OITY COUNCILS. Both branches of Councils held a stated meeting yesterday afternoon. BEIJBCT BRANCH. Jambs Ltwd, Esq., president, in the chair. The portrait of Washington in this chamber hmt been handsomely decorated with American flura and pendant from the beak of the eagle which anr mounts the portrait flow red, blue rl£ Several ladles appeared ln the chamber ana seals on the sofas near the desks of bers. The object of these ladles,we to endeavor to get a street paved understood, was to^ounUef, 0 WBS rooeiTa<l " oln tho Mayor relative 10,0 aum of * wo he paid to all recruits, whether for one or three years. Mr. Kzho hoped the bill would be referred to the Committee on Defence and Protection. He said that the oity of Philadelphia had expended for boun ties, from April 19, 1861, to December 12,1863, the -sum of *6,180,921.70. He also said that the whole appropriations for war expenses had added to the debt of the oity *15,000,000. Council refused to refer tbe bill to the Committee on Defence and Protection. Mr. Spbbiko (U) moved to amend the bill so as to make the bounty *B5O. Mr. Barlow (U.) strongly opposed any reduction In the bounty, saying it was doing gross injustice to the drafted men. Notagreed to—-yeas 6, nays is. , The Mil was then passed as Introduced. Mr. Vah Ulbvb (U.) submitted the following re solutions in honor of the surrender of the rebel army under Dee to den. Grant, and the oapture of Rich mond : Resolved. By ttoa Select and Common Connell of the City of Philadelphia, That to honor of the surrender of the rebel army under Lee. to our neat and noble General Gra»t. the oapture of Richmond, and the tlqrton* aehievemente of onr army and navr over the rebels in the preeeat itrngele for the perpetua tion of the Union, the citizens of Fniladelnhia. whore downfall of treason an* the eappreeaion of the reboHion.be and are hereto invited to ulnmtnita da® 1 evenlng! T the 17?h 8 ° f 6nailles ‘ “ d al »d9 on Mon-. _ the Commissioner of Oity Property, prder the direction of the committee appointed under thesereeolntlOM, is hereby directed tolUnminate the public buildings in hie charie, on tho evening of the day afoieaaic. * Resolved, . That the day aforesaid be set apart as a general holiday, and that the citizens and all corpora tions be and are hereby inritedto dose their places of business Resolved, That the citizens toe andara hereby Invited to display the s erious emblem of onr nation, as far a<r in their power lies, on the day aforesaid. Resolved, Thata general mass meeting he held at Broad and Penn Square, on the day aforesaid. Resolved, , That ihe sum of *l,lOO be.and is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses thereof, and fflat war in .therefor he drawn in accordance with existing Resolved, That a committee of six from oaeh Sham to« toe appointed toy the presidents ttereof tolcar. y out the provision * Persia contained. Mr. Zaks (TJ.) asked that the resolutions from Common Oounoll be read, which wub done. ■< Mr. Taw O/.eve (U.)said that the resolutions did not suit him, and he asked that thoße he introduced toe acted upon. Theclertr proceeded to read the resolutions of Mr. van Oieve, and they were adopted. Sraciws (U ) offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Defimoe and Protection to inquire into the expediency oi reducing the bounty to volun teers. Agreed to. Mr. Guay (IF.), chairman of the Committee on* water, made a report appropriating ¥45,000 for the purpose of sinking a orib in flront of Falrmount dam. Passed. The C'haib presented a bill from Common Ooun-. cil giving authority ,to the American Telegraph Company to erect poles on certain streets. Con curred ’ The biinproviaing for depositing ashes in Passy unk road was passed. The resolution relative to fast driving of steam fire engines through the streets was referred to the' Committee on Trusts and Fire Department. The Ohaxb submitted a communication from tie Board of School Controllers asking for the pur chase of a Jot of ground on Oallowhlll street, west ot Tenth street, for the purpose oi hulidiug a school house. Eefarrqd to the Committeeon Schools. Also, a communication from the Commissioners of the Municipal Hospital, inviting Council to be present at tbe opening of that institution, situated on Hart lane, on Tuesday next, 18th last. Accepted. Mr. Spkring (U,) read in place a bill appropria ting *BO,OOO to pay for printing, advertising, and postiDg bills for the Hancock corps. .Referred to the Committee on Defence and Protection. Also, a bill supplementary to the one providing for the erection of a green-house. The bill appropriates an additional sum of *BOO for the purpose; Passed. The C°uno!l now proeeeded to the Common council chamber for the purpose of electing a Ohler Engineer and Surveyor. Alter the return of Oouncll to the chamber, the President announced that the i?‘V t r < SP v f 111,0,1 ¥2 emoted Strickland Knesss Ohlef Engineer and Surveyor. for openlnff streets.around the municipal Hospital was passed. ■ The bill appropriating *600,000 for bounties was concurred in. The bill from Common Connell relative to the celebration of the late victories was taken up. It was stated that Common Council had adjourned, and consequently no action could be taken toy them In any amendment made. The bill was oonourred in. Adjourned, COMMON BRANCH. President Stoklkt (U.) in the-ohalr. ILLUZOMATIOW. The matter of illuminating the city having been under contideratlon at the time of the adjournment of Connells on Thursday last, that business was the first that was taken up. Mr. Evawb.(U.) asked leave to withdraw the re solution. Agreed to. Mr. Evawb then offered an ordinance appropri ating -—. dollars to the Commissioner of City Pro gerty for illuminating the public buildings on Mon- Mr- Simpbow (D.) moved to insert *2,000. Mf’- Bumm (U.) moved to amend by insertini SI,COO. Agreed to, and the ordinance as amende; passed. • BIBBS, &O. The committee on Trusts and Fires offered a re. solution authorising the Reliance Fire Company to remove from Now street, above second, Sixth ward, to Eleventh and Anita streets, Twenty-sixth ward, a ASSfld. The same oommittee offered an ordinance appro priating *1.600 to the western Steam Fite Engine Company, said company having been located as a steam fire engine. Agreed to. Mr. SiMPaoH (U.) offered a resolution instruct ing the Commissioner of Highways to Inquire and report by what authority certain persons are quar rying slone on the line of Chestnut street, between Forty-second and Forty-third streets. Agreed to. HIGH SCHOOLS, Mr. Simpson also offered a preamble and resolu tions setting rortb that in tbe opinion of many the existence, ol high schools la detrimental to the gene ral o&use of education from the fact that the time of teachers in the grammar schools is taken np In preparing a few soholars for admission Into the high school. The Committee on Schools are In structed to inquire into the expediency of abolish ing the high schoolss and raising the standard of odoeation In the grammar schools. The resolution was adopted. BRIDGE AT MECHANIC STREET. Hr.SiMFsoN also offered a resolution instructing "Ox© Chief Engineer and Surveyor to male an estl* gate of the cost of constructing a bridge over the Philadelphia and Germantown Railroad, on the IJneof Ifceehanlc street, Twenty*third ward, and ascertain how nmoh the said company will contri buto toward the building of said bridge. Referred to the Committee on Surveys, appropriations. Mr. Kbupp (u.) offered a resolution that here ajter no appropriation be made to any department In excess of tbe appropriation made to the respective H!?S ments ' A ™ r aome debate the resoluUon was passed, Mr. Evans offered a resolution directing the com mittee an water to report the expense of theerec tn S£ the Btand-pipe at the foot or Otis street, and also the coat ol the stand-pipes at West PhlTadel phla-and Germantown. Adopted. BJ«>i a resolution directing the 'Commissioner of to prohibit the use of Independenoe Square tor public meetings, and appropriate the square at Broad and Market streets for that pur pose. Referred to the Committee on City Property THE WATBB LOAN, ETO. - i r ‘ III) aalled up the bill creating a Jowl of $1,C00,000 for the extension of the Water Works, which had passed to third reading. The bill passed—yeas ao, nays 8. An ordinance ftom Select Connoll, appropriatiag at Twenty-saoond Md Brown streets, for school purposes, was concurred In. Also, a resolution to lay water pipe on Forty-sa cond street, Twenty.fonrth ward. 1* * §? ect, * Dg P l ®, Purchase of a lot, at ?? d p,n ® the erection of a “y ®poßod. 0D ’ WoB ’ after 80ma dBbatB ' tadß - SelBat connoll, limiting the payment of oity bounties to certain wards, was con* -ourred in. t elect and Common Council then met in ioint ration for the puipose of electing a Chief En- WSSffSSSt striok,and Kneass ™ THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES SAB WORKS. Mr. Evans (TJ.) called up the bIU providing for of the Northern Liberties Gas Works, And creating a loantherelcr. ’ The reading of tbe recent act of the Legislature I ? a ! ,ter waa osUBa tor - The act au th ™. z / B J °.? U!icUB t 0 create a loam for the purpose, provided the amount thereof shall not exceed the sum of $450,000, and that the same shall beoome a law when It shall have.been passed by a maioritv of each branch of said Councils. J * Mr. Hbtzbl (O.) thought the bill an Infamous •one. It took away the veto power of the Mayor and allowed a bill to be passed by a mere majority or Connells. Members from tbis ohamber had gone, to Harrisburg at a heavy expense to the elty to pre vent nninst laws being passed, but there was never such Injustice attempted to be practiced upon the oity as this. Mr. Dillon (O.) also spoke in opposition to the orolnanoe. The citizens were already sufficiently burdened with taxation, and this would only be adding additional burdens. Mr. Hancock (XI.) also opposed the bill; It was undignified and mean. It would, If passed, stamp Councils Indelibly as corrupt, He had confidence In Mayor Henry, and whan he vetoed a bill It was right that that bill should require a twb*thftds vote. The yeas and nays were oalled as follows: Yeas.—Messrs. Allen, Bffllngton, Brady, Derby shire, Earnest, Evans, Grata, Griffiths, Haines, SfPntiKrupp, Ltttle, Mactagne,Marcer,' Miller, Pwbe, Sobafer, Simpson, Snlger, Vanklrk, Wlllits, Wblbert, Stokley—president—23. Natß; Armstrong, Bumm, Oolehower, Dillon, Everman, Fox, Gllf, Hancock, Harrison, Hetzel, Muffin, Nickels, Stanton—l 3. So the bill passed. r T h ® resolutions from Seleot Council relative to tho illumlnation and celebration on Monday next -were postponed Indefinitely. BOUNTIES, Mr. Marose (U.) offered an ordinance appro priating 9500,000 for the payment of bounties'to volunteers. Adjourned. THE COURTS. Court or Common Fleas-ana*,, Allison. Fried vs. Dallett & Son. This was an aotlon to reoover baok an amount alleged to have been S on a quantity or corks purohasea bv plaintiff from_ defendants, the Mrks proving as averred by plaintiff, to have fallen short 800 imws at ten cents a gross,. The defence was thantvfj goods were sola s ln bulk, that ttere To war ! rft&iy s and that plaintiff got all he bought. Vera X ° layton for ptotouff ! Llngle vs. Hawes. An action to recover baok an amount paid for certain nunltnre upon the alleged representation by defendant that it was all Fart ol the furniture proved to ne anSmSatlonaSc and that the iumiture be returned to uofoQd&Qt, to nfl.tr h<. A i. to plaintiff 934 75. L. Hirst for pialntlff • w t Budd for defendant. V ’ w * J - Charles Frentzell vs. Sower * Barringer An action to recover on book aoeount for goods sold delivered. Defenee payment. Verdiot for niaSr tiff, 982 M Eloook for plaintiff; John P. o|ft defendant. Cxmrt or Unartcr SeNsions—Hon. James , ® Indlow, Associate Justice. [William B. Hans, Beep, Proreontlng Attornev 1 COULD NOT AOBKb. ' Tho jury In the case or Henry o, Helmbold and Peter Bradley, charged with a conspiracy m enlist, lng a feeble-minded boy of tbe age offourteen years came Into aourt after being out aff night and stated that they could not agree. The foreman said that they had been together twenty boors, and he be lieved they oould not agree If they were kept to getter until the crack of doom. The court dis charged them from the further consideration of the case. ACQUITTED. The case of Richard Eddie, the colored man charged with stealing a watoh from Bernard Bar terty, was resumed. There being no witnesses to the transaction, the prisoner was acquitted. Mr. ■O. P: Cornman, counsel for a note iHurportlng to come iirom Rafferty, which sets forth •3}** wou l <J ®»ll«t In the navy or army, the «5r 8 ?«! S? Im.hompromlsed, and he would be saved an incarceration of three year* In Oherry Hill. DISHONEST HBLF* Christiana Geisler, a young girl, pleaded guilty to the larceny of a carpet-bag containing clothing. P. J. Potsdam testified that the girl lived at his honse from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M., and she out open the carpetbag and took the oontents. Sentenoed to three months in the county prison. DXSOBDBBLT HOUSE. Mary A. Duffy was oharged with keeping a dis orderly house. High Constable Barton testified that the accused kept a house at 824 South Third street, which was resorted to by the most depraved characters. Dr. Webb sworn.—The house was inaugurated the first of the year in a row, which has been kept upeveneinee. Dancing has been kept up on the heavy heel all night, Sundays Included. The most depraved eharaoters visited the house, and the greatest excesses were committed. Verdict gulltv Sentence postponed. 1 PRACTICAL AMALGAMATION. aismtorifhoSST 1 " 6 WSS < * arK ® d w!th Catharine Masnell, colored, testified that the ao cusea kept a noisy honse in St, Mary street, above lf n 2, a I 160 ? 10 Bfed and frequented there. Mrs. Devine had a colored man for a husband. The pleawas now withdrawn* and a plea of guilty en tered, Sentence postponed* ABOOT SHORT’S COURT. Ellen McElwee and Frances Thatoher were tried on eroBS bills, the charge being assault and battery. Ellen was also charged with malicious mischief, and with committing an assault and battery on Catha rine Mortality, All of the parties reside in Short’s court, and eight families are supplied with water ftom one hydrant. The fight occurred over the hydrant, and the malicious mischief was occasioned by the tearing of a quilt. AH of the parties had a swear in the case, and severat hours were occupied in trying it. The jury acquitted all the parties, and ordered the prosecutors in each case to pay/ the ccsts, , *, YOtJTjLFTTL BJFBGLAB. Jcseph Kelley, a boy, was oharged with burglary, James Filnn testified that his store was entered by means of false keys $ tbe orJgJnal key was taken away and another made from It; he watched his store, and the prisoner walked in and was arrested. This witness said he did not want to prosecute the boy, and he gave his evidence very reluctantly, Mr. Malrer testified to making a key by a sample key s a boy bfouglit the key, but he could- not te oognlze him. 0 Verdict guilty. Sentonocd to the House of Refuge. SAILOR DRUGGED. Mary Hagen was oharged with the larceny of *125, John Brown, a sailor, testified that he called at Mrs. Hagen’s, to see how she was. He was given a glass of beer, and soon felt bad. He was kept In the house drugged from Tuesday to Saturday. A female testified that the accused said that the sailor gave her money to gat-things out of pawn. The sailor was recalled, and testified that all the money he gave the aooused was twenty-five cents, to get beer with. Verdict, not guilty. CRTTBL BOBBBRT. Sarah Frazier was oonvioted of stealing *l2, the property of a poor woman, who testified that she -bad been putting the money away for a year to get clothes for herself and Infant, and it was all the mohey she had in the world. Sentenced to six • months in the County Prison. The jury, were disoharged-nntil Tuesday morning, and the court adjourned until Saturday. THE polio: [Before Hr. Alderman Bottler.]! ALLEGED SHOPLIFTER, Mary areene was arraigned at the Central Sta tion yesterday afternoon on the charge of stealing pieces ofpoplln dress patterns at the store of George D. Wtahao, North Eighth street. The evi dence set forth that the defendant stopped at the store in the morning, and wanted a newspaper to wrap a RtL* 0 /,. 1 ? 10 ? 0 * at sk® k ad purchased. She also do -5° a * some dress pattenas, an a the yoao’g. -J 11 . attendance displayed several specimens* The defendant stooped down as though to tie her shoe, and while in this position pulled two patterns from the counter and secreted them uoder her cloak. Just at this moment Mr. Wlshan entered the store, and the defendant beoamo very sauoy. She had under her arm a light-blue sack. In reply to questions, she said that sue had purchased it at another store on Eighth street for the sum of $3 50, Paul Brown, Esq., appeared as counsel Mr the defendant. He remarked that since July last she had been living in his family, and had many opportunities to steal had she been so disposed; b ® n « ver hnffw her to bo guilty or a dishonest act. So far as his personal knowledge extended, he a most excellent character? She had told •him thht she had purchased the little sack, and this an v ,no i2f nt - tbat ml Kht tend to Sr???—o . Bhß ? la not remove the dress E-i e .!? a -v w - , feiomou s intent. An officer might go, with the defendant to the store where the sack was purchased and thus assertalu the facts. The magistrate replied that the owner of the sack was present, and perhaps could give some informa tion respecting it. “ Then let him be eallad,” replied Mr. Brown, John Harrison, sworn —This is my sack: Ido not know from which store it was obtained: I know this sack from the private mark upon It; the rule or our establishment is that the mark or tiokat must al ways be removed from any artiole sold, as a check for tbe money received; this artiole has not been purchased; we sell them at *8.50 eaeh, and not *3 so eaoh; they cost ns more than the priori she says she B a k®! they cost *4.75 eaoh by tbe quantity. 1 «,£. 8 *» a j£S5? ant wss required to enter baff la the *7OO to pswer at court. We may state that Offlaer Creighton, of the Reserve Corps, arrested wte ? crossing Sixth aiS Chestnut streets she endeavored to escape from him by run ning away.- She was arrested, however, inside of fifty yards. The defendant appeared to be verv in hearing. She was well dressS, 5 a ir doneupinthe latest New York stylo—that is, brushed back from the forehead. CBefore Mr. Alderman Morrow.] ■ ASSAULT AND INCITING TO BIOT. it AUston, colored pastor of St. J b ™aa’ African Church, was arraigned yesterday ™ ?? John Kelly, conductor of oar No. 7, on Urn Lombard and South-street Passenger Raii wpll assault and inolOnftorfot. SfSSS 8 *? 0111 **“ evidence adduced, the defendant himeeir- The'condnctor ' ha t he must go on.the ftont platform, as *5? °°mP an y prohibited colored people The defendant refused, where upon the conductor stopped the oar at Twelfth and mS5 ba . d and told the defendant that he ? at on H ??? aa feo<lant refused to do so, anffre plSd, would stay there all day. The ear stopped sufficiently long to impede the travel of six or seven w s of People, white and colored, speed? “'Wnmnte'l rapidly. to theextont of sovnr&l bnndred. Sundry ©xprsasloss wero inada in* dn<?t^?cn?ML a iLm£, g ?' : fv, oaU ta ] £o plaea Theo O n- lke< L t ? tbe magistrate’s offise and affidavit, upon which a warrant wJ.? 0 ' lm6tlt W 2 B Placed In the hands ty . who •»* once served it. J efenaan ‘ was bound over Id the sum of *6OO to answer the charge as preferred against him. [Before Mr. Alderman Whit#.] DISORDERLY HOUSE. -Jr?- 111 . 1,0 ”?’ aU ? s Noral > McDonald, alias Dnff, charge of keeping a SJ?? : 'SSSZtSF “, BB at No ' 4CZ Ponn street, Firtb ward. Sv-^ m , p W nt waa entered by Mlehael Quinn and B £^‘ ei § l *F s, wil ° seem determined to rid toe nefebborfood of a# intolerable nuisance. The fob wet S a!B ° taken lntocus omas Shaw, Mary Coombs, ufark Ellen Harrington, and Annie tw?J22? a w* the neighbors sot forth toe toot that immoral inebriates Sequent toe boose at all t . belr Slsgratlnff immodesty Is appalling ™* a }L mo ? al senre. The alleged proprietress was xwt D ?T?i n K < L, lstlTCn Gothic street, also from “°P* t aad . SMppen streets, and an effort Is now made to drive her from toe present looation. The *5? clas3 of Uoentlouß, bloated, SaKS^ soa^ed specimens of human nature, from decehcyrecolls In horror, are In toe habltof visiting this place, and often at late honrs In the hi??w™ r J aSld o n , t L arB arouso<l from tiiclr stam- SeflnK,? 818 ns hlckingat their front doors Tho SS™*S rs * en , orall y ar ® P°°r, hard-working, indus “lcuamen and women, who’desire to Sn toeir “oraMty, and therefore a » The proprietress was com the nartv S°.° bal i ! ‘he remainder of ‘he PMty were ordered to enter bonds to bo of future goodbehavlor and to keep the peace. LKTTEK BAGS. UkOHANOB, pbii,abelphia. fc^rfa^clivu-irr.—as PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE, .EdwardC. Biddle 1 , Samuel B. Stokes, > Committee of the Month. Obqhob H. Tatham. J MAMMB ISTELLIGE IVCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, APHID IS. Sun Rises—..B 281 San Sets... .6 821 High Water.. .tsi ARRIVED. iF.?, 11 , 4 , 81 * 1611 steamer Bienville, ftom Poneacola. Abril *• for repairs, to Havy Yard. Passed United l< L l1 f a °t> the hedge Light, coming up, ana United States brig Perry, below Bombay fioofc boon| 9Terai ec!le ™ 6lß In haliast trim, also upward Sk WM ‘ Mor9 ’ 8 dals fro!n SMU and, to™ 6 d ”' ftom Sea^h't. hauL r t?fcwtf£ 4 day * lnm Providence, in baUast^o^^Quartermaster. day 8 ,rora "exendrla, in tabSStWW&mStS * dBTB bom hattlmore, a 1 ! daT ' from •» Jblfto c°^Sn WaTe - Bal!er ’ 6 days i° m Borton < hi bal btilMt&ci^Sn I*’ 1 *’ Clock> 4 dars f rom Alexandria, In in S bti r iaT&T/S d ’ Haak ‘ dl * 3 daye from Hew York, taffaeVS f 4 dayS fto “ Washington, in tq^^Somfe^&*o^ bbot^’ftom Haw hi ballast Schr Delaware, Bostic, I day ftom Smyrna. Del with corn to Jamee Bartatt, “ D^i^TOha^ 8 - ldal ****&** wfth corifto Jaa Bairatt! 1 ‘" ,T ldaTfr ° m Fr8i8ll “. .o S r?to^&F orrlS ' 1 iiTb ° m Smrna ' BeUwith grlMhrilaai^o 8 - 1 day fr omOdesta, DeL with olsasbd. Po S riA™M?n™ m P ° bde> Moore - mU>a «a Brie Baze, Hatieras Inlet. Brig Eoiminmde (Brsm), Ida, Cienfaegos. Brig Moses Bogeis, Jones. Iffew Orleans. Brig Merriwa, IniersolJ, How Orleans. |cbr Wk Loud, Spinney, Fortress Monroe. Schr Elizabeth, Johnson, Point lookout. Schr George Twibell, Miller, Point Lookont. B«hr L A May, Baker, Beaurort. Sehx L A Dannihower, Sbeppa:n, Fortress Monroa. Schr Ocean Bird, Quillen, Washington. Schr Merchant. Phillips, Alexandria, fechr 014 Each, Barnett, Hampton Hoads. Schr F Tyler, Tirrell, 6tlne*oes. Schr M&jrrJUna, Dunlap, Washington. tebr H Wamock, Shropshire, Hamiton Beads. chr i 0 Beciy, Love, Hewbern. Sohr fi H Farnhsm, Edwards, Beaufort, Schr Fannie A Baxley, troiby, Boston. Schr Hiawatha, Di»ney, Boston. Schr Snow Flake, Dickerson, Fortress Monroe. Schr Connecticut, Clock, Fortress Monroe, Schr 0 Doessr, Laws, waslington. Schr Sarah Jane, Gamp, Wilmington. Schr Quickstep, Hulse, Hew Haven, fehr Besptrius, Adam*, Boston. |chi*Jß Moore, ffickenom* Boston Behr Brandvwlne, Corson, Frovidenee. Schr W W Marcy. Barrett Salem. |ehr Diadem, Benjamin, Provldense. Schr Z Stratton, Ttrreli. Providence. Schr Josephine, Ball, Bridgeport, steamer Fannie, Fenton, Hew York. SUanser H L Gaw, Her, Baltimore. Steamer New York, Davis, Alexandria. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 3 a ic. M v- Ikwbs Del., Aprim—7PM. !° harbor within the last twenty houJS'amor g which are the following: Ship Island Light, froa Philadelphia for Navassa ; acHoon ers Ocean Wave, Bainbow, Ocean Queen- and Fear less, with oysters, and E S Downing, with sutlers* c han?a FandHion. Whaler, from New York, bound south* James SiHs, Mary E Anderson, Maria A Gould, MB HaskS! 0,?« ll y. Oohassett, rfuLtrers, H Cnstus.Emma a! Baliimore, Pearl. C H Molier, and HaryL Dver from Philadelphia for Boston ; Sel&h B Strong, Wm Pawnn 1 famnel A Jewett, Dorn Phlladslphia for Golden West, from Philadelphia for Nova Scotia, with fonr; |pver Magnet, for Salem; S T Chartre, for Lynn • Mary Flemming and Sarah, from Philadelphia fjr Faif Biver ; Hotchkiss and J Predmore. for Saco ; Hew Havon, for Norwich ; OF Hawley and J H Deputy, for Newport 4 Anna Gardner, for Milton, Maaa : Marv H Mifflin, for Hew Bavea 4 Wm Boardman, for New London 4 Lonisa Birdsall and Minerva, for Provi dence ; Sardinian, Jacob Baymond, and N F Eraytoa, i Tom Fbiladelrhia for Washington D O Wind light from the eastward- JOHN H. BUBTOH. MEMOBAHDA for^Oailao& t eiimo *' Soui ®» Reefed at Boston Wednesday 6thSet BIOSnWOII Gttrry * bence at St John, H B, venfft Hemb G urf“a ( t B uh GalU6TO ' vie Cuxha- POrtl’ifjre'KL^deugSU’S B ' fto!a FortUudferthU M. Q. BROWN’S GREAT METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY FOB DEAFNE9B, NOISES IN THE HEAD, ■DISCHARGES FROM THE EAB. CATARRH. NEURALGIA, SBSUUATISMt ASTHMA, SOKofcULA. BRONCHIAL AFFBCTIOIt, THROAT DIEFICULTSs. Beared Eves, Lq*» of Hair, Dyspepsia, Xularaement of the Liver, Diseases of the Kidxtere, CQUHtlpz- Uou. Gravel, Piles. Ineszdty, Fib, Para lyeis. Bush of Blood to the Head, CONSUMPTION, body* 11 * U aa, l every disease which lnfetta thehumsa CUBED EFFECTUALLY BY KBS. H. a. BBOWX'B METAPHYSICAL DISOOYEBY. offiobs: SS: BEAD THE FOLLOWIHG REMASKABE.B CERTIFI CATE, WITH AFFIDAVIT:’) a w „ Oxford, January*), 1855. joss, jh. g B rown—Madam * —a. have, been to the j bnt had Bofc time to calL I have got ®s<ler God I owe It to you. Vyrirht Jxeard afi y with for a number of years. With. it. My left ear, the Shearing rfJLr 118 * t; In this way; I took a dizzl< I could not work, accompanied noise in my ear*. I was so bad that ; could not hear without they would halloo at the top of theirvoices. I first get a pre*cr]ptio* from aphjsioian, which consisted of almond oil and tomelhmg else (I caa t tell what). I also tried almond oil alone, bat it f®°d; then I got some Hommopathie medicine, Bame J tbea tried old woman's cores by the wore j sttl no benefit; I went to Philadel- care of a celebrated Aurist; he bored at my ears with instruments, and ran others' tip my noetrlJs. for five weeks, and ended by cheating ??• % f sovonty. five dollars ($75), as that was aU-*he received from him* I then saw one of you 1 the Metaphy aicaiDtscorery, uaei. thaahalf of Upandhave recovered my bear* Ing- which I had lost for years I remain yours truly, THOMAS B DIGEST. -*« . . .. .. Oxford* Chester county, Pa. Affirmed and snbscribed to before me, this 31st day of March, A. D., K 66. WSL T. FULTOEr Justice of the Peace. , THOS. B DrOKET. Above certificate is but one out of- many The celebrated. 11 POOR BIC&RD C,i B EYB WATKB toGS,|- er BRHOvSSI M' d ®‘ 50Ce ’ 1 ‘ 8 ' Colebra ‘ Bd , Tbe above medicines are packed for despatch to any destination on receipt of the price Drqsglfte sapplied by DhMAS. BASHES. A GO., Hew York, ap6*wftntf SEW PITBIICATIOSB. NEW BOOKS t NEW BOOKS 11—HO* j~\ THIEG BUT MONET. A Hovel* By T. S Ar- .POEMS BT CAROLINE MAT* containing Songs front Sonnets 8 Ac* Po « ma of thonght and feeling^ FhOMB AWTO DARK IN ITALY. A tale of th£ B ef«niataon Jo the Century. TBB CHRISTIAN ARMOR, with illustrative selec tions in prose and postry. _ LEAVES FROM THE BATTLEFIELD OF CfITFYS BORw. A senes of letters from a Field Hospital, and Rational Poems. By Mrs E A. Bonder. A BOOK OF GOLDEN DEEDS OF ALL TIMES AND ALL LAH ps. Gathered and narrated by the author of the Heirof Kedciyffe. Vellum doth. TEB JEST BOOK. The choicest Anecdotes and Sar cloS • ec “' l aa “ arran *ed hr Mark Lemon. Vellum For sale by JAKES S. CLAXTOH, Successor to W. S. & ALFBED MARTIEE, • 606 CHESTBUT Streat. A PFLETON’S NEW AMERICAN •*-*- CYCLOPEDIA.—CompIete in 16 volumes various Styles of Binding. ESBBLLIOIf KKIiO HD, by Frank filoore. In 8 TOis. MERIYaLE’S HISTORY OF THE ROMAES-noW complete. Tho Agency for these valuable works Is at _ .. 33 Sooth SIXTH Street, above Che stout. »PB-tf JAB. K. SIMOir. TTALL ON BRONCHITIS sew edition, beady this day Bronchitis and kindred Diseases, by W. W. HALL, M. D., in one volume. ALSO, HAtL OH HEALTH AND DISEASE. HALL OK SLEEP. tie B a?B?iTSBli,k I‘amßC6ntlBt 1 ‘ amBC6ntl8tS ’ an4Dr “* l,,t6 ’ Frlc ~ FAGBT’S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. Third Edition.’ All new Medical and Scientific Bc-oke for sale as soon as published. LIHDSAY & BLAKTSTON, Publishers, aplO tf Ho. as South SIXTH Street. EDKCATIOML. DELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE. A BOABDIHG SCHOOL FOE GIRLS .THE SUMMER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION, teAlthfiillj and beautifully located on the northern limits of. Attleboro, Backs eounty, Pennsylvania, will commence Fifth* month, 22d, 1665, and continue in ses> ston twelve weeks. - The course of instruction is thorough In the several departments ol English, French, Latin, Mathematics, and Draw ing. * For full details see circular, to obtain which address the Principals, Attleboro Post Office, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. ISRAEL J GRAHAMS, LANS P. GRAHAMS, aps 2m Principals. VILLAGE green seminary.— ' MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, font miles ftom MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, elastics. Natural Sciences, and. English t practical les sons in Civil Engineering Pupils received at any time, and of ail aras. and. enjoy the henedte of a home. Eel fers to JohmC. Cappft Son, 23 South Third street;Thos. i. §>q r ssj* n,i S' s ™* S’?* »®d Others. Address Rev. J. HSBvEY BAR TObi__A- M . VILLAGE GREEN. Banns, nad-8m TN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF FHILASSL-' riliiL * S ' HiWKISS vs. EMMI F HAWKIHB. S., *64. 49. AlsosnbpcenaUec T.,1854. Jfo 40. Mada is: .You ■will take notice that tbe Court baa gianted a rule on 70a to abov cause wby a divorce a tJjl mat ahonidnGt be decreed in the above case, re turnable BATOKDIT, April 22, 1885, personal service baying failed on account ofyour absence Yours mpectfolly, J HENBY B. EDMUNDS, To Emma F. Baglas. ■ for titaUaut. April 8, 1866 lUCa^T^MtOT^ I. TAUUHAK EBBKIOK. ' WILLIAK AOHN B. OOF*. COUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHIUGTOff STREETS. iUtITiJLDBLFHIA. HSBBIUK efe SONS, „ , ENGINEERS AHD MACSimkre, MAUafecture High and low Pres sura Steam for laud, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, fte.: Cast lun of eH kinds, either Iron or braes. Iron-frame Roofs for Oae Works, Workshops. Rail road Stations, &e. Retorts and Oae Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction- Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Milk. Vacuum Pans, Ops* Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Enflnet,*. Soleagentafor H. BUlleux’s Patent Sngi-BolXiMI? P&ratus, Heamyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspln wall A Woleey’e Patent Qentrilhfal Sugar-Dralnlnt Machine. auE-tr PENN STEAM ENGINE AND i-WHIMfcBOIIiEE WORKS.-MBAFIE & LEVI PBAcrrcAi, asb theoretical- EffeiHEEtisf ma: OHISISI| BOILER-MAKERS, BLaSIsMItM. ttd fPrapBES, having for many yean been in saesenfni operation, aad been exclusively engaged In building and respectfully offer their services to the public* as betas folly prepared to contract for euiiaeaof all sizes, Ma* rlne, River, and Stationary; having >ets of pattern* ol different sues, are prepared to exesnta order* with ante* despatch. Every description of pattern-maklnr made at the shortest notice, filch and Low-presenri, Bine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boners, of she best Fonn sylvaaiacharcoal iron, forcings of all sires and kinds. S? a “3 Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Boll! Tnmhrnr, Screw-On -ting, and ail other work sonnectcd with the above bnsinesa. ppawlufs and specifications for aH work done at ih« enablisbiaeßt free of charge. and work guaranteed* The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for r*. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, *n4 are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Jta, aw,, for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. HEAFIK, JOHN P. IBTI, BEACH and PALMER Streets. WM. M. FABER & CO., JL iron foundlS^ 01 * 8 80ra5885 - gknebai, machinists, and boileb iminotß, irai« »iib PBEESYLYANIABAILKO AD PABBBMGEE STATION, w , PITTSBURG, PBNNA., ISS.'&S 01 .'' * U ¥ J ‘ d s STB AM ENGINES, ranging mob tnree to o&8 Inuidnd t&d iftf hArsa.novAi* ‘‘toftUon to the construction of In j£®f® and MacWner j for oil borin* and pumping opera noiu., Mrto alw»ya on h&&d« finiabod ftnanndT fox aMpmeitf, SUeiJfSS and BOILSBS of-everydSirir S?, 21 .* 11 Parts of the eountry solicited and promptly filled* ja2s-3» IWORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EM rr SfflS XUiLDBBS, Iron Founder*, and General MacMnietc and. Boiler Makers, No. ISI9 CALLOW. HILL Street. PMladelnMa. " fSi-tf H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTORNBY AT LAW, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, FBNNA. Special attention riven to the examination of Titles, ■ Philadelphia Bepbrehobb :—Chas. X Bex, £sa . Bon. J. Bose Snowden, James H. Little, Isa.. TT. Tasker, Sr-, Hood. Bonhright, ft Co., J. Z. Deßaven. President 7th National Bank. mMI-lm* CJAMUEL L. TAYLOR, No. diItIWALNUT Street, Philadelphia, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOB ALL THBSTATEB, Except Connecticut, New York, Illinois, ‘ Netada, Oregon, and Texas fe24-frtul»* SAMUEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY W „„ Jt? D CONVEYANCER, FBANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PHNNA. (late of Philadelphia.) _ , BEFEBS TO gharlM x. Lex. Esq. , ,B.ftW. O. Biddle ft Co. | O. Knight ft Co., Dr. B. S. Hasksnsle, Lltfle, Bsa., I W. H. YsatonftCo. JOSHUA T, OWEN, ATTORNEY, nr iTM? I, nS' Lo lki 1 & ky l’ AND _ SOLICITOR w,£SK?.rfJ?^f*V!* 51F Stre#t > aear Fourteenth street, Washington, j>. q. 4<2i»dm TDUTTERFIELD’S Xt OVBKLAND DESPATCH. Office, No 1 YE'EY Street. New York Office, No. 40 South FIFTH Street, Philada! OHAUKCSY VIBSBaRD, Preiident W. K. KITCHEN, Treasurer This Company, now fully organized, with ample capital, own* Us Transportation on the Plains, andia prepared to contract Freight to all points in Oolorado, ldaho, Montana,/Tew Mexico, and Arizona Ter* ritories; also to Beese river, Nevada. Through Contracts and Bills of Lading given from New York, Boston, Philadelphia,‘FUtahnrg.meeltoS Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Lonis. WE KABTQT, ___ _ _ Agent, Mew York. WM H. MOOEB,- No. 40 South. Fifth street, Philadelphia. D. A. BETTERSIBLdT General Superintendent. TTERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS *A i»D SOUPS. I *B* , !KSR3" t KB " do Void. 600 " do Mutton. 1.000 " do Tnrkay. 1,000 ■* do Ohlokon, 3,000 '* assorted Bonn, in 1, 1. lit Ik. uni. • Par 111* by XHOSBS & WILLIAMS. M-tf IQT Booth WATSK Strut RAKER’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR •-> MANUFACTORY. -The largest and but assort, nsnt ol Win, Tonpes, Lon* Hair Braids and Carls, mse tree, liltteire Seams, for ladies, at pries* lower than elf where. at 909 CgJSSTNtfT Street mh29-lm* WHEEL GREESE—BARRELS, HALE Cans, at reduced r rices, by p™?isf actnr , e K- - " . ZIBQLBE A SMITH, Hroprietora of the Penns-Palnt and Color Works. • . apSllt* Store and Office 137 North THIRD Bt rjHILBHBN’S CARRIAGES, EN- T-Jv s ?®? *°, K .THE EPBIBC by „ B Mwe. 1 B08TO'a“^ r mMS-U IST and 199 Jtortb ‘i&IZD sink THE PRESS.—POTT, A DF.T.PHTA. FRIDAY. APRIL 14, IS®: PRICE *6. aplS-wMt sky MEW ARKAMaEMBin? 88 ' Ol indlftol MONDAY. Jftn.nATT 2.1865. «<ii leave from WALMOT-ST^BBT^ VOttfibSSS" asm and allpla«e* south of Milivlilft* at 0 For MILLVILLE, BBIDOKTON, SALEM, and all Hi termediatepUo«> wrath of Glaeiboro, atß Al M/and S For GLASSEOKO at 9 A. If. . 12 SO P w .... a w For WOODBUBY, GLOBoiSTEBT &t.\ It a *F‘iP 12.50 P. M.. BanddP.lT.. ” • “**•*•. BETBBNIMG. Leave Cape Karate. 80 A. M. and 11.15 A. M Leave Millville at B A. M. and 3 P. M Leave Bridgeton at 7. 10 A. M. and 310 P H ». Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 8 P. M. p Wooatmrv at 7,8.43, and 10.44 A. H., and 4,11 ' the west JERSEY EXPRESS compart ' Will attend to fU the n?nal branches of BxpiSa BhM. neaa, receive deliver, and forward thromefi Other «n»t£ ’ J • VAjr BBSTSSMtASR, SUMtiiilfliidnir FErL/LDEI.fHI*» 2, jStf RAILROAD LINES. TMPORTANT TO RAILWAY THA VELLERS. —For Ml Information til reference to Sta tion*. Distances, ul Connections, mnrinM by on* hundred Mvn Hum, representlnsthe prlnclpalßsil wrt« of tb« country, sec AFPLSTOM r S RAILWAY GUIDE, nolMln PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL , CHANGHE OF TIME ANTI DEPOT. f^^4MBC^BBBBEirBB9EKaRwn Tto cansof the Market-street Pascenisr Railway Itl&lfeth’SSSgSKI I 'IKS?, C !P lral ßffimdDepotT ‘ raia - fflsuJr to ° r Tr M“ " 9 andatlO.® F. M. with eJ™„ 8 « B&grageExpress will hereafter bn incufftil at £iA aB i‘^! TBBthBtr “ t - p«rtiM4Mi&; o taS*Ss »“.*s!«£& S!”" 8 “ doaB at TRAINS LEAVE AMD ABRIVH AT DEPOT THUS: E « S**' HABBfIBDKSAOCOMMODATIdSrr. ” iso p “*‘ LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION™.. ■• ■• T&Aiy. sq. ** Rgo ** PITTSBURG AWT) ERIE WATLt,,., *« c* <n <« PHILADELPHIA •• if;® .. :: " 1 :: «■ 18^ :■: II :: BABBI|BDK<S AOCOMHODArioS”:: •• fcfi « Bri? t w«n l, ? hia S *FK S * {“™ daily. Pittsburg and ***** ■•“ •“* S^ccmtraet 8 ° f ttB OWDBr ‘ BBlBB ‘ *»kaa by spa- For fnrthßi' information, as to time and connection). framed cards, or apply to JOHN ¥ VAM LBBB. Js., Ticket Aaesl, at the Depot - fnmJsSlS'f? tlrata V“ BaaU .> (e*eept Sunday ) For rail Information as to faro and accommodations. apply - FRANCIS-FUME fe2c ' tf 137 DOCK Street. IQdFi , ARRANGEMENTS OF vor?C IOOD. NEW YORK LINES, 1865. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA ■dNH TBBNTON.HAILBOAD OOMPANY'B LINEB, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAGES, SJtOM WALK ITT STROT WHARF. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VlEi At SA. M-, via Camden and Amboy, 10. and A. Ac-***' •ommodatios. vir» AtBA. M. v via Cam dec. tod Jersey city, m<mS AmJivM AAjjMt, yte Oaaiu *b< Amboy, Ct and A. A»- . eoauaodauou.c.. t. At 3P. SC., via Camden, *ad Amboy. CL aad K?lS3£r “ . v»*C^.. . .C»C.A,. ,„,M . nrf K «JTvUr** X&£*»*?*• Md Amboy, AeeommoSu* * Camden, and Amboy, Aceommoda.- .•«< tIOB (Freight and Pa»^n«eT)—lst Glass Ticket... 3*g i ,otp%- . - do. 2d Class Ticket... 160' and P&u*njcer)-~lftt SImS TicSf 131 frf! r .i *“*»• For Freehold at 6 A. Iff. and 2 P.H. - Krerton, Belanco, Beyerly, BdnTra- To E wv^ o ££ n ? s, «Bordentown, at % and H:I°A J2.»i.^3:30,5, fl, and The A® ,M. lines rim direct thronßi to Trenton* TBrto ß* Delanw, Beverly, and Bar terSaSf^L^af^pB^ol - Bnl,ißstoa -“ dln * LINES FROM KENSHSOTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE A^ s S' Joraey City. M. . ilia Eenidniton and JeMoj'oTty.Er- Keashiiton and'jerßey’ *~s atTl s^ ln il w #wt 11 &?* T f York Express. s ou HbB wUI *ll other, fol? l ss&,ted^*« Fismjugton, s«.,’ at WT ILTM. ChMk?t 1 s' t 4 tta trainleaTinaEaston Manrt MS I E on Satarday* only. and°Sl'T™*" »*“ ‘ MU WA ' *•« . r Bow York and Way Lines learin* Kenrina f°»,"epot, take the car. on Hfth_rtr#et, aboTa Walnni, half an hour before departure. The can run into tnc Dwot.' “ d oa tte lrrivi! ot eMlt train ran from the Hfty pounds of Baxgage only allowed eachnaennnr. Passenaers are prohibited from takinc anythin* luba*. *B hagfata orer flfte pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit theft responsibility for bascace to One Dollar Per pound, and •W .pedal control “ T amo,mt b9,0B ”* 100 * ««« Graham’s Barcaro Express will call for and deUyer baamie at the Depots. Orders to be left at Ho. S W™- %¥n§f'im WIL " U4t H- GATZMEB, A*en “ LINES FBOM NEW YOBK FOB PHILADELPHIA, w a 7Va k S k Jf 00 T 0F eotmTiAWD stebbtP At 22 M. and 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden *e/bity “d^nfin^n. P ’ “* “ 4B (WtbtK Tfs Jtr - Mtom the foot of Barclay street at B A. M. andSP.M., Tla Amboy and Camden. Vrom Pier No. 1, North river, at ISM., i; and S P. X. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden. apS-tf ISH MORE BAILBOAD. HALT!- TIMETABLE. Oommendng MONDAY, APRIL Si, JS6S. Trains Jgm leaye Depot,corner BROAD Street andrWASHING TON Avenue, aefoltows: Express Train, et 4. OS A. M. (Monday* excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wifininglon, ™ de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’S, Delaware Railroad Train at 7.« A M. (Sundays ex f^P|ed J for Salieburr, Alford, and intermediate Sfca- Way- Mail Train, at B.IS A.M. (Bnndays exempted),for at aU regniar stations. (Sundays excepted) for IfoltMore and Washington, stopping at Chester. WII - mington, Elkton, Perryrilie, and Hayre-de-Grace Express Train at 3.56 P. jf (Bnndavs excepted) for Baltimore and WMWngtpn, stepping at WUmlngtonf Newark, Elkton, North-Bast, Pemryllle, Havre-de (Ace, Ibirrymsn s, Magnolia, and Stammer’s Bnn Night Express atn.lsP. M. for Baittmoroand Wash tegton, stoppm* at Chester (only to take Baltimoreand msMmtan passragersL-WWMton, Newark, 11k tem, North-East, Perryyllle, and Havre-de-Grace. FOBTREsfe MONROE will tSre the „ , WILMINGTON ACCOMMODATION TEAXMB Stopping at all Station* between Philadelphia and Wil mtngton- Leave Philadelphia at 7.45 and 11 A. tf., 2. 3.30.5. 7. rad 10 F. M. The 3SO P. M. train eonneetg with i>e laware 8.8. for Milford and intermediate stations. heave Wilmington at 5.45,8, and 9*30 A.Mi.2, 4, 5.30 and S.SOP. £L Trains for Sew Castle leave Philadelphia at 7.45 and lA| M.« 3. 30 &Dd 5 P M- i m- TB^|L 8 J' B ?SL BALTOipBa. Sgfgjfifcggfai V. H. 4 ■ ml4 A - *•»*■ ’*“■ „ PBOM BALTIMOEB TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.25 A. M., Way Hail; 1.10 P. M., £B?.“h..^ai: WlyTratoi tolM ‘ FOB BAtTTMOES. Leave Cheater at&HAI M., l.SOandll.SOF. M. . at 5.13, 9.56 A. M., ASS, 6.05, »na 12. So jr. K. : Froieht Sraig, with Funenxer Car attached, will iuuram“«?.°M PerryTlll » “* intermediate IRfif) p H I L A. _ -*-V_JVF i L/*2) S liPHI A im BLMIKA KAXtBOAD LIRE to all politewtsTi The dlwct rant# forth*. - V."*'.. OIL KEGIONB OF PimrSYLVAHIA; -g* - WIIiIAMSPOET, BOFFALO, BpOTEKBIOH feBLDGI. , ELMI'EA, NIAGARA FILLB, * B <J ftp fi ac *s *n the Western and Northwestern States and the Canadas. - _ _ TWO THROUGH TRAINS • lj#iTB Philadelphia and. Reading Railroad Depot. Thlr* teenth and Callowhili streets, Idaily, (Sundays ex* •eptedl, for the North and West .as folio ws : Horning Express at 8 A. M „ -Afternoon Express at 3.30 F. M. Makings. direct connection with all intersecting roads. FOB THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and further Particulars concerning tho different routes, apply at le TICKET OFFICE, 435 CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia. Bank, and opposite the Cos tons House. N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, _425 Chestnut street 1 JOHN 6. HltiLlS. General Axenk Ja3 Thirteenth andCallowhillstreeU. RARITAN ' AND ; BA? S4OBOAB. .PHItABBLPHIATO BROOKLYN. FABB. *5». KXC OBSION TICKETS, GOOD FOB w _ , . aiIaJSB DATS* S 3. iPS^IPPSSit to at™ A^k. I*"* 1 *"* WAE S- B!PBBffir FBBBX. Brook. •#Mr Truin'for A Won, Shamlnc, -Huukester. b *« ,leaver Cooeer’e Point at 7.46 A. M. ' L. C.OOU. Acaab OstnAm. fST^BKCSEE^SS^B NORTH P2ENNSYL BETHLEHEM. DOYLBSTOYTH* EABTOH WILLIAMSPOET. iS.* Xl WINTER IiKAJfOEMEHTT - jrMceuer Train % leaTetfcenew Depot, THIRD strati *feoT» Thompson atreat, daily (SELnday*mtptedLai ForDoytatown at 9.50 A. M. andlllp.M. For Fort Washington at LISP. H ** Star Lttasdale at 6.16 F. H. White ears of the Second and TMrd-*tre*u Lima Oftv ■ ? I|tTa Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 10.03 JL M., ands.ll Lean Doyleetowa at 6.301. EL and 1.46 p h Leare Lanadale at S.IOjL M, Le*T« Fort WwMiijitpii 5L20 T. 1L tor DoTlB»tafra Y »i 9.« A. H.’ttilli ?& lMtOW ° folPhSlUalm %f t »E.jE fti :i‘ : :\ RAILROAD LINES. 1865. Aim— 1865. PTTTT. A TIKT.PHT A AND BRIE RAIL KQAB.—This treat line trarersei the northern and northwest counties of Pennsylyania to the elty of Brie. “ithSdSS. leased by.thePBraSYLRAJnA BAtt- EOAD COMPART, and la operated by. them. I . Its entire lentth was owned for passenger and frellht btuiineM Octotsrlvth, 1664. flKl Of PASSBFeBBITRATXB If fBIUDILfBUe ■ Leave Weetward. -«,»■* |f|l1 l 8.80 F« *• Xtoek Haven Accommodation Passenger earn ran through on •hance both ware between Philadelphia add Brie, and on Stair* Bnpraaa Train* both *•' * »«“• AtentH. H C.R| b . o *al«nio«. Cheral TB|et p^| nt s ra| | 1.1pM.. General Managers Willt»ian>ort._ EXPRESS COMPANIES. f33?flBRCfiH355O THIS ADAMS BX» JW.WMBfWtt PRESS COMPAQ. CHESTNUT Street, forwards PareeU, Packa*M, Her •handlse. Bank States* and Specie, either tar Its ow* lines or ia connection with otner Sxprw* Gj>niP»nie»| to *U Hm principal Towns and OlgWto. ttajmiltai ■tty. ■JA^SffigSLi. INSURANCE. TIBLAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 1/ INSDBANCB COMPANY. INCOBFOEATBD BT THE LEGISLATURE OF PEBNSYLYAi9IA, 1838. OFFICE 8. JU THIBD.ABB WALWUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. . MARINE INSURANCE CARGO*? 881 * 8 ’ ITo all parts or the world. FREIGHT. ijjlaND INSURANCES On Goods. by Slyer, Canal. Lake, and Land Carriage, to all parts of the union. - FIRKIN SURANCBB, On Merchandise cenerallr* , * On Stores, Dwelling Eonses, m. ASSETS OF THE OOMPAHT, November 1,1864 (mm Halted Slate, Five Per Cent. Loan. ’7l .$lOO,OOO 00 111,000 “ Sin “ *• ’Bl. 118 vs go 76,000 , Six •• •' 6-20, 76.662 60 100.000 Stale ol Pennsylvania Flye Per Gent „ Loan-. ——. 93,666 00 v 64,000 State of PenneylTania Six Per Cent. * • ■ - liflftß, e»e 11 i■ i • mm »««■ ’ UDy OSv W 133,060 City of Philadelphia Six ferCfcLoan 127,020 37 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Pirat Mort* _ tSteSixPer Cent. Bonder • *22,000 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Second Hort- * 2a« Sir Per Gent, Bonds.. ■ 83,200 00 16,000300 Shares-Stock Germantown Gas Company. Mteelral and tatereet guaranteed by the city of Phlladel- - phia— .... *.. 16,900 00 9,500130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Ball- _■ road Company ...... OrifluOO 5,00 MO Shares,Stock Horth Pennsylvania „ Railroad Company — 31060 0D ■ 60, United States Treasury Certificate! of Indebtedness...... - 48.456 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. Loan. 15,000 00 58,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply *!■- • aecnred 158,700 00 •888,560 Par. ? C05!5342,100 50, Marketvalne.sB67,637 87 Beal Estate.. 86,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made.' 118,830 48 Balances dne at Agencies.—Premi- x - tuns-on Marine Policies, Acorned Interest, and other debts dne the , _ „ Company...... .......—— 58,798 54 Scrlpoind Stock or snndry Insurance and other Companies, $4,503. Sett* - matedvalae 5,550 00 Cash on deposit with United . •" . States Government, subject„„ „ •to tendSys’ ca 11...—...—100,000 0# Cashln Banks..-... —... 68,154 93 each In Drawer——. —• 637 66 —5169,695 0 ' „ DIBBCTOBB; . Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. Stoke*, ; JohnC Davis, J. F. Penlston, , Edmcnd A. Sender, Henry Sloan, . Theophllos Paulding, William G. Boulton, John R. Penrose, Edward Darlington, , r ames Traqnair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., JacobP. Jones,-- 'James C. Hand, James B McFarland, ' Fililam-C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, ' Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Mcllv tine, Georco G. helper, John B. Semple, Pltisbur !uih Craig, A. B. Berger, Fitieburg -Bobert Burton, THOMAS C. HAND, President. —JLP? SO - DAVIS, Vice President. HEFBY ItYUBUBB, Secretary. •«?. dalS-lT TEE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM* A pant OF PHILADELPHIA. . tncorporated in 180. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No-BOS WALNUT BTBEET. . CAPITAL,*3OO,OOO. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE Houses, other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Good*, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Conn try. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS. 5700.068 7L —.- - Invested in the following Securities, vis: : Pint Mortrageson City Property, well seenred SIOS.SOO’OO Mted States Government Loans.™—l4l,ooo 00 ; Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 60,000 00 ■ennsylyanla *3,000,000 8 per cent. Loan™. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Erst andse. cond Mortgages™.™.™.,™-.™,™.™. 35,000 00 Camden ana Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 cent. L0an.™™™.............™.™. 8,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per sent. Loan.™™™,.™..™, 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage bonds... 4,560.00 County Firelnsnranee Company’s Stock.™ 1,050 08 Mechanics' Bank 5t0ck........... 4,000 00 Oonunerciai Bank of Pennsylvania Stock™. 10,000 00 union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock... 380 09 •Reliarice lnsniance Company of Fhiladel "Wa’s Stock...™ 1,000 00 Accrued Interact™..™,. -5,455 43 Cash in bank and on hand........ 13,023 33 Worth at Sreeeat market Talne-™™.™. <lt,SB3 71 _ BIBBCrOBS. S» m Tinsley, Beat. W. Tinsley, Wjmß.foomi*on, Marshall Hilg william Kbihi, Charles Belaud. Samuel Bisphom, Bobert To land, B. L. Carson* 3. Johnson Brown* Thomas E.M^ a mo^eJSS TU,aLBT - PgnAPTOHiA. December I,lBSf A MERIC All EIRE INSURANCE All Mi promptly wuStST *EfthT &fa c « SBfig"’ tsti&r** >» M y O . ii. FSSL JHBUSAHOK. BXOIitTSIVBLT. rBSUBXIViifU Plgg THHITR firms QOM -5» I, MO Il .OHABMK MbkhSjiS. JlgMO .wflanw stmt, o*po»ttainas»wa«wi &ai-sssF aaoiM ' « fesrx Their mpltol, to*Btt»r with tinea Snrplo. Fund. !. tayested in the most nrsfsi manner* wKu> adsMb* rMatVais A*" DISSOTOBB, I 3>«UelBndtlu'jfe. T „ JiJtmariuua M." * ._ JOWAmur FATTBBBOIT, Tin id«L ’*■ «• Oaowma. Bwretijg? ■tfiadS INSURANC *O. 406 CHBB' fhilad: r KB* ABD IKLAJ *r. Bu«k, HenryLewi* gunael Wrifkl, £. & JtuHea! atom A. Wirt. PBAjfciS *. A. J< r^ tA .9£ r ?.. J I ? BUR 4NOB COM PKKPBTOAL. ■ i ttori,6d WM.OOO-OHABrai r^SrirMti^VStdSwv 4 ”* 4, brtw## » ®»W *■* Sf&*» l&gj3»g£ 4 Ba^i’ ■Mwtr .-3SSf»fc2r- ■ BEAM, YtM President ma-tf W. M. Burnt. gwSrr *' COMPANY of the » E B xnB*—OITIGE Hos. *taa |gwa ssm 8 ®« «0g INCOEPOBATEDIHMJ— tfHAJt'jgg PBBHSTUAi. MiKKE, FIBS, AM I^hd^TEABSPOBTATIOB DIBIOTOBB.I awttir I), eherrerd, Tobias WantAv MC' ' £g.|S"'. •Wnamt H A »™l^tkrjP ßßKßD - **“%!&, COAL. - * V IHS best coal w the maekst, Sw«ri,StoTe Oo a L"5? ° W .f*.? rloeB: « Mr . 6»rg« Hut coai...;-;::: —■"'.*« 1 *rb- UmMABTUA COAL TABD 8 75 C ap6aft* BTl ' FlFTH st - “dPHHBA. B. 8., Msahta. -P°. Jia W, P. HESTON KrAM °& HEMPHILLf OEBKT * bS " him " dM.ftillTpickea at m H.tisfaotortlT ailed. “ WM “ b « promptly and jal7-Sm E . COAL DEPOT, of I*l* and M the lowest airkTtDr?S^&>, £or /“SF* Pnrpoeee, Street. below Arch ,lre «*- — ocjo-6m C LOAF. BEAVER ttfefr frfIBBBP coal.—: a ous e * mh2Q-iia* THE BCIENCE OF MEDICINE B^^JsamgSSPStarafeg AND DELICATE CON gX'PEACTBITOHTI ° Tl >< iSii*tJ e ‘’V?f\Hßl‘Kßol,D , g M 4 «««a. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTIL- to iho most wand erfnl mesneifi?. blrmtisP;„ **. Wither chalk, powder, SinnoraS’e'etSSS 1 ,;? 01 lts imposition, it betas ffSFdinftt nS«Tt of p , Qre Vlrtfa Wax ; hence the ex- Ia S. Preserving the skin, making IVmmr vnno» aa4 , tta Mp»rent It makes the old *“® homely handeome, the handsome *5 d tt!e mostbeantifnf divine Pri«s ,? re JPHS?L‘ > .? i »by HUNT A CO., Fer (nmfTH Street. two doors ahoTC S&’iW 1 ' * 133 *™*h SEVBHTH Street, above ■ apSSm u PWABDS °F THIRTY THOUSAND “Sift * a 4Meosn«n»nd*t<>rr letters Ji*Y9 bfiaa SmTK* ' oj HELMBOLD’S GB ■SJ®»nr of whieli »r® from TO^K«^SU^l&.“^ Dt,UtMla9n ' * l * r ' $1,501,084 05 $400,088 71 CB COMFAinr. ITITOF BTBBBY. * JfD IRSUEAIfOX Dross. Potter. JohnKwslor. Jr.. B. E. Woodruff, Charles. Stoke*, jjpsox. Ylm PraiMut. ffl- pAYALRY HORSES! V ABTILLBBY HORSES! Mm.ES! Quartermaster General's Office, First DrvreiOX, Washington Cm, 2>. C., March 18,1865, HORSES, suitable for the cavalry and artillery ser* ▼lce, will be received at Gelsboro Depot, in open mar* 1,1586, by Captain GEO. T. BROwEfLKG, MULES, in lots of twenty-five or more, will be re* ceived in this cttr,io open rnark.t, till May 1,1865, by Captain O. H. TOMPEaBS, Assistant Quartermaster, corner Twenty second and G streets. All animals to be subjteted to the usual Government ihtpeetion before being accepted. Specifications as follows: Cavalry Horses must be sound in all particulars, well broken, In full lest and good condition, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands high, frcmfive(6)tonime(9)?ears old, and well adapted In every way to cavalry purposes. Horses between nine (9) and ten (10) years of age. if still vigorous, sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. •Artillery horses must be of dark color, sound in all Particulars, strong, quick, and active, well broken, and square trotters in harness, in good flesh and condi tion, from, six (6) to ten (10) years old, not less than fifteen and one-half (15K) hands high, each horse to weithnoi less than ten hundred and Arty (1,050) pounds. Mules must be over two (2) years of age, strong, stoat, compact, well-developed animals, not less than fourteen Qi) hands high, in fall health, free from every blemish or defect which would unfit them for severe work, and must have shed-the four front colt’s teeth and developed the corresponding four permanent tenth two in i aoh j&w. * These specificatiors will be strictly adhered ta rigidly enforced In every particular. *** Honrs of inspection from 9 A. M to 4F. M. , ?? i 3,-OS7.' llry hor*«'’« aB and elaM.. In S? 1 ! HorK ?- one inadred ffiff ’ 009 hnnlre4 and ai!ety°aVi Payment will bemade at this Office. Brevvt incharaa - E»h2o-tap3o First Division Q. y q**q QNOW WHITE ZIKC, ATRSOTciS prices, by the manufacturers: wJSI/ Proprietors of the Penca PaSt(SuMorWwi. gw and Offlea PTOE COBH VINEGAR. FREE fid nili2S-ta 35 Sooth. FSMfI Streak. PBOFOSILB. A SBISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S "• OFFICE, Ho. 11394318A88 Stmt. ; 10BS Philadelphia. Pa.. A?rllll. 1886- BEALED PEOPOBAI.S wli Ibe received *tthi;„?® c S nntlt 12 o'clock M. TUESDAY, April 18, immediate delivers. »t tie United State. Stoiehyjre HAHOVBE- Street Wharf, properly packed and re dy for transportation, of the following- described «t-ar« termaeter’s Stores, viz.: 3,0(0 Army Wagon Tongue?, Ironed .1,000 Ambulance Tongues, ironed, 30,000 Wagon Bows 1,(00 Sets Ambulance Bows. • 3,000 Coupling Poles for Army Wagons. 2,000 Bldg* Poles for Army Wagons. 4CO Axle Arms for Army Wagons. 2>£xl2 inches, 4CO Axle Arms for Ambulances, 154x7}$ inches. * 10 sets of Axles for Ambulances, J%xB}s inches. 0 sets of Axles for Ambulances, l?tfx7 inches AU of the above articles to be of the best Quality* gad inspected by an inspector appointed on the part of Bidden should state the quality bid. for, and when they will commence and finish their.deliveries, and the price, which should be loritten bath in words and figures* and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. ■ Each bid must be guaranteed by two respon* fbie per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guarantee, and emitted to as being good and sumeteu? security for the amount involved by the united States District. Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public The light is reserved to reject any bid deemed un reasonable* and no bid from a defaulting contractor wlll.be received. - All proposals to be roads out on tbe regular forms, in duplicate* which can be had on application at this ° Bid s will be opened on TUESDAY, April 18 JB«S. at 12 o'clock IS; when bidder* are requested to oe P BT order of Coloael WM. W. McKIM. OMef Qaarter master Philadelphia Depot. , GBQ. K. ohms, ap i4-4t - . Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. rtHIEF QUARTERM ASTER’S OFFICE C Ho 1139 Gibakd Stbkkt. _ ' Pahadelphia Depot, April 12,1K5. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received et tide office until WEDNESDAY, April 19,1865, AB o’clock K., for immediate delivery at the Schuylkill Arsenal, in merchantable packages* (cases to be made to conform to specifications at tbi« office):- 10,£00 pairs sewed Boots, Wo. 9. Arm? standard. 5,C00 pair* sewed Boots, So. 10, Army etandard. 3,000 pairs sewed Boots Wo. 11. Amy staadard. £O,OOO pairs sewed Bootees, Wo. 9, Army standard, 8,000 pairs sewed Bootees, Wo. 11, Amy standard. 10 coo pairs sewed Bsotees, Wo 12, Army staadard. 6,000 pairs sewed Bootees, Wo, 13, Army standard. 3,C00 pairs sewed Bootees, Wo.4£, Army staadard. Ballrg Bops, Array standard. - 9 * Hospital Tent-poles, Amy staadard. One-inch. Cotton Webbing, for Gaateen Straps, sam plpartieß offering goods should make separate proposals for each article offered, the quantity they propose to furnish,,the priee ‘which should he written oofcft in words and jttrures) and conform t« the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal. . „ " ~ . , Samples of the standard articles required may be seen at this office. , , Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to eorrefpond with the proposals s and the parties thereto must guarantee tfcat the goodsshau be. in every respect, eqaat to army standard, otherwise the propo* sals will not be considered: ~r , „ Bids will be opened on WEDNESDAY, April 19, 1865, at 13 o'clock, M., and bidders are requested to be pre sent Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended iothe guar - antes, and certiffedto as being good and sufficient se ■ canty ior the smount involved, by some public fane* tibnary of the United States, .. . All proposals should be made out on the regular" forms, which will be furnished on application at this The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed urn* reasonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor wttljbereceived, , , ' , ... Endorse envelope Proposals for (here insert the name Of the article offered) andaddress Colonel WIXJjIASf W. 3fcKlBf> Chief Quartermaster, Philadelphia Depot. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE TJ. S. AEMY, " Jfo. 90 Sotrffi STRBBT, Baltimore Md » April 11, 1865 SEALED PBOFOSALS, in. frfpZieafe. will bereceived at this office nntil 22 M. on TUBBDAT, April 2fr, 1865, for furnishing the United Statea Subsistence Depart ment with — _ FOUBTHOUfiABD (4.000) BEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF CATTLE, on the hoof (Steer* four years old find over), delivered at the State Cattle Seales at Baltimore, Mary land, In lots of (1,000) one thousand each, every (10) ten day*, to he weighed within one aid a-half days after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds, gross weight, all fallin g short of (i, 05u) one thousand and fifty pounds, gross weight, Balls, Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle mil he rejected. A deduotion of fifteen (15) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provided the animal dees not stand in the pane two and one-half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed immediately, after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals ean be had on application at this office, either in person, Ire mail, or telegraph Propoials'by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals, will not be considered The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates lets weight than the minimum mentioned abaye; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in . udgment. Bidders must be present to respond to their bids, and we paredto give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any oa all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery in such funds as may be on hand; it none on hand, to be made as soon as received. . must be endorsed distinctly, “PROPOSALS FOB BEEF CATTLE, M aud addressed to “Captain J. HOWARD WELLS, C, S , Baltimore* Maryland. ” If a bid is in the name of a Ann, their names and tleir post office address mast appear, or they will not be considered. Bach person oreverr member of a firm offering a pro l»s»l moßt aeeompany it with an oath of allcgianse to the United States Government, If he has not already filed one in this office. . All bids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement vnll be rejected. 1. HOWAKD WELLS. Captain and O. 8., Yois. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. WAEHntGTOIf, D. 0., April 10, 1886. PSOPOSAM 70S FLOUK. . f PKoPOSAiB are Invited untH TUESDAY, Depart mratw **'' *° r furnishing the Subsistence ■Tmesis thousand (&ooo)bakrels of floub. The proposals "will be for what la known at this Depot - SißfeJ I !** '*B? 3 *will be entertained for any quantity less than the whole. Bios must be in duplicate, and for each Trade on sepa rate sheets of paper. The delivery of the Flour to com mence within five days from theopenini of the bids* and must be delivered in. such quantities daily as the Government may direct, either at the Government Jiff t7 0U8 .?- Georgetown or at the wharves or Baii road Depot in Washington, t). C. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed Within twenty days from the acceptance of the bid. w t waived for Flour to be delivered in new oak barrels, head-lined. Payment will be made in such funds as the Govern ment may have for disbursement. The usual Govern ment inspection will be mace juit before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fresh around, and of a superior quality. an oath of alleffance must accompany the bid of each biaderwho has not the oath on file in this office. and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previ '2* y _. comply with fchetr bids, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. * addressed to the undersigned, at Ko. 323 G „Street, endorsed *■ Proposals for Flour.** apll-Si - B. T. BRIDGES, Captain 0. 8. V. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE. Ho. 1139 QIBABD Btreet, . t„ Philadelphia, Fa., April 11, 1865. t»IU be recalved at titis office 12 o’clock H., on FEIDAY, April 14 1865, for im mediate delivery, at the United State* Storehouse, iianover-street wharf, properly packed and ready for transportation. of 4.CCO HIND WHEELS FOB ARSfT WAGONS. _ 2.000 FOB! WHBSLS FOB ABMY WAGONS* Tke same to be inspected by aninspector appointed on the part of the Government, Bidders should state the number of wheels they can. furnish, the shortest possible time they- can deliver them, in, and the price, which should be written both in words and figures, sad conform to the terms of this advertisement, a cony of which should accom- Stony each proposal. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per* sons, whose signatures must be appended to tbe gaaran tee,-and certified to as being food and sufficient security tor the amount involved by the United States District Judge, Attorney or Collector, or other public officer. . The right is reserved to refeet any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bids from a defaulting contractor will be received. All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, (i n 'vr'hXch will be furnished on application at this office, and bidders will state thereon their place of business Bid* will he opened Oh FRIDAY, April I4ih, 1865 k at 12 o’clock M., and bidders arc reqnested to be present. By order of Colonel Wn>. W. McKUn, Chief Qnarter m»ster. Philadelphia Depot. „ GKO. B. OEMS. apU-« Captain and A. Q. M. A SSIBTAOT QUARTERMABTSR 1 S ‘4X OFFICE, 1139 GXBABD Street. Phtladblphia, Pa., April 7,1885. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until 12 o ’ clock M,, SATUEDAY, April 15,1886, for the immediate delivery, at the Ui ited States Storehouse, HANOYEB Street Wharf, of 300 AKBOLASGES, Wheeling Pattern, as pea sample and specifications to be seen at the Storehouse. Bids will also be received at the ssrae time and place tor furnishing the Quartermaster’s Department with 100 AMBULABOBS oP THE BUCKBB PATJPERBT, to conform in all respects to the model, which can be seen at this office. The name of contractor and date of contract to be dis tinctly marked on each Ambulance- The Ambulances to be inspected by an inspector appointed on the put of the Government. '■ ' Bidders should state the number of Ambulances they . can furnish, the shortest possible time they can deliver them in, and the price* which should be written both in words and figures, and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of whi»h should accompany each proposal. Sach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended .to the gua rantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient se mirityfor the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer. The right Is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate , which will be furnished on application at this office. Bids will be opened on Saturday, April 15th, 1566, at 12 o’clock SL. and bidders are requested to be present. By order of Col Wm. W. McKim, ._ _. _ , Chief QaartennasterPhUadelpWa^Deoot. Captain and A Q. M. A BTILLBBY AND CAyALRY “• HOESES. Assjstast Qitabtbrmasteb’s Oppioe, _ 1139 Girabu Stbebt, PaitABBLPHIA, penna.. April 12,1865. HOESES, suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice. will' be purchased by the undersigned, in open market. Bach animal to be subjected to the usual Go vernment Inspection before being accepted i Homs for the Artillery servicemust he dark in color; j sonnd. in all particnlais; strong, quick, and active: j well broken and square trotters in harness; in good • "/sb and condition: from 6to 10 years old; not less than bands high i each, horse to weigh not leas than l,o6olb». for ($180) dollars will lie paid Cavalry Horses must be sound in allpartlenl&rs.-well in fa’l fleah and good condition—from 15 to 16 bands high; from sto 9 years old, and well adapted In every way to Cavalry purposes/ for which. one hundred and seventy fine. ($175) dollars each will oe staid. x Horses will be delivered to the U. 8. rnßpecfcw. at ibeBUlL’S-HBAJD HOTEL, If ASSIST STBEBT, WEST PHILADELPHIA, FEJOUfA. „ Brord«of Col. wo. w. McEm. ao Captain and A. Q, U. &p!2-tmy3l auction sales. F c E”g»i*gg'KAS3i.~~ SALK THIS MORHIHG (FRIDAY), AT 10 O’CLOCg- A CARD.—The .ttentioaof pnrchaeersla reaoMtsd. to onr «ale of SCO lota of French and British dry Ioo4«, tU» moraine. Friday, April 14th, at 10 o’clock, by oata logne, on four month.’ credit, compriein*. genera ee eortment of seasonable foods. Also* for c&eh, an as sortment of domestic goods. NOTICE-TO DBALBBS IST BIBBONS. _ THIS MOBNIBTG, n. 600 cartons Nos. 4 a ICO plain and broehe figured black, white, aid choice colored bonnet and trimming poult do sole ribbons, comprising the largest assortment of medium and rich style* offered this season. Also, satin an i) velvet nbboASL VEILS. CHAPES, MALICES, ANB TAELBTANS. Barege, silk,, tissue, and grenadine veils, xaaiine laces. Sbglish craws, tarletans. * SALS OP FBBJKCH BBT GOODS. THIS MOBBING, April 14th, at 30 o'clock, on four months’ credit, 600 packages jand lots of fancy and staple French drr goods. SALE OF GOO CABTOHS BOSNET AND TBIUttISTG BIBBONB , „ „ - O/the Importation ofAferara-foleltee Freree. SHIS HOHHIHO. Comißtinj of— , • . , carton« jfos. 4@S cordsd edge black* white* and choice colored poult ce sole ribbons. cartons Noe. KX26O ponit do sole ribbons carton* Hob. 10@1P0 white mala and black da canons Nob ir(§6oplaid and broche flgureddo. cartons Nob. 4@Bo triply chain black gros grain ao. —cartons Nos. li@Bo extra anatttr choice colored. do. BLACK BILK VBLVfiT BIBBOfiS- , t cartons Nos I@2o extra quality black silk velvet ribbons. PABIB TARLEFANB. 300 piece* white and choice colored tarletans. 300 CARTONS FRENCH FLOWERS. SCO cat tons extra rich Paris French flowers. BLACK GBOS M BHOTSS. THIB BAY. 22 to 30 Inch Lyons black arcs de rhinos and taffetas. ALPACAS. MOHAIBB, &C.' Flue to extra fine black alpacas. do. do. pore mob airs. do. —do. ' black Canton doth*, figured mo bails, Oriental lustres* Persians, »,000 SPKIJTG fcHAWLS. Consisting of Cashmere, Xiama wool, grenadine, tis ane* plain silk stripe shawls. 1 SALE 07 IMPORTED AETP DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. OH TTTBBDaT, April 18th, at ten o’clock, on four months’ credit, 900 Algo, a large assortment of domestic goods. PANCOAST & WABNOCK, AUC- A TIONEERS, n*Q MARKET Street. > SPECIAL POSITIVE BALE OF BTEAW GOODS. Br flatalogue— THIB BAT, , . April 14th, commencing at 10 o’clock, comprising a foil assort me n tof fashionable styles in straw and fancy hraidi for ladles', misses’, and children’s wear. LARGE POSITIVE SALS OF SOO LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DKT GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, milliner: goods, rosier: goods, Ac., a®. By catalogue. on WEDNESDAY, AprU 19, IS®, com mencing at IS o’clock, comprising a foil and general assortment of new and desirable goods for present sale® PmMPFORD &CO„ AUCTIONEERS, A gaS MAEKET andEa* COMMERCE Strestg. * “■ “gSofflw lool4 SHOES ’ Agra m«°W& U psa be sold b, catalogue 1.2C0 cases men’® bona’ »52*w“.r* and klp boote. brogsns. balmmSii,’ g2tara° n ,Stc 8 - r?l -men’s misses’, and children’s calf, kfa! goat kid’ ISd morocco heeled boots and < hoes: from firafeai, agd'Eastera mannf&ctar&rs * m C «F QOABTBRHAOTgSJSECT* An’s OFFTCE, to DmsiOß, .bums* TWO H^^ED Y MAgBs wmt’FQAL, man: of them well bred and In good condition. ~,~— n TBUBBDAT* April g g. 0a TWO HUJSDiiBD CA-VAIdEt HOBSBS. vrvrae-ra TfitfßßD AT, April 27, 1885. lUITORKD MARSB WITH FOaL, AND OH* »erX ofthe\rmy.' ldeml ‘ ed “ for iie “• maj behad and Purposes many good bargains *° commence at 9A. iff , gp<t will be held at jPHILLiPS’ OOVBEHHEHT STL °/ and EAM6JBT Sireeta. TKR Jig-Cash, in United States currency. Brevet Brigadier General, In cijrgfgt Dirislfia M. —an S-m FOR SALE' AND TO tET, 4B FOR SALE—A BEAUTIFUL^ eTTwJhf.'S? §, 0D ® T . BI S ? A TS. of forty acres, “ Da S>F township, four miles from Mar- TSSl^^-^SSSSiS OII can be bad immediately. Apply lo LOHh WRITKLY, on the premises, or to JOEL S. PERKINS. ap4-Im« as Sonth FBOg r Street. ®c. T 4- TLAimc city . n j.-por A handsome COTTAGE Copposlt# theD S. Hmel}’ with or without furniture, containing J 3 rooms Md a good cistern. Apply to H WOOTTOif, Atlantte Phlikdelphta' B ’ BA * EI! ’ BanßXh A FOR BALE—STORE AND DWEL BEIDESBUEG —Heat Dwell inf and Lot on Kirk* bnde street, east of Point road; will be sold cheap . -M a? ,*; e nwaner of Cottages at Germantown and other fndShSFarms 68 ' “ d * great ™ let f ofNrSt-efaw* cF? HS* ‘f Dwellings see North American and'United States Gazette. * • B. P, GLEffH, UB3 South FOPBTfI Street. Sg FOR PALE—THE PHILADELPHIA: *£ SOCIBTY FOB THE ESTABLISHMENT AMD 80P POET OF OHAErTX SCHOOLS offer their property for sale. It is situate on the north side of- Walnut street, 5i e *v* € -r®b® 1 ? tI A Seventh streets- The lot is forty rifri l9(t i ßix foehet front by one hundred and thirty aU *y iaof which u ha« to e ate and privilege. The present bail dime on it contains thirty-three offices. M ® Proposals for its purchase will be received by the Com* S*,?«r®A£ r «§?S y - at theoffice oMSAAO NORRIS, No. 6iy WALNUT Street, on the premises. ap7-fmwBt Siß UPEHI OR MANSION AND LARGE LOT, on the FRANKFOKD Road, at Allegheny avenue: built in the most substantial man ner, with every possible convenience, with t table and carriage-boose. This is a delightful residence for sum mer or winter. B w GLSNN ap>-tf 183 South FOURTHStreet. MJSS F*£SbA_£ BR j' SUPERIOR HOUSE in WEST’PHILADELPHIA, excellent made, fine well of water: rural, yet unite near: all convenience*; replete in all respect*. Address "ier chant, BoxSiW, fort Ogee. mb27-lm m PRIVATE SALE—MILITABf BOAEBIMO SGHO 0I», non Pidlndfilpldn. in Bsun> ceaeful operation, with furniture of all kinder Anna, rate. Books. Goss. Ac., at a Tory low firnre, AddLt to BCHKBMEBHOBE A BAKCBOfT, SMTABoff™ &p4-lm* - <*• f; . «FOR SALK—A. TALTJABLEJfc „S4 EM - CODHTMT SEAT. and MILS PJSO-2E rjsKTX on HeHorffl Pennsylvania Railroad, about 12 miles from Philadelphia. The farm contains about 77 acre? offirst-class land, and is Immediately adia cent to a depot on tbe railroad. The buildings consistof a large Mansion Hones, Te nant Hones. Batn, and Grist etui. Tbs Mm 1, X-o the most valuable on tbs -Wlseahlekon Creek, and. desired, could be conveniently divided from tbs raato ' tbe property. t Tor terms, Ac., apply to „ . „ 8. M GORBOH, apl2wfm3t» Ho. 605 WAbatrr Ktrct MFORSALE-A SMALL FARMJ* O? riFTI-SIX ACSES, In Gamdan oonutr shout twenty minute.’ diiye from clSdenToilS Marlton Pike, one of tbe mostfavorable locations In tha county; tbs land is dob and very prodnctlvs Wlth good management, Three to Five Thousand DoUam per annum can be mads off of It. Hood lares HOUSE persoM wlabln* a country residence. Also, frontage enough for several Cottages. Tor fnrthsr information apply to RICHARD bHIVKRS, opposite the Promise*. B. H BHOWITIHGu 80S COOPBB Street, Camden, V, J, Offleeal Tfeat-Jersey Berry. mMi.im. m FOR BALE—LARGE FOUNDRY Ma HD MACHIHB SHOP, in full operation, wlththe working stock and tool;, patterns. Ac.. of e«rydowriS i!?®> S?SSSRL®"; doing a large and successful bush ness, situated on a railroad, about twsntv r-nL Philadelphia. ' B. F. GL8#5,123 S ®' mhlS-tf orS.y,cor.Sß^B^plM^W m FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR "kf^|T&d«r,p\as M gM«: M FOR SALE—NEAR SELLERS- L? AB! l of ACRES: ebsap for9S eaah, or will take in part coed oil stocks in exchance. AOflS 133 SouthHOHßTH^fcteat. FOR SALE—A LOT OF GROUND ON 5,.S T , BB 5 TSh< *‘> Wsstof BlnsteenUt, «brSBftet will be dosed wrp lout for aasb. B F GLBHA - mblg-tl 133 South FOg&THBt *Xt if c„£°sc SAIjJS LOW, IF CLOSED “t SO OB—Three-story DWELLING Sa iai Twentieth street. Mansion. IS *-* ortll Apply to GLSSrar apB«tf S. W. corner SEYEhTEBNTH and GKEBff. m $8,500. —FOR SALE, WITH POS- ft GOOD FARM PROPERTY A **■ will be sold at a tacriflce by apolyineto ' JOHN A. 5 WESTS, aae M PRIVATE BALE—BKAITTTipttt. ■L SUMMER EBBIDBSOB* estate nf n, « * Bsrton. Rue ton*® tad outbttUldings, splendid shed! and fruit trees, eight acre* of mijsofroro railroad-six dally ffla atoiteLfT HSSKY BahTOfl, Village GreenTPa. M 8 ***. J. Sold Tory low. * am.ln,« SALE. DELAWARE COUNTY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY raetmdmlgned. motoageee or trustees named t„ . certain mortgMe dated Jnly 2d. 1860. recSrdSa? n j>eu„ a dalpUa eonnty. te Mortiage Book ad b iff* 1 !?" page 391, hy which Tie aOdTe-namad S* core bonds Issued by it, baa mortraewi ??* way, Including the Iron rails, sleepers cros?,s?, U " string pieces, and all other partaorportions Sr «,?**■ netstructure of said raUway ,t ogetberwt “ a 5 tb potato rights, powers, llbertielr priTUegestlMfS' chuea of Mid- Company, and itstollarfSite1™ Income, and profits; and together also withtkeeSttS SiSSSßsi* °H THD 3b BAY OP PIPTH MOUTH (May) HEXT, At 2 o’clock P. H„ AT THE HOWARD HOUSE, In Upper Darby townßhlp, Delaware conntr p. n. WeeteinTermteusof”faffl/' **•’ lotan stree™lß from D^sro^te^&irc h £‘sl"=™fe liepidattketSnaSH^S^SMii^K^Jfe to Mle. JOH1& 9 19 contl;aet °f ■gll-SOt* t l Trusts jgPLENDID INVESTMENT 1 TO PABTIKS POKMIKS OH COMPANIES, TEES ITOEV~£ T ? c , t^f 350 ASBBB OP OIL over S2OO»S?2S; Kri. leb M yU wrttoß desiK,M of inv«it!ii7or torSlsz^?^?,* 1 ” to apB -iil_: I»3K Somh^PODBTHS&et. TO LET-A FIRST.r LA.SS OFFinrc oi4 tCHEBTIUT s ‘ re9t - M ..OTg api2.-wfm3t POB SALE—A FIBST-CLASS MORT GAOB for $3 6to, ra , U „ Ki ' »‘V pplyl ° »a<LSooth THtan fit For sale or bent—a t^t'nti? TONED TEN* STOP CBmJrJJHJS- Apply iag£ qmißD Avftanl 05 O&GAg - g^A***' A 250 ACRE LEASE QST bavlnr hot; yea^taiM n ?£s *° raa aaß walls, cludlßjallmiS® Itt3 * *»»*“* eithu,, j£ •Apply to j g VTk’vvpß F°Wirns E A BABGA IN—A STATION AMOS M GB3SB Ena'.lston, Twenty-third W&id. •PIS-R* Avenonr sales. TOHN B. MYERB & CO., ADciToi* • BEKS, Boa. *M and Ml market LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 600 LOTS HOSrnn. A CARD.—Wefovlte the early particular att,.n of dealers to the valuable assortment 0f17,000 do™S i.* 6 siery, gloyes, Ac., to he sold hjr catalogue, onlr? 0 * months 1 credit, commencing thin (Friday) morni,- r 10 o’clock. vuat, « LARGE BPEOIAL BALK OF 17. 000 DOZEN COTim. HOSIERY, GLOVES, *>. ''«TTO* THIS HORNING. April 14th, at 10 o'clock, will be peremptorilv un, catalogno, on four months’ credit, 17,000 dorenoSi 11 : cotton hodery, including— u «oin •Women’s and children’s white, brown,ei»t, open-work, and lisle thread hose and half boss’ brown and whits half hose, all grades. “• *«a's The above goods are of a well-known ana make, and worthy the attention of buyers, ““vorits Also, foU lines of shirts and drawers, hoop skirt, tent thread, snspendero, sewings, notiots a, ™- M- Also, an invoice Par» hid, Berlin, Usle, & a j Harm. % —*“«kou POSITIVE DROOGj^ • OB BATDRDAY MORgINO. April 16th, at 11 o’clock, will be >old, by on fonr months’ credit, about 300 pieces rich th,S. ol,u > superfine, and fine ingrain, royal damask Vi»! j*7« list, hemp, cotMge. and rag oarpeangs: cocoa maftinra, Ac , embracing a choice as»S«v? *»» superior goods, which maybe examined^oari. moreing of sale ear:y on the Included in the above sale will be fonnd an Invoice, of rich patterns tapestry BraMeiS„ a " r «ttn worthy the special attention of the trade. ** Wags, Also, to pieces elegant designs foil carpeting, fore,^ LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FSBBflw rv. GERMAN, AND BRITISH DHF aorjne’ 6N MONDAY MOBBING ns - *«. Apia 17. at 10 o’clock, woi be sold by fonr months’ credit, about 5 c *alognA on 750 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British drr . embracing a large and choice assortment sale,.whendeajys will find It to their inffifg^! LARGE SALE OF FRENCH, SWISS, GERWiv British dry goods: KitAR ’ Asrt NOTlCE—lncluded in oar Bale of French r. .r German, and British dry goods. riacil ’ Kalian, . .. „ OR MONDAY MORNING, articles—viz! foand itt Palt foUowmg desirable gr^lh ,& b i^ «ufn C es!Tc aDd faaCsr i>™K de soi ®fkaVs^a fonw ffssssjf l d i fowns, poplins, fancy ginghams: ?hfmbray,?alwc«f h &c - “ P H 3I C tauaifcr l£ i o^&c trfPeS> rnuUsp jaconet*, Swisaen/SL Also, &glitb crepes, balmoralaud boop skirts, bowia 8 * eiol * ornamefita » veils, beadaets; tles^o? SHOES. BROGANS, ARMY GOODE TRAVELING BAGS, lo • . ON TDSSDaY MORNING, ’ *’■ April 18th at Uo clock, will be sold, by catalogue, on £2L?e oB ££? red t*’ » bo »*JU®o packages mrogans, cavalry boots, Ac..embracing a prime sac fresh assortment of seasonable goods of city and But. era mannfoetaro, which will-beonen for exanUnaiioa. With catalogues, on morning of sale. * KARON POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH _. 6*SMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRYGOODK ’ We will hold a large sale of foreign and domestic dry catalogne, on a credit of four months, and mi „ ON THURSDAY MORNING, oottoM ’ to which we invite the K'-SAVSIea of ‘i* «™« wm he arranged for sx- Ttf THOMAS & SONS, ~~ w m. *2*; 13 H “dlfl South FOURTH Street. Public Sales of Real Estate and. Stocks, at the By. change, every TUESDAY, at li o’clock. EIGHTH SPRING SALE, IBlh April. Estate of the late Lewi* Wain, Esq., Thos. Jams, William F WoIY ,fohu Diamond, end others. 1 NINTH SPRING SALE, 25th April- For list of properties In the above three sales nt catalogne Tnesday next, Sale Back of 621 Commerce Street. MACHINERY OF A BOOTED SHOE MANOFMJ. THIS MORNING. 14th instant, at 10 o’clock, in the rear of «H Con aeree street, third story, the machinery and tools of a boot and shoe manufactory, including two McKay ssw fogmachinK,seven wax-thread sewing machines, sole cntting macWne, heel trinuners, small lathes, tresa lasts, crimping board, office desk, Ac. Sale No 1718 Race street NEAT FURNITURE, FINE naßPgrc, & 0 ON MONDAY MORNING, ° 17th fast..jrt 10 o’clock, st No. 1718 Race street, the neat household furniture, fine Brussels carpets, bed ding, mantle clock. Ac. J be examined at 8 o’clock on th» morning of the Hale at No. ItSS Spruce street. MIRRORS.-PIANO, FINB CGSTAINB, CiRPBTS. CHANDKLIER3, 40. , ’ • Of TUESDAY MORNING, ■ 38th fast ,at 10 o'clock, at No. IS2B Sprues street, by the entire furniture. Including rosewood and S2Srt^ n^,^w^ lt - lroom fh'-nltnre. elegant window mteors, rosewood piano, fine velvet SSf t ii.s , «? som ®, 0 b a ?S?Kere, gnperior walnntdlnlcg farEitnre, hook-caeec, elegant eham chenntaJS™' fi mattrresse '< *c., Sc.; also, thskit o’dKl? 1 ' b * on the morning of sale, at 8 otvnwnvAvs Sale Ho. 1032. Flee street -Br.T?§l?Bc^S™ :E1 'EOAtrP ROSEWOOD n^%T»fern F aS aCH PI *AgB MIRRORS, BRUSSELS v l9th W K K e?'at No mirror, carpete, &c ♦ ■ Also, the rltchcu utemdis. Kay he examined at 8 o’clock on the mominif of 1 5e MEDICAL. DBEWBTER’S FAMILY MEDICINES. pwrernnlt l } neT « r hegret that yon used BREWSTER'S mgh, and Ul affections of tfce tiuroat. It is the best known cough syrup. -y ™&*° s, Fmbrocatioa, for bathlnr. Um for *owai com* WtTiSkw*? Q*"#**#, Water. Use also E. F^lMlTsVe l^!^ 1 W. mhB4-fmw 12t« Kensingtoa. REJECTBOFATHIC establish- Mrnmm!r f- 5_ ST 5 VMrB - »“«<* Um KBS? °f > atw syatom of tnutiai dita&sa hr MODIPIBD BtKCTSICiLL «0 Tarr •naecMsfol et PESJT SQlwMfcrtii Bjir,garsaaa- Con saltation or ad Ties grata!tow, \ ELECTRICAL OFFICES. iB *S.JpU benefltttns *nd curiai » SS3^l2ssihE?^': 1 ‘“ | WOUDBBfFL BIBCOVBBI -WetwnlH T B M&A S2h& "BSSSji?; : on lT are seeded to effect & core. We in!?*! 0 °%, to *** &? do not the lon SLESPLST 11 ** who follow onr require 55°^®' not cored, hare sot Mos to p&yT P&- Sf d atOielrresldeacet when desired TeatiiDonialß at the office*; hour* 9A. M. toSP. nf nwww *§s2*? **“«* Offices. 154 North irlralSL B^ 8 *! aadPOß-' ;f^J treet, Wsßt ™ladal»Ma. jalS 810 PE THOS. ALLS* SHIPPJOSi AWO PHILADEL port on en^h SS^WEESSSft SrJg&ggfoSvS? Safardsar, April K. st 10 ±. in ror S oa Bo " o a^w££Sf« gectad ■* oiterhslf theraminm «h»«*4 Freight* takes st fair rates. “ ' O SBs *•**«*• “ 4 Bm * apply to 81 * 11 * orPa “ a *»“ommodiisoa.). ! WEEKLY TO LI '^^StLt^^^SSf^SSi EDIBB'ffBGHT.r.V “I&SSSSAY, April B&- CITY OF BALTrstOBS SfSSSSAY, April 92d. » *late~lt^«gteAl * to Hamburg «rK- «. fo-PMto.**,, 40 OP terdam, SitererS! Bremen, »*■ Fatesfromli « *3“*ttr low rates. #E6, ,"? een, 1 tow s = I*l Cabin, *7S, Tiota who wSS £ S3^FP®S c , r •» for tteir «•»«*«“ bar oIS s . fnrther kriorarihm apri at ths Qompsw'f ■*£&&#&&***&. R**&ZZ* line to ! !^CTKCTo , 'as* ■ Steamers laa-re mfnrfii a-tifl 80TL^'ffT»tr^« t P- CX«YDB 3c CO,. S^rAetewa.D.C.TmowaßaSßoyßW-^”^ r— JBtl4-9m Str«2,“at2 tet wh »rf Wow KASSST Wlr. WHmK.Fr.iii. mlOfi-Sm - HASB, HT WALI> Sb99i, r- - - JFew Tori. isXEY’B COTTAGE ORGANS ua SeliMSrw^>f/^E? 9d »»»wl*llyfor Ch3r«h« MALCOLM MACNEILL’S TOTH BTOW S*»*• 310 PAIN. EJ EXTRACTING twwtuSSa^tgSSSl. TKKra IHBKKTKD. DE. 0. t. MTJHJFS, 731 EPEUCB awl Esg EVANS & WATSON’S _„f4tAKAinHK SIFI IB BGHTH FOURTH CTeKIT. ** £*» »I W , T , 0> A and congCusive TEST raioT hklmbold’b fluid bx w» a*. - TAAE MOKE UNPLEASANT fSI^SI^SfSSSSSMSSLS^M *ndIKPSOVEP BOBS WABHT EXTRACT OP BAR in.Hi.fuX?n<LAele«n»M and renoYites the biocd- S.tM.'Lv t 1»» ofiealUi Into Ore eyaiem; and run* wtttubinMß that make dbuM. n iL LANDS surveyed and laid « HS 4 % Leases and TonegraplUcal Flans Drawn W - 6- M. EOFKISS.GtriI Engineer and SurTeyor, .-1 ,S°* sontk FIFTH street, near WalsntSt. . : ‘Pi-IK* Fhiladslpbit,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers