New Publications• itmong, the numerow publications elicited by the lire mill death of President Lincoln bone is equal in interest, importance, and authenticity to "Tao Conspireey • ited, with an introduction, by Rem Perloy core. :Ma now publishing by J. E. Tilton do o. The first volume has just been issued, is , f Pine size, is beautifully p r i n t e d on hue are ,. is neatly bound in dark morocco cloth, as a v ...eette of Justice blindfold and with „ m a a nd 3 is not disfigured with coarse 0.0-ears (which might serve as specimens of it:ftuving in the infancy of the art), and ghteg fin the proceedings, without a line of abridgs vent. from the commencement of the groat Conspiracy trial at Wash ington to the evidence on M o ay lath of Sergeant (.;,'rg,' Robin:ion, -which undoubtedly (lin viet e:I Payne of lowing attempted to murder itr. Seward. The lntroduetion, by Mr. li. r. Poore, has the great •inerit of beim, dear'without ditfusenegs. It. briefly relates the Mtal and brutal eireum •• _thaws, this result of a wide-spread eon- . npiraey, which caused the martyrdom of Mr. incelm !al hail nearly destroyed Mr. Seward • nu his son ; and, besides containing copies of Oft srceizti orders, by virtue of which the of persons charged with this conspiracy l e ek place before a military commission at ly ; ;;; , hingt On, it sketched Judge Advocate a nit and ins two assistants, (Bingham and Burnett,) gall.. the President's proclamation for the ar rest of Jefferson Davis and others ; described the locality in which the prisoners were de tained:oat tried; gave personal sketches of the accused: mid also gave the charges and specifi rations on whiell they were tried and eon, donned. The first volume may bc taken, from ihr reliability of its respectable publishers, as a sample of the whole work. It will be equally acceptable to lawyers, politicians, and the general public, who may desire to possess a neat and accurate account of the greatest State 'Trial that has ever taken place in this Repub lic. There was very little unnecessary evi denee led, yet the official manuscript re port of tin tr ial is reported as forming a mu fully I wetly-eight inches high! The succeed ing volumes, bringing it down to the execu tion of the sentence, will follow with as much r egularity as is consistent with accuracy of text and beauty of typography. This is, em thatleully, the report of the Conspiracy Trial. ,‘ The Martyr's Monument," published by Ow American News Company, New York, is a nat +•lino volume of 300 pages, purporting to show She patriotism and political wisdom of _Abraham Lincoln, "as exhibited in his Fjuv ehes, messages, orders, and proclama.: Lions, from the presidential canvass of 18110, until bis assassination, April 14, (151) 1565." rt is carefully compiled, is indexed, and is hand somely printed. Of a somewhat similar character, but more c . c ,,,,ionsed and much better arranged, is a :Vino volume published by Walker, Fuller, lloston, entitled " The President's Words," being, a selection of passages from Sir. Lincoln's speeches, addresses, and letters. It has been compiled, with considerable taste and judgment, by Mr. Edward EL Hale, assist ed by Dir. John Williams, and contains the most striking thoughts that. ever were enun ciated, in writing or speech, by Mr. Lincoln. Many of these have the terseness of aphor. 'Sus, and all are worthy of being preserved, as the utterance of a man who was great, be cause of pure honesty and sound common sense. The. subjects are divided under the fol lowing beads: 1. Political Spstelits: the people, the Constitution, and the laws. 2. Slavery and Anti davery: Kansas and Nebraska—Dred- Scot t Decision—The Rebellion. 3. _Rath: Faith in God, Faith. in the People. 4. Internal Int -2,,0rm00ni., There is, also, t Conclusion, or ,ippondix, containing sonic personal anec dotes and descriptions, his last Inaugural, his last speech of any length, and a very copious leder. in hit respects this very unpretentious little book is very desirable, and publishers teal editors may safely calculate on a large sale. (Ileceireafrom,T. B. Lippincott & Co.) We have received, published by T. B. Pugh an "Oration on the Death of Abraham Lin. coin," hy Dr. W. K Guthrie, which has the rare merit of being extremely brief, and a transla tion, from the same pen, of Monsieur A. Ito gidra's brochure, "The Strictures of Labienus, the Historical Critic in the Time of Angus tus"—a satire, grossly personal, against Napo_ icon M., as author of the Life of Ctesar. This last is faithfully as well as spiritedlyrendered from the French. We notice that Dr: G.'s Pre_ laces are signed "Dr. W. E. Guthrie." It is not usual for authors to sign with a prefix of ranlz, whatever that may be, before their pro per name. Thus, a document signed "Presi dent Andrew Johnson," or " Governor Andrew G. Curtin," would be "caviare to the multi tude'—here, at least. Bunco & Ilmitingtou, New York, have pub lished the second volume of their cottage library. It contains "The Song of the Shirt, ,, and thirty-four more of Hood's best poems, -with half-a-dozen very pretty wood-engrav ings. The se/ cetion has been made with judg ment, and does credit to the new series. The cream of Toni Hood's poems, in 06 pages, with good illustrations, for thirty cents, is very cheap indeed, (Receivedfrarra T. B. Pugh.) " Thn Squibob Papers," by John Phcenix, just colleeted and published by Mr. Carleton, New York, with a large number of comic illustra tions by the author—the late Captain George Derby—is one of the few genuine humorous books of the present time. There is terrible sameness in the stereotyped mannerism of "Orpheus c. Kerr j" and in the labored bad spelling of "The Disbanded Volunteer" and "Artemis Ward," we can see nothing 'Mit a vulgar taste. Far superior to these is the attempt, by Professor Lowell, to put a local dialect or patois into print by means of corrupt orthography, in his "Bige low Papers," abounding in wit and humor, but which could better have found a voice in genuine idiom as in bad spelling. "John Mantis," on the other, hand, runs into this error very rarely; he does not elaborate wil fully incorrect spelling into a system. His fun is of a genuine and abounding nature, and his pencil assists it. The frontispiece to this volume, being a full-length of George Washingtms, exhibits the real caricature man ner—a burlesque, yet recognizable as a like nr.:,4 of the man. The other illustrations are very funny, in the various degrees, and match lie letter-press. There are fifteen of them. To sojourners, "by the sad sea wave" or in the country, who, with the barometer at nine ty-three in the shade, want to be amused at the smallest possible expenditure of mental labor, we heartily commend "The Squibob Papers." They will give a day's hearty merriment to a whole family. (Received from T. B. _Peterson & Brothers.) IiIiGGINH Tilt WRONG MAN.—An amusing in cident occurred at the depot in Manchester, N. H., on Monday, which has been related to us by an eye -witness. A train had just ar rived with a detachment of New Hampshire soldiers. A blooming maiden, who was pre sent for the purpose of welcoming home her leaf; absent soldier-lover, caught sight or him, aim, with outstretched arms, started to em brace him. Just at that moment the crowd icui become so great that the soldiers were pressed aside, and the lady, missing her mien .ations, eaugbt another bronzed hero in her arms, at the same time giving him a rousing "smack." The soldier, who had never retreat cd on the battle-Held, started back with frig,ht, exclaiming as he did so, "Rho in the d—are yeah" The large crowd in attendance, while they sympathized with the lady in her mis take, could not repress a hearty laug,h at her xpense Tii-mont _Record. TiE EbIPEESS EUGENIE, AND ROSE BONFIEUR. Ilere is a subject for a picture: In a pretty country studio, seven miles from Fontain ld eau. a gentlewoman was at work on a sultry 41:( last week, dressed as French ladies, who happened tobe artists, usually dress,in a blouse and petticoat. The gentlewoman was Mdle. Rosa BOnhenr, and she was paintinb , cattle and grazing ground. Suddenly the door of her studio was opened, and without announcement, of any kind, a bright and charming woman en- I ered the room, threw her aria around Mdle. Itosa's neck and clasped a ribbon round it, from - which depended ahttle cross well known in France. The charming visitor was the Em press Eugenic. Mdle. Bonheur bad not heard a word of this visit, or of this decoration being no ended for her; and she sat down on a low stool and enjoyed a good cry, while the Em press chatted with her about her palettes, her pencils. and the delightful trifles of her art. Certes, AnEnypress Eugenie knows how to en hance a graceful act by the added grace of do ing it we Ashenanem. CITY ITEMS. THU BEST FITTING SHIRT Or THB AGE iS "The tnproved Pattern Shirt," made by John C. arrison, at the old stand, Kos. 1 and 3 North Si - xth street. Work done by band in the best manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. liis stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods carnet be surpassed. Prices moderate. TnE "CITINESIC SUN RAT," sold by Wood & 1 : 1, , 725 Chestnut street, is the most popular article of the season. The entire stock of Straw and Fancy Goods of this house is now ing Off at Much below cod. VISITORS TO THE SEA-BElOla should provide themselves with BATHING Ramses from Joins C. AuMeoN , s, Nos. I and 3 North Sixth street. EW AND SECOND -BAND PIANOS YD RENT, and portion or rent applied to purchase. Also, new and elegant pianos for acconionodatinV tenns• sale on GOULD, yl4-2nt Seventh and Chestnut. Tax LAnn CunnSe.—The ladies are going in for clubs. Poor dears I how little they think how they are "putting their little tootsieS into it" by trying to place themselves on a .club.footin,,l They might almost as well at tempt to thrust their what d'ye call 'ems into pantaloons, a step that could only hdjustitied 'by the wearers being tempted by the elegant garments get up at the Brown -Stone Clothing Hall of Boa:hill & Wilson Nos (103 an d 605 Chestnut street, above A RAID.—Now comes the season of flies—a nuisance intolerable. Let everybody know, then, mat Butcher's Lightning Fly-Killer will utterly annihilate them. Use it, and rest sweetly and Securely through trio summer heat. Sold by druggists and dealers every where. le2l.trawfl3t F, Ott STECK & Co.'s Piano's (little used) for sale at bargains. These pianos have been used (luring the past whiter and spring at concerts, at public halls, and in private houses, and .1 -how no marks of use. Price *2OO less than I Pw ones of same style, though all new ones have been reduced $75. J. E. Govan, Je2bat seventh and Chestnut streets. ARRIVALS AT TUB HOTELS. The Con J P Weerman & sis, Pa H Thomas, 'Harrisburg It ticiAlaiat, New York L Stebbins, llartrorii .1 Hoy, New York J I) Nvnuedy, New York C V C Murphy, NJ D T Macfarian & wf. N Y Miss Mace:lrian, N Y .l T Seeley, New York 1,1 le WOlt, Chlrinlinti C S Wolff, Cincinnati A Hoffman, New York U Barron A la, New York J W Watson, 0 - 6 A il W Patrick, Athens, Pa 0 Morgan, New York - .1 Irvin, ITS A 4 0 Wright. New York li{ P Gilchrist le s, Witeclg lit L Mcflan,_ohin. S 0 11-1 Butler,Northampton It; if Curtis, New York s 0 Babcock, N ew Haven IC S Langdou, New York lA P McWilliams, Pittshg o m,,..,,0n. N Hampshire lirs Iffelivaiue, N le I W 111 Stewart, Wash'n ;Sand Kevser, New York 11V P 11 7 Taylor, N York 1.1 W Sehooly, Leesburg. IF A Chase, New York 1H Fairbrother, It Island Miss C Williams, N York IMrs S Resor & son. Ohio Henry M Dunphee, Mo 11.4 V D Conover, N J MM Warren & wf, N Y IT D Carson, ticurborg 1M W Hine & wf, Canada Capt Harris & WI, Balt Miss Baron Win Boardman, Hartford IA W Edwards, Jr, Al - S if Bacon & wf, Wash - Jos D Robinson, Boston IJ F Wiggans & wt, N Y ill D Shackelford, Ohio 1.1 II Bradley. Hillsboro, 0 'W S Purnanee, Pittsburg IR. A Carter,Nashril le J L Stephens, Nasiwnie Miss L It Davis ' Wash .1 Ethott, U S A . . W Ruggles, Washington Cant It Dexter, Wash Cr.k . Wiltsce, New York J 0 Chapman. New York A V Wlttsee, Now York E F Pierson, New York [ A A Foster, New York ID 11 Penn. Jr, Penna J . L Smith, New York Mrs It W Hatch, t Y Miss Emery, New York IV J Dicker, Baltimore AM Eastman, N H W T Sears, Dover, N Y II P Baldwin, New York A 1l 11:t11, Boston A Wbi 1111drutb Ba , ltimo Newre ork Valles. St`l2oolry, Lensturg Col-Robinson `{'ash Mrs Nobler k 2 eh, Wash NiseJ lieith, Baltimore W 11 Keith, Baltimore Miss E. lielghler, Balt t; t 1 McElroy, Balt Percher k la, - Maryland - miss 1. Dickinson, 1) 8 Cools, Penns A" ll Akin, New York. Sirs Potter, retina S Clarke, Illinois F, Penney, Pittsburg .1 English .5: wf. Conn 1 A 1) Vaughan. New York S Heymann Ste . pkens, Hartford. Of & son,Conn Ii Decker, England M Williams & la. N 11 A Francis, New York M w B eld. otdon - W T Washburn. Boston A Witticher. Maryland A quackenbush.:S - York E IN Taller, - Jr, N 'York Cyrus Cobb. ,low York Laphani. New York 3' A Turnell. New York anbez Wood. Mass W A Allen, New York A L Browne, New York 3liss Densmore , Ohio Geo C Casson. Baltimore F Thnpson, Washington ,1 8 Licingston, Pitts - burg Cant J MeHno. Jr, a wf, R :McCune & wf, Penns Geo 1) Hall, St Louts :John T Pendleton, Tenn E Pendleton, Tenn F G Terry, Memphis Jas Frazier a wf, Penns Miss M M Frazier, Penn Miss Mary Winriek, ra Miss Leonora Cull_ 'N Sand Myers it la, Chicago Miss F Chicago Mrs Jos N lurk F. S Clark & is, Mobile C 0 Smith,Louisville D Stewart, Pittsburg Hon Ell Slifer & la, Pa H S Merrill, USA Wm Davies, Baltimore J W Barnard,'" Chester Miss AI Resor, Cincinnati W H 'Wild, Tennessee C H Ammidown, N Y • N P Haven, New York T - Foster, New York 31 Peters. New . York 0 Kays, Louisville Ai B Vales. Troy, N Y M E Gill & is. New York J C Smith it la, New York • irard. 7,1 Thompson, 1S'iill:4.17118ot (J . Lawshe, Osceola Longneclicr, runna E E Ewing do la, Maryl'd J PT) Keene, New York G W Junkie. Sr, N C Bright, Pottsville L Muting, lichnyi co G Kaufman, Penns W M Kaufman. Letrn co Mrs .E Borst, Ashland .1 Ramage cant H b tittal. N York J W Britton, Florida. Levi Stein The S g Tomlinson, N York ;11 Patten New York C hi llnvson, Yotta~ - il le M Baxter. L'ottsville :1 II Wells, New York Price, Baltimore . T Nixon, Bridgeton Alexander G Cattell E F Neever, Reading N Ahl, Newvilte .1 A Ahl, Nowville Todd, Carl Dr D 31cA1urtrie, U s sci; d Ii Cunt-well, Hocks to H A Sage, Easton. E C Wells, 13railford co David Lewis, Pittsburg I.Kauffnunt,'Penno. M E King, Fulton co, Pa Edw Reilly. Lancaster II A Sturgeon, Penna. E R Warren, U S N U L Green & wf, Palma Chas F Wilkins, Del ;John Berry, Chicago D Raffensherger, Pa ,E H Green, Easton S Maltby, Baltimore Miss Maltby & sus, Bait E M Madden, New York •J Matthews, Baltimore N L Walter, NJ N Farren, Lawrencev Jas L Wood, Wash, D C Wm J Sterrett, Pa James A Behan, Pa Ii M Thomas, Penna .1 Brown, Lock Haven Miss S J Pa A Wrenn, Norfolk, Va W C Tilghman, Balt Miss Carrie Barney, Balt Mrs Win Wilson, Pa Miss Irwin & sls, ra J B. Jones, Harrisburg T Cottrell, Indianapolis, G W Walker, Pa J It Adams, Harrisliprg : C Every, Harrisburg W T Platt, New York :1 P. Dominus, New York W L Harmer, Del chants , . W Schultz. Jr, Phila. G Ii Attrlch. Ohio The Me w Lill?, Munch Chita W L Jones, Allentown C McFadden, Latrobe Master McFadden, Pa T Phillips & wf, Scranton John Howell, Pittston, Pa James Van Allen, N J It Armstrong, Allegheny] F J Perry, Boston C J Hoffman W H FreaS4, - Nakoleon,o J as McCandless wr D C Herbert, Pittsburg Thos H Neal, Pittsburg. A 0 Postlethwait, Penns, Henry S Lout:Minim Meesner, New York IMiss Halbuek, Clearfield Jas L Brvden, Pittston II 0 Warren & la. Maas E Hepburn, Bristol, Pa IA H Fatzinger, M Chunk Cyrus Dyer, Middletown 0 - A. Md P Staek, Maryland John Vangeset, Del Alex Johnston, Blair co John Moroney, Phila L Louis, Richmond, Pa H W Fisher, Middletown ll W 'Fisher Middletown E Brion. Illinois 1V MeCandlish, Newville Brown & (lan, N J Miss Probasco, NJ C D Brodhcad,MonrOc co ' 1I R Baines, MD, L D Griggs, Walcsb'g, Ct 'Jas S Rich. Sharon, Ira F Hause, P,mna W Lorenz, Lebanon W H Goodyear, Lebanon IN Moses &-; son, Oln, 0 IM Leon, Cincinnati, 0 IJ A Crumpton, Virginia J A Dodge, Washington H DI Norton, New J-ersey J Wilkinson, New York D Coakley - Jz. son, Balt ' AV Thompson, Trenton B V Baird, Pt Jerrie,NY Col C Durbin& U S A J Hoffman, Carlisle 13 Morgan, Pluenixville S Buckwalter, 'Muria S Hays, Annville H lY Peace, New York J Hider, Baltimore Bobt Courtney, Albany P Short, Clearfield C Ilalbuek, Clearfield D XI Dulaney, Quincy, 11l T Potts Kew York C• IV Small. Baltimore A Adler, Lancaster. W Carpenter, li York Takott, Conn N Bogart, Trenton 111i5,....141,4 Howe, N 4 Eilhatuck,Pittsburg E Rebourn, Baltimore Elias Emmert, Ilagerst'n Maj . John Cummings„ Pa Jas Belford,Mauchehunk J Weiser, York Thos. Graham, Maryland W Cruropton, Virginia The. Isaac Lobe, Baltimore B B Porter, New York Geo Vanderbilt, N York T It Powers B F Morris U S N B Jrßurr, II it Towle. S N IT A Godfrey & la,Penna MrsSl inpson,Willuington ,H Lawson, Norristown 'T A Houle, New York E LVaudling,Harrisburg J Dickson &la, D Lieut G Staley & Ia L Wilkins, New York - J It Lay, Oil City Geo P Maul, Oil City S Bailey & la, Illinois T Draper & la, Delaware lairs H NV Draper, Illinois Airs J B Conner, Del )111VniranOston IP Ludlam & N Jersey 'PM' Gay, Ranging :It C Stover. Penna W 31 Shakesnear, Del G Kennedy, - Alaryland L Bates, Boston J W Richardson, Norfolk Max Rieberaek J DI Clapp, President, Ps J Howes & la. New Jersey J A Williamson. Penna F R Thurber & wf. Boston C IfFleteher &wf,Boston. Geo Rossen & la P Wild, DoTer,Del Sarni Dlekey, Oxford,Pa D Reeres, New Jersey R S Meth - tan & wf,Penna J Pottes, Whitehall John Call, 'Whitehall A Abell, -Whitehall J G Yesa, Colmubia L L Ellsworth, N York S B D Prickett, N Jersey IG F Ziegler, Mass 1.3 a. 31 Weld. Mass J Goodrich, Olio S S Packard. Maryland W L Reed, Pinegrove Mrs Williams. St Louis A Hale & wf, St Louis SR Uniker, Oregon A .f Weiss:Hagerstown J IC Frederiek.Sum`t Hill DL 83-nolds; Indiana F Mortimer,N Bloomfield N Orton, Burilugton, Vt W Henry, Chambersb , g J A Smith, St Clair J G Chadsey, New York F C Probason & la, N J C Norton, USN S Koehersperger. Lane W Brown, New Jersey D Rum Yot k, Pa 13 It Errington, N Y A J Patterson, Penns S 31 Coyle, Carlisle J Swank T It Crooks, Del City H N Crooks, Del City A. Seheetz, Lancaster Piper, Harrisburg Lewis Briuer, Reading A D Lanny, Pittsburg A W Pottegiet,Reading N Hippinger, Inantna B F Caffrey & wf.Penna W Clewell, Reading Hiram Dean, N J H A Rana, Litiz niereial. The Co .1S Brady, Baltimore W WeWats, blew York J 'Brewster, Newvllle W M Illnkson, Peuna Robert Henry Wm Levis, W Chester 13 It Foust, Mt Union V J Troxell, Lock Haven J W Bridgens, L Haven C T Trego & wf, Chicago A H Trego, Chicago W T Trego & wf, J C Frick & wf, Limerick D lirebs4, Pottsville E Cowgill, Jr, Delaware 'W S Thompson, Oxford G Whitforth, Elkton, lid Win Levis, Chester so Miss Wilson, Chester co J B Herring, Penns R W sorris N Jersey AG Lovell & did Saud Wright, W Chester Jos James, W Chester J S Paxson W Chester J H Green:Chester eo G I) Thompson, ?Ma D P Hobart, Pottstown Geo Reed, Pottsville J Scott & la, Altoona, Pa The Stat F Bradly, Delaware City Geo O'Neill, Delaware Alex WiUse. New York J A Crompton,Puma Saul H LturDelaware .1 At Lutz, Harrisburg A P Erb, Harrisburg F O Krebs Pottsville 1) Heinev, 'Doylestown Alt Snyder, Newville ISaml L Guff, Reading Jas Boles. Albany E H Henshaw,Chicago IWin Jewett, Michigan C B Barnes, St Louis D Hamilton, York, Pa IChas M Loag, Reading R Gamble, Reading E Norton. Detroit Oli Hathaway, ienum The M. Thos Musgrave & N Y M - Swinger, N J E T - McCauley, Delawar3l Thus Leyshaw.Pitiston 1I Leyshaw, Pittston. Pa, M Morgan. Pittston ,Pa 1) Owens, Pittston , Pa I 1J T Harper, Delaware !John McNair, New York IC Christ man, N orristown iD H Holcomb, Salem J Wells, 'Pike co J B Ezell, South Carolina The Barley Shear. .Tarnes .Clark. nurlingtOnlSiStO Tepcda, Mexico A Town, Plilla IC Littlejohn. Maine • L G nodgers,liammontonehas Chambers, Bucks co Amos Corson. _Bristol 'John Risler, :Bucks co Jisus "Carr.), Mexico David Fell, Bucks co AuF Hooters, Mexico Joshua Felt, Bucks co Cardimus, Mexico 1 The Black Bear. - sand Fritz, Lehigh co B Sherk, Lebanon J on! , g B owma n, poplin : Lougshore, Attlebo'gh Mrs Shellmire, Pcmia !Fred T Beans, Dolington Dunneptienekona,valMiss A Sterner, Peima A bleigerwalt, Lebanon Elias Obold, Penna. SPECtiki. 10"JCICJES. CORNER BORDERS, OR DIAGONAL BIT HOLDERS, may be fitted to ally brace and bit with out altering the use of the latter with the former, For Locksmiths, Gas-Fitter., and others, who fre quently bete ill a corner or at an angle, they are very useful. Sold by TRUMAN & SHAW, No, 535 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. FANCY IRON CORNER AND CLOCK Shelves, and a variety of Iron Brackets, for sale at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. JOYEIe.—SOLDIERS RETURNING HOME, you want a good, substantial, cheap, and fashion able suit of Citizens , Clothing. Go to Jones, OLD-ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 804 MARKET STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. KENDALL'S AMEOLINE.—Have you tried If so, you approve of it. Of course the re markable demand for this excellent preparation for the Hair has been solely created by its merits; for, when once used, it is not likely to be abandoned. You can procure it of any respectable Druggist. 7yl-3m TILE PIII3LIC is cautioned against an imi tation of the Photograph of Lieut. General Grant, the original of Which was taken by F. (*UTE -13:1117ST, 704 ARCH Street. It la a bad copy. The original will be known by My imprint ou the back. jyll.4lt. PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE LOTION.— Chiloasma, or Mothpatch (also called Lirerspot,) and Lentigo, or Freckles, are often very annoying, particularly to ladles of light complexion, for the discolored spots show more plainly on the face of a blonde than of a brunette; but they greatly mar the beauty of either, and any preparation that will ef fectually remove them, without injuring the texture or eolor of the din is certainty a desideratum. Dr. B. C. PERRY, who has made diseases of the skin a speciality, has (Wein - crud a remedy for these disco 'orations which is at ones prompt, infallible, and harmless. Wholesale in Philadelphia by JOHNSTON, HOL LOWAY, & COWDEN, 23 North SIXTH Street, and by DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street. Prepared only by B. C. Fermi, Dermatologist, No. 49 BOND Street, New York, and for sale by all Druggists. Price, per bottle. Call for PERRY'S MOTH AND FRECKLE .LOTION. For further information address Dr. B. C. PER tY, 49 BOND Street, NEW 'YORK. ja_wrami HAM DYE! Haut DYE 1 BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE - Is the best in the Nyorlu. The only true and perfect Dye — harmless, Instantaneous, and reliable; produces a splendid Black or Natural Brown; remedies the 111 ef f ects of Bad Dyes, and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all Druggists. The genuine is signed W. A. DATCIIELOR, BARCLAY Street, New York. jag-mwf-ly IhaVEHBAL (COG WHEEL) CLOTHES WRINGER at reclined prices. G. W. LOOMIS. 27 South SIXTH St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jets-fraw-lut SOKETHING COOL POE THE HOT WEngitil. Something Cool for the Hot Weather.- Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Rot Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linea Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool In. Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Also, a splendid assortment of Seasonable Cloth ing, of every variety, for sale by PERRY & CO., . No. 303 cIIESTNIIT Street, above Third, Re. 600 CHESTNUT St. (Grallyille Stokes• old stand.) S. N. Corner of 81EVIST11 and MAlS,liial" Sta. (Jones.) Jylo-6t inental. "THROW PHYSIC TO THE DOGS, I'LL NONE OF IT." To make assurance doubly sure Pll take "—PLANTATION BITTERS. They never fail. This great Stomachic Healer, so long and favora bly known to the American public, is just what the people need. It is a remedy they can rely on. For Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Headache, Dizziness, Ague, Liver Complaints, Pains in the Side and Back, ,te., it has no equal; not the least among its virtues is its extreme pleasantness to the taste and immediate beneficial effect. Try it, ye dyspeptics, and be cured! jyB4t 27. GAS COOKING STOVES. 27. cheaper khan Coal Or WOO. Eagle etas Cooking Stoves and Ranges. G. W. LOOMV3, get' smith. SLXTR Street, Philadelphia. Jel6-Rnw-lm DIARRIICEA AND DYSENTERY.—A Sure remedy for the worst case of acute or chronic Diar rhrea and Dysentery is Dr. STRICKLAND'S ANTI CHOLERA MIXTURE; thousands have been cured by it; our government uses it in the hospitals. It bas cured many of our soldiers after all other means failed; in fact, we have enough proof of the oftleary of this valuable preparation of- astringents, ab sorbents, stimulants, and carminatives, to advise every one of our readers to get a bottle and have it in readiness, and to those who suffer try it directly. Sold by Druggists everywheie. Ask for Dr. Strick land's Antt-Cholera Mixture. jy3-mwf-3n ITCH. (WHEATON'S) ITCEL SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch in forty-eight hours. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all. Eruptions of the Skin. Price, 60 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, BOSTON, Mass., will be for warded free by mail. For sale by all Druggists. mhlB-43m Thursday, both ult., by the Rev. Thomas Murphy, 1). D., Mr. C. IL Fitler, of Philadelphia, to Miss Emma Mall of Frankford. WATERRURY—IIANSELL.—JuIy 12th,by the Rev. Robert Chase, S. Allyn Waterbury to Josie M. Ilansell, only daughter of the late Sos. 11. Taylor. No cards. New 'York papers please copy. FItITZ—STIVERS. — On the 11th inst., at the rest. dente of Marriner, Esti. ' by the Rev. G. W. Brindle, Mr. Daniel Fritz, of Philadelphia, to Miss Anne Mallnda Silvers, of Whkesbarre. WRkesba.rre papers please ropy. brAitsßD—Wit DIAMS.—On Thursday morning, 13th lust.; by the lieu. D. a. liiiller, foslitta Gftrglla to Annie Williams, all of Frankfort!, Pa. SHlNN.—Suddenly, on the 12th inst., near West Chester, Sarah, wife of Nan Shinn, in the 61th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are par ticularly invited to attend the funeral, to meet at her late residence, No. 518 Pine street, on Second day, the 17th instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. Interment id the Western linciaL ground. WILLIAMSON.—At Chicago, ph, on the nth inst.. Jane, widow of the late G. N. Williamson, of Philadelphia. 110P1i1NSON.—On the 11th blower Hos pital, Chestnut Bill, Dr. Joseph Hopkinson, Sur geon in Charge. The naval, army officers. and the members of the different societies to which he belonged, and his mate friends, are invited to attend his funeral, with out further notice, from. his late residence, No. 1613 Walnut street, On Friday morning wharf o'clock punctuuny, to go to Whinut-street A spe cial train leaves at 3U.15,1f0r ltordontown; to return at 2 P. M. • ** • MANLEY.—On the Bth inst., at rm. Grange, Mo., Esther Ann Ihmlev, wife of Rev. William Hanley, In the 58th year of Tier age. The friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend the funeral, front the residence of her bro ther,William Midway], No. 254 West Logan Square, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel }lid. ,tw • MITCHELL.—On Wednesday, the 12th inst., Liz zie Young, youngoSt child of Rev. James Y. and Nettle Mitchel], aged I year, 10 months, and 9 days. Funeral from the regaCHCO of her parents, 1013 North Fifth street, on Saturday, lath Inst.,at half past 12 o'clock. To proceed to Glenwood Ceme tery. * TROMA..S.—On Tuesday July 11, William B. Thomas, Jr., son of Benjamin B. and Anna 91. Thomas, aged 17 years 7 months and 11 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 1324 Spring Garden street, on Friday. the 14th inst. at 10 o'clock A. M. To proceed to NV Muiland Cemetery. CHAMBERLAIN.—On the 11111 instant, A. M. Chamberlain, in the 48th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, at 3 o'clock on Friday, the 11th inst., from his late residence. 1203 Green street, without further notlee. Inteelnent at South Laurel Hilt. erica. 51111TII.—Suddenly, on Tuesday, July 11th, 1865, Joseph C. Smith, Jr., in the 90th year of his age. The relates and friends of the family; the Hamil ton Lodge, No. 274, A. Y. M.; also, the Northern Liberty and Perseverance Hose Companies, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No.looB North Seventh street, Satur day afternoon, the 15th Inst., at three o'clock. *** n.F.STQN. — }lied of apoplexy. July 18111, Bev. Newton Reston, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Due notice will be given of funeral. • BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES. Just received, a case of Black English Grena dines, at 40 cents a yard. EESSON & SON Mournity, Store, 918 611E5T.14 Street. one One price. Prices in plain figures. m 71.5 TLACK CHALY DE LAINE.-JUST evened, one ease of plain black Cbaly de Laines, at gig cents a yard. BESSON & SON Mourning Store, 918 CHESTNUT Street. One price. Prices In plain figures. myls 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. EYRE & LANDELL. 100 PIECES MOSQUITO BARS WHITES, ELITES, GREENS, &c. EYRE & LANDELL. 1/000 LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR HOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OP CHEA.P TOWELS. Cje26-D1 EYRE & LANDELL. per'. MASONIC NOTICE. lid Members of INDUSTRY LODGE, No. 131, A. Y. M., will meet at the MASONIC BALL, CHESTNUT Street, on SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock M.. to attend the funeral of our late brother, MA SON MATLACE. Members of the Grand Lodge are aim requestrt to attend. By order of the W. M. - J3 - 14-21* !JAMES B. ALVORD, Secretary, s union. OFFICE OF SLIPPERY ROCK PETROLEUM. OIL COMPANY, No. :425 WALNUT Street, (Room 5, Third Story.) PHILADELPHIA, July 10, 1305. The Transfer Books of tub Company will 'be closed until MONDAY, the 24th Inst., inclusive. jyl4-3t' GEORGE R. PEDDLE, Secretary. lar'" OYFICE OW THE PHILADEL. MIA GAS WORKS, JULY The price of Coke has been reduced to Ten Cents per 'bushel. Orders received at the Works or Omen, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. JOS. MANUEL, jyl2-72t Chief Engineer. OFFICE ST: NICHOLAS COAL COMPANY, 20534 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, July 10. 1805. At a meeting of the Directors of the ST. NICHO LAS COAL COMPANY, held this day, a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Moult was declared. payable (clear of State tax) on and after MONDAI, the Nlh Inst. jyli-l)t* C. F. SHOENER, Treasurer. OFFICE BIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," NO. 328 WALNUT Street,Boem No. 9, PHILADELPHIA, Julylo, .1095. Subscribers to the 'capital stock of the "BIG WHITELY CREEK OIL C 0.," who have not paid their last Instalment, and taken out their certiii- Yates, are hereby notified that if not attended to within thirty days from date their stock will be for feited. Ay order of the Board, jyll-12t* J. LEWIS PHILLIPS, President. 1117REHANTS" AND MANDFAC. TURERS' NATIONAL BANK, PITTSBURG, June 21,1865. As the Com Currency of of the Curre of the TJnlted States has decided that the Capital of this Bank can be increased to the extent of 010,000 only, and not to the amount of $400,000, as before agreed upon (owin to the apportionment to Pennsylvania being alread g y absorbed, )6tockholders ore hereby notified that one-hair the instalment paid on their subscrip tions to the New Stock will be refunded to them at the thus of payment of the July dividend, thus re ducing the number of shares of New Stock one-half the amount subscribed. Eastern Stockholders will be paid at the Commercial National Bank, in Phila delphia. No further instalments will be required on the New Stock. The capital stock of the Bank will, therefore, be $BOO,OOO, instead 01,31400,000. By order of the Board of Directors. JOAN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. PITTSBURG. July 3, 18d3. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX I'ER CENT. upon the old Capital Mock out of the profits of the last six months, free of United States tax, payable at the Commercial National Bank, in Philadelphia, to Eastern stock holders, on and after the 15th inst. jytbdt JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. liar. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSV. RANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street._ PHILADELPHIA, .Tuly 3, 1835. At a meeting of theiiZTOYDiieCtors; held this Blared Dividend of THREE PER CENT. WaS dO - payable on demand, clear Of all taxes. jyti-12t W. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE ENTERFIRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Street , PHILADELPHIA, July 3, 1880. The. Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company for the last monthg payable onde mand free of all taro. . 13. LOOK WOOD, jy4-72t Secretary. - rois.• POSTPONEMENT OF THE UNION STATE CONVENTION—MEET ING OF THE UNION STATE CENTRAL COM miTTEE.—In compliance with the earnest appeals of many prominent Union men, citizens of different counties in the State, urging that the Union State Convention called for the 19th of July, ensuing, be deferred until further notice, the announcement is herewith made that that body will not assemble on the day (19th of July) set apart for its meeting In the city of Harrisburg. Due notice will be given of the meeting of the Convention hereafter. The members of the Union State Central Com mittee will assemble in the city of Harrisburg, on the NINETEENTH OF JULY, ensuing, at the Lochiel House, at three o'clock P. M. A full attendance of all the members of the Com mittee is earnestly requested. andox CAMERON, Chairman. .11.• T. ItnrraDlCT, ts ecre tarieg. Wxym FonxitY HARRISBURG, June 19, 1885. jel-tiyl9 illgr DELAWARE AVENUE MARKET COMPANY. PIIILADBLPHIA, July 3, 1885. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 18th inst., clear of State and 'united States Taxes. The Transfer Rooks will does on the 11 th and Open ou the 18th inst. [{y6-12PFJ WILLIAM J. CARLIN, Seely, NOTICE. THE TRANSFER ROOKS of the ROYAL PETROLEUM COM PANY will be closed from FRIDAY, the 7th 1115 t., until SATURDAY, the 15th het. ir4-10t JOHN GALLAGHER. Jr., Secretary. .11. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —Wanted for the UNITE]) STATES MARINE CORPS, able-bodied MEN. Splendid induce ments held out to all entering the Marine Corps; glorious opportunity to visit foreign countries,• good pav, excellent accommodations, tight an d easy duttes. For all further information inquire at the Recruit ing Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. every (to , . except Sultan. JAMES FORNEY. 01 captain and Recruiting Nicer. lgr PRICES BMA:WED. .10 WANAMAKEJ BROWN, Popular Aar Clothing • House, OAK HALL, S. F. cor. Sixth and Market MARRIED. DIED. MILITARY. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMA, FRIDAY, RTLY 14. 1865. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES OF 1504, BOUGHT AT A PREMIUM. a. A. 11....1.1-I[3l .Sr. Co., 2 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 7 3 - 10 LOAN FOR SALE. jyl.4fraw-6t UNITED STATES By authority of the Secretary of the TreaStlry, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. interest per. an num, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are Issued under date of July 1.6. 1666 and are payable three years from that date in cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder Into GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent. more to their value, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attatched to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7-30 per cent. amounts to Ono cent per day on a gide note. • Two cents per Slay on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $3OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely simi lar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties al ready sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying interest in gold coin ate per cent. instead of 7 3-10 tin in currency. Subscri bers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously afte.r that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency Interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of, would so reduce and equalize prices as that purchases made with six per cent. In gold would be fOrly . epaal. to those made with seven-and three-tenth. per cant. in currency. This is now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than V 30,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at time rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Pri vate Bankers throughout the country have general ly agreed to receive Subscriptions at par. Subscri bars will select their own agents, in whom theyhave confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive or ders. NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 1 . E. WALRAVEN, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, LACE CURTAINS, AT PRICES, AT REDECED PRICES. in • 28-tf MERCHANT TAILORS. EDWARD P. KELLY, 612 CHESTNUT STREET, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF mhS-tt SPRING GOODS. 'STATE OP JAMES DUNDAS, DE -LA CEA SED.—Letters Testamentary upon the Es tate of JAMES DITHDAS, deceased, having been granted by the Register of Wills of the County of Philadelphia to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them, without delay,_at the °Mee of the un dersigned. JOSHUA LIPPINCOTT, RICHARD SMETHURST, JAB. DILNDIks LIPPINCOTT, 121 WALNUT street, jyll-6t Executorg. C A R D. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of mg large stock of The assortment Is complete. GEO. J. HENKELS, PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHURCHES, Public Ilnildings, Residences, and Country Seats, Laken by B.P.RELMEIVS, in superiormanner. Those who desire tat: similes should apply at 624 ARCH Street. le SHINGLES.-70,000 CYPRESS SHIN .GLES just landed, for sale low. Apply' corner BEACII and COATES Sts. Cjyl3-3tl S. B. MYERS. MeCANDLESS. & SMITH, HALT ER VINEGAR FACTORS, OAD AND PRIME STREETS. Constantly an hand and for sale a large stock of MALT and WHITE WINE- VINEGAR—a new article of manufacture in this country, made by the celebrated English process, and used exclusively for Fielding in Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and them teals. Orders tilled promptly to all S parts of the country. AGENT. L. E. CAMBLOS, No. 113 Walnut street, Phila delphia. PITT & WHITE, No. 9 Exchange Place, Bal timore. CHRISTIAN LEE do CO., Richmond, V.„ E. W. GOULD & CO., Newbern. N. C. jel9-2m 'HAVANA CIGARS.-A GOOD VA - RIETY constantly In store and bond, at low est cash rates. S. FUGUET & SONS, Iny24-ran. No. 216 South FRONT Street. ___ THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS *IN -s- THE MARKET.—Quart Capsule Jars at taper doz., complete. HA ELL LETCHWOR:TH, No. 15 North FIFTH Street, and No. 521 MINOR Street. je23-Ins THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN the Market—Quart Capsule. ants at er doz, complete. MARTELL &LETERWORTIr No. 15 Ziortb FIFTH St. and No. 521 MINOR St. ic23-1M CARPET CHAINS, YARNS, AND WlCKS.—Large Invoices just received and for sale to dealers, at lowest market rates. ROWE,_EIISTON, & co., ,lees-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. MACKEREL, lIERRING, SHAD, $l'"C, JJI: —2,500 bbls. blass. Nos. 1,2, and 2 Mackerel, late-caught flat fish, In assorted packages. 2,000 bids. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hali fax Herring. 2,500 boxes Lubec, seated, No. 1 Herring. 150 hbis. New Mess Shad. 2541 boxes Hcrklmer-county Cheese, &e. In store and for salc„by MURPHY & KOONS. No. FIB NORTH WHARVES. HERMETICALLY. SEALED MEATS AND SOUPS. 1,000 dos. Sausage Meat. 500 " Roast Beef. " do Veal. 600 " do Mutton. lon " do Turkey. Loop 11 do Chicken. 3,000 " assorted Soups, In 1,2, Z4Lb. cans. For sale by Sou th WATER ZeG-tf 101 SOUth. WATER Street. i fill) ti 7.30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. 0230,000,000. 11. S. 5-20 SIX PER OMIT. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION. A,GENT, PHILADELPHIA CURTAIN GOODS. MASONIC HALL, Is NOW OPENING ANOTHER. LARGE LOT or ELEGANT STYLR, FROM 5 DOLLARS TO 159 DOLLARS PER PAIR WINDOW SHADES, CHOICE PATTERN'S, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, - HAVE NOW IN STORE LEGAL. FURNITURE, At very low prleee, until SEPTEMBER lat 809 and 811 CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS• TRIAL OF THE ASSASSINS! A Twenty-five Cent Edition! We have just published a twenty-five cent edition of the Trial of Assassins and Conspirators for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln and the Attempted At sasebratlonof Vice President Johnson and tee whole Cabinet—the most Intensely interesting trial on record. Evidence in full with argument of counsel On both sides; a correct likeness of all the A ostssins and Conspirators, wit* sketch Of their lives, and portraits of other persons connected with their ar rest and trial, numerous other engravings, sc., to gether with the sentence of the Court, approval of rresideut Johnson, and a FULL ACCOUNT OF THE EXECUTION. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Our UMW liberal discount to the trade, book egenta, s&c. BARCLAY 4t, CO., '602 ARCH STREET jvlo mwl3t" X-31.-• A NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR of the "Schonberg Cotta MANY, THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD. 192n0. ALSO, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. 12mo. THE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLAN. 12mo. OUR-MARTYRED FRESIDENT,• or Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn. Contain ing all the Sermons by the eminent•puipit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simpson. l2mo. For sale by • JAMES S. CLAXTON, (Successor to W. S. & A. Martlen.) lem GOB CHESTNUT Street. 'KEW BOOKS. BAXLEY'S WHAT I SAW ON THE WEST COAST OE SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICA, with Illustrations. - • MERIVALE'S Conversion of the Roman Empire. T. BUCHANAN READ: A Summer Story; Sberl don's Ride and other Poems. THE VOLUNTEER QUARTERMASTER. By Capt. Robllif Brinkerhoff ,__li. S. A. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS On hand, and for sale at low prices. LINDSAY A RLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, je29 No. 25 South SIXTH Street. TYPE FOUNDERS. COLLINS B: AfcLEESTER'g NORTH AMERICAN TYPE, STEREOTIPE, AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY Printers' FUrnishing Warehouse, No. '705 JAY.NE STREET, ==! TYPE WARRANTED to be equal to any made IN THE WORLD. Old type taken in exchange for new at IS cents per pound. If delivered to us free of charge. NW' Every article necessary for a Printing. Office constantly on hand. Agents for Hoe's, Adams', Gordon's, Taylor% Fosters, Degener+s, and Wells+ Presses. Agents for Idather+s celebrated Colored Inks. Our beautiful new Newspaper faces are shown In "TRE PRESS." Iy7-im SIMMER RESORTS. R 1J R Ak AN H K?I T T E L, VE*ANGO COUNTY, PA. JAMES E. STEEL, Proprietor This well-known and popular House has Just been thoroughly refitted and enlarged to more than double its former capacity. It is pleasantly situated in the centre of the Town, with ready access by Hall and Stage to all points in the OIL REGION, and its accommodations for Guests folly equal to those of first-class Hotels In anypart of the country. It has been the aim of the Proprietor to establish a House combining the comforts of Home with all the advantages of a large Hotel, and he believes he has succeeded. jy4-6m SEA BATHING-CAPE MAY, CAPE P.- 7 ISLAND, N. J.—THE NATIONAL HOTEL.— This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, is now receiving visitors. Price per week, VS; children and servants half-price. je3o-2m AARON GARRETSON, Proprietor. T COLUMBIA EIOUSE, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened this season on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, for the reception of guests. This leading house will, for the coming season, fully sustain its well-established reputation. Greatly encouraged by the business of lad year, the proprietor feels satisfied that allotel, conducted clearly first-clam, must continue a success at this old and popular resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excel lent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been se cured for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, loc., apply to J. H. DENNISON, Mer chants' Hotel, Philadelphia, or to GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprietor, royl9-2m CAPE ISLAND, N. J. THE ALHAMBRA, AT ATI.ANTW, CITY Is now open for the reception of visitors. Je.55-ine R. R. LEEDS, Proprietor. LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE,_ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., NEAREST HOUSE TO THE SURF. This well-known house is now open for the recep tion of boarders. JONAH WOOTTON, je24-im Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. WILL OPEN JUNE 24, 1865. The subscriber would respectfully inform Ms friends and the public in general, that he has again taken Congress Hall, this being the fourth season. Many improvements have been made; also, new Bath Houses have been erected, and the bathing cannot be surpassed at any sea-shore. And it is the determination of the proprietor to use every effort to make Congress Hall a home of comfort to his guests. A Band is engaged. Terms moderate. jell-im Cr. W. HINKLE. UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3., Will open for the reception of guests, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. • Dodsvorth's celebrated Band has been engaged for the season. Persons wishing to engage rooms, or desiring further information, will address BROWN & WOELPPER, Proprietors, Jel4-Im* ATLANTIC ciTy, QEA-BATHING. BURP EtOtiSk, .Ii.TEANTIE CITY, N. J. This old, established, and favorite house is now open, It is nearest to the beach, securing cool breezes at all times. Its unrivalled Bathing facili ties, its complete furniture and appointment,. and its unexceptionable table, render this house a favo rite place for a summer sojourn at the sea-side. Passengers from the city are set down at the door, and communication with the inlets is had at all times by rail. A line band of music has been engaged for the season. Parties wishing to secure Board will address the proprietor, at Surf House Atlantic City. Terms moderate. 11. S. BENSON, je3-36t Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the _reception of visitors. Trains leave on Saturday af ternoon, at four o'clock from Vine-street wharf— returning Monday morning early.—Sune 10, 188 i. jelo-2M. 'BENJ. A.'SHOEMAXER, Proprietor. IRPHRAT A MT. SPRINGS.-THIS dellghtfurand romantic watering place, beauti fully situated in the healthiest section of Lancaster county, and acknowledged to be the "garden spot" of Pennsylvania, will open for the accommodation of guests on the 15th of June. Railroad communi cation twice a day from Philadelphia, on the Penn sylvania or Reading Railroad, and daily from Balti more and New York. For particulars address the Proprietor, )el-an J. W. FREDERICK. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the name of "W"AR. NER, 311SKEY, MERRILL (Manufacturers of Gas Fixtures, Ac.,) was dissolved by} mutual con sent on the Ist day of February, A. 1.. 1865, by the withdrawal of "REDWOOD F. VARNER. The buolecos of the irral will be settled at 718 CHESTNUT Street by the new iinn of MISKEY, MERRILL, LI; MAC:RABA. REDWOOD F. WARNIII WM,. F. MISERY, - W.• O. IL MERRILL, B. TRACKARA. JULY 13, 1883. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The interest of RED WOOD-F. WARNER, in the firm of WARNER, bIISKEY, & MERRILL, having been purchased by the undersigned (the remaining partners), they will eOntinue the business as heretofore, at No. 118 CHESTNUT Street, and No. 402 RACE Street. WM. F. MISHEY W. 0. B. MERRILL, B. THACKARA. PHILADELPHIA, :Ally 13, 1865. jyl4-10t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -THE undersigned, successors to JACOB W. GOFF, deceased, have this day formed a Copartnership, under the title of M. GOFF St CO., for the transac tion of the Wholesale and Retail SADDLERY lIARDWARE BUSINESS, and will carry on the same at the store of the late Mr. GOFF, No. 318 MA Mira Street. _ _ _ M. DOFF, JOHN B. A. ALLEN, ninaur.r.rurA, July 11, 1895. jyl2-3t* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-T EFE - Undersigned have this day entered into a co partnership under the name and title of BRUNER, WANN, & CO., for the transaction of the GENE RAL LUMBERBUSINESS, at 19OR MARKET St. A. BRUNER. SR., D. C. WANN, A. BRUNER, Jlt. r/IrLADRLDIIIA, July 3, 1665. THE BUSINESS WILL RE CONDUCTED IN connection with an old established Limber Depot at Columbia, Pa., thus giving the yard superior ad vantages. - - COPARTNERSHIP. - THE UNDER SIGNED have THIS DAYformed a Copartner shiuutler the arm anti name of DE COURSEY, BRYAN, & CO., for the transaction of a Wholesale Business in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. GERALD DE COURSEY, (Late of De COursey, Lafourcade, Co.}; JAMES L. BRYAN, (Late with Thomas N. Dale & Co.) SAMUEL W. DECOUBSEY, Jr.. rmr.A., July 1, 188.5. jyl-12.t SPECIAL NOTICE.—THE INTEREST of JOAN MCNEIL and THOS. IRVINU, in the firms of FARRELL, IRVING - , Jr, CO. or Philadel phia, and MCNEIL, IRVING, & CO:, of Pleasant Billie, N. J. ceased on the 24th ult. The machinery has all been repaired and made very complete. am now prepared to execute all orders for double mud lum, roll, or bag Manilla Pa per of any size or weight, and Will guarantee tt equal to any made in the United Mates, for strallgth and uniformity. Orders received at the office. wm. E. FARRELL, 510 MINOR street. PHILADELPHIA, July 8, 1865. Jylo-6t MARSHAL'S SALES. • MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALAPER, Judge of the -District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania in Admiralty to me directed, will be ,old at Puhlle'Salc, to the blithest and I.St bidder, for cash, at MICIIENEICS STOItE, Na. 142 North FEONT Street, on FRIDAY, July ii, 11165, at'" o'clock ' clock M. a portion of the cargo of prize steamer - Beatrice, consisting of Cotton and Woollen Goods, Burlaps, Pins, Spool Cotton Felt Hats, 10-inch Shot, Woollen and Fancy Hose, Axes, Monkey Wrenches, hoop Iron, Moors, Sce. WILLIAM MILLWARD, United States Marshal E. P. of Pennsylvania. I'ill - LAM:L.IIA, July I% 18135. jyl4-6t NEW YORK SILVER MINING CO. OF NEVADA. OFFICE, No. 80 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Capital, $t,500,000; Stock for sale at $lO per Share— _ . 'sloo par value. We are erecting our milt at the mine. We onow poeitively that we hare a rich Silver Mine. A few thousand dollars more will bring as into a posi tion that we shall pay monthly dividends. Call Carly; take nth - mange of present low rates. A few good Agents wanted, jytt-at COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent Awning, Trunk and Wagon-cover Duck. Also, raper Manufacturers' Drier Felts from one to five feet wide; Faullns, Bolting Sail Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVLgiIIIAN te CO. Ma-U No. 103 JONES, RETAIL _DRY FitiODS. CLOSING OUT I CLOSING OUT I CLOSING OUT ! .G-It3EALT BARGAINS SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. CHEAP BLACK SILKS Black Silks, with Lustre. Black Silks, without Lustre. Black Silks, of every variety, at low prices. Colored Silks, or every variety, at low priceS. Ellk GrenstUnes at reduced prices. 75c. Silk Grenadines reduced to 450. at Silk Grenadines reduced to 550. Handsome Silk Grenadines reduced to 51,14 C., Si, *L2S. NOW Styles Cambric Lawns, 87 e., 50c. New Styles Jaconet Lawns, be.,,, 05c. New Styles Organdy Lawns, 40e., Me., 75c. New Styles Fine Linen Lawns, Dross Goods, or c.v.-7 description, at low prices. SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. Plain, Plaid, and Striped White Swiss and Or gandies. Plain, Plaid, and Striped Nainseoks and Cambric& White Puffed and Tucked Muslims. H. STEEL & SON, jya-tf Nos. 713 and 71.5 North TENTH Street S UMMER BLANKETS. Just received, a fresh supply of SUMMER BLANILETS, of the lightest fabric and purest color. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, House Furnishing . Dry Goods, jylo-mwf6t No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street. mosquiTo NETS, 4x-i- White auJ colored, of all the Tarjena descrip tions made and put up at the shortest notice. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON. House. Furnishing Dry_ Goods, jylo-mwf6t No. _lOOB CHMTNUT Street. JCHAMBERS, No. 810 ARCH ST • JUST OPENED, grainLvtlings. Empress Lace. Collars. French Muslins fur Waists. jyri-et COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET, have The best Cassimere stock in town. Good Linen Drills, Ducks Coatings. Tailors' Linings, of everikind. Muslin stock complete, prices right. Faintly Linens, selling, gold, at 30c. Gauze. Domet, and other Flannels. .• Pearl Wool Delefties, 55 and a 5 cents. Extra fine black Mohair Alpacas, tl. Lupin's 6-4 black Wool Delaines, 'l. Good stock white NeinSook, Swiss. Bird-eye Linen, striped Muslins, finest Cambrics and Jaconets, puffed Muslins, Pique, &C. White Barege and other thin Shawls. Silk Sacques and Summer Dusters. ]e7-tf FIGURED SILK GRENADINES, of the best qualities and styles, in Black and Gray Grounds, We to it 1.50. Travelling Dress Goods, in every variety. New Dress Goods, in great variety. Handsome Chene Silks, $2.50. VERY CHEAP BLACK SILKS, suitable for Dresses, Mantles, and Semmes. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Merrimac, Sprague, and Pacific Prints, 25e. 10-4 Waltham and reperill bleached Sheetings, $l. H. STEEL to SON, rays-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. A_A SPANISH LINENS, FOR TRAY -x - xELLING DRESSES. dui Bley Linens. Dark and light Linens, for Sults. Brown Holland& FUrVCl i enens r ,. 3r fior ars Dri l e l eses. White e es. Mosquito Pink, blue, cherry, and white Tarletons. EDWIN HALL & CO., Jel9-tf 26 South SECOND Street TAROT A INS. SELLINer OFF To close business, the entire stock of Cloaks, Wrap pers, and Garibaldis, regardless of cost, at 378-et 36 North NINTH street. 628 HOOP SKIRTS. n9Q • HOPKINS' "!CPWN MAKE" Op u , A.N...". HOOP SKIRTS, the best assortment and best qual ity and styles in the city. Gore Trails all lengths and sizes, from 18 to 55 springs, from $1.75 to $4. Plain Skirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from 19 to 50 springs ' from *1.40 to $3. Skirts of extra heavy stool and extra tapes, from 20 to 35 springs, from 411.90 to $2.75. Moses' and Obildren's, of every grade, from 20 to 35 springs, from four to eight mita per spring; they have no equal. Agents for the new Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt Made, and fully equal to the Duplex Elliptic Skirt, and at much lower prices. Also, constantly on hand full lines of low-priced New York Skirts, kid-padded and metallic-fastened 15 springs, 45e; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs, $1.15; 80 springs, $1.23, and 40 springs, f 21.50. Shirts made to order, altered, and repaired, at &AS ARCH Street. Jel4-im* COMMISSION HOUSES. AZARD & HUTCHINSON, AGENTS FOR TEE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA.-MADE GOODS, 112 PH ILADEL HEST NUTPHIA STREET, , 103 READE STREET, NEW YORK. je23.4ra DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER (tr CO., N. E. Corner or FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MAN IJ ACTURBII.SOP WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, apv. AGENTS FOE THE. CELIMEATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealers and Consumers supplied at 'VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Ely44m BOTANIC AND ECLECTIC DRIJOB. ROBERT A. HANCE, 729 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Would call the attention sit Arr,,,^tas, Ceuutry DieC chants, and. ClinerS, his Stlick - of ROOTS, HERBS, AND BARKS, in various sized packages, or our own pressing, at PRICES BELOW POBlittitt. ftITES. A full line tlf BOTANICAL PREPARATIONS, W. S. MERRELL & CO.'S CONCENTRATED RE MEDIES, &0., at a liberal discount to the trade. Catalogues furnished on application. ntyll-amlp TO SOLDIERS? W.ALTHAM WATCHES I Let every SOldler,before he returns home,provlde himself with an AMERICAN WATCH; no better use can be made of money than to invest ,it in one Of these durable and accurate time-pieces. It is a kind of property that constantly returns good interest, and its money value is so well known that a pocket full of silver dollars 'wouldn't be as useful. BOW by all respectable Watch dealers THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., JY/0-12t OFFICE, DM BROADWAY, N. Y GOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED STEAM WATER-HEATING APPARATUS FOR WARMING AND VENTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MANUFCTURBD BY TUB UNION STEAM AND WATER-HEAT ING COMPANY OF PENNSYLF,6NI2I. JAMES P. WOOD it CO., 41 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. B. M. FELTWELL, jal2-6m SITPERINTENDENT HAVANA CIGARS—NEW LOTS.— C Comprising Figaro, Houradez, alvtrgea El bol t and other choice brands,_assorted ' el;es - . Low prices!, from 455 upwards. silltable for retail at 8 tents, 10 cents, anon cents. St FIETOUET & SONSI - 1 orters, jyl-12t 5 216 South FRONT Street. 12, 15-HORSE POWER ENGINES, 10 nortlig_ Tools, Planers Lathes, Punching and Drilling Machines, Oil-well Tubing. For sale by HATHAwAy. LEACH, & STEARNS, jy7-1m 41.7 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. GROCERIES. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply fami lies, at their country residences, with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &C. ALBERT• C. ROBERTS, my24-tf Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. F4NE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. - The subscribers would Invite attention to their IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, wbieittbey make a specialty in their business. Also, constantly reeelying NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT ik GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, NO. 814 CHESTNUT strect, ia l4 9 Four doors below the Continental. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. ARCH STREET. _ REFRIGERATORS. 600 600 'WATER COOLERS 'FREEZERS. GAS-STOVES, FOR SUMMER COOKING. jel6-tf GRIFFITH & PAGE. SIXTH anti ARCH. ICE CREAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made in the country, and fresh every morning—the very best that is made. Saloons, Excursions, Plc- Nies, Festivals, Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families, furnished with promptness in quantties to suit, on reitBollal , le terms. EASTERN MARKET je24- I I CE-CREAM STAND. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS- BEA U T tiful specimens. done in styles suitable for al bums. Just the thing for scholars to exchange with. classmates. 12 feria:2S. REIMER'S, SECOND St,, above Green. CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, 261 SMITH SECOND STREET, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the price of their Furniture. Purchasers please call and examine our area. anito-17* . WARTS. WANTED TO PURCHASE-FIRST (MASS BUILDThra LOTS in Mantua or West Philadelphia. Address "Improvement," North American °Mee. jyl4-3t WANTED -A SITUATION AS TRA veiling salesman in some whol noose; would be wilt lug to Hell any class of gools: canglve good reference. Address "Energy," Press , office, Tor two days. it"` WANTED -BY A LADY, IN THE -vicinity of fioly Trinity Church, a comfort able Room for a Chanther. A priyatc house pre ferred. Directat the Drug StiirP, corner hrixTEFINTIT and tin WANTED -A SALESMAN, thoroughly aCdUallited through Chester and Lancaster counties, to a VIA and Provision House. Address, giving name and residence, Box Uhl Phi ladelphia. P. 0. - Ancorantunications COnlidential. jyl4-2t5 WANTED—IN A T. AR G E DRY ` (foods Jobblitg House, a competent packer; he must understand the business thorouginy, and he a good marker of boxes and packages , Address.with reference, "W. D. H.," Box t2us. jyt3.3o WANTED -AN ASSISTANT BOOK- Keeper, in a wholesale liook-Store. salary, first year. $5OO. Address "Publishers," office of Press, with references. )Yl3-2t. WANTED -AT $175 PER MONTH, Returned and I/198.1ded Oinera and g Ol .l l / 4 4 14. Teachers„ Ladles, and energetic young Men to CANVASS for our great national work. The Life, Times. and Public - Serviees of Abraham Line()tn.' , Br Dr. L. P. Brockett. We have agents clearing OM per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES, Rc CO., SIXTII and MINOR Streets, Phila delphia, Pa. - in4-1-111* WANTED-B OAEDIN G, BY A young man and wife, a nicely furnished front Room, second story, With use Of bath where there are but few other boarders, between POURTII and El6l-ITII, and between Raee and Arch and Vine- Address, for two days, "S. ill. G.," Prree (Mee. jyl3-2t5 WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS SALES MAN in a Cloth Jobbing House. Address "salesman," this oMee. . jyl2-3t. A SALESMEN, HAVING OVERTIVE VRAIIB standing al;' uaintancit with Min trade of Pennsylvania, is open fora„ magitoment. Fish and Provisions preferred. Address " Pottsville," Pram oilier. lt* AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr..l. G. Hel. laud. No comment is necessary; the author's repu tation as a writer is fully established. Experienced canvassers know why it sells. Address, for terms, NORRIS EAEN.N.ED, Elk View, jc3o-12t . Chester county, Penna. A GENTB WANTED FOR "THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUN GEON, AND THE ESCAPE." BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, New York Tribune Correspondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalleled experience for four. years; travelling through the South in the. secret service of the. Tribune, at the outbreak of tho war with our armies and fleets, both East and West, during the first two years of the re bellion; his thrillingucapture; his confinement for twenty months impeven different rebel prisons; his escape, and almoat miraculous Journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of,the fact, incident, and romance of the war than any, other work yet published. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and espe cially returned Ad disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable .employment, will Rod it peen- Harty adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing * per month, Which we win prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JONES., BROS., k CO., N. E. corner and MINOR Streets, Philadelphia, Penna. $J ,000. with ll this T E an D iount. ' , efer T aci l lv E c ß o; special, in a good business already established. Address or apply to SIMONS BROS., 30 South WATER Street, l'hiladelphia. jyl4-20 81,000 TO 12,000.-AN ACTIVE OR SILENT PARTNER wanted in the CALIFORNIA WINE TRADE, already establlshpu and demanding immediate extension; or would tits. pose of the Agency to a competent party. Apply to 'EI. It. JONES Agent for Perkins, Stern, Co.'s California Wines, FIFTH Street, above Chestnut street. jyl.l-2t. $.0711 A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS • everywhereat 1 to sell FirmtlTlE.E4 n , o tre l ligA P s e glitn/ P s . al g; offered, Full particulars free- Address oils T. GABBY, Biddeford, 11fitine, Illy1041&Wanl A MONTH .- AGENTS WANT SI.4.O Fl, ED everywhere to introduce the Improved SHAW & CLARK TWENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & - Wilson, Howe Singer ..& Co., _ and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or large commission allowed. Illustrated circulars sent tree. Address SHAW CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. rnyle-e.tWam WANTED TO PURCHASE-ON MEL Spring Garden, Green, Mt. Vernon, Wallace, or nottb and south streets, a neat DWELLING, of which possession can be bad by Sept. let, and price not exceeding $8,090. Address "Ousted. Tenant, ^, Ledger o ffi ce. jyl4-3t WANTED TO RENT-A MO araiLDEEN-MJILT HOUSE, medium size (English basement preferred), in western portion °rine city. Possession wanted isetiteniber let. Address Post °nice Box "'' stating location and rent.3yta-3t• in WANTED TO RENT—A FUR NI6BED Country Residence, with one to nve acres five to fifteen rmlos from the city. Apply to ROBERT MAC - GRK9OII. 1419 WALNUT St.. FOR SALE AND TO LET. re,{ TO BANKERS, BROKERS, AND Others.—A ~,anattlo property for sale, situated on the north side of WALNUT btreet, ahoy. Third street. Lot 86 feet front running through to next street. Apply to ROBERT MAC GREGOR. it 419 WALNUT St. et TO RENT—WANTED A DESIRA BLE Dwelling Douse, with modern conve niences, between Fifth and Fifteenth, Bpruce and Arch streets. Address 130x.2089 rod ORM lt* da FOR SALE-A FOUNDRY, LOCA ted in one of the best business localities in the eity, with fixtures complete—Crayne, two Cupolas, J.adles, Flasks, ke., now in successful operation. For ihrther particulars, address Foundry, It this office. jyl3-Ot• di FOR SALE-PRICE $21,000.-AN AUL elegant modern Dwelling, in West LOCUST Street. Apply through "Box 2075," Philadelphia Post-Office. jyl3-st. FOR SALE, NOW VACANT— IXTH, above Brown; two of those elegant large new DWELLINGS; 12 roont4l lots 22 and 20 feet front, by 100 and 135 feet deep to Randolph street; stable on rear of ono lot. Prices, $11,090 and $11.500, tear, PtoWe, $l,OOO extra. $7,000 can re- JYI2-9tif IFOR SALE-SPLENDID OPPOR TUNITY; elegant NEW DWELLING, cast side of TWELFTH Street, above Thompson, mar 000rwavl vestibule, dce. The magnificent I'l'l'- 149 - -- ClCe •erin ri a, g ano e • all incimlee, in the nuure, I --- - 1 ~ . d price of $10,5w. LIVLT.FIL, jyl2-41 1.35 Nort ,4IaTII Street. ...------------_ Pt FOR SALE-A VALUABLE PRO; ..,„ ERTY, southwest side of Ridge aven— above 'Spring Garden street, 'Wheelwright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, and excellent Dwelling. The property extends through to Spring Garden street, 80 feet on Ridge avenue, and 6e feet on Spring Gar den street. R. F. GLEN.W, 123 South FOURTH Street, jyB Or S.W. for. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. gFOR SALE—A GREAT BARGAIN. with immediate possession, a COTTAGE, and ONE ACRE OF GROUND situate on the Manx punk Passen g er Railroad, ilrst house above the toll gate at the Wissahickon; ten rooms, a variety' of fruit and shrubbery, and a small stable. Will be sold very much below its value. B. F. GLENN, jys 123 South FOURTH Street. fie FOR SALE— abiaLDWelling 16 . 25 Wallace street. 316 N. Twenty-first street. " 1439 N. Eighth. " 2214 Brandywine. " 1901 Brandywine. ' 6 1534 Mount Vernon street. .. 1927 Mount Vernon. 1538 Wallace. 1924 Wallace. B. F. GLENN. 123 South FOURTH St., brB or S. W. Cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN ARCH-BTREET RESIDENCES= iNtILFOR SALE—BeVeral firat.elass HOUSES t gOuth slcie of ARCH Street, west of Nineteenth, etanrwo lug all the modern improvements. Apply at 1829 ARCH Street. jell-Im* di TO LET, AND FIXTURES FOR -18:8SALE, of Store No. 3 ; 35 - CHESTNUT Street. jyl2-4t* To LET-THE UPPER PORTION OF the marble building Gl9 Chestnut street. Pea session given August Ist. Also, several valuable properties for sale. THOS. H. CONNELL, Counting-house Dr. D. Jayne & Son, jyB-6t 5 242 CHESTNUT Street. TO LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH Stories of the GRANITE BUILDING, (for merly Post-olllee,) DOCK Street, below Third. Also, Offices on the first floor of same building, fronting on Carter street. Steam power furnished in any of these Rooms. THOMAS H. CONNELL, ivs-st* counting House of Dr. D. Jayne Sc Son, 243 CHESTNUT Street rrO LET—THE THIRD STORY OF _a. the COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 611 and 813 CHESTNUT Street, suitable for any' light manufacturing business, or can he arranged for M um Lighted by twenty.eight windows. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting House of Pr. D. Jayne& Son, jyB-8t• 242 CHESTNUT Street. en CONTINUED SALE QF MOST .w.a.y.A.Lvi,,nr.r mom:R.l'Y, AT ()APE .16. ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. 300 BUILDING LOTS, Near the Beach and Railroad Depot, Will be sold, at public sale, without reserve, on the premises, ON SATURDAY, July 15, 1685, At 1 o'clock P. M. . . A special excursion train from Philadelphia will leave WALNUT-Street Wharf at 8,16 o'clock. A. M., and arrive at 12 M. The tickets furnished will be ood to return the following Monday. A FREE COLLATION WILL RE PREPARED ON THE GROUNDS on the arrival of the train. A rare chance is now offered for purchasing a cheap lot for a summer residenes at this, increasingly popular watering place, within three hours' ride of Plillad delphia. Will be sold at the same R time, LAGE MANSION. , All that large Idansio;l and lot of ground, Situate ou the corner of BROADWAY and THIRD Avenue. Lot 102 feet front, and 172 feet deep. It has ice house, &c. Surrounded by large and beautiful shade trees. 1 See plans and circulars for full particulars Lloh may be had of the Auctioneers, M. THOMAS & SONS, N 08.139 and 144 Scam, °man. Street, Philadelphia, and .1. M. SMITH, Real EstatbAgent s Cape Island.' M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, jya-thendnwthf-7t 1139 and 141 S. FOlllerii St. COAL. VNOWL E S' LEHIGH, HICKORY, and FISK COAL, at reduced prices. OiUc and Yard, NINTH and WILLOW Ste. 3y14-Ime (10AL. COAL. COAL. •,-/ the b Thest e cel al ebra tbetedme. " TUNNELkeI- RIDGEo COAL. Co lu Broken. Egg, and Stove Macs at *7.oaper ton. Large Nut • 6.2.5 per tou. At the atiI.NTUA COAL YARD Offices—FORTIETH St. and LANCASTER Ave. THIRTY-FIFTH St. and PENN. RR. jylo-12t' WM. D. HESToNT„ COAL-WM. H. CURTIS & GO., LEHIGH mid SCHUYLKILL COAL YAK), 1413 CALLOWHILL Street. (1 . 0A L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER '..--, MEADOW, and Swing Mountain Lehigli Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from s o bovd,lll,pri,pr , e d cameos/1 , for &mil— 'N. 'W. corner ""- 1"" Oldee. No. 11 Eliarra and WILLOW Stroms. S. SECOND Street. raps-tn g...t.Yr ALTON .t CO, FISHER'S SELF-SEALING FRUIT CANS, Every honsekeeper in the city and country should use ibis excellent Con. It Is the nioSt eon- Vrillrnt nuil reliable Can in use, and given entire satisfaction w hcc...ver introduced. It is sealed in au inNtrlrk. by honking Wild spring, 'them clamping_ a tin rap over a nti around the . AnontitY. 51111 Pruning it upon a rim:: of rementen paper. Slit cement in the. .paper ny the heat of the fruit, and its the press ing continues the fruit cools, and the sealing is per fect. Tile cap Is unfastened by Unhooking the spring and running a thin knife around under the ,till ye r. Picnic rail anti examine this Can. at d. McMURTRIMP, SOS SPRING GARDEN Street. • yl3-flat(' Philadelphia ___ • CARTES. DE VISITE IN RXRCIT• tion and siyin unsurpassed by any made. See speriniellS and ,elect styles to suit your taste at B. F. BEllttEß'S, GSA-ARCH Street. iv AUCTION- SALES. HEMMEN' BAZAAR, NINTH AND sAMOM sTRRRTS. AUCTION %ALF. OF HORSES,CAREIA.GFA ON SATURDAY MORNING' next, at 10 e'elock comrialng about SIXTY -o HORSES. Including several rant trotting horses and superior saddle-horses. FUn denPriptionb at sale. ALSO. New and errend-band larriages, Light WagOalr ace„, with which the sale will commence. ALSO, , Single and Double Harness Saddles, Bridles, *d. ar- Sale ofovrnment horses on Thursday and. 'rlday, July Sand 14, at 10 o'clotk A. '5l. Air Sale of Horses, &r.. on Wednesday, 4•50 ,.. C arr i a ges and 1111111C143 at private Hale, EaLV/ I ED 11 141 ass. jyl3-20 Auctioneer. LIU WM.! 44k ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, July it. iSaq, FRANK DREW-STUART ROBSON MATINEE. Commencing at . o'clock precisely, with the amus ing Sketch of MY LORD AN a LADY DUNDREARY. Lord Dundreary (with a reoent letter from Sam) Mr. OWEN miutr.own. Lady Dundreary Mrs. MARLOWE. Binney (slightly grown).— „..Mr. T. C. GREEN. Beutlful Ballad, Mrs. SOI'HIE UMBER KUHN. "1 Loves a Drop u' Good Beer," Mr. HARRY PEARSON. R. H. Craig's new Buriesqnc, EAST LYNNE! ady , Isabel and Madam Vine,".FRANK DREW. Sir Francis LeVilien STUART ROBSON, Earl Mount Severn Mr. SAVAtinis Sir Archibald Carlyle Mr. THOMAS BURNS. Richard Hare Mr. T. U. GREEN. Miss Cornelia Carlyle Mrs. E. N. THAYER. Barbara Hare Mrs. OWEN MARLOWE. Miss Isabel Carlyle (aged 13nlontl4), Miss ROSALIE JACK. Joyce Mrs, STYLES. Sheridan's Ride, Mr. FRANK MGROAUNT. STUART ROBSON 'S Great Song, "A Horrible Tete of the Suicidal Fatuity." The great Carnival of Fun concluding with the popular Burlesque, by R. IL Craig: KING LEAR, THE CUSS( King Lear, the Cuss STUART nostiorro Cordelia, his delightful little daughter,BßE DREW. Edgar Mr. O. H. GRIFFITH. Edmund Mr. OWEN MAItLoWE. Duke of Kent Mr. W. 11. WALLIS. Duke of Gloater Mr. T. C. GREEN. Duke of Albany Mr. ALEX. FISHER. Duke of Cornwall Mr. F,STULL. mr. WORTH. Mr. JAMM MURPHY. itIIDISOM. Mr. PEARSON. Mr. LOTT). 'firs. E. N. THAYER. . . Duke, of burgundy Oswald First Knight Second Knight..... Third Knight Goneril Regan Miss GRIFFITHS. ADMISSION, FIFTY CENTS. No extra charge for IteserYed Seats. Seat, can Ge new s.wured, at the Academy, and at H. R. HELMER'S, Programme office, onpostt* jyl34k MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MIBB ETTIE HENDERSON,I TO-NIGHT. FRIDAY, July nth, MS, H M "KATLEEN AVOURNEN." THE STRATAGEM OF AN AOTREM, Ami "A KISS IN THE DARK." ETTIE HENDERSON IN FIVE °HARM:ITER& MONDAY. HOOLEY'S MN:STRIA. MEW CHEST UT-STREET THEA , TEE WILL REOPEN On MONDAY EVENING, July 17. With Bone!vault's Great Irish Drama of ARRAN NA POGUE. _i 16-Bt The Box °Mee will be open FOIL THE SALE 011' SEATS on SATURDAY, from 9 A. Ist, to 4 P. M. jy 13-at F A I II -m TIRTIVE TER-WORKS, AFTERNOON CONCERTS 'DAV, 11ASSLERYS IT C111 1 14 ) 1 1 ; ° ;iff,IWITY RAND. Programmes of 'Music issued daily. The Arch, Vine, and Callowhill-street ears run dl reet to the place. jylo-4t ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, CHEST. NUT Street., - airove Tenth—open from 9A. M. tilt BP. M. BCIIIIIIIIIII West's geest plattre of CHRIST . REJECT E D etfil an ExhinltiOn. = )011 4ft,POINT BREEZE PARK,- Great Pacing Match, best three in fire to M.i(tale, TIIIS DAY, Friday, Julyl4, at 4 o'clock P. M. lOr. J. S. enters 11. 11. Ciurnsey. htr. Jelinson enterd B. 11., Baltimore Uott. Admission $l. ir STATIONERY & BLANK BOO K. (11L, MINING, COAL, AND OTHIAR NEW COMPANIES. We are prepared to furnish New Corporations with all the Books they require, at short notice ant low prices, of first quality. All styles of Binding. STEEL PLATE CERTIFICATE OF STOOK. LITHOGRAPHED " " TRANSFER BOOK. ORDERS OF TRANSFER. STOCK LEDGER. STOCK LEDGER DAVISegg- REGISTER OF CAPITAL nOal. BROKERS' PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF. SALES. DIVIDEND BOOK. MOSS 4.40 CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND STATIONERS. 43n CHESTNUT street. EDUCATIONAL. 'UGBY CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH. AcADEMY. 1220 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. This Institution, which will be established in SEP TEMBER NEXT, is destined to rival the best schools of this country and of England, In Its sys tem of instruction and discipline, and in the full ness of its classical and mathematical course. . Those preparing for college will Le tilted to take a high stand in their class, and to graduate with honor. It will be the special aim al - go to prepare young nien for business or protessioiiiil life. Circu lars, with full hafortnatiou, can be had at LW Chest— nut street. EDW. CLARENCE SMITH, A.M.. Principal. REFERENCES.—CaIeb Cope, Esq. Ron. Win. D. Kelley'ROn. Sne. Allison, Alexander Wldlldlu. Ecik, Thomas Potter, Esq.,A, R. Eraamiscus, Est, R. P. M. Ilirkildkne, Esq. ntylb-rnwftlin FRENCH AND AMERICAN INSTI TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, n 63 mum- FORD Road, Philadelphia, Penult. Rev. IN ARCISSI, CYR Mr's. M. G. DAVENPORT, } Prtuel O ata ' This Instil ttion Offers superior adrantages for the neaulsition of the Ornamental Ilratteileg, such Ai FRENCH, MUSIC, and PAINTING, in addition to the other subjects embraced in a thorough Ameri can education. The location is very pleasant, com 'Pining the advantages of the country wtth those or the city. The Scholastic Year will commence the middle of September. For furthor information, apply to the Principals, jyl2.3t. PIIIITATE TUITION IN THE WWIEgp. -a- Latin German. and French Languageo; higtaer Mathematics and Englialt branches,. 136 South ELEVENTH Street. Jyl2-its PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITITTE. for YOUNG LADIES, N. W. corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets (for— merly at 1530 Arch street.) Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. Principal. Circulars at 1= and MI Chestnut street, Or address P. 0. Box 2811. 3710-Ink* REMOVALS. EMOVA L.—D. FOCHT & CO., Is" - " ,, desale Grocers and Commission Mar -11... -.muled their place of business to chants. have 1. ' , II& THIRD Street. jyl34t' Nos. 143 and 145 WATSON ds REMOVAL.—GEO. W. , REPOSI CO. have removed their CAItRIAGh -.411 2` TORY to their old place, No. 1210 CHEST.. Street (under Concert Hall,) where they will keep a stock of Carriages of their own make, and will re ceive orders for every description of first-olatil work. Juicx 7, 1865. je7.9nt BOARDING. DAY BOARD-WITH FIRST-CLASS N DINNERS, Lt No. G 2- South WASHIGTON StratCk 176-2ro" EXCURSIONS. aim;m CAPE I MAY, WEST JERSEY RAILROAD, FROM FOOT OF Tr,A.LXVT aTitERT. AT 8.30 A. M., gA t I a TOND EXPRESS. Due 2.30 P. M. r t. A SSENGER. Due at 8.45 P. EXPRESS. Due at 1.45 P.M. 4.30 P. M., Fare, $3.00. Nerranta, Mistpo. EXCURSION TICKETS, 05.00. Coupon Tlckets, to be used by one person only, 10 for 055.00. Passengers and Baggage taken to and from Me. Island and Station without additional charge. Freight daily from Sandford's Wharf. below sprece street. Returning Trains leave CAPE MAY at 5.80 Mail; A. M., Express; SP. M., Accommodation:. 8.20 A. M., Freight. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Sup't. PIIILADICLPII/A, July 5, 1885. Jy64eel CAMDEN AND AT. LANTIC RAIUROAD. SUMMER ARRANORAIENi. THROUGH IN TWO HOURS. on and after bATURD.a.'I7, July Ist, 1865, FIVE trains golly to Atlantic Utty: dad One O 7 tends TRAINS LEAVE VINE,.6TIOWN rAktnr . as follows: - - - - Special Excursion 6.80 A. M. Mail Train 7.30 A. X. Freight, with Passenger Car attached.... 9.15 A. M. Express (through in two hours) 2.00 P. X. Atlantic Accommodation 4.16 P. X. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantic Accommodation 6.47 A. M. Express (through In two hours) 7.08 A. M.. Freight, with Passenger Car attached....ll.47 A. M. Mall train4.4s P. X. Special Excursion 5.18 P. X. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 A. X. Returning, !cam; Atlantic atL . t 4.4. S P. M. Fare to Atlantic., V. Round-trip Tickets, good only for the (lay and train on which they are issued. fp. JUNCTION ACCOMMODATION. Leave Vino-street Ferry at 6.30 P. M. Leave Jackson at 6.:38 A. X. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS. Leave Vine-street Ferry at 10.15 A. AL and 1.15 P.M. Leave Haddonfield at 11.45 A. Al. and 2.45 P. X. N. R.—Freight must he delivered at Cooper , . Point before 0 o'clock P. DI. to Moo...its going down tile next tley, JOHN il. BKICANT, jc2B-If Agent. aggiNgpm EXCURSIONS TO LONCI BIZANCIL—Trains for Long Branch will (rive Cooper's Point CAMDEN, daily (Sundayketss excepted,' at 9.15 A. M. Fare, Excursion Ve , good for three days, IP. Extt'a train on Saturdays at 4.30 1". Returning, arrive at Camden at 5.10 A. AL Monday. je2o-2m L. B. COLE. Agent, Camden. COTTAGE ORGANS. Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED 1* purity of Tone and Power, designed especially fbr rburelles and gebools, but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawln -B g,ltoom. 'For ly by E. M sale on. RUCE, No. 13 North SEVENTh Streets Also, a complete assortment of tho Perfect Me ledon constantly on hand. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, .s. youtrett s.VENUE NEW R STREET, NEW YORK CITY, Recently enlarged and improved,. 15 now open for transient as well as permanent bord ers. - The house Is situated on one of the pleasantest avenues, and accessible to all places of amusement and busi ness by cars and stages. Guests will find all 5116 conveniences and comforts of a superior establish ment, with an excellent table. Transient board, It* pee day. WH. H. SELKIRK, Proprietor. N. B.—Families who desire rooms for the summer will melee early application. To desirable pants* euvantsiteotlS terms will he Offered. E. D. F. MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND OOLLEOTINO AGENT, MEMPHIS, TENN. The Civil Courts of this District are now In prac tical operation. Haring practiced at the Memphis. hoc for tea (10) years, my acmin.,ntance with the b o w nosg community greatly facilliates lit tllO SAW, collection of claims. jy4-6a. E. D. F. montkidt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers