SPECIAL NOTICE*. tkb UhYiJBIHN 8 Beavb. a „ T*« B4B» or TOW»» BliS. 7 h „„ w idle» horn* WM •Oh' h«ro bind, when U fowl Tie so'’’* ‘ oil ‘ 10 al !. ,>#To • v , IDT mell he applauded not, T jud xlory’s 1* he«d no mere. -ffltb weloome full, M deep we gue Upon tout faees, battle-worn, A, on tboeo men of other day* Br Whom our flu »» first up-horne. •pinet uo those white - haired Tl>'«» wn, Who, ere their latent made had ms. Bay* lived to tee their , The eonntrr which their valor won • Hay eomforte now he round y® n “ Bt ' he certain a. roar bnaht renown. hauhe fotaw’e jure to crown. War from yoa he the .hill dietreee Teat do,, from porertr arise, indnerenneryoa lack each dreea ““ good and oaanp, the Tower supplies I All hinds, stales, and sites <l f clathing.men’s youths' and boas'. all grades, from medium to superfine. Al though onr salee an large and rapid, we hare a fall end complete assortment, new and fashionable, which j, being replenished dally. Oar prices, being hand upon the lowest market rates of tho season, an lower Panfhe Umestelse ttftdW. AnexamUetto““’J'"* 1 - HO. #lB MaBKBT Stmt BBHKfiirdtCO. f Life, Growth, and Beauty to the Hair -BBS. 8 A. ALIBH’S WOULD’S HAIR BB3TOBSB AHD DBE6BISG. Try It. .«»,« Sold by all DrnggUte. Cebtificate— Pboof Positivb.^J^^^ StitOt £8 CrT<iff Hair to #8 Naturnl Color, S • V jimsw th HAi¥ Saft, olossy and Luxuriant, jfTuerUtous and Entirely Ytf&able. Steps the Scalp Glean , Cool,' and Healthy. Does not Stain the Skin or Soil Anything. "London” "London” greatest "BatrCoiorßeetorer * ‘London ” discoyfkt ”EairCo'or Restorer ” "London” of the age. ‘‘•HairColor Restorer.” "London” lf Hair Color Reetorer.” Pb. Swaykb ft Sob: Some six years a so I bee an to loie my hair, and continued to do so uatU the scalp |HCBmeasb»reasthe palm of my band troubled also Vltb A disagreeable itching, fever* great heat, and dandruff; ama 1 puetule* would form, qolte sore to the touch] tnd the rematnlnc portion of the hair on the side and beck of my bred Warns quite gray. AftOf arinj a number of reitoiative* (w called), without tuccess* and my heed nearly dertitnte of hair, I reluctantly commenced ueisgthe M London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing.' 1 Vow, candor and justice compel me io say to all that through Us ue« I now possess a new and beantt/ulgrowth of hair, completely restored to ita original dark and glossy appearance, and I Ten tare the assertion the world furnishes no preparation equal to (bis; and Ido conscientiously say to all who are gray, or bald, hair dry and harsh, or falling, to use at onoa this cleanly and delightfully perfumed article. I6AAO L. MABSHALL, Gunner U. S R. f 830 Leonard street, Philadelphia. Priefl, 75 cents; six bottles,o4. Sold by Dr. SWATSB ft BOA, 330 North SIXTH Street, Above Tine. It French China! French China! HERB’S CHINA hall. Inst received, per Ships Eliza Tonne and Oonrtaalla, a Urge assortment of extra fine French China Dinner#. Waie, selected with great care by my own agent, ex pressly for fami’y use, from tbe best factories io France, and, being bought for cash there , I am enabled to sell it cheaper and give a better article than any other house in this city. Persons in want of French China will And at this establishment a larger and better as sortment than can be found elsewhere, and at whole tale prices Call and examine th e goods and priees for yourselves. JAMES K. KBBB. It Chinn Hell, &SQ OHISTJSUt Streak Thb Phosnix Pectoral will cube youb COUGH. It isprepared only by LEVI OBEEHOLTZBB, H. D., a reputable physician of PhmnUviUe Pa., and la sold atibe Wholesale Agency, Ho 33 Worth SIXTH Street, and by nearlyevcry Druggist and country Store keeper. - my27-t4t* Soapstone griddles abb used with- OUT grease, and therefore do not fill your house with, an unpleasant smoke. A variety of sizes of these, and of Iron ones, an i cake paddles and cake pans, for sale by TBUMAR ft SHAW, Ho 835 (Sight Thirty, five) RAREST Street, below Ninth. It Patent Dog Muzzles ABB LIGHTER and leas irksome to the dog. For calf, with those of the usual kind, and a variety of collars and chains, by TRUMAN ft SHAW, 80. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) BASKET Btreet, below Ninth. It Bargains in Clothing t Bargains in CLOTHING I Babgaiss ik Clothing ! Bargains nr Clothing] Babgainb ik Clothikdl Barqainb ik Clothing! Bargains ik Clothing! Bargains ik Clothing! Offered by Perry.ft Co., OFFBBEP BT-Peebt Jx. Co., Offered by Punnv ft Co.* Offered by Pee&y ft Co. , Ho. 303 Chestnut Street, above Third, Ho. 609 Cbssskut Street,(GRANVILLE STOKBS* Old Stand,) AndB.fi. Cor. Seventh and VarkstSts (JONES 1 ) Jfesars. Ferry ft Co. have undoubtedly the largest stock of mdy.made Clothing, and finest variety of styles now presented to the public in this city. Their stock is sew, bought at the lowest rates, got up In the belt manner, and sold at Wonderfully Low Pricks. Wonderfully Low Psioaa, Wonderfully Low Pbiobs. Wonderfully Low Priobs. Otur friends and the public are invited to call and examine for themselves, and b© convinced that it la to their advantage to deal with ns. 49" Attention is also called to OtTR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Ou* Custom Department, Our Custom Department, Our Custom Dspartmbi*t, Oua Custom Dbpartmbitt, In connection with each establishment, where we have constantly on hand All the Latbst and Best Styles, All the Latest and Best Stiles, All tbs Latest and Best Styles, All the Latest and Best Styles, And can guarantee to.our customer* entire satisfac tion in every respect. Ao. 3C3 Chestnut Street, . Above Third. 80. 609 Chestnut Street, (GBjJTVTLEiB STOEBS’ Old Stand ) And S. B. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts., (JOJTBS’.) Pbrry A Co. Perry A Co. Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ CLOTHING. Boy*’ Clothing, Boys’ Girthing, Boya f Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothlnf, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’Clothing, Boys’Clothing, Boys’Clothing, Bob’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing. In every variety. In every variety, In every variety. In every variety, In every variety. In every variety. In every variety. In ever) variety,. In every variety. In every variety, In even variety. In every variety. At fi. L. Halloweli & Son’*, At H. L. -Halloweli & Son’s, At H. L. Halloweli ft Son’s, At H. L. Halloweli ft Son’s, AtH. L. Halloweli & Son’s, At H. Iu Halloweli ft Son’s, 534 Market street. 684 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street 634 Market street, 634 Market street 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 584 Market street, 634 Msrket street. SPECIAL NOTICE. —We Lave the largest and best as* •cried stock of Head? made Boys’ Clothing la the city, cutln the latest styles, and made in thebept manner. H. L. HALLOWELK & 805, S3* MARKET Ssreet A Eat? of Hope—To weak, debili tated Dyspeptics, groaning tmder a life of agony, we offer PLANTATION BIT TBRS as a good and sure remedy. This remarkable medi cine relieves Sour Stomwh, Headache, Heartburn, Distress after Sating, and all the symptoms of Dya !Mpeia, at once. Its good effect Is felt upon the first trial. Plabtatioh Bitters are the pleasantest tonic In the World. Tbs old. the young, and the middle aged acknow iedjt their wonderfal health* giving power. Sochengeofdletisneoesß&ry while using them. Sat fill yon wa&t Of the best yon can g«t. Plantation Bitters are estAuaied Nature’s groat ■Restorer. They give tone to the Stomach, and brilliancy io tie Mind, end driving away “ ■ ■■■ the doubts that roll Cimmerean darkness o'er the fainting soul [” 2*3-86.61 TO PROVE IT, TRY A BOTTLE. J ONES’, THE LOWEST BBIUSQ PBIOB is marked in fiiures on each article, and nsvsb vasikd. AT JONES’ Crescent One-price CLOTHING HOOSB, MARKET BTB6BT, above sixth. Mo 604. 49* Prices reduced to salt the times. A fine assortment of BBADY-MADB CLOTHING, -suitable for all masons, constantly on hand. Custom- work made to order at short notice. [mh9-3m Arms Itch, Tetter, Scald Head, Salt 2HBUH, RIBQWOSM, ALL ESTTPTIOBB. ,4 Z>r. Hwayne'a Allays all Ointnunt.” "Ihr Svxiyne'a Itcbino Ointment ** "Dr. i^'waynt'a at okob. Ointment 1 ' No case so obstinate or long standing it will not care. VS, 6WAYNE & SOU, 330 North SIXTH street. It Colgate’s Honey Soap. Tito celebrated TOILET SOAP, In .neb nntoeml d«- Aand, 1b made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD rod EMOLLIENT in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCBBTED, ud EXTSEMiLT BENEFICIAL to Its no !ion upon the Skin. For e»le by All Drautati »nd ***** Goods dealers. lei!8-tuthsly Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. SALTBHEDM. (OINTMENT) BALTBHEOH. Will mre the Itoh In 48 honr.. Alio, enres Salt Rhenm, mcers. Chilblains, end , u Braptions of the Skin! *riee 60 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS * p.ir. JEK, BOSTON, Mass., will he forwarded free by mall. For solo by All Druggists. • mhlB-«m ISEESig} OHICKBKING’S Pianos—Jim t! STnag.OOO SOLD.—Sow WiMMOms.fl Kill Entrance to Art Gallery, #l4 CHESTNUT Street. SM4-28t* WM. H. DUTTON. fffffl George Steck & Co.’s akd mason a havluts Pmrn „ CABINET ORGANS. lootm . 0787 600 each of these fine C LBINRT PUan {jMjniuente have been sold by ORGANB T‘»RTki and the demand is coa- OsBISBT Piana stantjy increasing ORGiNg FoETsr For only by CABINET „HABo J. E GOULD. 08GAN8 FOfiTsL be VEHTH and CHESTNUT Sts. CABINET *• noSO-tf ORGANS. “Fast Day” with poor Jjbff, Now J-ff le fMt, Ahdeuadetlart ladde of Fort Monroe; In strong eu.iutu He’ll have to watt Until he’. called to (0. The good time lb bur clothing has come at last, and people from all unarters are improving it ty making their purchases. We still have a good anortmsnt, and the piiee. are ao low that all can easily count the dif ference between war aid peace. Come and examine for yourself. WAfIAIUKBK A BROWN, OAK HALL, It 8. B. corner STXIH and MARKET Streets HABGN AYES—Q-REENH 41,'JH —ln this city, on the 26th Instant, in the First Oongregattonal Chapel, by the Rev. D. L. Gear, Cornelius H*r graves, of Fall River, Mass,, and Mary Greenhalgh, ol Plliada. _ * ULMER—EINN —ln Lee, Maes., on the 26th Inst., by the Rev. N. Gale, D. D.. William A. Ul mer, ot Philadelphia, and Agues H. Ltnn, youngest daughter of Geo. W. Linn, Esil , of tho former plsoe. * f PHILLIPS—CLAYTON.—On the 25th Inst., by 'Friends’ Ceremony. Robert R. Phillips to Marla L, daughter of Jacob E. Clayton, all of Phllada. * CUNNINGHAM.—On the 26th Inst., at Trenton, John H. Cunningham, Is the 421 year of his ago. l)oe notice ot tho funeral will bo given. *»» SMITH.—On the llih Inst.. Robert Newton, youngest son of Henry L and Catharine Smith, eged 7 years and 6 days. * BRlDGE.—Suddenly, on the 26th Instant, of dis ease of the heart, Mr. James C. Bridge, In the 83d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, No. 1302 Vine street, on Tuesday next, tho 30th Instant, at 10 o'clock A- M. *** wildman—On the 26th Inst., Lorlng Petroo, son of John K, and Hannah P. Wildman, aged one year and three mont ns. Funeral at 2 }i P. M. on the 28th, 1603 Wallace street. * “Hair Color R* storer. * ’ STERLING—On Friday, the 26th, Ellon H. Sterling. The friends of the family are respeotfnlly Invited to attend the funeral, from her mother’s Tesldenoe, No. GO High street, Burlington, New Jersey, on Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, without farther notleo. ~ . ** PLEASANTS.—May 24th, at the residence or his brother, Dr. Henry Pleasants, R<tdnor, Delaware county. Pennsylvania, Charles Pleasants, of Sun bnry, Pennsylvania, aged 68 years. Interment from his late residence In Snnbnry, on Saturday, the-27th Instant, at 1 p. M. * PLEASANTS—Was killed,on the 6th of" May, 1864, at the .battle of the Wilderness, Cnarles I. Pleasants. FlflraLleutenant, 11th Regiment, U. S. I , aged 24 years and s months, son of the late Charles Pleasants, Of Snnbnry, Pa, * * CHESTER.—At WaehinKtop, D. C., on the 23d Instant, Rev. William Chester, D. D. Funeral from No.< [ll4 Clinton street, Philadel phia, on:.Saturday morning, the 27th Instant, at 10 o’oloelL r 'r *** SHARPLESS.—FUth: month 24th, Mary Offlley Sharpless-In the TSd.year ol her age. Her relatives and lriends, and those of the family, are respectfully Invited to attend hor funeral, with out further notice, from her late residence, Haddon field, New Jersty, on Seventh day, 27th lust., at 2 o'clock P. M. Interment at Friends’ Burying Ground at Newton. Train for Haddontteld leaves Vinastraet wharf at IP. M. Carriages Will be pro vided at the house * ** WILDMAN.—On the s?m lest., Lorlng PCIfCS, son of John K. and Hannah P. Wildman, aged one year and three months. ** RLACK ENGLIBH GRENADINES.— L' just received, a ca*e of Black Euviisb Grenadine*, at 40 cents a vard. BEBSOH ft SON- Hoarninc Store, 918 CHBSTNUf Street. One price. Prices in plain figures. taylO CLACK CHALY DE LAINE.—JUST ™ opened, one caw ofplain blackCh&lyde Lalnes at S7K «enU a j ard. BBSBUN ft Si»H, Uourainc Store, 918 CaBSTaUT Street. One price Price* in plain figures myls WHITE SHAWLS, BEST ASSORT VT JBEBT I» TOWN. Puts While Barege Shawls. Pure y* hue Bernai*ia *a. Pure White Shetland da Pure White Tbyet Silk Prinre. my )fl tr EYRE ft LftNDELL. KS* FIBST COS GREGATION Als CBURCH. Eg ad and MONTGO fiiEET Avenue, Her. D. L GEAR, Pnator. Preaebins at K& A. M And 73j P. M Services will also be held TBUKnDaY MORNING, June Ist, atlO£ o’clock. Alt are invited. It tSa* LOGAN MtV&KE PRESBY •SBf TEEiAN GiiUBCH, TWANXIETH and VINE Streets. —Preaching, by the Bev. G W MaCXCH, of. Jdams, ». T, to-morrow MORNING, at in«. and Evening at Ijj o^lcck;• . u* ST. MATTHEW’S UJTHEBAW I®’ OBDBOH, NEW Street, belowFoarib* betweea Bsee and Vine Services by the pastor- Rev B W. BUTTER, TOMORROW (Sunday) HORNING, 10>£ o’clock. Evening *ertice commences % before S It" ygg* GBREN-STREBT M- E. CHURCH » (GREEN, above Tenth), Rev. THOMAS A FBBNLBY will preach in tbie Church on SiDßWfi MORNING next, &t 10 H ‘'’clock, and Bev. SasOSL IRWIN in the evening, at 7>»,o’clock. It* KJS* FIRST REFfOBHED HUTCH 1® CHURCH, SEVENTH and SEEING GARDEN Streets. Hev. J H sUYDAH, Pastor.—Service* at 10>£ o’e ock A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M It* THIRD BEFORIIED DUTCH V 3& CHDKCH, corner TENTH and FILBBRTSte.— R*V. J. H. YOUNG -will preach in t»ls Ctaurah TO MORBOW. Service at 10K A, M and 4F. M. It* KH* CHURCH OF THE NSW TESTA- V 3& MhNT, HLBVBNTfI and WOOD Sts.-Preach-' ins by the Pastor, T. H. STOCKTON, SABBATH AF TERNOON, 3)4 o'clock. Ciii2ens and Strangers cordl ally invited. h* ■GST* SWEDENBOKGIAN-COBNER OF of BROaD and BRANDYWINE streets Ser mon by Rev. B F. BARRBTt TO MORROW HORS IBGon “The Doctrine of Heaven concerning the Dl vine Order in Hainan Society, * * Pablio invited. It* I®* OPES AIR PREACHING BT W'*s’ Bey, Dr. IRWUKJS on lot adjoining Academy of UtIhUBDNDAT AFTERNOON at 0 ocioclt ItwOA&er la unfavorable in the Doming in the roar of the lot, li* fiKtST* BET. ALFRED COOK MAN WILL Preach at the Wagner Institute, sbves- TPEBTB Street, abnve Columbia Avenue, HOW (Sabbath) AFTERNOON, at o’clock. Seats free to all. It* •ST* CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL W®* CHURCH, CONCERT HALL. Bev EDWARD BA WES. paator, will preach TO-MORBO Wat 10>4 A. M. and 7# P. M. The pnbllc are cordially invited. It* §33THE ENDING OF THE PRO PBEHC PERIOD IN 18G? AND THB MANI FBSTATIOB OF THE GLORY OF GOD-Subject of disceuise, SUNDAY, by W, LARGaRL, of Ohio, 10# A M., at the Ball corner of NINTH and haLLOW- B1LL; at 3% P. M., at Hall corner of MARRED and MERRICK. and at ?# P. If,, at Hall corner ol BIN ?9 and bPRIBG GARDEN. It* BEY. A. COOK MAN WILL PREACH W? in the UNION V. B. CHURCH, To* MoRROW MORNING, at luK o’clock, and Kev. J. P. CHAPLAIN in the EVENING, at % toS o'clock - |t* BET. JAMES NEILL WILL §3? preach in the SrfilUQ GARDEN STREEP 31. B. CHURCH TO-MORROW, at 10# A. M., and Bev. ALFRED COOKMaN, Paator, 7% o clock P. M- it* §3B"* IS THEBE ANYTHING TO BE ■3P gained bv being a rjdßieTun?-Rev. H. S HOFFMAN, TO-MORROW, SP.M., Hall, SIX PH and QIBaBD Avenoe. Strangers welcome, It* rSP 1 PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND i® MISSION SOCIETY-The nineteenth meeting in behalf oi this Society, will be h>ld In 8t Lnke's Lutheran Church, FOURTH, above G EaSD Aveaae, on SABBATH RVENIuG, 28:h Instant, at S o’clock. Rev. H.. M. Blckte, Rev. Wui. Pblliips, Rev F, Hen* diicks will address the meeting Public invited. It* KSP> YOUNG MEN’S CHBISUAM A6SOCIATION. —Regalar Monthly Meeting of Ihe Asiociation will be h«id o» MONDAY KYKNING »r»t, May 29, at the Rooms, 1009 ft<*4 1011 GHUhr* NUT Street Delegates to the Team Annuel Cvnvoti tlon will be elected. All are invited» It* I®* OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. _ May 26.1865 Notice Is hereby given to all Merchants, Bhippars, Manufacturers, and Refiners of PETROLEUM, BSS ZJNB. nBPZOLB, NaPhTHA. and to all others deal ing tLereWitb, that the provisions of sn act for the bbvter etcnTi’Y of the city of PhUadeipbla from daa g-ie Incident t » the refioing, or improoer and ae«Ut«ut storage of the said articles cf merchandise, -will, by the terms of said lavr, take effect from and alter the *BCOND DAY OF JUNE NfiX-T, and thet the restric tions and requirements of the said act, and of that sup plementary ti ereto, will bs rigidly enforced. By order of the Mayor. ALAXA9DEB W. BLACKBURN, my27»tmwfdi. Fire Marshal, ra** NOTICE.—Tff S ANNUAL MfiKT* IN9 of the Siocaholders of the B.<U££& OIL AND MINiNG I will be held on MONDAY, Junefi, at th« Office of the Company. No. 435 CHEST NUT street. H. H. BHILLiNGFORD It* Stcretary. |rsg» OFFICE OF THE HONEYCOMB VS& PETROLEUM COMPANY, No. 43 8oa;h FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Hay 86.1866. The Boaid of Directors have thLs day deo ared a DIVIDEND < F ONE PE a CENT, on the capital stock, payable on and after Juce sth- clear of Btai« t*s. Transfer boobs will close on the 80th Inst , aad open on th« 60. proximo. THOMAS fOLMAtf, mys?-Bi* Trsaaorer. THE BACCA LAUREATE SER before the graduating class of the Uni «^ii’?rnt- Pe 5S RT^ a,l ‘ a » will be preached by the Rev. R ' ,0 i Ks ' 1* the OOLLRGB OHAPBL, (Mnth riree’, below Market) TOMORROW RVN NInQ, kt 8 o’clock p. Mi it* I®° BPIRITCALI*M.-aiR. FISH WILL •3S* lecture at the Church ou THOMPSON Street, below Front, on SUNDAY, at3 l>. m, li* K®” (SPIH.ITDAI.Isgi._MB, pisM, I 3? a Traacs Meainra, and a very »b: e and eloquent will fpeak at hANdON-eTREfiP HALL. ‘on hUNDAY, at 10>s A M.» M_ a me c -tiuf wi*l be hfldoo the Ist of Jans, (FaSF DAY) at lu>£ a M U* custom house, fhila- DELPHI A , - Codiißctor's Oppicb Mny 86,1885. Merchants Bnd Shippers will please take notice that Clearauees will, not be granted- until further notice, for DBAD-PltS or BHSBT—bau t. i n . n rr..ti»aM, State.. VYil.fi rmrnis. my,7-3t Collector. KS-> THKW*BTVIB«I»IA»AtII»SU las' PETKOLBOM COMPAHT. ~. A .meeting of stnctholdeTs for organization will bs held on TUESDAY, 30th inst., at 8 P-il.. at go. &>£ booth SIXTH fitreet. J. H. WHBSLBR, my 27 2»* Secretary. T7URKIT‘CBB, furniturb, J; FURNITURE, * CHEAPEST AND BEST, Before purchasing at AUCTION (where you We obligee to take the goods defect ve or not. often at a. n-ucb higher price than an article can be purchased at an MtiMtohed g cO . -g. in the worldi and reduced the price in accordance with thvfftlifo GOCiDi , -Md much lower than can be purchawd at any Adctlon, (for ieliablfe work ) At this establishment you can er* ihe foods before payment; At auction you have to pay, ard examine afterwards So do not fail to c*lJ shd examine the largest, cheapest, end best stock of Furnitnie in ih* world before purchasing elsewhere* GOULD & 00 . UNION D S P 0 TB - S' S Comer NIVTH and MIRKET, It* N. E Corner SECOND and BaQE nARD PHOTOGRAPHS— I‘3 FOB $1.25 accurate HkHuecßse, and dnisted tn variety o ctyiee. suitable for albums or acholare to exchange -KbSunMtai. SSUJSB s. SJIGOBB StXMt, nbwa With breaohee ou To Waabiigton* , Pot treason to bo Mod. Against the land Which, -with redhand. He has so loos doled. No more iu skills Bo (ally flute. Or carmeats made of silk; la pi let.a cloths., O’ereomebT WOSB, H* bods on mash aud sulk. And. us the bus Sing, with mush nolee. This zone ere lone we’ll see On stoat rope strung, And safely hang Ou add epple tree. * And such tho end, ,We map depend. Will he of traitors all; While rou and I Meanwhile will bur Spring elothee at Gm;at Oak Hat.:. MARRIED. DIED. MHOOWB liKOAOT. THE HOME OUR INVALID SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, CONTRIBUTIONS Of ORB OR MORB DOLLARS are called for from eaeh Individual In the State for this noble object. At JJARTINi Superintendent, myK-lhatuSt liaa ohesTMDT street. KSSr VO CITIZENS OF THE UNITED l» STATES. The ladies Visiting Committee of the 80LDIBR6' BOMB in the City of Philadelphia, propose to open* RATIONAL FAIR at the Academy of Music on the Twenty third day of October next, for the purpose of ralsmg a BDJLDIBG and BBDOWMBAT FUND for the Institution with whieh they are connected The undersigned commend this project to the fayora* ble notice of their fell *w eltlSAns 01 the United <*tats*. The SOLDIBBS’ HoMßha. been incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, for the relief of Soldier* and Seamen who have been honorably discharged from, and the Children of those who have died in* the service of the Conntry The COOPER SBO7 80LDIBBS’ HOMS hat been mened In thte Institution by Legislative authority, and U now in successful operation. Bat ae tbe building now occupied, at the corner of Baceaud Crown street*, is to the necessities of the Home* the Managua have glveh their sanction to the proposal Pair Although the HOME is located tn Philadelphia* U« beneiactions are sot limited by State boundaries, ifa doors are freelj opened to every deserving Soldier and Sailor of th»> Republic who seeks admission. The Management con.cmplates an Industrial Depart njentln the Institution. In which the inmates who are able to Work at their trades may find emploj meat, and thus be relieved from the position oJ mere dependents on public charity it contemplates, also a department where children of those who have died in the service will be tenderly protected and carefnUy aouoated and prepared for suitable vocations „ . While the hearts of the people are overflowing With tratitur e to God. for his treat gift of victory to our Pa trl -t Armies, we should not forget oar duties to the brave men who wills* on be returning from the fields they have won, ols&bted by honorable wounds from the active pursuit of their professions. The orphan children, whose fathers have fallen in our grtat struggle, are also specially entitled to the public favor and protection Let us provide a Home worthy of their acceptance,and worthy ot a peopie whose property they have pxot««ted wto«« liberty they have secured, whoee government they have saved, and whoso heart* they have gladdened by tbetr epWadid achievements Committees for the organization of the Fate will be announced in due t* ason. Newspaper proprietors Wil by occasional publications o duly acknowledged as coctr Fait.APEi.PHfA, April 14, J Andrew G Cartin, Alexander Henry, James Pollock, Caltb Cope, 9. B Browne, Rimon Cameron, D. B Cnrominß, Daniel Smith. Jr.« Thos A Bewhall, Besry D. Moore. Daniel Dougherty, £. D. Saußdoi'i. J. Edgar lhomptou, A Martin, Dr. B. Wallace, n Maealister, James L. CJaghom, Wm. Btro there, A B. Boris, my23-tut€t ill render important service ?f this notice, which will be rlbnttons to the Fair. 1865 John Welsh, Dr. A. N*binger, Jay Cooke, g, W. Clark, Joseph Harrison. Jr., Morton HcMlcheel, Henry C. Cary, Win. D Lewie, James MilUen, George B.Boker, Charles O'Neill, Jams* 0. Hand. Edward A. Bonder, Lindley Smyth, J. B. Llpoeneott, L A Oodey, * . Daniel Haidock, Jr., Robert P King. B. 8. Hall. Kta* Bvsurss EDUCATIOS.- W TODNGMBD I5U.B0D&B AND UUdINBSB LIFE, AT CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 037 CHE STB UT STBEE P. Con er of BeTOQtb, Philadelphia. Tbe conree of Instruction Includes BOOK-KEEPING. . _ , , as practiced by tbe best actouaianle, for Wholesale. Retail, Manufacturing. Jobbing, Importing. Stesra beating, Commission, Foreign and Domestic Shipping Business, Joint block. Companies, Banking Business, PBS Hi H snip-plain and. ornamental. CatCHLATIOBB; , Interest, Commit 10&, Frolic and Dove, Av**ete, Simple and Compound, Exchange, Ac. BObIBESS FORMS; _ . Bills. Notes. Orders. Receipts, Drafts, Cheeks, Bills of Exchange. Invoices, Account Bales. Accounts Current. Ac. Also. COMMERCIAL LAW, PfIOhOGEAPHT. DETECTING COUNTERFEIT NOTES. Ac. TELEGRAPHING—By f.on&dand on Paper, 171111 Office Practice taught by one of the best of P/actieal Operators. 1 separate Department for Ladies., ; , Disabled holders allowed a liberal redaction of terms - • bTUDEBTS RECEIVED AT AFT TIME. NO VACATION. In extent of accommodatioss, coarse cf instruction, faelliUesfor Iznpaiti&ff lusimss Knowledge,aodprac Ucdl advantages to oasire* Sian. this InsHtattofi I? unequalled . _ CATALOGUES, containing Terms, Students' Nsmes, Ac . furnished gratis on application. Cbittbndbh’s "aertesof Practical Treatises on Book keeping, ” and Judge Bharswood's ** Lectures before the Students on Commercial Law," fox sale at tbe College myS6-2t B H. CRITTENDEN A 00. THE FBEEDJKBNI-THB BET. |3g JOHN D. LONG, of the Methodist Epissopai Chnrch, and Hr CLARK CABfER.of the Theologic*! Seminary, Princeton, have been appointed Collecting Agents of the Pennsylvania Fieedmen’s Belief Asaoci atton STEPHEN COLWELL, President. Ellis Tamall, Bee’r, WaLNDT Street. m»23-tuth»3t* ft<s*» NOTICE —A MEETING OF THE KX? Btocbhold«rc of the JUNIaTA IKON AND btiFL COMPANY will b« held at tlw 0O«e«f the Freedom Iron Company, No. »30 Broth TRIED Street, on W JdNEBDAI. Hay Slat, at 11 A. M., to elect Dlree tors. mylB thetam* OFFICE 611UBD F, AND M. INS. I® CO., 415 WALNUT Street, „ „ Vat Bth, 1865. A Dividend of FITE DOLLARS per share has been declared ont of tbe earnings of tbli Company for the last six months, payable to the stockholders on and after this date. By order of the Directors. P3T&-tniha&t ALFRED B. QILLETT, Treasurer. arqg* PBUADELFdIIA, MAT 95,1865. wSff —At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the PEW TORE AHD MIDDLE COAL FIELD BAILBOAtf AND COAL COMPANY. Hr. John ftL Biekel tendered his resignation as President if the Company, had on auction Hr. WILLIAM HoLELLAR was unanimously elect'd to 111 the vacancy. GHAS. B, LINDBAY, 3gy26»i2t Secretary. MASTER ALFRED TAYLOR, SON I«F. of Bon. 11. G, TAYLOB..of East Tennessee, the S oathful Orator and Onion Scout, will repeat his ad 16LS at CONCERT HALL, on MONDAY EVENING, Msy 29 bale of tickets will commence May 34, at T. B PDOH , e Book Store, SIXTH and CHESTNUT. my24-4l PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- CSIVSD at tbia Office up to FRIDIT uezt, Hay 26th, »t 12 M., fox the QRAbS at the Paris. Commlißtoner of City froperty. rCP THE ANN CAL MEETING OF THE |2» Stockholders of the GIBaBD Ml* lira GO , (of Superior). xvtll be held at tbeir Offlce» Ho. 3<G WaLHDT Street) on TGBBPAY* ttw 6tH proximo, at 12 o'clock. Tor ibeelectlvtt of,Dlieetori, and the traftiaa- Lon ol other business. * B, A. HOOFBB* Secretary. my 23 13t Philadelphia, May 28,1865 ra* PHILADELPHIA, HAT 19, 1865 §235? —The anneal meeting of the Stockholders of the BESOLTJTB MIBIHG COMPABT (of bake Superior) ?ri>l be held at their office. No- 33A WALHOT Street* ob MOBDaT, the 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock for the election of Directors and the transaction of other busi- ness. mygo-14t K2SF"> OFFICE OF THE ANTODALOID I® MTBINO GOUFAMT OF LAKE SUPERIOR, Eo. 3SI Street PHILADELPHIA, May W. 1885. NOTICE It hereby given, that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of 4 The Amygdaloid Mining Com pan* of Labe Superior*’ "will be held at the Office. No. 324 WALNUT street, os TaURSDAY, 7th proximo, ai 12 o'clock M., for the election of Directors aad the transaction of other business mj2GJje7 F. K. WOMBATH, Secretary. __ F®® UHIVEBBITY OF PKNNSTLVA. VIA—DEPARTMENT OF ARTS -The final ex amination of the Senior Class will beheld In the follow ing order, beginsinr each day at 4 o'clock P Hi : TUESDAY* 23d—By Prof Frazer, (Physical Geo ffr’S^N>EBDAY, 24th—By Prof. Allen, (Plato's Got gian ) THURSDAY, 25th—By Prof. Coppoe, {lnternational Low ) FRIDAY, 26th*-By Prof. Jackson, (Tacitus’ Life of Agricola,.') MOfiPAY, 29th—By theProTOSt,(Butler’s Analogy.) TUESDAY, 30tb—By the Frovott. (Social Science [Carey) and Constitution of the United States ) OBOBGB ALLEN, Secretary of the Facalty of Arts. VHK AS9UAI. SEETIHG Of TUB I» Stockholders of the EMPIRI COPPSB 00 (of Michigan) will bo hold at tb&ir Office, 80. 423 WALNUT fctieei, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of June, 1865. at 11 o'clock A. tt., for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS and the transaction of other business. J. S. McMULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia, Hay 16,1863. pyls-ija2 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE V 3& Stockholders of the PHILADEPHIA AMD BOS TON BIDING OOMPANY (of Michigan) will be held at their Office, Bo 493 WALNUT street, on FRIDAY, the 2d day of June, 1866- at 1 o’clock P.M., for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS and the transaction of other badness, J. 8. McMULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia, May 16. 1865, mylfi- tje2 FJS*' UERCHASTF ASH MAJKUFA©- TUBERS' NATIONAL BANS. , . PITTSBDBG, April lii 1866. Stockholders are hereby notified that Books yrui be opened for subscription to the new stAek of thii Bank at ihe COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANE, in Philadel phia, ob MONDAY, May Ist, 1866, and will continue open during banking hoars, daily, from 10 o’clock A. M. to S o’clock ?. M 7. until Thursday, June lit, 1866. By order of theßoard of Directors _ .. JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. H. S. BOLLMAB. President, Pittsburg, Penna. BOBT. B, STERLING. Vise President, Philadelphia ap!9-tiel ANNIYEBSABY OF THE AMEKI CAB SUB DAY SCHOOL UNION —The cervices connected with the forty'first anniversary of the Ame rican Sunday School Union will beheld at the MUSICAL FOND H aLL, LOCUST Street, near Eithtb, on TUES DAY BVBfIIKG, May 30, at a quarter to 8 o’clock Tickets of admission may be had gatnttonsly. on ap plication at the Society's Buildings, No. 1124 CHEST NUT Street. By order of the Commute©. myS3-7t M A. wdrts. Secretary SPECTACLES. —THOSE WHO USE SPECTACLES Should by all means secure the PARABOLA LENSES, For they help the eyesight while they drily cause less demand for this help In other words, vision is im proved by the Faiftbola*, a fact which Gamut be stated In reference to other leztoss. FOB SALE ONLY BY E. BOEHEK & SON, Opticians, No. 402 CHESTNUT Street. jgNCOUBAGE AMERICAN MANU FACTUBB, pabticulablt whew AS GOOD AMD CHEAFEE THAN lUPOSTBD. HARRISON & BRADFORD’S AUEBiai) UTOIX PEN’S. Tie monnfa.turin, of which already fires employ menttoover QBE HUNDRED AMERICAN MEN AND WOMEN, PRODUCING TWENTY-FIVE MILLIONS annually of the best Quality Fens, of various patterns, each one stamped with name of maker, and warrantad A single trial is all that is asked. To he had wholesale and retail at MOSS Sc CO., Blank Book and Envelope Manufacturers, Stationers and Printers, 439 CHESTNUT Street, two Doors above rny26-3t the New Post Office Philadelphia. To BRIDGE BUILDERS.—PLANS and Prcyoeals will be recfiTCd by the Shaipaburs sud LawrencevUld Bridge Company till thy 294 of June, lor jbEOTIBG A BRIDGE 4 cross the Allegheny River, at Shanuborg. Pa. For nartlculars. see the ul designed, at the office of Lewis, hß ni v Da<zell, 4 Co,* at £HAltPsfiUkG. ovatNo Y 3 Y?ATBR Street, pfTTBBUhG. or address him at ■“jKBKaS AUe,b *”ji 0 Ml?bLEWIS, PreeldeMt WAtfAHA&Eft * BROWN* THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHI |gg*» IBEUKD AHD IHERICJu IBIUHD A SOVKHIIGH STATE I* THE AMERI CA* CEIOH. Terr Ber. Dr. Ur RIARTY wIU 4«Urer a Leetare on alwr* ifl iriabUNt ui the Friends of Ire* lull at the The triumph of the Delon 1* the trumpet note of sal* venal liberty over the world. TlobrtsSfipeats; Reserved Seats6o««»■. . Tickets can be had at Eugene Cummiskev's Vook Store, 1037 Ofaestnut; John & Downing, Eighth, Above Walnut, Book hi ore; John Bremen. Jeweler, *O. IS °- Slghth street {'James Tobin. Jefforson and Caa weUder, Grocer, my tt fthsm wfset ■gar met to iu »blinqcest W? OOKPOKATXOBS OBGASI2BD UBDK& AMY LAW Of TBR STATE Qf PENNaYI<V*NU-. N otice la hereby given to ail companlM maoroojdtM by or under any law of the Commonwealth 6f Penwi* vasia. and organized at any time prior to the Ira* non day of Kcvemoer, 1864 that have failed to make report to the Andi «or General under the Aet approved April 1808, and the Act approved April 30.1664* thaMhev are required to report to the Auditor General forthwith, as follows, vi* : , . , In case a dividend has been declared, the Treasurer will report, under oath, the amount of capital paid In, the da**, amount, and rate per sent, of each dividend daring the year ending the first Monday of November, 1864, and any previous rear or ye»ra in which the Coai- S any may have had an existence; snd in easenodivi end has been declared dntlnc the year or years end ing at. a'oreeaid, then an appraisement of the cash value of the capital stock ae It existed between the first and fifteenth days of November, most be made by the President qi Treasurer, and a majority of the Directors, under oath. When an appraisement Is made, the re port should also state at what time the Company was organized. - , „ . „ r» addition to the above report, under the act of April M. If6B, eoiSfaulMUO, paying » <m fennaro ere to quited to mafce * wparau report, nndfif fifithf oi iho TrewuTexi of the amount of net earnings or Income re ceived during the period from April SO to Movember L 1864, In accordance with the second section of thcaet, And "doing W.m.M la tM.XJommonTrfi.lt4. AM* notlled ttat th«, u* mad* subjeot to th* t**on'Uot tatslott or income nnO*rtheM M«lon or tli. Mt of April SO, jew, *ud am required to rsport to th. Auditor G.norbl th* Amount of «u«h n,t OArniuA.oriAooiaa re ceived between the 80th of April and th*UtOfffcT*m *>Ai)lcSliiqneiit Companies Uoo'PorAtedby or uud.r any law of the State of Pennsylvania, will be afforded a ressonable time In which to make the seve al reports required by law and above enumerated; but continued s* gleet or refusal will subject them to forfeiture ?/ charter, u» derthe 2d proviso of the 2d section of the abi of April 90.1864, which is in he following words: *• Provided further, That any corpoiattan which has failed to make returns to the Commonwealth, as re quired by the act of April 21, A. D. 1868, entitled‘An act for the better securing to the Commonwealth the pay ment of tMSd* dueoy Incorporated ov-mpanles, f may make such return witeia »l*ty days after th* of this act, any law to the* contrary notwithstanding; *»4.a1l delinquent companies failiog or refusing to make fall retorts and payment to the State, as required by th* general laws of this Commonwealth in relation thereto, stall have all their riihte and privileges declared for feited by proclamation from the Governor.’’ __ IBAAO qulSaaKi Auditor General. - W. H KBHSLB, State Treasurer. gABRISBPBO, May 10.1866. myl3 1m raa* ADAMANTINE OIL GO.-Tflß AM. ISE? ADAL Meeting of the AUAtfAMfIHB OIL GO will be held at tbe office of the Company. Mo 37 South TBIRD Btrett, on FRIDAY, June 2d, at 13 o’clock M.. for tbe election of Directors, and the transaction other buBiSMS. BOBT. P. BROOKS. Secretary. Philadelphia. May 23. 3865. myB3 ?t KSr PHILADUPBII, HAT 13, 1865, KS? The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the iB-na Mining Company, of Lake Superior, will beheld a* their Office. Mo. 324 WALNUT Street, on TUNS DAY, the 80th inst-, at 12 o’clock, for the election of Directors, end the transaction of otherbusiness, my 16- imySO B A HOOPfiS- Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTiCK.-OFFIOE OF §» TBE MiPbß SHaDB OIL COMPANY, Mo. WALNUT Street. • „ Fhilapblphia, May 23,1867. The Board of Directo-s have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PB& CESTT. on tbe Capital Stock of the Company, payable at their Office, on and after the 30th intt, clear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 26th, at 3r. M., and reopen on 'he SUt. THOMAS K. tJEARLB, my 34 61 Secretary* PKMfiSYLYAKIA BAILBQID US' COMPANY—TRJUSUBBB’S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, May 3,18®. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Board of Di rectors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, clear of National and Btate taxes, payable on and after May SO, 1865. Biank- powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be bed at the Office of the GompanyflNo. 238 south THIRD Street THOMABT. FIRTH, »y4-33t Treasurer. J PRIZE MONE\ AND GQYBRN MEAT BOUNTY TO ALL WHO INTER TAB UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has been the ease heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served In the volunteer ser vice, or in the Titulars, or in the marine a, and have been honorably discharged. Such person* enlisting in the United States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of frize money in any capture of the enemy s vessels. or farther Information applv at the reerulting ren der™*. No 311 South FRONT Street, between 9 A M. acd So’slosk P. ML, every apl-tf Captain and Recruiting Officer, D. WISH AM, SO 7 north EIGHTH Street, , Flißt Dry Hoods Store above Hsrkat. 1 have just opened a large stock of SPAING AND BUMMSB GOODS. 2 cartons Black-ground Grenadines. 1 carton Colored-ground Grenadines, new styles, for the spring oi 1866 These gooes hare just arrived, and are worthy tbe attention or buyers. 1 ea>-e Double-width Piaid Grenadines, all colors. Only fOcents; old price. i 1 case Double-width Plaid Melange, cheap. lease French Leno, double-width, only 69 cents; a bargain. s - . ' ' / 1 case French L?no;.snuck better’article,'double- Wldth, only 75ci obSAp. 1 ease French Leno, extra quality, double-Widtk.only 81c; worth $l-12* 1 eus Bhepheid-Flaid Mohair*, perfect bcwllw, only 60c^s. Black Alpaca. 50,62, and 75t. Pure Lustre, 97c. Mohairs in all the most desk able shades. Alpacas in choice colors; Pearl Moonlight on the 6-4 black all wool Delaine, fine quality, only #l. Travelling Goods in great variety. SHETLAND BHAWLS-OHSAP. Balmorals cbap. Hot Black and White Plain Balmoral*, full ladies* size, only $3 50 MUBLIAS! MUSLINS! ! MUSLINS! ! All the moit popular make* of Sheeting. Shirting, and Pillow case Musline. much below th» regular price Those in search of cheap goods, call and examine,and satisfy yourselves that the place to buy bargains is at GEO. D. WISHAM’S ONE-PRICE STORE* py27-6t* Mo. 7 North EIGHTH Street. T2BOCHE GRENADINES—TWO ■U auction lots, good strife aod Qualities* at 60 cte, Also, new loie Drees Goods from recent auction sales. Lupin’s pearl and mode Wool Delaines, 66 cts. Lupin's black Wool Delaines, 60, 65. and 75 ctfl. Lupin's 6 4 do do $1 to $1.60. New lots black Alpacas and Mohairs Pearl colored Alpacas, 60, 62. 75 ct», and $l - patterns French Lawns, Prints t and Percales. Black and white piaid Lenos, 88 cts. Freeh arrivals white and buff Pique. Figuted Pique at $l-worth $l6O Good stock of white Swiss. Victoria Lawns, Nam* sooks. Jaconets, Cambrics, Bird-eye, Brilliants* Fms Towels, Diapers, Napkins, *c. . » GOOPER & (10NARD, It S. E. corner NINTH and fIIAKK&T Streets. B. A. HOoPEg, geematr. TIGHTEBT SHADES FANCY OAB. J-J simEBKS in finest fabrics Almost while novelties in Woolens Heaviest white and colored French Linen Pantaloon Dock. COOPER & OONARD, It 8. E corner BIRTH and MARKEjT Streets. T3LACK GRENADINE SHAWLS.— Auction lots Lupin’* Grenadine Shawls. $5. Black Barege 6n4wl«* fittest quality* s£. * WhPe Barege bhawls, cheap lots. Fancy thin Shawls for the »ea> side. Handsome Silk Mantles* reduced. Dtuteisand Cloahsatlowpiccs. COOPER & COffARO, It 8. B. corner BIRTH and MAnKATBtreeU. ITAGG & BRO., CORNER OF TENTH -A and PJNB* open from auction: llot2 jaids wide black barege, only $l. 1 lot double-width black grenadine, 6tXc, 1 lot high lustre black alpacas. 87>£c. Hot huckaback towel*, red borders, 25c 2 lots Bcotsh bird eye diapers. $2 60 to $5 per piece. 2 lots ladies corded border linen hdkfs* 25 to 33c great 3 lots tenta* estra fine linen corded border hdfcfs, 50* 44, at d 60c. 2 lots gents’ hemstitched linen hdkfs* very fine* 62 and 75 cents. 2 lots Swiss Imitation tuck muslins* for waists, 50 to 65 conts. b lots plain Swiss muslins, for dresses, 31 to 62c. 2 lots Swiss and Cambric strips muslins, only 62K& 1 lot v ery fine plain w htte oambria mnsllns 6%«, 2 lots heavy* double boiled* black bonnet ribbons* 62 to 76c. 1 lot Marseilles spreads, for single beds. $8 llot ladles’ lisle thread* open-work stockings* only 37>£wnts. ~ 1 lot brown and tan grenadine veils, only 50s 3 lots Elizabethan goffered collars, 37>£, 40. and 50c. 1 lot sent*’gauze merino undershirts, f 1.60. Hot fine pink and buff tarietan#. 250. • 1 lot 5 8 enow- diop d&mas* table napkins, go per doz» 1 let fea? her du*t brasher* 18c. ... Also, dress buttons* bugle and trimming ribbons* cheep. mb27-2t JOB. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. E. P. *♦* A, HUNT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN IMPORTED DELIVERED DAILY to Private Families, Stores* and Offices* in all parts of the City* West fhilanelphia* and Mantua. Hotels* Restaurants, Confectioners, Butchers, and all large cm.nmsrs supplied at the loweit market rates. Shipping attended to at short notice* on the most rea sonable terms. Orders, alterations, complaints, by mall* promptly attended to. of.tpkr. I 118 and 190 Forth BROAD Street. OFFICES* j WiLLOW-bt. Wharf, Delaware avenue. . my 27 stuth.6; cpIendID'STYLES PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—FIa. assdr.meat patent hinge-back Pho tographic Alton)*, mut serviceable, yosaesslns the sreflteet possible degree of flexibility. For ..1. at B. F. BF.IMSR’6. 63, ABGH Street. It* m ENGLISH RIVET-BACK LAWN -3l» Scythe** Grass H*oks* Edging Kniven, Grass Shtars* Bakes* Ac., at H. A. DRRBB’B Seed Warehouse. It* 714 CHESTNUT Street*. m PBATT’B STEEL-TOOTH HORSE -J-HAV BAKES-—This Bak. has a« equal. Whole sale and retail, at reduced prices BuBBBT BUIST, Je., _ Ho», t>aa end 024 MARKET Street, jaay27 above ninth. m UNION MOWING MACHINES.— “A These favorite Machine* in store and for tale by BOBNRT BUIST* 3a., Nos. B/S9 and 094 MARKET Sweet* my 27 - - above ninth. jr: buckeyes mowing and rjsap -E ING MaCHIHkS tor sale by D LANi/BRTH A SON, Agricultural Implement and Seed Warehoaee* Nos. 91 and 93 bomb Si XTH Street. It* tetween, Chestnut and Market streets. A BUCKEYE ¥ OWERB AND RBA.P -3C ing MAIBJHEd —Toes** celebrated Machines In ttoresnd for Bale by BOBKWr BUIST- Jr , Nos. 099 and 094 MARKET Street. mv27 above Ninth* ■Rk UNION MOWING MACHINE, jJk wbitb bM bean fully toetad for th*t l mat four year* It combines strength, durability, light weight t WgW draft, with compete efficiency in cutting grate, lighi or heavy, wet or dry, lodged or standing, and embrace* many minor convenience* not fonnd in other machines Also for tale, the most complete one*horse Laum-hfotoet in the market VABQBAuh MORRIS, Sole Agent* Agricultural Warehouse* r ll9O MARKET Strait, GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE* ACADEMY OF MUSIC. OH moscat imina. x.y ». m. DIVIDENDS. NUIXABI. RETAIL DRY GOODS. D. B. H£ESHOW & CO. ICE. V SATHRDAT. MAT 27, 1865.' FINANCIAL. {pOTXD STATES •y-SO LOAN. third series. $230,000,000. By authority of a, BMrtUry of lb, Tnuary. th» nudetriyiied. th. a.s.m SohMrlptlo* Acont for th, ule of DsiUd State. Sonrltlu. offer, to th« pahUe the ft lid eerie, of Treasury Hoiu. Storing mtob end thre-tenth, per ee.t. Intend per taaunt. known u the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Then Bote, ne lniud under d»teof lolyM, MB. nhd Me pay.hle three year, iiom that 4M* lo ear. rescy, or u. eonyertlble at the option of tho holder Into V. S. 5*30 SIX FES CENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bond sue now worth n hsndaome premlom. .nd aro exempt, as are all the Government Bondi. from Btate, County, and Municipal taxation, reMoh adds from one to three per cent, more to their value, according to the rate leyled upon other property. The Intueet Is payable semi-annually by coupon, attached to eaeh note, whfth may be eat off and fold to any bank or hanker. Tho Interest at 7 SO per rent, anionite to One font per day on a ,S 0 note. Two ernta pit day on a *lOO not*. Ten eente per day on a #(00 now. Twenty coif, per day on a *l,OOO note. One Dollar par day on a $5,000 note. Bote*:of all the ddrtOfnlnatlonft .jiamod will be promptly fprniehed. upon. receipt of nbHrlptloui. Th.nftesof form anil prlynegM l» the B*yen' ThlrtlM alrMdVMld, exMpt thatthe Qorernment ikaomotoltaolf thkoptlon of payin'* inloreM' In (old coin at A pin ant. Instead of 7 8-10th* ln.ourreney. Ouhscrihers will deduet the In terest In ehbeney upto JnlyUth, at the time whM tley snhssribe. The deUyeyy of tho note* of this Third Berie* of tho SoTsn-Thlrties wIU eommenceon tho let of Jane, and Will he made promptly and aontlnnonsly after that data, •Th. tll(ht ehance mads In tha condition Of this THIBD SERIES affesta only the matter of Interest. The payment in. cold, if made, will be equlTSleut to the eorreMy- Intereet of th* hither rate. Th* return to epeele payments, in the eyent of which only will the option to pay Interest In (old be availed of. would no red nee and equalize prices as that pur chases made with six per oent. in (Old would be fully equal to those made with siren and three-tenth* per cent: in currency. This is THE' ONLY LOAN IN MARKET new efftnd by the QovtmßPit, and it. mtperlor ad vantage* make It th* OREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. ten than *230,000,000 of th* Loan authorised by Gonsress are now In the market. Thie amount, at the rate at which it is beta, absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as hasunl formly been the ease on eloslnx the enbseriptlont to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and seotlon of the country may bo afforded fadllttsa for takln* tho Loan, tho national Basks, State Banks, and Private Banker, throughout th. eonntryhave federally a*reed to re ceive subscriptions at par- Subscribers will selectthelr own Steals. 1. whom they have confidence, and Who only are to bo responsible for the delivery of thd ttOWl for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, SUBSOBIPTIOB AQBRT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. gRVRN-THIRTIBS, JUNE ISSUE, IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, AT FAB. AED IHTEHEBT ALLOWED TO JUNE 15. Per sale by BBEXEIz & CO., RO. 32 SOUTH THIBP BTRBET. EINSTEIN, ROBESFELD, & CO,, ' BAMEBS, T y NO. S BBOAD STREET, NEW YORK. We draw at sight, and at sixty day., en LONDON, FABIS, FBANKFOBT, and all other principal clU*s of Europe. P.rtlee opsnlns current accounts may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the OITI BANES, and will be allowed interest on all balances over ONB THOUSAND DOLLARS, at the rata of POUB per oent, per annum. Orders for tho purchase or sale of various Issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, end Gold executed ou Commission. my24-w*3mif P. STAMFORD. JOS. li. HOUSTON, gTAMFOBD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. [SB SOUTH THIKD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers in Government Securities. r ßpesie, Uncurrent Money, City Wcrrant,. Ac. stocks bon,Maud Bold on commission al the Regular .Board of Brokers. iny2Mm OHiJILKB.BI,OKT. ALBA. BSBBOB. SB. QHARLEB EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 South Third street, PHILADELPHIA. JUI Kinds of uneurSAni faads sad Hold Md SUtu bOßcht and sold, and OoUestlone made. Partl.ular attention siren to th. nnrehace and salt of OoTornmont.Stato. and other Blocks and Loans on com mission. ' now-dot 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS A LEVIS, No. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKKRB AND BROKERS All kinds of govebhmwit sßorannßg add stocks ioooht. SOLD. AHD MSGOTIATED. HOLD AND BILVIB BOUGHT HID SOLD. Spstlsl attention gluon to OIL STOCKS. mhll-ftn IPWAUU soilss. nonaoi i. rnansoß. gDW. KOBINB A CO., STOCK AND EXOHANGS BROKERS, ■0.47 BOOTH IHHUk SIBEKI, PHILADELPHIA. AunmsoF SAJTK norm. SOLD. SILVER, STOOKS, lOKDB. ADD OOVBKSMKST SXOUBITXBS, EOUQHT AHD SOLD. OoUMtloas mad. on all parts of ths souulrr. t . Deposits rosolaod, suMest to slaht draft, and Interact allowed. mM-ksa gECOND NATIONAL bank, OF PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, |LAU IROV HITT TEUBT OOHrAHX.' CAPITAL. SSOO.OOO. ■AEKBIB* AMD KKEOHAHTB' COLLECTION* *rom*UF attended to on the most faTOrable terms. fl. *. WABKEB. President CHABLBB H» BIGGS* Cwhieg. mh3-3M FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, KOe 130 SOUTH FOURTH STURT. BBhOW OHRSTHUT, . . Fits flvejper eenk. Infcereet on Dopoallc. Agentt xor the e&le of unitoa State* 7 8-10 Donne at Far. Govern ment* State and Oity Loana and Stoelu bought and fold for danoaitore and other* on Oomml**lon. nhla- aw. TTAVANA CIGARS.—a GOOD VA- U KISTT oonstanttr In store and bond, at lowest carbrales-. 8. FOOUBT A aoss. n.,IM om* jTo aio Sonth gaom utrast /SaRTEB DE VISITB OF EXQUISITE U stales, made by B. F. BEIMtB. 83* aBUH Btoeet ffhoeawho wish aoenrate likeneeaea. plctaree evincing fine ta*te. eate. and rare arttetic eklU* ehouid gp there *L. S. & COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. auction notick. T)ANIBL h. BURDETT, AUO " TIONUH. BUUDETT, JONES, Ob CO., WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, Om TundsMby 80, 1860, at U okUek, AT THE NAVY YARD, HEW YOKE, THB FOLtOTTIHa HAHSD YBSBXX9 BXLOHaiXU TO TBB r. a. KAvr dbpabtmbxt: .SGBIW BTKAKBB FLAG-Lsu(th 187 foot « Inshes: LrsgdthfSl feet 8 inekes; depth of hold, 10 feet BUohes; hPtweeD deeke, 7feet2 laches; 1 cjllfider, 4S Uohss diameter, 46 #*r<>ke 9 KENSINGTON—Lentth, 190 feet; pftftdtbi S 2 depth of hold* 10 fe«t 7 loch-s- be dcocif fwHj'/l'i betwesn 2i and tacbes stroke** 1 ’ l#,Ua4Bf ' lachel dlamstsr, M VICKSBURG—Length, 171 feet; breadth. 33 Teat; depth oi hold, 9 feet Siuohes; oe -7 feet e Inches; 1 cylinder. SB lathe. cSJMiS,*"' inches etrobe E CRSW_ bTB.UEB PROTEUK—Length, SCS feet; breadth, 36 toot; death of hold. 17 feet 4 inches; bo dTemeferf Sd'tnohes riroke*’ 1 * 8 * 1 oTlltt4er *’ 4l lßohBl, i? 8 . (90 Pr 1,90 * 1 * 1 203 *»•* 9 ilCJipp, Dreidtb, 86feet; depth of hold. 12faet6 (nch* «»; between deck*, 7 feet 7 laches; 2 cylinders. 41 Inch »N d Jameier, f 6 inches stroke BARKRMTiNE B.t»RACB BEsLB—Length. ITT depth of ho)d,9feet6 inches* BCH<'OMsR, RACHEij HBAM*M—Length, 116 feet; breadth, 30 feet 4 leches; depth of hold. 9 feet. Twenty per centum of the purchase money must be paid on the day of saie. and the remainder before the vessel is removed from the Maw Yard, which will bs done within six daya after the date of sole. O. He BELL, mylB thgtu6t COMMAND ANT. new PIIBU(JAT1«HB. NOVEL, THEO LEIGH, WILL BE COMMENCED IN THE NEWtORK SEMI-WEEKLT TRIBUNE, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 6,1865. How is the Time Co Subscribe in Order to Get It Entire. Ip THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE to be Issued Jung 6* 1866. we shall commence a New Novel. *'TRBO LEIGH"—Its title—ls a charming Ule of mol era Bag lieh life* simple and unaffected, with romance enough to interest those who are fond of the sensational* while the moral tone whleh runs through it will satisfy the most fastidious It Is from the most popular of the London weeklies* .and has not been republished In this country. THE NEW YOVK BEVIr WEEKLY TRIBUNE is pub lished every TGESDAY and F&loaY* aid contains all the Editorial articles not merely local in charaetar; Literary Eeviow* and Art Criticisms; Letters from our luge corps of war «orrfespan<i*»u; Foreign and Dj mtstf « Leitrtft i. SDedal and AflS' elated Press Telegraphic beepatebes; a cafolfilglid complete o< Fornica and Domestic News* Exclusive Reports of ihs Procddd inss of the Farmers’ Clue of the American Institute; Talks sbont Frvlt, and other HortUultural and Agri cultural Infonnatlon; Stock, Financial* Cattle, Dry Gcr-ds, and Oemral Market Reports, which are pub lished in TBB DAILY TRIBUNE It frasaeutly con tains articles which the great pressure oi aaverUse mentt will not permit u« to put is the Daily Edition. TBE SBMI-Wftk-KLY TBIBuN* also^ gives, in the eouise of aysar* THREE or FOUR of the BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS by living authors- 7he cost of there alone, if bought in book form, would be /run six to eight dollars. If ppreha»ed in the SlOiilfiß MaGaZIXBS from whlob they are careffiUF selected* the cost would b® three or four times that sum. Mowhcrsclse can bo rent intelligence and permanent lltsrarymntter he had at so cheap » rate as in Ttiß 815 ML WEEKLY TSC RUNS. Thoee wbo believe in tbe principles *nd ap prove of the character of Tbh Tribdns can increase •Its power asd inflaenee byjolniog wittt their neighbors iu forming dobs to subscribe for Th« Bbui-Wbeki.t Edition, it will in that way be supplied to them at the lowest price for which such a paper can be printed Fefsocs residing in tbe city can find no more valuable journal to send to thtlr country friends. » Mail subscribers, 1 copy* 1 year—lo 4 numbers.-—,.* $4 Do. 2 copies, do. do. 7 Do. 6 copUa, or over, for eaeb copy.*,, 3 Persons remitting for 10 copies, $3O will receive an extra copy for »ix months. Peri one remitting for 16 copies, $44, will recaive an ex-ra copy. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is printed ou a large double-medium chest making eight pages of six columns each* and containing the choicest matter of the Daily i*»ae. including a News Summary, Domsstieaud Forelga: Legislative and Con* Sessional matters; War News; Stock* Financial, Cat* e* Bores. Diy Goods, aod General Market Reports: Report of the American Institute, Farmers* Club. Ac., Ae. Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 year- 61 numbers .$2 60 Do. Clnbsof io 00 Persons remitting $2O for 10 copies, will receive one .copy extra* gratis. Persons remitting s*» for ao copies, will receive one copy 8*»ml gratis _ Persons remitting sBo for 40 ooptcr* WIU receive one eopv Daily gratis Drafts on New York or Port Office orders- payable to tbe order of 4, Thb Tribune. " being safer- are prefera ble to any Other mode of remittance Address the tribune, my27-lt&Wn NEW YORK. xrow IS THE TIME TO ST7BSCIBK A 1 to PETBRbOS’B COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. Now ready for JUNE. Full descriptions of 26 New Counterfeits. It XTATIONAL BANKS! NATIONAL BAJSKB!!—PETERSON *8 is the only Detector pub lished giving tbe OFFICIAL LISTS of the National Banks, and seven cities' quotations Price 16 cents. It PETERSON'S IS THE BESTDETBO- A TOB publfobad, CorretUd by Dfexel A Go. JUNE Out tnis morning Price $1 m a year U ONLY one dollar and pipty vff CiATS A kBAH FOR PErBBS .H'B 00U5TSR FE1T DBIECXOE, tent to usv address Sub cribs at once. T. B. PETbSSuh & BROS,. 306 CHEST* i-T Street. All Its New Books are for taio at Peterson’s. It PUBLISHED THIB DAY I SIX NIGHTS WITH THB WASHINGTOHIASS. By T. s. arrhur, author of " Lots In a “Lots In High Life,’’ •‘Llszlo Glenn; or the Trials of a Scum stress." etc., ele Complete in one larseduodecimo To.ume. Price *1.60 In paper, or $2 In doth. MABT MOEBTOUi or tbe Broken Promise. By T. S. incur. Illuminated Edition. Price 29 osnte. LOVE If! HIGH LIFE; A Story of the Upper Ten. By T. S. Artbnr. Illuminated Bdltton. Pries S 5 cents. THE TWO BRIDES A Story of Beal Life. ByT. S. Artbnr. Illuminated Edition. Price 26 cents. THE LaDV AT HOME; or Bapplnsss In th. House hold By T. 8. Arthur. Illuminated edition. 26 cent,. A IBaB AFTEE MaBBIaGE. A Tale In Seal Life. By T S. Artbnr. Illuminated Edition Price 26 cents. TBE DIVORCED WIFE. A Tale In Real Life. Hlu mlnated Edition. By T. S. Arthur. Prise 26 cents. For eale by all Booksellers, and published by T. B. PETES SOK A BROTHERS. 308 CHESTS UP Street, PbUadelphla, To whom all ordera and remittances mnal come ad dreised. It BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 11 . ******faxnn a bva*s. Do. , LORD DFKBV’S ILIAD OF HOHEB. The Amerl cen edition just realy. as handsomely printed as the English 2yols crownfivo. m . FROODK’S HIBTOBI OF ENGLaHD. 2yoli. ISmo. * By WUUam Forsyth, author of "bapoleon at it Helena, Ac. Ac 2 vole. 12uio. Primed on fine tinted pauer, with ißnetrations TBE CuEVBR WI'MaH OF THE FaHU.IT- By Hiss Tonse, anther of "Helrolßedcljffe. ” Ac. Handsome ly Illustrated; paper or muclln covers. BOOH WOBTHIEGTOH. A morel. By Mrs. Mary FIBBERS A Hovel. By Anna Cora Ritchie. fo ßDPi£ioß pfeßlioi or The Birlpod Baw, Trent, and Black Bass of the northern States:. By Robert B. Booaeve.lt. BBATbfUE Uv Julia Kevapfgb, K*tE KEKREUY A Bov«l Paper cover*. BAffITAKY OUHDITION OF NRW YORK OITY. Bt-pon of council of Bygiene Oitlzena’ abbqoI&Uo&» With map*, illuhtratlon*. &o JtELIGIOUk DOTY. By Pr an cl* Power Cobbe FIKbT CAUSES OF OHAfiACf KB. as operative before Birth from Hereditary and SpifttuAlSonrce*. By Wood bury M. Fernald. my*7-tf THREE MORE NEW B O O K S. HUGH WORTHINGTON. A delightful new'noVel Br Mrs author of •• Ternoeet end bunehine, ’’ * LOBa Eivjraj ••Marian Gray,” "Meadow Brno*. "* • finjUphOr phanr** 1 ’‘Couetu Mauds,” • Homestead, Dira Deane.*’ Price »1.60, This new novelie deiti&cjto an enormous sate, m orders are piling up for it in immense Quantities. FAIRY FINGERS. A capital new novel. JBy Mrs Anna Oort Ritchie (late lire. Mowatt), the celebrated actress and author of ‘ 'autobiography of an Actress. ’ * Ac. This book will be a areat favorite, as Its plot and interest Is of the most powerful character. Price $1 76. 11l SUPERIOR FISHING. A charming new book on Sporting Byß B. Roose velt. President of the flew York Sporting Olub, and author of '• The Game Fjgh of the North. *' Ac. Prioe $2. V All handsomely bound in cloth, and seat by mall fret, on receipt of pnM, by OARLETON, Publisher* xnyT7*wet( MHW TORE. THE STRANGERS’ GUIDE TO PHI * LAOELPFIA-A fIBW AND BEVISSD EDITION. PUBLISHED THIS DAY: A G JIDfl ro ALL PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Places of Amusement, Commercial. Benevolent, and Religious InetHntlone, Including Lanrtl Hill, Woodland, Motu ment. *nd other Cemeteries, Ae., with a MAP of the Consolidated City and numerous ILLUSfBATItINS. ALSO, A MAP OP f HB CITY in pocket form. LINDSAY A BLAKISTON. Publishers and BojkssJlers* mi 23 No BN South SI XT 4 Bt,, above Chestnut. *«*. TUBW BOOKS I NSW BOOKS !! -f -L™ MAPOLBOH’B HISTORY OF JULIUS OSSAR. v thb fS!ssbttbru* HISTORICAL almarao asd ammdal bbmbmbrascrs of thb chdboh S'OK 18(14. By Jos AI Wilson. BUS BAUDS ahD HOURS. Bj Marlon Harlaui, an. thorof “Hidden Path," *•- , ..... .... n „ THOUGHTS OB FBRBOHA.Ii KBLIQIJM. By Bd-» ward A 1 Ooalbonrn. D D » „ ST. PHILLIPS. By author or Kutiedm, An FKIBMIbHBS AMD BBBTCHBS. By Sail Hamilton. Fo. .fiabr JAMBS 8. ULAXI'OfI, Successor to tr. R A ALFRED MASTIRN, myd-tf r: eoe chestnut street. APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN A. CYCLOPEDIA. —Complete in Id volume*. Various Styles of Binding. BZBSbtioß KKOORD.by Frank Moore, in 8 vole. mSbIVaLS’B BISTORT y OF TB* The Agency for these valuable works is at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, *pB»tf ; • JAS. K. SIMON. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING NEW PEBUCATIOIfg. JJORACE BIHNKT oirrai WRIT OF BiBBIS CORPUS JTIST PUBLISHED. THB PXIyiLBO, OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS THE CONSTITUTION, pabt irr. BY HORACE BIHNBY. P.mpblet, Bro , TUlr r«nt«. This Essay tr*»t» of the nature. extent. Aid rente of (be pAWsr of uupardlziff 4bo priyiiem of the Writ of Habeas Corpus Uftdfr th« Gongdlatiea of the United States. J. B. LIPPIMCOTT ft CO., Publishers, my£7 fit 71&ud 7X7 MARKET Street. CT. PHILLIPS.—A SPLENDID NEW the author of ' ‘Rutledge, ” “ThetJutlur lands, " “Fran* Warjlngton.’* and ‘‘Louie ’’ is just Sobltehed, and nailing Immensely. CABLE TOff, Pub sher, Jew York my 93 tuthwlO TTIBTORY CROWNS THB BRA.VE. JJ-The Publishers respectfully announce that THE HISTORY OF THE PBNMSILVAIfiA RESERVE COBPS is now ready for deliver* to subscribers It contains a complete reeord of this gallant organiza tion; and of the different companies* regiments, and brigades, giving graphic descriptions of their Expedi tions, Harsher, skirmishes and Battles, together with biographical sketches or Officers and personal Becords of each private daring bis term of service—compiled from OFFICIAL REPORTS sud other Documents, by 3. » r HPHBlLliid ~ , it is In one vointde, octavo of 71a and ts ele» gantly 111 nitrated by STEEL EPGBaViNG* of G 6 vernorCDBTIV. o*neTale MBArfB tfcOALL. and the lamented KSYJfOLDS* and by a Hap of toe vicinity of Richmond, showing the rente or mareh and toe patties in which the RESERVES were engaged la the •even days fight; and la neatly printed on good paper and handsomely bound in black doth and Übr try leather. It is sold only by subscription. Price from this date. $4 OOin cloth; in library leather style* 95. Bent by mail free of poßtage on receipt of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to canvass for this popular and attractive History, will make appli cation with written recommendations to. BLLAB BA.RR. ft 00., Publishers. Lancaster, March 2], 1865. myis-im - WANTS. WANTED —AN ACTIVE PARTNER, * * with a capital of 10*000 to 20,000 dollars in a first elan msnnfactarlcg bn-iness—Perfnmferv—la success ful oper«.ti«a far the last twenty Xew» T the senior part net wishing to retire ffom active life. Tbteiv aa anaau utility rsre y to he met with ior entering at ones into A safe rnd profitable baalness. Address with real name, •'J H. A Co,o ffice of this paper. my 27 stathlf WANTED—A HALF GROWN GIRL ** Oespsrtabie), for light house service. A home, and wages paid. Address “ Clinton, * * Press offios _____ my2fi-3t* WANTED—AN ACTIVE OR SILENT v * FARTHER* with a cash capital of Twenty Thou sand Dollars, in a first-elais manufacturing business, sow in successful operation. Address "B B T., this office, mylO Bt* WANTED—AN ACTIVE AND EN ergefclc m»o t* act &a Goal Agent fot a fIFHt elaw Coal Yard—TO SELL FOR Hast haveaneztedf rive acquaintance to command A fair trade To such a person liberal terms wlti be offered. Reference re quired Ho office agent need apply. Address “GOAL,” at tbla office, for three days. my2s-ft* UTAMTBD-AN INFLUENTIAL vv baLBnHAH In a Wholesale Clothing House, one who can command a cash or short credit near trade. A liberal engagement made from Ja»y lit Ail cam mtmicatiOßS confidential. Address “A. B. O ,** Press office. ffly2l-6t* fITANTED—IN A DRY GOODS JOB- Blfl& BOT7SB on HARRS f Btreet, an active, intelligent SALESftf Afi, able to control some trade, and folly competent to wait on trade *ener*Hy. To one disposed to devote his time to the Interests of tbe House, a good position will be offend now or by the Ist of July. Addreee “Cash Trade. 1 * my2o-121* WANTED. —|io PER DAY, AT HoHR —Any person, male or female, can dear $5O per week* at home, in a light* honorable basinets. 92 to $5 capital r*>auired Returned soldien and others caving Mew hours drily to spare* can learn the parti* calsra by enclosing two stamps for cl enter sad return post. Address B W4YVSLL. myl7*lm* Chicago, box 4/8L AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED to a suitable person, having from Five to Ten Thousand Dollars, as partner io the manufactn'e of Cotton and Woolen Goods. Address at this office to “B. J. A,” my37»6t* A SITUATION wanted by a Ybftftg Han. as Gierk la epy sapaelty. Address **H. A C,* M Press Office, iay2B 6c» /GREATEST THING OP THE TIMES VJ —ROWBH’B PRIZE ENVELOPES. -Agents wanted everywhere- Premium Watches given to Agents, on receipt of 915 we will mail, post-paid, 100 envelopes, and a splendid Bolid Silver Hunting-tiaee Watoh as a premium to the u«nt. A single Envelope sent, with circular and fnUpartienlars, on receipt or 20cents. Ad dress A. H. ROWBH ft 00., F, 0.,80x4270*3ft BBHK MAfi Street* H. Y mh37 8m TtfßW ENTERPRISE—SI2 TO $24 A * Bay. Agents wanted, male and female, to sell Wilson f e Improved $lB Family BBWlfif* MaGHIHB. We will pay 9150 a mosth and all expenses, or give a large commission, at which the above waies can be made, For tein.B end particulars address P_ C. LArHBOF *po.. Second Floor Front; Ho,' 11H g- SIXTH Street, my 22 fit* Philadelphia, P». A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT nP Igo everywhere to introduce the improved SB AW ft GLARE TWEHTX-DOLLAR FAMILY SBW* IdG HACHIPB* the only low-price machine in the country which is licensed by Grover ft Baker, Wheeler ft Wilson. Howe* .Blnger ft Go., and Baeheltfer. All other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment * Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW ft CLARK* Blddeford* Maine mvlO-dft W3m s7fi A MONTH*—‘I WANT AGENTS SP ■ ” everywhere fit 970 a month, expcnSH paid* to sell FIFTSEfi ARTICLES, tbe best setting ever offered. Full particulars free. Address OTIS X\ GABBY. Bidde forc, Maine. mylQ d«WBm m WANTED—A STORE ON MAR ESE RE*, b«twe«n Third and Fifth ttreats; or on becond. between Market and Arch, by July Ist Ad drfar ** Store, M Bog 1036 Po*t Office. mr26-3t* M WANTED TO RENT.—AN EX TRAVAGANT BONUS will be paid for one or two offices first floor (one front) on or near WALNUT Street, eaei of Sixth. Address * * Beal Estate. ’ 5 Ledger office. my2o-4t S WANTED, ON OR BEFORE AU OUST 20+ a good-tized House, between Thirteenth and Seventeenth and Pine and Market streets. Address ** Box a,” Philadelphia Post offlca. mr24 4t m WANTED TO RENT—FOR FIVE ■mlor six months, a large handsome residence, very handsomely famished; would be offered on very favor able terms during the absence of the owner Apply to mj23 AOBT. MaCG>EGOR, 419 WnLNU'jfdt. FOR BAJLJE ANjP TO LET> SB TO RENT, IN GERMANTOWN— JRaLa famished HOUSE, with modern improvements, in & desirable etta&tlon. for Ihe summer season. Inquire of H. XBKAB A BON, corner of MaIN and WASHING TONjAyehEMf myS7.at* M FURNISHED RESIDENCE TO LET—On LINDEN Street, Germantown; stable, cerriage-hooßei Ac. SAMUEL T, FOX, NINTH and WILLOW. ' my27-2t* Mto let—the handsome STOBB.No. 917 OBBSTNUT St., just above the Continental Hotel. Fixtures for sale my24-4t* Mto bent—on main street, Germantown, within five minutes’ w\lk of Bail road Depot, from June let to September 16th, a w*ll fhrolehed Boase, with grounds attached. Address **W. D. 5.,” Germantown P 0. my2lst* MFOB SALE—THE PENNSYLVA NIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS—BULLD -ING AND LOT. 1025 CHESTNUT Street The ground measnres 178 feet in denth, wl h a front of 60 test on Gheatnnt Street, widening to ICO feet for the greater part of its depth For particulars, apply to the Cara tor on the premises, or to JOHN SABTAIN. m*24-6' 738 BSN-.OM Street M FACTORY AND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE at a great B»?ri^e r . known as thd Canal Mills, CANAL Street, above Front. Secdhd Street, below Girard nve>ue, forty-five horse steam emtio* nearly new. shafting. Ao Apply at the Mill, or to 536 Jtonh BLSVBSTH m>B4 6t* Mfor sale—two desirable three-story Brick Dwellings, Nos. 163) (ltam«dt ai« 1619(possession June 10th) FIL3EKT St mi23 Bt tPlPl? JAB. H LITTLB, ,3, WALNUT St. «TO RENT—TWO DESIRABLE new Residences, pleasantly eHaatsd In West Philadelphia, now being put in complete order, newly p.p.i.4 and painted. M 111,22 +lO WALdPf dtreet. S& FOR SALE DOUBLE Tk REE JEilLstorj briok jttPgh cast Cottage. Mo&fm improve ment*, immediate pp»BeB»lw Thirty* ninth street. iOfllh of frpruce street, west Philadelphia, Apply to H. O, TOWN SEND, No, 811aBOH Street. m FOR SALE. ON EASY TERMS— XSIL The Terp desirable BWBLUM, lit# Watlaee Street: lies all the modern conveniences and large yard. B F OLMN, 13360uth FOURTH Street. »nd myZO-tt h. W. nor. SBVBHTBgNTH and GBBgN. M FOR SALE VERY CHEAP— DWELLING, WALLACE Street, above Ninth; ei llaoT°a B srge number of eligiblei bnUdißr lots, cot iagee and country teats. B F GLENN. J 33 South FOURTH Street. mySO And S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN, «70R SALE—A DESIRABLE^ PROPERTY ford Country Seat, in rion township, Montgomery county, nines west of the Schuylkill, opposite Norrirtovn; a h&udeoifiS large dwelling, barn* spring-house, ice-house, and 21# ac es of excellent land, located in a beautiful country, with fine see eery. The property is easy of access by rail road, libb plenty of fruit and shade trees; was formerly toe reeidezeeof Jiavid Henderson, K*q _ Apply to J. Ha VS GIBSON, v 43« LIBBARY Sweet, or A. JACKSON ANDERSON, o& the premises. my2B 6t* *w PUBLIC SALE.--WILL BE JnK SOLD, at 1 o’clock. TBIF AFTSRNSON. at John Oallarher’. Stable, SSIFPEN Street, aboyo Third, a dai k bay IWK6E, taken op a.tray and adver tin, d according to law. _ .. It- JOSEPH BARTON, High Constable. FOB BALE —A PAIR OF H AND .*333. SOME dark brown carriage HORBSB, perfectly saie and fean<*Bß of locomotives. Also, a handsome S». ffx% Street. tal'il ot* OIL STOCKS OR CASH—A VALUA. 1/ ABi B TRACT OF FIFE TIMBER AND FARM ING LAED, in Sullivan county, Penn* , for sale or exchange for good paying oil stocks. Address or apply to 0. D- KNIGHT, 333 South TLIED Street. . my27»Bt BALE-ONLY FOR A FEW TS. the most deiirable OIL LANDS on the Allegheny River. Turkey Bud, and Bltchte Ban, which will be disposed of at very low prices, much tower than they can be had afterward# from the original owners, as all these lands lie in the immediate vi cinity of au those splendid strikes made within a few CHAS, LUKKS& m>26-tt U 6 South FODBTH Sifdflt. TRON MINE AT AUOTION.-BY OR •*- DEB of the Oonr: of Oh.noery of New Jcraey. I .hall expoto for tale at pnblic wndne. at tha Howl of Jacob O Drake. In HORRIE'OWN. in .aid St.te.on MONDAT, the fifth day of Jnne next, at So clock?. M . that yalnable MIEB OF IROB '-RB. .Itoaw n«.r Kockaw.y, lew Jerney, called thcHl BBREIA MINE, formerly owned bj Theoanro C. Woml. 1. vow In rood working condition, “d couaidered one of tbe most y.loable iron mine, in “ew . .Ito.te »nt three ml e« Irom the Morris Oanebwlttt which it te connected bT . J*!i'?» I j) rl fVcre« of°Land, and place there will bo sold forty fire acre* . with Dockage, on tie Morrle C«i aysw* Master In Chancer , of Hew jcr.nr.__ •pOE SALE. —ABOUT FIVE TONS OF X* TiosnirDUM. at hla farm. Nowlin towuahlp, Cbc»ter *'>«utT: AfiSfMi, Embree-riUo ?. O- Cheater JOH» DRSDiBi Jr. A.T SEASONABLE FBIOES. AVCnOH SALES. ®ss* BALEOF BLOODED HOHSan* Milliard’, .lath hiiil w.'< “j' oco horses honi'i cttls ibsi'j. fte . ftc , will. * ° ,B ®' ** lh “ Baeur, Mist* and lum isf ??.*£• ft » “«.»! w *ia',t- whirl at t 0 *fJr % “• altrsd h hbbkmm. An AMUSE(niE^T SI ■MEW GHEBTNUT-BTHJSET THBA XV yxX-UHIBTHITT BTBUT. ABOVI fviSZtSA thib (iA r 5. B, * J YOKTY lIFTH QBAHH YaMU.I Ma A.IB. LAST ESpSesKSTATIO* of the CBBAT IRISH HR.HA. THE OOELEEK BAWff, with *ll it. Beastifal Scenorr, M.chauloal Efteal., Aa ««.«!.». and powßK * lrt CAST. AHHIBSIOH TOTHS ™ TO ALL Chlldrfn id cent«. Door, open at 1H o’olookt p.r formanm to .omm.iiOT it2Ai o clo", THIS (6ATCBUA*) EVEHIia, iiAsr piaar „ DAVSSPOHT AND # WaLLACK ALLUHOI upon which ooouton they will appear to a Grind MAMMOTH FAKEWBi'L BILL _ The ETenlna'a p.rfortD.loo will commence With Bnnkepeare’i Tiaiedy, tn 0 acte, of _ RICHARD THB THIRD. Dnk« of Clceter...„ „..Mr I. L DAVENPORT. Earlof Richmond.....Mr J tp. VPaLLAOK. L.dy Anne........... ...Itlee ALIOB PLAOIDI. To conclnde with the elennt petite Comedy, DitkCcha11........... I ?.T.. A .*?f!Br J. W. WALLACE. wihar™ 18^9 ' • CORSICAH BROTaSBS and , POCABOHTAS, with new goenery, m&thlnery, and eoetnmes. inereaaaS Oerpede Ballet, fine ca.t, Ac,. Ac. WALNUTSTRBBT THEATRB.- ” ORRAT BlLfj POR SATUBPA* KTMifO. Mut.w HISS LUGU.M wfefßFtS, fWHlli’jffiffcT CRiiBBBATBP CHtßutlTJill Of T * i|lo I JQV, is TBi fxciraa bkama SPY OP ST. HARK s To eosotade with the Drama of JO9ATHAB BRADFORD; 08, THI MPBPSK AT THB BOADiIDB IBff, j_ ]UIRB. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH HTBEST TBBA'BB, Mr AND MIHB LIST NIGHT. BVBMIBG. Mar 27,18t0, JTIIBI. BVaUAi Seoona THB BORE OF OAVTILM. UK. AND MISB.KIOaINOH, JN BOTH PIJSOSJ. After which, HIDBISItT BA WR: Or. THE DKDKKAKD B VSAGBaNOB On MONDAY. MKB JOHN Dimer. OF FINE ARTS, CjUSSINCT BTKKKT, ABOTS TENTH. NOW OPEN, fBX FOKTI-BECJONB ANNUAL NXHIBITIOK PAINTING AND SOULPTUBB. Opes from 9 A. M till 7 P. H.> ni from 8 till Ul* the EoetHnr &p r l7-1 leg SUMMER RESORTS. gUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HOPS*, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA, This old and popular Mountain Beiorfc will be open** for the reception of guests on the Ist of June This bouse has rectal j been thoroughly renovated and >n proved m a manner that will be aaturaoiory to lu pa trons. Excursion tickets will be leaned by the Penn sylvania BaMroad Company, which will be good until the Ist of October nesc. A back will be la readme** op tbe arrival of tbe ears at Dudley to ooQTey gtouts to th# hotel, a distance of two miles. Terms moderate* For particular*, address WM. T. PBARSON, Proprietor. __ Broad Top City, Huntingdon county, Penan- nrj2llm* COLUMBIA. HOUSE, CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Willi. ama tu»nwo on tinfifismtr da* OF JtJKB. for tb« reorpllnn of , This leading house will. for the cnmtnf seWtol, faUf sustain Its weihestablished reputation. Greatly encourai«d hy the business of last ystr. tht proprietor feel* tails fled that a Hotel conducted cUarlw nnt-elasa must continue a success at this old asd popu* lar resort Ihe railroad facilities are promised to be excellent. Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Band has been m* cured for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms. &o. t apply to J. H. DBA BISON, Mar* chant’s Hotel, Philadelphia, or to GBOSGB J. BOLTON, Proprietor. oaed islaeip. B j. myl9 2m ftOTJKTRY BOARDING, FOR I*4- VV biiS ABb OESTLIMKHkjiii t>a oM»1b»1 it lw««. shaded ud elevated location three-quarter* of a inlUt ionth of Fairviile Station, on the Philadelphia t nd Bal timore Central Ballroad* Cava leave Thirty Brit and Hathet *tr»eta at 7 36 A. M aad 445 P tf *, E-atomlng. 7* 26 A. M. and 4P« U. Beference* 28 South Bif ht etrmC Addma JKdßfi D SRaRPIiKbS, FAIRVILLB P. 0.. Cheater chanty, ra gp2A.fit* HOARDING —TWO OR THBBE GEN TLEMBB can be accommodated with breakfast and tea through the week, wth /all Bandar board, i* a Iprlvate lamllyln the western part of the city. Ad* drees** Bn. H„ ’ ’ Press office. my m St* DOABDIKG, FCR THE BUMMER *-* Season, at “ Prospect Home ” Aral? early. Ter particulars address H, H, GKCTBB, Freeland, Moatgo* n«fF comity, Fa. miU gft (SEASIDE HOUSE, O JOOr OP PKNHisTI,VASIA A<rgtU7E. ATL»«TIC OITf. 9BW Jg&SKY, It now open for the Beceptlea of Gnaita. mu-la* PaPin BUTTKRQOOP. BOABDISU. *nESIRABLB ROOMS, WITH FIRST -L/ CLASS Boarding, mar be had at 313 SPttOOB Street, myB7 it* TWOPORNISHBO ROOMS WANTED, A with or without board, by two gentlemen Al* dress*‘Port t)gee_Bo* 303,” mygn,* BOARDING-ONE LARGE, SSCONDU D itory Room raeant, at No. 6JS4 South WABHIBO* TOB Square. my 23 M* TAAY BOARD, WITH FIRST CLASS A/ Dinner., at No. B>4 Bonth WABHINBTO* Square, myiB-lm* REMOVALS. REMOVAL, WILLIAM TABJULL Has Bunoved from No. 1030 to No 1333 OHIBT* NUT Street, B. B. comer of THIRTEENTH Street Where he invites the attention of housekeepers, and those co»iu«n«ing housekeeping, to hie extend?# m» lertmehtof _ r -„ rw _ „***_ BOUHE JCSJUSHINO S00&8, Superior Beftigerators, Table Cfitlery, Family Hard* ware. Ohildmn’s Oerriagee, As., d«. epfr-lm LOST AND FOUND. T OBT—ON TWELFTH STREET, BE* Aj Girard aud H&rset streets, a Biaok> Thread Laca VE' L A mltabie reward will be «lv»n by leaving It at 31i WALNU? straat. first flxor, back myB6 3t* gLINDB AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, KAJrUFAOTITBBB OF VENITIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Th. largMt and finaat auortment la the city at U# owe.t each prim. STORE SHAD IS KADI AND LSTTIBID. Ohaa, lot tolled Blind, and Shade. trtha liriLLIAM RVANS, JR., V Y 363 SOUTH FBONT BTBBBT, Wholesale and Betoll Dealer In WHITE LEAD. ZINOa AND 00L0B8. „ AHBBIOAN ADD FOBBIGN WINDOW GLASS, OF ALL PKO&IPTIOES, AT LOWEST HAERET BATES. Agents for PATENT GLASS LETTERS mhQ ftmff riABINET FURNITURE. V UOOKK A CANPIOVi »0I SOBTH S*COMD IffiKSr. are prepared to follow tha dccltnc tn the mtfjfat la th. price of their Fnrrltnre. Ftuehaeete Will pteaee eall and examine our stock. mylO-ly* W’OTIOB TO CLAIM AGENTS.—THR Heir* of TBOMAH HENDERSON aud MkRY HEN* DBBSO9, residents if Johuson county, Indiana, bay# received come information that they are entitled to a large Estate, supposed to be in Ireland, from whose# then ancestors emigrated, Any person who wULferra# out and collect said estate will b« well paid. Address the undersigned at Franklin, Joansoneou* tT my23*9t* a ' I6AAO B. HBNDKRBON. CV EET SPIRITS OF NITRE, PURH, O (U, 8 P.,) mftbutaokured by J. *. YOUNG, e,a p?iia C dXb r il‘ VlilrH BPBI * mW* T»®AF MADE TO HEAR A' MINTS to aial.t the hearieg, In of tbe mo*t rpjroved coastrnctl-in, at P. HADBtBA S* 115 South TSITH btreet. below Ohestnut myil #t» IT® Mils. R. DILLON, 333 AND 381 w?* SOU) H Street,ha. opened a handsome aesortm.il, of BUMMRR MIDbINBKf QOUDd. Mleso.' and Ohll* drop’s Bate and Cupb : myl7- lMlf* WRITTEN AND VERBAL DB 80KIFT10N8 of Obaraeter.Oon.Htntlon, and Ta. yLj lent, with ADVIGX on Business, Health. Mm. J \ tlon. Self-Improvemont, Management ana Tralx* ■SnO tig cf OBILDBBN, soMaJ adaptation,daw and .yin Tug, by JOHN L OAPBN, ’ Phrenolojriit and Boolu21«, ocU-tnUulyif No. Ml 8. TBNTBBA.aboyaqh.Awfc) fs7avaag™mFn Philadelphia. MasiSßraffiS wiiMiBWON, anb Biun. loU*| K OPBN°Td RICBMCtND. OITX POINT, ANN Trains Isns Depot, corner of BROAD Street and ’WASHINGTON Arena*, itfi IS A. K,, eonnecllngwith BAX LINK BTSAMIBB At Balttuor.. Fare to Bletamond ...h M h., m ., mm , mh .lll ft Fare to City F< tat... 11. !■ Itn Id XUrfsIIt>MM.HHMM,M, 8.7, H F KIN BBT, Boot. PRO. A. DIDMUN, Gon, Ticket A,eat. myU ™ _ (IT—l CAMDEN AND AT* MWewegtlnumo RAILROAD.-Trala» leave Vlne-ctL-eet Ferry at follows: K Mall Train B* Freight, with Passenger Oar. attached— J A. K. Atlantic Ae«omm4da(lonev-«~-~»~*~+++** M '2'i?£' Sr Jnnstion Accommodation,. 80r - ** BITUBNINO, LBAVB ATLANTIC Atlnntlv Awommodation..**• B might, with FusengM C»" attMbrd—- -ikoj?- ■. Mali Tfilncg, i) »rr-" 1 ****** «»g " R* JunctionACsommodaitohfM^LVit’^lNUfl®*® * EXTRA HADDGNFIMdD TRAINS LeaveVlne-atroet/erry »* ,O - WA. M and IP, R 1 7 'b it TTELMBOLD’B extract of bar. XX BAFARILLA cieunies and rsnovato* th# mom* instils the vigor of health into th# system* and purgw out thVhnmori that make diseasa. -TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN TH* **■ BUBAL districts m M« pwwweJ. W M imlT ** tbtir conntry y#kid«nce«» With BVBBY BINS WOOIEIIB, Tltf» ALBERTO* ROBERTS* 24-tf Comer KLgVEBTH attdVUl StrwU. PANCY HAMS—BRIGGS, BWIFT, & l 00.. Cobb & Arm«l, 0 * P. Roien’., ftnd Met- IsnGAH.’cb BEtM?!HOIBHATI CAHVABSID HAMS, BOTOHKB A SOS. mjM-lm* 140 148 Burtb PROMT Bt* . THOMAS M’DONOUGH, X OSKBRAL BLAO K S KIYHIJIO. ° * VIK BtW^O Mh BTB^ MBr B®rtn* iwl* o» bind 0» «“d* *® “AjS - DEJ.’AjRTHIEKT FOB custom wobk. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers