Ely Vrtss+ TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1865. stlyciDE, FROM REMORSE. ,prog,....vder while Life is Yet In the Bad. The following Mkllllllllyltereetleg tragedy OC. mired In Nashville, Tenn., on the lo o th test, in d a pert of the olty ca ll ed Smoky Role young an beautiful girl of eighteen, the daughter of wealthy and highly respectable parents, and married to an Indiana officer, took her own life. Hew Pi wee she was led from the path of Art ite —Wh apt :110118 lured her on—what wrong see Lad suffered —did net .appear in the testimony ; bat her small band and Wrist, her trim foot and antde, her delicate organ'. Wien, evinced one who had never been brought up She had often declared, with to a life of drudgery the bitterness that penetrates to the soul, that She Was unsuited to the degraded life ahe followed, and plunged deeper into the vortex of dissipation 'to drown the remorse of conscienee. She era long reached the bottom round of the ladder. When she decided upon the fatal step, she resided In one of the ioweat dens of infamy In Nashville. It appears that on the evening preceding her death, she had quarreled with her lover, and, in a fit of jealausy, deo/axed that either he or she must cease to live. These threats caused him to eat a watch upon her movements. That evening she eat no supper, ap. eared greatly excited, and given to fits of weeping. Towards six in the evening, sue left her miserable, because polluted, " home , ' and, walking rapidly up street, entered the first ding store, and asked for Morphine, but a word of caution from the man who Was dogging her footsteps causal the clerk to refuse her. Succeeding in alluding the vigi lance of the spy placed upon her, at the next store she obtsineu the deadly drug. Toe man who Was watching her, having heard that she obtained the poison, decided to Interfere with her no further, havhigllloooll, be he said, no apprehen s ions that she would swallow the poison, and believing net conduct to be merely a piece of bravado to annoy her lover. About eight he again aCeddentally met her, apparently fattish:fated, and staggering about. e she implored Lim to take her home, which he did, accusing her on the way of having taken the mor phine which she stoutly denied. On reaching her ro om they conversed for some thee, she seeming very meth depressed,and frequently esolalmlng that she was not tit to live, and that the world would not long be troubled with her presence. Alter a while the risen began to tell upon her, and she sank into a deep sleep , irom which all attemots to arouse her were ineffectual. Utitleessoful efforts were made to procure a physician, and, at one o'clock her soul made Its entrance into that unknown world ac whose opening portals all shrink batik. The suicide oe eurred at an infamous house, kept by a Mrs. Stoat, on College street, Nashville. The unfortunate Miler real name ores Truelove, though ey her compazions she was called Charlotte Brown. She is a native either of Ideellinnville or Woodbury, Tenn., both places being named. Relations of her husband reside in Louisville Only a few days be- fore her death, while bitterly lamenting herder . grading course, she exclaimed that the would go back to her mice happy but then disgraced home, and lead a better life, but that she had sunk too low ever again to rise. As those present looked upon thepe, emaciated face, and saw the little hands Mooed al composed on the heart, which had so lately throbbed with anguish, their minds could not but revert to the happy hours when the despised dead before them had been lulled to sleep upon a loving mother's breast, or had bounded an Innocent and playful child through fields. What vistas of ;he future may have opened On that fond mother's gave—what vidons Of position and honor and domes. tie felony for her child—bat, alas ! no such ViStall or visions as thls, no thought that pointed to a life of degradation, wretchedness, and suicide! The girl's frail sisters had decked her elaborately for the grave, but scarcely in good taste. The gaudily trimmed satin slippers, the course twine which tied the feet together, the wreath of artificial flowers which encircled the head ; showed like the unnatural web and woof on her wasted life. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. A SHARP DARRBY.—A case was tried before one of the justices of the peace for the city yesterday morning, in which s cute darkey non-suited a white man pretty cleverly. The complainant, some weeks before the change in affairs, left with the defendant a mule, atiptilating at the time ter Only a nominal hire, as the animal was only leit With the colored Individual to save tt from the confiscation that was thought Would be universal upon the arrival of the Federal troops. The " mud " remained in the no. gro , s possession until Saturdaylast, when the owner put in a claim of $4O for hire, saying that that was the arrangement. Ouffee declined "Shelling out," when suit was brought against him for the recovery of the money, before a Justice of the peace. The defendant he tened patiently until tae complainant's averment had been heard, and then offset the whole matter by ng the law, showing that at the dine of the transaction of the business no white man could legally make any contract with him, he being slave. or course, this was a "deadeuer," and the claim for "d4O rent for a mule" fell through.— News, June la. City Pastor in the Country. To the Editor of the Press : GETTYSIIHRG, PENNA. Si Having spent, with part of my family, the last ten days in this historic and deeply Interesting town, for tire years before Liao battle, the place of my residence, It may be interesting to the reader/3 of The Pres*, at the present time, to have a fewnOteS On IL NODES OF REACHING Gettysburg may be reachedfrom Philadelphia by two ways—either by crossing the Susquehanna at Columbia, or at Harrisburg, and taking the North ern Central railroad for Hanover Junotion, t wenty- Dine miles from Gettysburg. From Wrightsville, opposite Columbia, a branch road connects with the Northern Central at York, ten miles from Hanover Junction. This is much the shorter route, but fro. pent changes of cars and boat make it by far the most ineonvenlent one. Those from the East and North, WhO Mend visiting Gattamberg. would con snit their comfort and convenience by taking the train directly to Harrisburg, and if the beauties of nature or her sublimitiee have attractions, I would Strongly recommend the route to Harrisburg by way of Columbia. The view by this route of the Susquehanna— . the loveliest and most useless of rivers "—sleeping and sparkling like a sea of glass, Studded with Its bundre s of miniature Islands, and surrounded by its rugged, rocky hills and jagged Mountain cliffs, is truly a transporting sight to one possessing an ordinary degree of sesthetioal taste. IMMO OP TUB BATTLE. You renal. Gettysburg.. It is the same old town. The sheithedeti in the brick and frame haildings are neatly patched up, bUt the trees still show their wounds, and the doors, shutters, and blinds exhibit their honorable scars. Indeed, the bullet-holes In blinds, windows, bed-hangings, walls, elosetdoors, and, parlor chairs, are now regarded ornamental relics by the families, and well may they be proud of them. BATTLIMITELD, in some placetk la very much Changed, Farmemi have run their fences and cultivated the soil made red with the blood of brave men. The prominhnt points, however, remain just as they were, only that the grass has grown over the ground ploughed by shells and trod into a highway by the feet of men Who Stood to their guns and preserved their lineS, and hurled death la the face of rebellion, as their battle-cry of freedom and their shout of victory ran down the lit es, and echoed, and re-oehoed,through the rocky, woody hills. SIMBIIE OTTE DBAD LIE 81111.15 D. The National Cemetery, where repose thirty-five lammed of our noble, honored dead, is fast becoming an attractive spot. I have seen many beautiful land liettpoB, but the loveliness, Min beauty of that whisk everywhere Meets the eye, I have never seen else- Where. Yonder, In the distance, are the Blue Kann tains, through whose ravines and gaps Lee led Ills huts, boasting of speedy victory, and of dictating terms of peace in Washington. Through those same mountein•psesee, the fourth day his Shattered and defeated army hurried to the South. side of the Po tomac. The rural valley, dotted with farm-houseS and fields of living green,forms a lovely foreground, to the old mountains, stretching 'away into the,dis tame, and rearing their venerable old peaks far up into the heavens in majesty sublime. Bat I mast not attempt to describe the battle...field, nor can my pen express - Met:motions which crowd them:lei on this morally,blstorically and nationally 810111116 spot, Oa such a spot as this, ens eXpleeneeg Mr, Made and degree of emotion; tears of sympathy steal down your cheeks as you looir at these graves, and think of What rebellion has cost our nation. linow not how any man can stand on this spot, with our dear dead President's dedicatory words yet floating on the breeze, and not be true to his country. If he be a Christian, morally sublime must Ids feelings and emotions be on this spot. "God reignoth I" echos from Rocky Ridge and Round Top to Cemetery Ridge, where sleep the mighty fallen ; and from tltdpre rugged, rooky, wooded hill, where the flash of mesketry in the dark night gleamed on the face of the foe.! TN COROLVSION, let me advise yourselves and your readers to mare a visit to Gettysburg this summer, and inhale the pure Blue Mountain air, as It floats over the luxu riant, fragrant vale, laden with the booming of (nu mb and echoing and re-echoing through the woods ad rooks, and ridges and craggy peaks, the long, ma shout of victorious freemen. Yours, &0., _ CITY PASTOR: 1031:KY ITEMS. THR BraT. PITTING &MEM o THE .114748 la " The £proved Pattern Shirt," made by John 0. autism, an old nand Nos .1 and B North Sixth at. Work one by hand in the teat manner, and warranted to Peaatlsfaction. lila stook of Lientlemen , a Furnish ulnas cannot be our/massed. PrioeS moderate. Tas rI2IBST PHOTOGRAPHS, In various Moil, of e late Admiral Dupont, Lieutenant General (ant, and the Bey. Dr. Vaughn, are time recently %anted by F. Grntekunet, 704 and 706 Arch iblicatea of which can now be had at hie oonntere. - ISITOBB TO TSB OBASHOHB should provide OXIIINATOB With BATHING MINIMS from TORN Q. A.H.GISONtS4 Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth street. ioar AN EMPEROR Dnassaa.—Maalnonlan, of 79x100, speaks fluently ln Ha languages, and gene• ply Weave duck trousers androundabout, and Som• bisro lust, His wife, the Empress Marlette, 18 a 'isher good-looking brunette, with a penchant for Wterfall curls. On Sundays and state occasions ill Emperor wears a full suit, which he had pro. cred for him from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall oißookhlli & Wilson, Nes. 603 and 606 Chestnut Stoat, above Sixth. Ulf. LADIES, in their sovereign capacity as judgel Of motional enjoyment, have decided that no per lune In existence produces the same delicious sen suous as aye experienced while inhaling the evint• sill fragrance of Phalen's " Night 4:Rooming rent" Sold everywhere. ttiths.3t 'Sin invite special attention to the advertisement or S. F. Youog, In another column. His stook of dresS goods, ,is very large, and he has deter mineil to sell them at greatly reduced priOes. je26 2t BuY YOUR BA , TEINO CLOTHES AT SLOAN'S, 806 Market street, kbiladelphis, or at his store, Cape Inland, N. J. je24-3t* TRH PUBLIC 11 cautioned against an Imitation of the Photograph of Lieutenant General Grant, the Original of Which was taken by E. Gritektinet, 704 Arch street. It is a bad copy. The original will be known by my imprint OD the back. je24.6t* ()LRAM THE BLOOD OR ALL DEPTJIIITIES and you neutralize the virus of many diseases at their 8 0erela ID all Disorders of the Skin, the Glenda, the Fleshy Fibre, the Secrectice Organs, and the Bones ' aZI Scrofulous Complaints, Cancer, ST., Dr. Jayne , s Alterative 18 a standard curative ; and while it Is a fault in many medicines that, before they reach the disease, the patient is prostrated beyond recovery, to such drawback attends this remedy, or it sus tains the strength of the Sufferer while eradicating the cause of his complaint. Prepared only at No. 11l Chestnut street. Bale at b M . D. STECK & 00.'13 PIANOS (little Weil) for argains. These pianos have been used du. 111 ,, the Past winter and spring at concerts, at pub. i s ball; and in private houses, and show no marks 45 L 11 : 34 , a pnea *2OO less than new ones of same style, t - ; 1 ",, LOW onea have been reduced am. 4— voot J. E GOULD Seventh and Chestnut sta. • •Eltal AND CIATA.BEB, mumessfuli7 treated J. Imam, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 519 Pine st. 4114.14° Y" iraerled. No charge for examination, ARRIVALS IT THE HOTELS. The Girard. R C Monaghan, W Chest J K Allen & la, Ohio Mai I/ B Judd. US A Gee El Bender, Easton E Hartwell,NHandddre H A Sage, Easton W Smith, Del 0 StOta & wf Reading Smith, Del G Hopped,Chunk Patterson, BichrnOnd W Johson & Ma, N Y w Wales, Baltimore Kra E J Baldwin, N Y W H Monday, Baltimore Miss Baldwin, B N Y H Warbourton, Wash Wm Polk, Del Jos Clarkson, alt H B Pilasters, Brooklyn Geo Rankin, Balt John Campbell, N Y. T F McClean, Penns B Reid, illation Robt crane, Columbia J HFrlok,.Athland U S Kauffman, Col amblit• Geo T Cornog,Cumb Val G W Taylor&mo,ganeas O Inhoff, Cariisie R H Long, Lanoaster IT Cooley, Nashville GP Barber,WilliamSpOrt W Cooper, New York W R Wilson,JerseyShore'Lt JGeorge,Germantwn .Tre A. Banks, Bridgeport Geo W Pleasants,ROOk Is J A Gouldy, Pottsville Gen Bailey, Baltimore John V Porter, Pottsville W K Loos L.lllB Allen, Pottsville :R Cathcart, P6llllll O N Haldeman, panne, iw Hawes, NOW York Dr Menotti:), U S N W Backman, Indiana W L Hubbell, Brooklyn Mrs Bookman & BOA, Ind L Barney, Kentucky H T Williams, Brooklyn W Tote lintion W Alexander, Brooklyn J Holden & el, BostOn l P A IVlaadden, Altoona A m o cupo, Penns iJohn W Harp, rittsoarg Jas N Mullen, Sr Balt !Chas M White, °Mow W B Midaugh, Y WI. Larkins, Newport w H Smith, New York Jno W 001ton,RiolVd,Va P T Gates & wf, Plattsb , g Ti Johnston, Maryland J Hopkins, Jr, MarylandiF W Newton, New York B E Hovey, New York Ml 3 Spahr, New York C P Cochran, Delaware Chas E Brooke, Penns The Co J M . O Bartblow, Balt T U BallebOr, Baltimore Gen Idneeey, Wash W P Cole, Baltimore J A Kane, U S N A R Obleohn, S 0 alayer Stein, Baltimore R C Pearson, N C R E Simonton, N C L Fitzhugh, 13 S A W Thompson, Pottsville A Chambers, Pitts ourg Miss Chambers, Pa Miss Wightman, Pa S McKelvey, Pittsburg 13011, Pa A W Leleenring, Pa F 51 Thompson 0- A Doherty, M D, Ohio F 0 Fetich & wf, Boston it Coyle, Washington J Earl & wf, Baltimore JO Bradley, Alabama J Lefferts & wif, Cal B R HattieS, New York D T Moor/Irian, N tlnental. O F Oofan, Indiana J 0 von, Virginia Herrick, Uses S Dodge, New York Miss Dodge, New York G Pandaly, New Orleans J H Small, York, Pa Haber, Pa W H Otis, New York IJ H Blauvelt, New York 0 M Ouoningham, Ga R 0 King, Savannah O F Thompson & w, N Y G Simons, New York L Truman, N J Rafuss & ra, 111981141 04.1eva, HavallA Horace Smith L O Barney, BOMA E F Torrey & wf, , Parma Kiss 4.) N Torrey, Penns NUBS & N Torrey, Penns L Wells Sr. lam, York, Pa J H Barclay, Wash Kiss J L Barclay, Wash A. W Harris, New York D Faller, New York W L O'Brien, New York Mrs H B Ensign, Penna Nortnn, U S A H 0 Fabneareek, Wash S West, New York. Ringwalt, Cincinnati J Anarewe & wf, Penns B Henderson, Penna A L Thomas, Wash E L Parker, 'Virginia G Frazer Nashville W Coles, Virginia COIL C Baker, Wash JM Babbitt, New York L T Bigler, New York W H Garnish, Boston Chas E Kent, Virginia A Hitetwock be la, N Y W Gray, New York J R H Martin, New York W A Hulbert, New York J M Moon, New Jersey A Bradford, Baltimore J VMS Reminisce J Anacreon, tr.w haven ,J P Kendall, New York S H Rosenerane, Cln J E Chapman, Mingo Mrs E B Chapman Mee J Olmstead & oh S B Solomon, New York F N Thayer, Boston E N Drier, New York E P Moode, Mate T L MoOletla,nd, Plttsbg A Ii RathbOne, N Y Capt Boma, II S N A 11.- Northrop, St Louie W Fredenan, St Louie IA J Fitch, .Jersey City ,hisnts% The se G Hirsh, Lancaster W Reynolds, Delaware Edvi J Heraty J Jameson, °Mawless Ohas Clasper, Brooklyn Deoliraoh, Riehmd, Va Ritner Dock, New York W Tryon, 'BMWs J H Senseman, Indiana S Frye, 'Mango W H Parsons, Harrlsbis E Wilson, New BerlimPa R Derby, Look Haven A Abrams, Washington D W Howell, Easton .1 H Jersey O Bardwell, O'Brien,'New York N Moffat, New York T S Hail, New York J A Lockwood, N York W IH Epley, Penner R L Thomas, hiaryind U HHonsel, New Jersey . S R Anderdoll, N Jersey Master JF Anderson, NJ Sullivan, N ()more Penns Tine Rey, Trenton J.O Edson & la, N Y Jae Strawbridge, N 1. B Partridge, - Vermont F RC Wheeler, New York Alex Levy, New York J G. Butler, New York Geo Richardson, Penne, 0 T Keim, Newport B Plehl, Pittsburg J A Stoddard, Chicago James Bown, Pittsburg H G Hall & la, St Louis Lincoln, Boston F L /Oren, Illinois T F Hyman, Hansa, Pit 0 J Rice, Kingston, Pa R R Hamilton, Ashland A Collins, Lancaster co J Bolton, Strasburg W T McPhail, Stransb ) g G t Bolton, Harrisburg B H 111cOhlity, Lebanon erelal. Joseph Wood N Jersey J Hamilton Pdontg Oo M Yardley , Doylestown Thou Pyle, Mester co T J Marsh, Lancaster Co CI Mercer, Otteator Co A F Brandt, Harrisburg T B A.llloon, Penns, A. A Hanks, Penns The CO Thon Flinn, Penn& James Faust, retina W Smith Win Walking, N York M Kelley, Harrisburg 0 C Cannon, Penna. H. Bressler, Sehuyl on B (3 Wilson, Senuyi 00 Lewis Walker, N York John H. Curtin, N York U G Steinmetz S Wright, W Chester C 'IC McDonald, Penns S Pennook, Chester co Joe James, W Chester J S Paxson, W °nester R W Levis, W Chester Slitremantown S Ebersol, Shiremantown J W Chandler,Ohester eo Dr E P Townsend, IsT S erlean. The A D B Macomb, U S N M A Stevenson, Md W P Nix, New York S A Stevenson, N York Smith Baxter, New York W Daley, New York J McClelland, Washiton J J Bunn, Cambria co Chas Thorne, Boston T D Coffee h wf, Brookin P 0 Payne, Oxford N Falrbrother, R Island E W Stagers, Maryland W J Leonard, Maryland G W Staten, Maryland T R Harper, Seaford, Del J Maris, Wilmingtln,Del R H Davis, New Jersey Miss Hibbard, Baltimore J Cavan, Washington J B Beers, New York W H Williams, Wash L B Platt, Baltimore IR Williams, Delaware S B D Priokett, N Jersey 43 liattlasid, Baltimore E Sobwelier L E Wallace, Delaware D Barton, Delaware J B Wapies, Delaware R Sharpe, Eckley, Pa J Sherwood, Now York The Mr Burke & wf orogen Geo Houghton; N YOrk .T 0 Cronin, Penns Miss Hall, New York WT Tiffany, N Jersey Walters, Olnoinnati EL B. Harvey, Maryland W Milhous, Ohio H B Winton, Lebanon .1 W Laughlin W B Mayberry, Penner A. Bower, Carlisle S Fefa, MineralHe J A littoton DleanbUrg E Fldler, Womoisdorr Jos Loeb, nagerstown S 131 Bloom, Hagerstown Miss E Blown, Hager/PA H 0 Holder. II S A - - _ Sebastian Beckett, U SA Jaoob F 011er., Penna Henry Moo, Columbia H. A. Parkhurst, Chicago I Hartman, California Master Blaylock, Penna J Anderson & w, Waslen • union , Cieo L Raines Moor*, Baltimore John 0 Graig,Elkton,Pild 0 0 Hinkle, Pa Mlohael Liner, N A F Fairchild, Virginia Andrew Wilson, Oorta R M Sirkhrlde, N J E A Apgar, Phila G J Baker, Pa Kiss B Williams, Pa The Ste J L Kelly,N Bloomfield Jilann, Cal S Lee, Dixon,lll J Ewinger , Mecaniosbg W H Sproul, Pa W Q Springlett Sr, la,Del John StoSdard,California Jacob Rimier, California Geo Kirk, California John Peters, California Jacob Krtimmer, Cal Will Spinner, CaMoral& The Bla _ I T Sinn A. , Reading weidenhammer,Penna G Boa Winger, Reading J Iflestand, Poi,Ulan W W Wyckoff, M D, N J G Sehlotterer, N Wales R Croft, New Jersey J B Hill, Dottglaaville J *oho% Sumneytown The Barley Sheaf. E WMlstos, New Jersey•O Kirkbrlde, Attleboro A G Rogers. New Jersey I,las Thornton, Bucks en E Meyers, New Jersey E Smith, Cheltenham J S Grooms, New Jersey The Madinah. M Heller, Newtown Thos Simpson, Delaware S Heston, Newtown J A Busby, Baltimore T 0 search, New Jersey W W Holly, Oonn J R Wert, York no SPECIAL NOTICEN. To LET—A DESIRABLE COTTAGE, platted entire, on OARS ISLAND. Inquire 806 NAIL HST Street. jetiSt* SOMETHIIte COOL FOR THIC HOT WIZATILEIL Something Cool for the Dot weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Something Cool for the Hot Weather. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Sacks. Linen Pants. Linen Vests. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Droters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Linen Dusters. Alpaca Sacks, Alpaca Backs, Ainaca Sacks. Alpaca Sacks. Just the thing to Keep Cool In, • Just the thing to Keep Cool in. Just the thing to Keep Cool Just the thing to Keen Cool In. Also, a eplaudid saeortmant of Seasonable Clothing,Of orrery Tariety. for sale by PEERY & CO., No. 303 CHESTNUT Street. alien Third. Jo. 609 Cznorraur St. (Granville Stokes' old stand.) S. B. COERCE of SEVENTH and MARKET Ste. (ROM ) ie29.Bt J. -- AND W. B. --, AND ALL other parties, are informed that a general variety of Hardware, Cutlery, and Tools may be found at TAU MAN ei alasw , s. No. 835 (Nliht Thirtyflve) MAE ENT Street, below Ninth. BUTTBB SCALES, TEA, STORE, BUTCB BEV, and Housekeepers' Scales, Weights, spring and patent Balances For sale at the Hardware store of TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thirty Aye) NAB BST Street, below Ninth. CovaATE's HOBBY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET 80A.P, in such univerul mand, is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in Its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENTED. and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its ac tion upon the Skin. For Bala by all Druggists and Taney Goods dealers. . fad. tuthaly 1027 WALNUT STREET, office of Dr. VON NOECIIIZINKBR, for the treatment of the Bye, Bar, Throat, Lung DISSEUIBB and Catarrh, with life apparatus. ie26 et• DR. H. NEWEL'S DYSPEPSIA CORDL!..L IS an Infallible cure for DivePAL Nor sale at the Drug . Stores, Do. 537 ARCH Street, 276 SZOOND Street, and at 13300.11 D and Itas je24-atttthlat . To W--- 4 . 0 WHOM IT MAY Coxcarani. Whereas. Mohave. during the pact three Yeara, cold great quantitlea of the Wonderful household remedY. PLANTATION BITTERS. for the cure of Idlosperellt. Sour Stomach, Headache. pm, in the Bide, Heartburn, Feyerleh MD% dm. and, whereoe. No instance has eOme to our knowledge wherein Plantation Bitters have not given Perfect and complete satisfaction; and. Whereae, We believe Plantation Bitters to be a great ...tuna and family bkeeelnllt now, therefore, it le Resolved, That we will continue to mane pl. n t,,,tu m Bitters, and dispense tht in to our outfoxing fellow-mss; that we will preserve their perfectly pure ofandard, and manufacture &nom with the greatest care, and that we will, br every means in our power, publish to the whole world the glad tidings that we have found in Plantation Bitter' a sure, perfect remedy for Dyspepsia and all its awful train of horrid nightmare diseases. Minas our hand and seal. New York City, ised i€ l 23 et P. H. DRAKE h CO. CL. s JoNnsi.---BOLDUCREI RETURNING Howe, you want a good. substantial, ahem and fithionable snit of Citizens' Clothing. Go to Jones' OLD BSTADLISHISD ONB Palos CLOTHING HODS% 604 MARKET STREET, ABOVE BIRTH. 'Druz. (WHEATON'S) ITCH. SALT naatiss. (OINTMENT) SALT EHSIDI. Will Sure the Itch In 48 hears. Also. fares SaltEhensa, Mears. Chilblidni, and all Er ardiong of the Skill Price 60 sante, By sending 80 Gents to WISES At POT. ran ' 13°Wr ". /dim , Wail» forwarded 1168 bT MR For ude br all Drnigglaiti Xllbls 4l l l ihrgIWAY i4G BOWS NM Yor stile only atPIANOS.BLiSMS BROTHERS'. J 41841 / 1 1000 onsour wed. Which Is the beat place for ins to buy my clothing ? To decide this question, so often asked, we would set pestfully suggest it Weird comparison of prises, Wien and qualities of the best Mass Chestnut and Market streets clothing establishments, confidently believing that the mole will find that we offer greater induce mesh, in extent of assortment, style of garments, and moderation in price, than can be found anywhere else. If this is not the case, we will not ask your patronage. WAMAMAKER et BROWN, "Popular Olothlng Rouse and Merchant Tailoring Establishment, ie2o•tf S. N. corner SIXTH and MARICIT Streets. HAYS—LCOOKERMAN.---Ontheevening of the 21st of Jone s by the Rev. Alfred Cookman, Charles Wetherlil Hals and Lydia ilooke, daughter of the late R. W. Loooke rmati, of this city. ** ATKIVSON—BAKER.—On Tuesday evening, May 16, 1861, by the Rev. E. W. Hotter, Mr. Wil liam S. Atkinson, to Miss Louisa Baker, all of Phi ladt 'phis. YEA GYER—SAOKETT.—On Thursday morning, June 22, 1865, by the Rev. E. W. Hatter, Mr, Henry 0. Yeager, to Miss Praxanella Sackett, all of . Phi. ladelphht._ CB AWFORD—NIUROLS.— Oa Thursday eve. nine, by the Bey. A. G. XsAnlay, at hie residence, 1446 Hanover Street, Mr. Geo. W. Crawford to Miss Maggie Nichols, all of thla city. • firI'ORNWALD.—On the 25th Instant, of consump tion, William It. Fornwaid, aged 81 years. The relatives and friends of the family ; also, the members of Philadelphia Typographical Union, No. 2; Typographical b - votety, and Last man Brother hood, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from No. 705 Federal street, on Wednesday morn ing next, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. vo CLE9IENS.—on Sunday afternoon, the 26th In stant, Arnanda Clemens, daughter of Lite late Benj. S. Clemens. Her relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother. In.law, J. T. Way, Bastleton, Twenty-third ward, on Wednesday morning, the 28th Instant, at 10o'cicok. ** HAMSIAN.—On Saturday evening, June 24th, Amanda S., wife of John Hammitt!, and daughter of Augustus and Elizabeth illidebrandt, lathe 49th oar ot her age. • The relatives and frlendB Of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, No 928 Mount Vernon street, on Tuesday afternoon, 27th instant, at 4 (Mock. Interment at Monument Cemetery. ** WILSON.—On Saturday, June 24, 1868, Willie, Infant son of William M. and Mary E. Wilson, aged 8 months. ** • •• • • • . MOORE.—On First day morning, 25th lost, Dr. J. Wilson Moore , In the nth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family ore invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, Harvey street, Gernontown, On fourth day afternoon, 28th inst., at 4 o'clootr. Interment at Fair 11111. ." FEESIDE.—June 24th, Nary Reside, widow of the late Col. James lieeelde, aged e 7 years. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 247 North Fifth street, on Tuesday morning, the 27th that., at nine o'clock. To proceed to the Trinity Lutheran Church, Germantown. ENGLE.—On the 28d bet., Milliard Engle, aged 84 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. 805 North Eighth street, on Tripods' morning, 27th inst., at. 8 o'clock, without further notice. 'of ROBERTS—On Friday, the 23d inst., Eliza H. Roberts, widow of the late Jonathan Roberts, in the 78th year of her age. Her friends and those of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, in Upper Merlon, on Wednesday morn• ling, the 28th instant. Will leave the house at 11 o'clock. Carriages will be waiting .at the Norris. town depot to meet the 8.25 A. M. train from Phila delphia. ** MOORE.—Near Westport, Kentucky, on the 10th of June, George T. Moore, of Philadelphia, in the 38d year of his age. BLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.--• Just received. a cam of Black English Grenadines, at 40 coati a mi. BENSON Er SON. Mourning_Store, 918 OILISTNUT Street. Owl price. Prices In Vain. Samna. myIN B LACK OHALY DE LAINE.-JUST opened, one ease of plain black Obaly de Latins. at 11% feats a yard. BESSON Ec Sult, Kooning Store, 915 es OHISTSIIT Street. One prise Prism in plain Enur mylfi 6-4 B LAC R DRIFT D , RTIC, FOR Olergymon'a 911121111 et Coats and Snits. SYRII a LANDEIib. 100 PURE WHITE SHETLAND SHAWLS. BYRE & LANDELL. -inn PIECES MOSQUITO BARS, -ion WRITES. BLUM, GEBENd, ste EYEB & LINDELL. 1 01)11 LOW WHITE QUILTS, FOR %/ 1 - , HOTELS. IMMENSE LOTS OF CHEAP Towns. ciese-tn sYr.r & LOMELI, OrPOST YOB EIKEET OF THE IJNIO V STATE COEVENTION —marine OF. THE UNION STATE CEEITEIL COMMITTEE —ln compli ance with the earnest appeals of 1101117 prominent Union men, citizens of different counties in the State, urging that the meetingof the Union State Convention milted for the 19th July, ensuing, be deferred until farther notice. the announcement to herewith made that that bad/ will not aisemble on the day (19th of July) set apart for its meeting in the city of Harrisburg. no notice ISII. be given of the meeting of the Convention here after. The membeTi Of the Wolk Etat, Central Committee WW aeserable in the city of Hartistarf. on the NM& TEISSTH OF JULY, ensuing, at the Loehlel HOW% at three o'clock P. M. A fall attendance of all the members of the Commit- tee le earnestly requested. SIMON OAKUM Chairman. A. W. BENEDICT. Secretaries WM FORNEY. BjauusEVßG, Salle 19,1866. iel7•tjyl9 or r iriSIBERT PZTKOLEIIIII CON- June 17. 1866, of the f the Stockholders of this Qo gni Of this month, at one o'clock P. M., when buslness of importance will be presented. By order of the Board of Directors . J. NDWIN CONANT, je2l.9t Secretary . arTHE SINIEBERS OF THE PENN MISS' ASSOCIATION are particularly Invited to attend the Moab:tit Ideating at their Rooms, BROAD end SPRING SARDSta Street.. en Fourth. day, 6th MO.. Nub, 1865,er 3P. N. Elt*l LIZZIE NIEFORT, deo'y. NOVICE TO STOCK, LOAN, AND WEIORIPHOLDIRS.—OFFIGN OP THE DIDEGII COAL AND NAVIGATION (JO, PHILADELPHIA. Zune 25, 105. Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified that the Certificates of Stock subscribed for by them are now ready for delivery. Holders of the Loan OP 1570, who have consented to the conversion of tea Fame into the Loan of 1881, and holders of SCRIP will please surrender to the Company, as early as possible, their certificates, and receive in lien thereof, new certificates of Loam and Stock. jar/. 41 F. MITCHBLL, Secretary. k Bear. tarCENTBALL Men scizoow..—Tna Examluatton of applicants foe admission into the Central High School will bees on monoAr, the Sd day of July, at 9 A. M. Candidates met be at least thirteen years of age, residents of the city of Phila:.elphia and for at least one year they must have been pnpile in the Public Schools of the city. The order of examination will be as follows: DIOND &I, July 3—Parsing, and Constitution of the United States . . WE]: NESDA.T, July s—Etymology, and Bleary of the United States ThrjESDAY, July B—Mensuration an& Grammar. FRIDAY, July 7—OrElvsgrapily and Ari Climate jet 7 tuthe lx 'CHOLAS t MAGUIRE. Principal. OFFICE POURING-80CH AND 1 1=F EDIT-BANDY OIL COMPAICY, 432 WALNUT Street, Room S. Primanmenlit, June 27, 11365. Solders of CertiS Wee of Share; in the PINK GROVE AND EAST-BANDY OIL COMPASY will return the same to thie Office within twenty days from this date, to be replaced by new Certificates under the name and seal of the COMMA , / as chartered. cLmitION RIVER COAL AND OIL COMPANY " Books are opened for Subscriptions at their . Oßlna. No. 21L4) Sonth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. J 826 Si* riffOFFICE 'OF THE BRANDON IS. LenD OIL COMPANY, Boom Ro. 18, 674 WAL NUT Street. —A special meeting of tae Stockholders of the Brandon Island 011Comosny. will be held on TUES DAY, inns 27, et 12 N. All stockholders era requested l to attend, ea oudness of importance will be brought before . the meeting. L. ID WARDS, 016-2; Secretary, IgrEIGHTY-NINTUANATVERSART OF ABIBRIOAM IsDSPINDINCE "TES STATE 600111 TX or Tali OIIOIWI~ATi OF . . The annual stated meeting of "The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania' will be held at the LA POEM HOUSE. on BAOAD Street. below Chest nut street, on TUESDAY. the 4th day of July. A. D. 1865. at 10 o'elock A. DI. H. L. SPEC AT. ie2S-7t Secretary. FIFTB WALNID. lemur. = UNION PARTY. Blection will be held on TUESDAY liValtilla next, 27th instant, for Delegates to Conventions to se , hot representatives to the state oouvention, to be held at Harrisburg on the 19th of July next : First Division at Schwartz'!, Third sod Second Division at Barton's, A. W. corner of Fourth and Lombard Third Division at 608 Fifth. below Lombard. Fourth Division at O'Bryan's. N. W. corner of Front and 'Union. Filth Division at Kohler's. 271 Spruce. Platt. Division at Bums'. 488 Spruce Seventh Ditlelon Wagano's, csc spruce. Big - Mk Division at Butler House. Sixth. below Chest nut. Polls open at 6 o'clock and close at 8 o'clock. N. P. HMO, Preeldent. B. GGOKEL, Georstar3r. Jal6 21 WNOME TO LOASHOLDEBS.— Oity Loans minoring ,Ittly 1, 1865, will be paid at presentation on and after that date. 1 . 624 at .11BIRY BUMS, City Treasurer. fr.m. THE DIRECTORS OF THE 11=16? MOMENT OIL COMPANY have thts day de clared a dividend of WIZ all) OAR-HAW PER CM. on the Capital Stock, clear of State tax, payable on and after July lit . Tranefer books to close 26th, and re. open July 2d G. B. FRYER, Secretary. Pau,aunixxia, June 29,1866. 021.7 t or CITY TM/MS - us - Lim orrics, PoILADMAPHIA. Sll2lO Se, 1885. NOTICE TO LOANROLDEES The interest on City LOUIS due Jul, 1, INS, will be paid on and after that date 9e24.6t BMW BUFF. City Treasurer. NOTICOL—OPIPIUM PENN MINING COMPANY OF LAKE wawa% 319 WAL NUT Street. PHILADTILPRIA. It. Hundred andAdiatumed Sale of Six Thousand Sight Hundred and Flts-nlne Shares of Stock in the Penn Mining Company of Lake Superior, ordered for nort•parment of instalmore , will be held RAVIRDA.Y. Jcar let. 1866. at 12 o dock N. , at the Office of the company, go. 319 WALNUT Street. - By order of Board of Directors. DAVID S. HEYL, Rain Searetarir anti Treasurer. ASSISTANT TREASURER'S ETJCB. U. B. MCAT, lonmang.yara, Jane 21. ISO —Persons holding Any or more Coupons maturing the let wax.. are requested to deposit them. with a schedule of the Name, before the 29th inst.. in Older that they may be examine d. Cheques will be Issued for them ou the morning of the let pros. ARCHIBALD MoINTIRS, imps Assistant Treasurer U. 8. WTIILPEILOAVBEN OIL Cost— pmply.—The First Alitittal Meeting of the Stock holders of the TULPSHOCHEN OIL COMPANY will he held at SARSOM-STENST HALL or TMIINSDAY. Jute 29th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Directors for the ensalat year are to be elected. je24-15t* ALTUDMARTisi, Secretary. SSW' IONIVERSITY OF PENBusimaisa&, - (DBPARTAINNT OF ARTS). The Examination of the Junior. Boohomere, and Freshman Mame, at the close of the 'third Term, wilt WEDNESDAY owing order: list. —From 10 to 12. Juniors.. by Prof . Frazee,. (Beat and the Ream Sughte.) oral. From 12 to 2. iloPdd'mored, by Prot Romano. canairtteui (looms. " 4111711 M. 22d.—From 10 to 12, ,Tunfora. by Prof. Allen, (Tbeoeritna.) oral. From 12 to L Sophomores, by Prof Frazer. (Chemistry or the Metals,) and Fresh ins% by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry,) wr itt en. 23d.—From 10 to 12, ,ranfors, by the Pro. sold, (Moral Philosophy, ) aL From 12 to 2, Sopho mores, by Prof Conde, (Universal LlSeratare, ) written. MONDAY, 20th.—From 10 toll. Sophomores. by Prof. Allen, (The Clouds of Aristophanes ) oral From 11 to Juniors. by Prof. Kendall, (Differential Caloa•us,) written TUESDAY. 27th —From 10 to 12, Freshmen. by Prof. Allen Plutarch's Life of Demosthenes,/ oral. From t 2 to 2. Juniors, be Prof. Jackson, Clem/nal oral. WEDDiNSDAY. %tn.—Prom:lo to 12. Sophomores. by Prof. Joekton,_(Boraoles, Ode:)*r 4l . f".u. / 2 to Freehmen. b_y Fret. Coyne.. (weterE ) orar THURSDAY, 290). —From 10 to 12, Fieshmets,b7 Prof. Jackson, (Borate's k)atlns,) oral GEORGE ALLEN, ie2l.2t aserotar, of the Faculty 01 Arts. 170080n034 No. 1. MARK=F2?_ DIED- 71 BROADWAY. Yew York. COATINEKTAL HOTEL. Philadelphia, On THURSDAY. the 29th By order of the Board of Dirootore. /t S. et. WALLIBAN, M.D., Secretary. i]:fil;~ ~ 'ii~ THE TUESDAY; ME 27, 1865: 311171131cNn MOTIVE —FRieleaffir OIL ADD EiliAL PgrATs COMPAN 1% OF Vii. Xl3OO COMITY. PA —Who, 1136 Did3d3T Phitadelphis. June 93. 1895. Tie Board of Directors have deelared a dividend of TIDIMM (3) Pill clear of Maw tax, on the • capital idea for the quarter ending June 80, 1885. Par abie at their °Mee on and. after 8 ATORDAY • Jolt' lei. The Transfer Book, will oboes on FRIDAY. Sane rm. at 3 o'clock P. X. and open on SATUADAY, July Ist. WILLIAM di. OARVIII, 1.24.61 0 Seeretarr. ninaDzarD NOTICE:—OFFICE OF . THE MAPLE SEEDS OIL COMPANY: No. 524 WALBIDT St.: PHILADELPHIA, June 79. 1888. The Board of Directors have this day declared a revi ler dividend ma k in g PER CENT. CENTn extra FOUR PEE MIT. BIGHT PRE on the capital Mock, parable at this office on and afterthe 98th of Jona: tiv.v or State taxes. The transfer books will close on he Mb : at Y. and reopen 4 , 07 I .t- TAOS. R. es uoy s je24 , tit . tiesestety. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. —s3oo GOVERNMENT BOUNTY to all who enter the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. All per. sons desiroue of obtaining the $3OO Government Beauty, had better enlist at onee, for the bounty by a recent order. ceases from and after July Ist. 1866. A splendid opportunity to visit foreign countries—a sonsdron of to esU in a short time for the Medi terranein—gooa an, excellent accommodations. light .and easy ,ntr. For all further informatios, APPLY as the Recruiting Rendezvous, Mo. 311: South REONT Street, between 9A. M. and 9 o'clock P M., every day but Sunday. JeciEs FORFIF. Nth M Captain and Bearniting Oilcan L WAIAIELAITEN, 119 CHESTNUT STREET, LACE ClUltrrAlNes ELEGANT STILES, AT PRIORS ' FROM 5 DOLLARS TO WO WINDOW SHADES, UNITED EITATEB lty authority of the Seentary of the 7/41111217, the undersigned, tits General Subscription Anent for the vale of United States Securities. offers to the palls the third solos of Treasury Votes, bilient nom and threicienths per sent. Intend per annum. known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Them lOW ire Insied under date of July IL trftt. and are payable three years from that data in win ream or are 'convertible at the option of the holder into Ir. S. 6.20 SIX PER CWT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium. and are exempt. as are all the Government Bonds, from State. County, and ifunisigtat taxation. logich adds from one CO three per cent, more to their &sardine to the rate levied upon other property. The Interest Is payable semi-annually by COUPOIII attaehed to sash MM. which MAY pre SA off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 740 per sent. amounts to One cent per day on a We note. Two ants per day on a $lOO note. Ten seats per day on a $6OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l.OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $6,000 not. Rotes of all the denominations named, will be Promptly furniehed upon receipt of subsailliong. The notes of this Third Series are precisely similar IA form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold. mot that the Government reserves to itself the option of Ming interest In gold coin at 8 per cent. Instead of 3-10 the in eurreney. Subseriltsci will deduct the in terest In currency up to Jul,' 15th. at the time when they eubseribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of The Seven-Thizties wal 401211181100 011 the 1110 r June and *Gibe made promptlir end antinuously after that date. The slight change made In the sonditioni of this TRIED STGIIS affects only the matter of Interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency littoral of the higher rate. The return to specie Payments, in the event of whisk only will the option to pay interest in gold be availed of. would so reduce and equalize prices cc that pur chases made with eta per feat. in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and thres-tentlui per sent. in currency. This is *Mr offered by the government. and Its supertor ad vantages make It the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP THE PEOPLE. Less than OA 000,000 of the Loan authorised by Congress are now In the market. This amount, at the rate at which it 11 being absorbed. will all be imbeeribed for within sixty days. when the noise will undoubtedly COMMand a premium. AIM( ant formly been the sac on 'losing the Imbeeriptione to other Loans. In order that citizen/ of every town and section of the eonntry may be afforded facilities for taking the Loan. the National Banks, Meta Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re• oohs ontossintione at par. Stbseribere will selectthelr own agents, is whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the note* for whisk they receive orders. JAY COOKE. BUBIKIIIIPTIOS AGENT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, wriaixAm rE. necoir. 'GEORGIA A. WARDBL BACON & WARDER, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, Stooks bought and sold on Commission. Trust Funds invested in City, Stow. or Government Loan. Subscriptions received for the United States 740 LOLL without chargefor commission to the purchaser. iel-thstulm DREXEL & COMPANY, BANKERS, I'lo. 34 034onarth "XTEMMIO Street, AND UNOURRENT MONEY. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT /DID BOLD AT BOARD OD BROKERS. OX 0011MIBBION. • lelB-tt 1881.- COUPONS, DUB JULY 1, GOLD AND SILVER COFFEE 1 COFFEE ! COFFEE! A NM WITBOUT EXAMTION To answer the nemerons Inquiries "Why I adverties Coffee Boasted without Water or Lard ?" I will explain the difference of my mode of Roasting Coffee (except One point) and that pursued by all others, thus: The system here Is to put the Coffee into the cylinder. and burn (literally true) it as fast as possible. While the Coffee is thus ready to Ignite, and often burned black, a large quantity of water is then thrown on it, which, being converted into steam, liberates any virtue left In the Coffee by each miserable method. Many may ask, What is the reason for all this? Which is easily e.xplained. Water cools the Coffee rapidly, and allows them to return it in shorter time. The dealers are milted, alio, because they get back the &dee from the (roaster) burner at a trifling loss, the water restoring the weight lost by barbing. The water places the roaster In the position to do a large amount of burning—on time. Twenty to twenty eve minute. is the usual time they allow for burning. BENXI CHAPMAN , el system ie this (except one point not divulged): NOM minute. is the time which my Coffee gets, and is then cooled without water or lard. thus retaining all the natural oil of the berry, and flavor—not having been drawn or the strength evano• rated by dashing water on the heated berry. The argue which others put on is to restore this natural ell. JAVA, MANILLA, RIO OGETRE, SPIOES, SPLENDID NITTriIL(IS, 40. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE we we Prepared. Ai heretofore; to snot., famtli.e. at their country residences, with IVERT mitiouirnos or PINE atoolgaze. TUB. 4a. ALBERT C. R.OBERTS e anat.tf earner 11.1V1ITH and VMS Streets. 1 ULITASI. CURTAIN 600001. IMLA.SONTO HALL; IS NOW OPENING. ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF DOLLARS PER PAIR. OHOICE PA.TTERRSI AT REDUCED PRICES. my2B FINANCIAL. 1 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET PHILADIWHLi. 2,ISW, WALNUT STEM. DEALS= LW AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, . 'UNITED STATES BONDS, CLITARTERBLASTERS , VOIJOHBWSI WAITED. AT HIGHEST MABICZT PRIM DREXEL, & 00., 34 tionth Ts/RD Straet GROCERIES. HENRY C APM AN, 932 ARCH STRICET, PHILADELPHIA. BUELL DISTRICTS 82TAIL DRY GOODS. COOPER & CONARDI ZWINTH ANfl MARKET. MINE OASSIMERES. LINEN DRILLS AND DUOS. SUMNER COATINGS. THIN DRESS GOODS. REW WHITE GOODS. DOMESTICS REDUCED. ELEGANT SILK SACQUEs, ELACGC HEENANI SHAWLS. Jel.tf TABLE LINENS.--T AM NOW BELL .. nyci large quantities very cheap. HOMTV SIOWII at 6234 ; extra heavy at II; one lot superfine Handloom at 2735; one lot much better at $1 ; one lot atRI- age oz salient quality ; one lot at $1 215, extra width, and the Sweet made of that kind. Also, a large variety of Bleached Table Linens, all prises. and various patterns, some of which are very hoe and handsome. Handsome OW and Damask Napkins, a, 62.60 Der doz Crash at 18, 20, tad 22 ate. One lot very heavy Brown Uinta- Nick at 28 cents. suitable for bath towels. Towelling DY the yard, in great variety Ort.AIIeVITAB B. je26-41 Ho. 1013 maimed , et , above Tenth. MUSLINS.-SHIRTING MUSLIMS, from It cents nu; one lot at We yard wide. kii. the leading mates of fine Muslin th at made. abed this, 2 234. and 434 wide, at the very loweat prin. Pil low Case., 1.35, 114, and 134 yards wide. equally low. / have a large stock now on hand, and will sell them cheap. One lot 10 4 Lancaster' Quilts. One lot 11-4 Laneastar Quilts, One lot of Marseilles lanilts, at glO; that are as good as have been selling at, fDI6. One lot at 4112. still finer. Ice Blankets, large else Pereone about Furnishing will find it ;greatly to their advantage to call ORANTILLB B. HAINES, ie26- t No. 1013 HAMM St. ,above Tenth. CHAMBERS, NO. 810 ARCH ST. g• • BNTIEB STOCK EBDUCED. Black Thread Laces. - Thread Veils. Thread Lase Barbes. Hemstitched Handkercheits. bargains. Cambric Edgings and Ineertions. Shirred and Fancy Frensh Muslin% for waists. Lama Lace Bournons and Pcintes. iora et* ASPANISH LINENB FOR TRAT- Bradmo BUSSES. 4.4 Bley Linens. Dark and light Linens for Suite. Brown Redlands -Firared Linens for Dresses. White ' , ague or Marseilles Mosquito Battings. Pink, blue, cherry and white Tarletone. EDWIN BALL & 00.; tf . - MB South 81001 D Street. (1001 3 BR & CONARD, NINTH AND EMIT. have The beet Casslmere stock in town. Good Linen DeiDe, Drake, Coatings, Tailors' Lininge„ of every kind. Muslin stook complete, prices right. Family Linens, selling, gold, at Silo. Gause,_stomet and other Flannels. Peen WOOl Detallies, 66 and 66 stenta Extra Sue black Mohair Alpaca. $l. Lupin's 6-0 black Wool Detainee, $l. Good stook while Nainsook, Swim. Bird-eye Linen, striped Mae finest Cambdce and Isconete, puffed Muslim. Pique. dm. White bangs end other thin Shawls. 811 k Paeans" and Summer Dilaters SPLENDID STOCK OF LINEN GOODS, jug opened at 704 ABGH Street com prising— Turkish, Bath, Buck. and plain Linen Towels. Banking of beauttfal patterns . and all grades. .Table Linens, bleached, kabt.bleachee, and. brown. Bichardeon As Dunbar% Dickinson's, and other Linens. Ladies' sad Gents' L. 0 Mikis, from 123feto Sl— hexed stitched and cord borders—rery nice. min tf JOHN R. STOKER. grzciAL NOTICE. SELLING 4311+ BDfTIU HMS - TO CLOSE BOSiliSKil 1 1300D•WfLL AID FIXTXRIII3 rolt BALL W$ invite epe71 1 21 ° 11 35 2. 1 an to the To r retunonneement. We have Lams ' AWL We are Selling Men. Ivory yard la to be *heed out on or bane the Lt day of September. Silks and Dress Goods. Cloths. Omatmeres, and Linen Goode. Mullins and cit=talltill'irailkAt . . lll. TTATTSERstsis•fm Om. ofBIGHTAA tif. F IGURED BILK GRENADINKB, of the beef vialltlee andstyles. In Sleek and GUT Grounds. 66c to SI.OO Trayedlinn.Dreu Goods. In every Twist!. lN ow Dreu Goode, In great realety. Handsome Ohne Mks $2.60. IBEX mob BLACK RUM ottGablo for Dresses, Mantle., and Sac nee. COTTON GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLISALI PRICES. Merllnlas, Sprague. and Paella Prints. 265. 10 i Waltham and Finery/ bleached It/teatimes. SL B. SUM & SOD, my 1341 Don Mend Pap North TENTH Street. NEW swum' wow. 13045. THE GREATEST INVENTION OE TEI AGE IH 11001' OSSIRT S. J. W. DEADLIST'S Dew Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double)13PB1110 SKIRT. WIR3TB' aItaDLIFY it MKT (late & J. 0. West), SOMPROPKINTORB Si MANUFACTUEBEE. 97 4 3EAMBling and 79 and 81 RU DA k Deets. NSW lark. TEM IIifVENTIODI eonalite of DUPLEX (or two) EL. MEMO Steel BPRINOS. ingenioneay BRAIDED TIGHTLY and . FIRMLY together. EDGE to BCE% making the TOUGHEST. Most FLEXIBLE, ELASTIC; and DURABLE SPRING ever used. They seldom BEND, Or BREAM lite the Single Springs. and CODSSOLODUF preserve their PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE as LONE aS any other Barer TIM WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY Gad great COMFORT and PLEASURE to any Lam wearing the DUPLEX Burma SKIRT will be experienced particularlin all crowded AssgmELIES, OPERAS. CARRIAGES. RAILROAD Cans. amen PEWS. Amassing., tbr PIMP ADE and Hosea DRESS. se the SMUT ca:IILISEID whoa in nee to optio n a mall PLACE ia Buz or Mustax . Daus. ► Lanyhavint enjo y pleasure. comfort, and great COLVSDISDCS of Wienage the Durzax Enx.rPrro prnaL. SPRING Banwr for a SINGLE DAY will never alter• wart willingly dispense eilththeirese. For Canmamr, MISSES, and Tovßu LADIES they are SUPERIOL to all others. THAT are the best Sweatt in every part, and an. I.M questionably the aTrar, at Dastad.BLILCOM.FORT. ABLE and ECONOMICAL SEW Oral Made. .1011 KALB in all FIRST:. CLASS STORES in this city, and + throughout the 'UNITED STATES. HAVANA DE CIUBA, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA, and the WEST S AW -I.IICI -2ni DINS YOB TDB DUPLEX ELLIPTIC T. inys 628. RopEciN ° E? P "otiri i L T & OF 62.8: HOOP SKIRTS, the best assortment and best quality and styles in the ally. Wore Trails, sll lengths and 91368, from 19 to es /opiate. from $1.76 to $4. Plain Skirts. all the new shapes and sizes. from 19 to 50 springs, from $1.40 to $8 Skirts of extra hear? steel and extra tapes, from 20 to 36 springs, from $1.90 to $R 75. Misses' and Children's, of every grade, from 6 to 86 springs, from four to eight Cents per spring; they have no equal. Agents for the new Flexible Skirt, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, and fully equal to the Duplex Saint's Skirt, and at mush lower prices. Also constantly on band ft& lines of low.prioed Sew York Skirts, kid padded and metallic 1 astened-16 sprinp, 86o.; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs. $1.15: 80 springs. $1.25 and 40 springs. MAO. Skirts made to order, altered, ' and repaired, at ORS ARCH Street. Bel4-11a5 MILITARY GOODS. FLAGS I FLAGS EVANS & HA.SSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 41S ARCH STREET. 33A.ININTERO, Silk, Bunting, Muslin, and De Labia FLAGS, OP ALL SIZES. SWORDS, SABRES, BELTS, I'ASSANTS, ao. MILITARY GOODS, OF IVUY TOISOBSPTION CARTZTIII AND 01:L.CLOTHS. 13PRING. 1865. GEslll/IECSO 1113M.1149, OXISALMITOWX, PA. ikr4cazarAnki as co., NANTJYACITIINDES AND DEPORTAND ON ddRPF.TWG~s OIL CLOTH. MATTING.% &a- MIOUNMJWII DEPABTAIRSTe lID9III.IIIUT MM. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, apiOaria elf INTUIT MM. MERCHANT TAILORS. gDWARD NBLLY, JOHN HELILY. irAiLoits, Elf CRESTRUT STREET, Ulm Wm re nom CIONPLETZ ASSORTILANT yr ajo i .ii SPRING GOODS. GOLD' PATENTIMPROVEDSTEAM AND WATER-HEATING APPARA i rViI lON WAUCHINO and VIUIVILLTING 'PUBLIC DIIILD LNOB had PIIVATZ BINIDNIONA. 11A111131/41019M1D BY Tini MON BMX AID WITER.IVATING 1001INPATI OF PEICKSYLVAN/A. JILDINAO P. WOOD da CO., South imam Stmt. B. M. FELTWELL. sais-eme, fIA,BINET FURNITURE. a., MOORS & Ma SOUTH SZOOND STREIT, ata oresand to fOIIoW deolins 12 120 market Olt sees of their Funatun. Parclassfah will 1)1ms Nal Not walla our 0906 zaIltRY• LlA . ..&l2L,Lua,,kl= .pETEIiI3OI4 I 9 COUNTERFSIT att- Turrox for Jniyitit, now ready oL the Ogles. Ns. 300 O.ISIBSTPUT Street. Pries 16 gents, Or oko dolla add a hair a year SIC DIFFSBENT CITIES' QUOTA fIow of Bank notes. in Petereon'a Detector for JOl7 lat, sad to be coolitmad In every number. 28 NEW COUNTERFEITS ARE fully described in Peterson's Counterfeit Detec tor and Drexel's Bank Note List for July let, which will be ready this mot zany. at T. B. PliTkitteN BROTHBRS, No. 306 Canna Pr Street, Phila. Terrine—One dollar and tiny cents a year, monthlY, or three dollars semi• monthly. or 15 (mots a number. Adyertissments inserted in it at low rates. It A NEW WORK, BY THE AUTHOR AA. of the "Menem rjona FarellY." MARL TEM 13.aAllazatb 0.4 TIM I.ARD. 12mo. &Le% BY ?RR HAHN Alf Moll. TAR SCHOABBRG corrA.PetelLY. 3.2rett. TEE EARLY DAWN. 12mo. DIARY OF BM KITTY TREVYL VI. l2mo. OUR MARTI RED' PRESIDENT or Voices from the Pnlpit of New York and Brooklyn. Containing all the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities, and the Orations of Bancroft and Blahs', Sim OsOli 12mo. For sale by JAMES R, CLAYTON, (Successor to W. S & A. Martian.) is 22 6011 CRESTNIIT Street. NEW BOOKS! FOR SUMMER READINtt 11 Just received 1 , 3 , • asuman & Ev&ws. N.. 124 OHNSTNIIT Street. THEO. LAUGH A novel by Aunts Thomas. MARY, THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD. By the author of • Schonberg. Cotta Family." &a , PREbIORNT'S WORDS. Handsomely pub liebed. LIFB OF HORACB MANN. By his mile. A MOTHER'S SORROW. A Discourse to Young Men by Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D San Fran cisco. Cal., formerly of rbiladelpula Price. 10 cents. WOODS AND WATERS; or, Bummer in the sera- WM. By Alhe 18. fitzeet... 35188 MAORMIB. By Anthony 'rrollope. ON 017ARD. By Annie Thomas. SONGS FOR ALL SEASONS. By Tennyson. WYLDER'BHAND. By the author of •• Uncle Silav " BEATRICE, CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE. CLEVER WOMAN. DANIS DONNE, GEORGE OSITH, BARBA RA'S EISTOBY,and. other new novels In paper covers. Tanchuits editions. 1027 JUST PUBLISHED. BD! YOUR OWX CHERRIES, A TEMPERAECE TALE. PRINTED OX TIWTED PAPER. BEAUTI FULLY ILLUSTRATED. ilaiteL4 ALBERT BARNES ON THE STATE OE THE tuOUNTRI. A Sermon en the Death of the Preeld.nt. For eels b the pRzsBYTERIAN BOOKSTORE, 1334 CHU fla lUf r Street. je24 tt ALL THE NEW BOOKS, FASHIONABLE NOTE PARER, BB VELOPES (initials stamped gram) rO MATCH, oAttos, Bagravee or Written, ALL THE NM:WINE% PORTFOLIOS, WElritio-Ditbild. PKN6, INS B, ALBUMS, &e. A3' Nvery one boobs the city for the season will inn it to their intermit to order of CHALLIN, Bookseller and Stationer, 1308 CHESTNUT Street. Orders filled by Mail or Exprees. je21,12t, WYLDERT SAND. - THIB NEW Ir NOVEL. by Sheridan Le Faun, author of 'Miele Mae." ie one of the most powerful and 'matey Eng• lish toyed, ever published. It is being reed and praised evarywhers. and its sale is growing enormous! jele.tbertilOt OAIILBTOII. Publisher. ff ew York. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT; OR, Voices from the Pulpit of New 'York and Brook lyn. Oontainingall the Sermons by the eminent pulpit orators of those cities. and the Orations of Bancroft and Bishop Simplon. igmo. THOUCHTS ON Tag DEATH OP LIMN CHIL DREN. By Eamnal Prime. D. D. Bind. TEN CHANGED CROSS and other Religions Poem. A new edition. Beveled red edam. lSzno MACHRELAH; a Book for the Cemetery. Himo. Bed edges. For dale by JAMES B. CLAXTON; • (Enceensor to W.B &A Martian), M 22 606 CHESTNUT Street. ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO, BY PRO festers Miller and Lizars—new edition. ALCOHOL, its Pleas and Power, by James Miller K D., late Professor of Surgery in the University of Ldininarg. TOBACCO. its No and Abmie, by John Livers, M. D. A new edition of the above, bound in one volume. Suet issued. Pries $l. IN PRIPARATION. NARCOTICS AND STIMULANTS. by Wm. Ainstie. M. D., In one volume LINDSAY & BLAXISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, No. HD South EST , ' Sweet. jekl Above Chestnut. JIIB T • PUBLISHED— w, DR. BOARDMAN'S THANKSGIVINO AND PART DAY SFAMONS. TSB TBACBMAIINES. TDB PEACE WB NEED AND HOW TO SWAMI IT. Published and for sale by JAMES S. CLLXTON. One2goteer to W. R. & Chad Martian MI 606 OHNSTAGyr Street A PPLETON'I3 N E W AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. —OOMPIef• 11116 TOinniel• Various Styles of Mullin& ZEBELLION RECORD, by Prank Biome, In 8 vols. IfIatIVALB'S HISTOII OP H I ZOMAllfr-now somploto. ?he Agency for thews valuable wons is at PO Booth SIXTH Street. above Chestnut. ibiLtl JAS. S. SIMON. FIREWORKS. FOIJRTS OF JULY vlrtmvrou , sis, 111 GREAT VARIETY. /WORSTS, CANDLES, ITN/ON AND ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, TRIANGT:Pq, SHIP LIGHTS, SNARES, ' BLUE LIGHTS, FLOWER POTS, PIN WHEELS, GRASSHOPPERS, COLORED FIRES, ALSO. • large assortment of Who.lo, for gala bY FRANCISCUS & CO., idist glos s as swear FMEWORKS s . FIREWORKS, FIRE WORKS, OP EVERY VARIETY. in large or small quantities. may be had at JOSEPH OIt.ECPBELL St BRO.'S, iel7l2t* los MARKET Street. STATIONERY k BLANK BOORS OIL. M G I COAL, AND OTHER irkw cmmas. w• ua Nomad to twain New llontoratina with all the Books they main. at short flotilla and 101/ ,ruse, of Int inalitT. All styles of Binding. STEIL FLATS 0111TIVICATES 07 STOWE. LITHOGRAPH"' fl ritANBYZIL NOOK I:O3IDSHS 01 TRAMIEL STOOK LIDOIII. STOCK LEDGES HALM= ISOISTER OF CAPITAL STOOL 'HONER'S PETTY LIDOS& ACCOUNT OP SALBL DIFLDIED BOWL MOSS iNG MIK ROOK in"FACTRItHEE AHD STAMINA ral4l ORISTICT Street. CONFECTIONERY. SUMMER CONFECTIONS. Persons about leaving the city should eall and ex inane our eeiendid assortment of DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS, SYRUPS, &0., Particularly adapted for the Warm kleamm. E. G. WHITM Be Co.. MANUFACTURERS, 318 01138T11IIT gram. /or Moo, an amortmant of BRILLIANT FIREWORKS. is 10-atntb/ta 1865. CHOICE CONFECTIONS. Th. finer Qualities of CoAFECTIONIET, ratted to the Summer season, manufactured fresh, by STBPREIF Y. WRITEIIf. Main No. 1210 lIABKIT Street.. A YBRY SUPERIOR GUM DROP, A pi viiiraji BW ITEMS, x street. A VERY CHOICE ROASTED AL MOND. manufactured by 0111PanN P. WHITMLN. Jo. 1210 MARKET Stmt. ICE ORBAM. PURE DELAWARE COUNTY ICE CREAM, made In the conntry,and fresh every morning—the very beat that Is made. Saloons, Breamlons. Plo•Nles, Yea• tivalu. Hotels, Restaurants, and Private Families, fur niahed with promptness in quantities to suit, on reason able terms. EASTERN MARKET ICE-CILICA.3I STAND. je24-1m MATINICT K. MATSINABR. ORAL A. NAUMAN. M A.TSI.NGER BROTHERS, SIMONSEN:MB TO ADAM NATSINGER, MANIIPAOMATRO OF FIRE-PROOF DOORS, IRON SHUTTERS AND SMITH-WORK IN GENERAL. Also, Flag•litaff Brackets. Furnace% Cooking Roam cla. ovens. Bath Boilers. Registers. and Ventilators, and Sheet-Iron Work of every doogription, . NO. =ZS 1L1A.C30.. ISICJECELVAT, 5042-12 A PHILADELPHIA. FOR TRIG ILLUMINATION, ..IrCrLaa" 4, 1805. GIENERAL GRANT CANDLES, WARRANTED` NOT TO ~E tur., . For Ma by BODERT DONNELL & NON, 3e229tt 808 WALNUT STREET. I CAR D. FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. I will sell the balance of my large stook of FURNITURE. At vet, low min s, tuitu SEPTEMBER M. The amentment is complete ONO. J. BUMS. 800 and Sll CHESTNUT St CARPET • CHAIN, YARNS, AND WICK& —Large invoices jolt received and for sale to dealers, calmest market ram ROWS. BURTON. & 00.. ion-it 157 and ISO liorth TWAT) moo. WANTS. WANTED—A. FIRST-CLASS DRUG • and Prescrifion CLERfr. ill a 110iebbnring Iddreas J. BNAL . 511 North THISTBENTH S , Areet, TrSll3 701 namear.d Salary oxpeirea. Onninuntontio , strictly a3nfldeoilli t* n W ANTE D—BY A RESPONSIBLE mot, a SITUATICIA u Salesman: Will travel. if required. Is a good codector; capable of taldag charge of any ordinary Minima; will take charge 09 the Attlee department of a maanfasinring hones, o r ani ax annetiniene ant of a rood oil coronalin takingcharge o Address , ont-door bsAiness for two days, giving none, time, and Plate of interview. ,j , 215 Rruivets " PreBA otßSe . WANTED -EXPERIENCED AGENTS. —Professional Men, Returned Soldiers, and energetic men of good address are wanted In all parts of the Melted States and Canada, to take orders for the 1,4 VW OF ALLIZALL•br..MLO DLR. written by the was-known and favorite anther P. II 11 110/1"11 (Timothy Titordub), The annormaemont of thin work has toSOI2 14Cebred. With universal favor by all clue en, and the preen gene. rally have commended it in the highest terms. Agents who heve comototawi ow t eawing for tug work Yeovil It as the beet milmertptibn book ever off red to the prt bllc, and are meeting with nuparalleled success. The author 14 so popular as a 'wino that the people subecribe for it readily and cheerfully. further information can be ordained by calling at my once. or addresting by nutil, a BILL, 142549 t-wit SP RIEGFIEL D, Mess. WANTBD—FIRST- CLAUS E BA. • • TORS on KBE HUM. To tOode roltsbie hmas would give out lots of several dosoui, or take hands into the store. Wad prises paid, 0 L. SICTIT. je24-St* 305 MUM street WANTED. -A. YOUNG MAN' FROM the Country deeires a Situation as BOOK ITIBPNR, or ASSISTANT, in a Wholesale &tablila meat, or will go to some foreign country on baguette: bets a good odecadon, and writes a fair business hand; can furnish certificate and references. Address • Vege table," Schuylkill, Chester County. Penna. is24-13s AGENTS WANTED FOR TEE NURSE AND BPL, the most Intel... Sting and ex , siting book ever published, embracing toe adventures of a woman In the Union Army u Name, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Teachers, ladles, energetic young men. and espesialll returned and disabled officers end soldiers, In want of profitable employment, will End it pecallerly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing SIR per month, which we will prove to any doubting appileant. Send for circulars. Address 3011111E1, BROS. &CO ,N. E corner SIXTH and MINOR Ste., Philadelphia, Pa. myBo-]m" AGENTS WANT ED FOR " THE SECRET SERVICE. THE FIELD, THE DUN °SOL .8:1D TAR sncA.PR. , BY ALUM' D. EICHANDSON; New York Tribune Correspondent. The mitt interesting and exalting book ever pub limbed, embracing Mr. Richardson's napara !Bled eg, patience for four years; travelling through the Boothia the secret service of the Tribune, at the outbreak of the war, with our armies and fiesta, both East and West, during the fret two years of the rebellion; his thrilling capture; hie congarment for twenty months In seven different rebel prisons; his °Nape, and almost maraca lone journey by night of nearly 400 Who. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, Incident, and romance of the war than any other work yet published. Teachers. Wise, energetic you anden, end espeslally returned and disabled pincers ol diers, in aWnt Of profitable employment, win end it peculiarly adapted to their tondition. We hays figflitil elearing WOOper month, width we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for &Ware. Address LOBES. BROS., & 00. , N. E. corner SIXTH and MINOR Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. jelli•lm BOY WANTED-A COLORED BOY between the mos of 18 and 18 wanted. Apply ha. ntedistely nt 618 LOOM' Street. je2•tf B taf 2 ITI AND WHEEL . W ANT ED . - OnIEY QUARTERMASTER.% Orrin, DEPOT or WASITtROTOIt. WARRINGTON, D. o.. June 22, 1865. Wanted, at once. to work in repairing the large num ber of wagon■ lately turned in at this depot. ODD HIIDDRED BLADICSMI rad ONE HUNDRED WHEELWRIGHTS. None brit good workmen wanted For particulars as to _pay,llS aPDIF to Brevet ea C. H. Tompkins. A. Q. M b. S. A., sorrier of Twenty second and G. street., Washington, D. 0. . . m, Brigadier antra awl carle H f laasytermast m er. jaket Depot. of Wal.bingtoa. P ARTNER WANTED, EITHER SILENT OB AOTIVIL IN A ROTEL IA THIS OITP, now tan of boarders, doings good paying bust nem. Location very central. Address je23-13t* J. O. BROWN, through the Post office. ASPECIAL PARTNER, WITH Sight or Ten Thousand Dollars, will be taken In a profitable Manufactaring Bombes% and security Riven forae money. Addrass "Manufacturer, " j at tali 0e27-130 TO CONVEYANCERS. - A YOUNG Man desires a position MI Copyist, or to do Writing of any kind. Writing Wok, plain, round and legible. aggress DENIM Press Office. ia26 520,000.- YOU NG ~ lar A ge ouseis eperie l a N ce: wilritEor invest this amount in some active and establisped nese. Address. stating nature of baldness, Expert. ease." Prom Office, je27-3i* $125 A MONTH.--AGENTS WANT ED everywhere to Introduc FAM I L Y mroved SHAW & CLARK TWBOiTY-DOLLAR SSW UACHISB. the only low•price mellitus in the country which 1$ lieensed by Urover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson; Howe, Singer k Co., and latikedet. All ether machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and veer are /tate to Jane and tinprittonment. Salary and expense., or large eommission. allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW & CLASH, Biddeford, Maine. mylo-d&WSzo $7O AMONTE.-I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a month, expense. paid, to sell FTYTBSIARTIOLSI3, th e beet selling ever offered. Full particulars free. Addreeto OTIS T. GABBY, Bidde ford, Maine. m7lO dacW3m BOARDIIV eta A PLEASANT ROOM, WITH Board, Is offered In a central location, for two Gentlemeo. ♦ddreea Box 2,811 P. 0. Jan fit* TWO GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE A BOOM, Hesood Story, with Breakfast and Tea, at 657 North TRITH Istreet, in a private family. ie27•at• TRANSIENT AN D PERMANENT Bulimia accommodated at NM Santa BROAD Street. • ie24.10t• VIRST-OLAt3B BOARD AT THE UNI TED STAVE EOM, 413 OMMJNUT @treat. One niattder h ody n f o t i mte i eOkember vacant. Charges no J3ar . Je22 et* FOR SALE AND TO LET. et FOR BALE, WITH POSSESSION, ma handsome RESIDENCE, Sixth street, above Vine, west sideonly $7,0(0. Alec., 620 Wood etreet, $6,002, Also. 1136 . Mount Vernon street. Also, Eleventh street, above Thompson, only 163,01 V. Also many others, lute eAd small. SAMUEL T Fox, Real Betata Agent r _ Je27-er MATH and WILLOW,. TO LET-AT RISING SUN VIL. LAGS. for the slimmer, a ten.roomed home, Mill' furnished. and desirably located. For particulars, apply or address 41 Booth FOURTH Street. je27 3t* WWEST PHILADELPHIA PRO. PERU" FOR SALE CHEAP —One of those spin• did brown-atone Residences. on Verty-second street, below the Baltimore Met and also one on Becket street, west of Porty-second, flaished In the beet win ner. with all the modern Improvements, and adjoining the new Park. Apply ontne premises lathe afternoon, or to CHARLES D. SUPPLEE, Do. 710 Donn NM PERM Street, 1e7.4-9t* ern WO RENT—A. FUSNI $ll E D mial. Country House, near the Zsgla Station, Pennsyl vania Railroad. UM-R*3 Unit 337 WALNUT St el FOR SALE—VERY LOW, WITH 818 - 8 immediate possession. delightful four story DWRI , LIDO, brown stone first story. 120 16,210 Berth BROAD Stied Lot 22 by 2,0 feet B. F. GLIM 123 South 70IIIITH Bt.. 2e24 or 8. W. eor. 88V118 MIMS and GUAM eg, FOR BALE-MALL DWELLING, M . 736 MINIM Street. Neat Cottage—Lot 18 by 72 Terme very easy. Store and N W. oor 19th and Callowhill. Neat Cottage. 1434 Wallace Street. Neat Dwelling, 537 North Twenty second Street, south side Coates, west Eighteenth. B. 1' SIIJENN. 153 South FOURTH St.. je24 or SW. cor SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. /IBCAPE ISLAED.-" THE PHIL A.- DILPHIA. HOUrE," at Cape Island, will be sold at a great traertgee. or rented to a good tenant or party for the stamen jai B . F. sygpfly, ixa Bonn. FOURTH Street. lei 700 ACRES SPLENDID PASTURE, ...11.well watered. for Rome and Maleeen he Oh. butted Vineyard Berm, late "Reybold'e berate," 0011 one mile from Delaware City, and forty miles from Philadelphia. Address . JOHN a. niusbrir, ie2S.tit Do/aware City, Del. TO LET-TWO ROOMS ON SECOND floor of 330 Harmony Mime. Apply on the Pri3. MUM It* LOST AND FOIIND. j.OI3T—ON THE 26Ta OF JUNE, A AA Gold DIABONIC MAIM. A liberal reward will be raid for Its return to W. A. W. 112012, No. 220 North DILAWASE Avenue. lie PERSONAL. SA. A LETTER AWAITS B. W. R. AT THIS °MOS. REMOVALS. 1 E M 0 V A I, • - • G C 0 . W. WA T SON & CO. kayo removed their CARRIAGE lINCOSITORI to their oldplace . Co. 1319 CHASTEUr Street (ands, Concert Ba li), where they will keep a stock of Carriage. of their own mako, an will resolve orders for every doecription of Iret-olass work. JIII/11 7. ISM. je7.3ai REMOVAL. WILLIAM TAIIMALI. Hu letnovad from to. 1020 to Mo. 113111 OHM. NUT Street, S. E. corner of THIBTEINVI Street. Where he invites the Attention of housekeepers. ant those sommenehtg housekeeping, to his extensive is sortment of useful. NOVA YIIIMISHINO GOODS, Superior Refrigerators. Table (lottery, Family Jul Wire. Chlldreu's Carriages, he., he. apt{-Inn ADMIRAL DUPONT.-THE friends and admirers of the lamented Admiral eau obtain One I'ICM Eb—lmperlat and (Win. de visite— taken from Life,at F. 4IITZIEUI 8r S. VA ABC S 'West. 3,27.61 s 001/10114176 WENDELL. WILLIAMIL Wen t Late Public , 'hinter. Late Chief Olerk Bab. Dep. WENDELL a WATSON PROSIOUTE CLAIMS BEFORE EVERY DEPART. MINT 01 THE GOVERNMENT. Moe Rooms, No. NIS PENNSYLVANIA Avenue. Directly opposite the Metropolitan Rotel, ies.lm P. O. Box i 69, Washington, D.C. AffcCANDLBSI3 & SMITH, mu- hum vfItEGAR FACTOR% BROAD ADD PRIME EITBEETE. Constantly on hand and for sale a large stook of MALT and WIRTZ WINE VIREOAR—a new article of mann future in this country, made by the Celebrated English process, and used exelasively for Pickling in Europe. All sales warranted free from impurities and chemi eals. Orders Rued promptly to all Puts of the country. AGEE N. L. B. GAMMON, N.. 1 2 ' Walnut street. Philadel phia. PITT & WAITE. WO. 4 Exchange Plage, Baltimore. CHEIETIAB LEA & CO,, Itioluxiond V*, E. W. aornm &co . Newham, B. b. iele•sm THE CHEAPEST FRUIT JARS IN • the market—Quart comae Jars yea per doz., ewe plete. HARTILL & LHWORTH. No. 16 North FIFTH Street, ono No. 531 MINOR Motet. leM-Im FRUIT JARS.--WE ARE NOW SE M ing the "HARTILL ALL GLASS JARS" at baton,- the-war "dim. RARTSIA a Lyres woßra. No 15 North FIFTH( Street, and .h23-Im No. 521 MINOR Street. THE ASHLAND HOUSE, FOURTH AVBSWE ALM TW EN TY - FOURTH UTNNNT, NEW YORK OITY, Becentlp eslsrged and ildPfdredr is now °Pen for transient as well as Pennanent boarders a nd hone IS Mutated on Ore Of the peasentest avenues. Cud Wesel blo to all places of amusement and business by oars cod stages. Onsets will dad all the sohyealences and Qom forte of a superior for abileb went, with an exeelleut in. ble. Trasment boom . per dsy, WM H OE KIRK Proprietor. IL Ti —Families who desire rooms for the summer will make earl, application. To desirable parties ad vantageous 1.4/111. b Will be offered. jag 3tt -- - OSHUA. T. OWEN, ATTORNEY M 6017,11811LL0111 AT LAW. AID sworn% pi manly. ton. D. 13. Ole. 1151 Z Filitist. Neat Foarteenth street sabing gallres AMVSEMENTEL MRB. MIN -DRAW'S NEW ARCH STRUT THIEF= FIBAT WISK OF PERES DRZW. To.ziour, I.llllsDaY, Jane 2740. 1.885. THE flpt EIRIONART. O'br7sE (with sup, DRAW, To gentled, w the great Herleutitt of ALADDIW, OR THE WONDERFUL. LAMP. The Widow 'weaker.... tem." W »FRAM HE. FRIDkr, BENEFIT OF FIaINK DREW. NEW OHEBTLUT•STREET TIMM, COTTON & MURPHY'S lIMNSTWILIif. 8/TUTEES STAR PEEFORMIES. BEN OuTTON, The inimitable Comedian. JOE MUSPHY, The Champion Bona Player Nor SONGS. NSW J"'KES. NEW BURLESIIIIES. NEW ACTS, MONDAY Nolo, inlie 26th. jamszyma stroHEIM BVIARY WHISK. pronfnipeell the PAM anti reme to be the bed verily., fryer oraatillid. INTIZETAIRMENTIfiIe i g, 4511CIINAL,-Aire DON'T FAIL TO SRN THE oIiAMPION MOTIFS ON exieraA. Je2l•l3t FAIRMOUNT WATERWORKS (w•IBE BRIMS). AFTIII4IIOOB DO84:11811 EVERY DAY, trom 4 to 7 o'olook, by 11/1881,68 GRAND MILITARY BAND programmes of KW, lamed daily. The Arch. - -.. Vine and Oallowhill Street Cars roll direct to the place. 61 ACADEMY OF FIND AAII3 I lOW Bt.reat. above Tenth'—Open from A M. WI 6F. Benianith W6st 'a gnat Nature of (M/lIST RS. JECTED BWI on exbibitton. JoiS COMMISSION HOUSES. HAZARD & HUTCRINBON, AGENTS FOR. THE SALE OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, 112 CHESTIMT St'REST. ruiperna.raz., AND 103 READS ISITSSRT, NSW Ir OEM 303.0111 LEGAL. T N TUB ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF YHILLDHLPHIL. Reate of EICHARD The Auditor appointed• by the court to audit, mettle. and adjust the account of WILLIAM PARKER Pot Jinn, executor of the will of ELINIARD PARltalf. FOULKE deceaned, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the Parties Interested, for the purposes of hi. arrainteAnt, 011 Nyisml6epa4, Jul, sth 1965, .110 o'clock A. K bin °Zee, 120 South SIXTH Stott. in the eiyy of rat. Aftelphin. Jl, TuomenuPzi, Auditor, Je2l tuthadt UNITED STATES, EASTERN DI& TRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIE—SoI. WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States for said District, proceeding in it libel filed in the name of the l'nited States bath decreed that all pemona *the claim to have any interest in the steamer BEATRICE. bet Lanka!, apparel, cud furniture, and the cargo and hiding thereof, captured on the iigh ease—to wit: is Charleston harbor, off Sullivan's Island—by the Kaats• kill. a vesrel.of war of the United States, under com mand or Lieutenant Commander J. L. Barrett, be sioniated and cited, Therefore, ail persons who claim to hays any Interest in the said steamer Beatrice and caw ace monitthed and cited to appear before the Judge of the said court, at the city of Pt Had elphia, on the T WENTIETH DAY after publication hereof, to show cause why the said steamer Beatrice end cargo should not be pronounced to belong. at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies oe the United States and therefore, or otherwise, liable to condemnation aslawful prize. The above is as abstract of the monition Maid by theocrat in the said cense. WILLIAM ItILLWARD, II 3 Marahal D. Do, o: Penna. PIIILADELPIR6 lone 28, 188 S ieW HANDNI, AND HAYDN 800131" VB JAMUL BROD/MOD TO ATLANTIC CITY, THURSDAY, July S, 1886, jel•tbstn tR BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAIL ROAD. TWO THROUGH NORTHERN CON NECTIONS DAILY, LUTE P. AND T. R. N. KINSINGTON DEPOT AT 7.30 A. K. LID 3 30 P. N. Oteruneetleg directly through to EASTON, 11AM GAP, WILKESBLEEN. BOBABITO/4 GREAT BEND. BUFFALO. AND TEM °mutt WOOL Through Tiokela geld and Baggage Chalked to ell principal gelato North and West. je94m W. H. BATUMI, Aunt. EXCURSIONS TO LONG BlANOll.—Ttatne for Lone Branch will leave Cooper's Point. GAUDIN., dilly thunday• excepted.) at 9,15 n. Fare $5. Ix enreton tickets. Mit Isir three dam $3. Satre t:.in ott Saturdays at 4.30 P, nettstatar. all'We at nalain at 930 1. K. Monday. , B COL& AMA. 3020 2m Camden. worimmki EXCURSIONS BY mums]) TO OATS NAT. TO ATTEND. THE SALE Or 811/t,DING LOTS, BY If. Taos( as St ,EIGNEI, On the 29th, 29th, and 90th days of Jane, as per bills. llxoursion Tickets good to go by any Train, on any of the above days. will be sold. for $5, and will be good to return on any train, to and Taoinding the 6.20 and It A. M. trains of 1110/2Dalt, Jni y On the above days Trains will leave from the foot of WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, it 8.30 aIL and 2 33 P. IL From Gape Ma 7At6 30 A Id. Mid P find on and after SATURDAY. .Ittly let, additional Uproots Trains will be added. leaving Cape Kay at 8 A 21 and Philadelphia at 4.30 P. At. Bunning time, three hone, J. VAN Superintendent. atATAMS_RPHRATA A. N D LIYIZ SPRINGS, VIA WWI. ING AND. COLUMBIA RAILROAD, CLOSE CONNECTIONS AT READING. On aad after MONDAY, Jane 12th, paesengere for BEADlNGprings will leave the PHILaDELPHIA. AND RAILROAD DBPOT. THIBTEBNTH Wad oALLOWHILL Streets, at 8 A, IL and IMP. IL, ar riving at Nahreta at 12.25 and 7.23 P. M.. and at Chia at 1 and 7.65 P. hi. BITUBBILBO. Leave Wiz at SIS A M. and 2 15 P, M., and lobrais at 8.42 A M. and 244 P. St arriving in Philadelphia at Lt 46 and 7 06 P. IL Jell-llt PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD —Excursion Tickets at $3 85 each to EPHRATA and LIVE and back. good from July lea to Bth. 18.55 resconger Depot, THIRTEENTH and CAL. LOWNILL. JOHN. WELCH, M27.8t General Ticket agent. CAMDEN AND AT. LANTIC RAILROAD.—Three Traits delis to Atiantie ally, and OM OA &mall , Trains leave Vine-street Ferry as follow*: Mail nabs , , . „ • ••••••• 1 1. SO A. M. M Freight, with Passenger Oars ulched, A. Atlantic P. 11. Junction Acc0mm0datt0u—................ --.4.30 P. A. RETURNING, LEAVE ATLANTIC. Atlantie 47 A. IIL Freight, with Passenger Oars attached...... 11.47 R Nail Train« . ..... . ..... • •H. ••••• 4..4. 95 P. BL Junction Accommodation • •• •• »«6.78 A. Fare to Atlantic 62. Excursion Tickets, good oils for the day and train on which they are termed, U. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Vine-street Ferry at 7.30 a. Returning leaves Atlantic at 9.44 P. M. BATtigi. HADDODIFI3I.I) TUAII6I3 Lean Tilee-street Perry at 10.14 M. and Ll 6 r. 71, Leave Haddonfield still. 46 A. Id and. 2.46 N. B.—Freight must be delivered at Coover a routt before 6 P. M. to insure ttegoing down the next day. =he-Stair JOHN Q. BRYANT. Agent. ammo OB BAP AND PLEA SANT BUMMER TRAVEL CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AMC NA AIM( AND DELAWARN BATBaII:ROAD. oaANOIS OF TIMIL CAMDEN. TO NNW YORK AND LONO SWIM On and after MONDAY, Jane 19, the Bxerses Train will leave (loaner's Point, Camden, daily (EltiadatA 4111. cepted) at 9.10 A. lE_, for Tuckerton, Baronial. TOW, Blear, Manchester. Bergen, agusnicam. Farmingdale. Shark Elver, Long Branch, Branch port, Oceanport, Eatontown, Shrewsbury. Ited Bank, Middleton/A.olth. lands, and Port Monmouth; thence to Mew York, hi the splendid steamer " Jesse Hort " Through to rieW York in five hours. Fare Si. Excursion Tickets, good for three dark _ - On eaturday at extra train for Long B ranc h will leave Camden at 431 P 11. detnrning, leave Load Branch at 696 A. M. Monday, striving at Wide* 9.10 A. M. jell CATA COMPAINI len—Nal:union Beason of IL Lake Ontario. I. spiel's , " Elva, The Thousand Wands, Portland, The Rapids of St. Lawrence White Moostalroh River, Banton Springs, am , Re.; Montreal, an., &a. b Quebec, e , &a, Ticket. for th• above /incursions. wbiolt hays boot so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Public, by various routs' to Migrant Palle, for We at the CAVA-WINS/ RAILROAD TIMM OFFIOIL 4SIA Oheetunt INN% Rage Philadelphia Dank, when foil information be Ten. R. Alt HORN, Pompom Agent, jem.,ted *55 ORKSTNOT Street, WISS& RAIL/30A/3 Y. —To Tontiats and Trot.. a el r ei r . TO PLEASURE SEEKERS. FOE I. iEll SUPIOIIOII., One of the new and magnificent Steamers DIETIOR AND PEWABIO, WM leave OLSVELAND, Ohio, every SIONDAT # at r• ILI and DE'ritom, .litabigan, every TUBSDALI• areas . mid Fort Simla. al ,IS Fo real cnotroMt and Pleasure 110&KO oilperlorn Is unequalled on this continent. The best apse trout" fishing in the world: end nowhere ban that In. valid realize such substantial benefit as In the fool, dry. and Invigorating climate of Lake Superior, It le also th e cheapest tile offered. being only about Mrs* and one-halt cents per mile. wnloh includes state rooms and meals. For information, or *snoring of rooms, apply to CLIME NON & 00.. Cleveland, Ohlo, J T. WHITING & GO, Detroit, KWh. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, SALIIIPAOTITAIII OP VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. the largest sad lust wertaeat ti the elty at the owed soh edam. STOI2 BLOM ItADI AID IMITSILIUN pew UM Wad =BAN and eludes. ape -Rim HAVANA CIGARS.—A GOOD 'VA RIETY oonitnntly in store and bond at lona sash ratan & IPUOMM & SOS& mv,l•Em+ Jo. Mb south 710111 T stmt. 8A 1: 1 1 3 11 6. E li= BURCILLR.PROOP Rationalßank and Ifereanfile Safes, house Safes free from dampness. Seiond nand Safes et other makes at greatly mbar& mime. IMAMS & fire.TtiOrt, salamander Safe Store No, 10 Opso.ix voinvra Streit. WRITTEN AND VERBAL Di fintiMentairmittar M nt* c. .01, n 1,4 of OILILDELL WNW adaptationA # l. • and aveninS. Phrs noi Jogis &D im r oall-hithilyif No. •f B. TAPT`Hia...I... a:0 6w NATIONAL FLAGS I—A LARGN stook of Dentine Fla[s,•of the beet material, all shoe, with poles, for sale at low prifiell, At the CUPIDS &we of waf . ROLIff , /if g• oozier litinlTH Uld MARKiE MARSHAL'S BALE.-BY VMTILIE of a mitt of tale by the Hon. /MIN CAD WALL. DB% Judge or the District Court of the y UMW States, In and for the Eastern district of Pennslvania, in Ad.. miraltr to me directed. will be sold at Pantie Sal + ,. he the highest and best bidder. for cash, at .1111OHNNIN'11 WORN. No. 3.47 Borth FRONT Street, on MONDAY. July 10,1866, at 11 o'elock A. If., the cargo of steamer steamer Beattie% 000e4sting of Alcohol, in barrels; Ale. in battles; Clint, in bottleet miscellaneous Minors, in bottles!, one cue of Madeira; fancy Flannels, Tweeds. Bstisetth,_ Blankets. Canto,. , Chintzes, Ladies' Under. shirts, Wolien belt hose, Hedy. made Clothing, In• djoo, and other Kellam. as Breathed to oittatogaes W1L1,104 HILLWIHD 'United Steen Marahll It D. of Boineyinpit PHILADIMPRIAL JIMA lA. OW 10$ UR TO COIN OOLLEOTORE3.-THS COINS to be AGM 1n Vela York on the 99th Instant can be exatelnrd TO MORROW till o'etook, and oin TUESDAY Olt 2 o'olook r. M.. itt EDWARD ON OAR'S Mom No IS North TINTO Street. Mae JeNl.llO VULCANITE JEWELRY.'- 'ARGUN assortment of BLACK sod GOLD aswlLWlr. Js -12 t• W. IDLIOI. South LAMM me.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers