Cjj* Jr TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1865. MBT We can tafee no notlae of anonymous oomnra •aloattoiu. We do not return rejeoted manuscripts. i W Voluntary correspondence Is solicited CromaU (parts of the world, and especially from our different military and naval departments. When used, it will he paid for. The Re-establishment of Order. The surrender of Johnston’s army, fol lowing close upon the surrender of the forces of Lee, has been caused by the overwhelming superiority of our armies, and the exhaustion of the resources of the' rebellion. The Confederacy dies, but be cause its leadens were too weak to preserve its existence, and we were strong enough .to kill it- France, after Waterloo had ter minated twenty years of almost continuous warfare, was not more completely bereft of her fighting population than the disloyal ■States are of “ white men capable of beating arms” at this moment. The haughty assailants of the Republic axe now humble recipients of its mercy, and they are virtually a conquered and subjugated .people. But although the surrender of the op posing armies was prompted by no re awakened affection for the Union, the train •of circumstances which induced _it will secure a lasting reipect for the power of the Federal Government. We trust it will prove an easier task to re-establish order than has been generally Supposed. Of course, it will be impossible to maintain an organized rebel army in. the field, unless, indeed, a desperate Attempt should be made to hold together for a time the troops who are stationed if Texas. But they will he unable to make a protracted resistance to the immense pressure that can easily be brought to bear against them. The soldiers recently paroled are heartily tired of fight ing against the Union, and there are few or none left at their homes to renew a hope less contest. Guerilla warfare will he con demned by all who have the slightest re gard for law and order, irrespective of former opinions, and any miscreants who attempt it will have no belligerent rights to save them from the gallows. f . The general functions of the Federal Go vernment can easily be resumed. We have captured and now hold the- forts seized at the commencement of the war. In the ports of the South we can either col lect duties unmolested or prohibit foreign commerce at our pleasure. As to the post office routes, their re-establishment is rather a boon to be granted than a Federal right that we need to be anxious to exercise. They can be reserved as a reward for good behavior, for the citizens of the disloyal States will reap the principal share of their benefits.* The Federal Courts can be con yenefi in cities under our absolute control, and they can easily be aided by whatever v military force is necessary to enforce their decisions. For the collection of internal revenue a very summary system can be adopted. More difficulty is to be apprehended in the practical enforcement Of the Emanci pation Proclamation than in the discharge ■of any other duty of the Federal Govern ment; for at points beyond our lines, during the continuance of the war, the slaves have been kept in a state of subjec tion. A few significant examples, in deal- ing with prominent upholders of slavery, however, may have a very wholesome effect. Every rational man must see that that infamous institution is doomed. Even Breckinridge Is reported to have recently stated that the jorspbsed Oonsti j-Autional amendmKaJ perfectly fair, eifectnallv dispose' of ihewhole subject; while Davis is alleged ito have said, several years ago, that ■ggjf slavery has outlived its usefulness.” unflf it was formerly difficult to protect the peculiar institution,” on account of the f hostility of the North to the rendition of the few fugitives who escaped, what will it become with the wide extension of the holders of freedom, and with the remain ing slaves instructed and encouraged by the events of the war, and aware that the power which has crushed their masters is ready and anxious to secure their de liverance? Any attempt to perpetuate human bondage, under such circumstances can only lead to innumerable escapes, or ‘ to terrible insurrections. Political Soothsaying. The assertion of the London Times, after the fall of Richmond, the flight of Dayi3, and the surrender of Lee, that “the real •troubles of the North are but just begin ning,” shows -with •what difficulty the anti-American politicians on the other aide of the Atlantic accept the de feat of the rebels and the ruin of the 41 so-called Southern Confederation.” No matter what may happen here, they continue to maintain, and may even par tially believe, that all is for the best, and that defeat is but a particular phase of suc cess. And this, because *• Faith, fanatic faith, once wadded fait To one dear falaehood, hags it to the last.' ’ As for the “real troubles” so gravely predicted for us, we can meet, “ ana, by op posing, end them,” whenever, if ever, they arrive. But the dark prophecy may hot be more true than the conviction in the mind of one Mrs. Sandiman, in a Scottish ham let, a century ago. Mother of one son, she had a sort of gloomy and apprehensive satisfaction in predicting that each sueoes- Mve attack of the illnesses to which children are liable must certainly destroy him. After the boy had the measles, she predicted that, the whooping cough would doubtless prove fatal, and so on, the child passing safely through every illness, and finally attaining a vigorous manhood, when he became engaged to an amiable lady of beauty, accomplishments, and fortune. His anxious mother, when congratulated on her son’s approaching happiness, shook her head and said, “Itis quite true that my Sandy has miraculously survived every ailment of infancy and youth, but, bless your heart, his real trmbles are only just beginning— for he is’ going to be married.” We suspect that The Times must have heard « of the auld Scotch mother, for it quotes her very words about her son’s TJnion and ap plies them to ours. It is but fair to add that, after much hesitation, The Times acknowledges that the game of the South is played out, and advises its quondam friends to surrender, on whatever terms the Union will give them. . The Shadow on the Wall. In the Parisian Journal Des Debats, of the 14th ultimo, there are some interesting speculative opinions respecting the event of the French 'occupation of Mexico, and its results wheu tJLe unity of the United r States is again restored. With a species of prevision that the rebellion of the Southern fitates is drawing to a close, it looks on the attitude of France with regard to the avowed policy of this country in a doubt Which is somewhat akin to fear. After giving the reasons which are immediately •opposed to the withdrawal of the French troops, it continues thus : “If we are stili in Mexico when peace is re-established between the North and South of the great American republic, may we not fear that we shall find ourselves drawn into a conflict with the United States ? The Minister of State and M. Cobta cer tainly assert that this danger is purely ima ginary ; but that assurance, which we should be glad to see confirmed by events, ' can only have for the present the very limited value of a personal opinion.” ’ The Opinion Rationale takes almost the ' -gaine view, and Betties the question mooted iby Mr; Coeta, of the Army of the United • 'gtetes. being a mercenary one, by the fol - i ow ing briefly honorable statement: “Offl - c i a i figures enable us to affirm that the • wrihvin question consists-of seventy-six -L-. cent. of. native Americans, nineteen Sv. cent, of nationalized strangers, and w&vfivc per‘cent of real foreigners • Son taken by public opinion in Pans, which really represents the political in telligence of France, it is obvious that the French mind regards the occupa tion of Mexico very dubiously. These articles appeared on April 14, when the intelligence of the Fall of Richmond had not yet reached the European capitals. It has reached them now, and although as yet the effect of this news upon the mind of the French Emperor is unknown, we should desire Ms attention to be given to that shadow upon the wall which is daily growing into the bolder and more ominous relief indicative of our-future destiny, not only upon this continent, but with re gard also to the more exclusively European politics of the varions Governments on the further side of the Atlantic. Imperious Authorship. When a Monarch writes a book, he Cer tainly ought to understand that its publiea tien places him upon a level with other authore, whose works are liable to jour nalistic criticism. With the sceptre in his hand, lie may be, and is, a power—where he reigns. By the act of publication, which throws Ms book before the world, to purchase or neglect it, to like or dislike it, to praise or censure it, he descends from Ms vantage-ground, enters the arena like any other writer, casts aside the purple and the diadem, and substitutes the pen for the sceptre. He cannot complain, more than any other author, if the critics should find faults in what he.places before them. The. use of honest criticism is this—there are numerous . readers, more or less well-informed, who purchase books for the entertainment or instruction of themselves, and, it may be, their families and friends. These hook-readers, for the most part, will purchase, without hesita tion, a new work by any author of estab lished reputation. Perhaps nearly a moie ty of them are compelled, by pecuniary considerations, (especially since books are nearly double the price they were four years ago,) to make a selection. They consult the critical opinion delivered, un der editorial responsibility, in a public ■ ournal of established character, and rely upon it,, when experience has tested its honesty. They argue, “ here is an opinion of a new book, written by a .man whose business always has been to read new books with a view to criticising them,” and they purchase or not, on that opinion. If the critic, from any cause, has praised a book wMchhe ought not have commended, the reader soon perceives it, ahd on two or three repetitions of this mock-criticism, which really is unprofitable puffing, ceases to have reliance on such blind guides, and usually lets the newspaper know it. Therefore, it is the interest of the hook critic to be careful and faithful. Napoleon, third Emperor of that name, being a great publicist, was liable to the suspicion of having written the life of Ju lius C-esab, not entirely to instruct the world about the great man who founded the Roman Empire, but also to incline the readers of that work to draw parallels be tween the first Napoleon and: Cjesab and between the reigning Napoleon and the great Augustus (“ who found Rome brick and left it marble,”) and, by a remarkable coincidence, also was the nephew of Ms uncle. There being a political purpose in the book, it is clear that a political wri ter had a right to notice it, as such. Ac cordingly M. 'Rogeabd, a French writer, produced a brochure, entitled “Les Propas. de Labienus,” professing to be a conver sation between two Romans, jH&LiENUs and Labienus onto§.memoirs of Auqus- Tus )j( suppcsC;rtul!ave just appeared.- The cloak under wMch Napoleon’s personality, was veiled was so thin that every one re cognized the satirist’s drift. We have ex amined a copy of the work, in French, and can only say that M. Rogeabd did not limit himself to satire, but implied that biographer had committed nearly every crime in the decalogue. Simple abuse like this cannot affect a writer—its animus neu tralizes its “poison.... Contempt and silence would haVe been its best reply. Napoleon, could not forget tlffe emperor in the author, > and issued orders that all copies of the hostile brochure should be seized, and that author and pub lisher should be arrested. The author fled to Brussels, where he is personally safe. His publisher was less fortunate. The absent author was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 500 francs. The present publisher, under “ extenuating circumstances ” of pretending that he had not read what he had put into type, was sentenced to a month’s imprisonment and 510 francs fine. Granting that what M. Roobabd wrote was coarse and severe, Napoleon’s policy, as author, surely was to leave it unnoticed. .The persecution of the pamphlet and the prosecution of the satirist have had only the effect of drawing attention to it. Some of the London newspapers have translated and' published it in full, thereby giving it a cir culation which it could not otherwise have obtained, and even a New York publisher has brought out “ Lahienus” in the origi nal, a copy of which Mr. Penington, of Seventh street, has sent us. It is saucy and shrewd—insolent even—but miserably abu sive, and therefore, if let alone, very harm less. The affair convinces us that Napoleon, though he has published many books (he said himself that he spent six years in gra duating in the University of. Ham), is considerably more Autocrat than Author, He does not accept criticism kindly—the lion’s paw coming strongly down in anger, no matter how mildly the royal animal may bear himself. On this account, we of the pen do not care to admit frater nity with him of the sceptre. AH "OCCASIONAL” HOUR WITH 6R&HI. Washington, April 80, 1865. The public man most talked about, and whose face and form the people of our country are most anxious to see, is unques tionably General Grant. He has been so retiring and so reticent that he has never yet made a speech a sentence in length, and has only shown himself in society when duty or stern custom required it. He does not seem to have any of the tastes for parades, or reviews, or uniforms, of many of our commanders, and among them some of the bravest and best. Thus, when his terms had been accepted, a private and straightforward talk with Lee, and after a hurried ratification of it before the assembled armies, he left the rest of the formula to his officers; and instead of going to Richmond, the great prize so long and so bravely fought for, he turned his.horse towards City Point, took the boat for Washington, reported quietly to the Presi dent, and then passed to the cars on" his way to see his family at Burlington, New Jersey, having heard the news of Mr. Lincoln’s murder on the boat from Phila delphia to Camden, It is more than proba ble that it was his natural aversion to the demonstrations of great crowds, and his strong domestic habits, which saved him from the fate of our beloved President. I was among those who witnessed the solemn ceremony in the Bast Room of the Presidential Mansion, on Wednesday, the 19th of April, in the presence of the Sena tors and Representatives of the United Btates, the Supreme Court, the foreign legations, the Cabinet, and other heads of departments, and the chiefs of the army and the navy then in Washington. I noted the entrance of General Grant. Even in the sombre chamber, while every heart was filled with unutterable woe, and the sobs of the mourners could be distinctly heard, there was an eagerness to see and to study the features of the great soldier who had conquered the most extended and tragic conspiracy in human annals. He took his place with almost painful modesty, seem ing, as it were, to shrink from observation, and although many advanced to gaze upon the lineaments lately so bright with bene volence and hope, then cold and stiff in death, General Grant was not of the num ber. He had doubtless previously taken his last farewell. When General Sherman entered into his unfortunate negotiation with Joe Johnstoh, the Lieutenant General himself carried the order countermanding * i ifc Instead of making elaborate prepara tions, I quote the words of one who saw him take his leave: “He had with him only his small carpet bag and a full cigar case." Yesterday morning Gen. Grant re turned from Raleigh and laid the result of his conference before the President. As I had never had the hdnor of a formal intro duction to or conversation with General Grant, I embraced the opportunity of being presented to him last evening, in company with two gentlemen, one of them his inti mate friend. He was not in his room. When we arrived, so we waited till Tie came in from the WaT Department. I confess, when the door softly opened, and a gentleman about the size of Gover nor Andrew, of quiet ly looked in, and then as quietly en tered, smoking the stump of a cigar, I was a good .deal surprised. We were ac cordingly introduced. Putting his hand into his side pocket he drew thence a paper of regalias, lighted a fresh one himself at the same time offering them to his guests. And this was the Lieutenant General of the irresistible army of the United States! This was the man whose achievements as well in capturing Richmond as in the closing scene with Lee are now discussed at every Ameri can fireside, and by all the military critics in the civilized world 1 But for the three stars on his shoulders he never would be taken for what he is by a stranger. In deed, in citizen’s dress, he would look more like a respectable Pennsylvania farmer than a thorough-bred military, man. There .is such an utter absence of the characteristics of the Martinet that it was difficult to realize that we stood in the presence of the first soldier in the world. Gen. Grant reached his forty-third year on Friday, from which you may have an idea that he is very young-looking, as in deed he is. There was no care on Ms brows, no hesitation in his speech, and not the slightest disposition to con ceal his thoughts or Ms opinions. In this I was as much surprised as in the singular simplicity of his bearing. That he was a gentleman you perceived at once. He does not talk like a New Englander, or a Southerner,' but reminded me of a Scotch- Irish Western Pennsylvanian. I could easilyjmderstand, however, in his looks, and in every word he spoke, that I was gazing upon and listening to the ■ happiest man in America. He felt (none more so) the great loss sustained by our country and by mankind, but there was in his whole deportment a consciousness that the rebellion Was crushed, that an honorable peace was at hand, and that our illustrious President had been succeeded by one eminently fitted to finish the good work. He paid the Mghest tribute to Gen. Sherman's patriotism, complimented Mm for Ms aston ishing march from Savannah to Goldsboro, and incidentally stated that he had himself selected him for that undertaking on ac count of his rare capacities. He also spoke of the promptgmanner in wMch the orders countermanding the negotiations with Joe Jplmeton had been executed by General Sherman and his corps commanders! When he referred to Ihe conditiptfof the Southern people it was as one ■who talked of an unfortunate, a desolated race. Two armies had fought, advanced, and retreated, again and again, oyer the beßt portion of their soil, and had left despair, and misery, and almost starvation, before, behind, , and around them. -Although he carefully avoided the slightest reference to polities, or to the numerous suggestions in connec tion with what is called reconstruction or reorganization, and confined Mmself strictly to military topics, , # he more than once revealed that he would treat the masses of the South with kindness and humanity, especially Ita view of the fact that they had been fo|ced to obey their own desperate leaders. Iq referring to the surrender of General Lee, of whom, by the way, he spoke higMy (as he did of Joe Johnston), he said that Ms army (Lee’s) had been dreadfully reduced ia the retreat. That rebel chief was touched by the liberal terms conceded to-Mm by the Lieu tenant General, and when he intimated to Grant that he trusted every effort would be made to conclude the arrangements, so that his soldiers might immediately be pa roled and. sent to their homes, he added that thdy were in a pitiable condition, not having had themostordinaryrationsfortwo days. It was then that General Grant di rected Ms commissaries to issue to the sur rendered forces rations for nearly twenty six thousand men. I mention this circum stance in refutation of a charge that Gene ral Lee had demanded' rations, when the fact is that Grant tendered them, as I have stated. Of one thing this interview im pressed. my friend and myseif: the great plans which have excited so much admira tion, and have been so unflinchingly ad hered to, in the midst of ridicule, calumny, - and disaster; until victory sealed and eon finned them, have been the plans of General Grant himself. Occasional. Death of Mb. S. Lucas.—We learn by our last advices from England of the death of Mr. Samuel Lucas, for many years the principal Editor of the Morning Star, and one of the best friends of our Go vernment in the whole range of English journal ism. In Ms own country he was a strenuous and consistent Liberal. With his Editorship the paper he conducted ha® always been conspicuous for Its freedom of opinion, and has distinguished itself by Its strong and influential advocacy of the cause of our Union.- He upheld, this country when Its advo cates in England were but few, and constantly laid before the English public facts and arguments which were permitted to appear in no other leading journal In London with the solitary exception of the Daily News. He was Intimately connected with all the leading Liberal Statesmen, and more espe cially with Mr. Bright, to whom ho was related by marriage. Immediately following the death of Mr. Oobden, as his does—though a much younger man, being no more than fifty-four years of age-lt will bo felt as a heavy loss by the whole of Ms how pow erful party In English Politios. Movnto DAT ix Nnw Yonx.—Yesterday was the great day for peripatetic housekeepers In New York. Despatches say that Sunday was by no means the day It usually Is, even In boisterous and business-doing New York. AH the principal streets were filled with the teams of smashers,” hundreds of them moving In oppo site directions, and conveying the household goods ana treasures of as many families- We may judge of the great migrations of for mer days, when we are told that In proportion to the extent of population, there is less “moving” than formerly. In the old times when new houses with “modern conveniences” were.ln course of erection, people who lived In dilapidated, old fashioned houses ohanged them quarterly, but tMs Inducement exists no longer. The amount of rents paid tMs year, over those paid last year, Is abont twenty-five to two 0 r three hundred per cent., but the average does not probably exceed fifty to seventy-five per cent. The rise has been far greater than the advance In'the Value of property- owing, of course, to the fact that there Is a scarcity of houses, which, It is expected, will he temporary. Jhb PsSTBWTioif of tbs Negatives takkk ik New-Yobs FSOit THE iatb Peesibbkt,—Two or three days since Major General Peek, In com mand of the Department of the East, received a peremptory order from Secretary Stanton to destroy the negation and photographs of the deceased Pre sident, whlob had been made in New York, Captain Hives, of General Dlx*a staff, executed the order In part by seizing them. Before they could be destroyed Mr. Gurney, who had taken them, -watted on General Peck, and asked, to have the negatives preserved until he coaid appeal to Secre tary Stanton, as he believed the order had been Issued at tbe solicitation of rival artlßts. Much time and labor, he said, had been expended In taking the negatives, and It Is highly desirable that 'they should be preserved. General Peck- acceded to the request, to await further instructions from Secretary Stanton, In the meantime retaining possession of the pictures. This morning a telegram was received from Secretary Stan ton, by General Peck, directing the destruction of the negatives and the pictures. Mr. Stanton says Mrs. Linooln and the other members of the family deslie that tMs may be dou4; and he adds, that permission shovld.never have been given the artists totake the pictures. Itwas done by leave of the Committee of the Common Council.. It Is understood that the-objectlon or tbe family and ol tho authorities to the publlsMng of the pho-- tographs arose mainly ftom the fact that tho features of the corpse were shrunken, and had assumed a most unnatural expression’. In tMs connection, lowever. It Is proper to say that it was Mr. Gur nev’s Intention to give the pictures an appearance as nearly as possible like that of portraits taken from life. It is officially stated that the question of rivalry raised by some photographers of the city was not considered in Washington.—ffew York livening Post. George Francis Train at West Chester. [Correspondence of Tbe Press.-1 West Okbsteb, April 28, 1885, George Francis Train delivered an Interesting' lecture In this borough, for the benefit of the Ladles* Aid Society. The'Hall was well filled, although double theusual admission was required in this In stance. Ho refused all attempt to repay Ms ex penses, and the Aid Society roaUzes.over $2OO above all their expenses by this act or kindness on his part. THE TUESDAY, MAY 2. 1865- Washington, May 1. SECRETARY SEWARD AMD SOM. SUBGBON GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, May X—9 A. M. Bon. Edwin M. Stanton,Secrelary of War: ■ Sib : I have the honor toreport thattheSeoretary of State has bad a oomfortable night. Mi. F. SswAßnbad a slight hemorrhage from wounds in the scalp at 3A. HI., but was not mate rially ireakansd by it. Very respeotfully, your obedient servant, J. K.*Barnes, Surgeon General. [OEOOND DESPATCH.] SUBGBON GENERAL'S OFFICE, , Washington City, May I—#. P. M. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Sib : I have the honor to report that toe Secretary of State continues to Improve. Mr F. SBWABPhas had a quiet night, and 18 slow ly regaining strength. Very respeotfully, your obedient servant, J. K. Babnbs, Surgeon General. another call oh the president. A delegation of Swiss citizens of toe United States to-day called on toe President, who was ad dressed by Mr. Hraz, toe Swiss Consul General," who lamented the death of toe late President, and congratulated toe President upon toe overthrow of the rebellion. The President replied in fitting terms, extending Ms thanks for the sympathy ex tended by toe Swiss citizens. Secretary Welles tMs afternoon forwarded to Acting Rear Admiral Tkatohbb, Commanding toe "West Gulf Blockading Squadron, a congratula tory letter on toe downfall of Mobile. Secretary Wbli.es oloses Ms letter as follows : “lam happy In extending to you and those under your command the congratulations of toe Navy Department for the victory which places in our possession, with but one exception, all toe chief points of ihe Southern coast, and one that bids fair to be toe closing naval con test of the rebellion.” The Slot Bays Mobby was at Salem, near War rantee, on last Friday, and Is still harbored In toe neighborhood by toe rebel Inhabitants. His com mand has deserted him entirely, four hundred hay ing arrived .at, Some ofthitol&ar'to bring ta'«osinunpM*K Miss Mary Habbis, who shot Andbbw J. Bub bough B at the Treasury Department, in January last, and who Is in prison here, is Buffering with erysypelas. -Her trial, whloh was to have takes place on Wednesday next, has been postponed un til toe 10th of May. SURGEON DISGBACED. Acting Assistant Surgeon Johh A. Hall, of-toe Lincoln General Hospital (ft this city, was to-day ejected from toe hospital In disgrace. An inter cepted letter to a person to Canada from Mm, re ferring to a scurrilous manner to toe death of toe late President, was toe canse. 1 RETRENCHMENT. Several chartered vessels of this city have already been discharged from toe service, as a commence, meat of toe retrenchment system here. The United States steamer Malvern, Admiral Fobtek’b flag-BMp, arrived here yesterday. rebel flags, mostly surrendered by Lbb’s army, were presented to the War Depart ment this afternoon by Major General Gibbons, of toe 21to Corps. General Sherman’s staff arrived here to-day. The army Is going to march home. General Hallbokls taking measures to aid'the people of Virginia In returning to agricultural vo cations. The lower Maryland counties, fearing toe justice so sureto overtake them, have offered rewards, at this late day. for toe anest of any conspirators with in their limits. OSBORNE'S RAID INTO TENNESSEE-ITS RESULTS. Washington, May I.—Acting Master Fitzpa trick, commanding the United States steamer Vixen, reports to too Navy Department, under date of April 22d, off Randolph, Tennessee, that on toe loth an expedition, under oommand of Brigadier General Osborne, started- for Brownsville, Tennessee, in three columns—one item Randolph, one by way of toe Hatohle river, and one from Fulton, Tennessee. They returned on toe 220, having been successful in capturing several officers and men. General Shelby’s adjutant was killed. One of toe men captured was a fellow who has been passing for Buxton. He confessed having burned toe Saint Paul and killing one matt on board of her. General Osborne hung hlm from a cottonwood tree at Randolph, and left Ms body .hanging. Hts proper name was Wilcox. ■ The Bteamers Anna Everton and Sylphyrere hot burned by the guerillas. Tihey canto out. of the Hatohle river safe, \-',v ESI) OF THE BEBEL RAM #EBB. She Passes New Orleans in Bread Bay Cairo, April 30.—The steamer Mississippi, from New Orleans, has arrived. She report that the rebel ram Webb passed New Orleans" in broad day, displaying the stars said stripes. , She hoisted the rebel flag a few miles above Fort St. Philip. Her condenser got outororder, and she was deserted and blown np. As far as known, she inflicted no damage save cutting the telegraph wires.. A portion of her crew has arrived at New Orleans. The remainder left for parts unknown. The steamer Belle, of St. Bonis, brings about 300 survivors of the 111-fated Sultana. - The Mississippi has 422 bales of ootton for Cin cinnati ; 300 bales for Evansville, jmd 221 for St, Louis. Shevpibld, Mass., May I,—This town Is under considerable excitement from the arrest of a person connected with a travelling exhibition, supposed to he an accomplice of Booth, who appears to answer the advertisement exactly. He has. a prominent chin, a full moustache, , and a large scar under the leftear. Detectives from towns on the line of the Housa tonic Railroad have been secreted in the village for a part of the day, awaiting Kls appearanoe In the evening. His identity has notyet been fully deter mined; - . WWJH.VB HtmBXBD OF THS I. ATS KOBGAX’S COM- Lbxihgtoh, April 80— One hundred and five officers and one thousand men of Morgan’s old com mand surrendered to General Hobson, at 'Mount Sterling, today. Twelve hundred rebels also sur rendered to Hobson’s troops. Several hundred de serters from the rebeL arm; also took the oath or amnesty, and- Eastern Kentucky Is now clear or rebel troops. . ■■ ■ - Ifnic Yobk, May I—The steamer Savannah brings advices from Charleston to the SSth ultimo. General Hatch had ordered Bev. Alexander Mar shall, missionary of St. John's Chapel at Hamp stead, to go beyond our Hues, for persisting In trea sonable-conduct. Warning had also boon given hla congregation for tolerating the traitor. Governor Aiken left Charleston on the 27th, with orders to report to Washington. Simeon Draper was announced to address a pub lic meeting in Charleston, S.?O, on the 28fch. The expedition sent out tinder General Potter has been recalled under the order to suspend hostlll. ties, based on General Sherman’s first agreement, bat oh the morning of the 28th another, party was sent out to notify the rebels'at Orangeburg of the resumption of hostilities, v., . DEATH OF AH UTV3HTOB. J" CrsoiHHATi, May l—A. B. Latta, the inventor of the steam fire engine, died here on Saturday. Baitimobb, May I— The reported shooting or Boston Corbett, who shot the assassin - Booth, was to circulation here last night, but there is no foun dation whatever for It. So far as we can learn ft to utterly untrue. The following is the condition of the Hew’ York banks for the week ending May Ist, 1885: Lou* 2:c~«e,.... *«M» Specie, decrease «£■«» Circulation, decrease 39,551 Deposits, 8,9«,83i Legal-tenders. 8,141,337 BVBHIIIG bxchahgb boakd. At Gallagher’s Exchange, this evening, gold was quoted at 142%, N. Y. Central 100%, Erie 81%. Hudson Blver 113, Beading 103%, Michigan South ern 70%, Illinois Central 116 a, Pittsburg l 77%. Chicago and Bock Maud 103%. Nottowestera 32, Northwestern preferred 62 If, Port Wayne 10014 Ohio and Mississippi certificates 31%, Canton Com pany 44%, Cumberland Coal 48%, Quicksilver 62. Gojd was active on call, but stocks were rather weak. % . Tub Kbbbl Bam Stombwalb —There appears to be considerable excitement In New York about the probable arrival of the'rebel Iron-olad Stone wall. On March the 25th, when she steamed from Lisbon, the twenty-four-hour rule debarred the Ni agara and Sacramento from following her. She was consequently able to got away a dlstanoe which rendered pursuit useless, and as she has been heard from at Tanerlffe on April Ist, it Is more than pro, bable that She Is now close upon our ooasfc. Wb never are personal, and we don’t like to be, and we don’t want to Sjjeak disrespectfully of any body, but when we remembered that the rebellion,- In its first fullness, counted within Its limits just eleven of onr thirty-three States, onr memory flew back-to a much-admired portion or a muoh-admtred poem. We opened Milton, and we found the guar dian of the gates of Hell thus addressing Satan, as he wishes to esoape Its oonfines. In order to sow sorrow and death In the happy union then existing in Eden: “Art thou that traitor angel, art thou he Who first .broke peace In heaven, send faith, tn then , . Unbroken, and in proud rebellious arms Drew after dim the third part of Heaven’s sons Conjured against the Highest j for Which both thou And they, outcaat-from God, are here condemn’.. To waste eternal days in woe and painl . And reekon’et thou thyself with spirits or hoaven Hell doomed, aud breathest defiance here an . scorn, ~ ~- Where I reign king, and, to enrage thee more,, Thy klng and lord l Baok to thy punishment, . Fake fugitive, and to thy speed add wings ; Lest with a whip of scorpions I pursue Thy lingering, or with one stroke of this dart . Strange; horror seise «thee, and. pangs unfeb before.” WASHINGTON. congratulatory letters. MOSEY. POSTPONEMENT OF A TRIAL. ARRIVAL. PRESENTATION OF FLAGS. GENERAL NEWS. SUCCESSFUL EXPEDITION, a and la Blown Up Below. Supposed Accomplice of Booth. Surrender*. Affairs imCbarleston. PersnAk. TBB BBFOBTBD SHOOTIKG OF OOEBBTT. NEW YORK CITY.- . Nsw yobk, May l. BAHK STATBMBMT. NORTH CAROtINA. the ehd of the rebellion. A GABBIBOW OP TWO COBPS TO OOGUPV THE STATE. Order from General Howard—The New Governor of tbe State. Balbigh, April 28 —The Army of the Tennessee and the Army of Georgia will take their departure from here In a day or two for Richmond The Army, of Ohio, General Schofield commanding, consisting of the 23d and 10th Corps, will remain and be dis tributed as a garrison force throughout the State. Mr. Holden, toe editor of the Standard, who was suggested as a candidate for Governor, has taken decided ground against toe restoration to power of Governor Vance and toe existing Legislature. He favors the adoption of the Constitutional amend" ment abollsMng slavery, and recognizing toe Con stitution of toe United States as paramount to any State Constitution. General Johnston’s army we to deliver up their effeots to toe United States authorities to-morrow at Greensboro, seventy-five miles west of here. Thy following order has been issued by General Howard : ' Hbadquatbbs of thb Abmy of Tehnbssbb, ' : Ralbigh, April 27. To Citizens along the Monies of March; It Is requested that you remain at your homes aB much as possible wMle toe oolumns we passing by. All .hostilities having ceased, promiscuous foraging is prohibited. The necessary supplies, to addition to toe army transports, will be procured from toe country by purchase. Quartermasters and commissaries wilt be In structed to pay cash or furnish proper vouchers. Citizens will do well to aid toe officers commanding guards, patrols, &c., in every possible way to appre hend and bring to punish ment any toief or marauder who may separate himself from the column. Every sort of precaution should be taken by our offioers to render toe march orderly, and it Is hoped that the great terror that prevailed during active operations will now cease. It being difficult to transport sufficient rations for mi extended inarch, our officers have beenrequested to discourage refugees from following the army. The ability to travel ireely, In any dlreotlon, now exists, and precludes the former necessity of refu gees accompanying or following us. Respeotfully, 0. O. Howard; Major General, KOETH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. THB SUNKEN BAM ALBBMABLB BAISKD—TRADE AT -NORFOLK AND OTHER CITIES. Fortress Monrob. April so.—The rebel ram Albemarle, which was sunk by Xitent, Casking, a few months ago, was raised by some contractors, and reached toe navy yard at Gosport, a few days ago, via toe Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal. The skill of Northern mechanics succeeded in raising toe sunken vessel. The cost was about *20,000. Her machinery was in excellent order, and toe hull sustained but very little damage by toe explosion of toe torpedo. It is toe intention to put her in seagoing order at the navy yard, when she will be sent to New York, and be completely fitted out as a first-class Iron clad. An order recently issued by General Gordon,' commanding too District of Eastern Virginia, pro hibits officers, soldiers, and employees from receiv ing or hewing any, application or business from any oitlzen, nnlets the person produces proof of haring taken an oath of allegiance to toe Government of the United States since January Ist, 1865. It is expected that in a few days all military re- Btrlotlonß upon trade in toe Department of East Virginia will be revoked, and business, in conse quence, may receive un inspiriting impetus item' the hands of the tradesmen and merchants in Nor folk and Portsmouth, who for along time past have been obliged to-remain dormant in view of the emergency of the times. There la no doubt that when, in the course of time, toeße restrictions are removed, toe city of Norfolk will again resume her position in toe rank of a commercial city, and, by the capital and energy of Northern merchants who may settle there in business, will In a few years recuperate from toe stagnated state Into which toe rebellion has thrown all conditions of her society. ARRIVAL OF PAROLED PRISONERS. Nsw York, May I.—The steamer Illinois arrived at tMs port this evening from Norfolk with toe 4th Regiment Ohio Volunteers, en route for St. Louis. Paroled rebel officers and privates are dally ar riving at Norfolk, taking the oath of allegianee, and returning to their homes. Laud In the vicinity of Portsmouth IB in an advanced state of Ullage. RICHMOND. , PBOOEBDINGB OF A LOYAL COLORED MEETING— ARREST OF THB BBBBL BX-COMHIBSIONBB HATCH BBBBL BONG-VENDING. Richmond, April 30,1865, Another week of loyal administration has ended, and Sunday, with all of its revered impressions, has dawned upon a redeemed city. At a meeting of the colored people of Richmond, assembled in toe Third-street M.E.Ohnioh, Thurs day, April is, 1865, to rejoice, over our deliverance from bondage, and toe triumph of freedom in our land, Mr. Fields Cooke was called to the chair, and Mr. Peter Wooifolke was appointed secretary. The meeting was opened with appropriate religi ons exeroises by Bishop Brooks, of Philadelphia. Mr.'George L. Ruffin, of Boston, one of toe speakers for the occasion, tjjeri addressed the meet ing. He thought that, in view of toe great calami ty whloh had befallen the nation In toe death of President Lincoln, he knew he expressed toe feel ings of the audience when he said toe character of the meeting should be changed to one of condolence and sympathy. Abraham -Lincoln's name, no mat ter what .might be said by exoltod partisans, would go down to posterity aB one of the wisest rulers and ' most sagacious statesmen .that toU or any other age had produced. Mr. Ruffin thought itpeoullaxiy' fortunate that he (toelate President) had . been se lected to cwry this country through this ordeal of fire and Mood; and now, as peace Is about dawning. on our torn and-distracted oonntry, the CMef Magis trate of the United States, toe great Emancipator, Is stricken down hy toe hand of an assassin* Brothers, mourn 1 sifters, weep 1 for our best Mend has passed away. A'ccmmittee was appointed to prepare suitable resolutions. They retired, and, returning, presented toe following: Resolved, That In the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, we have lost our best friend .and warmest advocate—that toe dastardly act of the murderer fills ns with In expressible horror and Indignation, and that we oan give no utterance to toe feelings of sorrow and sad ness whloh fills our hearts'at tots present moment. And further, That this meeting here convened In toe house of God, sends forth to the family of our beloved President (now deceased) our heartfelt con dolence and sympathy In this the hour of their deep affliction. The Bishop made an,eloquent and appropriate speech la support orthe resolutions, followed by Mr. P. N. Judah, O. M. Steward, and others. The re-- solutlons were adopted,by & unanimous vote, and a motion was made and carried that. the proceedings of the meeting be sent to the Blchmonjl Whig, the Philadelphia Recorder, and the Anglo-Afriean, with a request to publish the same. The doxology was then sung and the meeting adjonrnod. The editor of the Blohmond Whig, on receiving the above report, submitted It to General Ord, who returned It with the following endorsement: “ The mayor, the Common OounoU of Blohmond, and a number of citizens of Petersburg, called on the Department commander for permission to hold a meeting of condolence and sympathy on the death of the President, but owing to the peculiar position of affairs here, the meetlhg was not allowed.” The meeting of the eolored people has occurred without any unpleasant circumstances, but not having been authorized by the military sommauder, it Is not deemed proper to publish It here, the city being under military role. The copy can be seat North and published. The nnmereus Seoesh of this elty are demanding .-that the loyal blacks stfall be excluded from the Capitol Square, while the bands of the oolored regi ments are giving their tri-weekly serenades to the cool of the afternoon. In foot, the Times, Conducted by.thenotorldus Follard, whose name does not ap pear, has already announced, with considerable Chuckling, thatjthis injustice has commenced. Captain W. H. Hatch, the rebel Commissioner of Exchange, who was captured with others -shortly after the surrender of Lee, was arrested yesterday at his residence, on the corner of Leigh and Fourth streets, upon some serious charges of unfair and dishonest dealings wlti the property and money of our soldiers in rebel prisons. Large 'quantities of - stores which were sent to our Buffering troops, and' whioh It now appears never reaohed their destina tion, were enttusted to his delivery, and to him has been traced a portion of the complicity which left Union men to starve, while he and others appropri ated what their relatives and friends at the North had sent to them. Batch's offencehelng a serious 62°- he was confined In Libby, while those of a milder grade are furnished with apartments in Castle Thunder. At the time of the Captain’s arrest he was preparing dinner for General Singleton and other Northerners, hut was spirited away before the guests arrived. When they came a colored domes tic informed them of the involuntary absence of the host, and In her simplicity asked them If they would stay for dinner. They consented to partake of the good things prepared, ate heartily, and after discussing the fate of their host, concluded, late in the afternoon, to see what had become of him. Hatch’s family has, daring the war, resided under the old flag In Missouri. After passing the night to Libby in strict confinement, without the privilege of speaking to anyone, he was released yesterday morning upon the order of General 0.-d. The arrest was made by Brigadier General M. B. Patrick, Provost Marshal General. Mr. E. S. Stewart, who has a kind of a periodical stand in the spottswood. Hotel, was arrested day before yesterday for vending the rebel Marseillaise song. Upon the matter being brought to the notice of General Patrick, he had Stewart escorted-to Oastle Thunder before his case could be'brought to the notice of : the higher authorities, who, upon its representation Immediately ordered his release. ' Mr. Stewart la a gentleman of unquestionably loyal Instincts. - Rdimiit. Thb Frame of Biohmoxd.—The following ex- 4 traot Is taken from a letter by the rebel General Ewell, explaining the partial burning of Blohmond at the time of Its evacuation. It was addressed;to a'relative living near Washington, and Is dated April 16, at Fort Warren s “I am abused for burning Blohmond. It was burned by the mob. There were no troops to keep order. I had told the principal oltlzens, months before, what would happen, and urged them to form a constabulary force to keep order. But they would not, only three, persons offering their servloes, when there were hundreds doing nothing. The fire-hose was cut, and the arsenal burned by the mob. I had taken every pro caution possible, and the peosle must blame them selves. To prevont misstatements as regards our .capture, I would state that we were ordered to fol low Anderson; that after driving baok an attack on onr wagons wo found Anderson out off from those of Lee’s army in front; and tbe 6th Corps oams after me, attacking my troops. Anderson failed, after a trial, In .breaking through those In his front ; and when my men, entirely surrounded, fighting over ten times their number, were captured or slain. PROGRESS OF THE FUNERAL TRAIN. THE RECEPTION IB" CHICAGO. ADDRESS OF HON. SCHUYLER COLFAX. MICHIGAN CITY. MICHIGAN City, 1b3., May I—B.lo A, M.—TW funeral cortege has just armed. Tie demonstra tions of sorrow on the-route are solemn and Im pressive, We wUI I®* 7 ® at 835 this morning for Chicago. ABBIVAI IST CHICAGO. potoago. HI.. May 1, 12 M.-The funeral train las just arrived at tils city. aloa * from Indianapolis ttere were mourning demonstra tions. Speaker Colfax, Senator Trumbull, Judge Davis, and oflOO cltteens from Chicago inlned the train at Michigan City. Here hundreds of thousands of people are Resem bled, and the remains have passed under thp'most gorgeous arches we have yet seennn the journey. Tie houses bear the usual badges of mourning, and , the procession of military and civilians lsverylarge. TBB BBOBPTIOH IN CHICAGO ADBBBSS OB HON. SOHUVI.br COI.BAX. Chicago, May 1.-The remains of President Lin coln arrived In Chicago at 11 o’clock this morning. Hon. Schuyler Colfax last night delivered an ad dress In Bryan Hall, to an Immense audience, It was an appropriate preliminary to the solemn fane ral services of to-day. In the course of his remarks he said: We might search history, anolent or modem, and when tie task was ended all would coincide that Abraham Lincoln was the most merciful ruler whoever put down a powerful rebellion. Now, he so held 'the hearts or th*.people,and was-so en twined with their regards and affeotlons that he was the only man living who oould have stood In the breach, between the leaders of this Iniquity ana the wrath of the country they had plunged Into bloody war. Feeling, as so many did, that his kind ly heart almost forgot jUßtloe In its throb for mercy, yet knowing as they did Me unlalterlng devotion to j his country, his inflexible adherence to principle, Ms unyielding determination for the restoration of our national unity, there was a trust In him almost filial, a moving confidence that whatever he might finally resolve on would'prove in the end to be for the best. Of the many thousand persons whom he had met In his public or private life, Mr. Colfax said he oould not call to mind a single one who excelled him In calmness of temper, In kindness of disposition, and In overflowing generosity of Impulse. He seemed wholly free from 111 will or Injustice, Attaokedever so sharply, he never answered railing by rail ing j criticised ever so unjustly, he would reply with no word of reproof, but would patiently and uncomplainingly strive to prove, if ho answered at all, that he stood on the rook oi right. Murdered, coffined, burled, he will live with those few Immortal “ names that were not born to dielive ae the father of the faithful In times that tried-men’s souls; live In thegrateful hearts of a daik browed race he lifted from under the heel of oppression to the dignity of freedom and manhood; live ln> every beloved circle which has given a father, husband, son, or friend, to die as he did for bis country; live with the glorious oompauy of martyrs to liberty, ju3tloe, and humanity—that trio 01 heaven-Wifi Mlaolple? i UYO tfi the love of all beneath the circuit of the suu who loathe tyranny and wrong, and leave behind him a record that shows how honesty and principle lifted him, made as he was from the humblest ranks of the people, to the noblest station on the globe, and a name that shall brighten under the eye of history as ages roll by. From the top of fame’s ladder he stepped to the sky. Minot* guns and the tolling of belts announce! the arrival of the remains, and tbe multitude stood In profound silence with uncovered beads as tbe coffin was Slowly borne to the tasteful funeral car, under a grand arch across Park Place. Tbe arch, was 51 feet In span, 16 feet deep, and 40 feet high, Its oentre draped wlihthe national flags and mourn log emblems, and containing several Inscriptions, Including one, as follows: “We mourn the man with Heaven-bom principles.” The residents along Michigan avenue displayed most impressive Insignia of grief with appropriate mottoes. ■ The procession was preceded by a hand of music, followed by Generals Hooker, Sully, Buford, and Sweet, and staff, the Bth raid 18th Begiments ye teran Reserve Corps, and the 6th Regiment U, S. Volunteers. Then came the funeral ear, with pall bearers'and a guard of honor, the family and friends, the Illinois delegation from Washington, Congressional delegation, citizens’ committee of one hundred, Mayor and Councils, judges of the courts, members of the bar, clergy, officers of the army; the 2d, '3d, 4th, and sth, divisions, composed;' amongst others, of Fuller’s and. EUb worth’s Zouaves, children of the public schools, mounted artillerymen, two batteries of Illi nois light artillery, several regiments State ln ihntry, Masons, Odd Fellows, and all other asso ciations, and not a few colored citizens. Included In the procession was a full regiment of Infantry, composed of men formerly In the rebel service, and who, taking the oath of allegiance, were recruited at several parole camps. Thu remains 'were con veyed'to tbe rotunda of the Court-House; where they now He In state. * The rotunda Is appropriately draped, and among. themotoes la, “ liynols clasps to her besom her slain but glorified son." The catafalque Is very handsome. The Court House was opened to the' public at six o’clock this evening, and will remain open tlllseven to-morrow evening. Thousands are crowding thither. EveryHraln from the Interior Is filled with people; and the number In the city at the time the procession moved could not have been leas than a luW hXMOSIOK OP TJUK SULTANA. HBABTBBHDIMG BOBHSB ABB mOIDBHTB—THB BX- M.OSIOM BtJPPOSBD TO BAVS EBBS CATISBD B 7 A TOT.rxco. We have as yet no detailed account of the awful explosion' on board the steamer Sultana (by which some fifteen hundred lives were lost), on the Mis sissippi ; but the Memphis Bulletin supplies below a few facts in addition to the telegraphic account heretofore published. The seene following the ex ploslonwasheartrendlng and terrible In the extreme. Hundreds of people were blown into the Mr, and de scending into the water,some dead, some with broken limbs, some scalded, were borne under by the re sistless current of the great river, never to rise again. The survivors represent thesoreams as ago nizing beyond precedent Some clung to (Tall pieces of the wreck, as drowning men cling to straws, and sustained themselves for a few moments, but finally became exhausted and sunk. Only the best swim mers, aided by fragments of the wreck, were enabled' to reach the woods, and there take refuge, until re scued by boats sent from the landing here to their assistance Theie were about fifteen women and children aboard, and as near as can be ascertained, not more than two or three had been found at the hour when this account was written. Some ’of the wretched people were borne by the onrront as far down as the levee of this city, and this was the first Intimation the officers of the boats to port received of the terrible disaster. A yawl was Immediately sent out from the Marble Oity, and In a few minutes several persons were picked out of the water and brought ashore. • Two were afterward found cling ing to the wheel, and they were also saved. Upon being brought to a realization of the calamity, the officers of the boats to port, trader notification of Captain Senior, of the Blver Guard, steamed up, ana to a short time were at the burning steamer, where hundreds or people were picked and brought to this landing, arriving about daylight. They were met hy a number of citizens and ladies, whfrsnpplied them with abandonee of dry clothing from the quartermaster’s department and from va rious stores. , Mr. Bawberry, tbe first mate, was on the watch, and standing to the pllot-honse with Capt, George Clayton, who was at the wheel at the time of the explosion. He only remembers the shook, that he was blown into the air, and .was afterwards taken from the water. He saw the lower deck to flames, and knows no more. He oan give no. idea of the cause of the accident, and says the boat was going at ordinary speed, and all seemed well up to the moment the explosion occurred; that the second engineer, a sober, re liable man named Clemens, was at the engines, and that nothing more than common was to pro gress. Capt. Olaj ton was also hurled Into the wreck among the broken hollers and rubbish, sustaining slight injuries. He Immediately jumped overboard with a door, by which he was enabled to reach the Arkansas shore, three miles below, where, striking a sappllng; he seized and clung to la. until saved. Clemenß, the engineer, was bad ly burned and scalded, and oan hardly recov er. Mr. John Fogleman, residing on the Arkan sas side, on being aroused by the noise and see tog the burning steamer, hastily .constructed a rude raft; and to this way was the means or saving about one hundred lives. In the woods, among the drift of the wreck, the officers of the Rose Hamble ton found a family Bible, containing the records of a family named Spike, of Assumption Parish, La. The names recorded are Samuel 3>. Spike and Ele thla Spike, married October 31st, 1887. The record shows there were twelve in the family. It was sub sequently-learned that the father, mother, three daughters, two brothers, and a niece were lost. Several of the bodies were recovered. This family had seventeen thousand dollars to gold, all of whioh was lost. At the time of theexptoslon Captain Mason had retired from watch, and was to bed. .He was after jeefi throwing Shutters and doors to the as sistance of people to the water, and here all traces of him vanished. Clerks Gamble and Stratton are also missing. . .... Among the soldiers on board wore thirty commis sioned officers. The troops were of various regi ments, and nearly all exchanged prisoners. They belonged principally to Western regiments. At the hour of writing only five or six hundred persons have been Baved. Hon. W. D. Snow, member of Congress from Arkansas, was on board,and escaped unhnured. The Memphis Argus seems to think that the ex- plosion was oaused by a torpedo. It asserts that one of the mates, Paterny, says-the steam was not near as high on the Sultana as It was usually car ried. He thinks a torpedo shaped like a lump of coal must have oaußed the explosion. The guns of Fort Pickering are reported to have fired on the boats of the Essex while picking up the survivors. Thb Dikeotiou of Booth’s Fmoht.— Since the death of the assassin, the Importance of his crime and the dignity of the victim make the particulars of Ms mysterious escape and flight as much mat ters of history as of Interest.. It seems that he frac-“ tuied the small bone of his leg to jumping from the box to the theatre, but his horse carried him safely on the road to Bryantown, ten miles from Washtag tA,to th e tavern of Mrs. Surratt. Here he arrived on Saturday morning. The military were the first to call at the tavern, but failed to get any definite statement until the detectives oamo up. The tavern was owned by Mrs. Suratt, and leased to the old man who keeps It. TJpohaelose examination he stated that Mrs. Suratt had been there on Friday aftornoap, and left word that two men would arrive during the night, who were to be generously provided for. She also directed that two carbines suspended by a string between the plaster ing of a partition should be given them. Booth and Harrold arrived as expected, and remained until sometime Saturday forenoon; but on leaving Booth declined to take ,a carbine, stating that he was too lame to carry it* Harrol d, however, took one, ana the two set out for the lower counties. Upon reaching the neighborhood of Bryantown, near Port •Tobacco, Booth’s leg beoame too painful to proceed further, and the services of Dr. Mudd, of that vici nity, were called Into requisition- After the frac ture bad been dressed and Booth had left, the de tectives arrested Mudd, who dented all knowledge of the character of his patient. -The boot; however, which had been out off from Booth’s foot, the In flammation rendering It Impossible to draw ft off, was found, and to It was written with Ink, “J. Wilks,” the word “Booth” evidently having been out wlth a knlfo. The next place where Booth and Harrold were heard from was at the hoqse ofaDr. Coxe. The latter, upon .being questioned . im( , aB7 stsoSi parties, but said that denied haviupr we® soldiers applied there for three pwoHd wtol *owera coxa’s aocemroodatlonE, aßd Men two men tad servants, however, •“-■jeere •» mftater had eater staid there ever night, that Jhete master t S tained them In themoet hospitable manner,anu ui«n their departure next morning K aTe eao “ 8 q y 0 Ttodetootivea next came upon themgltlves near the Saehlar Swamp, in Charles old oi^ found a dilapidated shanty, oooupled &LK»K«oSSM|g re eattothat vicinity. The tame man had then fenufred the direction to the great swamp.whloh she gave,'and the two went oft The Bhanty stands in clearing, surrounded on all sMeahy I" with the exception of'one side, »™ Tbe Bth Illinois C«t vn?rvands^regimentof colored troops werelmmj v mm swamp to ©very direction, but without fladlog say eeareiitog jevery v«j * latter having secreted ~ trace of the assasslns. the iaHw tbelr themselves in the pme on escape while the B* 8 ?y > „S J Herroldorossedthe Sunday atteißoen Booth an distance below Botomao at Swan Point, * snort «»»“ Royal sftssnss Msass routes to h# taken In making theta escape. dlepß, understood to be to the possesrion orthoXJwrerm ment, and which are known to teve hrtOTgw to these parties, hear distinct marks or thoroutosiaid outby them? Booth and Harrow were to escape to rebeluom and seek Jeff Davis’ P™t®etto«>who was finally to assist them in leaving the, country. PnbUe ftnertolnmenis. " t Thb Waxntjt-btekbt Thbatbb.— liftsfc evening one of the very greatest, yet most unequal actresses upon the American stage, commenced as engage ment at this house—we allude to Miss Lucille Western. She reappeared in her great dual—so the management call It—character In “East Lynne,” We say that she is “the greatest, yet most unequal actress” on the . American vstage. Portions of her Impersonation are characterized by actual genius, and we know no artist who can draw such positive tears from every tender-hearted fe male who Is looking upon It. This Is high pratteto award any artist, but It Is not undeserved. We defy any person who maybe present to deny that there atß more handkerchiefs placed to the stream- ing eyes of the audience during the most touching portions of this exceedingly melodramatic play, than are generally seen In the most melancholy and tear-exciting tragedy that has ever been offered to the public. In addition to this, she does not merely possess the power of exciting emotion. She is a most able aotress, and, histrionically atone, would stand very high. At the same time, we are compelled to admit that there are portions of the play she Is performing whloh she slurs over portions which, if we were to judge her merits by, we should value them very differently. We admit that this want of balance In her acting may be Intentional, That portion of a representation which she treats bo carelessly produces for her great effects a far more thorough appreciation. This may be so, but if so, we counsel her seriously not to allow it to grow into a habit. In youth everything Is pardoned to histrionic genius. As she grows older, she will he judged by a sterner standard—a standard to which she must, sooner or later, become amenable. She Is too fine an artist for us to contemplate this chance Indifferently. Should she labor honestly and con scientlonsly, the first place on the American stage. Whether intake legitimately tragic or purely sensa tional drama, Is within her grasp. Let her do so, and seize it with a steady and firm hand, neglecting nothing for the sake of heightening the separate effects, and we shoflld reel disposed to guarantee her a success at tbe side of which even her present one will grow pale and dim in her after*reputation. Tun BmnstriT or Mahagbr Stmt.— On Saturday next .Mr. William E. Sinn, the manager of the Chestnut-street Theatre, will receive a compli mentary benefit, both In the afternoon and evening, from the various artists now employed at that esta blishment. “ Uncle Tom’s Oabip ” Is to be played in the afternoon, with the strong east which ensured Its success a short time since, and in the evening “The Colleen Bawn” will be given—the perform ance of this clever melo-drama being followed by ‘•Mlcawber,” with Mr. Lewis Baker In the princi pal character. It cannot be doubted that Mr. Sinn will have a crammed benefit to testimony both of his unfailing urbanity and his resolute and con scientious labor to his managerial capacity. A Batch op Bekefits.—Wo have already in- vited public attention to the benefit of Mr. Carden, which Will take place this evening at the Arch- street Theatre, hut It would seem that the present week is to be almost exclusively a week of benefits. Upon Wednesday the bills announce Mis. E. N. Thayer as the benejiciaire. “ The Streets of Hew York ” and “ Mr. and Mrs. Baker ” furnish, the en- tertainments for the evening. The following day, Thursday, Miss Lizzie Brice comes-before us in the same agreeable position, with the same leading feature on the bill, and the comedietta of “The Household Fairy.” Then comes Owen Marlowe, still offering “The Streets of Mew York,” but giving ■us an.orlgtoal sketch—at least, one never before played here—called " Lord and Lady Dundreary.” This sketch is said to be most entertaining to Its cha racter, and we anticipate, upon that score, that Mr. Marlowe, as well as the preceding three recipients of benefits, will gather a pleasant’addition to their yearly Incomes. • - Messrs. WotvsoEK ahd Thohas gave their fifth concert of classical music yesterday evening. This concert followed rapidly upon the fourth.oftha series, which took plaee on Saturday night, alter being postponed for two weeks on account of the death of President Lincoln. The weather, which has heretofore frowned upon these worthy gentler men, was last night, fortunately, propitious, and a toll assemblage of musical amateurs was the natural result. The concert was, to all respects, a great success. The programme consisted of a choice selection of muslci and It was rendered with that consummate ability whlchhas always distinguished the concerts of these artists. The opening piece was Mendelssohn’s beautiful quartette to B minor, op. S, lor piano, violin, viola, and violoncello, the various movements of whlchf were Interpreted with great taste, power, and deli cacy *by Messrs. Wollsohn, Thomas, Hammerer, and Schmitz. The second part of the toirie was devoted to solo performances. Mr. Wolfsohn, by request, substituted to place of Schumann’s “ Noveletteu ’> the fine fantasia in F minor, by Chopin, which he, had given with such acceptation on Saturday. It. is needless to say that he gave this work with bril liancy and effect, and that it elicited great ap plause Scorn the large and discriminating audience which tow heard it. Mr. Thomas also repeat ed the deltclqns violin solo, by Spphr, whloh had produced such admiration at -the former concert, and to which his great mastery of the in strument, particularly to the use of double notes,, is shown to so mnch advantage. The audience last , evening was sodSelighted with Mr. Thomas’ per formance that an encore was insisted os, when he gave the solo by Schubert, as announced on the programme, an original and delicate composition, which |he / tot#rpreted with elegance. Mr- Wolfson followed, to three “Kletoe Studlen,” composed by Miss Howell, the eminent lady pianist of this city, whloh were warmly received. The great feature of the entertainment, however, was Bcethoven’s-magnlficent soptett, op. 20, which was performed to a style worthy of the grand aha, renter of the work, which stands among the first productions of the genius of its composer. Beet hoven’s own love of this composition is shown by the fact' that he arranged it himself to three formß, as a trio, as a quintette, and as a soptett, the lest the richest and most powerful. The artists who executed it last eve ning—Messrs. Thomas, violin; Hammerer, viola, Schmitz, violoncello; Buchner, double-bass; Stoll, clarinet; Blrgfeld, horn; and Muller, bassoon devoted themselves to its rendition with aU their taste, skill, and ardor, and the result was a superb success. We congratulate Messrs. Wolfsohn and Thomas upon the complete musical triumph achieved by them and their associates at this con cert. , . , Otto Drß6XL’sCohc»rts.~' We would direct toe attention of one. musical friends to Mr. Dresel’s piano concerts, the first of which will he given at the foyer, on Thorday afternoon at four o’olook. These concerts, which are given In compliance with an earnest letter of Invitation sent to Mr. Dresel by a large number of our citizens, together with most ©four professional pianists, have been rightly an* tlolpated as a source of Infinite pleasure and satis faction, and we had almost feared that their post ponement on account of onr great national sorrow might be the means of depriving ns of them alto gether for this season. We are, however, glad to see that this Is not to be the ease. There is some thing so refined'ln the playing of Mjr. Dresel that we feel assured that onr enjoyment of these beauti ful entertainments will be rather enhanced by the warm welcome bestowed upon him by his numerous friends and admirers ln'thls city. The second and third concerts will be on the evenings of the 6th and Sth of May. bsoTOE OH Flowers.—A. W. Harrison, Esq., secretary of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Soci ety, will deliver a lecture before that association this (Tuesday) evening, on the Odors of flowers, in which he will -present a variety of anrluuß and useful Information upon the subject of the commer cial uses ol flowers, including an account of a-vlslt to the flower farms of France, and the art of col lecting and preserving the perfumes of flowers, Il lustrated by a large collection of rare living plants from the conservatories of Philadelphia. The lec turer is eminently qualified, -by professional and horticultural experience, to treat these topics with peculiar Interest. It will be free' to all. The rooms ot the Society are at the southwest oarner of Broad and Walnut streets. Processor Blobton’s Ltottikb oh-Light.— This evening, In the Academy of Music, Professor Henry Morton, by the request and on behalf of the Franklin Institute, will deliver a lecture on Light, with numerous scientific and mechanical Illustra tions. From the number of seats already taken, the house will certainly be crowded to Its utmost ca pacity. Classical Q.tjihtbttb Club.—The twenty-fourth matindc will be given to-morrow, at the Assembly Building, With the following programme; Trio, op. 70 (No. 1), for piano, violin, and vioton oollo.. Beethoven. Song scene, for-yioiln Spohr. Quintette In G- minor. Mozart. Mbvbrbhbr’s “Afrioaihr” nr Nbw York.— The New York Times gives the following: «> The great musical event of the coming season will .he the production of Meyerbeer’s “Africatwe.” After an Immense amount of preparation, and rather more than the ordinary quantity of red tape, It has proba bly by thlß time been brought out In Parts. On the night or Its production an exact copy of the soore is, by special st ipulation with the proprietors, to be forwarded to Mr. Max Maretiak, who has, we are informed, scoured the exclusive right for this coun try, Thus, a few weeks after Its representation In Europe, we shall have an opportunity of judging of a work which 1b generally expected to be its com poser’s master-piece. It will have singular signifi cance here, as one of the principal Incidents or the plot Is the liberation of the slave. Of this and many other things we can only speak positively after the work ha s been given to the public. A. veil of mystery, lilted only at short Intervals by abandoned jour nalists and heretical if not visionary newspaper cor respondents, surrounds it. The opinion prevails, however, that the “ Aftioatoe ” was composed many years ago, andropreßehte the ripest pcHodof Meyer- beer’* power*.' The subject seem, singular raselnatldn for him, Before...'N success of “ Robert le Diablo" in a work called “ Guaeco deGaina.» S’ be proposed the same subject to Ssrftf* dotted ell Ml early etralns, and * BtI h new book. Tbe old version, bearing tt.7 ' Is still In existence. It Is In the poss e3i «‘ ite Meyerbeer, and on tbe first pageu^l',I;'' 1 ;'' band of the great master, the wont/’ 5 * Africa.” Tbe mfseea-seme of the “ the most difficult, complicated, ana ear!, 811 Two acts are played on the decii , t , l: which occupies tbe whole stage. xt e <? :I ‘-' ensuing scene Involves, of course, so a ,, 3 b Tbe music is very highly spoken or tv F ,fs - as by other musicians who have hei,! !,i .i first performances every seat has air,,," i The enthusiasts who send their ic oBs . ■ so'fearful of haying It returned to the* » 6 t blank refusal, that they merely gITO and no address. 'They are wllUn* t3 *• open night. Ah! IT they lived | a would not be thus. There Is, w , be , opera a ebaraeter for a tenor who : : clamatory style and a full dramatic ; a tenor, briefly, as that old favorim Signor Mazsolenl. Why cannot jr. secure this fine artist 1 He would. *, "• received with hearty favor by his many 1 ; 8 A Fragment of French Sf rrf , „ ■ In the recently-published volume of v- Historical Fragments, and Fttn or. ,i by the late M. Do Toequevtlle, t ifB> ; jagaccount of a conversation sell b-; ■' J former Councillor of Stata, whom t e tam,'! The conversation was on thecot, prisons In 1812, under tte Si ™ • ■ Is exceedingly interesUng fro* the - ns of the government of thatund., •;.■ how holds the reins of the Ranch sti,.'.."* ; a crlpas'hls great relative formerly ay.' ,_ »Vj formed parti’ said M. X—, ‘ or & tt _ " tons promotion of auditors of the (lom,- We drew lots for the different mlnisie-J'' to Which wo were to be attached, ' Sat of Police, then under the direction '; Duke of Bovlgo. I was particularly re .;,; to him by one of his friends. He sett morning and said, ‘I am assured Jont! . r ; lection to solitude or to work, nt. ■ that youare very fond of chess. I taut jßiaeto& to entrust yon wlto ■ u-,; and live for a certain time In ftj • Gesie. You Will find there i, s , cbtfSfilaicti and yon cm rend©* iCq..,. Sfifes.'t.ss-.wisa:;. ssks gss«.aT,‘£»: I refused, but wdldty, though I did act jrodd will of the Minister, who soma Sid to me, ‘I have another empio JESS you. The Emperor has just created, t, ; v light State Prtsonsy but his tiara Ui been all carried out. It u ten, : , oreanlze this service, atd, fira 0 i c establish an Inspection. Will you. ts*. 0 l It in company with a certain b,-. k—. • time laccepted his proposal, V, 6 were »„ ■ examining Vincennes, where It was=a H> : better managed than elsewhere; iV dennes we were to take, hi soma son, a,,. We had not to Visit the prisoners, or star t about their names or history, bet marly ; tain how things were going on Is thenm-*, of those honseß. Ourloslry was si little, me that after three weehs my a,,. tvt who was a friend of tho liti.e ;. confessed to me that he to secrets ■ with watching me, and finding oa; X was not too Inquisitive. He aske,; -; turn, whether I had not been charge;, elmUar mission regardlnghtmseir. bactej;; ease, we were Informed by the Daw a; that the views of the Emperor were that orisons should contain habitations for pt ,,, ill conditions. ‘ For, In fact,’ observed lij ror. ‘I suppose I may have to shut up a brothers or my uncle. I mean that ;i>; be treated according totheir rank; that tar. teve.a _hdMsr„r < . Time did not allow ofall these foym, to be- carried oat. When I made a?-; Inspection at the close of 1811, or the 1813, there were prisoners In five pru* where, generally speaking, they were £ i badly oft The others existed only on r: : ] hniirtiT»!iB yMcti had been marked ! did not exist. The same maybe said el— ' get the name), departatent of M»st r; They found that the building had beenfuU:: before the decree was Issued. En rex-,--, were State prisoners In a great nnmXr nary prisons, hut these last we were n>: with inspecting ; I had onl? the proo; tt ,: were In great numbers. We began, thro, .f cenneS. In the very highest part of the s. round a Spaniard who was treated with i a , tton. He had a few boohs, a box o! ; u s;r ,i, family of pigeons, which he brought ap a doubt. They would not tell me sis nasn*;,- found out afterwards that he wa3 tho csi« Palafox, who was taken at Saragossa, aji, the Emperor, I don’t know why, thought tec remove forever from public sight, a. lor ,|i had been Interred with much pom; la d? .! All the world believed that PaU&i' dead. His own family, even his wife, »« the same error. Ho lived at the very it the donjon of Vincennes. I also saw, Bahru case, where It was Impossible for him tn upright, a German Count, a young man of n,* accused of having wished to assassinate tia peror, land whom the Interposition of theKi Saxony had saved from being shot. He was si In this horrible den, end he soon Clef iters Fenestrella, In- the mountains of Savoy 1 1 a great number of cardinals and priest; complained with reason of not being atii: In that land of snow. A little farther of i In another State prison two hundred Jf« tans of the lower classes, but among them wen noblemen of the same nation. All feet were very badly kept, and offered no pur whatever; sot one of the formalities spent the decree which had legalized State prism observed. Von were taken off to bs thrmt one of them. Von were left there as lontf keepers pleased. Yon were withdrawn lr.. woria,'and you disappeared. I knew that the prisoners were very numerous, but I could r the exact number of them, as they were dk throughout all the prisons of France, and x Sion, as I have told you, extended only to the prisons properly so called.” Soldiers’ families. To the Editor of The Trees: Sik : Permit ms to acknowledge the re: *207, » collection taken op In tie Eipts:: Broad and Arch streets, Philadelphia, Friday, for the soldiers’ families under the City Pastor. This token of sympathy on ie the wives and children of those who hive - the battle-field, or starred to death la S prisons, la In erery way becoming a P&tifta: tjan ClmXCll. i * From a widow with six children corns :Ls lag letter, which I desire to publish witu ttr. J 9 contribution: m • - Citv Pastor : DrarSib: From debus J hot able to walk, or I should oomeln (W J received another notice about my rat. [Tb'j her second ejectment process for arresrsoltea'- J of which are now In my hands.] Is there 1 bablllty of me getting any of mymoasjrj--.il toon l lam a thousand times thanhle! t 1 and wife for what you have done for an it-i poor children* The day you called to 1 notinow whereto get bread for my j meal. My hUßband Is now qlght montts Hr- < I think it so strange that I cannot ge; st; money to help to feed thorn little chillrr:- “ Yours, with great respect, - Here is another extract from the letter ' flier’s wife with two children. Her U* wounded and In one of the hospitals of '’' l; I j. “My children and I are starving. I s a! - lars a month roller money, and pay hvf * fifty cents a month for rent. My heiitt permit me to goont to work, and I c'.ot,.--- enough with, my needle to buy bread for' chUdren. I went to the Commissions, they only helped soldiers, not their wives lam obliged to gooutat night to boa lo - . self and ohlldren after I put them to simp was the first substantial help I ever rece:n--_ 's owe my husband *ISO, bnt the officers a, pita], for some unknown cause, retain It.- i She gives her name and address )n rti ‘ .. poses to go before any justice or the ’ Bwear to the above statement, and to o'- eT! ' are In her letter, which would alarm som . officers were they laid before the patu - - been at her home, and found her, M., eating her first very scanty 1 children. Two meals In the day for luxuries. Intake no comments. The»\ none, and my list contains just such css®- , presenting such oases some weeks ago to oll “. most active agents of the Christian w j ’ the Key. Dr. F., he repUed thus; “ o - ladleß’branch of the Christian commlfc*'’- to these cases 1 They should direct the-r behalf of the soldiers’ families.” greater troth uttered. My wonder is has not always been the object of the la- 1 ® ~ of the Commission. How much sufi-’rinj »• ' have saved no one can calculate. Sana? * too late to begin to <jp good in this } have received one car-load of coal from J Wlggan, Mahanoy City, Fa. Coal, money are always In place, and will do am- City Pastor, 101 l Bombaru Thh Ikibh, I»t*khatiobai, Exhib" Tt Executive Committee at Dublin, of thl- ■ T'.r bave received a communication from - effect that the Queen has named six >/- ' Boyal Commissioners for that country. iF pictures from the National G-altery at •, ' on their way to Dublin. It has been ® that the Executive Committee shall - r jurors, bnt this will be done on the reci> aJ - fife of the several committees, and of repre- i Srv the foreign countries, and in aeeon.sn.- ~ | - express wishes or the exhibitors. the medal Is by the celebrated medai- b.. fcj Geefs, of Brussels. It Is a handsome e - K. representing the Spirit or Progress m s;, mannfaotures enriching Ireland from’ 1 ;,. K - eopla, while a view of the building i- i; 3 ground, and various emblems of 1®“? ,- : t year as an epoch In the improvement or j-' Large Positive Sals of Boot?, ' s GAHS, Amis Goods, Leather Tsav o '- Laoets, Straw Goons, Elastic Ws®--;,,,-., The particular attention of de'ilers h s v.., toe valuable assortment of boots, shoe-; - civalry boots, 150 rides uppsr and so. calf shins, travelling tags, shaker hoo'l’; _. colored straw bonnets, and children's , bracing samples of l,a» packages j--. , goods, of city and Eastern manna*-”®--’ remptorilv sold, by catalogue, on » credit, commencing this morning, a* lo John B. Myers & Co., auotlonsers, Nos - street. CITY . ITEMS- Spribg Bohhbts ahd Mibsbs’ AXD Bats.— The latest styles, and largest the city, at Wood & Cary’s, 725 Chsstim--" THB BBS* PfTTIHG SHIRT OF TBSA>' .. Improved Pattern Shirt,” made son, at toe old stand, Nos. 1 sad street. "Work dose by hand, In and warranted to give saHriactlcn. y Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods cannot Prices moderate. ... Serihg Haxb ahd Husk Mattb®J toe very finest materials; also, Featli £ . lows, and Bolsters, warranted free frt ’ .-j Ues, at W. Henry Patten’s, HOB Ghes m TRB 'WIDfWS IHDIGKAHT.— The are calling Iffdlgnatlon mecUngs wim - the advent of Massachusetts gins. suasion is too scarce for the horns am - “ a splendid field In toe West forests , ■ bachelors, provided they have the * ' . the goed taste to first furnish them’ . proper outfit at the Brown Stone - Kookhill A Wilson. No«. 60S anil t■- above sixth.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers