IPECIAL NOTICES. . Capture op Jeff Davis. BT THE BABB OF TOWXB SAXZi. rt aot of the drama now if place» as all allow; ;reat Bebellion’s dona. i who was iUhead and front lared, and mast bear the brant ' by. him began. • id by his warlike bands* wed no more for his eomraa&dai ivr our soldiers nigh, □ghter could not but arise they beheld the odd disguise Ich he strove to fly. drees bis form arrayed, tong boots the cheat betrayed, ring 'neath. the skirt. m. D.., with kind Intent. , don’t provoke the Preside nit tse yon may get hurt l" ts terrific prophecy 1 a fallacious one to ha. y were not hurt at all; those who need no strange disfuisa de them, still gat their supplies clothes from Tower Hall. .sty les,and sizesof clothing,men's,youths' all grades, from medium to superfine. Al : Biles ate large lad rapid, we haveafoU ate assortment, now aad fashionable, wnicn plenished dally. Onr prices, being b»»““ noest market rates of the season, at* rower iioest elsewhere. An examination In-men. / TOWBS HALL, »o. 818 MABKST Street. BEKHBTX & GO. m China I French China ! KERB’S CfIXJU HALL, jalvad, per ship* Eiixa Young and Conatautla,. sßorljneat of extra fine Franct China Dlnner iected with great care by my own agent, ex br family use,from the be«t factories in France, tag bought for cash there, I am enabled to sell er and give a better article than any other this city. Persons in want of French China at this establishment a larger and better as* than can be found elsewhere, and at whole es* , ; . sxsmlne tho goods and prices for yourselves. JAMBS 'K- KERB, China Hall, 539 CHBSTKUT Street. . Hair, Baldness, Dandruff— its of tie ac&lp. Ho dlecoTory can compare *» "Hair Color Restorer.” M thk world’s '* Hair Golor Restorer, ,t • ‘ Bair Color Restorer. * ’ * * Hair Co’or Restorer. V (CHEAT) - . ‘ * Hair Color Bestorsr. 5 * 1 ’ remedy. s ‘ Hair Cclor Bestorer. ‘' *» “ Hair Color Seitorer. ’’ /ainable as a Dies sing and BsMiUfler.) S 3 Gray Bair to its Natural Color, the Bair Soft, Glosst, and Lcxcriast, iocs and Bntibely Veoetabiiß. tub Scalp Cleax, Cool, a>'d Healthy, •VX Staik the Ski* oji Soil Anythin**.- . It is Not . /eparafcicn contains no mineral substances* ic&telr perfumed, it* application is a pleasure a task. fOttlQß 76 tenia $ six'-bottles. 14. Sold by Dr, & SO H, 330 Worth SIXTH Street. It j in toub Rooks, ou abound Cutsi tylikht*, or Trap Door** may bs readily re iT yourself, hy usinf Stead’s Weather Proof which d ~es not peel or crack oif Sold in boxes ids for $1.20, by TBUMAN A SHAW, Agents eylyanin. No 835 (Bight Thiity-live) MAS :eet» below Ninth. „ Razors in Gases, Scissors, and Knivoo.'to behad of TRUMAN Ji SHAW, Mo. ight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Miaih, Iphift. 1* Handsome Nett Cottage, neatly led, to let, on Cepe ißland. Innaire at No. SO6 IT Street, Fhilodelpliia. . m?2O-3t* (T to Both-Sexes— How to Gain .is Avfectiox.— l lt las freciuently boon an*-' t Plaxtatiox Bitters are, in another form, lr of Love " of the Ancients. That they do d-aitt “family jars,” and reconcile fretful cross husbands, we verily, believe. "When eulet is restored, and connubial felicity relsns great the charm, how sweet the blisi* flndp cxpTß3fioa ia a lj!?i ! * id proper use of PPAi-TiTios- Bitteks will la ao’ais of both, sexes with pare sad hl*l-toned its of a'ffeetioa, sad a capacity for rare and ex sajoyment ia eacb otber’s society. Kemamber. ao place like borne sad nopassioa like loye—■ Ini to link tbe two toielher aad yoa to both seat family blestia*, Tlixtahox Bitters. AIKS IK OIiOTSIKG ! BABGAINS IK :KG! lins nf Clothing! Bargain in' Clothing! orb is Clothing ! Bargains in Clothing 1 jits is Clothing! Bargains in Clothing I Offered by Prrry & Co., Offered by Perry & Co., Offered bt Perry& Co., Offered by Perrt*& Co., ' 303 Chestnut Street, aboye Third, <*o9 Chestnut Street, (GBiIfTII-LB STOKBS’ B. Cor. Seventh and Market Sts (JOSBS -) j, ferry & Co. have undoubtedly the largest jf'readymade Clothing, and finest variety of tow presented to the public In this city. Their new. bought at the lowest rates, got up in the ner, and sold at ■WONDERPCX.I.T LOW PKICB3. WOSTDSRFUI.I.T Low PaiOBS. 'WQNPERFUnnv Low Prices. . WAWntfPPHVTV T.OVJ fniOES- 1 friend* hhd the *tLbUfc M 6 iMitSd tO Cali Mid •9 for themselves, and be convinced that'!* hi to deal with uo. Attention is aleo died to Ook Custom DbpAbtmbxt, OUE CUSTOM DKPABTMEHT, Oce Custom Dipabtmest, Oub Custom Depabtmest. Oub Custom Depaktjiest, inflection with each establiihment, whore WO itantly on hand AIL the Latest axd Best Styles, : All the Latest asm Best Styles, .All the Latest asp Best Styles, All the Latest, ash Best Etyles, c&n guarantee to our customers entire eatisfac* 1 every re.pect. 03 Chbstnct Etbbbt. , Aboys Third, iOB Chestsut Stebet, COBaKTILLB BTOKBB’ '*% Cor. Sbybittb and Maeket Sts. , (JOHBS’ Peeey A Co. Peeby_& Co. . .-s' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys’ iIBG. ... Clothim, Boys’ CU thing, Hois’ OlotMut, OloUJic. BayO OlatMnl.. Bojs' OloiMwc, Clothing, Boy*' Clothing, Boys’ Olotttini, ’ Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys’Clothing. Ia every variety, , In every variety, IneTery Yarieiy, . In every variety* In every yarloty, . In every variety, In every variety, In ever) variety, In every variety, . Ia every variety, In every variety, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell A Son’s, At H. L. Hallotreli A Son’s, At H. L. Hallowell S Son’s, At H. L. Hallowell A Son’s, At I£ ii Hallowell & Son’s, At H. L. Hallowell A Son’s, 1534 Martel street, 034 Market street. 634 Market street, ; . 634 Market street. 534 Market street, 654 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 634 Market street. 634 Market street, 534 Market street. GIAL NOTIG'S. —We lave the largest and best as. stock of Beady made Boys’ Clotting in tbe city, v e latest styles, and made In tbe best manner, H. L. HALLO'WELB A SON, 534 MABKET Street. Jones’, THIS LOWEST TBICS . li marked In flsuras on each, article, ABD HBTSB VABIED. ■ ' ••'XT ...... - JOKES’ . Crescent One-price CLQ.THIMG HOUSE, MABKBt STBEET, above Sixth, K 0.604. Prices reduced to suit the times. ae assortment of BJ3APT-MABE OLOTHIEfG* le for all seasons, constantly on hand. >m-work made to order at short notice. Cmh9*3m Chickbbing’s Fiasos—p^Pfi i9,ooo£ol.D.—Haw Wareiooms.n 6* II tu Ait Gallery. 914 CHESTNUT Straat. _ WM. H. DOTTOJf. Geobge Steck & Co.’s pianos, r? Jf fil ■ AlfD MA 8 O US HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. iKO Over 500 each of these fine CABINET '.TBS. instruments have been sold by ORGANS- Vuo Hr. G.. and the'demand ii con- CABINET TBS. etantly increasing. ORGANS. \JgO Pgr esle onlybr CABINET Tig J, E, QGGUh OSGiSB. mo * ua Gbcbstjxtit sta. y^BiSsr »3JS. nofoif ORQiNS. ,'BFF Dayis ih ms Wife’b Clothes.— iffersoa Bayia took to the woods, , ■ Itk his wife, and his children, and portable goo da, tending, as aocn as be could, to go. hook or hr crook, to Mexico. boys of the valiant Fourth Michigan, of a auddeu, softly began, the early morning, dark and damp, aurronnd the fugitive traitor 6 camp... - acratched his head, and rubbed hie ayes, looked uncommonly graye and wiss- Uatoned a moment—" Oho !” sayshe, . ;at’s this party of men I see? . .ne Yankees are on us! coma! humy, my wife. Get up ti le mcment, ani run for yonr life. Ho time to be lost! Be am art, my daar, For, tbe way things look, its terribly clear The Yankee* will presently run ub down! !ome, give me yonr bonnet, and shawl, and gown , r ou may stay here, behind this tree. - While I put on yonr garments, and flee.” srion X>. didn't look Tory seat; •'Ota etncJt cos about ‘ * a feet, * ’ rthwta 9t ta sarmontwonliU’t *<» yrir-ec or zii<t plaguy *fV9y~si»irs t in. his heals, and trailed in the dirt. >op* Saw up, and the bonnet hung down \ back of hie neck, and the back of bis gown; ie men of the brave fourth Michigan, i they saw this singular fere ale men, lotteed the manner in which she ran, ■* on. to the capture with glorious shout, ire. Xh in ft rage cried out, 't bit the President, nasty men, ' he’ll certainly hit you back again; io* he’e cUd in mybonhet, and gown, and skirt, / e . B gotaknifp. and he’ll surely hu't ’on fellows, and knock yon Bat in the dirt!" ■, , h 0 president ’ ’ bravely brandished a knife, .Oladln the feminine clothe, of hie wife-, Jnt It didn’t do: and that is the end Of the traitor’, fiihilnd. yen may depend. Bo we ting of tiePetUeoat traitor 8 But we mustn't forget tie great Oas Halt.. Where we purchase every con “}™f W« can possibly want, to wear in tb® ipnnr* The food tto. to bar clothing hae come at ia.t cnd eopla from all qoartet. are Improving!! t-7 maMM Mir purchases. We still hare a good assortment, aad he prices are so low that all can easily conn, the dlf arence between war aod peace. Come and examine for yoTxx*elf. 6. & cwpwSJXIH MidMiiftSSSbM I*- 1 *- The Old Standard Remedy for COUGHS BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AM. PULMO NARY COMPLAINTS . „ "Sr. Swayne’s Compound Syrup of WM M«r "Sr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of TUld CA«TV-,, "Sr. Swayne’s Compound Syrup of Jl iia ™-„ "Sr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of II lid Cherry. Fries #1;. six bottler, $5. FrcPM®* «“» W fl 1, SWAYHB * SON, 330 North SIXTH Street. 11 Gan be Given and Kbtained.—The delicious preparation* 11 BSfAIX* 3>E FA ris” will remove frethlei and tan, and reetore to ™ shin more than its original softness and pwUy. Sold by all druggists, perfumers and dealers In toilet goods. IDTIC- tnthfSfc ———— HOWARD—ALLEN.— On tho at the bride's residence, by the_Rev.K._W a img.iM ward W. Howard, of Kidgeland, n* J •* w ‘ Allen, daughter of the late W id* H* Alien, of Bar- IID fsHMEAD— SIMONS.—On Thursday evening, Mav S at the Green HtU Presbyterian Church, by Kot Fiml: I. Robbins, Duffield Ashmead to Maitaie M., daughter of George W, Simons, all of Philadelphia.—f Poston papers please aopy. HANSELL-SOATTERGOOD.-On the 17th Inst., by R»y- J. F. Halsey, George I. Hanseli, of Philadelphia, to Emma F. Scattergood, of Norris town,Pa.-- - - . ** WIDMEH,—On the 17th Inst., Anna Eda, Infant daughter of Samuel A. and Josephine B, Widmer, aged 4 months and 21 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 2131 Spring Garden street, this (Saturday) after noon, at 4 o’clock, * LOESER-On the 18th instant, Mrs. Susannah, wife of John Looser, in the 78th year or her age. Herfriends, relatives, and those of the family are invited to attend hor funeral, from the residence or herhusbapd, No. 016 Gilbert street, on Monday morning, the 22d, at 8 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Wbltemarsh, Montgomery county. * - HERBERT.—At Goldsboro, N. 0., on the morning of the 16th instant, Oapt. Henry Herbert, of Frang ford, late in command of Co. H, 6th Regiment, 11. S* C. T. Due notice will be given ofthe funeral. * BELL.—On the 17th Inst., Mary Richards, daugh ter of W, Dwight Bell, in the 20th year of her age. The funeral will take place, from the residence oi her father, 2017 Walnut street, on Saturday morn ing,.at 10 o’clock. [Pittsburg, papers will please. °°OrliM.—Cm Third-day, Fifth-month 18tli,Kaohel W. Clrum, In the 76th year of her age. , „ , The relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from, her late residence, No. 222 North Thirteenth street, on Seventh-day, the 20th Inst, at 2 o’clocfc. . JAMESON.—At Minnesota Health Institution, Saint Anthony Falls, Minn., on Sunday* May 7th, Albert H. Jameson, son of James Jameson, Esq., aged 26 years. * OBITUARY. Died, on the 18th of May, 1805, Elizabeth Ooonis Brister, aged 65 years. One of the excellent of the earth has passed from it, one whose presence gave happiness to many in all conditions oMife. Eliza beth Ooonis Brister was a colored woman of re spectable parentage, partly of Indian decent, whose life has been one of great usefulness. Her good lodgment,'her strict integrity, her-patience and cheerfulness, fitted her In an uncommon degree to minister In the chamber of sickness. The berm “right minded” eminently applied to her. Those whom she has cherished will over tenderly cherish her memory. To her family the 1035,1 s irreparable, and she will bo sincerely mourned by . her many friends, both among the aged and the young, who . felt that she was one to be honored and loved. - That she was prepared for the heavenly.mansion she has so peacefully entered, her walk and conversation attested, and an expression nsed by ber in a previous illness, is remembered with mnsh satisfaction: “1 am hidden in Christ, in the shelter of a great rook. 1 1 LACK ENGLISH GRENADINES.- — l . Jast received, a case of Black EotUah GfreMdines : at 40 cento .yard. BESSON &|0 ?b MonrMnr Store. f One price. Trices in plats figures. rayis DLACK CHALT D 1 LAINE.-JUST [3 orened. one case of plain black Cbaly de Laines. at W cant, card. BESSON & One price Price, in plain figures mrlS WHITE SHAWLS, BEST ASSORT- T 1 KENT IB TOWN. : Pcre White Barese Shawls. Pure white Hernat-ia Co, . Pare "White Shetland do. Pare White Thyet SUE Sm r my 3S tl BYRE & liA.KDEI.iI. ecsr* PIBST COSBBEeATIOBAtI. IS? CHURCH, FRANKFOKDIRoad and. aOUTM MEKY Arenna.—Bev. D. L 8S« Jt home, TO MOit- Usro. iBU r U_ J’.;o M. . miTH It rM P- M- It B-Sfa. rmiON 11. E GHPBCH, POtrfilH *» STREET, below ARCH. SABBATH. May 21. Rev. Major L. C. MATLACK will preach la the MOBSING, at IQK - And Rev. RICHARD HOLT m the BYBNING.at 72, to So'clock. 11 «KTS“* PBEACHISe, BY J. H. STOCK TON.pastor.st ELEVBBTHand WOOD Streets. SABBATH AFTBKNOON. 3 }i o’clock. 11l Invited. It* CHBISTIAN JOY.-BBT, A. AT; SsE? WOOD, D. D., will preach on this subject at Onion Mae tine. American Mechanics’ Hall, corner of FOURTH and GBOKGE Streets, below Girard avenue, TO-MORKOW (Sabbath) AFTERNOON, at a inarter before fonr o'clock. All are invited. I- CHIIBBES’S CHDKCH.—THE next monthly Sermon to the-Yonnf-the l«t for the season-will be preached, jn the Chnrch 01 the Epiphany. TO-MORROW. Service at 1 o'clock. It* ; SECOND COYGBEGATIOVAL OHDRCH, corner ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets. —Preaching TO-MORROW by the Pastor, Lev. GEO. W. SMIEEY, at 10)1 A. M. attdSP. M, ■- It* lIISD BEFORMED DUTCH CHOKOH, corner TENTH and FILBERT Sts.— Bey. J. BLMENDOK F, of Syracuse, N. Y.wiU preach in this Chnrch, TO-MORROW. Service at 10K A. M. and 4 P. H. - : JACOB’S VISION.-DISCOUBSE las? in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church,.HEW Street, below Fonrlb between S.ee and Vine, bv the ■Pafitor, Rev. E. W, HUTTBR, TO MORROW (Sunday) EVENING; tmaiterbefore aliht o'tkds,. M9lhiag«{- C6B cammtiiieee w hair pact ten- KB> ISOS RAPTIST CHCHCH, AT idP the cornerof TWENTIETH and OXFORD Sts -The Pastor, _W. S. HALL will preach on Sabbath, at 10H A M- Temperance Meeting at 7* r. M- Ad dresses by WM. NICHOLSON. Esq., the Pastor, and others. All are Invited. 11 .. ya gtm BET. JIS. NEII WIIL PREiCH sSS^in'GREEN STBBBT. M. B. CHURCH, Sabbath cest. at 10K o'clock, and BeY. JOHN RUTH ia the Evening AC THE WAGNBB INSTITUTE.- las? Rev E PAYBONH AMMON will preach at the o’clock. Come early If yon-would secure a teat. It tsar* WESTERN M, E. CHUKCH.- N 3» PreachlßJT TO. MO RROW, at Ifi A. M., and W by the Rev. THEODOBB hTSVESB. Love Ftait at 3L P, H. ■ ' - "■ : ■KB- SECOND ADVENT ME ETINDS.- fa& Eider STUART will Fresch CD. Y.) at the Hal, NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streeta, at 10>£ A_ H. Servlets In the Evening, 7K. Seats free. It Vbw” swedesbobgian, cobser of BROAD and BRANDYWINE Swots. Sermon bv Rev. B. F. BaRRBTT. TO MORROW MORNING: • • The Reward cf the Righteous.** 1* KS« SBC 6s » p h besblSMM| CBHSOH, SBYLPTH sXKBHi", PEtK aBCH, Rev. C w. SHIELDS, D D., will preaca TO-MOR- T. ow at ICK o’ dock. A sermon upon the death of Dr. WILLIAM daRRaCH. : PHILADELPHIA TRACT AND l=E? MISSION SOOIBrY. —The 5 inety -fifth Meeting in behalf of this Societywill.lat tne ftethodist Episcopal Chnrch, TtPBNTY-SIXTH snd FEDERAL StYeets, on SABBATH MORNING, 21st Inst., at 10K o’clock. Rev. J. GREGG and Rev. Mr. KCLP willed . Meeting will be held in the West minster Presbyterian Ohurcb, BROAD_ and FITZ WATER Streets, on SABERS EVENING, 21st Inst., ,t c n'etniV Vny ])r IRWiNiB* -Ssv.*F.' W. OLM STED, BeY%*M. Rev. B. FaUROT F^R 3 BARBAUtffi will Preach a Sermon In be-. half tie above Society, in the Sixth Clnreh SPRUCE, below Sixth street, on SABBATH. EVENING, 2Ht inst.. atS o’clock. Collections taien. Public invited. Tract Distributors needed. It UJSITED STATES CHRISTIAN lfc» COMMISSION.; MONEY. a . „ Cash Acknowledgments for the week ending May 17. IfiCS Philadelphia contributions as follows • Sadies' Ciris. Com. of Trimiy, Lnttsi an Ch., Germantown* per Mrs. Charles n, laiSs^cSris.’Com.’ot'cUnjon si. PresbV terisn Cinrcli, per Mrs. Weaver, Tieas., *m fa , per Mrs. Miller-. : ® M : -;.SS Classes Sand 16 Weit Sprue* hi. Presby terian Ch., per Geo. Junkin. A friend. pstßst. E. Hawes- Dr. JS. Cobreck Priends, per Mrs Starkey....-....a;---—-* Ladies’ Chris. Com. Christ Gh., German* ColieS’ion Baptist Oh., "Philadel phia. perHobertPharea.... **—**-*—~ Ladies’ Chris.,Com. of M. E» Chureheii : . Union _Gkurch ~~-.. —* ~— |g-gg Salem lg GO Sanctuary Church....•••••••■*«•***♦•••• f TUrtT-eigliili-Bt. Clinrcli... .•••••, | St. Paul s Church « w— oo u* per Mrs. B. Long. Treas^ Amount received from other parts of the country, and acknowledged in religions : papers. 3 ' UKI "? Amount previously acisnowiedged>sl,{9S,3~22 31 Total receipts 08 .Total receipts ~ . JOSE?H p^tteßSON, . Txeaturer Chriitlan Commission, Westernßank, Philadelphia. ■. • STORES. . •■ -•■ _ •.. •• Totainumbar of Packages of Stores recaived !)▼ tin 28»r*« 01Ece ' : gtsiairti a bi»Bs. Mis. C ¥lomoner paru of sio 'gfoKQB H 'STBABT. . Chairman Christian Commission) It • • So. 11 BANS Street, Fhila._ SMBITCAUSM. mb. j. g- fish, & Trance Medium, anda speaker, will leemra at hASSOH-STBBE* HALL, on SDK bat . at 10>f A. M. and S P. M. 11 —gSf THE AVSCAL MAY nw «*? IK AID 01 ST. JOHN S OBFHAH ASTLOa ■will he hf>ld on the Gxcmnt s of the W PHILADELPHIA. OB THDBSDAY Bexi, 2Mb lust. • • AiraßieiLtnU hare been made with the renusyiva niaßailroad Company to rnn their CaT* from bridge street to the station opposite the Grounds at interval* during the day; also, with the Cby Passenger Rail way* to tun adaitionsl Cars over the Wire Bridge to the Giouuds. : . my2o-st* KS* 1 TBE BSDERSISSED T6NDSS Ids’ their thanks to the Fire Department for their prompt and efficient services at the late fire, whereby a large portion of the Works weie saved from destruc tion, eepeeiaUj to j^gdlowm|companiss: SOUTHWARK ENGINE, : NIAGARA HOSE. FRANKLI 3 ENGINE, - -MOTAMBNSING HOSE, WECCACOE ENGINE, SHIFTLESS HOSS. muhi ' an4 «^!<Sf' PrniiTkipmi. M»».m « THE CNI>mSI«SEI) HETOBN tiiir th.nks to tie Fireman end Polica for ths “ j *.fi?rSpnt services rendered by them this therebj prerenUM abj g “|fgY| to s t 5sS,., , SEVEKTESHTH and FITZ WATZK Streets Me? 19,15&5. : . ■■-- THEBE WILL BE 1 MOBDAT ETBBlNGnext. at So clock. Several snon Addresses osrected, among which is S*:®* jJ a MELbEN. MD. Subject-’* Abraham * Boyhood. Music conducted hy Frof. E M BBUGE. • , Admission, 25cents Ticktts to be bad st the door. N Us—The celebrated Colored Nightingale WIU &Uo favor us.with tome Sue Music, _ t3T“ PHILADELPHIA, MAY 19, »565, £rrl—The annual meeting of tte Stockholders of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY (of Lake Sup?rior) will be held at their office. No. 334: WALfTUT Street, on MONDAY, the 6th proximo, at 12 o’c?oek for the election of Directors and the transaction of ether bast* aess B. A BO *FBS, my 20-141 , Secretary. AUIASCE PETEOIEU3I AN» COaL CeHPANY.—There recuiils’ unsold a limited number of SHARES or the Capital S:cck of this. Company, which can he tor at the Office of the Company. No-13G South THIRD Street, or *t the’ Office of r tbeTreaBT3T6T. No. IOS WALNUT Street. ClpUalStock, SB,COO slmms 100 tCOifcMßsrMemd. t_* ...U I.; n.-.ftiss asIUUU «aku;lM'A;; ;_u.. « mUMisnsis. myEKii AT TIIK ANRUAI MEETISG - v IHg OP THS ‘ N STOOKHOhDBKS OP THE SfAPES SHADE COMPARY, ii*ld tikis day* at their Office, MW w« u% O 524. WAL«UT STREET. the following Officers wore elected to serve for the ea suing year; . TfiOMAB^ATTPOTTS. TEIABURSR. JOHN DERBYSHIRE, _ BBCBBTABT, THOMAS K. BEAELE, DIRECTORS, T. PRATT POTTS. . 1 ISAAC IST. PHII»tiIPS, JOHN DERBYSHIRE, | GEOROB Y. BOYLES, HENRY C. YODJSO. , . ' , The following is extracted from the annual reports oi the President and Treasurer, presented and read to the Stockholders: . , V The land cannot be said to have been extensively bored yet, there being ample room for many more .walls to Vepnt down j many of the lots not yet having been bored at all, and very few of them, having more than one well on a Jot. The good character of the territory for Oil Is not siSrpassed by any on Oil Creek or else- Company has received at this office dnringtbe past year, ending May sth, inclusive, from sales of ou, dtc., $408 t 7£6 96, out of which has been paid, rent of office.saiarier, office and other incidental expenses, the earn of $6,646 29; State taxes on dividends and net earnings, including the April dividend, 1^*241. 87 sand in twelve monthly dividends the sum of $340,000. *lxty-eight per cent, .per annum on the Capital Stock of the Company, leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer at that date of $H»999.50, since which there have been received S7»7GQ, or a total balance at this d.te of ${2,699 30.” THOg SSAELE, Secretary rmi.ADisi.PHiA. May IS, 1665 mT2O at — ■'TS” NOTICE.—THE AHSOII MEET* JKa of the Stockholders of Mm aßKStAireOWff PA6SEHGBR RAILWAY COMPAHY will belieH the Office of the Company, corner of SIXTH antt i»ia MONB Streets, on FRIDAY. Jane 3. MW. at 41 ctccj PM. at -which time and place an election will ne nein for TreMuYer and three ton.s of r ’ wni<eh shall he President), to serve for Secretary Germantown Pas.enier ai. lealt* ' - Hallway Company. lIFTICE VF THB AMTGOiIOin mi® ISO COHPAKT- or LAK£ SOPJSEIOK, Ho. 334 Mayl9. 1835. panr of Lake Superior” Trill ba held at the Office, Ho. 334 WALKUT Sireefc, on T SUBS DAT, 7tk proximo, at l2 o'clockll., for the election of Directors and tlw tr ° ttel b Sacrotary. THE ASITOiI MKOT6 OF IdS? THE FU EL SAYINGS’ ROCIETT, of the Oily end Itbartlfß of Philadelphia wiU bs hold at Ho IOT finrtli -TEKTH Street, (second stoiy,) on SECOND DAT, the22d instant, at 81 o'clock F. M.,.forths.lec- Uon of Manager., and tig THE UI)IES’ CSIOS ASSOCIA- TIOB will hold A SALS OF USE FUh _AH D FaBCY ARTICLES, at GOJHOERT HALL, CfISbTiSfUT Street,'between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets,: com mpnclmr May lCtb, 1565, and continue two w eek*. ■ proceeda Si aid of do Sick and Wounded Colored S °Tlie r c’otnmiUoe would rtspecifullr call, your atten tion to tke donation. of handsome Fainuni* by the fellowinc eminent artiets: THOMAS EDI.LT. Baa., W. E.-WINNER. Eso., . P, F ROTHERmSI, J B LAMBDIN, Em.. ■ - , . GEOBOB C. taMBDIN, Bsa., JAMES HAMILTON. Bm,, 8. B. WAUGH, Etu., _ . ISAAC L. WILLIAMS,Ben . ■ - W. H. WILLCOK. Era.. B, B. MORAN, Era.. T. MOHAN. Esq , JOSEPH JOHN. Em.._ ■ GEORGE F. BENSELL, Eta , T. p. OTTER Eeq, . QEOEOE D. WOOD. Eeci. , T. HE3BY SMITH. Esq , D, B, BOWSES, Esq., ~ RICHARDS, and otters. These pictures will be sold at private sale, or, ifds« siied, by aUoimenr AMBHA B MILLS, Frocidont. There -will be a eplendidDressln* Wrapper. Cap, and Slippers, made of black *ilk Tel J e |\ gold, to be voted to Gen. Grant, Sherman, Batter, or Si AlfO, a a first clast SUrer Fire. Horn, to ba prefented to the Fire Gompany bavins the largest number of T Dressln, Case to be presented to Fred. Donelase or Cam. Small. mTI3-ths2t»__ FAME IHSUBANCB COBPANT.- K*? Office, ISO. 406 CHESTJTOT Street. hBn.A.DELPKTA, January 2S, 1865 The followinr Statement of the IHSUfiASCB COMPAJSY, of their condition on the 3 st day of Dacata her, 1864, Is published in accordance with an act of A»- sembly: CAPITAL: Authorized and subscribed.——.", ffi Amount paid In: "'isSsik'"" 85,279 00 Bond* and Mori «««•‘537,350 00 Bemand Loans cn collaterals-.*™ g United State* 7 3-10 Loan '•""-SM5RS8 ' ' United States £2O Loan.. >— “ IJ*OOO 00 " Philadelphia City Sixes—HioSS Beal Estate™-™-—™ f.fiOS2 Stock*..™. Interest accrued*—.—.v*..-.™.*™ 5*976 43 Balances, open policies, due from a BiJlsrtceiTable.™*—. oil os Gasb ....,-- ...... 556 95 ........... . Isflta)mtßt§ $» Ptwi cf llei ia ? for TfJilcJi- U»e Btoctel»oja«*e m,, fy. indirida&ily.liable .U.TBI BECEIFT3 FOB 1864, Premium on Fire Bisk*, amount. - • • lug to $1,655,017.C0~ ™™*W,ag4 g. Interest..— ; »,685 39 ; LOSSES, EXPENSES, &c. ,; . V ConiKkdons..-.-™, 1, " ! ' oi , Expenses. rent, advertisements, ~ taxes, donations, 3.0418® Salaries™, J“EJ2. 13,010 OS Dividends, January and Jolr -31,18180 Amonnt at risk, SI, 431,096. °% BiHC j S H _ BUCK, . President. ... ■Wiliiams I. BnaxcHARP. Secretary. (KSr- THE FALL OFTHB BEBEUIOS Hoy fo W H D N I MOOB| ! ’ < w;il dellYer a Lecture °n this ,nWo,tonne X tTOE|DAT,|||fil|G MayOL a ■ accompanied with patriotic mnsie by Fr«f, BEGCR. ~ Tickets6ocents. Tohehad atthestoreOiT. 15. cornerof Sixth, and Chestnnt streets, at .ract Society Booms, 959 Chettnnt. and at the door. m> 19-fstn3t BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, HrW'- Mercantile Oalcnlaiions, Bnsinesi Forms, «c , & n B I DIA d SeMMBE&»L COLLEGE JTO. G3TCHEST3TTF gTEIfiT, COK OF SRVSITH. Telegraphing, by sound end on paper, taught, With the of office practice, byo»the failed practical operator!. Separate depattmeaV for udies, &ra«u*.i* insfcraiieJ. and at *uoh hours afe mar test tait that eoiivgmanoa-: .. , mtw-o« THE PEOPLE S EdBIIABIB OIK kS? COJIPA3Y OF PHILADELPHIA.—Sotieo. is hereby liven that the Certificates ol Stock of the above K °-rga^gi!:&eratary. •SSST HEAUftUABTEBS CAMP “B'H KS? PEHN, ” Chelten Hilii, Pa., May, 17.1565. This Post havinir Men closed aa a Camp for tne ur einiaatioa of Colored Troops, all claims and accouyls aaai&et tbe game most be presented at these haadqoar ®S“i or before the fcth last., tonsure Lt. Col. SSlh P* Tols. , Com’g Post. inylS-31* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TME fell? Stockholders of tie EMPXEB COPP3B 00. (of Michigan) will be_ held at .their Offlo«, Ho._ 433 WALBITT Ftreet,oa FEIBa'S, the 2d dar of Jana, M 5. at 11 o’clock A. M., for the ELEGiIOK OF DliJaUlUrio and the of other s<jCrat Philadelphia, Hay Id. 1565- ’ myld-tjed _ THE AKSiEAE MEETING OP THE |a§rEtockholdersofihePfllLApEPHlAAßD BOS TON MISIKG COMPAN| (of Michigan) WIU be held at their Office, ?o. 433 WABHOf street, on FBIDAT, Ike 2d day of Jane, 1566. at 1 0 clock F-M-*. ior trie TirTECTlOfi OF DIBBGTOES and the transaction of other hnrinesaf J. 8. McHULLIK, Secretary. ° S°. Mae is. ISM. milfi.aal: •<S>C£BTIFICATES OF STOCK OF THE ISFbabpeb oilakb BEFimjocoaPAp will he ready for delivery on and after MORBAT, Mar ff.d, icg* at the Office of the Company, 035 WAhhuTSt. . IS6O, at me umce or vv £ ’boons. Secretary. Pm T .»nai.raiA, May 16th. :: myl7wtha3t«__ A SPECIAI MEETING OS' THE Stockholders of theCO WELL BBS OIL COMPANY will he held on the ISth day of May. at 4 o'clock P. M., at their Office, No. 33X. S °a°»V tMet - BSSRT J. FOX. Sec'y. NOTICE. —A. MEETING K® Stockholders of the JUKI AT A 180 N ASD STEEL COMPANY will be held at_ the X)ffies of the Freedom Iron Company,-Ho. 330 Sonth TBiKD Street on WEDNESDAY, May Slit, at 11 A. M. rrrs-f** OFFICE 818 ABB F. ABBH.ISS. CO., 415 WALBOTStreet, ' A Dividend of FITE DOLLARS per share has bean 'laat“tx thesiockholder? on anl «*aa~ OniCE OF THE COAI, KIDGB B 3& IMFBOVEMBBT ABB COali COMPaST. £b.s:lai>elfhia, May S, ISoo. A Special Meeting of t&e E*! 14 ®* ih&CfimuanF. 3^9' WALaUi Dtreei* OU TBUBtsDIX* arayisin* ajvi? w, r B, order pi tii« Board , Secretary. the ASSdAL MEETISfI OF THE Stockholders of the M A»DAN MIKIHQ COM PAHY, (of Lake t-ojerlor. will he held aUheir offlce. Ko 324. WALSUT Street* oa-.THUfiSOAX, the:s»fcji iait , At 12o’clock, for the election, of Directors and tne tr»n.a*«OA of other, HoopgSi s^Ury. May 10i IS6S. mylt-lSt OFFICE OF THE CSIOS PASSES, rap GEB BAIL WAT 00., No. 308 South TOUBTH Street Philadelphia, May 2,'ISSS. A meeting of the Stockholders of tWs Compaay wni be bald at the Office on MONDAY, May 22d. atl(3o clock A E.to consider and accept the Supplement to the Charier* pasted at the late settioc or the Legislature, By order of the Board of Directors. my3l7t WM. F, SBMB.bE. Secretary. OFFICE PHI LADEEFEIA AND BOSTON HIKING COMPANY. . Philadelphia, April 29, 1555. JFetiee is hereby given that an iaatilnunt of PIPTX GBUTS PEE SHAKE on each and every share of the •fepital stock of the Philadelphia, and Boston Minin* Company has this day been called in, parable on or be fore the 25th day of May, 3865, at the office of the Com p.M. eo. 423 WALKOT Street PhUad.iphla By order of the I irector*, «T. £. MoMtfLLIK, Sn-thttetmyas Treasurer. philabilpbh, may IS, IS6S. la? Tii# an Tin a! mneSSnt of th 9 SWtfclMUsis ®J DAT, the SOUilust., at 12 o’clock, for the elsctloa of Director,, soa the traaeaction of other bmn.aes». _ ; myls-tmy3Ci B A. HOOPBS. Secretary. •"C5B BC * NOTICE TO Al/Xi IMSfi/OTQUEST OBGASIZED USDE& ASY LAW OP THE STATE OFPEHI*BYLYAMA. _. . Soticais i©ieby liven to aE.companies incorpoi&ted by or under any tbs Commonwealtb of Pennsyi vania and organized at any time prior to the first Mon day of KovemW, ISM. that to tbe Auditor General under tbe Act approved April 21, 186 S, and tbe Act approved April 30,1561,- . required to report to tbe, Auditor General forth.with, as ha. been declarad. the Trea-sarer will Tenort, under oath, tbe amount of capital paid in, the da«e, amount, and rate psr cent, of each dividend during Wear ending the IS64, 'Mid any yearor je.rs in whici ttoe Cora uanv may have bad an existence, and in case no aivi dend be* been decided during the * es^L? r J? e +v! ®gt ing as aforesaid, then an appraisemeat vaine of the capital stock, as it existed between the first ■Sd MtoSSfSya of Kovmlw. mada by tbe President or Treasurer, and a of the Directors, under oath. When.an appraisement ... poit should also. stats at what time tne oompanywas ■ to the atoye report, under the act of _ April 21, lf6S, companies not paying a tax on tonnage ara re quired to make a separate report, fl-oSe £?' Treasurer, Of the amount of net earning* or Income r&- calved duilns tbs p?r!?4f«B A ? ri ] 30 J? Ho W?| 6 * V J B *“ cO3r"»oS*^'« r itn Els* sesoniseeljoß of iacciKPOSiTho bi' °thbb states : end "doing business in tins Commonwealth are notified that they are nmde eutaect to the tax ottuet earnings or income nnderthe 2d sectlono; the act or April SO 1E64, and are required to report to tbe Auntor General the amount of such net earninje or income re ceived between the 30th of April and the Ist of iCovsm- Compsnlea incorporated by Jgvwlit an v law of tbe Bt&te of Pennsylvania, will be afforded a reasonable time in which to make the aeyeial »P»rt| required bT law and above enumerated; but contlnuea neglect or refusal will subject them to fjrfeiSitre of fkarter, aider the 2dproyleo. of the 2d aeciion of the *ct of inrU so; IEM, which is m ho following words: ~ Provided further, That any corporation which has isiled to mahe returns to the Commonwealth, as re onired by the act of April 21, A. 8.155 a, entitled 'An act mrfha better eecmrlsg to the Commonwealth the pay ment of taste dnebj Incorporated companies, ’may mahe erh return witnin sixty days after ihe passage of-this etrliwto the contrary notwithstanding ;• and all "inVrifoMntwmpanies falling or refusing to make fall Sn??aaud payment to the State, as required by the iloeralSweof tSe Commonwealth in relation thereto, -hall hay® all ‘heir right, and privileges declared for- from the O=™ LIiNKEE , Auditor General, "W. H KBM3LB, Stats Traasarsr. .. myl3 1m g.nprgurttti. May is. ISM- "W ft y??™i THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1865. jggp AHBKESS. EBV. BISHOP SIMPSON, OP THE , METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, will deliver an Address On TUBBDAT BYENING, May 234, at 8 o’clock,’ at the METHODIST EPISCOFAI. CHHBOH, (Old Briek), Southeast corner of RICHMOND and MABLBOEQOGH Streets,. Subject—*’Aßß AHAM LINCOLN.” Tickati 60 cents. For sale at GEO. W. VAUGHAN’S, Southeast corner of RICH MOND andSHACKAMAXONSta, ■ __ METHODIST EPISCOPAL BOOK STOKE, Mo. 5G North FODBTH Street. - „ HEKET MANSFIELD, Northwest corner of SECOND and EBOWK Steets, ■ „ . • Bey. J. H. ALDAT, No. 1116 PALMER Street, AUGUSTUS H. FLBCKBNSTINE, Sontheast corner of FBANKFOBD Road and DEAL Street. myl7‘6t* |ggp IBELABD AND AMEBICA, IRELAND A SOVEREIGN STATE IN THE AMEBI CASTUBIOIff. Vatv Rev. Dr. MCRIARTY will deliver a Lecture on the above eubj«ei to. Irishmen and the Friends of Ire land, at the The triumph of the Union is the trumpet note of uni venal liberty over the world. . .Ticket® 25 cents; Reserved Seats fiO sente. - Tickets can be had at Eugene Cummlsieys ->wwa Store, 1037 Chestnut; John R. downing. Eighth, above walnut, Book Store; John Breman, J frocS. 84 " 6 ' 5 Toto ’ J^srrol^^d^Gadwalader. •"rasp® OFFICE 03E* THE IEHIGH COAX NAVIGATIONUOMPANT, Mayl3j ls66> , of jaarchlCth 1565, will expire at 3 o’clock P-M. on fffihiS ’ WUi SOLOMOfI SHBPaERD, p OFFICE OF THEE AMERICAN IRON STEW. ASSOCIATION, No. 30S South T7nnT?TTT Street, PHILADELPHIA* M&T 8, lcOrf^ Third Quarterly Meeting of.the Amenra-n Iron ~_ j cf aa! Afiiociatioa "Will t&fcs plws G-HIOAGy* iill* “uf ou 24th ol May, In*fc f A general attendance ol Iron and iteel jnannlioturere le expected and desired. _ OE[EST H lambOßN, Seeretarr. MBBCHABTS’ AH» Mismc fcS? TIJBEBS’HATIONAL BARK. Pittsbcrb, April 11, 1855.. Stockholder* *re iorehynotifietl that Books wiU. be opened for snbicrlplion to tha neW Bt„ 0 k of thta Bank at the OOMMKBCI iL BATIOHAI. BAHK, in rßUMel plliT on MOKDAY, Alas Mat. 1865, and win *°atlmne open dnrlni banking honr«f%ally, from 10 o «l°ck A. M/toS o’clock F. M., nntll Thursday, June Ist, 1865, By order of tteßoard Jr ., Oasbler. . H. S. BOLL MAS. President, BOBT. B. SFEBUBq^i.ePrffident, academy of music, MONDAY EVENING, May 29, 1865. rayll-th*tntmy2l MSXITAIIY. K PRIZE MONETf • A.ND QOVERN- BifEHT BOUNTT TO ALL WHO BHTEB THB W OHITED STATBS MAKISB GOKPB. _ _ 4lh Order* have been receiyed from tie bead of tie Marine Corps, at Washintton. nottorertrlct recruits to “particular daccCa*lm Been tlw C W* to receive Ail who have served in the J“i ntt .^I r wvi wi C a ■or ja tie reeular** or in tie marines, snd, nay* bean honorably aissharced.' Such persons ©nlistint in the United States; Marines will refleire the meat bounty, and will also be entitled to their share of criie money in anycapturs of Jhe enemy s yeseeli. i'or further information apply at the reormUnf ren deironsa lfo 3U South Sgeet, between » A. M. and So’clockP. H., every d *s||‘ g s B n |S®r*T, Captain and Seertxiiinc OfllseT. urnuENDS. yENNSN-LVANIA. BAI IjKO AD 15? COMPANY-TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. ■ Phipapelphia, May 3, 1865. - BOTICB TO STOCKHOLDERS.-The Board of Di rectors hays tile day dedareda semt-Anmial dividend of FIVE PEE CENT, on the Capital stotk of the Com pany, clear of National and State taxei, payable on and 'powers of attorney for collecting!! vkletid* can he had at the Office of the Company, No. 338 Sonth THIED Street. THOMAS T. FIKTH, myd-23t : Treasurer. FINANCIAL. ■QNITED STATES 7-30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $230»000,000. I By authority of the Secrttary of the Treaenry, the undersigned, the General: Subscription Agent for the •ale of United States Securities, offers to the pubUe the tl ird series of Treasury Notes, hearing seven and three-tenths per cent, inters st per annum, known at the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. : . These Notes .are issued under date of - July 15, 1865, and are payable three years fiom that date to cur rency, or are conYertlble at the option of the holder Into v. S, 6-20 SIX PEP. CENT. gold-bearing bonds. Thete Bonds are now worth a handsome premium, . and are exempt, as are all the Government Bonds, from State, County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, more to theirvalue, according to the rate Jevied upon other property. The lnteresUs pay able semi- annnally by coupons attached to each notOi which may he cut off and sold to any hank or WcnStevr. ' The interest at 7 30 per cent, amounte to One cent per day on a $5O note. Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Twenty cents per day on a $l,OOO note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes of all the denominations named will be promptty furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are preoitely similar In form and privileges to the Seyeu-Thlrtles already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the option of paying Interest in gold coin at 6 per cent, instead of 7 3-lOthi in currency. Subscribers will deduct the In terest in currency up to July 16th* at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this Third Series of the Seven-Thirties will commence on the Ist of June, and will be made promptly and continuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIBD SERIES affects only the matter of Interest "The payment in sold, if made, will be euui valent to tbe curreMP Interest of tba higher rate. The return to specie payments* mcne event of whl-h Oily Will the option to pay interest in gold he availed of, would so reduce. and eunalire prices as that pur chases made With six per cent, in gold would be folly eanal to those made with; seven and three-tenths per cent, in currency. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and its superior ad vantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Lese than $230,000,00) of the Loan authorized by Congress are now in the market. :■ This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uni formly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loans, In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may he afforded facilitiss for taking the Loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout ihe country have generally agreed to re cetye eubttripUoni a) par. Subscribers will selecttiielr OWE ssentt, u» irhuia iuei hats ccuMWicei »b 4 ttsc only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. . JAY CO OK E, . SUBBCBIFTION AGENT, NO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OHA3XiES BKOBX. ALEX. IXNSOIf, JX. QHARLBS EMORY & OOi, STOCK iND EXCHANGE B&OKEHS, Ifo. Ijs South Third itreet, PHILADELPHIA. Ait vtadi of tiaturTAtiS fnad* wd Sold tad SUror bought xad fold, aad OolletUon« xa&dt. . PArtiraltr Attentloa given. to th* pur«h.M« ud sale of GQY«nm«t ? SU4» in? oUi« Stotiu tad Lqmu ox «oa* toS-da 7.30. Ha .10-40. JB LBTIS, Ko. SO5 CHESTNUT.STBEET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of TOVSSHHEirT SBCUBITIBS AND STOCKS BOUGHT. SOLD. AND NBGOTIATBD. SOLD ADD SILTIB BOUGHT AMD SOLD, g?«tlal attention liven to OIL STOCKS. mhll-Sn IDWAJUJJtOSIM. ' HOAAO3 I. MAMO*. gDW. ROBINS As CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE! ■8.17 SOUTH IHIKD STKfiKL PHILADELPHIA. AM. JtntßS Of BAKE NOTES, GOLD, SELVES, STOCKS, BOKDS. AND OOVBKNMBNT SECUETpiBS,. SOUGHT AND SOLD. Colleeßone made on all peiti ol the eonntry. Depoeita reeeiTed. enbiect to eUhi draft. and interest Allowed. . mh7-3ia gECOND NATIONAL BANE, ; . OP PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LATE lEOM CITY TSUST COHFAMT.) CAPITAL. ©BOO,OOO. BAHKESS’ AMD MBBCHAMTS’ OOLLBOTIOMi promptly attended to on the moat favorable tanu. 6. X WABSEB, President. ■CHABLSS H. BIGGS. Cathier. :v. mh3-Sn» CHEAT OESTBAI. OLOTHINO ROUSE: AU CTIOK NOTICE. :U.- Si'. SA.LE. BAKKS.«BRAZILIERA AND FEENANDINA. SAMUEL C. COOK, Auctioneer. ON FRIDAY MORNING, H o’clock, onboard, at the NAVY YARD, PHILADELPHIA, WILL BE SOLD on account of the United States Government, THE BARK' brazILIBrL Register. dimensions: Length. 333feet4lncfces; breadth. 28feet 6incheB; depth, 14 feet 2inches; tonnage (old law) about 493 tone, TBE BARK PERNANDINA. Register dimensihas: Length. 12Ifeet4ineh.es; breadth. 38 feet olneh.es? depth, 10 feet 7 inches; tonnage (old law) about S3G tone. With their complete set of Spare, full suit of Sails, RunningandJStpLndlngßigging, &e. AUCTION STORE, No. l»4b SOUTH FRONT STSEET V ? ; Twenty per centum of the purchase money must be paid on the dayot sale, and the remainder before the vessel is removed from the Navy Yard, which will be done within six days alter the date of sale. • ■ Q. V.' HULL, : my?o»24 25 29-31&J2 Bfc - ' - Commandant. TYANIBL H. BUEDBTT, AUC- J-' TIONBBB. BIIRDETT, JONES, «ft CO., •WILD SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On Tuesday, May 30, lSG5,at 13 O’CIOCK, AT THE NAVY YARD, NEW YOKE, THE FOLLOWING NAMSD YE3SBLS BELONGING TO THE If, 3. XATY DMABTSEBST. SOBEW BTEAMER,FLAG—Length IB7 feet 6-Inches; Sinches; depth of hold, 10 feet 81nch.es; between deefcs, 7 £eet 2 Inches. SCREW STEAMER KENSINGTON—Length, 190 feet; breadth? 82 feet; depth of hold, 10 feet 7 inchea; be tween Ht and.2ddechs, 7 feet 1 inch; between 2d and Sd decks, 7-feet. • SCREW STEAMER VICKSBURG—Length, 171 feet; breadth, S 3 feet; depth of hold, 9 feet 6inches; be-’ tween decfcs*7 feet 6 inches. ECREW RTEAMER PROTEUS—Length, .208 feet; > breadth;'36,feet;; depth of hold, 12 feet 4. inches; he . tween dechs, feet lo inchbe. . BARKBMTINE HORACE BEALS-Length, 122 feet; breadth, SI fdet 8 inches;-depth of hold, 9 feet 6 inches. SCHOONER RACHEL I SEAMAN-Length.t 116 feet; breadth, 3) feet 4 inches; :depth of hold, 9 feet. Twenty percentumof the purchase moneymustbe paid on the day of sale, mid the remainder before the vessel is removed from the Navy Yard, which will he done within six day* after the date of sale. my IS thstu6t gALE OF YERT FINE 'ALABASTER VASES, ■aSr“ esb • STATUARY AND ORNAMENTS, : HANDSOME BK ONZE GHOUPE3 & FIGURES, OP XHB IMPOETATIOS OF ?<>• • "*'■ -m ■ KBS . - MESSRS. VITI BROS., • tJ • EE pi .(Formerly Vito Viti & Sons,), to take place'at our Art Gallery, 11 J O CHESTNUT STKEKT, ON WEDNESDAY OTOKNING. May24th, at 11 o’clock. f • The collection will lie ready lor examination on TUES DAY, 23d. instant, ; TITOS- Binon & SON, n>jr2o-31 : AOCTIONESKS. SEW FUBLIUATIONS. ATLANTIC MONTHLY JUNE, 1565, IS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. The Table of Contents will; be found remarkably at tractive. embracing the following articles; A Letter about England ; AProseHenriadeiHarpooratea; Dely’* Gowt®edle and. Garden. Vl.Going to Sleep; Dr. Johne^W.Y:TheGreat Lakes; To Carolina Coronado; Eegnard; John .Brown’s Bald; Schumann’s Quintette in£ Flat Major; Richard Cobden; Modern Improve menis and onr National Debt; The Chimney Corner. VI.; Tho Jaguar Hunt; Late Scenes In. Richmond; Down! The Place of Abraham Lincoln in History. Among the contributors to this number are Georbb Basckopt, Josh Weiss, Bayakd Tatioe, Doxald G. Miioheli.",;Mk3. H.B. Slows, Gaii. HAMn/rox.F. Bsgn bojt, MSB.,E.Ac. Annas, Ross Tessy, M, D. Cohway, E. B. Bldshow, J. T. TEOWBaxnoie, “ Cakuetox,” .BL H. BHOWXEI.L, SiMDEI; C, CbAKKii, ANNE M. BEER tiTS&I'--- : -i --- OUR YOUNG FOLKS JUNE,. 1865, IS NOW READY, With the followin g Table of Contents: Among tire Llom; The Robin; Three Days at Camp Douglas—Third Day— by Edmund Kirks; Lessons in Magic. 111. ; Toe Wild Goobo, by J. T, Trowbridge; A Business Letter, by Gail Hamilton; Birdie’s Day with the Rose*Fairies, hy M. T. Ctnby; Onr Dogs, IV: , hy Mrs. H. B. Stows; Win ning his Way, by ' ’ Carleton’ Farming for Boys, V. The Turning of. the Leaf, by J. T. Trowbridge; Afloat In the Forrest, by Captain Mayne Reid; Abraham Lin coln; Bound the Evening Lamp. .: . . .; This number contains Seventeen Illustrations. Round the Evening Lamp will be found unusually in t.x.eitnii i.vd pn,;iioc- . : -■ -- . ' TERMS OF THE MAGAZINES. THE ATLANTIC. —Pour Dollars per year for single subscriptions. Club Rates.—'Two Copied for Seven Dollars; Five Copies for Sixteen DoUarß;.Ten Copies for Thirty Dol lars.’ and each additional copy Three Dollars. For every Club of Twenty Snbicribers an extra copy will be fur nishtd gratis, or Twenty- one Copiee for sixty Doliare, OUR YOUNG FOLKS.—Two DoUars per year forsim-' gle subscriptions. - . x '■Cives.-Three Copies for Five DoUars; Flts Copies, for Eight DoUars; Ten Copiesfor Fifteen DoUars; Twen ty Copies for Thirty DoUars ;Ani*n extra copy gratis to the person forming the Club of Twenty. The Two Magazisbs, the. Atlaniieund OnrYouM ?olkt. will be sent to one address for Five Dollars. Postage must "be paid at tbe office where tbe Maga* zlues are received. All Bubscripiions a?.e payable in advance. All letters respecting tbe Magazines should ba ad dressed to the Publishers. TICKNOR & FIELDS, Atlantic aid Qw Tens* Fclto are f« sala by V. T.B.POQ-H, It : . S. W.cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Sta ; N E W BO O K S: HUGH WORTHINGTON. A delightful new norei. By Mrs. Mary J. Holmes,, author of M Yemuest and Sunshine, *** Lena .Elvers, •»Marian Grey *“Meadow Brook, M/'|nglifth_Or r>”haui. *’ “Cousin Maud#,** “Homsitead,* - Bora, Seane.” Price $1.60. This new novel is destti edto have an enormous sale,' a» • orders are piling' up for it in immense quantities. ... FAIRY FINGERS. . A capital' sew novel; By Bta. Anna Cora BitcMe ‘flats Mis.. Mowatt). the celebrated actress;and a&thor of' "Autobiography of an Actress, ” *c. Thla Book will be a great favorite, as ite plot and interest U of the most powerful character. Price $1 76. ' lII' ■ SUPERIOR FISHING. A charming new book on ByB B. Koose- Veit, President of the Bew York Sporting Club, and amhorof * 'The Game Piehofthe'Worth, ■** &c. Price $-2. *_« All hasieanaljr hoiid in aloth. and sent bT Dlfll ./m» on rewipt ot pnwi by OARTaETON, Publisher. ■ myl7-wati ~ SEW YORK. APPLETON’S- NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA—CompIete in 16 volumes. Various Styles of ' Binding. .. . BBBELLIOJT BBCOBD,by SvoU. MBBIYALE’S HISTORY OP THE somplete.j . • .. • 'r; .- . The Agency for these valuable works i* at 33 South SIXTH Street, above Oh»|tnnt, apS*tf. : > . . JAS. K. Olfllull. ttjbt ; received per steams: O SCOTIA, FANS, COMBS, (GILT AND SHELL.) , HAIR PINS, (GILT ANN SHELL. OPERA GLASSES. ' BRONZES AND CLOCKS. CRYSTAL JEWELRY, The abnvo Parts Goods, of onr own Importation, are now ready for salo, in addition to. onr targe .lock of WATCHES, JEWIiOEIi AT AN IMMENSE REDUCTION FROM FORMER . PRICES. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., ' mylS 3t 533 CHESTNUT SfKEBT. rn MRS. R. DILLON, 323 AND 331 SOUTH Street,haJ opened a handsome assortment of SUMMBR MIL I, INERT GOODS, Hisses' anduhil dien's Hate and Caps.' . . mrl7-12tu_ fJTHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, SO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BELOW - : CHESTNUT, „ Pay*aveper*ent. taterest on Itapcaita.. Agents, tor the tale of United State* 7 3-10 Loans at ?B. ment, State and City Loani and Stasis houaht and .014 for depositor* and othara on Coxamlwon-' ojm — PHOTOGR AP£ IC : ALBUMS— WEEN X desired, get the beet style iaade, \be hinga back Albums. el« gant styles, VOweasiaß tbe virtae oi superior durability. Sold at B. P. BEIJIBB S, ARCH Street. . . .< •' ' ; Ss Ei COB. SIXTH AND KM&£T STSfipS. BETJIL DBT (BOOM, ; _ Q.BEAT BALE OF ' PAiKIS DRESS GOODS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, Will offer for sale on MONDAY, 224 Hay,' lO CASES MOZAMBIQOES "V;and - ■ ■■■ - GRENADINE BEREGES my2o-2t At3s, 31, 33. 3?, and SO Cents. pEACB AND PROSPERITY FRIGES. wm st imEtL, fourth and arch, IM I* o 1S T E it s , JOBBERS. ; AND v'■ ■. RETAIX.ERS OP mi DRY GOODS. . . - : . ap2S-ir»m2m BLACK MOHAIRS. O. 11. BELL, COMMANDANT. BOSTON, MASS. SOB3CBIPIIOK AGEKT. THREE MORE SILVERWARE, fisc, PEAHL SHADES ALPACAS. TOURISTS’ DRESS GOODS. black wool delaines, BLACK MANTILLA SILKS. WHITE AND BUFF PIQUE, COOPER. A & CONARD, mys-tf S. B. cor. NINTH and MABKgT Streets. rpAGG & BROTHER, CORNER OF A TBNTH and PINE Streets, open from large Auc muslins, for garabaldies, 50 and62c., . 1 lot very fine Swiss muslins, 63Kc. , , 1 lot very line bishop lawnß, 62Kc. . 1 lot Swf.s muslin., black polka spots. Mo, - 1 lot brown and blue grenadine veils, only Kw. Hot black silk invisible nets,.4oo 4 lote black bugle di ess gimps, 13t020c ■■ , : 4 lots dress buttons, black and colors, 20 lo Sic. _ 2 lots double boiled, black bonnet ribbons. 62 and 75c. 6 lots ladies’ thread and silk gloves, 2) to 60c. - 4 lots ladiss’ bleached cotton stockings, 25 to 60c. riot wide black Bilk belts, BDc. - Slots best Quality magic ruffing. 70 to 75c Jg piece. . 1 lot small sire (ravelling) hair brushes. 37Xc. Hot bln* veil berege. fine qnalitiy, B)c® yard. 2 lots high lustre bilk alpacas, 87 to $l. r . 1 lot gents’ hemttich Pocket handkerchiefs, 62K0. il.o, notions In great variety. Trimming ribbons and velvets, misses’ gloves and hosiery, handkerchiefs and collars, all helow-regniar prices. muu-a WHITE PUFFED MUSLINS. White Pique or Marseilles, in diamonds,-figures, cords, &c , cheap, scarce, and desirable. Swiss Muslins, b?tt'wide goods Plain and pl*d Nainsook Mnallns. White Cambric* and Jacpnefsi : Satin plaid and striped Muslin.. Victoria Lawns; bird eye Linens. lWto 37els. ke«h!M Il Camteio: =& U S E, coiner NINTH and HaBKBT Streets dhi GOOD' QUALITY POWER LOOM Ev-Ty Damask, in unbleached, half bleached, and pure white, from W s2 per yard. Kflw cheap lots fine at d low-priced Towels. ■White Hack. Colored Buck, Bath. Honeycomb, Da mask, and TnrkiskTowels, by tbe single one or dozen. Good heavy Huckaback, 60,cts. per yard. - - • Linens and Linen Goods, of every kind, a full stock to correspond with gold at 3° C ONARD. It . 8, g. comer SfINTH and MARKET Streets. QHEFSmRI? riiAXP^. K? LOW' priced and ine qualities. Colored and neat.cbeck Mohairs. „ Blaek Alpacas, 60, 82, 75, 88. $1.75, $1.60. Black 'wo'ol Delaines, single and doable widths. - and. buff Percales, t>uff MaraetUes, yard-wide Prints, printed Cambrics, Ginghams, Lawns, Prints, Balmorals.: Ac. M AI( TLB BOOK. ■■ - : ■ Elegant Bilk Sscgnes. x While Barege Shawls, ; . Chesp Bummer Shawle. BE . S OOKEil)> It : S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. . FRENCH LAWNS £ and ORGANDIES! in colored audwhite grounds. UURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, ,- 480, 45», and 45* North SECDNDRtrerf, Above WUlow. DLACK AND COLORED POLKA DOT JJ . MULM. from Anction. at low prices OURWEN STODD ART & BROTHER, 450, 453, and 45* North SECOND Street^ WHITE MARSEILLES, 'll for Children's Wear. CIJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, ° «o,*s»,aid 45* North SECOND Kr«tt_ PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, m. fxom a late auction GURWBH STODDART & BiiOTHKK, , . .. 450. 453. and 434 North BBCOfifl PLAOK ~~AND WHITE . STRIPED D SKIRTING, ftom 450, 453, and 454 North WilfoW TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS— X a ■well-assorted stock of the most desirable goods in the Set SW CUEWBH BTODDAHT &.BRO a X5O, 45», and 4:54 Morth SECOND mylß-3t Above wuiow. jjonamHG mumm 036 CHESTODT Street CHOICE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. \J Silk GEBffABIKBS* .superb Btrlei. Spring FOPLlNsTlateet styles. Plaidand Plain LBHOS. ; Black and Brown. VALBNCIAB* - . Amerleanand Prenck LA*JES. - a • Spring atyles of_OHALLI I)B LAIWBS* ' T “ H. STOKES'. ■ Ho. 70» ABOH Stioat. H. B.—(SO dozen Ladles’ Bleached HOSE, at 12K «ont» perpait. 2 m Ti_ QHETLAND SHAWLS, IN EVERY mTs-lm*' Oafi'CHESTS CPRING DRESS GOODS, OE HEW D STYLBS, OPBKIJJG Dillil. Spring styles Valencias. : . Spring styles PoU do CSevrei. Spring styles of Poplins. - Summer Poplins. Splendid Organdies. v Percales, in great variety. Jfew styles of Piques. •Spring Colors tie Xiatne*. Spring ttolor* Mob&irs. . Bay fttyieg of Drew 6003 ii fai great-Tanoty. * SWSy -EDWIN HA.LL& CO., »6 South SECOND Street. 938 CHBSTItTJjr Street SPECIAL NOTICE. O SBLLISO OFF BNTITIB STOCK TO CLOSE BUSINESS'! _ GOOD-WILL ASD FIXTURES FOE BALE. TBOBHLBY A3D CHISM. We invite special attention to theabove announcement. YTeiflVi We have *, Lar*e Stock. > We are SeUing Cheap.. _ Everr yard is to be closed 6ut on or before the let say. of September. Bilks and Dress Goods. n , : 0! 1 Cioihs. Caaslmeres, ani Llnaii «oo|s. Sbawis.Cloak* Skirts, Rdlfa. &c.»frc. Hasltaiaad Calicoes . jn?l3'2m Cor. nfEIOHTBand srBifICOABDSg._ MANTILLAS, ALL STILES iVM jSXrnmirnlM A. & H. MYE2B, ' - 938 CHSBTNDT Street. OLA OK ALPACAS AT 50, 82, 75, BSc„ D and *l. .Also, munificent Black Moiain, $1.16, $l-26, $l3B. and 5G _ . _ - Lupin's Blaek Wool Dalaine** 66 cii. . Douhte-width-Biaek Wool Delaiiies, $1.12 to $1.75. Lupin’* Plain colors Delaines, 62 ois. “Ld strlEdd Hohatx.. lO FiM!t and Stripes, Biid-eye Linen* Swiss aojims, 11 WMt* C and Baff Flans by the P'-see or raid, lood Cambrics, Ginabeme, &«. Slnslina by the piece - cOSiKDt B. B. eor. NIJTH and MARBBf Streets. . OBATIMATESIALS TRAJBI.- tot film 6 BBgSSEg ‘ ; 9at'OHBBTHUT Street. "OIGUBED BILK GRENADINES, Jj of the ties*. Qualities and stylos, in Black and Gray Grounds. 66c to $1.60 ; TravelHni-Bres* Goods* in srery variety. ' Hew Dress Goodfc injp-eat variety. Handsome Chens Bilks, $2.50- VEBX CHEAP BLACK SILKS, BtLllaVe foi Dnms, M&ntlei* aad Sacqwi, S *d<s*s:6« SCOBS LMfi ©SAI* WHOLISAIiS " rsiußs • . Merrtmac, Sprague* and Prints, 25ew „ 10 4 Waltham and ?H. myS-tr Kos 713 and 715 Jforth TENTH Street.^ fl eenaDine b areg bs, all my?to bS ' , ■ aas CHBBTHUT Street co o HOOP SKIRTS. •, • 028. DZO. HOPKIHS’ “OWJ MAKS OK, HOOP SKIKTS.Jhe asMTtmgt aad |Osmj and styles in the city ~ Gore Trane, winen»i.u= sizes, from IS to 66 springs, /liP^UeJ 6 from 19 to 60 Stilts, all tto ., n iyrAe P6 skfifs $ Str“ heavy steel springs, from sl-«> 10 %,5 m .itrin.s froin St.o9 to aid extra tapes ?om JB to 35 „V P ’?“?.V/, a £e,lrom 6 $2. 76. Hisses’ and Children s*o , ihey bava no to S 6 spridgs, from 4 to S lkw”the most euoat- »gerts for tie Haw imt™ “ to she onplal MSS* ?£,™ t “Sdl? 4 mnoh lowerpriees. AlMson- Elipue bant, _ana » Q [ low-priced New York stanOy on ard metalie-fastened—ls epnngs, ISJ Ils d n l! ii : SM*ll-“ tpSnilht 11,15:30 springs, *1 25t S*®: ; JP ’ li’eo ehlrts made to order, altered, 63BABCH Street. myl3 lm- . the exoelle n ce PARABOLA SPECTACLES Is genereily conceded. Those who have need both. Kinds of*glasses. assert tbat tbe Parabola are . superior: to any others. In the mild trlsnal sensation theypro dece. and for the ability to me them for any length of time, both day and night, without occasioning a sense of aaeasinesi or fatigue. , .. • FOE SAMS ONLT BT . E. BOEHEK & SON, OptlolaM, It* ' Ho. AOa.CHESTHPT Street. nARD PHOTOGRAPHS, EINIBHED Vina variety of tasteful styles, EUiiahie for and jui6t the thing for scholars to exchange “ gtrett, matee. 12 for *1.25. BEIMBB’S, BBWarr “'it.' above Green, 1 ~ TASTEFPL AtfP gVBSTAinMX. clothing WAN* WASTED-IN A BET.GOODS ,JOB ff Etna BOUSE, on KAEKEJ Street, an, aettve, Intelligent SALBSHAS, control«ome trade,a„d= .fallj compekHrtto wa on te tse Interests or theH^e'^rod position wilfbe offered now or by the nv.de >' WANTED—TO CONVEYANCERS.— W ± young maa desire* a pOTiti&a as •»* ,to do writing of any kind Wf l ''S* SlTmrMzl l and legible. Address “Bennie,” Press office.myro m TJir ANTED—CAMPILLION CARPETS ft —ALL dealrom of aocurim tie Territorial Klaat of ttl a T,ft'eat ß | alre “ tto; “* ° kITT. tne patentee* GEnBSTJTtrT Street, _ anterior to MOSTDAYj 28tUiaBt. mylB-3i* WANT !D. $lO PEE DAY, AT HOME. —Any person* male or female* can clear $5O per week, at home, in a? light, honorable bariness. $2 to $6 capital required. Returned' soldiers and others haying a lew hours daily to epare,csA learn the parti” culars by enoloiing tiro stamps for circular «a return post. Address JL WAYVJ&LL, myi7-lm* Chicago, box 4781. WANTED—THE BIGHT MAN, AS A *> PARTNER, to Patent, in. Prance and England, three of the most Important inventions of this axe, already.patented in this country. Cash about $5OO. Address “ Inventor,’ * City Post Office. • . - my!B-3fc* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE ■A genuine improved Haw England Family SBWIHQ MACHIHBS, the be.t Maculae In the world. Addm« ■ A. L LEBTJEE A CO., .P'2/i lrn* - • box S 2, Ms,,. GREATEST THING OF THE TIMES VT —BO WEH 1 B FBIZE BJTVBI.OFEB. —Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Wntchee given to Agentc. On receipt o! »1S W« will mail, poet-paid. 100 finTslope., and a splendid Solid Bllrer Hnnt&r-Caea Watsk as a premium to the agent. A elsgle Env JlTO« Mat. witb circular and fullpariicnlare, on receipt or2dcenta._ Ad. drew A. H. EOWEH * CO., F. 0., 80x4K0.3S BEEK MAIT Street, M. Y. . ™bW-3m CCROLL*SAWYER WAITED.—FOR a good hand steady employment. Apply to A. WIEB, Sash and Boor Manufactory, No. 4545 North FRONT Street. H* SALESMAN WANTED IN A FIKBT- Ks cliss Betail Stationery Store; unexceptionable refe rences required in regard to honesty. Address * A. L. jz t ,r Press office. . It* KdfcS non T 0 ?S t OOO.—AvYOUNGMAN with this amount withes to be an active partner is a wholesale or manufacturing business. .Re ferences exchanged. _ M Address •» Grant,” Press office. myS'3 3t* <MOR A MONTH.-AGENTS WANT- Hp A jjd everywhere to introduce the improved SB AW & CLARK TW ENTY-DOLLAR FAMILY SEW- IlfG MACHINE, the only low-price machine inAho country which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilßon, Howe, Singer * Co., and Bachelder. All other machines now sold for less .than forty dollars* each are infringements, and the seller and aser are liable to fine and imprisonment. Salary and expenses, or Jarte commission* flowed. Illustrated eirculars sent free. Address SHAW dr CLARK, Biddeford, Maine mylO-dAW3m S*jf\ A IGKTH.-I WANT AGENTS I \J everywhere at $7O a month, expenses paid, to tell FIFTEBK ABTICLBS. the beet eeUtag ever offered. Foil particulars free. Addxese OTIS I. QAEEY, Bidde fore, Maine. mylO dSWBm ®iA Orifl §lO,OOO, $4,500, AND $l,OOO to Loan on Mortgage. Apply to LEWIS H. BEDREB, Mo. 153 S. FOURTH Bt.myld 2t* ® WANTED TO RENT—A DWELL ING with modern improvements. North of Green and west of Broad street preferred. about first of June. Address ‘ my 19-21* This .Office. M WANTED • TO PURCHASE—A NEAT DWELLING HOUBE containing from 7 to 10 rooms. Terms of payment—one-half cash, the balance in good oil stocks, giving a selection from twenty well known Oil Companies. Address ‘*: A. F., ’ ? Box 1783 Philadelphia Post Office, myl9-2t WANTED TO KENT—A WHOLE Bulldiai, or the Upper Storfei, between Market Mid Ajch.on Third street; or between-Third and Fifth, os Market, or on Fourth street, above Market. Sent not exceeding ss.oCoper annum; ' jßy!B*3t BILLER, 153: SIXTH Street, FOR SALE AM» TO LET. m FOR SALE, ON EASY TERMS JIM The very desirable DWELLINGS, 1110 Wallace Street; has all tbe modern conveniences and large yard. B. F. GLBHN, 1»3 South FOURTH Street, and , m?2O-tf E. W. cor. BEVBff TEBHTH and GREBfIT. M FOR BALE VERY CHEAP— DWELLING, WALLACE Street, above Niath; eight rooms. ‘ Also, a large number of eligible building lot*,; «ot : tages and country seals, • B. F. GLSHIf. 1583 South FOURTH Street, my2o And S. W, cor, SEVENTEENTH and GBSEN. m FOR SALE—A’ THREE. STORY JBSL Brick BWSLLIEG, with three-atory backhnlld iurs: has been thoroughly repaireds lot 20 feet byioo, So. 1903 Motjot Veißon street Immediate passeealon. isßlgatJa. lgaa WUiIiAOg StrggL nnrlMtt Mto let—the hotel, large yard, stabling. &c., adjoining _theTatrmouat Market, Twenty-second aad spring Garden Btreets. Inquire of the Superintendent ia the market. It* TO LET— TO»A-CAREFUL, BELI ]!M ABLE Tenant, tbree-eiory Brick BweHinr, with three-atory back-building, all modem improvements, large yard, good cellar, &c., aitnated north of Brown atreet. eaat of Twelfth streets ia perfect order, having beea papered and painted throughout For farther partlcalare addreea, till May 21, ’ JS 619 TIME Ktrtet. myM-2t* M EXECUTORS’ ’ SALE.—WILL BE sold at nubile Bale, oa the premiaea. on TSUfiS j>AY t the 25th instant, that valuable HOTEL known as TBS'BAMBO HOUSE,. . : Opposite the Court House, UOERISTOWU. Penn a. * The Hotel fronts 117 feet enSwede street, and contains four office*, store room, and kitchen on first floor; entry, fonr parlors, dining room, bar room, and ball 34 by feet on second floor; thirty fonr chambers m second ana third stories, -with stables, sheds, and carriage house, SaletocommenceaUP-M. . WM B. SAMBO, X K *„ tcir . P. M, HBIiTBR, 5 Sxec t 0 my2o:3t* -■m- FOR SALE-DWELLING 2040 •Hat AEOB Street. my!9-W . m. TO LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH MULstoriee of the Granite Boudin*, Dock Street, be 'low Third, - with Steam Poorer. ’ The Office, first floor, 3To. 238 Carter street. ■ . The Third Stoir of the EapittgiflM. 0U and 013 GheanraFeirw room in the city. Counting Hoase Dr. D. J«ne & Son, . mylS-61* ' ■. . Ho, a*g CHBBTBDI Street. M to dry goods jobbers.—a. long-established Arm in the * ___ MY GOODS JOBBING BUSINESS w - on. the north side of M&.BKBT Street, near Fifth, intending to retire from 1)118131088 on Ist July, mu rent the Store from that time, offering a favorable opportunity to any firm succeeding them of retaining an established stand Address Box 1103 F. O. M FOR SAL E—DWELLING, ON TABIO Street, above. Eight!. Pweilmc, Powellitreei- above Sir! h. . ■ ■ Three fctort* and Dwellings on Girard avenue west E "offve Stores and Dwellings ori-Girard avenue west of and Dwelling on Colombia avenue west of otters. B P. OMSK'S, , Ann many oi I<J3 gontb FOURTH Street, and mylS-tf S. W. cor SBVBfITEESTH and GEBEM. FOR SALE, VERY LO W, WITH Aimmediate possession,. three story DWELLING, 21 FoS 0 “o^i'¥!Dl r MG, SebHoiaHgW^n&sireet: B. r. Uuoaflt laasnntb FODKTH Strait, and mylgtl 8. W. cor. SBTMTISBffTB aaa QBBBH nts. m CLARION COUNTY OIL LANDS 32-FOE SALE.—Theca lands are-sitnate in Highland and Farmington townships, Clarion chanty, _r«i hrsyi- j vania, The principal portion ofthe tracts lie on the north side of the Clarion river. formerly Veaaw county. The distance from Oil Creak and the Ai ie gheny river is about 18 miles, and from the East Sandy Creek about 12 miles. Developments now In progress prove this ten Itory to be eqnal in tbe bes* in the Venango region. In addition to the certainty j of obtaining "oils there is.an abundance of coal, also a i plentifcl supply of timber, rendering the operation* or boring much easier and cheaper than in anyofcherlo* Ca Alarge number of wells are being lordd, and in all of them the indications are v«ry good. One, the WMtlbOl‘Well, yields abontfifteen barrels per dav of a superior quality of oil. The Deer Black Dia mond, Slater, and Blyeon Run Weils I for tubing, and give promise of being Quite as good as tbo TnaioritYbf wells on Oil Creek and Cherry Sun. - One of the tracts now offered for Bale is about 3 miles • fromthe "WhitehUl Well. Another tract-adjoins the property OR whicn the SI r R n;amnrul^nrnn the largest tract *djoms the Black Diamond property. The lands have been selected as^ choice oil territory, having a large front on the.Clanon river, and inter* tecied by creeks or inns, which make it very desirable for sinking wells. The Clarion river is. navigable for fiaibcais carrying from 1,000 to 1,600 barrels. , This property will be sold in tracts of 20 acres and upwards. Termß liberal to purchasers insending -to d u?i s i< m L l St i l a .l e iriK- ha M»a at ft* OfflceofHg CLOIOHLUSB OOMFABTi 8> B. wraersr «STf* and WilS¥T Etreete, Boom So . 13. Philadelphia. Penna. Pexcons retiding at a distance can obtain all necessary Information by addressing • Treasurer of Glarior. Land Co., Boom Ho. 1?. S. E corner of BIETH and WALHUT Streets, Philadelphia. Pent-a. H* m FOB SALE—A BEAUTIFUL^' fiIIiicODHTEY SEAT AHD FAEH IS EOUGH, on Ridge AYecne. bearninfr-mtte sK.n9. ono mile from Green Tree Station, Bonistown Railroad, targe Con We Hoote. areseed « a!l d-BtoEefrOEtliaU, parlor, sUtiur-room, kitchen, **s ttooughoui, spring water running to tie door; large ■ yard; plenty of shade aid r raament&l trees: large stone bam and neceisarr ont buildings;plenty of fruit;fifty-six acres olchoice land in a high state of cultivation, lying /ouzhuadred and fifty feet above the Delaware; nice stream running S. FBI. KO. 133-.WAI.pT -dm A VALUABLE FABM AT BRI- gill' vale sale, situate in BADJJOE Township, -*“•* Delaware county, l*a.» on the I»anca»ter.turiipike, near the Eleventh-mile btoner Within * quarter of a mile of Morgan’s Comer Station, on the Pennsylvania Central K ¥he°toproYementa are a laree stone maMionandbarn and all necessary out- buildings 1 a choice apple-orehard in bearing condition, and a well-selected assortment of frnit and ornamental trees. tnlnina- It is of the first unalliy of Radnor- land, containing sixty tone acres, i'ersons desiring w<mid do well to examine, as it is seldom thst-property O, tms MsdU offers iatkenurtot. elYSfi immsfii&tsiy, ana [or fartssrTw«- ° n l^ iß s?. alr6 " f ,h * ; ° b “ ri YdBEpf R HirDi'ro. tfho cos -FOE SALS, A WBLL.BE cursS QKOUMI) BEST of 5157.50 TOr aaxmm, »»i« out of £ «->■« *jj tt ,ls tuu»ths4t» 1035 BEA-CHSt.. *bo to Laurel. /AIL LA-NDS—hemlock creek.--. V 60 or 200 acres, adjoining'laads of Fraeident Petro leum Company, Yenango connty. laads.on 4lle ffceny Sraart’s Eon, Tab s Run, Tioaesta Creek* ic.,for S »lobr wm H. KICHAKDSOS, 500 MiKKET Strest. mylB4h&tn3t* T ARGE sale op dry goods. A. BABE OFFOKTUHITY - Owing to the death of the proprietor, W. A CiTH □ART, the entire stock of DKT GOODS, Good-will, and Lease of Stole room and Dwelling Bouse is offered at nil-rate sale, and, if not sold before THURSDAY, Mar Kth, it Win then be offered at public anetion, at z ° ThU being an; old-established stand .'of. Catbcart S Biother, next door to Harrisburg Bank, it is certainly worthy the attention of business men. is the. stand i« oie of the best in the city. Bent cheap, and stock of goods clean. < Bor particular* M-Plj « admtnletrator, mrlfi.Bt* U0.39M. 810011B l M - B “ ltUbllfg - ra — ROR BALB—THE BUFS«iap and fast two-masted steam TTa^ TBD STATES, not three I®??, “S'.Jrice 1« food order; ready for immetom service- deek “ d over feet; Seam 2SK feet; dents or Sold 9 re«• diagonally s Son’. iSiP yard. particulars. S p^ t j° h , yLASASAW, inA Rents DELAWASB Avenue. mylfi riAKB 'TmSojsi*- casks fresh, t ’ ’ bond 07 duty pald li-BwaAT cfttjES— 2«) J prime. «*•▼>«* Ifloil .TDB JfflßlC 4S bags now doe Per Toik t°wii'’ »-p—‘‘Yera Crag.” to arrive psr steamer non. I-^tV n wtLßs!rr bT »08 MABKET Street go ld prices.—ice X piTCBESS. Walters, Goblets, and all otter kinds 8 ' IQgS QBSSTKnTgttoet. a.T BEASONABLE PBIGE3, §|EM' SPECIAL. SALE Of 'SIXTZ Mav 2sa i°f£i r , DB , BD ** KOBKIWff.' Ho tM North ptci-IS'S’ st *0 riiotnlx Coach. Works. 8"S WUlo W ,a a te Wil, Imbrscln* thKSSrtS CiKKIAOBS, ofhpg.y wagons?<ferm£nU^' 6xt<, ? alTa assortment »<£?» dat auction in thfienr h? a S»i?.' k . aways e ' rsc 101 ’ 9 *° l4 “ y The entire collection maybo leylewei tha to™ Tioua to tiie siie, with catalotrae®. - 7 Pr®“« ALFRED M. HBSEUESS, Auctlottoer. HBRKNESS’ BAZAAR, NINTH AHD BANSOM STBEETB. OF BLOODED STOCK,' Ike.. Sic . The Fourth Semi-Annual Sale of Blooded Stock. under the direction of the Philadelphia Eooletj for the Promo tion of Agriculture, willtake 'Place on . WEDNESDAY. Bat 24th. 1865. At 10 o'clock A M., at the BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSON STS. *S» Contributions of Horned Cattle, Sheep, Strine, Poultry, Ac., are solicited. Arrangements will be made to accommodate Stock oyer night at the Bazaar and adjoining etabtee. mylflAt. ALFBED M. HEBKNE3S, Auctioneer. ■NJEW CHESTNUT-STREET THEA JX JBE-CHBBTNDT STBEHT. ABOVE TWELFTH. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, YOETY-YOTIKTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, •when the great Irish gjma, ths wHi 18 ACOESSOBIBS. Admission to the Matiane, - * 30 CEHTS TO ALL PARTS GFTHB HOUBEL Children 25 cents 1 ' Door*©penatl/4-o’clock;'performanceto conunsaca at 2k o’clock. _ THIS (SATUBDAY) NIGHT. _ THE DAVKKPOBT AND WALLACE HISTBIONIC ALLIANCE ■ ■ GBAND MAMMOTH BILE. , = The Evening’s performance will commence with the thrilling Drama* ■•• OLIVER TWIST. OLIVER TWIST. Pa*in (hie great character).^....Hr. J.W. WALL AO K —....*Mr.B.LV-DAVBaPO» jraney Sjke». ..Miss ALIOS PL ACIDS Dnriai the evening the Davenport and Wallack Corn* biaatioa Schottlshe will be performed by Rlrgfeld and • the Orchestra ", „ ' To conclude with the amusing Farce, TURK Hi 31 OUT. ■ » WALKTJT-STRBET THEATRE.—• Ti THIS (SATURDAY) BVB3ISG, May 20th. MAMMOTH BBTJBRTaIHHBHT. The Charm tug and Versatile Actress, LUCILLB WESTERS* • Will appear as .7 LUCRETIA BORGIA' • • . • and • • • *. ■•-■•s' NABBAMATT^ii •• ■ or, ' THE WEPT OF THE WISH-TON-WISH.. MONDAY—LIAH, THE JEWISH MAIDEN. MRS, JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH i’X STREET THEATRE. TO NIGHT MISS CABOLINB ETCHINGS AND Mr. PETER KICUINGS. • THIS (Saturday) EVENING MAT 20, 1865. The Grand Musical Romance THE BHCHAHTBESa, With its great cast and Thrilling Tableau. Stella, the Enchantress.;~~.....»Mi»Bßichlaics. Samir.......Mi, Peterßichiaga, (GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. THE V) HAST THBEE PUBLIC BEHEABSALB OF TEN SEASON Trill taka place May 13th, 20th,' ami 27th. i mjs-l£t CADEMT OF FINE ARTS, CHBBTHWT STRBET, ABOVE TENTH. NOW OPEN, THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION PAINTING AND SCTJJLPTTTRE. Open from 9A. M. till 7P. H., and from 8 tBl 19 ie the Evening., . . ■ -o - ■ - ap27-tjs3 SUMMER RESORTS. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY) NEW ’’JERSEY, Will 1m opened this season on the FIFPEBIfTH DAT OF JUKE, for the reception of quests ; This leading house will, for the coming season, folly sustain its well-established reputation. . Greatly encouraged hy the bnsinessof last year,' the proprietor feel* satisfied that a Hotel conducted clear lv first-class muU'continue a success at this old and popu lar resort. The railroad facilities are promised to be excellent. Becfe’s celebrated Philadelphia Band has been se cured for the COLUMBIA the coming-season. • For rooms* &c., apply to J. H. DESSISOJT, Mer chant's Hotel, Philadelphia, or to • GKOBGB J. BOLTON, Proprietor. CAPS ISLA&D, H. J, if y SUM ME E BOARDERS.- -A F PIBST-CLASS BOAKBUfS HOtJSB IST WBST CHBBTbB, Penna.—*£hls commodious netr Wilding, witli a double portico, Ib coimected with the borough, by an avenue of Maples on the street leading to the Brandywine, and surrounded by running waters, green bills, and *’ Everhart’s Grove. 1 * Sevan daily tram* to Philadelphia. Stabling for horses convenient Term* moderate. Reference: William B»erhart,_or ElUh* Phipps. ' EOT H.DUBEBB. QEASIDE HOUSE, k 5 roOT OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, ATLANTIC CITY, -KBW JERSEY. I* new open. for the Reception of Guests,^ 111* • ’ DAVID SDATrBHfIOOD, BOABPMS, 13 OABDIK G -ONE LARGE, SECOND -43 story room vacant, at No..6J2ASoath WASHING* TON Square. ' m,19-8t? AY BOARD, WITH FIRST-CLASS J— Dinners, .at No. 6NA South .WASHINGTON Square. ' -- myl9-lm« LOST AND FOUND. T OST-ON FRIDAY EVENING, MAY I J'g & Pair.of OPERA GLASSES, pearl mouutinr; the owner’s name marked on them. A liberal reward paid if returned to W. S. EBYBIXRN* No. 1« 30 GSEEN Street. » IVrOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, THAT 1-. Ujs MtJs Is tjo nfAie. Piro AseoelalldS of fhiladelslua lor tUg TffllMtt of policy of insurance No. 25 699 for $l, OCO. issued July 7 1867 in the name of James La&ry, which has btex “"ss s&■*- ap2S- tnthtlm* TWENTY- FOURTH and PEARL, WKOT DECEIVED. J_) Examine otir Photographs of | AB2AHAK LINCOLN in Crayon—Cabinet and Life* size— and judge for yourselves of THEIR & co * mvls 6t No 81% ARCH Street, myld tnths3t* POETEAITB OF PBESIDENT LIN. I COLE.—JJI the wfetias pabltaded In ThiUdal chift Sew TorS/and elsewhere, supplied to tae trade* pm», flew loi&p Mu yiBHEK « BEOTHSE, So. 1» Sortfc. SIXTH Street myl7-dt*lf m BUCKEYEMOWINGANDREAP 2L. ma MACHIHES. forsal«lbT m D. LaNDKBTH & SOF, Affricnlttiral Imp’smem and Seed Wa-jhoo.se. . Nos 31 and 33 fionfch SIXTH Street* It- Between CHESTaUTandMARKET Streets. m FIELD SEEDS.—LONG ORANGE Csiroi. Scarlet §tctmi>-xcw»=«d. Carret, Bl&Ad Jlb£- Carrot, White Belgian Carrot. YeUow Belgian. Gamt. large Bed Mangel rfnnel Beet* Bed Globe Mangel ■Wur.o!, WU» B Sugar li* . . . Foa. 31 and 33 Sooth SIXTH Street. ® THE UNION MOWED, BUCKEYE Junior Mower. Buckeye Mower and Beaper. These nniiY&Uea machines noir In store and for sate or BOBERT BUIST, JE., yos 933 and 934: MARKET St* above Kinth* && PBATT’S STEEL TOOTH HORSE 2—Fay Bakes, the best Bake in the country. The trade suppliedonfavorable JS i - Bos. 933 and 931 MABKar St., above Ninth. ; p&\ ENGLISH LAWN GRASS of all sizes* Welsh Scythe* Stones. Grass fade by *****’ it, royiio It 038 and 984. MARKBT St. above Hinth. - gßk UNION MOWING MACHINE,' ZC which has been fully teeted for thelast four yearn. It combines strength , durability * insight, lignt~ draft , with complete efficiency in catting *f*«t “JJi or heavy- wet or dry, lodged or standing, and embrace* many minor conveniences not found in other Also for sale, the most complete mg.Lawn-Mower inthemar*# mviUm 8 mo SUtaw Street . SPECIAL CABa-BEING OBLIGED, 50 to decline bnslnesi, X now Offer to sell at irabiict sal*, withont reserve, all of ?i thatt It ie of superior Quality, and fully equal to any that i. hwe ever made. See M. Thomas A m3O-6t 809 and 811 CHEBTaF f Street. C ALE OE UNITED STATES STE. D ESS AT AUCTIOH. _ _ ; ITsited States SirrYAKn, * .■WAshingtout. D. 0., MaylS 18®. WUI bs sold at public sale, to Jbehighe*t bidder, a -12 o’clock M., oh SATGEDaT. the third day of Juno next, at the ffavy Yard *&n£ United States Steamers YAKKBB, JAvOB Baku, ana D fh?Ta'niee is a wooden «We-wt8«l *tea“6r of tta fftUrtwinir dimensions? Jjenith* 147 /set; breadth of ■beam, 2Meet ; depth of hold, diameter of cylinder, rS inches; stroke of piston. Bfeat. A > The Jacob Bell is awcoden side-wheel, steamer 145. feet long; breadth of beam. 20 feet 9 laches, and depth of hold £ feet; diameter of cylinder, 32 laches; stroke a wooden ,propeller. 92 lo3wts\ breadth of* beam 17 feet, and depth of hold 9 feet 5- Inches: diameter of cylinder 25-Inches, and stroke of • P Tte D Te»MiTmaj be seen and fartherpsiticnUts mad* known on. application to Commodore J. B. MOUIGO MBEY, Commandant WashinitonSaYT Yard. Terms of Sale: Cash, in Government funds; 51,030 on .. «ach Teasel at the tim< of sale, and the balance within • ats daye thsrs&tter. ttylHtafeft. nimm DE VISITE—HAVE THEM! V made at B. F. BBI«ER’S GaUsrT, 6*4 ABCff Street, and you will find amosg.his specimens ityle* sure to please, unequalled in execution and finish, it RIO 1340 BEACH STESBT. Bnrineers, Machinists, Boiler- Makers, and S WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE« of Clmscler, CoMfitttlioiii and •renin** nr phrenologist and BookseUe?, Mll-tnUulylf go. »» S- q'BgTH St.abort Cheewfc ■—FOR ALBANY AND TSOY, jySaOKii. Y., viaDELAWAKB AMiSiEirAS canal. -Tie Barge GOBDOH GKABT H. Mneffiga. mlftir, is now loading at -fin* nrbarf Mow 8. BOGS ISet f« the above points, and- will tears «*“" IbSBAY BVBHIfIG. „ aM nablB For Frriiht, which - tS m2O:4t PEITtO ' 'abS'tfeSmWm Arena,. , ~,.,1-1 - ’ - 1 - 'rTTTT - 'tTioT.P.HIA»- ii&WSiWSS WILMIKaTOK, ASD HAITI. MOKs BiiMUAF. P , CTMOSO . got tout. iaa ss£.-sH.tfisaJSEfat ISIS w Pare to r<ortoia s KESKBY, Snpw GEO. A. DADMBJf, Gen. Ticket Agent. myl3 1m _ £SmCBSHBP camdeh at- SAILSOAD.-Train* leave Tine-street Jerry ufollows; _ „ , w PaßsenierCiOT*sSachea«**~9-g A K dtlantis Ae-comm edition. g £- fr to e«on A~ t agon^ r IV Jonction ' ' - Tn«rTwfat nr 15 A. M., Haddonfield I*3OP- «* bTdelirersd at Cooper", Point . S-'®v ®t» unt, ite (oint down the next day. before|P; f H-to p. BEY AST. Agent- _ OEPABTNEET FOB CUSTOM WOKE, AMUSEMENTS.
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