,j,„.....m.........--- The Coinmereisl. !ea. Blass .0 w S'...itifier, Pa 1.14,, IVlat., ,“ ih,::kylin.eyer, :..3t Louis ~0,.. iii,,,, ~in....k01... Chester co, l'a , I, ' ,l ': 14: 31;4-., 4:, , . , 31 Riddle '',ii ° Ysiat ~, 4 , 41 i:roy, '.*.iiiislii - c, Tenn I .., VIII, t, :1"P In.`:,r,N"shv.e. Tema .i ~ , ,,.I,t '111...'i'„.. .„''h - 1.1137.1(41. TT§ A ~. ~. (144-. l i i - ri0.....0. W Cheste r 1 ?, , 1 10 1 1 it '", ' ...4 lama. , , Wegt Chester .r 4,, t0i,,,14,,,i4 ... , ~,,., -....., :3 ~, r , Ai' Chester .!,..... , !. ,, .. 1 : - . ), han,...si, Chester ..: nii.. servo c oil ,h•.;,L„ii.,oiN is, NI theBter ,t , . 1:4.3 re 1, , i , 4. 1 1 vo p r s , 0 1 11, . 4 . ,. :!xforg ': in. 1 ~ P . l rr r f .', y i F. I) We:v. : or "I( ox .t: l i m.k r; ~, , . 4.. - , i' ,, iIIC K. Retool. Pit ." Y .. ~.,,-, 1 ,,, 'IV M Mintzer," Pot t,vii le , n yug . . ill 1 Clityliciok, (iliOster ro ..,I!0, II SN v Thos Dugaii, Wash, 1) V ,;0711uU, Mil s i nion. The Stat rutsburg CO, Pa Jersey . . AV B li.•,ltile.l..vv"mili..-..0 f; no•iridge.,i,a',..,lol3:X co 1(1,•1'011 Li..' , W... hi:WTI:Od ,41,,.. I.: smith. Pottsville ID f-;,i,,,.. Vottville - LV11,?:i;,.!ii.,:.. 3:Fwaric, DO, V , 51lis• 1 tri' ''' ",, Pa T,....,...4,.. , t , t i crheude . u, Pa IV li. 1/04gia's:eoltart II 11;0;er. Bedard maltri3. A Monntain. illatr7o Y Now ork Pa .1:M0100311 I ork eo. Pa v, Cleveland 117:tryland Inns, ;;31tin:ort• IVESIMMMI - - 4 Smeltzer. CRlTlblia CO I , A Smenzer.Cambria co MeNlirtrie, Hunt 'gfiou 11 Hinman. cmnbra co ti ac Bond, Pemba, yore. The Bald Eagle. • t:a-ton I Harrisou Bettie, Pa $ A tStcpben cm, Hocks co Lycoming co C lI Hoerr. J.cl,pg - 11 co . ;,ccontiug en il/anl rorge. bogolsvtllc co ,Alahion Penn:s - 111; (pull:ecru Dolts, Pennsburg mi c .atwn ITrogor t 'wife, Pa syion - ,y iiollo H Frederick - , Pa iAl:x3' , l , -:.; , d , c i r t it i , k 4 , h rp .l Pr i'a ;Henry 11thlown, Po l'a Quakcrrn • Alient'n .1 .1 - Uctierott,TAlnigh co VJ o nnorti , 1 Strong, 40, Juniata CO NOTE/0/11111'll CO clright. ra :1' .1 Sitrunp, Centre co Paco-. Pa It llaas, Fogelsvitle The Harley Sheaf. .11.ynn, Newtown Kline, t rene. own Davis 2 5th Penna Vol 1-• j lniriti "SHIP •aill.V •. 17 th :1 m v Pa A ols vrrte , hilada. .2. 4 - 1 ! pa VAS 1J A Eilgren- blew York Vois :Dr liver & Dovles, lie C SleCartney, N t iv Y,,rk W Cogley, Denville York W G Roster, viola tla Dungan, New York A i,,i;vellesterl y . Ely. Now Jersey H :Hay, Dftlivllle j ,bertvilletC Poartey & sr - C. Bost on II Janes & la,Penna, The Black Bear. ~...liamnarg Sehloterer, N Wales T o pton A Winter, New York c. IZeading iW II Walter, Ponta, ert. Tatuagna 13 Daub. Easton er. tooling. 1.1 If Iceiper, Penna. le•inger, Jr. Pa IIT Schoek, 'Hamburg Joel.l.llller, Hamburg, ,e.llarrisburF, The Madison. rPnttm. 2.4 J Evah. New Hope J : P ICriublack. Aloutreal 'Willa, Dcl :JB Davis, 3.lllford. Del in Bowen, Hyde Park n . lionesciale 1/Thmas, ity,le Park rSe M ;Jon o es. Hyde. Park FECLA_T. NOTICES. OLOTUES WRlNG ckaners. Apple Parers, Nut Crackers, Pocket Spiv es, Scissors, Plated Spoons ••,i, Table cutlery, Spice Boxes, and other ~,,,vora, For sale by TRUMAN & maw, t gight. Thirty-l Ive) MARKET Stteal., be. ;cri: BOY IS A GENIUS, AND YOU WISH i:n practical in Ingenuity, give him a Chest Work Bench, and Turning Lathe, or _cm. Sold by TRITMAN Es SHAW, No. 'MARKET Street, below tthiltO COOL POR THE HOT WEATHER. :,isrthing Cool for the Hot Weather. ~..earthing Cool for the Hot Weather. Cool for the Hot Weather. ....Irks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. „Ka, Linen Pants. Linen Vests. ~!•iria, Linen Pants. Llnen Vests. tracks. Linen Pants. Linen Vesta. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linea Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca backs. Alpaca backs. Jug the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. ,s. a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth al every variety, for sale by PERRY & CO., No. NJ CfIES'ENI7I' Street, &Hove CO9 CHESTNUT St. (Granville Stokes' old Corner of SEVENTH and kf...uuknx Sts. (Jones.) :;vt ;VT ouItBATHINO ROBES FOE LADIES, :Allan, anti Children, at SLOAN'S, 806 MAR- I :greet, and at his Store, Cape Island, New jy22-3t5 (Wlrßivroli's) 'T RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. i cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cares : Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions Skin. Frier. 10 cents. By sending 60 cents to FENS & POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be.for :l:d free by wall. For sale by all Druggists. Ant FIRE AT BARNUM'S MUSEUM, NEW tK —(me of our SAFES was severely tested In tire. and preserved its contents in good certificate of the owners in another MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT Street, yl4t (Masonic Hall.) MARV 9 SAFE TRIITAMEIANT.-41,- a,e4en ruction of property, NEW YORK, July 14, 1561. :1,;3/.5.• MARTIN & CO.—Gentlemen: In reply to t: d;uiries as to how your Safe stood the great %filch consumed Barnum's 31useum and the en • :lock of adjoining buildings, we would say that -rything in it was preserved is perfect order, al it as good as new. The Safe glves good evl- Aqe of the great heat for several hours. When is rebuilt we shall want another, as, after a test, we shall have none but your patent. ,urs, truly, WILLETTS ,t SKIDMORE, N 05.155 and 157 FULTON Street. ell a-soriment of MARVIN'S Patent Fire and 7 = l w-proof SAFES always on band. MARVIN (AL CHESTNUT Street. iy2.o-6t CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR Ci restore Gray Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR; and pro/nate the growth of the tom/teat • r: 4 1.4.5 ils failingoutin three days ; keepathe head earl and healthy; can be used freely; contains tiltg c,jurlons; THE BEST IiAIR-DRESSING EVER FLP.m., TO THE PUBLIC; 1t is recommended and by the first medical authority. Sold at the 4-AbrLs and at lay office, No. 11^'..3 Broadway, York. a,re all persons the above preparation will do Lat is claimed for it. !- - ttillisi2t SARAH A. CHEVALIER, IC D. Two BAD CASES OF PILES CUBED BT " , .:7,TRILELAND•S PILE EE3IEDY. --Mr. Glass, WiSeOUSin. writes for tde benefit of •tho stiffer with the Piles, that he has been ts;,.(l for eight years with an aggravated case of set his brother was discharged from the army !w.ura: l le, (he being quite paralyzed with the ,•• Ituth These distressing cases were cured with 1 ..to;:le of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The atlailon of these gentlemen, beside the received by Dr. Strickland, ought those suffering that the Most aggra li", 0 -sisic cases of Piles are cured by Dr. .;'s Pile Remedy. It is sold by Druggists iyi-stuthgra Nel YOE A DAY, BUT FOR .A.LL TIME. " ' ,, N" BITTERS. that which Is good. ":t 10 4 NilliUllt rLA;•.(TATIOII IIITTS-11.4 in the ' • or a 'IV la! fir Med 111h0 bath lax quarrel just .+v anktd against Disease is he who always lies ef PLVNTATION BITTERS in the house. ix Letter than cure. ~); BITTERS win prevent and cure Headache, Heartburn, and all detip(tntlent, and unhappy feelings. Re -1,; o 11111111t1:54 : . 111r.: of peace prepare for tear. too are well, or feel the first unpleasant ,3 ! ,2 atietifi of approaching tlekness, take PLANTA BITTEits. They are a sure preventive and cure : : • :er4aehic 111111 Billiary derangements. jr4-6t .KEND.s.r.L's AM3OLINE.—Have you tried tt•ro, you approve of It. Of course the re okable demand for this excellent preparation for t ' ,ll slr bas been solely created by its merits; for, 'Lts once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. can procure it of any respectable Druggist. tr . PRICES REVUCED. WANADIAREII & BROWN, repular ri.thing re - ' Reuse, 4- e' OAK HALL. S. E. cor. Sixth and Market DIED. -4M the 24th Inst., Francis ti., soh of • 1 11. and Julia L. Castor, aged 8 months " t' ; ' ,,, •,6, and friends of the family are in his funeral, front the parentu , resi \';',Vr• N 6. Thekortev street, White Han, on ' ' '' , " . ! ,. /: , ,,ner:noon, the 2fitli inst., at 3 o'clock... ritt-MAN Seventh-day afternoon, Seventh Llewellyn Truman, in his Mil year, of Joe pit 31. and the late Sarah S. nitathose of the family, are invited attend the '''' , a l . .from his father's residence, grind, on Fourth-day afternoon. rah mcanh. t!gth. at 4 o'clock..ntermen t at . 1. 2•11.1411s 4 Fair Hill I ;mewl, *** FA the ;:.4 instant, air. Archibald E. t!rn, the 37th is age . Ihi relutiveA and clieMlS,.f the familv„ also the iund.in _Mark Lodge. N o , 91, A. Y..'31., and h 4, Rivranortd Lodge, N. 230. A. Y. M are re ,i iii :nectfnily invited to attend las funeral: from his r;soicie.e, COillunda avenu e and AnteriCan ai1.1 , 111.,,m at 3 o'Oock, with ran Mier Dotleir, proceed to the Monument BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.— Just received, a ease of Black English Grena •aues, at Su tents a 'yard. BESSON & SON. Mourning Store, 918 taIESTNU'2 Street. prices in plain A gures. nlyls One price )LACK CURLY DE LAJNE.-JUST 'plain black elraly de Lanes, aceLeVa ff ulcils.e E=0:8 & SON, Meurnin. Store9lB SON}, Streit. Prices in plain figures. rem OEM 00 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. EYRE & LANDFILL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, WIILTEO, BLUES, GREENS, &C. EYRE ANDELL. I 000 LOW WHITE GUILTS, FOR RiJTELS. IMMENS OTSOF CHEAP T ( AvELS. Eje26..03 EYRE & LAND ELL. THE CLERGY AND LAITY OF H PROTMTANTEPISCOPAL CHURCH ti,„ 111.1if11111!1". f: Philadelphia and vicinity. are re " incited to - meet In CHRIST CHURCH, / ,; ,, DA I the 26th inst., at o'clock A.M., o r Li* ta n s, la r e tvitir lo action on occasion of the death _ o the Dlocese. catler it 01 the Bishop, dI(Q. tJau.DR, nor. Secretary. ligr' MINT Or TEM )UNITED STATE% rilitrAtinelllA, July 32, 1865. At a meeting, of the mace: , and . ,employees of the United States lion. JAMES POLLOCK was called to the chair. mid tiIEORGE W, BRAym, appointed Secretary. The following rentable and resolutions were unanimousif adopted nn, the ,n•re • ostroyer, Death, with vufifats entered the portals of our iusti tilt h as tt3 from among us a beloved dad i r t ? . .s i : g •c h t e.7;:.'n'tnp au ton . In 111011 11th oat - WHAM, LEON AI: I ) recognize the fact that we too mast die, that death Is ever around us and about us. and that while we yet have life let us prepare for the eri,it change somter or later to overtake us. •Ten+Jr,,J,l. 'that we, the officers anti employees of t h e ruit,Al States Mint. hereby express our ,orrow at the death of Mr. Leounril: but St ,Sim , time we tejOiVe in tile belief that he has excluoiFyit his residence in this vale of tears for a brhehier and happier home abo Ye. Alcsolred, it. That by his death the Mint htts lost the services of a skillful and energetic artisan, and see have been deprived of the society of a good friend and companion—one who, by his gentlemanly and courteous deportment in his daily intercourse will: us. bad won our affection and esteem. .I,' , .cadved. 111. That we attend his funeral 11l body. - 16, ./ved. IV. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the thinly or deceased. Attest:, Chairman. ti.EURCT: W. Itu,'Lvell. Z.i,eetelary• It* THE puovIDEsT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANT or PHILADELPHIA. leHoNm. 24TH. 186.5. The subscribers to the Capital Stock of this Com nany are berchT notified that the SECOND INSTAL smsq, OF TIA Ezvry DOLL A.Ezi PER SHARE will be line and payable on 11w 10111 day of nit 11 - with, lAngust.) interest will he allowed on all payments prior to that date, and charged upon all made there; Clher.) g4'r gonth THIRD Street. jy2.3-3t SAM,. R. tifireitEr, President. RICHMOND BRANCH 01' THE UNION PASSENGER 'RAILWAY COMPANY, (SEVENTH AND NINTH STREETS.) This branch is now open, and the CARS RUN REGULARLY BETWEEN RICHMOND AND THE BALTIMORE RAILROAD Leaving the Company's Depot, Thompson and streets,tb once by Thompson to Marlborough and Belgrade into Master street, up the latter to Franklin, thence by Franklin and Seventh streets to Ellsworth street, and thence to the Baltimore Depot. Rl:Writing via Christian to Ninth street, up Ninth to . 6pring Garden Street, theta% to Seventh street, up the latter to Oxford street; along Oxford to Fourth street. up Fourth street to Susquehanna avenue, along the latter and Emerald street to York Street, and on this to the depot—passing in their up and down trips tile depotsof the PRILADELPIDA, WILMINGTON. and BALTIMORE, GERMAN TOWN and NORRISTOWN, and NORTH _PENN SYLVANIA RAU,ltaki Passengers tin the line of this branch will be car ried to the NAVY YARD or FAIR MOUNT PARK by transfer tickets. furnished by the conductors On Bic payment of a single fare. The first eats leave the Company's Depot, Thomp- SOn and Norris streets, at 4!« o'clock m the morn ing, and the last car leaves the Baltimore Railroad Depot at V, o'clock at night. The cars of this branch will carry at night a GREEN light, and those of the Fairmount branch a RED light. iy24-St DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF - THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY, No..424.WALNUT Street, PU W ILAnu - nrinA, Judy 22. 136ri. The Board Of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER. CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable at their Ofnee, on and after the 31st inst., clear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 11th, at 3 P. 151., and open on the Ist of August. jy24-6t THOS. It. SEARLE, Secretary. 102. OFFICE MANDAN MINING COM. PANE, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA., July 18. 1885. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Stock of the Mandan Mining Company on which instalments are due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and will be sold At public auction on MONDAY the 21st dam of AUGAYST, 1865, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Mike of the Secretary of the corporation,according to the charter and by-laws, unless previously re deemed. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Jyl9-tau2l Seerotury and Treasurer* liar OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL PHIA CAS WORKS. Tura' 11, 1865. The price of Coke has been reduced to Ten Cents No. bushel. Orders South i Cian s iargocived at the Works or °Mee, NTH Street. JOS. MANUEL, jyl2-12t , Chief Engineer. 111 W . OFFICE IiIItALOD MINING COX. PANY, No ' 024 WALNUT Street, rSILADEtrina, July 18tH, 1861. NOTICE is hereby given that all Stock of the CaRAND MINING COMPANY, on which Instal ments are due and unpaid, is hereby declared for feited, and wilt be cold at Public Auction on SA TURDAY. the 19tH day of August, 1865, at 11 o'clock noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corpora tion, according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless nreviousiv redeemed. order of the Directors., ' B. A. HOOPES, rr jylbtaul9 Sectiii7,,nd Treasurer. ligr. DIVIDEND.—THE BOARD OF MANAGERS of the TWELFTH-STREET 'MARKET COMPANY have this day declared a di vidend of 3 per cent. clear of all taxes, payable on and after the 20th instant. at No. 129 South SE VENTH Street. JOSEPH PARSON, Treasurer, Pm r. ADELIIIIA, July 15, 1865. jylo-6t. OFFICE OF THE OILIFILIAAN OIL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA.— The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the GRIM= Oil Companf Pennsylvania will he held at their Office. 9609 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th of AUGUST. at 3 o'clock P. M. An election for officers and directors will be held. J. C. FRYER, jylBtau9 Secretary and Treasurer. li gr=. OFFICE OF THE WEST PHILA DELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY. N. W. corner PoWei-WEST and HAVER^ Forx Streets. PMLADELPMA, July 11, 1165. The Board of Directors have this day decrared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stook for the last six months, clear of all taxes, payable on and after the 21st inst. 'the books for the transfer of stock will be closed until that date. _ jylB-thstu6D SAMUEL P. HUHN, Treasurer. OFFICE PENNA.. CENTRAL COAL AND OIL CO., N. E. Corner T.BIRD and DOCK Streets, second story. PumatiatrirtA, July 14, 1865. TO DELINQUENT STOCKHOLDERS.—Notiee is hereby given that unless the assessment of twen ty-five cents per share called for by resolution of November, 1864, is paid on or before August 4, 1865, a sufficient number of shares to pay the said assess ment, with necessary and incidental expenses, will be sold, at this Office, at public sale, at 12 o'clock, On that day, By order of the Board. jyls-18t* ADAM WARTEEMAN, Treasurer. MILITARY. I'UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries; good pay, excellent accommodations, light and easy duties. For all further information inquire at the Recruit. ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FROM' Street, Philadelphia, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. every day, except Sunday. CHARLES HEYWOOD, iyl Captain and Recruiting Officer. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORT. AHERICAN HOTEL, MAUCH. CHUNK, PENNSTLVANXA. LA FAT LENTZ 1 . BOR OTZ, Pre P ri " ors. TEllarS—s2 per day, and.om .f 510.50 to sl2per week. Mauch Chunk, from its romantic location, pure mountain air, and accessibility from every point, presents rare attractions to pleasure-seekers and summer sojourners. It was the cradle of the coal business in the United States, and is now the cen tre of the great anthracite coal trade of the Lehigh region. Hemmed in on every side by abrupt moun tains, between which meanders the beautiful Le high, it presents scenes the most picturesque and romantic, which call forth the admiration of all lovers of the beautiful in 'Nature. Jy2o.6t* PIIRAL HOTEL, FRANKLIN_, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor This well-known and popular House has just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity' It is pleasantly situatedd In the centre of the Town, with ready access by Rail and stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests fully equal to those of first-class Hotels in any part of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and be believes he has succeeded. 374-am COUNTRY BOARD-ON A LARGE Farm in Chester county, one hour's ride from State House. Two large communicating rooms, se cond story: hoard moderate. For particulars in quire of GREGG & COLESTOCK. 213 MARKET St., WOOD & CARY, 725 CHESTNUT St. sr/5-2t. OA BATHING-CAPE MAY CAPE ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, *l6; children and servants half-price. Je3o-2m AARON HARRETSON, -Proprietor. THE ALHAMBRA, AT ATLANTIC CITY, Is now open for the reception of visitors. jeZO-Ine R. B. LEEDS, Proprietor 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the reception of visitors. Trains leave on 'Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—June 10, 193.5. jelo4m. BENJ. A. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor. PHRA T A MT. SPRINGS.-THIS delightful and romantic watering place, beauti fully situated In the healthiest section or Lancaster county, and aCknowicoged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York. For particulars address the Proprietor, jel-2m J. W. FREDERICK. MACHINERY AND IRON. f r o PENN STEAM ENGINE AND 411 1 BOILER WORKS.—NEAPIE & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS BOIL E R-M A K ERS, BLACK - swims, andFOUNDERS, having for many years been In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing, Marine and River - Engines, high and low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Wa ter Tanks, propellers, &c., respectfully offer their serylees to the , , public as being finny R prepaiver red to contract for engines of alt Ores, Mar and Stationery: having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick de spatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds: Iron and Brass Castings of all descrip tions: Roll-Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other wort: - conneeted.with the above business. Drawings and specifications for au work done at the eSt2III6IIIIICRI free of charge, and work foam teed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats where they can lie in perfect safe ty, and are provided with shears, Mocks, falls, &C., for raising heavy or light weights. ACOU C NEAFIE, JOHN P..I.EVY, je2l-tf JEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM N. MERRICK JOMN RfCOP.E.._ P.OTITHIVARIC FOUNDRY, kJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PIiILADKLYBIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture High sad Low Pressure Steam En gines, for laud, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers Tanks, Iron Boats, &c.; Castings of all kinds,either Iron or Brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &c. im ße oved constru torts and Gas Mac ction. hinerl of the latest and most pr Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping En gines, &c. Sole agents for N. Rillienx , s Patent Sugar-Boil ing Apparatus, Nesinyth , s Patent iiteam Hammer, arm Aspinwall & olsers Patent Centrifugal Semar-Draining Machine. aul2-tf GRICE 86 LONG A FULTON WORKS, 1340 BEACHWTREET, Engineers Machinists , Boller Makers, and Car il ' i Va i n d tar of rB very description made to order. Sole Agents for Long's Marine Sallnometersanyte-ly THOMAS WDONOUGH, GENERAL BLAORSMiTRING, ELK STREET, ABOV ANKLIN,E DOE STPE NEENT, FR. "'Bering tools on hand or made to order on short notice. myll-am COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, or all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and wagon-Cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers , Drier Felts, fromo ne to ave feet *ride; Paulins, - Bolting Sail Twine. kc . deux W. xviramitiq & CO.. uoa-tt No. 103 JONES' Alia. WHOLESALE DON GOODS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOO D S, By the Piece or Puokagre, AT AND UNDER MARKET RATES. JAS. X CAMPBELL & 727 CIIESTNIPT ST. (WHOLESALE ROOMS, Ur STAIRS.) jy 15-1 m COMMISSION HOUSES. ITAZARD BUTCHINSON, AGF,NTP FOR THIC BALZ Or PHILADETA. - 'HIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, AND 103 READE STREET, NEW YORK. 3e23-6m. RETAIL HUY GOODS. NEW BLACK AND WHITE GOODS EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 S. SECOND STREET, WILL OPEN THIS MORNING, A CASE OF DotinLE-ATIDTFI BLACK AND WHITE AI AL-WOOl, PLAIDS, AT 75 CENTS A YARD. jy24-2tr CLOSING OUT i CLOSING OUT I CLOSING OUT I GREAT riAitGrAINS IN SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS . CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. • Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. . 75c. Silk Grenadines reduced to 45e. gl Silk Grenadines reduced to 55c. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 873ic., $l, $1.25. New Styles Cambric Lawns, 37Hc., 50c. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, 59c., 6234 c,, 85c. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 400., 65c., 750. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, 65)5.c., 75u. Dress Goods, of every deScription, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainsooks and Cambrics. White Puffed and Tucked Muslin. H. STEEL SON, . .IyB-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. jCHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST.- x , • BAIIGAINS. JUST OPENED. Soft finish Cambric,PA yards wide, Tor skirting, at CO cents. • Stripe Nainsook, 45 cents. French Muslims for waists. Empress Lace Collars. Thread Lace Bathes. Thread Veils, very cheap. 331544 PLAIN BUFF, PINK, ANABLUE PERCALLES or French Chintzes. Plain huff, pink, and blue Jaeouets. Pure white Shetland Shawls. White Shirred WWI'S- Plaid and stripe Nalusooks. Plain Nainsooks, Swiss Muslims, Can:Mies, &c. Fine lead-color Linens. Frosted or Crape Poplins for travelling dresses. Single and double width plain De Laines. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 South SECOND Street. N.B.—Summer Dress Goods closing out regard less of cost. je2o-tf COOPER & CODIARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks, Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of every kind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at Mc. Gauze, Domet, and other Flannels. Pearl Wool Delaines, 55 and 85 cents. Extra line black Mohair Alpacas, $l. Lupin's 6-1 black 'Wool Delaines, i. Good stock white 1 4 icinsook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen. striped lauding, finest OltinbricS and Jaconets, puffed Muslim, Pique, &C. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. Je7-tt FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the beat qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Drounds„ 56e to $1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, In great variety. Handsome ChemMins, $2.50. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and bacines. P COTTON GOODS AT LESES. S THAN WHOLESALE RIC Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, Mc. 104 Waltham and Peperlll bleached Sheeting's, $l. H. STEEL & SOW. myB-tf Nos. 11.3 and 71.5 North TENTH Street. MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, RAVE NOW IN STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT , roes-tf SPRING GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHINGI- GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. _a. The subscribers would invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, which they make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAE. J. W. SCOTT 8c GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 914 CHESTNUT Street, jai-ly Four doors below the Continental. p: 30 31 .1 tik I l A, •14 r 1-0111 600 ARCH STREET. REFRIGERATORS, _ 600 WATER COOLERS , FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES, FOR BlThrnimr. COOKING. jele-if GRIFFITH &. PAGE. SIXTH and ARM. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &O. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, my2l-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE . Streets. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT ` SHOE TAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of FOURTH and RACE Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE pRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND P 7 ATE GLASS. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, &C AGENTS FOIL THE CELSBILATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. 094.3 m BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRUGS. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention of Druggists, Country Mer chants, and others, to his stock of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, of our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW FORMER RATES. A full line of BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL Ss CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, .tc., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. myth-3121V REMOVALS. PEMOVAL.—GEO. W. WATSON -RA , CO. have removed therSARRIA.GF. REPOSI TORY to their old place, 1 o.. 1;418 CHESTNUT. Street (under Concert Hall,) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-class work. JUNE 7, 1865. je7-3m COPARTNERSHIPS. 0 P ARTNERSHIP.-EDWARD C TROTH has this day associated with himself HENRY D. NELL, and will continue the Cloth Jobbing 'Business at No. 118 North TIMID Street, under the firm-name of TROTH & NELL. PHILADELriun, July 15th, 7865.. jy=-6t, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween theekerslinedtnrthenameofWt:iNEß,misy:mtiat(mmnufaeturer Gas FiXtures, &c.,) was dissolved by mutual Con sent on the Ist day of February, A. D. 1865, by the withdrawal of REDWOOD F. WARNER. The business of the late firm will be settled at 718 CHESTNUT Street by the new firm of MISERY, MERRILL, & THACitARA. REDWOOD F. WARNER, W. MIS, W. 0. F. B. 3IE E RRI RY LL, B. THAW:CARA. JULY 13, 1865. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The interest of RED WOOD F. WARNER., In the firm of WARNER, MISKEY, & MERRILL, basing been purchased by the undersigned (the remaining partners), they will continue the business as heretofore. at No. 718 CHESTNUT Street, and No. 402 RACE Street. WM. F. MISKEY W. 0. B. MERRILL, B. TRACKARA. FIBLADELpiIIA, Julyl2, 1645. jyl4-10t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-T H E Undersigned have. this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBER BUSINESS, at 1.90 S MARKET St. A. BRUNER_ , • , D. C. WANN, A. BRUMF.II.4B. PBILAPELPHIA, July 3, 1815. THE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN Connection with an old established Lumber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. MI-3W 'HAVANA CIGAREL—A GOOD VA -A. RIETY constantii in store mid bond, silo w est cash rates, S. FUGUET & BONS, tor24-6in* 2(o. Rl6 South FRONT Street. THE PRESS.--PITILA_DELPHIA, TUESDAY. JULY 25. 1865. CURTAIN GOODS I E. WALBA.VEN, LACE AND NOTTINGHAM ENTIRELY NEW AND RICH DESIGNS, MLOSQIJI"rO EARS. WITH PATENT UMBRELLA FRAMES, WINDOW SHADES, OF THE LATEST PATTERNS. TJNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of the Treaenry, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per an nele, known ,‘e the These Notes are Issued Nuider date of July 15, lea, and are payable three yearafrom that date In cur reney, or are convertible. at the option of the holder into GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now Worth a handsome premium. and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municigatt taxation, which addefrom one to threeper cent. more to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attatehed to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-00 per cent. amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subsCriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirtles al ready sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 8 per cent. instead of 7 8-10ths in currency. Sid/seri ben Will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the lst of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of Interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency Interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payMelltS, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest In gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices as that purchases made with six per cent. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven-and three-tenths per cent. in currency. This is now offered by the Government, and Its superior advantages make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE Less than 4230,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate ac - which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within Sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni. tomb , been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri mite Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscri bers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and -who only.are Lo be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive or ders. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, NO 'MEDICINES GIYEN. DR. J. DODGE WARREN, OF LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORE, CIMONIC DISEASES, Concert Hall, Philadelphia, WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE, From 'WEDNESDAY, July 26th. till August 26th, Inclusive. Also taken Parlors at 917 Chestnut Street, where More who are able and willing to pay may come from His last public . operations were at Verandah Hall, St. Louis, Mo., and at Mechanics' Institute Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, operating on no less than 23,600 persons, with a degree of success unprecedented in the annals of Medical history, NO MEDICINES GIVEN. NO SURGICAL OPERATIONS PERFORMED ACUTE PAIN INSTANTLY RELIEVED So many thousands are already acquainted with my mode of operating, it seems necessary only to say that by this method an equilibrium of the vital powers is at once established, and an equalization of the circulation maintained; thus Nature is ena bled to throw off the effete matters which generate and foster disease, and health at once ensues. FrOM one to livemlnutos are required for the most Inveterate cases of any curable Chronic Disease. In many instances a single operation of one minute is sufficient. in rare instances of exceedingly obsti nate character, a second or even a third operation maybe required. No exception to Fractures, Dls locolltuth, Curvature of the Spine, or Suppurating Tumors, The diseases which yield most readily to the cura tive agency of this method, as practiced by me, are Dyspepsia Constipation, Asthma, Angina _Pectoris, Chlorosis,Loss of Voice, ltheematism. Rheumatic Gout, Liver Disease, Diseases of the Bleary ras sages, irritable Bladder, Headache, Nervous irrita tion of the Brain, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Diseases of the Heart, Eruptive Diseases, Convulsions, Hyste ria Neuralgia, Thrush, Congestion of Spleen. Irri tation of Stomach, Diseases of Kidneys, Ulceration and Displacement of the Womb, SWAB' Appetite,, Wakefulness, General Debility, Nervous Depres sion, Difficult Breathing with Pain in the Lungs. Paralysis Consumption, and General Dropsy are the moot *ion - and eueertain with this treatment. Patients afflicted with these have rarely been re stored. They are, however, always benefited. Daidness, when dependent upon. destruction of tympautun, and Amairrosis.dependaut upon paraly sis of optic nerve, incurable. For testimonials of eure,or other information,See circulars, which will be sent to any address upon application. My charges are in proportion to property-lever exorbitant in any case. IN NO CASE IS A (AMIE GIIABANTEED. jy2o-51. McCANDLESS tt SMITH, MALT VINEGAR FACTORS, BROAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this conntry, made by the celebrated English process, and used eXelllßlVely for Pickling lu Europe. All sales warranted free from Impurities and Chemicals. Orders filled promptly to all parts or the country. A EN B. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. 113 T Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT & WHITE, No. 4 Exchange Place, Bal timore. UIIEISTIAN LEE & CO. Richmond, Va. E. W. GOULD & CO., Newberu, N. C. 309-3 m 1p D. F. MORGAN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW AND T COLLECTINN The Civil Courts of this District are now in prac tical operation. Having practiced at the Memphis bar for ten (10) years, my acquaintance with the businesscounnunitygreatlyfacilitates in the speedy collection of claims. E. D. P. MORGAN. SALT AFLOAT.-60,000 BUSHELS Coarse White Dry Marsala Salt, afloat, suitable for packing provisions, for sale In lots by JAMES OAKES, Old Salt House, jyls-121 49 LONG WHARF, BOSTON, Mass. CARPET CHAINS, YARNS,_ AND wicKs.—Large invoices just received and for eat° to dealers, at /OWeSt market rates. ROWE EUSTON, CO., je23-tf 1.51 and 169 North MEW Street. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, 211 SOUTH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. rurchttatins will please call aid examine our stook. MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, RAS JuST 1113CRIVHD A FULL LINE OF CURTAINS, AT REDUCED RATES. PINK, WHITE AND BLUE ALL SIZES, READY FOR 'USE. PIANO COVERS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT. • tf FINANCIAL. 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. 0230 ) 000,000. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN- 11. S. 540 SIX PEE CENT THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, XTBCRIPTION AtlaNT, PHILADELPHIA. myl6-tt PRACTICAL PHYSICIAN WILL PUBLICLY HEAL THE SICK, FREE OF CHARGE, From 9 to it o'clock A. M., 2 till 6 P. M. Each Day. CHRONIC DISEASES CURED IMAM ENTIRELY BT THE TOUCH. MEMPHIS, TENN THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE RihELLION.—By Hott.Ehws.no Merneasozz, Clerk - of the house of Ropreseetatives of the United States. "AN ACCURATE AND TriOROUCIITLY 1w- NEST IMPERTOILY of historical data; and in that light we doubt not it will, in the course of a few years, be esteemed by writers and students of all countries and all parties."—Landon AthenOum, L Terracry 7, 1865. Thus arc reeOgnized ;abreutd, as at Immo, the pre elninent usefulness and value Of MtPHERSON , S HISTORY OF THE REBELLION, a new and enlarged edition of which i s now rea dy. It embraces ALL the matter in the first edition care fully revised anti corrected,and 210 pages additional. The AnviTiON brings the Governmental history d own through the late sessions of the Union and the rebel Coogregges, giving the important notion of each. to the date of the death of President !Jacobi. whirl] is roincident with the elose of the rebel. Ad ministration. It also eontains an extremely valuable and inte resting chapter on THIS'REE.ATIONS OP THE clicker'. TO. THE REBELLION, giving the de liverances and addresses of all denominations, both to the loyal and the insorreetionaryritates, together with the eollisions of the military with churches in the border 'tales and the facts - limn fox developed respecting Uhurch iteeo.striiction. This chapter, on it subjectscarcely - touched in any other sindior work, add s greatly to the permanent rabic of this. Propositions, and Votes in the the vexed And still unsettled ellAzsit•lsltCito4goirffeetslPsi:rlllsn ee ' onstruction of the late insurrec tionary States, are in this volume, and can be found in no other. In this work will he found President Lincoln's Messages, Letters, Addresses, and State Papers, arranged according to subjects and dates, including his Last. Speeds on Rocoottroction aco rr'eeted copy of which wag furnished by Min for 'this History the env before his ASSllSSillatioli. The correct and onielai table of the last Pre sidential Vote Is In this Volume, showing both the home and the army vote. Original Records from the Bimini of Military Justice significantly illustrate the character of the Rebellion, and the practical workings of the Eman cipation Policy. The PuliliShtTS confidently present this work as the MOST ACCURATE. WPARTIA.L. ANI) COM PLETE COMPENDIUM OF THE REBELLION yet published. It is literally a MAGAZINE OF FAGTSt of daily diSCUSSIOn, and of perpetual Importance, and Is clearly arranged and THOROITtifiIiY IN DEXED. It has already become standard authori ty on the great subjects to which It relates, One vol., 8 TO, pp. 6,59, eloth. Price, I}s, free by mail. - • • For sale by all Booksellers. PHILPi& SOLOMONS, Publishers, METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE, WASHINGTON CITY, D. C 33 , 25-tittlil2t NEW NISCEELLANEOI3B AND LATE SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. VILLAS AND COTTAGES. By C. `Faux, Ar ehlteet. THE SQUIBOB PAPERS. By John Phcentx. BEATRICE. By Julia Kavanagh. NAPOLEON'S LIFEIOF JULIUL CESAR. STRANGER'S GUIDE IN PHILADELPHIA. Revised. BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE COAST OF AMERICA. With illustrations. Good assortment of Juveniles on hand. New and Standard Books, for sale by LINDSAY Br, BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, jy2o No. B 5 South SIXTH . Street. AA NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the "Schonberg Cotta Family." MARY, THE HANDMAID -OF THE LORD. 12mo. ALSO, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, • THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. 12mo. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martian.) je27 606 CHESTNUT Street. TYPE POUNDEUS. COLLINS & McLEESTER'S NORTH AMERICAN Tyr - g, STEREOTYPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, No. 705 JAYNE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken in exebange for new at lb cents per pound, if delivered to us free of charge. Jar Every article necessary for a Printing Office constantly on hand. Agents for Roe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor's, Fetter's, Deg r enes, and Wens , Preaaall. Agents for celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are - shown in Tnz PRESS." Jy7-1m ho ki UM 4 ;Th; la ;It if IV 1:11 nu„ MINING C ES OAL, AND OTHER ",--• ENI We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice and low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding, STEEL KATE CERTIFICATE OF STOCK. LITHOGRAPHED " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAPITAL STOCK. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF SALES. DIVIDEND' BOOK. MOSS ed BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. se2l-tf 43% CHESTNUT Street LOST AND FOUND. r i REWARD.-LOST OR W- I .9 l ti`J'N-F STOLEN-2,5 Government Bonds, of the new issue of Five-Twenties, trl,ooo each, from No. 2,047 to 2,071 inclusive. By an error the Coupons payable May 1, 1807 were cut off from these Bonds, but are missing with them. Also, of the Seven-thirty Bonds of the Second Series: . . . . $l,OOO, Nos. 41,259, 51,442. 7 for $504), Nos. 30, 2-5,966, 21,149. 76,169, 76,170, 70,171 00,288. 13 for $lOO, Nos. 981, , 982, 983, 4,121, 4,122, 42,149, 4,425, 56.618, 56,689, 56,770, 56,676 56,672. 62.2413. 6 for $5O, Nos. 2,6:ra, (29,187), 31,859, 37,250 94,573, 531. A Reward of $1,500 will he paid for the recovery and delivery of the above bonds, and in that pro portion for any number of them. Address •' Ledger office, Philadelphia. jy2s-8V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Al application will be made to the Franklin Fire Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, for the re newal of their policy. No. 18,525, for Vida. On a dwelling house south side of Diamond street, 89 feet east of Fifth street, Philadelphia, the same having been lost or destroyed. JOSHUA L. KNIGHT, Owner, ELIZABETH H. RHOADS, Assignee as collateral to ground rent, Per JOEL EVANS. PHILADELPHIA, 7th month 21, 1885. Jy22-Bt* LOST OR ST 0 L EN-A SCHOOL WARRANT, No. 2,370, for $lOO, in favor of LIZZIE D. WEAVER. •Rayment thereof bas been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid on leaving it at No. 229 CARPENTER Street. lyil-tus-6t LEGAL. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN TEIE ORPHANS , COURT OF DUCIN COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA. Estate of SUSAN WALTERS, late of the township of Plumstead, deeeased. The Auditor appointed by the said Court to distri bute the balance in the hands of SAMUEL ERY,ad ministrator to the estate of said decedent, to and among the persons legally entitled to receive the same, hereby gives notice to them to meet him at his office, in the borough of Doylestown, Bucks county Pennsylvania, on TUESDAY, the non day of A GUST, 1665, at ten &clock in the forenoon, when distribution aforesaid will be made. jylltu3t. ELIAS CARVER, Auditor. MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE of a writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADErt, Judge of the District Court of the United States. In and fer the Eastern dletriet of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, Will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on MONDAY, Augmt 7, 1865, at 12 o'clock M., at CALLOWHILL Street wharf, the stern-wheel steamboat "COTTON PLANT." She was built at Philadelphia, of iron, is of very light draught of water. Engines and boilers in good order. Also, at the same time and place, the steam pro peller "FISHER," built in North Carolina nearly new, about 110 tons burthen s in good order, and well calculated for the river towing trade. Also, at the Baum time and place, the steam barge "EGYPT MiLLS. ,, Also, at the sonic time and place, the HULL of a new vm,sel, built and captured at the Halifax Navy Yard, North Carolina, planked inside and out to the plank shear, deck frame in, no deck laid; is in tended for a propeller of about 110 tons burtheu. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Hotted States Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. PnILADELITIA, July 22, 1865. lyZl-6t MARSHAL'S SALE. 13Y VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD- W ALADER, Judge ot the District Court of the United States, In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to inn directed, will he sold at public sale. to the highest and best bid der, for cash, at MICHENER'S STORE. No, 142 North FRONT Street, on TUESDAY. August S. 1861. 12 o'eloen H., thirty-nine bales of COTTON, Sea Island and Upland, cargo of an unknown vessel; also, tifty-nhte bales of Sea island and - Upland Opt ion, cargo of steamboat COTTON PLANT. WILLIAM MILLWARD, U. S. Marshal, E. 1). of Penns.. PITILAPELPTITA, July U. 1865. jy24-6t fIERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH—A s -A - nanny and Agricultural Journal. Terms, lE Address P. It. FREAS, Germantown, Pa. CARTES DE ti ISITE.-KONE SUR pass in beauty of style, finish, or artistic exe cution, those made at IL_ REIMEWS 6g4_ARCH Street. Call and c.xantine specimens.. PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN TO ORDER of parties or Ind ividuals d esi ring them of church es. residences, public buildings, and country-seats. Apply to BP. 1i.E11411.11t. 024-ARCH Street. it* WELYK TAKEN FOR $1.25. —N EAT, .curate styles cam rhotOgraplig, !often: for alloms, or scholars to exchange with classmates. RE MEWS, SECOND Street, above Green. It* ALBUMEN PAPER.-A VERY FINE quality of this paler can be had at F. GLTTE KUNST'S, 704 ARCH Street. jyla-thstu6t. 10 M 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, 9 Bering Tools, Planers, Lathes, Punching anti Drilling Machines , Oil-well Tithing. For sate hy HATAWAY, LEACH, & STEARNS• 441 ARCH Street. Philadelphia. r d IISHER'S SELF-SEALING F IT -a- CANS. Every housekeeper in the city and country should use tills excellent Can. It Is the most con venient and rename Can in use, and gives entire satisfaction wherever introduced. It Is sealed in au instant, by hooking and spring, thus clamping a tin (nip over and around the opening, and pressing it upon a ring of cemented paper. The cement In the paper welts by the heat of the fruit, and as tile press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing Is per fect. The cap is unfastened by unhooking the s pring an d running a thin knife around under the cemented paper. Please call and examine this Can, at J. McliftiltTill SOS SPRING GARDEN . Street. j3 , 13.11n1f Philadelphia. - uti HITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES 11 11 —A new French Cosmetic for beautifying and preserving the complexion. It is the most Wender ful compound of the age. There Is neither chalk, p o wder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in Its compo sition, It being composed entirely. of pure Virgin Wax: hence the extraordinary qualities for pre ',ening the skin, making: It Bort, smooth. fair, and transparent. It makes the Old appear young the h om ely handsome, the handsome more bnant irgi, and the most beautiful divine, - r.rces, a 30 and 00 cents: Prepared only by MINT & Co. r o mers, 41 South EIGHTH Street. two doors Above Chest nut, and 133 South SEVENTII.Street‘f above , jr.2l-am. 081/ WANTED INA DRY GOODS JOBBING EQUSE, A MAN AS PORTER AND PACE] u. Reference twist be unexceptlon. :dile. Box 122 P. 0. it. WANTED -IN A DRY GOODS JOlll3l h U HOITSE, AN OUT-DOOR SALT 3- MAN one of exphrienoh. Address Box 1220, P. 0., with reform h. WANTED -A SOLICITOR OF LIFE immrsnce to travel in the State. A man of experience in soliciting Insurance, or in CatIV:LS3- log for hooks, Maps, or Goods, preferred. A large rOillinisslon 'will he offered. No solicitor for this company is at present worldny, outside of the city. Address rhihtdelphht P. 0., Box No. .1.117. for threu days, giving address , and stating quaittlea tiOns 3111. previous it Ypk1 . 11.11( . 0. no N IV A DruTA -D inse. l a rom A peteirt 5A.21.1401 , . „A . L B e acquainted with the business, and who cite corn mand trade, preferred. Address, with name,Rox 1017, Philudelpiiiit Post- Office. jy2s-ttitis3t, AAT ANTE D-FURNISTIED: ROOMS ANI) BOARD, for GENTLEMAN, WIVE, TWO CHIIIIKEN, AND NITRSE, on Green or Mount Vernon streets, between Firteelltil :4111i AlblresF.: A. R..," 921 CHESTNUT lt;treet. Referenec given I I 1 1 95-!1, • WANTED—AN ASSISTANT BOOK- ImEryil—oinc who is practically acquainted with keepllly COM ni ISAOII saleA ace,,uut Address 1441 X 693, I%lw - 10011a Post Office- stating Salary re quired, anti rofertniccs. jr7.4-6t. WANTED -IN A DOMESTIC CON MISSION House, (Woollen,) la SALESMAN. who has had eXperieuee. Address "Box 2359." Post-olßee. jy24-2t. WANTED, BY A GENTLEMAN OF busineSs experlenee — A situation as Sales man to a wholesale House, dry goods or groceries preferred. Address lialestnau, ,, Box 200 Potts ville. 1f22-3t` WANTED -IN A CASH DRY GOODS Jobbing House, two Brat-class SALESMEN, for city and near trade. Mitres& pox 2507 Phila delphia Post-office. Jy2l.-30 WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and Disabled Officers and Soldiers, Teachers, Ladies, and energetic young men to CANVASS for our great national work, '`The Life, Thues, and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." By Dr, 1 4 , P. Brackett. We have agents clearing Via per month, which we will proyc to any doubting Applicant. Send for circulars. Addreao JONFIg, ETCOS., & WILTS{ and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. jyl4-Inr. AGENCY WANTED.-THE ADVER TISER, a reliable and thorough Business Man, with lirst-Class references, but without means, would like to be engaged as an AG-ENT, in any re spectable business that would yield, on commission or otherwise,_at least $2,500 per year. W ould like to locate in New York Philadelphia, or Savannah, Ga. Address "Shibboleth." Philadelphia. Jy:2s-26' AN OFFICER ¶llO SERVED UNDER General Sheridan during his entire campaign through Virginia is desirous or finding employment in some genteel business, either as salesman or in some similar capacity. Any person disposed to ap preciate Ills pact services will please address "She ridan," 110.1458, Post-Office. jy24-6t. AGENTS WANTED, FOR THE MOST complete, authentic, and reliable Life of Lin coln published. Address JONES BROS. & CO., Phi ladelphia, Pa. Jy2l-Im&W4t A N INTEREST WILL BE GIVEN IN a-IL a respectable Manufacturin,g Business to a suitable person who can invest $5,000 for one or two years. Address, with name and reference, "Manu facturer,"" this Office. jy2t-6t. AGENTS WANTED. FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. J. G. Irol. lane. NO comment Is necessary the authors reps tatiOn as a writer is fully establisbed. Experienced canvassers know why It sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS BARNARD, Elk View, jyl9-12t. Chester county, Penna. CANVASSERS WANTED-FOR every city and town in the United States, for a new religious work, now in press, entitled "The Inner Life; or, The Joys of - My Potherb) House. By a Wayfaring Man. , ' This book is recommended in the highest terms of praise by the late Hon. Theo dore Frelingbuysen, of New Jersey; the Rev. Bishop M. Simpson, D. D., of the M. E. Church; the Rev. P. S. Henson, of the Baptist Church; the Rey. Charles P. lirauth, D. D., of the Lutheran Church; the Rev. Kingston Goddard. D. D., of the Protestant Bpi...par Church; the Rev. J. H. A. Bomberger, D. D., of the German Reformed Church, and many other eminent ministers of Christ. 11 will be a handsome 12mo. vol., printed ou tinted paper. Persons wishing to canvass for this book can have copies sent them by mall, free, on receipt of the price, it 1.50, in United States currency. AU orders for this book must be addressed to Jy22-st* CLINTON G. GILROY. Post-offiee. Box 1168., Philadelphia kIT IT ATiO WANTED,. IN SOME P ,l RESPECTABLE BUSINESS, that will furnish a Salary 0f40,500 to ar2,500 a year, by a FIRST-CLASS BU MSINESS.AN, a stranger, with satisfactory re -I'l:retires, who (scapulae of earninugood wages, but is unfortunately in want of money to meet his liabili ties; is willing to work, but cannot lind satisfactory employment.. Address "Boaz," Philadelphia. - it* KM() TO $10,.000.-WA TED IN A geed-paying and established Mercan tile Business a rartaei - , with the above amount as additional capital. Address R . C . A 4, " 0 cof this paper. 3r/5-tutus-at* VW) A MONTH.-I WANT AGENTS • `,/ everywhere at 4470 a month, expenses paid, to sell FIFTEEN ARTICLES, the best selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS T. GAMEY, Biddeford, Maine. myill-d&Wam $1254),31,°ATH.-AGENTB WANT SHAW & CLAP TiV r a o T i' ll t gatil e SEWING- MACHINE, the only low-price machine In the country which is licensed. by Grover &Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe Singer & Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprzeonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & OL ARK. .131Mieford, Maine. myia-d&Wsna irTA GERMANTOWN.—WANTED TO liZaßent, about 15th, oth Month. a DWELLING, in Germantown. Rent nut to exceed $7OO. Addreso Philadelphia root-office, Box 1053. Jac24-3t* ftfl WANTED—A MODERN HOVRW' Arawith double front, in an eligible location.— Green, Wallace, or Mount Vernon streets, west of Broad street, preferred. LITEEPOP & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, jy2Z-60` 1035 BEACH Street, abovel.a.uret at. FOR SALE AND TO LET. a FOR SALE, EIGHTH STREET, wINEAR FILBERT, the lease, good-will, and ex cellent fixtures of one of the largest Dry-(roods Stores on the street. MILLER, j)5-sllf No. 155 N. SIXTH Street. MtFOR SALE-BARGAIN POSITIVE LY—SpIendid first-class DWELLING-on Spruce street, west of Seventeenth. Lot V., feet front; fif teen rooms. Only $17,100. Easy terms and home (Hate possession. MILLER, Jy2s-3tif No. 155 N. SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-THE THREE-STORY brick messuage (No. 419), and lot of ground, on the north side of Lombard street, 16 feet front by 1 08 deep, to a 20-feet street, on which thereps erected a 234 story hrieli Du/mug A.pply to CLEMENT, jy24-6t 226 Smith Tulin) Street. OTHERS.—TO HOTELT, ,NATIONAL KEEPE RS AND in RACE Street, between Tnird and Fol L rtls7. r ak having ample accommodations for such business, containing forty-eight rooms, baring been put in complete repair. For terms, apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Real Estate Agent, .ly2-31.* Northwest cor. Foun•rix.t PIT. Ste. aREAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. 5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. ,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. 5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. t NEW ONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE, JUST OUT. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. CONTAINS 70 'PAGES IN DESCRIPTION. " lIEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE that MIL LEE'S Monthly Catalogue is the greatest produc tion of the age to parties interested in the purchase of city or suburban properties. No person wishing to purchase should fail to get a copy. Sent free of charge to any address 111 tut: United States. GEORGE C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator (forth. la.t 20 years), Jy22-stif 155 North SIXTH Street. ett FOR SALE-SEVERAL DESIRA, =CELE DWELLINGS on 'BRANDYWINE Street, west of Twentieth and Twenty-first; some will pay ten per sent. Investment. No. 1.311 North TWELFTH; in good order; pos session soon. East side of SIXTH. north of Vine. • 1921 COATES. Also, many others, in various localities. B. F. GLENN, 123 S. FOURTH Street, and 33 , 22 S. W. eon SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. $lOO BONUS WILL BE PAID FOR a modern-built DWELLING, ossesslon 'be fore Ist of September; rent about 0f),9 per year. Western part of the city preferred. Address "W Office of the Earth American. jy2l-43t A VALUABLE PROPERTY IN A business neighborhood, 86 feet front by 112. Improvements three-story brick, two-story in the rear. Also a double two-store frame. This pro perty can be improved to bring a handsome In come. Inquire on the premises,ll33 GERMAN - TOWN Road, before 10 A. M. jy2o-60 ja TO BE SOLD-80 ACRES OF eaeenent Farming or Building LAND, situate in DARBY, Delaware county, bordering on two Plibile roads, within half a mile of Clifton Station, on the Philadelphia and West Chester Railroad, and within one tulle of the terminus of the Phila delphia and Darby Passenger Railroad. This pro perty is well suited for dividing into small lots for building, having a front of three-quarters of a mile on the roads, is well watered, with 30 acres of good woodland, and is a very healthy neighbor hood. Whole or in lots, to suit purchasers. Per sona Wjejllng to Inifnhase n elinap and desirable pro perty Will pleaso can on the :in hserilier. THOMAb L. 11ARTRAllf, DARBY, jy2s-tuthS-6t . Delaware County, Pa. da AT PRIVATE SALE-A FARM MU. 017129 acres, near the Carnersville Normal Sellout. Bucks county, ra., suitable for grazing; M acres of wood; improvements middling: plenty of water. Crops and stock may all be had together, With immediate possession, ifaesirod. Call on the subscriber, near Bull's Island Station, on the Belvidere Rilroad, and a conveyance will be furnished, free of charge, to view the premises. Address lumberville 0., Bucks county, ra. JOHN E. HENDERDINE, Beal Estate Agent. jy24-3f. get FOR SALE-A VERY SUPE- 4. • .BLB.IOIt FARM. AND COUNTRY SEAT, In Cecil county, Maryland. The property contains 140 aeres, and the /improvements are of the most ample and commodious sort. The grounds. as to the farm, gar . ..NMl:llld Othilardo are in line condition, alma titling In fruits and vege tables in various varieties, the agricultural yield being very tine and abundant. Tbc situation Is remarkably beautiful, high anti healthy - with commanding views of the river anti bay, anti the shooting and fishing are unsurpassed. For details of further description, annlv to .1. D. IDANROTH, Jy2l.6t 436 WALNUT Street. VALUABLE FARMS AT PRI-ja CATE SALE.—Two very desirable Farms, ..a. , situate near Milton, Northumberland cour.ty,Pa., are offered at private sale by a widow lady, whet in tends to move to the West. Perin No. 1 within a mile of Ihe town, and contains 114 acres of the best kind of river bottom land, bordering en the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and is in a high state of cultivation. The soil is very rich, and yields largely every variety of cereals alhi vegetables that can be raised In the State. The Improvements comprise a large two-story brick mansion-house, a neat and eondnodioint tenant-house, and a substantial hank barn. with suitable outhouses, all in good repair. The farnt C 011151114 a fine orchard of tile eholeeet. Ye rleties of fruit trees, and a vineyard of young, thrifty, and well-selected grape-vines. A new wire ferry crosses the river at - the farm; charter exclu sive for four miles up and down. will be sold with It, tile receipts of which amount to from $lOO to $1.40 per week. Farm to. 2 adjoins the borough of Milton, and contains no acres, B acres of which are woodland, tile remainder arable land, in a state of good culti vation. The surface of the farm is undulating, the soil rich, and the pasturage luxuriant, being well adapted anti formerly used fordairy purposes. The improvements consist of an elegant brick mansion house, having every modern convenience, supplied with gas from the town, and with excellent water from a cement-lined and altered cistern, contain ing upwards of SO hogsheads of water; a large bank ban end outhouses, Wed a stone tenant-house, ht which there is a Vowing artesian Weil. This house Is located 01111 lot of groubd lying between the West tratith Canal amtiltlie Philadelphia and Erie Rail road; was formerly a distillery, and•could be COO verted into one of the best breweries iu rho State. It will be sold separately i Idt:sired. Parties wishing to purchase, Can obtain any fur ther information by addressing JOHN" MCCLEERY, Attorney-at-Law, jyls-12t Milton, Northumberland CO, Pa.' FOR SALE—VALUABLE libli.DING LOTS. lare and small, in West Philadelphia. Gennantoirn, lialoaeshurg, and the central parts of this city. B. F. GLENN, • Ji2a-t4 323 South FOllBlli.Street.• AUCTION SALES. IVUCTION NOTICE. UNITED STATES SALE. Steamers, Tugs, and Sailing Yemen/ SAMUEL 0. COOK, Auctioneer. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, AIM. 2, 1865, AT n O'CLOCK, PHILADELPHIA, NAVY YAP, Will be sold for account of the United States Go verment; THE WOODEN SIDE-WHEEL, STEAMER "SANTIAGO DE CUBA." Register dimensions— Length, 232 feet 9 inches; breadth, 35 feet 2 Inches; depth of kohl, 28 feet 8 inches. Has one beam en gine; diameter of cylinder, e 8 Inches; length of stroke, 11 feet. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "MOAT-. OOMERY. , Register dimensions—Length, 197 feet 1 inch; breadth, 30 feet; depth of held, 20 feet. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 10 inches; length of stroke, 42 Inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER "ALABAMA." Register dimensions—Length - 214 feet 4 Inches; breadth,3:s feet 2 incites: depth of hold, 22 feet. Bus one side lever engine:: diameter of cyl inder, 115 Inches; length of stroke, S feet. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "FAR KEE." Register dimensions—Length, 10 feet I breadth, 28 feet 11 inches; depth of - hold, 20 feet, Has one vertical engine; diameter of eylin, der, 42 inches; length of stroke, 42 Inches. Schooner rigged. TILE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "MARY SANFORD."' Register dimensions—Length, 158 feet 6 inches; breadth, 81 feet 8 Inches; depth of hold, 15 feet 10 inches. Has two vertical engines; diameter of cylinder, 58 indlCS of stroke, ao inches. Schooner rigged. THE IRON SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER "BRI TANNIA." Register dimensions—Length, 181 feet 4 limbos: breadth, 23 feet 3 inches; depth of hold, 12 feet 2 Inches. Has two English steeple engines; di ameter of eyllnder,6sinches; length of stroke, Bfeet. Schooner rigged. THE GOVERNMENT-BUILT WOODEN SIDE WHEEL STEAMER "MIAMI," Register dialed slons—Length, 208 feet .4 inches; breadth, 33 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 10 feet 0,14 inches. Has one inclined engine; diameter of cylinder, 44 Inches ; length of stroke, 7 feet. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "STARS AND STRIPES. ,, Register dimensions—Length, 124 feet 3 inches; breadth, 34 feet 0 !echos; depth of hold, 16 feet 4 inches. Has two vertical engines; di ameter of cylinder, 26 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE. WOODEN SCREW STEAMER "NOR WICH." Register dimensions—Length, 132 feet 5 inches; breadth, 24 feet 6 Inches; depth of hold, 16 feet 5 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 32 inches; length of stroke, 30 inches. Schooner rigged. THE 'WOODEN SCREW TUG " HOWQUA." Register diseelistons — tungth, 120 feet 7 'Miles; breadth, M feet 10M inches; depth of hold, 16 feer,ti inch. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin• der, 36 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " SUNFLOWER. " ItegiMer dtmenstee.--Leneth, 104 feet 5 inches; breadth, 20 feet 9 inches; depth of hOldt 12 feet 7 Inches. Has one vertieal engine; dissenter of cylin der, 36 inches; length of stroke, 36 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " AZALIA.." Re- Oster dimensions—Lenglb,loo feet 3 inches; breadth, 2O feet 1035 inches; depth of hold, B feet 234 inches. 1130 one Yertiezd engine; diameter of cylinder, 30 inches; length of stroke., 32 moot THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "LARKSPUR." Register dimensions—Length, 90 feet 9 inches; breadth, 19 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 3 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylin der, 29 Inches; length of stroke, 23 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " WHITEHEAD." Register dimensions—Length, 83 feel Ili inches; breadth, 19 feet 934 inches; depth of hold, Bfeet 2 inches. Has two inclined engines; diameter of cyl inder, 18 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " POTOMSKA." Register dimensions—Length, 134 feet 6 inches; breadth, 27 feet; depth of hold, 8 feet 8 inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder, 04 inches; length of stroke, 10 inches. Schooner rigged. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " Register dimensions—Lel,gth, 71 feet 8 inclieS breadth, 17 feet 2 inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 2 Inches. Has one vertical engine; diameter of eylin. der, 20 inches; length of stroke, 20 inches. .THE WOODEN SCREW TUG "MARTIN." Re gister dhnensions—Length, 45 feet 3 Inches; breadth, 11 feet 3 indica; depth or hold, s Ceet 10 inches. flas one vertical engine; diameter of cylinder,l3g Inches; length of stroke, 15 inches. THE WOODEN SCREW TUG " HOYT." Re gister dimensions—Length, 45 feet; breadth, 10 feet 5 inches; depth of hold, 4 feet 7 inches. 1149 one ver tical high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder, 12 Inches; length of stroke; 12 inches. VIE BARK "A. 11017611. TON." Register di- ruensions—Length, nt.2 feet 4 inclie; bream, 75 r,r4, I a illekkstiiiisiWiry ii)C . StriV our • `mother State through this wide yet 1, e choked-up channel. Te. An Author in Court. RegjrNAS AND HIS HISTORICAL CHARACTERS-.A. breath; CURIOUS LAWSUIT. Incite& Paris COrreSpondent of the American THE SChre Circular says; mensions—Le. Dumas has appeared before our 2 Inches; depth 9 defendant in an interesting suit THE sEHHOE the liberties which writers may ter dimensions—L.erica persons. The dramatic ife of Marie Antoinette (which inches; depth of Itnimmjc..episodes,) known as THE SCI - 100Nrat • ^.... - ---wyrifc , f+s,' temnted M. gister dimensions-Length, 90 feet‘Viladtil, ItinsnripZ 7 Inches; depth Of hold, 8 feet 2 inches. THE SCHOONER "NORFOLK PACKET." glster dimensions—Length, 108 feet; breadth, 2.3 2 Inches; depth of hold, 9 feet 8 Inches. THE SCHOONER "0. IL LEE." Register menslons—Length, 98 feet 7 inches; breadth, 27 feet 3 Inches; depth of hold, 7 feet 9 Inches. InYentOrles at the Auction Store, N 0.121 South FRONT Street, al}oye WALNUT. Twenty per eentum of the purchase money must he paid ou the day of sale, and the remainder before thevessel is removed, from the Navy Yard, which will be done within six days after the day of sale. J. S. lI.ULX4, COMMANDANT J 719, M, 25, 23, 31, 2112 AUCTION NOTICE. IMPORTANT PNITED STATES SALE, Drugs, Medicines, Instruments, &c, BRANDIES AND WINES. Samuel C. Cook, Auctioneer. ON FRIDAY itiourinfa, AUGUST 4, 18$, AT HALF-PAST TEN O'CLOCK, At 121 South Front Ste, above Walnut, WILL BE SOLD, For account of the Medical Bureau,M. B. A., I large assortment of Drugs,Medleines,&e., lo hulk and put up in army . style at United States Labo ratory, Philadelphia, all in good order being above the amount required by the MedicalLepartinent, comprising: 135,000 lbs. Ex. Beef. 145,000 doz. Quinine Pills. §,99Q 50,000 lbs. Cont'd Milk. 10,000 •• Acids, ass , d, 12 °Meals. Alumna, gals. A icoho 2,260 16s. Gum Atable, 4,000 " Ammonia. 1,000 " Chain. Flowers. 1,000 " F. S. Arsenio. 1,0(2) " Assarmtlda. 500 " Belladona. 500 " 2,1:00 " Camphor. 1,000 " Cantharldes. 1.000 " Capsicum, pd. 1,500 " Catechll. 1,200 " White Was, 1,000 " Calasaxa Bark. 650 " Chloroform. " Collodium. 20,000 (10Z. Uj~iuin Pins. kink Ins. Rochelle Suits. 1.5,000 yds. lan. Plaster. 10,003 " Adhesive do. 3,000 " Oiled Silk. 3,000 " Oiled Muslin. 2,000 " U. Perch. Cl , h. 2,50011)s. Magnesia. 5,000 " Epsom Salts. 900 " Essential Oils.f 2.50 doz. Olive Oil. sao it Castor gill 2,500163. Sugar lon.. 3,800 " Cream Tartar, 2,500 " Chlo. Potash. 1,300 Rel." 2,000 " Black Tea. 20,000 doz. Camph.' 1911 s. 12,000 " Catliartierlils 1,500 lbs. Blear'', Potash 2,500 " Sirup Squills. 2 ,000 ..atent Mut. 2,000 )I , I6CSEI Binding, 5,000 owelq. 3.000 Susp. 73atSdagos. 320 Ms. Rhubarb. 1,000 lbs. Powil , d Elm. ,25,000 Bandages. 3,100 " Copaiba. 500 " Creosote, 550 " CubebS. 23,000 " Med. Ext. ass'd 5,000 6 ' Frei). Iron, assd 1,800 " Calomel. 1,000 " - Mercury. 300 " lodine. LOCO " Ipecac. 1.000 " Flaxseed. 300 gals. Olive Oil 1,250 Pow'd Opium. 1,200 " liyd. Potash. Nutmegs, Cloves, Pepper, Cocoa, Mustard, Ma nion, Sal Soda, Bleseb. Soda, Oxide Zinc, Castile boap, Saltpetre, Cupping Glasses, Surgeons" Nee dies, Scissors, syringes, ]land Litters, Twine, &s. DIIANDIMS AND WINES. 2,000 gals. Pure Brandy. 800 doz. Red Wine. 2400 doz. do. do. tK* " Sherry Wino. Samples will be arranged, with catalogues, three days previous to sale. Jr2l-tau4 Cann, FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES I will sell the balance of my large stock o FURNITURE. At very tow prices, until SEPTEMBER lat. The assortment le complete. GEO. J. HENKELS. °°9 find SIIt CHESTritrr street MACKEREL, HERRING,' -,500 bids. Mass. Nos. I. 2, Rao 3 M ackerel, late-eaught, eat fish, in Itssoried packages.... 2,0110 bids. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hali fax Herring. 2,500 boxes Lubec. seated. No. I Herring. 150 I.bls. New Mess Sluut._ e 250 boxes H er khner-e t lay r aj a y , :k ols is 10. 11 10 6 - t t C l e all 4 Ag. i*o NORTH WIIA RVkS. TIERM&WALLY SEALED MtANS AND SOVI'S' 1 000 doz. Hausagg Meat. at Neast Beef. 500-" do- Veal. 500 " do Mutton. 5 , 0 00 do Turkey. 1,000 " do Cbtoten. 3,000 " aeeorted Soups, in d.,2, 2si ft'. MIS.' Ironsale by RHODE , ' ift rett-6f• lot Ar4b. WATER Street. MICTIO fA L , HERKNE BAZAAR. NINTH and RANSOM streets. SALE OF 4 t I VIeItNMF.NT HORSES. On THURSDAY and NRIDAY, Jig 27th and *HE hist., at 10 o'clock A. M., at the 11A AAlt, will be. sold TWO HUNDRED OOVP.UNNIF,NT irozsEs. ONE HUN DITED 11 . 01 0Mt.,'S RAUH DAY. Horses sold spittly. Terms COI DfilLe.l States Any . No pobipOit‘ftl(tOt On aeroilllt of weather. ALFRED M. II I'AtICNITItiII, Alifttionner. DANIEL H. BURDETT, Ave_ TIONEER. U. S. GOVERNMENT V ESSELS AT AUCTION. 13tritMoVir r r, JOIVMS., ar- WILL SELL ON vitirPAY, August 4th, 18E35, Am 12 O'CLOOK NOON, At the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, My order of the Navy Itepartment), THE FOLLOWING -NAMED VES9EL3 PRIZE SCI-7,OONER SANPNNAII--59 feet long: breadth I; test 3 Inches; de POI, 6 feet, 7 incites. MITE-WHEEL STEAMER rola` HENRY-151 feet, 41nches long; breadth. 32 feet; depth, 11 feet, 8 Inches; diameter of itylluder,2s inches; 10 feetstroke, SCREW STEAMER VALLEY CITY-133 feet long; 22 feet, 6 inches beans; (tenth, 7 feet, 5 inches; cylinder, 29 inches; 29 inch stroke. SCREW STEAMER HONEY - SUCKLE—Length, 121 feet, 6 Inches; breadth, 21 feet, S inches; depth, feet, 7 Inches; cylinder, 50 inches; 30 Inches stroke. SCREW smr.ftaktEn IL It, CLITLER -- Leunth , feet, 6 Inches; breadth. 21 feet, 0 )11001 ttoDt9., 16. feet, 9 inches; bet1 74 ,"(34 , 1 ' "' feet t tubes; oylia der, 72 luelteo; 4 t stroke. (l ENTD.E-HOARD SCHOONER ORVET'P A— Length, 90 feel; breadth, 27 feet 2 inches; depth, T feet 0 Inches. CENT.IIE-BOARD SCIMONER SARAH BRUEN —Length, 105 feet 6 Inehes; breadth, 26 feet 7 inches; depth, if teeth 1 Bich. GEXTIIE-B9ARD btlyforon.tit SAMUEL RO TAN—Length, Ma feet; inv;olClt, 08 tent 3 WWII; depth, 7 feet 7 inches. TERAlli.—Twenty per cent. nit the day of sale; the balance within six days, when the vessels must be removed from the yard. jyTa-stiiihat C. 11. BELL. (tettnnandant. ANIUSENI:EN'FS. NEW CHESTNUT-STREET VIVI/. TRE—CHESTNUT Street, above Twelfth. THE ONLY THEATRICAL t'ERFOIIMANCE lli THE CITY. SECOND WEEK OF THE NEW IRISH DEANA.. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, July 24th soil '2lth, Will be presented for the 7111 and Bth Hsieh the new loth mama, Blots Itouelesult and L. H. Rouse, styled ARRAN NA r0a172; 1)11 TIIE WICKLOW WEDDING Which, during the past week:, has achieved a grand success, it will he presented with all the new and maguitleent scenery, wonderful mechanical effects, original and brilliant mush:, costly wardrobe, cor rect appointments, suit a CAST OF THE UTMOST ABILITY. - - • The Centrifugal Fans, constantly in motion, ren der the Theatre delightfully cool at all times. lee ♦Voter vroviileil In ahundunee. bATURDAY AFTERNOON, July 20th, ;13EVOND 011.LND VANUA ITLATINUF. OF TUE _ _ SUbl3filn When AERAH NA PoGuE will he performed. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH- A-La- STREET THEATRE. SECOND WEEE. SECOND WEEK. HOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. AN ENTIRE NEW BILL. TRAGEDY, COMEDY FARCE, raiItLENVE, ALL THE STARS APPEAR EACH EVENING. PRONOUNCED 1W OVERWHELMING AUDI.. ENCES THE WORLD'S HEST. jr 24-et FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEA TRE, IYALNIVr Street, above Elebtb, WYLY. OPEN FOR THE SEASON On SATURPAS Etiwir.s4.4-., July 2y, tsss. Grand Ballets, lIVW lenTlVie ; bril . Rant Combination of distinguished artists, Jy2-14till MORGAN SMITH, OF PHILA.- k. delphia, respectfully informs his friends at tending his recent lteadlag,4 in Philadelphia and elsewhere,also the Visitors and lif,sldeats orcAns 'MAI,' that he will give an Afternoon Matinee of SELECT READINcIi AND mcc PPATIONO front the most tliathigalshed A1'10110111) turd hingllo4. Atithorg, at the Church iii ricAmthiN sh.4,ot, on __ posite the Tremont house, -on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Joly 25th, coalateitelng at, 4 o'clock. Doors open at i o'clock. Cards of Admission 50 cents. To be had at the Door, on the Afternoon or the Entertainment. • AIRMOUNT WATER-WORKS, (WIRE BRIDGE.) AFTERNOON CONCERTS EVERY DAY, Nrom 4 to 7 O'clock , by HAMER'S IL4RAND MILITARY BAND. Programmes of Motto issued dally . The Arch, Vine, and Callowhill-street earl ran dip met to the place. 1724-8 t ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CREST- N UT Street, above Tenth—Open front 9A. M. till 6 P. M. Benjamin Weatia great picture 01 CHRIST REJECTED still on Exhibition, lel2 BOARDING. CAPE ISLAND.-A FEW BOARDERS taken at the PHILADELPHIA HOUSE in a private family DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-OLABE3 DINNERS, at No. 624 South WASHINGTON Nuare. 156-tom' PERSONAL. I.l o i tu 'kLL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN r ,tuj_thts b eta,d JULY . 21st, 185, W. IL In " to ean agent tor our erm. fork fight^. ATKINS BROTHERS, A shock Zl, DUFFIELD, Agent. jrZa-at• eurred on Thy- • UCATIONALt _nurailaY to New Y , - who wag ACADEMY, AT OALYA was on RCH, MA NHEIM Street, GERMAN - SHOEMAKER. A. M. Principal; an °Teri? e different rkpartnients experienced were ' The nest Seusion will commence SEP .._ ME. Four 11075, between the ages and fourteen yearswill be received Into • it of the rrlncYpal. 'For Circulars, address B. S Ogilt AKER, corner of GERAXANTOWN A7a nue and SHOEMAKER'S Lane, biermontown, Phi. ladelplda. REFERENCES: Rev. B. Newton, H. 1.14 T. C. Henry, B. G. Godfrey, T. A. Newhall, Carroll Brewster, Esqs., and Rev. G. A. Strong j7B-Sturrig woODLAND SEMINARY.— NOS. 9 T T and 10 WOODLAND TERRACE, West PM- Indelphia.—A DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladled. Location healthy, airy, and &Mao tiie, FRU Session commences Sept. 12. For CitelOttra NV/ to . „ ly2l-2m* REV, WAIT IMF %To, minima. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN- STITUTE for YOUNG LADIES N. W. corner Of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for merly at 1530 Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1818 and 1334 Chestnut, street. Or address I'. 0. Box 2811. jylo-lm* COAL. BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLIES NOW—Lowest Price for the Selaoll.—Oenuine. Engle Vein COAL, ennui, if not superler, to Lehigh. Egg and Stove sizes, $8; Large Nut , SL Try You will be sure to be pleased. Oilice,l2l South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot, 1419 CALLOWRILL Street, above Broad. jy22-3m ELLIS BRANSON. IT NO WLE S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. Office and Yard, NINTH and WILL Sta. jyl4-lin" COAL.—WM. H. ouRTIS 86 co,, LEHIGH and SCHUYLEILL COAL YARD, 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. jylo-1m• 00 A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, and*Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Locust Mountain, front Selluyldll,propsired. expressly for family use. Depot, IV. W. corner and WILLOW StreetS, Mee, No. 1.1.% S. SECOND Street. teps4n J,WMAION EXCURSIONS. amaigm CAPE MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OF WALNUT STREET, AT 8.30 A, K, , r t A i lli c AND EXPItH33. Elm 2.30 P. K, PASSENGER. Due at 8.0 F. 4.30 P. M ., EXPRIOS. Due It 7.45 PI Fare, $3.00. Servants, $2.00. EXCURSION TICKETS, $5.00. Coupon TleketAr to be used by one person only, 10 for $25.00. Nmengers and Baggage taken to and front tits Island /tad Station witllol4t additional charge. Freight daily from Oatitlford , s Wharf, befall^ V ruee street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 6,3:1 A. X. * . Mail; A. .M„ Express; .5 P. M., Aceotnniodatiolit 8.20 A. M., Freigin. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup% Pircuavaa44o. l ., July fi ; 1.3115, 30-1414 E=EZMa AU COMPAN Y.—Ta Tourists and Travellers—E X rsinn Season of UM. Lake Ontario, tHaguentir River, The Thousand Islands, Portland, The Rapids of Ht. Law-While Mountains, renee River; ISaralogit Springs. Montruni, &C., - Ste., &C., &O. Quebec, &a., &o" Tlekefis fur the above lts:tnirslOtbt, wltkh have been so tong and favorably known to the P11114(10.. phis piddle, by verities routes to Niagara, Falls, for sale at the CATAWISSA ELMIRA RAILROAD TICKET OF FICE, 425 CHESTNUT Street. tinder Philadelphia Bank, where full Informotlon will he given. N. VAN HOIIN, Passenger Agetit. 425 eitEsT.Nt7T Street. .gir r aggai CA.M.131.1N AND AT , LANTIC RAILROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THROUGH IN TWO HOLM& On and after SA . TUR.DAY, July Ist, 1885, /MP trains daily to Atlantic City, and one on Sunday, TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY as fellows: Ai Sp rra e ci ega Tu l t7 E i x n cursion ... , .................. ~,,,.. 7 8 :30 30 A A . . r e . w i th p a mt Nger (7ar attached—. OAS A. M., ~,, neural 2.00 P. At.. Express (through 11) I Atlantic Acconintull I RETURN tis G u , ki tiCAVE ATLANI , I O tI: A p ::: Atlantic Accommodatio I I y E r x e p io res t s . s i , l .lgl l 'L g it i tis i e n n t g w e o r hours) artached ... .1 7 1:4 63 7 AA. M. Mail Tra In 4.45 P. M. ..,,,, 1 Excu rsi on • 6.18 1. m . .. SD" — SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. LC/WV!! Vine-stree Atlantict 7.30 A. M.... • lit Awning, leaves at. . , ..,.. 4,45 P. DE.. Fare to Aoontie, v.. itounil4;ll) TiCketi, good: /hay far the day and train On which I. hey are issued.. $ 3 . JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION, Leave Vine-street Ferry at 5.30 I*. ill, Leave Jackson at a. 28 A. iii., EXTRA, HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave 'Vine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. M. and 1,15 P. )14. Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. M. and 2.46 P. K. N. B.—Frelttht must he delivered at Cooper , a, 'Point before e o'clock I'. 1... , 1 0 , t H o N lee . r it el i te l itior T E . aowit the »ex t day. je2e-t1 Agent, ___ &wpm EXCURSIONS TO LONO IlliAlioM.—Trains foe Long Branch will leave Cooper's Point, CAMDEN. daily (Sundays excepted,) at 9.15 A. M. Fare, 11:1. Excursion Tickets, good for three days, $3. Extxa, train on Saturdays at 4,30 I'. M. Returning, arrive , at Camden at 9.lti A. M. Monday. jc243.2ni L. It. emit Agent. flamdea. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DP. , - SOCIPTIONB of Character. Consfittation. and Talent, with ADVICE on Blisiiidaa. Health, Education, Self-improvement, Mne- agentent and Training of CHILDREN, 90- eial Adaptation, &a., day and evening, by JOHN L. CAPEN, • Phrenologist and Bookseller. No. 05 S. 'UNTIL Otreet, alma Chestnut. 001.1.tutlisiyit SALEM.
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