giONNIIIENG COOL FOR THE HOT WEATELFAL Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Wea th er. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vesta. Linen S . Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Backs. Linen Sacks. Linen rants. Linen Vests. Linen Casters, Linen Dusters. Linen Voters , Linen Dusters. Linea Dusters. Linen Dusters. Disoi Voters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca - Sacks. Alpaca Sack's. Just the thing to Keil) Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Coot in- Also, a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth- Lt g. of every variety, for sale by PERRY & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, 1 , 10.809 ClitiArNur St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) a. E. Corner of StivEgru and ltiagEßT Ste. (Jones,) y24-6t CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR Will restore Gray Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR; .ofrenehena and promote* the growth of the weakest hair; stops Its fa [ling ont in three days; keeps the head clean, cool and healthy; can be used freely; contains nothing Injurious; THE BEST RAM-DRESSING EVER OYSIGRED TO THE FCELIC; it Is recommended and used by the first medical authority. Sold at the drug-stores Mid at MY (MCC' No. I.IM Broadway, New York. I assure all persons the above preparation will do all that is claimed for it. jyB-tuthsl2t SARAH A. CHEVALIER, H. D. Two DAD CASES OF PILES CURED RE DR. STRICELARtre PILE REMEDY_ Mr, OW Si of Janesville, Wisconsin, writes for Lae benefit of all who suffer with the Piles, that he has been troubled for eight years with an aggravated case of Piles, and his brother was discharged from the army as incurable, (he being quite paralyzed with the Piles.) Both these distressing easeswere cured with one bottle of Dr. Strierdariantl Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentlemen, beside the . daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland, ought to convince those suffering that the most aggra vated chronic cases of Piles .are cured by •Dr. trickland's Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere. jyl-etath 3m TEE MOST REPINED INTELLIGENT AND Ladies aSe Jared's Email de Parie to remove Frec kles, Tan, black worm specks, and the diseOldra tions caused by salt aim and they fully eudorse it for imparting a soft, white, and delicately trans parent skin. Sold by all Druggists, Perfumers, Hair-dressers, and Dealers In Toilet Goods. Orders hymen should be addressed to JAILED & RENE, Philadelphia. jyll-mwstf Prem. (WBEATori'5) ITCE SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT WM cure the Itch in forty-eight hems. Also cures salt Rheum. Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Shin. Price, 10 cents. By sending CO cents to WEEKS Sc POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for. warded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. inhlt-6m _ KEITDILL'SBorm.—Have you tried r If so, you approve of it. Of course the re- Inarkable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has been solely created by its merits; for. When once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. jyl-am AM ABOUT THE INCOMES ! The daily papers Now insist 'On publishing The income list; And. in a style Most truly funny, Give the amount Of emelt manls money. It saves a lot Of talk and babble; For gossip, folks No more need gabble; 'Thep only need To read the papers To and out all About their neighbors Some folks are poor, Ana aome are rich; , She public need Not wonder which; And some folks do not Care, a fig Whether their income's Large or big The Great Oak Hall Would like to state To all the folks,: Both small and great, Whether your income's Great or small, We'll deal with you At GREAT OAK HALL. The peculiar distinguishing feature of the well known institution which bears the name of OAi BALL, Is that the man whose income is half a mil lion, and the man who has hardly any income at all, can be eonally welt suited with raiment, from the ample and magnificent stock, on its heavily-laden counters and shelves. wANAK&uxit & BROWN, Popular Clothing House, OAK. HALL, it S. E. Or. SIXTH and MARKET Streets. ar PRICES REIIfCRD. WANAMAXEii & BROWN, air Popular air Clothing air House, • * OAK HALL, S. E. cor. Sixth -and Market MARRIED. ASHLEY—HAAS.—In Camden, N. J. on the 26111 instant, by the Rev. T. maxwellßeilly, Mx. A. Gee. , M. Ashley to Miss Caddie Haas. DIED. PEPPEIt. —On Thursday, July 27th, at German town, Agnes, infant daughter of David and Sank T. replier. COGGINS.—DarisI Cogglus t in the 70th year of his Age. The relat ire: , and friends of the familv are re sp e et fully invited to attend his funeral, from his resi dence in Bestow - We. on Monday, the 3tst inst., at four o'clock I'. IL Interment at Woodland Ceme tery. FTIUSITSITTII.--On Friday morning, 25th Instant, Jacob - Frisk - moth, Sr., in the 77th year of his age. The relathes and friends of the family are invited to attend Ids funeral on Monday morning, at 10 •o'clork. from h 6 tatalresidaltoo, No. 17713100 n t Ver non street, interment at Monument Cemetery. " SINTON.-011 Fifth day, the 27th instant, James Shaun. in the 76th rear of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend thy funeral, from his late residence, No. We Mount Venion street, OR First-day afternoon, the Seth instant, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Friends' Southwestern Ground. 310011 E .- 0. the morning of the 26th Instant, Joseph W. Moore, in the thirty-ninth year of his are. 'The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late re sidence, No. 818 Franklin street, on Seventh-day afternoon, the 20th instant, at 4 o'clock. Interment at Fair Bill. MOURNING GOODS JUST RE -OEIVED. %ray and oh,el: English Chintzes, fit cents. Gray Poplins. V2.3¢ cents, itepherd Plaid Mohair., se cents. Mack. and White Striped Aloha' rs, 45 cents, Black and Win tc Plaid Scotch Ginghams, 55 cents. Mack (Hussy Alpacas or Mohairs, $l. BES6ON 4r, SON, Mourning_Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. • .14'27 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWL. EYRE LANDELL. DE) PIE CE S MOSQUITO BARS, WHITES, BLUES, GREENS, Jke. EYRE & LANDELL. /1000 LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR HOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OF CHEAT TOWELS. Cje26-tf7 EYBE:i L KNOELL. WllEl4l'l UAL CONGREGATIONAL ERURCII. N. E. corner BROAD ami AnCII Etreete. Rev. SA3IITEL - MOSS, Secrotury of the thiteti States Christian Commission, wilt pre:telt I-MORROW EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Seats fr:e. COll OCK SINK. PRESBYTE WEIN CHIT C If .—The Rev. alias. m RAYMOND gill Preach zu this Church at tO .a...*und 7;74 o'clock P. A, : I,t* W. REY. 3). CAll.ll4* WILL Prennh in UNION M. E. CIUTRUIt 1 1 0. 1 3101 r, LOT at KIS o'clock A. M., and 13 O'clock P. 3L. TABERNACLE 89►P'TIST cHußcll, CHESTNUT - Btreet NVest of EIGHTEENTH rtreet. Rev.:GEOILGE A.PELTE, of New York. will preach on Etrudsty;2llo, , at 10% A. 31., and 7R-I Y. 11. Reatsreserved CorAttrangsrs.. It. HT , " 1;0 tar. "POPIJI.II.II Gir CON. MASTED WITH BIESigrT 4 EOLOGY:" —Elder icurvo wFazap.F.l.L.,•“ramon, Mass.ovill preach upon Ulla auhjeet, TO-MORRO*, at nit A. M.. Hall at N. E. earner Of and CAL LOW_ lllLLZtreeta. At- same. vlade, - 8 ln the eyenl»g. on • Waiting for the Lord ?AM:Tint •" it* THE „A. ERS' MONTHLY CONCERII'OP. BAYER will b held at the Church on GruAkr, Ji.veline, below Coiwut,ia ave nue on WETINE2DAY, the 2,1 inst., at 3 o'clock. Ladies are aft Invited to attend. It* :IarTIRE COOPIER-SII.OP COMMIT. „lx - kr. make the following acknowledgments: Peter Williamv,on F , 400 00 S. & J. Flabugan 'Xi 00 Ladles of Eleventh ward ;5 00 J. S. Brown 10 00 Mrs. A. 31. S 31rs. A. Long James G. Smith James Graham A Union Lady, • ...ix dollars In gold." Martha L. Jthles C. W. Rickards, profits on sale of Lincoln Pictures I it_ Wood & Perot 20 00 Coulter & Finch 10 82 lt. WTI. M. COOPER. President. OFFICE OGI)EN OIL COMPANY, 524 WALNUT STREET, pun. ADELPIIIA, July DI, 1&15, A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of this Coin- Pau , will be held at their Office on MONDAY, JAI:, 21, 2 - Inst., at a o'clock P. M., to consider the propri ety of effecting a luau to cornxlete the develop meld of thtli - prore , lY• / RAM Blrowbn, Seorets.Py. OW' BRIG GS GOLD COMPANY.— ELEVENTH DIVIDEND.—A Dividend of DOLL A HS PEE SHARE has Leer declared, sar“. J 1:1 - 17314 , 180, to Shareholders of Itteord u y'2rah. 3865. Tra»sfer Books closed from July 24th to August it, 34;5. WALTER E. LAWTON. Treasurer, JOHN Street, rtew York. 3 YA"vAir:. ruosPIIATE C011.L• PANS'.—FIRST DIVIDEND. — A. 1)1;1.1un( Or TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE has been ,le. ultyabl, LY 33,1 161:6 to Shareholders 0; Record July 2:II,. Thqs. Transfer :Book; d0, , 1 frmu July 27th to August Ist 1.965. }1•)LTl•11 E. LAWTON, Treasurer. 81 :MUM New York. o UNITED STATES TREASURY, PttIhADELPHIA, July A, 1665. By order of the ` 7 :errelnry of the Treasury, the business of 1145 will be conducted, on anti idler this date, at the Custom -House Building'. ARCH. McISTYIIC, jete-ft Assistant Treasurer U. S. OFFICE OF TILE PENNSYLVA. NIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 510 WALNUT f 4 ITIMI. At a mectinv 4,t' the Dircetors of TRY PENNIsYL VANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANy. DANI EL SMITH Jr.. EEI.. 1v4,1 itnaltiniourily tAitt.24,l dent of the Compile c.'to place (4' J.,./athan Pat ter -600, deceased. - WILLIAM G. OItOW L. _ )317-tit lar TIONESTA OIL, ' , UMBER, AND MINING CO., OFFICE 432 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM No. 2, rIIILADELPMA, Ju1726, I SPECIAL NOTICE.—Thc Transik:r Itook.,i of the stock of this Company will be closed from July 29th to August Bth, Inclusive. By order.- • JAS. M. PRESTON, •1127-Bt.Secrelary. itaft. RICHMOND BRANCH 'OF THE UNION PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, (SEVENTH AND NINTH STREETS.) This branch 15 nOw open, and the CARS RUN REGULARLY BETWEEN RICHMOND AND THE BALTIMORE RAILROAD DEPOT Leaving the Company's Depot, Thompson and Norris strecta,thence by Thompson to Marlborough and Belgrade into Master Street, up the latter to Franklin, thence by Franklin and Seventh streets to Ellsworth street, and thence to tile Baltimore Depot. Returning via Christian to Ninth street, up Ninth to Spring Garden street, thence to Seventh street, up the latter to Oxford street, along Oxford to Fourth street, up Fourth street to Susquehanna avenue, along the latter and Emerald street to York street, and on tuts to the depot---passing in their up a l adir m il u tr T in d e N the a d i ertA A of i. t i ll i ell i t& a fai i ß A P A r t l N A: TOWN and NORRISTOWN, and NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILROADS. Passengers on the line of this branch will be Car ried to the NAVY TARO or FAIRMOUNT PARK by , transfer tickets, furnished by the cdriductors on the payment of a single fare. The ilrst ears leave the Company's Depot,Thomp son and Norris streets, at 4!.4 o'clock tit the morn ing, and the last ear leaves the Baltimore Railroad Depot at 12 o'clock at night. The cars of this branch will carry at night a GREEN light, and those of the Fairmount branch 0 RED light. 3y21-St DIVIDEND NOTICE. orEicE OE THE. MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, No. 524 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPMA, July 22. 1865. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER GENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, ayable at their Office, On 31st after the st inst., clear of State talves. The Transfer Books will close on the lath, at 3 P. .31. and open on the lot of August. J324-3t THOS. E. sEARLE, Secretary. NOTICE TO TAX•PAYERS.—DE. PARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF TAPES. PIIILAngLIIIFIA, July 27, 1865. A penalty of FIVE (5) PER CENT. will be added on all State Taxes remaining unpaid on and after the let day of August next. Signet], UR - ARLES O'NEfit, jy2B-4t lkcol, , er of Taxes, Igr . OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY FUN I) COMMISSION, Girard Estate Build , log, No. 19 South FIFTH Street, rhilAdelphia. YITILADBLVIIIA. Julyll, 1865. In pursuance of the ordinance to close the opera tions of this Commission, approved July 15, 1865, notice is hereby given that all claims against the City of Philadelphia for Bounty, &c., &c., must be forthwith presented at this Office; and, that at the expiration of sixty days from the passage of said ordinance, all warrants remaining on hand will be cancelled. . _ By order of the Committee. RICHARD C. WINSHIP, jyl9-iv&s-taulß Secretary Or OFFICE GIRARI) DINING CON. PANT, N 0 1324 WALNUT Street, July Mb. 1885. NOTICE 18 herebygiven that all Stock of the ODIABD MINING COMPANY, On which instal ments are.dne and unpaid, is hereby declared for feited, and will be sold at Public Auction on SA TURDAY, the 19th day of August, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Office of the Secrete'' , of the Corpora tion, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless previously retteensed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, jyffitaul9 Secretary and Treasurer. iligr= OFFICE. OF THE GILFILLAN OIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The annual meetinor the stockholders of the eilallan 011 Company WALNUTlvania will WEDNESDAY,eir Office. 4.09 - W Street, on the 9th of AUGUST, at 3 o'clock P. H. An election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. FRYER, jylatan9 Secretary and Treasurer. Mr' OFFICE PENNA. CENTRAL COAL AND OIL CO., N.E. Corner THIRD and DOCK Offsets, second story. PIIILADELFRIA, July 14, 1665, TO DELINQUENT STOCKHOLDERS.—Notice is hereby given that unless the assessment of twen ty-five cents per share called for by resolution of November, 1664, is paid on or before August 4, 1865, a sufficient number of shares to pay the said assess ment, with necessary and Incidental expenses, will be sold, at this Mee, at public sale, at 12 o'clock, on that day. By order of the Board. jyls-I.Bt. AD AM WARTHATAN, Treasurer. OFFICE MANDAN MINING CON. I PANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. HILADELPHIA., July 18, 1865. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining Company on which instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold uLpublic auction on MONDAY the 21st du of AUGUST, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the (Mee of the Secretary of the corporation, according to the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. Et. A. HOOPES, jyl9-tau2l Secretary and Treasurer. MILITARY. lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the 'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments 'held out to all entering the Marine Corpe; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good Pay excellent iteCODlMOdations, light and easy ditties. For all further information inquire at the Reerallt. ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, Captain and Recruiting °dicer. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANURACTEMBES OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &C AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY Low PRICES FOR CAM. rjy4-3M BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DKITOB. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock. of ROOTS. KERBS, AND BARKS., in Various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A roll line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL A CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &c.„ at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myll-autlp SUMMER RESORTS. RURAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN, VENATTGO COUNTY, PA. JAME 3 E.T Proprietor. This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double itsformer capacity. It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with read, access by Rail and Stage to all points In the OIL - ItEtnoN, its accaMMOdations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Etotels in any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes be has succeeded. jy4-6m. P„EA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE ha ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, $l6; children and servants half-price. Je3o-2m AARON (TARRETSON, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, Is now opeii for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on Sathrday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 1805. jelo , 2aa. BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. Ej PRR A.T A. MT. SPRINGS. THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June.. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York. For particulars address the Proprietor, jel-Im J. W. FREDERICK. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS. 612 CHESTNUT STREET, RAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 111118-tf SPRING. GOODS_ GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT or RUMP& which they make a 4necialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAN. J. W. SCOTT & CO., ekINTLEMEN , S FURNISHING BToRB, No. 814 CHESTNUT Street, dal-ly Four doors below the Continental. DOUSE-E uRNISKINGr GOODS. 600 ARCH STREET. 600 REFRIGERATORS WATERCOOLERS, FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. jela-tf GRIFFITH .t PAGE. SIXTH and ARCH. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING- IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS We are prepared, es heretaore. to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &C. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my9A-H Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. COAL. IVY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES AL , AM—Lowest Price for the Season.—Gettuine Eagle Vein COAL, equal, If not superior, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, $S Large Nat, $7. You will be sure to be pleased. ( Mice, 121 South FOURTH Street : below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CADLOWITILL Street, above Broad. .W. 1.24111 1:1,1.15 BRA NVYW., V . NO WLE Si LEHIOII, HICKORY, K and FIBK (70AL, at, reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW tits. GOAL.—WM. H. CURTIS & Co., LERIGU and SCHUYLKILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. Jylo-Irn. C 0 A L .—SUGAR • LOAF, DE AVER V MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain , from Sabuytklll,prenared expressly for fluidly use. Depot, N. W. corner EIIIHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office, _No. 1114 S. SECOND Street. raps-tfl J. WALTON R CO. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES Y,T —A new French Cosmetic for bealitifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most wonder ruteompound of the age • There is neither chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in its compo sition, yt being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence the extraordinary qualities for pre serving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Prices, an and 60 t i nts. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 41 South Street. two doors above Chest nut, andl33 South SEVENTH Street, above NV:d ant. jy2.l-3m HAVANA CIGARS.—A. GOOD VA RIETY constantly in store and bond, at low est Cash rates. S. FUGUET & SONS, wriA-cm' No. MO South FRONT fitreet. WHOLESALE DRY tHbODIL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, thQ Piece or Paeicage, AT AND UNDER MARKET RATES. JAS. IL CAMPBELL & CO., 727 CHESTNUT ST. (WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP STAIRS.) J! Ib-1m COMMISSION ROUSES. BAGS! BAGS ! BAGS I NEW AND SECOND-HAND. SEAMLESS, B BURLAP S AND GUNNY A G, FLOUR AND SALT BAGS. ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY 'JOHN T. BAILEY it CO., Jy26-6m No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. HAZARD & HUTCH_INSON, AGENTS FOR TYKE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, iv CHESTNUT STREET, YHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READE STREET, NEW YORK. je23.6m RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOSING OUT 1 CLOSING OUT CLOSING OUT iannAri , BARGrAIDTS Lx SPRING AND SIMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Black Silks, with 'Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. 75e. Silk Grenadines reduced to 45e. $2 Silk Grenadines reduced to 5Sc. Handsome tink Grenadines reduCed to VW., VI Ina& New Styles Cambric Lawns, 673 be., 500. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, 50c., 823jc„ 650. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40c., 6Sc., 75c. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, 6230., 75e. Dress Goods, of every description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped and Oirtabries. White Puffed and Tucked Muslim. • H. STEEL & SON. .iya-tf Nos. '713 and 715 North TENTH Street. I A rADDING WAREHOUSE, 212 CHURCH Street (Late Alley), Under the Office of the State Bank, of Camden. Waddings of all kinds in store and constantly re ceiving. - Cheap Waddings for Clothiers; fine do.for City Trade; hoary pieces do. for Furriers• extra quality do., white. It. E. EVANS, Manufacturers , Agent. TABLE LINENS.-BROWN, AT 62i and 05. Half-bleoched, very heavy, at 8736. One lot still heavier at $l, Nine pes extra width and beautiful pattarns,sl.2s. One lot bleached at 87%c. 8-5 wide do. at $l. Extra quality at $1.25. Huck Towels at *2.50 and $3, that are really first -rate; much heavier and longer-fringed ends at 444.50. Rucks by the yard, from 20 to 75 cents per yard. Crest in various qualitieS. Bird-eye for Children's Aprons. Napkine, good quality, at $2,50. Fringed Doylies, very tine, at $1.50 and *2. Ladies' Hdkfs. at $2, 32.50, and $5 per dozen. And a large assortment of Linen Goods generally. GRANVILLE R. I-AWES, • 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. P. 'S.—As usual, 1 have a large stock of BLEACHED AND BROWN SIUSLINS that are very desirable at present. jyl26-4t ICHAMBERS, NO. SD ARCH tr • BARGAINS. JUST OPEMED. SOft snisit Cambric. Mustin, 134 yards wide, for §lartinb-, at 40 cents. SLrfpe Nainsook, 45 cents. Freuch Muslin& for waists. Empress Lace Collars. Thread Lace Barbes. Thread Veils, very cheap. jy2s-6t PLAIN BUFF, PINK, AND BLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain but, pink, and blue Jaeonets. Pure white Shetland Shawls. White Shirred liluslins. Plaid and Stripe Nainsooks. Plain Nainsooks, Swim, Muslims, Cambries, &e. Eine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain Dc Latues. EDWIN HALL & CO.. 26 South SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. je2o-tf COOPER CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The Mat Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors , Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at 30c. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 55 and 65 cents. Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas, 11. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Detainee, 81. Good stock white Nainsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslin., finest Cambries and &mono's, puffed Mullins, Pique, &c. White Barege and other thin Shawls. 811 k Bacques and Summer Dusters. . je7-tf FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, -6.• of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, 56c to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Cheno Silks, $2.60. "VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, Suitable for - Dresses, Mantles, and Sanes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE MGM. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 2.56. 10-9 Waltham and Peperill bleached Sheetings, $l. H. STEEL & SON - , myB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. 628H00P SKIRTS. 628 HOPRINS , "OWN MAKE" OF Boor FKIRTS are manufactured of the best woven tapes, finest tempered English Steel Springs, with linen trashed covering, clasped aG the side, all the metallic fastenings, and secured by improved ma chinery, which entirely prevents slipping and be coming unclasped , rendering them superior to all other Skirts in the market. All the new and desira ble styles, sizes, and lengths for ladies, misses, and children. On hand and made to order, wholesale and retail. Warranted to give satisfaction, at 028 'ARCH Street. 11-28-Im* STA.TIONEBY & BLANK BOOKS. fIILNE W , MI COMPANING, COAL, AND OTHER -1 - 7 NI ES. We are prepared to furnish New Corpoeittione with all the BOORS they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE.OF STOOK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS & CO. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l4f 432 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATIONAL. R. BECE'S SCHOOL AT LITIZ, Lancaster county, PC3lllfl., intended fur a lim ited number of boys between the ages of seven and eleven years. ' Thepupils have the advantage of living in the Principal's family; and being under his constant care. For terms, &e. apply to jy2a-lm ABRAHAM It. BECK. Principal. PETURNED AND DISABLED SOL DIERS will And the readiest means of honora ble and lucrative employment in a good Commercial Education. A full preparation for business can be acquired at little expense, and in a short _period of time, at BRYAN T, STRATTON, & BANNISTER'S National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. A liberal' deduction' will be made in all cases worthy of such conside ration. 3y29-2t VOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUNG -LI MEN to enter upon ;t COur6e. of Andy at BRY ANT, STRATTON, S, BANNlspEivs National Commercial College, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS., S. W. corner of CHESTNUT cod TENTH Streets. Call or send for a Circular. 1y2.9-2t B RISTOL BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GintrA will reopen September sth, 1565. For Chen Mrs, address E. A. PELRCE. Brlgtol, Penna. jyl2-w&snt* CALVARY ACADEMY, AT CALVA RY CHURCH - , MANHEIM Street, GERMAN. TOWN.—B. SHOEMAKER, A. M. Principal; as sisted in the different departments by experienced teachers. The next Session will commence SEP TEMBER 11th, 1865. Four Boys,' between the ages of eight and fourteen years will be received into the Mostly of the Principal. ' For Circulars, address B. SHOEMAKER, corner of GERMANTOWN Ave nue anti SHOEMAKER'S Lane, Germantown, Phi- REEEnras;KES: Rev. R. Newton, H. D.; T. C. Henry, H. G. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, F. Carroll Brewster, Esqs., aut Bey. G. A. Strong. THE WEST CHESTER , ACADEMY -A- AND 3IIIaTARY INSTITUTE, located in the borough of WEST MiII:STEN, PA., will commence its next Scholastic Year of ten months, on the feat WEDNESDAY', the 6th of September. For. Catalogues. containing Terms and full infor -311:Iti031, :apply to Its Principal, WILLIAM' F. WYERS, A. M. WOODLAND SEMINARY.- NOB. 9 al a 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, IYest ladelpda.—A DAY AND HOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies. Location healthy, airy, and attrac• Live. Fall Session commences Sept. 12. For Circulars apply to jy2l-2nr. ILEN. HENRY REEVES, Principal. PILADELPIILA. COLLEGIATE IN- WriTUTE.Jor YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of uILESTNUT and EIGHTBErrni Streets (for meth- at 1530 Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at InB and 1334 Chestnut street. Or address P. 0. Box 2811. j3,10-Im. COPARTNERSHIPS. GCIPARTNERSII.IP NOTICE.—T H E Undersigned have this day entered into a co part nership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1908 MARKET St. A. BRUNER, Sit., D. C. WARN, A. BRUNER, Ja. TimADELIODA, July 3, 1885. THE BUSINESE , WILL BE CONDUCTED IN Connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard su erlor ad. canton bib 11-3 m. REMOVALS. pEMOVAL.-BENEDICT MILLER, -LA , UMBRELLA and PARASOL Mattufacturer has removed to 39 North SIXTH. Street. iY27-Bllll'` P, EMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON & xu Co. have removed their CARRIAGE REPOSI TORY to their old place, No. 1219 CHESTNUT Street (under Concert where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-class work. Juics 7, 186.5. le7ram WANAUILKER & BROWN. THE PRESS: - PHILADELPHIA , SATURDAY, MY 29. 1865. CURTAIN tiOODL - - I . E. WALRAVEN, LACE AND NOTTINI 11,41'M ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, PINK, WHITE AND BLUE MOSQUITO TSARS, WITH PATENT PIEBRELLA FRAHESs WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. FIRST NATIONAL BANS • MECHANICSBURG, Penns., dune 17, 1885. This Bank is calling in, and will redeem in lawful Money of the united States, all the circulating notes of the late MECLIANIM3unG BANK. when pre sented at our counter. 11. A. STURGEON, jel7-stiai. Cashier. UNITED STATES t _ EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. Whereas, the District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel filed in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the Slat day of July, A. D. 1865, that all persons who claim t 0 have any interest in the steamer HALIFAX, captured on the high seas, "t 0 Wit," at Halifax, on the coast of North Carolina, be astonished and cited. Therefore, all persons who claim to have any inte rest in the said steamer, are monished and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the 'United States, and therefore,or otherwlse,liable to condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monition timed by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, • U. S. Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PITTLADELPHIA, July 26th, 1865. jy27-6t UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS !MOT OF PENNSYLVANIA—ScT, Whereas, The District Court of the 'United states for said District, proceeding on a libel, sled in the name Of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day of July, A. D. ISM that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer Fre HER, captured on the high seas, to wit: near Edward's Ferry on the Roanoke River, on the coast of North Carolina, by the 'Picket-Launch No. 6, and other vessels-of-war of the United States, be monisbed and cited: Therefore, all persons who claim to have any interest in the said steamer are monished and cited to appear before the Budge •of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on tile TWEN TIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to condemnation as a lawful Pr! e. The above is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWAED, Marshal for E. D. of Pennsylvania, PIIILADELPFITA, July NI, 1885, jy27-6t UNITED STATES, EASTERN 'DIS TRICT OF PENNELVANIA—SOT. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel. filed in the name of the United States, bath decreed ou the 21st day of July, A. D, 1865, that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer COT TON PLANT and cargo, captured by the United States Steamers " Disco," and • valley City," be MOnished and cited: ' Therefore, all persons wiso claim to have any inte rest in the said steamer and cargo are montslied and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH dos after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer and cargo should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the clipture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and therefore. or otherwise, liable to condemnation as a lawful prize. The above is an abstract of the monitiOn issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PIIILADELTIITA, July W, 1885. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYL STANIA-SCT. Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel flied in the name of the United States, bath decreed on the 21st day ofJuly, A. 1).1885, that all persons who claim to have any interest in the Steamer EGYPT MILLS, captured on the high seas, " to-wit :"at Edward's Ferry, on the Roanoke River, on the coast of North Carolina, by the United States steamer "Valley City," and other vessels of war of the United States, be monlshed and cited : Therefore, all persons who claim to have any in terest in the said steamer are moulshed and cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same ' to the enemies of the United States and therefore, or otherwise, lia blo to condemnation as a lawful prize. The aboye is an abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, July 26, 1865. jy27-6t 'EXITED STATE__,S EASTERN DID ,-/ TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA—Scr, Whereas, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding on a libel, filed 111 the name of the United States. bath decreed on the 23.5 t day of July, A. D. 1865, that all persons who Claim to bare any interest in THIRTY-NINE BALES OF COTTON.. cantimeo-....5h0 high long "to wit, on the itoanoac istrer.-on the coast or North Carolina. by the steamer "Valley City," a vessel-of-war of the United States, be monishod and cited. Therefore, all persons who claim to have any in terest in the said thirty.nine bales of cotton are inonished awl cited to appear before the Judge of the said Court, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after rblleation hereof, to Show cause why the said th rty-nine bales of cotton Olken Id not he pronounced to belong, at the MO of the capture of the seine, to the enemies of the 'Wilted States, and therefore, or otherwise, liable to con demnation s lawfueprize. The above is au abstract of the monition issued by the Court in the said cause. WILLIAM MIDLWARD, Marshal for E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, July 26th, 1865. jyri-6t ijeekMTHE Are becoming rapidly the only ones used by those whose eyes are diminished by age. of otherwise, and for the reason that while they give relief to the eyes they do not increase but lessen the Infirmity to which they administer, The genuine PARABOLAS are sold ONLY by REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF LOOKING—GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, CHESTNIIT STREET, Have been able to make a KEHECT/ON IN THE PRICES OF THEIR LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS, RUSTIC FRAMES, cl-c., to.which attention is directed. A lull stock, of ELEGANT MANUFACTURE and most SUBSTANTIAL MATERIALS, always on hand. 11040,3E3M5. GROUPS, Comprising sixteen subjects, war and burdening solo agency. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS are prepared to till orders for goods, deliverable in the autumn or win' or, at 'prices more favorable than they may be • at those seasons. Mirrors, of every character, made to order, to till AlaNtele, Piers, Wails, Saloo', and Cabins of Ves sels, &c. GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, open free. j 317.17 4 CARD. The assortment is complete. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, je2l-2m 609 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. THE COMMERCIAL LIST N Algu LETTER-SHEET " PRICE CURRENT r Are published every Saturday, STEPREIT ti. WIN'SLOW, 222 HOLD STREET, Pllnant:Lrium. - At* GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPHIN the great region forty tulles arounit,.the best' advertising medium extant. It FISHER'S SELF-SEALING F RD' IT CAM, Every nousekeeper in the City and country should use this excellent Can. DR the Most con venient and reliable Can In use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It is sealed In so instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin cap over and around the opening, and :pressing It upon a ring of cemented pa.per. The cement in the paper vvelts by the heat of the fruit and as the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is net rect. The cap It unfastened by unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can at J. MCMCRTELEIP., SOS SPRING GARDEN Street fyl2-imif Philadelphia. PHOTOGRAPHS. -PARTIES OR IN (liviibtals trim desire ft, can have taken Photo graphs of churches, restileuees 111 Id public build tugs, by appllcatiOU to B.'P. REIMER, 624 ARGIL SA met. lt* EIM E R S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS lire executed care and rare ar tistic skill. For proof. sce specimens. SECOND Street, above Green. Mast accurate likenesses for tier moderate cost of 541.40. Tt GREAT CENTRAL cianalie ROUSE, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET. RAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF CURTAINS, AT REDUCED BATES ALL SIZES, BEADY FOE USE PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. • tf LEGAL. PARABOLA SPECTACLES E. BOIMEK & SON, Opticians, No. 402 CHESTNUT STREET I will Sell the balance of mq large eta& Of FURNITURE, At very low prices, until SEPTEMBER, Ist. . NEW PIUBLICATIONS. A VERY CLEVER BOOK. THE DOWAGER; n. TI NEW SCHOO O L' , FOR LE SCANDAL. 13Y MRS. GORE. An admirable picture of modern manners in the higher classes of society, mingled with judicious re marks-and pungent satire, set oil by a composition, easY, animated, anti piquant."—London Spectator. lea very clever book..! l —Reflariffter. "Full of genuine comedy, which if transferred to the stage, would be most effective. Mrs: Gore de pends principally for success upotriller ,powers of wit. and what she sees vividly she traces with vivacity. Her pages are a complete Rochefocauld of English highlite."—London Athenatcnt. Price, Fifty Cents. Mailed free of postage on receipt of price. lt* F,A. BRADY, Publisher. 22 ANN Street. New York. THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE REBELLION.—Ity 11013.. EDWARD McPtiEnsoN, Clerk of the House of Representatives of theiTolteil States. “AN ACCURATE AND THOROUGHLY HO NEST RDPERTORY of historical data; and in that light We doubt not it will, in the course of a few years, be esteemed by - writers and students of all countries and all parties.” —London Atheneum, January 7, 1565. Thus are recognized abroad, as at home, the pre eminent usefulness and value of MCPHERSON'S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, a new and enlarged edition of which is now ready. It embraces .ini the matter in the first edition care fully revised and corrected, and 210 pages additional. The ADDITiox brings the Onvornnlolttal history down through the late sessions of the Union and the rebel Congresses, giving all the important action of each, to the date of the death of President Lincoln, which is coincident with the close of the rebel Ad ministration. • It also contains an extremely valuable and inte resting chapter on THE RELATIONS OF THE CHURCH TO THE REBELLION . ,iving the de liverances and addresses of all denominations, both in the loyal and the iristirl . eet l ollltryllStateNtOgether with the collisions of the military with churches in the border States and the facts thus far developed respecting Church Reconstruction. This chapter, on a subject scarcely touched in any other similar work, adds greatly to the permanent value of this. All the Reports, Propositions, and Votes in the last Congress, on the vexed and still unsettled question of the Reconstruction of the late Insurrec tionary *Wes, are in this volume, and can be found In no other. In this work will be found President Lincoln's Messages, Letters, Addresses, and State Papers, arranged according to subjects and dates, including his Last Speech on Reconstruction, a corrected copy of which was furnished by him for this History the day before his assassination. The only correct and official table of the last Pre sidential Vote is in this Volume, showing both the home and the army vote. Original Records from the Bureau of Military Justice.signiticantly illustrate the character of the 'Rebellion, and the practical workings of the Eman cipation Policy. The Publishers confidently present this work as the MOST 'ACCURATE. IMPARTIAL, AND COM PLETE COMPENDIUM OF THE REBELLION yet published. It is literally a MAGAZINE OF FACTS, Of daily diSeassloa, and or perpetual importance, and Clearly arranged awl oltalletlLY IN DEXED. It has already become stamina authori ty on thereat subjects Co which it relates. . One voi., 8 vo., pp. 650, cloth. Price, $B, free by For sale by all Booksellers. PHILP & BOLONONS, Publishers, METROPOLITAN BOOR STORE, 33 , 25-tudint WASHINGTON CITY, D. C c 4 JOHN PHCENIX'S tai r, l, 711 1 111 r — • NE7 COMIC BOOK_ THE . SW:TIBOR PAPERS A new and intensely comic book by the late JOHN Pllatiox, author of the " Phmnixiana. Full of humorous illustrations by the author.... Price, $1.50 Looking Around—A new novel, by A. S. Roe ...$1.50 Orpheus C. Kerr Papers—A third series $1.50 Wylder's Hand—An exciting new English novelsl.7s Fairy Fingers—Mrs. Mowatrs new novel $1.75 St. Phillips—New novel by author "Rutledge" 41.75 Hugh Worthington—Mrs. Holmes' new novel— Mary lirandagee—A new "Woman's novel' , ...$1.75 SuperiorFishing-Rooseyelt's new sportingbookU 00 Lovers and Thinkers—A newnovel $l5O ~, All handsomely bound in cloth, and sent by mailfree, on receipt of price, by jy , i-wstf CARLETON. Publisher, New York. p s RAITHWAITE'S RETROSPECT OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY iqd. SI, for auL , 'NOW BEADY. Terms 4- 3 :5 , 5 per annum, payable in allyenee. Single numbers, $l. SO each, IN A PEW DAYS THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN MEDICO-CHI CURGAL REVIEW, for JULY, 1865; published quarterly. London Edition, $lO per annum. All the Medical Periodicals furnished. All Medical Publications on hand, and for sale at low prices. Foreign Books imported to order. LINDSAY & BLAEISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, BIS No. 25 South SIXTH Street. A NEW WORK BY THB AUTHOR of the "Schonberg Cotta Family." MARY, THE RAINFDMAID OF THE LORD. =me. ALSO, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, THE SCHWBERO COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those Cities, and the Orations Of BarierOft and Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martien4 Jell 606 CHESTNUT Street. TYPE FOUNDERS. COLLINB 4t McLEESTER'S NORTH TYPE, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTRA:4OE VCITTNICUL - CY" Printkirs , Furnishing WarehouSel No. 706 JAYNE STREET, rIILADZLPIIIA. TYPE WARRANTED 'lobe equal to any made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken In exchange for new at 15 cents per pound. If delivered to us free archaize. 4fir Every article necessary for a Printing Qmce constantly on band. .Agents for Hors, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, Poster's,Degener , s, and Wells' Presses. Agents for Nathers celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown In "THE PRESS." LOST AND FOUND. V 00 STOLEN-25 A- 25 R G D ot . 'era L me O nt 8 B r ond OR s, of the new - Issue of Five-Twenties, $l,OOO each, from No. 2,097 to 2,071 inclusive. By an error the Coupons payable May 1, /867, were cut of from these Bonds, DM ere missing with them. Also, of the Seven-thirty Bonds of the Second Series: 2 for 0,000, Nos. 41,259, 51,442. 2" for $5OO, Nos. 86, 2 : 5, 808 - L. 31,149, 76,169, 76,170, 13 for $lOO, Nos. 981, 982, 983, 4,121,4,122, 42,149, 4,425, 56,648, 56,669, 5 6,770, 56,671, 56,612, 62,240. 8 for $5O, Noe. `Via (39,187), 31,859, 37,250, 94,573, 531. A Reward of $1,500 will be paid for the recovery and delivery of the above bonds, and in that pro- Eoktion for any) number of them. Address " A.K., ,, Langer Ofnee, jy2s-6t. CAUTION. STOLEN, 10,500 OF THE THIRD SERIES United States Seven-thirty Bonds, 13111113111 30 BONDS OF $5O EACH, numbered corisecutively from 163,737 to /0,760 7 both inclusEVC. 90 BONDS OF 0.00 EACH, numbered concocts tlyely from 2.59,828 to 259,917, both Inclusive. Ail dated July 15, 1805, and issued in blank. All persons are cautioned against receiving any of the above bonds. A suitable reward will be given for the apprehen sion of the robbers. Any information in regard to the said bonds can be sent to HOWARD & CO.'S EXPRESS, 607 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Or to the RARNDEN EXPRESS, New York, Bos ton, Baltimore, and Washington. fry-Stif PATENTS PROCURED FOR INVEN . TOW in the United States and Europe. .1 TM -21. * E. BROWN, au WALNUT St. .UNITED STATES ANNUAL TAXES ARE NOW DUE. OFFICE DEPUTY COLLECTOR INT. REVENUE, FIFTH COLLECTION DISTRICT, I'A., MAIN STREET AND CUELTOX AVENUE, GERMANTOWN, Philadelphia. Notice is hereby given, That the Annual Col lection Lists Imre been received, 'and the Taxes are 110 W due 51111 payable. The Annual List in- Oudot; the 011 Menses, Incomes, carriages, watches, Musical Instruments, plate, and yachts. It is generally known that a personal notice Call-. 110 t be given to every taxpayer. The law specially prescribes tbe mode or notice—viz., by ad yortise- Inell I. hi one newspaper, and notifications to be post ed up in lour public places. Persons residingi, in the Twenty-second 311111 TWen 'o, fifth wards will make payment at this (Aloe. Those refsidlneln the Twenty-third ward will make payment to THOMAS S. FOULKROD, Deputy Col ector, FRANE,EonD Street, Frankford. This Annual Tax is by law payable on or before the 2[ltit day of June in each year ; hut as the ra I.ists' for this year were unavoidably delayed, the day Died for DIN District as the latest day upon which it inny be paid without liability to penalty is the 111th day of August wk. {WILLIAM 11. MILLER, Deputy Collector, Fifth District.oerman town. July 188.5. jy2a-satutht-lat JAMES H. BRYSON'S, t?' No. North SIXTH Street , Phila.. JOs PRINTING and STATIONEItY EMPORIUM, F.siablisbud in 1843, and a. First Silver Akita' Awarded for the • - st Job Printing in 15.1.1. Title well- established Printing and Stationery House has superior facilities to execute nit orders for the same.. Printing, Stationery, and plank Books of every description- furnished with proMptness and de spatch, upon the most favorable terms foe Cash. • line Specimen /looks or Label Printing, and Cata logues of Stetlonery,will be freely sent by tnall, on receipt of postage of stamps, or by Express If pre ferred. A supply of hand-made Papers and Envelopes, 60 much in demand, constantly Itept on 10101. Inks, Papers, and Blank Books on hand. Special litaing and Blank Book work furnished to order. BUBO]] it Son's Tablets, a new article, Introduced by them, for every clerk.; e nd extell4,t) - umed every accountant. All 61 . 1.e.8 IMO. • 1 y% 1 SELECT FOR A PORTRAIT OF yourself a Ilfe-size Photograph in oil colors— the most accurate Illtentsses made. See apeetntens at B. F. REIMER'S tioltery S ARCH. 'St. lt* CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE St. CAMPION, 281 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ire prepared to follow the decline in the market In the price of their Furniture. Filrebasere will Menge call and examine our stock. melo-IY. S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. WANTS. WAN T E D-A GOOD WATCII MAXER, to go In the country. A good place, with good wages and sttady employment. Address?. 0. Bol4lg. St* WANTED -A. SITUATION BY A Young Man, who writes a fair hand and has GOIT(1 knou ledge of Book-keeping. Will furnish satisfactory reference and mak.e himself generally useful, Address PPM? ()Mee, )129.21. WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN A Situation in a Bank or Mercantile house, as Clerk or Assistant, where • education, energy, and .reliability are wanted and appreciated. Address " Private, — care G. W. Montgomery, Hsu., Sob P. 0. , West Philadelphia, Pa. 3y2S-2t. WANTED—A YOUTH FOR OFFICE bneiftegs: a raotancr of the Society of Friend° preferred. Addresa Box 1051, lo IfitficlivrStink of applicant. jyZ-2t WANTED -BY A 1' OU N G MAN, who has Just returned from three years' ser vice in defence of his country, of good habits, and a good penman, a SITUATION as Salesman, Entry or Shipping Clerk, in some house where there is a ehanee to rise. - Can Uring the best of recommenda tions. For nn Interview address "A. B. C.,•• Box 2,444 Philadelphia P. 0. . jy2B-2t* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE I Y Drug House, a competent SALESMAN. One acquainted with the business, and who can com mand trade, preferred. Address, with name,Box NV, Philadelphia Post-office. .13,25-tutiat* IANtED-A SALESLADY, THO rouply acquainted with the Dry Goods trade. Andreae ' Competent," with reference, Pressonice. j 9 -ot* WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled °facers and Soldiers, Teachera Ladies, and energetic young men to CANVAS ' S for our great national work, ''The Life, Times, and Public Services. of Abraham Lincoln.' By Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubting anDliceht, Send for circulars. Address JONES, BIM., & CO., SIXTH and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. Jyl4-Im* AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR GREAT National Work.—The most complete, only au thentic and reliable LIFE OF LINCOLN published. Send for circulars. Address "I'. 0.," Box 1423, Philadelphia, Pa. AA- A N OFFICER WHO SERVED UNDER General Sheridan during his entire campaign through Virginia is desirous of finding employment in some genteel business, either as salesman or in some similar capacity. Any person disposed to ap preciate his past services will please address "She ridan, Box 1958, Post-Office. lyl4-60` AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE SE INLET SERVICE, 'PRE FIELD , VIE DUN GEON,-AND THE ESCAPE," tile most interest ing and exciting book ever published. Send for circulars. Address JONES, BEGS., & CO., Phila delphia, jy2S-ini* AGENTS WANTED, FOR THE MOST complete, authentic, and reliable Life of Lin coln published. Address JONES BROS. & CCI., Pa. jy2l-Irri&W4t AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ME MORTAL RECORD OF THE NATION'S TRI BUTE TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN_ Eitra induce ments offered. Address HENRY A. LOVELAND, No. 20 North HERRICK Street, northwest of Penn Square. jy27-Im' AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM. LINCOLN. By Dr. J. O. Hol land. No comment is necessary ' the author's repu tation as a writevis fully established. Exerlenced canvassers know why It. sells. Address, for terms, NORMS BARNARD, Elk View, jylB-12t. Chester county, Penna. TEACHER'S SITUATION WANTED. -2- —A Young Lady competent to TEACH THE ENGLISH BRANCHES AND - FRENCH, desires a ifftuation In a School. Address "S. H.," office of The Press. 3y29-3V. A MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS to 7 .l9l4Willigermintmli t . h o paid, offered. Full particulars free. Address OTI9 T. GARRY, Biddeford, Maine. mylll-.1.%W3m $125 MONTH.—AGENTS WANT SHAW & CLARK e verywhere N to Mk the t improved SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country _which is licensed by ()rover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & CO., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than Lorty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable tons end fmprisonatent. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLARK. Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&Wam $B,OO O TO $10,000.-WANTED IN A good-paylug and established Mercan tile Business a Partner. with the above amount us additional capital. Aoarcaa "R. C.,. office of this paper. jy2,s-* tutlis-3t* MkWANTED TO PURCHASE - A medium-size HOUSE with all the modern im provements. Location west of Broad street. Ad dress, giving size and price, "Books," Box 2049, Philadelphia Post-office. jy27-3t* A.11*.r.6D TO PUROFEA.g2-A first-elus RESIDENCE In Arch, Chestnut, 'Walnut, or Spruce streets, west of Tenth street. Address "S. B . 8.," Pres: Office, stating location and price. Alt coiumunicattous strictly confiden tial. .1317-3tfi FOR SALE AND TO LET. grA REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. V',000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. ',000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. NEW ONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE A JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE that MIL LER,SMontbIy Catalogue Is thegreatest produc tion of the age to parties interested in the purchase of city or suburban properties. No person wishing to purchase should fall to get a copy. Sent free of charge to any address in the United States, GEORGE C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator (for the Inft2o years), jy2s-smi 155 North SIXTH Street. FOR. SALE, DOWNINGTOWN MaLPROPERTY.—First-elass Dwelling, and largo Store, one of the best stands in the place, conve nient to Railroad, and very desirable both as a resi dence and place of business. B. F. GLENN, jy29 123 South 'FOURTH Street. aft FOR SALE---A NUMBER OF gni roritio,_country Seats, Cottage ad'. anal Builtung TAW.. mAccnntrri Indeed, almost every variety' or itearmarsethr:-ooti and see Register. B. B. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street. • N EAR FOR SALE BERT, EIGHTH STREET, FIL, the lease, good -will, and ex cellent fixtures of one of the largest Dry-Goods Stores on the street. MILLER, 331.5-Stif No. 155 N. SIXTH Street. at FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY Argtbrick IYIPBI3IIage (No. 118), and lot of ground, on the north side of Lombard street, 10 feet front by 108 deep, to a 20-feet street, on which the relis erected -a2) story brick building, Apply td SAUL. L. CLEMENT, Jy24-6t 22.6 South THIRD Street. i n GEORGE W. GRIFFIN, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 134 South FinritTli Street, (Next door to Vranklie Saving Fund,) Will give his andlrided attention to the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate in the city and country. Persons having real estate to sell are invited to call and have a description of the same entered upon his Register. No charge unless the property is sold. The following properties, among others, are of fered for sale on good terms: No, 1804 green street—Four-story front. with three-story double back buildings; well built and ekkeintty Anished. Noe. 2012 and 2014 Mt. Vernon street—Three-story front, with three-story double back buildings; lets 20 by SO feet. No. 1531 North Fifteenth street—Three-story front, with three-story double back buildings; lot 26 feet 6 inches by 190 feet. These houses are all welt finished, with all the mo dern conveniences, and marine trimmings. Three small Houses Nos. gam, ant 12313 North Fifth street, containing six rooms each, for sale cheap, and on very easy terms. All persons desirous or purchasing property are requested to call and look over our Registerjr27-30 in FOR SALE.-A FARM OF 40 Mill lig&Acres, near Frank ford, with buildings for 20...11:. - heao of stock ; in a high state of cultivation, with a stream of s_pring water passing through it. &poly to J. H. SIDDA.LL & SON, S. W. Corner Fourral and GREEN Streets. It* el EXECUTOR'S SIL AWL large and elegant Summer Hotel, widely—ads. and favorably known as the HEATH HOUSE, at SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRING, Norris County, N. J., is now offered FOR SALE, tQ deem the estate of its late owner, EPHRAIM. MARSH . , DECEASED. This establishment is one of the most convenitortt and complete in all its arrangements to be found ;Is thoroughly furnished, and in excellent °Net-and repair. It will accommodate between 300 and 400 persons; has convected with it a pleasant COTTAGE with Nine Room, a tine Billiard-Room and Ten-Pin Alleys; also, large Stables and Carriage Sheds, be sides SO acres 01 good Land, including a splendid Lawn of nearly 20 acres filled with magnificent shade trees. This has Yong been and continues to be one of the most successful and popular of Summer Hotels. It is sear,ely four hours , ride from New York, via Morris and ESSeX Railroad, and within a year, by the extension of the same railroad to Entail, will be brought within five hours! ride of rmaaelphi4 - , and now has telegraphic communication with all parts of the country'. Gentlemen who desire a healthy and delightful Summer Retreat within easy access of the cities, for themselves and families. might do well to form an association or company and secure the control of this elegant establishment. Terms easy. For particulars address Wit. IV. MARSH, Schooley's Dlountaln, N. J. WM. MARSH, JOHN MARSH, Executors. THEO. LITTLE. 3y"22sw6t* tA SMALL BUT VALUABLE AZ COUNTRY-SEAT FOR SALE, for or good City Property will be taken iu part pay ment. Thisplrceis situated ten miles and a half from the city, on the Midge-road Turnpike, oue and tbree-qm,eter miles from Lafayette Station, on the NorristowidilliirOad, accessible ten times daily, by good road. This is one of the best opport null tee for any per son Widling, to reside in the country, as there is an abundance of Fruit Trees, there being t:crentv-tive Cherry Trees, also mane Apple and "'each 'trees, and a number of t rape duce; also, over one hall tired Shade Trees. Nearly new Stone liotfsu. built Cottage style, with two parlors, sitting-room, and kitchen; three good bed-chambers. and three at tics. The parlors have each a good marble mantle. A pump of good soft lv a t et . at the house. A new frame Meru. three iragon-bouses, and other out buildings. all in good order. The limit is in the highest state of cultivation, there being twenty live tons of Iray,on the place. together with one hundred and rely-six dozen of "Wheat, and twenty live dozen of live, and other produce. All will be sold, and possession given at any thee tiosired by the purchaser. The Furniture and Palm ing Utensils will also be sold. Fey' particulars inquire at No. 16 South FOURTH Street. Jr27-thswat SD TO BE SOLD-80 ACRES OF excellent Farming- or Building LAND, situate in DARBY, Delaware county, bordering on two public roads, within half a mile of Clifton Station, on the Philadelphia and West Chester Railroad, and within one mile of the terminus of the Phila delphia and Darby Passenger Railroad. This pro )erty Is well suited for dividing into small lots for building, having a front of three.onarters or a mile on the roads, is well watered, with SO acres of good woodland, and is a very healthy neighbor hood. Whole Ur In lots, 40 suit purchasers. Per- SOUS wishlu - purchase a dump and &drat& Pro poity please call on the subscriber. TllO3lAn L. BABTEAM, DARBY. jr-b-tuths-et. Delaware County, Pa. FOR SALE—IRON - MASTERS, AT -1 'TEN T 10X—t1 REAT BARGAIN-00,000 lt BE CLEARED IN oNEYEan.—First-rlass ILOLL .II.4tI WU, in tide City, with all the splendid, nearly new umehinery, with three engines, one of 1110, itnO• the!' of Eig, and another of MO-horse power; has Seren boilers; first-rate machinery for manufac turing railroad iron, chairs, solhes, &o.: 4,000 tons of all descriptions of iron can be made in one year; is now all in full operation; has water and steam railroad eoinintmlentlon, coal chutes, Ake.; all the waier used upon the premises derived from springs near by, fire of charge. There Is also a rose of twelve stone tenant dwellings Included. , Price, iijib i lLni worth SIOO 000. _Easy tern's. GEO. C. MILLER. Hest Estate Mother, jy29-71 lf 1515 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE—A SUPERIOR IRON FUR NACE, In troll blast, with about LAO litres of Thud. in Adams Co., Pu., capable of maktrk r g Si tuna per week. tn. P. GEN LN, jyt , J.l 123 South UUIiTIt Street. $3,800.-A FIRST-CLASh MORT GAGE, the above amount for nate. Apphy TAl.ll,Bri & CAMPBELL, Broad and Wal lace. • j3.29-'2;* TASTEFUL APjD 81113STAISTIAL CLOTHING FOR SALE AND TO LET. A s FOR SALE ON ELEVENTH, Twelfth Mid Thirteenth streets, a number of neat Dwellings, on easy terms. Also, 2;214 Dwellings, street, In perfect order. Immediate possession. Also, VERY CHEAP DWELLING, ICIS Marshall street. Lot 17x125 feet. Tide will be Bold exceed inoty Also, neat Dwelling, 11342 North Second street. Lot 121 feet 9 Inellesto Philip, with House on immediate Also, is2.4.Master street, Cheap, with pOsSeind Alqu 1, sidegitrinif Garden, west of Fifteenth. sites, In good order; Immediate pOS , Also,l22BNorth Fifteenth street, teen bunt; pos session soon. With many others, large and small, In various localities. 11. P. ULENN, 1.213 S. POURTH - Bireot, or jy2o eon SE V ENTEENTH and GREEN. ill FOR SALE—TWO VERY DESI- Joiarable Houses, DM and 1034 ARCM Street, nor and well Lunt, withevery modern convenienee. mediate poscession. B. F. GLENN, 1Y 2 9 123 Mouth FOTJRTII:Street. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE. IMPORTANT ENTER STATES SILL Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, itc, Samuel C. Cook, Aluetloueer. ON FRIDAY MOONING, AUGUST 4, 1863, AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK, At 124 South Front St., above Walnut, WILL BE SOLD, For account of the Medical Bureau, U. S. A., a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines & e., in bulk and put up in army style at the United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia, all In good order being above the amount required by the Medical bepartment, comprising: 35,000 Ihs. Ex. Reef. 95,000 doz. Quinine Pills. 5,000 oz. Snip. Quinine. 20,000 doz. Opium Pills. 15,000 lbs. Rochelle Salts. 15,000 yds. Iglu. Plaster. 10,000 " Adhesive do. I 3,000 " Oiled Silk. 3,000 " Oiled Muslin. 2,000 " Perch. Ont. 2,0001.1i5. 31aghes10. 5,000 " Epsom Salts. 900 " Essential 0110.1 250 doz. Olive Oil. 50,000 lbs. Cont'd Milk_ 10,000 " Acids, ass l / 4 1. 12,000 gals, Alcohol, 2,200 lbs. Gum Arable. 4,000 " Ammonia. 1,000 " Cham. Flowers. 1,000 " F. S. Arsenic. 1,000 " Assafcetida. 000 " Belladona. 600 " Machu.. . 2,000 " Camphor. 1,000 44 Cantharides. 1,000 " Capsicum, pd. 1,500 " Catoctin. 1,2(3) 44 'White Wax. MOO " Calasaya Bark. 650 " Chloroform. 200 " Collodium. 3,100 Cops - lbs. sOo 4 , Creosote. 650 " Cubans. 23,000 Died. Ext. ass'd 5,000 " Pren. Iron, SOW 1000 " Caramel. 1,000 " Mercury. SOO " lodine. 1,600 ‘• Ipecac. 1.001 " Flaxseed. 300 gals. Olive Oil 1,210 lbs. i l'ow'd Opum. 1,200 " 11yd. Potash. Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Cocoa, Mustard, CM*. mon, Sal Soda, Bicarb. Soda, Oxide Zinc, Castile Soap, Saltpetre, Copping Glasses, Surgeons' Nee dles, Scissors, Syringes, Hand Litters, Twine, as. 302 " Castor 011.11 2,500 lbs. Sugar Lead. 3,300 " Cream Tartar. 2,000 " Chia. 'Potash. 1,800 " Ref'. Borax. 2,000 " Black Tea. 20,000 doz. Oomph. PIM. 12,000 " CatbartiePills. 1,0 olbs. Bicarb, Potash. 2,500 Syrup 2,000 " 'Patent Lint. 2,000 pieces Binding. 5,000 Towel. 8,000 Silsp. Bandages. 320 lbs. Rhubarb. 1 • • - - • 1,000 lbs. Powd'd Elm. 125,000 Bandages. Samples writ be arranged, with catalogues, three days previous to sale. jy2l-tau4 DA T V i ra H. BURD ET T, AUC- U. S. GOVERNMENT VESSELS AT AUCTION. 33T.TELDErr7r, JONES, a C(;14, WILL §IILL Wedneealftsr, August flth, 1865, AT n O'CLOCK NOON, At the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, (By order of the Navy Department), THE FOLLOWING-NAMED VESSELS PRIZE SCHOONER SAVANNAH—ik reet tong; breadth 17 feet 3 inches; depth, 8 feet, 7 Inches. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER FORT HENRY-151 feet, 4 inches long; breadth, 32 feet; depth, 11 feet, 8 inches; diameter of cylinder,2B inehes; 10 feet stroke, SCREW STEAMER VALLEY CITY - 143 feet long; 22 feet, 5 inches beam; depth, 7 feet, I Inches; cylinder, 24 inches; 24 inch stroke. SCREW STEAMER HONEYSUCKLE—Length, 121 feet, inches; breadth, 21 feet, 8 inches; depth, 9 feet, 7 latches; cylinder, 80 Inches; 30 Indies Stroke. SCREW STEAMER R. R. CUTLER—Length, 238 feet, 6 inches; breadth, 24 feet, 6 inches; depth, 15 feet, 9 inches; between decks, 7 feet, 6 inches; cylin der, 72 inches; 4 feet stroke. CENTRE-BOARD SCHOONER 0 R V.E 'T TA Length, 95 feet; breadth, 27 feet 2 Inches; depth, 7 feet 5 Inches. CENTRE-BOARD SCHOONER SARAH BRUEN —Length, 105 feet 6 inches; breadth, 26 feet 7 inches; depth, 9 teeth 1 inch. CENTRE -BOARD SCHOONER SAIDIEL RO TAN—Length, 109 feet; breadth, 28 feet 3 inches; depth, 7 feet 7 inches. PROPELLER DANDELION—Length, 35 feet 9 Inches; breadth, 19 feet 6 inches; depth, 7 feet 9 Man: cylinder, 2VX inches diameter: stroke, 2136 PROPELLER CAMMELIPL-d,engilii - fil breadth, 19 feet JO inches; depth, ilfeet; cylinder, 30 inches diameter; stroke, 30 inches. BRIG BOHRO—Length, 100 feet; breadth, 20 feet 9 inches; depth, 9 feet 4 inches. TERMS.—Twenty per cent, on the day of sale; the balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed from the yard. $22-Stlitlifit 0. 11. BELL, Commandant. SALE OP GOVERNMENT STEADIERS. DEPOT QuAnTnitatAsTnn's OFFICE, BALTIMORE, Md., July 25, 1865. Will be sold at Baltimore, Md., under direction of Captain C. B. BEACH, •A. Q. 31., on WEDNES DAY, August 2d, 1865. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Government Wharf, fUot of MILL Street, the Go vernment vessels hereinafter named and descibed, viz; The "CURLEW, 7, side-pried, don Me-end ferry boat, wooden hull; length on deek..l3s feet; beam, 32 feet: depth of hold, 9 feet 6 incites; draws light 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder, 22 Inches; stroke of piston, 9 feet. • • This Steamer was thoroughly repaired and sup plied with a new boner in 1.864, and is a staunch vessel.. I{,The "NIRGE. , ZIA, ,, a screw propeller of 384 tons, wooden Malt lengtll,lBa feet; breadth,-23 feet; depth of bold, MAN . 8 feet; between deeks.9 feet ; itrawo light 9 feet 0 inches. Has one direct acting pow pressure engine; diameter of cylinder, 84 inches; boiler and engine In Food running order. The "HUNTER NI OODIS," u alde-wheel steamer of 213 tons. Iron bull; length on deck, 133 feet: breadth, 22 feet; over all, 8S feet 6 Matti depth of hold. 8 feet: draws light 4 feet; has one 'beam e - gin e diameter of cylinder, 26 Itches; stroke of Ms ton, 6 feet, Bull and engine ill jroOd condition, The "LONG. ISLAM - IW , a side-wheel steamer of 950 tons; hull of oak and hard pllcc, itud new hotteln metalled; length on deck, ina feet; breadth 29 feet 9 inches; over all, 53 feet 3 Incites; depth of hold, 8 feet 3 Indies; present draught, 4 feet 9 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder, 411 Inches; stroke of 'piston, 12 feet. The engine is partially set up, and all the necessary maeninery to put It In running order on board. The "'ALBANY," a screw propeller, ER tons, double deck, wooden bull; length on deck, 142 feet; breadth r p feet; depth of bold, 7 feet; between decks, 6 icet 8 lilacs:iron fattened and copered. Has one direct acting - low-presmire engine; diameter of cylinder, 26 inches: stroke of plstnit, 26 inches. The barge "W. S. BISSELL," as site now lies at Boston wharf.. Terms cash, in Government funds, on dayo f f , sate. It. M. INIEWPOIt Col. and Chief Quartermaster, jy2B-4t Baltimore Depot. UNITED STATES MILITARY RAIL ROADS 6 OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER, WASUINGTON, 1), July 25, 1895. AUCTION SALE OF ROLLING STOCK. Will he sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder, the following robing stock ; On TUESDAY, September 19, at the Portland Co.'s Shop In Portland, Maine, Six (6) LoceMojive Engines. 011 THURSDAY ' September 21, at pinkly & Wil liams'' chop in Boston, Mass.: Four (4) I.49c9lnetive Engines. • On MONDAY, September 25 - at Kennett Square, near Philadelphin,Pa., Fifty ?1O) Box Freight Oars, four feet eight and a half inch gauge, WED.NESDAY, September 27, nt WOMingion, Del., Eight-four (8.4) Hex Freight Cars, ilve-foot gauge. The shore stock is all new, and of the very hest quality. The Engines ere five-feet gauge, ilye-foot drivers, and cylinders 16124 inches. They ea u be changed to narrow gauge et, et , llitibl expense. Salesto commence at iD A. SI. Terms : Cash in exerernment feuds. H. L. 11013INSON. .7528-43 t Errvet Colonel and A. Q. M. VALE 'AT ALEXANDRIA, VA., OF CONDEMNED ARTER3IAST ER'S STORES, CLOTHING-, CAMP, AND GARRISON EPUWAGE. CHIEF QUARTEIDiAsrEnI.S. OPPME, • DEPOT or WASIIII:cTox, WASHINGTON, 11, C., July It, 1965 . Will be Sold at PUBLIC AUCTioN, under the di rection of Captain J. G. C, Dee, A. Q. SI., U. 5. A., at Alexandria, Va., on WEDNESDAY, A ngnat 9, 1865, at lie'eleek A. Sr., a, large lot of condemned tluartermaster's Stores, Clothing, &c.. consisting of Stoves, Heaters, Bridles, Saddle Blankets, Sad dles, Chains, Vices, Anvils, Hammers, Cold Chisels, MIMS, Files, Hatt-bets, saws, Portable Forges, Saddlers' Tools, Weighing Seill99, Grindstones, Shirts, Drawers. Hats 'Provo:Jura, coats, hoots, Bootees, Stockings, Jackets, Canteens, Ha'ree sacks, Drums, Tents. Tent-Files, Kettles, Shovels, Spades, Harness, Forks, &e. The sale will be continued from day to day, until the whole is sold. Successful bidders will be required to remove the storeswithin live (5) (lays from date ot' sale. Terms : Cush, in Government funds. D. H. BUCKER, Brevet Major General and Chief Quartermaster, JllB-lot - Depot or Witslilhiglon. SQALB OF CONDEMNED QUARTER BLASTER'S STORES, GRAIN, AND OILAUL" SACKS. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICIC, DEPof UV WASHINGTON, WASnixnrox, D. C. July 24, 1805. Will be sold ut PUBLIC AUCTION, under the direction of Ca .tutu Samuel B. Lattifer, A. Q. M., at Nlxtltsstredllllol.l, In thr City of WnsinuKton, D. C. on TUMDIVI, August 8. 1800, tit 10 o'ol.oBB. A. le, U lorof gultrtrruni;ster'S Stores, contlenmeil as being unlit. for publ le herder., viz.: Boilers, Seou_ps,l3llekets, Cups, Brushes, Brooms. Curry Combs, Lanterns, Augurs, Ratchets, Spades, &e. ALSO, at the same time and place, about TWEYTY-ST HUN DIVED nmd,ets of OATS. and ONE HUN DRED mnollEiAND GRAIN SACKS. Sueoessful bidders ma remoyc the stores WlOll.ll live (5) days Abut date of sale. Terms: Gash in Government funds. P. KETt. Brevet Itla). Gen. and Chi l ef Quarter ßUC mast jy2s-9t Depot of Washington. "AMERICAN ROUSE ) " rormvILLE, gottin. EXILE, CO„ PA., 11. b. DlEwuomms, Proprietor, This House has recently been re-opened, and In such style and character us will merit Ilrst-class Pa tronage. jy27-tut 10 12, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, 9 Boring Tools, Planers, Lathes, Pimbtu and Drillin g Machines, 011-well Tubing. For slat _ A _ I HWAY, LEACH, & STEARN'S, or-ira 417 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. AT REASONABLE PRICES. AUCTION SALM-, SPECIAL BALE CIF GOVERNMENT TllO Nun. Es. tritaTED OTATES WILL SELL AT PUR- L - it; AUCTION, AT WASHINGTON•BTREET WITARV, D'uliNti THE, MONTH OP AUGINT, 1815, NE HUNDRED MLE& Thew Mules l are all serviceable, and stda only for want of use. Buyers are Invited to examine them a t any time, and every facility will be given for a. thorunph Inspection. 11 "'"Yshe da are provided for protection from 8U and ral», ONit MULES VII I 1 lie sold on ca,ti NV SI 1 )NESIDAY and tiATutt- DAY, tlirmuthout thir mouth of August, cointnene -114 at 10 o'clock A. M. Tartan cash, 111 Governun.nt funds. By order or Brig:Oki. (4, , tic ra I Ulu. A.1.11E1 11. ASHMEAD_. Captain and Assistant Qu extent Often °fluk e% No, 721 MA REIT!' St.. Phila. Jy2ll-tau3e, m 4 : I ,, &JALLa NEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA TRE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. GROVER & SINN Lessees and Managers. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, July 211th, SECOND GRAND FAMILY MATINEE OF THE SUMMER. SEASON, AND SECOND DAYLIGHT REPRESENTATION OF THE RAH NA DU AJIA, ARRAti NA POG.UE, Which will be presented entire, with all Its mag nificent accessories. Admission to the Matinee, 80 cents to all parts oC the house; Children, II cents. Doors open at El o'clock; Performance to commence at_ 'el ock. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, TWELFTH NIGHT of the Grand Spectacular drama, by Dloußoueteatat and E. 11. House, styled ARRAH NA POGUE; WICKLOW WEDDING, Which, during the pad week, lies achieved a grand. success. MTh be presented with ail the new and magnificent scenery, wonderful mechanical effects. original and brilliant music, costly wardrobe, cor rect appolntments l and a CAST OF lIIKIUTMOST ABILITY. The Centrifugal Tans, constantly in motion, rem. der the Theatre delightfully cool at all times. ./C8 water provided in abundance. 115. JOHN DREW'S ANW ARCH. -LUL STREET THEATRE. BECUND WEEK. BOLEY'S MINSTRSELe B O . ND wgzs. AN ENTIRE NEW BILL. - . - TRAGEDY, COMEDYG, DANCE., FARCE, num:num, SON ALL THE STARS APPEAR EACH EVENING. PRONOUNCED BY OVERWHEIMLNO AUDI. gproEB THE WORLD'S BEST. J724-8t VOX'S AMERICANVARIETY THEA— TRE. WALNUT Street, above Eighth, WILL OPEN FOE THE SEASON On SATURDAY EVENINGJitIy 29, IBM. 'Grand Ballets, new Dramas, Farces, &e. WU. Bent combination of distinguished artists. jy24•et ACADEMY OF FIRE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street, shore Tenth—Open from 0 A. M. till 6 P. M. Benjamin ' , Nut's great picture et CHRIBT REJECTED gin on Exhibition. )914 BOARDING. WARDING-DESIRABLE R 0 0 M . B -1 1 - 0 at northwest corner of SPRUCE and MINTS Streets. It. COUNTRY BOARDING WANTED. ' or u family of four AdlUtB (three inale), two children, and seritant, on the Me of the Pennsyl— Vallia Railroad preferred, or adjacent thereto; MIL on the Hoe of any other railroad not Objected to. Address "8. 13. 11.0 , Box No. 2339, with milieu, Lars. jy2B-2t DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS DINNERS, at No. 6E4 South WASHINGTON Square. Er6-tot• PERSONAL' ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU TIONED not to trust TIIV wife, Margaret, ott my' account, as I will pay no debts of tier contract, in'g after date.aniN LEMON. JULY 27th, 11365. jr2B-2t. ,EXt.PERSIONS. CAPE. 31A-Irs BY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OP MARKET STREET: 830 AAL, EXPRESS AND MAIL. 210 P. M., PASSENGER. 4,30 P. M., EXPRESS. Jr29-pamv-tsel .T. VAN RENSSELAER, Supft. CAPE M WEST JERSEY R.AILROA.D; FROM FOOT OF MARICET AT STREET, UPPER FERRY. 8.30 A. M., IgAIL 3c .A.ND EXPBBSO. Dna 2.30 F. M., ri ABSENGER. Due at 6.411 P. 4.30 P. M., EXPRESS. Due at 7.46 P. Fare, *3.00. Servants, 02.00. 4. le"l2lllltiiptikWyeYsZToolY;l , 0 Passengere and Baggage taken to and from at Island and Station wititout additional charge, Freight daily rrom thiudfordoe, Wharf, below{ Spruce street. Returning Trains leave RAPE MAY at 5.20 A. IL. Mall• 8 A. H., Express; 5 P. IL, Accommodation 8.20 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Supt. pymaractruzA, July 25,1885. jy6-teel GRAND ANNUAL,: nxoultsius To ATLANTIC!. CITY of the YOUNG- MEN'S Clini*Tl.A.N (NATION, 'lichen 44,50. For sale at CL..I.X.TUN'S. ISOG CHESTNUT Street. agigNA ILCATAWISCATAWISSA.O AD COMPANY.—TO Tourists and Travellers—Excursion season of lBo6. Lake Ontario, Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The IlatlLids of St. Law- White Mountains, renec Myer, Saratog , .. Springs . , Montreal, OGOt Quebec, So., &e., Tickets for the above Excursions, which turge been so long. and favorably known to the Philadel. pbie public, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the CATAWISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET Or. TICE, 425 CHESTNUT Street, under Plaintlelplat. Rank.. ly)tere full informotion will be given. N. VANI.IOIiN, Fgkeenger Agent, jr/e-im 425 vt-trnT.V Wont, Et. 4 CAMDEN AND AT• SUMNER ARRANOEME NT, THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. On and after SATURDAY, July FMB trains daily to Atlantic Olt t and one on Sundal. LEAVE VIN -STREET FERRY TRAINS LEAVE as follows: special Excursion &SO A. M. Mall Train 7.30 A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9.15 A. Alt, Express (through in two hours) '.. 00 P.M. hours) Atlantic Accommodation 4.15 F. X. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 5.47 A. X. Express (through in two hours) 7.09 A. M. Freight, with "Passenger Oar attached....ll.47 A. X. Mail 'Erain 4./5 P. X. Special Excursion 5.18 P. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Perry at ... 7.30 Returning, leaves Atlantic , 4,0 1" sic Fare to Atlantic, $2. ltound-trip Tickets, good only s3 for the day and train ou which they are issued, JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 5.30 P. BIL, Leave Jackson' at 0,28 A. X. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leatt "Vine-street Ferry at 10.11 A. M. and 1.15 P.M. Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. M. and 2.45 P. N. 11.-14sIght must Im dcHrrrea at Coop Or. Point before u o'clock F. M. to insult lis getup uOll2. the next day. JOHN 0. BRYA NT, je2B-tf Agent. aIgiEREM EXCURSIONS TO LONG BEAN CH.—Trains fox Long Branch will leave Cooper's Point, CAMDEN. daily (Sundays excepted,' at 9.15 A. ) . l'aU. $2. Excursion 'rickets, good tor three days. $ 3 . XLTA *rain oh Sattirditys at 4.09 - pp M. Bot.urniag, orttril at Camden at 0.2 A. Al. 7don.laY. je2B-21n L. B. COLE, Agent, Clam leaf :„„r-- WEST CHESTER SAND PIIILADICL PULA. RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MON DAY, J une stit, 1885, the trains, will leave as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philiidelphin for West Main' at 7,33 and 10.80 A. M., and ?..30, 4.9.1 and 6.451'. M. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 8,20, 7. 4 8 e and 10.35 A. M., and 2 and 4.45 P.M. Trains leaving West Chester at 1.45 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4,45 P. 31, will not stop at Pennerton, and will stop below B. C. Jtilictlon at Media only. D. C. JUNCTION TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for B. 0, Junction at 5.02 and 10,30 P.'DI. I.eave B. 0. Junetitill for IltilarielpUta at 8.'2.6 A.M. and `i.2o P. M. On Tuesdays and Pridays only, until further no tice, a Market Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will leave West (Metter for Philadelphia at OA M., stopplug at all Stations. These train:, ,to at all Intermediate stations. ON ntINDAYS. Leave:Philadelphia at 8. 30 A. and 2P, M. Leave West (Amster at 8 A. 17. and SP. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. Si. and 4,45 P. M., S i , leaving West Cheater at 7.95 with and 4.46 s 000iteet at B. („), Junction mina on F. and IL C. R. R. for Uzi Ora and internieiliatu points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing &Hard. only as baggage, and the Company will not t any. case be responsible for an ...moot exceeding Oiler hundred dollars, unless a special contract is made for the saute. ENRY WOOD, General Superintendent. TIIIL R ADELPIIIA, March 76, 1565. ntyB MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S BALg,-13Y VIRTU :. of a writ of aide, by the MA, Jt)1114 cAp wALADE3I, Judge or the Distriv; Uourt of thee 'United :;talus, ill itnti for the Eastera District or relmayirmisa:lll Admiralty, to me. directed, will. be sold itt public. 81l IC , to the hlghoNt atel beNt bid^ Ocr, for cash, of AI limns ER'S STOUP:. No. lifili Sioribvitoismr Street.. on TUESDAY, Aligust 3, 15e% Isla o , elOCk 31., thirtynine boles of COTTON, Ses. Islam! mulliplaud. .1.91'00 or il li 11114 " W r Ylll 4. lIlSli, Oil y-nlne hetes of Se 3 Wow' 0,1111 I s lt ,11)14 vv t "' tun, cargo of ateatuboal carrroN KA, Ti 1V11,T.1.A.31 mthovAitV, U. s. mit.l roull, s . D. ot at . PIULADELPITIA, July: 9 2 . _...—.i5 "4- _ ISOLDIERS, AND OTHERS = CAIN , In t v isonT;, :3110F,5. TRUNKS. 10NEti1i. , ,,..91- BACW. sec. ut Ifilll Inlec.i nt,,ViA-Fit.ri . etcoutti :,EuuNIJ tiirvvli ol.wa t- , itestilla‘ UlthG A iTz9 111* . ______ la TURNIP BEEDS.-NRW CROP OF our own Ki.°"l" ' tjinllEßTtl3LTlBT , oTlinte by Soo) nod .W1..0111111.1 Woreltotor... Jy29 Nov, 022 owl 0,-16 3LARKET St., 1.1). Ninth, A.ND VVIIII.A.L Wraq'TEN cafitwitiou. c'"11 - ;FRT 0„ ma r bs ; and !Palen!, Willi A lienttli, Education, tioirTperApne,hu.onotil, • agcuient and Tru!olugetri,:i ;4.r' clal Adaptation, eke„ day ndly.isi,-111,." zs, so, 25 abdolv3eoockiletielltearu,t. DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOM WOEL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers