Tans Gksatebt Sbwinq Machix* op tbs Aob sob Mabopaotubibg pdrpobus.—Out readers, we presume, with few exceptions, are fully aware that the Grover fc Baker Sewing Machines, for all hinds of family purposes, are the best tu -the world. The Grover & Baker Company have, however, late ly added to their list of popular machines a nets targe size Shuttle Machine, which operates with the greatest ease, and makes but little nosie (a moat decided tm : prominent upon the maaufaeturlng machines in F this respect.) This machine has already become a | great favorite. It uses with equal faolllty spool R cotton, linen thread or silk, and Is altogether the 'imest perfeot manufacturing machine ever offered >to the public, and is bo pronounced by practical ma* , -cMnists. The machine can be seen In operation at ■ their oEoe, No. 780 Chestnut street. SaHoonav’B Naw Patsnt Ambkioah Bbvbi sbbatob. This hew Kefrlgorator, embracing great Im provements in eooling and ventilation, and which hadsuoh an extensive sale In New York and the Eastern States last season, is now offered, with a great-variety of other styles of Refrigerators, to the •public. Oau and see them, and get catalogue. Also, • Packer’s unequalled Ice dream Procters. * Porcolaln-llned Water Coolers, f Comm on oheap. Water Coolers for the million. 'Manufactured and for sale by E. S. F arson & do., -ap27-thstuBt At 220,222, and 224 Dock street. ' Lo*o Looked Fob—Count at hast.—The Union Button-Hole Sewing Machine, of Boston, Mass., has arrived, and may be seen In operation at the Florence Sewing-Machine Rooms, 680 Chestnut street. The publle are rerjetcfthUy invited to oal and examine. . The only machine sewing a button-hole with the . same stitch as hand-work, and Introducing the •‘bar” or oord so essential to make firm and sub a-Stantlal work In precisely the same manner as I always found necessary In button-holes made by i hand. The stltflh is formed with two threads Instead of me, thereby Imparting double strength and dura bility over hand-work. i This wonderful sewing maahlne performs all the Work, and does not depend In the least upon the eye or guidance of the operator, completing the work with more aoouraoy than can be done by hand, and with great rapidity. Call and see It at 630 Chestnut street. ap2B-3t Eyb, Eab, Ann Oatarbb, successfully treated by 3 . Isaacs, M. D,, Oculist and Aurlst, SIS Pine St. •Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge for examination. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS* Hie «i T B CJ Stutßp, Lancaster, «?aptW Thomas j. :r Cohen, Jr, Washington : A Robinson, Baltimore Q W Fahnestock, Balt i’ T (> Blficey, Nashville Mad Salm, Cleveland J Steiner, Baltimore i: Geo W MoMlnn . O W Everett Job Clark eon, Baltimore : H Gibson &wf,Baltimore "W Howard & wf, Ohio Geo Kendall, Hew York ;p Thompson, Hew York J H Warren & Jam, Ohio ;Tboa Goodrich, Boston W J Sterett, Saltshurg tol Books, Mifflin, Pa t W Davis, Mifflin, Pa Hathbon, Lancaster 1 P BattbcD, Lancaster S tluay, Harrisburg Bechtel, Allentown G Harman, Balt Harman, Baltimore » Rhodes, Boston Thomas, Boston 'ennlngton, H York Pennington, H York 1011, Harrisburg Grisswell, Harrleb’g Potter, Penna Curtis, Jr, Mtlesb'g f Irvin, Holllflaysb’g Patton, Hnntlngdon Ryon, Columbia, Pa E P Ryon, Columbia Herr, strasburg, Pa Ogelby, Carlisle / Benedict, Penna >s M Dorsey, Penna )s B Klein, Harrlsb’g os O MaoDowell, Pa Lowtber, Newport,Pa n B Lowther, Pa Tile Coi (or Haneook, Md '.obtains, Boston 'iayden & wf, Boston Pioot, St Xrfralß Stevens, Wisconsin James, Washington 3 Took, Maryland (eller, Washington < Oloott, Washington i tookwell, U S O S i : Foroe, VirgiDia Child s, Philadelphia join Oldshne, Flttsbg 1 Woodward, N York A Francis, New Toik O Kbcrtee, TJ S N F Book, Wajnesburg ' O H Dorsey, Pa ' Saylor St la, HY . McDonald St wf. NJ A Hanover Sc d, Wash G- LlnebnrgnjOonn B Pray, New York is.O Spray, N York ■ JH A Squire, N Y Smysor, York A Stevenson. Pa B Kenbins, Pa W Konkins, Pa a Dr Blohurds. Pa . Wilson, Wllkesbarre Olnpandalle, Fa Bant & la, Wllkesbarre H Beanletbangh & la Ttao An lex Holmes. NewTtork I Salheld & wf, Pa Hunger St la.Baltim'e *ongherty, Ohio 'Walker, Ohio Marsh Higgins itler ~ Craig, New York W Scott lurk, Baltimore , Moses, Washington lasln, Maryland 1 Allen, New York Cottman, Baltimore v Buesell Murphy Demarer, Newport C Patterson jangler. Penna Jasrell, Marietta, Pa B Fahnestock, Penna Silver, Delaware S Kirk & la, Fottsvllle iss M J Kirk, Penna Kutz, Beading 'Williams, Colorado F •Welshampel& la,Ma B Fuller, Buffalo re Fuller, Buffalo A GrayVokeeter oo WHe Her Rowiok, Ohio H Aldridge, Man land D Nightingale, Easton Urabschiekl, N V Thorp, New York Briggs & la, Ohio , Study, Tyrone O Marshall,Lancaster Putt, stonerstown W Patton Somereet,Fa Bedford, Somerset, Pa F Herrick, Olnonmatl Wolf, Altoona N Wolfe & la, centre oo M Powers, Newcastle : Coryell, Lamberts vlllej D Copeland, Mass 1 M Bennlston, XT S N O McKenzie, DSN V Matson, Boston _ H Zollinger &2oh,Pa _»aac Silne, UhambersVg John Williams, Penna Jchn H Schalffer, Penna H W Fisher, Middletown Wm Elliott, Penna 3E Culbertson A son, Pa ! Isett, Blair eo A fluke, Blair eo ’ Boyer A la, Penna . stover. Clinton go ios Y B Neeee, Penna S Piper A son, Penna j Laurence & wf, Pa ingle, Pottsville Grnig, Ohio K Norvlll, New York Pan ton Goodman. Baltimore T Potto, Washington A Laurence 1 Will, Ohio Eaughlln 'lkldal. lowa BtU, Navarre, O 'alworth, Boston Emerson A son, N J eilaiid, Easton lller, Lane co Bnrke, Ashland uttlng, Plnegrove Ackley, Plnegrove Stees & la, Pinegrov mi, Plnegrove o Bin, Bristol lesson, Boston Itosenbaum, N 3 icltert, Indiana Beckwith * wf, Maes u uiman JO Hitchcock, N Y Hie Com -nmell, Elkton | ’ouman, Lehigh co,Pa Sowers, Way net burg J JBrown, New York T Jones, Chester 00. W Chandler,Chester oo 'ib Gage, New Jersey Chest oo / eltzel, Penna Aiken & wf, Wllm,Del Its Aiken, Wllm’n, Del N Bones & wf, Pa »vid Davis & wf, Pa M Bye, Wlim’n, Del B Meredith,W Chester A Tripple, S Harbor i Pennington, Del wuett, Hew Jersey Xbe Bal i H Miller, Flowerten | Miller, Pennsylvania | O Steinam, Mllwankte I Bittner, Pennsylvania Banob, Pennsylvania I Snyder, Pennsylvania , Landenaolilager, P* .audonsoblager, Fa Grieg, Berts co OriDg, Berts 00 mery, Butitown Kelm, Stookerton Yerhes, Quakerton raßy, Ft Washingt’n lmmeirigbt, Fenna H Beslrn , J W Berlin, Penna Blmmelrlght, Penna The Stat< A .Tobnston, USA | : a Zug, Lancaster j UMUaon _ Watters, Jobnst'n. Pa W t ralftnead, Oarljsje H Oralgbead, Oarllsle h iJivlDB, Osotre oo o b r-g t« D <J MeG-axm, Iftnisb’g K Cordon, Harrisburg XMckfoa _ The Bl* oilman,Kin tnersv’le • man, Zionsvllle 'isil'li, Frank ford I • H In.iley, S Evafisv’le > Human, Hamburg J kocbmaa, Hamburg ilranU I w p Stratton, N Y i.T T Bartlett, Boston F IVT Bartlett, toston |T Johnson. Jr, Sseubenv iT L Ogden, Woodbury Mas Myers, Columbia, Pa Miss H It Myers, Penna K <> Hetzel, Lewlzburg J P Forsyth,W Cheater A Bateman L Paaaano, Jr, & la, Balt A W BBntz, Carlisle H M Watlaoo, Dataware J t. Turner, Delaware w Johnson, Baltimore F B williams, Baltimore T E Hyde, HiDI-ntra John E Siloook, N Y F Do Plangue, N Y Gao Valentine, Penna ! F Clßmsnts S w irven, Washington J F Haaell, Delaware Jos W Jacobs, N Y Miss 1a BJatr, Penna W W Potter, Bollefonte Sami Eby, Elisabethtown J B Martin, EUsabetht’n F P Green, Bellefonte R hcrtPotts, US N H W Short, Homer,. N Y W P Coma & la, N York W T Morlson, Montg oo R a Heaton & la. Penna F B Hart &. wf, N York J W George, N York J H Jones, Pittsburg H J Hopper, Jersey City W D Savin, Smyrna, Del A W Trussell, Mass J T Young, New York s S Rogers, Lee. Mass V K Keesey, York, Pa John Q, Denney & wf, Pa H iYI Hatfield, Pittsburg J w Johnson & la, Dane itinuntal. W W Goodwin, N Jersey H D Meats, Washington E B Bogert, New York M H Gould, Maine S M Weld, Boston F W Kollagy, Wash J M Rankin, New York K W Uondlt, Oswego,NY Thos G Hamilton, N Y Geo Von Glahn, N York Mias A Barker. N Jersey W D ttazell, Smyrna J T Kelley & wf, Boston W W Davis, Boston 0 WPreseott,Cleveland,o H P Wtlman, WlUesb’e Miss Richards, Fa B F Wlckersham, Fa F W Newton, New York W G Steele, N J J G Shipman, N J B F French, New York 1a Soobey, N J E E LomMrd, N York A K Sloan, New b ork A Bennett & la, N Y W Miller, Prov, E I K H»yt, New York J B Sargent & la, N Hay O H MoOnUongh, N Y H A Potton, West Point D F Towner, Baltimore Hugh Bone, Maryland S Heyman, New York lerlcan. 6lr Barton & la tjas P Green, N Jersoy Jas? BOlan A Plosring, York oo H B Blxler Sami Kaufman O H Miller A da, Penna Jos Stroude, Pa A D Kodomol, Penna J Bull, Jersey Sliora J Webb,, Jersey Snore F A Goodwin, N Y E Boise, Reading H H Hall, Delaware J H. Back, Potts vllle J H Daw, New York R M Langlin, N J W P Dander, New York W O Johnson, B Ayres G A Smith, New York Gao Hastings J M Alien, Ohlor W Dyer, Dover, Del J' T Moore, Delaware T D Ohollar, New York J W Hall, Delaware Mrs B Anderson, Del 1 Mis* G Anderson, Del Miss H Howell, Del W Seattle, Paterson reliant*’. D E Hayward, Mass S S Hetrlok, TJ S N G W Wilhelm, M Chunk J M*Hhlme, Mt HoUv A D Campbell A la. Pa Miss Shirts, Danoaster R W Reynolds, Jr, Dal M F Medlar, Pottsvnie H Gaeterman,Prt Carton B Hellner, Tamaqua J A Witman, Ironton, O I Mrs Hoffman, Carltsle T Bowles, Welsh Run !l Rlohman, Canton, O | X Constant, New York J N Onbbison, Penna IB Mlteholl, Maryland A J Fitch, New Jersey Robt Enbody, M Ohnnk G N Youngman, Penna , P H Puffer A la, Penua ; J B Miner, Ohambersb’g S Brandt, Chambersbnrg , F O Evers, Garland, Pa i John saramls, N Jersey G O Nichols, Penna W W Morris, Pittsburg W T Brtnnlg, Indiana Jas S MoOord, Pittsburg E R Bonnet, New York F A Romdale, Warren,Pa J A Wright, Cincinnati Miss Stopp, Allentown D F Towner, Baltimore Fulon, F F Ford, N Jersey A T Wright, Penna W Lilnd.Liewlßtown E W Kirby, Mifflin - Mrs M E Stewart, Fa G- Stonsslfer, Llttleatowa W F Grouse, Ldtileßtown H O Harper, Fenna F Z Steeher, Fenna Oapt N H Edgorton Mrs Ohester St da, Pa J B Barne, Books so L W Brodhead, Pa F Ludntta, Tamaqaa O S George, Lebanon E Mendenhall, Fa B H Simons, Mlffllntown P S Nawoomer, Md J A Thomas, Md W E Brunner, Lob oo J Delotogler, Lab oo T W Edgar, Espy Roy PS Mather, Wla T Maddox, Maryland UUss Maddox, Maryland IMlsb S O ashman, Md imeretal. I j a Kirk & la, Maryland E Kirk & la, Maryland 'J Tyson, Cheater 00, Pa A Crownover, Pa W Brown, Lano 00, Pa Jos Bynoias.Lano oo.Pa I Bradley, Lano 00, Pa O H Stubbs, KC I), Pa John Houghton, Pa O H Searle, New Jersey G p Graves, New Jersey J S Faxon, West Chester Jos James, West Chester JG Wagner J D Yerlaea H By man, Bucks 00, Pa B F Underwood, Pa Bobt ChaUant,Fottstown Id Eagle 1J Housem, Beading W H Sttltzbaeh, Penn* J I, Grlng, Fenna , H Gleay, Mahanoy Cl'y | J Mohler, Lebanon o j , W Mohler, Lebanon oo I B S Brown, Bethlehem A Fransue . W a Boob, NorthampUtt O O Spangler, Lebanom J From*, Belvedere, N J J Herr, Lebanon oo S Keller, Lebanon oo l o J Gruber, Annvllle, Fa Oapt D A Gruber, Penna I Glnrloh, Lebanon E Z Kehler, Lebanon H I> Sohoedler, Beading es II u ton. | w L Bayd & sen, Penna Dr J Morrell O Jeffries, Cambria 00 'W- M Chase, Penna J Irvine A son, Carlisle John Hyer, Carlisle Ge 6 Varntz, Newport W W Bragdon, Newport Ellas Miller, MlneravlUe A B Ewing, Carlisle sk Bear, j S Salen, BahreravlUe G Adams, Landlngsvllle B Buffington, Dauphin oo Geo Danner, Penna G D Werner, Malden OK iwai A P Holcombe & la, n J i P V Stsat, New Jeriuy T E Smith, Kansas H A Trego, Newtowa N S Brown, Smyrna 1 unison. |J Finney. Now Jersey’ ■fil J N Wilson, Peuua E Hornbook, New jersey P T Westbrook, N J «T F. Alger. Wintfhaatar SPECIAL, NOTICES. A Big Thing.— A million is a eexAH minr. but two million is more. As Inerodlble as it may sppear, Messrs. P. H. Drake & Co., of Stew York, sell over two million bottles of PLANTATION BITTERS » year. This is nearly occ hundred and *BTenty-fiYO tbonsand dozen, which, at nine dollars, would be over s million au d a half dollars! SBrely, some merit moat attach to an article of snch a sale Go where we will, from one end of the country to the other, we ore always tnfstght of tbeevtdencesof tha cabatictlo S.T.-ISIO-X.. ssd.thesegentlemen’. energy. Wo would suggest to. theme little more elegance tn their rock painting. The legislature of New Hampshire h*s passed a law against thelr,fnrther disfignrinx%tn White Mountain*. . apIS-fft Freckles.—These disfiguring spots are simply drops of perspiration hardened tu the pores of the skin, where, as water cannot penetrate; ordinary washing will not remove. JARED'S “EMAIL DE PARIS, ’’ by softening and smoothing the skin, reaches thl* colorous matter, and dissolves It. No skin, how ever delicate, can tan or freckle while natal •* Smalt do Paris.” Sola hy all Druggists, Perfumers, and dealers In Toilet Goods. myl-mwsSt The Tightest Kind of a Squeeze is given hy those labor, time, and clothes-saylng affairs called Patent Clothes Wringing Machines. Several of the most approved patterns are for sale at the Hard ware Store of TRUMAN h SHAW/No. 839 (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It Miniature Garden Tools, and those of full size—a variety of them may he found at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 839 (Etiht Thirty five) MARKET Street, below Ninth. It M. Shoemaker & Co., No. 4 North EIGHTH Street, are now opening elegant new Spring and Summer Styles of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Gall and examine. apM-St* Jones’. THE LOWEST SELLING PRIG! ' Is marked In figures on each article, AND NEVER VAR3D. ' AT JONES’ Orescent One-price CLOTHIN G HOUSE. MARKET STREET, above Sixth, No 004. W Prices reduced to cult the times. A Ine assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, raltehle for ell seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short nottsa. [mhAts Unprecedented Success. UNION BUTTON-HOLE SEWING MACHINES NOW READY. SEWING 100 BUTTON-HOLES AN HOUR. The Stitching Warranted to be Superior to hand-work. in any Material, and Much Mere Durable t SAT.B9EOOKB, ZOO WASHINGTON Street, Boston. T4T BROADWAY, New York. Florence Sewing Machine Booms. 630 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. AMOS L. WOOD, .... Treasurer, mhld-tndu 2m Colgate’s Honey Soap, > This celebrated TOILET SOAP, la sneh unlTemM de fend, la made from the CHOICEST materials, la MILE and EMOLLIENT In Its nature, FRAGRANTLY 80BNT ED, end EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL to Its action upon the Skin. For sale by ell Druggists and Fancy Good* dealers. , feSB-tnthsly Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. SALT RHEUM. (OINTMENT) SALT RHEUM. Will cure the Itch to IS hours. Also cures Salt Rheum Ulcere, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price SO cents. By sending SO cents to WEEKS & POT TER, BOSTON, Mess., will be forwarded free by mall For sale by all Druggists. mhlS dm & Co.’s MASON * al hamli*>B CABINET ORGANS. FIAHO Over MO each of these fine CABINET FORTBS. instruments have been cold by ORGANA PIANO Mr. G . and the demand Is eon- CABINET fOBTBS. stantly increasing. ORGANA PIANO. Por sale only by CABINET FORTES J. B. GOULD, ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. CABINET FORTES. , noHO tf ORGANS. Clothing by the Mile. The immense stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING sow displayed at WANAMAXEK k BROWN’S OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, A E. cor. SIXTH and MARKET Sts., H placed to one continuous line, would reach a long distance toward Richmond. Thislong stream of Cloth- ing Is running off at HABVELLODBLY LOW PKIOES. apld-tf MAIERIED. BBTJNNEB-PABBY.—April 27th, 1865, at the residence or tne bri<ie*a fatter, iro. aw? Gwn street, by the Bev. T. J. Shepperd, Mr. Angnatus G. Brunner, of Doylestown, Penna., to Miss Addle Z. Parry, of this olty. ■ „ ■ ** WOODRUFF—BABBINGTON.-On Saturday morning, April 29 th, at the Church of the Atone ment, by the Bev. Benjamin Watson, D. D„ Mr. Franola B. Woodruff to Mils Susan L., daughter of the late Dr. Samuel Barrington, U, S. Navy. No cards. * X3XE3D- McBBIDE.—On the Both ultimo, Andrew Mo- Bride, In the 67th year of Ms Age. The relatives and friends oF the family, also the Hibernian Society and Directors of the Eighth Na tional Bank, are respectfully Invited to attend the luneral, from Ms late residence, No. 1288 North Se cond street, on Thusday afternoon next, May *th, at 2 o’clock P. M. Interment at Monument Ceme t6GASTON.—On the 28th Ult., Bev, Daniel Gaston, psstor First Presbyterian Church of Oohookslnk, ln Funeral iervtas at the Church, Germantownroad, above Fifth street, on Wednesday afternoon, at I o’clock. The reverend clergy and friends arc re spectfully invited. Interment at Laurel HUI Ceme t8 pOWELL.—On the 28th ult., Mr. Abraham Powell, Sr., In the 74th year of Ms age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from Ms late resi dence, No. in Wharton street, this (Tuesday) morn ing, 2d, at 10 o’clock. Toprooeed to Lafayette On the 80th nlt,Hnddnsskh, daughter of-James D. and Eliza H. Brady, aged roar years, nine months, and six days. ... Funeral this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from her parents’ residence, No. 1*35 North Twelfth StlflfiL * NEEDLES.—On the 2Bth nit., Edwin Needles, aged 32 years. ' His relatives and male friends are Invited to at tend the funeral from Ms late residence, No. 1207 Baeo street, on Tuesday, May 2d, at 10 o’olook A. M. -** BOND.—On Seventh Day, 29th ult., at the resl denoe of her brother-inlaw, Vanleer Eaonus, In Bsdnor, Delaware county, Fa., Sarah Bond. Her relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, as above, without further notice, on Third Day, 3d Instant. Meet at the house at l o'clock H. M. ** WATSON.—On the 29th instant, John Watson, M. D., aged 66 years. _ „ . „ , Hia relatives and friends are respeotfully invited to attend bis funeral, from his late residence, No. 821 North Sixth street, on Wednesday morntn*. the 3d Inst., at 10 o’clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill, * Weekly Report of Interments. Hbaith Officii, April 29. 1866. Deaths and Interments I» the Oita of Philadelphia, from the 22 d to the Wth of April, 1869? dAUBKBOV nuiXK. Abeess.— Anemia.— Apoplexy— —. Bed 50re5....... Bun s and Scalds... Cancer...— •• Uterus— Casualties - ■ Croup* ►*•♦-***»••*»*»» Congestion, Brain— •v Lungs.. Cholera Infantum,. ■ Cerebro -Spinal Me ningitls.....—•••• Compreßßioßi Brain Consumption, Lungs j 30nTlll8i0nB s a sees.. . ** Puerperal**** Cyanosis *♦** ♦**—*•* >lptberia.*;« **- Dlanhas* ••*•••«-***• •• Brain******** «* Cbeat*..*— *• Heart******* ** Ovaries ***** Disease of Brain * * * * ** Heart ******* ** Spine ** Kidneys ~~ Bladder. 11 Liver.. Blood. *..... Debility.... browned. a.. Effusionon Brain... BpUepty******** or tbb tJnderlyear.*.... Prom lto |...* *** ** 2to 6**»***. “ 5 to 10*. »* 10 to 16 “ 15 to 20 ** 20 to 30.. *• 80 to 40 WARPS- Hrst 16 Second 16 TMrd.-10 fourth 23 fifth 10 Sixth 6 Seventh ,20 Eighth 11 Ninth 8 4B T0ta1.......... 3O WARDS, 1 WARDS. Tenth 17 [Nineteenth 31 Eleventh 12 Twentieth -13 Twelfth ..6 Twenty-first... 3 Thirteenth 8 Twenty.second. 8 Fourteenth 11 Twenty.third .. 4 Fifteenth 11 Twenty-fonrth.SS Sixteenth ...... 4 Twenty-fifth ... 8 Seventeenth... .10 Twenty, sixth. .13 Eighteenth *...13 Unknown -IS Total..*. - - Deduct deathb from the country IS; Almshouse, 10 ; People of Color, 18; from the coon trfeie6JWJnl)er of deaths, compared with the soma, ponding week of IBM, and of last week, was as fol "wtek ending iprll SO, 1864, was 858. ‘ Week ending April 22, 1866, waeSffl , MelMa 187; femaleß.llfiO; boy a, 94; yirls, 78. riSths and Interments of soldiers, S 3. Sh owier of the Board of Health. _ „ Bt order oi *»J BO^QB B . CHAMBERS. Becistrar. A LEXA.NDKB’B AND JOUYIN & J\ nn*R- Black K*d Gloves ieduced to s2apdr. 00 s - *bbso* * isg'oaaiaaah. T7YRB & LANDELL. Aj . ESTABLISHED I5T:tB<lOL , We alw*y» adhere to coed Goo aB* aad depend o», fair d.»toa f ox^,troea». cK oF igK 800 D GOOD STOOK OJr DBE9B GOODS. »p» SHAWM ABB STaTLB GOODS. jggfp AUIASCK F2IBOUDH OOAI coMPAtnr. Tie Subscription Books ere open for the sale of the b&lenee of the Stock of the Working Capital. Sttbicrlp tien price <* TWBHTt.PIVB GBNTB PBS SHAKE, PAR TALDB, ONE DOLLAR BDBSCBIPTIONS Received of V J. J. ALLEN, President, 4» Boat! DELAWARE Avanne. C. W. MORSE. Treasurer, . 108 WALNUT Street " And at the Office of the Company, ISO .South THIRD » Street, ■ ■0 ™ "?"■»»* rnel COM PAtSY. GACSBS OS ZfKATtt. Krystpelas .... Enlargement of the Heart Foyer, Congestive.. ** Pyoieutc *». “ Spotted. ** Scarlet-...*.. #< Typhus....*. «* Fracture of Skull... 4 * Thigh Gangrene.... —.... Hernia-. Hemorrhage ........ Hooping Cough.*.*. Inflammation, Brain •• Bronchi. ***** •* Liyer.•—***♦ ** Lungs. • * * Peritoneum . “ 8. 4k Bowels. Inanition intemperance...«« Mania-a-Potu Malformation. Marasmus,... Old Age.*........... Pa15y................. Pyemia-............. BheumatUm Heart. Rupture of Bladder. Small-Pox Still-b0rn............ Ulceration, Bowel*. Unknown...** ...... Wounds—<s unahot.. 1 Total.. »OTB THSSBWXB*— ...80 FromACtto SC-...... ...16 ■« fiOto 60* .*»*<.» ...31 “ flQto 70..*>«*• ...21 ** 70 to 80 ...8 «• fiGto 90 .. 15 .,^337 1« ggip MISS ANNA E. DICKIMBON AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday Evening, May 4th. A POPULAR ADDRESS. “ WOMiSf'S WORK ABB WAOES. ’ leing apleafor more work and bettor pay fonWomem- This speech ifl reprijented by preia, wltbont ex ception, where it baa been repeated, as her happiest effort; and her appeal on behalf of the unfortun ate and distressed of her rex as effective The KewYork World, after its recent deli vary In Brooklyn, prononneed it fk a noble, earnest, and elo qnentplea In behalf of labor for women. rr The Tribune, in Ht reporfof the same speech at the Oooper Institute, remarked that ** she was interrupted by frequent applause, the enthusiasm ofthe fair speaker beins at times perfectly contageoos. The leetare was inerery sense a perfect success, and the-vast number of people assembled to hear her were evMenUy im* pressed with her arunnents, * * _ The sale of tickets will begin on TUESDAY MORE. IJTG, at the Bookstore ©XT. B. Pugh, Sixth and 'Chest nut streets* AdznUtancs 2$ cents; reserved seats 60'cents. Boors open at 7o’clock; Lecture to commence at A myl-4t • UHp HISS ASM E. DICfilSSffS, AT THE ACADEMY OF MOSIO, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY-4, 1855. “WOMAS’B WORK AND WAGES,” Thelaet and Grant Lecture of the Season. The Sale of Tickets will commence THIS MORNING at T. B. Pugh's Bookstore, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Admittance. !6 et*. j Reserved Seats. SO etc. myYSt. Qff- BIBEBMfAH SOCIETY THE - members are reoue.ted to attend the funeral of their late fellow member, ANBRBWMoBRtDJ Bsq frem bis late reztderoe. No IJS33 North BEC6NO Street, on THURSDAY, 4sh Instant, *t 3 o’clock P M. my2-St JAMES L. tTAYLOS, Secretary. KSF” A ATI N-TO-DAY, FREE, AT 5 P. *=®? M„ nortbeatt corner of EIGHTH and BUTTON WOOD Streets. fit*) O. O. 80AKFPER. Kg" HOKTICUI.TCRU. WALL. S. W. cor. BROiD aud WALBUT Street.. Essay, tnie evening, on ‘ * The Odors of Flowers. ’ ’ It AT A MEETING Off PPWABDS OF V 3& elsbty (80) officers ana ex-offleers of the Army and ffavy of the United States deetrons of perpetuaUns the memortes and asßociatlona of the present war, it was determined to form a psrmacent organization. To thi« end they invite all officers and honorably dis charged officers of both arms of the service, to meet on •JO BiORROW (Wednesday) BVESIfiG. at o'clock, at the HBE ENGINE COMPANY, THIRD Street, Lieut Col. T. ELWOODZSLL. Major B B. WYLIE MITOHSLL, Cant F. ». KEYSES, C*pv J N. BYRSE3. Capt J. Sc BULL, Committed on. Call, ELHIB& AMD WIILUHSPOBT VZ& BA1L&OAB COMPAHY, Office 308 WALNUT aueet. Philadelphia. Mayl, USS. At the Annual Election of the Stock and Bondholders of the Elzntra and Williamsport Railroad Comoany held at their Office THiS DAY, the following Officers were duly elected for the enduing year; president: w THOMaS KIMBEB, Ja. MANAGBK3 • BlUe Lewi*, I Robert J. Merc ar, n. Macatester, Alex 8. Dixon, William D. Lewis, J Win C^Longatrsth. It Id P. GMSIGEB* Secretary- r*3” A ITSITEB ■ HBbtOIOUS SEEVICB will be coni listed by BBV: E. FAYSOH HAMMO3D, assisted bi clergymen of different denominations. at tbe aCaDBMY OF MOSiO, OH WEDNESDAY BVAHIHO, MaySd, „ '»t 8 o’clock. Free Ticke's to be bed at tbe door. • ALL ASS IHVXTED. BBV. K. PATSOBI BAHXOUD l 3 *? will preach THIS (Tuesday) BYSSIjMJ, at 8 o’cloch, hi the OalYfciy Presbyterian Ohnrch, LOCUST Sfcrtet, above Fitteenth street reals Pros. All are in* vlted . , • It* ygff” CUBTIN OIL €OMPAST.«AM3rU va& Ah Meeting of the CURTIN OIL COMPART will be held on TUESDAY, ihe 9th day of Mvy. at 4 o’clock P. M., at the Office of the Company, 133 Sooth FOURTH Street. JOHJSf fl. WJLB, . my% tnfto3t Secretary, W2ST the PHILADELPHIJI ratios* I® al Base:, Philadelfhw., May Ist. 1865. The Directors have this day declared aDlvidead of SIX PER CERT, for the past six months, payable on demand. myS 61 B B. COMSGTBi Cashier. , ra* JS ©TICK- —THE PUBLIC IS BE* VS? SPECTf ULLT Informed that l hare this day sold to my brother, CHARLES LIPPIMCOTT, ah the rlcht, title and interest In *he establishment for the mannfftcturixrg of Mineral Water* No 916 PILBSET Street, Philadelphia* Being thanhfnl for the pahonage that has been bestowed upon the establishment, I hope its* ill be continued. I am confident that every effort will be made to give satisfaction _ JOHN LIPfIROOTT- Philadelphia* MayUt. 1865. It* ra- THE AN SITAE HEEfIKS OF the Stockholders of SOU CUBES OIL COM PANT will he held attheir office. No 3119'WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY. May 2d, at 10 A. M., for the pur pose of electing a Board of Director*, Treasurer, and Secretary, to serre for the ensuing year. Transfer Books will close on SATUBDAX. April »th. _ Joan MULFOBD., apl2-19,2temy2-dt* Sec Vy and Treas. BAUOON ASCENSION, OOBSES ■Sc? FIFTEENTH and .COATES Streets, postponed, on aeconnt ofhlgh winds, tthtil WEDNESDAY. May 3d, at 1 o’clock. Wl-F THE ANITDAL HEEUNCI OF KH? the SIBSGRIBBBS and MANAGERS of the CHILDREN ’B HOME of West Philadelphia. Will be held at the HOME on WEDNESDAY, May S, at 10K o’clock. The annual report will be read, and an elec tion for Officers and Managers for the ensiling year take place. wjl-W I-tOPIE'S STOCK EXCHiBKB, Ho 005 CHESTHOT Street, is now open (or bnalnees Three cells of stocks are held d»Ur, com meneini etlO A. M..2P. M , and 8 lathe evening. A port] on of the room appropriated for the use of paOlio, W ho are admitted free. A Q EGBERT, President A. G. HIKBS. Vice President, 8 C. POL WALL, Secretary. isr> METAILTSE I,A)fD COHFAST l=E? OF LAKE SOPBRIOB —At a 1 meatig*of the Trustees of the MKTaLLINS LAUD COMPART OF LAKE SUPERIOR. hold THIS DAT. a diridead of FIFTY CBSTB PBB SHARE. ¥M declared, payable at she office of the Company. Wo. 344. WaLWuT Street, on and afe> the lit of May, proximo, tothe Stocfc. holders of raeord at the close of THIS their legal H DIHCEMBi Tieas „„ FHn.ADgI.PHTA, May 1» IBS6. mTl*lofc A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Stock}k>l dc rts of the COW ORBBK AND STIL. WELL BUN OIL COMPANY will be h*l4 on the 18th day of Mar. at * o’clock P. M., at their Office, Ho. iS *1 Sonth FlfTB Street. ap2& sw»h 9i* TBCASOBEB’S BJFABIBBHI Is*? hoktrken central bail wax co. . Cal vert STATION, 8A.1.T1.M0K13, April 21,1565. DIVIBBHD HU. 5. „ Tie President and Directors. oftMBCompMT hare this day detlared a Dividend of TWO £2) PEE CEST., clear cl national and State tares,for the auarter enilaj March 81, 3865. payable to the Stockholders on the IOtU of May next at this officer' , , , The Tranefer Books will be closed from 28th last, to 10th of May Inclusive. By order apZ5- tilths St J. 8e LBIB. TioMiffif. FEEDER DAK COAL COHP&ST, K3S7 office *33 Sooth THIRD Street.—The Annnal Meeting of the Stcckboldera of the EBEDBR fIAB OOaL COMTABTr will be held at the Offlreot the Com cur on TUESDAY. Hay 2d, 1868, at 12 M_. when an ; Ejection will be fcelti forftve Directors, to eeiTO for the ea M2B-lt T *“' CHARLES P. KBISHT, Secretaire 2 THU ANSVAIi BKEdSeor THE 13 !=».. BTOCKHOLDBBS OFTBS BBACOMOIL 1 COMPANY will be held <m TUESDAY, «toy9th,at J S i( oclock P. M., to second-story GIEABB BANK BDiUHNo. s. p. Hancock, 1 ap2B-10t* ' Secretary. 1 OFFICE OF THE VKIOK PETKO *®r I*U* COMPANY. • a Philadelphia. April 27.1865, it An adionrned mooting of the Stockholders of; this Cimpanj will beheld at Boom No 80, Merchants’. Ix cbarge, on TUESDAY, 2d May proximo, at 12 o'clock d Boon, for thajrarpose of electing officers for the ensuing 2 year. The Transfer Books will remain closed mull 1 May 3d M. D. EVANS. 4 ap2B-dt Secretary. OFFICE M*SD*S Hrarae COM pp PAS'S. PHIT.iDEIiPHIA, April 57.1856. I notice is hereby riven that *n instalment of FIFTY CBBTB (80s) per (here on.ee* and every shere of the capital stock of tko MA.BTS.Aft MISIBO Cwifl, )ja« tir<| dav bean * called iSi pctftblo cd Of bofofo tkc lo.hiw ofiU™ 1855, at jhe OF FIOBOF THE COM PANY.Ho. 33* w LUIJT Street, Philadelphia. By order of tie Dlrfctore. iSBimW B. fl. HOOPSS, Treasurer^ |3S“ OFFICE OF tHB IE HIGH COAL fcs? AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. Pnraanßi.PHLA, April 18,1865. Tho Staled Annual Meetinx ol me Stockholders of this Company will be bold at the Board of Trade Sooms.noith ride of CHESTNUT Street.aboye Filth,on TUESDAY MOBBING, the 2d day of May next, at half-past lOip’clook. after which, an election will be held at the etme place, for officers of the Company for the enablet year The election to close at 2 o'clock P. M of the same day. JAMES 8. COX. ap2l-10t President. BEKCBASTS’ AjSH KASBFAC TUBEBB’ national bank. Pittsbuko, April 11,1866. Stockholders are hereby notified that Books will be noened fer subscription to the new stock of this Bank etthe COMMBECI I L NATIpHAbBANK, In Pblladel phla. on MONDAY, May l.t. 1865, and will continue onendorlnx banking hours, dally, from 10 o’clock A. »TE>3<Fo*ck P. Sf. hotilThnraJay, June Ist, 1866. By order of theßoard of Directors ’ - JOHN SCOTT. Jr., Cashier. H. 8. BOLLMAN. Prealde^.^ EOBT. B. BTEJtI.INO “nt, pnea" HtsiCU FUND SOCIETY—THE KS? Annual Meeting of the Musical Fund Society will he held at their Hall on TUESDAY, the 2d May. at 8 o’clock P. M. The annual Baport will ba read, and an klection for Directors held. M „ ap27 H WM. D. DPNOLISOa. Secretary. py OFFICE OASHPlftTOfcOlLtift., 10 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE," , Phji>adki.PHlA. April 2Sta. 186& The insu&l M*etl»ior moekholders will be held at 12, M, ob BATOBDAT, Kay 13th. v a ap29txol3 WM C- STILES, Je., Secretary. - KSr 0 OFFICK OF THE HAPIE NUAUi: yasr". OF PICK VAN BUSKS OIL COM- ■=» OIL COMPABB,.Bo M g»* WALHOT Street. PAST. 10 «^ lsivs . The Atmttal The Anotral meetics beheld SSfiiJgi J? I “§£*Sg wS 1 mio'o'eioek SL^forfte*t.nr“ •t t** oflN of the Company, at 12 ji.. on TfIDBBBATiIui is «w» w wo clock M. t for iaa pur «a£Sy w - q - sat gjfc,. SKAES-' & Of -?io« I|S£f, tka Bt.ILD.SO, 613 ‘“,T" BOTJCB IS BBBBBT GIVES, that this Commission „ FniBADBUHIA, ipill SK, MM. hi, remorad Meoßce from the OommotiweeJth Build- The Board of Directors bave this day deelered’a DlTt iD« *o Vl3 Cheeteot street, to.the GIRARD SSTiTS | dead of 088 PER CENT o« the capllaletook of the S ilnlsa, »o 10 B»nth FIFTH Street, and that on , Companr, pajable at that* office, on and alter May Sd, ?Laa.te“Set."o( «*I oe» tUme.ilog. will oeioid ' rieafititMetax. a a ; ■ oo BOhDATi- end 1 HOHBDAYI. at 10 A. M. j Traltfor books will be cloaedon Saturday, Bth lit»t,, BroMl.r „ _ t and reopened on ■■ > mil-mwMt WOfiiSß 0- | »j*.m JAMSB «WST, Thmstw, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAT Where Have «a I>e sees end Proepeotue had. myl-6t riißoiici. PETROLEUM COMPANY, , OKOABIZBD unn THB KXXiKa um HAnroyAarnsiire laws oi *h» STATE OT HEW TORE. HBHRT I. POX, Bec'y. PETROLEUM COMPANY. INTEKEST nr FIFTY WELLS PITHOLB AND CHERRY RUN. CAPITAL, 8135,000. SHARES, SI. $25,0W WOBKIie CAPITAL. BOOKS OP SUBSCRIPTION Will be opes os MONDAY, , AT TIB OFFICE. BOWEN * FOX, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, THE HEW TORE AND LIVERPOOL CAPITAL, OWE MILLION DOLLARS- ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, •lO PER SHA.BB. SUBSCRIPTION PRION, *5 PBH SHARK, MOT LIkBLB TO PUBTHBK TBSBBSHBMT. OFFICES; Ho. S 4 BMPIBB BDItDIMG. Hh, TI BROADWAY, ir*W YORK. Pon Oryxes Asnnnss, Box Ho. 1908, Hnw Yonx. omoKBS. Box. DAHIBI. 8. DICKIHBOH, President WM. T. PHIPPS. Vise President ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H, J. BUBTIS. Mining Superintendent Tltnaville,Pa. ATLAH TIC BASK, Ho. 143Bioadway. H.Y., Trcacary. The wallc of the Company arc BOW prodnsing oil. Payment for stock»»l»made notes, or Government bonds a®dsecnrlties,whlsh bond* and securities will bo taken at thoir market value. Bemittaneee may be addressed to the Company, P. O, Box 80. 6368. Hew York OltT. or JO Treasury at tbe lewTork and Dlverpool Feftolsnm Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Hew York City, ’’ or to any of its agents. mao-am jggp- UUBICAH NAXI ABD SAIL MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY oy PENNSYLVANIA AND MABYLAND. CAPITAL $300,000, 6,000 SHARKS—PAR fAHJI, $5O. PRESIDENT, .HBNBY THOMAS. TREASURER. JOHN W. HALL. DIRECTORS. HBNHY THOMAS, Harrlabnri. JOHN W. HALL, HarrisbcPf. 0. A WALBOBNe Philadelphia. B. G. BIRMAN* Baltimore HBNBY CULBEBT, Harrisburg. ADAMS & LRvfsfrMlftdelplvla, The Subscription Book for thsCePltal Stoekofthls Company 1» now open at the Bank ini Howw of ADAMS &SI.VIB, Ho. 305 3HBBTHDT Street, Philadelphia. Persons’wishing to make a profltahleinTeatmentare reipectfull, invited to call on Messrs ADAMS VIS, who will live them farther information, end will show them the Machines, now running and maklng nails. The advantages we claim for oar Machines oyer any otherslnuse, are: . . „ n That they produce a more perfect nail, with a better head, and fewer imperfect nails. That they effect e > a vine of not less than fifty per oent. in the expense of grinding knives and dies. And the Machines being self-feeding, they effect a saving of from ftlty to seventy-ftve per oent. in the labor of cuttle, nails. .... . , Parties feeling an interest, and desiring to subscribe, will please call and examine for themselves, aplft lnt OFFICE OF THE HIHERAL Oil, COMPANY, 53* WALNUT Strekt, April 28. ,865 —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the WHKBAI, Oil COMPAJSY will bB held at thete Office, on FRIDAY. May 12th, at IS o clock M , for the pur pose of electing a Board of Directors to aerre for the ensuing y ear. THOB. R. BBABLB, ap27-tmjl2 Secretary, KS> OFFICE OF THE BfSOItTE MIHIHG COMPANY, Ho 3»* WALHHT St. Pain AnnUFHLA, April 11. IMS. HOTICB ic hereby riven that aU Stock of the 8830- LOTB MIHIHG COMPAHY on which instalments ere due and unpaid is hereby declared forfeited, and wUI he sold at public auction on SATURDAY, the 13th d£y of May, 186 ft, at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Corporation! according to the Charter and By-laws, unless redeemed on or before that day. By order of the Directors. B. A HOOPBB, ap!2 tmyU Secretary and Treasurer, rgf OFFICE eiBABD MINIMS COM- F*? PABY. PHttADEtTHIA, April24,lB:S. Hotice is hereby given that an instalment or fifty cents per share on each and every share of the capital slock of the GIBABD MINING COMPANY . Has this day been called in, payable on or before ike 6th dar of May. 1665, at tbe Office of the Company, No. 33* WALUDT Street, Philadelphia. By order ef the Directors. arift tiny" ~ B. A HOQPBB, Treasurer. wsp, THE SOBTHEBI HOME FOR fci6< FRIBBDtBSS CHItDREH—The Annual Meet ing of members will ho held at the office of THOMAS SABP.ESd . President. *. B. eor. ARCH aod feBVBITH Streets, on TDBBDAY, MayDth, A B . 188 S. at 4 P. M. Election of Managersand Trust* es Between 4 and ft P. M. junction ox eBKaO B J. MIPCHESOH, spM-mtn4t Secretary. UECTTJBE OH 1,10 HT. lasi A lecture on Light, with brilliant experiments, will be delivered before the Franklin Institute, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. on TOBBDAY, Kay 2, at 8 o'clock, by Professor HBHBY MORTON, Secretary of the Imiitßtc. . „ Tieketfc may be procured from the Actuary,at thehtUl of the Institute 17 South SEVENTH Street, from. 10 A. M. to 10 P. M., until the let or May ; on the Ut U taegjiaaybehad at the Academy, from IQ A. m. to o Tickets for the parquet, parquet circle, and balcoaT. 50 cents; for other parts of the hones, 26c. Beats secured without extra charce. *- The regular members’ tickets, including those for la dies and minors, will admit their holders to this lec ture, without, however, of coarse securing them re* served seats By order of the Committee on Instruction. . JOHN F. FEAZEB, J V. MBBHLCS. PLINY E. CHASE. ap26 61* COLEMAN SELLSES. military. S PRIZE MONEY AND GOVERN MENT K'ItTHTY TO Atl WHO BSTEH -fflg OKiTED STATUS HAEIB#C(>EPS. Orderi have been received from Ibe heed of the m&rtae Corps, at Washington mot to restrict recruits to * particular elass (as has beer, the owe heretofore!, but to receive ALXi who'have served lm tbs volirateer. ser vice, or in the rrmlars, or lm the marines, cod have been kouorsblv dliehsrred. Bach persons enlisting lm fte Gnlted States Barines trill receive the Govern ment bounty, and will also be entitled to their share ol Prize money lm any capture of the enemy's vessels. For farther inlomatton applv at the recruiting ren deivou!. B 0) 311 South FSOjiT Street, between 9A. H. and S-o slock F. H., every day bat Sandav. JAMBS FORHJY. Captain and Beernltimr Offleer. BETAtt DRY GOODS. GOOtS, From the late Auction Sale In New York, AT REDUCED PRICES. «-4 BLACK MOUSSBLISE DB LAINE—« .*l.lO e-4 BLACK MOUSBELtNE DB LAINB... l.as 6-4 BLACK HODSSBLIiri DB LAINB-. 1,40 6-4 BLACK 80M8AZ1HE8..,.,.,....1.60 6-4 BLACK BOMBAZINES-....—.™......-—. 1,75 5-4 BLACK BOMBAZINES 1.86 4-4 BLACK BOMBAZIHBB .... ......HUM. a. 00 Wlto A foil Una of BLACK POLYNSASB. BLACK VANISH CLOTHS. _-_Jf MOUSSELINE DB LAINBS. CANTON CLOTHS. BLACK MOHAIRS. BLACK ORLEANS CLOTH. CURWEN STODDAET & BRO., • 450. 45a, and 454 North SECOND Streat, my3-3t Abov* Willow. EAVY LINEN . SHEETINGS, AT *L»S AND $1.50 . FEB YARD, JffAT RECEIVED. SHEPPABD, VAN HARLING-EDT, A ABBISON, *p2»-etif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. pHOICE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. VJ Silk QRBNADINBB, sopsrb »tyies. Spring POPLINS, latft.t ftyles. Bala and. Plain LE*Og. Black and Brown VALENCIAS American and French LAWNS. Spring Jtvles of CHALLI BE LAIHES. Bpric* SB AWLS, in variety. At . JOHN H. STOKES’, No. 703 ARCH Stroll. N. 8.— 60 dozen Ladies’ Bleached HOSE, at 12K eente per pair. ■ myl TORN V. YOUNG. O No. 70 North FOURTH Street, Hae now In store a moat extensive usortmeni of DRESS GOODS at the TESY LOWBST'PBICBB. »pB-lmlf JfEW SKIRT FOR 1865. THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOF SKIRTS, f J W. BBADLBY’S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (oldonhle) SPRING SKIRT. BTBBTB’ BRADLEY A CART (late J T . A J O. end MANUFACTURERS, UTChaMBEiiS and 79 and 81 BBADE e treats, New TH%BVRSTIdN consists of Duplex (or two) Es liptic Ftoji SPEIBO3. ingeniously bkaidkd tighti-t and Ft It HIT tog.tber, EPOS to £CO£. 11l bit in If the roffonssp, most FLaxishg, blastio, and durable Spriko ever ns*d. They ajidoia REND or break, Rita the Single Springs, and Ctaßeqtwntiy preserve their perfect and BEAUTJFUL TWICE K* LtiKg RS ROT Other &KIRT WOKDERFtKpLBXIBILITt Mid great OOMPfcRT and PLEASURE toasy WGATIjBg the DUPLEX .ELLIPTIC fexsßT will be MiperKnced particularly ia »U crowaed ASSEMBLIES, OPERiEk OAERtAGES, EAIXROAD OARS, Church Pews Armchairs, for PsoME «ADRaad Hones; Drees* »? the Skirt c&mb© folded whoniu use to occtr pt a tmail place aa •aßilyja* a silk or Musliit Dress. A Lady haviof, enjoy scribe pleasure, comfort, end great convenUnce of wbar«g the Duplbx Slliptic Steel-Spring Skirt for * si^k E day will never after wait wUlingiydupenee For Childrbit. Misses, and loukg Ladies th®s are superior to all others. \ THEY are the beat quality la part, and ua* questionably the lightest, most DEysAßLß,comfort able and economical Skirt eT«r mao* * OS SALS in all first- class this civy. and ihTonebont the United bTATE3, Havana sb Ouba. Mexico, South Amsrica. and the WESTda-mus c^m IJiQDI£B FOB TAB EKiKT. ■gea-lm FINANCIAL. u. s. SRVEN>'XHiRTY LOAN. By authority of the Secretary of ths fnmn, the .undersigned hae assumed the General SnhserivUoa Ageney for th* ssle of tfnilod states Treaenry Motor besrlng seven and three-tenths per eani. interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY DOAN. These Notes are leaned under date of June IS, 1885, sad an payable three years from that time, In enr renty. or art eohTtrtlbla at ths option of tha holdar into „ ■■■ diOLD-BEAKING BONDS. . These Denial an now worth apnminm of nlns par sent., inelttdinl gold Interest from November, which makes ths actual profit en ths 7-90 Loan, at enxnat rates, lnslnding tnterert, abon* ten per cent- per an nnm, bestdes itrixemptionfrom State and municipal taxation, much adde from one to three per cent, mart, ateording to the rat* levied en other property. The Interest la payable semi-annually by eonponi attached to each not*, wbleh maybe snt oF aid sold to any bank or banker. *h# Interest amonnte M . One cent per dayou * 3*o set*. Two sents per day os * MOO not*. Ton senti per day on a*6oo nolo. Twenty senta per day on a *1,030 not*. On* Dollar par day on a «,<*» nolo. Soto* of all tha denominations named WUI bo prompt* IT furnished upon rtsslpt of subscriptions, and the note* forwarded at ones. The Internet to 16ih June next will be paid in advance, Thiels the only-loan IN MARKET now offered byths Government. and It la confidently expected thst lie superior adrantaiee will make It the GREAT POPULAR MAW Or THE PEOPLE. Laaa than *300,000,000 of the Lean authorised by the last Controls are now on the market. This amount, at-tho rate at which it ie bain* absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four months, when the note* WIU undonbtedly command a premium, as has uni formly boon tbs sacs at the doss of tbs subscriptions to other Loans. , In order that tlttiene of sysry town and section of the sonntry may be afforded facUltlee for takln* the Loan, the National Banka, State Banks, end Priests Bankers throughout the sonntry here sensrally ssresd to ra wly. subMriptlon* st per. Subscribers wUI ssloet their own agents, in whom they hare confides**, and who only are to bo rasponsible for the dallyery of the notes for whlth they reeeir* order*. JAY OOOKE, _ SUBSGRIPTIOJr AGENT. No. lW SOUTH THIRD STKBBT, fSITT.SnnT.TWTA 0g 1881. y COUPONS, 5-80, DUE MAY 1,1865, 'AND JULY 1, 1865, ( BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET BATES, O ' "• i * 4 •. BP . WM. PAINTER A 00., Banteers, . apfl-kn 110 SOUTH THIRD STKBBT. CT.sT.sa pnsr. • snuk. nnseon. Jn, QHARLBS EMORY & CO., STOCK ANB EXCHANGE BBOEEBS, No. 15 Soittli Tliiid Street, PHILADILPHIA. dll kinds of nnenrrent funds and Gold and BUyer bought and sold, and Collections made. Particular attention risen to riOpnr.hasa and sale of GoVernment, State, and other Stock* and Loans on com mission. noW-tm 7.30, 6-20. 10-40. ADAMS «5c LEVIS. No. SOS CHESTNUT STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS. All kinds of aovißiranurT bbouritibs and stocks bought, SOLD. AND NBGOTIATBD. GOLD AITB SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. Spwflal attention rlyan to OIL STOCKS. mhll-gm idwabb bombs. hosaoi »■ Mdnson. g»W. ROBINS ® CO„ STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, H0.'47 SOUTH IHOU> STBKET, PHILADELPHIA. danmot bank irons, sols, bilvkr. stockb, bonds, - AND GOVERNMENT SBOTJBrHBB. BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collection. mad* on all parts of the comnlry. Deposit. recelTed, aSSeet to slrht draft, and interest |ROW«i gECONB NATIONAL BANK, O* PITTSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, (LdTX lEO* COT TRUST OOMPANff.I CAPITAL. 8800,000. limit' dSD MERCHANTS 1 OOLLSOTIOHS promptly attended to on the most fayorahlo terms. 6. K> WARNER, President. iom i jvsttwv*, o»wb. mbs-as 2, 1865. HEW PUBLICATaoVg. j|swlyO«Kß : YTfli~AUTi[oi^F “TEN ACBK3 ENOUGH,” the DERRICK AND DRILL; ox, AN INBIGHT INTO THE DISOOYBBY, SEYHLOPKBNT, AND - PRESENT CONDITION AND PHTHKB PBOBPBOTB OF PETROLEUM In Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and New York, by the anther of' * Ten Anns Enough,’’ with handsome MAP OF THE OIL REGION. 1 Tol. Kmo., extra cloth. Prise $1 SO. JAMES MILLER, PUBLISHER, myS-tewtM 533 BROADWAY, N, Y. jq'EW LAW BOOKS, JUBT PUBLISHED BT LITTLE, BROWS, Ss 00., LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, BOSTON, STORY’S COMMENTARIES ON EQUITY PLEADING. Seventh edition, carefully revised, with largo addi ttonsby Isaac F EodHeld, LL.D Byo. PARSON’S LAW OF CONTRACTS. Fifth edition, • carefully reviled and enlarged. 3 vote. BVo. QUINCY’S REPORTS OF THB PROVINGS OF MAS SACHUSETTS BAY between RSI and 1772. with an appendix npon the Wrlti of Assistance. Svo. ALLEN'S REPORTS OF OASES ARGUED AND, DE TERMINED I* THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. Vol. 8. WASHBURN’S TREATISE ON THB AMERICAN LAW OF REAL FROPBRTT. Second' edition, revised and enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. BEDFIELD ON THE LaW OF WILLS.- Svo. BISHOP ON'THE LAW OF MARRIAGE AND DI VORCE. Fourth edition, enlarged. 2 vola Svo. BLACKWELL ON THE LAW OF TAX TITLE 1. Edl ted by Hen. S. H. Bennett. Second edition, en larged Bvo. BROWNE’S TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE STATUTB OF FRAUDS. Secondecltlon. Svo. BILLIARD OH MORTGAGES OF REAL AND PBS SOHAL PROPERTY, Third edition, enlarged. 2 vols. Svo. • ALSO, NEARLY BEADY LAWS OF THE LAST SESSION OF CONGEBSS-ths Government edition—passed at the second session of the thirty eighth Congress, 1884-S5 In a few days. DANIELS’ OHANOERY PRACTICE. New revlstd edi tion. Edited by J 0. Perkins.. 3 vols. Sro. STORY’S COMMENTARIES ON THE CONFLICT OF LAWS. Sixth edition, revised and enlarsed. By J. F. Bedfteld, LL. D. ap27-thstn3t WBA ELY READY, * THE TAX-PAYERS’ MANUAL. Containing the LAW. the DECISIONS OF THE DB. PABTMRNT, and INSTRUCTION TO TAX-PAYERS, With FORMS, SCHEDULES, he., Ac. Prepared by HON. G. S BOUT WELL, late Commissioner of Internal Revenue. LITTLE, BRO WN, <ss 00., ap27-ihstaSt 803T03T. raESS, AFD WILL APPEAR ON SATURDAY* tbe Ctb iust.* PBIKTBD IX PREXOS* , THB HISTOEY OF JULIUS CB3AS, BY THB BMFBBOB NAPOLBOY 111. No work b*s excited bo macb attdfitioa astboUfsof Jolitis C«sar* whicb ha* been so many years in prepa ration, Involving the expenditure of large sums of mo ney in prcQpring material, examining localities* &3. The style in which the nook is written is very simple and c ear, and readily understood by even those wno are net perfect in their Knowledge of the French lan guage. T«e intent and meaning of an author can only be as certained by reading him in hm>wu language The booh will appear in small Sro. (about 409 pages), with a portrait of Julias Cesar and maps* printed on tinted panes.. Price of Vol, 1., in cloth, tinted paper *<•«»«*«•*»••• $3 60 A Cheap Edition, in paper covers l 00 V Early orders from tfce Trade solicited, X D. AFFL&TOh & CO . Publishers, \rl-2t ' 443 and 4=45 BMOaD WAY. T>B¥. E p. HAMMOND’a WOBKS.— "WHE SBVI7AL MELODIST. A new Mnsi« Book of cnolee'XYmns and trines; of wMcli nearly fifty tfeoa wK&s*-‘S™2£m| printed. \ ;TBE CHIP’S GUIDE TO HEATS*. A Look we recommend iot.tha young.. \ LITrbBOSBbjS rfEFOKtfKDeaipmdalftefor ronnr and old. am coptatclnr fflaoy of too best brums ana taxes wbleb Jlrßammond uses In Ms meatisis. THE HAiVKSTTIOUR OF THS HOLT SPtttlT, lllnaiiated In tbe eyas.eiiatlcil labors o! Her. Edward Parson Hammond. ",jSfo loror ot rsrt.Ms eantrase Its aMss aoxaoved, or isil to bars Ms loliaioasaonii bilities stirred to the tones core. *’ ’ . THE BLOOD OP JESTO With an IctrodnUloa by Hr. Hammond. Yftrletv of STAinu PTt «axgnlP *>“»“* 1334 CHESTffOT Street, Opposite U. 8. Mint. XTEW BOOKS ! NKW BOOKS ! I New editions of «»aE BABIY I>AWN, THB BnHOEBaBfI-COTTA FAMILY, and Sla&Y OF KIT. TY. TBEVYLYA*. ISmo , tinted Baser. Ynt no In a nestbcx. '■ HUSBANDS AND HOMES A new work by Marion Harieod, anthorof “Alone, '* &c. , DERRICK AND DRILL, or an Ineifftt into the Die oovery, Development, and Present Condition And Fa tnre Prospects ol Petroleum. By author of "Ten Acres S&oafh. ” CHILDREN IN PARADISE. By Hey. Fredericks. Wines. 36m0., yellom cloth, flit aid tinted paper. For sale by JAMBS S. CLAXTOH, Successor to W, & & ALFRED MARTIStF, 606 CHESTNUT Street jpW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS I! Just »-Wed A hr HsraAi) 4 BYARg _ (Hazard’s old stand), No. 784 CHESTNUT Street , „ JULIUS C.®SAK History of Julius Caesar by Na* P< SKT tl im/shBS I aVd SKSTCHBS, By Gall Hamilton. HOSTED TO DBITH. d story ofLoyeiand Adyen -I”!tROiSm°T!>IBBRIGKIBBRIGK1 BBRIGK AND DRILL. An Insight into the Ducovery* Development. Condiand Pro*’ pectß of Petroleum By the author of “Ten Acre* E shst TOUR MOUTH. The Breath of Life; or, Hal- Expiration and its Effects. By Geo. Catlln. author of “travels Juuoagat the Sorth Americanlndian*. ’’ MA&IOB HABLUIB’S JSBff NOVEL—SOSBAIIDB AND HOMES. By the author of “Alone,” “Hidden Path ’ ’ Jte CHARLES LBVBR’S NBW BOOK, ‘‘LUTTRBLL OP ARRAN. 11 In paper and muslin. _ _ travels IN CENTRAL ASIA. Performed in 1863 By Arminius Vdmhdry. Illnstrated. , BT. WINirRBD’S; or. The World of School. Abook that w. recommend with full confidence, ALL THB NBW BOOKS reeelyed as coon ss issued from the press, and sold at lowest prises. ap2S tf T OUIB NAPOLEON’S LIFE OP JU- J~J LIBS C^SSAB. EAj)y THIg Dtl> LIPS OB JULIOS C-ffiSAB. By ’Bonin Hapoloon. Vol. I-, n I til portrait. FEALLEY’B 8188 OB OBIfsBAL SHERMAN. BEADLKY’B LI BE OB GBNBRAL GBAjJT LIPS 07 GBSEEaL HITCHBtr. bIaDLBY'I LiPB OF CAPTAIN ERICSSON. BACA volnme ultt>tl AY & blakbton. Publishers and Booksellers, , 80. South SIXTH stmt. A PFLETON’S NB W AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. 16 volumes. Various Styles of Binding, wr'R’RLTjIOH b]ICOBI>. by Frank Moore* in 8 you. MBEIYIiB’BHIMOAXOF THB KOMARS—now "rlieAaenoy for these yalnahle works is at 1 *WSouth SIXTH Street, atow Chestnut. I?B‘tf JAS. K. SIMUJU. gEST PICTURE OF LINCOLN. - BI'TCHIB’S CELEBRATED ENGRAVING or TUB LATE PRESIDENT, Pronounced by everybody to bo SUPERIOR TO ALE OTHERS. Be jure to ask for BITOHIE’S, and do not bo snt off With Inferior oncee. Q. W. PITCHER, Aient for Philadelphia. '* 80. 808 CHE STRUT Street.. PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR, And a BETTER PICTURE than can ho had olaowhero for donble the money. It SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS FOR BOTBIE'S StrPBBIOB BTBEL-FLATB POKTBiITS 07 PRESIDENT LINCOLN. ? 08 ■ UiOH 6treet j. P. SK2X.LT. ' “ Only Agftnt for Fhilfcgeiahla, ap3o- thatafit A few copies for sale. PRESIDENT LINCOLN’S.FUNERAL. dirge, AND IHE MARTI BED PATRIOT GRIND HI KER A!i MARGE.: rph ft al)OT« &re the original coolee*a- performed*by tlie Bands of Escort In of fcla-remain* to Philadelphia, apiil 32 t IKK. Ankhor of the Merck. JAS WABHIWTO3 POEHE InfcSor of the Dirge, B 08« Published only by 3 MABSH;. 10*9. QUUSmUT Street, Philadelphia* Price 3$ .cents each* urrfeis by jnaU promptly executed. at C O PABTNERSHIPS. VTOTICE —THE COPARTNERSHIP IN heretofore eiUtlng ondei tle firm of COHK, ZilSB, A CO l» this day dissolved by mntn&lcimeent. Tie bmiien of tbs l»Se firtnwi. 1 be settled ap at the old etahd, *O. 11l MABKBT Street. coHB JOHN Z>I«S -ROdßßfc MtBBKAN. Phh.abelpbia, May I,IBM my 2 3t* . DALTON 1 S TAWTT.T ART) MANTPAOmEING KNITTING MACHINES PateatedlSSl Perfected 1881. A TABS OF PLAIN OB BTBHBD WOBK KNIT IN ■ TEH MINUTES ! KNITS UPWARDS OF TWENTY DIFFERENT ARM CLBB OF AFP ABEL! Tier are jjmple, reliable, perfect, and wonderful la tbs tQcnut vjirlfcty of watk they>o£fortii _____ tJSOAIi SPEED SIX TBOUBAHD .STITCHES FRB. iJXk * t % • II caa te made. in Ike bands of a woman, to earn. WJ4&. w A lew active, enterprising Agents wanted, to Whom literal inducement&wiU be given. To pmbjishere of newspapers who will nr one-halt money, we will allow the remainder to be said in advertising at the regular rates. Send for circnlar anr tarn pies, enclosing stamp. General Agency (or Feansylyanla, Ohio, western Sew Toilr. Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, No a? I.PTH Street, Pittsburg, P». _ B. S. CABBSNTBB, B F. CABPBSTB3. iJHE FRANKLIN BAYING FUND, HO. 136 SOUTH FOURTH STURT. BBLOIf GfISSTNUT F»y« fire per eeai. latereat os "Dapoatta. Acanta f« tile eale ol United Stated S-U Loani at Par, Serera; meat, State and City Loam and Start* baegU *d*“ la tor WAISTS. WASTED—AN ENTRY CLERK IN t? an active Wholesale aadJletall House—a yotLag is r good penman and ttoauntant. JkA&wfm t in band* writing* with references, 0. S. a Bro,- F. Wasted—a situation in a *" Lumber Yard. by a young Hsbi m assistant Book-keeper, at d wishes to obtain a leseral know* ledge of the business. _ «..* Befers to dfr* lumber dealers. n ir a s y *. , Address *« W. t " No 631 North ELEVENTH Street WANTED— rn THE WHOLESALE ** Hosiery and Notion business, an active SALB3- a good city and near trade, Addr-jge^x WARTID-A ROOM, FURNISHED t *8? by an Association of Young Mcu. Locality, between Girard avenue and spring Garden, and Fifth and Eighth street*. Address **Athen»b*” Pi-egg Office, ■ .. . „ mfW WASTED—AT RO. mi CEESTHOT ’* Street, a-few ft'at class BUSIN RaB MEN, with $5OO to $5 000 each. (no others need call), to operate In the Sffddie and East* era- States, as join Partners In an Immense enterprise, which will speedily insure a life competence to the parties, and no humbug. my l-61* WAKTED—OKE‘ CORHET-PLAYBR ' ’ L. sod one Flute-player. Inquire of JCHN MOR GAN. Ifiao MARKET Street. ap37 ftfc* W ANTE D-AT $lO PER DAY— Mrat»in every nel.berbood to PenoATlvania “>d ® Jane,; to <wu ft beaut] fat eaxnmng ofAbift- IWB Hncohi Addrese BAETLBBON i CO., Uo.-fIU CB BSTtTOT ftreet, (eeeond door) 'FMIt. apl9-*Ht WANTED, AT $l5O PER MONTS, "" A RELIABLE CANVASSER in every town and county, for the KURSK and SPY, the most Interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the ad ventures of a woman in the Union* army as Nurse, Becut and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of tire war. We have Agents clearing 9160 per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address “JONES, BROS. & GO., No. 600 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 » ap!B- lm* A PRACTICAL BUSINESS- MAN fo'ng West, would Uke to engage to Bell Good* by Sample, and to Collect Bills, &c. Address “Enter prisa,'l This Office. v It* AN‘ ORGANIST IS WANTED 1 FOR «Splß«6pat Obarsb. nest theosty. Addrewi Bsx fM, Philadelphia F. O. my 2 2t* A GENTS WANTED, TO SELL THE ■£*- aeiraine Improved New Boglatd Family SEWING MACH 15ES, the best Machiao in tbe world. Addren A. L X.BSURS & 00., ftpgC-Im* Box 63, Crap go, Mari, PANAL-BOAT BUILDERS AND V' CAOLKBKS WAHTBD, at CHSBTKB. Constant e mplOTmentslven Address WILLIAM SHIOK ft 00., Coaster, Peunx. rWUGGISTS.— WANTED, BY A. m-J Toung Mac, a situation as Clerk ia a Wholesale or Eetftil Store, One who b&s a thorough knowiedgeof tbs boidne**. Addreea ** Chemist, M Press office. it* HOUSE FOB HOUSE- A-* KEJSPSSB, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Waiters; Norses, Cooks, Laundresses, and tenoral house-work, white and colored. 808 LOCUST St, ap4-}m EMPLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLERKS, Salesmen, Packers, Porters, If etch men, Coachmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tenders, Waitera.Farin-bands, Gardeners,&c. Employers suited at short notice. 80£ and 804 LOOPBT St. ap*-lm fIREATEST THING OF THE TII4EB 'J —BOWHTB FRIZ'S ENVELOPES.—Agents wanted everywhere • Premium Watches given to Agents. Os receipt of §l6 we will mall, post-paid, 100 Snvelopea, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, with circular and Xullpamculars, on receipt of 25cants, ad dress A. H. BOWES & CO., P. 0,, 80x4170,30 SEEK MAN Street, N. Y. mh37-3m T AW.—A. TOUKO GENTLEMAN AJ will 1)8 facetted u a STtJDBBT In the o«ee of a practicing Attorney, and his cervices deemed an equi valent therefor Address “Counsellor,” Press office, with address and rcfeience. •• *p29Bt* ""the advertiser can obtain * a Coe tract, but not having sufficient means to carry it oat, is desirous of an Associate, with s‘o,ooo or $12,0(0. A return oi 200 per cent ia confidently ex pected. Add ret b ** Security,” this office, It* VO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED TO PUR A chase a good Retail Drug Store «r an interest in one Address D. G. NELSON, * Office of The Prefs. feivnn WANTED,—THE ADYER Sv TISJSIi, a Toung Man, established in bask n«ssssd controlling a specialty, finds himself in the midst of a demand beyond his financ'd ability to sup ply. Will some gentleman of means advance him §5OO for a Hunted period ? For Interview address “Intsgri fy,”P O. Box 1496, Philadelphia. j*ls* WANTED- A PAIR OF -cKSA. ftyli.h DRnrfßS HOBBEB Address Box 936. Phi i&delphla Post Office my 2 21* SAjtlE igß TOMT. J| TO BENT—A NICE HOUBE, *St with every convenience, in a good neighborhood. Apply 4=34: MAKKBT Street. It* « NEWPORT, R. I—FOR BA.LE— TO GLOSS AH ESTATE—Tde find mansion of Caleb CBACB, Beg., of Boston, deceased, on KAY Street; 52, COO feat of land; house ttoroaaKiy buUt in every particular, two rears never occupied. Possession immediate, One of thefinest and most com pnt6e»taWteto6at,atHew?OTzt iß ApplyU THoKpi Beal Batata Brokers, Newport B I. «FOR, SALE—A NUMBER OF Brown and Gray-Btone Houses on Jo»r; BBCObD Hreet and E!HO»B3SU»» A-raitno, = Wyt, jssr promptly. Apply to EI) . H EADCtIFP ACO , mT2 . Bt « BfflK EIGHTH Btieet. X MR FOR SALE—A HANDSOME 'JEt, throe-story BBICK DWBLLIHG HOUSB. with double three story Bask Buildings and all the modern co fer BtKo - 1522 lewis myl-W\ Ho. 1854 SontlL FOURTH Street. TO RENT—A BOOM SUITABLE FOB A an Office, or Bleeping room, at 1338 CBESTHUT Street. • \ - m?2-2i AR! Olii! OIL Ml A OBOUHD- Y/ FLOOR IBTEBEBT, In n Ribl-cUbb Company, for sale, address \Venaii«o.'' Box 1775. Philadelphia Foot Office. \ ' raj2-3t» TO LET—THE UPPER FLOORS OF i Jfo. 29 StrawherryXtTeet, running throuch. to Se cond stress, Large, welHighted, and conveataut: with Tester closets, Ac. Inquir* of A. MiLCOM, 711MAB BBT Btrtet. \ my2-Bt* TO OIL COMPANIES.—FOR SALE— A A first-class 12-horse BWGISB and BOILER; ball* to older; ready for immediate shipment. Address Box 2721, Post Office. V my2-St* DUBINESS FOB BA.LE.t-A.N OLD L> ESTABLISHED UMBRELLA AHD CkNS BOSI BERS In successful operation. Location, the best in at Ho 500 HABKET Street. \ mrl-St* TYESIRABLE DOUBLE OFFICE FOR XJ BBBT. ettnate in WALNUT Street, telowSoarth ■With Su and Water introdaced; hai rewntiy been put in perfect order, and i» nnnsmally well Hebted aadVen tllated. Apply to JACOB M. ELLIS, 1 Ho. JS4 South FOURTH Street, ap2B fttn3t* Corner ol Walnut (Second Story.) TO BENT-A PBIVATE ENCLOSED A COUHTIUG EOOM. on CHBsTNSJT Street, below Eighth. Plenty of Hjht and air, fronting on a back atreet Addreee "O P.,” Frees offlee. myl-M rpo LET—THE OFFICE, NO. 888 CAB- X TEE Street Tie pint and Sixth Stories’of the Granite Bnildlnfr, BOCK Street, below Third, with steam power. The Thi?d Story ©t the oommonwesUh Building. dll and eta OHhSmuT Street. Also an office, second story of came building. THOV&S H. COSTffBLL, Couaiinff-Souse of J>r Jfc J**n» & Son, ap?B 6t> Straet. IE6AL. T? STATE OP WM. T. GARBETT.— J-J Letter* of Adminixritif.il to thl. Bstaie haring been granted to HAJUTaH P. G ARBETT, all persons indebted to, and those baring claims upon, the same fill pay or same*. 4dml , 1716 FILBBBT Street, Or her Attorney, WAT. W. JUVKIJAL, nry3-t*Bt* LIBBA.SY Street. MILUKEBX. *7OK CHESTiSUT BTRBET. I 1 have now open a mau>i&eent assortment of BFBIHG Mil LINhEY AND SJBhW GOODS. Which I offer, wholesale and retail, at the lowest fgffiSjK- and Gros de Naples in all colors; the 'more desirable and scarce colors, such as ban, pearl, rose pink, &c , In an assortment of shades. Best White, Black, and Colored Crapes. Klhboas of every shade, narrow and wide, to match m frenchFloweis, the inest goodß, prettiest styles, at reasonable prices B 0] ™ We offenevery new shape In every variety ofjaaterial. Wide White ts css, Barbss.Mattnes of every quality. The heat French and New Fork BonnetFrEmes.-and every other article required in malting or tnmrnin* a a handsome line of the host quality Grenadine countrypromptly r and ewaratelyat tsnSiid to 9, WXXJiit teutwa w. m OH»ST*OT Street* Successor to H. Bernheiia. TO THE PUBLIC. Haring been employe* by CITS' GOTW OIIS, a tribute of respeet on their part to the memory of that God-fearing, God-loytn* Patriot, ABRAHAM IeINOOPLN, to Photograph the BEABSE need In the Fu neral Piooeeston April 32, -1868, and haring eopyrighted the aame, we are now prepared to furnish the puUle with Copies at a reason able price. IaoEWSZNrsr «fe co„ P3OTOGKAFHEKB, 812 A-rictt Street, PHILADELPHIA. apM-ftlf CABINET AND- LIFB-BIZE PHOTOGEAfHS OF r"* SID g I Sx& INOOI - N - Boat picture ever offered to the public. B£BBZE¥ 4«G0., Photographers. 8181 4BGS Street. PHOTOGBAPHB OF/fPHHgIDBHT LIH COLH AHD HtSS&KTHADDgne, Wholesale a 3L$ Retail, ** WM., I - WARBUKTON, FASHIONABLE hatter. 430 CUcstnwt Street,. ~ HEXT took to the post office, AUCTION SALES. JCsfi, CITY BA2JAAR AND TATTBR -BJK£LJ,3T W 'BSa VJSKTH ABJ) tWELyTa STBBBTS. wttl eelT™* 4 CHAUPIOH, AacHoneen, oneof the *»y2d. at 10 o'clock. Mo sale Lfc.* &"** of HORSES eYer offer'd »twO-» trottln*. farally, farm, and draught B^*o ’ £*£** burgles, phaototts. ronlca best makers, t(«etfier'{rttS , hte22i^ B wMDs ‘atilnf blankets, sc., made by rhmi™ wJ.f d L„s other city makers. p ’- fierce, Horan, and Foil particulars in Catalogues, Whi'-h —w. ...a. In time for tbs sale. * * W "" IL wtu ®» f** 4 * *o postponement on aecocmt of weather. Boreea, veHieftsand batntes alwa.'i e'en ham at art. Tut# rale. Splendid stable aoeommodations fog H6ya« s entered for public or private sale. STEER 6 GHAKPiozt. ™* myl St . AneUoneere. AMIISEMESTB; TUTBW CHESTNUT- STREET THE A. A* TBB-CBBBTEBT STREET. above TWBurTa. BAST FIVE WT GETS' (MOST FOBL’ITBLT) ACCOHPLISHEDAMBBfOAJr ACT2BS3 amr-’ PHILADELPHIA FAVORITE. , MBS. D. V. smi, ■ wnowfli spi?earon . , . , , UOEDAt ia.DTDMDAY BVBIflilG& May Island M„ in ber ame'pSrs'onattan of , • , , LaDT AUDI/BT, . in the bermtlfal play, in three acts, adapted from Mbs Brsddot a popTilar Wort, sir led liADYAIWLBY'S HBCBBT. of Mrs. BOV^,?Kd 8 0 S«on. ofber ' .• MdsTFliriSßßir ASSUMPWoHS, ; HmWrt^ptoSr^the* 1, "“Ulmuns praise bo- Uffio* IMB-jFBAHK MORDAUHT *s~—BOBBRT AUDLBY, ' . ... FULL STRBUBTH of tbe Efficient Regular Company. Tie performance.on Kopd ay and Tnesda# Breulon WIB eoneinde with tbe'&mnsing Drama called' 9nla ** THE WBATHKBCOCK Tristan! Fickle.... ~~... —— Hr. L«wic B a y, r wffi»BBDAY bvekihs. lady of Lioia FRIDAY BY®*BfS,Afar6tfi, * Farewell Bernes tgandi Lest Anpoaranco of MBS. J>. K BOWERS. SATUBDAYAFTES BDOH ABBSVgarnro.Ksy Mh. fIaUBD COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT OF . MB. wit B BIS'S,. MaKAGBB, when anTMnraordlnary bß] of rrttraetien will be off-red. WAENUT-BTKEET" THE ATR E " " Glcrtohe and gennino Sneeejs of the ' BAST BBGAOBMBSrWAHEEtC'A ' Of the y ontbfnl and talented artlst- MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, Who will apptar THJK ( IPtsaayV EVER iHO-, Ma» sd, an XADT £6AJB£Aa bad tf A.2>A4££ T£XT£o IN BAST LTS2TB? * OS THE xnjf EARS. JOHN DREW’B IfSw ARCH- AvA bTBEBT THEA-88. BESEFITOFMR. JAMES CAEDFV „„„ ™KJ2. leHT - TUESDAY. Mays? IMS, THE BTRRBTS OF BEW YORK. FFITH ITS GREAT CAST, THBILLISGTeBUBAttg AHD WBDFESB AY. BEHBFIT ER? **" , THURSDAY. MISS B. FBICB’S BEHBFIT. A RCH-STREET THEATRE. MBS. THATBB’S benefit. And Petite Coined j for MR. and HRS. BASSE, Box Book now open HpBJE HANDEL AND HAYDN 80- • A. CIBTT’b THiRD ABD LAST CONCERT OF TH* IBiSjWOFMSWS *IU uk« pli£ o a FKloff ETleaiHG. Hhty 6th. at MCSICiL FET>I) BALL, when fleukomms Grand Oratorio of as^aae *• DAVID r# *** Wi?l be produced, Tfco-Man*»**s desire to state that the work will be performed with all tbe striking effects intended, by toe composer, and the deseripure pieces will be rendered by ihe full force of the Society aod Orchestra. The solo parts will be sustained by Mrs. MOZA RT, Soprano. ) . Mr. GEORGS PIMPSON.Tenor, f of * ew Mr A. B. TAYLOB. Bass Mr. W. FISOHEE, Tenor Mr. JAMES MABSB. Barttore ‘ A»d the Ghoras of the Society, accompanied by the 2 e .'^ n . a^.m', ch<!Btia ' all under the direction of Mr. ijAiOj cspirz. To come ence at 8 o'clock. Tickets One Dollar. To be bad at C. W. A Tremp ler’s Mcsn Store, where subscribers can a!*o receive their tickets; Lee & Walker's and Marsh's tfosie Store*, and at the door on the evening of the Coac*it. *p29-itnthf 4t pONCERT HALL, MAY 3d. —SPRING Vd EXHIBITION OF TBS CfIIGDBSK’S PROGRES SIVE LYCEUM, consisting of Musical, Floral, PanoJ ic, and Mythological Tableaux. V-cal and Instrumental Music, and Dio Lewis’ Gymnastic Exercises Tickets 26 cents. For sale by the officers and members t.f the ls«aiu, and at Fash's, corner of sixth and Cnestaats Toitpier’s. corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at Ashmead & Evans’, 724 Chestant. my2-2t AN OLD FOLKS’ CONCERT WILL aa. given by an Amateur Company, at the Un 4 tsd States General Hospital. SIXTEENTH and FILBERT Btreris, on WEDNESDAY BVBBfIHG. May 3d, for the Benefit of the Beadles Boom Fund. Tickets 35 cents, to be procured at the door, my2-2i* OF FINE ARTS, CHXSTKIiT STREET. ABOVE lESTH. NOW OPEN, TBS FOBTY-SBGOBD AITSHTaL BXHXBmOIT or PAINTING AND EOUjLPTUREL Open from 9 A. if tIIUJ- M-mJ Ym. a tm »t. . ■ i "r*-rr= COLUMBIA HOUSE, GAPE MAY, N. J., Will be opened for the reception of guests, on THURSDAY, June 18, 1865. It is the intention of the proprietor that the COLOM BIA HOUSE shall fully sas tain the popular repatatiex which it has already acquired, and he respectfully so licits the public attention for the coming season Ar rangements are in progress for the accommodation of an extra number of guests, and we are asssnred the Railroad facilities will be exceL'ent for all who desire to Yißittbia favorite summer Tescnrt. . _ jjfSS* Bsck’s celebrated Philadelphia Band has bee* secured for the_ season _ . „ For Booms. Ac., apply to J. B. DBHBISOB, atMar chants’ Hotel, Philadelphia; or to * GEO. 5. SOLTONV Proprietor, jnyl lOt* GAPS ISLAND, BT. J. lOABBISCU TO RENT, WITH BOARD—ONE OR d. two commuuicfttiaff BOOMS* 80. ISS3S# SPBOGB Street. QUMMEB BOAKBING.—ACCOMMO* O pATIOffS for a few LAPfES and GEESTLEHBM (of loyal political sentiments) can be furnished br tha subscriber, within a few miiiatea walk of the fi&ilroad Station, in Chester. For terms, apply to MARTHA. SMITH, Cbeßter, Delaware co.. Pa ag»-3f LOST AND FOUND. XTOTIGE 18 HEREBY GIYEN* THXT Xl application has been made to the Trpteee of th* Fire Association of Philadelphia for the ******* of policy of insurance Mo. 25 699 for SI,OGG- issued duly 7, 1857. in the name of James Daary, which has been, lost or mislaid Any information thereof will be re eeiv*d by JOBK BfooOBKßB<__ apgj tnthrim* TWBBTF FOOB.TH and PBABL. T OST OR STOLEN—ON THURSDAY, Aa 27lhintt.—suppostd to be while riding: in a Fifth and Sixth street Pacsesgexff&ailway c»r—a POCKBT BOOE. containing money, due bills, and private me moranda. If returned to this office one half the money may be retained as ft reward, and no questions ashed. _ ap2&-»* ©inn REWARD.—LOST, A CLUSTER tH >\J EIHO, In the neighborhood of Sixth aid Chestnut streets Tie above reward will b* prid by returning it to BOOKHILL * WILBOtr. 6<KK and 605 CHSSTHDT Street. ap29-:ft* REMOVALS. "REMOVAL—B. LtEBER HAS RE-’., Xli MO fUD bia office to 315 HABMOffT Place, between Chestnut and Walnut, and Third and Fourth streets REMOVAL. WILLIAM TaBEALL En Bemoved from 80. 1030 toJ»o.I33_3.CHBBT NUT ttrtei. 6. B. comet of THISTBBSTH Street, ■where he invitee the attention of honeekeapere. ai tbOße cojnxQen«in* fcoa»«*«eping, to Ms extensive **• “""■t’fSSaiwiHHim GOODS. Superior Befrlgenuora. Table Cntlery, Family Hard vrare, Children'. Carriage!, &«.. Ac.. ap24im gBOOKE & PUGH, *os. mi and im MARKET Street, SOLE BEOEXYEKS OF THE FOLhO.WTHO WBM,- KKOWB ABB EBTABLIBEEB;..3aAIfBB OF JF Ij'O U B: *• JOBS MUSSBIdtUB.” MILLS,” “PKIDK OF THE WSSSt’ ■•fogorosso.” ••CITTAniiS." fEUKSILTAKIA ASIEWESTSM BRANDS. The Trade rapplled at mathet jatee. T>E OTOGR APH.ALBSMS—EX AMINS A the patent hinge bach. Album-; a glance win prove their enpeiioiity. combining elegance, strengtn. and flexibility. Bold at Bt F,. BEIMBB a Sallery, eat A BOH Street - 1* CUPERIOR. STYLUS OP COLOBED O Photographs done at BILUfiBR’S G&Usty, Street, above Green, for $£ 60. in arrangement, cole** i»g. and likeness tumurpasoed; pieiares giving the P«s* sesior entire saaisfactton. *» . PORTRAITS* &F LKFE-liIKS 'AP- A pearasce, and fresh* W*rm» and impressive f° lo u Inc; those 3ne stjle&af is eolors. executed at 3, *. BEIMBB’S Gallery. «g* ABCH Stases. 1r - g OLID-GOLD AND SILVER IONOOKSfAND WASttmQTON HEQAI.S, *pZli3t At gSKSEOBCOFIC VKWS OT Whbkai> rfrv ?S*i ioH'S?BlB>lbHBt?il? t ap2» 8 WRITTEN AND VERBAL BE* gCKlPTXOJlß<rfChKlu^m.Ckiii^t:WHoii, udTj l<mvVlU» ADVSCK on Bnita«W.He^°;,%gg! *«Es«r AND AT- M o»* —\ 994- ir Jaastioa |^fsnlo! n * fJ5X££ C^a.a^acbed-^• ? g UMmVIM «twet lI.US A. H . Poll! K B.—Freight must *t Gm***™** - *° *• * %^f™^\h?«fwm G ., a u’e D o a r^^M 9 term. ?mfroi*** wW<llW B L FLABJLOXa Aceak «g|$ t ' aft *g”*L. i7NyEEBL_BP ACT pELJCATE WR «* *»“** tc la^:Sa«a»w*B^fe^gg# mrl.St ' • ‘ EiOLS MILLS. ’ • *nd othar H. RTTLOSTB, 1038 CHB9THIEE Stmt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers