Redneed Selling off Summer Clothing at 'Reduced rate,. Selling off Summer Clothing at Reduced .Selling of Summer Clothing at Itedueed :cling off Summer Clothing at Reduced Prices. PERI: Y CO., PE ItIZY & CO., PERRY & CO., PERM' & No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, No. 609 anseTsur St. (Stokes' old stand.) 7 0. E. Corner of . SIATRM and Itiattsaw OM (Joao', Two BAD CASES or PILES CDDr4l..wr DR. STRICKLAND'S PILEMEMRDY. Mr; (}last, of Janesville. Wisconsin, writes for tae benefit of all who suffer With the Piles, that be has been troubled for eight years - with au aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged frorti the army as Incurable, (he being quite &rely:Led. With the rites.) Both these distressing caseswere cured with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought' #0 COnVillee those suffering that the ',sat aggra vated chronic cases of Piles are cured by - Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. Jyl-stuth-am BETTER THAN OIL WELLS.—THE Valuable possession on tart is good health. PLANTATION BITTERS Are an excellent preserver of the health and Tiger of the whole system. They quiet the nerves. • They cure Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. They create a healthy appetite. They cure Cramps and Cholie. They purify and invigorate the system. They cure Headache, Constipation, and Bilious ness. They require no change of diet. They instantly relieve distress after eating. They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Callsaa bark, win tergreen,•sassafras, roots and herbs, alLpreserved I n perfectly pure St. Croix rum. For particulars, see circulars and testimonials around each bottle. TnT TIM!, AND nr; OtturD. jyH-Gt KENDALL'S AMEOLENE.—Have you tried it If so, you approve of it. Of course the re markable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has been solely created by its merits; for, when once used, it is not likely to be afßindoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. .171-am ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SALT 'RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT 'RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price. 50 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS It POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for warded free Dy Maß. For sale by all Druggists. roltlB-asi M r " PRICES REIITCED. /KIP WANAMAREII & BROWN, air Popular " Kir Clothing /111 , Rouse, Air OAR BALL, S. E. cor. Sixth and Marltst MARRIED. ASHLEY—HAAS.—In Camden, N. S. , o tie 'l6Gt Instant,- by the Rev. T. 111axwell Reilly. M. A. Geo. M. Ashley to-Mes Caddie Moto. • - - SILLIAUN.--On the 31st July, Capt. James Will man, Co. A 231 M Regiment Penna. I et. VOIS. His Mends iinti reliow-sohners are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral., from the reaidenee Of his father, Centre stroet, Pottsville, 011 August 2d, at 3 o'eloek I'. M. * IVES.—At Ingleside. N. J., on Sunday evening, July 30,1865,0 f cholera infantum, Merritt Waistrom, son of George and Margaret Ives, aged 4 months. Funeral from the resh fence of his parents,No. Catharine street, on Tuesday afternoon, A ugust 1, at .5 O'clock. HEWLETT.—At her late residence, Oates avenue, Brooklyn, Monday. 24th ultimo after a lingering illness, Heen A., wife of S. M. Hewlett, aged thirty years. 'formerly of. Philadelphia. - * GULICK.—ton S titular morning, the 90th ultimo,, at his residence, near Pilueeton, N. J., Mr. William Guliek, in his 90th year. DUNGLISON.—At _" Hillside," Delaware coun ty, July 21st, Bella Bolder, youngest child of J. 'Robley anti Bella W. Dunillson, aged one year and five days. • MORI:Y.—On the 29th inst., Janies E., son of Har riet I. and the late John E. Morey, aged 2_l years. The relatives and friends are respectfully lay! ted to attend his funeral, front his mother's resi dence, Plank road, Germantown, near. Wayne Sta tion, on Wednesday, August 2d, at 4 o'cloek. To proceed to Laurel 11111. Carriages will leave the otitce of E. S. Earley. Tenth and Green streets. at 3% o'clock, to convey friends from the city to the funeral. MEM Boston papers please Copy. 11EIME.-0. the actin lnrit Miss "Mary A. Horse. The relatives and friends are (rutted to attend tier funeral, from tier late residence, No. 13 South Thir teenth street, on Wednesday nioruing,2d of August, at 9 o'clock. PATTERSON.—On the morning of the 29th, at Ills residence,_ in Bucks county, alter a short illness, Thomas B. Patterson, in the 58th year of his age. Ms relatives and male friends are respectfully in vited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother, Jonathan Patter,on, Jr., No. 10 . ...19 Girard avenue. on Tuesday morning tall O'clock. JONES.—On the 30th instant - , Catharine, wire of Jacob Jones. in the 12,1 year of her awe. The relatives and friends of the fani - ily are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her husband, No. 423 Richmond street, on Tuesday afternoon, August Ist, at 4 o'clock. To preccea to Hanover -street Vault. - SlJlNN.—Suddenly, on. the 29th instant, William Shinn, in the 51st year of his age. The relatives of the family arc respectfully in- Cited to attend his Inner:ll, from his late'residenec, No. la South Broad street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . . CASON.—Suddenly, at Brooklyn,on the 29th inst., William R. Cason, in the .15111 year of his age. The relatives and friends of tie family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral. front the resi dence of his mother-in-law, Airs. M. A. Matthews, No. 469 North Seventh street, on Tuesday,ist pro x , at MA. M., without further notice. Interment at Woodlands. [Nashville and Columbia, Tenn., pa pers please copy.) . MOURNING GOODS JUST RE CEIVED. Gray and Black English Chinties, 31 cents. Gray Poplins, 6'234 cents, Shepherd Plaid H - ointirs. 50 cents. Black and White Striped mohairs, centg, Black and White Plaid Scotch Gingham, 56 cents. Black Glossy Alpacas or liinhairs, F4l. BESSON & SON Mournin_g_Store, - 918 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. jy27 100 KfAUSE WHITE SHETLAND EYRE & LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARB, WIiiTES, BLUES, GREENS,_S:c. MAME LANDELL. - 1.2000 LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR HOTELS. IMMENSEOTS OF CHEAP TOWELS.. Cje26-03 EYRE tez LANDELL. Corner BROAD Essay THIS EVENING on Fossil Botany, by Dr. HORATIO WOOD. 41i. It PMEADIELPIIIik NOCIETY FOR nrr rROMOTINC AGRICULTURE.—August meeting at AunICULTURAL ROOMS, 71)2 N. UT Street,on WEDIVEBDAY (to-morrow) MORN ING, at 11 o'clock. anti-2t " THE SOLDIERS' PRO TE C TIVE UNION. , '—A meeting of this organi zation will be held THIS( EVENING at 8 o'clock, at the COUNTY COURTHOUSE. All returned volun teers are cordially Invited, n) order or the Corn- Hitter. JOTIN IRVIN, Chairman Coln. T. STREET, Secretary. it* igrACKNOWLEDGMENT OF noNA TIONS TO IT. S. SOLDIERS' AND SAIL ORS, HOME, OF PENNSYLVANIA, Alma gar risburg: J. ...... $lOO 00,Mrs. S. A. Aldrick. 00 bIM=ZI . . .. • .. .. , _ . Char.. L. Bailey 100 01/' A. King . .. 5 00 Dr. Geo. litilley.•.• 100 00101. Mrllbert ....... -•-. 500 W. Colder 25 00 , 31. Fun! - 5 Of) J.W.Caover 25 004. Uhiler 500 W. T. Ilildrup 25 0015. W. Ortlt 5 00 W. Knoche 25 00 1 Jolm J. (Myer 500 A. Hummel 50 00,8. C). Peters 5 00 D. - Flemming 20 001 Hamilton Allrick... 500 J. D. Cameron 25 001 Henry Fick .. 500 B. F. Kelker 20 00,iltont. W. McClure. 500 Jobn.T.3.lumma. .. 10 00' 1). A. Kepmer 100 W. F. Falmestocl, 10 00;J. Flemmlng • 200 1). MulOnla 10 00;Dantel Leedy 2 00 D. H. Hutchinson.. 10 0010.1tranntit 200 Her - . J. Colder 10 OWN. W. Fahnestoelc. 250 J. A. Weir 10 0010as11 J. W. Hall 10 00, Cash S. D. Young 10 00124 Durkee J. C. Po 10 OW Cash S. Levy 500 W. 11. Nick .... N. J. Jones 500 Herman Africk J. T. Barnetts 500 A. Y. Hatnlaels 5 00 P. 11. A. MARTIN. Superinten, BRIG GS GOLD COMPANY.— W DIVIDEND. —A Dividend of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE has been declared, payable JULY 31st, 1885, to Shareholders of Record July 25th, 1665. Transfer Books closed from July 25th to August Ist, 1885. WALTER E. LAWTON. larr" NAVASSA PHOSPHATE COW PANY.—FIRST DIVIDEND.—A Dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE has been de clared, payable JULY Slat, 1825, to Shareholders of ..lteeord July 27th, )865. Transfer Books closed from July 27th t 6 August Ist, 180. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, 131 JOHN Street, :Sew York. iny 3 ' TIONESTA OIL, LUMBER, AND MINING CO., OFFICE 433 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM N 0.2, 26, ISfia SPECIAL NOTICE.—The Transfer Books of the stock of this Company will be closed from July Path to August Bth , inclusive. I3v order, JAS. M. PRESTO.",T, 11'r etSecretary. OFFICE PENNA. CENTRAL COAT. AND OIL .E. Cerner THIRD and DOCK Streets, second CO., 'story. July 14, 1865. TO DELINQUENT STOCKHOLDERS.—NotIee is hereby elven that unless the assessment of twen ty-Hre cents per share called for by resolution of (Wernher, 1 &14, Is paid On or before Augost 4, 1865, a MUD dent number of shares to pay the sald assess• moot, with necessary and incidental expenses, will be sold, at this Wien, at public sale, at 12 o'clock, on that day. By order of the Board. jyls.lBt* ADA_3I WARTHMAN, Treasurer. Fr. OFFICE MANDAN MINING COM* PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PIIILADELMIA, July 18, 1845. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining company on which instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold at public auction on MONDAY the 21st day of AUGUST, 1885, at 12. o'clock noon, at the Mike of the Secretary of the corporation, according to the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. Jyl9-tau2l orOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVA NIA FIILE INSlntAricE COMPANY, 510 WALNUT btrect. At a meeting of the DirectorS of THE PENNsyr, VAN to FlitE INSURANCE COMPANY, - DANIEL SldiTll, Jr. Esq., was unanimously elected Presi dent of the Company M place of Jonathan Patter son, deceased. IVILLIAM G. CROWELL, Jy27-et • Secretary. 'NOTICE TO T/LX-PAYERS.—DE. PARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAXM. PiiILADELIIIITA July 27, 122.5. A penalty of FIVE (6i) PElt ()ENT. will be added on oh State Taxes remaining unpaid on and after the Ist day of August next. Signed, CHARLES O'NEILL, jy2B - itßeceiver of Taxes'. . UNITED STATES TREASURY, PHILADELPHIA, July 213, 1865. By order of the Seereotry of the Treasury, the business of this office will be conducted, on and after this date, at the -USiOm-souse linthunrc ARCH. McINTYRE, Assistant Treasurer U. S. OFFICE GIRARD MINING COM. PANY, NO, 324- WALNUT Street fiIILADELPII/A, July 18th, 1865. NOTICE Is hereby given that all Stock of the 011tAAD MINING COMPANY, on which instal ments are due and unpaid, is hereby declared for feited, and will be sold at Public Auction on SA TURDAY, the 19th day of August, JAIB, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, aceortitug to the Charter and By-Laws, unless previously redeemed. - By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, jyl9taul9 Secretary and Treasurer. cr. OFFICE OF THE LIILFILLAN OIL COMPANY Or PENNSYLVANIA.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Gilallan 011 Company of Pennsylvania will be held at their Office, 4E09 - WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the nth of AUGUST, at 3 oarlock P. M. An election for °Eileen and direutoni Will be hel d. j. 0. FRYER, jylStau9 Secretary and Treasurer, 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanikd for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid Induce. meats held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; g"od Day excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all farther information inquire at the Reeruit -InBB Rendezvous, NO 311 South FRONT Street, day, exceptabmiday.o9-44 Philadelpht , between . 'RTIRS HEYWOOD, M and 3 P. M. every 1 . 1.1 Captain and Recruiting (nicer. DIED. M:=M Total ?„409 50 . STYBIONS, Treasurer. dent. It - Treasurer 92 -TORN Street, New York MILITARY. WHOLESALE DRY. GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, igy the Piece or Package. AT AND UNDER MARKET RATES. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST. (WHOLESALE ROOMS, lIP STAIRS.) jy 15-1 m COMMISSION MOUSES. IPtAGSI BAGS 1 BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEABILESS, B BURLAP, AND GUNNY A G S i FLOUR AND SALT RAO.l'. ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY -& J526 -6m No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. - HAZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR THE SALE, OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READS STREET, NEW YORK. )e73-8m WILLIAM. BROCKIE, COMMISSION ,MERCHANT, 101 WALNUT street, Philadelphia. NWill continue the Commission business of the late of THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Advances made on PRODUCE vonsigned to RICH ARDSON, SPENCE; & CO.._ LIVERPOOL, and to eorreaondents 111 - LONDON, DELFAST, and GLASGOW. AUGUST 1, 1865. ftlll-11111f RETAIL DM( GOODS. CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING OUT GREAT BARGAINS IN • SPRING AND SUMMER;DRESS GOODS, CHEAP BLACK SILKS ' . Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Sled, without Lastre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, Or every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. 75c. Silk 'Grenadines reduced to 450. $1 Silk erenadtues reduced to ass. Bandstuae Silk Grenadine's reduced to 77..30.1 VA& New Styles OamtKio Lawns, 500. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, Mc., 6234 c„ 65c. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40c., 135 c., 75c. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, e 23.0., 750. Dress Goods, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT'REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped -White Swiss and Or. gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and Cambric& White Puffed and Tucked Muslin. H. STEEL" 41. SON, jyB-tr Nos. 713 and 7111 North TENTH Street. TPLANKETS, BLANKETS, BL A N., BETS.--All the qualities, at astonishingly low prices. A good pair of Blankets, all-wool, for $6.75. Eyery, quality of Blanket made; Ono Blankets in large assortment, Persons, by-buying at once, will save several dollars on earls palr. L. D. &W. H. PENNELL, 10:46. MARKET - Street, below Ele yoath. ; jy3l-3t FLANNELS. -WE OFFER ALL- Wool White Flannels at 37M cents per yard; part Cotton d0.,.3734., cents; good White Flannel, 45 cents per yard; full yard-wide White. Flannel for 6131 cents: Shawl Flannels for Infants, $1 and $1.50 per yard; heavy Shaker Flannel, 6234 e., a bargain; Bed. Cray. and Yellow Flannel, A very large as sortment of Flannels, all warranted less than usual prices.. We are offering great bargains in Blankets. to close out an tteeount by Ati"tist let. R. W. H. 1021 MARKET Street,. below Eleventh. sy3l-31 PLAIN BUFF PINK AND BLUE PETICALLES or French Chintzes. Plain buff, pink, and blue Jaconets. Pure white Shetland Shawls. White Shirred Muslins. Plaid and Stripe israinsooks. Plain Nainsooks Swiss Mualins, Cambrics, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape POPlinS for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines. EDWIN HALL At CO.. 26 South SECOND Street. N.8.--Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. Je2o-te VOOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND V MARKET, have Tin: best Oassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every hind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at Mc. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 55 and 65 cents. Extra tine black Mohair Alpacas, Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Delaines, Isl. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Dird-eye Linen, striped Muslim, finest Cambria' and Jaconets, puffed Musiins, Pique, dte. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. Je7-t( FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, Sac to 31.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. nna g s _ VERY %LACS. SILAS, • suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and ba_c_q_u_es. COTTON . GOODS /LT 1.-ESS . Tll N wHOIASALE PRICES. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 95c. 10-4 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetings, $l. H. STEEL t SON; MyB-tr Nos. '713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 628H00P SKIRTS. 628 HOPKINS' "ows MAICE" OF HOOP SKIRTS are manufactured of the best, Woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen finished Covering, Clasped at the side, alt the metallic fastenings and secured by improved ma chinery, - which entirely prevents slipping and be coming unclasped, rendering them superior to all other Skirts In the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On band and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 628 ARCH Street. ry26-Im* MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD F. KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 2 GO 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 mh.3-tt SPRING GOODS. EDUCATIONAL. MANTUA FEMALE SEMINARY, - 1 - DARING Street, below. Thirty-fifth West Philadelphia. A Dar and Boarding Schooli for Young Ladies. The next Term will open Sept. 4th. For eurniars apply to Rev. JOHN MOORE, aul-tut . Principal. "RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC IN STIT UTE, TROY, N. Y.—The Forty-second Annual Se , slon of this well. known School of Engi neering and Natural Selene°. will commence Sept. path, 1855. The New Annual Register of 1855, giving full informal ion, mil - be Obtained by addres:sin. , Prof. CHARLES DROWNE, Director. Troy. N. I P . au-1-30V MILITARY AND COLLEGIATE -A-IN STITUTE, ALLENTOWN - , PA., with char tered privileges, superior advantages, and a pa tronage of 150 pupils the first }ear, reopens Sept. 5. For circulars, address Rev. AL L. 11OFFORD, A. AL. President.. 'RUMNESS EDUCATION.-PRACTI CAL Instruction in Bookkeeping in all its branches, Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes. &c.. at CIiITTENDEN"S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 637 CHESTNUT St., cor. of SEVENTH. Students received at am - time, and instructed at such hours as nay best suit their convenience-Pi-3V TEACHER'S SITUATION WANTED. -s- Young Lady. competent to TEACH THE ENGLISH BIcANCRES AND FRENCH, desires a Situation in a School. Address "S. IL," office of The Press. 3y20 -31. CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA RY MANITEI3I street, GERMAN TOWN.—B. SHOEMAKER., A. M. PriuMpcit; as sisted in the different departments toy experienced teachers. The next Session will eouunence. SEP. TEMISER 11th. 1865. Four Boys. between tile ages of eight and fourleen years, will be received into the family of the Principal. For Cireulars.,_address B. SIIGENIAKER, corner of GE NTOWN Are. nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane, Germantown, PIM. ladelphia. REFERENCES: Rev. It. Newton, D. D.; T. C. Henry, B. 0. Godfrey. T. A. Newhall, F, Carroll Brewster, Esqs., and Rev. 'Strong. Sye-stut,t. A .• R. BECE'S SCHOOL AT LITIZ, .1-1- Lancaster county, Penna., intended fora lim ited number in' boys between the ages of seven and eleven years. Theupils hare the advantage of living in the Principal's family, and- being titticr his constant care. For terms, &e., apply to 3y214-lin ABItAIIAM IL BECK, Principal. THE W • EST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITANT INSTITUTE, located In the borough of WEST CHESTER, PA., will commence Its next Scholastic Year of ten months, en-the lirst WEDNESDAY, the 6th of September. For Catalogues. containing Terms and full Infor mation, apply to Its Principal, W2B-6w WiL.LIA3I F. WYERS, A. H. AATOODLAND SEMINARY.—NOS. 9 and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE , West Mt ladelphta.—A DAY AND BOARDING- sC HOOL for Young Ladies. Location bealthy, airs', and attrac tive. Fall Session commences Sept. 11. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2ne. REV. HENRY REEVES, Principal. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE, for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. cornet of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for. =aril, at IMO Arch street.) Nev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. P. Principal. Circulars at 1238 and 1334 011Polanit street. Or address P. 0. Box 2011. jpo-im• JONES HOUSE, CORNER OP 'MARKET STREET AID MARKET SQUARE, IILEIIIRISI3URAG. CHARLES H. MANN. PROPRIETOR. "AMERICAN HOUSE A " POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA., U. S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. This House has recently been re-opened, and In such style and character as will merit first-class pa tronage. 3y27-liu F ISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS. Every housekeeper in the city and country should use this excellent Can. It is the most con venient and reliable Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed In an Instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tits cap over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ringof cemented paper. The cement in the paper wet s by the heat of the fruit, and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. .IThe cap is .unfastened by unhooklug the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can. at J. McbtURTRIES , , 808 SPRING HARDEN Street ,iyia-ltnif ' rbiladelphlll,, THE PRESS.-PriIIADELPTITX; TUESDAY, AUGITST 1, 1865: JOIIN TELLY, PRINTING- AND STATIONERY. JAMES H. BRYSON'S JOB PRINTING AND STATIONERY EMPORIUM, No. J NORTH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia Established in 1845, and a FIRST SILVER MEDAL AWARDED FOR VIE 151=61Miww2rm This well.established • Printing and Stationery House bas superior facilities to execute all orders for the same. Printing, Stationery, and Blank Bootie of every description furnished with promptness and de spatch. upon the most favorable tennis for Cash. Our ispeelmen Books of Label Printing, and Cata logues of titationery, will be freely sent by mall, en receipt of postage of stamps, or by express If pre ferred. A supply of band-made Papers and Envelopes, so Much in denuutd, constantly kept on hand. Inks, Papers, and Blank Boots on hand. 6ipeclal Ruling and Manic Book work furnished to Order. Brysoll & SOLI'S Tablets, a new article, introduced by them, for every clerk, and extensively used by every neeonntant. All sizes on hand. CURTAIN GOODS. I . E. WALRAVEN, MASONIC, MALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, A FULL LINE OF LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, ENTIRELY NEW AND RICE DESIGNS, AT REDUCED RATES PINK, WHITE AND BLUE 31E 00 5i44, - "C.T "V Clo BARS, WITII PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, ALL SIZES, BEADY FOE USE. WINDOW SHADES, .OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. LEGAL. TTNITED OP STATES, EASTERN DIS •••• TIIICT PENNSYLVAIA, SCT. . . - - - - Whereas, the District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel tiled in the name Of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1882, that all persons who claim to have any Interest in the steamer HALIFAX, captured on the high seas, "to wit," at Halifax, on the coast of North Carolina, be mdnished and cited. Therefore, all persons who claim to have any Inte rest in the said steamer, are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city orPhiladelptila, on the TWENTIETH day after publication- hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not he pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore,or otherwise,liable to condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, D. S. Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, July 28th, 1885. 33,27-6 t 'UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS %-, TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—Sep. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel, filed in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D. 180, that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer FISHER, captured ou the high seas, to wit: near Edward's Ferry, on the Roaeolge River, on the coast of North Carolina, by the Picket-Launeh No. 5, and other vessels-of-war of the United States, be monished am! cited: Therefore, .all persons who claim to have any interest in the said steamer are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court. in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWEN TIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, ter the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to condemnation. as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD Marshal for E. D. of Pennsylvania PIIILADELPIIIA, July 26, 1865 Jy27-61. TTNITED EASTERN TRiar ON PENNSLVANu.—Scr. - - Whereas, The liistrict Court of the United States for said District, proceeding a Mel Mediu. the name of the United States, lin decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D, 1885, that all persons who claim to. have any interest In the Steamer COT TON PLANT and cargo, captured by the United States Steamers " lasco," and "Valley City," be monished and cited: Therefore, all persons who Mahn to have any lute- Mt ill the said steamer and cargo are mcmished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on tile TWE'STIETEI. day after publication hereof, to show cause whrthe said steamer and cargo should not beloronounced to belong, at the time of the capture Of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore or otherwise, liable to condemnation as a lawful prize. - The above is an abstract ox the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWAILD; - Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PnrLADELPAt&, July 28, 1865 . ~ jyta-Bt UNITED 'STA.TES EASTERN WS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—BM ' Whereas, The MORACourt, of the I:hilted States for said District, proboedbig on:a libel flied in thename of the United States,- bath decreed on .the,.2lst day °Ginty. A..D. 186.5, that all persons who ciaim to have any interest in the Steaniar EGYPT DULLS, captnred on the Mei seas, " to-Wit :" at Edwaraia • Ferry, on the Roanoke River, on the coast -of - 11 - ofrtr - Oarollua,by the untutd states steamer i! - Valley City," and othov ,ossehl of war of the Tinited ‘ Statcs be monished and cited Therefore; all - -peisous. - feho claim to have any in-. terest in the said steater•are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court in the city of Plilladclplaa, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States and therefore, or otherwise, lia ble to condemnation:as a lawful prize. The above Is an shatraet of the monition issued by the Court In tile said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. H. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, July 28, 16.e.5. Jy27-et UNITED STATES t EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—Sur, Whereas The District Court of the United States for 'said District, proceedingon a libel, aged In the name of the United States. hath decreed on. the 51st day of July, A. D. 1865, that al persons who' claim to have any interest in THIRTY-NINE HALES OF COTTON, captured on the high seas; "to wit, on the Roanoke River on the coast of North Carolina by the; steamer " Valley City," a yeasclAif-war oi l the United States, be monished and cited. Therefore, all nereons who claim to have any in terest-in the said thirtpnine hales of cotton are monished and cited to oppose before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said thirty-nine bales of cotton should not be pronounced to belon, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to con demnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. _ . . WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of reurut. PRILADET,rmA, July 26th, 1865. jy27-8t is NOTICE IN PARTITION.—Notice hereby giVen that a writ in partition in which Edwin Dyer Is plaintiff, and Anthony Sehoder and Mary E. Schoder his wife Thomas B. Jacques, Samuel:. Jacques, Isaac S. Jacques, of Samuel C. Jacques, Ellis Lewis, Robert G. White, and James Lowrey are defendants, hasissited out of the Court of Common Pleas of Tloga county; Penn sylvania, bearing teste the eighth dar'OfJUV, A.D. IOAS ret‘Mmible on the last Monday ofAugust then next, asking partition among, the aforesaid parties of the following-described piece or parcel of land situate in Bless township, TiOga county, and State of Pennsylvania, and described as follows: begin ning at a beech and running thence by lands of Samuel Wallis south 40M degrees west 200 perches to a beech: thence south 49;4 degrees east 174 perches to wpost: thence north 4ey. degrees east 115 perches to a birch: thence north 234 degrees WrSt, 166 perches to a hemlock: thence north .W.r degrees west six perches to the place of beginning: containing lfis acres and allowance, more or less, with the appur tenances surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. 613, granted to Jeremiah Rees. Which said writ is now in my hands, all of which the aforesaid defendants are hereby required to take notice. LEROY TABER, Sheriff. Wellghoro, Julyl9, 1365. 1314-mat REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF LOOKING-GLASSES. JAMES S. EART,E & SONS, 81.6 CHESTNUT STREET, Hive been able to make a REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OP THEIR LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL P AINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHRO3IO-LITHOGRAPHS, RUSTIC FRAME-S, to whim attention tgAiseeted. A hull stock, of ELEGANT MANUFACTURE and most SUBSTANTIAL AIATERIALS, always on hand. 110G-ERS' GIMOTIP'y comprising sixteen subjects, -war and immorous; sole agency. J.b242,8 B. EARLE & SONS are prepared to fill orders for goods, deliverable In the autumn or winter, at prices more favorable than they may be at those seasons. Mlrrors,.of every character, made to order, to till Mantel*, Piero, Walls, Saloons, and Cabins' of Ves sels, &e. GALLERY co. PAINTING `open free, .1317-12 t SPECIAL NOTICE.-THE FOLLOW*" !NU described 7-30 United .States Treasury Notes of the current Issue, were stolen from the Safe in the Office of 'HOWARD & CO.'S EXPRESS, in the Vlllav of Troy, Pa., the night of the 25th All persons, Arius, and corporations are hereby castles/ 4 d against...receiving or negotiating the un dermentioned notes or bonds, as all of the same rrre stoieu, - aud.ilds•Company,elabos' the; right to ecover the possession 01 said notes and 'bonds whenever suirWliet 4 ever they end find the same. 4 1) Seven-ThirtY, 'United btates Notes,' faJO each, numbeied Prow 102037 to 163,766, both Inclusive, 50 SeVen-Thlrt3,lTnited States Notes, .$lOO each, numbered from : 23o,ES] to 259,6 p, both inclusive. BOWARTI & CO.'S EX.V_RESS. By FREDERICK LOVEJOY, Sup't, FIIINo.'. L AD - IMP/I A , July 31,001 EIIEOTNU'I` 1865. uttl.-3tStreet UNITED STATES -ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOWTATE. ' °Frier, DEPUTY COLLEOTOB'INT. ERyitutrit, - FIFTH COLLEUTSON 'DISTRICT, PA., MAIN STREET AND CURLYoN AVENUE, GERIKANToWN, Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given,; That the Annual. Col lection Lists have been received, and the Taxes are now due and payable.. The .Annual List in cludes the tax on Reunites, incomes, carriages, watches, mwdeal Instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice can not be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes the mode of notice—Mu. by advertise nient in one newspaper. Mitt IlOtifiegaollS to be post ed up In four nubile Marra. Persons reSidine: in the Twenty-second and Twen ty- Mb wards will make payment at this office. Those residing In the Twenty-third ward will make payment to THOHAS S. FOHLKROD; Deputy Col leCtor, FHA N KFOItD Street, Frankford. This Annual Tax Is by law payable on or beforo tile BOth day of June fu each year • hut as the Tax Lists for this year were unavoidably. delayed, the day fixed for ibis District - as-the intent day noon winch it may by paid without liability to penalty the 26111 day of August. H .. . • : WILLIAM . • - Deputy Collector, .11fth District Germantown, July. 29, 1861. 5:•:/. - Iria-stitutht-lat NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE REnELLrox.—Ay_lion.F.DwAßD McPuttscm, Clerk of the House of Itepresentatives of the United States. "AN ACCURATE AND THORotiunLY 110- NEST RDPERTORY of historical data; and in light we doubt not it will, In the course of a few years, be esteemed by writers and students of all countries and all parties." —London Atheneum, January 7, 1885. Thee are recognized abroad, as at home, the pre emiheut usefulness and value of MCPHERSON'S' HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, a new and enlarged edition of which is now ready. It embraces ALL the matter in the first edition care fully revised and corrected,and 210 pages additional. The ADDrriox brings the Governmental history down through the late sessions of Lhe Union and the rebel Congresses, giving an the important aetion of each, to the dote or the death of President LineOlii, .which is coinehlent with the doge of the moot Ad ministration. It also contains an extremely valuable and inte resting chapter on THE ItELATIONS OF THE CHURCH TO THE ItEirELLION, giving the de liveratt ees and addresses of all denominations, both lu the loyal and the lusurrectionaryPitates, together with the collisions of the military with churches in the border States and the thcts thus tar developed respecting Church Reconstruction. This chapter, on a subject scarcely touched in any other similar work, adds greatly to tile permanent value of this. Alt the Reports, Propositions, and Votes in the last Congress, on the vexed and still 11110Ottled question of the Reconstruction of the hate insurrec tionary States, arc lu this volume, and can be found in 00 other. In this work will he' found President Lincoln's Messages,Letters, Addresses, and State Papers, arranged according to subjects and dates, including his Last Speech on Reconstruction, a corrected copy of which was furnished by him for this History the day beforebis aggaagEnftUdn. The only correct and official table of the last rre sidential Vote Is in this Volume, showing both the home and the army vote. Original Records from the Bureau of Military Justice significantly illustrate the character of the Rebellion, and the practical workings of the Eman cipation Policy. The Publishers confidently present this work as the MOST ACCURATE, IMPARTIAL, AND COM PLETE COMPENDIUM OP THE REBELLION yet published. It is literally a MAGAZINE OF FACTS, of daily discussion, and of perpetual importance, and is clearly arranged and TIIOROUOIILY IN DEXED. It has already become standard authori ty on the great subjects to which it relates. One vol., 8 vo., pp. 650, cloth. Price, $5, free by For sale by all Booksellers. • PHILP & §OLOMONS, Publishers, METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C jy2.5-tuthl2t TIRAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT OF •LP PRACTICAL MEDICINE; AND SURGERY, No. 51, for JULY, 180, NOW READY. Terms V. 50 per annum, payable in advance. Single numbers, 1.50 each, IN A FEW DAYS. THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHI CURGAL REVIEW, for JULY, 1865; published quarterly. London Edition, 8110 per annum. All the Medical Periodicals furnished. All Medical Publications on hand, and for sale at low prices. Foreign Books imported to order. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Bounßellere, Beg No. NIP South SIXTH Street. A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR otthe "Schonberg Cotta Family." MART, THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD. Mao. ..„ ALSO, BY THE savor AUTHOR, THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. I2mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo, OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those Cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAYTON, (Successor R O B S. &A. blartien.) je27 CHESTNUT Btreet. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &C. AGENTS FOE THE CEIABRAVID FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASE. 031-am BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock of - ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, In various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A till line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED-RE MEDIES, &0., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. inpit-amip GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. AL The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which thermake a /menially in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT ec GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHIYAG GOODS. sOQ ARCH STREET. 600 FREEZERS. - GAS-STOVES, FOR SIMMER COOKING. jela-tr GRIFFITH & PAGE, SIXTH and ARCH. COPARTNERSHIPS. TEE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO FORE-A- existing between the underskned, under the style' and title of Taos. B, TUlila it Cu., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business wilt he continued by ALBERT G. BU/.BY, (at 2:23 and 225 Chestnut street.) who is duly authorized to settle the atrairs of the late Arm. TUOti. It. TUNIS, A. G. L'UZBY. PUILSD2LPIIIA, July 28th, 1865. • :NOTICE OP PARTNERSHIP.—The subscribers have formed a limited parineeShiP, according to• law, under the firm name of A.-G. ÜBE BlC,,for:Blei transaction of the general Dry Goods Commission and - 51orcantilii Business at 223 and g 25 CHEST NUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. The general pail ner Is ALBERT U. BUZBY, and the special partner is THOMAS R. TUNIS, who has Contributed to the co [anion stock of said firm twenty thousand (20,000) dollars In cash. The partnership is to eoMillellee 011 the litst day of August, 182 , 5, and will terminate On the thirty-tirst da v of July, M. ALBERT G. ntrzair, THOMAS H. TUNIS, July 28th. NZ. and-titd&tnst D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. --The Partnership formerly existing between Samuel illacky, Alexander Hogg, and Robert. Beattie, under the name of HOGG, Ss CO., having been dissolved by the death of Alexander Hogg, all persons haring claims against the late Srm of MAOKY, HOGG-, Ss 00., are requested to present them ; and all persons indebted to said firm to make payment to either of the surviving part ners. SAMUEL MACEY. ROM% 11, BEATTIE. 25 South WATER Street CO-PARTNERSITIP. — The undersigned have en tered into a partnership under the name of MACXY BEA.TTIE, to carry on the Produce and General Commission business, from and after the lot day of August, A. 1).1865, at No. 25 South WATER Street. and 1933 and 1935 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. • SAM UEL, MA OK Y, augl-tuths-6t ROBT.II. BEATTIE. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE _AL existing under the arm of ANSPACII & SONS, Philadelphra, and F. J. ANSPACH & CO., Ashland, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J.ANSPACH,n., CHAS. E. ANSPACEI, FRED'II. J. ANSPACH, • JAS. ANSPACII. July 31, 18n5. The undersigned have formed a partnership flits day under the item name of ANSI ACU & anti will continue the business of MIN LNG AND SELLING , COAL,, When 321 WALNUT Street. CHAS. E. ANSPACH, FRED'K. J. ANSPACII, JAS. A.:3;SPACII. August]. 150. ant-tathsat. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copartnership, under the firm of LOW - MEAD & STO7. ES Ulf RY for the transaction of a General Merchandise Brolierage Business, at No. 110 South FRONT Stree U. GEO. P. LOUGHEAD, CHAS. C. STOTESRURY, Atm: sT 1, 1002. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between JAMES CHALLEN o,c SON is dissolved by mutual consent, and all claims against or due said firm will -he settled by HOW ARD ,CHALLEN. who will continue the business at 1305 CHESTNUT. July 20, 10,65. HOWARD CHALLEN, 130 S CHESTNUT, hav ing purchased F. Leypoldt , s Circulating Library, largely Increase it with new boolis In quautl tics so that every EIIUSCTIIwr 1,0 CHALLEN•b CIitOULATING LIBRARY, jy3l-Gt 1308 CHESTNUT Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—T H E Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, W ANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNER, SR., D. 0. WAND, A. BRIJNER, PIIILLDELPHIA t July a, 1660. ..THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN connection with an 0:.1 established Lumber Depot at ColuMbla, Pa., thus giving the, yard superior ad vantages. • REMOVALS. Tip EMOVAL.-BENEDICT MILLER, -AA , UMBRELLA and PARASOL Manufacturer has removed to 39 North SIXTH Street. 3y27-Indis P EMOVAL. --GEO. W. WATSON & .11-%. CO. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street (ender Concert Hall,) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive °tilers tor every description of first-elan work. Jtricß7, i t. )e7-3m CARD. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the Ikalance of my large stock of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER Ist. The assortment is eismDlete. GEO. J. H.ENKEL3, le2l-2m SOD and 811 CHESTNUT Street TOMOTOGRAPIIS TAKEN TO ORDER of parties or. IndlrlitOale desiring them, or obnrelieg, residences. potato ba tidfu s, 9)1.1 I . lllllltry seats. 'Apply to 13. P.13E331E13, 624 Alt tit. In 1 0 TAKEN FOR,I 25 —FINE ACCU rplorE. plc:tall t:tytt; s flatr , lP_ Photographs, sultrible fur albums, or scholars to exchange with clatialoates. SECOND:it - Mkt, ahoy , : (4 nth. it* WANTS. WANTED -A LAD, FROM 15 TO 18 years of age, to assist In an (Mee. Most write a good hand, be correct at figures, and bring undoubted reference as to character. Address "H.," Bo): 2419 Post Office. It. WANTED—A LAD OF 16 YEARS OF age Inal)l.l.k erkoeAl'Y House. MIA be Correct in figures, and write a fair hand. Address Box 2914, nut-tuths3t Philade] pll la Post-oln cr. WANTED-BY *ALL COMPETENT Druggist, a SITUATION of some kind In a Wholesale Drug Rouse. Address A., this of fice. jy3l-21.! WANTED -BOARDING FOR A FA MILY of &Ix, on the ]hie of the Media Rall rowl, about the last of August. Apply at 141ASPRUCE Street. jy3l-2t* WANTE D—IN A WHOLESALE house, on Market street, an experieneed 3;001K-N.liEPER. None hnt a first-class, good, vow peLi t i nt hand Heed apply. Adam's, " own hamlullting, BOX 870, ridladel Oda, post-olHeef also, stating salary expected, Ste., te. WANTED -IN A WHOLESALE Drug House, a competent SALESMAN. Ono acquainted with the business, and who can com mand trade, preferred. Address, with name, Box 1047, Philadelphia cost-olliee. 33 , 25-tuths3t* _ _ WANTE D-A. G 0 OD WATCH MAKER, to go in the country. A good place, with good wages and steady employment. MIITCSS r. 11.'29 -30 WANTED -A SALESLADY, THO roughly acquainted with the Dry Goods trade. Address Competent,' with reference, PreBB office. jy27-6V , WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers, Ladles, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our great national work, Tile Life, Times, and PubLic Services of Abraham Lincoln." liv Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing 41'15 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. Jyl 1-lm' A:GENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most. omplete, only an thentie. and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN pulAlsbed. send for circulars,. AlllreSB "r. 0.," Box 1422, rlillailelphia, Pa. • jy2l-Im&Wit AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE CRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE," the most interest ing and exciting book ever imbilshed. Send for circulars. Address JONES, B tOS., & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORTAL RECORD OF THE NAT LON'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Extra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 NorthMERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square, Philada., Pa. 1y27-1 n* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Hol land. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writer is fully established. Experienced canvassers know wily lt sells. Address, for terms, NOIR ISRARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-24t 5 . Cheater county, Penna. 839000. Y PFn IAAV this amount, to invest it In a safe, fair-paying business. One already establish ed preferred. Address "Money," Box 2Gaa P. 0., Pldadelplda. Jy3l-3t* 870 MONTIL-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at O a 111011411, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES , the hest gelling wirer offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. OAREY, Btddeford, Maine. mylo-tl&Warn 4025 A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to introduce the improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine In the country which Is licensed by Orover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. myle-d&Warn fa A FtiIINISHED HOUSE WANTED -wally a good, prompt tenant. No small children. Addis-ssovith terms, 10Catital, U., P. 0. BON. 7d2,. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ETO LET.—HOUSE No. 12 EOM -OTON TERRACE. West Philadelphia. Apply to P. H. WARREN, next door to the premises. aal-tt FOR RENT-A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. with side-yarn, situate on THIRTY-FOURTH Street, above Market, - West l'hilialelphia, For terms, apply on the Arend; ea. JULY 31, tsrk. ant-3' TO LET-THE SECOND FLOOR AGat- of No. MO Harmony place. Apply to trEO. A. GRIFFEN, Beal Estate Broker, ty3l-3t* 134 South FOURPH. Street. FOR SALE. ON ELEVENTH, Alla Twelfth, and Thirteenth streets, a number of neat Dwellings, on easy terms. Also, 2214 Brandywine street, In perfect order. Immediate possession. Also. VERY CHEAP DWELLING, 1015 Marshall street. Lot 171.125 feet. This will be sold, exceed ingly tow. Also, neat Dwelling, 1642 North Second street. Lot 121 feet 9 incheStO Philip, with ill/Übe on rear cud. • Also, 3054 Master street, Cheap, with intntealate possession. Also, north side Spring Garden, west of Fifteenth. Also, 1905 Coates, in good order; immediate pos session. Also, I=6 North Fifteenth street, well built; pos session soon. With many others, large and small, in various localities. IL F. GLENN,__ 123 B. Folf.tfrif jr2.9 5. IV. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. FOR SALE-TWO VERY DEBI- Agarable Houses, 1932 and MN ARCH Street, new and well built, with every modern convenience. Im mediate possession. B. F. GLEN, 15' 2 9 123 South FOURTH Street. IeiFOR SALE, DOWNINGTOWN rliOPERTY.—Virst-elass Dwelling and large Store, one of the best stands in the place, conve nient to Railroad, and very desirable both as s resi dence and place of business. B. F. GLENN, jy29 - 123 &nab FOURTH Street. FOR SALE-A NUMBER OF At nil valuable Farms, Country Seats, Cottage and Building Lots, Factory Bullding,s Furnaces, Indeed, almost every variety of Real Estate. Call anti see Register. FOURTH ENN, .11Y 29 1.22 South Street. TO BE SOLD-S 0 ACRES OP excellent rtinoto,so ,, Mitilding LAND, situate in DARBY, Delaware county — reordering on two public roads, within half a mile of Clifton Station on the Philadelphia and West Chester - malts-soot; and within one mile of the terminus of the Phila delphia, and Darby Passenger Railroad. This pro perty is well suited for dividing into small lets for building, having a front of three-quarters of a mile on the 'roads, Is well watered, with 30 acres of good woodland l and is very healthy neighbor -11000. Whole orot lots, to suit purchasers. Per sons Whaling to purchase a cheap and desirable pro perty will please call on the subscriber. THOMAS L. BARTRAM, DARBY, Jy2o-tuths-ot. Delaware County, Pa. COTTA GE LOTS, CAPE MAY.—WILL be F , c1,1 b) Order oi'Orrhatts' Court. on TIR7RS DAS, Angust 3, et I P. M., at CAPE ISLAND, eorner of WASHINGTON mid teItANKLIN Streets ' (X; feet by 200 feet, one of the hest located .10t5 on the Island; also, Lot on BITOIIES Street, 66 feet by 115 feet. For information, apply to - JACOB aul-11.* 616 MARKET Street. I RON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE'S SITUATE IN _MOUND CITY, IL- Lin )IS. - The lot lets a front on the Ohio River of 265 feet, and extends 200 feet in depth to a one-huudred-feet wide street, with streets on each Mile. The build ings. are of brick, and contain a - sixty-horse-power engine, two cupolas, tilt and trip-hammers, lathes, and every variety of machinery and tools used in first-class machine-shops. There are also patterns for marine railway machinery, steamboat, saw, and sugar-nail engines, and for wood and coal-stoves, with all the latest improvements: Iron and coal to be obtained in the neighborhood in abundance. Tor sale by I. C. PRICE, aul-12t* No. Gl4 CTIESTNtyr Street. FOR SALE-IRON MASTERS, AT TENTION—GREAT BA MI Al N-1150,000 CAN' BE CLEARED IN ONE YEAR.—First-class ROLL •INCI MILL in this city, with all the splendid, nearly new machinery, with three engines, one of 160, ano ther of 150, and another of i3O-horse phwer; has seven hollers; first-rate machinery for manufae tilling railroad iron, chairs, spikes, Ste.; 5,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made in one year; Is sow all in full operation; has water and steam railroad communication, coal shuteS, Sit.; all the water used upon the premises derived from springs near by, free of charge. There is also a row of twelve stone tenant dwellings included. Price, 4575,000 worth 01100,e00. Easy terms. 'GEO. C. MILLER, Thud Estate Broker, Iy2P-7tir 155 North S 1 XTII Street. FOR SALE-S SUPERIOR IRON FUR NACE, in pal blast, with about 1,000 acres of land, in Adams Co., Pa., capable or making 30 tons per week. F. GLENN, J}•29 123 South - FOURTH. Street. BOARDING. D AY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 824 South WASHINtiI'ON S uare. Iy6-2mac SUMMER RESORTS. It 1J - - 11%. L HOTEL, VE rAiauct, rx NANUO COUNTY, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has Just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than —double its former capacity It IS pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by hall and Stage to all points In the Olt REGION, And its accommodations for Quests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any part of the country . . It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he he s succeeded. jy4-8m SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL TdOTEL.— This large and commodious Hot.:l, known as the National Hall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, $111; children and servants hall-price. je:3o-21u AARON IJARRETSON,ProprietOr. MUTED STATES HOTEL, LONG , L 1 BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on.btturday af ternoon, at four o'clock, from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10,4865. joln-Cm. BENJ. A. SHOEMAXER, Proprietor. -1-4 j P ATA MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering plate, USW* fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the - accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn,. sylvan% or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balla 1110re and New York, For particulars address the Proprietor J. W. pitri•ERICIC. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fend- Hes, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE OROCRRTES, TEAS, &C., &C. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, my24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. COAL. BUY -YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price fur Ow season.—Genulne Eagle 'vein COAL, not sixperlor, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, iitSt 'Large Nut, 'fry it. You will be sure to be pleased. °thee, 191 South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. WV:3m ELLIS BRANSON. TZ . NOWT. ES' LEHIGH, HICKORY, -s-s- and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. oCdee and Yard, NINTH awl WILLOW Ste. 3y14-Im. ( . 10AL.—IVIsi. H. CURTIS & CO., _ 1 LE.11161 - 1 and scinnaxiLL COAL YARD; 1413 VALLOWllll.l.:.4treet. jylo4nr ft 0A L .--SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER N.F,Anow, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coat. and Vest Locust Mountain, from Seltuvikilj.p repared etpressly for fspliy use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH• and M MT ILLO Streets. Mee, _No, 112 sEemn) :Street. (any-tll .1. WA LTON & CO. CARTES ,DE S VI.BITE.—NONE SUR. 11111iS ht biiauty of :41 yte naish, or arttsfir it% 0. cation those made at 11. ItRIN ER'S Gallery, kW , * KUM MITI:t. Cal luct examiuc: epi..vtmetts. .W AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. UNITED STATES BALE. Steamers, Tugs, and Sailing Vessels. SAMUEL C. COOK, Aliotioneer. ON THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 10, 1865, AT U O'CLOCK, PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD, Will be sold for account of the United States Go- Verblidera; THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER MONT OOMERY.,, Register dttnenstons—Length, 07 feet I inch; breadth, 20 feet; depth of hold, 20 feet. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 00 inches; length of stroke, 42 Inches. Schooner rigged. THE. WOODEN SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER ."ALABAMA." Register dimensions—Length 214 feet 4 inches; breadth,3s feet 2 Inches; depth of hold, 22 feet. Des one side lever engine; diameter of cyl inder, 65 Inches; length or stroke, 8 feet. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "FAH REF.." Register dimensions—Length, 183 feet 3 inches; breadth, 28 feet 11 Inches; depth of hold, 20 feet. Ties one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 42 inches; length of stroke, 42 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "MARY SANFORD." Register dimensions—Length, 158 feet 6 inches; breadth,3l feet 8 inches; depth of hold, 15 feet 10 Inches. as two vertical engines; diameter of cylinder, 25 inches; length of strOke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER " BRI TANNIA." Register Ohnensions—Length, 181 feet 4 inches; breadth, 23 feet 3 Inches; depth of hold, 12 feet 2 inches. Has two English steeple engines; di ameter of cylinder,6slnches; length of stroke, Bfeet. Schooner rigged. THE GOVERNMENT-BUILT WOODEN SIDE WHEEL STEAMER "MIAMI." Register dimen sions—Length, 208 feet 4 inches; breadth, 11,3 feet 2 taebea; depth of hold, 10 feet 03 inches. Has one inclined engine; diameter Of cylinder, 44 incites ; length of stroke, 7 feet. Pehooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "STARS AND STRIPES." Register dimensions—Length, 124 feet 3 inches; breadth, 34 feet 0 inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 4 inches. Has two vertical engines; di.' ameter of cylinder, 20 Inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "NOR WICH." Register dimensions—Length, 132 feet inches; breadth, 24 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 5 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 34 Inches; length of 'stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW. TUG " HOWQUA." Register dimensions—Length, 120 feet 7 Inches; breadth, 22 feet 10%. inches; depth of hold, 16 feet •ineb. has one 'vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 36 inches.; length of stroke, 36 lune& Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " SUNFLOWER. ,1 Register dimensions—Length, 101 feet 5 inches; breadth, 20 feet 9 inches; depth of hold, 12 feet 7 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, IS Inches; length of stroke, 36 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " AZALIA." Re gister dimensions—L engtit, 100 feet 3 inches; breadth, 20 feet lON Inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 2%. inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; length of stroke, 32 Inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "LARKSPUR.ii . Register dimensions—Length, 90 feet 0 inches; breadth, 19 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 3 inches. Hag one vertical engine; diameter of eyliii -1 der, 26 inches; length of stroke, 28 Inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUO WHITEHEAD. , Iteglater dimensions—Length, 93 feet IA inches; breadth, 19 feet 9,0 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 3 inches. Has two inclined engines; diameter of cyl inder, 18 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. TUE WOODEN SCREW Tait "POTOD181111." Register. dlmensions—Length, 134 feet 6 inches; breadth, 27 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet 8 Inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 34 Indies; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG L 0 CARNATION." Register dimensions—Length, 71 feet 8 inches; breadth., 17 feet 2 inelies; depth of hold, 7 feet 2 Inches, Ens one 'vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 20 Inches; length of btroke, 2d inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " MARTIN . .." Re gister dimensions—Length, 45 feet 1 inches; breadth, 11 feet 3 inches; depth of hold, 5 feet M inches. Has one vertical engine; diamet,m of cylinder,l3,l4 inches; length of stroke, 15 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "HOYT." Re gister dlmensions—Length, 45 feet; breadth, 10 feet 6 inches; depth of hold, 4 feet 7 inches. Has one Ver tical high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder, 12 inches; length of stroke; 12 inches. THE BARK "A. HOUGHTON." Register di mensions—Length, 113 feet 4 Inches; breadth, 25 feet 3 Inches; depth of hold, 12 feet. THE BARK "RESTLESS." Register dimen sions—Length, 1(/ feet 3 ladies; breadth, 24 feat inches; dopth of hold, 10 feet. THE GOVERNMENT-BUILT BRIG PERRY. Register dtmensions—Length, 121 feet 4 Inches; breadth, 25 feet 6 inehes; depth of hold, 12 feet 3 inches. THE SCHOONER "DAN SMITH." Register di mensions—Length, 87 feet 9 Inches; breadth, z 8 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 8 feet 2 inches. THE SCHOONER "C. I'. WILLIAMS." Regis ter dimensions—Length, 102 feet; breadth, 28 feet 3 Inches; depth of hold, S feet 6 inches.. 'THE SCHOONER "MATTHEW VASSAR." Re gist& dimensions—Length, 90 feet; breadth, 27 feet 7 inches; depth of hold, , 8 feet 2 Inches. THE SCROVIVER " NORFOLK PACKET." Re gister dimensions — Length, 108 feet; breadth, 28 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 9 feet 8 Inches. THE SCHOONER "0. H. LEE." Register dl men sions—Length, 98 feet 7 Inches; breadth, 27 feet Tilicutsvoe.oth of hold, 7 feet 9 inches. Inventories nt the Auction Store, No. 1Z south FRONT Street, above WALNUT. Twenty per centum of the purchase money must be paid on the (layer sale, and the remainder before the veasel is removed from the Navy Yard, IMO will be done within six days after the day of sale. J. B. 81.11,71.41.4, COMMANDANT. 3y19, 22, 25, 28, nut, 4,7, 9, 10 AUCTION NOTICE IMPORTANT UNITED STATES SALE. Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, &c, Samuel C. cook, Ameticineer. ON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1815, AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK., At 121 South Front St., above Walnut, WILL BE BOLD, Poi aceoUnt Of the Medical Bureau 1:1. S. A., a large assortment or Drugs , MedlehleS:&c., in bulk and put, op in army style at the United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia, all in good order. being above the amount required by the Medical Department, comprising: 85,0001b5. Ex. Beef. 1 45,000 doz. (asinine Pills. I 5,000 oz. Sulp. Quinine. 20,000 doz, Opium Pills. MOO lbs, Rochelle Salts, 15,000 yds. lain. Plaster. 10,000 " Adhesive do. 3,000 " Oiled Bilk. 3,000 " Oiled Muslin. 2.000 " G. Perch. OPh. 2;300 lbs. Magnesia. 5,000 " Epsom Salts. 500 " Essentialolls. 230 doe. Olive 010. 300 " Castor On. 50.00011 m. Cont'd Milk. 10,000 '• Acids, ass'd. 12,000 gals, Alcohol 2 ,200 80, GUM Arable. 4,006 " Ammonia. 1,000 " Cham. Flowers. 1,000 " F. S. Arsenic. 1,000 " Assaftetida. 500 " Belladona, 500 "- 'Beebe. 2,000 " Camphor. 1,003 " Cantliarldes. 1,000 -" Capsicum, pd. 1,500 " Caizelm. 1,200 " Wax. 1,000 " Calasaya Bark. 650 " Chlorotbrui. 200 " Collodium. 3,100 " Copatba. 500 " Creosote. 550 " Cubebs. 28,000 " Med. Ext. ass'd s.OOO " Prep. Iron, assd 1,800 " Calomel. 1000 ,000 " lodine. Mercury. 1,600 '• Ipecac. 1.000 " laxsecd. SOO gals. Olive Oil, i 1,2.50 lbs. row'd Opium. 1,200 " s9d. Potash. I 2,5001115. Sugar Lead. 3,80) " Cream Tartar. 2,500 " Ohio. Potash. 1,800 " Rot Boras. 2,000 " Black Tea. 20,000 doz. Cantph. Pills. 12,000 " Cathartle.Pllls. 1,500 Ibl.lllcarb, Potash. 2,500 Syrup `S wills. 2,000 " PAteut Lint. MOO pieces Bludiais, • 5,000 rowels. 3.000 Susp. Bandages. ' 32011*. Rhubarb. Powd'd Elm 25,000 Bandages. Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Castile Soap, Mustard Chia 'moo, Sal Soda, Blearb. Soda, Oxide Zinc, Soap, Saltpetre, Cupping Glasses, 51ir g .,s , Noo dles. belabors, Pyringegi, timid Litters, TWilie, Samples will be arranged, with eatalogaes three days previous to sale. jy2l-tau4 AUCTION NOTICE. LARGE AND IMPORTANT SALE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. aliXtrEL C. cooK, ATICTIMER. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, August 16, 1666, AllaU,F-PAST TBN OTLOCX, No. 124 South Front at.. above Walnuts WILL BE SOLD. for account of the Medical Bureau., 11. S. A., he following Merchandise, mostly in bailie and original pack ages, utirely knetew and in good order: 50,000 pair lans. 93,006 yards Linen Sheeting. 0/15 21 0i " Bed Backing. 22,01;3 44 ' Litton Pillow Caging 24 , 051 " Colored Cotton (Th.. • / 55 • 75 : 4 3i " Mosquito Netting. 21,000 " Thick Towelling. 33,932 " Shirting DILLOW. 7,000 " 'Window Shade Muslin. 0,000 " 3,196 X " Shooting. ,852 Check Pillow Ticking. 20,000 pally Drawers. 20,000 " Socks -10,000 Shirts. 2,000 Blanket Wrappers. 1,000 il,unterliall oo . 803 liair if all ;vases. 6 000 'Pillow Ca.:a, Cotton cheek, 10: 00 rinow Ticks. 50,060 Sheets. ALSO, 100 bales, containing 5,000 pair .13lankete, nearly ucw, in good order. Call be examined with, catalogues three days pre oloos to sale. iy 13,17,20, 24, 67, 311 an 'O, 0,4, o,l a 9, 9,10, It, 02, 14,.15, 11. •oi . • AUCTION SALES. .5 11 , SPECIAL SALE OF !joy - grim'. MYNT HOUSES AND MULES. 'rO-MORROW (Tueaday) MORNING-, at to o'clock. at Harkness , Bazaar, Ninth and Hansom streets. Will lie sold for account of the United Staley TWENTY-THREE SUPERIOR HOIISEg, FOUR EXTRA FINE MULES. The horses are all Tory superior, and inules are extra fine.. WMOEI MOM tingly, Term casli, mow btme* Ilk order or George R. Orme, caDtain Grid A. .)311-2tlf ALFRED M. HERKNESP, Auctioneer. DANIEL H. BURDETT, TIONEEL U. S. GOVERNMENT V ESSELS AT AUCTION 3131VILICOVTT, JONVAS, dr, co." WILL DELI. ON Wednesday, August filth, 1866,, AT .1.2 O'CLOCK NOON, At the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, (Ity. order of the Navy Department), TIIE FOLLOWING-NAMED VESSELS PRIZE KIIOO,N - Ett SAVANNAH-56 foes Mg; breadth 17 feet 3 inelms; depth, Et feet, 7 niches, BIDE-WHEEL STEAMER Pala HENRY - 151 feet, 4 inches long; breadth, 32 feet; depth, 11 feet, a inches; diameter of eyllnder,23 Inches; 10 feet stroke, SCREW STEAMER VALLEY CITY-132 fees long; 22 feet, 5 inches beam; depth, 7 feet, 6 Inches; Cylinder, 24 Inches; 24 Inch stroke. SCREW STEAMER I 9 tI\EYStrCKLE•-Length• 121 feel, 6 Inches; breadth, 21 feet, 8 inches; depth, a feet, 7 inches; cylinder, 80 Inches; 30 inches stroke. SCREW STEAMER R IL. CU YLER—Length, 2211 feet, 8 Inches; breadth ' 24 feet, 6 depth, 16 , feet, 9 inches; betweendeeks, 7 feet, 6 inches; cylin der, 72 inellee; 4 feet stroke. - - - - - - - - CENTRE-BOARD BCHOONER OR VET T A.— Length, 95 1201; brea4tb, 27 . fect 2 tuchest depth, 7 fed A Inehes. CENTRE-BOARD SCHOONER SARAH BRUNK —Length, 105 feet 6 ladies; breadth, 26 feet 7 Indica; depth, 9 froth 1 inch. CENTRE -BOARD SCIIOONER SAMUEL 210- ' TAN—Length 109 feet; breadth, 28 feet 3 lathes: depth, 7 feet 7 Inches. PROPELLER DANDELION—Length, 05 feet 1/ inches; breadth, 10 feet 6 Inches; depth, 7 feet 2. inches cylinder, .ZI% Inches tlL,,,metet-; stroke, tillt Inches. PROPELLER CA3l3lELlA—Length, 111 feet; breadth, 10 feet 10 inches; depth, 11 feet; cylinder, "30 Inches diameter; stroke, 30 inches. BRIG- BOHBO—Length. 100 feet; breadth, 24 feet 9 Inches; depth, 9 feet 4 inches. TERMS.—Twenty per cent. on the day of sale; the balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed from :the yard, Jy22-stuthlit C. H. BELL. commandant, SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTER MASTER'S STORES, GRAIN, AND GRAIN SACKS. Cum , QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. bPOT O WASILINGTom, WASIIINTON,.D. C., July 28, 1865. be sohl Mau AtioTION, under the direction a Cchlallugenulei Bi Limiter. M. at sixth-street Wharf, 111 the City of Witulllngton, D. C., on TUESDAY, August 8080, at to o'clock A. M., a lot of Quartermaster's cowlcruhett 08 being unfit for Debit.: service, viz.: Bollem Seoops,l3tickets, Cups, Brushes, Brooms. Curry Combs, Lanterns, Augurs, Hatchets, Spades,. &c. ALSO, at the same time mid place, about TWENTY ix HUNDRED Bushels of OATS; and ONE HUN- , DRED THOUSAND (MAIN SACK'S. Successful bidders must remove the stores winds. five (13) days frOM date of sale. Tern's: Cash in Government funds. D. If. ROCKER, Brevet Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, jy2.B-9t . Depot of Washington. An u SJEMENITS. NEW .CHESTNUT—STREET > THEA. TBE—CHESTNUT Street, above. Twelfth. GROVE]: & SINN I essees and Managers. The Theatre always Cool and Comfortable. MONDAY and TUESDAY EVENINGS. July 31st and August Ist, be presente GLORIOUSLYSUCCESSFUL IRISH DRAMA, In three acts, by Dion Belleleault and E. H. Rouse. Styled ARRAN NA POGUE; on THE WICKLOW WEDDING, TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND PERSONS have witnessed this great Dramatic masterpiece during the past two weeks. It will be presented, with its new and beautiful Scenery, wonderful Me. ehantsm, superb Wardrobe, original Music, correct Appointments. and VAST OF RIUWANCY AND STRENGTH, sATuRDAY AFTERNOON, AJlgust S. 92111 RD ANI) MATINEE OF THE SUMMER SEASON, When ARRAN NA POGUE will ho performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AILGH-ST. THEATRE. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF HOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. FIRST NIGHTS OF THE NEW IRISH AFRICAN BUR LESOITE ARRAM NO B - RO4IITE. OVERTIMES, BALLADS, CHORUSES, 'DANDER. SONGS and DUETS, LAUGH E ABL SOPSRB anct FAECES, Interspersed with FLASHES of WIT and HUMOR. brat It ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHEST. M. Ttret, above Tenth—Open from 9A. X. tin P. Benjamin West's great picture 01 CHI $T REJECT - El) 66M op Exhibition. lelll EXCURSIONS. amcf e gKi CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. FROM FOOT OF MARKET STREET, UPPER F.ERRY, AT 8.30 A. N.MILM AND EXPRESS. DV* at A 12 . 2,80 P. N., rtSSENGER. Due at 8.15 r. 4.30 F. M., =MSS. flue at 7.41 Ris Fare, $3.00. Servants, $2.00. - Exeunt:row TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon Mettles to be used by one person ou'iy, 10 for $.415,00. Passengers and Baggage taken to and from the Island and Station without additional charge. Protght tinny from atillahaa'W r h " 1 1 bt4411 Spruce street• Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.30 A..1[.. mail; s A. M., Express; 5 P. M., Aecounodattost, 8.20 M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELA.ER, Sup% PHILADNIPRIA, Jllly 24, 1865. JyC-tlel ATAWISS RAth. ROAD CODIPANY.—To Tourists and Travellers—Excursion Season or vs& Lake Ontario. 'Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, (Portland, The Rat_ilds of St. Law-'White Mountains, rence Saratoga springs, Montreal, ac,, deep, ace. Quebec, itc., 'rickets for the above Eitettrglons, which half been so long and favorably littoWn to the Philadel. ph% public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the CATAWISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OF. FIOE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, under Philadelphia Bank, where full in rortootion will be given. N. VAN HORN. Passenger Agent, 425' CHESTN UT street. CAMDEN AND AZ 43 1P tt-- LANTIC RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after :SAN tIRDAV, :Ray 117 t, 1.885, trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sundm. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET PERIM Mn= . . Special Excursion 6.80 A. M. Mail Train 7.30 A. Freight, with Passenger Oar attached.... 8.1.3 Express (through in two holiro o .(a P. Ma Atlantic Acetantnada Lion 4.15 P. IL RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC, Atlantic. Accounnodut)on +5.47 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 7.08 A. X. Freight, with Passenger Car attached...M.47 A. AG Mall Train 4.45 P. 16. Special Excursion 0.16 P. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. IC, - Leaves Ville-street Ferry at 7.a0 A. Y. Returning) leaves Atlantic at. 4,45 lig Fare to Atlantic, (1(2. Rolind•trip Ticisets, gam only for the day Ana train on which they are ssued, JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. . . Leave vine-street Ferry at 6,36 P. Leave Jackson ut 6,% ilre EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS, Leave Viue-street Ferry at. 10,1; A. At, and 1.16P , Y. Leave tta ti .ldoneld at 11:45 A. M. and 2 L 45 P. I 6 N. B.—Frelgitt ithtfit be delivertal a; ,v9pper.ii Point before 6 o'clock P. M. to insure its ping aowlit the next (lay. JOHN G. RRI ANT, Je2B-tf Agent. gmaz im i EXCURSIONS TO LONG BRANCIL—TraIms tor Long Branch will leave Cooper's PMut. CAMDEN, dally GiumnA excepted,) .t 9.15 A. M. Fare, ea. ExeurrAmi rickets, good for three days, ;63. Burn train on Sateidava a t 4,30 r, nuturulug, arrive at Camden at 9./6 A. M. Monday. jc2B-2in L. B. COLE, Agent, Camden. i ffor s e , =,67, ; .071g1 CEAP AND PLEA SANT H SUMMER TRAVEL. - CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RARITAN AND. DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. iiiiiANUE OF TIME. CAMDEN TO NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH. On and after MONDAY - , dune le,. li‘t EPress Train will leave Cooper's Point, oanuieti.jdallg„ (Sundays excepted,) at, 9.10 A. IC for Tuekerton, Burnegat, Tom's River, Mancliester, Bergen, Squankum,_ Farmingdale, Shark River, Long Branch, Brancliport, Oeeanport, Eatontown, Shrewsbury, Bed Bank, Middletown, Highlands. and Port Monmoteh; thence to New York b ti e Vo t al i ft Irr i lli;re?Cerll agi ti ol h, e l ket lw , good for tliFee da7.7 On Saturdays an eY, DI train ror Long Branch wilt leave Camden at 4.30 Monday,urning, leave Long Branch at 6.35 A, M., arriving at Camden. 9.10 A. M. Jell WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES f —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ful compound of the age. There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its compo sition, it bang Tomposed entirely of more, virgin %Ynx; hence tip extraordinary muddled Joy pre. serving the skin, Malting it, soft, smooth, fair, tilict transnerent• It Makes the old appear young, um homely handsome, the handsome more neatttlfut. and the most beautiful divine. Prices, de and dg emits. Prepared only by HUNT t CO" Perfumers. 41 South NIGHTIE y 2 Street, two doors above Chest. jut, and 133 South SEVENTH 'Street, abo j ve l- W ain ed. n, DEAF MAWTO HEAR. , —.INSTR butrag to assist the liettelog, fit DIADAIII,A.`O, in S. TENTH Street. below Clwatoot. 55•31-13 t. HAVANA OIGARS.—A GOOD • :VA RIETY constantly in store and bond low— est ease rates. S. FUGUET &80 , .2.1-13th* No. 21f1 South FRONT Street. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORS k CAMPIONt 261 1301717 SECOND STREET, are prepil red to follow the is the market ttt the price of their Furniture. rurehileeee ml please can and examine our stack. M7lO-111 WRITTEN AND VERBAL :DE yi „Int grg i Velt Health, Edivation, Self-linproyomentOdar agement and Tralninf of UITILDREN, SO. Adttptation, &c., day ant evening, by d0i1!.3 L. (JAPER, Ploanalagiat And Ilookaeller• • 'No. 915 S. TENTH Btreet i above muumuu ocll-tutli.iyir itSOLDIERS, AND OTHERS, DAN huy ROOTS:, StrOF.S. TRUNKS, TRAVIMING RA(% &c ., lit right prices at GARRETT'S. 111 South SECONI.I Street, kbao Cllestnizt , . emit side. jy24) 3t* tka TURNIP SEEDS.—NEW CROP OF oar own growtlti ;lea br Reed ttitd'Yorellouse b Jy2o Nos. 022 owl 92 4. 31 AtcKLI. at.. . 11 f 12, 15-11.011 SE POWER ENGINES, Boring_ Toide, s initnere, Latbee, Punching and -wen Tubing. Per aat l e g t; • aebt" ' 111AWAT, LIMON. Or. §TsitttN. ,a 2/1. Jr.= Street. vuulolologsf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers