ABBIYALB AT THE HOTELS. me Coomb®"** 1 ' o wtera & sod, i m * bmg KMfett A a WMterWt, NJer’y A k ?HoV«r, Boitoil j OPbUUps, Pittsburg 'l® T*k!ihy,PotW il O FMIIlpo, Plttabuw TWA xmgihruwn J r Ej * 2 pntsDorg W J Paine, N«lf YoHt JKWeaver, XII 3A Mk 0 JoM H W Alford? York ftisfe® j msa&fi n ho dlvm, Boston .Tas Long, Jr, Pittsburg t oraEongor, Attleboro J*s Montooth. Plttsbarg H SS2vl*w York; Jas K Kelm, Pittsburg Mrs Ner, W York J M Bush, Pittsburg 11 WuilstOD, Mass D 0 Mtllott, Harrisburg H W Graves, New York B W Pouoa § S Mosselman, Penna Lyman B Golf, f r J, T ’, 1 »r J OHailJtWj,Neva<ta V D Siwj. rrov. B i IJ Haskicson, Erie, Pa G»o T ® U “!“ I J' r.mila W Derrick fc w>, N W E York IrfBTlU Haw*, N Jersey 10 M A»W Jr, Boston L P gggftwS" Sf««^y Y f?»°cZ. ob»U Y ‘ a S Upson,’Conn MwSSw NY HNKohler, Columbia SDmT/Sn'v 11 " 11 * W^totea”fpittsburg OA J B Uarta.Tlobmondl’v/ s T Tabor A wf, N Y A Veron, N Y Mfss Taber A sis, NY AT Anband, N Y C J Bishop, Jr, Boston Thos Wilson, Baltimore K Sommer, Boßton W R Pennlman, Balt y W T Glover, Conn P Hull, New York T Mackelvle, New Jersey M D Dodd, St Louis a King, Bedford O B Champion, Penna r llriinea, Salem, N J W Kyle, Jr, New Jersey j Cullston. Salem, N J L Davis, Now Jersey T Dugan, Salem, N J K E Hatch, New Jersey T A Lora, Salem, KJ G K Stetson, Boston W w Letaed A dan JA S Pattoreoe, Penna j M Bunt,New York H 3 Noyes A wf, UnloagO Mrs C Wetmore, Penna P Burgess, New York Mrs R Weatherby, Pa F F Fowler, Boston Mrs S Caron, Penna w liougiajs _ A Sawyer, New York W D Booth, New Yortt r DWetmore, Penna 11 G Lathrop, Jr, N Y KHowe&la.NJ W TRloharddon & 1, Mass W D Cable, New York J Y Hlohardeon. (Hass s Forehand, Mass A Baker, New York H Thomas, Harrisburg A H Brewster, N Y Mrs Haldeman, Harrlsbg H G Brown, New York T S Haldeman, Harrlsbg J F Bennett, Pittsburg S A Meyers, S'. Louis J F Bingham, PlttsDorg E T Jackson, Mass A J Moßher T> A Trefether. Mass S Sohoyer, Jr, Pittsburg A Brolt, Tfvw York M Mliliken & 3 sons, Ya rßcrtrAn!i. JVew York J B Wilson, Clnolooail John B Phi her, Penna E W Ja-o's A wf, Maes Kev W V llriobard, Pa Miss M V Jacobs, Mass Mrs C Brlchard, Penna J H Freeland, Boston 0 P Huntingdon, Cal W McGUvaoy T Hyatt, New York C D Arms, Penna V L Klrkmatu London Col Babmson A wt,Wash Il A Wilder, Boston L D Cronnse, New York Miss H L Wilder, Boßton Mrs Wallace, New York Miss S O Wilder, Boston C C Coe, Boston B W Chopin, Springfield F A Coe A la, Kaw:Ygtk, TV H Halle, Springfield Mrs D Anderson, N YSSs 118 Hall A wf, Boston T W Plokull, Virginia W H Hnbler, Jr, Awf D T Boardman A la, N Y N Krowles'A son, Boston J Johnston A wf, N York T Lockwood, BOEton R B Stleaney, Boston ass Pullen A la, Boston H M Brown, Boston vi DevluO A la,N Y'ork I- Smitu, Boston 011 Kiss & l», New York o G Morse, B#Wn 1> Mosher KeirU! Day, Boston Mrs Ooolldge, Boston ,G H Anderson. N Y 0 G Hammond A wf, 111 Mrs O B Dod, N J Mrs Al> Mel Hob, N Y Mrs M P Garrett A ch.Va Miss Kate Melllch, NY O A Crane, New York A T Melllch, Jr, NY' T A Januetb, N Y G D Phelps, Jr, N Y A V Thomas, Mlohlgan j J Brown A wf. N Y OW S Hoaton. N Y r Boyce & wf, Baltimore G E Jarvis, n y l E Miller A wf i J F G Baxter, Boston C H Marsh, New Jersey IE A Thorurn A la, N Y p Hull. Now York 1 The ki .1 N Swoope, Virginia tv H Mattson, Penna X B Claiborne, Mrs MoCanoe, A Grierson, Boston M B Spahl, Y'ork Pa T Howard, Pittsburg F Knrnp, Plttsbarg Mrs L H Coolbroth A son H G Smith, Lancaster A J Steloman W D Hazell. Ohio A Her.derson A son. Pa A Sllllman A son, Pa 1 F Gowdey E Brooke j g Thompson, Penna o s Bayits, Now York M F McEeynolds, Penna Folk Palmer. Ohio s D Barrows, Lookhaven E H Brown, P«ona R BlrHhmas A wf, Penna Miss Blruhman, Ponua Miss R Miles, Penna J M Maguire, Penna F James A lady, Uhlo J Miller, New York H S Evans, W Chester ,J P Longhead, U S Y Bev G hamlll A L Basse), Harrisburg .111 King, Harrisburg H T Beardsley, Penna Dr Prleeon, Lookhaven il c Sanderson, Penna S T Peek, Lookhaven H F Tyler, Lookhaven T .1 Abl, Cincinnati H Barton, New York WMooreJr A Bobn, Mercer county J K Hines A wf, Md J Dr Zubena, New York A C Fish, Boston j D Panooaat, Salem N J C L McKean & wf, Penna Rev A J Barrow, Harrisb Mira M P Rushton, Phlla Miss G Rnshton. Phlla J H Bewley, Delaware C H Richards, Delaware J M Kimball, Milwaukee J T Crittenden A wile E Leland, Boston ,T W Abl, Carlisle Miss E Stewart,S Easton Cbas Dillon, Tenn J K Warner, Gettysburg W Moore A la, N J M Weeks A la, Trenton W H Johnston, Plttsbg Mrs Allison, Lewistown Mrs Spangler. Lewlstwn V W Button, Lynohbnrg W R Mosby, Lynchburg J T Mofflitt, Lynohbutg C A sohoffier, Lvnchbg Mrs Icgram, Columbia Mrs E Bart, Penna J Saylor A wf, New York H Cox, Quincy, HI L H Stran, Boston Mrs Capt Smith W D Hazell, Ohio Mrs H Conrad, N Y Rev T K Conrad, N Y John Blaek, Plttsbarg Mrs Capt Granger. Pa G Smaller, Middleton F w strong A wf, Colo L H Coolbroth, Poona J A Sohweers, PottsrHle E Snider, Harrisburg Rev Dr Duffleld, Detroit Rev G Duffleld, Jr, A wf G B Cook, Indianapolis Miss L A Sears, Westport Mrs Bridges, L Haven Miss McDonald, L Haven J W Parker, Plttsbarg S 0 Mount. USA E W Horte, California H trrtn, Penna C R Bear, Lancaster r. R Fox. Now Jersey tyspt J G Mailing WM Smith, Harrisburg 7 D Stiles, Allentown IV R Condlct, Indiana W R Bowes A wf, N J J Y Criswell, Harrisburg J H Perkins, Westport L M Sheldon, New York J W Embury, Now York L s Russell, Bedford J L Stedman, M Chunk A O Buggies, Westport L J Waters A wf, N J Q H Rumple, Columbia Seth Slocum, Oil City Alex Moore, Ohio John B Gofred, Plttbs’g J Williamson A wf, Balt Kobt Cooper, Baltimore Henry Bare, Comb’d co A Fisher J Phillips. Ponua S Patton, Ohio G W Oakland, Plttsbarg WH Johnston, Plttsbarg Sami Sommers, Altoona John W Allen, Zanesrtle E Gest, Cincinnati, O D B Nyoe, Tltnsvllle J X Grier, Danville W T H Tucker, Bermuda $ Kllllnger, Erie A Irvin, Erie ro limits’. S K Baker, Cleveland E H Fisher, Batavia, NY C G Dclvey. Byron, N Y u lUunson ft da, Penna T Kirk, Winona S Eosenberg, Arkansas F s Norchrap, Oil creek E Newlan, Oil Creek Hon W A Wallace, Pa J Jameson, Oatawlssa D O Saylor, Allentown H L Henderson, Penn* J H Mackey ft wf, Md O J Ihrie ft wf, Trenton N W Sanbern & wf, Mass W Weaver, Penna John Bigler, New York M H Stanton A Myers, Clarion Ihe JHei J B Power, Wooster, O H Adlrr, Lancaster Q- Hul!, Stroudsburg J W Hack, Chambersbg £ Li Bleckley, Easton Jos Hess, Easton IMw Able, Easton S H Fredericks, Penna N V,' Fradarloks, Penna llooro Fredericks. Penna X Fisher, Huntingdon \V A Addis ore,California H J Saylor, Wasblngton P Klnports, Penna T E Carrol jPblladelpbla a K Herd, Lancaster P B Connor, Hazleton J C Williams, Phlllpsbg (l P. Foster, PhlHpsbnrg B F Schnable, Bethlehem J w Brown, Bethlebem U Ospenheiiper, putebg J L Sohoru ft ia, Ph G H Blck, Baltimore M G Lofland ft la, Del J G JJnoapher, Ohio W Lilly, Blanch Chunk fi Noble ft la, Westfield E y Parry, Clinton, N J P Case, Clinton, N J I) F Fitts, Haverhill Mrs Gen Albrigbt&2 d,Pa E Jameß ft wf, Doylestwn E s Boeder, Doylestown Bliss M Blais, Doylestwn B L Kyder, N J A c PartJldge, Boston J Darlington , Weston J smith, SmHhyill* EL Piper it d, W Disport R Warren, Boston G Hirsh, Lancaster C D Aline, Lewisbnrg Ii Easton ft la, L Haven B Hartshorn, Cnrwlnsv E P Kinsey, Cohoes, NY W E Stleven, Pittsburg Miss L Stleven, Penna Mrs P S Bfackeortdge,Fa H W Cole, Troy, NY J Healy, Penna D G Nnllng, Clearfield W H Martha, Brooklyn A C Spring, Boston W O Shipman, Elmira P O Hlnman, Elmira J I> Bedtente, Elmira H D Hookloy,jElmira W H Roberts, Vermont W H stower, New York THe Ai Jas w Long, Easton J K Surdy i: D Biddle, Easton JQ. Bntler, M Chunk D' Reeve, New Jersey A B Royal ft la. Pa P W Garfield, Rochester S B Smith, New Jersey L S Gallaway, Delaware D w Chambers W Backet, Jr, Easton V A Honse, New Jersey W Searles, Lewlsburg ■I K Ccolbaugb. Penna GL Palmer,Wllkesbarre K Wallace, Chicago A J Delsshnrate, Md John Tindall, Easton 1. M Teel, New Jersey H Vonte, Scblk Haven B A Garrison, N Jersey M J English, Albion,N Y W L McLean, N Jersey S Rlcbllne, Easton Geo D Meigs, Easton J W Wood, Easton U W Brengle, Maryland N s Prime, Brooklyn Jno Cowell, St Johns J H Wolie, Bethlehem U B Desb, Bethlehem Geo Feiher, Bethlehem G s Bouteher, Easton l K Sibley Miib Sibley A £ Stokes, Virginia W B Cooper ft wf, Md £ W Rice, Milwaukee J M Smith, Mass A L Smith, Connsotlont HL Palmer, Now York A L Champion, N York L Goldman, HolUdaysb’g F Weiss ft wf,Luzerne oo Thos Wetes, Luzerne 00 Eobt E Paine, Ohio Sami Bead ft wf, N J J ohn Van Payer, N J Jas It Swayre, N Jersey S T J Coleman, Oln, O B Sibley, Norwich, Ct J E Hemingway, N J J Andress, Jr, N J A O Barton, New Jersey J Reese, Westminster H D Gould ft la, N J W B Hamilton, Penna The I » S Boker ft Son, Oregon u H Atkinson & son.O'gon H B Cowles, California IT L Weed, Now York 1 Hetrlch &la, Ohio «' S Wells, Wllkesbarre J Painter, Maucb Chunk A M Lawshe, Lewisbnrg J L Brlcker,Mahanoy O’y 0 O Moore, Ellington A B Cowan, N Carolina G H Bishop, Boston B Perry, New York P Miner, Wllkesbarre ■ SOsterhont, Penna f Garrett, Tamaqua i> Ley bran, Tamaqua G Ji Robertson, N Jersey - <i W Martin, Penna c G Snyder ft la, Ohio :‘S P Thompson & wf. Pa •i S White, M Chunk E P Tiozell, Allentown Miss E E Trosoll, Penna Miss M Trefass, Penna W N Purdy, New York S H Guilford, Lebanon T S Thompson, Penna E D Cleaver, Del City s Annum ft la, PottsvUle J Becker, Indiana H S Boner ft la, Ashland W A Holliday, N Jersey Mrs E J Lawley, N J J L Brio Her, Mahanoy B G Wales, New York F Buckley, New York Mrs J Bonham. Syracuse Mrs W Sykes. O wego . _ C P Kidder, Wllkesbarre R M Kidder,Wllkesbarre L Plte ft la, Marlon, O J W Langhlln Mrs Dr N loholas ft sotbFa J H Daniel, N Mexico imsrelal. Ike Com Jss Boyd, York co •1 M Boyd, York 00 L iretz, Hoy lea town Gbas K Warner <IW Poinsett, Wild, Del John L Phillips -loa Shantz, Washington John Gov in, Pottstown Jos Mlntzer, Pottstown JW Cornell, Doylestown J H Hill, Doylestown w c Golem, Ft Clinton Jacob Llndermutb, Pa /T. n Bowmen, PottsvUle vjbas Mattery Pt Cltfiton * States, Penna .Tns Underwood, Penna - } - A. Brat ten, Centre co ■s' F WlcberstiaEQ, Penna V Ha)], Avondale Jopiah Phillips, Avondale •J S CcwplU & wf, Penna; Walton, Chester co G c Nelson, N London C Hall ft la, Penna W Geary, Penna S Pennook, Cheater co John Yooom, Penna Isaac > ocom, Penna Mrs Jaokson, Harrisburg N W Noland ft wf, Md Miss A Noland, Md Miss E Neston, Md IW M WlisoD. Delaware j M Brown, Eikton, Md Sami Wright, W Chester E O Hickman- W Cnester J B Walton, Books oo w A French, N Jersey W S Sneden, N Jersey Geo Parsons, N Jersey Jos James, W Chester Wz Levis, W Chester J s Paxson, W Chester ■ J Watson, PhllUpsßurg The Stai Aldob Townsend, Jr, Pa •Ub Kanken, Delaware S Wright, Penna •i B Ash & eon, Eikton H A Stlnaint & I*. Md Jag Dltmar is Union. S H Brennen, Harrisburg M O Getty, Indiana oo Jobn Anesty, Mlnersyllle M Standley, Penna Miss S Brlsbtn, Penna J L Snydam, Penna R A Young, Ooatesville d c i singer, Penna DHnnt JU williams Ko1)t Davis, BtimsYUTg <i B Marlin, Lancaster ■I .T Webb, Penna U W Hoover it F Pitts, Cherrytree.Pa J n Foster, IVew York J W Acker, New York Wm Bnabanan, Lane co E Holloway, Nowark,Del Tlie Barli S Parmentor, Now York •' lUviaUocfc, Now York M;b Nizson, Penna T>,' Gisyton, Backs co J,® Gunter. Penna L r «w Jersey H o Gtlb,rt, m Chunk : r g Fcssi Mi Wmsport ley Sheaf. G W Simons, Wayne co W Maine, New York Sami Nevon, New York Smith Harper, Penna W McDowell, Backs co J Johnson, St Glair Mrs Evens, St Clair Id Eagle. J Gower, Monroe oo Miss S Matten, AUent’n MISS M Koschllno, Pa Miss A Schwartz, Penna Mlss'J Schwartz Penna Miss s Deeh, Allentown r r T ., , Tlie Bali w j' il' r '. Mall snos city l h Bachman, Penna . Allentown A Mfsir. Orefield.Pa f, Crofield, Pa Monro* so Tbe Hadlawn. J T Funon, Smyrna,Del Th» Bohoeh,Stroudabg Miss Fnrreon, Smyrna,Dl W G Drake, Stroudfburg John Kelaey, Ywdleyv ;WW Bloom,New Jersey J O Whitaker, N York iG W Geddls, New Jeftey W Rowland, Pa 2™ O O Murray, N Y J B Gibson. Meadrtlle H Marray, New York Geo w Hannooson, Md W O Fountain, Md J H Boozer, Lembertvllle Geo W Walker, Pa w yy 9 theriii, LambertT Gilbert A Brown, N Y j jgervls. Lnttbertyllle | Jas W Foley, Pa J Hart, Doylestown A J Jonea, Pike do. Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. Mbs. S. A. Allen’s World’s Bair Re- BTOBBR AND DUSBIHO arrests the faU. and asrer Mieto restore gray hair to its natural color, and pro dace a luxuriant growth. GCABANTBE OA ITS WORTH AND HBRIT. Bev. J. West Brooklyn, L. I : •‘lwilUestifyto their value in the most liberal sense- They have res tors d my hair iwheve It was bald, and, where gray, to It* original color*” Wm. Cutter. IT. Y. City: “My hair Is changed 4v 1U natural color, and growing on bald *pot. ” Bev. H. V. Degen Boston. Msec.; “That they pro mote tie growth of the hair where baldness is, I have the evidence of my own eyes. ” pe r sale by all Druggists. Wholesale and Bel ail Depot, No. 198 QBBBVWIOH Street, Jew Yort- _ • Jny2B-ftuBt The ,l Nobpakbil Cubling Iron,” (the latest improvement); also, Gurling Tange, Finch® ing Irons. Curling Bode, Hair Crimpers, Nail Nlppets. snd Tweezers, for sale by TRUMAN & BHAW, No. 835 (Eif ht.Thirty* five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It A LARGE VARIETY OP KEYS AND OTHER Locksmith's Bardware, may be found at TRUMAN & SBAWS,No. 835 (Bight Thirty-five) MABEBT Street, below Ninth, it Jones’, THE LOWEST BELLING FStOB is marked in figures on each article, AND NBVBR VAEIBD, , AT JONES* Crescent One-price CLOTHING HOUSE, MARKS T STRSBT. above Sixth, No 604. 49* Prices reduced to suit the time*. a fins assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, ioiuble for all etaeon*, constantly on hand. Custom- work made to order at short boUca [mh9«3m Bargains in Clothing 1 Bargains in CLOTHING! Bargains in Clothing ! Baugairs in Clothing ! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! Bargains in Clothing! v ■' bt Pbbrt & Co., . v.. BY PERRY & GO., ' r * Wferkd by Perry & Co., Opfebed by Perry ht Go., ftnjypo3 Chestnut street, above Third, CHBS»rnT Street, {GEaNVILLK STOKES' Oldjpßd,) CoT - Seventh and MARKET STS (JONES*-) Perrv & Co. have undo a bled] y the Urge** stock of ready-made Clothing, and finest vnivty of slyles how presented to the public in this city. Their stock is new. bought at the lowest rates, got op In the best manner, and sold at WoNDERPtTLLT LOW PRICES. Wonderfully Low Psicbs, Wonderfully Low Prices, Wonderfully Low Prices. Our friends and the publie are invited to eall and examine for themselves, and be convinced that it is to their advantage to deal with us. 49- Attention is also called to Our Custom Department, Our Custom Department, Our Custom Department, Our Custom Department, Ocr Custom Department, • ■ f In connection with each establishment, where W* have constantly on hand All the Latest and Best Styles, All the Latest and Best Styles, ALL THE liATBST AND Bust Styles. All the Latest *k© Baer Styles, And can guarantee to oar customers entire satisfac tion in every re»pect. No. 303 Chestnut Street. , Above Third, No. 609 Chestnut Stbsbt, (GBaNYILLB STOKES’ Old Stand ) And S. B. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts., (JONBS*.) Perry & Co. Perry & Co. A Isay of Hope—To weak, debili tated Dyspeptics, groaning under a life of agony, we offer PLANTATION BITTERS as ft good and iure remedr. This remarkable medi cine relieves Scar Beadacbei Heartburn, Distress after Eating* an£ all the symptoms of Dya« pepsia. at once. Its good effect is felt npon the flrtt trial. Plantation Bitters are the pleasantest tonic la the ■world. The old, the ycung, and the middle aged acknow ledge their wonderful health' giving power. No change of diet la necessary while nslng them. Bat al] you want of the best you can get. Plantation Bittbbs are -exhausted Nature’s great Restorer. They give tone to the Stomach, and brilliancy to the Mind, and driving away «« th* doubts that roll Clmmerean darkness o'er the fainting soul!” mySS-dt TO PROVE IT. TRY A BOTTLE. Lieutenant General Grant.—Excel lent Imperials and Cartes de Visits of the General, taken from life, and pionounced by himself and friends IhO beet ever taken, can be obtained at xnySB'4t* Hair Dye ! Haib Dye ! BATCHELOB’S HAIR DTE Is the host in the world. The only true and perfect Dye—harmlew, inataotane* oa«a and reliable produces a splendid Blaek or Natural Brown; remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes, and fre quently restores the original color. Bold by all Drag gists, The genuine is signed W. A. BATQHSCjOR, &1 BAKCLAT Street, Jew Tork. iaS-mw/ly Why Injure thk Complexion by POWDERS AND WASHES which choke or 111 up Hu porei of Hie akin, and In a abort tlnu Iwt« It htt.h ana irrt It la In the blood, and If yon want a a»ooth amd •oft akin nu HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT OP BARSA PASILLL It glvesabrUHangrto the cartmlMTUtn. A Clbab, Shoots Skin and Bhaoti rnt COMPLEXION follows the use of HELHBOLD'i CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARIL LA. It remoTaa black tpota, plmploa and all anwtlona of the akin. _ Not A Fbw.of thk Worst Disobdbbb (hit afflict mankind arise from corruptions of the blood. HBLMBOLD’S BXTKACT OF gABSAPAKILLA is a remedy of the utmost value- To Purify, Enbich the Blood, and BEAUTIFY tb« complexion, niw HBLMBOLD’S HIGH LY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA ATT.T.A. CBO bottle eanalo In »tren«tln>n» aallon oftia Byrn» or Deaoctlon, HBLMBOLD’S CONCBNTBATED EXTRACT SUOHU is the great Diuretic. HBLMBOLD’S CON CENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA iethe Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to ml at ef Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the moat a.tin that aan bo made. - A Thing of Beauty ib a Joy Fob- EVER.—Those who desire brlUlsnsy of complexion. Blast purify and enrich the blood, which BBtHßOlk’l CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BARBAPARILLA Inva riably doea Becollect It le no patent medicine. Ask for Brimbold’e. Take no other. mhl-wftnns Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. BALT RHEtTH. (OINTMENT) BALTRHBDH. Will eure the Itch la 48 hour*. Alio» cores SaUßhsam* Dicers* Cbilblaiss, and all ErapUooa of the Skin. Price 60 cents. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS St POT* TEE, BOSTON, Mass , \rili beforwazdodfioehv mail* For sale by all Druggists. mhlS-flin Ghicbbbinq’b Pianos— IT ET f "89.00060LD.—New Warerooms.H if TD Entrance in Art Qailery, 014 CHESTNUT Street. my4‘36l* WM. a. DUTTOH. Geobge Steck & Co.’s ggSgSI mvft pianos, n a »ii HABOS a‘h , A*LIN’S CABINET OKOABS. PIANO Over 000 each of tfcoee fine C4BTNET FO&TBB. incirdpxaatfi have been told b 7 oSGtANB PlaNO Mr. G.. and ibe demandiioon> OaßlffET FORTE* etantly incieesltig. ORG*x»B. PIANO For sale only br C4.6INET FORTES. J. E- GOURD. ORGANS PIANO SEVENTH and CHEBfNUT Sts. CABiNBf FORTES. no2o-tf ORGANS. Sale of Bebt Class Ready-Made CLOTBJNG at the great establishment well known as 41 OAK HaLL,” located at tlie 8. B. corner SIXTH ftsd MAEEET fetreete, The «lo*« of the war enables us to maaur&cture cheaper, and we are therefore selling the pretent stock at snob prises as are-warranted by the present state of affairs. As many want to know just what they ess for, weinvlte the examina tion of the following pricelist, which embraces but a ftw leadlrg articles among the thousands of garments we hare sow displayed in our extensive sales room**. The people can always depend upon finding at onrstoTd exactly wbat Is advertised. Ail- wool C&aslmere Tests, fre m $176 to s7v 69. << «« "r” Fasts, froa * 00 to ; Coat*. from 6.00 to&Oti, Good Buiiaoss Goat for $6.25. Oflee Sack Coat for $6. »«U F*X*oa Cloth-Saek, $B. Good Black Cloth tiosk Coat, $12.00. M “ Coes. P*nts, 8. CO. 4®» We/will take pleamre is showing our goods to an; whoc&U, rrheth«r wishing to_pur9hue_or aot» WANaMAKSB ft BROWN, _ - OAK HALL Popular Clolbiog Home, It 8. B. cor. of SIXTH and MAREST Streets. HIED. PLEASANTS.—May 24th, at the residence of bis brotber, Dr. Henry Pleasantß, Radnor, Delaware county, Pennsjlranla, Charles Pleasants, of Sun bnry. Pennsylvania, aged 68 years. Interment from hie late realdonoe In Snnbnry, OH Saturday, the 27th Instant, at I p. M. * PLEASANTS —Was killed, on the sth of May, 1864, at the battle of the Wilderness, Charles I. Pleasants, First Lieutenant, nth Regiment, V. S. 1, Med 24 years and 8 months, son of the late Charles Pleasants, of Snobury, Pa. •• ‘ CHESTEK —At Washington, D. c., on the 23d Instant, 800. William Chester. D. D. Funeral from No. oh Clinton street, Phlladel. phla.on Saturday morning,the27thInstant, atio o’clock. ■' *** SHARPLESS.—Fifth month 24th, Mary Offlley Sborpltss in the 73d yearol her age. Her relatives arid friends, and those of the family, are reapeotfully Invited to attend her funeral, with out further notice, from her late residence, Haddon field, New -Dray- on Seventh day, 27th Inst, at 2 o’clock P. M. Interment at Friends’ Burying Ground at Noirton. Train for Haddonneld leaves Vine street wharl at IP. M. Carriages Will he pro vlded at the house. . , VAN BARLINGEN-On the 25th Inst., In the filth year of hlssge, E. Herman, youngest son or J. ivr flurt lFabel Ye® Hariißj?en. _ . ra wilADMANr— on the 25th lost, Lorlng son of John K. and Hattuah P, Wlldman, oae year and tiuce months. DLACK ENGLISH GRENADINES* — E> jnet received. a ca*e of Black EDgilnh Grenadine*, Rt 40 cents a i aid BESSOS&*O&. Mouraiug Store, «w cenw » 3 ai« g . g cHBSrAUr Street. One price. Prices lo plain figure* mV* 5 IiLACK CHALY DE LAINE.—JUST V otrntd, one css. of plain Chaly ds Lain... at 1715 cents a , ard. BEBBI.N ft Jg 'ollSrTA* %&,. One price Prices In plain Sgnies mjlS White shawls, best assort. MENTIS TOWN. Pure White Barege Bbawll. Pure » hl»* Ss** S?!!* Shstlsnd do. JLL^-gyiP • - . •.;<*. f A *' 1 ;g » VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SiLOON. WELCOME HOME TO THE KETURNING VOLUNTEERS, Ample arrangements hav’rg been made, through the liberality of the peopi* Philadelphia, to give the veterans of the gal ant IMon Army on their return home a grand reception. ,l e COOPRR BBOP VOLUN TEBR EkFKBSBMBJT GOMMITTBB hereby oheerfnlly tender the hospitalities o 1 their establishment to the several Brigades . Regiments, Battalions, Companies, or Squads* of all Uuton t oops, volun teers, regulars, sailors, teamsters, music tans, vlsaa dieis. cavalry, artillery infantry, or riflee. who may arrive In this city or pas-through to New Jersey. New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Xaasachssetts. Con nccU«it. Mains, flew Hfttnpuire, or any other fiiats, Terii ory, or aectlon of our eountry. The committee eo generously assisted by the patriotic ladies and gentlemen institutions associations, and privets corporations generally of Philadelphia will be m attendance dav end niaht so as to feed the returning braves with aa little delay a* possible. Large qaantltits of first-quailiy of ham, beef, coffse. soft bread, butter, etcetera, have been engaged, and wtil be promptly served to suitany euergeney that may arise We have ail the material to enable us to furnish a meal that will reflect credit upon the liberality of Philadelphia, and thus again we tender, on behalf of the citizens- their hospitalities to the men who have achieved a vlotory, who have proudly sustained the good old nig o'the Union, planted itln power in all States, and redeemed the country from tyranny and oppression. Tbe Committee also strongly appeal to their feiio w cltizen* for cortribulionsto ttnfsh the work in a oredlta ,‘S.!rWO'im“w M. COOMB. Pr.aidant. COOFXE SHOP CONTRIBUTIONS. , At s Meetlu* of ihe Committee, held on w.iuMday eveotpg, 24th in&t, she following contributions were DOITATIOHB. Manufadursrs* National Bank..a«4«.i-.,,,.» »+*-* City Datlonal Bank 26 Mis. Phtpp* —6 Mrs. Davis..,.*®— 9J Friends<f Jas Toomey..— —W* FhiiadtlphiaGontributionship 200 Second and Third streets Passenger Railway, through Thos. Logan. BeereUry~**~~~***.~***' 60 HOSPITAL. Donation through Mrs. Hartman.. «-*** ••*•**—«**. 30 It WM. M. OOOPBR. President. gp A CARD. UNION VOLUNTEER EEFfiESHME JT SALOON, ' . Shall our brave soldiers be well entertained on their return 1 It Is for the citizens of Philadelphia to decide. It will be four yean, on the eusaittg27th of May,since the Union Volunteer kefieshment Committee was or ganized, and if the Institution is closed on that day, the amount of cash onhandwDl no more than meet our obligations. The war is virtually ended, yet our Braves who have so nobly and valiantly defended our firesides and country are about to return to th*ir homes. Shall We receive and refresh them and show by OUr hospD tality and kindness that their .great services are faily appreciated by the grateful citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity? The Committee will, with great pleasure, continue their voluntary duties, should the fandi be furnished, and they hope this will be a final appeal. Contribution* handed oar Committee, or either of the following gentlemen, will reach us, and be properly appropriated: Rev Dr. THOMAS BRAINBBD. Mo. 634 Pine street TBOHAB BOBUS, Baq.., President of Philadelphia Bank. D. B. CUMMINS, Eta., President Girard Bank. S. A. MERCER, Etq., President Farmer*' and Me chanise* Bank. J. B. AUSTIN, Eia , President Southwark Bank. M. W. WOODWARD, Eaa • Cashier Manufacturers* end Mechanics' Bank, TBOMAS T. FIRTH, Esq., Treasurer Pennsylvania Railroad. JAMES G. HAND A CO., comer Market and Decatur streets. SAMUEL B. FILES, Esq., No. 70? Vine street. ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. J. B Wade, Secretary. myl9-fmw!2t rsa»> BUSIEISS EDUCATION.— YOUNG M£N PREPARESD Fv>R THE OOUAT -IBG-HOU&B ADD BUSINESS LIFE, AT CfcITTBNDEB’B COMMERCIAL COLLAGE. * 637 CHBSmUT STREET. Comer of Seventh, Philadelphia. The coarse of instruction Includes BOOK- SEE PUS G, as practiced by ihe beet accountants, ior Wholesale, Retail, Manufacturing- Jobbing, Importing, Steam beating, Commission, Foreign and Domestic Shipping Busineßß, Joint fetock Companies, Banking Business, FEEMiNSHIF-Plaln and Ornamental. COMMERCIAL OsLCOLATIOafi: Interest, Commission, Profit and Loss, Average, Simple and Compound, Exchange, &c. BOblflESB FORMS: Bills, Notes, Orders. Receipts, Drafts, Checks, Bills of Exchange, Invoices, Account Sales. Accounts Current, &c. Also. COMMERCIAL LAW, PHOhOGRAPHY, DETECTING COUNTERFEIT NOTES. Ac. TELBGhAFHIBG—By Found and on Paver, with Office Practice taught by one of the beet of Practical Operators. A separate Department for Ladies Disabled Solditxs allowed a liberal reduction of terms _ _ tTCDEKTS BXCRIVBD AT ANY TIME- No VACATION, In extent of accimmodations, course of instruction, facilities for imparting busmtss knowledge, and prac ttcal advantages to business men, this institution is unequalled _ CATALOGUES, containing Term*, Students’ Names, Ac , furnished gratis on sppllcation. Crittenden’s ** series of Practical Treatises on Book keeping," and Judge Sharswood’s " Lectures before the Students on Commercial Law," for sale at ihe College * myjfi'K s. H. CRITTESDEN & CO. J, GDTJSKUNST’S, 704 ARCH Direct, figr ttiT 26,1861 —At a Meeting of the Board of Directors of the NEW YORK ASD MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, Mr. John M- Bickel tendered his resignation a* President < f the Company, and oa motion Mr. WILLIAM MoLRLLAJI was unanimously ejected to fill the vacancy. “ v €fi£6. R, LlfiDSaY, my 26- 12s . ' Secretary. MABTEK ALFRED TAYLOK, BOM 9*o=? of Bon 21 -Qy TAXED E* Ofthe youthful Orator urt wdwi his ad* diets at COMCBBT HALL, on HOMDAY BVBDHMO. May 39 Sale of tickets will commence May 34, at T. B POOH’b Book Store, SIXTH and OfIiSTJKJT-my24-4k PBAPOBALS WIU BE BE WES? r. CBIYBD afctol* Offices* toFBIDATnext, May 26th, *ll2 H., fortfceG&ASS «fth«'Sto|iirflfcrSL GHAq. BlXfir, my 24 8t • Commissioner of City property. rar VBBIHBVAL VEmSGOF X«* §=» Stockholders of the GIB ABB MIyXJCG CO . (of t ake Superior). will he held at their Office, Mo. 344 WaLMOT Street, on TUESDAY, the 6th proximo, at 13 o'clock, for the election of Directors, tad the trauiac tion cl other badness. B, A. HOQPBS, Secretary. Philadelphia. May 23. 1866. my2Bl3t •ST* SPECIAL CHIOS BEMGIOPS l» BBBVTCB—GAL VABY CHUBOH, LOCUST £treet,,above Fifteenth,-PreashUg every evening this w«ek, :by the Paetor. Union PrayerrJlcetini. wwy morning, fiomBto9o*olock. y>,lJC>Bo»tuwi|3j.* Kjp phiiadelphu, #ss ' —The anneal meeting of t><e Stoclchordera of the KE6OLUTB MIWIAG OoMPABY (of Lake Superior) will behold at their office, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, tne etn proximo, at 13 o’clock for the tUction of Direatoiß ana thO traßsaction or other tra*i neßfl B. A HOi>Pß3* mj2o-14t Secretary. KSr* OFFICE OF THE AMYGDALOID 9S& HIM IMG COMPASY OF LAKB SUPBBIOB, Me. 324 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, May 19.1865. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Annual Meeting ot the Stockholders of “The Amygdaloid Mining Com panv of Lak» Superior* f will be held at the Office. Mo. 324 WALBUT Mtreet, on T&UBBDAY, 7th proximo, at 13 o'clock M., for the election of Directors and the transaction of other mj2o- tje7 F. K. WOMEATH, Secretary. TO COAL COHSDMSRSi Fsamine the following flgnree and decide for your eeif if it is sot to yoxur interest to become a stockholder in the Cost or mining and transporting a ton of 2,240 pounds 00e1..v.- D 6 88 yard expenses, for picking, screening. nn» </v loading, etc....— 40 Carting from yard to consumer*b door —. .00 9O Tot tl cost of mining, transporting, prepariog. and d<llveill)g a ‘long Ton** of 2,240 Phunde at the consumer’s d00r....—..— * $7 68 Average retail price of a ton of Coal last wln« ter. waa over— I 9 60 Are yon eontiaueto pay from 60 to 76 per rent advance on your Coal? Do you wish, to save from $3 to 86 per ton, and g«t a good article, well prepared? Bach btQct*oid«r in the Housekeeper’s Coal Company is furnished with a coupon for Bvery ehan of stock h« holds. Bach coupon entitlce the holder to a Tonof Coal Annually »t coet for 16 At tJu present retail price of Goal, a stock• holder will save the entire cost of his stock in three ptarSt exclusive of & n U cosh dividends he'map receive from the sale of the surplus Goal mined over that used bp the ftockho.'ders. Though prices may be much lower this season, the stockholders in this Company will still have the The following »3c'’**eta are taken Bom a Bepert.of Prof CM F. JtOBBSTS, Civil end Miningßaglae*r«n t:e '‘BrauchdaieCoal Propertr i’’ k ♦«The coal mined from this land hae always bad good r»pnte in ihe market. Coal »ueh as is produced from the tipohn and Lev U Veits, commends a ready sate at the bifhcstmaTketable price, and it can be mined from these veins cheaper lhan from other veins of the same eiaasinSebuyiktU ’ounty.*' - ' 6UBBGBIPTIOM BOOK 0 PBN AT TSI OFFICE OF TBE COMPANY, MO. 105 SOUTR FIFTH BTBBBT, W here infomation eoncernlnx the affairs of the Cojppsaw ean be s)rtsned at the office. MBSIDUT, B. ?. LBAKB.lI; 9., Vnakford. BBOBBTABT. JOHB BACOH, Office or the Company. TREABCTBEB. THOB. WBIGGIffS. 8. B. Cor. fifth andOhecttrat its. OBSERAL AQBST, SOBT. ft COESOH. PIBBOTOBS^ 1 F. LBiKK. " “I 'tlfwlS THOMPSON. S. S. Jhlk?, TffOHiS WK1»»W8. jidoß W. BOCKIDS. ap 7 »wfMt tasr“ UNIVERSITY OF PKNNSTI,VA- F*? KIA-DEPABTUIAT 0/ ARTS Tllb flul Sl av iaaUoa «f the senior Glass srlll be held In the follow ing order, beglnslnr each day at 4 o’clock PH : ' TUESDAY, 2Sd—By Prof. Frazer, (Physical Geo ■ arophy ) WEDNESDAY, 24th—By Prof. Allen, (Plato’s Gor oias.) THURSDAY, 25th—By Prof. Coppoe, {lnternational Low ) FB»DAY, 26th—By Prof. Jackson, (Tacitus’ Life of DaY, 29th—By the Ptotosl,(Butler’s Analogy ) 7 UESDAY, SGih—By the Prvvow. {So-rtal Science (Carey) *nd Constitution of the United Slates ) l J GEORGE ALLEN. jn*23 T 7t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts KST THE ANKW HEEHIIG OF THS Stockholders of the EMPIRE COPPER 00 (of Michigan) Will he held at their Office, Vo 433 WALNUT street, on FRIDAY, the 24 day of June. iB6O, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS ana the transaction or other huslnee*. ; * J. S. McMULLIIf,. Secretary. Philadelphia, Mar 16. 1860. my<6-tje2 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE »» Stockholders of the PaiLADEPHIk kBD BOS. ’loM HIEING COMPANY (ofMlchlgaii) will beheld at their Office, No. 483 WALNUT Street, on FRIOAY, the 2d day of Jnne, 1866. at 1 o’clock P.M.. {or “the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS and the transaction ?el other hnMness. J. S McMULLIN, Secretary. Philadelphia. May IP. 1865. mylgtjaa MEKCBdUTS’ ABB HABUFAO> TU&BKS" NATIONAL BANK. _ FITTBBDRU, ApxUJi.ljßM. Stockholders ire herehy notified tha-t Kooks will oe opened for subscription to the new stock oftbts Bank. *t>he COMUBROIsL NATIONAL BANK. LnKlHadei phia, on MONDAY, May let, 1860, and wttleoptlnue open during banking hours, dally, from XO o’clock A tt7toS o’clock P. M.. until Thursday, June Ist,' 1886. By order of the Board of Directors JOHN SCOTT, Jr. i Cashier, a S. BOLLMAN. President, Pittsburg, Fenna. BOBT. B. STEELING Viee President, Philadelphia apUhtlel »?sr~ abbitfksart oftheanebi- CAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.—The eervicea competed with the forty*first anniversary of the Am*- rtSin Fnnday Sebool Union will hsheid atthe MUSICAL F JND H eLL, LOCUST Street, near Et«htb, on TUES DAY EVENING* May 90 at a quarter to 8 o’clock Ticket* of admission may he had g< ataltonsly on an-, Baiwtaw. i«a ottSiT. « i^6,oft iL c r^p4w. fiOSPITALItIES OFTHH COOPE R- s HOP. FOOT OF WASHINGTON ATKNtJE. HOUSEKEEPERS’ COAX COMPANY, LAST WIMTBE’fI PBIOBS: ADVABTAQB OF ALL TH, PROFITS..)* THi OTALITY OF THB GOAL. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY, MAY 26, 186& yy IBKUUIO AHDAMBBICAt - ;?# IBEIAJID A fiOVBBIIOH STATS Iff THB AKSBI OAff UfflOff. Very Bar. Or. MrBIABTY will d.llTer » Lwtur. on Ihe above subjsei 10 Irishmen and the Friends of Ire land, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, The triumph of the Union Is the trumpet ftdte Of uni* versalUberiy over the world. Ticket, SOosntsi Beaerved Seats fiOtents. , _ _ M Tickets can be had at Eugene Cummlskey’fl Kook Store, 1037 Chestnut; John R Downing, Eighth, above Walnut* Book Stan; John Bremen, Jeweler, No. IBS. Eighth street; takes Tobm. Jefferson and Gadwalader, Grocer. my ti-thsmwfe 6t | <Sg~ EOTICE TO All DBUNQDEJJ CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED UNDER ART LAW Of TBS STATE Of PENNSYLVANIA. Retieeis hereby given to all companies incorporated by or under any law of ths Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. and organized at any time prior to the first non day of November, )8M that have failed to make report to the Auditor General under the Aet approved April 21, 1868. and the Act approved April 30, 1861* that, they are required to report to the Auditor Qwteral forthwith, as f °lnSunadividend has been declared, the Treasurer Will report, under oath, theameunt of capital paid in* theda’e, amount, and rats per eent. of each diriclsnd during the year ending the first Monday of November, 1864, and any previous year or yesrs in which tne Com- Sany may have hsd an existence; and in case no dlri end has been declared during the year or years end ing as aforesaid, then an appraisement of the cash value of the cspltal stock. as ft existed between the first and fifteenth days of November, mast be made by ths President or Treasurer, and a majority of ths Directors, under oath. When an appraisement is made, the re port should also state at what time ths Company was organized. In addition to the above report, under the act of April 21, If 68, companies not paying a tax on tonnage ar, re quired to make a separate report, wader oath, of the Treasurer, of the amount of net earnings or Income re ceived during the period from April SO to November!* 1£64, In accordance with the second section of the act, approved April SO. 1664 . ___ COMPANIES INCORPORATED BY OTHER STATES and * • doing business in this Commonwealth, ate notified that they are made subject to the taxon nel earnings or income under the 2d BOdt'ocr or the act or April SO, 1864, and are required to report to the Auditor General the amount of such net earnings or income re ceived between the SOth of April and the Ist of N<*TBfll* ber 1864 aii delinquent Companies Inco»porated by or under any law of the State of Pennsylvania, will be afforded a reasonable time in which to make the eeve al reports required by law and above enumerated; but continued neglect or -refusal will subject them to forfeiture of charter, ui der the 2d proviso of the 2d section of the act of April SO. 1864, which 1b in ho followln, words: “Provided farther. That an, corpotatlou which has failed to make returns to tho Commonwealth, as rs qaited by the act of April 21, i. D. 1868. eatiUed ‘Anaet for the better secttrlc, to the Oommoawealth the pay ment oftaxes due by incorporated companies, ’ may make such return witclu sixty days after the passage of this act. any law to the contrary notwithstanding; and aU delinquent companies fitiHogw refusing to make fall retorts and payment to the State, a* required by the general laws of this Commonwealth lu relation thereto, shall have all their rights and privileges declared for feited by proclamation from the vovtt'iwSv’ t„i> . ISAAC oJiSoAKni Auditor General. W. a KBM3LS. State Treasurer. gARRissPKO, May 10. 1865. mylS lm ADAMANTINE Oil, CO.—THB AM* RCaL Meeting of the ADAMANTINE on, 00. will be held at the office of the Company. No 37 South TBIBD Street. on FRIDAY, Jane 2d, at 12 o'clock M.. for tbe election of Directors, and tile transaction of other business. ROUT. F. BROOKS, Secret* *y Philadelphia, May 22, 1885. my 23 7t rffl* PHIIADhIPD lA, MAT 13, 186$. The annual the Stookhtidere of the iE’ua Miring Company, of Lake fcttpariori will bo held at their Office, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on TUBS DAT, the SOth Inst., at 12 o’clock, for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other business, my 16* tmySQ B A. HOOPBB. Secretary. DIVIDEND WevriCB.—OFFICE OF 9S& TBE MAPLE SHADE OIL GOffPANY, No. ft»4 WALNUT Street. „ ■ Philadelphia, May 23, 186$. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable at their Office, on and after the 33th 3u*t., clear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will close on the 25th, at 3P. M , and reopen on' he Slat. THOMAS B. SRARLE* my24.6t Secretary. rST 1 PENNSTtVANIA BAIiKOID W 3& COMPANY—TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadblphia, May 3,1865. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS -The Board of Di rectors have this day declared a semi-annnal dividend of FIVE PER CENT on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, dear of National and State t*x@».pa.yable on and after May bo, iB6O. „ .. .. • Blank powers of attorney for eolleetlnc dlvidende can be had at the Offload!the Company, No. 938 South THIRD Btreet. THOMAS T. FIRTH, my4-23t Treasurer, tFEIZB MONK* AND GOYBRN MEAT BOUNTY TO ALL WHO ENTER THB UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Marine Corps, at Washington not to restrict recruits to a particular class (as has been the case heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served ltt the volunteer ser vice, or in the regulars, or in the marines, and have been honorably dischargsd. Such persons enlisting in the United States Marines will receive the Govern ment bounty, and will *U« be entitled to their share of prize money in any capture of the enemy ■ Toieeie, For further Information apply at the rearnlnnf rea* desvons. No. 3U South FRONT Street, between 9 A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., every day but Sunday. JAMBS FORNEY, apl-tf Captain and BecraUlug Officer. RETAIL DRV ROODS. Q.LOBBY BLACK MOHAIRS. COOPER & OONARD, myS-tf 8. 1. cor. HIUTH and MABKIT Streets. MOURNING MILLINERY. i'l A & H. MYBBB. rnyß-lm 986 CHBBTIIPT street PHOICE STOCK OF DRESS GOOag. V Bilk GBEITADIU6, eoperb striae. Spring POPLIHS, latest styles. Rata and Plain LB" 68. _ Black add Blown VALENCIAS. American and Preach LAWNS. Spring styles of OHALLI D 1 LAINBB. Spring ln Ho. 708 ABOH Street. W. B.—fiOdocen Ladles' Bleached HOSE, at 12K cent* per pan. myl CHSTLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY U vaiiety. A. & H HTBSB, m ,B- lm 936 CHBSTfIPT Street CPRING DRESS GOODS, OP NEW O STYLES, OPENIBG DAILY. 1 fkxtog .tylee Valenetae. Spring rtYlu Foil 0. Chevron. Bmw* of Poplin*, Bnromer PoShu. Splendid OlgatiUW. Percales, Ingreatvartoty. fixfttasafaft mhetf »B Eonth BMCOHD Street tjlack and figured bilks, X> A. 4 H. units, myBlm MB CHnBTnUr Street. SPECIAL NOTICE. o SELLIBG OFP RHTIBB BTOOK , YO CLOSE BUSIBB8S1! GOOD-WILL AID FIXTORSB FOR&ALB. - TBOBHLEY AMD CHISM. We invite special attention to the above announeoment We It are * L.rr e Bti>«k. "We are Selling Cheap. Every yard la to be closed out on or before the let day of September. Bllka and Dram Goode. . Clothe. Caaumerei, and Linen Goode. Shawle.Oloake Skirts, Hdhfe.fte. ,fte. Muslim and Calicoes mn«h under market wloe. THORNIBT ft CHISM, tt T » km Cor, of EIQHTH and sramo onßDgat. MANTILLAB, ALL STYLES FOR JjS. iDoiuoifife A* & H, MY&&8, myB-lm 936 OH&BWPT Street OLAOK ALPACAS AT 50, 69, 75, 88c., " asd $l. Als«, magnificent Black Mohalri, $1.16, f 1 25, $1 38, asd 91 fiO Lupin's Black Wool Delaines, C 6 els. Double* width Black Wool Delaines, $L IS to $L 76. Lupin's plain colors Delaines, 62 els. Pearl Tints Alpacas and Mohairs. Tourists’ plain, mixed, plaid, and striped Mohairs, low and finest trades. „ Finest Dalnsooke. Cambrics,. Jaconets. Batin Plaids and fetripee, Biid-eje Linen, Swiss Muslins, Bril liants, Ac. White and Bnff Plane by the piece ox yard, food ctock, food qualities. , . Lawns, Printed Cambrics, Ginghams, Ac. Moulin, by the place underage.. „ H. E. cor. MUfTH and MABKBf Streets. rjRAY MATERIALS FOR TRAVEL. U Ll*G DBESSBS. a. ft H. MVKRB, , mv»lm 038 OHEBTMUT Street. ■FIGURED BILK GRENADINES, I 0 f tbe beet anelltlea udetylec, In Sleek end Grey Ground..66c to $1.60 Trav.ning.Dwu Goode, In every vnrlety. Bevr Drew Good., In great variety. Bandtome Chene Bilk*, fS.-fO. VBBT CHEAP.BLAOK BILKS, e«ital>t«fo* Breuss, Hontlee, Mid Bacanes. COTTOH GOODS AT WfiOLISALI PKlflM. '>' H. STBBL ft SOM, myB-tf Mo. Tia and TIB north TgSTH Street. fIRENADINE BAREGES, ALL VA width* C A. ft H. MYiRS. mr&lm ■ . 038 CHBBTBPT Street. POB 1805 the gbiatest ihtomtiom or the age ih HOOP SKIRTS. , J. W. BBADLET’B HewT-atont DUPLEX BLLIFTIO (ordouble)srSlKG SKIRT. _ wZyisGLIpEOPWETOESMa kUMUPACTn R*p. OTCHAMBBKB end TO end 81 BEADS t truth, MMf tork. THIS lIVERTIOIf consists of Duplex (or two) Bl* LipTio Steel oPßinos. ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to bcqb, msklnf the toughest, most flexible, blastic. and 'dubablb SPRING ever used. They seldom bred or break, like the Single Springs, and conssqusntiy preserve their perfect and BEAUTIFUL SHAPE TWICE A* LORg AS Any Other SKIRT . i-HJfc wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly In ail oiowded ASSEMBLIES, OPBRAS. CARRIAGES.. RAILROAD CARQt Churoh Pews Armchairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when In ase to occu py a small place aa easily as a feiLK or Muslin Dekbs. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure. eomforVand crest convenience of w*AßUr<?..the Duplex Illiptio Stksl- Spring Skirt for a SINGLE D AY will never after' yard willing)? dltnense with their us* For Children. Misses, and .Young Ladies they are superior to AU others. TBBT are the best quality In every pert, and «. Questionably the lightest* moat desirable,oomrort able and soonomioal Skirt ever made. i OR &aLB in all first olass Storbb In this city, and thr out boot tts United. States, Havana db Cuba. Mexico, South America- and the West Indies r **-I*OIT 188 FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC BKIBT. tayd»2m fiOQ HO*KIRTB. fiOQ EOPKIHB’ “OWf MAKS m OP BOOP SKIRTS, the beat ascortment and best Quality and styles in the.oHy Core Trails, alh ienctns ana sizes, from 18 to W. springs, from $i 75, to $4. Plain Ssirts, all the new shapes and sizes, from id to 60 springs, from 9} 49 to $3 Skirts of exte* heavy stset tapes from 20 to 35 iprisis, from $i oo to gl 76 ttißsec? and Clllonn'#. of •'***-* arad*. TOSfisprlOißi frvnp,4toBeeiiUMr oaring; ihoy eaua). ftgeatk )or toe Haw Fles]bl« skirt, the most pliable Boon Skirt made, and fully equal to the Dqqlax lS'lptlc Skirt, and at much Iwxer prtcAs. Aieo/eoa stantiy on hand, (nil lines of.low-priced Dew. York Skirts. kid»psdd*d and metajdo fastened—l 6 marines -66c.; 2&.springs, $1; 26 springs, iJUls;3oaprinL». *i |fi' ; end 40- spring*, 91 W. kj,rts made toorde* altered, spd rA«»iFpd. st iyjft lm* * SBAIBa MEATS A * too no.. B,ny|«jyw.t. 000“ *> Vo»l. 000 “ aa Mutton. 1,000 “ Jo Turkey. 1,000 “ do Chicken, 3.000 “ auditedßcooc.„'n I.Ulilb. nnt. For .lie by BHODRS ft ryfut-IAMs, f#Hf I«y bontjj V4TfS BH»t. OK MONDAY EVENING. May DIVIDENDS. MILITARY. PEARL SHADES ALPACAS. TOUBSSTS’ DRESS GOODS. BLACK WOOL DELAINES. BLAOK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE. SHE St, DRV GOODS JOBBERS. fjb. WHOLESALE BUYERS. FOBEIGN DRY GOODS, BUBBAOIffGt LATEST ffOVELTY IN' DRESS GOODS,' ADAPTED TO PRESENT SALES. Received per late , teamen, and lot aale br JAS. B. CAMPBELL & 00., mvSfrUt , , 7»T fIHBSTfftJT Street. FINANCIAL. UHITBD states " • t /»’ %a» |OAN. THIRD SERIES. $230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the tlird series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per eent interest per annum, known as tho SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are Issued under date of Julylfl. 1865, and are payable three years from that date In cur rency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 6-20 SIR PER GENT. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from Stott, County > and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent more to their value, according to iterate levied upon other property. The interest is payable »eml-annually by coupons attached to e&eh note, whisk may Ve cut off and cold to fifiT bank or banker. The interact at 7 SO per sent, amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO not*. Ten cents per day on a $6OO note; Twenty cento pet day on a $l,OOO note. ■ One Dollar day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named- will he promptly furnished jupon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Gwenuoent reservee to itself the option of paying interest in geld coin at 0 per eentt tee Had 7 S-lOthc in currency. .Subscribers will deduct the in terest in currenoyupto July 16th, at the time when tleysubsaribe. Tbe delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of Jane, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date, The slight change made in the conditions of thle THIRD SERIES- affects only the matter of interest. The payment In gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest In gold he availed of, would so reduee and equalize prices as that pur chases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is THE ONTiY liOAIT IN MARKET now offered by the Government, find its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $280,000,000 of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. This amount, at the rate at which it Is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes Will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the eas|. on fityjßsff' the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section, of the country may be afforded faemtias tor taking the Loan, the National Banks, Btate Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to re ceive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. . JAY COOKE, SUBBCBimOff AGSffT, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, V. STAMFORD. JOS. L. HOOSIOX. gTAMFOBD & HOUSTON, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. [2* SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers in Government Beeurilies,'Spetle, Uneurrent Money, Glty Warrants, Ac. Stocks bought and sold on commission at the Regular Board of Brokers. my23-tin OBAUBk non. um n. QHARL2S EMOBY A GO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. IS South Third atreet, PHILADELPHIA. . All kinds of ussnrrant folds aid Hold aid Rlvei bought and sold, and Collections made. Partiffllay attention given to the yuehace and sal# of Bov*nna*Lßiiato» and ether Bto«fea aad Loans on *o9* aolT-CBL. 7.30. 5-20. 10-40. ADAMS LEVIS, NO. SOB CHESTNUT STREET, bankers and brokers. AU kind, of OOUmUT SKDBItIIB Aim RCOOERIOIISHT. SOLD. AMD RIGOTIATBD. GOLD AMB BILVBB BOUGHT AMD SOLD. gyeirisl atttettoa given to OIL BTOOKB. mhU-fisa SDWARP RCBin, HORACE M. PEARSON, JjDW. ROBINS Ac CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ■Afl SOUTH IHHU)STBBBT. r BILADCLFHI A. AU>xnn»o» BAMS MOW*, sold. BH.VBK- ROOMS, MOMMA AMD GGVSKSMkST BIOUMmiS. BOUGHT AMD BOLD. OollMtlou nud. on all put. of th* mnnlry. bvcilh nuivad. mUHt to dthtdnft, and IntuMt nllowM. nM4n gECOND , NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURG,- FBNNSYLVANIA, (liATB IBOM CITt TEUBF GOKrAMT.I CAPITAL. 8800.000. MAMEIMB’ -AMD MBSOHAMTB’ COLLJOTIOM* nomytly toon th. morn favombi. 8. R WABITSB, Fnwldest. nBiMO H. BIQG9. OwMn. mhS-kn, SAVING FUND, MO. 136 BOUTHjgnngHBTMHT. BBLOW FaT.lvep.runt. Istnut on Agent, fo? theul. of Unltrf Statu 7 M 0 Loan, at Pu. Govern noL stilt, end Cl tv Loan, wad 8to«k. bought end Hid for ftfUKrtriter. end other, en Oommv..len. rohlß-lm gents’ imiirauve goods. tPINB BHIBT MANUFACTORY, r t, . anbMitbvre seold lhvtia ettentlos to their fktPEOVSfr nilf OF BMIKTS, . whleb U»ym.k. . wuinlty In th.|K boilae... Ain. MUitently reclving _ HO VELTISB fOK GEMTLBHBH’B WBAK J. W SOOTT <& 00., GBMTLBMMM’S FUBHtBHIHG STOKB, ■o. 814.0HK8TBUT Strut, Rj.jy Ponr poors betow the Continental. £NCOUBAGB AMBRIOAN. MANU Factubb, pabticulaely whim as good AMB. CBEAPEB THAN IMPOBTED. HARRISON <Ss BRADFORD’S AMkHICAM PASS, The m»nf«rtnrtng of which already gIYM amploy meet tOv®T#r O,E 3UNPEED AMEBIOAM MEM AMD WOMBM. PBODUCIBG TWBaTY-FiVB MILLIOMB ansnally of the beet Quality Pens, of varioaa pattern., pew one stamped wlth.nnme of maker* andtwsrrancsd /single trial to aU that to a»kod. To be had Wholesale and retail at MOSS Ac CO , Blank Book and Envelops Haanfactarers, ' Btatlonera and Print, ra, 433 CBSBTBUr Strut, two Doors above m jiaa tfa. »aw Port Gaoe. FhtiaA.lphla. Photograph albums.—fx AMtME th. pateiA hinge book Photoarephto At l.oroe' .Old *k B 9 Riltoßß'S Gallery. 6A» ABilf nt.eet. yrononnoed by all most durable, elegant, and dl/rghh. of all atrle. t «*.. TILR PIPE, bends, branches, l ud Traps at Mannfutnrer '.gjloe.. Plomber rm 4 Genfitter. “T 24 ' 3l ! 111 Scnttt BBVdfitTfl Btieet, jrTRICE * LONG, U FOLTOB WORKS, 1340 BEACH BTBER. Bnklnun. Machlnlete, Boner Maker., and Cat ®S“aakSof every derorlption made to order, folf i#N4i &» Logg’ g Marine BaUß«a9t*r>> S’wli HryFPBUCATIOiW. LIBRARY EDI LIFE OF JUF 11 ? 8 . JoiESAW. BY HIS mV 4 ** ' 1 . .. -NAPOLEON Ill ‘ YoL I of thlavark. printed front - on .ulterior oztrn-&MvY ntnor, end eli. BOUM in pnrpfoolott, now ro.dr. Print A etioap iditlon, neatly bound In pftper *»“*• *• •“* rendy. Trio. m. Tor m 1« b» .ÜBooki.llm In thlsplM*. Bontlnoi by mslli «a twolpt orprlM. A. DOWLITfGI . my 24 Wfmlm OB ffABSAB Strwt, ffHV TOSK - "Good Word, ut worth mnib ud coat imj.."— «(?j.OOD WORDS,” ert ' AH (LLU6TBATED MONTHLY KAGAZtffB, BDITED BY XOKMAX ff*OLBOP, XT. D., One of Gueen Victoria’s Chaplalon. PRICE FOUR DOLLARS PER TEAR, Single Copies Forty Cents. „ ADV E RTIBEHIHT FOR 1865, uood Words proposed at its establishment to provide t Magazine which would redact the every-day life of a good man: and if public encouragement be the criterion cf euecesi. It has realized tie aim beyond the highest expectation that could have baau entertained —its circTi totbutors ineluda some of the very first writers In Bn* • lore, and the illustration* are from designs bv the best artists, and executed in the higheat style of Wood Bu £T a it? n ®‘ .The following are some of the authors whose writings have belted to raise 4 * GO DD WORDS " to Its present position, and who a ill write for Ur Herman Macleod, D.D., Dora Green well, Thomas Guthrie, D.D., CJ. Vaughan. D.D., John CtW, D.D.. C. Thackeray, Sir John Berschel, J. M Ludlow, A S. B. Boyd, author of Sarah Tytier, "The Recreations of a W Fleming Stevenson. Country Parson,” Dr. Andrew Wynter, Sir Davie Brewster; Professor W. F. Gees, Charles Kingsley, H D, Bogers. LL D. V. Alexander Smith, B the author of Jame* Glaieher, F. E. ft, ' The Bolipse of Faith," Dr. Itate Taylor. Professor Anherlin. P. H. Gosee, FB. 8., fitiss Mutoch. author of Rev. E. H Piumptre. Pro “John Halifax, ■’ feesorofThaology.Eing’s Canon Stanley, D.D., College. Pr jfrssor Plazzl 6 myth, Henry alford, D-D., Dean Isa Craig, cfCanterhury. Rgy, A. W. Thorold, Anthony Trollope, J. 8 Howcoa, D'D.. Laurence Oliphant, Horace BaehnetL O.D‘, A. A. Proctor, Rev. George MacDonald. Jean Isgelow, Subscriptions received by JOHN J. KROMBR4O3 CHESTNUT Btreet, On JUNB IST wtil appear Ho. 1 of THE FORTNIGHTLY BBVIFW,’ EDITED BT QEO&OS HENRY LEWES. This lea uewFnglfeh Journal, similar to the Paris Sevue des Deux Mondes, treating of subjects which in terest cultivated and thoughtful readers, and published at intervale which are neither too distant for influence onfibe pawing questions nor too brief for deliberation The ’FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW” wUlbsestebllshed to meet'this demand. It wtil address ths cultivated readers of all classes by tit treatment of topics specially Interesting to cash; and it la fcopad that the latiinde Which wtil bn ih« exoression Of lEdfylfiiial opinion may render it acoeptebte to fi vary various public The object of the I ’Fortnightly Review” is to become tbe organ of the unbiassed expression of many aud va rious minds on topics of general interest in Polities, Li terature, Philosophy. Science, and Art. Each coutrl bntlon will have the gravity of an avowed responsibili ty. Each contributor, in giving Ms name, will not only live an earnest of his sincerity, but wIU claim the pri vilege of perfect freedom of opinion, unbiassed by the opinions of the editor or of fellow contributors The first number will open with a newstory by Mr. Anthony Trollope, which will be continued through the first eixteennnmheTS of the "Review ” The "FORTNIGHTLY BEVIBW” will be published on the Ist and 16th of every month. - PRICE nhb DOLLAR. _ OFFICE, 103 PICCADILLY. LONDON. OrdtHHceirodby . John j. krombr Ho- 403 CHESTNUT Street. - IN MONTHLY FARTS, PRICE 40 CENTS. Printed on fine-toned Paper, CASSELL’S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY EDITION DON QUIXOTE, WITH ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. BT GUSTAVE DOBS. Copies now ready. Sold by JOHN J. KROMBR, 403 CHESTNUT Street. ' Subscriptions received for ALL FOREIGN MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS, at m?23-4t KROMBR’S 403 CHESTNUT Street. "VIA KY BRANDBGEE.— JUST OUT, ATX one of the best *' Woman’s Novels” ever pub lished. Of decided ability, originality, and power. Edition after edition is belni’printed, and the demand Increases. CABLETON, Publisher, New York. my 22-m wflPt . BOOKS! NEW BOOKS 11 Jut received ter _ . . _ L _ ASHMIAD * BVANB, (Hauttite old Stand), No. Tfl4 CHESTNUT Btmt. LORD DERBY’S ILIAD OF HOMBR. The Ameri can edition just ready. As handsomely printed as tea English 2vols crown Bvo. FBOUDE’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. 2 volt. 12mo. Tinted paper LIFE OF CICERO. By William Forsyth, author of "Napoleon at at Helena, Ac , Ac. 2 vole. 12mo. Primed on fine tinted paper, with illustrations. BUGH WORTHINGTON. A Novel. By Mies Mary J. Holmes. PaIDY FINGERS A Novel. By Anna Cora Ritchie, formerly Mrs- How&tt A WOMAN’S FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF EUROPB. Wayside Sketcnee in 3863. By Mrs. E A. Forbes SUPERIOR FIkBIHO; or. The Striped Bass, Trout, find Black Baas of the Northern. States. By Robert B. BEATRICE By Julia Kfiyanag&» author of "Na thalie, ” "Adete.” eto. K&TE KENNEDY A Novel. By the author of *'Wondrous Strange. ” Ac. GRAVER THOUGHTS OF A COUNTRY PARSON. Second series. ALL THB NEW BOOKS received at toon as Issued from the press, and sold at lowest prises. mv2l tf THE STRANGERS’ GUIDE TO PHI * LA DELPFI A—A NEW AND RRVIdED EDITION. PUBLISHED THIS DAY: . A GJIDM TO ALL PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Places of Amusement, Commercial, Benevolent, end Religious Institutions, including L&ur«l Hill, Woodland, Monu ment, and other Cemeteries* Ac., with a MaP of the Consolidated City and numerous ILLUSTRATIONS. ALSO* A MAP OF THE CITY in pocket form. LINDBAT & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, my 22 No 35 South BIXTJ fit., above Chestnut. TTIBTORY CROWNS THE BRAVE. XL ThePubliehers respectfaUy announce that THE HISTORY OP THB FEN HBYLV A* IA RSBHRVJS CORPS li ready for deliver* to moMrlbaii. It o6UULBfI & Complete fM9& Of this c<eat «m)n. tlon; and of the different eoup»i4«&r regiments* Btta brigades, giving graphic description* ox their Expsdl* tfon*. Hardur. Skirmishes and Battles, together with biographical sketches ot Officers and personal Records of , eaon p?irate during bis term, of aervice—complied Som OFFICIAL REPORTS and other Document*, br J; B. SIFHER* Isa It one volume* octavo of 752 pages* and Is ele gantly illustrated by STBEL EffGRaViNGs of do* vernor OUBTIN. General* MSAuB McOaLL. and the lamented REYNOLDS, and by a Hap of the vicinity of Richmond, showing the route of march and tne battles in which the RESERVES ware engaged In the seven days fight; and is neatly printed on good paper and handsomely bound in black cloth and library leather. It Is sold only br subscription. Price from thu date, $1 60in doth; In library leather style, $5. Sent by mail free of postage, on receipt of price. Active and responsible parties desiring to canvass for this popular and attractive History* will make appli cation with written recommendations to. ELIAS BARB, & CO., jpabllefeer*. myifrim Lakcabteb, Match a, 180(1. XTEW BOOKS! NSW BOOKS!! NAPOLEOH’B HISTORY OP JDLIDS OjESUL Vol. 1. 8vo« cloth, -v TUB PKfeBBTTBBIAir HISTORICAL ALMAWAfI ABO ABBDAL bbmehbkakcbb op the choroh FOB IBM. By Joe M. Wilaon. _ BUSBAHDB ABD HOMES. By Marios Hnlasd, an. tliorof “Hidden Patb,” &e. IBOUGHTB OK PERSONAL BSLKIION. By Id •fird AS Oonlbourn. D. D. _ ■ BT. PHILLIPS. By eathor of Bn Hedge, Ac. SKIRMISHES AHD SKETCHES. ByD*ll HAmlltoa. Pot ealaby JAMBS 8. OLAXTOH, Sneeesiorko W. 8. * ALFRED MABTIKIf, 606 OHB6TNUT Stmt. A FPLETON’S NSW AMERICAN A. OTCLOPBDIA. —Complete In IS tolomos. Vsrlone Style* of Blndtnx. . . REBELLION MOOED, by Freni: Moore, ta 8 role. MIEIVaLK'B HISTOiI OF THI ROMAHB-noW Complete. The Agency for these valuable works Is it 33 South SIXTH Street, »bove Chestnut, » • JAB. g. SIMQJT. HDAIREB 70 fi CHESTNUT STREET. IwU i ha„ now open e mecniflcent assortment ol BPBINO MIILIMRFAHD BTRnW GOODS, Which I offer, wholesale end retail, at the lowait mulut prices Poult da Sole, and Oroe do Maples hi ell colors: the mofe deeliauio and nafu eolore, saoh u DUff.pesrli rose pink, 4c., In an assortment M shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crapes. _ Ribbons of every shads, narrow and wide, to matel French Flowers, the meat foods, prettiest styles, at r *“ # “ WaSt, ?lS HATS AHD BONNETS , We offer every new chape in every variety or material. Wide White Lte»s, Barbee. Mafinea of every quality. The beet French and New York Bonnet Framea, and •very pther article required in making or trimming a k'alßro "a hudsome line of the heat quality Grenadine Tells, all oolors ■ ... Orders from the country promptly and secnrately at' landad to. WSIL, Ho. laecaißTNDT Street, apEMm gnscsssor to M. Bornholm. COAL. COAL.— SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MB SLOW, and Sprint Mountain Lablth Coal, and best Loenat Mountain, from, SshurlklU, preetly for family use. Depot, ff IISSSS and WILLOW Streets. Ofloe.Ho. 115* South SECOND gtj&at. lapi tn J. WALTON A 00. tJHE « EXCELBIO R” HAMS ARE THE BEST rat THE WORLD- J, H. HICHMBR & CO., GENERAL FROTIBIOH DEALERS, am grain or m» mmitn “EXCBLSIOB” STJGAIMItRED HAMS, TONGUES, AND 1 BEEF, Nob. 143 and 144 N. FRONT. ST., Between arch *»d Hue struts, Phllada. The lastly eelebrated “1XGKL8IOB” HAMS are rated by J. H. M. A Go. (in a etyle peculiar to them <elT«). expressly for FAUILI B8E: are of delirious lavor i free from the unpleasant taste of uit* and are pronounced by ephrorec superior to ahy now offered for ifcji. mh3B*fmwSm Q.OLD’BPATENTIMPROVBE>STEAM WATEB-HEATTO afpjjbicts fOS WARMING and YENTILITIHG PUBLIC BUILD. lICB and PRIVATE RESIDENCES, ttayuyaoioain or ran UJfIOK STEAM ARB WATEB-HEATESS OOMMPARX OE PENNSYLVANIA. JAMES F. WOOD A 00., *1 South FOURTH Strut, H. M. FELTWELL. Sup’t. Jall-«mf»_ MM UNION MOWING MACHINE, *JE which bae been fully tested for theleet fSur years It combine* strength, dxtrc/nliiy, light tonight, livfit draft» with complete efficiency In outtibg (ftit, light or heavy > wet or dry. lodged or standing, and embrace! nany minor conveniences not found in other machines. Also for sale, the moil complete one* horre Laum-Bfower in the market PaSqbaiaL Morals. Sol% 4S*3ti AttisuHuiii Wavehouse* »»?•!» MBt> Sttwt. trmM notice. I'O’K* [NOTIOB. XJ. m. SA.I.E. BABES BEAZMEKA AND FEENANDINA. •■ ( SAMHJEL c. COOK) Auctioneer. ON FRIDAY MORNING’, SKDj*i>Hl£Ail>ELPHii , ,”' ,t- “ b “* a ' “ lk ‘ Hm WILL HI SOLO ob aeeonnt of the United States QotoniD6nt» THE BARS BHiZIIiISBi, BflriiUf dinmitAßl! i ISSfeet 4 lBobOB; breadth. 28 feat 6 (Betas; depth* , 14 feet 2 inches; tonnage (old law) aeoat 493 ton* £d^ ,gl A*i I2 y® et 2 lnc,lMJ breadth, ITfieteinclisi; depth* inches; tonnage (old law) about 830 ton*. With their cnmpiete set of Span, faU salt of Sails, and Standing Bilging. *«. rnventwv** *U. fe Q AUGTIOH STOBI, Mo. 19 4 SOUTH FRGMT 6TV TwJBtY «e? , K 4,1 ‘ tTlm , 0 * purchase money mue£ ba said cutta dj& °! *al«* and the remainder Wore the vesiclis'iemofoj /fOB Uis Waif laid, wbieb will ba dondWl»i»B!XffiWA , * lUr **e date of eel*. T. HULL, myiP*24 38 k. 1 Oom s»»fc<Unt. ■ WANTE&L-A HAI * GROWN GIRL "v (/espectftftle), for MgMbv l ?*® service. A home, and wages paid. Address ‘ Press office. mraB-3t y WANT ED:—A MAN wishes a SITUATION In > Provision lionise. Cm ,om mand a rood trade _ „ „ Addlean •■ W, 8.,” Prett oßte*. myls-2t« WANTED—AN ACTIVE OK SILENT V T FARTHER, with a cash capital of Twenty fhou •and Dollars. in a first-elaas manufacturing* basiness. sow in successful operation.' Address ,f a. 8 T.. ,r this office, myK 3t* WANTED—AN ACTIVE A NET BN* * * emetic; miofca act &» Coil Agent for a first-claw Coal Tard-TO SELL FOR Ga»H, Hast hb?* an evtaa sive acquaintance to command a fait trade To sash ft person liberal terms will be oflared. Reference re quired. Ho office agent need apply. Address “OOAb,” at this office, for three days. my2s»3t* WANTED —AN INFLUENTIAL SALESMAN in a Wholesale Clothing- Honse. one who can command a cash or short credit near trade. A liberal engagement made from July Ist AU com’ jornnlcatlohs confidential. Address •* A, JB.G Press office. my3l-6t» IN A DRY GOODS'JOB "7 BIHG BOUSE. on MABKRf Street, an astlve. Intelligent SALESMAN, able to control some trade, and fully competent V>w»i* on trade generally. To one disposed to devote bis (line to tne interest* of the Hones, a good position Will be offered aslf «* by the Ist of July. Address “ Gash Trade. '■ my«H2t» WANTED. —slo PER DAY, AT HOME.—Any person, male or female; can clear §6O per week, at home, in a light, honorable business. 2to $6 capital reanirsd. Returned soldiers and others having a few hoars d *ll y to spare, cap l«arn the parti cnlara by enclosing two stamps for cl eular atd ralarn post. Address B. tfATVShL. xnylV-lm* Ghlaago, box 4/81. A SITUATION WANTED BY A Toncg Man. as Clerk 1& any capacity. Address 'VR AC. , r Frege Office. my2S 6t* A LADY, WHO CAN GIVE SATIS- pACTORr refemiceß, would, like the charge of a J'onng giil to edhClts, or thi position of vompiai vn to a ady. No objection to travel. Address ”A. B.; M Pott Office, Eighteenth street, Philadelphia. It* A GENTB WANTED, TO SELL THE •£*-. sennine Improved How England Family SEWING HAOhIHBS, the best Machine in the world Address A. L LBotTRB A GO., ap2s-im* Box CZ, Orange, Mass, (GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES -SOWKTB PRIZE ENVELOPES. -Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watohes given to Agents. On receipt of tiff we will mail, post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting*Gass Watch a* a premium to the agent. A single Envelope tent, with circular and fnllpanitulars, on receipt of26cents. Ad* dress A. H. BOW SHAGO., P, 0,, Box 4JTO, 36 BBSS* MAH Street, H. T. mh27 8m MEW ENTERPRISE—SI2 TO $24 A Av Dsy. 'Agents wanted, male and female, to sell Wilson's Imtrov-dJIS family SBWIHO rtsCHIHB. We will pay $l6O a mouth and all expenses, or give a lar«e commission, as which the above waiee can be mm, Far tern s and J * 00.. Second Floor Fro&t, Ho. 149 s. eiXT H Stmt my 22 fit* Philadelphia, Pa, (IglOR A MONTH.—AGENTS WANT everywhere to introduce the improved BSAW A GLARE TWEtUTT-D ILLAS FAMILY SKW IHG UAGHIVB, the only low-price machine In the country which is lisented by Grover A Baker. Wheeler A Wilson, Howe, Singer A Go., and Bacheltfer. AU other machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user are liable to fine and imprisonment Salary and expenses, or large commission, allowed. Illustrated circulars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK, Blddeford, Maine mvlO-dAW3m A MONTH.—I WANT AGENTS everywhere at $7O a mouth* expenses paid, to seUFlffftSH ARTIGLaS; the boat aeUlag ever offered* Full particulars free. Address OTIS r. Ga&BT. Bidde* fo>o. Maine. , mylO daWSm ® WANTED—A STORE ON MAR KR*. between Third and Fifth streets \ or on Second, between Market and Arch, by July Ist Ad dreae *‘ Store, 1 * Box 1036 Poet Office mrB6-Bt* m WANTED TO RENT.—AN EX- JuiL TBAVAGAHT BONUS wUI be paid for one or twoofflees first floor (one front) on or near WALffUr Strept, east of Bixih. Address Real Estate, 1 * Ledger Office. • my2S*4t « WANTED, ON OR BEFORE AU GUST 20, a good-sired Honse, between Thirteenth and Seventeenth and Pine and Market streets. Address '* Box A, M Philadelphia Post Office. my 24 4t m WANTED TO RENT-FOR FIVE E£aor six months, a large handsome residence, very handsomely famished; would be offered on very favor* able terms daring the absence of the owner Apply to mjto bOBT. MACGREGOR, 419 WaLHDT (ft. FOR BALE AND TV fcBT. vvvvvvvvvvvvwMAAWVVVyr' >v^XU« m TO LBT—THB HOTEL, LARGE Wk. Yard, Stabling, Ac., adjoining the Falrmonut Hoykfti* Twenty.Mtoad and Spring Garden Strwe*. Xnqntffoflhe Superintendent In the market. my 26 2i* M,l* O R SAL 33—A DESIRABLE •■ttUhyee story brick BBBIDBNOB, with bask build* lsagaed modern Improvements, ne&rij news situated at U 2 Pice street Apply to _ ► j It BOOT. MACOBHaOB, 4:19 WALNUT Street. MT OL 35 T—T H B HANDSOME 6T081.H0 917 CHESTNUT Bt., jast above the Continental Hotel. Fixtures tor sale. myTMt* m TO RENT—ON MAIN STREET, JL&. Germantown, within five minutes 1 w*lk of Bail* road Depot, from June Ist to September 15th. a W*U forpUhed Hoaa«i witn grounda attached. Address ''TV, D, S T ir qertnsntqwnP. 0, myai-Ct* MEOR SALE—THE PENNSYLVA NIA ACADEMY OP THE PINE ARTS—BUILD ING AND LOT. 1025 CHESTNUT Street Tlw ground measures ITS feat in depth, wi<h a front of 60 test on Chestnut btrest. widening to 100 feet for the greater part of its depth For panicular;. apply to the Cara tor on tbe premises, or to JOHN. SARTAiN. nttfl-gy 728 BA.H’.OM Street. M factory and mill property FOB SALE at a treat saerlflce, known as the Canal Hills, CANAL Street, above Front, Second Street, below Girard a vex ue. forty five horse steam entfna A Appiy attha 6t* a |f| FOR SALE—TWO DESIRABLE ,HStt,»4s-elMy Brick Dwellings, Bog low (tmoi.dl ate possession) dlid 1919 (possession Jn»© 10th) Fill BEST Street APPIr to gpflS Si* JAS, H LITTLE, 42* WALNUT St. «TO RENT—TWO DESIRABLE new Evidences, pleatantly situated in West Fhiladeiphla, now being pat in complete order, newly P, pored and potato*. b ,33 419 WALBUT dtroot. dm FOB BALE—DOUBLB TfcßEE JHgiory trick rough cast Cottage Modern improve xuentf* Immediate possession Thirty ninth street south of Spruce Btrtet, west Philadelphia. Apply to H. C. TOW,SUMP. 80. 811 ABOH Street. mri2 Vt* ee FOR BALE, OH EASY TERMS— JH. The WW desirable DWBUING. HID WillMe Street. has all the modern eon.entenoee aid large yard. B F GLEBS, 1938onHi FOURTH Street. and mrSHMf t ff. oor. BBVJBjSTgkMTH and QBBBS, Mfor bale very cheap— DWELLISO, WALLACE Street, above Wiuth: eight rooms. Also, a large number of eligible building lots, cot* tages and country sea*s. . 133 Heath FOURTH Street. pj» And S. W. cor, BBVBNTBENTB and GREEN. Mfor bale—a desirables^ FBOPERTY for a Country Seat, in Upper He- -JU rion township. Montgomery county, two miles west of the Schuylkill, opposite Noirutov n; a haodeom* large dwelling, barn, ice-house. and acre* of excellent land, located to a beautiful country, wltb fine scenery. The property is easy of ascett by rail* road, has plenty of fruit and shade trees; was formally tie Sn * m tHh OUISOM, " # 438- LIBRARY. Street. or A JACKSON ANDEBSUBr premise*, ttyg* St* for BALE-A PAIR OF HAND SOME dark brown carriage HOSsES, nerfeotly sate and fearless of locomoiiyes.. Also, a handsome Barouche, made by Bo*«re. the property of a fcctls man going to Europe. Apply at 37 North B]XTH Stroet. EDR BALE-ONLY; FOR A. FEW, l bats, the moat dailrabl, OIL LAMM on the Aii.ih.ny Elver. Tnrkay Una, and Bttohie Ban. vhlth will be ais nosed of at Y»rr low prleea, maoh lower than K.y SETta lad •AtrimJfaP?? ‘he ort,.n*l owners, as all these lands lie in the immadlatir tL cintty of att those splendid strikes made within a few d,y *’ CHAB. LUKBSS, jajM-* 146 South FQUBTH. Stroet. TRON MINE AT AUCTION.—BY OR- A DBB of the Oonrt of Coance-y of Maw Jersey. I shall expose fox .ate at public r.udna, at toe Howl of Jacob O Drake. In MOKRIS'OWtt, in eatd Bt«ta, on MOSDAI, ibe fifth day of Jnno next, at 8 o'olook F. « , that valnable MIBB OF lEOB ■IBB. situate user Bock&w.y, Bew Jersey, called theHIBERBIA MIME, lormer], owned byTneoaoxa T. Wood, daoaaaod. It t« t ow ui lood working condition, and considered one of the most yataaW. iron mines In new j.isey. It is s'tnate hnt thro. mi s. from the Morris Canal, with wblrh It Is connsctod by railroad.. At the same time and place, thsro will ba Bold forty flro aorao of Land, With Dockage, on the Morris Osnsl. to Rockaway. aforesaid ■ V DALBIMPLB. my2B-8t Maator in Chancery of Baw Jersey. T?OR SALE.—ABOUT FIVE TONS OF T ddSDBDD*. M hta farm. Howlla township, Chester county. Addreat, BinbraaTUla F. 0, ■ Chester JOHH IiBSLIB, Jr. •JO FAMILIEB RESIDING IN THE BUBAL DIB'PBIOTB Wants heretofore, to supply familial, at their country resldenaes. with EVaBT DBBOBIFTIOMOB-FIBB GBOOSBIBB, TBJ&. 4o.Aa ALBERT a ROBERTS, meM-tf Corner BLBTBBUH and VIHB Btraata. CHANCY HAMS.—BRIGGS, SWIFT;. & Co,. Cobb.4arpet', D“gau’s. end. Met »toi»andforMjgbjf arol| «2 80M, rnyM-Im* H 6 and 148 Berth FAOBT Bt. PEUNLON WALTZ, B 3? N. B. XV BBEAfiB. Jn -Tstcbers of and performer, on the Piano should xoUhla beautiful Waltz. For sale at the Music Btorex I*l. riOLORED PHOTO G,S AP H 8 -IN Aj bsautyi of uyla, aoonraor, and, arllstlo finish, ?iS!iffi«!toSLS!SEr«BSi«S?WsJ» Strrel, ahovo Green ' —— T3AVANA CIGARB.-1-A OO o ® J f *!8«f odnelantly In f Sgofil i "Asf&e BO tuJtfffl'ftowgga^. THOMAS M'pONOHGH, 1 Jfg- Boring toon on hand or made to or jk on short DOBTRAITS OF PINE 81‘YIfE and Jl accnraoT of «*nr«asto». and jtgfa&aisw&mev APCTIOH SAjUBS. HBRKMBBB'BAZAAR, NINTH f^"o» B ®l*33SSB«..o«Blia« 4.. ®» BATOftDAt MOKaISOBOXt. >1 u o aloab, son. bones. 10 *“ klld * ** ftM WtebK WW»i»f!wn , '‘ #( “ lS I>K>W» wUh r7 S I iS» HJtJi £”"?■' * ?«*• •oUwllOtt of d«tlr*bZ« 4®" Ho poetioiement on account of tree bar. mm- Bale of hcMeaon Wodneida M A isl. ,««- gerilmee sod Honan at orirata .ate LLmiD M. HBtfkHBBB. So* 'oQsap, ml 9 »»» AMusaiiiDiixs, VTKW OHBSTITOt-STRBEt^fH^a.. IN *W.«™ vpywissHL ABI> LAST EIGHT BOV OSH WALLACE ASH DAVMPOBT ALLtASOB. Theperfoninnee will commence with the intereetiar play, fit * acta, Ute s To concludeFHh ToMn’a Comedy, the note Ara« s »-.,. J!°”! “?Mr I W WALLAO*. monow Eren/ir EIOHABiTtHB 111, ana Ms OS MOHDAT BVKJtWG, *ay ». Will be presented toe CORSICA# BKOTHBBff _ An<t' " „ POtUBOSTAS. With new scenery, machine??, costumes. SA'lUjtf> 4 Y AFTBMTOOH. H&T37thV FOBTY FIPTH GEAST>FA»IV» MATISf*, forty-fifth ok a* d family ufritrac Last performance ot the HOLLEYS BAWgi WALNUT-BTRBET THEATRE.— *» FBIDA7 BVHNIBO, Hit m ■ OaABD BBHEJrr Cf tt« 70Ut Ml8B B Lt?oflLS ll wla , l!BS3?'“ Thrirtaatlfol Drama of _ VIOTfrBHTS* . , f?a, EJmft# ojr It. .Aiid $ ling corned lattoflf lft« Luak of fit loyeL TVI KB. JOHN DREW'S NEWARK JJJ. BTBIST THBiVJtB. „ ' BWTBPIT OF MISS 3 BIOBINCJS^ IHB H»TION»I. ANTSISy, AHIV BONNIB FI6II-Wifi. Mr. AMU MlhS HIDBIHOs ■ , _ • I» FCHB OHABAfIfBSICI On Sion DAY, HBB. Joan DttßW. ... Of FINE ARTS, CHESIBDI STBEEI, ABOTB XMBfi NOW OPEN, tSB FOB?i s*aoai> AK9IJAL B^SltlTiOji PAINTING AND feOUDPTUBEL; Ojea from 9 A. K till 7 F, M., and from 8 till 10 ted tlm FTenlni. aoII.HbA SUMMER RESORTS; jgUMMER RESORT, BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN HMSB, HUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. . This old M>i popular Mountain Assort will be ODOBdd fev the reception of gfl&MI 0A the Ist of Jans Tbte 4 boDHe has fMSLtiy ba«n thorousklj' rjji&vatad e.mi>»7 proved In a manner that will be satisfactory to it! W iron*. Excursion tickets will be lotted by the Penn* •ylvaniaßallroal Oompany. which will be l g<iod until the lit of October next. 4 back will be In readlnon os the arrival of the ears at Dudley to convey ca«ets to thd 5 hotel* a distance of two miles. Terms moderate* For particulars* address WM. T. PBABBON, Proprietor. „ • Broad Top City, Huntingdon eoanty. Penad. v „ miStlm* COLUMBIA. HOUSE, AT f GAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened this season on the FIFTEENTH DAT* Or JUNE, for the reception of guests This leadtoghonse will, for the coming season. fully sustain its well-established reputation. Gmtty encouraged hy the business of last yew. th* proprietor feeU satisfied that a Hotel conducted olsarlw urettchMff continue asuccesß at this old aad popu jLvyetort .. , 9he riUfOfl-d Acuities are promised ta lie exeeueni, Btick’s celebrated Philadelphia Baud hit been is* cured for the COLUMBIA the coming season. For rooms, &o.» apply to J, H» DENNISON, Mar* chant’s Hotel, Philadelphia, or to - GEORGB J. BOLTON; Proprietor, wylfifim QiPB ISLAND, a J, COUNTRY BOARDING, FOR LA v DUS ABO GENTLEMEN,can be obtained at awell shaded and elevated location of a mil* couth of Fairvllle Station on the Philadelphia r nd Bal» tliooie Central Ballroad. Oars leave Thirty firtt and Market streets at 7 86 A. M and i 45 P K; Betornlnd 7,36 A M. and 4 P.M. Reference. 28 South Bight street. Address JBBBE D SHAKPLitSB, FAtBVILLK P. 0., BiyMtCt* Uhsittsr «V'Ttpty, Pa. A TLAUTIC OLAhIS f is now open for the accommodation Of BOABDEBS, transient and permanent MAT 16th, 1865. Da. JAMES JENKINS. myl7»wfml2t . Proprietor, HOARDING —TWO OR THREE GEN- U TLBMBB can he accommodated with breakfast and tea through the week, with full Sunday board, i* »[private family in the western part of the city. Ad* dress ~M r». H„ M Press office, my3B 9t* HOARDING, FCR THE BUMMER D Season, at " Prospect Home " Apply early. For particulars address H. H. GRUBB, Freeland. Mosigp* nury county. Pa. myH fit* SEASIDE HOUBB, & FOOT 0? PBNHhYLVARIA AVSNUB, ATLeBTIO CITY, NEW JBKSBY, Is new open for the Beoeptfon of Guests. mvl7>ln>» • p&vm siUTTBBGOOP. BOARSUNtt. fTWOFPiPNISHBD ROOMS WANTED, A With or without Ward, bp twogentliasß M“ drese ■’Post Office Box gos. r/ mrliji“ A PLEASANT LITTLE FRONT A BOOH, with board, Beforenoa rtqulrei. 16U1T SPBUCB Street. It* X)OA RDING— ONE LARGE, SECJOND XJ .lory Boom yaeaut, at Mo. 694 South WABBIBG. TOB Square. myZ3 fit* . TYEBIB A BLE FRONT ROOMS TO LET, i-f With board. COOPEK Street, Oamdon Inqnlra 468 WALBUT Street. mytf-mwMt* T|AY BOARD, WITH FIRST OLABB yj Dinners, at Mo. 654 Sonth WABHISaTOM Bauar*. myiß-Im* REMOTALS. J^EMOVAIt. WILLIAM T ABM ALL Has Xemoved from 110. 1090 to Mo. I»3* OHMIf. HUT Street, B. B. oorner of THIRTJSBBTH Street Where he Invites the attention of honsekemere, and those commencing housekeeping, to hie extensive M» * OI ‘“* IItOf BOUB*FUBMIB H IMG GOODS, LOST AND FOParP. ._ T OST—ON TWELFTH STREET, BE ivon Girfc*d And Market Btrectiy a B)aok>Th»e&A \T 6 TIO E. APPLICATION HAS 1 ’’‘“^•al^loT^^MEAMT fora renews of nBBTIprOATBB op BTOCK> One for One Hundred Shares. Ho. 81. datad Decs to beg 80th, 1884. in the Mine of B and Ik* Other for Fifty Shares. Mo. ISI.jPHPr January fith. 1806, In the name of SABAH SAILBB, the tame havtaß been loit on inUlftid. Allpeisoneare hereby required, within Four Weeks from this data, to eome forward and show ceuM, lr ur they have, why new Certificates should not be leraa# In lien of those lost. E. B. THOBBTOM. Bev K. 1866 miB WfdiHt* LEQAh Fr THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOB THE 01TT ABO GOV STY OF JPfllLAfiKi- FHIA> Assigned Estate 0< JOHB MATLAOK ■ The Auditor appointed by ihe Court to andlt. settle, and adjust the seoimo and dual sooonut of JOS*PH JL MA OLE and I) ARIEL SVKLAND, Assigneesi Of JOH» VATLAOK. and lo report distribution or thebataaoelK the hands of the aceonntants. will meet the parties la* terested tor the purposes of his aDpotntmsni, on TOES DAY. Jons eth, ISM, at 4 o'oliok P. M . at Ms Offlee, Ko. MO WALRUT Btreet. the .UtM PMUielnhla. Anlttof, gLINDB AND SHADES. “ B>yM fmw6t* B. J. WILLIAMS. No. 16 North Sixth Street, nintrraarOMßW VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW BHAPBB.X Th» larnat Had faeat aaeortmant m the eity.«tki>.... loweet mi prtree. STORE SHADES KADI ABB LITTERED. Cheap lot eollod Blind, ttd ghadaa. I*M WILLIAM EVANS, JR., TV am south mom btbebt, WLdteuls ud 2UUU WJdar la ‘ AM2BIGJJI AMP FOMIQSI WlltBOW o£AE^* OP ALL DBgQRIPyWha, AT LOWEST MARKET BATES. Axenta foe PATEMT CLASS LETTERS. . mM ante pABINET FURNITURE. V MOORS dt CAMPICW, 961 SOUTH ShCOMD STBSBT. are prepared to follow the decline in the marhet in the price ofihelr Fnrtltara. Puathaaera will plane, eall and examine onr atock. melfl-ly* NOTICE TO CL Alii. A GENTSr—THR 1’ Bfl» of THOMAS HBDDBHSOff and MART HEtt- DEBSOB, reeldenta of Johnaon aonnty, Indlina, bare recoined aome In’orm.tty.u.tbat they are ...titled to a lai'ieletate, enppoaed to be in Ireland, (mm whence then anceatora emigrated., Any perron who Will ferret out and eollecl.eald eetata.wlllbe Trail paid. Addreea the nadereifnadi af jfranalln, lA'nnaon conn. tPt ft. jnjsMt* ISAAC b, EBBPERSOB. Cl SET SPIRrM OF NITBB, Ptlßf, riEAF MADE. TO HEJ*R -INBTRU if MSB TS to aeaut »a hearlecr ln «• w TarleSw add, t-B MRS. B. DILLON, 828 .AN£ 831. Gats find' Cftga ■ teyl7 MOlVwil TO' BIC3NWiSD. CITE POIET. AKft Train. levee Depot. COmeT of bRDAD E'reat and| WASBIiMTOH ATan-w, ata.w A. Ke. .onne.llhdWlß BAT L$S STEAHB3O at BaltUaoca, _ Farajw City Print,.**.. II M Fara io Morfolk jj* jpjßKJt'jj" g n 3 aio. a. DAPiisaH. Pen, Ticket Agent. CAMDEN AND AT tK9HQIE9>ftI<AHTIO RAILROAD. Train* leave Vlne-almet Terry ufellowe: • Hall Train ........~.,T,50A. *• Freight, wtth PaenonyerCere attaehadOD AN. Atiratl# jfojnmmodefion..**»*»w.**.*~~~*..i.ld|\ 3. AtlU||&9.4Hm»aiuhdaUoß..... a*.fi.SO A Me S'«|&wttl l FaaadMtf Girl attached—..if-ftg-S Sl^TrilfteweVwTurtrrrr A ‘ l g HJ* S' (■navAWlno-atmet ferry et !tt 11 A. M and 1 P. K. W-W»nVn|^r ITELMBOLD'B EXTRACT OF BAR. 11 SAPABILL4 tleaases and j-saovatw ths blooai lnetlla the Tlfir of health into the afltem, andpvi** oat the human that sit&d ilaitlM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers